CROSSROADS St Andrew’s Killaney St Ignatius' October 2019 Harvest Thanksgiving in Carryduff on 6th October in Killaney on 20th October

1 ear Friends, D There is no doubt that the arrival of a �irst grandchild is potentially the most exciting moment of many lives, and I have to say that Vera and I were delighted to welcome our �irst grandchild to our home in recent weeks. She is already precious, special, beautiful, add-more-such-words, and the current joy of our lives. What makes her most special is that she is a gift from God for all of us and she has been a blessing to her parents and the entire family circle. God is good. We have been fascinated by the care and attention her parents have taken in choosing her names. One of the fascinating aspects was their decision to ‘wait until we see her’ before they decided what her name would be. Even when she was born it took a few hours of studying her to make sure her name was a good �it! The giving of a name is a sign of loving care on the part of parents: the time spent re�lecting is an indicator of the importance of that name. In church history it has often been the practice for a new life in Christ, a newly born again believer, to take on a new name, often called a baptismal name. When we belonged to no religion or a non-christian religion the old name may have re�lected loyalty to a prophet or god or goddess, and it is clearly a splendid decision to take a new name which re�lects our new Christ-centred status. f you were to take on a new name, what would it be? Would you be a Paul or I a Peter, a Magdalena or an Elizabeth? Perhaps you would get an adopted name of Christian, or Christiana as the characters in Pilgrim’s Progress were named? Or, like most of you, would you want to rededicate the name your parents gave you to your new Christian status, and become the true man or woman whom God appointed you to be! Stephen, a (struggling but determined) Christian. Harvest Gift Envelopes Enclosed with your magazine, in most cases, is a Harvest Envelope for Church Funds. InCarryduff we have opened an account with this Harvest Appeal, to create a fund dedicated to the repair of the roofs and supporting structures in our buildings. A recent Quinquennial report indicated the likelihood of a need to do major work in the next decade, and while continuing with minor works from general funds, we wish to set aside money, speci�ically for this major work. Killaney parishioners are encouraged to continue the tradition of a Harvest Gift as we continue our work of repairing and repainting the church windows and interior, and as work on the perimeter walls is begun. In both St. Ignatius’, Carryduff and St. Andrew’s, Killaney your Harvest Gift Envelopes will be welcomed on Harvest Sunday, or the weeks following. Your anticipated generosity is appreciated. 2 Mothers’ Union The Mother’s Union will meet again on Thursday 3rd October at 8pm in the Mitchell Room. This month we are very excited to be having a representative from Street Pastors joining us. Street Pastors were pioneered in London in 2003 by Les Isaac. Since then they have trained over 12,000 volunteers from local churches. Street Pastors patrol our streets in teams of men and women, usually from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. on a Friday and Saturday night. They play an active part in strengthening community life and working for safer streets. Currently, more than 300 towns and cities around the UK, including Belfast have a Street Pastors team Anyone over the age of 18 , who is a committed Christian can train to join the team.

Why not come along to �ind out more All welcome and remember you don’t have tobeawomanoramother to join us! Golf Society Hello Parishioners, My apologies for not keeping you updated with the St Ignatius’ Golf Society. A brief summary of the year to date. We have been blessed with good weather on our outings and have had an enjoyable year to date. April outing at GC was won by Malcolm Foreman May at Shandon GC won by Ivor Johnston June at Malone GC was Captain’s Day, won by David Marston July at Dunmurry GC won by Rod Maxwell August at Blackwood won by Andrew Glass September 26 at Knock (as this is published)

The remaining outing is at Kirkistown on 17th October, tee off at1.00pm. In September we have planned our away day to Lough Erne to play both the Faldo and Castle Hume courses. The �inal of the Fred Dunlop Trophy will have taken place at the Knock outing on 26th September, the �inalists being Tom Mellan and Andrew Glass. All golfers are welcome; the Society gives you a chance to play at a variety of courses and enjoy the craic for a very reasonable price.

Rod Maxwell 3 Harvest Thanksgiving Festivals 2019 Carryduff On Sunday 6th October at 10:30, the Harvest Thanksgiving Service is due to take place. We look forward to hearing from Pastor Gavin Allen of Carryduff Elim Church for his �irst preaching engagement in St Ignatius’ Church.

Decorating for the Harvest takes place at 4:00 pm and 7:30 pm on Friday 4 October, and you are advised that contributions of articles for use in the displays may be left at the church anytime on Friday. We try to make the service a family friendly occasion and Sunday School will take place as usual so our younger members can enjoy both the beautifully decorated church, and can respond to the gifts of God at Harvest time in their own way. The evening service will also include traditional Harvest music!

The distribution of gifts from the Harvest will take place at 10:00 am on Monday 7 October. Those who have a particular request for a gift for a friend or neighbour may like to contact the church of�ice beforehand to let us know. We appreciate the help you all give at this special time.

Killaney s mentioned in the Killaney Notes, we plan to celebrate Harvest with a A Thanksgiving Service on the afternoon of 20th October in St Andrew’s, followed by refreshments. Afterwards, some of the items on display will be sold for church funds. Our preacher this year is The Rev Sam Johnston, newly appointed minister in charge of St Mary’s, .

Thank You The Larder food bank in Mersey Street, Belfast is overwhelmed by the generous monthly donations of food by the parishioners of Carryduff and Killaney. Approximately 40 shopping bags of food were delivered in September. A few Sundays before they arrived they had almost nothing on the shelves to give out. I was so encouraged to hear of this ministry in which they are helping to alleviate the hardship of others while creating an atmosphere of friendship and fellowship amongst those who bene�it so much from the provisions freely and lovingly donated. Last Sunday, the church was full of people enjoying breakfast and worshipping together. It would be appreciated if gifts of food were left in both parishes on the 1st or 2nd Sundays of each month. Keith will deliver them to the Larder. 4 Christmas Shoe Box Appeal Operation Christmas Child returns this month with boxes being distributed from the churches early in the month. Many of you were disappointed to hear that sweets and toothpaste could no longer be included in the gifts sent, but, nevertheless, we request that you comply with this import restriction. We request that all donated boxes be returned by Sunday 27th October so they can be handed into the reception centre in time for checking and distribution to the children who will receive them in time for Christmas. Suitable Gifts: Hat, cap, gloves or scarf, sunglasses, hair accessories, jewellery set, wind up torch, slinky spring, matchbox cars. Toothbrush, bars of wrapped soap, comb or hairbrush, �lannel. Pens, pencils & sharpeners, crayons or felt pens, stamps & ink pad sets, writing pads or notebooks & paper, solar calculators, colouring & picture books etc. Include items that children will immediately embrace such as dolls or stuffed toys (with CE label), toy trucks, harmonica, yo-yo, skipping rope, ball, small puzzles etc PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE* Used or damaged items; clothing other than as listed above; war related items such as toy guns, play soldiers or knives; chocolate, sweets or other food items; seeds; aerosols; toothpaste, lotions or liquids of any type including bubbles; medicines; hand-made or knitted stuffed toys; playing cards of the 4- suit variety; anything of a political, racial or religious nature; sharp objects; glass containers or fragile items; books with mainly words. *Items packed from this list will be removed from shoeboxes. £5.00 donations: It costs money to get your shoe box to the children. If possible can you donate £5 with your box? Thank you. These details are taken from the Operation Child website Use this shortened link:

5 St Andrew’s,Killaney October Rosters Flowers: Anne Mannis Cleaning: Michelle Turkington & Rosemary Mack HARVEST SERVICESunday 20th October at 3.00 pm Please note there is NO MORNING SERVICE on 20th! The church will be open from 6.30 on Friday night to decorate for the Harvest. Anyone who would like to help please come, you will enjoy the chat and the company. Gifts of �lowers, fruit and vegetables etc. can be left in the porch at any time on Friday. Thank you. ANNUAL COFFEE MORNING & CAKE SALE Saturday 2nd November at 10.30 am A reminder of all we have to be thankful for, especially at harvest time: Bread is a lovely thing to eat, God bless the barley and the wheat. A lovely thing to breathe is air, God bless the sunshine everywhere. The earth’s a lovely place to know, God bless the folk that come and go. Alive’s a lovely thing to be, Giver of life, we say Bless Thee.

I run. Among low-limbed, lavish pines that quilt the path with perfumed needles; beneath the morning call of a meadowlark to his mate, I run. Past crocus and violet that hem the earth with brilliant stitching and over logs across a stream; Irun my breath fast, my legs strong, my soul full. With a joyous sun �ingering my face, Irun and feel God’s pleasure.

6 New Bishop Sought With Prayer Calling All Families Call to prayer Sunday 27th October at 10.30am In a joint statement, the two Deans, the We welcome everyone to our Very Revd Geoff Wilson (Dromore) and monthly All Age Worship, followed the Very Revd Henry Hull (Down) have by some refreshments and a very encouraged people to hold the process special treat in Carryduff Parish before God in their prayers: hall - Aunt Sandra’s Chocolate Road Two nights of prayer will take place - in Show. The children will enjoy Down Cathedral on Friday 4 October making chocolate apples, pizzas, and in Dromore Cathedral on Friday 25 etc. All the adults can enjoy October. Both nights will run from fellowship with our church family 7.30–9.30 pm. over coffee and watch the children “The task of choosing a new Bishop for have fun! our Diocese and for the wider Church Kids’ ‘LIGHT’ House Party 19 is a serious responsibility which will be Wed 30th Oct to Fri 1st Nov undertaken by a group of electors from A brand new, annual, autumnal this Diocese and from other Dioceses in Houseparty for kids in key stage the Northern Province of the Church of two, set in the beautiful Ireland. It is extremely important that surroundings of the Kilbroney we each commit to praying for those Centre in . entrusted with this responsibility, that they will be open to the leading of ‘LIGHT’ is a three day, two night God’s Holy Spirit as they undertake residential Houseparty bringing their task. There will be a night of light, hope and a lot of fun and joy prayer in each Cathedral during into the kids’ lives. ‘LIGHT’ stands October, but everyone – even those for Let’s Invite God Here Today. unable to attend either night – is Through adventures, activities, arts encouraged to pray every day for this and crafts, the kids will learn about process, in order that God’s will should God and how they can live their become clear through it.” lives for Him today. A Prayer for use during the Vacancy of a See (BCP 2004) O almighty God, who by thy Holy Spirit dost move the hearts of thy people; May it please thee so to direct the counsels of those who are appointed to choose a bishop for this Church and Diocese, that we may be given a pastor who in faithfulness and wisdom shall lead thy �lock in the way of holiness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

7 A Young Girl’s Dream Others before ourselves y eldest daughter Violet often has a way of reminding me just how M important it is to think of others before ourselves. She is often (but not always!) willing to share with and give to others, making little gifts and giving what she can. Quite honestly, she humbles me on almost a daily basis. This Autumn, Violet wants to help those who have lost their home and with it, their dignity. She is doing this by making up ‘blessing bags’ for those living on the streets or in hostels. We have teamed up with a local charity ‘Depaul’ who work across to support and help those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. I have included a link to their website for those who would like to �ind out more - . Over the coming months, Violet and her family will collect items and make up bags of essential items which will then be distributed through the charity to those who are most in need of them. With winter just around the corner, this is especially important. If you feel you could support us, a donation of any item below would be hugely appreciated. Donations can be left at either St. Ignatius’ Parish Church, or Killaney Parish Church. Thank you in advance to all of you for your support of Violet in her quest to help others! Helen Montgomery Items can include: Gloves, Hats, Scarves, Socks Toiletries - Deodorant, bar of soap, comb, plasters, toothbrush, toothpaste, wipes Bottle of hand sanitiser, Packs of mini tissues Lipbalm/chapstick, Mints or boiled sweets, Re-usable bags

8 9 Calendar for October Sunday29September Trinity15 9:00 Holy Communion TWO A in Carryduff 1 Timothy 6:6-19 Luke 16:19-31 10:30 Sunday Morning Prayer in Carryduff 12:00 Sunday Morning Prayer in Killaney James 5:1-6 Matthew 21:1-14 6:30 Healing Prayers Jeremiah 32:1-3a, 6-15 Luke 16:19-31 in Carryduff Tuesday 1 October 8:00 Word Alive in Rectory Wednesday 2 October 10:30 Midweek Fellowship Communion B in Carryduff Nehemiah 2:1-8 Luke 9:57-62 Thursday 3 October 8:00 Mothers' Union in Mitchell Room Street Pastors - caring, listening, helping Friday 4 October 7:30 Prayer for new bishop in Down Cathedral Sunday6October HarvestinCarryduff:Trinity16 9:00 Holy Communion TWO C in Carryduff Philippians 4:4-9 John 6:25-35 10:30 Harvest Thanksgiving in Carryduff Readings chosen by Preacher, Pastor Gavin Allen, Carryduff Elim 12:00 Morning Prayer in Killaney Psalm 137:1-6 Lamentations 1:1-6 2 Timothy 1:1-14 6:30 Harvest Evening in Carryduff Philippians 4:4-9 John 6:25-35 Monday 7 October 7:30 Select Vestry in Quin Room Tuesday 8 October 7:30 Select Vestry Killaney in Hempton Hall, Killaney 8:00 Word Alive PRAYER in Rectory Wednesday 9 October 10:30 Midweek Fellowship Communion A in Carryduff Jonah 4:1-11 Luke 11:1-4 Thursday 10 October 7:00 Sunday Special prep meeting in The Rectory Sunday13October Trinity17 9:00 Holy Communion TWO B in Carryduff 2 Timothy 2:8-15 Luke 17:11-19 10:30 Sunday Morning Prayer I n Carryduff 12:00 Sunday Morning Prayer in Killaney Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7 Luke 17:11-19 6:30 Compline in Carryduff Psalm 66:1-11 2 Timothy 2:8-15 Tuesday 15 October 8:00 Word Alive in Rectory Wednesday 16 October Materials for November Magazine Deadline into Of�ice 10:30 Midweek Fellowship Communion C in Carryduff Romans 2:1-11 Luke 11:42-46 Saturday 19 October 7:30 Belfast Community Gospel Choir in Carryduff Sunday 20 October Harvest in Killaney : Trinity 18 9:00 Holy Communion TWO D in Carryduff 2 Timothy 3:14 - 4:5 Luke 18:1-8 10:30 Holy Baptism in Carryduff 2 Timothy 3:14 - 4:5 Luke 18:9-17 3:00 Harvest Thanksgiving in Killaney Readings chosen by Preacher Rev Sam Johnston, Comber Parish. Tuesday 22 October 8:00 Word Alive in Rectory Wednesday 23 October St James (Red) 11:30 Midweek Fellowship Communion B in Carryduff Acts 15:12-22 Mark 3:31-35 Friday 25 October 11:00 Magazine Make Up Team in Mitchell Room 7:30 Prayer for new bishop in Dromore Cathedral Sunday27October BibleSunday 9:00 Holy Communion TWO C in Carryduff 10:30 Sunday Special in Carryduff Followed, in Carryduff Parish Hall, by Aunt Sandra’s Chocolate Road Show. For Adults and Children! 12:00 Sunday Special in Killaney Romans 15:1-6 Luke 4:16-24 6:30 Evening Prayer in Carryduff Isaiah 45:22-25 Romans 15:1-6 Wednesday 30 October 10:30 Midweek Fellowship Communion A in Carryduff Romans 8:26-30 Luke 13:22-30

11 A Joyous Farewell

It was a great privilege to be in Down Cathedral on the evening of Thursday 19 September 2019. The occasion was a service to mark the retirement of the Rt. Revd. Harold Miller as Bishop of Down and Dromore. And what a service! It began with a spectacular and lengthy multi-denominational procession of robed clergy. Then the cathedral choir, located in the gallery, sang a short motet in Latin, Locus Iste, (Surely the Lord is in this place) by Anton Bruckner. Immediately we knew that we were present on a special and very unique occasion. This was a cross-community event in which representatives from the worlds of politics, sport, the media and the wider Christian family were present. During the service there were several quite modern hymns and spiritual songs, although the recessional hymn – “Lord, for the years your love has kept and guided….,” was both familiar and entirely appropriate. There can be no doubt that the main thrust of the service was on youth and the capacity of younger people to undertake leadership roles in the Church. This was clear from the two bible readings (Jeremiah 1. v4–10) and 1st. Timothy 4. v12–16). This second reading was full of encouragement for youth. It began with the words “Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity………” Then, even more strikingly, we had three – yes three – short sermons, all of them given by young people, none of whom was wearing traditional clerical robes. All three of them – Mark, Emma and John - spoke from the heart, drawing on the reading from 1st. Timothy, and telling the packed congregation that we should seek to be the source of growth and of positive change in the Church. I’m sure this would have gladdened the heart of Bishop Harold. As the service drew to its close we heard a gentle prayer sung by a group of monks from Holy Cross Abbey in Rostrevor. Then, humbly kneeling, the Bishop laid his staff of of�ice on the Holy Table as the congregation sang: “He will hold me fast, he will hold me fast; For my Saviour loves me so, He will hold me fast.” After the service there was a reception in an adjoining marquee, hosted by BBC personality Mark Simpson. During this, several distinguished people paid tribute to Bishop Harold both in person and via video link.

12 Presentations of gifts were made to both the (now former) bishop and to Mrs Miller. In response, although Bishop Miller resisted the temptation to preach, he took the opportunity to encourage all of us to welcome young people uncritically, to greet them with love, to encourage them to speak and to use their own particular gifts in the name of the Church. Lastly he asked that we might pray for the new incoming bishop, “whoever he or she might be.” It was a longish but uniquely memorable evening and I was pleased to have had the opportunity to be there. Denis Carson

Bishop Moses visits Carryduff and Killaney

During his visit to Ireland in August and September, Bishop Moses Zunga, diocesan bishop of Maridi South Sudan, spent several hours with us here. Accompanied by his wife, Mama Rejoice, also a lay reader in her home diocese, Bishop Moses shared both his excitement and his concern for the church in his home place. In his sermons he re�lected on the role neighbours play in holding one another up, leaning in together, as he re�lected on the story of the Good Samaritan. He also expressed how he deeply valued the support of our parishes for both Maridi and the next door diocese, Olo. At an event in St Mary's Comber, also attended by several of our parishioners, Bishop Moses was presented with two gifts of £500 each from Killaney and Carryduff, by Mrs Marlene Moore.

13 J Club were very active in September with activities in both the church building and halls: Visit their Facebook page to see more about these weekly groups

14 Across 1 The sixth disciple (Matthew 10:3) (11) 9 ‘And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the — — ’ (Matthew 6:13) (4,3) 10 Love intensely (Song of Songs 1:4) (5) 11 From Mt Carmel to Jezreel, Elijah — all the way (1 Kings 18:46) (3) 13 One of the Midianite leaders who was captured and killed after Gideon’s victory in the valley near Moreh (Judges 7:25) (4) 16 Metallic element (4) 17 At line (anag.) (6) 18 ‘Cursed is everyone who is — on a tree’ (Galatians 3:13) (4) 20 Where Samson killed a thousand Philistines with a donkey’s jawbone (Judges 15:14) (4) 21 He succeeded Moses (Deuteronomy 34:9) (6) 22 ‘When he saw him, he took — on him’ (Luke 10:33) (4) 23 ‘For — is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction’ (Matthew 7:13) (4) 25 ‘The god of this — has blinded the minds of unbelievers’ (2 Corinthians 4:4) (3) 28 Fear or terror (Psalm 31:22) (5) 29 ‘We, who are many, are one body, for we all — of the one loaf’ (1 Corinthians 10:17) (7)

15 16 17 Rosters for October in Carryduff 9 :0 0 Read er s 1 0 :3 0 Read er s 6 :3 0 Read er s 1 0 :3 0 Prayer s 6 David K a renM cConn el l E l izab et h J Clu b Youn g Adul t s 1 3 Pa t ricia Vera Low ry Jun e M a rl ene 20 Edwa rd S a n dra Thoma s K il l a n ey Harvesta t 3 Keit h 27 M a ry JClu b Joa n Raymond 1 0 :3 0 Di sp l ays 1 0 :3 0 Welco m e F l owerDonor s Ar ra nger s 6 Fiona J Clu b Youn g Adul t s HarvestFl owers E ve ryone ! 13 M a u rice A n n&M a ry J Clayton J Clayton 20 Dave Rob in& Jun e Pa t W il l ia m s 27 Jack J Clu b Fa m ily Raymond S cot t Refreshments Team Co m m u nio n Assi st a nts 6 M ot hers’Union 13 M a u reenKea l ey & Fiona E l l is Denis& Jack y 20 Nora h B row n & Hel enB u rke 27 Norma & O lwen

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18 Contacts Page See service times, current news sheets, all magazines and recent news at: & Facebook: KandCd at the Crossroads - Twitter #KandCd The People Rector: Stephen Lowry, 078 345 84932 700 Saint�ield Rd, Carryduff BT8 8BU 028 9081 2342 [email protected] Diocesan Readers: Marlene Moore [email protected] 028 9081 4896 Keith Shaw [email protected] 07901 935 205 Of�ice: Jenny Eralp 028 9081 3489 [email protected] Carryduff Joan Clayton Wardens: Jenny Montgomery Honorary Treasurer: 028 9081 4579 Gift Aid Secretary: Fiona Moore Honorary Secretary: Joyce McMeekin Sexton: Fiona Ellis Freewill Offering: Susan Creber 028 9263 8798 Hall Bookings: [email protected] Killaney David Gill Wardens: Florence Coulter 028 9263 9133 Verger: Florence Coulter 028 9263 9133 Honorary Secretary: Colin McClintock Covenants: Viona Crothers 028 9751 9637 Flower Rota: Anne Mannis 028 9751 0089 Cleaning Rota: Marie Mack 028 9751 0350 Parish Panels: The Parish Panels seek to help ensure that children and their leaders experience a safe and secure environment in their youth work. Panel Members are Stephen Lowry and Carryduff Marlene Moore 028 9081 4896 Joan Nevin 028 9751 9366 Killaney Florence Coulter 028 9263 9133 Bill Connor 028 9263 9873 Next Magazine is the November Edition Please email content to Stephen or Marlene by Wednesday 16th October 2019 Make up Team Friday 25th October at 11.00 am

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