The Power of Interoperability: Why Objects Are Inevitable Jonathan Aldrich Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA, USA
[email protected] Abstract 1. Introduction Three years ago in this venue, Cook argued that in Object-oriented programming has been highly suc- their essence, objects are what Reynolds called proce- cessful in practice, and has arguably become the dom- dural data structures. His observation raises a natural inant programming paradigm for writing applications question: if procedural data structures are the essence software in industry. This success can be documented of objects, has this contributed to the empirical success in many ways. For example, of the top ten program- of objects, and if so, how? ming languages at the index, six are pri- This essay attempts to answer that question. After marily object-oriented, and an additional two (PHP reviewing Cook’s definition, I propose the term ser- and Perl) have object-oriented features.1 The equiva- vice abstractions to capture the essential nature of ob- lent numbers for the top ten languages in the TIOBE in- jects. This terminology emphasizes, following Kay, that dex are six and three.2 SourceForge’s most popular lan- objects are not primarily about representing and ma- guages are Java and C++;3 GitHub’s are JavaScript and nipulating data, but are more about providing ser- Ruby.4 Furthermore, objects’ influence is not limited vices in support of higher-level goals. Using examples to object-oriented languages; Cook [8] argues that Mi- taken from object-oriented frameworks, I illustrate the crosoft’s Component Object Model (COM), which has unique design leverage that service abstractions pro- a C language interface, is “one of the most pure object- vide: the ability to define abstractions that can be ex- oriented programming models yet defined.” Academ- tended, and whose extensions are interoperable in a ically, object-oriented programming is a primary focus first-class way.