
Regulation of synthase in muscle and its role in Type 2 diabetes

Maximilian Kleinert1, Lykke Sylow1 & Erik A Richter*1

„„ (GS) is regulated covalently via multiple phosphorylation sites and allosterically by glucose-6-phosphate.

„„ Physiological stimuli such as , exercise and glycogen concentration affect GS activity.

„„ GS activity measurements are obtained in vitro and do not take into account localization of GS within the muscle cells. Practice Points „„ GS activity and glycogen synthesis are impaired in insulin-resistant subjects.

„„ Hyperglycemia can rescue glycogen synthesis rates in insulin-resistant subjects.

„„ Genetic mouse models suggest that glucose-6-phosphate flux overrides covalent regulation of GS activity.

„„ Impaired GS activity and glycogen synthesis are probably preceded by insulin resistance.

„„ GS is essential for normal glycogen levels, but not for normoglycemia.

„„ Exercise training improves glycogen synthesis rates in insulin-resistant subjects, but effects on GS activity are minor.

„„ Physical inactivity leads to reduced insulin sensitivity and GS activity.

„„ Acute exercise induces immediate postexercise GS activation and glycogen synthesis in healthy and insulin-resistant subjects.

Summary Type 2 diabetic patients exhibit reduced insulin-stimulated glucose disposal rates along with impaired muscle glycogen synthase (GS) activity and glycogen synthesis. After a meal, muscle is an important glucose sink and a large proportion of glucose entering muscle is converted to glycogen. It is, therefore, a clinically relevant question to ask whether impaired GS activation and glycogen storage in muscle are defects responsible for reduced glucose disposal in Type 2 diabetes. This short review first provides a brief mechanistic background on regulation of GS activity and then presents evidence from human and rodent

1Molecular Physiology Group, Department of Exercise & Sport Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 13, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark *Author for correspondence: [email protected] part of

10.2217/DMT.12.54 © 2013 Future Medicine Ltd Diabetes Manage. (2013) 3(1), 81–90 ISSN 1758-1907 81 R eview Kleinert, Sylow & Richter

studies to discuss the possible role of dysregulated GS in the etiology of Type 2 diabetes. We conclude that impaired GS activity and glycogen synthesis in skeletal muscle of Type 2 diabetic patients is mainly a secondary manifestation of skeletal muscle insulin resistance of glucose transport.

In healthy individuals, blood glucose levels Regulation of skeletal muscle GS: interplay are tightly regulated. During fasting, glucose between covalent & allosteric inputs metabolism in the CNS and peripheral tissues Regulation of GS is complex and its covalent is matched by production of glucose primarily by modification involves at least nine inhibitory the liver, but also by the kidneys. After a meal, phosphorylation sites, of which site 2, 2a, 3a glucose-induced hyperinsulinemia along with and 3b are probably the most important for the hyperglycemia block endogenous glucose pro- regulation of GS activity (Figure 1) [5,12–14]. Impor- duction and glucose is taken up in skeletal mus- tantly, GS has been reported to be hyperphos- cle [1,2] . As a result, plasma glucose levels return phorylated at sites 2 and 2a in Type 2 diabetic to baseline 1–3 h after a meal. Glucose enters patients [15] . Allosteric regulation entails bind- muscle cells by facilitated diffusion. In response ing of glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) to GS, which to insulin, vesicles containing the insulin-sen- increases activity and can supersede inhibitory sitive glucose transporter GLUT4 translocate phosphorylations [16,17]. Intramuscular glycogen from intracellular compartments to the plasma content in itself may inversely affect GS activity membrane and transverse tubuli (reviewed in 3]), [18–20]; although whether this is a direct allosteric thereby increasing the membrane permeability effect is unknown. It is important to note that to glucose. Moreover, in the insulin-stimulated overall accretion of skeletal muscle glycogen is state a major part of glucose is stored as glycogen not only a function of glycogen synthesis, but [4], which makes glycogen synthesis in muscles also involves glycogenolysis. The rate of the latter an important process for normal whole-body is controlled by glycogen phosphorylase, which glucose disposal. catalyzes the release of glucose-1-phosphate from Skeletal muscle glycogen synthesis is a multi- the terminal a‑1,4-glycosidic bond of the glyco- step reaction that converts glucose into its stor- gen molecule [21] . While GS is generally active age molecule, glycogen. Synthesis of glycogen in the anabolic state (e.g., after a meal), glycogen is initiated by the autocatalytic protein glyco- phosphorylase is mainly activated in the catabolic genin, but the rate by which glycogen synthe- state (e.g., during exercise). sis occurs is controlled by uridine diphosphate Insulin covalently modifies GS activity via glycosyltransferase glycogen synthase (GS) [5]. activation of Akt and PP1. Insulin-stimulated In insulin-resistant subjects normal plasma Akt activation leads to inactivation of GSK3 insulin concentration fails to induce normal [22,23], thereby preventing GSK3 from phosphor- whole-body and skeletal muscle glucose uptake ylating GS (Figure 2) [24,25]. The dephosphorylated [6]. Insulin resistance is a strong predictor for the state is further facilitated by activation of PP1, development of Type 2 diabetes and can precede leading to further activation of GS [26]. In addi- the disease by over 10 years [7,8]. Insulin-stim- tion to the covalent activation, insulin-stimulated ulated GS activity and glucose disposal rates in glucose uptake increases the intramuscular G6P humans correlate strongly [9], and thus impaired concentration leading to allosteric activation of GS activity mirrors the defect in glucose disposal GS [18,27]. and glycogen synthesis in insulin-resistant sub- During muscle contraction there is net glyco- jects [10,4] . It has, therefore, been speculated that gen breakdown, and net GS activity may increase dysfunction of GS may induce insulin resistance or decrease during muscle contraction/exercise [28] of glucose uptake. On the other hand, it has been depending on the relative strengths of signals with argued that the decrease in glucose uptake due to opposing actions on GS [28,29]. Exercise-related insulin resistance limits the substrate supply for signals that probably modulate GS activity involve glycogen synthesis and that reduced GS activity adrenaline and AMPK. Plasma adrenaline levels is, therefore, a secondary manifestation reflect- increase with exercise intensity [30]. Adrenaline ing this shortage [11] . This brief review aims to binds to the muscle cell b2 receptors and activates discuss what comes first, GS impairment or insu- PKA by elevating cyclic AMP levels. Increased lin resistance. In addition, the effects of chronic PKA signaling inhibits PP1 and, thus, reduces and acute exercise are addressed. the rate at which GS can be dephosphorylated.

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Figure 1. Covalent and allosteric regulation of glycogen synthase in skeletal muscle. Hyperphosphorylation, low G6P and high glycogen concentrations lead to decreased GS activity. Dephosphorylation, high G6P and low glycogen concentrations increase GS activity. G: Glycogenin; G6P: Glucose-6-phosphate; GS: Glycogen synthase; P: Phosphorylation.

In addition, increased PKA activity also increases I-form and fractional velocity are related to total phopshorylation at site 2 on GS [31] . GS activity and reported as a percentage of total Muscle contractions activate AMPK [32], activity. This approach makes the assumption which has also been reported to phosphorylate that there is a homogenous G6P concentration muscle GS at site 2 in vitro and probably in vivo throughout the muscle cell and does not take into [33,34]. This is believed to be an inhibitory modifi- account the role of localization of GS within the cation [35], because in vitro GS activity is reduced muscle cell in response to different stimuli [19,38] . by AMPK-mediated site 2 phosphorylation [33], while increased GS activity has been reported Insulin resistance & GS: evidence from in mice that lack the a2 subunit of AMPK glucose & insulin clamp studies hypophosphorylation on the site 2 residue [34]. Using nuclear magnetic resonance spectros- Following exercise, however, increased GS copy, Shulman et al. demonstrated that glyco- activity is invariably found. To make matters gen synthesis accounts for most of the whole more complicated, discordant phosphorylation body glucose disposal during a hyperglycemic- patterns have been reported. In a time course hyperinsulinemic clamp and is severely impaired experiment, Lai et al. found that ex vivo con- in insulin-resistant individuals [4]. After inges- tractions of rat fast-twitch muscle led to phos- tion of a mixed meal, the muscle glycogen stor- phorylation of GS on site 2, while site 3a was age defect persists in Type 2 diabetics [39], but dephosphorylated [36]. Site 2 phosphorylation following a meal challenge most of the glucose has been associated with decreased GS activity is stored as liver glycogen [2,40]. Liver glycogen [35,34], whereas site 3a is regulated by insulin and synthesis is also impaired in Type 2 diabetics [41] its dephosphorylation is reported to increase GS (hepatic glucose uptake and storage are reviewed activity [25,14]. This illustrates the complex regula- in [42]). Regarding muscle GS, if a defect in GS tion of GS and the difficulties experienced when activity is solely responsible for decreased glyco- interpreting results. gen synthesis and, in turn, insulin resistance of It is important to note that GS activity is mea- glucose uptake, intramuscular G6P would accu- sured in vitro by its ability to convert uridine mulate. However, Rothman et al. demonstrated diphosphate glucose to glycogen. Total activity that G6P increments during a hyperglycemic- is determined by high levels of G6P (~5–10mM), hyperinsulinemic clamp were lower in Type 2 which override any covalent control. GS activ- diabetics, which suggests that impaired glucose ity can also be measured in the absence of G6P, uptake is responsible for insulin resistance [37]. which reflects the covalent impact (I-form), The same G6P defect along with insulin resis- and in the presence of low levels of G6P (0.1– tance was present in healthy offspring from dia- 0.2 mmol/l; fractional velocity), which are betic parents, who have a genetic predisposition believed to emulate physiological in vivo condi- to developing Type 2 diabetes [43]. These find- tions. In fasting humans, G6P concentrations are ings indicate that insulin resistance, measured as approximately 0.12 mmol/kg muscle [37]. Both impaired glucose uptake, precedes the onset of

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Insulin Muscle contraction



GSK3 Glucose uptake ?



Activating stimuli Covalent regulation Inhibitory stimuli Allosteric regulation

Figure 2. Regulation of glycogen synthase activity by insulin and muscle contraction. Insulin stimulation increases GS activity covalently and allosterically. Muscle contractions activate AMPK and CaMKII (for review see [81]). During muscle contractions, GS integrates inhibitory covalent modifications and stimulatory G6P binding. CaMKII: Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase II; G6P: Glucose-6-phosphate; GS: Glycogen synthase.

Type 2 diabetes, which has also been suggested signaling, including Akt phosphorylation, Akt2 by longitudinal studies [7,8]. In support of this, a activity, GS activity and dephosphorylation of recent report by Vind et al. demonstrated that, sites 2 and 2a, was impaired compared with con- in contrast to when they were clamped at nor- trols. This signaling defect was not rescued dur- mal fasting glucose levels (~5.5 mmol/l; eug- ing the isoglycemic trial. This implies that the lycemic), when Type 2 diabetic subjects were normalization of whole-body glucose disposal clamped at their respective fasting glucose levels and nonoxidative metabolism are caused by the (~9 mmol/l; isoglycemic) glucose disposal and mass action of raising plasma glucose levels. The nonoxidative glucose metabolism (glycogen syn- clinical implication of this is that glucose deliv- thesis) were similar to weight- and age-matched ery into the muscle cell is probably an important nondiabetic controls clamped at their respective determinant of insulin-stimulated glycogen syn- fasting levels [44]. The idea that hyperglycemia thesis following an overnight fast. Whether this can normalize impaired glucose metabolism as conclusion applies during conditions other than determined by a euglycemic clamp is not new the overnight fasted state is uncertain. [45,46], but Vind et al. compared signaling events In concurrence, allosteric regulation of GS in Type 2 diabetics with the euglycemic and by G6P has been suggested to override covalent isoglycemic clamps and found that upstream regulation even in vivo [47,48]. In mice expressing

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constitutively active GSK3 [48], insulin was resistance. Interestingly, protein expression of unable to induce dephosphorylation of GS. GS was the same in the Type 2 diabetic subjects Therefore, insulin-stimulated GS activity was without the polymorphism compared with the decreased, but in vivo glycogen synthesis rates Type 2 diabetics with the poly­morphism. More- and glycogen levels were unperturbed. This over, while a similar study confirmed that the indicates that covalent regulation is trumped polymorphism may be used as a Type 2 diabetes by allosteric sensing of normal G6P levels. In risk marker in the Danish population [51], the agreement with this, Bouskila et al. described a findings are unsubstantiated in other populations mouse variant in which the G6P-sensing domain [52]. None of these GYS1 studies investigated of GS was mutated to a G6P insensitive domain whether there was a genotype effect on GS activ- [47]. Strikingly, this mutation reduced glycogen ity or glycogen levels, which would have provided synthesis by 80%, despite the fact that insulin- clues as to how important GS is to whole body induced GS dephosphorylation was maintained. glucose metabolism. This provides evidence that glucose uptake, Another genetic variant affecting GS was rather than covalent regulation of GS is rate lim- presented by Kollberg et al. in a case report iting for glycogen synthesis. One caveat is that describing three siblings that were homozygous although mouse models are useful, results found for a stop mutation in GYS1 [53]. No GS protein using mice are not always applicable to human could be measured by western blot in cardiac physiology. For example, while the majority of or skeletal muscles from these three patients. the glucose entering muscle in the absorptive Moreover, extremely low muscle glycogen levels state in humans is converted to muscle glyco- were reported. This is important evidence from gen, the mouse only stores approximately 25% humans that GS is indispensable for glycogen of that glucose as glycogen [47]. In addition, synthesis in muscle. Unfortunately for this dis- the glycogen concentration in mouse muscle is cussion, parameters of insulin-regulated glucose only approximately 10% of the concentration metabolism were not measured. The major in human muscle (reviewed in [49]). However, clinical outcomes reported were severe exercise it is noteworthy that these G6P-insensitive mice intolerance and cardiomyopathy. had normal insulin-stimulated glucose metabo- Savage et al. described a loss-of-function vari- lism, as evidenced by normal whole-body glucose ant in the human PPP1R3A , which encodes disposal during a euglycemic/hyperinsulinemic a part of the PP1 protein [54]. Normal PP1 clamp [47]. This demonstrates that a defect in GS dephosphorylates and, thus, activates GS upon and glycogen storage does not necessarily lead to insulin stimulation. Heterozygous carriers of this insulin resistance of glucose uptake. mutation displayed lower basal and post-prandial glycogen levels compared with other nondiabetic Insulin resistance & GS: evidence from controls. Basal glycogen levels were even lower human genetic variants than in Type 2 diabetic controls. Despite this To determine the role of GS in insulin resistance marked glycogen defect, plasma glucose and and subsequently Type 2 diabetes, gene variants insulin levels were similar in the nondiabetic affecting GS have been investigated. In Finnish participants and the subjects with the PPP1R3A subjects, Groop et al. found a polymorphism in variant following a meal challenge. In mice with the muscle GS gene (GYS1) that was more preva- the same PPP1R3A gene mutation GS activity lent in Type 2 diabetics (30%) compared with was impaired and glycogen levels were decreased nondiabetic controls (8%), and thus, identified compared with wild-type control mice. However, a possible genetic risk factor [50]. Furthermore, similar to the human phenotype, these mutant within the Type 2 diabetic group, rates of glucose mice were glucose tolerant and insulin sensitive. disposal and glycogen synthesis were significantly In two other mouse models in which PP1 func- lower in the subjects harboring the polymorphism tion was abrogated in skeletal muscle, GS activity in the GS gene [50]. Although this implicates and glycogen were also markedly decreased, but GS-dependent impairment of glucose disposal, while Delibegovic et al. reported that the mice it is difficult to draw such a conclusion, because became glucose intolerant and insulin resist- neither GS activity nor intramuscular G6P lev- ant at the age of 12 months [55], Suzuki et al. els were measured and the genetic defect could describe normal glucose tolerance and insulin possibly be accompanied by other unrecognized sensitivity in their mice [56]. Mice lacking muscle defects that affect the risk of developing insulin GS caused by disruption of the GYS1 gene also

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have extremely low muscle glycogen levels, but identify one point of failure that accounts for the whole‑body glucose homeostasis is normal [57]. impaired glucose extraction by the leg muscles. To distinguish between inherited and acquired One session of physical activity improves defects in insulin-mediated GS activity Huang whole-body glucose disposal [65,66], an effect et al. studied monozygotic twin pairs discordant mediated by the increased insulin sensitivity of for Type 2 diabetes and controls matched to the the exercised muscles [67–69]. Similarly, it has been nondiabetic twin [58]. They found that insulin- demonstrated using a one-legged kicking proto- stimulated GS activity in muscle was impaired col that GS activity increased in the exercised leg in the diabetic twins compared with the non­ compared with the rested leg postexercise [67,70]. diabetic twins and healthy controls. Since no sig- This suggests that local factors are responsible for nificant difference in GS activation was found the increase in GS activity and lower glycogen between nondiabetic twins and controls, Huang levels have also been implicated [19,71] . Whether et al. concluded that the defect in GS activity in the increased GS activity is important for the the diabetic twins was acquired and secondary to increased insulin sensitivity of glucose uptake hyperglycemia [58]. after exercise is difficult to determine. In rats, Taken together, these studies imply that GS increased insulin sensitivity of glucose uptake is necessary for normal glycogen synthesis and after exercise is ascribed to increased GLUT4 glycogen levels, but GS is not an invariable deter- translocation after exercise [72]; however, the minant of insulin sensitivity of glucose uptake. increase in GS activity is probably of importance It appears that insulin resistance of glucose for inducing glycogen synthesis rather than glu- transport precedes impaired GS activity in the cose oxidation. Recently, it was found that after development of Type 2 diabetes. an intense cycling bout, changes in GS phos- phorylation and activity were similar between Insulin resistance & GS: effects of exercise obese Type 2 diabetics and glucose-tolerant Perseghin et al. demonstrated that aerobic exer- obese and nonobese subjects [73]. This suggests cise training improves insulin-stimulated whole- that analogous to the regulation of GLUT4, exer- body glucose metabolism and glycogen synthesis cise can modulate GS activity independently of in insulin-resistant subjects to the same extent as insulin signaling, and this effect is preserved in in nondiabetic controls [59]. Before training, G6P insulin-resistant subjects. appearance in muscle in response to insulin was In support of this, Price et al. found that lower in the Type 2 diabetics, which indicates glycogen-depleting exercise resulted in similarly a defect in muscle glucose uptake. After train- robust glycogen synthesis rates in both insulin- ing, G6P appearance had normalized and was resistant and control subjects within the first similar in both groups, suggesting that training hour of recovery [74]. Since this initial recovery had normalized the effect of insulin on glucose phase has been defined as the insulin-indepen- transport. Unfortunately, GS activity was not dent phase [75,76], it fits that in the subsequent measured. However, two recent studies have insulin-dependent phase, glycogen synthesis also demonstrated the positive effect of aerobic rates between 1 and 5 h postexercise were mark- exercise training on whole-body glucose disposal edly lower in the insulin-resistant individuals. and glycogen storage, but in Type 2 diabetics What explains the initial normal rate of gly- [60,61] . GS activity was assessed, but the authors cogen synthesis? While GLUT4 translocation found no improvement in the activation of GS [77,78] and glucose uptake in response to insulin with insulin. In addition, exercise training led to is impaired in insulin-resistant subjects [79], exer- increased expression of GLUT4 and Akt proteins, cise-mediated GLUT4 translocation is normal which likely contribute to the improvement in [80]. Therefore, it has been argued that residual whole-body glucose metabolism [60,61] . exercise effects in combination with low glycogen Physical inactivity and bed rest decrease insu- levels [19,71] mediate most of the glucose trans- lin sensitivity [62,63]. In a recent study 7 days of port and subsequent glycogen synthesis in the bed rest resulted in a reduced whole-body glu- immediate post­exercise period [76]. With time, cose disposal rate, reduced glucose extraction by the exercise-induced membrane permeability muscle, decreased GS activity, and GLUT4 and decreases, and insulin becomes the main regu- Hexokinase protein content [64]. Although this lator of glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis demonstrates that physical inactivity impacts glu- rates [75]. This interpretation is supported by cose metabolism and GS activity, it is difficult to similar intra­muscular G6P levels straight after

86 Diabetes Manage. (2013) 3(1) future science group Regulation of glycogen synthase in muscle & its role in Type 2 diabetes R eview exercise in controls and insulin-resistant subjects, but also GS dysfunction and glycogen synthesis indicating similar rates of glucose uptake [74]. in Type 2 diabetics. Further research exploring Together, these studies suggest that impaired the molecular mechanisms behind the effect of glycogen synthesis rates in insulin-resistant sub- physical activity may strengthen the argument jects can be improved with exercise training. that exercise as a lifestyle choice helps prevent Whether this is a reflection of improved GS and treat Type 2 diabetes. In addition, it could activity or improved substrate delivery to the yield pharmacological targets that are indepen- is uncertain. In addition, acute exer- dent of the insulin signaling pathway to help cise-induced GS activity is normal in insulin- treat Type 2 diabetes. Researchers, however, resistant subjects, along with normal glycogen must widen their focus and include the glucose synthesis rates in the insulin-independent early uptake step, GS function and glycogen synthesis postexercise phase. to yield clinically valuable information. Further- more, lifestyle modifications such as type of diet Conclusion or caloric restriction and their effect on glycogen With regard to the etiology of Type 2 diabetes, metabolism in Type 2 diabetics need to be more there is mounting evidence that impaired glyco- extensively studied. Research investigating local- gen synthesis in skeletal muscle may be a second- ization of glycogen particles and GS within the ary manifestation, preceded by skeletal muscle muscle cell, using various microscopy techniques, insulin resistance of glucose transport. It is likely merits more attention because glycogen is not an that reduced glycogen synthesis is primarily a evenly distributed homogenous mass in a muscle reflection of reduced glucose uptake by muscles, cell, but rather exists in granules within distinct which is supported by the observation that gly- locations. Similarly, GS is heterogeneously local- cogen synthesis is normal in insulin-resistant ized. Currently, we know little about how local- subjects immediately after exercise. Treatments ization affects GS activity, but accounting for aiming to alleviate insulin resistance in skele- localization probably produces a more accurate tal muscle should focus on the glucose uptake snapshot of GS activity than the standard in vitro step, because in light of the present evidence, activity method from homogenized muscle. this should concomitantly improve glycogen synthesis rates. Importantly, exercise training Financial & competing interests disclosure improves whole-body insulin sensitivity along Research in the authors’ laboratory is supported by the with improved glycogen synthesis rates in both Danish Medical Research Council, the Novo Nordisk healthy and insulin-resistant subjects. Foundation, the Lundbeck Foundation and the UNIK – Food Fitness and Pharma Grant. The authors have no other Future perspective relevant affiliations or financial involvement with any Although insulin resistance of glucose uptake organization or entity with a financial interest in or and GS activity are seemingly entangled, it may financial conflict with the subject matter or materials not be clinically relevant to define what comes discussed in the manuscript apart from those disclosed. first. Interestingly, acute exercise appears to No writing assistance was utilized in the production of momentarily improve not only glucose uptake, this manuscript.

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