THE EXPLORERS LOG !e Explorers Club | World Center for Exploration Published Quarterly | Volume 46 Number 4 Fall 2014 COMPASS POINTS Captain Barrington Irving FN’13 became the youngest pilot to !y solo around the world p. 18 IN THE FIELD 2014 Victoria Strait Expedi- tion "nds one of the Franklin Expedition ships p. 34 FROM BASECAMP Dr. Sylvia Earle MED’81 thanks members of the Club see article on Tribute p. 36 Contents 3 ON THE ASCENT…THE GREEDY EXPLORER ^COVER PHOTO 4 IN THE TENT…ENTANGLEMENT, THE THEORETICAL Tribute to Sylvia Earle PHYSICS OF EXPLORATION On September 19, Me Explorers Club’s beloved 5 COMPASS POINTS Fellow and Former Honor- 22 IN THE FIELD ary President, Dr. Sylvia 24 F L A G E X P E D I T I O N S Earle MED’81, was honored 36 F R O M B A S E C A M P by a Tribute Ceremony in the Clark Room, preceded by 43 MEMBERS a candle-lit march up the stairway led by the honoree EXPLORERS LOG SUBMISSIONS See page 36 !e Explorers Log welcomes brief submissions from members, Photo: Martha Shaw preferably in MicrosoL Word .doc format with digital photo- graphs preferred as high-resolution .jpg "les sent separately from the text. Please send all materials to:
[email protected]. Me authors are responsible for the content of their articles. Meir views do not necessarily re!ect the views of Me Explor- ers Club, and the Club is not responsible for their accuracy. MEMBER DESIGNATIONS F%660. I%<=%, ?''0BA&(% FN–N%'AK%-( IN–N%'AK%-( ?N–N%'AK%-( F@–@&(A0-&6 I@–@&(A0-&6 ?@–@&(A0-&6 FO–O-(%,-&(A0-&6 IO–O-(%,-&(A0-&6 ?O–O-(%,-&(A0-&6 FP–P<%,A(;' IP–P<%,A(;' GF–GA>% F%660.