Cmsnnr Anîr |Lctni)Cr-Êntcr:Tl
PUBLIC DOCUMENT No. 5. REPORT Cmsnnr anîr |lctni)cr-êntcr:tl COMMONWEALTH OE MASSACHUSETTS, FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1862. BOSTON: WRIGHT & POTTER, STATE PRINTERS, No. 4 S p r i n g L a n e . 1 8 6 3. \ Æommomucaltl) of iHassndjusctfo. State T reasurer’s Office, Boston, 1 January 15, 1863. j To the Hon. A. H. Bullock, Speaker o f the House o f Repre sentatives Sir,— Herewith I have the honor to communicate the Annual Report of the transactions of this Office for the year 1862. Verj* respectfully, Your obedient servant, HENRY K. OLIVER, Treasurer and Receiver- General o f Massachusetts. 4 TREASURER’S REPORT. [Jan. (îcmtmoiuucaltf) of IHassacljuscils. T reasurer' s Office, B oston, / January 14, 1863. \ To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives:— The undersigned, Treasurer and Receiver-General of the Commonwealth, begs leave to present his Annual Report of the business of the Department under his charge, for the year 1862, covering all receipts into the treasury, and all payments therefrom, during that year, to which 4ie adds, (as required by Section 19 “ of Chapter 15 ” of the General Statutes,) a specific statement of all warrants unpaid, and the names of the several parties in whose favor such warrants were drawn. A statement is likewise given of the several Funds, (Sinking and others,) in his official keeping. The total receipts in revenue, for the year 1862, including premium on scrip sold, were $2,949,816 71 Ditto on account of Sinking Funds, and other sources, ....... 4,650,903 60 Cash on hand, January 1, 1862, .
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