FROSH TRIBUNAL ENDS ! JAZZ SHOWCASE OF ’58 INDOCTRINATION WEEK TO BE SEEN ON CAMPUS The Sophomore Council’s No. 1 project since last June— Fresh­ Three of the foremost progressive entertainers on the West man Indoctrination— reaches a final climax Saturday night after Coast, Shorty Rogers, and Claude Williamson and his two continuous weeks of Frosh-Soph events. quartet, will entertain the jazz enthusiasts on UCSBC’s campus. ’ The biggest welcome to new students in UCSBC history signs The JAZZ SHOWCASE OF ’58 will be held Thursday evening, off with the Tribunal, Coronation and Dance. Fun begins in the Oct. 3, from 8 to 11. auditorium at 8 p.m. with Sophomore Class President Dennis Shorty Rogers - Bud Shank Naiman at the helm. Shorty Rogers, known for his intense participation in the The entire student body is jazz field, is known throughout the United States for his compo­ event, in case they are called be­ welcome to the affair. sitions and outstanding arrangements. He has also taught classes fore the Tribunal judges, for of­ in music at some leading schools, and is known by every jazz fan Frosh Beware! fenses which include failure to for his outstanding trumpet playing. If the Frosh have been victori­ wear green beanies, carry Frosh Bud Shank, a comparative newcomer to ¡the jazz world, has ous in the Mud Brawl and Water Bibl# at all times and attend all become very popular, winning numerous jazz polls all over the Fight Saturday afternoon, they required activities. nation. He was one of the first may remove their identifying known for his association with Coronation Highlight to use the flute in jazz. In addi­ green beanies. If, however, the ’s Lighthouse Coronation of the Freshman tion to. that, his work with the Sophs prove their superiority, the All-Stars. Queen will close the. Tribunal alto sax and clarinet is known wearing of the green will con­ In addition to all these stars, gnd initiate the dance phase of all over the nation. His first suc­ tinue one more week. The an­ a jazz vocalist will be featured, the evening. Two princesses will cess began when he appeared nouncement will be made prior as well as many other top names reign with .the chosen candidate with the. Charlie Barnett band. to the Queen coronation. in jazz. who will receive the crown from In 1946 he moved to the “ green­ All Freshmen must attend this The Jazz Showcase is spon­ Naiman. Elections began Tues­ er pastures” of Southern Califor­ sored by the Assembly Commit­ day, sparked by spirited cam­ nia and became associated with tee, and Chairman Neil Kleinman paigning and publicity for each LAST STAND — Frosh coed Valerie Rankin (r.) gets her green ’s band. In 1953 he beanie adjusted by Sue Swift for the last time, as the Freshman announces that there is only a Pat Hartung, UCSB contestant. Voting will continue was signed to an exclusive long- Class dons its headdresses for their final appearance on campus limited amount of tickets left. through Saturday afternoon. today. range contract with Pacific Jazz They may be picked up, at the Coed, Wins Award Combo Featured Records. Graduate Manager’s office for Mrs. Patricia Ann Hartung, a Still freshmen, but much wiser Claude Williamson has been UCSB student, has been named from much orientation, the Class $1. Tickets will also be available the featured member of the quar­ winner of one of the Bárbara of ’61 will mix and mingle with at the box office for ,$1.25 with SB Pre-Game Rally To Kick O ff Evening tet accompanying Bud Shank for Student Body card, and $1.50 Greenwood scholarships, accord­ sophomore, junior and senior Spirit, noise, pep, good times and more spirit is an adequate ing to an announcement made to Gauchos for the wind-up dance the last two years. He has without a card. description of the festivities on the agenda for tonight’s opening played with Charlie Barnett and The night of the Jazz, Show­ El Gaucho this week. which follows. grid contest against) the Poets of Whittier College at La Playa The Greenwood scholar­ Chip Crosby’s combo will pro­ , and was accompanist case, only, the lockout will be ex­ Stadium. Judy Owen, rally, chairman, has announced that the for . He is also tended to 11. p.m. ships are awarded to students vide music for dancing and the evening will be one of the biggest thus far this school year. who “show promise of be­ Queen will be official hostess as Two separate rallies, a bon­ coming outstanding teachers the freshmen take their place in fire on the beach, and a late-late dedicated to the educational the Gaucho family at UCSBC. dance will suppliment the sched­ welfare of young children,” Meet the Council Provost Announces uled football tangle, thé whole the announcement said. Those sophomores instrument affair commencing at 7 p.m. The scholarships are sponsored tal in seeing that Frosh Indoc­ Miss Owen has asked that by the California Association for trination. was a success are Re­ New UCSB Faculty all students participating in Childhood Education, Southern gina White, Kitty Joyce, John Eleven new members have the celebration, — this in­ Section, Delta Phi Upsilon, Vincent, Sally Richards, Val Hal- been added this semester to the cludes all freshmen — and Grand Council, Southern Cali­ lor, Gretchen Ulrich, Anita Wild, UCSB faculty, according to an driving cars, to park their fornia Association for Nursery Mike Oster, Sue Swift, Gretchen announcement by Dr. Elmer R. autos in the Science Building Education, and Delta Kappa Ziegler, Pat Gower, Dick Perry, Noble, acting provost. parking lot. Gamma, Chi State. They are in Peggy Canterbury, Laurel Cork- The list of newcomers includes honor of Barbara Greenwood, ins, Carol Hovde, Jill Moore, substitutes for regular staff mem­ The first rally will hit the outstanding pioneer in early Janet Weidenbach and Dennis bers, as well as new additions. . beach at 7 p.m., the bonfire will childhood education. Naiman. Among the new instructors burn and the car caravan will are: take off at 7:20 p.m. A second Dr. Boone Bailey Owen, rally will be staged just prior to instructor in chemistry, PhD the game. Special Student Govt. Committee Headed from Iowa State College. Half - time activities will Dr. Edith Dorothy Brownfield, keep things moving at inter­ by Men’s Rep.-at-Large Larry Adams instructor in psychology, PhD mission, and following the from Cornell.Medical College. climax of the game everyone by Ray Ward Dr. Walter Joseph Mead, as­ will return ert masse to the Last Tuesday evening the UCSB Legislative Council held its sistant professor of economics, campus, where the post-game first on-campus meeting of the semester in “ The Huddle.” PhD from the University of Ore­ dance will provide an appro­ Among the items of business discussed, and of importance to gon. priate ending to the fun- the entire student body, was the duties of the Director of Publicity. Otte M. Scruggs, instructor filled evening. Chip Crosby and his band will Representative-at-Large Larry Adams presented his committee’s in history, MA in history and highlight the musical attraction, report on a study of the job of Director of Publicity and recom­ will receive his PhD from which is to take place in the au­ mendations of the special council comittee. Harvard later this year. Richard Norman Wisan, in­ ditorium from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. Basically, the committee’s report concerns itself with structor in philosophy, PhD in All Gauchos seeking enjoyment, enumerating the duties of the office, the principles involved philosophy from Columbia. fun and a good football game are and the methods by which the job can be facilitated. Peter Henry King, acting in­ invited to join in. The job description, approved by Legislative Council and also structor in history, MA from St. passed by the same body as by-laws to the Associated Students Con­ Andrews University in Scotland, stitution, reads: “ The Director of Publications is charged with pro­ and has been working toward Sr, Pics Taken Now Shorty Rogers moting the best interests of the Associated Students through (1) his PhD. at UCLA before com­ the planning, co-ordination, and carrying out of programs of pub­ ing to UCSB. For SBC Yearbook licity for the A.S. and (2) supervising and rendering technical Clovis Ray Shepard, in­ services in the production of A.S. publications.” structor in sociology, eomes1 Photograph sittings for senior GAUCHO NOTICES Index Discontinued from UCLA, where he has students for the annual are now been completing require­ Proficiency Tests “ This is the only placement In the minutes of the committee’s meeting, the follow­ being booked, according to Jan ments for his doctorate. Bartlett, La Cum bre editor. Candidates for teaching cre­ meeting to be conducted for ing recommendations were made: “That the Gaucho Index dentials who must take the teachers receiving credentials in Earl Richard Owens, eating A deadline of Feb. 15, 1958, be discontinued.” Adams explained that although the index Speech Proficiency Test should 1958 either through the Univer­ instructor in speech, has been has been set and students are made $800 for the A.S. this year, the fact that the student contact the Speech Department sity or through the State,” Chal- working on his doctorate at the urged to make their sitting ap­ body does not make use of them has caused the advertisers Stanford Speech and Hearing office immediately for instruc­ berg explained. pointment now in order to avoid * * « to look with disfavor upon the indexes and necessarily leads Clinic and has an MA from Stan­ tions. Oct. 2 is the final date to a feeling of ill-will toward the school by the merchants. a last-minute rush. ford. for acceptance of outlines. Representatives Wanted Students graduating in “ That the Director of Publicity be required to make a monthly William W. Fearnside, assist­ Oral examinations will be held Students interested in the two January, June or August are report to Legislative Council.” This, Adams explained, was recom­ ant professor of speech, received on Thursday and Friday, Oct. 10 positions of Finance Committee entitled to have their photo­ mended to the committee by Bob Magruder, who presently holds the his LLB from Harvard Law and 11, between 2 and 5 p.m., Representative - at - Large should graph published in the 1958 office. The idea behind the report is to unite the Director of Publi- School and a PhD from UC at and on Saturday, Oct. 12, be­ apply in the Student Body Office • cations and the student body more closely. Berkeley in modem European edition of La Cumbre. tween 9 a.m. and 12. There will or contact Bill Harris at 5-7740 In addition, the committee also recommended “That history. Miss Bartlett emphasized the be no other tests given this se­ before Thursday, Oct. 3. • * « this committee be continued in existence to study with the Stanley Leonard Glenn, as­ fact that the sitting will require mester. * * * Graduate Manager and the Director of Publications the feasi­ sistant professor of speech, only 15 minutes of the student’s ‘Straw Hat’ Tryouts bility of supplementing the income of the Office of Director PhD in speech and drama time. Cap and gown will be fur­ Teaching Candidates! Tryouts for “ An Italian Straw of Publications and of providing his office with a part-time from Stanford. Dr. Glenn nished by Gilberts of Goleta, the All teaching candidates who Hat” will be held Monday and em ployee.” has had experience as a tele­ official photographers. will receive credentials in Janu­ Tuesday, Sept. 30 and Oct. 1, In the past, the council members, as well as the student body, vision and radio actor, and Wallet-sized prints for the Uni­ ary, June or August, 1958, are from 3 until 5 p.m. in the Little have not been aware of the duties of this important office and, comes here from Humboldt versity Placement Office may be invited to attend a placement Theater. aside from being ignorant of the fact there is such an office, very State College. taken at the same time, thus sav­ meeting Thursday, Oct. 3, in the Additional tryouts will be held few people were aware they, as students, were paying the director’s Robert Pierre Crumb, associ­ ing the student time and money. auditorium of the new Classroom Monday evening from 7 until 9 salary. By defining the job and uniting it with the student body ate in speech, earned his Bache­ Appointments may be made by Building at 4 p.m., Placement in Room 110, Bldg. 417. Try­ through the Council, the committee feels that the entire program lor of Theatre Arts at the Pasa­ phoning Gilberts of Goleta, Executive E. L. Chalberk has an­ outs are unrestricted, with no will be run more efficiently. dena Playhouse. 7-4414. nounced. previous experience necessary. % Page 2 EL GAUCHO FrÎdaÿ, September 27, 1957 AS I SEE IT by Ray Ward Well, the weekly clock has completed one swing of the pen­ dulum and many things have University o f California, Santa Barbara College happened since it began its arc a few short days ago. ^ ^ lish e d eJery Tuesday and Friday during the school year except during vacation and examinations periods by the Associated Students of the Uni­ The Legislative Council has versity of California, Santa Barbara College. Opinions expressed herein held a meeting, many interested those of the. staff unless otherwise indicated. students have shown up in both Entered as. second-class matter NoV. 10, 1954, at the post office at Goleta, the El Gaucho and La Cumbre Calif, under the A ct'of March 3, 1879. Mailing charge is $2.00 per year, offices seeking positions on the payable m advance. ■ v EL GAUGHO STAFF staffs of both publications, and EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ______j k R A Y WARD the Greek organizations on cam­ ------i S m f G . ROBINSON pus have completed their bi­ annual rush functions. PAGE THREE EDITOr T"' ...... " ^TONrWAISH * * * SPORTS EDITOR ______I ------m i k e KAH N STAFF WRITERS ------Craig Chirk, Jeiiy Rocco, Lee VaimsdaU Committee chairmen, board D . D r^ , ul* Rosalee Fay Keith Takahashi, Pat Gower chairmen, club presidents and ROBERT MAGRUDER, ADVERTISING MANAGER AU, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of El Gaucho. other people belonging to divers Signed editorials and letters to the editor represent the view - groups have dropped by the edi­ point of the author. El Gaucho makes every effort to publish tor’s desk with various types of letters from its readers provided they are brief and in good taste. information (mostly for print) and much of it has appeared in El Gaucho. A Perplexing Problem . . . A student publication such as S cen e: El Gaucho office. The Old But Wise Assistant Editor is the Gaucho has the primary func­ sitting behind a typewriter trying to bat out an editorial. tion of informing the student (Enter green freshman wearing a green beany.) body of events concerning them. UCSB Campus Master Plan Develops Natural Green Frosh: Oh hi there! Gee this is a keen office. Are you a This may be in the editorial writer?” comment, a column such as this, OBWAE: “ No I’m just the Old But Wise Assistant Editor trying or in a news or feature story. Beauty of Scenic Ocean Front Campus View to bat out an editorial which will arouse a little, but offend The end result is still an in­ not at all.” formed student body. * * * If you could get a jet-eye view of Santa Barbara College from high in the air, the campus Green Frosh: Say maybe you could help me out in my perplexing would appear as a giant ship’s prow jutting out into the Pacific. And adding to this illusion are The point I belabor is that dilemma.^ I’m tryipg to get into the college swing just as quick the white breakers which swirl against Goleta Point as though it were knifing its way southward. many things happen on a cam­ as I possibly can. I want to join all of the good groups and The reason for alluding to the air age is the similarity in rapid development between a whole pus this size and it’s impossible really get into the old swing of things. Perhaps you can help new flight science and a completely new college campus. Seven years ago, the 408-acre site contained me out.” to expect as small a segment as no evidence of man other than 60 weathered and vacant Marine Corps buildings. The area was comprises the Gaucho staff to OBWAE: “ Pull up a chair and sit down. No, not that one. Get the barred to the public. The only living things were eucalyptus trees, and a few scattered native shrubs know of everything that is going one that isn’t broken.” (Green Frosh approaches the OBWAE’s and trees, ice plant and weeds. . , , , , on at any given time. desk and sits on the good chair in the El Gaucho office.) “As At that time it took about the before community leaders here, $2,500,000 is in the process For this reason, if for no oth­ far as getting into the old swing of things, just what do you same amount of imagination to said, in speaking for that govern­ of having the foundation mean?” ers, news of any acceptable kind envision a beautiful campus on ing body, that “ we do not intend laid. The land area on the is heartily welcomed. Drop Green Frosh: “ Well you know, I want to know what cluhs and the brown mesa as it did to be­ to be content with anything other northern point of the lagoon, around to the Gaucho and let us sects you think I should join and who are the keen people lieve man would fly over 1,100 than a truly great college.” near the Student Union, has know what you think of the pa­ here on campus and all of that, you know?” miles per hour in 1957. The current master plan was been completely regraded to per, student government, the OBWAE: “ Well, I think I can help you out on that point. With - But progress came quickly designed to accommodate 3,500 provide for the two - level campus or anything you feel like over one hundred and twenty different recognized organiza- and now we can see the char­ students, but since then a special structure. commenting on. We’ll listen. tions here on campus, I think you’ll have little trouble in acter of things to come on study by the supervising archi­ Completion of the building is * * * finding something’ to join. Be careful however that . . . the coastal campus with a tects shows that, if necessary, the expected by September, 1958, oh well . . . I don’t want to start sounding like a preacher One other point I might add community of 3,000 stu­ campus area could provide build­ barring delays because of in­ so early in this thing.” is that El Gaucho will try to print dents, faculty and staff which ings up to a student body of clement weather, strikes or ma­ Green Frosh: What about committees, what can you tell me about as many news items as possible. tripled the size or nearby 10,000. The State Department of terial shortages. those?” But we, in turn, ask the students Goleta. Finance estimates 5,600 students In the area of sciences, pre­ OBWAE: “ Well, there’s always the Assembly Committee, the and faculty who submit material The transformation of this at UCSBC in 1970. liminary plans have been ap­ Awards Committee, Finance Committee, the Elections Com­ to understand this is not always I unique setting— called by many Building projects beyond proved for the Biological Sci­ mittee and so forth and so on. The trouble is that there are possible. I realize that to them the most beautiful college site in 1960 are subject to change, ences Building and final specifi­ altogether too many clubs and organizations on campus which the news they give me is the most the nation— is in the hands of but among the earliest will be cations and working drawings serve merely as namesakes for slightly interested students.” important in the world, but the planners who realize the rarity a second unit to the Library, are now being prepared. The Green Frosh: “ What do you mean?” fact remains that I get quite a of the jewel they are fashioning. another general Classroom building will be located just to OBDAE: “ I mean to say that too many organizations here are lot of “ terribly important” news. Pereira & Luckman, one of the Building, and other special­ the south of the present Science in existence merely for the sake of being, having no specific Let me close with the reminder nation’s top architectural design ized structures. Building and will be connected purpose other than being a comfortable meeting place for that El Gaucho is on the student firms, has the task of supervis­ The higlhight of the construc­ by a pattern of covered side­ people.” body budget as a newspaper,' ing the general plan of the cam­ tion program this coming aca­ walks. The present science unit, NOT a daily bulletin. Green Frosh: “ Well, gee, I didn’t think our conversation would pus and has designed some of its demic year will be the comple­ in this same project, will be con­ ever assume such a serious tone.” major buildings. tion of the new Dining Commons verted to the sole use of the OBWAE: “ I’m sorry but it’s true. Where are you going? In just half a decade, a new in January. The structure with physical sciences. The building Green Frosh: Out to talk to someone interested in my welfare. campus emerged with five large its picture windows overlooking allocation is $1,790,000 and it Goodbye.” Architect Magazine new permanent buildings com­ the campus lagoon will be the is expected to be completed dur­ OBWAE: “Goodbye.” (Green Frosh wearing green beany quickly Features Campus pleted, averaging well over a sixth permanent building. This ing the summer of 1959. exits leaving OBWAE at his same position behind the still million dollars each, with three functional and handsome build­ Expansion of the resi­ empty typewriter.) A leading architectural maga­ more under construction or near­ ing will serve meals to the 890 dence-hall program calls for Louis G. Robinson zine, Architectural Forum, fea­ ly so and four buildings on the campus resident students, replac­ two more large halls and a tures the University of Califor­ drawing boards, and another 10 ing the present Casitas Dining second dining commons nia, Santa Barbara campus in an on the waiting list. Hall which was converted from which will accommodate 800 Organizations Seek Student Participation article in its September issue. It is more than stone, steel a military building. more campus citizens. These, The national magazine includes Up to this time much has been and wood that unifies a col­ This new building will accom­ however, will only partially said and printed concerning so- . those devoted to participation 14 photographs and drawings of lege building in its proper modate 800 students at' one sit­ relieve the critical housing the architectural development of cial events and scholastic mat- *n «tWetics. setting. Man has moved in ting and many more with the cus­ shortage. the campus. A large picture of ters. Many of the new students, Sailing Club— A group of sea- the verdant accompaniment tomary cafeteria style of service. . To be located east of the pres­ the Music Building court is in­ however, may not be aware of enthusiasts who enjoy to transform dusty fields into The main dining room can be ent Santa Rosa Hall will be a cluded. the clubs, organizations and oth- groJJP cr,“ 8e8 and training, a campus park with a land­ divided into units of 200 with men’s residence hall for 400 men, The articles, entitled “ Two er extracurricular groups in Ffemeds-— Elementary Ed- scape program calculated to folding partitions to accommo­ and a second women’s hall for Kinds of Campus Coherence,” which they, as new students, **cation majors who discuss follow in step with the occu­ date special groups. A large 400 coeds will be constructed compares the campus planning could participate. problems aid attend lectures pancy of each new structure. modern kitchen and service area to the south of the men’s hall. of Lake Erie College of Ohio, a The immensity of the project extends eastward. The rectangu­ The second dining commons is century-old institution, with the can be shown in terms of dollar lar-shaped structure eventually to be placed southeast of Santa activities« r ngopen \*p,r“, to new students: liv* T s u ftK 1 , iiS • , E . , s . s , development of the new coastal investment. As of June 30, 1957, will be part of a future student Rosa with two 200-unit wings ASB Committees - In charge f ? a? lsb W>L are ln‘ eref ed]m obI campus here, $10,540,000 has gone toward the union complex. attached to a central lounge-rec­ of all Student Body Activities, better u,Jder,tan

Cody Has Winning Year As Rookie Coach 5834 Hollister, Goleta Woodland 7-2692 Ed. Note: This is the last in a series of articles on Head Football Coach Ed Cody, reprinted from the News-Press. In the East-West game in 1946 Ed Cody fooled the experts, at least those who had selected Doc Blanchard as their All-American ß e stn u 'd . fullback. In this game, the Purdue flash went on to personally RADIO - PHONO - TV • BEVERAGES • ICE CUBES • TOBACCOS gain more yardage on the ground than all of the rest of the players For Fast Reasonable Service in the game combined. It was for this performance that the press Visit our Delicatessen Counter Call hung the title “ Catfoot” on Cody. Many called him the fastest- starting back in the history of the game. ICECREAM CHEESE LUNCH MEATS The “ Catfoot” was also an important factor in the 16-0 victory IMPORTED FOODS FRESH BREAD BOB’S TV LAB of the Frank Leahy - coached College All-Stars over the professional 254 SO. ORANGE AVE. — GOLETA Chicago Bears in 1947. For that late evening snack! Ed Cody’s professional football career began with the Green Bay Packers in 1947 and ended in 1951 with the 5858 Hollister Avenue, Goleta Phone 7-3113 72621 Chicago Bears. He played both halfback and fullback with FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY ON CAMPUS the Packers before George Halas of the Bears bought him in 1949. In the first Detroit game of that season, Halas suddenly switched Cody to linebacker due to the injury of the defensive fullback. He stayed on as the Bears’ No. 1 linebacker for the next two seasons, alternating at offensive fullback when called upon. The “ Catfoot” coached his first football team in 1952 at distinctive and comfortable St. Rita High School of Chicago, the largest Catholic high school in the Midwest. St. Rita, usally the doormat of the powerful Cath­ olic conference in Chicago, scored on its first play from scrimmage from England under Cody’s command and went on to compile a record Of 29 wins against only nine losses and two ties in four years under his coaching. Head coach at rival Mt. Carmel High School at the same time was Terry Brennan, now head man at Notre Dame. Now in his first full term as head Gaucho grid mentor, Cody Right for any casual is showing that same enthusiasm and drive in his coaching duties * occasion... Clarks’ which marked his collegiate and pro coaching career. The com­ bination of Cody and Santa Barbara is expected to produce a I original Desert Boot winning gridiron representative this fall. made of soft and cool, 1 0 9 5 tough brushed leather. J l i f l B l Try on a pair today... HAIRCUTS — ALL STYLES and feel the difference!


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