Llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllll USOO5088285A United States Patent [191 [11] Patent Number: 5,088,285 Stevenson [45] Date of Patent: Feb
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llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllll USOO5088285A United States Patent [191 [11] Patent Number: 5,088,285 Stevenson [45] Date of Patent: Feb. 18, 1992 I 54 1 INTERNAL C0 MB USTIO N ENGINE FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS [75] Inventor: ggigfmy 5' Stevens”, Pasadena’ 975375 11/1961 Fed. Rep. of Germany 60/605.l _ I _ Primary Examiner-Douglas Hart [73] Asslgnee: 275,3?“ 8‘ Mlqdlebmtok Glendale’ Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Wagner & Middlebrook 1 . ; a part mteres . [57] ABSTRACT [21] Appl' No': 361’450 An improved internal combustion engine, particularly [22] Filed: Jun. 5, 1989 of the compression ignition, two cycle, aircraft type " employing sleeve valves and a modular cylinder and [51] Int. Cl.5 ..................................... .; ..... .. F02B 37/00 removable cylinder head and retainer‘ The engine is [52] US. Cl. ................................... .. 60/6051; 60/272; turbocharged with the turbocharger Separated into the _ 123/65 EM; 123/65 BA; 123/65 R compressor on one side of a V shaped cylinder array [58] F161‘! 0f Search ............................ .. 60/605}, 272; and the drive turbine on the oppositc sidc_ The exhaust 123/65 BA’ 65 R’ 65 EM is discharged through the center of the power output [56] References Cited shaft making this engine particularly suited for pusher U s PATENT DOCUMENTS “emf! apphcanons' 4,432,205 2/1984 Inoue ................................ .. 60/605.l 18 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets 40' 1 ' 86 78 82 74 46 e 44 /',. g i / 76 96 48 / n \ _ 98 62 / I / \ \\ f -- \ 48B-\ ‘I’ I // 9”’ -—- 48A 5 I _ " l 56 fl _ // ' 7o 57 '72 M r‘ :—:—— —“i I 8 ’.-—3. P58 _'____- 1;“ ' 5 " j ' l A‘ 54 N\\\\\\\\\\\ 1 1 2 l! 6 \\\\ \ 1 1 6 / 1 22 54 \ % 100 52 ~§\;\ . 1 0 64 92 w \ 1 1 4 6 1 24 1 O 1 1 04 66 A 668 1 O6 US. Patent Feb. 18, 1992 Sheet 1 of 5 5,088,285 US. Patent Feb. 18, 1992 8heet 2 of 5 5,088,285 86C 76 44 FIG 2 US. Patent Feb. 18, 1992 Sheet 3 of 5 5,088,285 114 124 104 665 106 FIG 5 US. Patent Feb. 18, 1992 Sheet 4 of 5 5,088,285 US. Patent Feb. 18, 1992 Sheet 5 of 5 5,088,285 138 ‘136 134 5,088,285 1 2 wiring of nuts to assure proper installation and opera INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE tion. Unnecessary weight seems to be involved. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION FIELD OF THE INVENTION Faced with the foregoing state of the art, I have This invention relates to the ?eld of internal combus ‘proceed to design a new reciprocating engine capable tion engines and more particularly to compression igni of compression ignition turbocharged operation while tion aircraft engines. achieving an acceptable weight to horsepower ratio in a BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION simple design. I have also achieved simpli?cation of the manifolding The advantages of the diesel or compression ignition system in the interest of greater engine efficiency and in engine for heavy duty industrial and certain automotive the process have reduced the added drag of the exhaust applications is well recognized. The application of com system to virtually zero and, in fact, achieve added pression ignition engines to aircraft applications has thrust from the exhaust of the engine. been considered as impractical throughout the years, These advantages have been obtained in one embodi particularly, because of the normal high weight to ment of this invention which comprises a two cylinder, horsepower output ratio of such engines. It is believed two cycle, compression ignited, uni?ow, sleeve valve, that no signi?cant number of compression ignition en turbocharged diesel cycle engine. It employs a modular gines are in aircraft operation today. Likewise, there is design in which the two cylinders are arranged in a V a failure to recognize that compression ignition engines 20 con?guration with the crankcase at the apex of the V for aircraft operation offer a number of important ad and the power output shaft located between the legs of vantages over the conventional spark plug ignited gaso the V. The turbocharger is split with the drive turbine line engine for such applications. These advantages and its housing coaxial with the output shaft on one side include: of the cylinders and the compression turbine on the 1. Signi?cantly reduced risk of fire due to the absence 25 opposite side of the cylinders. of electrical ignition and the employment of a high flash The output shaft is hollow and the engine exhaust point fuel. 2. Greater reliability due to the elimination of exits through the output shaft. When the engine is used the principal sources of conventional aircraft engine in pusheriaircraft, the exhaust exit of the engine does not failure, i.e. the magneto and spark plugs and associated add any drag creating surface to the aircraft pro?le. wiring and contacts. The exhaust exits in the center of the propeller plane in 3. Greater fuel economy and, therefore, increased the direction of desired thrust for dispersion in the pro ?ight range. peller wash. Exhaust gases do not flow near lift or con 4. Elimination in normally aspirated aircraft engines trol surfaces. of carburetor icing and unwanted power variations with Each cylinder is modular including a cylinder liner 35 which is ?anged at its inner end to be secured at one end altitude, temperature and humidity. in the cylinder. A separable cylinder head including the 5. More uniform fuel distribution between cylinders combustion chamber and preheater, if used, is held in due to metered fuel injection. place by a single threaded cylinder head retainer which 6. Lower exhaust temperature resulting in greater engages the cylinder liner threads. ef?ciency and, in military operations, lower infra red signature of the engine exhaust. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING 7. Elimination of radio interference due to the diesel’s This invention may be more clearly understood from non-electric ignition. the following detailed description and by reference to None of these advantages of diesel engines for air~ the drawing, in which; craft applications, heretofore could be achieved, how FIG. 1 is a perspective embodiment of one embodi ever, without paying the unacceptable weight penalty. ment of this invention; I have explored the early attempts to achieve im FIG. 2 is a front elevational view of the embodiment proved aircraft engines, whether of spark or compres of FIG. 1 with portions broken away to show the inte sion ignition and have recognized that early attempts rior thereof; may have employed good design but suffered from the FIG. 3 is a side elevational view, thereof with por limitations of available materials. An example is the use tions broken away; of sleeve valves. Creative work was done by Sir Harry FIG. 4 is an exploded view of the parts of the engine Ricardo and recounted in his series of books “The High of FIG. 1; Speed Internal Combustion Engine,” particularly Vol. FIG. 5 is a front elevational view of the outer face of 4, Copyright 1954 and his work and the work of others 55 the bearing support plate of the engine of FIG. 1; on sleeve valve engines was described in Chapter 6, FIG. 6 is a side elevational view thereof, partly in entitled “The Sleeve Valve" of the volume “High section; - _ Speed Valve Mechanisms” by Malvey, copyrighted in FIG. 7 is a rear elevational view thereof; and the l960’s. ' FIG. 8 is a perspective view of a slide valve of this I am aware that turbocharger designs for reciprocat 60 invention. ing aircraft engines often add greatly to the bulk, cost and complexity of the engine. Likewise, I have noted DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE that the exhaust manifolding and system also adds to the INVENTION bulk or volume of the engine installation and often adds The principles of this invention can be illustrated in both back pressure to the engine, reducing its thermal an aircraft engine of small size and horsepower of the efficiency, and drag to the aircraft pro?le. type preferred for unmanned vehicle propulsion. Illus The cylinder design of most aircraft engines usually trated in FIGS. 1-4 is a two cylinder two cycle turbo requires multiple studs with precise torquing and safety charged engine, generally designated 10, shown with an n 5,088,285 3 4 engine mountv 12 and including cylinders 14 and 16 22. The cylinder liners 86 and 88 each have a pair of sets which may be integral with crankcase 18. The cylinders of ports, intake ports 86B and 88B communicating with 14 and 16 are ?nned for cooling and each have a remov intake manifold 38 and exhaust ports 86C and 88C com able cylinder head 20 and 22 respectively which mount municating with the exhaust manifold 34 of cylinder 14 injectors 24 and 26. The cylinder heads 20 and 22 are and its counterpart of cylinder 16. each secured to their respective cylinder 14 and 16 by The piston 78 is coupled by its wrist pin 79 to con cylinder head retainers 28 and 30 which are threaded necting rod 76 which, in turn, is journaled by crank pin into their mating cylinder. The cylinder heads 20 and 22 92 on the crankshaft 66 with its counter weights 66A each close a combustion chamber such as may be seen in and B of FIG. 3, only one of which, 66A, appears in FIG. 2 in the sectional portion. 10 FIG. 2. Connecting rod 76 is of the blade type and 74 is The cylinder 14 with its cylinder head retainer 28 of forked con?guration at its lower end to allow side by de?nes a 360 degree exhaust port 32 and manifold 34.