Cosmic Being

VOL. 2 ISSUE 7 DECEMBER 2014 For Private Circulation Cosmic Being Prayer

Salute to the Non-Dual

Sivaya roopaya Siva roopaya Vishnave Sivasya Hridayam Vishnuh Vishnoscha Hridayam Sivah Yatha Sivamaho Vishnuh Evam Vishnumayah Sivah Yathantaram na pashyami tatha me swastiraayushi


Siva is Vishnu and Vishnu is Siva. Vishnu resides in Siva’s heart and Siva in Vishnu’s. As Vishnu is filled with Siva, so is Siva with Vishnu. As long as I do not see them separately, so long be good fortune to me.

Cosmic Being 1 Details Cosmic Being Cosmic Being Monthly News Magazine


EDITOR - IN - CHIEF His Holiness Sri Sri Sri Speepada Srivallabha Venkata Viswanatha Swamijee

ISSUE EDITOR Dr. K. Purnapragnabharathy

EDITORIAL BOARD K. Satyamurthi R. Rajeev P.Ajay Chakravarthy U.L. His Holiness Sri Sri Sri Speepada Srivallabha Venkata Viswanatha Swamijee Disclaimer

The views expressed in the articles are of the authors. The Publishers are not Shree Giri Vedic Research Foundation responsible for any controvery or dispute 124-C, Central Avenue, Sainik Farms, with regard to the content. New Delhi - 110062

2 Cosmic Being Cosmic Being Editorial

Blessed are those who were protected by the Guru. Blessed are those where were guided by him. Blessed are those towards whom the Guru is pleased, as Guru is the light that shows the path in the darkness.

Sant of India in his poetical couplet says that If God and Guru appear before me together, I salute to the Guru first, as he teaches me to recognise the God. So is the importance of Guru. Guru not only teaches how to recognise the God, but also makes us feel the God in our lives everyday. Without a Guru one can not even think about attaining unity with the God.

Guru, the light that removes the darkness called ignorance, tests the disciples, encourage them to face the bitter realities and prepares them to accept the Supremacy of the Lord. Being proud of wealth, health, beauty, position and strength, we feel that we are above all, atleast above few. But the bitter truth is that we are nothing but a Editorial tiny atom in the gigantic creation of the Lord.

Guru, with his knowledge, wisdom and divine power, corrects us, leads us into a righteous path. Hence, be in any doctrine of religion, do take shelter at the lotus feet of the Guru, for being in the list of the selected few by the Lord.

May the blessings of Guru be with you.

- Editor Cosmic Being 3 Index Cosmic Being

Salute to the Non-Dual 1

Editorial 3

Dear Editor 5

Guruji’s message 6

Kids Corner - Dedication yields fruit 13

Events 14 Index

4 Cosmic Being Cosmic Being Dear Editor

Dear Editor, The editorial of November issue was well timed. The article on the pious month Karthika revealed how diyas should be placed. Thanks.

Ramola, Chandighar

Dear Editor, Convey my Pranaams to Divine Guruji. After following his instructions on performing Karthika pooja, my life now is filled with joy. My dream of keeping my family unite, is now a reality. I thank Divine Guruji.

- Cauvery Shanmugam, Chennai

Dear Editor, The divine message of the Divine Guruji is an eye opener for many like me. Like many young, after marriage, I started living separately. After reading the divine message of Divine Guruji, now I came to know about my duties towards the parents. I joined with my aged parents now. Pranaams to Guruji.

Dear Editor Dear - Mukund D. Apte,

Dear Editor, Please add few more pages for the messages of Divine Guruji, for the benefit of many like me.

-. Deboshish Sao, Purulia

(Your request was placed before H.H. Guruji - Editor.). Cosmic Being 5 Message Cosmic Being

DattaDatta andand inin incarnationsincarnations

While giving the list of His manifestations in the Celestal Song, Bhagawat Geetha, The Lord himself proclaimed the He is Margasira among the lunar months. Hence, Margasira is considered as the pious month to dedicate ourselves to the Lotus Feet of the Supreme Lord. Margasira Pournami, the full moon day of month Margasira, is the birth day of Lord , the Supreme Guru of the Universe. On this pious occasion, let us know about Lord Dattatreya, his doctrine of philosophy and his avatars.

When Kaliyuga entered, all the virtues of human beings started worsening. To uphold the virtues like (truth), Rta (Cosmic Order) and (principle), Lord Dattatreya descended to earth, as son of Sage -Anasuya. Once when the Holy Trinity of Lord , Vishnu and Maheswara tested the chastity of Mother Anasuya, with her magical powers, she made them kids. On the request GuruJi’s Message GuruJi’s of Holy Trinity of Divine Mothers Goddess Saraswathi, and Parvathi, to revert the kids back to Holy Trinity, Mother Anasuya did so. The Holy Trinity were pleased with the Sage couple and

6 Cosmic Being Cosmic Being Message promised to take birth as their children. The Sage couple had Chandra (Moon), Dattatreya and Durvasa were the divine kids took birth as incarnation of Holy Trinity. As they were given (Datta) to Sage Atri, they were called Atreyas(Sons of Atreya). Sitting under the fig tree (Audumbara) Lord Dattatreya observed the nature around him, and from the natural forces, he learnt the heavenly virtues and knowledge. As he learnt without a selected Guru, he is called Avadhoota (Self-initiated). The Cow with him represents Mother Earth, and the four dogs four . He stressed upon Atmagnana (Self- realization) as the path to salvation. To attain Atmagnana, one should give of pride and ego through under the leadership of a sacred Guru. Purity of thought and purity of word and deed lead to attain Atmagnana, he taught. For the welfare of the righteous people and Sadhakas, Lord Dattatreya descended onto the earth in different Avataras or human incarnations. Sri Sripada Srivallabha, Sri Nrusimha Saraswathi, Sri Swami Samartha (Akkalkot Maharaj) Message GuruJi’s and Sri Manikraprabh were the chief Avataras of Lord Dattatreya.

Cosmic Being 7 Cosmic Being Message Sripada Srivallabha took birth in a Telugu family as an incarnation of Lord Dattatreya. Since his Upanayanam (Sacred thread ceremony), instead of attending to Vedic school like others, child Sripada he himself started imparting Vedic knowledge to others. Such was his divine power. After attaining the age of marriage, instead of marrying a woman, he chose (renunciation). He toured Dwaraka, Brindavan, , Badrinath and Gokarna Kshetra. He propagated the doctrine of dharma of Lord Dattatreya for life time. To complete the journey of human life, he entered into River Ganges and disappeared.. Sri Nrusimha Saraswathi was born as Narahari to the divine couple Amba and Madhava Sarma. On birth he did not cry like others, instead he uttered . The astrologers professed that he is the avatara of Lord Dattatreya and will certainly become a sag to uplift the fallen souls. Child Narahari neither uttered a word, nor spoke to anyone, including his parents. On the day of , with gestures, he sought the permission of his mother to take up Sannyasa and went to . In accordance with Holy tradition, he resorted to His Holiness Swami Krishna

GuruJi’s Message GuruJi’s as his Guru and from him took the vow of sannyas. Henceforth and since then he came to be known as Narasimha Saraswati. He toured the entire nation and spread the doctrine of Dharma Cosmic Being 8 Cosmic Being Message in Lord Dattatreya’s path. When the people were in utter despair, he brought about a religious and spiritual renaissance and restored their morale. Sri Swami Samartha or Akkalkot Maharaj, is believed to be the next incarnation of Lord Dattatreya. Swami Nrusimha Saraswathi went to penance at Himalayas, and did a penance for three hundred years, as a result a great ant hill rose above him. One woodcutter accidentally disturbed the ant hill and found the sage doing penance. The reappeared form of Sri Nrusimha Saraswathi came to be known as . As he resided at place called Akkalkot for 22 years, he is called Akkalkot Maharaj. Swami Samartha not only toured our country east to west, north to south, but also toured China. The name of Swami Samarth as a Spiritual Master spread all around and devotees came for taking his blessings. The common people did not understand many of his gestures and mystic statements, which he used to make cryptically, although their meanings became apparent on later dates. It is believed that he had

Annapurna Siddi, that can Message GuruJi’s feed innumerable people at any time. He had the power to read the minds and future of any person. Swami Samarth served people for decades, cured them and preached the doctrine of dharma to them. Cosmic Being 9 Message Cosmic Being

Manikya Prabhu or , the saint, philosopher, poet and mystic of , is considered the fourth incarnation of Lord Dattatreya. Some sects of Muslims believe that Manikya Prabhu is an incarnation of Saint Mahaboob Subhani. Manikya Prabhu walking on the path shown by Lord Dattatreya, initiated a new path called Sakalamata (Doctrine of all religions). In this doctrine all the faiths are accepted as paths of salvation. This doctrine is based on Rajayoga. His innumerable poetic compositions are replete with expressions of ardent devotion to the different manifestations of Parabrahma. In the final analysis, he enjoins a meaningful connection between man and man, in a spirit of fellowship and brotherhood, disregarding affiliations of religions, caster of creeds. Such a philosophy invited messianic reverence for Shri Prabhu from all communities and earned him the appellation ‘Sakalamatacharya’. Sakalmata Sampradaya is not a cult or a sect. It is a holistic and an all embracing school of philosophy,

GuruJi’s Message GuruJi’s which basically rests on the concept of a Supreme Soul that pervades the Universe and in that context perceives a spiritual unity in the entire human race. This school of thought holds an umbrella of eqality over all diversities of religions, faiths, and persuasions. 10 Cosmic Being Cosmic Being Message Such a philosophy was readily acceptable to people of all religions, castes or creeds, and to rich and poor, as it held the promise of harmony among all people, transcending all barriers that produced conflicts. By few of the devotees the Saibaba of Shiridi, is considered as the Fifth incarnation of Lord Dattatreya. Manikya Prabhu and Saibaba being contemporaries, many scholars reject this idea of Saibaba being the Fifth incarnation of Lord Dattatreya. But, as the Saibaba cult is growing leaps and bounds, many writers started writing him as the incarnation of Lord Dattatreya, in near in chronicles of Datta parampara, the name of Saibaba of Shiridi would also be written as an avatara of Lord Dattatreya. was regarded as Sadguru, Saint, and an avatar of God by his Hindu devotee and as a fakir by muslim devotees. Sai Baba stressed the importance of Saranagati (surrender) to the guidance of the true Sadguru. He gave a promise to the devotees saying ‘Trust in me and your prayer shall be answered’

From the Editor GuruJi’s Message GuruJi’s Our beloved Guruji, Sri Sri Sri Sripada Srivalabha Venkata Viswanatha Swamijii, is the present day incarnation of Lord Dattatreya, possessing all the divine birth marks of Sankha, Chakra and padma in his His

Cosmic Being 11 Message Cosmic Being

Lotus feet. Initiated into Sannyasa at the age of 26,Viswanatha Swamijee took the divine path to establish peace and goodwill on earth. To achieve peace, happiness, to develop the energy levels in the human body and to restore the draining energies in the nature, Swamiji formulated one unique way of meditation called Viswa Chetana.

H.H. Swamiji started seven schools and health centers in different parts of India. For the homeless, he has got 1000 houses constructed in Andhra Pradesh and 2000 houses in Arunachal Pradesh. Our Divine Guru has adopted 25 villages of Nalgonda District, Andhra Pradesh which are tribal villages facing acute water shortage. Apart from doing social service, our Divine Guru, using His Touch healing, Swamiji cured several patients who were suffering from cancer, asthma and similar critical diseases. With Viswachetana, the unique mediation programme in two phases, scores of devotees are getting benefit. Through this unique way of meditation, H.H. Swamijee is serving the mankind, through social service and religious services. Taking shelter at the Lotus Feet of His Holiness, will certainly take us on the righteous path. GuruJi’s Message GuruJi’s


12 Cosmic Being Cosmic Being Kids Corner DedicationDedication yieldsyields fruitfruit Kids, today I will narrate you a story of a boy who turned into a Star. Once, there was a king called Uttanapada. He had two wifes. Dhruva was the son of the first queen and Uttama was the son of the second queen. The king loved his second queen very much. This made her head strong. Once both the brothers Dhruva and Uttama were playing and in the game playfully when Dhruva sat in the lap of his father, the second queen insulted him saying he did not deserve it as he was not born to her. She even mocked at his plight, by asking him to redeem himself by seeking Vishnu’s blessings. Dhruva, took the words seriously and decided to observe penance in meditation of the Lord Vishnu. On the way to penance, Dhruva met Sage Narada, who gave him the Narayana Mantra and instructed him the right course of the penance. Advised thus by Sage Narada,

Dhruva started his penance. The austerity of his penance Corner Kids shook the heavens and the Lord appeared before him and granted him the eternal knowledge. As Dhruva sought no boon for his selfish means, the Lord was pleased place Dhruva as a Star on par with Saptarshis. . Hey, kids, with sheer dedication, Dhruva, though being a boy, achieved the highest place in the universe. Hence, be dedicated towards what you do.

Cosmic Being 13 Events Cosmic Being

Events this month

 His Holiness Sri Sri Sri Viswanatha Swamijee visited Turkey on the request of the devotees.

 His Holiness Sri Sri Sri Viswanatha Swamijee visited Turkey on the request of the devotees.

 His Holiness Sri Sri Sri Viswanatha Swamijee visited Bangkok on the request of the devotees.

 His Holiness Sri Sri Sri Viswanatha Swamijee visited Thailand on the request of the devotees.

 Datta Jayanthi was celebrated at Hyderabad under the guidance of His Holiness Sri Sri Sri Viswanatha Swamijee.

 Bhagwat Geetha reciting competition was held for children at Hyderabad. His Holiness Sri Sri Events Sri Viswanatha Swamijee graced the occasion and distributed the prizes.

 His Holiness Sri Sri Sri Viswanatha Swamijee visited Government Hospitals at Hyderabad distributed fruits, consoled the patients and blessed them. with.

14 Cosmic Being