DRAMA 54-520 A SLIDE GLIDE IN CONTEXT 3 Credits Primary Instructor: Dr. Michael M. Chemers Assistant Professor of Dramatic Literature 335 PCA 412.268.2399
[email protected] Meeting info: TH 6:30-7:20 February 3-April 7 (please see schedule below) Adamson Wing, Baker 136 A Office Hours: By appointment COURSE DESCRIPTION SLIDE GLIDE THE SLIPPERY SLOPE is a theatrical piece running in repertory as part of Carnegie Mellon’s 2004-5 Drama season Feb 28 to Mar 3, and again Mar 14-26. The theme for this year’s season is “Art is Science made clear”. This pass/fail, 3-credit course is built around the play. Students will engage in a “deep read” of this provocative text in cultural, political, and scientific contexts. Eight lectures by experts in different fields from across the disciplines will discuss the salient issues of the play. A short reading may be required for each lecture. Students will be required to write a final paper. COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon successful completion of this mini course, the student will be able to: • Demonstrate a unique comprehensive understanding of the dramatic and scientific issues raised by the play. • Develop and apply several methods for evaluating the use of science in drama. • Execute a critical analysis of a dramatic text within a larger socio-scientific context. • Conceive, research, and write documented, balances, and informed historical analyses of dramatic texts, performances, or periods of theatre history. • Identify ethical issues raised in connection with scientific progress. REQUIRED TEXTS Slide Glide, The Slippery Slope by Kia Corthron.