The Wakulla SPORTS, Page 9A Coach J.D. Jones Please see Page 4B to be inducted Teachers: Visit into Hall of Fame for links to FREE NIE curriculum ews nOur 117th Year, 8th Issue Thursday, February 23, 2012 Published Weekly, Two Sections Read Daily Serving Wakulla County For More Than A Century 75 Cents CIVIL WAR CANNON Judge will allow net lawsuit to move forward By WILLIAM SNOWDEN
[email protected] Circuit Judge Jackie Fulford refused to dismiss a lawsuit fi led by Wakulla fi shermen that chal- lenges state net regulations as unconstitutional. The lawsuit was fi led by the Wakulla Commer- cial Fishermen’s Association and fi shermen Ron- ald Fred Crum, Jonas Porter and Keith Ward. The state Fish and Wildlife Conservation Com- mission had fi led a motion seeking to have the lawsuit dismissed. Among the arguments made by Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Glogau, who is representing the FWC, is that fi shermen have fi led and lost several lawsuits in the past in which they have challenged state rules on what kind of nets can legally be used. But fi shermen, who are represented by at- torney Ron Mowrey, contend that there is new evidence from scientifi c research that shows the nets the state requires them to use are detrimen- tal to the environmental because the small mesh catches mostly juvenile fi sh, not legal mullet. In a seven-page order released on Tuesday, Feb. 14, Judge Fulford concluded by saying: “This court cannot agree that our system of government is so harsh as to bind the hands and gag the mouths of those who believe they have been wronged.” JENNIFER JENSEN Mowrey said the language reminded him of an Don Volsch with his Civil War 6-pound cannon.