61°40'0"W Landslide Inventory

Scale 1:50,000 0 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 Kilometers

1 cm = 0,5 Km.

Laurant Pt Sugar Loaf David Bay Green Is. Little David Pt Levera Bay Mt Alexander Irvines Bay Bay Sauteurs Helvellyn Mt.Rodney Est. Sandy Is. ProspectMt. Craven Duquesne Bay Levera Mt William Panorama Marli La Fortune Mt.Craven Levera Pond Mt. Rodney Trevellan Levera Hill Industry D S 848' t uqu . e P s a Madeys Est.

n t t e River r

Ce'leste i

Nonpareil c k Levera Dev.

La Mode R Hazeldene Est. Grenada Bay i

Crayfish Bay v e Duquesne Welcome Hall r Chantimelle Snell Hall Est. Morne Fendue Rose Hill Waltham Est. Union Union Diego Piece Marli Hill High Gate Est. A Samaritain Est. Chambord Est. Union Est. Blair Athol Est. R . Sallee Waltham Castle Hill Plains Est. Malagon EsSt. T. PATRICK Elie Hall St. Mark Bay Lower La Taste Victoria Mormon Hill Est. E Mt.Rich Mt. Rich Est. Bonair Est. ST. MARK Upper La Taste Nettle Pt Tufton Hall Est. Plaisance Est. Bonjoux Est. Bocage Est. Mt. Rose Mt. Rueil Est. Mt. Edgecombe Est. Belmont Antoine Bay Diamond Est. Mt. Stanhope Tricolar L' Etage Montreuil S Gros Pt St. M a Lake Antoine L' Esp'erance r k ' s R i

v e R.Antoine Est.

r Poyntzfield Est. Arthur Seat A Dry River Est. Belair Est. ntoi Barique ne Maran Bay Maran Est R iv e Black Rock Tufton Hall Est. Mt. Nelson Hermitage r Maran Peggy's Whim Tivoli Mt.Cenis La Poterie Belmont

Milet Bay St. John N " 0 N ' " 0

0 ' 1 0 Carriere Carriere Est. ° 1 2

° Conference Bay 1 2 Conference 1 Brothers est. Mt. St.Catherine 2757' Belair A Gouyave Bay Loretto Est. Florida Mt. Hope Blaize Upper Pearls Maboya Plaisance Est. Hermon Florida Est. Moya Pearls Rock Rosemont Dougladston Est. N Nesbit Hill Mt Felix Paraclete Pearls Mt. Felix Est.

Plaisance Land Smt.. Clabony T Palmiste Bay St. Mary Mt.Horne Lower Pearls Mt. Nesbit Paradise Mt. Horne Ag. Expt. Sta. o Boulogne Est. o Palmiste Pt Mt. Horne Est. (! Palmiste Est. Clozier St.Omer Chadeau Est. La Filette Great River Bay Mt. Nesbit Land Smt. Morne Jaloux Pyre'ne'es Simon A Dunfermline Dothan Bay ST. ANDREW

ST. JOHN r Dothan Windsor e L v i Mt. Granby Est. R

Mt.Cenis Paradise t Belvidere Grand Bras a e 2240' r Mt. Plaisir Bylands Mirabeau Est. G Grand Roy Bay Mt. Granby Mirabeau Agro. Div. Ag. Sta. Telescope Grand Roy Marigot Bay Balthazar Est. Mirabeau E St. Cloud Ford Mon Plaisir Castaigne St.Cyr Pilot Hill

Marigot A Morne Longue Sans Souci Est. Grand Bras Black Bay Nianganfoix Grenville Telescope Pt Black Bay Pt Nianganfoix Est. Harford Village Pe'cher L' Esterre Î Grenville Bay. Concord Davidall Est. Concord Valley Lower Capitol Upper Capitol Brandon Hall St.James

B Woodford Est. Cocoa Hall Est. St.Cyr Beauregard The Cove La Digue N Birch Grove Bellevue Halifax Harbour Soubise Adelphi Î Brimmington Est. Grenville Bay Mt. D'or Spring Gardens Est. Chutz Perseveranc Est.. Mt.Qua Qua Richmond Union Village Mt.Pleasant Est. Morne Docteur Dry Rvr. Est. Brizan Richmond Soubise Pt B Deblando Battle Hill

St.Margaret Marquis Island T Grand Etang Petit Balthazar Plaisance Marquis Beausejour Bay Lake Post Royal Tuilleries Est. St. Andrew's bay Grenville Granton Flamingo Bay Vale Est. Bagatelle Est. Mango Mt.Carmel

I Beausejour Est. Annadale Est. Mt.Fann Willis I Happy Hill

New Hampshire Munich Dragon Bay Moliniere South East Mt. Mt.Moritz Land Smt. Vendome 2348' Moliniere Pt Hermitage Est. Mt.Lebanon Mt.Morice Constantine Mt.Moritz Hope Est.

Snug Corner Vendome Gt Bacolet Pt C R Grand Mal Boca

Retreat Mt. Sinai Mt.William Grand Mal Bay St.George's Est. Great Bacolet Bay Mt.Melville Hill Mt.Cassell Land Smt. Grand Bacolet Est. Mamma Cannes Fontenoy Beaulieu Bon Accord Est. Mt.Agnes Terre Cannes Pierre Marie La Mode St. Eloi Pt D' Arbeau Hill Felix Park Mahot Mt.Gay Est. ST. GEORGE Retreat

A Mt.Maitland Petit Etang Menere Pt D' Arbeau Ravine Chantilly Est. Morne Tranquille Crochu Mt.Gay Radix Apre`s Tout Minorca Est. Hampstead Est. Champs Fleurs Pomme Rose Fairfield Crochu Est. Menere Bay

St.George's Bay Tempe Upper Mardigras Vineyard Windsor Forest Thebaide O Gretna Green Mt.Parnassus Est. Mt.Helicon Lower Mardigras Crochu Habour Vincennes Providence Est

The Park Barrow Bellevue Lower La Tante C White Gun Mt.Pleasant Marlmont Richmond Hill St.Paul's Providence Good Hope Est. La Pierre Pt Parade Perdmontemps Ft George Pt Paddock St.Paul's St. David's Mt.Airy Corbeau Town Epping Forest La Tante Bay

Mt.Rose St.George's Town The Bocas Belle Plain Windsor Castle ST. DAVID Mon Repos C Morne Gazo Requin Est. Î Springs Petit Anse Charlotte Vale La Pastora Est. Morne Jaloux Ridge Corinth Est. Maulti M Bois De Gannes Laura Belle Isle a La Femme rlm Laborie on t B Requin Bay ay Belmont Syracuse

Cafe Morne Delice Est. Content Corinth E Golflands Morne Jaloux Beaton Requin Pt Le Petit Trou Grand Anse Hope Vale Est. B.Bacolet La Sagesse Est. Ka-Fe Beau Grand Anse Bay The Cliff Westerhall Land Smt. Pte du Petit Tru

Mont Tout Quarantine Pt Marian Bacolet Est.. A Gwa Kay Woodlands Est. Woburn Westerhall Est. Petit Bouc Becke Moui St.David,s Harbor Morne Rouge Confer Petit Bacaye The Lime Calivigny

Little Bacolet Bay

Lower Woburn La Sagesse Bay Frequente Calivigny Est. N Calivigny Harbour Petit Bacaye Bay Ruth Howard Westerhall Bay St David's Pt Grand Anse ESt. Petit Calivigny Cribish Bay Mt. Hartman Est. Lobster Pt Calliste Trou Jab Chemin Bay. Egmont Canoe Bay Woburn Bay Fort Jeudy Westerhall Pt o True Blue Î (! Mt Hartman

Maurice Bishop International Airport N Bay " 0 N '

" Î 0 0 ' Hardy Bay ° 0 2 ° Grand Bay Pt Egmont 1

2 Î Prickly Bay 1 Mt Hartman Pt Lance aux Epines Pt of Ft Jeudy

Glover Is.

Prickly Pt

Landslide types Period of mapping Debrisflow Mapped by GRN CIPA in 2005 Debrisslide / Debris avalanche Mapped by ITC in 2014 Earthflow Flashflood and debrisflow channel Topography Coastal cliff Main Road Rockslide Paved Road Rockfall Unpaved Road Creep River Location map

Subsidence o

( Airport Rotationalslide Î Anchorage Built-up area Poor quality of input data

Caribbean Handbook on Disaster Information Management Version April 2016 Data Analysis: Dr. Cees van Westen (ITC) Cartography: Koert Sijmons (Geomapa) www.charim.net
