45 Newsletter of the Norbert Elias Foundation FIGURATIONS NEWSLETTER HAS CONTENTS GONE DIGITAL Figurations Newsletter has gone digital 1 As most of you will have already noticed, our newsletter is now distributed electronically People 2 only. The Board of the Norbert Elias Foundation was reluctant to abandon printing, From the Norbert Elias Foundation 2 but in the end financial considerations won out: the cost will be reduced by four-fifths. Robert van Krieken’s YouTube lecture channel Starting with the current issue, subscribers will In the media 2 receive their copy by email, in the form of a PDF file. If you took the trouble to print it out Cooking for Elias 3 two-sided on buff paper, the newsletter will for the moment not look very different from the Figurational Journals online 3 printed version as it appeared from 1994 until now, although we can now use colour photos. Recent books and articles 5 Figurations 45 would normally have been sent Upcoming book publications 12 to you in July, but we have been in the throes of compiling a consolidated email circulation International Sociological Association news 12 list. As well as those on the postal address list, all subscribers to the Norbert Elias Foundation Forthcoming conferences 14 blog will receive this issue of Figurations automatically. If you wish to change your email address to which the newsletter is delivered, or wish to unsubscribe, please contact our Managing Editor, Barbara Górnicka, at
[email protected]. It should be noted that all previous issues of Figurations have long been available as downloadable PDFs, at http://www.norberteliasfoundation.nl/ figurations.php.