Dead River Region of Maine. 21
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....... ~;~;~·~;~·~:; ··-~;·~.. ;~ ~~·;~~~:. ~~·;~ ~ .... jjlf I ·· -·- - - - TO THE-~ -- ---~... _· ___ . '. t Dead~y, River~y,Region .~ OF ~.AINE7 TIM, SEVEN, ~ND OTHER PONDS, • (l I ,, - ,. f ~ \:: (, \''"'"" -,1-, ... , 'I' •·· ·11 1" .... ' ,, ~'(; '#[\. i :·• I ·, .• ,t ._.:,., . I' ,:J.,:, I' ',) . ..,,,, •' , r rd1 t) '>' 1..~,,- ! r:""''' ...,:t, ;\, 1 rel I IJ 1~,,'--..,t"- i'X l"•'>( ..,.i. .••. , •I x'' ~'le~\,",:'l i' 1\' \ ,• \;.~;.--;. .. , il''.i 7,fG Vl :,·'I'· '· ,, I I .._., • ~~:~2~\>. With a NEW MAP of tha ~ RongeJey Lake and Dead ll\1et \ti\~\\i, THE MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD IS TIIE 0:\"LY LINI~ l~l 'N;-;JN<i FIWM PORTLAND TO THE Dead River Region, AN]) MAY ,lUS'l'LY BE C:\LLED TIIE SPORTSM.AN'IS LINE, AS lT ALSO LE.\DR TO Moosehead and tlw Rangeley Lakes, ML Katahdin Region, And all the noted 11 unt ing awl Fi,;J1ing Hcsorts of J:Y.[AINE A.ND NE'Vv" :SRUNS'Vv"ICK_ Thi:; company J1a:; jw,t compll't1·d a·Branch from BA:\'GOH, TO B:\R IL\ HBOl~, and thu:; fonn:- tlw 0.:\' LY RA.IL W )l;TE to that famous resort, m, well a:; to all partr5 of :\l.\l.:\'I•: and the MAIUTDIE PltO\"l.:\'CE:3. EXCURSION TICKETS_ ( .~,·mwu 1 SSG.) Boston to Eusti::i or :--:milh':-; Fann, viu Hruug and Kingfield 'l.'ia North .Anson ••...•......•.•.........•..........•..•....••.......•...••• $13.00 Boston to Hangcly Lakes ............................................. 12.50 Boi,;ton to 1lou:-.ehcad Lake ........................................... 15.00 Fare from l'ortland to either of auovc places $3.00 lcsi-. Fur rates to other localitks neut! for Summer Excursion Book isimecl by thi:- company. F. E. BOOTHBY, PAYSON TUCKER, (,'en. l'rtss ,\'· Ticl.:l't Auent. Ucnerul .Jlanager. POJ~'.I.1-LANU, ME. ~ er' ~ 00 '"t1 a trj li!'!j a 1--C ~ > cd ~ ~ = 0 ~ 1-3 • 1--Ca trj .00 APPLETON & LITCHFIELD., KANO!' AO'rt1iEiS, IKPOR'rEBS AND DEALE BS IN Fi:n.e .F•ishi:n.g Taok1e, 304 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON, MASS. I-' 2 SPECIAL NOTICES. 1886. PURCHASE TICKETS 1886. VIA Tho SANDY RIVER RAILROAil, Model Narrow Gauge Railroad, but Twenty-four Inches Wide. FULLY EQUIPPED WITH ELEGANT CARS, And the Favorite and Direct Route for THE RANGELEY LAKES, Here you are surrounded bytbe most Magnificent Scenery, but 18 miles from "THE ADIRONDACKS OF NEW ENGLAND." Stages and private teams connect twice daily. Best and most direct route for the RANGELEY LAKES, and for The Carrabassett and Dead River Re[ions, VIA STRONG TO KINGFIELD, ROUND TRIP TICKETS FROrvl ALL POINTS. N, B, BEAL, Supt, J, E, THOMPSON, Gen'l Ticket Agt,. PHILLIPS, :hi.CE. SPECIAL NOTICES. 3 Fishing Tackl~. JOHN P. LOVELL'S SONS, Ma.nufa.oturers, Importers a.nd Dea.le rs in Fishin[ Tacklo ot Evorv noscriunon. LEONARD'S AND ·NICHOLS' SPLIT BAMBOO FLY and BASS RODS. -) AGENTS FOR (- N 8S0Il'S Patent Net Staff,. -AND- THE t1EW FOLDING FISH BASKET1 A MOST CONVENIEN'r ARTICLE IN THIS LINE. EVEFlYT::HI.N'"G N""E-W- fn Artifitial Baits, Flies, Sportiag Books, and Sportsmen's Outfits. Flies and Leaders tied to order from finest materials. Information concerning Proper Tackle, and directions to Fishing and Hunting Localities will be freely given. JOHN P. LOVELL'S SONS, 147 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON" - - - - JY-1:ASS. 4 SPECIAL NOTICES. 1886. 1886. PURCHASE TICKETS -VIA-- Maine Central, Sandy R·iver -AND- FRANKLIN AND MEGANTIC RltILRCll.D 5. The opening of the Franklin and Megantic Railroad to Kingfield, Me., makes a short and direct route to the :EIXG-ELC>~ L.A.:S:ES -.AND- CARRABASSETT AND DEAD RIVER BUNTING AND FISHING REGIONS, Unequalled in Maine for abundance of Fish and Game, Pure Air and Beautiful Scenery. All rail direct to Kingfield in ten hours from Boston, giving ample time for meals, and making close connections at Kin~field with stages for DEAD RIVER, EUSTIS and SMITH'S FARM. Bound-Trip Tickets from all Points. lzcellent Hotel .A.ccommod&tions. PHILIP H. STUBBS, GENERAL. MANAGER, STRONG, ME. SPECIAL NOTICES. 5 ~ESTABLISHED 1800 . DAME, STODDARD & KENDALL, (Successors to BRADFORD & ANTHONY,) IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF Fis~ Hoo~s, Ro~s, Reels, Lines, Etc. Anglers will find everything for Fishing of the Most Reliable Quality, of all Kinds and Styles, AGENTS FOR SKINNER'S CELEBRATED FLUTED SPOON, A ::I~lllin.g Bait and Dui"able. SOLE AGENTS FOR 'fHE Patent Adjustable Floats IISinkers. , HAND-MADE LINEN LINES AND SILK LINES, SPLIT BAMBOO SALMON, TROUT AND PLY RODS, Nason's Patent Portable Net Ring and Staff. SILKWORM GUT, CALCUTTA AND JAPAN POLES, FISHING BASKETS, ARTIFICIAL FLIES, AND A GREAT VARIETY OF A~GLER!S:, IlY.tPLE:?Mt:ENTS. 374 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Opposite BROMFIELD STREET•. 6 SPECIAL NOTICES. HINDS' BLACK-FLY CREAIVI, FOR BEPELL~ING BLACK-FLIES, MOSQUITOES, MIDGES, and OTHER INSECTS, AND PROTEOTING THE SKIN FROM SUNBURN, IRRITATION, AND INFECTION. No Tar! No Stain ! No Spil,ling or Leaking! Price 2o Cents per Booo. Post-paid on Teceipt of price. DIXFIELD, YE., Feb. 25, 1883. Kr. A. S. HtNDS, Portland. I have used your "Black-Fly Cream" and have found it a sure prevent ive against Flies and Mosquitoes. It is ntat and clean. I should not think of going into the woods in fly-time without it. B. 0. STANLEY, Oommissioner of Fish and Game. CYNTHIANA, KY., April 23, 1883. Please accept my thanks for the "Black-Fly Oream" received. It is the most elegant preparation for the purpose I have seen ...• Will take great pleasure in recommending it. Yours very truly, J. A. HENSHALL. GL'BN FALLS, VT,, J1:1ne 15, 1884. Mr. A. S. HINDS. Dear Sir: I have not. sooner acknowledged the receipt of box of "Black-Fly Oream,,, as I desired to first test it. This I have now done, on two fishing trips, where I found the Mosquitoes, Black-Flies, Punkies, and Moose or Deer Flies, in great abundance. Although all these pests swarmed about me, I found the Oream a perfect preventive against their bites, when it was applied to face, hands, ears, and neck. For many years I have 1ought after the insect repellent, and have tried all manner of compounds, but yours is the most thorough, at the same time cleanly, and not disagree- able, Yours truly, A. l\TELSON OEIENEY. PREPARED BY A. S. HINDS, PHARMACIST, PORTLAND, ME. Sold by all Dealers in Sportin,: Good ■ • d z 0 Q. :!!: -I- .. .. :c 0z <C 0: al ::, :c -SPORTSMEN'S AND TOURISTS' GUIDE BOOK TO THE DEAD RIVER REGION OF MAINE, INCLUDING A DESCRIPTION OF Tnu, SEVEN, CHAIN, ALDER STnEAM, FLAGSTAFF, JIM, SPECTACLE, l(ING AND BARTLETT, SPEN CER, CARRYING PLACE, AND OTHER PONDS, RANGELEY LAKES AND LAKES ME GANTIC AND SPIDER IN CANADA. ALSO CONTAINS THE ONLY CORRECT MAPS OF THE REGION, DRAWN EXPRESSLY FOR THIS WORK, TOGETHER WITH c, IIINTs oN CAMPING," ROUTES, HOTELS, GUIDES, GAME AND FISH LAWS OF MAINE, AND l\lUCH OTHER VALUABLE INFORMATION. BOSTON: :PUBLISHED BY A. W. ROBINSON, 33 WINTER BTBEET, 1886. COPYRIGHT, 1886. BY A. W. ROBINSON. Ekctrot111>ed a,ad Printed bu .ALFRED MUDGE & Solt, 2, Fiu..... xu~ Sr., BoSTo1". INTRODUCTION. THE Dead River Region of niaine has been but recently brought bef@re the notice of sportsmen, and, with the ex ception of sundry remarks in the " Forest and Stream," and a brief 1nention in " Farrar's Guide to the Androscog gin Lakes," little has ever been known, and still less written, of its many attractions; and, as would naturally be expected, the con1paratively few persons who have pene trated its wilds have been troubled· from the outset with contradictory advice as to the routes and best places to visit, and many have been deterred from going from a lack of reliable information. The need of a guide book and map was apparent not only for the benefit of the tourist, but also to aid the poor, hard-working men who had run themselves into debt in order to prepare accommodations for visitors, and as no one else seemed inclined to assume the task, the author decided to undertake it, and as a result of his labors now presents to the public this little volume, for which no literary claims are made, as the sole object has been to state in plain words such information as would be sought 12 INTRODUCTION. after by those desiring to visit the region. The author is indebted to Mr. M. S. Field of Boston, and to several residents of the region, for much of the information con tained in the book, and also for valuable assistance in the preparation of the map; and as his personal obser vation and experience furnish the rest of the knowledge, the readers can rely upon the statements herein con tained as being correct in every important detail. As it was necessary in describing a canoe trip through this region to Quebec to mention Megantic and Spider Lakes, Arnold and Chaudiere Rivers, which forin a part of the route, and as information is n1eagre concerning these neighboring Canadian waters (which possess many attractions for sportsn1en), a chapter has been devoted to their description. The success of the first issue of the book tempted the author to prepare a second revised and enlarged edition, which, in order that the reader n1ay 111ore clearly under stand the exact situation of the Dead River Region, con tains a brief description of the territory lying directly to the south, and well known as the Rangeley Lake Region. The third edition, corrected to date, and containing nu merous illustrations and a supple111entary map, is now respectfully subn1itted to the public. BosTOf, April 15, 1886. NOTICE. As many are aware, a disastrous gale swept across North ern Maine in Oct., 1883, and, by felling thousands of trees, did an immense amount of injury to the lumber business.