TheThe SteubenSteuben NewsNews A Newspaper by German-Americans for All Americans


Plattduetsche Park in Franklin Square, NY is the site of this yearʼs 98th Anniversary & Founderʼs day Banquet National Council 98th Anniversary 2017 International Germanic Genealogy Conference in MInneapolis, MN Founder’s Day Banquet Speakers include Dirk Weissleder (L) and Roger Minert (R) Join us as we celebrate our 98th year of existence at the 2017 International Germanic Genealogy Conference Founders Day Banquet, May 21, 2017 1:00-6:00 p.m. at the Features All-Star Lineup of Speakers Plattduetsche Park Restaurant, Franklin Square, NY, for a fes- An all-star lineup of speakers, including well-known international tive dinner enhanced by the musical entertainment of John figures, is slated for the 2017 International Germanic Genealogy Weber. We are proud and honored to announce that our guest Conference, set for July 28-30, 2017 in Minneapolis, Minn. Among 39 confirmed presenters are figures including Roger speaker will be Lt. Colonel Michael Breuer. He is the Minert, Ernest Thode, Dirk Weissleder of Germany, Baerbel Johnson, German Army Liason Officer to the US Military Academy at Fritz Juengling, Michael Lacopo, James Beidler, Paula Stuart-Warren, West Point. Founders Day honors our founders, Patron and Teresa Steinkamp McMillin, Jill Morelli and Stephen Morse. military service people. This year's menu is as follows: Other international presenters include Ursula Krause, Werner Hors d’ouvres, seasonal melon with Black Forest Ham Esser and Timo Kracke, all of Germany, and Benjamin Hollister of and berries and a salad is included. The main course choices Australia. The conference entitled “CONNECTIONS: International, Cultural, Personal,” will offer 70 presentations over three full days. include Strip Loin of Beef, Traditional German Sauerbraten, Presentations on regional specialties include Ostfriesen, Loin of Pork, Chicken Cordon Bleu and Broiled Salmon. Beer, Luxembourg, Palatinate, Bremen, Alsace, Baden, Black Sea Germans, wine soda, dessert, coffee/tea are included. There will be a Austria, Czech Republic (Bohemia), Pomerania, West Prussia, East cash bar. The 98th Anniversary Gala tickets are $100 per per- Prussia, Lithuania, eastern Europe, former eastern German provinces, son and children under 12 are $50 per child. Please make check Australia, and others. payable to Steuben Society of America and mail to Elyse Land, Daily “Connections” sessions are planned for attendees to meet others with common interests in specific Germanic regions. P.O. Box 777, Levittown, NY, 11756. The “Connections” focus of this interna- We need your support for this important event. Please tional conference also offers a unique invite your friends and family! DEADLINE is May 8, 2017! opportunity for Germanic genealogists to make personal connections with people PERMIT #12 PAID US POSTAGE PLEASE SUPPORT THE CENTENNIAL CLUB BULK RATE from other countries as well as nationally, THIRD CLASS STONY BROOK, NY 11790 BROOK, NY STONY In anticipation of our Centennial Anniversary Celebration, we have said officials of the German-American established the Centennial Club inviting donations of $100. Genealogical Partnership, which is organ- Donors will be acknowledged in Steuben News. izing the conference. Contʼd page 5 Please make check payable to Steuben Society of America (Note: “Centennial Club”) and mail to: Steuben Society of America, The Steuben Society of America is N One South Ocean Ave. Suite 217, Patchogue, NY 11772 IO

dedicated to unite men and women T Your Name:______of Germanic origin who share a common interest in the positive and CORREC

Address:______continued growth of our nation as ED SS well as the preservation of our rich ST Village:______State_____Zip:______heritage. For more info: All donations are tax deductible Steuben Society of America Suite 217 One South Ocean Ave. NY 11772 Patchogue, ADDRE REQUE JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2017 THE STEUBEN NEWS Page 2 German-American Contributions press in all its vari- ous forms - print, to the Freedom of the Press broadcast and elec- by Christine Lynn Harvey, Editor tronic. We begin The vise of corporate control is tions that are often funded by the aforemen- with the story of ever growing tighter on the free press tioned). John Peter Zenger, due in part to a handful of corporations With President Clinton’s deregula- the patron of Unit owning the majority of all the media in tion of the media in the 1990’s, we wit- 212 in Hicksville, the US and government censure of news nessed these large corporations taking over NY. organizations that actually still engage broadcast and print media, concentrating in investigative journalism. Criticism of news and information into the hands of only The Life of the power system has been left to only a a few decision-makers which is insidious John Peter few resourceful journalists and publish- enough, but by far a very dangerous thing to ers of information who often face the happen to not only the press, but our indi- Zenger wrath of a citizenry drunk on ideology vidual right to free speech. It means that John Peter served up by aberrant demagogues. The challenging the status quo, holding those Zenger (October 26, remaining vestiges of a free press still that rule over us accountable for their 1697 – July 28, trickle out from independent media out- actions, ending the cycle of perpetual war 1746) was a German lets, but they are now under attack for and working for the common good - social, American printer spreading “fake news,” or not being economic and environmental justice for all - and journalist in , John Peter Zengerʼs large enough to be taken seriously. But, has been tossed aside in favor of corporate, . lawyer who represented the German- Zenger was born in American printer when he was arrested in the free press by its very nature has not human, values. 1734 for “seditious”libel for publishing satir- always been small and radical. These Even with the internet at its finger- 1697, the son of ical commentary about the corrupt New York are the ways it retains its independent tips and independent media flourishing Nicolaus Eberhard governor . voice, absolved of corporate greed and online, the American public is left to Zenger and his wife government propaganda. research and think for itself, no easy task Johanna. No baptismal record is known. His father was a One could argue it is the corpo- when it has been weaned on an intellectual school teacher in Impflingen in 1701. The Zenger family had rate mainstream media that spreads diet of bread and water otherwise known as other children baptised in Rumbach in 1697 and in 1703 and “fake news” as its financial umbilical public education. This system has been in Waldfischbach in 1706. cord is tied to the Military Industrial underwritten by a government unwilling to The Zenger family immigrated to New York in 1710 Complex, Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big look at the untold history of itself, mindful- as part of a large group of , and Nicolaus Banks, Big Agra and other monolithic ly ignoring the injustices it has perpetrated Zenger was one of those who died before settlement. The gov- entities that create and perpetrate poli- on a wide swath of its citizenry, leaving the ernor of New York had agreed to provide apprenticeships for cies, both national and foreign, that are public for the most part, woefully ignorant all the children of immigrants from Palatinate, and John Peter clearly against the best interests, protec- to what the truth really is. was bound for eight years as an apprentice to William tions and prosperity of the American To be informed by a truly free press Bradford, the first printer in New York. people. is vital to raising our intelligence, resisting By 1720, he was taking on printing work in Maryland, And since these same corpora- tyranny, increasing our empathy towards though he returned to New York permanently by 1722. After a tions have also bought and paid for our others and preserving our free will. brief partnership with Bradford in 1725, Zenger set up as a legislative, judicial and executive For without it, we are only slaves to commercial printer on Smith Street in Manhattan. branches of government, mainstream an oppressive system, cogs in a machine to Zenger printed The New York Weekly Journal. The journalists do what they are told, rely- serve the oligarchs and functionaries. Here, I first generation of American editors discovered readers loved ing on what “official” sources tell them present an on-going series of what German- it when they criticized the local governor. In 1733, Zenger (ie government spokespeople, political Americans have done to birth, nurture and began printing The New York Weekly Journal, in which he “pundits” and “think tank” organiza- hopefully save the last remnants of a free voiced opinions critical of the colonial governor, William Cosby. Illustration of John Peter Zenger on trial in 1735 from a book, “Wall Street in A History” by Mrs. Mary Lamb 1883 The most dramatic confrontation came in New York in 1734, where the governor brought Zenger to trial for Criminal Libel after the publication of satirical attacks. On November 17, 1734, on Cosby's orders, the sheriff arrested Zenger. After a grand jury refused to indict him, the Attorney General Richard Bradley charged him with libel in August 1735. THE HISTORY OF ZENGER’S CASE In 1733, Zenger printed copies of newspapers in New York to voice his disagreement with the actions of newly appointed colonial governor William Cosby. On his arrival in New York City, Cosby plunged into a rancorous quarrel with the Council of the colony over his salary. Unable to control the colony's supreme court, he removed Chief Justice , replacing him with James DeLancey of the royal party. Supported by members of the popular party, Zenger's New- York Weekly Journal continued to publish articles critical of the royal governor. Finally, Cosby issued a proclamation con- demning the newspaper's "divers scandalous, virulent, false and seditious reflections." contʼd next page JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2017 THE STEUBEN NEWS Page 3 John Peter Zenger and a Free Press "the leading luminary of cont’d from previous page the 18th century liber- reflections." Zenger was charged with libel. was tarian press theory. Zenger's first counsel, but the court found him in contempt and Editions of removed him from the case. After more than eight months in prison, Cato's Letters were pub- Zenger went to trial, defended by the Philadelphia lawyer Andrew lished and republished Hamilton and the New York lawyer William Smith, Sr. The case was for decades in Britain now a cause célèbre, with public interest at fever-pitch. Rebuffed and were immensely repeatedly by Chief DeLancey during the trial, Hamilton decided to popular in America. plead his client's case directly to the jury. After the lawyers for both These letters gave its sides finished arguments, the jury retired—only to return in ten min- readers a preview of the utes with a verdict of not guilty. same argument Attorney In defending Zenger in this landmark case, Hamilton and Hamilton and William Smith attempted to establish the precedent that a statement, even if Smith presented 18 defamatory, is not libelous if it can be proved, thus affirming freedom months later in the gov- of the press in America; however, a general distaste for His ernment's libel case Excellency William Cosby is the main reason why Zenger was found against Zenger—that not guilty, and succeeding Royal Governors clamped down on truth is an absolute Freedom of the Press up until the Revolution. This case is the ground- defense against libel. work of the aforementioned freedom, not the legal precedent. The words are reprinted However, if they succeeded in convincing the jury, they failed from Cato's essay in establishing the legal precedent. As late as 1804, the journalist "Reflections Upon Harry Croswell was prosecuted in a series of trials that led to the Libelling": famous People v. Croswell. The courts repeatedly rejected the argu- “A libel is not ment that truth was a defense against libel. It was only the next year less the libel for being that the assembly, reacting to this verdict, passed a law that allowed true...But this doctrine truth as a defense against a charge of libel. only holds true as to pri- vate and personal fail- "Cato" Article ings; and it is quite oth- Zenger’s 33-page account of his ordeal To better understand erwise when the crimes including imprisonment while his case the significance of this of men come to affect was being heard. An excerpt is below. historic case, it is impor- the publick…Machiavel tant to examine an actual says, Calumny is perni- A copy of Zengerʼs newspaper The New York issue of The New York cious, but accusation Weekly Journal Weekly Journal prior to beneficial, to a state; and Zenger's arrest. Here, he shews instances tion that without a printer, the paper we see a typical attack where states have suffered or perished for could not be published. The against the government not having, or for neglecting, the power to Governor assigned Daniel in Zenger's original accuse great men who were criminals, or Horsmanden, an English barrister newspaper. Page 1 of the thought to be so…surely it cannot be more newly-arrived in New York, to lead issue, dated February pernicious to calumniate even good men, an examination of the newspaper for 25, 1733, carries an arti- than not to be able to accuse ill ones.” statements that constituted the crime cle under the pseudo- of seditious libel. Seditious libel was nym "Cato." This was a THE ACTUAL CASE defined as the intentional publica- pen-name used by Crown v. John Peter Zenger tion, without lawful excuse or justifi- British writers John The New York Gazette was founded cation, of written blame of any pub- Trenchard and Thomas in 1725 and for many years was the lic man or of the law, or any institu- Gordon, whose essays Province's only newspaper. It was published tion established by the law. Two sep- were published as Cato's by the public printer, William Bradford, and arate grand juries were empaneled, Letters (1723). was supportive of the Governor and his one in Spring, 1734, and the other in Jeffery A. Smith administration. When New York's Chief the Fall of that year. Evidence of writes that "Cato" was Judge Lewis Morris issued a dissenting opin- seditious libel was presented to both ion in the 1733 case of Cosby v. Van Dam, but neither grand jury would issue an Governor William Cosby summarily indictment against John Peter removed Morris from office. Morris and Zenger. close allies, attorneys James Alexander and Next, Governor Cosby deter- William Smith set up the Province's first mined to use the power of the gov- independent newspaper, the New-York ernmental censorship to hinder the Weekly Journal. Alexander was the newspa- publication of the New-York Weekly per's editor and through articles, satire and Journal. He requested that the lampoons, accused the Cosby administration Assembly order the public hangman of tyranny and violation of the people's to ceremonially burn issues of the rights. Governor Cosby resolved to shut newspaper. The popularly-elected down the New-York Weekly Journal. Assembly refused to issue the order. John Peter Zenger was the newspa- The Governor's Council then ordered per's printer, one of the few skilled printers in the sheriff to have the papers publi- the Province at that time. The Cosby admin- cally burned but when the sheriff istration determined to take legal action against the printer, perhaps on the assump- contʼd next page JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2017 THE STEUBEN NEWS Page 4 Zenger the assertions and, on April 16, 1735, Weekly Journal. Despite the instruc- camps. Contʼd from previous page the court issued an order striking the tion, the jury, after a brief delibera- In Germany and Europe that names of James Alexander and tion, found Zenger "not guilty" of summer. there were 150 work camps applied to the Court of Quarter William Smith from the list of attor- publishing seditious libel. Cheers rang with thousands of student volunteers Sessions (a court of aldermen) for an neys admitted to practice before the out in the crowded courtroom. from many countries. Extensive order authorizing the burning, the Supreme Court of Judicature. Andrew Hamilton's success was cele- research about the work camps of court adjourned without entering the Zenger, left without legal rep- brated by a dinner in his honor at the 1948 was not successful. The authors order and the public hangman could resentation, petitioned the court to Black Horse Tavern, his departure hope that their book encourages fur- not proceed. appoint a lawyer for him. John was marked by a salute of cannons ther engagement about the Christian The Cosby administration Chambers, a young, newly-admitted and, in 1735, he was presented with work camps. then resolved to proceed against attorney and Cosby loyalist, was the freedom of the City. John Peter Diaries are a special styles of lit- Zenger by an information, a legal pro- assigned to conduct Zenger's defense. Zenger was released from prison the erature that highlight a broad range cedure, highly unpopular in the Contrary to expectations, Chambers day after the trial. He returned to his of individual experiences. Deane Province, that allowed a prosecution acquitted himself well in his defense printing business and published an Barbour’s diary is high-class litera- to proceed without a grand jury of Zenger — twice, he challenged the account of his trial. ture, inspirational, and a wonderful indictment. The Attorney General, lists from which the jury was to be It is important to note that the window into her spirit and character. Richard Bradley, acting on behalf of chosen and in doing so, he ensured Zenger case did not establish legal In western and middle Europe that the Crown, filed an information that the jury empaneled to hear the precedent in seditious libel or free- summer, there were 150 work camps before the Supreme Court of case was not biased against Zenger. dom of the press. Rather, it influenced with thousands of student volunteers Judicature. Pursuant to the informa- The names of the jurors were: Thomas how people thought about these sub- from many countries. tion, Cosby's allies on the court, Chief Hunt (Foreman), Harmanus Rutgers, jects and led, many decades later, to The work camps were organ- Judge and Justice Stanly Holmes, Edward Man, John the protections embodied in the ized by Christian student organiza- Frederick Philipse, issued a bench Bell, Samuel Weaver, Andries United States Constitution, the Bill of tions like the YMCA, warrant for the arrest of John Peter Marschalk, Egbert van Borsom, Rights and the Sedition Act of 1798. Congregational Service Committee, Zenger. On November 17, 1734, the Benjamin Hildreth, Abraham Keteltas, The Zenger case demonstrated the and the American Friends Service sheriff arrested Zenger and took him John Goelet and Hercules Wendover. growing independence of the profes- Committee. Young people toiled for to New York's Old City Jail. Chief Judge De Lancey sional bar and reinforced the role of defeated Germans still scraping a Zenger's attorneys, James adjourned the court until August the jury as a curb on executive power. living and hungry and nearly hope- Alexander and William Smith, sought 4,1735, to give Chambers an opportu- As Gouverneur Morris said, the less between hills of ruins. a writ of habeas corpus and Zenger nity to prepare his case. This provided Zenger case was, "the germ of Deane and Ian Barbour were mar- was brought before Chief Justice De Zenger's allies the opportunity to American freedom, the morning star ried in 1947 in the US capital, Lancey who ordered a hearing for secure for the printer representation of that liberty which subsequently Washington. Deane studied theology, November 23, 1734. At the hearing, by the pre-eminent colonial attorney, revolutionized America!" and Ian physics. Later as a professor, the court set bail at £400, an amount Andrew Hamilton of Philadelphia. SOURCES: he became especially famous with far in excess of Zenger's means. When the trial commenced in the Paul Finkelman. Politics, the Press, his publications about the dialogue Unable to post bail, Zenger was courtroom on the second floor of City and the Law: the Trial of John Peter of religion and science. returned to jail pending his trial. Hall on August 4, Attorney-General Zenger in American Political Trials This was the reason that a Defending Zenger against the Richard Bradley stated the substance Michal R. Belknap (ed). Connecticut foundation in Philadelphia honored charge of seditious libel presented of the "information" and in response, (1994) Ian Barbour in 1999 with the challenges for the defense attorneys. John Chambers entered a plea of "not Donald A. Ritchie. American Templeton Prize; most of the money Their main difficulty was that the guilty" on behalf of his client. He then Journalists: Getting the Story. New was donated to a research center in truth of the published statements was described clearly the nature of the York (1997) Berkeley (California). Previous lau- immaterial. Further, the role of the case, the necessity that the Attorney Eben Moglen. Considering Zenger: reates were Mother Teresa, Billy jury in a seditious libel case was lim- General prove who was responsible Partisan Politics and the Legal Graham, Alexander Solschenizyn, ited to deciding whether the person for the libel, and his expectation that Profession in Provincial New York, Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker and charged was responsible for the the Attorney-General would fail in his 94 Columbia Law Review 1495 Desmond Tutu. Regarding the bitter allegedly libelous statement. If the proof. At the close of Chambers's (1994) quarrel between materialists and fun- jury found in the affirmative, Judges speech, Andrew Hamilton rose on Source for this article excerpted and damentalists Barbour asserted: De Lancey and Philipse, close allies behalf of Zenger and preempted edited from: wikipedia, "There are many people believing of Cosby, would examine the text to Attorney General Bradley's case by both in God and in the theory of evo- determine if the statements constitut- admitting that Zenger had published lution." ed seditious libel. the journals as alleged. In his address, BOOK REVIEW: Purchase the book for $9 at At Zenger's arraignment in Hamilton asked the jury to consider Deane & Ian Barbour: April, 1735, his counsel challenged the truth of the statements published Toiling with the Defeated, the validity of the judicial tribunal. and concluded with these famous 1948: US Diaries from the Ruins Zenger's attorneys asserted that words: in Hamburg and Munster by Dr. UNITS...WE NEED Governor Cosby's summary removal “The question before the Joachim Yogi Reppmann and of Chief Judge Lewis (in 1733) had Court and you, Gentlemen of the jury, John Barbour YOUR NEWS! been improper, and thus De Lancey's is not of small or private concern. It is This book are the diaries of Ian and subsequent appointment as Chief not the cause of one poor printer, nor Deane Barbour of Northfield, MN, Interested in Judge was invalid. Zenger's attorneys of New York alone, which you are who in 1948 participated in summer writing for also challenged the commissions of now trying. No! It may in its conse- work camps cleaning debris and rub- the other judges of the court because quence affect every free man that lives ble from the aftermath of WW II in The Steuben those appointments were "at the under a British government on the Münster and Hamburg. The young Governor's pleasure." The court main of America. It is the best cause. couple worked with American, News? refused to allow this argument, and It is the cause of liberty.” Dutch, and German students and dis- Chief Judge De Lancey was heard to Immediately, Chief Judge De covered the healing reconciliation exclaim, "You have brought it to that Lancey instructed the jury that they, between former enemies. “Toiling Submit your article to point that either we must go from the the jurors, should decide only the with the Defeated” includes photo- the editor bench or you from the bar." question of whether Zenger had pub- graphs and documents that explain the [email protected] Counsel refused to withdraw lished the issues of the New-York background of the church work JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2017 THE STEUBEN NEWS Page 5

Chairman’s Message: The purpose of the Steuben Society of America is to educate the public about matters of interest to Dear Steuben Brothers and Sisters, American citizens of German descent and their families, to encourage their participation in civic I hope that all of you enjoyed your holidays with your affairs and to perpetuate and enhance the understanding of the contributions made by such citizens to the development of the United States family and friends. I wish a Happy New Year to all of you. Let us be proud of yesterday’s achievements for our socie- ty and look forward to tomorrow’s even brighter future. The Steuben News VOL. 90 NO. 1 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2017 Please mark your calendars for Sunday May 21, 2017 for EDITORIAL & ADVERTISING OFFICES: One South Ocean Avenue, Suite 217, Patchogue, NY 11772 PHONE: 631-730-5111 the 98th Anniversary Founders Day. It will be held at the EDITOR & ART DIRECTOR: Christine Lynn Harvey STEUBEN NEWS COMMITTEE: Ilse Hoffmann, Peter Hoffmann, Marilyn Harvey, Elyse Land, Robert Land E.O., Barbara DeOliveira Plattduetsche Park Restaurant in Franklin Square, NY. The STEUBEN NEWS CONTRIBUTORS: Dr. Don Heinrich Tolzmann, Siegfried Bette, George L. Glotzbach, price will be 100 dollars per person. We are proud and hon- Richie Odorfer, Mary Helen Jones, Charlotte & Hans Arndt, Dr. Ann Marie Fuhrig ored to announce our guest speaker who is Lt Colonel Michael Breuer. He is Subscriptions are $25 per year and are fulfilled by third class mail. The Steuben News is the official publication of The Steuben Society of America. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Steuben News or the Steuben Society of the German Army Liason Officer to the US Military Academy at West Point. America.We reserve the right to refuse, edit or excerpt submissions; we do not guarantee the return of manuscripts or photos unless provided a SASE. Please see further details on the cover of this issue. I hope as many of you as possible can support Founders Day. Many thanks to the members and friends Aside from social and reli- lowed by two world wars that who contributed to our Christmas appeal for 2016. Your generous contributions gious life, German cultural life flour- adversely affected the German her- help us to achieve the goals of the society. In the next issue, you will see the ished as well, especially as evidenced itage as a result of the anti-German date of the National Council Annual Picnic. Last year was successful and by the Ottendorfer Library. Founded hysteria and sentiment that came enjoyable and we hope that this year will be too. Please feel free to contribute and funded by the Ottendorfer fami- along with them. On the positive side articles and information on events in your units. Members at large are also wel- ly, which published the New Yorker of the scale several factors have con- come to send us information..Please tell us about your trips to Germany or Staats-Zeitung, this German- tributed to an upswing in the German milestones in your life. I want to wish you and your family a Happy and American branch of the New York image in New York in the post-World Healthy 2017. Public Library contains a German War II era, especially the German- Fraternally yours, book collection to this day, with speaking immigration before and Bob Land recent acquisitions from Germany. after World War II, the importance of 2017 International Germanic Genealogy Conference This donation of the Germany as a U.S. ally, and the Ottendorfer Library was a way of organization of the German- Cont’d from Front Page giving back to the German-American American Steuben Parade. For the full lineup of speakers and other conference information, community for supporting the Staats- When winding up a walk in visit the website of the Minnesota-based Germanic Genealogy Society, Zeitung, now the oldest German- Kleindeutschland you might round it conference host, at, click “2017 GAGP Conference.” American newspaper. When brows- off with a stop at Zum Schneider Reservations are open for booking rooms at special conference rates at the ing there, you can gaze at the pictures Restaurant & Biergarten, 107 Avenue Minneapolis Marriott Northwest Hotel in Brooklyn Park, Minn., venue for of Oswald and Anna Ottendorfer C. & 7th Street. That hits the spot the conference. Call the special room reservation line at (877) 303-1681 gracing the walls of the library read- after a Spaziergang through the area. and say you are attending the Germanic Genealogy Conference. Or reserve ing room. Actually, it was Anna Thereafter, you might consid- online at Reserve early to ensure avail- Ottendorfer who was responsible for er venturing out to some of the other ability. the charitable donations made by the old German parts of the city, such as Registration for the conference opens in January 2017. The con- family, which included not only the Yorkville, and reflect on the German ference registration fee, to be announced soon, will be affordable and in Ottendorfer Library, but also the impact on New York City. line with other major genealogy conferences. Polyclinic located directly alongside If you are interested in further The German-American Genealogical Partnership, founded in 2015, the Library. exploring New York’s German past joins Germanic genealogy societies across America, Germany, Canada, While there I paged through and present, there are two useful England and other European countries, and continues to draw new soci- Rudolf Cronau’s German-American guides: eties worldwide. Partnership members include the 60+ societies belonging history: Drei Jahrhunderte deutschen German New York City by to the Germany-based Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Genealogischer Lebens in Amerika (1909), and noted Richard Panchyk (Arcadia Verbände, whose leadership helped found the partnership. that it had been re-bound, demon- Publishing, 2008) presents a pictorial *********************************************************** strating that the volume had been history of New York’s German her- Kleindeutschland: heavily used. German authors con- itage by an author born in Queens, New York’s Little Germany gregated here, read and discussed who hopes his book “will both help their works before, during and after preserve the history of German New By Dr. Don Heinrich Tolzmann World War II. York City as well as inspire future Several years ago, I was in New York for a program, and while If you stroll down the streets generations to remember and pre- there, I took the time to take a stroll through Kleindeutschland. Subsequent of Kleindeutschland, you might also serve their colorful German her- to my visit, I wrote the following account, which appeared in my book want to visit the Tenement Museum, itage.” German-Americana: Selected Essays (2009), and was also reprinted in the which throws a realistic light on Germany in New York City New Yorker Staats-Zeitung (October 22, 2016). immigrant life in New York when it ( provides A recent visit to New York City gave me the opportunity of taking was teeming with thousands of an array of information about things a walk through the streets of Kleindeutschland, or Little Germany, as one recently arrived immigrants, all try- German, including links to the fol- of the old German districts is best known. Reminders of its German her- ing to find their luck in this new lowing: a calendar of events, music itage can be found and felt everywhere, but you have to look for them. metropolis. & performances, movies & TV, art, Located on the Lower East Side of New York, Kleindeutschland A real turning-point in the lectures, restaurants & bars, where to had a sizable German-American population of more than 150,000 before history of Kleindeutschland took shop, institutes, communities, pho- World War I, making it a real center of German cultural life, as well as one place in 1904 with the General tos, videos, and personalities. of the largest German urban populations in the world. Slocum disaster. A German Sites are ever present, such as Architectural styles of buildings in this neighborhood reflect the Evangelical Lutheran Church had the Carl Schurz Monument in age known as the Victorian era. German inscriptions can still be found planned its annual ship outing in the Morningside Park. Much like urban here and there, such as for the German Methodist Church, where German harbor, but fire on board the ship led areas elsewhere, the German heritage Methodists gathered to worship, and the Deutsch-Amerikanische to the loss of an estimated 1,021 lives is there – you just have to be aware of Schützen-Gesellschaft, where members of the German-American marks- (1,517 lost their lives on the Titanic). its subtle presence as an integral part men society held their functions. This left a gaping hole in of the urban landscape. Such buildings reflect the pride of having “made it” in America, Kleindeutschland with tragic memo- Note: For a recent book on “im Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten,” or in “the land of unlimited ries, causing many to move else- German New York, see: lona Stölken, possibilities.” They also reflect pride in German contributions to America, where, especially to Yorkville, anoth- Das deutsche New York: Eine as well as pride in Germany and the goods it produced that were stamped er German district in New York. Spurensuche. (Lehmstedt Verlag, “Made in Germany.” The Slocum disaster was fol- 2013). JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2017 THE STEUBEN NEWS Page 6 the wishes of Germany pay them a war indem- the president. nity of 132 billion gold marks, to Each of be paid over 30 years plus 26% the seventeen of the proceeds of her exports. states was Although Fehrenbach explained represented to the war victors that Germany in the diet could not finance such a debt, (congress) by the Allies showed no mercy membership towards the new German democ- in a special racy. chamber, An ultimatum was sent called the from London to Berlin, threaten- Reichsrat, ing that if Germany did not The German Retenmark help stabilize hyperinflation in the but that body begin paying the indemnity new Weimar Republic was subordi- within six days, the Allies would Soul of Germany nate to the parliament (Reichstag.) All invade the Reich and implement Chapter XIX German citizens over 20 years of age another naval blockade. The Weimar Republic had the right to vote, and deputies Fehrenbach resigned rather than were elected to the Reichstag on a rep- accept the ultimatum. President Everyone has heard of the wheel- 1919-1933 resentative basis according to popula- Ebert then replaced Fehrenbach barrels of worthless paper money By Richie Odorfer tion. Friedrich Ebert had already been with Karl Josef Wirth. The new during the 1920ʼs hyperinflation in The first democratic German elected president. chancellor cajoled the Reichstag Germany. These German children constitution was finalized in After Philip Schliemann had into voting to begin the pay- use piles of money as building blocks to amuse themselves. September 1919 by the new resigned rather than sign the Treaty of ments. Henceforth, the war vic- Parliament in Weimar, and then the Versailles, Ebert had appointed tors tried to live off Germany – Germany, thus devastating the assembly returned to Berlin’s Gustav Bauer chancellor. Bauer later having made the Great War a German economy. Food riots broke Reichstag Building. Black-Red-Gold in 1919 led the republic’s first govern- profitable enterprise for them- out across the Reich, and shortly flags waved again as the German ment - a coalition of the Catholic selves. after that, Germany suffered the national colors in the nation’s capi- Center and Socialist party members. The hatred manifested by greatest inflation in world history. tal, and across Germany, replacing Germans were a shattered peo- the Western Allies for Germany On November 20, 1923, one U.S. the Black-White-Red of the Second ple in the early 1920s, composed of made Berlin look eastward for a dollar was worth 4,200,000,000 Reich. millions of widows, orphans, crippled friend, to the other outcast of marks. (Historically, the exchange Seventeen states (Laender) soldiers, and armies of homeless and Europe – Communist Russia. In was about four marks to the dollar.) made up the first republic, populated starving unemployed men. “The 1922, German and Soviet A German’s wages bought nothing. by about 60 million people. The Germans had 40% less butter than in Russian foreign ministers met at Shoppers had to use carts full of Weimar Constitution gave Germans 1914, 42% less meat and 50% less Rapallo, Switzerland, and signed paper marks to try and buy emer- a strong central government, espe- milk. The destruction of factories, a treaty normalizing relations gency food that only kind grocers cially for the president – a new office railroads, and shipping produced an between their respective states. would sell them. In August 1923, for Germany – to be elected by the economic dislocation on such an order A secret agreement was con- President Ebert chose Gustav people for a seven year term, and to as to be excruciating.” tained in the treaty, whereby Stresemann to replace Cuno. The be given sweeping powers, such as: The social fabric of the Germany was permitted to build former quickly gathered together a appointing a chancellor, command of German nation seemed to be coming and test military aircraft in grand coalition government of sev- the armed forces, and during nation- apart then, as divorces and illegitimate Russia, thus subverting the eral political parties to cope with the al emergencies, the authority to sus- births soared. Starving young girls Versailles Treaty. Moscow was chaotic state of affairs. Stresemann pend civil liberties and dissolve the were degraded into a sordid life of keen on observing German mili- then called off the passive resistance parliament. The chancellor’s duties perverted eroticism in the larger cities, tary expertise. Upon hearing of to the French occupation and reinsti- included choosing ministers for a especially Berlin. the German-Russian friendship tuted the indemnity payments. In cabinet to assist him in carrying out Street violence in 1920 contin- treaty, French leaders became November, the chancellor tackled ued to erupt frequently, as it did in furious. On a pretext that Berlin the great inflation by issuing a new Chancellor Wilhelm Cuno 1919, between right and left-wing technically defaulted in her repa- currency, the Rentenmark – backed groups whose ranks overflowed with ration payments, France invaded by mortgages on the nation’s indus- jobless men. Berlin was taken over Germany. London advised Paris trial resources. again, but this time it wasn’t the that its invasion was not author- The Rentenmark not only Communists. Wolfgang Kapp led his ized by the Versailles Treaty, but helped end the runaway inflation, right-wing Vaterland party into the otherwise did not interfere with but it also sparked new confidence German capital, and proclaimed him- the aggression. in the German economy, thus self the leader of Germany. Kapp’s Chancellor Wilhelm increasing foreign investments that actions caused the elected govern- Cuno, who had replaced Wirth, reequipped factories, and not long ment to flee to Dresden and Stuttgart. called for a passive resistance after that, production increased as While the army remained uncommit- against the French imposition of unemployment declined. During his ted, it was mainly the resistance of martial law in the Ruhr district, 100 days in office, Stresemannn Berlin’s ministerial bureaucracy that Germany’s industrial heartland. made bold use of the army in putting brought Kapp’s revolution to an end. The French occupiers responded down rebellions and street fighting An election that year resulted in a by confiscating German private between rival fanatical gangs. But socialist defeat and the fall of Bauer’s property, with mass arrests, when he moved against socialist- government. Konstantin Fehrenbach shootings, and a brutal expulsion communist governments in the then became chancellor leading a of 147,000 residents of the area. states of Saxony and Thuringia, coalition of the Catholic and right- France then implemented a Stresemann lost the support of the wing People’s Party. blockade of the Ruhr and Contʼd Next page In 1921, the Allies demanded Rhineland from the rest of JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2017 THE STEUBEN NEWS Page 7 Contʼd from previous page Herman Mueller, who was chancel- cist principles of controlled capi- thing to everyone. He assured intel- talism and nationalistic fervor. lectuals only peaceful measures socialists in the Reichstag, and was lor at this time, had put the Young Plan to the people for a vote. The early Nazis were mostly une- would be employed to secure Nazi forced to resign. He was followed as ducated bullies, who hated com- goals, while the blue collar workers chancellor by Wilhelm Marx in late Wanting desperately to exorcise all business relating to the Great War, munism, and blamed the Jews and and unemployed heard how bloody 1923, but remained in government the Versailles Treaty for most of vengeance might have to be used as foreign minister. Germans voted overwhelmingly to accept the plan. Germany’s woes. against Germany’s enemies. Russia revealed to the world In 1930, Germany was Results of the election in 1923 some of the Czar’s secret In the heated course of the campaign leading up to the public lying in economic ruin, devastated shocked not only Germany, but the treaties, which proved conspiratorial by the World Depression. As world. In 1928, the Nazi Party won Allied involvement in starting the referendum, one of the plan’s biggest critics, Adolf Hitler, leader unemployment kept skyrocketing, 810,000 votes, however, two years Great War. Moscow’s motive was to the people were crying out to the later in 1930, Hitler’s candidates won discredit the previous monarchy and of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party, the Nazis, won government in Berlin for help. 6,371,000 votes (about 18% of the capitalism in general. What the rev- During this time, in the richest total.) “Never had Germany- or the elation did do, was make the Allies many admirers across the land for his patriotic stand against the Allies, country in the world, the U.S.A., world for that matter- been subjected more receptive to German requests nearly 20 million Americans went to such persuasion.” for a reduction in reparation pay- and in particular, the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler then, once regard- hungry. One can imagine how In June 1931, U.S. President ments. Germany suffered, considering the Herbert Hoover showed compassion However, the 1925 Dawes ed as a crackpot anarchist by the average German, gained some Reich’s vital dependence on to Germany by putting a moratorium Plan, although an improvement over imported food. on the reparations. However, that the original impossible demand, was redeeming respect out of the cam- paign. New Nazi cells opened up Catholic Center Party mercy arrived too late, for one month still an unreasonable punishment for leader Heinrich Brunning had later, two of Germany’s largest banks a broken Germany to pay. Berlin’s and already established ones increased in strength. become chancellor in 1930, upon failed. Blood filled the Reich’s acceptance of the Dawes Plan ended the fall of Mueller’s ruling coali- streets during 1931, as battles the French and Belgium occupation, The collapse of the New York Stock Exchange on October tion. But unable to form a majori- between the Reds and Stormtroopers and gradually, the Allies reduced the ty government in the Reichstag intensified. In just the first four number of its forces occupying sev- 19, 1929 was Germany’s second catastrophe. All across the United himself, Brunning had to govern months of 1931, the Nazi casualty list eral cities on the Rhine. Germany with President Hindenburg’s help, numbered 2,400 party members was then invited to join the League States bankruptcies spread as a result of the collapse. Then the by issuing presidential decrees. killed or wounded. of Nations, an idea of Woodrow His policies involved raising taxes A presidential election was Wilson’s, whose own nation refused tragedy encompassed the entire globe, causing the greatest econom- and reducing government spend- scheduled for March 1932, and Paul to join. ing, and he even tried forming a Hindenburg, aged 84, decided to run President Ebert died in 1925. ic disaster in world history. Because of Germany’s fragile economic customs union with Austria, but again. Adolf Hitler was his chal- A national election was held, and that idea was blocked by France. lenger. The old Field Marshal was won by the beloved Field Marshal health, she suffered the severest blow of any industrial nation. The It was with that painful too revered to attack personally, so Paul von Hindenburg. By 1929, scenario of gloom and little hope Hitler’s strategy was to strike out at under the moral guidance of government in Berlin watched help- lessly as factories closed, farmers for Germany that the 1930 nation- the establishment instead. The Nazis Hindenburg now 82 years old, and al elections were held. Adolf used simple slogans such as “For the economic genius of Hjalmar lost their land, people their life sav- ings, and unemployment skyrocket- Hitler and the Nazi Party saw the Freedom and Bread,” and “Honor Schact, the head of the Reichsbank, election as a great opportunity to Hindenburg: Vote for Hitler.” One of prosperity of a sort returned to ed. Some Germans in those ago- prey on the Reich’s many prob- Hindenburg’s slogans warned the Germany after an absence of a gen- lems. Hitlerite candidates held German voters to: “Save Germany eration. Then two catastrophes nizing days began listening to the powers of darkness, who confused thousands of rallies in halls and From Hitler: Vote for Hindenburg.” struck! tents that could hold thousands of The election results were: The first tragedy to strike the the masses by preaching hatred of democracy. Two of the strongest people. Hindenburg 19.4 million ; Hitler 13.4 Fatherland occurred during a 1929 They blanketed the nation million. national election campaign over the and violent political parties who vied with each other for control with millions of propaganda Depression year 1932 proved Young Plan, which reassessed sheets, hammering on the big one of the toughest for the Volk – Germany’s penalty for losing the over the German soul and ballot box, and fought it out on the streets issues: lost savings and lost farms. things could not have gotten worse. war at 121 billion gold marks, not Hitler’s speeches promised some- including what was already paid. with each other were the Contʼd next page Communist and Nazi parties. On President Von Hindenburg, who was the left, with a philosophy of inter- revered in Germany, reluctantly national one world government, and appointed Hitler Chancellor, a move an end to capitalism and organized that would allow the Nazi dictator to religion stood the Marxists, the lead Germany down a disasterous communists, the Reds. path towards WW II On the other end of the spec- trum was the Nazi party, or Browns, because that color was the uniform of a military style body guard, the Stormtroopers, organized to keep the peace at party meetings and to protect its leader, Adolf Hitler – also called Fuehrer (leader.) The Nazis were extreme right-wingers, in agreement with the hated Reds that German democ- Many factors led to the Nazis rise to power in Germany. Street gang vio- racy must go, but more in keeping lence, hyperinflation, brutal WWI reparations, starvation, massive unem- with Italy’s Benito Mussolini’s fas- ployment, right-wing conservatism and a need to blame the “other” for Germanyʼs woes. Page 8 THE STEUBEN NEWS JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2017 Soul of Germany Germany. After a brief swearing which is still nothing to shake calendar of events Contʼd from previous page in ceremony, Hitler promised to a stick at. How does the U.S. Please email your calendar items to: observe the constitution, and to compare? The latest reports [email protected] 1-2 months prior to In May, Brunning lost your event. Hindenburg’s confidence and unite the German people, now so say we're generating just 0.54 was replaced as chancellor by “torn by bitterness and debate...” percent of total electricity 1/29 1:00-5:00 pm Henry Steinway Sauerbraten Dinner, Franz von Papen. A new elec- Hindenburg concluded the private consumption. Renewable VFW Post 8300, 330 North Dunton Ave, East tion was called by the event, saying: “And now, gentle- energy as a whole satisfies Patchogue, NY $35 inc. dinner, wine, soda, dessert Music by Bud & Linda Gramer 631-730-5432 President who hoped that its men, forward with God.” about 13 percent, according to outcome would secure a Cont’d Next Month the U.S. Energy Information 5/21 1-6:00 pm Steuben Society 98th Anniversary coalition government for the Administration. This disap- & Foundersʼ Day Banquet, Plattduetsche Park new chancellor. But the dead- GERMANY LEADS pointing comparison is under- Restaurant, Franklin Square, NY 516-567-6565 lock continued in the WORLD IN standable when you consider Reichstag. There were just too SOLAR POWER the fact that the U.S. con- sumes eight times more ener- in order to get the ball rolling. For one, the law many German political parties As protests erupt across gy than Germany - we con- guaranteed a market for solar energy, requiring who failed to cooperate with the country in reaction to sume 4,686.4 terawatt hours utility companies to insert renewable energy pro- each other: Communist, President-elect Trump's pick of per year in the U.S. versus ducers into the national grid and to buy their Socialist, Catholic, Nazi, fossil fuel executives to head key 582.5 in Germany. power at a fixed rate that guaranteed a modest moderate left ones, moderate positions of power and policy- return over time. The fixed and slightly inflated right ones, etc. making for the US as well as his price helped offset its high cost. In December, with pick of other controversial fig- How is Germany While guaranteeing a market for solar conditions worsening, ures, Germany plows ahead as a energy may have had its risks, there was a signif- Hindenburg turned to a mili- Green Energy Superpower, leav- Doing This? icant benefit as well. Knowing that the industry tary man, replacing ing the US in the dust so to speak. Germany isn't exactly was being firmly backed by the German govern- Chancellor von Papen with While our country contin- known for its year-round sun- ment, investors confidently dove in the market General Kurt von Schleicher. ues to squabble over every energy shine. Just for reference, the with long-term investments, which helped finan- The new chancellor fared no debate and infrastructure sunniest regions of Southern cially stabilize those companies. better than his processor advancement, European countries Germany typically get Germany faces plenty of challenges in the Papen, for Schleicher failed to have always been a few steps between 1,600 and 1,800 solar game. With the rise of China's solar manu- win support from even the ahead. Some countries, like sunny hours per year, whereas facturing base, German companies are having a moderate parties. Germany, have made amazing Yuma, Arizona, (our sunniest difficult time competing with their lower costs. Early into the next strides in harnessing the free and region) usually gets 4,300 But anything worth doing comes with challenges year, Hindenburg was advised clean energy provided by the sun sunny hours a year. So, how that need to be faced with creative solutions, not to give Adolf Hitler a go at - despite not having such a sunny did Germany became the throwing hands in the air in surrender. When you trying to form a working climate. world leader in solar energy? look at the growth rate of solar energy in coalition to govern. Von Papen It's a combination of strong Germany, it has nearly tripled in the last 10 years. assured the President that he Breaking Records in Solar public support and political Even though the German government has been could control Hitler and would Energy Production will to pass the necessary reg- dialing back solar incentives, traditional power serve as vice chancellor for Back in June of 2014, ulations to start on the path to companies are scrambling as energy prices con- that purpose. The old Field Germany reached a significant solar domination. At the risk tinue a downward trend. Utilities trying to recoup Marshal then, believing he had milestone and national record by of oversimplification, it start- those losses through higher energy charges only no other choice, reluctantly satisfying more than 50 percent ed almost 25 years ago. In encourages German consumers to seek clean agreed. of its electricity demand with 1991, German politicians energy alternatives. On January 20, 1933, 23.1 gigawatts of solar power- passed the Erneuerbare Excerpted from: http://www.triplepun- President Hindenburg spoke which was half of the entire Energien Gesetz, or with his outgoing chancellor, world's production at the time. In Renewable Energy Sources power/ Kurt von Schleicher, saying: fact, Germany broke three nation- Act. “Whether what I am going to One of the biggest al solar records that week. In CENTENNIAL CLUB DONOR: do now is right, my dear challenges solar-proponents addition to solar, Germany We Thank the Schleicher, I don’t know; but I reportedly satisfied 78 percent of faced in those halcyon days Dr. Gottlieb C. Berkemeier Unit #985 shall know soon enough when its electricity demand with was the cost barrier. This for their generous donation of $220 I’m up there [pointing renewable sources. It's important meant that politicians and the upward]. I already have one to note, however, that Germany's public had to accept some foot in the grave and I’m not level of renewable energy pro- tough and aggressive actions Germany is the world leader in solar power sure that I’ll not regret this duction on that red-letter day isn't action in heaven later on.” constant or even common. Schleicher answered bitterly: In 2014 overall, renew- “ After this breach of trust, sir, able energy accounted for I’m not sure that you will go approximately 31 percent of to heaven.” At about 11:30 Germany's electricity consump- p.m. that day, January 20th tion. Solar power in particular 1933, Adolf Hitler was contributed about 6.9 percent, appointed the chancellor of

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