CREATIVE MATH. 12 (2003), 7 - 10

Improper and Riemann sums

Gabriella Kovacs´

Abstract. The aim of this note is to give simple examples of absolutely convergent improper integrals having sums whose does not equal the value of the integral.

1. Preliminaries f a, b ⊂ R → R a x(n) a,t∈ R) t and ∃ lim f (x) dx, then we say that this limit is the improper integral t→b,t

Received: 05.04.2003; In revised form: 12.12.2003 Key words and phrases. , improper integral, integral sum, sequence, .

7 8 Gabriella Kov´acs t on [a, b) of the function f and we denote it by f(x)dx = lim f (x) dx. t→b,t