Saharan Africa: a Symbiosis Or Synthesis*
International Journal of Socio-Legal Research 1 Volume 1 | Issue 1 | ISSN- 2393-8250 THE APPLICATION OF INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW AND INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS LAW IN INTERNAL ARMED CONFLICTS IN SUB – SAHARAN AFRICA: A SYMBIOSIS OR SYNTHESIS* I. INTRODUCTION Armed Conflict is one of the principal causes of the plight of Sub-Saharan Africa today. Conflicts in Africa have caused massive death and destruction, uprooting of the populations, and erosion of social capital. The factors that have sparked these conflicts range from poverty, struggle for scarce resources, rapid economic modernization, ethnic rivalries, religious intolerance, bad governance and misuse of resources, arbitrary national boundaries imposed by colonial powers, political-military groups by outside powers, erosion of the international architecture created during the Cold War to the lack of democracy and human rights and high-level of corruption. Armed conflicts in Sub Saharan Africa have - along with large population of displaced people and refugees and HIV/AIDS pandemic - been identified as a major factor in slowing down the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The resources spent on warfare could, if redirected, make a significant contribution to addressing the MDGs and other developmental challenges. Above all, there is usually wanton cruelty, savagery, brutality and ruthlessness in the prosecution of wars. The rampancy of civil or intertribal wars, the level of prosecution and degree of harm inflicted on both combatants and non-combatants were quite blood ____________________________________________________ *‘Yomi Olukolu, Esq., LL.M, M.Phil, Lecturer, Department of Jurisprudence & International Law, Faculty of Law, University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos, Nigeria.
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