Dr. Franklin, Citizen Scientist
DR. FRANKLIN, FRANKLIN, DR. CITIZEN SCIENTIST CITIZEN CITIZEN SCIENTIST CITIZEN SCIENTIST Janine Yorimoto Boldt With contributions by Emily A. Margolis and Introduction by Patrick Spero Edited by the Contents 5 INTRODUCTION Patrick Spero Published on the occasion of the exhibition 8 Dr. Franklin, Citizen Scientist April–December ACKNOWLEDGMENTS American Philosophical Society South Fifth Street 10 Philadelphia, PA ESSAY amphilsoc.org Dr. Franklin, Citizen Scientist is exhibition catalog was made possible by a grant from the Janine Yorimoto Boldt National Endowment for the Humanities. 41 A BENJAMIN FRANKLIN TIMELINE 42 ILLUSTRATED CHECKLIST Any views, ndings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent those of the Janine Yorimoto Boldt / Emily A. Margolis National Endowment for the Humanities. 106 EDITED BY the American Philosophical Society SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY PROJECT MANAGEMENT Mary Grace Wahl DESIGN barb barnett graphic design llc PRINTING Brilliant Graphics, Exton, PA Front cover: Charles Willson Peale, Portrait of Benjamin Franklin (detail), , APS. Inside front cover and last page: Adapted illustrations from Benjamin Franklin, Experiments and Observations on Electricity, rd ed. ( ), APS. Copyright © by the American Philosophical Society Library & Museum All rights reserved. Identiers: ISBN -- - - | LCCN Also available as a free downloadable PDF at: https://diglib.amphilsoc.org/franklinsenlightenment/ Introducti In , Benjamin Franklin and a group of other civically minded individuals got together to form something called the “American Philosophical Society.” Philosophy, at the time, had a much di¡erent meaning than it does today. To be a philosopher was to be one who systematically inquired into nature, often in ways that we would today consider science. e Society’s purpose was thus to “promote useful knowledge” by bringing the greatest thinkers in the British colonies together to share all that they knew and were learning.
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