Historical Characters As Subjects of Novels
Historical Characters as Subjects of Novels AUTHOR TITLE HISTORICAL FIGURE Meade, Marion Stealing Heaven Abelard Cook, Elisabeth Achilles Achilles Stone, Irving Those Who Love Adams, Abigail & John Zencey, Eric Panama Adams, Henry Conroy, Sarah Booth Refinements of Love Adams, Henry & Clover Posse, Abel Daimon Aguirre, Lope de O’Brien, Patricia The Glory Cloak Alcott, Louisa May Renault, Mary Fire from Heaven/Persian Alexander the Great Boy/Funeral Games Allen, Steve Various mysteries (MYS) Allen, Steve Bailey, Anthony Major Andre Andre, John (Revolutionary War British spy) Morrison, Lucille Lost Queen of Egypt Ankhsenamon Barnes, Margaret Campbell My Lady of Cleves Anne of Cleves Bradshaw, Gillian Sand-Reckoner Archimedes Harr, John Ensor Dark Eagle Arnold, Benedict Govier, Katherine Creation Audubon, John James Barron, Stephanie Jane Austen mysteries (MYS) Austen, Jane Byrd, Max Shooting the Sun Babbage, Charles Duncker, Patricia Doctor Barry, James Miranda O’Brien, Patricia The Glory Cloak Barton, Clara Rivers, Francine Unspoken Bathsheba Mayerson, Evelyn Wilde Princess in Amber Beatrice, Princess (Victoria’s youngest daughter) Lofts, Norah Rose for Virtue Beauharnais, Hortense de (Napoleon’s stepchild) Hotchkiss, Bill Medicine Calf Beckworth, Jim Ying, Hong The Art of Love Bell, Julien McCunn, Ruthanne Lum Thousand Pieces of Gold Bemis, Polly Williams, Alan Beria Papers Beria Hall, Oakley Ambrose Bierce and the Queen of Bierce, Ambrose Spades (MYS) Lynch, Daniel Yellow Bierce, Ambrose Brook, Bill The Stone Garden Billy the Kidd Baxt, George Humphrey Bogart Murder Case Bogart, Humphrey (MYS) Anthony, Evelyn Anne Boleyn Boleyn, Anne Kenyon, F.W. My Brother Napoleon Bonaparte, Caroline Gulland, Sandra Many Lives and Secret sorrows Bonaparte, Josephine of Josephine B.
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