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December 12, 1974 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 39565 Mr. ALLEN. Will the Senator make a The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Richard T. Kennedy, of the District of Co similar r3quest as to the cloture vote on ator is correct. lumbia, for a term of 5 years. the Hugh Scott amendment? Mr. GRIFFIN. I thank the Chair. ORDER POR AMENDMENTS TO SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS 1975 CONFERENCE REPORT TO BE CONSIDERED AS HAVING MET REQUIREMENTS CONFIRMATIONS OF RULE XXII ADJOURNMENT TO 9 A.M. Executive nominations confirmed by Mr. ROBERT c. BYRD. I make a simi TOMORROW the Senate December 12, 1974: lar request, Mr. President, that any Mr. ROBERT c. BYRD. Mr. Presi NATIONAL CREDIT UNION BOARD amendments to the Scott amendment at dent, if there be no further business to Kathryne Ford Vachon, of Florida, to be a the desk at this time be considered as come before the Senate, I move, in ac member of the National Credit Union Board having met the reading requirements cordance with the previous order, that for the remainder of the term expiring De· under the rule. the Senate stand in adjournment until cember 31, 1978. Mr. ALLEN. What about subsequent the hour of 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. NUCLAR REGULATORY COMMISSION amendments up to the time of voting? The motion was agreed to; and at 8: 39 Wlllia.m A. Anders, of Virginia, to be a Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. I have refer p.m., the Senate adjourned until tomor member of the Nuclear Regulatory Commis ence to the motion to invoke cloture on row, Friday, December 13, 1974, at 9 a.m. sion for a term of 1 year. the amendment by Mr. HUGH SCOTT. ENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ·Mr. ALLEN. What about amendments Robert C. Sea.mans, Jr., of Massachusetts, filed between now and the cloture vote~ to be Administrator of Energy Research and Mr. ROBERT c. BYRD. I think per NOMINATIONS Development. haps we had better wait to tomorrow to Executive nominations received by the OFFICE OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY deal with those amendments. I was in Senate December 12, 1974: Bert A. Gallegos, of Colorado, to be Direc structed to this end by the Senator from DEPARTMENT OF STATE tor of the Office of Economic Opportunity. Louisiana <Mr. LONG). Monroe Leigh, of Maryland, to be Legal (The above nominations were approved Mr. GRIFFIN. Mr. President, will the Adviser of the Department of State. subject to the nominees' commitment to re Senator yield? NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION spond to requests to appear and testify be Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Yes. fore any duly constituted committee of the The following-named persons to be mem Senate.) Mr. GRIFFIN. I wish to inquire of the bers of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chair, .if I am correct, that except for for the terms indicated. (New positions) IN THE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE the requests of Senator JACKSON having Marcus A. Rowden, of Maryland, for a tenn Public Health Service nominations begin to do with the matter of immigration, of 2 years. ning Donald E. Bedingfeld, to be Medical Di that amendment to the trade bill, that no Edward A. Ma.son, of Massachusetts, for a rector, and ending John L. Young, Jr., to be other unanimous-consent requests have term of 3 years. a health services officer, which nominations been granted to make nongermane Victor Gilinsky, of California, for a term of were received by the Senate and appeared in amendments in order to the trade bill? 4 years. the Congressional Record on July 29, 1974. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS PRESIDENT FORD'S FIRST 100 DAYS out, his conduct in office has restored But in all the arguments about these IN BETTER PERSPECTIVE integrity to that debate-a powerful domestic and foreign problems, one thing about President Ford has stood out: He has credit to himself and his presidency. He restored some kind of integrity to the de deserves our support in his :fight to help bate. Whether he ls talking to the Democrat HON. JACK F. KEMP restore credibility to government and in OF NEW YORK ic leaders of Capitol Hill-Mike Mansfield his :fight to whip inflation. in the Senate, Speaker Albert or Tip O'Neill IN THE HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES At this point, Mr. Speaker, I insert in the House, or the leaders of foreign gov Thursday, December 12, 1974 Mr. Reston's article: ernments-somehow he manages to convey IN DEFENSE OF MR. FORD the feeling that he is giving them an honest Mr. KEMP. Mr. Speaker, James pitch. Reston has done an outstanding com (By James Reston) Maybe this ls not good enough, and the mentary for yesterday's New York Times, WASHINGTON, Dec. 10.-President Ford is guess here is that it isn't, but whether he is entitled "In Defense of Mr. Ford." I being criticized severely and sometimes even right or wrong in what he does, he is at least bring it to the attention of my colleagues savagely these days. Even his supporters are begining to restore belief. He is available giving him what Damon Runyon used to to his critics in the Congress and the press. for a more clear perspective upon Presi call a "medium hello." But in fairness, there He talks and even listens endlessly to Prime dent Ford's :first 100 days in office. is another side to the Ford story, which has Minister Trudeau of Canada, Chancellor We all have ideas on how the Presi to be balanced alongside the charges against Schmidt of West Germany, Foreign Minister dent should be dealing with our economic him. Allon of Israel, all in the space of a single problems-and a myriad of other im The charges are serious. They are that, week, but when they go away home, despite portant problems he inherited in August. with the highe&t unemployment rate in their differences, they all say roughly the There's no doubt that there can be rea America in thirteen years, and the biggest same thing: We didn't really settle anything, sonable disagreement with certain of the drop in the stock market in twelve years, but somehow we feel better, for we felt we he can't make up his mind whether inflation were dealing with an honest man. President's policies. Yet there can be no or economic recession is the major problem, This is a dicey imponderable, but it is a big disagreement over the extent to which and also that he is making too many con change in Washington after the last few the President has restored the high in cessions to the Russians, paying too much years. Presidents Johnsqn and Nixon may tegrity of that office. attention to foreign affairs, at the expense have been more knowledgeable, clever and President Ford has been available to of home affairs, and stringing along with the cunning than Mr. Ford, but nobody ever Democrats and Republicans alike, to old Nixon gang in the Cabinet and the White quite knew where they were. Mr. Ford is dif leaders at home and abroad. He has been House. ferent. He ha.s been on Capitol Hill as a par It would be a brave man who would say tisan leader for 25 years, which is no exer candid and honest-and day by day has that these are not fair criticisms. There ts cise in objectivity, but more than most, he managed to assure everyone he has come plenty of room for honest conflict about how knows the difference between right and into contact with that they are getting to struggle between inflation and recession, wrong, "yes" and "no," and despite all his a fair shake. Given the steady erosion what to do about the battle between the troubles this comes through in his negotia of public confidence in the Presidency Greeks and the Turks over Cyprus, how to tions. over the past decade and a half, this is All the evidence here ls that this human deal with the Russians over the trade bill, quality was very effective in his latest tTip no small accomplishment in the space arms control, the emigration of Jew.,, from of 3 short months. to Japan. It was prlma.rily a symbolic visit the Soviet Union to Israel, the relations of by the first American President to that coun The debate over Mr. Ford's policies the United States to Europe and Japan, and try, but the Japanese live by symbols, and will continue. But, as Mr. Reston points many other things. after their suspicions of Mr. Nixon's devalu- 39566 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS December 12·, 19 74 a.tlon of the dollar and trip to China., Presi ing to the information I have received, the success and/or failure of selected health dent Ford's natural candor and promises of the HEW overhead costs are not only planning agencies in the performance of one "no more surprises" were a. relief. high, but it would appear to be truly or more aspects of their operations for the He managed to restore some sense of trust purpose of preparing short, factual reports with Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada., phenomenal overhead costs. and recommendations concerning these suc which is odd, beoa.use they are so different I include the communication I received cesses and failures for use by Comprehensive personally; and what is critically important, from Mr. Nathaniel Polster, Friends of Health Planning program officials and agency he apparently won the confidence of Chan the Regional Medical Programs, as part personnel. cellor Schmidt of West Germany, not only in of my remarks: This was a.