The Paper that can’t be bought! FREE! *Within Australia*

21st EDITION Always do right, this will gratify some and 2006 astonish the rest! ( Mark Twain) “Living Doll” sails into sunny Queensland *INSIDE* The Sydney/Mackay dumb cruiser & fast boats The Wizard in the pink! Volare in the crossfire Platypus in the Kimberley’s Tigress in it again! Speranza

is just NFA!












b o

B What’s your story??? It can’t be about you without you!

It’s always been “Sugar Town” and the “Coal Face” but these events prove the future of Mackay is tourism and the marina district assumes it’s place of importance. CONGRATULATIONS to the CYCA, MYC, Mooloolaba and Port Binnli for a great success for their parts in this spectacular inaugural event. Now lets all get on the terps and celebrate! A Crusing Adventure... part 4: Broome and the Lacepede Islands glassy it was hard to discern over the Moonrise. Tourists by the hundreds come to where the horizon ended and view this phenomenon. They call it “Staircase to the the sky began. moon”. (You could mistakenly believe the moon didn't rise anywhere else!) We joined the crowds along the The light southerly held as we waterfront to witness this remarkable event. In a sailed into Blaze Bay just south hushed atmosphere every second person recorded of Broome, before the beastly the “rising” on digital camera. There were markets in easterly arrived. And in Blaze the parks with fast food vans selling delicious Asian Bay we stayed! Not the prettiest Take-A-Ways along with all the regular stalls for home place, we dried out on flat grey made trinkets, t-shirts and sarongs. Broome is the mud at every low tide, the four heart of the pearling industry and offers great da ys se em in g mo re li ke temptation to purchase exquisite jewellery. We loved fourteen. The wind howled from it! the east at 25-30 knots non- stop. When it did ease a little On our last night in Broome a young couple from a we ventured out, glad to be on nearby yacht came for twilight drinks. We were our way again. We made one swapping sailing experiences, as you do, when the brief stop on the wonderful 80 subject came round to fishing. They had not had much mile beach and were not luck catching a meal. Having trailed a lure all the way disappointed, this has to be the from Fremantle it wasn't until they entered Shark Bay best seashell beach in that they had any success when finally they caught Australia! Then sailed something they described as the fish version of an Story & Photos by: overnight to our next way point. American Pit-Bull Terrier. It was about 80cm long with Maxine Holman, SY, Platypus. a very blunt nose. Not having any idea what it was they It was this night at about 4am while I was on watch, Brian asleep in sought identification from another yachting couple Having reprovisioned at Karratha during our in the back cabin, (less motion there.) when there was a mighty travelling in company with them. Their friends Hampton Harbour we were keen to be heading further WHIIRRRRR!... Then a THUD!!.. BANG!!.. BUMP… BUMP… announced it “a bottom feeding shark”. The fish was up the coast. The long range weather forecast held a BUMP!! Brian fairly levitated out of his bunk. His feet didn't touch duly filleted and as there was plenty they all shared the week of strong easterlies which were due to arrive in the floor till he was in the cockpit. His number 4 haircut was catch for dinner that night, declaring it “delicious”! two days time so decided it was in our best interest to standing straight up and down. WAD YA HIT!!...... WAD YA HIT!!! make a move. This, our first year of cruising, we had ..(no time to answer)… “STOP THE MOTORS!!!.. STOP THE Next day in Denham they passed by a Fisheries office learned early on that you go when the weather is right MOTORS!!!... GET THE SPOTLIGHT!!... DROP THE MAIN!..... and thought they would positively identify this mystery and stay put when it's not! WHERE'S ME GLASSES???... WAD YA HIT!!!??**” “Nothing”, fish. Upon hearing the story the officer looked at them said I. (A marker buoy hit us.) in amazement and cautiously asked them how they Departing after a week in the scenic Dampier Archipelago were feeling. You probably guessed, it was a Silver region we left via Flying Foam Passage and detoured on a You couldn't credit that 10 miles off shore, on a pitch black night we Toadfish and considered highly toxic. The Fish Book high tide through Sea Ripple Passage. The bottom on this could run right over the top of an unlit marker buoy on a “set line”. lists it without any “star value” and has it marked with a shallow stretch is all coral. With heart in mouth we watched No damage was done but it sure woke Brian up! We anchored in capital “P” for poisonous! They now carry their own from the deck as Platypus glided along with just an inch or Admiral Bay at 10.30am and went ashore. It was beautiful, so many identification book, purchased for them by their sailing two to spare beneath the hulls. At the end of the passage is shells, we swam, ate and slept for hours and hours. companions. a magic cove where every sound echoes and reverberates off the high ironstone cliffs. A swim in this secret spot was a Next day we anchored in Gantheaume Bay and went to discover continued next door>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> “must do” as it would probably be our last before we Broome. Although we live in the west we had never been before ventured into crocodile infested waters. The ocean so and soon found that the people of Broome hold a special licence

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or just live another day! LIFE RAFTS, LIFE JACKETS & INFLATABLES WHITSUNDAY OCEAN SERVICES Service * Sales *Repairs* Safety Equipment DELIVERY SERVICE TO BOWEN & LAGUNA QUAYS Boathaven Industrial Estate: Lot 3 Loop Rd. Local agents for: AQUAPRO, GEMINI, ACHILLES, & RFD (Off Shute Harbour Rd., behind Jubilee Tavern) Authorised Life Raft & EPIRB Service Centre Warwick & Janelle Eastwood (“Wok & Woody”) CASA APPROVED PH: 4948 1366 Fax: (07) 4948 1377 email: [email protected] Page 2 The Coastal Passage #21 2006 The Lacepede Islands...

After leaving Broome we rested briefly in that “it would do”. While all this was l i g h t e a s t e r l y Willie Creek. Ashore, a graveyard of happening great mobs of Boobies came to b r e e z e . W e co nf is ca te d fi sh in g bo at s. On e greet us. They circled round and round the a n c h o r e d t h a t prominently in view brought 180 Iraqis to mast top, their heads turned over their night off the entry Australia. Another we saw anchored in the shoulder to achieve the better view. to Barred Creek bay was from Indonesia, the occupants Looking like an ANZAC parade with the and rejoiced in the having long since been returned to their leader calling “Eyes right!” as they passed ability to receive a homeland. Authorities have not dealt with by. Ashore the islands were covered in a m o b i l e p h o n e the boat yet, it will probably be incinerated million Booby nests. The birds so signal as is the fate of many others. endearing and in every stage of development from egg to day-old chicks That night proved Continuing northward we set off for and gangly juveniles covered in fluffy white to be lumpy and Baldwin Creek intending to dry out and do a down. It is not hard to see where the u n c o m fo r ta b l e . bit of boat maintenance below the water design for “Big Bird” of Sesame Street fame Happy to see the line. As dawn broke we trailed a lure and came from, only the colour changed to morning we were very quickly hooked a Giant Sea Pike. protect the innocent! about to get under (Lots of teeth!) Not good to eat so we threw w a y w h e n w e it back. Soon after we hooked an even While at the Lacepedes we came across a realised we had company. Three bigger Shark Mackerel. (Wrong sort of cylinder type “thing” washed up on the Humpback Whales had come visiting! No mackerel!) We had just tossed it back beach. It looked interesting so we took it need for the zoom lens on the camera, they when the line screamed out again, this time back for closer investigation. It had “Made were surfacing with just inches between it looked more promising. As it splashed in Houston, Texas. USA” stamped on the them and us. I don't know at what stage and leapt across the water it attracted an outside. Intrigued, Brian undid the nuts they changed from being dumb marine even bigger Hammerhead Shark. (Does and bolts and revealed a very expensive animals to living breathing “personalities” this sound like a fishy story, or what!) Sadly and intricate piece of technical apparatus. but it was another of those very special the shark won and we lost the fish, the lure There has been much speculation, finally experiences. We became their object of and the shark. All this before 8am, it was surmising that it may be some sort of interest, they were observing us! Under an eventful morning. listening or sonar device lost from an and around, circling and surfacing, it was American submarine. Perhaps a reader of awesome to watch these giants playing We anchored in Baldwin Creek at 3pm The Coastal Passage can throw some light with us so gently. In the end, just in case just in time to snap up some mud crabs on the subject? It has GPS installed, a they made a mistake, we terminated the from the mangroves before the tide came designated channel and electronic circuit encounter. Perhaps we should have right in. While in Baldwin we feasted many boards all within the casing. At some stage placed more trust in their precision but after times on these big succulent crustaceans it also had an aerial attached. 40 minutes, heart in our mouths, knees that are so plentiful there. Instead of trembling, we started the engines and cooking them on board we roasted them in Our stay at the Lacepedes was short due quietly motored away. Yet another coals on the beach and found them tastier to tides and bad holding ground but well memorable encounter on our passage that way, plus no mess on the boat! worth the effort. Away at mid-day the next north to the Kimberley region. day we were amused to see the Boobies all After a few days doing boat jobs on the lined up along the beach to see us off. The Kimberley's offer an adventure sandy tidal flats we decided to take Resting overnight at (by now) familiar every day in the cruising lifestyle. The advantage of a lull in the weather and sail Baldwin Creek we departed next morning excitement increased from the day we out to the Lacepede Islands, just 18 miles northwards once again. In company with departed Cape Leveque and didn't end off shore. We arrived just in time to choose another boat I marvelled at how easily a till we crossed the Bonaparte Gulf to a sandy spot on the southern side of West race develops. Serious this time as Darwin. Island. In fact the spot found us as we were spinnakers were hoisted and even the aground before we knew it and decided weight of the sheet ropes considered in the

The Coastal Passage #21 2006 Page 3 VOTING FROM A PARK BENCH... Liveaboards & democracy

By Keith Owen, SV “Speranza”

The recent 2006 Queensland Election may have highlighted some voting difficulties for liveaboard yachties.

Most people on the Electoral Roll will have a residential address which places them within a particular electorate be it at the Federal, State or Local tiers of Government. Remember when you last voted, you would have been asked “Are you James Charles Smith of 14 Viewpeak Close, Adamsville?” (apologies to Jim if he actually exists at that address!) Well, the all important address is technically a “place of abode”. By definition, a “place of abode” is basically a “plot of land”. So the big question is, do liveaboard yachties (with 2 meters under I thought I should put the author in context and no better way than to have this photo supplied from Pete Safe of the keel at low tide), without a residential street address, Maggie Island AKA “Trax Ashore”. So, from Peter... “Another piece of incriminating evidence of how the crowd are actually have a “place of abode?” The answer appears to be behaving at Horseshoe Bay. from left; Maryanne & John (Pioneer), Merv (Nghala) Des (Windrider), Keith “No”. In spite of this, can liveaboard yachties be on the Electoral (Speranza), Lindsay (Wind Rider), Trish (Absconder), Gwen (Canada Goose), Peter (Absconder), Glen (Canada Roll and actually vote? The answer is “Yes!” ( You beauty!!). Goose), Maggie (Nghala), Jenny (Trax Ashore), Michele, my sister (here on holidays) being introduced to this scurvy lot.” Since Pete and Jenny moved their cockpit ashore the place has turned into a must stop for many cruisers! Here is our story: received letters from the AEC confirming our Itinerant Voter We had been domiciled all over Australia in many “places of The OIC arrives and invites us to state our changed status. Yachtie voters at last! abode” and had dutifully notified the Australian Electoral circumstances which we do. “I will need to consult my But how did it work in practice on election day? Well, we Commission (AEC) on each move as required. We actually do supervisor.” We say “ Go ahead over” (just for effect.) fronted the polling booth with our letters from the AEC (we value the opportunity to vote (probably due to Keith's healthy Back to the New Idea. The OIC emerges with a big grin. left our swags and yachtie clobber on Speranza not wishing disrespect for most pollies... another story). “Would you object to being classified as Itinerant Voters?” he asks. to overplay the itinerant tag). The head vote taker had to be When we sold our “place of abode” and moved onto Speranza summoned as we don't think there were many Itinerant as liveaboards in 1999, we did not think our mooring We were a bit stunned. Had we joined the ranks of those Voters in this posh part of 'Sinney. No.GG04/03 in the middle of Gore Cove, Sinney 'Arbour would poor homeless destitutes who sleep on park benches? satisfy the requirements of the Electoral Act as regards to a Maybe we had. “Yes” we were told we could vote. We were given ballot residential address. We were right. So we went along to our papers to complete and an envelope into which our No, it was explained, the Itinerant Voter category covers Electoral Commission Office and told our story. “You've got a government deciding responses were to be placed. The such people as seasonal workers like fruit pickers, fly in/fly problem there” came the response from the very pleasant front of the envelope required us to write our names and out miners, and those military personnel who live in counter officer. “Do you have a relative in Sydney whose (you guessed it) addresses. We sought guidance from the barracks and go to Timor and Iraq. Liveaboard yachties, address you could use?” “ Sorry, our daughter has just moved to official on what information to put under the Address moving up and down the coast could be catered for under the UK” we replied rather crestfallen. “Do you mind waiting 10 heading. “Just put NFA” we were told. We were a bit put the generic “Itinerant” label. Bingo! minutes till my boss gets back?” “ Of course not” returning to off that a government official had, in effect, asked us to read a well thumbed New Idea. (Why not a Coastal Passage in We were asked to nominate a particular electorate with put “ No F…ing Address” on our voting papers. every AEC Office, Bob? Much more interesting!) which we had an “affinity” and after a short space of time, continued page 18 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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Sani-LooTM is so compact, it fits all sizes of boats and the seamless rota-moulded tank lasts a lifetime. There are no microprocessors to malfunction and it’s easy to install yourself. it’s the economical solution “CLASSIC SONGS” “REMEMBER WHERE “PIRATE PARROT” for boat owners. green WE PARKED” white white $39.95 S-XXL $39.95ea. S-XXL $39.95ea. S-XXL ULTIMATE DESTINATION FOR GGRRAADDOONN PARROTHEAD MERCHANDISE Marine & Construction *All Major Credit Cards Accepted *Quick Delivery Ph 0414 942 811 TOOMBUL MUSIC Shop 13 Centro Toombul Sandgate Road, Toombul QLD 4012 Ph: (07) 3266 2533 Fx: (07) 3266 6878 Join our Jimmy Buffett mailing list email: [email protected] Page 4 The Coastal Passage #21 2006 I know that many of you have heard of the Seven Seas Cruising CONTRIBUTORS THIS ISSUE: Association, and a few of you are members. The association is John R. Butler, (ex) SY The Old Cat US in origin but definitely international in scope. I am told that the Maxine Holman, SY Platypus club was founded over the issue of local anchoring restrictions Vicki J, SY Shomi and has since balanced it’s approach with an eye for relevant David Julian, SY Tygress issues and celebrating boating and the lifestyle. I have been in Keith Owen, SY Speranza touch with SSCA and am delighted to report a growing spirit of Iain Rae, SC Xtra Chilli T C cooperation. Specifically we have been exploring a means of Brad Stephenson, SY Volare P helping boaties remind communities of the economic Julie Tait, SY The Wizard contributions cruisers make to them. $$What are Boaty NOTICE.. you do not “submit” to TCP but your Bucks$$ The bucks are “reverse receipts” that you hand out to a merchant when contributions are welcome! (language is important!) transacting business to inform them of where the money came from. In short, they inform business leaders that the people their towns are busy treating like pests are responsible for a good portion of their income. The SSCA has had success with the REMEMBER.. SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS THAT SUPPORT YOUR PAPER! idea and I think a modified version can help here. Issues of tender access, drinking Don’t miss a chance to tell them you saw their ad in TCP!!! water, rubbish disposal, anchoring restrictions and more. We deserve the recognition and accommodation already given to other tourist groups, no less. Want to know more about the SSCA or get some copies of the $$BUCKS$$ see NEW We hope that by next issue we will be able to allocate space in print for you web challenged cruisers! LOCATIONS!!! What about that Sydney, Mooloolaba, Mackay Race!! This was the first opportunity I’ve had to get the feed and cover on a really professionally run event and I LIKE IT!! I can’t say Brian of BoatsandBits enough thanks to the pro’s at the CYCA, home of the Rolex Trophy Sydney Hobart race, is the newest place to get your and Lisa Ratcliff in particular. I was also fed constant info on Hamo which I posted to the copy of TCP in Redland Bay TCP web site immediately upon receipt. This is something I will continue. Congratulations also to the Mackay Yacht Club for proving they can work their end and much thanks and congrats to Michelle McKenna of Port Binnli that organised media and promo for the port like see below for more they had done it a dozen times already. Very professional!.... What was I doing there !!! new locations Seems the going rate for a Rendezvous is thirty pieces of silver! marked in RED The event that was staged this year in Airlie Beach using the name “The Whitsunday Multihull Rendezvous” was not authorised, or endorsed by TCP. TCP regrets that advance Where can I get copies of The Coastal Passage??? notice was not able to be given to multihull sailors due to the timing of the information to TCP .THURSDAY ISLAND..... *NOOSA concerning it’s.. well, change in style and format. I did post the announcement on the web Water Sports Club & Australian Reef Noosa Yacht & Rowing Club site as soon as it became apparent. Since TCP had no part in this years event I can not Pilots office *SCARBOROUGH explain why the fleet was sent out in conditions that were punishing even to sailors of high skill and local knowledge...... NORTHERN TERRITORY...... Sc arbor oug h M arina * D A R W I N Boat Harbour Marine Our sincere condolences to the family and friends of Bowen Sailor, Warren Dickinson who Dinah Beach Yacht Club Moreton Bay Boat Club (reportedly) succumbed to a heart attack after completing the days event and our relief that Darwin Sailing Club Sub 40 Café at Newport Marina the dismasted and overturned boats weren’t accompanied by more serious injury. * G O V E *SANDGATE Ya ch t Cl ub Queensland Cruising Yacht Squadron The web site is HOT HOT HOT... and just one more HOT!! *BRISBANE A favourite game lately is watching the statistics program on the TCP web site. 2500 visitors ...... QUEENSLAND...... Whitworths (Woolloongabba) per week average. (”hits” are in the Zillions) Sailors and others all over the world are *PORT DOUGLAS Withworths (Breakfast Creek) downloading about 4000 copies of TCP every edition! We are on track to equal our print run Port Douglas Yacht Club Boat Books in downloads by early next year. *YORKEYS KNOB Glascraft (Fortitude Valley) Yorkeys Knob Boating Club Toombul Music (Toombul) Alan Lucas has a “wicked sense of humour.” Alan’s article in last edition caught a lot of *CAIRNS *MANLY people by surprise. And was it good?? Oh yeah! You say you missed last edition? Well Cairns Yacht Club, Wharf St Moreton Bay Trailer Boat Club Marina tough shit! NO.. not really. All Alan’s great TCP articles are available on the web site. Iain Cairns Marlin Marina office Spinnakers Café/East Coast Marina Rae was sufficiently enraged (not) that he had to respond... see page 20 for his tongue Cairns Cruising Yacht Squadron & Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron buried in cheek response. *MAGNETIC ISLAND Seaway Marine Integrity and the press... an oxymoron?? Iga, Horseshoe Bay Supermarket, Wynnum Manly Yacht Club RSL & Maroon’d The issue of commercialisation of the press and how to preserve and insure the integrity of *RABY BAY TCP has been on our minds and others. (see letter page 6) Here is how it works some *TOWNSVILLE Raby Bay Marina Townsville Motor Boat & Yacht Club places; “So what will it cost to have so and so knock up about 1000 words for an editorial? *REDLAND BAY I’ll supply the pics and the writer can get everything they need from the web site. Lets make Breakwater Marina BoatsandBits Breakwater Marina Cafe it two colour pages with my 1/4 page ad.” The editor responds, “no worries,” “A couple *COOMERA hundred for the writer and $1800 for the spread.” The client smiles, “sounds great! Think BIAS Boating Warehouse Outback Marine this can’t happen? Well it does and it doesn’t have to be sinister but it is true that “editorial” is *BOWEN Gold Coast City Marina office bought and sold in some publications. The result can be informative, honest and fun, or, North Qld. Cruising Yacht Club McIntyre Marine depending on who is really suppling the material, it can go horribly wrong. As a consumer be Harbour Office *SOUTHPORT very careful about judging the suitability of a product based on magazine editorial. There is Summergarden Cinema (Q.B.) Southport Yacht Club, Marina Office no regulation or code that I know of to protect you, or if there is it is not enforced. I Seaside Superette (Q.B.) Whitworth’s (Warehouse Rd.) recognised the importance of this issue long ago and made it a policy of TCP never to *PROSERPINE accept ‘cash for comment.’ This policy is clearly stated in advertising promotion material Proserpine Bait & Tackle ..... NEW SOUTH WALES...... supplied by TCP and is on the web site. And finally, if you read a product report in TCP it will *SHINGLEY BEACH *YAMBA be written by me and I will have satisfied myself of the facts. I will not allow the respect of Emultihulls Brokerage Yamba Marina TCP to be diminished. I hope that this also increases your respect for TCP advertisers. *AIRLIE BEACH *COFFS HARBOUR Marlin Marine Coffs Harbour Marina NOTICE! Military To Close the anchorages around Shoalwater Bay, Port Clinton, Island Head Creek and Pearl Bay September the 18th to 22nd. see pages 7 and 8 for more Whitsunday Sailing Club Harbourside Chandlery information. Abel Point Marina office *CENTRAL COAST Airlie Beach Newsagency Gosford Sailing Club Whitsunday Ocean Services Fast bikes, V8 cars and slow boats!? BIAS Boating Warehouse, Gosford That is the title of a thread I introduced on as an experiment to *SEAFORTH * NEWCASTLE Seaforth Boating Club verify what I thought I knew already. Well I was very right! There is a disproportionate Newcastle Cruising Yacht Club amount of ex or even current motorheads amongst the fleet. The connection between the *MACKAY Schionning Designs worlds is as strong as it is incongruous. If you are one of those closet speed demons I would Mackay Marina Rock Salt Café like you to know.. it’s can come out of the closet now! One of the respondents was Mackay Yacht Club * S Y D N E Y & SURROUNDS an Aussie/American crewed boat currently in the Carribean that had just had a relly fly in for Mackay’s Boat Yard Boat Books a visit with current copies of TCP! What a hoot! Reef Marine Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club As soon as this goes to press I have a project that I promised to do before I turn my attention The Lighthouse Restaurant Middle Harbour Yacht Club to our next boat. I’m rebuilding the small block stroker for Kay’s 65 Malibu SS. Currently *ROCKHAMPTON Cruising Yacht Club Australia, waiting for some Vette parts to be flown in from the old country. If you know what any of that Fitzroy Motor Boat Club Rushcutters Bay means you are guilty as charged! *GLADSTONE Gladstone Marina (office) ....CANBERRA..... This has been a dark week. Two giants of Australian culture have died before their time this *BUNDABERG Canberra Yacht Club week. Very sad. Midtown Marina Bundaberg Port Marina Office & .....V I C T O R I A..... Baltimore Restaurant Royal Yacht Club (Williamstown) (at Port Marina) Royal Geelong Yacht Club *H ER VE Y B AY/URANGAN Sandringham Yacht club The Voice of the Great Barrier Hervey Bay Boat Club Great Sandy Straits Marina Office Bob Norson: Publisher, Editor, journalist, advertising, photographer, computer & marine .....SOUTH AUSTRALIA..... heads technician. Fishermans Wharf Marina (Northhaven) *MARYBOROUGH Kay Norson: Postie expert, apprentice organiser and Bob’s nag... Cruising Yacht Club of S.A. The Coastal Passage Boaties Warehouse Royal S.A. Yacht Squadron P.O. Box 454, Bowen, Qld. 4805 *TIN CAN BAY Ph/Fax: (07) 4785 1031 Tin Can Bay Yacht Club .....WESTERN AUSTRALIA.... email: [email protected] Tin Can Bay Marina Boating Hardware-Prosail - ABN: 37718914773 *MOOLOOLABA O’Connor (near Fremantle) All text and drawings in this publication are copyrighted by Robert Norson, except contributions where Yacht Club Marina office noted. Submission of contributions infers permission to print. Contributions may be edited. Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily that of The Coastal Passage, & the editor assumes no The Wharf Marina responsibility for the accuracy or validity of information. Any party disputing facts or details contained Kawana Waters Marina within a feature are particularly invited to submit their response. Whitworth’s (Minyama) The Coastal Passage #21 2006 Page 5 Notice to contributors: All contributions that purport facts in a matter of possible contention, should be ready to provide support for their assertions or the submission may be refused at the discretion of the editor. Anyone disputing a matter of fact in any part of TCP is invited to respond as long as the discussion LETTERS remains one of fact, not personality. It’s about a fair go. Dear Bob, N. G. from late 1969 until 1973 which was, Hi Bob, How do we do it? (keeping it free) Newsprint compared with today's P.N.G., a different is a cheap way of getting into publishing. I felt It is the first anniversary of the conferring of planet. Just another word or two in praise of your from the beginning that it would be content the Order of Australia Medal Award I great mag and how it hits home to all us driven rather than shiny appearance. I knew received in last year's Queens Birthday In those days I had a small ketch, “Nereus”, cruising folk on the real issues that concern that would be OK with you. I knew it had to Honors list. in which I visited many of the “out-of-the- us the REAL people of the boating be accessible, so it had to be free to start. way” places. There was never any trouble community, and also thanks for the great After a time I realised it had to stay free for Belatedly, I would like to thank everyone from the locals, expatriate or native, no boating stories and advice. reasons of distribution and something to do associated and let your readers know how harassment by the authorities, no revenue- But also may I ad a word of caution, or with karma. I knew I had to connect and much the Award, and the support I received, squeezing terror, as the country was should I say I hope history will not eventually make people understand it was theirs/yours. means to me. It has always been my administered by Australia on the precept of repeat itself. Over the years I have read I am a guardian and administrator but it is pleasure to assist the boating community judicious benevolence. The locals were many boating magazines that started with your rag. This has inspired a wave of through VMR East Mackay. I still have always a very friendly and happy lot. I even the right ideals with the publishers/editors contribution that any paying publisher would difficulty coming to terms with the notion that had enjoyed meals and drinks with local hearts in the right place to give their reading die for. (if they realised it's value which they others felt the need to recognize a single district commissioners, the ADC's, and patrol public good value and good content (2 typically don't) Everyone does it for the individual who is doing what should be officers. Once, the Australian Navy's patrol classic examples being Cruising Helmsman passion of it. The professional authors and regarded as a normal public albeit voluntary boat offered me a tow from Bwagoia, Misima, and the English magazine Classic Boat), but photographers that contribute to TCP do it for service to those afloat. “Why me?” is a to Samarai to spare me a long punching to as they gained in popularity and distribution the same reasons and reward you might and question I often ask myself. Keith from windward through the Louisiades. I they subtly changed to be eventually not as I think that says good things for those that Speranza has given me copies of the many, declined, however. fulfilling and mainly ad filled forums for the otherwise make their living with their pen or many letters of support that accompanied boating industry in general. camera. When TCP makes serious cash it the nomination. Your comments are most At times I had to leave my boat at Dennis I know where your heart lies in giving us a will be shared around. There is no humbling and I thank each and every one of George's pearl farm in China Strait, near great free (I don't know how you do it even “overhead.” Keep It Simple Sailor is the you very sincerely. Samarai, because of work commitments (oil with advertising) magazine and I know as philosophy here for all things. TCP is a half exploration) at Lake Murray, West Papaua. you grow, so you must seek more ways to busted computer on a rolling table in our The Award would not have been complete if I Nothing went missing ever! fund this truly readable endeavour; so I wish factory building in Bowen. If the computer hadn't been able to travel to Cairns to have it What a price for independence and you all the best and keep up the great grass breaks, I fix it. That and my new camera are presented by the State Governor. Bob, you progress? I noticed in some of TCP's photos roots level magazine. the fixed assets and there is no “staff!” (Kay personally did an outstanding job in raising the outrigger canoes now sport sails made of organises files and helps with mailing) TCP awareness which encouraged others to yachties give-away old spinnakers. In my Cheers, can not be “white anted.” It can not be contribute financially. I do thank you. Also a time sails were made of copra sacks. But the Laurie Childs, SY “Jo Anna” stopped. As long as it's wanted/needed , it very big “thank you” to Peter Hansen and his whole country was sailing along in fair will persevere. terrific team at the Mackay Marina who weather and on a straight course with these. Greetings Laurie, provided so much assistance, financial and And….I'm in the market for a time machine, Advertisers… ahhh, this is what makes the otherwise. To the members of the Mackay yeah, like the one H.G. Wells wrote about. And thanks for the heart-felt and very astute pages colour and allows the huge print run. Game Fishing Club who sent the hat Bob, I'd give you just one guess where I letter. You may have been eavesdropping at Advertisers in TCP deserve particular around, I owe you a great debt of gratitude. would want to go. warehouse de Norson?!? attention and support. There is no cash for And to individual boat owners who comment or “quid pro quo” between editorial donated, I sincerely appreciate your help. Best Regards, Yes, I know the danger you articulate. The and ad revenue at TCP, FULL STOP! Any You all assisted in making the award Axel Hart paper was begun in recognition of an favourable editorial comment in TCP is given ceremony a great occasion for me. absence, a natural response. (nature abhors freely to those that in my opinion warrant it. Bob, a vacuum) I am not a publisher, then or now. TCP does not miss an opportunity to boost The Award sits proudly above my radio's so it I'm just a dumb boatie faking it and getting an advertiser but is never held hostage to ad is not “out of sight, out of mind”. It constantly re BOM's cessation of broadcasting the local away with it! Career wise, I'm a retired cash. To be a TCP advertiser, it helps if you reminds me how lucky I am to have so many Coastal Waters Forecast via Telstra's jeweller. My virtues as a jewellery designer und ers tand and res pec t the boa tin g friends out there. Thank you all once again Seaphone service. We in the far north have and maker was that I took pride in what I did community. You might be amazed at how for all your support and assistance. It is your been granted an extension of the broadcasts over the money that I made doing it (which many boating product suppliers do neither! thoughts and actions that makes the Award until November 2006, so lobbying of the meant I did well so the money was good!) so special to me. various powers was successful for an extra and I could reach into people to understand And one more thing that will hopefully insure six months, at least. For those who rely on what they really wanted even though they the thing doesn't go off the rails, your Geoff Henry, OAM these broadcasts, they are: Gove (28), could not express it themselves. attention! If you ever think I'm screwing up I VMR East Mackay Weipa (03), Thursday Island (66), Torres hope you write another letter…… Strait (23 & 26), Lockhart River (28 & 86), Darnley Island, (60), Cooktown (61) and Cheers, Cairns (24 & 27). We're uncertain what the Bob Dear Bob, alternative arrangements are likely to be as there are no alternatives in these remote I read with particular interest the articles by localities. Lindsay Walkley of “Avalore” and Bas Dolkens of “Spirit of Wychwood” about their Regards, very nasty adventures in P.N. G. I had lived, Greg & Jan, SY “Outahia” worked and extensively cruised the then T.P. Nhulunbuy NT Free Downloads of TCP! Entertainment! Destinations! Weather page! Advertise in TCP! No matter where you are in the world you can get your Everything from dumb The Percy Story Tired of weaving your way Everything you would like to TCP. The last six editions are on the site waiting for you, jokes to silly stories, Passage People through the BOM maze? See our know about TCP! Rates, including non-commercial ones like The Cyclone Larry recipes to who knows new weather page and click Distribution, Policies and copy Special Edition that is ONLY available from the web what! If I think it might Alan Lucas articles immediately on radar, satellite information. Advertising in site. These are complete editions just exactly as you see amuse, it goes on the Sundowners images, forecasts or whatever TCP makes business fun and at the clubs and marinas. Just go to the web site and site. Also stories waiting Events and broken down state by state you can not find better value follow the clear prompts and instructions. It’ so easy to get published that I New sections weekly! or off shore. Links to the best for your ad $. Compare even a computer hater can do it... and I should know! haven’t found room for Over 130 web pages plus international weather sites we’ve Anywhere!! yet. photo galleries... so far! been able to find. convenient!

Page 6 The Coastal Passage #21 2006 Hi Coastal Passage, Hi TCP, away - and if the wind keeps doing what it is Please sign me up for a year subscription. Congratulations on reaching #20 - who'd a doing then it could take anything from eight to It would be great to stay in touch with all thunk it indeed! 14 hours of more sailing, sometimes in those out there doing it. I was out there Multihulturism - the best article in the best woeful conditions, before the skipper and myself 2 years ago, sailing my little 27ft vega tcp so far. I didn't know Alan had such a crew can have a well earned rest. Should the called “Masina” from Gold Coas t to wicked sense of humour. Reminds me of conditions worsen then there is real trouble Whitsundays then to Sydney; had a fab time when I had Talisman moored in at the beach because the area is 'off limits' and vessels are and 90%singlehanded. I have read the C.P. at Great Keppel Island Resort. A couple of forced to endure outside, unsafe conditions many times and recognise many faces. cats were moored there also and a to reach an anchorage. Sandy & Julian of “Cat-chus” are good deputation of cat sailors came to check out A recent episode highlighted the need for friends, Bob & Anne (ex) “Endless Summer” this intruder in their midst. After close Shoalwater Bay as a safe anchorage for & the Maggie Island crowd. So sign me up & inspection they pronounced their highest boaties. The incident resulted in the Army I will look forward to reading more. I will be accolade - "Great boat, closest you can get doing an embarrassed back flip and sending a copy to my Dad in England who is to a catamaran with only one hull.” consenting to permit vessels to utilise the also dreaming & scheming. Regards, on Mourilyan Harbour Rd. at 1030 Friday area during emergencies such as inclement Best wishes, Petrea Heathwood, SY “Tailsman” morning. Sightings are not uncommon but weather (e.g. Strong Wind warnings). Amamda, (ex) SY “Masina” early morning is a better time. It's possibly Moreover, it is now promised that VHF radio the earliest way for yachties to see a reception will be greatly improved so that all cassowary in the wild. VHF channels may be utilised in Shoalwater Dear Sir, KAWANA WATERS MARINA Petrea Heathwood, SY “Tailsman” Bay (also so that the Armed Forces can converse to boaties in the area via VHF I am a grey nomad who sails north for winter Hi Bob, radio). This is much appreciated, though then sails back to Sydney for summer. Dear Bob, belated news for all boaties using this area as There are quite a number of us who have Just received copies of your latest edition of an anchorage for we all know that radio bought or built boats in preference to The Coastal Passage. It's always very reception in this area is terrible. caravans. We are totally disgusted with the popular here at the marina. It made me think We would be delighted if you could spare us facilities available for us in Ballina. that I need to advise all the boaties out there a few lines in The Coastal Passage to say Shoalwater Bay Training Area is a large slice of the Capricorn coast and continues inland I have been sailing north for the past 9 years that Kawana Waters Marina (formerley thanks to a very professionally run business. for some considerable distance. It still and seen the facilities disappear; Lawries Marina) has had an email change. confuses me however, why the forces would 1. The wharf at the RSL club was closed to O u r n e w a d d r e s s i s : We purchased a Lewmar Pro 1000 Anchor need to use the entire coast line for live firing, boats. [email protected]. Windlass in Broken Bay NSW. About Tin throughout an exercise. I cannot see why or 2. The marina was closed and now non Due to the change we now also provide Can Bay the windlass developed a technical, how they would need to use live ammunition existent. Marinanet. Keep up the good work. Not mechanical fault which put it out of operation. all along this coastline, at all hours of the day 3. The public jetty has a pontoon attached to only are the boaties interested in your paper We phoned Whitworth who put us onto Katy and night, whilst an exercise is in full swing. it, but I also have a courier driver that makes at Lewmar and onto Craig at Harold Marine, Why would any of the forces require to use 4. Water is unavailable on the jetty (let alone sure he gets his regular fix, along with a few Brisbane, the Qld. distributor for Lewmar. By live ammunition throughout the night, along power). other outsiders. the time we had sailed to Gladstone, Craig the entire distance of the coastline. It would 5. The pontoon does not have any fender on Thanks, had all the spare parts to necessitate all the take a force that our defence would be hard it, therefore when fishing boats travel fast at Glenda Robson, manager, repairs and some more just for good luck. They were even going to send up a repair pressed to muster at this stage. Perhaps a speed our boats are bashed up against it. Kawana Waters Marina multi nation exercise would require the entire 6. This year to our disgust we find that the man from Brisbane but we were able to obtain the services of Keith from Life Support coastline but even then would not require it two courtesy moorings placed in Nobbs Bay every night and all night of the Exercise. have been removed (courtesy of Maritime). REPLY FOR ROS ON BIRD BOOKS Systems to make things better. I found it Three years ago I stayed on the marina for 6 very refreshing to deal with such a There are two all weather anchorages in months along with numerous other yachties. Hi Ros, professional, very expedient bunch of Shoalwater Bay - Port Clinton and Island I think that we contributed to the economy of I have found Michael Morcombe's "Field people. Head. Wouldn't it be sensible to compromise Ballina. Now the word throughout the Guide to Australian Birds" excellent for and leave at least one of these anchorages fraternity is “don't go to Ballina.” both land and seabird identification. The Our sincere thanks, open at all times? If this is impossible then Don't think Ballina is alone. All ports of call format makes it fairly easy to find information Peter and Doris Sayre, SY “Head Office” leave at least one open during a sensible on the NSW coast are pathetic. Queensland - before the bird has disappeared. It seems time for night stopover (eg 1600 to 0800 the has realised the value of tourism and cater to be pretty comprehensive. I've yet to see a following day). fantastically for the grey nomads. bird that isn't in this book - something I can't SHOALWATER BAY Being very familiar with Army policy, I claim for the tree and wildlife books I have. happened to utilise the area on several There is a great book called Wild Guide to I guess everyone cruising the Capricorn Yours Faithfully, Coast has dropped the pick in Shoalwater occasions as a night stopover, when the John Booth, SY “Motu Iti” Moreton Bay which covers all types of need arises. I have never been approached wildlife and is applicable well north of Bay. It is great stopover whilst sailing between Great Keppel Island and Percy by any military personnel and ordered to Greetings John Moreton Bay. It's sister publication Wildlife 'move out'. The recent exercise involving live of Tropical North Queensland is also good, Islands etc (approximately half way). Its Mate, I’m not a reverse snob either so convenience and security gives the coastal firing from military helicopters highlighted the address me as you like but the “sir” thing is but mainly about terrestrial life. If NQ is on stupidity of the entire closure 24 hours a day. your itinerary it's worth having aboard. I traveller a peaceful night after a full days sail. unnessecary. I direct your attention to the Its importance to the sailor only becomes Before any live firing may commence, the top of my editorial on page 5. hope this information is useful for you. area must be secured and cleared of The Mourilyan Harbour Cassowaries vividly apparent when the Armed Forces Cheers moves in and declares it 'off limits to boaties'. unauthorised personnel and the security Bob Here's something to do ashore for cruisers must be maintained throughout the live firing. who stop at Mourilyan Harbour. These two It now becomes painfully obvious that the

were about 500 metres from the boat ramp next anchorage is about 60 nautical miles continued next page>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4



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Patrick Mee Mobile: 0412 414 462 Phone: (07) 4955 5101 Shed 4 Mulherin Dr., Mackay Marina Fax: (07) 4955 5105 P.O. Box 3624, Nth. Mackay, Qld. 4740 The Coastal Passage #21 2006 Page 7 MORE LETTERS & NEWS Events.... continued from letters page 7... What is with Multihaven?! The Muster! The mountains bordering the coastline Dear Bob, certainly can be defined as effective 'stop butts' for all small arms excluding I read your article on the Multihaven cat. with much those that have a high trajectory or are "interest". Is that the word I need? As someone who shall fired from aircraft. The aircraft can be remain nameless but is well known in the industry, said "But excluded during the night because we what did they really think about it?!!! "We had a great giggle. all know that pilots don't get out of bed I have been waiting for this day for a couple of years now and until sunrise and knock off at night. for it to explode. Fact 1.: It IS a Prout Snowgoose. I know the Besides, security of the area could person who cut the mould in two, in Brisbane, and had it easily become compromised at night shipped up. Secondly, his method of mixing chemicals and therefore unlawful to use live leaves a lot to be desired. You don't thin epoxy with acetone! ammunition during the night in this area. Thirdly, Nidaplast, or Nidacore - whatever you wish to call it, The famous Schionning Marine Multihull MUSTER is on Anyway, if they must fire, why not use a as far as I know, don't recommend their product for hulls, let again. Calling all Multihull owners and enthusiast to come alone the fact that he had the material copied in Korea. It has different flight path than a dangerous no sheer resistance. I have had many phone calls from and share a wonderful weekend of information, social one of firing over the anchorages - what people interested in the boat, some were even talking about a waste. racing and fun with the Schionning Marine Team. sailing one back from China. I was never able to recommend OK, we now know what is required, but it. It hasn't even got a proven record on the Oz coast yet. We Held over the weekend of the 17th, 18th, & 19th of November on the beautiful waters how do we go about changing the do not need this at this stage in multihull growth. . It is of Port Stephens at Tanilba Bay Sailing Club, this event provides something for current situation? Unless there is a unbelievable with this boat. everyone. The annual Friday ‘show’ day is shaping up to bigger and better than ever. politician who is a seaman and This year as well as the usual flotilla of Schionning boats to view on the Albatross disadvantaged by the current situation Name withheld by request. Marina, major supplier reps and Schionning Marine staff will be available to chat how can it be changed? Politicians in products. There will also be a‘hands on’ Boat building display, where Brett Schionning the area are unlikely to take up the ball Editors comments and research of claims made; will go through some composite building techniques as well as give you the opportunity because itinerant sailors don't vote for First of all the above letter writer admits he is not an expert to get down and dirty and experience some of these building techniques first hand. them - no kudos. Greenies wont come to fibre glass worker and I did check out the issue of thinning the party because they see it as an area epoxy with acetone. Experts I consulted say that it is A quiet sail from the marina to the club and afternoon drinks and nibbles to wind down off limits to everyone. Are there any sometimes done. On the issue of the Prout Hulls, I on the foreshore of the sailing club puts the day to bed. Two ‘around the cans’ races on suggestions out there? I would love to contacted Multihaven and Bob Ford responded. He admits the Saturday are followed by an evening of fine food, drinks, fun and dancing. With live hear them. that the Multihaven hulls are indeed moulded from Prout music and plenty of other multihull owners and enthusiasts to chat to, you are sure not PS My wife and I have lived on our Snowgoose Hulls but insists it is “ a completely new to get much sleep!! Sunday sees the passage race giving you to the opportunity to monohull sloop 'EMU' for five years and design..” OK... On the Nidacore or Nidaplast, those are check out some of the bay as it whizzes by. have travelled from Brisbane to the brands of a polypropylene honeycomb composite. I Kimberlies and back. A great life that checked with a manufacturer who stated that they were Anchoring is available either in Tanilba Bay or Mallabula Point depending on wind can be enjoyed by anyone willing to give not approved by Lloyds (or other similar institutions) for conditions. A dinghy service will be available to pick up and deliver crew to and from it a go. How did we go in crocodile hull construction. That precludes use for a survey vessel shore. Let us know if you are interested in coming and need help with delivery or crew territory - we come from it and as and opinions are rather mixed on it’s use in any part of a to get your boat here. We’ll do our best to help and have some moorings available so everyone knows there are no crocs boat except interior furniture. try to get here early. The Tanilba Bay Sailing Club offers camping on site for the among the rocks - they cut their weekend. If you didn’t see the stories or photos of last years event, this is a beautiful tummies on the oysters so they avoid Regarding the lack of a proven record on the “Oz coast,” I venue, a grassy clearing among big trees and right on the water with launching them. Sharks - Sharks are confined to felt this was an important question thus I tried to inquire of facilities for trailable Multihulls. The club is open all weekend offering refreshments Bob Ford the number and location of currently operating national parks otherwise the and light meals. Lemon Tree Passage offers different options of accommodation vessels to have a look and assess. I was surprised at the Indonesians catch and kill them for their including B&B and a Motel. Most services are handy to the club such as supermarket, vagueness of the first response so I asked again with fins????? chemist, newsagent etc. Our nearest airport is Newcastle (Williamtown) airport greater detail. Besides the two boats I had seen at John Joyce, SY 'EMU’ located 20 minutes away from the Muster site. Rental cars are available from the Cardwell (one on the hard the other unfinished) I asked; airport if needed. Sponsorship of this event is well looked after, so there are many Greetings John, “And where is the Chinese boat now?” and “Where can worthwhile prizes to share amongst everyone. one see more?” His answer merely stated the ownership See page 23 for the story of “Volare” that of the two known vessels so I asked once again and that IF YOU ARE THINKING OF BUILDING A BOAT OR JUST WANT TO you refer to above. I contacted the is when the shit hit the fan! I am rarely confronted with KNOW MORE, THIS IS FOR YOU! VMR, or actually Coast guard at such anger, threats and insult and what a change from the CHECK OUT THE WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION: Yeppoon to verify your info. Don’t take initial contact. Wow! “ Many thanks for the interest...” From offense, it’s what I have to do. I was the first letter and then, “..It is difficult to keep up with shocked at the attitude of the persons I orders and what is being built for whom,” and finally, “I will talked to there. Very negative in general however be monitoring what you publish , and trust you and quite disparaging of the family on will aquire (sic)some common decency and honesty “Volare” but yet refused to state a unlike your email content....If you are genuinly (sic) reason. Further when I asked if the seeking information for an expanded news item, please go claim of the skipper was correct about get it elsewhere.” ...from his last mail. the timing of the military closure which CocoTap was the matter at the core of the dispute, How many boats are there and where can they be the person I talked to who didn’t want his seen? And maybe a photo showing a boat in production? I name used but stated he was a rank of didn’t think the questions were that hard. In that final “commander” refused to give me the screed of vitriol Bob Ford gave a list of 4 boat names he information!!! I don’t mean he said he says are in Australia but still didn’t say where they can be didn’t know but clearly refused! (Excuse seen. What I know from my own research; The first one, “DreamHaven” was sold by Terry Dewhurst to buyers that me but I thought this organisation was have moved the vessel next to the former “Multihull meant to be FOR boaties!) I need to Haulout” that is now under contract to sell. I am informed state here that individual volunteers of the new owners are doing a re-fit to bring it to their VMR or CG are often of the highest standard. Remaining on the property is the unfinished calibre, Geoff Henry OAM the best vessel that Bob indicates is his. The location of the example but this commander did not Chinese boat that was at the boat show is unknown and impress me. The military was better, if the last one is supposed to have been delivered for use that can be believed. I talked to Chris around Mission Beach but I contacted marinas in the area Flavel who also (not surprisingly) and none knew of it so far. I was emailed one photo of a refused comment on the “Volare” case T.C.P. & boat purported to be in China and given a web address but was forthcoming with other info, like and name of a “distributer” in the US. I found no location his name. So here is what I got; The for the broker/distributer when I looked and I got an New South Arm only, of Port Clinton is answering machine on the phone number. The photo “TWO EASY” now available to craft during military gallery only shows the first boat “Dream Haven” which as APPROVED! closure in times of inclement far as I can verify is the only one to ever sail. I contacted weather, ie “strong wind warning.” the Whitsunday brokerage that was the Australian I was busy being “editor and The military requests that you distributor but they are now referring to Terry Dewhurst in contact a VMR or CG to pass word to stuff” so handed this tough job Townsville. They apparently have given up the position. I Young coconut to Kay and visiting yachties the military of your presence. Chris searched the web for the Chinese company name denied there was a “promise” of “NauticStar” and came up with a US boat manufacturer of cork-screw Chris and Judy of “Two Easy” improved VHF capability, merely that that name. I tried again and included the word “catamaran” to test and report. They found a the military was considering the and then came up with a Chinese company using that coconut (TCP offices are on the project. name. This duplication was surprising. No web based Episode 12 WINNER ABC Tv’s New Inventors beach) and got right to it. Chris I rang up the Thirsty Sound VMR/Coast information should be regarded as genuine without Safe, quick, clean way to drink coconut juice anywhere, was ready to muscle it in but Guard as well and talked to Commander verification so I take them with a grain of salt, but no mess or machetes required. was surprised to find it was ‘too Nord. He quickly volunteered that the nonetheless I had a look. When I found a page with a Keep one in the life raft easy.’ It worked perfectly the military had given the short warning of photo of the “NauticStar” catamaran I was surprised to see first try and the only problem the photo had a background I recognised. (Hinchinbrook closure that exactly matched the claim they reported was the difficulty of Brad on “Volare.” He was also under channel) It seems whoever put up this web site had used 316 Stainless Steel the understanding that the military had the same photo that appears in the “Multihaven” (US?) site Hand-made in Australia of getting the rum down the “promised” a repeater for better radio but had altered the photo to substitute the name “Dream Many other uses - imagine straw! This is the abuse I suffer access. Though he mentioned that haven” to “NauticStar” on the topsides of the boat. an extra, solid, sharp finger! daily at Factory de Norson but other boats had passed the anchorage What to think of it? TCP readers are pretty grown up so purchase online: it has been shown that the in high wind without complaint, he I’ll leave it there for now, but it does seem premature to [email protected] 0422 751 761 gadget does work as call it a proven design. There may be more to the story recognised it was the skippers call. $35.00+$3 postage(Aus.)$35.00+$7 postage (abroad) advertised..the price does not but out of time so keep an eye on the TCP web site.... Money order to: P.O. Box 2269, Cairns, Qld. 4870 include rum though! Page 8 The Coastal Passage #21 2006 WHY SMART SAILORS WEAR HATS (as told by a dumb one that didn’t) By John R. Butler, SY, (ex) “The Old Cat”

When just 13, I sailed my very own Snipe racing sloop on with a razor sharp edge. Shots never bother me, but I had Lake Michigan's beautiful Green Bay. (Lake Michigan is to look away while he dug out a piece of my flesh. noted, to you Down Under readers, as one of the United Instead, my tightly closed eyes saw me as a kid, happy in States “Great Lakes.”) Special designer clothes for every the blazing sun, sailing my little Snipe “Jinx” out from the sport hadn't been hawked yet. A swim suit was just fine. Ephraim Yacht Club, enjoying July's hot summer sun on “Sunscreen” hadn't been invented yet, either, so deep my back. summer tans were a sign of what? Can't remember. By “I'll study this one under my microscope to be sure it isn't the end of every summer I had that great and oh-so- malignant.” That last word really scared me. I healthy-looking tan. remembered that one of my neighbours, a little older than By 18, marriage, work and family responsibilities I, had recently died of skin cancer. I suddenly realised that intervened. They didn't allow nearly as much fun-in-the- I was facing a potentially high price for my youthful sun time, but the damage had already been done. Of swimming and sailing indiscretions. I mumbled something course I still did my very best (ignorantly and/or stupidly) inane back to the doctor that I can't remember. to increase that abuse every time I had the chance to go Then he proceeded to freeze an untold number of spots sailing, still with a bare head of course. on my scalp, hand and lower lip. Most of them didn't Bob, on a smart day... Fast forward too many decades: My primary care doctor bother much, but yes, there are many more nerves in the TCP’s TUFF TRUTHS ABOUT THAT “HEALTHY TAN” looked at my bald head with the itching scabs, then sent lips. I guess that is why kissing is so much fun, but pain is me to a dermatologist. felt so much quicker! “I have naturally dark skin, so I don't burn or get cancers.” Be careful, as “I've got a dozen or so little sores on my scalp, and my Over the course of several years, there followed most dark skinned people have more risk, as the cancer is harder to doctor says you should look at them.” numerous appointments and frozen AK's, a week-long detect! Bob Marley died of melanoma (his father was a white Jamaican of “A dozen?” the dermatologist commented, not really treatment of my scalp that left it beet red, and finally the English decent - you may also carry a gene that will make your skin more asking. He put his thumb on my scalp. “You have a “Blue light treatment.” As I sat with my ointment-treated cancer prone as well). dozen or so right under my thumb alone. Your scalp is scalp in an electric heat chamber for exactly 17 minutes, badly sun damaged.” my pain tolerance was severely tested. “I need the sun to keep my bones healthy.” UV light from the sun does make A long pause for dramatic effect, and for the grim My dermatologist continues to gain ground, and now vitamin D (heathy bones), but you really need only a few minutes of sun. Also message to sink in underneath his educated thumb. “Let's most of my AK's have given up the ship and faded away. vitiamin D is available in many foods and vitamins. see what we can do for you for you.” He needed only a For the remaining diehards and their ever appearing cursory examination to confirm my doctor's “AK” offspring, I get to put a new ointment on my scalp six “I go to a tanning booth to get my tan -no cancer risk there.” Darn it, your diagnosis. “You have actinic keratoses, roughly translated nights a week before turning in. Praise the Lord for great wrong there too. The UV sun lamps come with all the risks as natural sun, as sun sores. You didn't get these overnight, and I sure doctors and extraordinary medicines for saving me from including all those wrinkles! can't cure them overnight.” death by cancer. “I’m young, I want to look tan & sexy now, I will worry about cancer when I’m 40 Assuming (correctly and thankfully) that I was too old to Surely you get the message now: When you go boating or 50.” I thought that as well, and I was only 25 when I had my first cancer on have indulged in full-body sun tanning, he checked my under that blazing Great Barrier Reef sun, wear a really my face removed. The sun really is stronger in the last 10-20 years, so your usually exposed skin. Besides the AK's on my scalp, he great sailing hat and sunscreen for those uncovered not going to make it to 40 or 50 these day without chunks of your skin cut out!” found some on the back of my right hand, my left forearm, places. and my lower lip. Ouch! PLEASE read this sentence carefully: If you ever have “I put sunscreen on every morning, so I’m safe.” Not enough unless you stay “I'll start your treatment with freezing most of them with a persisting scab (singular, not scabs) where you never indoors all day. You need to put sunscreen on every 2 hours regardless if it is liquid nitrogen, but the one on your arm looks suspiciously had a cut, puncture, or sore before, see your doctor, then waterproof, sweat proof or has a high SPF. Best to find sunscreen that isn’t bad. I'll cut that one out with a deep incision to be sure to his recommended dermatologist. too greasy, and smells good. get the whole root.” Don't wait, OK? I did, and I am so-o-o sorry, but not After a few injections all around to deaden the area, he nearly so dumb as I used to be. If you were as dumb as I, “I can spray on a tan and then “get cooking” in the sun and be safe.” Wher’d took a scalpel that looked more like a tiny ice cream scoop pray that God is as good to you as he is to me. ya get that idea? It would be nice, but ya still gotta use sunscreen or cover up! Marlin Marine “Andrew” senior rigger for Marlin Marine Finally!!! Go sailing now! The MOB device that ALARMS POSITIONS & DIRECTS YOU RIGHT BACK TO YOUR CREW!! For new rigs, repairs or inspections, From tall ships to beach cats We buy & sell Shute Harbour Road, Airlie Beach For all your rigging needs! Hours: Mon-Fri: 7:00am-5:30pm Sat-Sun: 7:00am-12 noon bargains online @ Ph: (07) 4946 6453 email: [email protected]

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email: [email protected] l Ph: (07) 4948 8239 email: [email protected] e ph: (07) 4947 1653 mob:0419 874 096 The Coastal Passage #21 2006 Page 9 The Women of The Wizard Take on Hamo!

The Wizard tacks through the fleet to Photos by Nev Duncan finish well and have a great time!

Story by Julie Tait, SY “The Wizard”

All the girls had a great time. We had a few starts with The performance of the girls improved out of sight THE CREW: a lot of close quarters tacking in the Dent Passage and during the six races and are all keen to come back Top left: Vanessa Tait, Shelley Paul this was a lot of hard work for the girls on the winches and do it again next year. There was plenty of Middle row: Karen Cooke, Julie Tait, Kate Hillier - this boat is not set up for this type of sailing, long partying afterwards especially during the Mardi Gras Botton: Julie Williams, Hermina Vickers distance sailing is its place. It was exciting sailing and Night where The Wizard had a couple of pirates in the parade. The Wizard would like to thank her sponsor’s, Club Marine a very close quarter mark rounding in the second race Insurance, Peter Hansen Yacht Brokers and Real Estate, whilst on port tack was much talked about afterwards. I would like to see other women look at what we The Deck Steakhouse, Ivery Mining Project and Emeco There is no shouting or yelling as we all work as a have done and be inspired to take up sailing International . TCP is proud to also have supported this. It is team. No egos to get over. themselves and be part of a terrific sport. It is possible TCP’s position that this kind of sailing adventure and experience fits for women to have fun and enjoy the sport. You don't well into the readership and hopes to open minds to the possibilities. We had winds from 15 to 18 knots to zero. I thought have to be young or especially fit. It is not all a men's You CAN do this! A special note; Annette of Boutique Marine, that we were never going to get around the northern sport and I believe most men like to have females on who was instrumental in taking this idea to fruition was very end of Pentecost Island during the third race. It was the boat as it equals out the dynamics of the boat. unfortunately side lined by injury incurred while practising for the hot, frustrating, and mentally hard to do so many hours So all you women get out there and sail on anything event. It must have been hell sitting in the hospital bed whilst the of this light air sailing. that has a sail! team was sailing Hamo. But never mind that... there is always next year and this years brilliant outcome owes much to the effort and inspiration of the lady in pink! We’ve got the lot! breakwater chandlery

Supplies & services for trailer, power & sail:

Navman, Garmin, Cobra & Raymarine Paint & antifoul (Ameron, Jotun, & International) Aquapro Ronstan Maxwell & Muir winches Johnson & Jabsco pumps & supplies AND large range of accessories: Huge selection of SS fasteners Cordage Wire,chain and full selection of ground tackle Electronics and service/repair Engine maintenance items (filters, oils, spark plugs etc) Fibre glass repair items Fitout components Heads and plumbing *Hosting and much more...... *Boat sitting Café *Provisioning Enjoy fresh hot & cold food *Anode change *Mail redirecting in a relaxed & comfortable *Hull cleaning- atmosphere! including report Annette: Phone orders welcome. *Picnic hampers We ship anywhere or have it waiting for day outings 0412 037 474 upon your arrival in TOWNSVILLE! *Tradesman brokerage Mackay, Qld. 4740 *Boat detailing inside & out OPEN 7 DAYS *Dive / Spearfishing supplies email: [email protected] MON-FRI 7am-5pm *Commercial Domestic cleaning SAT & SUN 7am-12noon *Boat delivery arrangements Spend your time enjoying your boat, Ph: 07 4771 4409 *Storage arrangements for excess 365 Breakwater Marina, or 4771 3063 gear during Racing / Cruising Season let the professional maintain it! Fax: 07 4771 4150 The Strand, Townsville Email: [email protected] Page 10 The Coastal Passage #21 2006 MMoooolooloolablabaa MMararinaina NEW BERTHS FOR SALE Whether you are looking for a home for your Boat or investing in a vibrant industry, your needs can be satisfied by purchasing a brand new berth at Mooloolaba Marina. Both mono hull and multi hull berths with a secure 20-year lease are available. BERTH PRICES (Inclusive of GST) 12 metre Mono Hull berth $ 144,000 15 metre Mono Hull berth $ 180,000 17 metre Mono Hull berth $ 204,000 18 metre Mono Hull berth $ 216,000 15 metre Multi Hull berth $ 270,000 16 metre Multi Hull berth $ 288,000 17 metre Multi Hull berth $ 306,000 18 metre Multi Hull berth $ 324,000

An additional cost of approximately $1,280 will be Mooloolaba Marina has always been the marina of choice for the Pacific cruising payable by all buyers to cover legal costs, fleet. The reputation has been built based on the idyllic location, accessibility to lodgement fees, registration fee, survey fee and services and the friendly, welcoming atmosphere. general outlays.

Now we are pleased to announce that we have currently undergone a major Contact: refurbishment. We have extended to 262 floating berths and now have 16 multi- hull berths up to 18m in length. Mark West, Marina General Manager 0408 197 969 A brand new amenities block is scheduled for completion in 2007. A comprehensive range of marine services are available within a short distance. These include boatyard facilities, chandleries, fuel, marine mechanics, shipwrights, riggers, sailmakers.

Mooloolaba Marina is 100km North of Brisbane on the beautiful Sunshine Coast.

Mooloolaba Marina is located in a safe, protected harbour, open all weather and all tides. Latitude 26.41'S and Longitude 153.07'E

Mooloolaba Marina is 100 paces from the beautiful, golden sands of Mooloolaba beach and easy walking distance to the esplanade with its cosmopolitan range of beachfront eateries and retail outlets.

Wireless broadband internet is available onboard each vessel through MARINANET. THE MOOLOOLABA YACHT CLUB MARINA LIMITED 33 45 Parkyn Parade Mooloolaba, QLD 4557 P.O. Box 846 Mooloolaba, QLD 4557 PHONE: (07) 5444 5653 FAX: (07) 5444 7935 Email: [email protected] Office open 7days, 8:30am - 5:00pm VHF Channel 16 or 73 “The Start of a Challenge, The Beginning of a Tradition” or... A dumb cruiser looks at the fast boats! Story and photos by Bob Norson except where noted

“I am confident that the Sydney Mooloolaba will continue to be one of Australia's premier ocean races, and the Sydney Mackay Race will continue to grow as it becomes accepted as a great way to reach the Whitsunday vicinity in racing mode”, says Garry Linacre, the new CYCA Sailing Committee Chairman.

As the weather turns to absolute shit down south the smart sailors are all conspiring to find an excuse to find sun. The cruisers have known this since the first rag got tied to a stick and the racers eventually have to tire of the endurance style of competition made famous in colder climes. The fleet is on its way north anyway. Hamilton Island is the excuse and a very good one to beat the freeze but what has been the impediment to making a race of it on the way??

Well, facility for one. Mackay Marina took care of that. The southerners are used to better digs than a lot of us hick Queenslanders have learned/been forced to accept. But.. the idea is a natural if you think about it. A 900 mile ocean race that you can take a bite of (Mooloolaba) or the whole thing. A grand mix of urban centres and isolated islands with a fleet of whales for company. What a made for media spectacle and a shoreline delight!

So when some person in a committee somewhere said.. “Hey, I've got an idea..!” It must have seemed natural. With an inaugural event on my own doorstep that could become an institution on the order of Hobart… well, I grabbed my camera, some clothes and bought a new lap top on the way, and headed for Mackay marina. This is a new aspect of sailing for me and I am enthusiastically curious……..

Day one... The race will start in another 30 minutes or so and it should be a beaut of a spectacle as the fleet makes for the heads out of Sydney. 10 knots from the west should see these light weight performers making decent knots with spinnakers flying to the delight of spectators and photographers. The light conditions are the topic and crew shortages the handicap. After months (or so it seems) of 20-30 knots sou-east the weather pattern broke and the prospect of possibly spending 9 days at sea to make it to Mackay instead of the 4 (or even two for Skandia) in good wind, will be a hardship for some of the boats. Many crew are non-paid and have jobs and other annoyances that interfere with their sailing. If any of the big, highly strung racing machines get into strife with a short and/or inexperienced crew the damage could be awesome. The ship and crew could be in danger so a prudent skipper will bow out. Also the skippers have to deal with the provisioning issue, trying to guess Grant Wharington’s fabulous Skandia organises herself for one how much weight in food is the minimum requirement! of two immaculate gybes to enter the harbour and take line honours for this inaugural event. The fleet that is doing the lot, all the way to Mackay is a varied bunch of boats. At 98 feet, Skandia is undoubtedly the fastest in any reasonable kind of wind. With that kind of waterline and a rig “It's just fantastic that the CYCA have introduced such a novel race into the Australian program. to match the race is hers to loose. Any boat that could exploit a It's an exciting way to get Australia's racing yacht population up north in preparation for Hamilton fluke to get by her would be a hero but the odds are very long Island Race Week, which is always a great event, and I really hope that this race gains in against. If conditions picked up I think she might press pretty popularity over time. I feel certain it will.” That was a quote from Grant Wharington, skipper of hard to try for a speed record that may last a while but otherwise Skandia and echoed by many others in this enthusiastic fleet. I think it will be a relatively fast delivery. I did a few quick phone interviews yesterday to try to get a feel for the personalities and prospects of the race and here are Marissa McManus Hams it up for the camera some tid-bits; Infinity III, Farr 65. Talked to Martin James and he reported that he had to back the boat out of the event at the last minute. He expressed considerable disappointment as he was keen on the race and hopes to have a go next year. He runs a crew of 18 for Hobart but would have been satisfied with 13 for Mackay and still couldn't quite get there. Surprisingly, he was intending the Mackay race only and then doubling back to Sydney instead of using the race as a delivery for Hamo. BTDT.

Hasta La Vista, Sydney 38. Talked to Peter Voight, skipper of the only 38 to drive all the way north. He didn't express much interest in strategy except more wind is better! I got the impression he just wants to sail her hard and see what happens. He did threaten to hitch a tow rope to Skandia!

Wild Joe, Riechel Pugh 60. Talked to Steven David just as he had to make the decision to back out, crew shortage the problem. Some of his regulars were tied up in New York, crewing a big race there. He had had 4 to 5 crew changes in as many days and it just began to look too wobbly. He will still get the boat north but it will be a short handed delivery stroll to get there in one piece and ready to compete at Hamo.

Alacrity, Beneteau 44.7. Matthew Percy is the skipper of this unruly Queensland mob. He figures the best conditions will be 3 knots on the nose! Nearly serious for a split second, he said his boat was good in light airs and windward. They will carry a crew of 8 but would have preferred one more. Page 12 The Coastal Passage #21 2006 More of dumb cruiser and fast boats... Living Doll, Cookson 50. Michael Hiatt figures relatively close 4th. SWD proves it's no token to work close. He says the boat works well in sympathy ride, the emphasis on “ABILITIES” light airs and if the trade winds came in at 20 kts, apparently accurate. he would not mind that either as the surfing might keep him in sight of the big Skandia but if the Living Doll reports; “We are experiencing winds hang around the 10+ to mid teens another bout of windless holes. The highlight so Skandia's water line will be nearly unbeatable. far is the two NZ crew, who had proudly stuck a He reckons XLR8 will be the boat they sail with picture of the entire All Black side [up in the boat], and against in a friendly rivalry. burnt the photo yesterday and offered it to the wind gods.” The sacrifice proved to be in Tow Truck, Mum 30. I admit a natural tendency vain…try a virgin next time Mike!

to look for the underdog in any thing and TT's o

short water line gives it the title in this race. t At 5.29pm, Victorian Grant Wharington's o

Anthony Patterson's little boat is a respected Skandia crossed the finish line of the 468 h


design and should out perform the numbers but nautical mile Sydney Mooloolaba Yacht Race. y b

th l

he is still 6 feet under the next smallest boat, That made his 4 line honours in the Sydney i


Local Hero at 36 feet and 8 feet under the next Mooloolaba. “It's been a slow trip up the coast so t e smallest Mackay entered boat, the Sydney 38, far,” said Wharington as he passed by. "We are r So where is the wind? B Hasta La Vista. He could pass for Skandia's heading up towards Noosa now, but still on the dinghy! He tried working offshore before when wind! Breeze should shift left tonight so we can OH.. there it is! Tow Truck hauls!

things were light for a Southport race and it get the spinnaker up but that will probably blow

o t

worked for a while and then failed…. Rock all the little boats up the coast too. It's a little o h

Hopping is the ambition this time. He'll try to stay frustrating for sure, but we are all having a great p

in touch with the 38's. He's hoping for running y

time, lots of stories and plenty of laughs along b

l i

breezes of any kind, a reach or windward will be the way.” F


tougher on the little boat. Anthony brought the e r crew down from a normal 7 to 6 to allow weight Meanwhile, bringing up the cheerful rear, Plus B for provisions. 16, has reached the half way mark just south of Coffs Harbour. In true Italian style owner Sal Ridulfo reports, “The fine food is good and I'm What's the weather going to be and how to play it sure I am drinking the best espresso in the fleet.” is on everyone's mind. Brindabella still sits on Obviously a cruiser in disguise. Sal, if you are the record for Mooloolaba at 44 hours and reading this, I volunteer to crew for you next year! change and though boats like Skandia could wreck a piss weak (in modern terms) record like And now for Mackay… Since leaving Sydney that they will have to have some wind. Skandia hasn't seen anybody so the Whales off “The tough decision will be when to 'close' the Rockhampton were a welcome bit of dramatic coast ……..If you stay out too long and get company. Two breached close by as Grant was caught offshore, the boats on the 'bricks' [coast] on the radio for morning sched. “Depending if this will carry the breeze up on the inside but if you breeze holds we expect to be at Mackay by early come in too early, those offshore could still be in afternoon tomorrow,” said Grant at 0930 hours. pressure and you might have nothing,” said After all eight yachts contesting the Sydney Bryan Northcote of Quantum Racing just before Mackay Yacht Race finished the first leg to Grant setting up one of those perfect gybes. the 1300hr start. Mooloolaba, they started making better time. The RACE!!...... Though there are still holes lying around to trap Just getting out of Sydney Harbour was a the unlucky, the breeze generally has filled in and challenge for Skandia with its draft being moods have improved. commensurate with its performance. With about 17 feet of boat in the water she had to dodge Skandia Sow and Pigs rocks and the resulting manoeuvres left the gate open for XLR8 to pass The big blue spinnaker was on the horizon for the heads first. hours. (It seemed) Ten miles out it was immediately, impossibly visible from inside the Skandia reeled the little 46 footer in on her way marina office in Mackay. The port hired a charter out to sea to look for a forecasted breeze that (of fishing boat to haul the scrum of media people course) didn't show. By Newcastle she was back out to meet the vessel and have a few happy rock hopping with the rest and XLR8 was behind snaps. The Mackay Mercury, the ABC and TCP but still in sight. were on board with channel 7 waiting at the jetty. Complicating things, a ship was ready to enter Who Turned off the Wind!? Stop playing the harbour, three coming in that day, that being with the switch! the normal for a week! The pilot graciously stood off long enough for the Victorian hot rod to blaze By the next day off Port Macquarie the wind in. Two spotlessly executed gybes just short of shifted to the nose and fell out. Punching into the the harbour entrance to make the finish which current and failing wind, Skandia was working was a line drawn between the harbour entrance hard to get 4.5 knots VMG and to varying beacons. How tidy is that! Off goes the gun and degrees the rest of the fleet was also suffering. A a huge shout from the waiting crowd gathered on while later some wind appeared and Skandia the southern breakwater. A fire truck with a high was doing a less frustrating 9+ kts to carry her up pressure pump shoots a spray of water over the to Coffs. Flirt pulled ahead of XLR8 and Living harbour that must have been as sweet as a bottle Doll to have skirt chasing honours behind the big of Moet champagne after nearly a thousand miles Victorian. Overnight the fleet had stretched out of making the best speed the wind would almost 120 miles with Skandia leading the pack begrudgingly allow. sailing south of Coffs Harbour at 0700hours and Sal Ridulfo's Plus 16 covering the other end just Crew are scurrying like monkeys over the rig to north of Newcastle. stow the huge mainsail and bag the kite. A few minutes later the 98 foot of high technology is The next day was no better. Brindabella skipper, backed into the waiting mega berth, tied up and a George Snow must not be able to believe his carton of Toohey’s New is dispersed like magic. good luck as his 12 year old record looks more Flash cameras (including mine) are exploding in durable all the time. everyone's smiling face, the video’s are rolling and the microphones are bristling. What DO you While Skandia flirts with Ballina, Flirt and XLR8 ask someone who stepped off a boat that just did Midnight Rambler working it right to the last inch! are side by side and leading another battle 900+ miles? How did it go, someone asks? "Well, between Living Doll and Sailors with the record probably won't last long," the skipper and tens minutes later... disABILITIES, still off Coffs. responds with a smile, "we could have done it in two days instead of the four." He is not Evening meals aboard a 30 foot racing boat with exaggerating. Given even near ideal conditions, I a galley the size of a tea pot can be pretty believe the boat could do it. ordinary. When Tow Truck skipper Anthony Paterson took the lid off the canned steak and I asked the skipper Grant Wharington, “I saw potatoes, the call from crewman Troy Poulsen from the tracking web site that you got stalled was, “If I were you Pato I wouldn't serve that until pretty badly behind Moreton Island, what after dark”. Night sailing was especially exciting happened there?” "Just a wind shadow," he as whales were thick on the rhumb line. Some responded. Skandia was down to 1.1 knots for a boats were starting engines to make a little noise while there but Grant said there was nothing they but that isn't something you can do all night. could do except stay on it and wait it out. Even the best don't have a strategy to get out of a hole. The next morning Skandia is off Queensland's (I found that comforting!) Gold Coast with a 60 mile break on the nearest boat, Flirt, which has had an all night fight with continued next page... XLR8 and leaving Sailors with disABILITIES a The Coastal Passage #21 2006 Page 13 continued from pg 13... dumb cruiser and fast boats... Skandia The Mackay Yacht Club is on the other side of the marina. Much of the crew is flying out to Melbourne that evening but in the meantime everyone has gathered around a table overflowing with beer and Bundy! (A little Queensland culture.) This tight team speak in part sentences, the short hand of close comradeship. "He said the keel won't clear the deck." "30 metres at 20 tons..." What? The boatyard can easily lift the weight but can't raise the boat high enough because of the excessive draft, the keel is 4 metres so the computing of crane capabilities is getting discussed over the third, forth or?? Bundy. I know the bum can be cleaned in the water, (besides, what could possibly get attached to a boat that just did that kind of miles at that speed?) so I ask what they are meant to do? A barrage of insults and threats, " we would tell you but then you must die!" (laughter) In a more serious moment crew member Anthony says how the boat is good to sail because Grant lavishes attention on her. Every time she is serviced there is another expensive gadget or modification installed. There is no 'cutting corners' on a boat with a two million dollar set of sails.

"Dodging pots?" Twice on the voyage and exactly the same rotten time of the early morning, 0610, they hooked up on fishing gear, nets lines etc. With the size and configuration of keel and rudders, Skandia tends to pick up flotsam. Some lucky bastard has to dive into the cold stuff with a knife and the time it takes to do it is time The Crews (Skippers first) written off the record. The crew told how the boat comes to a dead halt, no gradual slowing. And if a running line fouls on the mast head it must be the middle of the Skandia Grant Wharington AFR Midnight Rambler Ed Psaltis night! I can't imagine having to run up that mast in daylight in the marina let alone in Graeme Taylor, Scott Gilbert, Peter Cosman, Bob Thomas, Chris Rockell, Garth Fisher, Scott Reid, Richard Gilbert, Mark Fullerton,Steven Bond, Will Howard, Steve Robertson, Peter Salisbury, the middle of the night in rough seas! The boat is a miracle of technology but what it David Haines, Jeremy Rae, Naomi Waldren, Don Brooks, Gary Smith takes to keep her going is the oldest kind of seamanship and teamwork. Sailors! Pierre Gal, Anthony May, Kerry Spencer, Neil Oxley, Peter Worn, Matthew Pearce Tow Truck Anthony Paterson The next day Living Doll got caught with failing wind one last time off Mackay Brett Filby, Gary Van Dijk, Tony May, Gary Boyd, Troy Poulsen before getting enough breeze to squirt in. I bludged a ride on the courtesy boat with Mistery skipper and MYC official Urs Waldmeier and shameless media tart Bob, Living Doll Michael Hiatt Alacrity Matthew Percy “Race Face”, Hayman. They got me out far enough to gather some great photos Colin Maslen, Randall Rankin, Lee Randall, John Matthew Bird, Sue Crafer, Gillian Kearns, Ben before escorting the boat to her waiting luxury mega berth in the marina. Mawson, Sam Haines, Peter Fletcher, Andrew Paltridge, Michael Warwick, Steven Korn, Matthew Hill Wilkinson, Tom Faire, Paul Sandles, Nicola Allen, David Watson, Richard Bearda Hasta La Vista David Phillips Then another day of waiting for the local guys Ed Psaltis, Bob Thomas and crew of Tony Fenton, Cameron Gray, Brian Marklew, John AFR Midnight Rambler to arrive. Many will recognise the boats name as one of the Sailors with disABILITIES David Pescud Wemyss, Marissa McManus, Peter Chalklet survivors and indeed handicap winner of “THAT” Hobart race in 98. Not the same Jason Natherson, Peter Fallon, Lachlan Stewart- boat however, but the Thomas/Psaltis team has been going for over 15 years and Baker, Allan Jackson, Mark Thomson, Nigel Inner Circle Darren Cooney apparently, still going well. short, Allan Grundy, Anne Lawrence, Carl White, Jane Roberts, Ken Robinson, John Vaughn, Nigel Wilson, Matt van Kretschmar, John Hearne Jamie McIntyre, Jason McGlashan, Dave Castleton, Murray Wright I had been watching Tow Trucks outstanding performance and was keen to get a photo if the brand new big flash for my Canon camera would get them as they entered the harbour. It was blowing and cold and what I thought at first was rain Hasta La Vista turned out to be spray that was being thrown over the sea wall. What the hell.. I rugged up in the car and waited. It was about 0200 and they could be another hour or so. You can probably see it coming by now, yes, I dosed off and tow truck snuck under me. When I woke up the club officials were brewing coffee next door and waiting on Alacrity , Hasta La Vista had come in as well. I caught a shot of Alacrity coming in with the first bit of dawn then a run to the mega berths caught the lot with beers for breaky.

Sailors with disABILITIES had the bad taste to come in the night as well and were gone by the time I found her but they didn't need my greeting to feel worthy! Inner Circle was still struggling and needed another day but I needed to get back to the office to start work…. And dry out! It is hard duty hanging around when the crews come in, and I'm not as young as I used to be!

Running out of room again!! There is more information on race details and results and a photo gallery of the boats and crews on the TCP web site. Also.. see the excellent site for the CYCA at Living Doll Tow Truck

General comment on “crew” The word crew as it applies to these racing boats is insufficient. Cruising boats have a crew, as does a super tanker or cargo carrier or a movie making team etc. But the racing boats need another term that is better reflective of the shift to the club where they most all result. have the same drink in hand, talking shorthand of events past and future Mingling with people of the various boats having arrived at chores. Another team may be Alacrity Mackay from Sydney suggest separate personalities as a hunkered down later at the dock, group with the skipper providing the nucleus and DNA while sitting in a circle around the skipper the others adopt the roles necessary for the function of the (of course) with boxes of fish and whole. Everyone finds their way to fit in to the jig saw puzzle chips and bottles of booze in brown leaving no gaps and completing the picture. The quality of the paper bags as if to disguise their image dictated by the sum of the parts, the performance of intent. A different result but a similar the boat overall determined by the design and fitness of the ‘organism’. craft and the quality of that image. Organism is a better term from my observation. And then the parts of the puzzle make their way to the boatyards to Does the organism attract a particular kind of personality or sand down the bum with 600 grit for do people adapt their personality to the function? The result that next race or make their drunken is a person willing, even eager to commit to adversity, danger, way to the airports in innocent taxis deprivation and hardship…. and maybe glory. or photographer's overloaded Honda's to go back to the other When the boat comes in there is a release and explosion of life…….. for now. pent-up... something! While performing there is no room for fuck around but when the feet hit the dock there is a stiff drink Cheers to all crew everywhere... (the first of many) in one hand and perhaps a phone in the other but they are still part of that organism. One group may Bob Norson

Page 14 The Coastal Passage #21 2006


charterer is instructed about the mysteries of valves snared the painter for the dinghy around his and how to bleed the system and counselled on the prop. The dinghy was reeled in at an alarming inadvisability of Hollywood showers on yachts. speed and hit the stern of the charterboat with such a force, that I thought it was going to climb “What's the second issue?” “The bilge alarm keeps up into the cockpit. going off!”. The skipper must have been a management Now, I freely admit to having had a technical bypass at consultant. Because, after cutting the painter to birth. But could there be a link between the lack of free up the prop, he called a team meeting in the water and the bilge pump, perhaps a cause and effect cockpit for everyone aboard. “Now, we must situation here guys?” develop a strategy to prevent that happening again” he pontificated. Bloody funny. And then - “The fuel guage is showing empty and we don't think you filled the boat up properly.” “Can you Charterboats and anchoring is a subject on its read me back your engine hours please.” “3,894 own. We have a theory the company briefers tell hours” “Stand by.” (Breathless pause.) “Yes we the charterers “Private boats know the best calculate you have enough fuel for you to get from places to anchor. So if you get right up close to By Keith Owen, SY “Speranza” Border Island to Vladivostok and back to Nara via San them, you will be in a good spot.” Why else would Francisco enjoy your day.” they come to rest in such close proximity? Kindergarten of the air starts at 8am every day charter. I don't know - maybe, they do a when charter companies call their flock on VHF comparative study of the various pina There are occasions when there is a call for help When we see a charterboat approaching (and Channel 81 to check on their whereabouts and colada's along the way. Good on 'em! where the poor charterer is in dire straits because dropping their anchor while still doing 5 knots enquire about the mayhem they are considering he/she has been a bit silly. “Jeez, what's happened doesn't everyone?) we prepare ourselves. Our inflicting on themselves and boats over the next Some of the more interesting conversations there? How are they going to extricate themselves approach is divided into three levels of concern. few hours. It is rivetting and compulsive on the radio are about boat problems. Stuffed from that dilemma? This could be very bloody Firstly, a firm stare at the charterers. Secondly, listening! anchor winches and blocked dunnies interesting!” you say. Then the great dampener “Are standing on deck with hands on hips combined predominate most calls for help. you in mobile telephone range?” “Yes.” “Stand by and with “Firstly”. First and Second usually work. The Now, I have to start with a disclaimer. Not all we'll phone you.” Bugger! (Bit like a voyeur feels partner says to the skipper “I think we're a little to charterers are rank amateurs who you wouldn't I am very impressed with the way the issues when the blinds go down and the light is switched off.) close to that boat” and off they go. put in charge of a piss-up in a brewery. are addressed by the companies. The So we have mixed feelings about any improvement to Conversely, there are a few who do provide an trouble shooting they do over the radio is of mobile coverage in the Whitsundays. What about our However, if the charterers chuck a heap of chain element of entertainment, not to say excitement, the highest order. “Is the button on? Try this entertainment? over the side and repair to the cockpit with drinks to those who happen to be in the Whitsundays. and get back to us. You need to turn the knob in hand, we evoke level three concern “Hey to the right, etc.”. And more often than not the “Take care with your navigation” intones the company. mate, do you want me to put my fenders out?” I also discount much of the folk-lore that charterer comes back in a voice saturated That normally does the trick. surrounds the topic often told with much with relief “It's now working fine and we are One day when at anchor, we heard a charterer call the conviction and mirth over sundowners. For off to Butterfly”. We cheer every successful company “I'm disoriented.” “Please repeat.” (Panic) And they are a bit naughty about being anchored example, the one about the charterer calling in outcome. “ I'm lost and it's getting shallow.” “Where were you by a certain time. “Where are you anchored this to say they had used up all their anchors, could going and what can you see?” “Looks like a resort with evening?” “Macona Inlet.” they please have some more delivered (the One boat had an electrical problem its red roofs ahead.” ”Ah, that will be Lindeman Island - “Have a pleasant evening in Macona and we'll punch line being that they had dropped one alternator wasn't generating power. The just keep going towards it and you will be fine.” Well, speak to you in the morning.” overboard after each night so the company company suggested about 5 or 6 remedies we were at Burning Point and couldn't see any boats could retrieve and reissue them). Funny story, that the charterer said he had already coming or going. Where was our disoriented mate? No charter boat in sight. Then 15 minutes later, but true? I think not. checked. In being requested to undertake Turns out he made it to Laguna Quays and was round the corner at a million miles an hour another fairly obvious step, the charterer brought home by a professional skipper next day! comes the boat with the flag. Macona has a lot of However, there is some hilarious banter on the came back with “I really know about these reef, which is difficult to see when the sun gets scheds. My favourite is things, I'm an electrical engineer by Then, on the scheds ; “How was your night at Chalkies down. More than once charterboats have hit the Company “Your plans for today?” profession”. Beach?” “Well, actually, we're anchored at bricks while sneaking in after curfew. So many in Charterer “We plan to do some sailing and Whitehaven.”What had happened was this the beach fact, that some of us cruisers decided to form circumcise Hook Island!” (circumnavigate He finally traced the problem and on at Chalkies drops off quite sharply. The charterer had VMR Macona! perhaps?) What a hoot! reporting on the renewed health of his not put out sufficient chain and at high tide in the electrics, the company came back with “ Well middle of the night had been blown off the sand spit Anyway, what would the Whitsundays be without It is funny to track where charterers are headed. done. You can come and work for us only to float gracefully across the bay (and over a reef) the charterboats? They provide us with such It is almost as if there is a herd mentality. One anytime”. “You couldn't afford me” was the before securely self-anchoring at Whitehaven. spl end id e nte rta inm ent , su spe nse and day everyone is headed for Butterfly Bay. Next droll response. Apparently, the charterer got a bit of a shock when he excitement. And you have to take your hats off to day it's off to Whitehaven. Then we're all going to awoke next day to see his new location. If that the charterers who are willing to have a go at the Nara. One has the vision of a whole armada of And then the adequacy of the essentials of situation had happened to us, we would have ended mysteries of sail often for the first time. We also boats rallying in convoy to sweep into the fuel and water. “We have two major up on the bricks for sure! Gee, but they're lucky those greatly admire the companies for the way in preferred anchorage en masse. problems.” charterers. which they manage this whole chaotic ball “Yes, go ahead with the first.” “O.K. We have game. Others seem to do a “resort crawl” spending a been out for only two days and the water tank We were at Macona and one morning the charterboat night each at Peppers Palm Bay, Hammo, South seems to be empty the pump keeps next to us decided to head off for the day quite early. I In short; “That's not a problem there, folks. You Mole (for the “Polly” night), Daydream, Palm Bay running.” “Have you changed over to your was impressed that he motored forward as he was have a great day!” and then to Hook Resort to round out the week's second tank?” “How do I do that?” And the lifting the anchor. Only problem was that he had


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Page 16 The Coastal Passage #21 2006 A landlubber goes to sea much like a pregnant giraffe in the throws of either side to dampen the pitching and labour. Without a word I handed the rolling. As instructed I was trying to steer perplexed skipper a quarter of a cup a toward the lighthouse somewhat distracted lukewarm tea. I was shaken and green. by the view on deck but when one stabilizer was out of the water, much to my dismay, the What the hell was I thinking even boat swept around almost cleaning up an considering going to sea, I wondered. The American boat anchored nearby. I could see thought of sailing my own boat was terrifying. via our deck lights the American couple There were no highways, signposts to point wide-eyed on their deck ready to deploy both the way, no brakes and I had to push a stick anchors. I wanted to go home. Right away! right to go left?! When we arrived however one look at the lagoon and island was like Peering into the howling blackness I paradise to someone who had never been out pondered my chances of making it ashore of a river before. Snorkelling was like being in alive to join the campers nestled securely on a spectacular alien world. This feeling was the island. Every new noise after that had short-lived. me leaping in fright. I hadn't been able to sleep much before this, now I lay rigid Two days later the gales came. We could staring out of the hatch at the stars lurching not even go ashore. The dingy was about the sky. When the winds dropped to a swamped as soon as we tried to get in it. For mild 35 knots, in a couple of days time, we three days I lay around trying not to throw up. left the lagoon into the passage between Steffen made lots of cinnamon toast and hot Fairfax and Musgrave Islands. My view chocolate and regaled me with the story of consisted of all water and three seconds building his first boat a 53 foot ferro cement later, all sky. I almost passed out. sloop, MANDALA and how it had been totalled when civil war broke out in Aden, As we rounded the Island and changed Yemen, in 1986. I listened in growing horror course, low and behold, for the first time the as he told of how anti-tank missiles dismast swell was with us. We were surfing to the boat and came blasting through the hull in Gladstone. I took the helm and wouldn't let By Vicki J. SY, “Shomi” up and I was eagerly chewing sea sickness many places while he and his wife Cheryl lay go. The thrill is still with me 14 years later. tablets. While the skipper and dog slept off on the floor covered with mattresses. Next Let me make one thing clear. Never did I the bout of unfamiliar sea sickness I was on came their dangerous escape to reach a Postscript: dream of going sailing. I built my boat the helm. By afternoon I was hanging for a Russian freighter with only the clothes they Steffen and I parted company at Rosilyn SHOMI as a floating flat, admittedly minus cup of tea so I offered to make one. Big were wearing. No boats are insured against Bay. I went on to many adventures, lots of the shower, fridge, washing machine, mistake. war. So Steffen came back to Australia and effort and hard work later I sailed SHOMI power or water but where I could be I went below to find the floor at an alarming earned the money to build a 38 foot Adams single handed. A phone call out of the blue centrally located, on the river and walk to angle, and almost had to climb the walls to sloop, in steel. Cheryl sensibly bought a reunited Steffen and I, 10 years after we first work after rowing ashore. I figured I was do anything. What's more I hadn't a clue coffee shop. The latest boat was on its sailed together. Recently SHOMI was saving money, on rent. Ha! Those were where anything was stored. To make maiden voyage. I thought he needed his sailed to the Hamilton Reach on the the days of blind, ignorant optimism. matters even worse the boat had a kero head read. Brisbane River where Pedro and Angel, now stove I later christened 'The Dragon'. A fire part owners are skippers for the next three Even rowing ashore then was adventure breathing temperamental beast of a thing Then it happened. It was pitch black years while I run away to sea with Steffen enough for this landlubber. Building a yacht that should have been slain at birth. outside, the wind was shrieking through the onboard SY KUNA. for me was like fitting square pegs into a rigging and an ominous rumbling of the chain round hull. I had no idea what the bleep I So here I was inside a heaving boat in a began. The anchor had come unstuck. I had was doing once the hull had been built, cloud of kero fumes, opening cupboards only no idea what was happening but saw Steffen under the watchful eye of an expert, who to have the entire contents spew forth and galvanized into action. In seconds the motor had since wisely moved away. roll around the floor while I chased them on was running, deck lights blazing and it was all It occurred to me that perhaps it may be of all fours. Picking up items I discovered I had hands on deck. As Steffen ran up the assistance to see a sailing boat in action. to wait until the boat listed at the right angle companionway the sarong he had wrapped Not long after this thought struck me I was before I could quickly open the door, throw it around his waist became entangled with his practising my rowing and nearly collided with in and slam the door before they came feet. He hesitated for a second looking at the a yacht coming in with the tide. shooting back at me like projectiles from a offending article, then with a shrug threw it Has opened a store at: This yacht looked brand new and bullet cannon. Searching for milk in the chest aside. As he ran on deck he was spot-lit by proof. Not only that but it had two good fridge had me turning into a tossed salad. the deck lights with nothing left to the 47 Banana Street, looking bronzed, blonde sailors on board Finally after much trial and error I managed imagination. Steffen had put out 'flopper Redland Bay, Qld. and through a trick of the morning sunlight to produce two cups of tea. Clutching one in stoppers', two metal plates in the water on the skipper sported an impressive halo. This each hand I turned Now you have the option of buying seemed like a good omen so I decided then just as the boat came and selling your pre-loved boat and there I was going sailing on that boat. off a wave and slewed That evening I contrived to meet the Danish about. Like a dancer CRUISING THE CORAL COAST bits or boat - online or in-store. captain Steffen who had 13 years sailing trying to keep time to experience around the world. Plans were a skipping CD I did arranged for me to jump aboard for a short several quicksteps to BY Alan Lucas We need your bits leg from Bundaberg to Keppel Island. For a avoid becoming week, strong wind warnings were issued. In wallpaper. Meanwhile “So improved, it’s time to throw away your oldie!” the meantime Carl, the crew, had to go back the tea became Now! to Sydney. That left me as the only crew. I airborne. I watched in began to have serious misgivings. Little did I fascination as it $75.00 (inc.gst) Come in and meet the crew, know what was in store. stopped in midair for a Brian Sue & Kylie second, separate, plus shipping Send cheque or Eventually we set off from Burnett Heads to then dash itself all money order to: Or contact us by Phone: Lady Musgrave lagoon. A fairly big swell over me and every Call The Coastal Passage OR (07) 3207 2734 remained. In fact the skipper in an unusual surface in sight. (07) 4785 1031 P.O. Box 454 fit of modesty had gone below to relieve Eventually I staggered Bowen QLD. 4805 himself and uncharacteristically thrown up. up the stairs, dripping email: [email protected] His border collie, Sally was on deck throwing and taking a pose ThThee AAirir HHeaeadd CComompopoststiningg ToileToilett FOR DIESEL BUG BUSTER CALL: NO odours NO chemicals NO through hulls YES Easy installation Toll free: 1 800 034 442 Surprising capacity [email protected] Contact: Mark Don’t accept any “Fuel Treatment”. They are not all the same!!! Ask for FUELTREAT BC250 or FT400. Contact: PC Marine Available through the following stockists: Townsville: (07) 4721 5588 (Reliance Oil) Cairns: (07) 4035 2538 (MTUDDA) Peter @ 0407 149 872 Darwin: (08) 8947 0233 (AFD, Winnellie) Townsville: (07) 4774 4977 (MTUDDA) email [email protected] Brisbane: (07) 3899 5555 (Pacific Petroleum) Mackay: (07) 4952 2122 (MTUDDA) Brisbane: (07) 3877 6060 (MTUDDA) Bowen: (07) 4786 1954 (Reliance Oil) Gold Coast: (07) 5588 1900 (MTUDDA) The Coastal Passage #21 2006 Page 17 Bob’s Sailing School the most important part of the beer in the right hand whist all this is going no insurance to bring out the best in your new boat. Also a hot tip, be sure the on, as a dumb smile and a raised beer neighbours. While this seems to have a boat has 'fuel' for the 'motor.' can/stubby is the universally accepted dramatic effect on new, shiny plastic boats, explanation for all errors in 'navigation.' By especially 'catamarans,' you will find large (2) Essential accessories; the now you have probably made your way out of steel boats react very little. Often raising their boat must have a 'fridge' or at the marina with lots of help from friendly own beer in salute while saying, “your least an 'esky.' Cold drinks are neighbours raising their hands in a salute or funeral.” Your first mates facial colour should no mere luxury but a required something like that. If you have really now be restored and thus she should be pa rt of yo ur 'n av ig at io n impressed, you may be honoured with many ready to assist 'setting' the anchor. After system.' (I'll explain later) You shouted nautical terms in addition to the showing your 'first mate' how to 'drop' the may also need 'food.' This is salutes. I admit there are still some even I anchor but before telling her how to 'secure' not too tricky. You may just go don't know but they mostly seem to have a the thing, order her to 'hold tight' while you through the market and pick up rectal reference, eg; arse this or that. 'set' the anchor. A few moments at full tins that strike your fancy. My throttle in reverse should do. After retrieving favourite are the 'red' ones. If By the time you are done with your first beer your 'first mate' from the water again, there colour coded provisioning isn't you should be out where the wind is so you are several things to remember, One; the to your standard then you can begin to 'sail.' First stand by the mast and location of the 'first aid kit' as the 'bow roller' By Bob Norson should get… A 'FIRST MATE.' The value of put your finger in the air to test the wind and 'pullpit' are a tight fit for a first mate when this accessory is a matter of some contention direction. Find out which is the side of the clinging to a chain. Two; this is a good time to Due to popular and some would say, amongst us sailors but the virtue of having stick the wind is coming from and going to. clear the boat of any potentially lethal inexplicable demand, I've decided to someone on the boat to order around should Next find the rope that fastens to the top of objects, knives, guns, broken bottles etc. address the many requests to share the not be undervalued. (lift that barge, tote that the sail. When done with that open another Three; hide all life jackets as after the first great amount of sailing knowledge I have bale etc etc) First mates normally look after beer and yell for the 'first mate' to come up day sailing is when first mates are most accrued over my many months and the 'food' and many other things. In my from the food place and haul up the sail while prone to 'jump ship.' Because of your first dozens of miles sailed. Now since I opinion they are indispensable. you 'steer.' Be sure to tell the 'first mate' to mate's lack of 'seamanship,' you now have a recognise the fact that there may be one stand on the side of the 'stick' where the wind lot of chain out and you are very close to one or even two (million) more experienced (3) Other accessories: Liability Insurance is is 'going to.' If the first mate seems to have of your neighbours, usually the shiniest one. sailors on the coast this lesson is not a bad idea depending on the location of trouble hauling up the sail with the rope you Even though you have 'stowed' the 'pfd's' directed at those poor souls who believe your boat. If you are in a crowded 'marina' can then criticise the first mate for her lack of and the mate has had enough swimming for they can benefit from my vast experience. surrounded by expensive boats with people 'seamanship' and thus establish your own the day, if you are close enough for her to Even you more expert sailors should read (witness's) around most of the time then you position as 'skipper.' Be sure to retrieve the step aboard another boat she may consider this to sharpen and enhance your already should have insurance. When I 'first mate' from the water, where you will find a drooling pirate rapist preferable to your broad knowledge. To avoid confusion manoeuvre around a marina I often get her after the sail fills and knocks her off the company and flee. No problem, simply bring amongst you beginning sailors, I will try asked if I have insurance (don't know why!) 'deck.' This might be a good time to reassess in most of the chain. If your 'depth sounder' to avoid all those confusing nautical and I've found it best to answer 'no' even if ya which side of the 'stick' you instruct the 'first says 10 metres then 11 metres of chain is terms. I assure you I know them all… but do, as it seems to make other's remarkably mate' to stand on when pulling up the sail. perfect. One last job is to pull out the $9.95 as a courtesy to beginners I'll put them in helpful. Since word has gotten around, solar garden light and fasten to something quotes. whenever I come into the marina there is an ANCHORING: with a 'zip tie.' This is the traditional 'anchor army of willing hands to guide me into 'the Since by now you are aware of the proper light.' WHERE TO START: berth.' It's great to have so many good technique for performance sailing (about friends! 2000 revs on the motor) you will have arrived Congratulations!! You have done your (1) Get a boat. The boat should have a stick at the 'anchorage' just in time for beer #3. To first 'sail' and now have many new friends in the middle somewhere unless it has more DAY ONE: find the best spot in the 'anchorage' look for and adventures waiting for you. With a than one stick in which case they should be First… open a beer, then untie all the lines the other boats. Find the two closest together firm grasp of the fundamentals learned lined up in a row. Everyone knows the more holding the boat to the 'jetty' or better yet, this and go between them. Be sure to raise your the first day there really isn't much more sticks the better but usually only one is is an opportunity to order around the 'first beer in salute and announce that you have to learn. Fair Winds!! affordable. On these sticks one should have mate.' Now start the motor and engage in a rags of clothe called 'sails.' backward gear straight away as by now you have probably drifted near or are already MOST IMPORTANT! Get a boat with a 'alongside' another boat. (See above; other motor! Everyone who 'sails' knows that is accessories) Remember to keep the open continued from page 4 VOTING..... !State and Local Government elections can be But in response to our rather startled voted in if you are in the electorate on the reaction, we were told that NFA actually day. If you are away (Lizard Island perhaps), stood for “No Fixed Abode”. Phew! get in touch with the AEC for directions. Anyway the rules are simple (and this is an abridged version go see the AEC for the To quote our letters: complete run down they will give you the “It is not compulsory for an Itinerant Voter to vote. definitive version). However, failure to vote or to apply for a postal In a Federal Election, if you are physically vote at a Commonwealth general election could in the Division you have selected you just result in you losing the right to remain on the rock up and vote normally (but don't get electoral roll." So it seems the Feds are the big thrown by the NFA on the envelope). one and you can be excused for missing a casual ! If you are in your State of enrolment but by- election for a local Council. So in short, you outside the electorate, you vote as an can be a liveaboard yachtie without fudging the absentee voter. lack of an address issue. We suggest you consult ! If you are interstate, you pre poll vote at an with the AEC for a definite response to your AEC office or vote by post (applications individual circumstance you will find them very available through a Post Office). helpful. From our experience you CAN vote ! Tell the AEC if you are going overseas for from a floating park bench. Let Democracy more than a month they will advise you Reign! from there.









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* JOHNSON * JABSCO PUMPS * ICOM * UNIDEN * BARRETT * Page 18 The Coastal Passage #21 2006 No matter which way you look at it, Fusion leads the fleet! EMfor UmoreL informationTIH onU this LamazingLS product,Y conAtactCHT BROKERAGE Unit 4, Shingley Resort, Airlie Beach, 4802, Queensland Ph: 07 49464659 Fax: 07 49464679 Web:, - - Email: [email protected] MONOHULLTURISTS Did you know...

By Iain Rae SY 'Xtra Chilli' when suddenly crash, bang, wallop swimming, have a nice hot shower, they are rudely awakened by a prepare dinner and settle down on It started out as a beautiful herd of monohulls hauling anchor, the aft deck for a preprandial and morning, the sun was shining, a chain clattering through gypsies, watch the sunset in peace, quiet cool breeze was wafting off the cursing the First Mate for some and tranquillity when just on dark shore and the latest edition of The infraction, wooden legs thumping who comes round the headland Coastal Passage had just arrived, up and down the decks, parrots into the anchorage with diesels so I adjourned with my espresso to squawking, clunky diesels roaring but all those monohulls who the sun deck of our catamaran for thumping as they head out of the try to improve the ambience with breakfast. Anyway, when I opened anchorage in the dark in the vain chain rattling out, swearing at the Code-0 Reacher Runner Gennaker TCP #20 the first thing I see is an hope of making thirty miles to the first mate, wooden legs thumping article by some monoracist bagging next anchorage before dark that up and down the decks and parrots multihulls, I mean fair dinkum it's night. I mean, fair go, talk about squawking. They usually have to enough to put you off your lack of consideration and sensitivity do this two or three times, with Fun boat pictures... champagne and orange juice and to the needs of your average more profane cursing of the First Eggs Benedict. multihuller and their need for at Mate, because on the first effort least eight hours beauty sleep a they manage to anchor on top of Now I understand that the hulltury night. you, something to do with the bung deprived are luddites by nature and eye and patch I think and an inclination and hark back to the Well you finally get back to a inability to focus. You try to do the good old days of spritsail jibs, tar, somewhat unsettled sleep when all right thing and invite them over for splicing the finest manila and the monos have gone and awake a drink but they are exhausted after lurching around on their wooden about eight for a swim or snorkel a whole day in the sun and they legs with their eye patches and followed by a nice hot shower have to be up at two am the parrot crap all over their shoulders before breakfast. About ten following morning to make the next forswearing new anchorage so they are technology and usually asleep by innovation in design. dark. You continue However, if I'm not with drinks and dinner mistaken Australia is on the back deck to supposed to be a the sounds of Jimmy multihulltural society Buffet which is Dave.. you caught it... you clean it! and we have legislation drowned out by which forbids you from rattling halyards as discriminating against, the monos roll gunnel for example, people to gunnel and the with wooden legs, bung sounds of a second eyes with patches, less hand lunch being than sanitary shirts or donated to the fish. people with more than one hull. So fair go Now I feel I have to mate, bagging people confess at this point with multiple hulls is that I was a mono bloody un-Australian. sailor for the best part of 30 years until Satan So get this straight, Iain and Cheryl of Xtra Chilli. tempted me, multi hulled vessels are whispering honeyed as Ozzie as they come o'clock, after a leisurely breakfast, words like speed, and go right to the heart of the you decide it's time to up anchor luxury and comfort in my ear. So in For Charter?? Australian ethos. For example, the spirit of reconciliation I would and head for the next anchorage I had to do a double take when I saw this scene on the way back from what's better than a beer? Answer and have lunch and a swim there. like to extend the hand of friendship two beers and it therefore stands to to Mr. Lucas and help him the boat show. This high powered fishing boat was moored in a pond the size of a backyard! reason that three beers is even An hour later, the rhumb line is overcome his unfortunate better. Ergo if more is better than clogged with monos, headsails up prejudices which are clearly less, multiple hulls have to be and diesels thumping belching founded in a lack of education, he bonza (Philosophy 101 Frog Hollow black smoke and you're dodging obviously didn't graduate from Frog Primary School). and weaving through all the boats Hollow. that left at sparrows. I mean, fair So how about you hulltury dinkum it's like driving up the So listen mate, next time we're in challenged types doing the right Stuart Highway in a Ferrari trying to the same anchorage come over for thing and be less discriminatory, stay out of the way of a bunch of a drink, have a look over a multi, more considerate, less judgemental Amish people in horse drawn we don't foam at the mouth and and more sensitive to your multihull buggies. I mean, fair go, how bite, well actually there are a brethrens needs? about showing a bit of courtesy, couple of………never mind. Hey, shouldn't slower vessels keep to we can have a game of tennis on By way of example just imagine the left of the rhumb line and let the foredeck and you can have a this, some multihull types are fast faster vessels overtake on the sauna and spa afterwards if you asleep, it's four o'clock in the right? like but if it's the old traditional morning, they are lying in their king seafaring stuff you're into like rum, size bed, cool silk sheets over So you arrive at your anchorage sodomy and the lash, we've gone them, the air-conditioning system is in time for lunch and spend the ashore... humming gently in the background well... that answers that question... STITCHafternoon beachcombingIT AW and L Steve George photo

THE HAND SEWING TOOL FOR MEDIUM TO HEAVY MATERIALS Sailcloth, Canvas, Webbing, LeatherAustralian, Awnings.... made A MUST FOR ANY CRUISING YACHT! 316 stainless construction We Love it! Marlow No. 4 Hatches Fixed weather resistant Varnish & Paintwork waxed thread Order by phone, mail or online Wooden decks restored on spool Preventative Maintenance $39.95 + postage *Quality Work Guaranteed * Best Rates on the Coast * Loads of Local References* STITCH IT AWL Ph/Fax: (07) 4946 4407 For a chat about your boat’s requirements... email: [email protected] P.O.Box 1238 Airlie Beach QLD 4802 call Stewart on 0432 156 402...anytime (ABN 61 166 418 708) Page 20 The Coastal Passage #21 2006 Six groundings in three weeks...a new record? David on “Tygress” explains/confesses...

David & Isabel

Photos & Story by: David Julian, SY “Tygress" The next day we anchored at Tangalooma, and on the 8th made 4th July 2006, and after three weeks of our way to Mooloolaba, where we managed to run aground again maintenance while moored in Emigrant Tygress anchored by a famous landmark Creek, Ballina, Isabel and I were keen to while trying to find a spot to anchor take "Tygress" north again, destination in the river. We were off in a anywhere warmer and hopefully north of couple of minutes and at 0330 the again! The tide was now on the turn and and had a lovely lunch ashore and the the Whitsundays. We had a good run up to following morning set off for Wide Bay Bar. we were lucky to get “Tygress” back into following day, 13th July, sailed out into Southport and were looking forward to There was very little wind and we had to deep water with the help of the little Hervey Bay to look for whales. That's threading our way through the Bay Islands motor almost all the way, but once we'd outboard. After dropping the anchor at the when we discovered that the rest of the the next day, but ran aground just short of crossed the bar there was a fair breeze edge of the channel, I started dismantling luggage was party supplies in the form of Jacobs Well near a channel mark with a and we sailed on towards Garry's parts of the galley and Isabel's bunk to get sparklers, streamers and pirate dress-up very small yellow sign tacked to the bottom anchorage. at the gearbox. There was still oil in it, so accessories, including a large and very of it. According to the chart there should We re-started the motor further up the we determined that it was OK to use if we colourful parrot. Suitably attired in eye have been plenty of water, but a closer look Straights, and I thought the gearbox kept it topped up until I could fix it. This patches and silly hats and with the parrot at the sign through the binoculars gave us sounded a bit rattly so I lifted the was just as well as we had friends arriving 'nailed to his perch' we sailed north into the a clue "less than 1.0 metres at low water". floorboards only to find a lot of gearbox oil! to spend a few days with us, and I didn't bay, mindful that the whale watching boat A slightly larger sign would have been I shut the engine down, but the wind had think rebuilding a gearbox was on their hadn't seen any for a few days, and didn't helpful! No worries, we went into our died and the sun was setting as the tide holiday agenda. expect to for another couple of weeks. standard grounding routine which is; "Get carried us up towards the shoals of the We picked Bindi and Kaye up at Urangan, out the Scrabble set and see how many Great Sandy Straight. I quickly launched and the next day sailed over to Moon Point Later in the afternoon, having seen games we can play before the tide comes the dinghy and tied it alongside the port where we anchored for the night. Despite nothing but the odd seagull, we headed in!". The result was 2 games, and a night quarter, and while Isabel steered we used strict instructions to travel light, they had an east to anchor in the lee of Fraser Island at Jacobs Well, where we were met by our the 3hp dinghy motor to push us into astounding amount of luggage, but as most for the night when suddenly Isabel spotted good friend Dawn who helped us celebrate Garry's. The northern channel there is very of it was food and wine we could hardly a waving pectoral fin. Isabel's birthday. shallow, and next thing we were aground complain! We did a bit of beachcombing continued next page... SCHIONNING MARINE

Chase the sunset. Live the dream


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The Coastal Passage #21 2006 Page 21 Where’s the brakes?

Thar she blows! “ groundings” continued from page 21... We changed course and soon spotted Kaye cooked the tuna, Bindi and I waited three times in a couple of hours! This time the resort guests. Before I had a chance three adult humpbacks. I furled the jib and for the tide and found an anchorage for the we only got in half a Scrabble game before to say, "Where are the brakes?" Isabel drifted along parallel to them at 1 or 2 night. On Saturday we said sad goodbyes the tide set us free. We had a day off in had done a deal and we were perched on knots, and the whales all swam over to us to our pirate crew, at the end of a truly Pancake, but didn't do the long climb to top of the camels. and played around for over an hour, wonderful few days that really summed up the lighthouse this time as Isabel had a coming within a few metres of us, and the dreams we had when we first set out sore back and I was recovering from a bad occasionally diving under the boat. It was on “Tygress” two years ago...good friends, cold. On the 27th we had a long sail up to All went well until we reached the beach an amazing experience for us all, and good food, good wine and good fun! Gladstone against the tide, and after a and they accelerated down the sand. That Bindi was so excited she fell in, fortuitously couple of nights in the marina set off again was OK, but when they decided to stop suddenly I kept going! It was a long way holding her mask and snorkel. We've got We were in the Burnett river for a week, for Cape Capricorn via the North Channel. some great photos. down (grounding number six?), and before rafted up to Wayne and Mary's lovely 47' I knew it I was on the ferry heading for Van de Stadt, “Tequila”. We caught up The next day we left the rather rolly Yeppoon hospital with a very sore wrist. That night four tired and happy pirates with them, and with Rick and Linda on anchorage and pressed on to Great I'm now wearing a very fetching bright pink had a glass or three of red and another their new catamaran "Cruising Kitten", and Keppel Island. This felt like a bit of a cast, and am due for another X-ray in a lovely meal and collapsed into bed. Next I took our gearbox out. After replacing a milestone, our first day in the tropics, our weeks time, so sailing plans are on hold morning the wind was easterly, so we set $4.00 oil seal it was as good as new and first island anchorage and the start of the for a while. Of course, the last few days sail, poled the jib out and ran downwind all on the 25th we sailed to lovely Pancake Barrier Reef waters. We elected to have a have seen perfect sailing conditions for the way to the Burnett River. Just as we Creek, where we ran aground yet again!! day off, and on Tuesday 1st August went those able to head north...... entered the channel leads we hooked a Five groundings in three that for a walk across the island to the resort, nice tuna and sailed on up the river some sort of record? My previous best to have a look around and buy some was with brother Mike in the Every dark cloud has a silver lining, and towards Bundaberg, but just on dusk we bread and milk. On the way we met Craig, this one is that all my friends are getting a ran aground again (that's number four if Mediterranean over 20 years ago, when who was saddling up his two camels to we sailed in to Venice and ran aground laugh out of it (at least, I thought they were you've lost count!) and while Isabel and take them to the beach and offer rides to my friends...). Mackay’s Boatyard for Boaties on a Budget

Check out our web up the creek and pay less! Yard storage in cradles or stands! MULTIHULL FRIENDLY! Long Term (work, live aboard) $140p/w Long Term (work only) $120p/w Long Term (storage only) $100p/w Long Term Projects (2yrs+) $80p/w* Registered car/boat trailer from $10p/w Haul out and return trailer only mono or cat $250 What’s NEW! at Bates’s: Daily rate whilst on trailer $50 Wet Blaster on site! (after five days, $100/day) Dust free and environmentally Haul out and Return safe way to remove old anti-foul, Includes trailer to travel lift to set up on stand osmosis repair or prepare steel, Contact John Bates for details: a little extra for 9mtr+ multi’s and 4 sling for 50+ft alloy or timber for painting. 10 to 60 ft from $400 Nearly anything and now on site! Ph: 4953 2283 environmental levy $25 per vessel Fax: 4953 2283 Mob: 0402 738 999 yard lift from $140/lift Shipwright on site! yard rates $40 per hour call Phil: 0404 726 191 Walker’s Complex, Harbour Rd., Mackay fork lift hire incl operator $30 per 15 min.

Trailer boat sized storage as low as $10 per week (inc.gst) email: [email protected] *conditions apply (All prices include GST) Page 22 The Coastal Passage #21 2006 MILITARY LIVE FIRING - GET OUT! By Brad Stephenson, SY, “Volare” You can't describe the fear My wife and I along with our two children aged 10 and 15 our two young girls were have been living onboard our 40ft yacht for the past four experiencing at that time. years. We always travel in calm conditions, never at night and are always anchored up by dark. We always use Shoalwater The helicopter flew off for Bay on our way north as a safe anchorage between the a few minutes and came Keppels and the Mackay area. back. The soldier then held up a hand written sign on a After a few nights at Keppel Bay Marina we had two days body stretcher that said, until the next 25kt front was due. We decided a week or so in MILITARY LIVE FIRING the Shoalwater Bay area would be a pleasant alternative to GET OUT. Then through a being tied up in a marina. After checking with Keppel Bay broken transmission Marina and VMR on the 12th July we were advised that they between myself and Thirsty had not received notice of any closures to date for that area. Sound VMR they advised Closures usually take place after a 28 day notice to mariners. us the Army had just been in contact with them and So we left the marina on that morning and headed for Island had issued a notice of Head Creek. We had been getting the weather daily from the closure on the 14th July to HF radio as VHF had no signal. On the 18th July a strong wind come into effect on 17th warning was issued for the next few days with a 30kt S.W. July, three days later. They were not giving the usual 28 days Volare crew from left; coming. We decided to work the morning tide to the head of notice. We had to get out! There was no way we could have Mum, Karen, Isabelle, Brad and Amy Island Head Creek as it would be a better anchorage given known the area was closed as we had been there since the 12th the forecast weather conditions. July.

While listening to the 3.30pm weather update we heard a I told Thirsty Sound VMR that my crew consisted of my wife helicopter approaching. It came towards our yacht and and two young daughters and that I wasn't happy about going Editors comments; started to circle us very low. It then hovered off our stern to sea with a strong wind warning in place. This was relayed to I received the story at left via email but was 100m or so behind us. The noise was deafening and the wind the Army through Thirsty sound VMR. We were told we had to fortunate to happen upon the family in Mackay. the helicopter generated sprayed water everywhere. We tried leave immediately. We were forced to head out in terrible Brad was at first very reluctant to have a photo to make radio contact with them but received no reply. At this conditions and decided Rosslyn Bay was probably our best taken as he felt he and his family had been well stage the children were hysterical as they could see the men choice. To travel north was the logical direction but for our first abused by authorities and media and believe it or inside the helicopter with their guns. We were trying to work night sail, 135miles to Mackay was daunting and to try and not, some sailors!! Truth! In my research of this out what they wanted. anchor at any island on the way in a 30kt sou-wester in the matter I found nothing that creates doubt about his dark was what I considered too dangerous. The conditions account, but Brad reports that he had been Keppel Sands VMR heard me on the radio. I asked the were appalling. I would not have travelled in those conditions confronted by sailors who criticised him for not operator if he knew of any closures or military training in place in daylight hours let alone night. We were getting 20 25kt on being comfortable sailing in high wind. It is my at that time. He told us they had not been advised of any the nose and slamming into 1.5 2m of sea for 13 hours to personal belief and the position of TCP that you do apart from the permanent restrictions around Raynham Island cover only 52miles. not tell a skipper how to run his ship. If it is being that we knew about anyway. done safely and enjoyably, it is being done Shoalwater Bay, Keppel Bay Marina and the Keppels are a correctly. Thanks to “Volare’s” courage in I came back on deck; the helicopter was now about 20 feet beautiful part of Australia and a place we visit each year. It is speaking out, the military has brought about above the water off our stern and hovering in an attack unfortunate that Australian Defence Force personnel can treat changes in it’s policies and attitude that all coastal position with a weapon mounted on a metal arm out the side a Queensland registered, boating family with such contempt in sailors may benefit from. See the letters section for of the door. Another Army officer had a rifle on his lap Australia. more information on this important matter. showing us he meant business. Boats for sale Cool Cats Boat Building Roberts Waverunner Cruiser

Oram 44 C ready for delivery now For price and more photos see the web site New Oram 44C CatamaranProject under way; 40 ft motor multi hull Ready for launch and offering huge savings in fuel cost. Quality built to your order This very seaworthy vessel is simple available NOW! in layout and built for liveaboard Available for your custom project jan/07 comfort and minimal contact with the marinas. Plenty of fuel and provision on board for the long passages she PH 0414 189 978 Home of the cool cats! is capable of. Year: 1996 Located on the Sunshine Coast Designer: Roberts Length: 14.3m - 47' Hull Material: 6mm steel - Fully Dimet protected & two pack painted (2005) CATAMARAN Engine: Dorman 8J 200hp w/ twin disc 1.5/1 MG-509 Gearbox 150 hours since engine overhaul 27ft. motor/ 1000rpm - 6kts - 9 litres per hour 1400rpm - 7.5 kts - 13 litres per hour motor-sailer 1800rpm - 9.5 kts New built to lock-up. Fuel: 2400 litres in 2 x stainless steel tanks For sale due to failed contract. Water: 4 x 100 litre tanks Fits standard 10m berth Electronics: JRC Radar, FURUNO GPS, TMQ autopilot, 1 x Uniden VHF, 1 x GME VHF, 1 x Koden CVS- 118 colour LCD sounder/fishfinder, 1 x Lowrance X47EX sounder/fishfinder, 15"LCD TV in salon, 1 x C-Tech 34cm TV in fwd cabin. Aft cabin wired for TV. Price: AU $275,000 CD/stereo in main salon, CD/stereo Lying Moreton Bay, ring Sue or Warren, Phone 07 34092989 /0427 585 694 /0427 962443 Only $28,500 ex factory Bonus: Full tanks of diesel, sufficient for over 2000 nautical miles. Tykahele Boats For full inventory see 0402 001 912 (07) 4775 2909 Will consider real estate in exchange The Coastal Passage #21 2006 Page 23 Passage People

SY Pro Beat Passion

SY Kuna & SY Shomi Cruiser goes to Hamo for laughs Fiercely creative and quietly competent! Both Vicki J and Stephen have built their own Corrie Gardner photo and comes home with a car!! boats. Thats not too common in a couple. Vicki has written some powerful material including a best selling book that couragously took on one of those American Cults. She Dave Short and mates Dave and Dorich and whoever they could shanghai for the has also written several great articles for TCP (one of which lies within) and other papers. daily races cleaned up in the new non-spinnaker class. Major sponsor, Audi, set up an Currently in Europe taking on new challenges for a while but they’ll be back in a few auto gymkhana course as well and the best combo of sailing and driving picked up years. You meet the most amazing people on the water! the keys for the new Audi A4 Avant!! How good is that! Dave’s boat is a 1989 model 33 foot Hunter that lies in Townsville. For more details on this and complete coverage of all Hamo events see the TCP web site. Congratulations Dave! Well done! SC Harmonic

SC High Voltage And why shouldn’t Trevor and Diane be smiling! Their Fusion 40 is a very impressive home. I was surprised when I asked about past boats. Seems the couple have had several and may change again. Sailors of easy virtue! Can’t wait to see what they get up to next!

Bill And Karyn are from WA where they used to run round the bouys with a Farrier F25 but after taking a 7 month tour by caravan of every marina on the coast (this one!) they found their new home, a lightwave cat. I had to get this info by email cause when I made the time for an interview all we did was have a great visit and shot the s.. er breeze! But that’s what I love about this job, meeting people like the Nortons and everyone else on this page.

Norma and Norman drive their Farr 7.5 from Victoria where they play around the Sandringham Yacht club, up to the whits and where ever. I caught them taking a provisioning stop in Victor Creek with Ron from the Seaforth club giving a hand. If you got this paper hot off the press, you might keep an eye for them and give a congrats as they are now celebrating their 50th anniversary!!

MV MIG I admit to being attracted to incongruity, so when I noticed the knickers hung out on the deck of the Four winds Motor Boat I had to do a double take! Ian and Maree Gilligan (no relation I hope) are from King Island and taking bites out of the coast between bouts of responsibility when they fly back south. They are breaking rules (which also attracts me!) by Cruising in such a hot rod but you have to admire the individuality. They do it any way they like! Well done! SY Aurielle

I caught up with John and Sue on a paper delivery. This Tassie couple got there Adams 15 over 14 years ago as a bare hull and fitted her out to very high standard. The boat is sweet to see and has a reputation for sailing well and it is being put to proper use. This year maybe Lizard and next could be anywhere as they stretch their sea legs and get comfortable with the passages. They have the vessel to match the ambition, what a SY Farouche beaut!