Live and Let Evolve the James Bond Titles
Live and Let Evolve The James Bond Titles EDWARD BIDDULPH 1 In recent years, the unveiling of the title of a James Bond flm has garnered a great deal of interest among journalists and James Bond fans alike. Before the ti- tle of the 25th flm, No Time To Die, was announced y Eon "the #roduction com- #any responsible for #roducing the Bond flms$, media outlets joined in with the speculation about #otential titles. An o#inion #iece in The Times y Ben Macin- tyre "2'()$, for example, considered the merits of the remaining unused titles y Ian +leming, while Empire Magazine announced that the working title of the flm was Shatterhand ",ravis 2'(-$. &edia interest in the titles, however, continues long afer the fren/ied coverage of the flm #roduction has died down and the flm0s cinematic run comes to an end, with the titles ty#ically re-emerging as, or inspiring, newspaper headlines. +or instance, in March 2'(), Metro s#lashed the following headline on its front #age in response to the #oisoning of Sergei Skri- #al in Salisbury2 3+rom 4ussia…6ith 7ate8 "4adnedge 2'()$. 4emarkably, the headline came 55 years afer From Russia With Love "(-9:$ was released and 9( years afer the book from which the flm derived was #ublished "(-5;$, attesting to the traction that the title has in #opular culture. ( I am grateful to the anonymous reviewer for the helpful suggestions and advice. %ny errors that remain are, of course, entirely my responsi ility. Edward Biddulph is 0n independen+ rese0r1her 0n, +he 0u+hor o3 se4er0l p0pers 0n, boo5 120pters on 60mes Bon,& He is 0lso +2e 0u+hor o3 Licence to Cook7 0 60mes Bond 1oo5boo5& Volume 4 · Issue 1 · Spring 2021 ISSN 2 14!21"# DOI% 10&24#""'(bs&*" Dis+ribu+ed under -- B.
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