harbour publishing

including   Spring  and    Contents

New Books from Harbour Publishing 1

New Books from Nightwood Editions 14

Recent Releases from Harbour Publishing 19

Recent Releases from Nightwood Editions 22

Essential Backlist 24

Non-Fiction Highlights 24

Raincoast Chronicles 27

Field Guide Pamphlets 28

Mike McCardell Library 29

Sports 29

Dreamspeaker Guides 29

Nature & Fishing 30

Travel & Guides 31

Art & Graphic Novels 31

Home, Garden, Cooking & Crafts 32

Humour 32

Poetry 33

Children’s 34

Puzzles 35

Fiction 36

Print on Demand 36

Books in Print 37

Author Index 44

Information for all books in print including book description, author information, cover, and up-to-date price and availability is listed on our website, www.harbourpublishing.com.

All prices equivalent in US dollars unless otherwise noted. All prices and specifications subject to change without notice.

CoVer imAge: photo by Wayne Sawchuk, from Summer of the Horse by Donna Kane.

HP: Harbour Publishing NE: Nightwood Editions LM: Lost Moose Publishing

Harbour Publishing Co. Ltd. acknowledges the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, which last year invested $153 million to bring the arts to Canadians throughout the country. We also gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Government of Canada and from the Province of through the BC Arts Council and the Book Publishing Tax Credit. On the Line

A History of the British Columbia Labour Movement


A comprehensive chronicle of the labour movement in British Columbia.

The BC TradiTion of fighTing BaCk againsT unfair pay and unsafe working conditions has been around since before the colony joined Confederation. In 1849 Scottish labourers at BC’s first coal mine at Fort Rupert went on strike to protest wretched working conditions, and it’s been a wild ride ever since. For years the BC labour movement was the most militant in the land, led by colourful characters like Ginger Goodwin, murdered for his pains, and pull-no-punches communist Harvey Murphy, who brought the house of labour down on himself with his infamous “underwear speech.” PHOTO BY LUCIE MCNEILL Through years of battles withBC ’s power elite and small victories followed by bitter defeats, BC unions established the five-day work week, the eight-hour day, paid holidays, the right to a safe, non-discriminatory workplace and many more taken- for-granted features of the modern work landscape. But unions’ enemies never sleep and, well into the second decade of the twenty-first century, battles still go on, like that ofBC teachers in their long and ultimately successful struggle to improve classroom conditions. On the Line also highlights the role played by women, Indigenous and minority workers in working toward equality and democracy in workplaces and communities. In prose that is both accessible and engaging, accompanied REGIONAL HISTORY by over two hundred archival photos, Mickleburgh tells the April important story of how BC’s labour organizations have shaped cloth the economic, political and social fabric of the province—at a CDN $44.95 cost of much blood, sweat, toil and tears. This volume is the most 8½" × 11" · 320 pages comprehensive overview of labour’s struggle in BC and will be 200 B&W photos of particular interest to union members, community activists, Rights Held: World academics and readers of regional history. 978-1-55017-826-5 (cloth) 978-1-55017-827-2 (ebook) ROD MICKLEBURGH is a former labour reporter for the Sun and Province and senior writer for The Globe and Mail. He is also the author of The Art of the Impossible: Dave Barrett and the NDP in Power, 1972–1975 (co-authored with Geoff Meggs).


9 781550 1 78265

978-1-55017-579-0 THE ART OF THE IMPOSSIBLE Geoff Meggs & Rod Mickleburgh SALE! $19.99 hardcover WINNER OF THE HUBERT EVANS NON-FICTION PRIZE (2013) HARBOUR PUBLISHING Spring 2018 | 1 Strange New Country

The Salmon Strikes of 1900 and the Birth of Modern British Columbia


A gripping account of a pivotal moment in British Columbia’s history.

salmon gillneTTing in The TurBulenT waTers of The Fraser River at the turn of the last century was dangerous, back-breaking work. Skiffs were equipped with a single sail, but most maneuvering had to be accomplished by oars, an almost impossible task against any current or tide. Once towed to the grounds by a cannery tug, the fishermen were on their own for at least twelve hours, casting their 400-metre long nets out and pulling them back by hand. Their only shelter was a partial tent over the bow. Many came to grief on dark, windy nights as they blew out of the main channel to the mudflats of the estuary, or worse, the open waters of the Strait of Georgia. When the powerful Fraser River Canners’ Association fixed the maximum price per salmon at 15 cents, fishermen united in their determination to win a decent living. Their strike shut down British Columbia’s second-largest export industry and effectively resulted in the imposition of martial law as the canners, frustrated by political deadlock in Victoria, called out the militia without government assent to achieve their ends. The strike has long been understood as a watershed moment in the province’s industrial history. In this revealing chronicle, Geoff Meggs shows it was even more than that. REGIONAL HISTORY Other strikes in that era may have lasted longer, many were April more violent, but none drew such diverse groups—Indigenous, paper Japanese, white—into an uneasy, short-term but effective CDN $22.95 coalition. While united by the common goal of economic equality, 6" × 9" · 224 pages strikers were divided by forceful social pressures: First Nations 30 B&W photos fishermen wished to assert their Indigenous rights; Japanese Rights Held: World fishermen, having fled poverty in their homeland, were seeking 978-1-55017-829-6 (paper) equality and opportunity in a new country; white fishermen were 978-1-55017-830-2 (ebook) angered by the greed of the tiny clique of wealthy Vancouver industrialists who controlled the salmon industry. This maelstrom came together in Steveston, a ramshackle clapboard and cedar shake cannery boom town that blossomed into one of the province’s largest cities for a few hectic months each summer. In this compelling account, told with journalistic flair and vivid detail, Meggs leaves no room for doubt: this event marked BC’s turn into the modern era, with lessons about inequality, racism, immigration and economic power that remain relevant today.

9 781550 1 78296 GEOFF MEGGS is currently the chief of staff to BC Premier . He has been a journalist, Vancouver city councillor and executive director of the BC Federation of Labour. He is the author of several books, including Salmon: The Decline of the West Coast Fishery (Douglas & McIntyre, 1991), which won the Lieutenant-Governor’s Medal for Historical Writing. He lives in Victoria, BC.

2 | HARBOUR PUBLISHING Spring 2018 Summer of the Horse


A passionate and honest sojourn into the mind of a woman diving into a new adventure in the wilderness of ’s Northern Rockies. whaT do you do when you deCide you no longer wanT To be responsible for anyone but yourself? When faced with that moment, Donna Kane leaves her twenty-five-year marriage for life with a conservationist and wilderness guide who is so certain of the path he is on that she thinks she’s just along for the ride. A few days before Kane’s new husband leaves for a three- month horse-pack expedition, a gelding is seriously injured, and she agrees to stay behind to tend the horse’s wound. In the quiet moments spent with the horse each day, she reflects on her transition into the new relationship, the wilderness of the unknown, and her struggles with personal autonomy and independence. A deft writer, Kane takes readers on her inaugural trail ride into the stunning Muskwa-Kechika protected area, known as the “Serengeti of the North.” She rides with a pack string of PHOTO BY WAYNE SAWCHUK horses over mountain passes, into boreal forests, along swamps and sand flats, crossing creeks and fast-flowing rivers. A novice horsewoman traversing new terrain, she is startled out of her familiar routines and must examine her assumptions of the wild, within and without, to find her place in the world. With honesty and humility, Kane reveals the folly, surprise MEMOIR and knowledge—of the world and of the self—that can come March from setting foot in the headstrong currents of the unknown. paper with French flaps Including striking photos of the Muskwa-Kechika and CDN $19.95 the pack string horses, the book touches on universal issues of 5½" × 8½" · 136 pages ecological protection and individual identity. Summer of the 18 colour photos, map Horse is sure to captivate readers interested in equine pursuits Rights Held: World as well as those concerned with the ecological issues facing BC’s 978-1-55017-819-7 (paper) far north. 978-1-55017-820-3 (ebook)

DONNA KANE, a recipient of the Aurora Award of Distinction: Arts and Culture (2009), is the current executive director of the Peace Liard Regional Arts Council and co-founder of Writing on the Ridge (a non-profit society that has, for over twenty years, organized arts festivals, literary readings, artist retreats, and writer-in-residence programs). Her work has appeared in journals and magazines across Canada and she is the author of two poetry titles, Somewhere, a Fire and Erratic (Hagios Press, 2004 and 2007). She currently lives in Rolla, BC, with her 9 781550 1 78197 husband Wayne Sawchuk.

HARBOUR PUBLISHING Spring 2018 | 3 Grizzlies, Gales and Giant Salmon

Life at Rivers Inlet Fishing Lodge


A memoir of strength and resilience in the remote  wilderness.

aT age nineTeen, paT ardley paCked up her Belongings and left Winnipeg for Vancouver, looking for adventure. Little did she know that she’d spend the next forty years in the wilderness, thirty of which would be spent with a man known as George “Hurricane” Ardley. Pat met George soon after arriving in Vancouver, and not long after that the two of them set out for Addenbroke Island to work as junior lighthouse keepers. The journey up to the little island in the Fitz Hugh Sound, 483 km north of Vancouver, took four rolling days by Coast Guard ship— and a huge leap in lifestyle. There, the couple fell in love with the wilderness lifestyle and each other. They learned to grow their own produce, keep chickens, can clams and salmon, build their own furniture, and in the evenings they read aloud to each other for entertainment. But, of course, it wasn’t always easy. Pat’s fear of the ocean made for a constant struggle in her marine environment, and being the partner of an adrenalin junky (he PHOTO BY JESS ARDLEY didn’t earn the nickname “Hurricane” for nothing!) sometimes made for a wild ride. Soon Pat and George were starting their own remote fishing lodge in Rivers Inlet, not so far from where the adventure began on Addenbroke Island. Financed by their wilderness odd jobs, MEMOIR / REGIONAL INTEREST the lodge came together slowly but surely through the couple’s March hard work. George proudly added a nursery to the float lodge paper when their family grew, and they made sure the little ones knew CDN $24.95 not to step out the door without wearing a life jacket. 6" × 9" · 384 pages Life was full of both challenges and rewards, and dealt 30 B&W photos, map plenty of disasters and close calls (including grizzly encounters) Rights Held: World but the lodge business supported the family, and gained a steady 978-1-55017-831-9 (paper) clientele who were enticed back year after year by the warm 978-1-55017-832-6 (ebook) welcome, beautiful setting and plentiful salmon, giant halibut and ling cod. After running the lodge together for twenty-seven years, George passed away from cancer. Despite all the advice she received to the contrary, Pat decided to run the business on her own with the assistance of her two children. Through resolve and strength in adversity, Pat outgrew the shadow of Hurricane Ardley and earned an intimidating nickname of her own: Don’t-Mess-with-Me Ardley. Reminiscent of British Columbia classics like Fishing with John, I Heard the 9 781550 1 78319 Owl Call My Name and the evocative wilderness writings of Chris Czajkowski, this memoir is a touching tribute to coastal life.

PAT ARDLEY was born on the Canadian prairies but had a life of adventure on the West Coast with the love of her life, building the legendary Rivers Lodge in Rivers Inlet. In 2012 she sold Rivers Lodge and is now settled in West Vancouver, BC.

4 | HARBOUR PUBLISHING Spring 2018 Ranch in the Slocan

A Biography of a Kootenay Farm, 1896–2017


A vibrant portrait of his family’s history and ranch from award-winning geographer Cole Harris. in 1888, a prosperous indusTrial family in Calne, Wiltshire, sent one of its younger sons, a lad judged to have no head for business, to Guelph Agricultural College in Ontario to learn to be a farmer. Joseph Colebrook Harris, the author’s grandfather, didn’t take to Ontario and after visiting a friend on Salt Spring Island, fell in love with BC. Eventually fetching up on the shores of the Slocan Lake, Joe bought 270 acres of hilly land in the Slocan Valley, less than thirty acres of which was really fit for farming, and began clearing the forest to build a ranch. Here is the story of Harris’s life and the next 120 years of the ranch’s, PHOTO BY M. J. HARRIS including the discovery of a silver–lead mine on the property, a period as a Japanese internment camp, brushes with American counterculture and the back-to-the-land movement, family conflicts, and an uncertain future. In detail, Ranch in the Slocan is a very particular story, but its elements have repeated themselves across Canada. Settlers lived within bounded space, of which the Harris ranch is an extreme example, and adapted to cultural and social changes. Drawing from letters, diaries, family stories and recollections, photographs, as well as official records, Harris offers a case study in the history of homesteading, and a portrait of his family’s REGIONAL HISTORY experiences in the Slocan Valley. The Harris ranch produced a January little income now and then but was not, and never has been, a paper commercial success. Its yield was not so much measured by the CDN $24.95 market as by the more intangible pleasures of living within a 6" × 9" · 288 pages diverse local economy in a remarkable place. 30 B&W photos, map Rights Held: World COLE HARRIS is a Professor Emeritus at the University of 978-1-55017-823-4 (paper) British Columbia. He is the author of several books, including 978-1-55017-824-1 (ebook) Making Native Space: Colonialism, Resistance, and Reserves in British Columbia (uBC Press, 2002), which was nominated for the Hubert Evans Non-Fiction Prize, and The Reluctant Land: Society, Space, and Environment in Canada before Confederation (uBC Press, 2008), which won the Srivastava Prize for Excellence in Scholarly Publishing. He is an Officer of the Order of Canada and a Fellow of The Royal Society of Canada. He lives in Vancouver, BC. To this day Harris and his family maintain a summer home on property originally staked out by his grandfather. 9 781550 1 78234

HARBOUR PUBLISHING Spring 2018 | 5 Being Ts’elxwéyeqw

First Peoples’ Voices and History from the Chilliwack-Fraser Valley, British Columbia


This impressive volume tells of the First Peoples of the area through vivid narratives from the past and present.

“Our stories identify for us the land which surrounds us and tie us to our ancestors. We find ourselves inextricably linked to the past, to the land, to the river, to each other, to the future.” —Shirley Hardman, contributor

The TradiTional TerriTory of The Ts’elxwéyeqw firsT Nation covers over 95,000 hectares of land in Southwestern BC. It extends throughout the central Fraser Valley, encompassing the entire Chilliwack River Valley (including Chilliwack Lake, Chilliwack River, Cultus Lake and areas, and parts of the Chilliwack municipal areas). In addition to being an area of natural beauty and abundant resources, it also has a rich cultural history. The Chilliwack region gets its name from the Ts’elxwéyeqw tribe, and this volume delves into what this name means—and also what it means to be Ts’elxwéyeqw. Being Ts’elxwéyeqw portrays the people, artifacts and landscapes that are central to the Ts’elxwéyeqw people, and represents a rich oral record of an aboriginal heritage that has been kept alive— even through adversity—for thousands of years. Lavishly illustrated with over seven hundred historic and FIRST NATIONS / REGIONAL HISTORY current photos and maps, this book amalgamates a variety January of voices and personal histories from elders, while providing cloth background into eighty-five place names within the region. CDN $94.95 The book’s unique composition—with an emphasis on visual 11" × 14" · 304 pages storytelling—showcases a culture with a deep connection to the 700 B&W and colour photos, maps surrounding land and the watershed. Rights Held: World 978-1-55017-818-0 (cloth) DAVID SCHAEPE is Director and Senior Archaeologist in the Stó:lō Research and Resource Management Centre, associated with the Stó:lō Nation and Stó:lō Tribal Council, where he has worked has worked since 1997. He holds a Ph.D. from the Department of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia (2009); an ma in archaeology from Simon Fraser University (1998), and a Ba in anthropology from New York University (1989).

9 781550 1 78180



The newest addition to the First West Coast Book series, perfect for the littlest readers.

Previous praise for the First West Coast Books series:

“It’s a gorgeous glimpse of the distinctive landscapes and creatures of the Northwest, and it will enchant residents and nonlocals alike.” —Publisher’s Weekly (starred review) following on The suCCess of Their BesTselling Board book Hello Humpback!, the celebrated and award-winning authors Roy Henry Vickers and Robert Budd are back with One Eagle Soaring, the second volume in their exciting new series, First West Coast Books. One Eagle Soaring, a “first numbers” book, explores counting and numbers with the help of West Coast animals—from a single eagle aloft, to a pair of swimming whales, as well as leaping frogs, honey-hungry bears and a group of ten dozing marmots. Combining Roy Henry Vickers’ vivid illustrations, a glossy tactile finish and a simple yet catchy text, this sturdy board book introduces babies and toddlers to the spectacular scenery and wildlife of British Columbia.

ROY HENRY VICKERS is a renowned carver, painter and printmaker. He is the co-author of Harbour Publishing’s popular CHILDREN’S children’s Northwest Coast Legends series, all of which were May shortlisted for the Bill Duthie Booksellers’ Choice Award: Raven baby board book Brings the Light in 2014, Cloudwalker in 2015, Orca Chief in CDN $9.95 2016 and Peace Dancer in 2017. He lives in Hazelton, BC. 6" × 6" · 20 pages 18 colour illustrations ROBERT (LUCKY) BUDD is the co-author of the Northwest Coast Rights Held: World Legends series and the author of Voices of British Columbia 978-1-55017-828-9 (board book) (Douglas & McIntyre, 2010), which was shortlisted for the 2011 Bill Duthie Booksellers’ Choice Award, and its sequel, Echoes of British Columbia (Harbour Publishing, 2014), which won second prize in the BC Historical Federation’s writing competition in 2014. He lives in Victoria, BC.


9 781550 1 78289

978-1-55017-799-2 HELLO HUMPBACK! $9.95 board book

HARBOUR PUBLISHING Spring 2018 | 7 Dinosaurs of the Alberta Badlands


Alberta’s prehistoric world comes alive in this informative and accessible volume, perfect for middle school readers.

home To The 2,500-km fossil Trail, The philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum, the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology, and Dinosaur Provincial Park—a unesCo World Heritage site—the Alberta Badlands have unearthed more species of dinosaurs than anywhere else in the world and hundreds of thousands of tourists visit the fossil beds annually. Despite being star attractions in museums around the world, the dinosaurs of Alberta have never before been the subject of a book that explores their unique interrelationships and scientific importance, while still being accessible to young readers. In Dinosaurs of the Alberta Badlands, paleontologist Dr. Persons travels back in time 76 million years to the Late PHOTO BY AMANDA KELLY Cretaceous period, when pterosaurs soared through the skies, prehistoric sea monsters as long as school buses swam in Alberta’s shallow sea, and anklyosaurs and cerotopsians roamed the swamps and flood plains that would eventually become the badlands of today. Meet the terrifying Albertosaurus, a relative of Tyrannosaurus, and the plant-eating, duck- billed Edmontosaurus. Bet on the winner of a race between a tyrannosaur and a hadrosaur—who’s quick and deadly, who’s slow and steady? Explore some of Alberta’s most notable dig CHILDREN’S / NATURE sites, including the Danek Bonebed, and learn how fossils March form and what paleontologists do when they find them. And paper discover dinosaurs’ avian legacy and Alberta’s official provincial CDN $14.95 “dinosaur”—the great horned owl. 6" × 9" · 128 pages Featuring paleoart by Julius Csotonyi, over seventy-five 75 colour photos and illustrations photos and illustrations, and profiles of leading paleontologists, Rights Held: World Dinosaurs of the Alberta Badlands showcases Alberta’s 978-1-55017-821-0 (paper) prehistoric beasts, not as participants in a parade of isolated 978-1-55017-822-7 (ebook) monsters, but as animals adapted to be part of a long- lost ecosystem.

DR. W. SCOTT PERSONS IV is a paleontologist and instructor at the University of Alberta. He has hunted for fossils in the American West, the Gobi Desert, Tanzania’s Olduvai Gorge, the pampas of Argentina and China’s volcanic ash beds. His work has been featured on the National Geographic and Discovery channels and in Smithsonian and Discover Magazine. He lives in Edmonton, aB. 9 781550 1 78210 DR. JULIUS T. CSOTONYI is a paleoartist and has collaborated on projects with National Geographic Society and the Royal Tyrrell Museum. His artwork has appeared in many books including The Paleoart of Julius Csotonyi (Titan Books, 2014) and Dinosaur Art (Titan Books, 2012). He lives in Vancouver, BC.

8 | HARBOUR PUBLISHING Spring 2018 A Field Guide to Insects of the Pacific Northwest


Grab a collecting jar and a magnifying glass! Readers of all ages will enjoy this compact and regionally specific pamphlet on identifying insects. inseCTs are all around us, from The BuTTerflies in our gardens to the mosquitoes in the woods. About 80 percent of the 1.5 million named species of animals on earth are insects. Without flower-loving bees, wasps, flies and beetles, most crops and wild plants would not be pollinated and would disappear. But insect diversity is largely invisible because most insects are small and difficult to recognize and identify. They are often easy to ignore. A Field Guide to Insects of the Pacific Northwest is a durable, water-resistant eight-fold field guide that describes more than sixty of the most common species that are likely to PHOTO BY WERNER EIGELSREITER be encountered in the many habitats of the Pacific Northwest. Full-colour macro photos of specimens in their natural habitats accompany handy descriptions with information on specific species’ anatomy, identification and importance in the ecosystem. Readers will be fascinated by interesting (and occasionally gruesome) facts about the insect inhabitants of the Pacific Northwest—for instance that the robber fly injects its insect prey with a fluid that dissolves muscles and organs before sucking their prey dry like a milkshake. The species in A Field Guide to Insects of the Pacific NATURE Northwest have been expertly chosen to introduce the March diversity of insect life while also being accessible to novice bug pamphlet enthusiasts. Most species shown are common but not necessarily CDN $7.95 familiar. The selection represents nineteen major groups, or 37" × 9", 8-fold orders. The largest are Coleoptera (beetles), Diptera (true flies), 65 colour photos Hymenoptera (wasps, bees and relatives) and Lepidoptera Rights Held: World (moths and butterflies). These groups are broken down into 978-1-55017-834-0 (pamphlet) smaller families, such as scarab beetles or sphinx moths. A Field Guide to Insects of the Pacific Northwest showcases the amazing diversity of insects that the region holds, and will encourage curious readers to learn a little about the main groups of insects and the intriguing details about their lives.

DR. ROBERT CANNINGS is Curator Emeritus of Entomology at the Royal British Columbia Museum (rBCm) in Victoria, BC. He’s been crazy about insects since he was a kid. Although he’s studied many kinds of insects, his favourites are dragonflies and robber flies, and he has written several books on them. Before 9 781550 1 78340 joining the rBCm in 1980, Rob was a biologist for BC Parks and a lecturer and museum curator at the University of BC.

HARBOUR PUBLISHING Spring 2018 | 9 The Beachcomber’s Guide to Seashore Life in the Pacific Northwest

Third Edition


This new edition of the bestselling beachcomber’s companion is updated with new information and photographs of West Coast seashore life, sure to enhance any trip to the beach!

The paCifiC norThwesT CoasT is home To one of The mosT diverse displays of intertidal marine life in the world. Featuring sponges, clams, snails, crabs, sea stars, sea anemones, jellies, fishes, seaweeds and more,The Beachcomber’s Guide to Seashore Life in the Pacific Northwest is a portable and easy- to-use reference for searching out and identifying any of the hundreds of species of seashore life found on the beaches of PHOTO BY J. DUANE SEPT British Columbia, Washington and Oregon. Covering the Pacific Northwest’s most common shoreline-dwelling flora and fauna, each entry contains a detailed description of appearance and habitat accompanied by colour photos for easy identification of any creature you might encounter as you explore your local beach. This guide also provides simple but essential information on tides and the various habitats within the intertidal zones, to assist beachcombers in exploring safely with minimal ecological impact. The Beachcomber’s Guide even contains up-to-date descriptions of the best beachcombing sites and when to visit them—you may even find your new favourite exploration grounds! NATURE Thoroughly updated and packed with handy and April accessible information, this guide belongs in the beach bag paper or backpack of any avid naturalist, amateur beachcomber or CDN $26.95 adventurous family. 5½" × 8½" · 240 pages 400 colour photos J. DUANE SEPT is a biologist, writer, professional photographer Rights Held: World and environmental consultant. Driven by a passion for wildlife, 978-1-55017-837-1 (paper) Sept has studied marine life throughout western Canada and the greater Pacific Northwest. His photographs and writings have been published in numerous periodicals, including BBC Wildlife, Canadian Wildlife, Nature Canada and Outdoor Canada. He lives on the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia.


9 781550 1 7837 1


10 | HARBOUR PUBLISHING Spring 2018 TWO NEW EDITIONS! Dreamspeaker Cruising Guide Series


Two new editions of the ever-popular Dreamspeaker Cruising Guides, featuring updates and new photos and maps, providing essential, user-friendly tips for exploring British Columbia’s West Coast. for 2018, aCComplished BoaTing guide auThors anne and Laurence Yeadon-Jones have updated two of their bestselling Dreamspeaker Cruising Guides, covering the Gulf Islands, Canada’s most lively and diverse cruising grounds, and the rugged but stunning West Coast of . With all new hand-drawn maps, photographs and BOATING information, Volume : The Gulf Islands and Vancouver Island January guides boaters and kayakers from Victoria’s charming Inner paper Harbour to Nanaimo’s sheltered marinas through the Gulf CDN $49.95 Islands, each offering unique character and unforgettable 9" × 12" · 192 pages scenic experiences. For adventurous boaters eager to explore 350 colour photos and charts Vancouver Island’s less populated regions, Volume 6: The West Rights Held: Canada Coast of Vancouver Island offers essential tips to navigating this challenging and thrilling cruising area. From seeking out picnic locales on sandy beaches to preparing routes through busy channels and passes, stocking up on provisions or safely navigating the extreme tides and weather of more remote shorelines, the full-colour illustrations and photographs in these guides enhance the ease and pleasure of plotting your next cruise.

The Gulf Islands and Vancouver Island The West Coast of Vancouver Island Volume 1, 4th Edition Volume 6, 2nd Edition 978-1-55017-833-3 (paper) 978-1-55017-817-3 (paper)

9 781550 1 78333 9 781550 1 781 73

HARBOUR PUBLISHING Spring 2018 | 11 Hiking the Gulf Islands of British Columbia

Fourth Edition


With new hikes and up-to-date information, this user- friendly and informative guide is the essential companion to exploring the diverse network of ’s Gulf Islands.

nesTled in The sTraiT of georgia BeTween BriTish Columbia’s mainland and Vancouver Island, the Gulf Islands are a hiker’s paradise, each boasting an eclectic character and an array of flora and fauna unique to the temperate climate of the southern West Coast of Canada. Discover the panoramic views, inviting beaches and friendly hospitality of the Gulf Islands—all within a short distance of Vancouver and Victoria. This edition of Hiking the Gulf Islands includes something for everyone eager to explore the diverse and stunning archipelago often referred to as BC’s Enchanted Isles. A chapter, which includes historical and practical information, is dedicated PHOTO BY CHARLES KAHN to each island—from the much-visited Bowen Island at the entrance to Howe Sound to the often-overlooked islands of Texada and Lasqueti. Along with helpful illustrations and maps, at-a-glance information is provided for each hike, including a starred rating for the trail, a short description of the hike, its length, the time required to hike it, the degree of difficulty, access points, as well as any cautions for exploring the area responsibly to ensure the protection of these ecological oases. This guide also contains up-to-date information on the islands’ REGIONAL INTEREST / HIKING marine parks, including the spectacular Gulf Islands National March Park Reserve (36 square kilometres of land and marine area paper scattered over fifteen islands) as well as paddling suggestions CDN $24.95 and launch sites for kayakers. 6" × 9" · 344 pages 87 B&W photos and 37 maps CHARLES KAHN has worked as a freelance editor and writer Rights Held: World for over thirty years. He has edited and co-authored several 978-1-55017-825-8 (paper) educational textbooks. In 1992 Kahn moved to Salt Spring Island where he has been an active member of the island’s Trail and Nature Club and the Salt Spring Island Paddlers, and continues to work as a volunteer for various island organizations. One of his chief interests involves trail development and maintenance and the acquisition of public parkland.


9 781550 1 78258

978-1-55017-262-1 SALT SPRING $24.95 paper

12 | HARBOUR PUBLISHING Spring 2018 the bridge from day to night


An accomplished new collection by Governor General’s Award-winning poet David Zieroth.

The TiTle poem in david ZieroTh’s  Dge from Day to night follows the speaker across the Second Narrows Bridge to North Vancouver, a well-worn moment in a daily commute that opens a window into the sublime: “from the apex / of the bridge with traffic flying / I look directly into / their deepest clefts.” Such moments occur throughout the collection, as Zieroth explores the resonance built from layers of such ordinary moments as they accumulate throughout a lifetime— indistinct and imperceptible as they occur, but creating unseen undercurrents through memory and time. In this temporal landscape, the natural world becomes a touchstone, both entangled in and standing apart from the speaker’s internal narrative: “I brought from that forming hour a / precise smell of foliage: funeral wreaths / bore an acid scent.” Shifting fluidly through time, the speaker grows from a child PHOTO BY MARGERY PATRICK to understand, reflect and then outlive his parents. Finally, the collection lights on the incongruities and contradictions in death: “still later I kick his flattened corpse / to the gutter, and it skids on concrete / a broken valise, weightless / on this segment of the journey.” With his characteristic humour, subtlety and ability to find transcendence in the everyday, Zieroth traces the delicate POETRY strands connecting the most minute and familiar details to the March most profound mysteries, giving voice to the unknowable. paper CDN $18.95 DAVID ZIEROTH has published many books of poetry 6" × 9" · 80 pages including The Fly in Autumn (2009), which won the Governor Rights Held: World General’s Literary Award for Poetry, How I Joined Humanity 978-1-55017-835-7 (paper) at Last (1998), which won the Dorothy Livesay Poetry Prize, 978-1-55017-836-4 (ebook) and most recently, Albrecht Dürer and me (2014). He taught at Douglas College in New Westminster, BC, before retiring and founding The Alfred Gustav Press. Born in Neepawa,mB , he lives in North Vancouver, BC.


9 781550 1 78357

978-1-55017-674-2 978-1-55017-468-7 978-1-55017-388-8 ALBRECHT DÜRER AND ME THE FLY IN AUTUMN THE VILLAGE OF $18.95 paper $18.95 paper SLIDING TIME WINNER OF THE GOVERNOR $16.95 paper GENERAL’S AWARD FOR POETRY

HARBOUR PUBLISHING Spring 2018 | 13 Listening to the Bees


NiNg to the Bees is a CollaBoraTive exploraTion By two writers to illuminate the most profound human questions: Who are we? Who do we want to be in the world? Through the distinct but complementary lenses of science and poetry, Mark Winston and Renée Saklikar reflect on the tension of being an individual living in a society, and about the devastation wrought by overly intensive management of agricultural and urban habitats. Listening to the Bees takes readers into the laboratory and out to the field, into the worlds of scientists and beekeepers, and to meetings where the research community intersects with government policy and business. The result is an insiders’ view of the way research is conducted—its brilliant potential and its flaws—along with the personal insights and remarkable personalities experienced over a forty-year career that parallels the rise of industrial agriculture.

MARK WINSTON is the recipient of the 2015 Governor General’s Literary Award for Non-fiction for his book Bee Time: Lessons from the Hive. One of the world’s leading experts on bees and pollination, Dr. Winston is also an internationally recognized researcher, teacher and writer. He directed Simon Fraser University’s Centre for Dialogue for twelve years, where he founded the Centre’s Semester in Dialogue.

NATURE RENÉE SAKLIKAR’s ground-breaking poetry book about the April bombing of Air India Flight 182, children of air india, won the hardcover Canadian Authors Association Poetry Prize and was shortlisted CDN $24.95 for the Dorothy Livesay Prize. Trained as a lawyer, Saklikar is a 5½" × 8½” · 192 pages mentor and instructor for sfu’s writing and publishing program, Rights held: World as well as the city of Surrey’s first Poet Laureate. She is the co- 978-0-88971-346-8 (hardcover) founder of the poetry reading series Lunch Poems at sfu and 978-0-88971-131-0 (ebook) has served for two years as a national advocate for The Writer’s Union of Canada. Saklikar is currently serving as the Writer in Residence for uBC Okanagan in Kelowna, BC.

9 780889 7 13468

14 | HARBOUR PUBLISHING Spring 2018 NIGHTWOOD NIGHTWOOD Army of the Brave and Accidental EDITIONS


a genre-Bending reTelling of  Dyssey, army of the Brave and Accidental is a modern fable: a story about relationships, parenthood, and trying to have an impact on the world told from the shifting perspectives of ten characters. A hundred years after James Joyce stitched together a version of the epic tale, Canadian writer and essayist Alex Boyd updates the story as a reflection of Canadian twenty-first-century culture, allowing it to take a radically different cultural snapshot. These reimaginings newly create and colour a contemporary view of modern love without compromising any of the pitfalls or exaltations. Army of the Brave and Accidental is funny, deft, wise and poetic all at once. The epic spans major cities such as Toronto and New York and is a coming-of-age story, a journey, a love story and a tragi-comedy.

ALEX BOYD is a Canadian essayist, editor, critic and author of the poetry collection Making Bones Walk. Boyd hosted the iV Lounge Reading Series in Toronto and co-edited iV Lounge Nights, an anthology to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the series. Boyd also established Northern Poetry Review, a site for poetry articles and reviews, in April 2006. In 2008, he established Digital Popcorn, a site for personal film reviews, and has recently helped launch the Best Canadian Essays series with Tightrope Books, co-editing the first two collections. His second FICTION book of poems, The Least Important Man, was published by April Biblioasis in 2012. Boyd lives in Toronto, on. paperback CDN $19.95 5½" × 8½" · 224 pages Rights held: World 978-0-88971-341-3 (paper) 978-0-88971-134-1 (ebook)

9 780889 7 13413

HARBOUR PUBLISHING Spring 2018 | 15 This Familiar Hunger


  Nger is a Book aBouT The sTrengTh, will, struggle and fortitude of generations of women and how those relationships and knowledges interact, inform, transform and burden. These poems are memories of reclaimed history and attempts at starting over in a new place. They are the fractured reality of trickle-down inheritance, studies of the epigenetic grief we carry and the myriad ways that interferes or interprets our best attempts.

LAISHA ROSNAU is the author of The Sudden Weight of Snow (McClelland and Stewart, 2002), which was an honourable mention for the Amazon/Books in Canada First Novel Award. Rosnau’s first collection of poetry,Notes on Leaving (Nightwood, 2004), won the 2005 Acorn-Plantos People’s Poetry Award. Her second, Lousy Explorers (Nightwood, 2009), was a finalist for the Pat Lowther Award for best book of poetry by a Canadian woman. Her most recent book of poetry, Pluck (Nightwood, 2014), was nominated for the national Raymond Souster Award. Rosnau teaches fiction and poetry at uBC, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver Film School and Okanagan College. PHOTO BY TRACEY NEARMY She and her family are the resident caretakers of Bishop Wild Bird Sanctuary in Coldstream, BC.

POETRY April paperback CDN $18.95 5½" × 8" · 96 pages Rights held: World 978-0-88971-344-4 (paper) 978-0-88971-136-5 (ebook)


9 780889 7 13444

978-0-88971-295-9 978-0-88971-230-0 978-0-88971-200-3 PLUCK LOUSY EXPLORERS NOTES ON LEAVING $18.95 paper $17.95 paper $15.95 paper



  Ng oVeN explores ChiCkens: Their evolution as a domesticated species; their place in history, pop culture and industrial agriculture; their exploitation and their liberation. Alexander takes us deep into the world of this common species, examining every conceivable angle: chicken politics, antics, pretenses and pleasures. These poems delight in the mastery of language and intensity by which Alexander has thought his way into the very cells of his subjects through riffs on Ted Hughes’ Crow, a Burger King ad campaign and a public health advisory for bird flu, as well as self-translations.

DAVID ALEXANDER recently released his second chapbook, Modern Warfare, from Anstruther Press. Alexander’s poems have appeared in journals such as Lemon Hound, Poetry is Dead, and The Malahat Review and were shortlisted for the Walrus Poetry Prize (2014), Arc’s Poem of The Year (2014) and the Banff Centre Bliss Carman Poetry Award (2016). Poems from After the Hatching Oven have appeared in subTerrain, CV2 and The Puritan. He lives in Toronto, on.

POETRY April paperback CDN $18.95 5½" × 8” · 96 pages Rights held: World 978-0-88971-342-0 (paper) 978-0-88971-132-7 (ebook)

9 780889 7 13420

HARBOUR PUBLISHING Spring 2018 | 17 Little Wild


 LD explores The performanCe of masCuliniTy in contemporary Canada, with a focus on how toxic masculinity relates to mental health, aggression, substance abuse and

POEMS crises of identity. Through the reimagining of family histories and personal experiences, the poems in this collection exact a representation of a young man in conflict with outdated ideals of virility, struggling to redefine himself on his own terms.Little Wild is a provocative and revealing portrayal of masculinity as it is understood—and misunderstood—in a contemporary and ever-changing context. The poems are as powerful and unsettling as they are stark, combining unsentimental imagery of the natural world with first-person commentary, while exploring narratives of boyhood, adolescence and adulthood.

CURTIS LEBLANC was shortlisted for the Walrus Poetry Prize in 2016, received the Readers’ Choice Award in Arc’s Poem of the Year Contest and was shortlisted for CV2’s Young Buck Poetry CURTIS LEBLANC Prize. His writing has appeared in The Malahat Review, Eighteen Bridges, Prairie Fire, eVeNt, Geist, Arc, NewPoetry.ca and Frog Hollow Press’ The City Series: Edmonton Anthology. He’s Managing Editor of Rahila’s Ghost Press, co-host of Tonic Reading Series, Web Editor at Nineteen Questions and an occasional hockey columnist for NhL Numbers. He served as Executive Editor of Promotions at Prism international in 2016- POETRY 2017. His poetry chapbook Good for Nothing was published by April Anstruther Press in 2017. LeBlanc lives in Vancouver, BC. paperback CDN $18.95 5½" × 8" · 96 pages Rights held: World 978-0-88971-337-6 (paper) 978-0-88971-130-3 (ebook)

9 780889 7 13376

18 | HARBOUR PUBLISHING Spring 2018 Views of the Salish Sea

One Hundred and Fifty Years of Change RECENT around the Strait of Georgia HOWARD MACDONALD STEWART iT is noT coincidence that two-thirds of the population of British Columbia occupies lands bordering the Strait of Georgia and connected waterways collectively known as the North Salish Sea. The North Salish Sea has long sheltered a bounty of habitable lands and rich maritime resources ideal for human settlement. While the region’s intricate shoreline has been occupied by human communities for millennia, the last century and a half has been an unprecedented age of rapid colonization, industrialization and globalization. The Strait of Georgia has influenced human affairs and vice versa, in a complex relationship that continues today. From the earliest salmon canneries to today’s cruise ship industry, all have depended on the Strait to ensure economic prosperity and the easy movement of people and goods. The pressure on this ecologically vulnerable area will only intensify. If this precious sea is to be passed to future generations with its richness and diversity, then it will need to be effectively managed and vigorously defended. The first step is to understand the complex story of the region, makingViews of the Salish Sea essential reading for anyone with an interest in the future of British Columbia. REGIONAL INTEREST · 978-1-55017-803-6 · 8½ × 11 · 288 pages

cloth · 100 B&W photographs and maps · $39.95

Chasing Smoke A Wildfire Memoir AARON WILLIAMS BriTish ColumBia’s weaTher and geography—hot dry summers, steep terrain, and densely populated forested areas—make it one of the most difficult places in the world to fight forest fires.Chasing Smoke is an enthralling insider-account of how a fire season unfolds. Experienced firefighter Aaron Williams offers a tangible window into the intensely physical, high-adrenalin lifestyle shared by his crew of eccentrics, all eager to be on the front line. Williams shares what it’s like to work sixteen-hour days in an apocalyptic landscape, where the smoke is so thick your snot runs black and you need to drink ten litres of water a day. What it’s like to make a stupid mistake and singe your beard in front of your crew, or spend hours hosing a spot the size of a queen mattress and still not extinguish the burn. What it’s like to hear a tree fall, a co-worker’s shout, and imagine the worst. Williams chronicles the seasonal existence of a firefighter, all while examining the wider world of firefighting—interweaving the history, mechanics and politics—as well as the micro-world of the small crew who willingly put their PHOTO BY GRAEME TABOR lives on the line. MEMOIR · 978-1-55017-805-0 · 5½ × 8½ · 192 pages · paperback · 8-page photo insert · $22.95

HARBOUR PUBLISHING Spring 2018 | 19 Raven Walks Around the World LifE of a WAndeRing actiVist Life of a Wandering Activist ThOm HeNlEy THOM HENLEY in 1970, Thom henley left Michigan and drifted around the northwest RECENT coast, getting by on odd jobs and advice from even odder characters. On arriving in Haida Gwaii, Henley heard from a Haida Elder that she had been expecting him. From that point onward, Henley’s life unfolded as if destiny were at work—perhaps with a little help from Raven, the legendary trickster. Henley collaborated with the Haida for the next fourteen years to spearhead the largest environmental campaign in Canadian history and the creation of Gwaii Haanas National Park. Later, he became a co-founder of Rediscovery—a wilderness program for First Nations and non-aboriginal youth that would RAVEn become a global model for reconciliation. Over and over, Henley found himself at the epicentre of significant WaLkS ArOuNd ThE events, from a historic train caravan across Canada, an epic Haida canoe voyage, and an indigenous rights campaign world tour for the Penan tribespeople of Borneo, to the 2004 South Asian tsunami and the 2015 Nepal WORLD earthquake. Raven Walks Around the World is a moving and thoughtful account of a life lived in harmony with the land and community. MEMOIR · 978-1-55017-807-4 · 6 × 9 · 272 pages · cloth · 16-page photo insert · $32.95

Harry A Wilderness Dog Saga CHRIS CZAJKOWSKI living alone in the remote wilderness, Chris Czajkowski has given her dogs a rich life, although not without its difficulties. Often isolated, the dogs have encountered grizzlies and , slept in the snow, hiked with packs of food and equipment, and occasionally become lost in the wild or fallen through ice into a freezing river. In Harry: A Wilderness Dog Saga, the gregarious and lovable Harry gives his account of their years together at Nuk Tessli and Ginty Creek. The story includes reminiscences about other dogs in Chris’s life, including wise Badger, not-so-bright Sport, beautiful Ginger, and Lonesome, Harry’s trail-blazing literary predecessor. Together, they trace Chris’s off-the-grid life from a dog’s-eye view as she establishes an ecotourism business, builds cabins by hand and scratches out a living for herself and the pack. The book captures the humour and wisdom of a canine perspective in a way that is instantly familiar. Full of the irrepressible exploits of Harry and his canine companions, Harry: A Wilderness Dog Saga is sure to be a new favourite of animal lovers and anyone who’s ever dreamed of moving far away from city amenities with only a loyal dog for company. MEMOIR · 978-1-55017-809-8 · 6 × 9 · 288 pages · paperback · B&W photos & illustrations · $22.95

20 | HARBOUR PUBLISHING Spring 2018 Vertical Horizons

The History of Okanagan Helicopters RECENT DOUGLAS M. GRANT in 1945, afTer years as a flight instructor, Carl Agar moved to Penticton and began looking for flying opportunities. A flying club never took off, so Agar and his partners Barney Bent and Alf Stringer began looking at commercial ventures. In 1947, Okanagan Air Services (oas) was formed to provide instruction and contract work using helicopters. After a rough start, the company got a break in May 1948 when the Fraser floods swamped the valley and oas received a mosquito-spraying contract. From there the company flourished, eventualy growing to operate in over33 countries with 600 employees and 126 helicopters. Back home, Agar opened the Mountain Flying School in Penticton, which remains in operation and has trained thousands of pilots from all over the world. Vertical Horizons is also the story of the employees who were pivotal to the success of the company. Experiences range from tragic to humorous, including a ufo sighting in the Arctic, the Jonestown massacre and a rescue of Vietnamese refugees off the coast of Thailand. Vertical Horizons is the first-ever history of the company that pioneered flying high-mountain terrain—making it a must-read for any aviation buff. AVIATION · 978-1-55017-813-5 · 8½ × 11 · 280 pages · cloth · 150 B&W and colour photographs · $39.95 It Can Be Done An Ordinary Man’s Extraordinary Success CHICK STEWART WITH MICHELE CARTER iT was The Great Depression and money was always tight, so Chick Stewart began his entrepreneurial career early, peddling eggs to neighbours, jockeying for odd jobs and selling magazines. He made his mill debut at fifteen, straightening boards in the Youbou Mill on Vancouver Island. When the opportunity to buy a mill arose, Chick took a chance. Their quality work earned them steady cuts, and they were able to buy more equipment, install electricity and expand. It wasn’t all smooth sailing but s&r Sawmills survived and thrived, consistently employing a workforce of over five hundred. Chick even kept all ten fingers. It Can Be Done is also the lively story of Chick’s personal life, from old-fashioned childhood escapades like trick-or-treating for potatoes to a motorcycle road trip that ended with a night in jail because all the motels in town were full. Chick shares emotional milestones too: meeting his wife in an ice cream shop, family vacations on Gossip Island and building the Czorny Alzheimer Centre. Told with a great deal of humility and humour, It Can Be Done is the story of an honourable man, well-respected by his peers, and a history of over fifty years of evolution and change in theBC lumber business. MEMOIR · 978-1-55017-800-5 · 6 × 9 · 256 pages · cloth · 100 B&W and colour photographs · $32.95 Trailer Park Elegy CORNELIA HOOGLAND in response To her brother’s sudden death, Cornelia Hoogland explores the shift in gravity his dramatic absence creates. Set on Vancouver Island’s east coast, Trailer Park Elegy reaches back two thousand years to the First Peoples, as well as to the brother whose delight was summers spent at Deep Bay. Hoogland looks to her child-experiences of death, literature, chaos theory, dark matter, geological time and the effect of noise pollution on whales. She turns grief round and round, enlarges it, pushes beyond received ideas of closure and grief’s stages. The dead assign their unfinished work to the living, but the responsibility for connection belongs as much to the dead as to the living. The book’s form, a long poem, provides thematic coherence for the multiple contingencies that disturb the narrator’s present. Here she is, contemplating the cliché that life flashes before the eyes of the dying, or questioning the memories stored in her body like trauma or fat, when suddenly there she is, fifty years earlier, constructing the highway at the accident site. Hoogland inquires deeply into her brother’s life, listening for what he reveals. Through spare, never-sentimental language, Hoogland’s lyric resources are adequate to human loss and suffering. POETRY · 978-1-55017-815-9 · 6 × 9 · 88 pages · paperback · $18.95

HARBOUR PUBLISHING Spring 2018 | 21 O Canada Crosswords Book 18 GWEN SJOGREN ClimB aBoard The O Canada Crosswords express and embrace the adventure of 100 new crosswords. The18 th instalment of this popular series features several wordplay RECENT EDITIONS

NIGHTWOOD puzzles—including “Rank and Guile,” “Sounds Fishy to Me” and “Forecast: Fun!”—as well as a suitcase full of Canadiana like “Quotable Notables,” “Witty Women,” “Au Naturel” and “Great Scotts!” Along the way, you’ll stop off in Hamilton and , disembark at Rio to relive Canada’s Olympic achievements and detour to Sweden to celebrate hockey stars who lit up the nhl. Fifteen puzzles veer off the beaten track, including four circle-in-the-square offerings, and three with hidden shapes or phrases embedded in the grids. For an extra cerebral challenge, five puzzles have no fill-in-the-blank clues. Author Gwen Sjogren also debuts a new format called Four-Square, in which solvers complete four mini puzzles to unlock a CanCon phrase. With 97 larger grids, O Canada Crosswords Book 18 takes you on a brainteasing journey across 13,000+ clues. So punch your ticket for hours of trivia, puns and fun! PUZZLES · 978-0-88971-334-5 · 8½ × 11 · 232 pages · paperback · $14.95

Cop House SAM SHELSTAD CoP house is a short story collection about people desperately trying to recapture—or replace—the things they’ve lost. There are secret vacations, library book fetishes, women who participate in “fully-clothed, free-form touching and explorative play experiences” in exchange for protection from teenage vandals, and a doomsday cult operating out of an aquatic centre. An exiled polar bear spies on his old community and fights to survive in unfamiliar territory. A man campaigns to keep the sitcom Friends on the air after the collapse of his family. A masochistic deer wants to feel something more than the slow digestion of cud. Infused with dark humour, each of the sixteen stories included in the collection explores the absurdity of life when the things that really matter are placed just out of reach. Cop House is a book about the lengths people will go to undo the things that can’t be undone. SHORT FICTION · 978-0-88971-335-2 · 6 × 9 · 232 pages · paperback · $19.95

Landfall JOE DENHAM in NDfaLL, governor General’s Award–nominated poet Joe Denham revisits the plaguing environmental issues in the poetic journey he began ten years ago with his second collection, Windstorm. Writing in long elegy form, using a voice harnessed by concern, pathos, anger and empathy, Denham’s fourth collection is the result of age, time and love, drawing on the poet’s relationship to the world we think we know. Denham’s latest is a frustrated call to arms, told with the directness and compassion we’ve come to expect from him. POETRY · 978-0-88971-336-9 · 5½ × 8 · 96 pages · paperback · $18.95

22 | HARBOUR PUBLISHING Spring 2018 The Panic Room NIGHTWOOD EDITIONS REBECCA PĂPUCARU RECENT preoCCupied wiTh The complexities of identity and selfhood, memory, embodiment, loss, and family, Rebecca Păpucaru carefully examines details that make up one’s lived experience. “Take It or Leave It” is the casual and quotidian failure of a daughter and her mother to find an emotional connection at an art gallery. “Your Women Are Beautiful” betrays the dreamy excitement of travelling in an unfamiliar place, juxtaposed with the blunt reality of arriving home again. A second-generation Eastern European Jewish immigrant, Păpucaru attempts to grapple with connecting with her family’s past as well as the distinct feeling of being disconnected. In “On Watching an Eastern Bloc Comedy” she writes, “I’m one generation apart from all this, / and ashamed. Of my father, before his / refrigerator, mourning age spots on lettuce.” POETRY · 978-0-88971-338-3 · 5½ × 8 · 96 pages · paperback · $18.95

Cruise Missile Liberals SPENCER GORDON warning: Cruise missiLe LiBeraLs does not contain proper poems—that is, poems with proper politics, proper tightness, proper attention to sound and shape; poems that are meek in the all the right ways, culturally and aesthetically. Instead, this debut poetry collection reeks of explosive contradiction. Incorporating invented lyrical content and found material, it presents the reader with pleasurable collisions and oppositions. It is of the here and now: digital, online, urban, urbane and ironic. These are poems of play, rant, irreverence and humour, a mash-up of ordinary lyrical anxiety with ambitious injections of the experimental—filled with cheek that, every once in a while, turns into a punch to the gut. Cruise Missile Liberals is a rip-roaring debut from an author who is leaving a mark on Canadian Literature. POETRY · 978-0-88971-333-8 · 5½ × 8 · 96 pages · paperback · $18.95

The Ferryboat Ride ROBERT PERRY, ILLUSTRATED BY GRETA GUZEK “do you Believe / in ferry tales / of seeing pods / of flying whales?” Robert Perry’s simple four-line rhymes, paired with Greta Guzek’s vibrant illustrations, take readers on a ferry ride along the magical British Columbia coastline. On the trip, young children will enjoy spotting seagulls, lighthouses, kayaks, tugboats, sailboats, whales and other coastal sights before pulling up at the dock and waving goodbye to the ferryboat. The original hardcover edition of The Ferryboat Ride has sold over 15,000 copies, and this new sturdy board book edition is certain to be just as popular with a new generation of young readers. CHILDREN’S · 978-0-88971-340-6 · 6 × 6 · 20 pages · baby board book · colour illustrations · $9.95


978-1-55017-784-8 978-1-55017-771-8 978-1-55017-797-8 978-1-55017-776-3 978-1-55017-761-9 978-1-55017-780-0 I AM A METIS THE PROMISE OF PARADISE BEYOND MILE ZERO FROM THE KLONDIKE THE QUEEN OF THE THE PEACE IN PERIL Peter O’Neil Andrew Scott Lily Gontard, with TO BERLIN NORTH DISASTER Christopher Pollon, HP $32.95 cloth HP $24.95 paper photographs by Michael Gates Colin Henthorne with photographs Mark Kelly LM $24.95 paper HP $24.95 paper by Ben Nelms LM $24.95 paper HP $24.95 paper BC BOOK PRIZE FINALIST

978-1-55017-769-5 978-1-55017-782-4 978-1-55017-774-9 978-0-88971-328-4 978-0-88971-329-1 978-1-55017-743-5 RED ROBINSON BREWING REVOLUTION CROSSING HOME GROUND SHOULD AULD THE WOODS STALKING SALMON AND Robin Brunet Frank Appleton David Pitt-Brooke ACQUAINTANCE Amber McMillan WRESTLING DRUNKS HP $29.95 cloth HP $24.95 paper HP $32.95 cloth Melanie Murray NE $19.95 paper Peter L. Gordon FINALIST FOR A TASTE CANADA AWARD BC BOOK PRIZE FINALIST NE $22.95 paper HP $22.95 paper

978-1-55017-755-8 978-1-55017-745-9 978-1-55017-751-0 978-0-88971-320-8 978-1-55017-722-0 978-1-55017-725-1 BOATS IN MY BLOOD SCOUNDRELS, DREAMERS WHERE MOUNTAINS SURVIVING CITY HALL WATERSHED MOMENTS TIDE RIPS AND Barrie Farrell & SECOND SONS MEET THE SEA Donna Macdonald Christine Dickinson, BACK EDDIES HP $24.95 paper Mark Zuehlke Daniel Francis NE $22.95 paper Deborah Griffiths, Bill Proctor and HP $24.95 paper HP $39.95 cloth Judy Hagen and Yvonne Maximchuk WINNER OF A COMMUNITY Catherine Siba HP $24.95 paper HISTORY AWARD HP $34.95 cloth 3RD PRIZE IN THE BC HISTORICAL FEDERATION’S WRITING COMPETITION

978-1-55017-729-9 978-1-55017-720-6 978-1-55017-733-6 978-1-55017-734-3 978-1-55017-704-6 978-1-55017-695-7 MADE IN BRITISH COLUMBIA HUDSON MACK A ROCK FELL ON THE MOON MILK SPILLS & A BETTER PLACE ON EARTH DISASTER IN PARADISE Maria Tippett Hudson Mack Alicia Priest ONE-LOG LOADS Andrew MacLeod Amanda Bath HP $32.95 cloth HP $24.95 paper LM $24.95 paper Frank White HP $22.95 paper HP $22.95 paper BC BOOK PRIZE FINALIST HP $24.95 paper WINNER OF THE 2015 GEORGE RYGA AWARD


978-1-55017-697-1 978-1-55017-699-5 978-1-55017-668-1 978-1-55017-708-4 978-0-88971-307-9 978-1-55017-664-3 CAM TAIT VANCOUVER BLUE THAT WENT BY FAST THE ROYAL FJORD THE DEATH OF SMALL CARDBOARD OCEAN Cam Tait with Jim Taylor Wayne Cope Frank White Ray Phillips CREATURES Mike McCardell HP $24.95 paper HP $22.95 paper HP $32.95 cloth HP $22.95 paper Trisha Cull HP $32.95 cloth NE $22.95 paper

978-1-55017-666-7 978-1-55017-678-0 978-1-55017-681-0 978-1-55017-623-0 978-1-55017-610-0 978-1-55017-618-6 FROM THE WEST COAST ECHOES OF BRITISH TOFINO AND IAN MCTAGGART-COWAN WE GO FAR BACK IN TIME WE ARE BORN WITH THE TO THE WESTERN FRONT COLUMBIA CLAYOQUOT SOUND Ronald D. Jakimchuk, Edited by SONGS INSIDE US Mark Forsythe and Robert Budd Margaret Horsfield R. Wayne Campbell and Nicholas Bradley Katherine Palmer Gordon Greg Dickson HP $35.00 paper + 3 CDs and Ian Kennedy Dennis A. Demarchi HP $39.95 cloth HP $24.95 paper HP $26.95 paper 2ND PRIZE IN THE 2015 BC HISTORICAL HP $36.95 cloth HP $49.95 cloth FEDERATION’S WRITING AWARDS WINNER OF THE 2014 LIEUTENANT- BC BOOK PRIZE FINALIST GOVERNOR’S MEDAL FOR HISTORICAL FICTION

978-1-55017-598-1 978-1-55017-604-9 978-1-55017-514-1 paper 978-0-88971-282-9 978-1-55017-561-5 978-1-55017-565-3 LEGACY IN WOOD HOUSE CALLS BY 978-1-55017-592-9 audio IN ANTARCTICA TRUCKING IN BRITISH BRUNO AND THE BEACH ADVENTURES IN SOLITUDE Ryan Wahl FLOAT PLANE Jay Ruzesky COLUMBIA Marc Strange & HP $24.95 paper Dr. Alan Swan Grant Lawrence NE $24.95 paper Daniel Francis Jackson Davies HP $24.95 paper HP $26.95 paper SALE! HP $24.99 cloth HP $26.95 paper SALE! HP $9.99 audio CDs BC BOOK PRIZE FINALIST BC BOOK PRIZE FINALIST WINNER OF THE 2011 BILL DUTHIE BOOKSELLERS’ CHOICE AWARD

978-1-55017-559-2 paper 978-1-55017-528-8 paper 978-1-55017-438-0 978-1-55017-551-6 978-1-55017-575-2 978-1-55017-357-4 978-1-55017-541-7 cloth 978-1-55017-447-2 cloth TALES FROM THE GALLEY A HARD MAN TO BEAT GINTY’S GHOST DIARY OF A WILDERNESS BEYOND THE HOME RANCH BEYOND THE CHILCOTIN Doreen Armitage Howard White Chris Czajkowski DWELLER Diana Phillips Diana Phillips SALE! HP $12.99 cloth SALE! HP $12.99 paper HP $21.95 paper Chris Czajkowski HP $21.95 paper HP $19.95 paper HP $19.95 paper $34.95 cloth $34.95 cloth


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AUTHOR / TITLES Cameron, Anne Aftermath, The Annie Poems, Bright’s Crossing, Dahlia Cassidy, Daughters of Copper Woman, Deejay & Betty, Dreamspeaker, Dzelarhons, Escape to Beulah, Family Resemblances, A The Gumboot Geese, Hardscratch Row, How Raven Freed the INDEX

AUTHOR AUTHOR Adams, Joan Floating Schools & Frozen Inkwells Moon, How the Loon Lost Her Voice, Kick the Can, Lazy Boy, Aho, Aaro E., Dr. Hills of Silver Orca’s Song, Raven & Snipe, Raven Goes Berrypicking, Alexander, David After the Hatching Oven Raven Returns the Water, Sarah’s Children, Selkie, South of an Allen, Christine A Year at Killara Farm Unnamed Creek, Spider Woman, T’aal, Tales of the Cairds, Amato, Roger V. Classic Vintage Crawlers & Dozers Those Lancasters, A Whole Brass Band, The Whole Fam Damily, Anderson, Flo Lighthouse Chronicles Women, Kids & Huckleberry Wine Anderson, James D. British Columbia’s Magnificent Parks Campbell River Musm. Soc. The Raincoast Kitchen Appleton, Frank Brewing Revolution Campbell, R. Wayne Birds of the Raincoast, Ian McTaggart-Cowan (ed.) Ardley, Pat Grizzlies, Gales and Giant Salmon Cannings, Robert A Field Guide to Insects of the Pacific Northwest Armitage, Doreen Around the Sound, Burrard Inlet, From the Wheelhouse, Caplette, Jim Haywire Tales from the Galley Carder, Al Giant Trees of Western America and the World Cardwell, Ann Crazy to Kill B Carey, Betty Lowman Bijaboji Bachinsky, Elizabeth God of Missed Connections, Home of Sudden Service, Carey, Neil G. Bijaboji (ed.) The Hottest Summer in Recorded History Carson, Bryan Sunshine & Salt Air (ed.) Backlund, Gary Easykayaking Basics, Kayaking Vancouver Island Carter, Michele It Can Be Done Baile, Lisa John Clarke Charchun, Jenny Urban Coyote series (ed.) Baldwin, John Soul of Wilderness Cherrington, John A. Vancouver at the Dawn Banks, Chris Bonfires, The Cold Panes of Surfaces Choyce, Lesley Roid Rage Barber, James Cooking for Two, The Genius of James Barber, Christy, Jim Strange Sites One-Pot Wonders Clark, Brenda Victoria Underfoot (ed.) Barber-Starkey, Joe Jason and the Sea Otter, Jason’s New Dugout Canoe Clark, Lewis Wild Flowers of Field and Slope, Wild Flowers of Forest and Barclay, Adèle If I Were in a Cage, I’d Reach Out for You Woodland, Wild Flowers of the Mountains, Wild Flowers of the Barman, Jean British Columbia, The Remarkable Adventures of Portuguese Pacific Northwest (3rd ed.), Wild Flowers of the Sea Coast Joe Silvey, Stanley Park’s Secret Clarkston, Bridgette A Field Guide to Seaweeds of the Pacific Northwest, Barton, John For the Boy with the Eyes of the Virgin Pacific Seaweeds Bateman, Christopher Return of the Osprey Coffey, Maria Fragile Edge Bath, Mandy Disaster in Paradise Coleman, Jim The Best of Jim Coleman Beamish, Dick The Sea Among Us Conn, David R. Raincoast Chronicles 22 (ed.) Beard, Graham West Coast Fossils Cope, Wayne Vancouver Blue Beardsley, Doug The Man Who Outlived Himself Cosgrove, James A. Super Suckers Belford, Ken Ecologue Courtenay Museum Watershed Moments bennett, andrea Canoodlers Craigan, Charlie How the Robin Got Its Red Breast, Mayuk the Grizzly Bear, Bennett, Donna The Collected Poems of Patrick Lane (ed.) Salmon Boy Berton, Laura Beatrice I Married the Klondike Cran, Brad Ink on Paper, The Good Life Bifford, Darren Wedding in Fire Country Cresswell, Graeme Whales & Dolphins of the North American Pacific Billington, Keith Cold Land, Warm Hearts, House Calls by Dogsled Croft, Philip Nature Diary of a Quiet Pedestrian Bily, Linda Soul of Wilderness Crozier, Lorna Breathing Fire 2 (ed.) Binks, Andrew Strip, The Summer Between Csotonyi, Julius T. Dinosaurs of the Alberta Badlands Bird-Wilson, Lisa The Red Files Cull, Trisha The Death of Small Creatures Birney, Earle One Muddy Hand Cunningham, Rosemary Bravo! Black, Arthur Black & White and Read All Over, Black Gold, Black Is the New Czaga, Kayla For Your Safety Please Hold On Green, Black to the Grindstone, A Chip Off the Old Black Czajkowski, Chris Diary of a Wilderness Dweller, Ginty’s Ghost, Harry, Flash Black, Looking Blackward, Paint the Town Black, A Mountain Year, Snowshoes and Spotted Dick, A Wilderness Pitch Black, Planet Salt Spring (audio) Dweller’s Cookbook, Wildfire in the Wilderness Black, Carolyn The Odious Child Blacklaws, Rick Ranchland D Bostwick, Mark The Four-Wheeler’s Companion (3rd ed.) Dalzell, Kathleen E. The Queen Charlotte Islands: Vol. 1, 1774–1966, Vol. 2, Of Four-Wheeling in the BC Interior Places and Names, Vol. 3, The Beloved Island Bowling, Tim The Book Collector, Darkness and Silence, Downriver Drift, Daniels, Carol Bearskin Diary The Duende of Tetherball, Dying Scarlet, The Lost Coast, Low Davies, Jackson Bruno and the Beach Water Slack, Selected Poems, Tenderman, Where the Words Davignon, Ellen The Cinnamon Mine Come From (ed.), The Witness Ghost Dawe, Helen Helen Dawe’s Sechelt Boyd, Alex Army of the Brave and Accidental de Cosmos, Mrs. Amor Notes from the Netshed Bradley, Nicholas We Go Far Back in Time (ed.) DeCroo, Rodney Allegheny, BC, Next Door to the Butcher Shop Bremner, Maria Cape Scott and the North Coast Trail Degen, John The Uninvited Guest Brødsgaard, Shel Goals and Dreams, Soccer—Guarding the Goal Delainey, Gary Betty Brown, Dennis Salmon Wars Demarchi, Dennis A. Ian McTaggart-Cowan (ed.) Brown, Sharon Some Become Flowers Dempster, Barry The Words Wanting Out Brown, Russell Morton The Collected Poems of Patrick Lane (ed.) Denham, Joe Flux, Landfall, Regeneration Machine, Windstorm, Budd, Robert Cloudwalker, Echoes of British Columbia, Hello Humpback!, The Year of Broken Glass One Eagle Soaring, Orca Chief, Peace Dancer, Raven Brings Dewdney, Christopher Permugenesis the Light Dickinson, Christine Watershed Moments Burrows, Bob Healing in the Wilderness, Hope Lives Here Dickson, Greg The BC Almanac Book of Greatest British Columbians, From the West Coast to the Western Front, The Trail of 1858

44 | HARBOUR PUBLISHING Spring 2018 Dobrowolsky, Helene Law of the Yukon (Rev. ed.) Greenfield, Tony A Field Guide to Birds of the Pacific Northwest, Dorst, Adrian Reflections at Sandhill Creek Waterfalls of British Columbia

Douglas, Robb Skookum Tugs Grey, Paul Easykayaking Basics, Kayaking Vancouver Island AUTHOR INDEX Dragu, Margaret Revelations Griffiths, Bus Now You’re Logging! Drope, Dorothy & Bodhi Paddling the Sunshine Coast Griffiths, Deborah Watershed Moments Druehl, Louis Pacific Seaweeds Groot, C. Field Identification of Coastal Juvenile Salmonids Drushka, Ken H.R., In the Bight, Three Men and a Forester, Guichon, Diane Birch Split Bark Tie Hackers to Timber Harvesters, Working in the Woods Guzek, Greta The Airplane Ride, Dogless in Metchosin, Down at the Seaweed Dulai, Phinder Basmati Brown Café, The Ferryboat Ride (hardcover), The Ferryboat Ride Dunigan, Matt Goin’ Deep (board book), The Ferryboat Ride Colouring Book, The Golden Pine Cone, The Ideal Dog, My Vancouver Sketchbook, T’aal E Eathorne, Alison Malone Sea Salt H Eaton, Diane & Allison Exploring the BC Coast by Car (Rev. ed.) Hagelund, W. A. Whalers No More Edgell, Phil Coastal Fishes of the Pacific Northwest (Rev. and expanded ed.), Hagen, Jamella Kerosene A Field Guide to Common Fish of the Pacific Northwest, Field Hagen, Judy Watershed Moments Identification of Coastal Juvenile Salmonids Haig-Brown, Alan The Fraser River, Still Fishin’ Elliott, Marie Fort St. James and New Caledonia Haig-Brown, Roderick Fisherman’s Summer, Panther, Saltwater Summer, Elrick, Michelle then/again Starbuck Valley Winter, The Whale People Evans, Carol The Shores We Call Home Hall, Penny A Field Guide to Birds of the Pacific Northwest Evans, Hubert O Time in Your Flight Hamilton, Kathleen O Canada Crosswords, Books 1–7 Hammond, Dick Tales from Hidden Basin, A Touch of Strange F Hanby, Bernard P. A Field Guide to Common Fish of the Pacific Northwest, Farrell, Barrie Boats in My Blood Marine Life of the Pacific Northwest Feener, Walter D. O Canada Crosswords, Book 11 Hanna, Sharon The Book of Kale Fernandes, Raoul Transmitter and Receiver Harbo, Rick M. A Field Guide to Nudibranchs of the Pacific Northwest, Festel, Claire Remarkable Yukon Women A Field Guide to Seashells and Shellfish of the Pacific Finlay, Triny Histories Haunt Us, Splitting Off Northwest, Pacific Reef & Shore (rev. ed.), Shells and Shellfish Flygare, Hälle A Field Guide to Alpine Wildflowers of the Rocky Mountains, of the Pacific Northwest, Whelks to Whales (Rev. Second Ed.) A Field Guide to Wildlife of the Rocky Mountains Harbord, Heather Desolation Sound, Texada Tapestry Folkens, Pieter Marine Mammals of the Pacific Northwest Harness, Kyp Wigford Rememberies Ford, Cathy Affaires of the Heart Harris, Cole Ranch in the Slocan Ford, John-James Bonk on the Head Harrison, A.S.A. Revelations Forsythe, Mark The BC Almanac Book of Greatest British Columbians, Hartman, G.F. Field Identification of Coastal Juvenile Salmonids From the West Coast to the Western Front, The Trail of 1858 Hawthorn, Tom Deadlines Foss, Maureen The Rat Trap Murders Hebda, Richard J. A Field Guide to Edible Fruits and Berries of the Fournier, Suzanne Shore to Shore Pacific Northwest Francis, Daniel Encyclopedia of British Columbia (ed.), Far West, Heimburger, Donald J. Classic Vintage Crawlers & Dozers Operation Orca, Trucking in British Columbia, Henley, Thom Raven Walks Around the World Where Mountains Meet the Sea Henry, Tom Dogless in Metchosin, Dogless in Metchosin (audiotape), Frazer, Neil Boat Camping Haida Gwaii (Rev. 2nd ed.) Following the Boulder Train, The Ideal Dog, Inside Fighter, French, Diana Ranchland, The Road Runs West Paul Bunyan on the West Coast, Small City in a Big Valley, Friesen, Patrick The Breath You Take from the Lord, Earth’s Crude Gravities Westcoasters Friis-Baastad, Erling Wood Spoken Henthorne, Colin The Queen of the North Disaster Fry, Alan How a People Die, The Revenge of Annie Charlie Herriot, Carolyn A Year on the Garden Path, The Zero-Mile Diet, Fu, Kim How Festive the Ambulance The Zero-Mile Diet Cookbook Fukawa, Masako and Stanley Spirit of the Nikkei Fleet Hewlett, Gil Operation Orca Funk, Carla Head Full of Sun Hickling, Meg Boys, Girls and Body Science Hoar, David Cooks Afloat! G Holmes, Matthew Hitch Gates, Michael Dalton’s Gold Rush Trail, From the Klondike to Berlin, History Homan, Dianne Urban Coyote series (ed.) Hunting in the Yukon Hoogland, Cornelia Trailer Park Elegy Genest, Michele The Boreal Feast, The Boreal Gourmet, Horsfield, Margaret Tofino and Clayoquot Sound Urban Coyote series (ed.) Howe, Ken Cruise Control Getty, Adam Reconciliation, Repose Hsu, Ray Anthropy, Cold Sleep Permanent Afternoon Gill, Kuldip Dharma Rasa Hudson, Phillipa A Field Guide to Alpine Flowers of the Pacific Northwest, Gillespie, John Everyday Eden, Sow Simple A Field Guide to Coastal Flowers of the Pacific Northwest, Gilman, Michelle What Grandma Built A Field Guide to Trees of the Pacific Northwest Goldberg, Kim Submarine Dead Ahead! Hudson, Rick A Field Guide to Gemstones of the Pacific Northwest, Gontard, Lily Beyond Mile Zero A Field Guide to Gold, Gemstone & Mineral Sites of BC Gordon, Katherine Palmer We Are Born with the Songs Inside Us Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 (Rev. ed.) Gordon, Peter L. Stalking Salmon & Wrestling Drunks Hughes, Mike Northwest Dive Guide Gordon, Spencer Cruise Missile Liberals Hulsizer, Elsie Glaciers, Bears and Totems, Voyages to Windward Gough, Barry Fortune’s a River, Juan de Fuca’s Strait Hume, Mark Birds of the Raincoast Gourley, Catherine Island in the Creek Hume, Stephen Raincoast Chronicles 20: Lilies and Fireweed, Off the Map, Graham, Donald Keepers of the Light, Lights of the Inside Passage Simon Fraser, A Stain Upon the Sea, A Walk with the Rainy Grant, Doug Vertical Horizons Sisters Grant, Paul The Stanley Park Companion Hutchings, Kevin Birds of the Raincoast Gray, Beverley A Field Guide to Medicinal Wild Plants of Canada Hutchinson, Chris A Brief History of the Short-Lived

HARBOUR PUBLISHING Spring 2018 | 45 I Lines, Patricia Cyril the Seagull Iglauer, Edith Denison’s Ice Road, Fishing with John, Inuit Journey, Livingston, Billie The Chick at the Back of the Church Seven Stones, The Strangers Next Door Lougheed, Vivien Understanding Bolivia Ito, Sally Frogs in the Rain Barrel, Season of Mercy Ludvigsen, Rolf West Coast Fossils Itter, Carole Opening Doors (ed.) INDEX

AUTHOR AUTHOR M J Macaulay, Alec The Memorial Cup Jackson, Stephen Character Boats of the BC Coast (Series 1 & 2) Macdonald, Donna Surviving City Hall Jacobs, Danny Songs That Remind Us of Factories Mack, Clayton Bella Coola Man, Grizzlies & White Guys Jakimchuck, Ronald D. Ian McTaggart-Cowan (ed.) Mack, Hudson Hudson Mack James, Rick The Comox Valley, Raincoast Chronicles 21 MacKenzie, John Letters I Didn’t Write Jamieson, Eric Tragedy at Second Narrows Mackie, Richard Home Truths (ed.) Jason, Dan Some Useful Wild Plants Mackin, Bob Goals and Dreams Jennings, Chris Occupations MacLeod, Andrew A Better Place on Earth Jensen, Vickie Ships of Steel Macleod, Dave O Canada Crosswords, Books 8–10 Jerome, Gillian Red Nest Mahood, Ian Three Men and a Forester Joe, Donna Salmon Boy Mainville, Michèle Guide pratique d’identification des cailloux Johnson, Marion The Book of All Sorts Mair, Rafe Hard Talk, Over the Mountains, Rafe, Johnson, Michael How to Be Eaten by a Lion What the Bleep Is Going On Here? Johnston, Sean A Day Does Not Go By Malone, Hilary and Lorna Sea Salt Johnstone, Jim Patternicity Manchester, Susan Pouring Small Fire Jones, Robert H. Island Fly Fisherman, Island Halibut Fisherman, Mansbridge, Francis Launching History Island Salmon Fisherman Marlatt, Daphne Opening Doors (ed.) Martin, Jeanne Marie The All Natural Allergy Cookbook, Hearty Vegetarian Soups & K Stews, Jeanne Marie Martin’s Light Cuisine, Vegan Delights Kahn, Charles Hiking the Gulf Islands of British Columbia (4th d.), Mason, Patricia Return of the Osprey Salt Spring Maximchuk, Yvonne Full Moon, Flood Tide, Tide Rips and Bad Eddies Kane, Donna Summer of the Horse Mayse, Arthur Handliner’s Island; My Father, My Friend Keller, Betty Skookum Tugs, A Stain Upon the Sea Mayse, Susan Ginger Keller, Keith Dangerous Waters, Wildfire Wars McAllister, Ian & Karen The Great Bear Rainforest Kellerhals-Stewart, Heather Skookum Sal, Birling Gal McAlpine, Mary The Other Side of Silence Kelly, Mark Beyond Mile Zero McCaffery, Steve The Black Debt Kennedy, Des Heart and Soil McCardell, Mike Back Alley Reporter, The Blue Flames That Keep Us Warm, Kennedy, Ian Tofino and Clayoquot Sound Cardboard Ocean, Chasing the Story God, Everything Works, Kent, Gary Fishing with Gubby, Gubby Builds a Boat The Expanded Reilly Method, Getting to the Bubble, Kerr, Grant A Season to Remember Haunting Vancouver, Here’s Mike, None of This Was Planned, Kilburn, Nicole Victoria Underfoot (ed.) Unlikely Love Stories Kirkland, Gordon Justice is Blind—and Her Dog Just Peed in My Cornflakes McCarthy, Maureen Girls in the Last Seat Waving, Lonely in a Cool, Sweet Way, Knight, Rolf Homer Stevens Sneaking Through the Evening McCartney, Sharon The Love Song of Laura Ingalls Wilder L McDaniel, Neil A Field Guide to Sea Stars of the Pacific Northwest, LaFave, Kim Bear Stories; Boys, Girls & Body Science; Cyril the Seagull; Super Suckers Fishing with Gubby; Gubby Builds a Boat; Paul Bunyan on the McEvoy, Jaimie The Life and Destruction of Saint Mary’s Hospital West Coast; Puccini and the Prowlers; Silversides McFarlane, Gordon The Sea Among Us Lam, Fiona Tinwei Intimate Distances McLaren, T.A. Ships of Steel Lamarche, Amanda The Clichéist McMillan, Amber The Woods Lamb, Andy Coastal Fishes of the Pacific Northwest (Rev. and expanded McNeilly, Kevin Embouchure 2nd ed.), A Field Guide to Common Fish of the Pacific McPherson, Christian The Cube People, Cube Squared, Six Ways to Sunday Northwest, Marine Life of the Pacific Northwest Meggs, Geoff The Art of the Impossible, Strange New Country Lane, John What Are Uncles For? M’Gonigle, Michael Forestopia Lane, Patrick The Bare Plum of Winter Rain, Breathing Fire 2 (ed.), Mickleburgh, Rod The Art of the Impossible, On the Line The Collected Poems of Patrick Lane, Go Leaving Strange, Miles, Fraser Slow Boat on Rum Row Last Water Song, Selected Poems: 1977–1997, Too Spare, MillAr, Jay False Maps for Other Creatures, Other Poems, Too Fierce, Washita, Witness Timely Irreverence Langer, Otto A Stain Upon the Sea Miller, Mark Boogie, Pete & the Senator, Cool Blues, Jazz in Canada Langford, Ernest The Apple Eaters, Rendezvous at Dieppe Mills, Carol A to Z of Absolute Zaniness Lapp, Richard Local Heroes, The Memorial Cup Mitchell, Ken Witches and Idiots Lau, Doretta How Does a Single Blade of Grass Thank the Sun? Mitchinson, Martin The Darien Gap Lawrence, Grant Adventures in Solitude, Adventures in Solitude (audiobook) Mochizuki, Cindy perpetual LeBlanc, Curtis Little Wild Montgomery, Georgina The Cowichan Lee, David Chainsaws, Four-Wheeling on Southern Vancouver Island Montpellier, Paul Atlas Leiren-Young, Mark Free Magic Secrets Revealed Moray, Jeremy Timmy and the Otters, Timmy and the Whales, Timmy the Lembcke, Jerry One Union in Wood West Coast Tug, Timmy Ties Up Lenarduzzi, Bob Bob Lenarduzzi Morin, Peter Carrying on “Irregardless” Leslie, Alex The things I heard about you Moritz, Blaise Zeppelin Leslie, Rosella M. A Stain Upon the Sea Morrison, Janet Love The Crazy Canucks Levin, A.J. Monks’ Fruit Morton, Alexandra A Stain Upon the Sea Levy, Paul River Queen Moses, Daniel David Delicate Bodies Lewis, S.P. Grace Munce, Alayna When I Was Young and in My Prime Lindsay, Senga Edible Landscaping

46 | HARBOUR PUBLISHING Spring 2018 Murray, George The Rush to Here R Murray, Melanie Should Auld Acqaintance Rader, Matt Living Things, Miraculous Hours, What I Want to Tell Goes Like

This AUTHOR INDEX N Raeside, Adrian The Best of Adrian Raeside, No Sailing Waits and Other Ferry Nature Vancouver The Birder’s Guide to Vancouver and the Lower Mainland, Tales, The Rainbow Bridge, Tails Don’t Lie, Tails Don’t Lie 2 Parks and Nature Places Around Vancouver, Wilderness on the Ramadan, Ahmad Danny The Clothesline Swing Doorstep Rayment, Barbara The Northern Gardener Neil, Al Changes Razzell, Mary Runaway at Sea Nelson, Michelle A Field Guide to Foraging for Wild Greens and Flowers Reid, Martine J. Bill Reid and the Haida Canoe (ed.), Carrying on “Irregardless” Nelson, Randy Poachers, Polluters and Politics Rempel, Karen Complete Beading for Beginners Neufeld, David Chilkoot Trail Rhodes, Shane Err, X Newman, Dr. Murrary People, Fish and Whales Richards, Dal One More Time! Nicholson, Owain Digsite Riddell, John A/Z Does It Nicol, Eric Anything for a Laugh, When Nature Calls Roberts Creek Hist. Comm. Remembering Roberts Creek Norris, Frank Chilkoot Trail Roberts, Kevin Flash Harry and the Daughters of Divine Light Norris, Pat Wastell Raincoast Chronicles 16, High Seas, High Risk Robinson, Chris Stole This from a Hockey Card North, Dick Sailor on Snowshoes Robinson, Mike Carrying on “Irregardless” Nunuk, David Vancouver Light Robinson, Red Backstage Vancouver Robson, Peter A. Raincoast Chronicles 23 (ed.), Skookum Tugs, Sunshine & Salt O Air (ed.) O’Kiely, Elizabeth Gentleman Air Ace Rose, Alex Spirit Dance at Meziadin Olson, Barbara O Canada Crosswords, Books 8–10 Rose, Rachel Song & Spectacle, Marry & Burn Ottawa Int’l Writers Fest Write Across Canada Rosnau, Laisha Lousy Explorers, Notes on Leaving, Pluck, This Familiar Hunger P Rowe, Stephen Never More There Paetkau, Eric J. The Doc’s Side Roxborough, Stephen radiant danse uv being (ed.) Page, Alison A Field Guide to Foraging for Wild Greens and Flowers Rubin, Carole How to Get Your Lawn and Garden off Drugs, Palmer, Mary ABCs of West Coast Gardening, Jedediah Days How to Get Your Lawn off Grass Păpucaru, Rebecca The Panic Room Rudd, Noreen Cooks Afloat! Parfitt, Ben Forest Follies, Forestopia Ruffo, Armand Garnet Thunderbird Poems Parkin, Barbara Woman with a Man Inside Russell, Nick Victoria Underfoot (ed.) Parsons, Tony A Life in the News Rusth, Glenn British Columbia Crosswords, Canadian Prairies Crosswords, Pass, John crawlspace, Forecast, The Hour’s Acropolis, Radical Ontario Crosswords Innocence Ruzesky, Jay Blue Himalayan Poppies, In Antarctica Paul, Philip Kevin Little Hunger, Taking the Names Down from the Hills Rysstad, Jean Home Fires Pavlik, Janet Echoes Across Seymour

Pepper, Don Fishing the Coast S Perrault, Ernest Tong Sacuta, Norm Garments of the Known Perry, Robert Down at the Seaweed Café, The Ferryboat Ride (hardcover), Sager, Kathy Suzie’s Sourdough Circus The Ferryboat Ride (board book), The Ferryboat Ride Saklikar, Renée Sarojini children of air india, Listening to Bees Colouring Book, My Vancouver Sketchbook Salloum, Sheryl Malcolm Lowry Persons, W. Scott Dinosaurs of the Alberta Badlands Schaepe, David M. Being Ts’elxwéyeqw (ed.) Peterson, Lester Story of the Sechelt Nation Scheideman, Charles Policing the Fringe, Tragedy on Jackass Mountain Pew, Jeff radiant danse uv being (ed.) Scofield, Gregory kipocihkân; Louis; Witness, I Am Phillips, Diana Beyond the Chilcotin, Beyond the Home Ranch Scott, Andrew Encyclopedia of Raincoast Place Names, The Promise of Phillips, Ray The Little Green Valley, The Royal Fjord Paradise Piddington, Helen The Inlet, Rumble Seat Sechelt Nation Ch’askin, How the Robin Got Its Red Breast, Pielle, Sue T’aal Mayuk the Grizzly Bear Pigott, Peter Flying Canucks III, National Treasure, Wingwalkers Sept, J. Duane The Beachcomber’s Guide to Seashore Life in the Pacific Pitt-Brooke, David Crossing Home Ground Northwest (3rd. ed.), The Beachcomber’s Guide to Seashore Poh Seng, Goh As Though the Gods Love Us, A Dance of Moths, Life of California (Rev. ed.) The Girl from Ermita Shelstad, Sam Cop House Polansky, Tarik Sharks of the Pacific Northwest Siba, Catherine Watershed Moments Pollard, W.R. Field Identification of Coastal Juvenile Salmonids Silver, Alf Clean Sweep (The Mystery Project) Pool, Sandy Undark Simmers, Bren Hastings–Sunrise Poole, Michael Rain Before Morning Simpson, Sharron J. The Kelowna Story Potter, Greg Backstage Vancouver Sjogren, Gwen Cross-Canada Crosswords 1–6, Preti, Antonella Sharks of the Pacific Northwest O Canada Crosswords Books 12–18 Priest, Alicia A Rock Fell on the Moon Skapski, John Green Water Blues Proctor, Bill Full Moon, Flood Tide; Tide Rips and Back Eddies Smith, Bill Imagine the Sound Purdy, Al Beyond Remembering, The Man Who Outlived Himself, Smith, Desmond Echoes Across Seymour Reaching for the Beaufort Sea, Rooms for Rent in the Outer Smith, Eileen Echoes Across Seymour Planets, Starting from Ameliasburgh, Yours, Al Smith, Lyndsay Proximate Causes Pusser, Todd Whales & Dolphins of the North American Pacific Smith, Michael V. Bad Ideas Puzzling Sports Institute O Canada Puzzles for Kids, 1 & 2, Slapshot Hockey Quizbook, Smith, Peter L. Wings Across the Water The Vancouver Canucks Quizbook (2nd ed.) Solecki, Sam Beyond Remembering (ed.), One Muddy Hand (ed.), Yours, Al (ed.), Rooms for Rent in the Outer Planets (ed.) Q Somer, Bradley Imperfections Quan, Andy Slant Sonik, Madeline Arms, Drying the Bones Queyras, Sina Teethmarks Sorestad, Glen Air Canada Owls

HARBOUR PUBLISHING Spring 2018 | 47 Southern, Karen Sunshine & Salt Air (ed.) Voss, Jennifer Klondike Trail Southwell, Darlene Caring and Compassion Spalding, Andrea Seasonings W Spalding, David A.E. Enchanted Isles, Seasonings, Whales of the West Coast Wahl, Ryan Legacy in Wood Spilsbury, Jim The Accidental Airline, Spilsbury’s Coast Wakayama, Tamio Kikyo INDEX AUTHOR AUTHOR Staniford, Don A Stain Upon the Sea Walker, Dylan Whales & Dolphins of the North American Pacific Stefanyk, Larry E. Island Fly Fisherman (ed.), Island Halibut Fisherman, Ward, Robin Echoes of Empire, Robin Ward’s Heritage West Coast Island Salmon Fisherman, Ultimate Trout Fishing in the Warrener, Sheryda Floating Is Everything Pacific Northwest Watt, Alison The Last Island Stevens, Homer Homer Stevens Watt, Norman D. Off the Beaten Path (Expanded 2nd ed.) Stewart, Anita The Lighthouse Cookbook Wayman, Tom The Colours of the Forest, Did I Miss Anything?, Dirty Snow, Stewart, Donald (Chick) It Can Be Done The Dominion of Love (ed.), The Face of Jack Munro, Stewart, Howard Views of the Salish Sea High Speed Through Shoaling Water, In a Small House on the Stewart, Shannon The Canadian Girl Outskirts of Heaven, Inside Job, My Father’s Cup, Paperwork Stiles, John Taking the Stairs Weiss, Adrienne There Are No Solid Gold Dancers Anymore Stonier-Newman, Lynne Policing a Pioneer Province Wells, Oliver N. Edenbank Strange, Marc Bruno and the Beach Whelan, Jack Smoking Salmon and Trout Swan, Alan House Calls by Float Plane White, Elwood Wings Across the Water Swanson, Robert Rhymes of a Western Logger White, Frank Milk Spills & One-Log Loads, That Went By Fast Symons, Christina Everyday Eden, Sow Simple White, Howard The Accidental Airline, The Airplane Ride, Ghost in the Gears, A Hard Man to Beat, Patrick and the Backhoe, Raincoast T Chronicles 11, 15–19 (ed.), Spilsbury’s Coast, The Sunshine Tait, Cam Cam Tait Coast (2nd ed.), Writing in the Rain Tattam, William One Union in Wood White, Patrick Mountie in Mukluks Taylor, Jeannette The Quadra Story, River City, Tidal Passages White, Silas Local Heroes Taylor, Jim And to Think I Got in Free!, The Best of Jim Coleman (ed.), Wigmore, Gillian Dirt of Ages Bob Lenarduzzi, Cam Tait, Goin’ Deep, Hello, Sweetheart? Wild, Paula The Comox Valley, One River, Two Cultures, Sointula Gimmie Rewrite!, One More Time! Willes, Ed End Zones and Border Wars Taylor, Wilf Beating Around the Bush Williams, Aaron Chasing Smoke Terpening, Rex Bent Props & Blow Pots Wilson, Carleton The Material Sublime Thomas, Becky Floating Schools & Frozen Inkwells Windh, Jacqueline The Wild Edge, The Wild Side Guide to Vancouver Island’s Thommasen, Harvey Bella Coola Man (ed.), Birds of the Raincoast, Pacific Rim (Rev. 2nd ed.) Grizzlies & White Guys (ed.) Winger, Rob The Chimney Stone, Muybridge’s Horse, Old Hat Thornton, Russell Birds, Metals, Stones and Rain, House Built of Rain, Winkler, Daniel A Field Guide to Edible Mushrooms of California, The Human Shore A Field Guide to Edible Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest Thran, Nick Earworm, Mayor Snow Winston, Mark Listening to Bees Tippett, Maria Made in British Columbia Wiseman, Adele Puccini and the Prowlers Trelawny, John G. Wild Flowers of the Forest and Woodland (ed.), Wild Flowers of Women and Words Comm. Women and Words the Mountains (ed.), Wild Flowers of the Pacific Northwest Wong, Rita forage, perpetual, undercurrent (3rd ed.) (ed.), Wild Flowers of the Sea Coast (ed.) Woo, Elaine Cycling with the Dragon Trower, Peter Dead Man’s Ticket, Goosequill Snags, Haunted Hills and Woodcock, George Dry Wells of India, The Great Canadian Anecdote Contest, Hanging Valleys, The Judas Hills, Unmarked Doorways Orwell’s Message, Power to Us All Tucker, Diane Bonsai Love, God on His Haunches Wooding, Frederick H. Lake, River and Sea-Run Fishes of Canada Turnbull, Frank Operating on the Frontier Woodward, Caroline Alaska Highway Two-Step, Light Years Twigg, Alan Hubert Evans, Strong Voices, Understanding Belize, Wynn, Graeme Home Truths (ed.) 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