Parish Newsletter


November 2020

Issue 556

Delivered to every home in the Parish—free of charge

New Village Hall News

What a visual difference we've seen this month - the roof tiles are going on and it's looking amazing. We'll have one large hall with an integral kitchen and a large storage facility and for smaller events or meetings, one room with an integral kitchen/bar and stor- age, and ample toilets plus a disabled toilet/shower on the ground floor. Upstairs we have 2 changing rooms and facilities for cricket and/or any other sports' teams, with a balcony overlooking the field.

For anyone making enquiries about future bookings please contact the Bookings Secretary, Janice Byrne, [email protected] and visit Facebook for up- dates on progress: Elaine Barnett More photo’s inside back page


I think this may be my last article for our parish magazines in and . So I must very warmly thank the editors and readers for their kindness of 25 years. My occasionally peculiar pieces have been flawlessly presented. Only on one occasion many years ago was a whole page missed out, rather like a Victorian duet I once performed with another singer. We came to the final crescendo, turned to the last page and found it not to be there. Neither event seemed to make much difference to the broader picture. I don’t think folk noticed. But speaking of things missing, I’m a little troubled about my intention to say goodbye properly to one and all. It reminds me of the scene in the film Love Actually where the Prime Minister - Hugh Grant - is driven to Wandsworth and knocks on doors in the hope of finding a young member of the Downing Street staff to whom he has taken a fancy - Natalie. One elderly lady opens her door and in amazement puts the question: Aren’t you the Prime Minister? Yes, he answers, I’m trying to get round everyone this Christmas! Perhaps a previous Archbishop - Michael Ramsey - can come to my rescue. A friend had mentioned that not being able to see him - distance, health etc - was a cause of sadness. The Archbishop kindly pointed out that in order to be com- pletely present to him it was not necessary for the friend to be in a physical way actually present. Quite right! And God bless all my friends from these wonderful 25 years!

Tom Holme


Baptisms Noah Isaac Luke Bowers Thea Lily Imison Jesse Benjamin Luke Walsh Henrietta Charlotte Emmeline Ross Mollie Olivia Reeves Emily Katherine Watts Noelle Jane Edmonton Christopher Jonathan Bailey

Weddings William Thomas Walsh & Sandra Posse Simon Paul Watkinson Beaupre & Tracy Carmel Benson William Mark Bacon & Emily May Moore

Funeral services and interments Anita Wells Barbara Dorie Benson

May they Rest in Peace


Fordcombe Luncheon club usually meets on the second Thursday of each month at 12-30pm. We have space for new members to come and join us for food and pleasant conversation with old and new friends.


For more information please contact Mrs Kate Hargrave Tel 861047



On Saturday 31st October between 10am and 12midday, we are going to start the autumn leaf clearing in the churchyard. I wondered if anyone could spare a couple of hours to help sweep the paths. It’s quite easy to be self distanced in the churchyard and any help would be gratefully accepted!! Please give me a ring if you can help - or just turn up - that would be fine as well!!

Helen Morrison 740211



Christabel Sworder 740345

WI Hello everyone,


PLANNED Best wishes Angie See also page 35


Farewell to Tom As you will know Tom is due to retire towards the end of November after 25 years as our Rector. He has been part of our village and supported and been involved in many of our lives. He is much loved and respected and we thank Tom for all he has done for us in his time with us. We wish Annabel and Tom a comfortable, fulfilling and happy retirement. A farewell Evensong is to take place on Friday 6th November at 5pm . Due to the virus seats are unfortunately limited and now have all been booked. Thanks to everyone who have contributed to a farewell gift, I will let you know what it was next month. Church Services Unfortunately our Church is still shut for the present until the old lime render is stripped off the bell arch and it is replastered and decorated. I am pleased to be able to report that work is due to start on Monday 2nd November with the erec- tion of the scaffolding. Due to the 3 coats of plaster and the slow drying time the job overall will take about 8 weeks to complete so we should be finished by the new year. Services are taking place at 10am each week at Penshurst and details are on page 20. Remembrance Sunday 8th November We will gather round the War Memorial in the church yard, duly masked and dis- tanced of course, at 10-45 for the reading of the names of the fallen followed by the silence , last post and reveille and placing of the wreath. Parish Organisation Work is continuing slowly on the setting up of an enlarged benefice with the Parishes. The final official provisions will be published when they have been completed. St Peter’s Fellowship - Peter Waghorn Fellowship meetings remain suspended, no further meetings are scheduled for 2020 Support for the Parish —Volunteers Volunteer support is still in place to help anyone in need of help —see page 21 New style Newsletter. This is the first edition of the Newsletter produced by our new printer. I hope you think it is an improvement. As I have explained before it is a fair bit more costly and we hope to defray the additional cost by mixture of an increase in advertis- ing costs, parish council donation and small contributions from parishioners. Thank you very much to all those who have already made a donation. If anyone still wish to do so then a bank transfer can be made to the P.C.C St. Peter’s Fordcombe account, sort 30-98-77 account 01192666 marked with the reference “Newsletter”. Alternatively a cheque, again made out to “P.C.C. St Peter’s Ford- combe”, can be sent to the treasurer Paul Reeves the address of whom is on page 18 of this newsletter Best Wishes Mike Gilbert 740371 [email protected]

5 District Councillor’s article for November Parish Magazines

Having tried to say less about Covid in my last couple of articles I’m afraid, as you will all know, it has reared its ugly head again. At the risk of being out of date by the time of publication the facts are that, although infection rates are ris- ing locally, we remain at 50% of national average levels with 73 per 100,000 population and firmly in the lowest risk tier, notwithstanding the Chronicle headlines. Our cases are primarily in education and care settings and a number have been traced to returning holiday makers, so we should not be panicking in Penshurst, Fordcombe or Chiddingstone just yet! Government has given SDC £48k to enhance local Covid compliance/enforcement and the Coun- cil is using this to ensure local businesses are all Covid secure, working along- side the Health & Safety Executive. We have also applied for £900k under the Government’s Covid Lost Income Scheme for Local Authorities which will help protect next year’s Council Tax. It isn’t just the Council who has lost income of course, so a ‘shout-out’ for the 16- 29 year olds where unemployment rates in the district have jumped from 1.2% to 8.1% in the last 12 months – they are having a tough time. SDC has found local businesses reluctant to engage with the Kick Start apprenticeship scheme but we continue to look for ways to tackle youth unemployment, especially in Swan- ley and Edenbridge. SDC has had a good run with Government support schemes, securing a further £688k under the Green Homes Grants scheme which will enable the next phase of insulation work on the Hedge Barton mobile homes in Fordcombe to begin. In a related area, SDC has decided to bring in-house the Environmental Health Services previously shared with Dartford BC to improve customer service levels. Finally, a looming planning matter. The Environment Agency wants to raise the Leigh Barrier flood defence system by 0.6m to raise capacity by 28% to protect better from extreme weather events, laudable of course but it would increase the flood area upstream by nearly 100 acres with consequent impacts for Penshurst, Fordcombe and Chiddingstone access as well as potentially in- creasing flood risk for some properties . As the proposal is contentious and would require amending a 1976 Act of Parliament, there is going to be a public enquiry which will delay SDC’s consideration of the planning application. When I have more information I will let residents know how they can feed their views into the enquiry but as a member of the Development Control Committee I have to remain neutral on the proposal until it comes before us, so please don’t lobby me!

Sue Coleman, 870435



Temporary Road Closure - Broad Lane, 16th November 2020 for 5 days

Broad Lane, Fordcombe and Ashurst will be closed for the entire length. The alternative route is Broad Lane, Ashurst Road, Fordcombe Road, Chafford Lane and vice versa. The closure is required for the safety of the public and work- force while works are undertaken by BT. For information regarding this closure please contact BT, who will able to assist with the scope of these works.

Streetworks West Team 03000 418181 (9am - 5pm) 03000 419191 (5pm - 9am)



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Sadly the The Line Dancing Class in Fordcombe has been Discontinued indefinitely due to lack of numbers

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13 Things to do in the garden this autumn

Taking cuttings –step by step 1. Take hardwood cuttings from shrubs once the leaves have fallen. Buddleia, philadelphus, sambucus, weigela and many others will root easily outdoors this way.

2. Plant in a sheltered patch of ground, where they'll take all winter to root. They will have grown enough to be moved to their final position by autumn of the fol- lowing year.

3. CHOOSE strong, straight, leafless stems of this year's growth. Cut with seca- teurs, leaving a leaf bud at the top and bottom.

4. PUSH a spade into the ground to cut out a deep V-shaped trench. Line it with grit to ensure good drainage.

5.Insert the cuttings deeply with about one-third above the soil. Space 10-15 cm apart, so they have room to grow once rooted.

Don't forget — Store unblemished apples and pears in a cool, dry place — Start taking hardwood cuttings of gooseberry and redcurrant plants — Plant dryopteris ferns in dry, shady spots for attractive foliage — Deadhead dahlias to keep blooms coming — Clear away summer bedding plants from beds and borders — Dig up gladiolus corms to store over winter in a cool, dry place — Plant out wallflowers, ready for spring. Their roots need plenty of time to develop well — Plant new herbaceous perennials, taking care to research their ultimate height and spread, so you can put them in the right spot — Dig up, divide and replant large clumps of lily of the valley — Sow a row of peas and have a cloche ready for winter protection — Clear away old bean sticks and tomato stakes — Plant out seedlings of biennial herbs such As chervil and parsley — Plant sweet pea seeds for early flowers next year

Extracted from Gardeners World



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Email: [email protected] 15 Fordcombe Primary School

Back to business Pupils have got straight back to business as though they’d never been away: Mr Ockelford started his Mayan theme with learning about Mexico in Oak class (years 5 & 6); Mr Meacham in Elm class (years 3 & 4) introduced his Egyptian topic with a smoke machine and pupils imagining what it would be like to be Howard Carter opening the long-lost tomb of Tutankhamun; and Mrs Hood focussed learning in Beech class (years 1 & 2) around the Great Fire of London. On your marks, get set…go We are very fortunate to have Sam Pain, the head of Sprint PE and Sport working with us. She will support us this academic year with our PE teaching at Fordcombe. Watch out too for balance bikes in Reception as we aim to get all the children in this class riding a bike before Year 1. We also hope that by the time this article is in print some before and after school clubs will have resumed. Blowing our own trumpet We are very grateful that Mrs Hughes has been able to re-start our peripatetic music teachers at school. As with everything else currently, the logistics have taken careful thought but it is fantastic to have this facet of school life back. Existing music pupils have been offered slots at school initially, with information then sent to parents with a view to new pupils learning instruments with Fiona Johnson (violin), Nigel Fish (brass) and Rowena Howey (piano) in the next few weeks. Mayan culture – more than chocolate and gold Oak Class had a Mayan expert visit (through the medium of the internet) to take them through an introduction to the Mayan culture. With activities laid on throughout the day, Dr Diana Davies, an archaeologist who spent most of her career in Guatemala, walked the children through the origins of the Mayan culture, some artefacts from this fascinating time period and a Mayan calendar. The initial workshop was followed up with a Zoom Q+A session on Monday What’s on the menu? The feedback from both pupils and midday supervisors about the new caterers and the latest lunch menu has been very positive. ‘Fish and Chips Friday’ was a definite ‘hit’ with pupils last week with the numbers eating dinners increasing. We all hope that Jamie Oliver will approve! Harvest Service Unfortunately, St. Peter’s Church was out of action due to a faulty roof so we scheduled a Harvest Service at school on Friday 9th October for pupils only. Father Tom Holme was on hand to officiate but as in previous years the Year 6 pupils organised the service. Parent’s Guild Support Fordcombe school is so lucky to have such active and supportive patents and carers and grateful thanks go once again to our fabulous Parent’s Guild who gifted just over £1000 last academic year for a new set of home reading books. These books are more closely matched to the phonics sounds the children are now learning in school and are designed to be read repeatedly by parents, carers and children. 16

Moving on up By the time this article goes to print year 6 pupils will have sat the Kent Test and applied for secondary school places. We trust that they will all continue to enjoy their time at Fordcombe and leave fully prepared for the next stages of their education next summer. New pupil leaders Congratulations to Dorrie (Head Girl), Sophie R (Deputy Head Girl), Lucas (Head Boy) and Jerome (Deputy Head Boy) who will be representing the school this year in these various roles. Leadership, involving stewardship and role modelling is an important part of being at the top of the school and we will be making sure that despite current restrictions, these pupils as well as all the oth- er young people in Year 6, all develop and show their leadership skills as much as possible this year. Thank you Thank you to the parents and carers that have volunteered to help put up a new shed for Ash class. This is due to arrive at the start of December. Parents Evenings to be held virtually These will happen virtually this year with meetings either taking place via Zoom or Microsoft Teams. Places There are some school places currently available as people periodically move in and out of the area. School Tours are currently scheduled for Tuesday 3 No- vember, Wednesday 4 November, Tuesday 1 December and Wednesday 2 December and Please contact the school office on 01892 740224 or email of- [email protected] and please also spread the word as even a small increase in pupil numbers can have a significant effect. Government funding is proportionate to a school’s headcount and changes in pupil numbers in a small school can have a noticeable impact. David Jepps

Fruit and Veg support for Macmillan Nurses

I would like to thank all who purchased surplus fruit and veg which I sold by the roadside outside Silcocks Farm. This raised £35 for Macmillan Nurses.

Thanks everyone, Sally Hill


Rector of Penshurst & Fordcombe The Revd. Tom Holme, MA. The Rectory, Penshurst 870316

CHURCHWARDENS Mike Gilbert Rockydene, Chafford Lane, Fordcombe TN3 0SH Email [email protected] 740371 Peter Waghorn Woodpeckers, The Green, Fordcombe, TN3 0RY Email [email protected] 740645

PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL Hon. Secretary Linda Naidu 740724 11 The Drive Hedge Barton TN3 0SL

Treasurer/Gift Paul Reeves Queens Spinney, Ashurst Road 740837 Aid Recorder Ashurst, Tunbridge Wells TN3 9SU

Deanery Synod Representative John & Christobel Sworder 740345 Electoral Roll Officer Vacant

PCC. MEMBERS June Gilbert 740371 Helen Morrison 740211 Isobel Smith 740404 Vacancy

Organist & Director of music Bob Wilson 01732832444

St. Peter’s Fellowship Peter Waghorn 740645

Sunday Club Leader Mrs Hayley Collins 01892544458

Church Flowers Mrs. June Gilbert 740371 Mrs. Sandra Arnold 740283

NEWSLETTER - PLEASE NOTE THE COPY DATE IS 16th OF EACH MONTH Newsletter copy by e-mail please to: [email protected] Neither the Editor nor the Newsletter can be held responsible for its content.

Editor and Advertising:

Mike Gilbert. Rockydene, Chafford Lane, Fordcombe. TN3 0SH 740371 Advertising rates per annum: £100 full page, £60 one half, £40 one quarter,

Printer: St. Mary’s Church, Leigh 01732-832236 ALL PHONE NUMBERS ARE PREFIXED 01892– ... UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN


FORDCOMBE Cof E Primary School Office 740224

PARENTS GUILD (Fordcombe School) Helen Jenner [email protected]

CRICKET CLUB Ashley Worcester 740641




LUNCHEON CLUB (Pre-booking necessary)

Monthly, 2nd Thursday, 12.30 pm Kate Hargrave 861047

ST. PETERS’ MUSICAL TODDLERS Not meeting at present

STOOLBALL CLUB Kim Smithh 740184

TABLE TENNIS CLUB, Every Monday 7:45pm -9:45pm pm from October to March contact via Email [email protected] Elaine Barnett 740512

ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Meetings on last Wed. in March & October or as required Richard Fry 740431

VILLAGE HALL Sec. Vacancy Bookings: Janice Byrne [email protected] 740393

VILLAGE QUILTERS Monthly, 3rd Wednesday, 2-4 pm (ring for venue) Sally Hill 740365


Monthly, 3rd Tuesday, 7.45 pm Fay Blanchard 536405

FORDCOMBE PARISH COUNCILLORS Andrew Campbell 871500 Parish Council web site Sally Jolly 740932 Jonathon Horsford 740032 Bruce Townsend 740451




1st Trinity 21 and All Saints Day 10am Sung Eucharist at Penshurst

6th Friday Evensong and Farewell at Penshurst 5pm

8th Trinity 22 and Remembrance Sunday 10.50am The reading of names and two minutes’ silence followed by Eucharist Penhurst 10.45 Gathering at war memorial—Reading of names and act of remembrance Fordcombe

15th Trinity 23 10am Sung Eucharist at Penshurst

22nd Sunday next before Advent 10am Eucharist Penshurst

29th The First Sunday in Advent 10am Eucharist Penshurst

The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2020 Due to Covid-19 the Poppy Appeal will be very different this year. Unfortunately collectors will not be able to knock on each door in the Village as they have done hitherto. The British Legion is having to focus on other ways to make col- lections. These are still being finalised by the Legion. However at the time of writing the position is as follows: there will be no door to door collections any- where: Poppies will be available at all the main supermarkets, e.g. Sainsburys, probably from their tills; there will be facilities at Banks to donate contactless. You can also donate online at In addition, I will have some poppies for sale from “Wayside Spring Hill” ( 0pposite the Church), if any- one wants to arrange a donation this way, either by money or by cheque: cheques to be payable to “The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal”. Alternative- ly the donation can be made to the Fordcombe branch. If you would like to use this route, please let me know so that we can arrange this together (01892 740283). On specifically the ‘Remembrance Day Service’ we are hoping to have one, but the arrangements will be different this year; ( see page 5) If there are any changes to the above I will let everyone know. Mike Arnold



The Chafford Arms Tel 740267

Paul and Jackie continue to do a great job in providing essential supplies such as fresh veg, fruit , milk, eggs, bread, meat, cheese . They also can arrange provision of meat and have some general grocery products so if you need anything please have a word with them. Orders will be available on Thursday with orders placed by Tuesday. They can be delivered to you if required. Pub Now Fully Open The pub is now fully open for meals as normal Tuesday until Sunday but you do need to book first please ———————————————-

Florent Gacon (residence St Peter's House) The French Comté Borough Market As many will know Florent has arranged for a lorry to visit the village each Saturday 9am until 1pm and supply a range of fresh produce . It is not possible to bring everything that is available in the lorry but pre ordered items can be brought along or delivered in two days. A list in Excel or Word is included on the church website ( . For any information , questions or to place an order call Hugo: 0717 752 747 or Warehouse: 0207 231 9091 or on-line at

KEEPING UP TO DATE There is a village Email list to which update messages will be posted. If you are not on it and you would like to be please contact Mike Gilbert On [email protected] The updates will also be posted on the Church website





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PENSHURST PARISH COUNCIL- Extracts from the Monthly Report for PENSHURST PARISH COUNCIL dated 30 September 2020

PLANNING: Planning Applications: SE/20/02716: Beacon Cottage, The Lane, Fordcombe: Conversion of inte- gral single garage to dining area and utility room with shower room and altera- tions to fenestration SE/20/02779/80LBC: Farm Cottage, Walters Green Road, Penshurst: De- molish three outbuildings, proposed link attached side extension with rooflights and balcony, detached garage, landscaping with new driveway, relocation of one outbuilding, porch and alterations to fenestration. Proposed link attached side extension and detached garage SE/20/1083LDCPR: 6 Pioneer Cottages, Smarts Hill, Penshurst: Erection of single storey rear extension. PC Response: PC have no response as this is a Lawful Development application. SE/20/01852: Penshurst Alms House, Rogues Hill, Penshurst: Addition of new infill single storey extension within part of an existing recessed section of existing building for form new drying room, draught lobby to main entrance, to- gether with a new level ramped landing for a disabled access entrance pathway, with a new external quality oil fired boiler set at first floor level on an existing flat roofed recessed area. PC Response: PC support. The Alms Houses are an important amenity within the parish and these alterations will be an improvement for the residents SE/20/02267: Annexe at Tender Meads Fordcombe Road Fordcombe: Change of use and conversion of existing annexe to dwelling with alterations to fenestration including dormers. Erection of single storey extension with the ter- race. PC Response: PC object. We note that a similar application was refused under 16/01784. Whilst the PC supported that application, at the time we were not aware of all the previous increases to the original building. We believe that the current application should be refused for the same reason as 16/01784. Appeals: SE/20/00221: Land Adjacent to Spile Bank, New Road, Penshurst: Erection of new dwelling with hardstanding and landscaping. To be considered by Writ- ten Representation. Enforcement action in abeyance in view of submission of Appeal. PC objections had been forwarded, details available on September re- port. APPEAL DISMISSED 20/02463/FUL | Proposed flood mitigation improvements to facilitate the Leigh Flood Storage Area (FSA) expansion scheme. Proposed flood mitiga- tion improvements to facilitate the Leigh Flood Storage Area (FSA) expansion scheme. Improvements to Leigh and Cattle Arch embankments to include: partial raising of embankments; installation of 300mm high wave return wall; creation of pumping station platform area; erection of new fencing and gates and other as- sociated works that include culvert, eel pass, temporary access and compound areas.

28 Parish Response: The Parish Council object to the above application. Initial flooding occurs at Chafford Bridge (Chafford Lane), Colliers Land Bridge (B2188), Long Bridge (B2188) and Rogues Hill (B2176) due to the flow of water from upstream, rather than through the operation of the Leigh Barrier. However, once the barrier is in operation, the floodwater in these areas of the FSA cannot continue to flow downstream at the same rate as if it were not impounded. As a result, roads remain flooded and properties between the rivers Medway and Eden are effectively cut off and unable to be accessed by emergency services. We note that Page 4 figure 2.2 of the Planning Statement shows that “water lev- els in the FSA take longer to reduce due to greater volume of water”. Conse- quently, it is very clear that, whilst the increase in depth of the flooding of the roads may be minimal, the duration will be increased – in other words, the flood risk is increased. We would also stress that water levels are not measured on the B2176 between the two bridges at the bottom of Rogues Hill, downstream of the confluence be- tween the rivers Medway and Eden. Any measurements are extrapolated from readings taken further upstream and as such should be treated as indicative ra- ther than accurate. The application identifies receptors downstream of the barrier, but, as well as the roads identified above, fails to identify the properties upstream which will be af- fected, namely Bridge House and the studio in the garden of Colquhouns Cot- tage. Currently, the garden of The Yews at the bottom of Rogues Hill (B2176) also floods and it is possible that even a 0.1m increase in flood level could affect the house. However, since no measurement of flood depth has ever been made on this stretch of road, neither the Parish Council nor the Environment Agency can assess the likelihood of this. In conclusion, the application fails to acknowledge the increased flood risk and fails to provide any measures required to mitigate this risk. Whilst we appreciate the benefits to properties and businesses downstream of the barrier, we regret we cannot support the application unless 1) adequate highway measures are included to ensure that the safety of our parishioners is not put in jeopardy by the prolonged closure of roads to emergency vehicles and 2) appropriate measures are taken to mitigate the increased risk to the properties and land within our Par- ish. REPORTS: Councillor Sue Coleman reports: Covid 19 The latest available data shows that the seven-day count of positive Covid 19 cases in Sevenoaks to 23rd September is 16 and across Kent as a whole is 201. SDC are working hard to prepare for a local lockdown should it come, and Offic- ers are collating the very best practice from around the country and learning from areas who have already had a lockdown. Although KCC will be taking the leading terms of Public Health SDC will try and compliment their work and add value if needed. A detailed priority action plan has been prepared should the district fall into one of the three categories defined by Public Health : an area of concern, an area of enhanced support and an area of intervention. Housing: SDC has been awarded £168K as part of the government’s

Continued on page 30


Next Steps Accommodation Programme. This programme provides support to local authorities and their partners to ensure that the current provision, that has been set up to safeguard people who were taken safely from the streets during lockdown, is able to continue for an appropriate length of time. The council were required to demonstrate in their proposal how the funding will be used to rapidly support those in COVID-19 emergency accommodation and the funding will be to add additional temporary resource to the HERO team. The funding is for use during 2020/21 only. Over £15m was made available to 59 councils in the south east of England with SDC getting one of the highest allocations.

With regard to an issue raised at the previous PC meeting in relation to the camp site at Poundsbridge, on checking with the Enforcement Officer he confirmed he had letters from previous campers and from the camping club that it had operated for ‘a number of years’. He has chased the owner again with regard to submitting a Lawful Development Certificate. On checking information provided by Cllr Horsford covering the 28-day rule, having read this it does specifically state that caravans are excluded from any changes to the more relaxed and temporary rules during Covid. The time limit from everything I and the Planning Officer have seen remains 28 days per year for caravans to be parked on a site. A further update to my report is that West Kent Housing have undertaken to place a family in the vacant house in Fordcombe who do not have a history of anti-social behaviour. I have also been following up complaints regarding anti- social behaviour at another WKH property in Penshurst. Date of next meeting – To be advised (Provisional Date 7 December 2020)

Letter from Gatwick Dear Parish/Town Council or Neighbourhood Group Gatwick is going through the most challenging period in its history but – despite the difficulty - we have remained open throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. We have however been forced to take some difficult decisions including postponing many of our capital investment projects and making significant reductions in the number of jobs. Our passenger and air traffic numbers are significantly down on what we usually expect at this time of year, and we currently predict that it may take up to four to five years to recover to pre-COVID-19 levels.

As such, we are having to explore new ways to help us recover, including new revenue streams, so we can continue to preserve as many jobs as possible and continue to be an important contributor of economic prosperity and jobs across the wider region.

One of these new initiatives will be the introduction, next year, of a charge for people who drop passengers off by car directly outside our terminal - as most UK airports have done for many years. Anyone who does not wish to pay the charge will be able to drop-off or pick-up passengers in the airport’s long-stay car parks with two hours free parking and a free shuttle bus to the terminals.

30 The £5 charge will also see Gatwick continue to meet our commitment to reduce ‘Kiss and Fly’ - the least sustainable type of journey to the airport as it involves two return car journeys – while also encouraging public transport use and poten- tially cutting road traffic congestion and emissions at Gatwick and surrounding local areas. Currently around 15% of airport journeys are ‘Kiss and Fly’.

Gatwick is looking at solutions to allow those who regularly drop off and one pick up at the South Terminal each day to access to the train station to make a token annual payment contribution. Suitable solutions for Blue Badge holder’s conven- ience are also being looked at.

Reducing the airport’s environmental impact continues to be an important focus and Gatwick plans to put a proportion of the revenue into Gatwick’s existing Sus- tainable Transport Fund. No date has been set to introduce the new charging system, but the first step includes a consultation on the implementation of a Red Route system across the airport campus to indicate that stopping to park, load or unload, board or alight from a vehicle is prohibited. Revenue raised through Red Route fines will also be used to fund sustainable transport initiatives under the guidance of the air- port’s Transport Steering Group, which includes external local representatives.

The airport benefits from strong public transport links, with recent improvements enabling a train leaving for London every three to four minutes – as regular as tube services – and a £4 million upgrade to an airport bus interchange benefit- ting the 3 million people who use it each year. Around 650 local services arrive / depart the bus interchange each week, many of them 24-hour services.

Gatwick also remains committed to its investment in the ongoing £150 million project to upgrade the airport’s train station, which will make connections to other destinations easier by doubling the size of the station concourse, adding five new lifts and eight escalators to improve passenger flow, and widening two plat- forms to reduce overcrowding.

Alison Addy—Head of Community Engagement



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Penshurst 01892 870372 Langton 01892 863317



34 100 Years!

Although we cannot hold a meeting or have a party Fordcombe W I is 100 years old this November! The bunting is ready but there is nowhere to hang it! Such a shame because we would have had a big party with our famous cakes, June’s lemon drizzle and Beryl’s coffee cake, Fay’s cheese straws and too many more to mention. No meetings are planned in the foreseeable future I am afraid, Keep safe everyone, Angie

We shall always know the time at the new hall !


The Chafford Arms