V.U. Football Playoff Hopes Dwindle

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V.U. Football Playoff Hopes Dwindle •-r-?JrtNiy: X football playoff hopes dwindle V.U. Is This the Ust issue of the faU lot of games in the By JOHN G. RICCO Despite the lack of fourth-down what decides a Yankee Conference." Sports Editor success, Talley does not regret his Vol 64, No. 10 WILLANOVA UNIVERSITY, Vtt.LANOVA. PA.I December 2, 1988 decisions. "You've got to go for "You're going to have a game •A^ every now and then when you're Heading into 1988, many people, them," he said, "We are fighting I don't think going to have great stats and not especially here on the Main Line, for a championship. enough points to win the game," expected the Villanova football any of them were questionable." Faculty committee wants Villanova was having Talley said. "It just came at a bad team to waltz through the Yankee Though half, time." Conference in their inaugural problems scoring in the first experiencing offen- It certainly did. season and easily walk away with U. Mass. was sive troubles of its own. The loss dropped Villanova's majority of seats title. Senate the After a scoreless first quarter, conference record to 4-3 (5-4-1 Well, if 'Nova's 58-7 loss to New overall) and moved them a game Hampshire on Nov. 5 did not the Minutemen finally broke the By JENNIFER REIDY The report justified its recom- asked the question, "Has the fullback Jim Pas- back of first with only one contest Senior Reporter stating that "there -its inspired dispel those false beliefs, then drought when mendation by Senate, by actions, six yards for a remaining. Both U. Mass. and is faculty the V.U.'s 17-6 defeat at the hands of tbrick rumbled no comparison between confidence in itself among score three Delaware own 5-2 league marks It is regarding length of the University of Massachusetts touchdown. The came "essential and appropriate" and students faculty of Villanova University?" into the second quarter and share the conference lead. that the faculty obtain major- tenure at the University, expe- to the report, the (U. Mass.) on Nov. 12 should have. minutes the According 7-0 Next up for V.U. are the Maine The Yankee Conference is def- and gave them a lead. ity of seats on the University rience in higher education, com- answer is "no." remained that way Black Bears (3-4, 6-4). The Bears to the goals of the insti- "slow, initely a war zone, with "each The game Senate, according to a report mitment It also pointed out a but period, when the feature a highly regarded offense in league contest representing a until the final recently released by an ad hoc tution [and] maturity steady increase in the absentee extended the margin. and, like every conference foe, will committee of the faculty council. judgement." rate of (faculty] senators." The .v> strategic battle. It is a league Minutemen give the Wildcats all they can where any school can beat any Linebacker John McKeown The report stated that "until The committee, composed of report indicated that "it is doubt- Schulz pass at the handle. , socio- other, and where a team must be intercepted a that happens, the University Dr. Miriam G. Vosburgh, ful whether any systematic, mean- and six plays later Kevin "We are facing a Maine t^lwj^^^^ as logy professor and committee place at the top of its game if it expects V.U. 32, Senate must be regarded being ingful communication takes scored on a one-yard who has 20 starters back from a limited vehicle for chairwoman, Dr. Robert W. Lan- constituen to win. Smellie an extremely between senator and Yankee Conference champion last For Head Coach Andy Talley plunge. faculty participation in University gran and Dr. Harry R. Strack, cy. Some faculty senators rarely, to the year, and who has been to the and his team, the loss to U. Mass. The Wildcats responded governance." political science professors, was if ever, take part in Senate only playoffs," Talley said. "We are was especially frustrating because score with their first and The administration, faculty charged to "analyze and investi- debate." 21 -yard facing one of the elite teams in the the Wildcats clearly outplayed the points of the game. A and students each currently hold gate the functional adequacy and The committee concluded that conference." Minutemen, yet failed to come out touchdown pass from Schulz to approximately 32 percent of the appropriateness of the Senate as the faculty itself has contributed (Photo by Vitti) a with a victory. Quarterback Kirk junior Robert Brady capped 41 Senate seats. The alumni a vehicle for faculty service and to the problems in the Senate. Wildcat quarterback Kirk Schulz scans Kicker CATS NOTES Preparing to take the snap. Schulz finished 22 of 44 for 331 seven-play, 74-yard drive. maintain 5 percent of the Senate leadership in governance." "The bulk of them [the faculty] opponent's offense. attempt —There is still a chance that the yards and tailback Jeff Dingle Tom Withka's point after seats. In the report, the committee (Continued on page 9) U. five teams, including V.U., could carried 20 times for 119 yards. was no good, however, and tie for the conference title. If 'Nova Overall, Villanova outdid U. Mass. held a 14-6 lead. Silvio Bon- and the University of Connecticut Mass. in total yards, 524-345, first Minutemen kicker Dobbin addresses Senate Cats Delaware loses and New Cibona falls to out the scoring with win, downs, 26-16, and time of posses- vini rounded U. Mass. Hampshire beats U. Mass., all five By DOUG SCANCARELLA All four of Massimino's new sion, yet managed to put a mere a 38-yard field goal and Says he regards Senate governance highly teams would finish with 5-3 Sports Editor stars saw a good deal of time, and on the board. had a 17-6 victory. six points By DANIEL MORIARTY "They will receive these min- alumni. they each performed well. Marc 524 yards you have "We definitely struggled to this records. "If you have I they will "With regard to Augustinians —Withka's missed extra point Assistant News Editor utes and am sure Villanova's men's basketball Dowdell, who is 6-foot-9, led the the game," Talley said. win," said U. Mass. Head Coach to win endorse these words I just gave. on the Boards of Trustees of our his first of 1988. The sopho- team defeated the Cibona basket- class by scoring nine points while Villanova's trouble last Jim Reid. "We came up with big was Much of "1 think it's essential that the colleges, I have often maintained pretty more kicker is now 22 of^in The Rev. Edmund J. Dobbin, ball club of Zargreb, Yugoslavia, grabbing eight rebounds. Greg week came in the form of little plays and had things going O.S.A., University president, various constituencies that are that we do not represent the was also impressive. way. I think that's point after attCii^B||^|t»3 f>easoilr^ 82-71 on Nov. 11 in an exhibition Woodard yellow flags. The Cats were hit much our own see interests of the Augustinian order. delivered his first address to the represented in the Senate not game. But according to Wildcat The 6-foot-6 swingman accounted penaUies and 12 with five holding (File primarily As trustees, as the name indicates, Photo) University Senate Nov. 18, saying themselves simply and and for seven points. Head Coach RoUie Massimino penalties in all for 105 yards. Vicki Huber compete in in conflict with we are trustees for the University. In 1988 Villanova University saw its own he had "many irons in the fire as interest groups players, the win was not the The two freshmen guards, Dav- frustrating and his "It was both the Summer Olympics. For more of the year in review, seethe one another and jockeymg for There is a presumption that when Chris Walker, did and he "would like to give greater most important thing that hap- id Miller and disappointing," Talley said. page. we are selected for the board article on this ».^__ substance and credence" to the positions to get through the as pened in the game. not score many points, but both "Every time we did something I Senate. Senate. I think it is essential that Augustinians that there is some- their own filling in at guard. What was important was that held good we had a penalty called on each senator be very much aware thing about the philosophy of the was good for the Dobbin spoke on. several issues the game gave the Wildcat players "This game us. You hate to be sour grapes, the University, the character of the' of concern to the University. The that he or she is representmg experience while serving as an younger guys. It was a good officiating has to be •J. but the projected interests of the University from University, that, as Augustinians, Subsidy following are excerpts from his »' experience for them," Wilson I* indicator of what 'Nova will have consistent for both teams." we would strongly espouse. But speech. < ^^^ perspective of the faculty, to before the 1988-89 campaign said. "They are definitely going able to move the do When V.U. was st udent body, administration and once we are members of that year because they give "I think it's imperative that I gets underway. to help this ball, they had a tough time scoring board, we are the trustees of the send a signal to the University depth.
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