Mary Renault,Tom Holland | 448 pages | 07 Aug 2014 | Little, Brown Book Group | 9781844089574 | English | London, United Kingdom Virago Modern Classic Book Club: Fire From Heaven by

Rating details. I loved every line. Returning to the stables, Alexander sees horses dressed in the dazzling wealth of Persia. Spara som favorit. Alexander the Great. View 2 comments. , who has become completely infatuatedlikens Alexander to , and himself to Semelerealizing that a relationship with Alexander will always involve danger. Learning quickly that he must manoeuvre carefully between these two great poles of his life, Alexander makes his way through court intrigues, battlefields, and the training regimen of a noble scion in an attempt to find his own way. Above all, this part of the Alexandriad covers the development of his close emotional relationship Fire from Heaven: A Novel of Alexander the Great: A Virago Modern Classic Hephaistion who will become his lifelong companion, despite other lovers and wives. Mary Renault does a wonderful job exploring the relationships between all of the characters. Conditions are somewhat alleviated by an old family friend, Lysimachus of Acarnaniawho encourages Alexander's dreams by referring to Alexander as the mythical hero and himself as Phoinix. For other uses, see Fire from Heaven disambiguation. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Details if other :. The Alexander Trilogy stands as one of the most important works of fiction in the 20th century. Helene Hanff. The beaten earth-daimons kept their distance; he sang himself a song of victory. Learn about new offers and get more deals by joining our newsletter. ' own spies learn that Philip plans to marry Arridaiosthe developmentally disabled son of a minor wife, off to the daughter of a ruler on the edge of the Persian Empire. Ancient Greece and Macedonia are fully realised here as vibrant, detailed, interesting places with complicated histories, dark pasts and spooky gods. It would have been hot posset, flavored with honey and wine; the smell had been tempting, but at supper one was caught for bed. Coronavirus delivery updates. When they find you a wife, you can go to her if you choose, or stay away with your lover. Mary Renault is a genius Fire from Heaven: A Novel of Alexander the Great: A Virago Modern Classic here started my appreciation of historic novels which is a genre I still know little about. He also marries a woman from Thrace to seal an alliance, causing mad jealousy in Olympias. More filters. After some time at the school at , Alexander and his closest comrades are called to join Philip in besieging a fort. Mary Renault loves Alexander. Mary Renault. Shelves: historical-fiction. If ever the day comes when they will follow him no longer, it will be the same with him as with some great hetaira when they lovers leave her door and she puts away her mirror. Alexander is put in charge of a feint against Illyria to make the southern Greeks unprepared. is also humiliated because his speech is plagiarized by another envoy, . This was the point when he was starting to come into his inheritance and really make a name for himself so its only natural. The writing is, excluding the battle scenes, lyrical in tone. Heartburn Nora Ephron. Feb 23, Alicja rated it it was amazing Shelves: historical-fictionminor-lgbt-themespre-gun-battlesancient- greeceancient-worldwar-military-battlealexander-the-greatdream-libraryfemale-authorclassic. Upon driving off the rebels, Alexander founds the city of Alexandropolis Maedica and then joins his father against Perinthos. We got a glimpse of all the things that made him truly deserving of that epithet. I felt like i got to know this version of Alexander very personally, and I could feel some of his powerful, earned charisma. He seeks to echo the bond between Achilles and he so admires in his favourite story, The Iliad. Recommended if you like your novels a slow, subtle build and if you are an Alexander aficionado. Please update your billing information. Self's Punishment. It was a chance not to be wasted. Wonderful book. Instead she was free to focus on larger ethical and philosophical concerns, while examining the nature of love and leadership. It is noted for the blue tattoos of its inhabitants. It's very economically written, which means it's repeatedly very rich on detail in relatively small amounts Fire from Heaven: A Novel of Alexander the Great: A Virago Modern Classic space. Mary McCarthy. I have read the book several times over the years, not nearly as many times as I read its sequel, The Persian Boy. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Killing his first man in battle at the age of twelve and commanding Macedon's cavalry at eighteen, by the time his father is murdered, Alexander's skills have grown to match his fiery ambition. The story follows Alexander from boyhood, where Renault charts his messy Fire from Heaven: A Novel of Alexander the Great: A Virago Modern Classic with his parents, showing him trapped between their mutual enmity, often fought over or used as a weapon against the other. The lowing of homebound cattle sounded in the plains; in the mountains, which turned towards their shadowed eastern faces, far-distant watch fires sparked the grey. Imprint Virago Virago Virago. Popular Features. He has done nothing but try to please you both, and you both just crap on him for your own benefit, and use him against each other. View all 30 comments. About the same time, captain of the bodyguard Pausanias learns that Philip has brought up mention of his former rape again, although he had promised never to do so. Persian Empire — though it is never visited in the novel, Persia is a looming presence affecting everything that happens in Macedon and its neighbors. That is, of course, only complicated by the fact that there are four Alexanders in the novel and a host of other frequently used Greek names, such as Pausanias. She rather implies than states nature of their attachment. Are you happy to accept all cookies? You are commenting using your Google account.