8/22/2017 9:37:41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Return of Private Foundation OMB No 1545-0052 For, 990-PF I or Section 4947(a)(1) Trust Treated as Private Foundation Do not enter social security numbers on this form as It may be made public. 2016 Department of the Treasury ► Internal Revenue Service ► Information about Form 990-PF and its separate instructions is at www.ir3.gov/form99( For calendar year 2016 or tax year beginnin g 6/1/2016 , and ending 5/31/2017 Name of foundation A Employer identification number ROY A HUNT FOUNDATION Number and street (or P O box number if mail is not delivered to street address ) Room/surte 25-6105162 BNY Mellon , N A - P 0 Box 185 B Telephone number (see instructions) City or town, state or province , country, and ZIP or foreign postal code Pittsburgh PA 15230-0185 (412 ) 281-8734 Foreign country name Foreign province/state/county Foreign postal code C If exemption application is pending , check here

q q G Check all that apply Initial return q Initial return of a former public charity D 1. Foreign organizations , check here ► q Final return q Amended return 2. Foreign organizations meeting the 85% test, q q Address change q Name change check here and attach computation ► H Check type of organization ® Section 501(c)(3) exempt private foundation E If private foundation status was terminated under section 507(b)( 1 )(A), check here q El Section 4947(a)( 1 ) nonexem pt charitable trust El Other taxable private foundation ► Accounting method. ® q I Fair market value of all assets at J Cash Accrual F If the foundation is in a 60-month termination end of year (from Part ll, col (c), q Other (specify) ,------under section 507(b)(1)(B), check here 0. line 16) $ 78 , 974 , 590 1 (Part 1, column (d) must be on cash basis) (d) Disbursements Analysis of Revenue and Expenses (The total of (a) Revenue and (b) Net investment (c) Adjusted net for chartable amounts in columns (b), (c), and (d) may not necessarily expenses per income income purposes books equal the amounts in column (a) (see instructions)) (cash basis only) I Contributions, gifts, grants, etc , received (attach schedule) ;x: +0,7 ' .<^ 2 Check if the foundation is not required to attach Sch B ` j?t - r .sue 5- w '" CV 3 Interest on savings and temporary cash investments 4 Dividends and interest from securities 1 , 386,484 1 ,433, 783 5a Gross rents 10, 047 0 b Net rental income or (loss) 25 uJ 6a Net gain or (loss) from sale of assets not on line 10 1 , 337 , 355 cn b Gross sales price for all assets on line 6a 8, 227 , 298 + `' a 7 Capital gain net income (from Part IV, line 2) 1 36 x .: ^. LU 8 Net short-term capital gain ,. . 9 Income modifications 10a Gross sales less returns and allowances Cft b Less Cost of goods sold 'I c Gross profit or (loss) (attach schedule) 11 Other income (attach schedule) ' ' u47, 157 12 Total. Add lines 1 through 11 2 , 723, 839 2,859,479 0 + #t: u) 13 Compensation of officers, directors, trustees, etc. vi 14 Other employee salaries and wages 276, 821 276, 821 aci 15 Pension plans, employee benefits . . 61 , 654 61 ,654 W 16a Legal fees (attach schedule) 0 1 b Accounting fees (attach schedule) . 10 , 200 10 , 200 Z c Other professional fees (attach schedule) 211 , 640 210, 890 750 17 Interest 2 18 Taxes (attach schedule) (see instructions) 21 , 137 17 481 c 19 Depreciation (attach schedule) and depletion E 20 Occupancy < 21 Travel, conferences, and meetings 72 , 374 72 , 374 22 Printing and publications 382 382 23 Other expenses (attach schedule) 43, 389 83,634 30 , 824 c 24 Total operating and administrative expenses. Add lines 13 through 23 697 , 597 312 , 005 0 453, 005 25 Contributions, gifts, grants paid 3, 397, 198 3, 397, 198 O 26 Total expenses and disbursements. Add lines 24 and 25. 4 , 094 , 795 312 , 005 0 3, 850 , 203 27 Subtract line 26 from line 12' a Excess of revenue over expenses and disbursements . -1 , 370, 956 b Net investment income (if negative, enter -0-) 2 547 ,474 c Adjusted net income (if negative, enter -0-) 0 For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see Instructions. Form 99U-PF (2016) HTA 9 -`1 a 2 8/22/2017 9:37.41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Form 990-PF (2016) ROY A HUNT FOUNDATION 25-6105162 Page 2 ached schedules and amounts in the description column Beginning of year End of year Balance Sheets should be for end-of-year amounts only (See instructions ) (a) Book Value (b) Book Value (c) Fair Market Value 1 Cash-non-interest-bearing . 2 Savings and temporary cash investments . . 1 280, 222 1 1615,435, 1 1 6-1-5 1435 Accounts receivable 3 ► ------Less allowance for doubtful accounts ► 4 Pledges receivable ► Less allowance for doubtful------accounts ► ------5 Grants receivable 6 Receivables due from officers, directors, trustees, and other disqualified persons (attach schedule) (see instructions) 7 Other notes and loans receivable (attach schedule) ► ...... Less allowance for doubtful accounts ► ------8 Inventories for sale or use N 9 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges Q 10a Investments-U S and state government obligations (attach schedule) b Investments-corporate stock (attach schedule) c Investments-corporate bonds (attach schedule) 11 Investments-land, buildings, and equipment basis ► Less• accumulated depreciation (attach schedule) ► ------12 Investments-mortgage loans 13 Investments-other (attach schedule) 61 , 894 , 734 60, 347 , 113 77 , 22828, 850 14 Land, buildings, and equipment: basis ► ______- Less: accumulated depreciation (attach schedule) ► ------5, 306 130, 305 15 Other assets (describe ► See Attached Statement------) 7 , 750 16 Total assets (to be completed by all filers-see the instructions Also, see page 1 , item I 63 , 182 , 706 61 , 967 , 854 78, 974 , 590 17 Accounts payable and accrued expenses 18 Grants payable 100, 000 525 500 19 Deferred revenue 20 Loans from officers , directors, trustees , and other disqualified persons 9 21 Mortgages and other notes payable (attach schedule) =t^^ , J 22 Other liabilities (describe ► ------23 Total liabilities (add lines 17 throw h 22) 100 , 000 525 500 q Foundations that follow SFAS 117, check here ► and complete lines 24 through 26 and lines 30 and 31. y r C 24 Unrestricted To 25 Temporarily restricted 26 Permanently restricted Foundations that do not follow SFAS 117, check here ► LL and complete lines 27 through 31. 0 27 Capital stock, trust principal, or current funds 63 , 082 , 706 61442 354 28 Paid-in or capital surplus, or land, bldg , and equipment fund - Retained earnings , accumulated income, endowment , or other funds N 29 < 30 Total net assets or fund balances (see instructions) . 63, 082 , 706 61 , 442 , 354 Z 31 Total liabilities and net assets/fund balances (see instructions 63, 182 , 706 1 61 , 967 , 854 1 Analysis of Changes in Net Assets or Fund Balances 1 , Total net assets or fund balances at beginning of year-Part II, column (a), line 30 (must agree with end-of-year figure reported on prior year's return) 1 63, 082 , 706 2 Enter amount from Part I, line 27a . . 2 -1 , 370 , 956 3 308 ,481 3 Other increases not included in line 2 (itemize) ► See Attached- Statement ------4 Add lines 1, 2, and 3 ------4 62 020 231 5 577 , 877 5 Decreases not included in line 2 (itemize) ► See Attached Statement ______6 Total net assets or fund balances at end of year (line 4 minus lineli 5-)-Part II_, colum(b),-n- line 30 ------6 61 ,442 , 354 Form 990-PF (2016) 8/22/2017 9:37'41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Form 990-PF (2016) ROY A HUNT FOUNDATION 25-6105162 Page 3 Capital Gains and Losses for Tax on Investment Income (b) How acquired (a) List and describe the kind( s) of property sold (e g , real estate, (c) Date acquired (d) Date sold P-Pur ionn 2-story bock warehouse , or common stock, 200 shs MLC Co ) D-Donatia (mo, day, yr) (mo, day, yr) 1a See Attached Statement b c d e Depreciation allowed (g) Cost or other basis (h) Gain or (loss) (e) Gross sales price (f) (or allowable) plus expense of sale (e) plus (f) minus (g) a b c d e Complete only for assets showing g ain in column (h) and owned by the foundation on 12/31/69 (I) Gains (Col (h) gain minus Q) Adjusted basis (k) Excess of col (i) col (k), but not less than -0-) or (1) F M V as of 12/31/69 as of 12/31/69 over col (I), if any Losses (from col (h)) a b c d e If gain, also enter in Part I, line 7 2 Capital gain net income or (net capital loss) If (loss), enter -0- in Part I, line 7 2 1 , 368 , 492 3 Net short-term capital gain or (loss) as defined in sections 1222(5) and (6) If gain, also enter in Part I, line 8, column (c) (see instructions) If (loss), enter -0- in Part I, line 8 3 0 EFUM Qualification Under Section 4940( e) for Reduced Tax on Net Investment Income (For optional use by domestic private foundations subject to the section 4940(a) tax on net investment income ) If section 4940(d)(2) applies, leave this part blank Was the foundation liable for the section 4942 tax on the distributable amount of any year in the base periods q Yes No If "Yes," the foundation does not qualify under section 4940(e) Do not complete this part 1 Enter the appropriate amount in each column for each year, see the instructions before making ny entries.

Base period years Distribution ratio Adjusted distributions Net value of nonchantable -use assets Calendar year (or tax year be mmn n qualifying col ( b) divided by col (c)) 2015 3 , 682 , 876 73641 732 0.050011 2014 3 , 603 , 754 78 , 420 , 728 0 045954 2013 3,411 , 977 73,658 , 250 0.046322 2012 3 468 301 69 , 357 , 092 0 050006 2011 3 , 271 , 054 1 67, 222 , 741 0048660

2 Total of line 1, column (d) 2 0 240953 3 Average distribution ratio for the 5-year base period-divide the total on line 2 by 5, or by the number of years the foundation has been in existence if less than 5 years 3 0048191

4 Enter the net value of noncharitable- use assets for 2016 from Part X, line 5 4 75, 342 , 673

5 Multiply line 4 by line 3 . 5 3, 630 , 839

6 Enter 1 % of net investment income (1 % of Part I, line 27b) 6 25,475

7 Add lines 5 and 6 7 3,656 , 314

8 Enter qualifying distributions from Part XII, line 4 . . 8 3 , 850 , 203 If line 8 is eaual to or areater than line 7. check the box in Part VI. line 1 b. and comDlete that Dart usina a 1 % tax rate See the Part VI instructions Form 990-PF (2016) 8/22/2017 9 37.41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Form 990- PF (2016 ) ROY A HUNT FOUNDATION 25-6105162 Page 4

q 1a Exempt operating foundations described in section 4940(d)(2), check here ► and enter "N/A" on line 1 Date of ruling or determination letter ------(attach copy of letter if necessary-see instructions) b Domestic foundations that meet the section 4940(e) requirements in Part V, check here ► ® and enter 1 % of Part I, line 27b c All other domestic foundations enter 2% of line 27b Exempt foreign organizations enter 4% of Part I, line 12, col. (b) 2 Tax under section 511 (domestic section 4947(a)(1) trusts and taxable foundations only Others enter -0-) 3 Add lines 1 and 2 . . 4 Subtitle A (income) tax (domestic section 4947(a)(1) trusts and taxable foundations only. Others enter -0-) . 4 5 Tax based on investment income . Subtract line 4 from line 3 If zero or less, enter -0- . 5 6 Credits/Payments a 2016 estimated tax payments and 2015 overpayment credited to 2016 6a 36, 125 b Exempt foreign organizations-tax withheld at source 6b c Tax paid with application for extension of time to file (Form 8868) 6c d Backup withholding erroneously withheld . 6d _ 7 Total credits and payments Add lines 6a through 6d 7 8 Enter any penalty for underpayment of estimated tax Check here ® if Form 2220 is attached 9 Tax due. If the total of lines 5 and 8 is more than line 7, enter amount owed ► 9 10 Overpayment. If line 7 is more than the total of lines 5 and 8, enter the amount overpaid ► 10 11 Enter Refunded 11 the amount of line 10 to be Credited to 2017 estimated tax ► 10 , 650 1 ►

1a During the tax year, did the foundation attempt to influence any national, state, or local legislation or did it Yes No participate or intervene in any political campaign'? . . 1a X b Did it spend more than $100 during the year (either directly or indirectly) for political purposes (see Instructions for the definition)? . . . lb X If the answer is "Yes" to 1a or 1b, attach a detailed descnption of the activities and copies of any materials published or distributed by the foundation in connection with the activities c Did the foundation file Form 1120-POL for this year? . . I c X d Enter the amount (if any) of tax on political expenditures (section 4955) imposed during the year (1) On the foundation ► $ (2) On foundation managers '$ e Enter the reimbursement (if any) paid by the foundation during the year for political expenditure tax imposed on foundation managers. ► $ 2 Has the foundation engaged in any activities that have not previously been reported to the IRS? 2 X If "Yes, " attach a detailed description of the activities 3 Has the foundation made any changes, not previously reported to the IRS, in its governing instrument, articles of incorporation, or bylaws, or other similar instruments If "Yes," attach a conformed copy of the changes 3 X 4a Did the foundation have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more during the year? 4a X b If "Yes," has it filed a tax return on Form 990-T for this year? . . 4b N/A 5 Was there a liquidation, termination, dissolution, or substantial contraction during the year? 5 X If "Yes, " attach the statement required by General Instruction T 6 Are the requirements of section 508(e) (relating to sections 4941 through 4945) satisfied either • By language in the governing instrument, or • By state legislation that effectively amends the governing instrument so that no mandatory directions that conflict with the state law remain in the governing instrument? . . . 6 X 7 Did the foundation have at least $5,000 in assets at any time during the year" If'Yes,' complete Part fl, col. (c), and PartXV 7 X 8a Enter the states to which the foundation reports or with which it is registered (see instructions) ► ------PA b If the answer is "Yes" to line 7, has the foundation furnished a copy of Form 990-PF to the Attorney General (or designate) of each state as required by General Instruction G9 If 'No,"attach explanation . 8b X 9 Is the foundation claiming status as a private operating foundation within the meaning of section 4942(1)(3) or 49420)(5) for calendar year 2016 or the taxable year beginning in 2016 (see instructions for Part XIV)? If "Yes, " complete Part XIV 9 X 10 Did any persons become substantial contributors during the tax year? If "Yes," attach a schedule listing their names and addresses 10 X Form 990-PF (2016) 8/22/2017 9:37.41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Form 990-PF (2016) ROY A HUNT FOUNDATION 25-6105162 Page 5 MWIVIEW Statements Regardin g Activities (continued) 11 At any time during the year, did the foundation, directly or indirectly, own a controlled entity within the Yes No meaning of section 512(b)(13)? If "Yes," attach schedule (see instructions) 11 X 12 Did the foundation make a distribution to a donor advised fund over which the foundation or a disqualified person had advisory privileges? If "Yes," attach statement (see instructions) 12 X 13 Did the foundation comply with the public inspection requirements for its annual returns and exemption application? 13 X Website address RAHUNTFDN.ORG ► ------14 The books are in care of JENNIFER B KELLY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Telephone no X412) 281.8734 ► ------'------• ► ------Located at ONE BIGELOW SQUARE ► ------S-----UITE----630---PITTSBURGH-PA------ZIP+4 0- 15219.3030 _ 15 Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt q charitable trusts filing Form 990-PF in lieu of Form 1041 -Check here ► and enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the year ► 15 N/A 16 At any time during calendar year 2016, did the foundation have an interest in or a signature or other authority Yes No over a bank, securities, or other financial account in a foreign country? 16 X See the instructions for exceptions and filing requirements for FinCEN Form 114 If "Yes," enter the name of the foreign country ► Statements Regarding Activities for Which Form 4720 May Be Req uired File Form 4720 if any item is checked in the "Yes" column , unless an exception applies. Yes No 1a During the year did the foundation (either directly or indirectly) (1) Engage in the sale or exchange, or leasing of property with a disqualified person? q Yes No (2) Borrow money from, lend money to, or otherwise extend credit to (or accept it from) a disqualified persons q Yes No (3) Furnish goods, services, or facilities to (or accept them from) a disqualified persons Yes q No (4) Pay compensation to, or pay or reimburse the expenses of, a disqualified person? Yes q No (5) Transfer any income or assets to a disqualified person (or make any of either available for the benefit or use of a disqualified person)? q Yes No (6) Agree to pay money or property to a government official? ( Exception . Check "No" if the foundation agreed to make a grant to or to employ the official for a period after termination of government service, if terminating within 90 days) q Yes No b If any answer is "Yes" to 1a(1)-(6), did any of the acts fail to qualify under the exceptions described in Regulations section 53.4941(d)-3 or in a current notice regarding disaster assistance (see instructions)? Organizations q relying on a current notice regarding disaster assistance check here ► c Did the foundation engage in a prior year in any of the acts described in 1 a, other than excepted acts, that were not corrected before the first day of the tax year beginning in 2016' . . . . 2 Taxes on failure to distribute income (section 4942) (does not apply for years the foundation was a private operating foundation defined in section 49420)(3) or 4942(1)(5)): a At the end of tax year 2016, did the foundation have any undistributed income (lines 6d and 6e, Part XIII) for tax year(s) beginning before 2016' q Yes No If "Yes," list the years ► 20 20 b Are there any years listed in 2a for which the foundation is not applying the provisions of section 4942(a)(2) (relating to incorrect valuation of assets) to the year's undistributed income? ( If applying section 4942( a)(2) to all years listed , answer " No" and attach statement-see instructions) . c If the provisions of section 4942( a)(2) are being applied to any of the years listed in 2a, list the years here ► 20 , 20 , 20 _ , 20 3a Did the foundation hold more than a 2% direct or indirect interest in any business enterprise at any time during the year's q Yes No b If "Yes ," did it have excess business holdings in 2016 as a result of (1) any purchase by the foundation or disqualified persons after May 26, 1969 , (2) the lapse of the 5-year period (or longer period approved by the Commissioner under section 4943(c)(7)) to dispose of holdings acquired by gift or bequest, or (3) the lapse of the 10-, 15-, or 20-year first phase holding period? (Use Schedule C, Form 4720, to determine if the foundation had excess business holdings in 2016) 4a Did the foundation invest during the year any amount in a manner that would jeopardize its charitable purposes? X b Did the foundation make any investment in a prior year (but after December 31, 1969) that could jeopardize its charitable purpose that had not been removed from jeopardy before the first day of the tax year beginning in 2016? X Form (2016) 8/22/2017 9:37:41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Form 990-PF (2016) ROY A HUNT FOUNDATION 25-6105162 Page 6 EiGaWAMA. Statements Regarding Activities for Which Form 4720 May Be Required (continued) 5a During the year did the foundation pay or incur any amount to (1) Carry on propaganda , or otherwise attempt to influence legislation (section 4945(e))'7 q Yes No (2) Influence the outcome of any specific public election (see section 4955), or to carry on, directly or indirectly , any voter registration drive) . . . q Yes No (3) Provide a grant to an individual for travel , study , or other similar purposes? q Yes q No (4) Provide a grant to an organization other than a charitable , etc, organization described in section 4945(d)(4)(A)? (see instructions ) . . . . q Yes ® No (5) Provide for any purpose other than religious , charitable , scientific, literary, or educational purposes , or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals? q Yes No b If any answer is "Yes" to 5a(1)-(5), did any of the transactions fail to qualify under the exceptions described in Regulations section 53 4945 or in a current notice regarding disaster assistance (see instructions)? . 5b N/A Organizations relying on a current notice regarding disaster assistance check here q c If the answer is "Yes" to question 5a(4), does the foundation claim exemption from the tax because it maintained expenditure responsibility for the grant? N/A q Yes q No If "Yes, " attach the statement required by Regulations section 53 4945-5(d) 6a Did the foundation , during the year, receive any funds , directly or indirectly , to pay premiums on a personal benefit contract? q Yes ® No b Did the foundation, during the year, pay premiums , directly or indirectly , on a personal benefit contracts 6b X If "Yes " to 6b, file Form 8870 7a At any time during the tax year , was the foundation a party to a prohibited tax shelter transactions q Yes No b If "Yes ," did the foundation receive any proceeds or have any net income attributable to the transaction' 7b N/A Information About Officers, Directors, Trustees, Foundation Managers , Highly Paid Employees, and Contractors I List all officers. directors. trustees . foundation manaaers and their compensation (see instructions). (b) Title, and average (c) Compensation (d) Contributions to (e) Expense account, (a) Name and address hours per week (if not paid, employee benefit plans allowances devoted to position enter -0- and deferred com pensation other ADRIENNEA_HIPCHEN------CONTROLLER ONE BIGELOW SQUARE , SUITE 630 PITTSBURGH , 37 00 77 , 974 13, 135 JENNIFER B KELLY______EXECUTIVE DIRE ONE BIGELOW SQUARE , SUITE 630 PITTSBURGH , 37 00 131,540 14 , 782 R PICCOLINO_ COOR GINA------______PROGRAM ONE BIGELOW SQUARE , SUITE 630 PITTSBURGH 37 00 67 , 307 13 , 772 SEE ATTACHED STATEMENT 0 2 Compensation of five highest-paid emolovees (other than those included on line 1 -see instructions ). If none. enter "NONE." (d) Contributions to (b) Title , and average employee benefit (a) Expense account, (a) Name and address of each employee paid more than $50,000 hours per week (c) Compensation plans and deferred other allowances devoted to position compensation NONE ------





Total number of other employees paid over $50,000 NONE Form 99U-N11- (2016) 8/22/2017 9.37 41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Form 990-PF (2016) ROY A HUNT FOUNDATION 25-6105162 Page 7 JaMOW Information About Officers, Directors , Trustees , Foundation Managers, Highly Paid Employees, and Contractors (continued) s rive hig hest-paid independent contractors for professional services see instructions). If none, enter "NONE." (a) Name and address of each person paid more than $50,000 (b) Type of service (c) Compensation BNY MELLON N A ------P.O BOX 185 , PITTSBURGH PA 15219 AGENT 122 ,416 ------




Total number of others receiving over $50,000 for professional services NONE • Summary of Direct Charitable Activities

List the foundation's four largest direct chartable activities during the tax year Include relevant statistical information such as the number of Expenses organizations and other beneficiaries served, conferences convened, research papers produced, etc 1 SEE ATTACHED - JENNIFER B KELLY VOLUNTEER HOURS ------




Summary of Program-Related Investments (see instructions) Describe the two largest program-related investments made by the foundation during the tax year on lines 1 and 2 Amount I NONE ------


All other program-related investments See instructions 3 NONE ------

Total. Add lines 1 through 3 t NONE Form 990-PF (2016) 8/22/2017 9.37.41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Form 990-PF (2016) ROY A HUNT FOUNDATION 25-6105162 Page 8 Minimum Investment Return (All domestic foundations must complete this part. Foreign foundations,

I Fair market value of assets not used (or held for use) directly in carrying out charitable, etc , purposes. a Average monthly fair market value of securities 1a 74 732542 b Average of monthly cash balances lb 1 632 481 c Fair market value of all other assets (see instructions) 1c 125, 000 d Total (add lines 1a, b, and c) Id 76 , 490, 023 e Reduction claimed for blockage or other factors reported on lines 1 a and 1c (attach detailed explanation) le _ 2 Acquisition indebtedness applicable to line 1 assets 2 3 Subtract line 2 from line 1d 3 76 90 , 023 4 Cash deemed held for charitable activities Enter 1'/z % of line 3 (for greater amount, see instructions) 4 1 147 , 350 5 Net value of noncharitable -use assets. Subtract line 4 from line 3 Enter here and on Part V, line 4 5 75, 342 ,673 6 Minimum investment return . Enter 5% of line 5 6 3 , 767 , 134 Distributable Amount (see instructions) (Section 4942(j)(3) and 0)(5) private operating q foundations and certain foreign organizations check here ► and do not complete this part.) I Minimum investment return from Part X, line 6 . . 1 3, 767 , 134 2a Tax on investment income for 2016 from Part VI, line 5 2a 25,475 b Income tax for 2016 (This does not include the tax from Part VI) 2b c Add lines 2a and 2b 2c 25,475 3 Distributable amount before adjustments Subtract line 2c from line 1 . . 3 3 741 659 4 Recoveries of amounts treated as qualifying distributions 4 5 Add lines 3 and 4 . . . 5 3 741 659 6 Deduction from distributable amount (see instructions) 6 7 Distributable amount as adjusted Subtract line 6 from line 5 Enter here and on Part XIII, line 1 7 3 , 741 ,659 Qualifying Distributions (see instructions) I Amounts paid (including administrative expenses) to accomplish charitable, etc, purposes a Expenses, contributions, gifts, etc -total from Part I, column (d), line 26 1a 3, 850 , 203 b Program-related investments-total from Part IX-B lb NONE 2 Amounts paid to acquire assets used (or held for use) directly in carrying out charitable, etc, purposes 2 3 Amounts set aside for specific charitable projects that satisfy the a Suitability test (prior IRS approval required) 3a b Cash distribution test (attach the required schedule) 3b 4 Qualifying distributions. Add lines la through 3b. Enter here and on Part V, line 8, and Part XIII, line 4 4 3, 850 , 203 5 Foundations that qualify under section 4940(e) for the reduced rate of tax on net investment income Enter 1% of Part I, line 27b (see instructions) 5 25 , 475 6 Adjusted qualifying distributions . Subtract line 5 from line 4 6 3 824 728 Note . The amount on line 6 will be used in Part V, column (b), in subsequent years when calculating whether the foundation qualifies for the section 4940(e) reduction of tax in those years Form 990-PF (2016) 8/22/2017 9.37:41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Form 990-PF (2016) ROY A HUNT FOUNDATION 25-6105162 Page 9

(a) (b) (c) (d) 1 Distributable amount for 2016 from Part XI, Corpus Years pnor to 2015 2015 2016 line 7 3 741 Rr;9 2 Undistributed income, if any, as of the end of 2016 a Enter amount for 2015 only 1541 466 b Total for prior years* 20 , 20 , 20 3 Excess distributions carryover, if any, to 2016 a From 2011 b From 2012 c From 2013 d From 2014 e From 2015 s f Total of lines 3a through e 0 x °^ 4 Qualifying distributions for 2016 from Part XII, line 4 ► $ 3,850,203 a Applied to 2015, but not more than line 2a 1 541 466 b Applied to undistributed income of prior years (Election required-see instructions) c Treated as distributions out of corpus (Election required-see instructions) d Applied to 2016 distributable amount 2.308.737 e Remaining amount distributed out of corpus 5 Excess distributions carryover applied to 2016 (If an amount appears in column (d), the same amount must be shown in column (a) ) 6 Enter the net total of each column as indicated below:

a Corpus Add lines 3f, 4c, and 4e Subtract line 5 0 b Prior years' undistributed income Subtract

line 4b from line 2b 0 c Enter the amount of prior years' undistributed income for which a notice of deficiency has been issued, or on which the section 4942(a) tax has been previously assessed d Subtract line 6c from line 6b Taxable amount-see instructions e Undistributed income for 2015 Subtract line 4a from line 2a Taxable amount-see instructions 0 f Undistributed income for 2016 Subtract lines 4d and 5 from line 1 This amount must be distributed in 2017 7 Amounts treated as distributions out of corpus to satisfy requirements imposed by section 170(b)(1)(F) or 4942(g)(3) (Election may be required-see instructions) 8 Excess distributions carryover from 2011 not applied on line 5 or line 7 (see instructions) 9 Excess distributions carryover to 2017. Subtract lines 7 and 8 from line 6a 10 Analysis of line 9 a Excess from 2012 b Excess from 2013 c Excess from 2014 d Excess from 2015 e Excess from 2016 Form 99U-Fl' (2016) 8/22/2017 9 37 41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Form 990-PF (2016) ROY A HUNT FOUNDATION 25-6105162 Page 10 Private Operating Foundations (see instructions and Part VII-A, question 9) N/A 1a If the foundation has received a ruling or determination letter that it is a private operating foundation, and the ruling is effective for 2016, enter the date of the ruling . . ► q b Check box to indicate whether the foundation is a private operating foundation described in section q 49420)(3) or 494; 2a Enter the lesser of the adjusted net Tax Prior 3 years year (e) Total income from Part I or the minimum (a) 2016 (b) 2015 (c) 2014 (d) 2013 investment return from Part X for each year listed b 85% of line 2a c Qualifying distributions from Part XII, line 4 for each year listed d Amounts included in line 2c not used directly for active conduct of exempt activities e Qualifying distributions made directly for active conduct of exempt activities Subtract line 2d from line 2c 3 Complete 3a, b, or c for the alternative test relied upon a "Assets" alternative test-enter (1) Value of all assets 0 (2) Value of assets qualifying under section 49420)(3)(8)(1) 0 b "Endowment" alternative test-enter 2/3 of minimum investment return shown in 0 Part X , line 6 for each year listed c "Support" alternative test-enter (1) Total support other than gross investment income (interest, dividends, rents, payments on securities loans (section 512(a)(5)), or royalties) 0 (2) Support from general public and 5 or more exempt organizations as provided in section 49420)(3)(B)(m) 0 (3) Largest amount of support from an exempt organization 0 4 Gross investment income 0 Supplementary Information (Complete this part only if the foundation had $5,000 or more in assets at any time durina the wear-see instructions.) 1 Information Regarding Foundation Managers: a List any managers of the foundation who have contributed more than 2% of the total contributions received by the foundation before the close of any tax year (but only if they have contributed more than $5,000) (See section 507(d)(2).) NONE b List any managers of the foundation who own 10% or more of the stock of a corporation (or an equally large portion of the ownership of a partnership or other entity) of which the foundation has a 10% or greater interest NONE 2 Information Regarding Contribution , Grant, Gift, Loan, Scholarship , etc., Programs: q not Check here ► if the foundation only makes contributions to preselected charitable organizations and does accept unsolicited requests for funds If the foundation makes gifts, grants, etc (see instructions) to individuals or organizations under other conditions, complete items 2a, b, c, and d a The name, address, and telephone number or e-mail address of the person to whom applications should be addressed

JENNIFER B KELLY ONE BIGELOW SQUARE, SUITE 630 PITTSBURGH, PA 15219 (412) 281-8734 b The form in which applications should be submitted and information and materials they should include

PLEASE SEE OUR WEBSITE FOR GUIDELINES AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR OUR ONLINE GRANTMAKING SYSTEM c Any submission deadlines PLEASE SEE OUR WEBSITE (WWW RAHUNTFDN ORG) d Any restrictions or limitations on awards , such as by geographical areas , charitable fields , kinds of institutions , or other factors- PLEASE SEE OUR WEBSITE (WWW RAHUNTFDN ORG) Form 990-PF (2016) 8/22/2017 9.37.41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Form 990-PF (2016) ROY A HUNT FOUNDATION 25-6105162 Page 11 IN Supplementary Information (continued) 3 Grants and Contributions Paid Durina the Year or Anoroved for Future Payment If recipient is an individual, Foundation Recipient show any relationship to Purpose of grant or status of Amount any foundation manager contribution recipient Name and address (home or business) or substantial contributor a Paid during the year See Attached Statement

Total 3a 3 397 198 b Approved for future payment See Attached Statement

Total 0' 3bI 525,500 Form 990-PF (2016) 8/22/2017 9,37.41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Form 990-PF (2016) ROY A HUNT FOUNDATION 25-6105162 Page 12 Analysis of Income-Producin g Activities Enter gross amounts unless otherwise indicated Unrelated business income Excluded by section 512, 513, or 514 (e)

(d) Related or exempt (a) (b) (C) functione ins income code Amount Exclusion code Amount (See instructions ) Program service revenue a b c d e f g Fees and contracts from government agencies 2 Membership dues and assessments 3 Interest on savings and temporary cash investments 4 Dividends and interest from securities 14 1 , 386 , 484 5 Net rental income or (loss) from real estate a Debt-financed property b Not debt-financed property 6 Net rental income or (loss) from personal property 7 Other investment income 8 Gain or (loss) from sales of assets other than inventory 18 1 , 337 , 355 9 Net income or (loss) from special events 10 Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory 11 Other revenue a b c d e 12 Subtotal Add columns (b), (d), and (e) 0 i - i = 2 , 723 , 839 0 13 Total. Add line 12, columns (b), (d), and (e) 13 2,723,839 See worksheet in line 13 instructions to verify calculation s. ) Relationshi p of Activities to the Accom plishment of Exem pt Purposes Line No. Explain below how each activity for which income is reported in column (e) of Part XVI-A contributed importantly to the V I accomplishment of the foundation's exempt purposes (other than by providing funds for such purposes) (See instructions )

Form 990-PF (2016) 8/22/2017 9:37:41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Form 990-PF (2016) ROY A HUNT FOUNDATION 25-6105162 Page 13 Information Regarding Transfers To and Transactions and Relationships With Noncharitable Exem pt Org anizations 1 Did the organization directly or indirectly engage in any of the following with any other organization described Yes No in section 501(c) of the Code (other than section 501 (c)(3) organizations) or in section 527, relating to political organizations? a Transfers from the reporting foundation to a nonchantable exempt organization of (1) Cash . . . la( l ) X (2) Other assets . . . . la(2) X b Other transactions (1) Sales of assets to a nonchantable exempt organization . . 1b(l ) X (2) Purchases of assets from a nonchantable exempt organization 1 b(2) X (3) Rental of facilities, equipment, or other assets . . 1 b(3) X (4) Reimbursement arrangements 1 b(4) X (5) Loans or loan guarantees . . . . . 1b(5) X (6) Performance of services or membership or fundraising solicitations 1 b(6) X c Sharing of facilities, equipment, mailing lists, other assets, or paid employees 1c X d If the answer to any of the above is "Yes," complete the following schedule. Column (b) should always show the fair market value of the goods, other assets, or services given by the reporting foundation If the foundation received less than fair market value in any transaction or sharing arrangement, show in column (d) the value of the goods, other assets, or services received. (a) Line no ( b) Amount involved (c) Name of nonchantable exempt organization (d) Description of transfers, transactions, and sharing arrangements

2a Is the foundation directly or indirectly affiliated with, or related to, one or more tax-exempt organizations described in section 501(c) of the Code (other than section 501(c)(3)) or in section 527'? . . q Yes ® No b If "Yes," complete the following schedule (a) Name of organization (b) Type of organization (c) Description of relationship

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true correct, and complete Declaration of preparer (other than taxpayer) is based on all inform Sign Here ^ ^ • ' 25 Sig to of r or trustee Date PnnUrype preparer's name Praparer's signatu Paid o--, Shawn P Hanlon 8/22/2017 9:37.41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

enny Kelly

Date Hours Organization

6/8/2016 1.5 YWCA 8/19/2016 2 YoungLeaders 8/19/2016 2 Pittsburgh Cultural Trust 9/7/2016 2 YWCA 12/7/2016 2 YWCA 1/27/2017 2 Grantmakers Western P 2/8/2017 2.5 YWCA 4/28/2017 2 Grantmakers Western P 5/3/2017 2.5 YWCA

18.5 8/22/2017 9.37.41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Part VIII Line I (990-PF) - Compensation of Officers, DirectorsTrustees and Foundation Managers 97A P71 Al ARA n Check "X" Avg Hrs Expense Name if Business Street City State Zip Code Forei gn Country Title Per Week Com pen sation Benefits Account ADRIENNE A HIPCHEN ONE BIGELOW SQUARE, SUITE 63, PITTSBURGH PA 15219 ONTROLL 3700 77,974 13,135 R 7 JENNIFER B KELLY ONE BIGELOW SQUARE, SUITE 63, PITTSBURGH PA 15219 EXECUTIVE 3700 131,540 14,782 DIRECTOR 2 GINA R PICCOLINO ONE BIGELOW SQUARE, SUITE 63 PITTSBURGH PA 15219 PROGRAM 37 00 67,307 13.772 COORDINA 3 SEE ATTACHED STATEMENT 0

4 -HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY 81 a2rt VIIf, LinellAlnforma ion a out Trustees

Average Hours per week Devoted to Officer Name Address Title Position Compensation

Richard M. Hunt One Bigelow Square, Suite 630 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Trustee 1.6 0

Torrence M. Hunt, Jr. One Bigelow Square, Suite 630 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Trustee 1.6 0

Terry Hunt One Bigelow Square, Suite 630 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Trustee 1.6 0

Christopher M. Hunt One Bigelow Square, Suite 630 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Trustee 1.8 0

Marion Hunt One Bigelow Square, Suite 630 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Trustee 1.8 0

Rachel Hunt Knowles One Bigelow Square, Suite 630 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Trustee 0.9 0

John B. Hunt One Bigelow Square, Suite 630 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Trustee 1.6 0

Helen Hunt Bouscaren One Bigelow Square, Suite 630 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Trustee 2.3 0

Susan Hunt Hollingsworth One Bigelow Square, Suite 630 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Trustee 1.6 0

Andrew M. Hunt One Bigelow Square, Suite 630 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Trustee 1.6 0

1 of 3 8/ /2p 97g:4137 A^VI XX19^9 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY art Vllf, i ne 1, nforma ion a ou Trustees William E. Hunt One Bigelow Square, Suite 630 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Trustee 2.3 0

Daniel K. Hunt One Bigelow Square, Suite 630 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Trustee 1.6 0

A. James Hunt One Bigelow Square, Suite 630 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Trustee 0.9 0

Joan Hunt Maxwell One Bigelow Square, Suite 630 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Trustee 0.3 0

Cathryn Hunt Graybill One Bigelow Square, Suite 630 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Trustee 0.0 0

Caroline Hunt Zaw-Mon One Bigelow Square, Suite 630 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Trustee 0.4 0

Torrence W.B. Hunt One Bigelow Square, Suite 630 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Trustee 0.4 0

Alexandra K. Hunt One Bigelow Square, Suite 630 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Trustee 0 0

Bonnie Hunt Pierson One Bigelow Square, Suite 630 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Trustee 0.3 0

Evan McM. Hunt One Bigelow Square, Suite 630 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Trustee 0.4 0

Lila C. Hunt One Bigelow Square, Suite 630 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Trustee 1.4 0

2of3 -HUNT ROY AFOUNDATION - AGY 8/2$a' VIIf,: 3nellAlnforma ion about Trustees Tyler B. Hunt One Bigelow Square, Suite 630 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Trustee 0.8 0

Avery S. Hunt One Bigelow Square, Suite 630 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Trustee 0.3 0

Edward M. Hunt One Bigelow Square, Suite 630 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Trustee 1.4 0

Sophie H. Hollingsworth One Bigelow Square, Suite 630 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Trustee 0.3 0

Elizabeth L. Hunt One Bigelow Square, Suite 630 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Trustee 0.4 0

India R. Badiner One Bigelow Square, Suite 630 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Trustee 0 0

Oliver B. Hunt One Bigelow Square, Suite 630 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Trustee 0.3 0

ustin W. Hunt One Bigelow Square, Suite 630 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Trustee 0.3 0

Isaac Hollingsworth One Bigelow Square, Suite 630 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Trustee 0 0

Sage Hunt One Bigelow Square, Suite 630 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Trustee 0 0

Travis Bouscaren One Bigelow Square, Suite 630 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Trustee 0 0



CASH EQUIVALENTS $1,615,435 00 $1,615,435.00

FIXED INCOME $15,350,908.00 $15,300,953.00

EQUITIES $37,752,758.00 $54,252,644.00

PARTNERSHIP INVESTMENTS $5,265,595.00 $5,265,595.00

ADVANTAGE DYNAMIC TOTAL RETURN $1,977,853 00 $2,409,659.00

CHECKING ACCOUNT $5,304.00 $5,304 00

ALUMINUM DOORS $1.00 $125,000.00


SPECIAL OPPS FD IV $ 168,273.00 $ 168,273.00

FARALLON CAPITAL $ 3,986,052 00 $ 3,986 ,052.00

BIRCHMERE VENTURES III LP $ 29,316.00 $ 29,316.00

84,218.00 to DRAPER TRIANGLE VENTURES II LP $ 84,218.00 $ ca

HEARTWOOD FORESTLAND FD III $ 85,403.00 $ 85,403.00

HEARTWOOD FORESTLAND FD IV $ 220,757.00 $ 220,757 00

STRATEGIC INVESTMENT FD $ 500,763.00 $ 500,763.00 C z 152,209.00 $ 152,209.00 IRONSIDES CO-INVESTMENT FUND III LP $ O

IRONSIDES PARTNERSHIP FUND III LP $ 25,925.00 $ 25,925.00 O C LAZARD, LTD $ 12,679.00 $ 12,679.00 z

TOTAL PARTNERSHIP INVESTMENTS $ 5,265,595.00 $ 5,265,595.00 O z

G) 8/22/2017 9.37:41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY Roy A. Hunt Foundation Grants Paid FY 16-17

Organization Grant Purpose Payment Payment Deduct. Amount Date Status Abraham Fund Initiatives general operating support $4,000 01/17/2017 PC 162 West 56th Street Suite 501 New York, New York 10019 ACTION-Housing Matched Savings Account (MSA) program $15,000 02/01/2017 PC 611 William Penn Place Suite 800 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219 Adaptive Sports Foundation general operating support $5,000 01/31/2017 PC PO Box 266 100 Silverman Way Windham, New York 12496 Adolescent Consultation Services general operating support $5,000 01/10/2017 PC 189 Cambridge Street Cambridge, 02141 Adoption Network Cleveland general operating support $5,000 01/27/2017 PC 4614 Prospect Avenue Suite 550 Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Adoption Resources of Jewish Family & The Lindelil Fund $10,000 01/30/2017 PC Children's Service Adoption Resources 1430 Main Street Waltham, Massachusetts 02451 AFS Intercultural Programs USA general operating support $15,000 01/10/2017 PC 120 Wall Street 4th Floor New York, New York 10005 Allegheny Cemetery Historical Association general operating support $10,000 12/16/2016 PC 4734 Butler Street Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15201 Allegheny College Biology Department $5,000 01/12/2017 PC Office of the President 520 North Main Street Meadville, Pennsylvania 16335-3902 Amachi Pittsburgh Mentoring and Family Strengthening $50,000 06/29/2016 PC 100 W. Station Square Drive Support Suite 621 Pittsbugh, Pennsylvania 15219 America SCORES Middle School Girls Program $10,000 01/30/2017 PC 29 Germania Street Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts 02130

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Organization Grant Purpose Payment Payment Deduct. Amount Date Status American Council on general operating support $10,000 01/10/2017 PC 14 East 60th Street Suite 1000 New York, New York 10022 American Medical Resources Foundation general operating support $5,000 01/17/2017 PC PO Box 3609 Brockton, Massachusetts 02304-3609 American Red Cross Mile High Region European Refugee and Migration Crisis $5,000 07/18/2016 PC Headquarters 444 Sherman Street

Denver, Colorado 80203 American Red Cross Southwestern Local Disaster Cycle Services $15,000 01/26/2017 PC Pennsylvania Chapter 2801 Liberty Avenue

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222 Animal Rescue League of Western The Forever Home Campaign $10,000 02/03/2017 PC Pennsylvania 6620 Hamilton Avenue

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15206 As You Sow E-Waste and Toxic Ocean Plastics programs $15,000 01/24/2017 PC 1611 Telegraph Ave. Suite 1450 Oakland, California 94612 Ashoka general operating support $15,000 01/10/2017 PC 1700 N. Moore Street Suite 2000 Arlington, Virginia 22209 Atrium School general operating support $6,000 01/10/2017 PC 69 Grove Street Watertown, Massachusetts 02472 Beacon Academy general operating support $8,000 01/30/2017 PC 477 Longwood Avenue , Massachusetts 02215 Beaver Country Day School science wing $7,500 01/17/2017 PC 791 Hammond Street Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 02467 Belmont Hill School special endowment fund $2,500 01/10/2017 PC 350 Prospect Street Belmont, Massachusetts 02178-2662

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Organization Grant Purpose Payment Payment Deduct. Amount Date Status Bexley Hall Seabury Western Seminary Annual Fund $ 1,000 01/27/2017 SO Federation 8765 West Higgins Road Suite 650 Chicago, Illinois 60631 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater One-to-One Mentoring for Violence $5,000 01/27/2017 PC Pittsburgh Prevention 5989 Centre Ave - Ste 1

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15206 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Palm Beach and general operating support $10,000 01/31/2017 PC Martin Counties, Inc. 1700 Kirk Road

West Palm Beach , Florida 33406 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southern "A Little Means A Lot: The Campaign for Big $ 10,000 07/18/2016 PC 195 Lancaster Street Brothers Big Sisters of Southern Maine" Portland , Maine 04101 Biosphere Foundation NW Bali Conservation & Education $ 10,000 01/24/2017 PC PO Box 112636 program Campbell, California 95011 Boston Building Resources - Reuse Center general operating support $ 5,000 01/31/2017 PC 100 Terrace Street Roxbury, Massachusetts 02120 Boston College student financial aid $2,000 01/31/2017 PC Cadigan Alumni Center 240 140 Commonwealth Avenue Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 02167-3819 Boston Philharmonic Orchestra general operating support $ 5,000 01/10/2017 PC 236 Huntington Avenue Suite 209 Boston , Massachusetts 02115 Boston Ronald McDonald House general operating support $10,000 01/30/2017 PC 229 Kent Street Brookline , Massachusetts 02446 Boulder Crest Retreat Foundation Family Rest and Reconnection ( R&R) Stays $5,000 01/12/2017 PC 33735 Snickersville Turnpike Suite 201 P.O. Box 117 Bluemont, Virginia 20135 Bowdoin College Bowdoin College Museum of Art $1,000 01/17/2017 PC 9400 College Station Brunswick, Maine 04011-8494

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Organization Grant Purpose Payment Payment Deduct. Amount Date Status Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston general operating support $4,000 01/10/2017 PC 200 High Street 3rd Floor Boston, Massachusetts 02110 Boys & Girls Clubs of Martin County general operating support and the First Tee $15,000 01/31/2017 PC PO Box 910 Coach Hobe Sound, Florida 33475 Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Denver Teen Violence Prevention at Cope Boys & $5,000 07/18/2016 PC 2017 W. 9th Avenue Girls Club Denver, Colorado 80204 Boys & Girls Clubs of Southern Maine general operating support $2,500 01/17/2017 PC PO Box 7830 Portland, Maine 04112-7830 Boys & Girls Clubs of St. Lucie County general operating support $10,000 01/31/2017 PC 3104 Avenue J Fort Pierce, Florida 34947 Brattle Film Foundation general operating support $5,000 01/10/2017 PC 40 Brattle Street Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Brazelton Touchpoints Project, Inc. general operating support $7,000 01/10/2017 PC 1295 Boylston Street Suite 320 Boston, Massachusetts 02215 Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center general operating support and capital $15,000 01/12/2017 PC (BOEC) campaign 524 Wellington Road PO Box 697 Breckenridge, Colorado 80424 Brewster Academy Annual Fund $3,000 01/31/2017 PC 80 Academy Drive Wolfeboro, 03894 Brown University Annual Fund $5,000 01/30/2017 PC Box 1893 Providence, 02912 BUILD Boston Youth Entrepreneurship program $5,000 07/18/2016 PC 6 Beacon Street Suite 415 Boston, Massachusetts 02108 Buzzards Bay Coalition Nitrogen Pollution Reduction Strategy $2,500 01/17/2017 PC 114 Front Street New Bedford, Massachusetts 02740 C.O.L.E.'s Foundation general operating support $15,350 01/31/2017 PC PO Box 92 Ironwood, Michigan 49938

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Organization Grant Purpose Payment Payment Deduct. Amount Date Status Cambridge Camping Association general operating support $10,000 01/30/2017 PC 99 Bishop Allen Drive Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Camp Onaway The Onaway Fund $6,000 07/18/2016 PC 26 Summit Grove Avenue Suite 130 Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 19010 Care 2 Communities general operating support $10,000 01/30/2017 PC 213 4th Street East 4th Floor - #437 St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh CLP Archive Digitalization Project $2,000 12/16/2016 PC 4400 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh Section of Botany at Carnegie Museum of $10,000 12/16/2016 PC 4400 Forbes Avenue Natural History Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh Museum of Natural History's Powdermill $5,000 01/26/2017 PC 4400 Forbes Avenue Nature Reserve Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh general operating support $35,000 01/27/2017 PC 4400 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 Carnegie Science Center Capital Campaign $25,000 12/16/2016 PC One Allegheny Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15212 CASTLE Safe Families Program $10,000 01/31/2017 PC PO Box 12908 Fort Pierce, Florida 34979 Cathedral of St. John the Divine Public education and outreach for The $5,000 01/24/2017 PC 1047 Amsterdam Avenue Christa Project New York, New York 10025 Cathedral of the Pines Foundation hilltop renovations and program $2,500 01/31/2017 PC 10 Hale Hill Road development Rindge, New Hampshire 03461 Center for Environmental Health general operating support $5,000 01/24/2017 PC 2201 Broadway Suite 302 Oakland, California 94612 Center for Food Safety Organic and Beyond Campaign $8,500 01/24/2017 PC 660 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE Suite 302 Washington, District of Columbia 20003

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Organization Grant Purpose Payment Payment Deduct. Amount Date Status Center for Grieving Children general operating support $ 2,500 01/17/2017 PC PO Box 1438 Portland , Maine 04104 Center for Health , Environment and general operating support $2,500 01/24/2017 PC Justice PO Box 6806 Falls Church , Virginia 22040 Center for Italian Modern Art Giorgio Morandi Study Days Preparation $3,000 07/20/2016 PC 421 Broome Street for Research Microsite 4th Floor New York, New York 10013 Center for Latin American Studies, general operating support $ 5,000 01/12/2017 PC University of Pittsburgh 4200 Wesley W. Posvar Hall

Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania 15260 Center for Sustainable Shale Development general operating support $ 5,000 01/27/2017 PC 625 LIBERTY AVE STE 395

PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania 15222-3111 Cheshire YMCA new camper cabin , heritage travel $ 2,500 01/31/2017 PC 32 Lake Street programs North Swanzey, New Hampshire 03431 Children ' s Museum & Theatre of Maine Trio of New Interactive Live Animal Exhibits $2 , 000 01/17/2017 PC PO Box 4041 142 Free Street Portland, Maine 04101 Choate Rosemary Hall Annual Fund $1,000 01/10/2017 PC 333 Christian Street Wallingford , 06492-0788 Choate Rosemary Hall Annual Fund $ 5,000 01/12/2017 PC 333 Christian Street Wallingford, Connecticut 06492-0788 Choate Rosemary Hall Annual Fund $1,000 01/17/2017 PC 333 Christian Street Wallingford, Connecticut 06492-0788 Citizen Schools general operating support $ 5,000 01/17/2017 PC Museum Wharf 308 Congress Street Boston , Massachusetts 02210

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Organization Grant Purpose Payment Payment Deduct. Amount Date Status Class Achieving Change Together (Class The Bhutto Leadership Program $5,000 01/17/2017 PC Act), Inc. 13 Street, Suite 2

Manchester, Massachusetts 01944 Clean Water Fund ReThink Disposable $ 20,000 06/29/2016 PC 1444 Eye St, NW #400 Washington , District of Columbia 20005 Boys & Girls Clubs of Cleveland Cleveland 's Peacemakers Alliance - Youth $30,000 12/12/2016 PC 6114 Broadway Avenue Violence Prevention and Gang Intervention Cleveland, Ohio 44127 Closed Loop Foundation To rebuild the recycling narrative $40,000 12/12/2016 PC 817 Broadway 10th floor New York, New York 10003 College Light Opera Company general operating support $5,000 01/17/2017 PC PO Box 906 Falmouth, Massachusetts 02541-0906 Colorado Coalition for the Homeless Renaissance Works Employment Program $5,000 02/01/2017 PC 2111 Champa Street Denver, Colorado 80205-2529 Colorado College women's lacrosse team $1,000 01/17/2017 PC 14 East Cache La Poudre Street Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903-3298 Colorado Mountain College Foundation Roy A. Hunt Scholarship for CMC Summit $5,000 01/12/2017 PC 802 Grand Avenue Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 Colorado Open Golf Foundation general operating support $ 5,000 07/18/2016 PC 20309 East 48th Place Denver, Colorado 80249 Community Rowing Boys Row Boston $10,000 01/30/2017 PC Harry Parker Boathouse 20 Nonantum Road Brighton , Massachusetts 02135 Community Volunteer Transportation general operating support $5,000 01/31/2017 PC Company 375 Jaffrey Road Suite 3 Peterborough , New Hampshire 03458- 1792

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Organization Grant Purpose Payment Payment Deduct. Amount Date Status Confluence Philanthropy general operating support $5,000 07/20/2016 PC 475 Riverside Drive Suite 900 New York, New York 10115 Consortium for Public Education Apprenticeship Exploration $25,000 06/29/2016 PC 410 Ninth Street McKeesport, Pennsylvania 15132 Construction Junction general operating support $10,000 12/16/2016 PC 214 North Lexington Street Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15208 Consultative Group on Biological Diversity general operating support $4,750 01/24/2017 PC PO Box 29361 San Francisco, California 94129 Council for the and Italy 2017 young leaders conference $5,000 01/10/2017 PC c/o The Brookings Institution 1775 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, District of Columbia 20036- 2188 Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Cradle to Cradle Certified Education & $15,000 01/24/2017 PC Institute Engagement 475 14th Street Suite 290 Oakland, California 94612 Cuyahoga Community College Foundation Robert L. Lewis Academy Support $7,500 01/27/2017 PC 700 Carnegie Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44115 Dana-Farber Cancer Institute renal cell carcinoma therapy $5,000 01/31/2017 PC 10 Brookline Place West Brookline, Massachusetts 02445-7226 Dartmouth College Tuck Annual Giving $5,000 01/10/2017 PC 100 Tuck Hall Hanover, New Hampshire 03755-9040 Deana's Educational Theater marketing and website $10,000 01/31/2017 PC 4 Railroad Avenue Suite 310 Wakefield, Massachusetts 01880 Deerfield Academy Annual Fund $2,000 01/10/2017 PC Alumni Affairs & Development Deerfield, Massachusetts 01342 Deerfield Academy Annual Fund $3,000 01/31/2017 PC Alumni Affairs & Development Deerfield, Massachusetts 01342

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Organization Grant Purpose Payment Payment Deduct. Amount Date Status Demos promoting racially inclusive clean energy $5,000 01/24/2017 PC 80 Broad Street transitions 4th Floor New York, New York 10004 Rose Community Foundation general operating support for the Denver $5,000 02/01/2017 PC 600 South Cherry Street Center for Arts & Technology Suite 1200 Denver, Colorado 80246 Djerassi Resident Artists Program general operating support $2,500 01/24/2017 PC 2325 Bear Gulch Road Woodside, California 94062 Doctors Without Borders general operating support $17,500 11/30/2016 PC 333 7th Avenue FL 2 New York, New York 10001 Dorchester Youth Collaborative Safe City Workforce Development Initiative $30,000 12/12/2016 PC 1514A Dorchester Avenue Dorchester, Massachusetts 02122 Dream Corps general operating support $8,000 01/24/2017 PC 1611 Telegraph Ave., Suite 600 Oakland, California 94612 Dress for Success Pittsburgh Making Programs Mobile $10,000 01/27/2017 PC 5001 Baum Boulevard Suite 550 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 Duke University Trinity College Annual Fund $2,500 01/17/2017 PC 710 West Main Street Suite 200 Durham, North Carolina 27701 Duke University School of Medicine Annual Fund $6,000 01/17/2017 PC 710 West Main Street Suite 200 Durham, North Carolina 27701 Duke University William & Janet Hunt Graduate Fellowship $25,000 01/27/2017 PC 710 West Main Street Suite 200 Durham, North Carolina 27701 Eagle Eye Institute general operating support $4,000 01/17/2017 PC PO Box 440481 Somerville, Massachusetts 02144

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Organization Grant Purpose Payment Payment Deduct. Amount Date Status Economic Mobility Pathways general operating support $4,000 01/17/2017 PC One Washington Mall 3rd Floor Boston, Massachusetts 02108 Emily Krzyzewski Family Life Center general operating support $5,000 02/01/2017 PC 904 West Chapel Hill Street Durham, North Carolina 27701 Endeavor Global, Inc. general operating support $5,000 01/10/2017 PC 900 Broadway, Suite 301 New York City, New York 10003 Epiphany School general operating support $10,000 01/30/2017 PC 154 Centre Street Dorchester, Massachusetts 02124 Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee Unholy Trinity: the Intersection of Racism, $7,500 01/27/2017 SO 804 E. Juneau Avenue Poverty, and Gun Violence Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202 Episcopal Diocese of Ohio Diocese of Ohio Camp and Retreat Center $75,000 01/27/2017 PC Trinity Commons 2230 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2499 Episcopal Diocese of Ohio Leadership Development $20,000 01/27/2017 PC Trinity Commons 2230 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2499 Equality Ohio Education Fund Faith Work Advancing LGBTQ Equality $5,000 01/27/2017 PC 118 East Main Street Suite 200 Columbus, Ohio 43215 Esalen Institute general operating support $15,000 01/11/2017 PC 55000 Highway One Big Sur, California 93920 Esalen Institute general operating support $15,000 01/11/2017 PC 55000 Highway One Big Sur, California 93920 Expressive Media, Inc. general operating support $5,750 01/12/2017 PC PO Box 808 St. Clairsville, Ohio 43950 Facing History and Ourselves Cleveland Cleveland Office Support and Advancement $5,000 01/27/2017 PC 2495 Lee Boulevard Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118 Facing History and Ourselves, Inc. general operating support $7,500 01/10/2017 PC 16 Hurd Road Brookline, Massachusetts 02445

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Organization Grant Purpose Payment Payment Deduct. Amount Date Status Family Aid Boston general operating support $10,000 01/10/2017 PC 727 Atlantic Avenue Boston, Massachusetts 02111 Family House Family Assistance Program $3,000 01/26/2017 PC 5001 Baum Boulevard Suite 545 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 Fellowship of Christian Athletes final phase of mission trips to Eluethera $10,000 01/26/2017 PC PO Box 296 Blacksburg, Virginia 24063 Fogg Art Museum Harvard Art Museum Fogg Fellows Fund $4,000 01/10/2017 PC Harvard Art Museums 485 Broadway Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Center for Sustainable Economy Forest Agriculture Research Management $5,000 01/24/2017 PC 16869 SW 65th Avenue Center's Tropical Mesquite Pod Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Cooperative Fort Ligonier Association general operating support $5,000 01/26/2017 PC 200 South Market Street Ligonier, Pennsylvania 15658 Fox Chapel Country Day School outdoor classroom treehouse $4,000 02/03/2017 PC 620 Squaw Run Road East Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15238 Franklin Pierce University scholarships $2,500 01/31/2017 PC 40 University Drive, Institutional Advancement Peterson Manor, 2nd Floor Rindge, New Hampshire 03461 Frannie Peabody Center general operating support $2,000 01/17/2017 PC 30 Danforth Street Suite 311 Portland, Maine 04101 Frick Art & Historical Center Roy A. Hunt Foundation Award for $10,000 12/16/2016 PC 7227 Reynolds Street Commitment to Education in the Arts and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15208-2923 Humanities Friends of Breakthrough Schools general operating support $1,500 01/27/2017 PC 3615 Superior Avenue Suite 3103A Cleveland, Ohio 44114 Friends of Cambridge Rindge and Latin general operating support Cambridge $10,000 01/30/2017 PC PO Box 39-1541 Rindge Latin School Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139

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Organization Grant Purpose Payment Payment Deduct. Amount Date Status Friends of Casco Bay general operating support $5,000 01/17/2017 PC 43 Slocum Drive South Portland, Maine 04106 Friends of Hopital Albert Schweitzer Haiti Haiti Timber Re-Introduction Program $10,000 02/03/2017 PC PO Box 81026 (HTRIP) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15217 Friends of Mount Auburn Cemetery general operating support $7,500 01/10/2017 PC 580 Mount Auburn Street Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Friends of the Earth general operating support $7,000 01/24/2017 PC 1101 15th Street, NW 11th Floor Washington, District of Columbia 20005 Friends School of Baltimore Annual Fund $5,000 01/17/2017 PC 5114 North Charles Street Baltimore, Maryland 21210-2096 Garrison Institute general operating support $10,000 01/24/2017 PC 14 Mary's Way Garrison, New York 10524 GenerateHope general operating support $15,000 02/01/2017 PC 4025 Camino del Rio South Suite 300 San Diego, California 92108 Girls Foundation of Tanzania sponsorship program $5,000 02/03/2017 PC PO Box 11224 Portland, Maine 04104 Global Alliance of Incinerator Alternatives general operating support $10,000 01/24/2017 PC (GAZA) 1958 University Avenue Berkeley, California 94704 Global Fund for Women Rwanda Women's Network Mobile Clinic $28,977 04/24/2017 PC 800 Market Street Seventh Floor San Francisco, California 94102 Global Greengrants Fund general operating support $10,000 01/17/2017 PC 2840 Wilderness Place Suite A Boulder, Colorado 80301 Global Links general operating support $15,000 02/03/2017 PC 700 Trumbull Drive Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15205 1 _j

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Organization Grant Purpose Payment Payment Deduct. Amount Date Status Grantmakers of Western Pennsylvania membership dues $5,171 02/22/2017 PC 650 Smithfield Street Suite 210 Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania 15222 Groundwork Lawrence youth programs $5,000 01/31/2017 PC 50 Island Street Lawrence , Massachusetts 01840 Habitat for Humanity of Martin County Neighborhood Revitalization $10,000 01/31/2017 PC 2090 N . Federal Highway Stuart, Florida 34994 Harvard College Harvard College Annual Fund $3,000 01/17/2017 PC 86 Brattle Street Cambridge , Massachusetts 02138 Hathaway Brown School Annual Fund $1,000 01/27/2017 PC 19600 North Park Boulevard Shaker Heights , Ohio 44122 Hearth, Inc. Outreach Program $5,000 01/17/2017 PC 1640 Washington Street Boston, Massachusetts 02118 Higher Achievement Program Inc . general operating support $5,000 01/27/2017 PC 211 North Whitfield Street Suite 475 Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania 15206 Hill House Association Workforce Training and Development $30,000 06/29/2016 PC 1835 Centre Avenue Center Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219 Hillsdale College Annual Fund $ 5,000 01/12/2017 PC 33 East College Street Hillsdale, Michigan 49242-1298 Gropius House in Lincoln, MA $3,000 01/10/2017 PC Otis House Museum 141 Cambridge Street Boston, Massachusetts 02114-2702 Historical Society of Western general operating support $10,000 12/16/2016 PC Pennsylvania 1212 Smallman Street Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222 Historical Society of Western Meadowcroft Rockshelter & Historic Village $10,000 01/12/2017 PC Pennsylvania 1212 Smallman Street Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania 15222 Hollins University Annual Fund $1,000 01/17/2017 PC PO Box 9629 Roanoke, Virginia 24020 Page 13 of 32 8/22/2017 9.37.41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY Roy A. Hunt Foundation Grants Paid FY 16-17

Organization Grant Purpose Payment Payment Deduct. Amount Date Status Horizons for Homeless Children general operating support $4,000 01/17/2017 PC 1705 Columbus Avenue Roxbury, Massachusetts 02119 Hospice of Southern Maine uncompensated hospice care support $4,000 01/17/2017 PC 180 US Route One #1 Scarborough, Maine 04074 House of Hope Project HOPE (Helping Others Progress $5,000 01/31/2017 PC 2484 SE Bonita Street through Empowerment) Stuart, Florida 34997-5004 Howe Military Academy Annual Fund $5,000 01/27/2017 PC PO Box 240 Howe, Indiana 46746 Human Kindness Foundation general operating support $5,000 01/17/2017 PC PO Box 61619 Durham , North Carolina 27715 Humane Society of Westmoreland County general operating support $ 10,000 01/26/2017 PC PO Box 1552 Greensburg, Pennsylvania 15601 Hunt Library Equip visualization studio in Hunt Library $10,000 12/16/2016 PC Carnegie Mellon University 4909 Frew Street Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 Huntington Theatre Company August Wilson Monologue Competition $4,000 01/17/2017 PC 264 Huntington Avenue and Residency Boston , Massachusetts 02115-4606 Improbable Players general operating support $4,000 01/17/2017 PC 22 Mt. Auburn Street Suite 5 Watertown, Massachusetts 02472-3955 Ingalls Memorial Library general operating support and the Ingalls $10,000 01/31/2017 PC PO Box 224 1894 Association Rindge, New Hampshire 03461-0224 Institute for Transportation & Access Africa Bicycle Distribution $ 5,000 01/17/2017 PC Development Policy 9 East 19th Street 7th Floor New York, New York 10003 Institute of Contemporary Art general operating support $3,000 01/17/2017 PC 25 Harbor Shore Drive Boston, Massachusetts 02210 Intercollegiate Studies Institute general operating support $10,000 01/12/2017 PC 3901 Centerville Road Wilmington, Delaware 19807 Page 14 of 32 8/22/2017 9:37:41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY Roy A. Hunt Foundation Grants Paid FY 16-17

Organization Grant Purpose Payment Payment Deduct. Amount Date Status International Documentary Association "Evolution of Organic" film $2,000 01/24/2017 PC 3470 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 980 Los Angeles, California 90010 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum general operating support $5,000 01/10/2017 PC Two Palace Road Boston, Massachusetts 02115 Jaffrey-Rindge Rotary Charitable Fund QUEST Summer Day Camp $5,000 01/31/2017 PC 47 Main Street Jaffrey, New Hampshire 03452 JDRF International Fund A Cure Program $ 10,000 01/31/2017 PC 175 Ammon Drive Suite 201 Manchester, New Hampshire 03103 Jimmie Heuga Center Endowment Fund general operating support of the Can Do $10,000 01/12/2017 SO 340 S. Lemon Ave. MS program #7579 Walnut, California 91789 Jonnycake Center of Westerly general operating support $4,000 01/17/2017 PC 23 Industrial Drive Westerly, Rhode Island 02891 Karuna Center for Peacebuilding general operating support $4,000 01/17/2017 PC 447 West Street Amherst, Massachusetts 01002-2933 Kenyon College Annual Fund $1,000 01/27/2017 PC Office of Development College Relations Center Gambier, Ohio 43022 Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health scholarships for disadvantaged students $7,500 02/03/2017 PC P.O. Box 309 Stockbridge , Massachusetts 01262 Lawrence CommunityWorks Movement City Youth Network & $ 5,000 01/31/2017 PC 168 Newbury Street Clubhouse Lawrence , Massachusetts 01841 Lawrence School Annual Fund $1,000 01/27/2017 PC 1551 East Wallings Road Broadview Heights, Ohio 44147 Leadership Pittsburgh general operating support $2,500 01/27/2017 PC 650 Smithfield Street Suite 1110 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222 Lee Pesky Learning Center general operating support $ 10,000 01/10/2017 PC 3324 Elder Street Boise, Idaho 83705

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Organization Grant Purpose Payment Payment Deduct. Amount Date Status Lena Park Community Development Fab Lab Project $55,000 06/29/2016 PC Corporation 150 American Legion Highway Dorchester, Massachusetts 02124 Lesley University Lesley University Arts Center $3,000 01/17/2017 PC 29 Everett Street Cambridge , Massachusetts 02138-2790 Ligonier Valley Historical Society general operating support & Keeping Up $4,000 01/26/2017 PC 1386 Route 30 East Appearance Project PO Box 167 Laughlintown , Pennsylvania 15655 Ligonier Valley Library general operating support $6,000 01/26/2017 PC 120 West Main Street Ligonier, Pennsylvania 15658 Loyalhanna Watershed Association general operating support $ 15,000 01/26/2017 PC The Watershed Farm 6 Old Lincoln Highway West Ligonier, Pennsylvania 15658 Maine Academy of Modern Music program expansion $5,000 01/17/2017 PC 125 Presumpscot Street Unit 14 Portland, Maine 04103 Maine College of Art Annual Fund $5,000 01/17/2017 PC 522 Congress Street Portland , Maine 04101 Maine Medical Center annual giving fund $2,500 01/17/2017 PC 22 Bramhall Street Portland , Maine 04102-3175 Maine Public general operating support $5,000 01/17/2017 PC 1450 Lisbon Street Lewiston , Maine 04240 Maine Volunteer Lake Monitoring general operating support $2,500 01/17/2017 PC Program 24 Maple Hill Road Auburn, Maine 04210 Maine Women 's Fund general operating support $5,000 01/17/2017 PC 74 Lunt Rd, STE 100 Falmouth, Maine 04105 Making Community Connections Charter Annual Fund $3,000 01/31/2017 PC School PO Box 593 Amherst , New Hampshire 03031 1 -J

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Organization Grant Purpose Payment Payment Deduct. Amount Date Status Maltz Jupiter Theatre Sponsorship of "An Inspector Calls" $10,000 01/10/2017 PC 1001 East Indiantown Road Jupiter, Florida 33477 Manchester Bidwell Corporation MCG Youth & Arts program $5,000 01/27/2017 PC 1815 Metropolitan Street Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15233 Mary's Shelter of the Treasure Coast capital campaign $ 10,000 01/31/2017 PC 1033 SE 14th Street Stuart, Florida 34996 Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless HomeLink Mobile Homelessness $10,000 01/30/2017 PC 15 Bu bier Street Prevention Clinics Lynn, Massachusetts 01901 Massachusetts Society for Bioenergetic education and training $ 3,000 01/17/2017 PC Analysis 8 Mason Street Marblehead , Massachusetts 01945 Medical University of South Carolina Department of Family Practice Patient $1,000 01/17/2017 PC Department of Family Medicine, 5 Education Program Charleston Center, Suite 263 MSC 192 Charleston, South Carolina 29425 Mercy Hospital Utility Support for McAuley Residents $2,500 01/17/2017 PC 144 State Street Portland, Maine 04101-3795 Metropolitan Opera Association general operating support $ 5,000 01/10/2017 PC Lincoln Center New York, New York 10023 Middlebury College Bread Loaf School of English $1,000 01/27/2017 PC Bread Loaf School of English Painter House 204 Middlebury , Vermont 05753 Miss Hall 's School Annual Fund $1,500 01/17/2017 PC 492 Holmes Road Pittsfield , Massachusetts 01202 MissionSAFE : A New Beginning , Inc. Futures Junior Violence Prevention Project $27,500 12/12/2016 PC 18 John Eliot Square Boston, Massachusetts 02119 MobileMedi, Inc general operating support $5,000 07/20/2016 PC 1950 Richmond Road TR205 Lyndhurst , Ohio 44124 Mon Valley Initiative housing and real estate development $5,000 01/27/2017 PC 303/305 East Eighth Avenue program Homestead , Pennsylvania 15120-1517

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Organization Grant Purpose Payment Payment Deduct. Amount Date Status Monadnock Conservancy general operating support $5,000 01/31/2017 PC PO Box 337 Keene, New Hampshire 03431-0337 Monadnock Family Services Monadnock RSVP Vounteer Center $2,500 01/31/2017 PC 64 Maine Street Keene, New Hampshire 03431 Monadnock United Way Start Early, Read Often: Literacy & $2,500 01/31/2017 PC 23 Center Street Parenting for Lifelong Success Keene, New Hampshire 03431 Monadnock Waldorf School Annual Fund $3,000 01/31/2017 PC 98 South Lincoln Street Keene, New Hampshire 03431 More Than Words general operating support $5,000 01/17/2017 PC 376 Moody Street Waltham, Massachusetts 02453 Mount Auburn Hospital general operating support $7,500 01/10/2017 PC 330 Mount Auburn Street Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Museum of Fine Arts general operating support $5,000 01/10/2017 PC Avenue of the Arts 465 Huntington Avenue Boston, Massachusetts 02115 Museum of Science Women in Science Program $5,000 01/10/2017 PC Science Park Boston, Massachusetts 02114-1099 Museum of the City of New York After the War: Photographs by Todd Webb, $5,000 01/17/2017 PC 1220 Fifth Avenue 1945 - 1960 New York, New York 10029 Mystic Seaport Museum general operating support $2,500 01/31/2017 PC PO Box 6000 Mystic, Connecticut 06355-0990 National Center for Family Philanthropy Leadership Circle gift $10,000 12/16/2016 PC 1667 K Street, NW Suite 550 Washington, District of Columbia 20006 National Center for Family Philanthropy 20th Anniversary $20,000 12/16/2016 PC 1667 K Street, NW Suite 550 Washington, District of Columbia 20006 National Outdoor Leadership School scholarships for under-resourced youth $7,500 02/03/2017 PC 284 Lincoln Street Lander, Wyoming 82520-2848

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Organization Grant Purpose Payment Payment Deduct. Amount Date Status National Park Foundation Flight 93 National Memorial $10,000 01/26/2017 PC 1110 Vermont Ave NW Suite 200 Washington, District of Columbia 20005 National Parks Conservation Association Development and Launch of Find Your $10,000 12/16/2016 PC 777 6th Street NW Voice Advocacy Toolkit Suite 700 Washington, District of Columbia 20001- 3723 Nationality Rooms and Intercultural Rachel McMasters Miller Hunt Scholarship $6,500 12/16/2016 PC Exchange Programs for Study Abroad 1209 Cathedral of Learning Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260 Natural Capitalism Solutions Open Source Sustainability - Climate Action $40,000 06/29/2016 PC 11823 North 75th Street Plan Roadmap (CAPR) Longmont, Colorado 80503 Natural Resources Defense Council NRDC and the Urban School Food Alliance $40,000 12/12/2016 PC 40 West 20th Street New York, New York 10011 Natural Resources Defense Council Solid Waste Work project $10,000 01/24/2017 PC 40 West 20th Street New York, New York 10011 New Agrarian Center City Fresh Program $10,000 07/20/2016 PC PO Box 357 Oberlin, Ohio 44074 New England Aquarium Harbor Discoveries Camp $5,000 01/31/2017 PC Central Wharf Boston, Massachusetts 02110-3309 New Hampshire Association of Enhancing New Hampshire Envirothon $2,000 01/31/2017 PC Conservation Districts PO Box 533 Conway, New Hampshire 03818 New Hampshire Public Broadcasting general operating support $5,000 01/31/2017 PC 268 Mast Road Durham, New Hampshire 03824 New Hampshire Public Radio general operating support $5,000 01/31/2017 PC 2 Pillsbury Street 6th Floor Concord, New Hampshire 03301-5003 New Hope Uganda Ministries Food Sustainability $5,000 02/03/2017 PC PO Box 154 Belle Fourche, South Dakota 57717-0154

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Organization Grant Purpose Payment Payment Deduct. Amount Date Status New Repertory Theatre Classic Repertory Company In-School Tour $4,000 01/10/2017 PC 200 Dexter Avenue Watertown, Massachusetts 02472 nexStage Theatre general operating support $10,000 01/10/2017 PC Box 3092 Sun Valley, Idaho 83353 North Bennet Street School bookbinding program conservation $3,000 01/10/2017 PC 150 North Street curriculum expansoin Boston, Massachusetts 02109 Oberlin College Annual Fund $5,000 01/10/2017 PC Office of Development 50 West Lorain Street Oberlin, Ohio 44074 Oceana general operating support $5,000 12/16/2016 PC 1350 Connecticut Ave., NW 5th Floor Washington, District of Columbia 20036- 1759 Off The Floor Pittsburgh general operating support $11,000 01/27/2017 PC 901 Allegheny Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15233 OhioGuidestone YouthBuild Program $17,500 06/29/2016 PC 202 East Bagley Road Berea , Ohio 44017 Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, Inc. Omega Center for Sustainable Living (OCSL) $5,000 01/17/2017 PC 150 Lake Drive Rhinebeck, New York 12572 United Way of Rhode island general operating support for Opening $5,000 05/03/2017 PC 50 Valley Street Doors for Westerly's Children Providence, Rhode Island 02909 Our Family Home Center general operating support $7,500 11/30/2016 PC 14681 Euclid Avenue East Cleveland, Ohio 44112 Partners in Progress general operating support $5,000 02/03/2017 PC 2213 Brownsville Rd Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15210 Peabody Essex Museum general operating support $3,000 01/10/2017 PC East India Square 161 Essex Street Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Peer Health Exchange general operating support $5,000 01/30/2017 PC 745 Atlantic Avenue 8th Floor Boston, Massachusetts 02111

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Organization Grant Purpose Payment Payment Deduct. Amount Date Status Pennsylvania Environmental Council Deep Decarbonization Conference $15,000 12/12/2016 PC 2124 PENN AVE Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222 Pennsylvania Organization for Women in general operating support $15,000 01/26/2017 PC Early Recovery 7501 Penn Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15208 Pennsylvania Women Work GROW Program $40,000 02/01/2017 PC 650 Smithfield Street Suite 520 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222 Philanthropy Roundtable general operating support $1,000 12/16/2016 PC 1120 20th Street, NW Suite 550 South Washington, District of Columbia 20036 Phillips Academy Addison Gallery's education partnerships in $2,000 01/17/2017 PC 180 Main Street Lawrence, MA Andover, Massachusetts 01810 Phillips Academy Annual Fund $5,000 01/17/2017 PC 180 Main Street Andover, Massachusetts 01810 Phipps Conservatory and Botanical general operating support $10,000 12/16/2016 PC Gardens One Schenley Park Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213-3830 Physicians for Social Responsibility Maine general operating support $5,000 01/17/2017 PC Chapter PO Box 4744 Portland, Maine 04112 Pittsburgh Film Office general operating support $10,000 12/16/2016 PC 130 Seventh Street Suite 202 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222 Pittsburgh Filmmakers-Pittsburgh Center general operating support $5,000 12/16/2016 PC for the Arts 477 Melwood Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 Pittsburgh Opera 2016-2017 season $5,000 12/16/2016 PC 2425 Liberty Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222 Pittsburgh Promise Foundation scholarships for Pittsburgh Public Schools $10,000 12/16/2016 SO 1901 Centre Avenue graduates Suite 204 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219

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Organization Grant Purpose Payment Payment Deduct. Amount Date Status Pittsburgh Public Theater Corporation general operating support $10,000 01/27/2017 PC O'Reilly Theater 621 Penn Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222 Pittsburgh Symphony Inc. general operating support $5,000 12/16/2016 PC Heinz Hall 600 Penn Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222 Pittsburgh Trust for Cultural Resources general operating support $5,000 01/27/2017 PC 803 Liberty Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222 Pittsburgh Urban Leadership Service general operating support $10,000 02/01/2017 PC Experience 5615 Stanton Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15206 Pittsburgh Youth Golf Foundation general operating support $10,000 01/12/2017 PC 114 Treeline Court Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237 Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium general operating support $5,000 01/27/2017 PC One Wild Place Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15206-1178 Planned Parenthood League of general operating support $5,000 01/10/2017 PC Massachusetts 1055 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, Massachusetts 02215-1001 Planned Parenthood of Northern New Maine Health Care Program $5,000 01/17/2017 PC England 784 Hercules Drive Suite 110 Colchester, Vermont 05446 Portland Conservatory of Music general operating support $1,000 01/17/2017 PC 202 Woodford Street, 3rd FIr. Portland, Maine 04103 Portland Museum of Art general operating support $10,000 01/17/2017 PC Seven Congress Square Portland, Maine 04101 Portland Museum of Art 2017 Installations in The Workshop $10,000 02/03/2017 PC Seven Congress Square Portland, Maine 04101 Portland Osteopathic Children's Clinic general operating support $4,000 01/17/2017 PC 98 Clearwater Avenue Falmouth, Maine 04105

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Organization Grant Purpose Payment Payment Deduct. Amount Date Status Portland Ovations general operating support $2,500 01/17/2017 PC 50 Monument Square 2nd Floor Portland , Maine 04101 Portland Stage Company Intern Program $7,500 01/17/2017 PC PO Box 1458 25A Forest Avenue Portland , Maine 04104-1458 Portland Symphony Orchestra general operating support $ 1,000 01/17/2017 PC 50 Monument Sq, 2nd floor Portland , Maine 04101 Preble Street general operating support $10,000 01/17/2017 PC 38 Preble Street Portland , Maine 04101 Pressley Ridge Pressley Ridge Family Counseling Center $ 8,000 01/26/2017 SO 5500 Corporate Drive Suite 400 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237 Proctor Academy Annual Fund $3,000 01/31/2017 PC PO Box 389 Andover, New Hampshire 03216 Project Angel Heart general operating support $5,000 02/01/2017 PC 4950 Washington Street Denver, Colorado 80216-2026 Project L.I.F.T. general operating support $ 10,000 01/31/2017 PC 1330 SW 34th Street Palm City, Florida 34990 Prospect Hill Academy Charter School Prospect Fellows $10,000 01/30/2017 PC Foundation 50 Essex Street Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Pure Earth general operating support $3,500 01/24/2017 PC 475 Riverside Drive Suite 860 New York, New York 10115 Quest Adventures general operating support $18,000 01/10/2017 PC PO Box 301233 Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts 02130 R20 USA R20 Climate Finance : Pre-Investment $ 50,000 06/29/2016 PC 1223 Wilshire Blvd . Facility Fund #776 Santa Monica, California 90403

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Organization Grant Purpose Payment Payment Deduct. Amount Date Status RAND Corporation general operating support $5,000 12/16/2016 PC 4570 Fifth Avenue Suite 600 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213-2665 Red Montessori School general operating support and building $10,000 01/31/2017 PC 241 Sanborn St improvement Franklin, New Hampshire 03235 Pacific Institute Renewable & Appropriate Energy $20,000 09/01/2016 PC 654 13th Street Laboratory's Climate Solutions project Preservation Park Oakland, California 94612 Resources First Foundation general operating support $2,000 01/17/2017 PC 74 Lunt Road Suite 300-302 Falmouth , Maine 04105 Resurge International general operating support $5,000 01/10/2017 PC 145 North Wolfe Road Sunnyvale, California 94086 Rindge Historical Society general operating support $ 10,000 01/31/2017 PC PO Box 163 24 School Street Rindge, New Hampshire 03461 Riverlife general operating support $5,000 01/27/2017 PC 707 Grant Street , Suite 3500 Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania 15219 Roca, Inc. general operating support $25,000 06/29/2016 PC 101 Park Street Chelsea, Massachusetts 02150 Rocky Mountain Microfinance Institute general operating support $9,500 02/01/2017 PC PO Box 48138 Denver, Colorado 80204 Ronald McDonald House Charities of general operating support $1,000 01/17/2017 PC Maine 250 Brackett Street Portland , Maine 04102 Root Capital general operating support $7,500 02/03/2017 PC 130 Bishop Allen Drive 2nd Floor Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Rosie 's Place general operating support $3,000 01/17/2017 PC 889 Harrison Avenue Boston , Massachusetts 02118

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Organization Grant Purpose Payment Payment Deduct. Amount Date Status Roundtable of St. Lucie County Inc. Kids at Hope $40,000 06/29/2016 PC 546 NW University Blvd, Suite 201 Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986 Roundtable of St. Lucie County Inc. Restoring the Village Youth Initiative -- $50,000 07/18/2016 PC 546 NW University Blvd, Suite 201 Street Outreach Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986 Salvation Army Homewood-Brushton Job & Career Center $5,000 01/31/2017 PC 700 North Bell Avenue PO Box 742 Carnegie, Pennsylvania 15106 Satyana Institute GRI project $5,000 01/17/2017 PC PO Box 17904 Boulder, Colorado 80308 Save the Children Federation Advancing the Right to Read in Rwanda $10,000 01/12/2017 PC 501 Kings Highway East Suite 400 Fairfield, Connecticut 06825 Sawtooth Botanical Garden interpretive displays and brochures $12,600 01/10/2017 PC PO Box 928 Sun Valley, Idaho 83353 School for Field Studies Scholarship Funding $5,000 01/17/2017 PC 100 Cummings Center Suite 534-G Beverly, Massachusetts 01915 Search for Common Ground general operating support $10,000 02/01/2017 PC 1601 CONNECTICUT AVE NW Suite 200 WASHINGTON, District of Columbia 20009 1077 Seva Foundation general operating support $5,000 01/17/2017 PC 1786 Fifth Street Berkeley, California 94710 Shady Side Academy Blue & Gold Fund in Support of Science and $5,000 12/16/2016 PC 423 Fox Chapel Road Technology Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15238-2296 Shadyside Hospital Supporting Foundation general operating support in memory of $10,000 01/12/2017 PC 532 South Aiken Avenue Kurt J. Lesker, III Suite 302 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15232 Shalom House Discretionary & Emergency Fund $6,000 01/17/2017 PC 106 Gilman Street Portland, Maine 04102

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Organization Grant Purpose Payment Payment Deduct. Amount Date Status Shining Hope for Communities Mathare School for Girls Healthy Meals $10,000 02/01/2017 PC 175 Varick Street Program Fifth Floor New York, New York 10014 Silent Spring Institute general operating support $10,000 01/10/2017 PC 320 Nevada Street Suite 302 Newton, Massachusetts 02460 Society for the Protection of New general operating support $2,500 01/31/2017 PC Hampshire Forests 54 Portsmouth Street Concord, New Hampshire 03301 Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hall & Education and Curatorial Departments $15,000 02/03/2017 PC Museum Trust, Inc. 4141 Fifth Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213-3547 Sophia's Hearth Family Center Vision Campaign $3,000 01/31/2017 PC 700 Court Street Keene, New Hampshire 03431 Southern Maine Agency on Aging general operating support $5,000 01/17/2017 PC 136 US Route One Scarborough, Maine 04074 Southern Tier Alternative Therapies general operating support $5,000 01/26/2017 PC 24 Stom Road Ligonier, Pennsylvania 15658 SPACE Gallery general operating support $10,000 01/17/2017 PC 538 Congress Street Portland, Maine 04101 St. Edmund's Academy Annual Fund $1,000 01/31/2017 PC 5705 Darlington Road Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15217-1598 St. John the Evangelist Catholic School Building Retrofit $25,000 06/29/2016 SO 325 South Navy Boulevard Pensacola, Florida 32507 St. Luke's Wood River Foundation Compassionate Care Program $2,500 01/10/2017 PC PO Box 7005 Ketchum, Idaho 83340 St. Mark's School of Southborough Annual Fund $2,500 01/27/2017 PC 25 Marlborough Road Southborough, Massachusetts 01772- 9105 St. Paul's School Annual Fund $2,500 01/17/2017 PC 325 Pleasant Street Concord, New Hampshire 03301-2591 Page 26 of 32 8/22/2017 9.37.41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY Roy A. Hunt Foundation Grants Paid FY 16-17

Organization Grant Purpose Payment Payment Deduct. Amount Date Status St. Paul's School Annual Fund $1,000 01/31/2017 PC 325 Pleasant Street Concord, New Hampshire 03301-2591 Stone Barns Center for Food and High School Education Program $3,000 01/24/2017 PC Agriculture 630 Bedford Road Pocantico Hills, New York 10591 Suffolk University Annual Fund $2,000 01/17/2017 PC 8 Ashburton Place Boston, Massachusetts 02108 Sun Valley Center for the Arts general operating support $1,000 01/10/2017 PC PO Box 656 Sun Valley, Idaho 83353 Sun Valley Center for the Arts general operating support (Company of $5,000 01/10/2017 PC PO Box 656 Fools) Sun Valley, Idaho 83353 Sun Valley Ski Education Foundation general operating support $10,000 01/10/2017 PC PO Box 203 Sun Valley, Idaho 83353 Sun Valley Summer Symphony general operating support $10,000 01/10/2017 PC PO Box 1914 Sun Valley, Idaho 83353 Sun Valley Writers' Conference 2017 Fellowship Program $7,500 02/03/2017 PC PO Box 957 Ketchum, Idaho 83340 Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors Sustainable Endowments Institute's Data $35,000 12/12/2016 PC 6 West 48th Street To Action: Growing Energy Efficiency New York, New York 10036 Savings Tanzanian Children's Fund Sponsorship of 2 RVCV Student Teachers $10,000 02/03/2017 PC 9 Waterhouse Street Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 New York Foundation for the Arts educational and cultural programming $5,000 07/20/2016 PC 20 Jay Street support for Tevereterno Suite 740 Brooklyn, New York 11201 The Advocates Coaching for Character Program $10,000 01/10/2017 PC PO Box 3216 Hailey, Idaho 83333 The Children's Home of Pittsburgh & general operating support $20,000 01/26/2017 PC Lemieux Family Center 5324 Penn Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15224

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Organization Grant Purpose Payment Payment Deduct. Amount Date Status The Community Kitchen general operating support $5,000 01/31/2017 PC PO Box 1315 Keene, New Hampshire 03431 The Community Library general operating support $10,000 01/10/2017 PC PO Box 2168 Ketchum, Idaho 83340 The Family to Family Project general operating support $3,000 01/10/2017 PC 89 South Street Suite 203 Boston, Massachusetts 02111 The Farm School general operating support $5,000 01/10/2017 PC 488 Moore Hill Road Athol, Massachusetts 01331 The First Tee Treasure Coast general operating support $23,850 01/31/2017 PC 101 SE Central Pkwy, #150 Stuart, Florida 34994 The Guidance Center, a service of Prechool In Home Therapy Program $10,000 03/08/2017 PC Riverside Community Care, Inc. 270 Bridge Street Suite 301 Dedham, Massachusetts 02026 The Homewood Cemetery Historical Fund Restoration of Chapel, Office, Gatehouse, $15,000 01/12/2017 PC 1599 South Dallas Avenue & Columbarium Roofs Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15217-1499 The Mattress Factory general operating support $5,000 01/27/2017 PC 500 Sampsonia Way Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15212-4444 The Neighborhood Academy general operating support $10,000 07/18/2016 PC 709 North Aiken Avenue P ittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15206 The New School Health Class 2.0 $5,000 01/24/2017 PC 79 Fifth Avenue 17th Floor New York, New York 10003 The Park Theatre, Inc. Theatre Construction Costs $10,000 01/31/2017 PC PO Box 278 Jaffrey, New Hampshire 03452 The Pittsburgh Project Preventing Violence through Education and $5,000 01/27/2017 PC 2801 North Charles Street Employment Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15214-3110 The Posse Foundation Posse Boston Program $10,000 01/30/2017 PC 45 Franklin Street 3rd Floor Boston, Massachusetts 02110

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Organization Grant Purpose Payment Payment Deduct. Amount Date Status THE PROGRAM for Offenders general operating support $10,000 01/26/2017 PC 564 Forbes Avenue Suite 930 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219 The Putney School Annual Fund $4,000 01/10/2017 PC Elm Lea Farm 418 Houghton Brook Road Putney, Vermont 05346-8675 The Summit Foundation Dick Masica Engineering Scholarship Fund $15,000 01/12/2017 PC PO Box 4000 and general operating support 103 S. Harris Street Breckenridge, Colorado 80424 Thinking Beyond Borders student recruitment support $10,000 01/12/2017 PC PO Box 4432 San Rafael, California 94913 Tostan general operating support $5,000 07/18/2016 PC 641SSt.NW 3rd FIr Washington, District of Columbia 20001 Treehouse Institute general operating support $4,000 02/03/2017 PC 41 York Street Portland, Maine 04101 United Way of Greater Portland 2016-2017 Annual Community Care $2,500 01/17/2017 PC PO Box 15200 Campaign Portland, Maine 04112 United Way of Massachusetts Bay and general operating support $7,500 01/10/2017 PC Merrimack Valley 51 Sleeper Street Boston, Massachusetts 02210 United Way of Southwestern Impact Fund $5,000 12/16/2016 PC Pennsylvania PO Box 735 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230-0735 United Way of St. Lucie County, Inc. First Tee program and School Supplies $10,000 01/31/2017 PC 4800 S. US 1 program Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 University of North Carolina men's and women's soccer programs $2,000 01/12/2017 PC CB# 6100 University Advancement Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-6100 University of North Carolina Liberal Arts and Archaeology research $3,000 01/12/2017 PC CB# 6100 laboratories University Advancement Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-6100

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Organization Grant Purpose Payment Payment Deduct. Amount Date Status University of Pennsylvania Annual Fund $2,000 01/17/2017 PC Development and Alumni Relations 626 Franklin Building Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-6285 University of Pittsburgh Center for Health Closing the Loop: Hospital Trauma Services $25,000 06/29/2016 PC Equity Intervention Department of Behavioral & Community Health 208 Parran Hall, 130 DeSoto St. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15261 UPSTREAM Policy Institute Plastic Pollution & Sustainable Packaging $15,000 01/24/2017 PC 87 Pleasant Street Project Rockland, Maine 04841 Urban Edge Jackson Square Recreation Center $100,000 06/29/2016 PC 1542 Columbus Avenue Suite 2 Roxbury, Massachusetts 02119 Urban Improv general operating support $7,500 01/10/2017 PC 8 St. John Street Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts 02130 Urban Innovation2l Inclusive Innovation Economy Fund and $50,000 07/18/2016 PC 1901 Centre Ave., Suite 300 Inclusive Innovation Economy Internship Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219 Program Valley Youth Network general operating support $5,000 01/26/2017 PC PO Box 303 Ligonier, Pennsylvania 15658 Vanderbilt University Opportunity Vanderbilt Pooled Scholarship $3,000 02/03/2017 PC PMB 407733 Fund 2301 Vanderbilt Place Nashville, Tennessee 37240-7733 Veterans Leadership Program of Western Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program $9,500 02/01/2017 PC Pennsylvania, Inc. 2934 Smallman Street Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15201 Virunga Fund Inc. general operating support $5,000 07/18/2016 PC 50 Court Street Suite #712 Brooklyn, New York 11201 Wayfinder Schools general operating support $4,000 02/03/2017 PC PO Box 555 79 Washington Street Camden, Maine 04843

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Organization Grant Purpose Payment Payment Deduct. Amount Date Status Weekapaug Foundation for Conservation Community Stewardship $5,000 01/17/2017 PC PO Box 3067 Westerly, Rhode Island 02891 Wendell P. Clark Memorial YMCA Promise For Tomorrow Capital Campaign $10,000 01/31/2017 PC 155 Central Street Winchendon, Massachusetts 01475 Westerly Area Rest Meals general operating support $4,000 01/17/2017 PC 56 Spruce Street Westerly, Rhode Island 02891 Western Pennsylvania Conservancy general operating support $3,000 12/16/2016 PC 800 Waterfront Drive Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222 Westmoreland Museum of Art general operating support $5,000 07/20/2016 PC 221 North Main Street Greensburg, Pennsylvania 15601-1898 WGBH Educational Foundation general operating support $5,000 01/17/2017 PC One Guest Street Boston, Massachusetts 02135 Williams College special fund and annual fund $12,750 01/10/2017 PC Alumni Relations and Development 75 Park Street Williamstown, Massachusetts 01267 Wood River Community YMCA Y Healthy Living Speaker Series $10,000 01/10/2017 PC PO Box 6801 101 Saddle Road Ketchum, Idaho 83340 Wood River Land Trust general operating support $2,500 01/10/2017 PC 119 East Bullion Street Hailey, Idaho 83333 World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh Global Education Programming $15,000 01/12/2017 PC 2640 BNY Mellon Center 500 Grant Street Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219 World Learning Experiment in International Living in $15,000 01/12/2017 PC 1 Kipling Road Pittsburgh (Global Travel Scholars Program) PO Box 676 Brattleboro, Vermont 05302-0676 WorldTeach Scholarship to Empower and Advance $15,000 02/03/2017 PC 31 St. James Avenue Volunteers 6th Floor Boston, Massachusetts 02116

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Organization Grant Purpose Payment Payment Deduct. Amount Date Status Year Up general operating support $10,000 01/30/2017 PC 45 Milk Street 9th Floor Boston, Massachusetts 02109 Young Audiences of Massachusetts general operating support $2,000 01/10/2017 PC 89 South Street Suite 603 Boston, Massachusetts 02111 YouthWorks HIRE Me Program $15,000 01/27/2017 PC 2400 E Carson Street Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15203 Philadelphia Bible Fellowship Church general operating support for Zubo Trust $5,000 02/03/2017 PC Planting Alliance, Inc. PO Box 16887 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19153

$3,397,198 1 1

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Organization Grant Purpose # of Payments It of Payments Paid Total Payment Amount Total Payments Paid Remaining Amount Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southern Maine "A Little Means A Lot: The Campaign for Big Brothers Big 3 1 $30,000 $10,000 $20,000 Sisters of Southern Maine"

Scheduled Payments Date Scheduled Fiscal Year $10,000.00 1 1 07/01/2017 2017 $10,000.00 1 1 07/01/2018 2018

It of Payments It of Payments Paid Total Payment Amount Total Payments Paid Remaining Amount Carnegie Science Center Capital Campaign 2 1 $50,000 $25,000 $25,000

Scheduled Payments Date Scheduled Fiscal Year 8 2017

It of Payments It of Payments Paid Total Payment Amount Total Payments Paid Remaining Amount Fox Chapel Country Day School outdoor classroom treehouse 2 1 $10,000 $4,000 $6,000

Scheduled Payments Date Scheduled Fiscal Year 7 2017

It of Payments It of Payments Paid Total Payment Amount Total Payments Paid Remaining Amount OhioGuidestone YouthBuild Program 2 1 $35,000 $17,500 $17,500

Scheduled Payments Date Scheduled Fiscal Year 7,500.001 I 07 7 2017

It of Payments It of Payments Paid Total Payment Amount Total Payments Paid Remaining Amount Roca, Inc general operating support 2 1 $50,000 $25,000 $25,000

Scheduled Payments Date Scheduled Fiscal Year 07 7 2017

It of Payments It of Payments Paid Total Payment Amount Total Payments Paid Remaining Amount University of Pittsburgh Center for Health Equity Closing the Loop. Hospital Trauma Services Intervention 2 1 $50,000 $25,000 $25,000

Scheduled Payments Date Scheduled Fiscal Year $25,000.001 1 07/01/2 7 2017

It of Payments It of Payments Paid Total Payment Amount Total Payments Paid Remaining Amount Urban Edge Jackson Square Recreation Center 5 1 $500,000 $100,000 $400,000

Scheduled Payments Date Scheduled Fiscal Year $100,000.00 07/01/2017 2017 $100,000.00 07/01/2018 2018 $100,000.00 07/01/2019 2019 $100,000.00 07/01/2020 2020 9 37.41 AM - XXXXXXX2.99 PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - Organization8/2/2017 tP42Purpose- ^a ments # of Payments Paid Total Payment Amount Total Payments Paid Remaining Amount Vanderbilt University Opportunity Vanderbilt Pooled Scholarship Fund 3 1 $10,000 $3,000 $7,000

Scheduled Payments Date Scheduled Fiscal Year $3,500.00 01/02/2018 2017 $3,500.00 01/02/2019 2018 8/22/2017 9:37:41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Part I Line 6 (990-PF ) - Gain/Loss from Sale of Assets Other Than Invento ry Totals Gross Cost or other Basis, Expenses. Net Gain Amount Sales De preciation and Ad ustments or Loss Long Term CG Distributions 852 ,618 Capital Gains/Losses 8227 298 6, 689 ,943 1, 337, 355 Short Term CG Distributions 0 Other sales 0 0 0 Check "X" if Check ")7 Purchaser Expense of Sale to include is a Acquisition Date Date Gross Sales Cost or Valuation and Cost of Net Gain esch ton USIP 8 in Part IV urchaser Business Method A cquired Sold Price Other Basis Method Im p rovements e p reciation dj ustments or Loss 1 AMGEN INC 031162100 X 10/1212015 7/8/2016 27 ,080 26 , 141 0 939 2 AMGEN INC 031162100 X 9/16/2013 7/8/2016 2 , 549 1 , 889 0 680 3 AMGEN INC 031162100 X 9/16/2013 10/192016 22 , 124 16008 0 6, 118 4 AMGEN INC 031162100 X 5/15/2014 10/192018 25, 677 17515 0 8 , 162 5 APPLE INC 037833100 X 3/302016 6/8/2016 10, 185 11 ,281 0 -1096 6 AMERICAN HONDA FINANCE 02665WAFB X 7/82014 9/72016 20 037 19 972 0 65 7 APPLEINC 037833100 X 3/312018 8/82018 10,481 11 ,596 0 -1 115 8 APPLEINC 037833100 X 3262009 6/8/2016 55472 8, 770 0 46,702 9 APPLE INC 037833100 X 3/262009 9/8/2016 26 .097 3, 881 0 2211, ,238 10 APPLE INC 037833100 X 3262009 11/14/2016 18 , 256 2 , 705 0 55-51 11 A B B FIN USA INC 1825% 00037BAAO X 9/19/2013 10/12/2018 10 , 018 10 ,014 0 4 12 ABBVIE INC 1 8% 5/1 00287YAN9 X 5/52015 9/72018 20 , 119 19980 0 139 13 ADOBE SYSTEMS INC 00724F101 X 3/302016 7/122016 975 939 0 36 14 ADOBE SYSTEMS INC 00724F101 X 3/312016 7/12/2018 10, 726 10, 315 0 411 15 ADOBE SYSTEMS INC 00724F101 X 8/4/2015 7/12/2018 13, 651 11 , 485 0 2 , 186 16 ADOBE SYSTEMS INC 00724F101 X 8/4/2015 9/30/2016 16,205 12, 306 0 3, 899 17 ADOBE SYSTEMS INC 00724F101 X 2/122013 9/302016 2 , 701 977 0 1 , 724 16 ADVANSIX INC 00773T101 X 1/14/2004 10/6/2016 565 190 0 375 19 ADVANSIX INC 00773T101 X 1/52009 10/6/2016 56 18 0 38 20 ADVANSIX INC 00773T101 X 3/262009 10/8/2018 246 71 0 175 21 ADVANSIX INC 00773T101 X 3/262009 11/3/2018 13 3 0 10 22 AETNAINC 00817Y108 X 1/132018 11/4/2016 77 ,257 76 , 574 0 683 23 AENTAINC 24% 6/1521 00817YAU2 X 622018 31162017 30,300 29,997 0 303 24 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES IN 00848U101 X 12/9/2015 10/6/2016 28773 25 , 173 0 3600 25 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES IN 00846U101 X 12/9/2015 10/182016 21 ,353 19, 396 0 1 ,957 26 ALCOA UPSTREAM CORP 013872106 X 1021/1966 11212016 10 2 0 8 27 ALPHABET INC/CA-CL A 02079K305 X 822016 12/2/2018 1 , 525 1 , 594 0 -69 28 ALPHABETINC/CA-CL A 02079K305 X 9232016 122/2016 12984 13, 855 0 -891 29 ALPHABET INC/CA-CL A 020791(305 X 7/17/2015 1222018 24.403. 22 , 277 0 2 , 128 30 ALPHABET INC/CA-CL A 020791(305 X 7/172015 1/3/2017 37 198 32.023 0 5, 173 31 A B B FIN USA INC 1825% 00037BAAO X 2/28/2013 9202016 25 ,051 25, 375 0 -324 32 AMERICAN EXPRESS CREDI 0258M0DG1 X 6/19/2014 7292018 20 ,000 20,000 0 0 33 APPLE INC 037833100 X 1/5/2009 11/14/2016 9,392 1 ,217 0 8, 175 34 ASTRAZENECA PLC 5 9 046353AB4 X 11/72008 5222017 30,408 29,458 0 948 35 ASTRAZENECA PLC 5 9 046353AB4 X 11/72008 5/312017 5 081 4, 910 0 151 36 AVNET INC 053807103 X 3/29/2016 9282018 2,029 2, 210 0 -181 37 AVNET INC 053807103 X 6/19/2014 5182017 5 635 6,560 . 0 -925 38 BANK OF AMERICA CORP 060505104 X 2252015 12/12/2016 79.984 58, 081 0 21883 39 BANK OF MONTREAL 141 06366RE76 X 4/72015 5/15/2017 19,984 19,987 0 -3 40 BANK OF MONTREAL 141 08368RE76 X 4/8/2015 5/152017 4,998 5,001 0 -5 41 BANK OF NEW YORK MELL 3 06408HBY4 X 9/302016 1/25/2017 10,391 10 ,743 0 -352 42 BIOGEN INC 09082X103 X 5/152014 12/19/2016 65 ,879 66,652 0 -773 43 BOSTON PROPERTIES LP 3 10112RAT1 X 91192013 8/17/2016 20,690 21 ,056 0 -166 44 BRITISH TELECOM PLC 12 111021AJO X 2/112014 2/142017 25 ,000 24,984 0 18 45 BURLINGTON NORTHN SAN 12189TAYO X 11/102014 6/3/2016 31 .282 33, 152 0 -1 , 890 46 CVS HEALTH CORPORATIO N 126650100 X 8/25/2015 8/112016 22 ,709 24, 188 0 -1,479 47 CVS HEALTH CORPORATION 126650100 X 9/22/2015 8/112016 24 ,941 25,670 0 -729 48 CABLEVISION SYS CORP CL 12686C109 X 8/192014 6212018 9,423 4 ,701 0 4 ,722 49 CABLEVISION SYS CORP CL 12688C109 X 3/29/2016 6212016 3,839 3,6M 0 205 50 CAMECO CORP 133211-108 X 6/192014 5110/2017 3,984 7, 798 0 -3,814 51 CAMECO CORP 13321L108 X 3/29/2016 5/102017 1 , 394 1 , 750 0 -356 52 CAPITAL ONE FINANCIAL CO 1404OH105 X 5/152014 10/4/2016 25 552 2e.480 0 -928 53 CAPITAL ONE FINANCIAL CO 1404OH105 X 4/15/2013 10/4/2016 29 , 202 21 . 518 . 0 7,684 54 CAPITAL ONE FINANCIAL CO 1404OH105 X 4/152013 10/5/2016 91 , 393 68 , 704 0 24 , 689 55 CARDINAL HEALTH INC 14149Y108 X 6/4/2014 91142016 48 , 217 45 , 381 0 2,838 56 CARDINAL HEALTH INC 14149Y108 X 6/5/2014 9/14/2016 33, 903 32,033 0 1 , 870 57 CAUSEWAY INTL VALUE FD I 14949P208 X 6/4/2014 8/5/2016 371 ,644 450000 0 -78358 58 CITIGROUP INC 2 5% 7 172987HU8 X 9262014 2/152017 20 , 117 19 , 847 0 270 59 CITIGROUP INC 25% 7 172967HU8 X 9262014 2/152017 15 ,088 14 . 88 0 205 60 BANK OF AMERICA CORP 080505104 X 5/112015 12/12/2018 15, 902 11 , 59 0 4 , 304 61 CITIZENS FINANCIAL GROU 174610105 X 1/192018 124/2017 55 ,439 34 09 0 21 , 347 62 COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY 192446102 X 12/12015 6/272016 42 .770 50130 0 -7360 83 COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY 192448102 X 12/9/2015 8/272016 13, 331 14 ,461 0 -1 130 64 COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY 192446102 X 12/9/2015 6/30/2016 15,979 16 871 0 -892 65 COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY 192446102 X 12/142015 6/302018 26 ,251 27,336 0 -1 , 085 66 COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY 192446102 X 9/30/2016 11282018 30 .75 25 ,991 0 4, 762 67 COMCASTCORPCLA 2003ON101 X 71192018 8/192016 13, 30 13,424 0 -121 68 COMCAST CORP CL A 2003ON101 X 41162012 8/192018 15.29 6.82 0 8,471 69 COMCAST CORP CL A 2003ON101 X 4/162012 9/2/2016 20, 48 9.20 0 11 ,287 70 COMCASTCORPCLA 2003ON101 X 4/162012 11/152018 24782 10983 13, 799 71 COMCASTCORPCLA 20030N101 X 4/132012 11/152016 2,679 1 1186 0 1 ,493 72 CUMMINS INC 231021106 X 6/192014 11/102018 2 788 3 125 0 -359 8/22/2017 9'37:41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Part I Line 6 (990-PF) - Gain/Loss from Sale of Assets Other Than Invento ry Totals Gross Cost or Other Basis, Expenses, Net Gain Amount Sales De preciation and Adjustments or Loss Long Term CG Distributions 852.81§ 1 Capital Gains/Losses 8227 298 6, 889 ,943 1337 355 Short Term CG Distributions 0 Other sales 0 0 0 Check "X' if Check 'X' Purchaser Expense of Sale to include Acquisition Date Date Gross Sales Cost or Valuation and Cost of Net Gain escription USIP # in Part IV urchaser Business(s a Method Acquired Sold Price Other Basis Method Improvements epreciation d ustments or Loss 73 DIAGEO CAPITAL PLC 155 25243YAR0 X 3262013 8252016 5 .017 5,070 0 -53 74 DIAGEO CAPITAL PLC 159 25243YARO X 5/8/2012 8252016 10 ,03S 9 , 956 0 79 75 DIAGEO CAPITAL PLC 15 25243YARO X 5/82012 10/122018 15 , 038 14 , 934 0 104 76 DRIEHAUS ACTIVE INCOME 282028855 X 6/42014 622016 523 . 953 587 . 570 0 -43 , 617 77 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINA I 28442CAL8 X 12/5/2011 81252018 20 ,051 19,967 0 84 78 EXXONMOBILCORP 1708 30231GAP7 X 2292018 1252017 20,035 2000 0 35 79 FACEBOOK INC-A 30303M102 X 4/15/2015 9/302016 33, 292 21 , 586 0 11 , 726 80 FACEBOOK INC-A 30303M102 X 62/2015 9/30/2018 38414 24 , 176 0 14,238 81 FACEBOOK INC-A 30303M102 X 5/42015 9/302016 40 .847 25, 170 0 15,677 82 FACEBOOK INCA 30303M102 X 5/42015 11/14/2016 5, 914 4,024 0 1 ,890 83 FACEBOOK INC-A 30303M102 X 12/162014 11/142016 24, 351 15,831 0 8, 520 84 FACEBOOK INC-A 30303M102 X 12/182014 11/162018 17. 095 11 .006 0 8089 85 FACEBOOK INC-A 30303M102 X 12/162014 1/3/2017 13,282 8 ,594 0 4 ,888 86 FACEBOOK INC-A 30303M102 X 522014 1/312017 3, 845 2 ,011 0 1834 87 FED HOME LOAN BANK 32 313372SN5 X 6/24/2014 11/142018 20 ,618 20 , 491 0 127 88 FNMA POOL 0 465274 3 8129 31381M2F1 X 2/10/2014 6/25/2016 44 48 0 -4 89 DIAGEO CAPITAL PLC 159 25243YARO X 5/8/2012 5/11/2017 5 000 4 978 0 22 90 FNMA POOL 0 465274 3 89% 31381M2F1 X 2/10/2014 7/25/2016 49 53 0 -4 FNMA POOL # 465274 3 813 31381M2F1 X 2/102014 8252016 44 48 0 -4 FNMA POOL#465274369% 31381M2F1 X 2/102014 9252018 45 48 0 3 r FNMA POOL # 465274 3 69% 31381M2F1 X 2/102014 10252016 50 54 0 -4 FNMA POOL # 485274 3 813 31381M2F1 X 2/102014 11252016 45 49 0 -4 FNMA POOL # 485274 3 69% 31381M2F1 X 2/102014 12252018 32 744 35 365 0 -2 621 FLORIDA ST HURRICANE 2 34074GDH4 X 4/10/2013 9202016 20883 20 00 0 883 FORD MOTOR CREDIT CO 345397WD1 X 61/2012 1/5/2017 30 195 29 998 0 197 FORD MOTOR CREDIT CO 3 345397YG2 X 1/5/2017 4/42017 5 018 5 008 0 10 99 GANNETT CO INC 36473H104 X 6/192014 11/12018 1,681 2 ,448 0 -787 100 GANNETT CO INC 38473H104 X 329/2016 11/12018 604 1 . 237 0 -633 101 GLAXOSMITHKLINE CAP 15 377373AC9 X 6/18/2014 62/2016 25 , 109 25074 0 35 102 GOPRO INC-CLASS A 38268T103 X 9/162016 51102017 1 ,695 2,974 0 -1 ,279 103 GOPRO INC-CLASS A 38268T103 X 9/302018 5/10/2017 1 , 271 2 , 518 0 -1 .247 104 GNMAREMICTRUST 2 38378B7N3 X 1272014 8/162018 46 46 0 0 105 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 299 38378B7N3 X 1/27/2014 7/16/2016 46 46 0 0 106 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 299 _38378B7N3 X 11/21/2014 7/162018 18 16 0 0 107 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 299 3837807N8 X 1/27/2014 8/182018 48 46 0 0 108 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 299 3837887N3 X 11/21/2014 8/18/2016 19 16 0 0 109 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 299 38378B7N3 X 1272014 9/162016 484 483 0 1 110 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 299 3837897N3 X 11212014 9/18/2016 194 194 0 0 111 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 299 38378B7N3 X 1/27/2014 10/182016 46 46 0 0 112 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 299 38378B7N3 X 11212014 10/182016 18 1e 0 0 113 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 299 38378B7N3 X 1/27/2014 11/162016 46 46 0 0 114 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 299 3837887N3 X 11212014 11/162016 18 18 0 0 115 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 299 38378B7N3 X 11212014 6/16/2018 18 18 0 0 116 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 299 3837887N3 X 11/21/2014 121162016 18 19 0 -1 117 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 299 38378B7N3 X 1/27/2014 1/16/2017 46 46 0 0 118 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 299 38378B7N3 X 11212014 1/16/2017 19 19 0 D 119 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 299 38378B7N3 X 1/27/2014 2/16/2017 48 46 0 0 120 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 299 38378B7N3 X 11212014 2/16/2017 19 19 0 0 121 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 299 3837887N3 X 1/27/2014 3118/2017 47 46 0 1 122 GNMAREMICTRUST 2 38378B7N3 X 11/21/2014 3/182017 19 19 0 0 123 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 299 38378B7N3 X 1272014 12/182016 46 46 0 0 124 LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS 52729N308 X 32912018 2/172017 5, 139 4,826 0 513 125 LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS 52729N308 X 8/192014 2/172017 571 463 108 126 LIBERTY BRAVES GROUP-RI 531229110 X 51182016 8/72016 6 0 0 8 127 LIBERTY BRAVES GROUP-RI 531229110 X 5/18/2018 6172016 9 0 0 9 128 LIBERTY MEDIA GROUP C 531229854 X 6/19/2014 8/72016 492 490 0 2 129 LIBERTY MEDIA GROUP C 531229854 X 3292018 8/72018 98 111 0 -13 130 LIBERTY MEDIA GROUP-A 531229870 X 8/192014 6/72018 150 147 0 3 131 LIBERTY MEDIA GROUP-A 531229870 X 329/2018 6/72016 150 169 0 -19 132 LIONS GATE ENTERTAINME 535919500 X 12/82016 1/612017 13 14 0 -1 133 MACOM TECHNOLOGY SOL 55405Y100 X 6/192014 2/8/2017 32 69 0 -37 134 MACYS RETAIL HLDGS 13 87 55616XAF4 X 9232018 5/182017 4 ,985 5.282 0 -297 135 MACYS RETAIL HLDGS IN 3 55618XAN7 X 12/22/2015 9/232018 20 ,908 19834 0 1 ,074 136 MARATHON OIL CORP 565849106 X 1120/2014 9/12016 21 ,335 47,471 0 -26, 136 137 MARATHON OIL CORP 565849106 X 11/24/2014 9/12018 10, 295 23 ,079 0 -12 ,784 138 MARATHON OIL CORP 565849108 X 12/10/2014 9/12016 7,907 14,013 0 -6 108 139 MARATHON OIL CORP 585849106 X 12/112014 9/12018 8, 355 14,944 0 -6, 589 140 MARATHON PETROLEUM C 56585A102 X 11/122015 9212016 57 029 72,782 0 -15,753 141 MARATHON PETROLEUM C 58585A102 X 2/11/2016 9212018 25 727 18,093 0 7 834 142 MASSACHUSETTS ST 42 57582PWK2 X 1/12/2011 6/292016 18 772 15027 0 1 ,745 143 MCDONALD'S CORP 5 8 58013ME68 X 10/192007 12/82018 20 , 756 1 20 281 0 475 144 JOHNSON 8 JOHNSON 478180104 X 7/92015 10/6/2016 23 470 19,805 1 0 3865 8/22/2017 9:37.41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Part I Line 6 (990-PF) - Gain/Loss from Sale of Assets Other Than Inventory Totals Gross Cost or Other Basis, Expenses, Net Gain Amount Sales De reuehon and Ad uslmentO or Loss Long Term CG Distnbuhons 852 ,618 Capital Gains/Losses 8227 298 8889 943 1 337 355 Short Term CG Distributions 0 Other sales 0 0 0 Check'X" if Check "X" Purchaser Expense of Sale to include is a Acquisition Date Date Gross Sales Cost or Valuation and Cost of Net Gain escri ption USIP# in Part IV urchaser Business Method A uired Sold Pnce Other Basis Method Im provements epreciation dj ustments or Loss 145 JOHNSON & JOHNSON 478180104 X 7192015 1/31/2017 81 , 175 53, 665 0 7 510 146 JOHNSON & JOHNSON 478180104 X 8242015 1/31/2017 31 , 603 25 , 830 0 5, 773 147 LAM RESH CORP 512807108 X 3/292016 2/2/2017 3 521 2,405 0 1 , 116 148 LAM RESEARCH CORP 34 512907AQI X 8/302018 10/132018 30 , 300 30 ,892 0 -592 149 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 299 38378B7N3 X 1272014 4/182017 47 47 0 0 150 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 299 38378B7N3 X 11/21/2014 4/182017 19 19 0 0 151 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2299 3837887N3 X 1272014 5/182017 1 , 084 1 , 083 0 1 152 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2299 38378B7N3 X 11212014 5/16/2017 434 435 0 -1 153 HARTFORD FINL SVCS GRO 418515104 X 10202014 7202016 41.467. 34 ,656 0 6 , 811 154 HONEYWELL INTL INC 438516106 X 1/142004 10/82018 42 , 777 12 , 958 0 29 819 155 HYDRO-QUEBEC 20% 448814JBO X 8232011 6/302016 2500 24 , 995 0 5 156 HART 2012-B C 195% 1 44890HAFO X 1/8/2015 8/152016 35,000 . 35 ,398 0 -396 157 INTELCORP 458140100 X 10/72018 11/112018 14 ,811 18391 -1580 158 INTEL CORP 458140100 X 6/232016 11/112016 6, 54 6,267 278 159 INTEL CORP 458140100 X 823,2018 111162016 24 ,308 23,088 1 ,220 160 INTEL CORP 458140100 X 6/23/2016 1252017 28 ,283 24 ,737 0 3,548 161 INTELCORP 458140100 X 823/2016 2/102017 22 181 20 ,779 0 1 ,402 162 INTELCORP 458140100 X 6232016 3/13/2017 32,947 31003 0 1944 163 INTEL CORP 458140100 X 6/302018 311312017 9,464 8 ,760 0 704 164 INTELCORP 135%1 458140AL4 X 1/9/2013 11/92016 45 , 174 45 ,049 0 125 165 INTERCONTINENTAL EXCHA 45866F104 X 1/17/2013 7202016 67 ,825 33 .812 0 34 ,013 166 JOHNSON & JOHNSON 478160104 X 8/3/2015 10/62016 711 598 0 113 167 SCHLUMBERGER LTD 808857108 X 10/6/2009 9/1/2016 80 ,338 61 , 373 0 18,965 168 SCHLUMBERGER LTD 806857108 X 5/22/2015 9/1/2016 784 921 0 -137 169 SCHLUMBERGER LTD 806857108 X 5262015 9/1/2016 13324 15,500 0 -2176 170 NOVA SCOTIA PROVINCES 669827FT9 X 2/132008 1282017 30 000 31,904 0 -1 , 904 171 SDART 2013-5 B 155%1 ( 80281CAE5 X 11/20/2014 7/152016 1 ,849 1 8,80 0 -11 172 SOART 2013.5 B 155% 1 80281CAE5 X 1120/2014 8/152016 1 ,&34 1 , 0 -12 173 SDART 2013-5 B 155%1 ( 80281CAE5 X 1120/2014 9/15/2016 1 ,686 1 . 896 0 -10 174 SDART 2012-3 C 301% 80282WAEO X 10/292014 6/152016 2 ,006 2, 043 0 -37 175 METLIFE INC 6 75% 6/ 59156RAU2 X 5262009 8/12016 15,000 14 ,954 0 36 176 MICROSOFT CORPORATION 594918104 X 1/52018 8232018 7 ,251 7, 724 0 -473 177 MICROSOFT CORPORATION 594918104 X 1/6/2016 623/2018 29005 30 ,237 0 -1 ,232 176 MICROSOFT CORPORATION 594918104 X 1(72016 6232016 52 ,830 53 984 -1 ,134 179 MICROSOFT CORPORATION 594918104 X 9222015 8232018 18, 848 15, 701 0 2 945 180 MICROSOFT CORPORATION 594918104 X 9222015 922018 28, 190 21 ,371 0 6,819 181 MICROSOFT CORPORATION 594918104 X 9222015 101132018 18 818 14 392 0 4,424 182 NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO 837071101 X 220/2013 9/8/2016 1 , 349 2 ,460 0 -1 111 183 NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO 637071101 X 9/16/2013 9/8/2018 16, 190 34, 115 0 -17, 925 184 NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO 637071101 X 5/152014 9/62018 8,770 18,858 0 -10088 185 ASGGLOBALALTERNATIVE 63872T885 X 12/19/2013 1/52017 380,318 439,454 0 -59, 136 186 ASG GLOBAL ALTERNATIVE 638727885 X 4/8/2015 1/552017 44 ,844 50 ,989 0 -6, 145 187 ASG GLOBAL ALTERNATIVE 63872TB85 X 11/42013 1/5/2017 74 ,838 84 ,802 0 -9964 188 NETFLIX COM INC 6411OL106 X 1/72018 7/19/2016 19,21 26 ,685 0 -7,469 189 NETFLIX COM INC 64110L108 X 1/13/2016 7/19/2016 15, 458 19. 594 0 -4 , 126 190 NETFLIX COM INC 64110L108 X 1212016 7/19/2016 9.394 11 ,706 0 -2 312 191 NEW JERSEY ST ECON 10E 6459186N8 X 4242014 8/1512016 45 ,000 45 ,000 0 0 192 PALO ALTO NETWORKS INC 697435105 X 10/272015 7212016 18,244 22, 831 0 -4 ,587 193 PALO ALTO NETWORKS INC 697435105 X 3/312015 7212016 10, 136 11 , 771 0 -1 , 635 194 PALO ALTO NETWORKS INC 897435105 X 3/312015 82/2016 24 ,955 28 ,986 0 4,031 195 PALO ALTO NETWORKS INC 697435105 X 3/252015 3/1/2017 40 ,697 48,603 0 -7908 196 PALO ALTO NETWORKS INC 697435105 X 31312015 3/1/2017 1.8s0 2, 354 0 -494 197 PALO ALTO NETWORKS INC 697435105 X 5/82018 3/1/2017 8, 837 10179 -1 ,342 198 PANERA BREAD CO CL A 69840W108 X 4202018 4/8/2017 36.814 25, 709 0 11 , 105 199 PANERA BREAD CO CL A 6984OW108 X 4/192016 5/25/2017 45, 460 31 , 430 0 14030 200 OUALCOMM INC 747525103 X 922016 5/112017 21 ,820 25 , 352 0 -3,532 201 QUALCOMM INC 747525103 X 922016 5/302017 19 . 500 21 , 549 0 -2 ,049 202 OUALCOMMINC 747525103 X 9/812016 5/3012017 18,927 20 ,713 0 -1 ,786 203 RABOBANK NEDERLAND DE 74977EPZO X 4/9/2014 7/15/2016 40 ,274 39,862 0 412 204 SALESFORCE COM INC 79486L302 X 3/302018 7/12/2016 5 ,752 5, 187 0 565 205 SALESFORCE COM INC 79466L302 X 3/312016 7/12/2016 10,683 9,600 0 1 ,083 208 SALESFORCE COM INC 79466L302 X 6222010 7/122016 9.039 2 ,5W 6,453 207 SALESFORCE COM INC 794861302 X 81192018 10/13/2016 19,801 21 ,664 0 -1 , 863 208 SALESFORCE COM INC 79466L302 X 622/2010 10/132016 9,900 3,291 0 6,609 209 SALESFORCE COM INC 79466L302 X 622/2010 10/142016 20, 180 8, 583 0 13, 577 210 SALESFORCE COM INC 79468L302 X 6222010 10/182016 6,253 2 ,022 0 4 ,231 211 SALESFORCE COM INC 7946SL302 X 628/2010 10/182018 17,740 5, 588 0 12 , 152 212 SDART 2013.5 B 155%1 ( 80281CAE5 X 1120/2014 6/152016 1 ,833 1 , 844 0 -11 213 OUALCOMM INC 747525103 X 922018 4/20/2017 26 ,218 31 , 90 0 -5,472 214 NESTAR MEDIA GROUPINC 65336K103 X 1/17/2017 1/31/2017 46 44 0 2 215 SIMON PROPERTY GROUP 828807CX3 1/82016 8/11/2016 15.52 14,988 1 0 532 216 STARZ FOR LIONS GATE CO 855710102 X 3292016 12/92016 2 918 2 142 0 774 8/22/2017 9:37:41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Part I Line 6 (990-PF) - Gain/Loss from Sale of Assets Other Than Inventory Totals Gross Cost or Other Basis, Expenses, Net Gain Amount Sales De reciation and Ad ustrnents or Loss Long Term CG Distributions 852 618 Capital Gains/Losses 8227 298 6,889,943 1337 355 Short Term CG Distributions 0 Other sales 0 0 0 Check "X" if Check "X" Purchaser Expense of Sale to include is a Acquisition Date Date Gross Sales Cost or Valuation and Cost of Net Gain esch tion USIP# in Part IV urchaser Business Method A uired Sold Price Other Basis Method Improvements epreciation d ustments or Loss 217 STARZ FOR LIONS GATE CO 855710102 X 11/9/2015 12/92016 3 , 281 309 0 183 218 STILLWATER MNG CO 880740102 X 6/192014 5/4/2017 3 , 420 3 , 232 0 188 219 STILLWATER MNG CO 860740102 X 3292018 5/4/2017 1 ,260 712 0 548 220 STARZ FOR LIONS GATE CO 855710102 X 8/192014 12/92016 4, 739 3 , 744 0 995 221 TAIWAN SEMICONDUCTOR 874039100 X 6/302018 9/23/2016 24 ,463 21268 0 3195 222 THOMSON REUTERS CORP 884903BUS X 9232014 51312017 5 , 003 4 , 998 0 7 223 THOMSON REUTERS CORP 884903BU8 X 9222014 5/31/2017 10 , 005 9 , 983 0 22 224 TIME WARNER INC 887317303 X 11202014 3/182017 4 , 921 4 , 077 0 844 225 UNITED STATES TREAS 0 8 912828R93 X 8/302016 8/11/2016 24.944 25 , 007 0 -63 226 TIME WARNER INC 887317303 X 8/14/2014 3/182017 71 850 55 , 318 0 16 , 532 227 TIME WARNER INC 887317303 X 8/14/2014 3/17/2017 6. 5, 304 1 , 583 228 TIME WARNER INC 887317303 X 8/132014 3/172017 47 ,223 35, 594 11 ,629 229 TORONTO-DOMINION BANK 891140AB4 X 6/23/2014 7/14/2016 20 ,000 20 ,000 0 230 US TREASURY NOTE 0 87 912828SC5 X 8/182014 9/812016 55.088 . 55144 0 -56 231 21ST CENTY FOX AMER IN 3 90131HARB X 6/182014 3/8/2017 39,655 39 ,419 0 236 232 UNITED STATES CELLULAR 911684108 X 6/192014 3202017 2 , 587 2, 835 0 -248 233 UNITED STATES CELLULAR 911684108 X 3/29/2016 3202017 370 432 0 -62 234 UNITED STATES TREAS 07 91282BA91 X 12/29/2014 7/122016 5 , 008 5 , 001 0 7 235 US TREASURY NOTE 0 87 912828SC5 X 6/182014 10/82016 45 ,067 45 , 118 0 -51 236 UNITED STATES TREAS 0 7 912828A91 X 1/14/2015 7/122016 5 , 008 5 , 025 0 -17 237 UNITED STATES TREAS 07 912828A91 X 1/142015 7/122018 5 , 008 5, 024 0 -18 238 UNITED STATES TREAS 07 912828A91 X 12/29/2014 7/12/2016 20 , 032 20 004 0 28 239 UNITED STATES TREAS 07 912828A91 X 12/29/2014 7/18/2016 20 . 030 20 .004 0 26 240 UNITED STATES TREAS 0 7 912828A91 X 12/2912014 8/3/2018 10 ,016 10.002, 0 14 241 UNITED STATES TREAS 07 912828A91 X 12/292014 8282016 20 ,025 0 21 242 UNITED STATES TREAS 07 912828A91 X 1229/2014 8/302016 30 ,036 0 30 243 UNITED STATES TREAS 07 912828A91 X 12/29/2014 9172016 5,005 0 4 244 UNITED STATES TREAS 07 912828A91 X 12/292014 9/8/2016 5 ,005 0 4 245 US TREASURY N/B 225% 912828G38 X 2/4/2015 5/42017 20, 034 0 -748 246 US TREASURY N/B 225% 912828638 X 2/3/2018 5/42017 5,008 0 -185 247 U S TREASURY NOTE 2 91282BK74 X 1202016 2/132017 19 , 388 0 -698 248 U S TREASURY NOTE 1 87 912828NW8 X 92512015 10/62018 5053 05 '. 0 -59 249 U S TREASURY NOTE 1 87 912828NVt9 X 9252015 11/92016 40 ,384 40 ,892 0 -508 250 U S TREASURY NOTE 1 87 912828NVM X 9/25(2015 11/18/2018 10085 10,223 -138 251 U S TREASURY NOTE 1 87 912828NWB X 3/10/2018 11/182016 10 ,085 10, 146 0 -61 252 U S TREASURY NOTE 1 87 912828NW8 X 3110/2016 2/15/2017 20 , 128 20 ,293 0 -187 253 U S TREASURY NOTE 2 62 912828PT1 X 4/142015 12/2/2016 5,094 5, 255 0 -161 254 UNITED STATES TREASU1 912828836 X 7/12/2016 5/112017 18,784 20 ,220 0 -1,436 255 US TREASURY N/B 0 875% 5/ 912828844 X 5/24/2016 4/21/2017 14 .897 14,912 0 -15 256 PFIZER INC 717081103 X 1/8/2015 9/142018 23735 22758 0 977 257 PFIZER INC 717081103 X 6/262015 9/14/2018 24 .074 24. 304 0 -230 258 PFIZER INC 717081103 X 7172009 9/14/2016 19.327 8,347 0 10980 259 PFIZER INC 717081103 X 717/2009 10/82016 14 ,781 6,443 0 8, 318 260 PFIZER INC 717081103 X 326/2009 5242017 49024 22,182 0 28 ,842 261 PFIZER INC 717081103 X 7/72009 5/24/2017 9, 292 4 ,245 0 5 047 262 PFIZER INC 717081103 X 7/72009 5/24/2017 13, 137 6,004 0 7 , 133 263 PFIZER INC 62% 3/1 717061006 X 31172009 11/182018 27,608 24 ,97S 0 2 ,631 264 POLYCOM INC 731721(104 X 7/9/2014 9/27/2016 2 , 250 2 , 331 0 -81 265 POLYCOM INC 73172K104 X 3292018 9272018 750 650 0 100 266 QUALCOMMINC 747525103 X 10/142016 3/17/2017 13,901 15,746 0 -1845 267 QUALCOMM INC 747525103 X 10272016 3/172017 19,693 2388 0 -4194 268 QUALCOMM INC 747525103 X 922016 3/172017 5,213 5 ,704 0 -491 269 US TREASURY NOTE 087 912828SC5 X 3/142012 10/6/2016 40 ,059 39 ,633 0 426 270 U S TREASURY NOTE 087! 912828SC5 X 3/14/2012 10/27/2018 85 , 089 64, 4154 0 685 271 U S TREASURY NOTE 0 87 912828SC5 X 3/142012 11/92016 5S .058 54,498 0 562 272 US TREASURY NOTE 10 912828SM3 X 6/17/2014 2/152017 20 ,012 20,004 0 8 273 U S TREASURY NOTE 1 75 912828SV3 X 8232014 2/13/2017 19. 752 19, 399 0 353 274 U S TREASURY NOTE 1 62 912828TJ9 X 9/3/2015 2/13/2017 9.786 . 9, 814 0 -29 275 U S TREASURY NOTE 0 625 912828TS9 X 3/4/2016 2/152017 19.985 1 19 ,940 0 45 276 U S TREASURY NOTE 0 825 912828TS9 X 1272016 2/152017 9. 993 9,970 0 23 277 US TREASURY INFLATION IN 912828UX6 X 6/9/2015 3/21/2017 74 ,043 74,410 0 -387 278 US TREASURY N/B 1% 5/31/1 912828VE7 X 8/142018 8/182018 35 , 170 35, 185 0 -15 279 US TREASURY N/B 1% 5/31/1 912828VE7 X 6/14/2016 8/28/2016 10,029 10,053 0 -24 280 UNITED STATES TREAS 1 1 912828XF2 X 6/112015 8/11/2016 10,067 9,993 0 74 281 UNITED TECHNOLOGIES CO 913017109 X 10/612009 1/13/2017 135,478 75937 0 59541 282 UNITED TECHNOLOGIES 61 913017801 X 12/15/2008 12/1/2016 16,438 14 ,976 0 1482 283 UNIV OF CALIFORNIA 1 796 91412GSB2 X 3/8/2013 5/4/2017 40 139 40,000 0 139 284 UNIVOF CALIFORNIA 1796 91412GSB2 X 6/242014 5/49017 20 ,069 19,881 0 188 285 VALERO ENERGY CORP N 91913Y100 X 10/16/2009 9212016 77 , 113 24 .W 0 52,167 286 VALERO ENERGY CORP NE 91913Y100 X 2/11/2018 9212016 31 ,851 31 , 182 0 689 287 VALSPAR CORP 920355104 X 3/29/2018 9/29/2016 4,248 4 ,279 0 -31 288 VALSPAR CORP 920355104 X 6/19/2014 9292018 1062 764 0 298 8/22/2017 9:37.41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Part I Line 6 990-PF - Gain/Loss from Sale of Assets Other Than Inventory Totals Gross Cost or Other Basis, Expenses, Net Gain Amount Sales De preciation and Ad usenents or Loss 1 , 337 , 355 Long Term CG Distributions 852 ,618 Capital Gains/Losses 8227 298 8 , 889 , 943 0 Short Term CG Distributions 0 Other sales 0 0 Check "X" if Check X- Purchaser Expense of Sale to include is a Acquisition Date Date Gross Sales Cost or Valuation and Cost of Net Gain ustments or Loss Desch son CUSIP p in Part IV Purchaser Business Method A ired Sold Price Other Basis Method Improvements De reciation Ad 289 VALSPAR CORP 920355104 X 6/19/2014 10/312016 4, 991 3,818 0 1 , 173 290 VALSPAR CORP 920355104 X 6/19/2014 4152017 6,657 4 , 582 0 2 ,075 0 -2 , 817 291 VANGUARD S/T BND INDX-A 921937702 X 6/4/2014 1/10/2017 326 , 877 329, 694 292 BROADCOM LTD Y09827109 X 3/172016 3/17/2017 1 , 774 1 , 212 0 562 293 BROADCOM LTD Y09827109 X 12/2/2016 3/17/2017 20, 180 14.9311 0 5,249 294 BROADCOM LTD Y09827109 X 10292015 3/172017 13 ,308 7.210 0 6, 098 295 BROADCOM LTD Y09827109 X 10/292015 4/5/2017 12 ,985 7,090 0 5, 895 296 DIANA SHIPPING INC Y2066G104 X 10172015 8/11/2016 246 714 0 -468 297 DIANA SHIPPING INC Y2066G104 X 10/812015 8/11/2016 911 2,609 0 -1 ,698 298 DIANA SHIPPING INC Y2066G104 X 3292016 8/112016 419 388 0 33 299 BROADCOM LTD Y09827109 X 3/172016 9/2/2016 32 ,278 28 , 328 0 3, 950 300 BROADCOM LTD Y09827109 X 2/32018 3/17/2017 32 , 155 19 , 194 0 12 , 981 301 WILLIAMS PARTNERS LP 3 98950FAJ3 X 1/25/2017 2/162017 19994 19 . 952 0 42 302 YUMI BRANDS INC 988498101 X 4/25/2014 4/6/2017 7, 722 6 ,666 0 1 ,056 303 ACCENTURE PLC-CL A G1151C101 X 11/72014 10/72016 24 , 397 17, 524 0 6,873 304 ACCENTUREPLC-CLA G1151C101 X 11/6/2014 10/72018 9 , 759 6,988 0 2771 305 ACCENTUREPLC-CLA G1151C101 X 3/17/2017 4/52017 13,383 14 122 0 -739 306 INVESCO LTD G491BT108 X 10/8/2009 7/20/2016 4 , 182 3, 534 0 648 -2 785 307 ROWAN COMPANIES PLC G7665A101 X 6/19/2014 5/4/2017 1 , 747 4 , 532 0 308 WELLS FARGO & COMPANY 949746101 X 226/2010 5222017 10, 032 5, 186 0 4 ,846 309 WELLS FARGO & CO 3 5 94974BFC9 X 6/19/2014 9292016 26 .582 . 25 . 571 0 1-011 310 NXP SEMICONDUCTORS N V N659BX109 X 7212018 10/132018 13, 203 10,980 0 2 ,223 311 NXP SEMICONDUCTORS N V N6598X109 X 7/122018 10/132016 18,789 14,924 0 3,885 312 NXP SEMICONDUCTORS N V N6596X109 X 7/122016 10272016 1 , 500 1 ,210 0 290 0 313 NXP SEMICONDUCTORS N N8596X109 X 2/42016 10272018 23 , 500 17 , 868 5 , 832 314 NXP SEMICONDUCTORS N V N8596X109 X 2/4/2016 112/2016 80 ,490 61 , 588 0 18,902 315 NXP SEMICONDUCTORS N V N659BX109 X 2/42016 11/11/2016 13, 183 10,285 2,918 316 NXP SEMICONDUCTORS N N659BX109 X 2/11/2016 11/112018 34, 178 22 ,928 0 11 , 250 -104 317 ROWAN COMPANIES PLC G7665A101 X 3/29/2016 5/4/2017 499 603 0 318 NXP SEMICONDUCTORS N V N6596X109 X 7212018 922018 11,431 10,980 0 451 319 WADDELL & REED FINANCIA 930059100 X 81192014 4/28/2017 1 ,690 5, 870 0 -4 , 180 320 WADDELL & REED FINANCIA 930059100 X 8/312015 4/282017 712 1 , 574 0 -862 -181 321 WADDELL & REED FINANCIA 930059100 X 3/292016 4/282017 712 893 0 322 WELLS FARGO & COMPANY 949748101 X 2/26/2010 7202016 38,774 21,834 0 16,940 323 WELLS FARGO & COMPANY 949746101 X 1/24/2017 5222017 12, 144 12,652 0 -508 324 VERIZONCOMMUNICATION 92343V104 X 9/292015 922018 27 ,857 23 , 104 0 4,753 325 VERIZONCOMMUNICATION 92343V104 X 10/62009 922016 2628 1 ,414 0 1,214 326 VERIZONCOMMUNICATION 92343V104 X 10/82009 5/4/2017 37636 23192 0 14444 111 327 VERIZON COMMUNICATION 92343VBQS X 6232014 4/7/2017 21 ,340 1 21 229 0 8/22/2017 9:37.41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Part I, Line 11 (990-PF) - Other Income 0 47.157 0 Revenue and Expenses Net Investment Adjusted Description per Books Income Net Income I PARTNERSHIP ORDINARY INCOME/LOSS 37 , 316 2 PARTNERSHIP OTHER INCOME 9 , 538 3 PARTNERSHIP ROYALTY INCOME 303 8/22/2017 9:37.41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Part I, Line 16b (990-PF) - Accounting Fees 10 200 o 0 10.200 Disbursements Revenue and for Charitable Expenses per Net Investment Adjusted Net Purposes Description Books Income Income (Cash Basis Only) 1 FOUNDATION CONSULTANTS - ACCOUNTING 10, 200 10, 200 8/22/2017 9 37.41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Part I , Line 16c (990-PF) - Other Professional Fees 711 Ran 21n A90 n 750 Disbursements Revenue and for Charitable Expenses per Net Investment Adjusted Net Purposes escription Books Income Income (Cash Basis Only) 1 TRUST FEES 122 ,416 122 ,416 2 FEDERAL STREET ADVISORS FEE 34, 764 34,764 0 3 INVESTMENT CONSULTING 43 , 750 43,750 0 4 PROXY FEES 9, 960 9, 960 0 5 COMPUTER CONSULTING 750 750 6 0 0 7 0 0 8/22/2017 9.37:41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Part I, Line 18 (990-PF) - Taxes 91 137 17481 0 0 Revenue Disbursements and Expenses Net Investment Adjusted for Charitable Description per Books Income Net Income Pu rposes 1 FOREIGN TAXES PAID 16 , 137 16,137 2 ESTIMATED EXCISE TAX PAYMENTS 5 , 000 3 PARTNERSHIP FOREIGN TAXES PAID 0 1 , 344 1 8/22/2017 9 37:41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Part I, Line 23 (990-PF) - Other Expenses 43.389 83.634 0 30.824 Revenue and Disbursements Expenses Net Investment Adjusted Net for Charitable Description per Books Income Income Pu rposes I NVESTMENT MANAGEMENT EXPENSE 229 229 2 NVESTMENT MANAGEMENT FEES 12 , 336 12, 336 3 NTERNET SERVICE AND WEB HOSTING 1,503 0 1,503 4 PHONE EXPENSES 3,430 0 3,430 5 POSTAGE EXPENSES 1 , 247 0 1 , 247 6 ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIPS 3 , 063 0 3, 063 7 COMPUTER SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE 8, 251 0 8,251 8 COPIER LEASE 3 , 253 0 3,253 9 COPIER MAINTENANCE 670 0 670 10 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2 , 721 0 2 , 721 11 401 k FEES 1,100 0 1 , 100 12 DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS INSURANCE 2,544 0 2,544 13 P/C INSURANCE 777 0 777 14 WORKERS COMPENSATION 1 , 166 0 1 , 166 15 FSA FEES 900 0 900 16 MISCELLANEOUS 199 0 199 17 PARTNERSHIP EXPENSES 0 71 , 069 , 8/22/2017 9.37:41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Part II, Line 13 (990-PF) - Investments - Other Al AOA 7qA Aft 4d7 1 1A 77 77A Arrl Basis of Book Value Book Value FMV Asset Descri ption Valuation Beg of Year End of Year End of Year 1 0 2 LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS INC 0 10 , 261 13 , 392 3 LIBERTY SIRIUSXM GROUP 0 1 ,693 2 , 500 4 LIBERTY SIRIUS GROUP-C 0 3,232 5,000 5 LIONS GATE ENTERTAINMENT B 0 5 , 521 5 , 134 6 QUALCOMM INC 1 85% 5/20/19 0 29,986 30, 063 7 QUALCOMM INC 0 42 , 262 38,371 8 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA 4 65% 1/27/26 0 34, 925 37,446 9 ROYAL BK CANADA 1 25% 6/16/17 0 15,008 15,000 10 SALESFORCE COM INC 0 20,979 82,110 11 SANOFI 1 25% 4/10/18 0 24 , 550 24 , 977 12 SANTANDER HOLDINGS US 2 65% 4/17/2 0 24,900 24, 983 13 SCHLUMBERGER INVESTMENT SA 0 10,817 10,571 14 SCHWAB CHARLES CORP NEW 0 146,495 177 , 088 15 SHIRE ACQ INV IRELAND 3 2% 9/23/26 0 24 , 997 24 ,433 16 SNAP-ON INC 3.25% 3/01/27 0 20 , 029 20,531 17 SOCIETE GENERALE 2.625% 10/01/18 0 29, 977 30,306 18 SOUTH CAROLINA ST PU 2.388% 12/01/2 0 15,000 14,124 19 SOUTHERN CO 1 55% 7/01/18 0 24,987 24 934 20 SPECTRA ENERGY PARTNER 3 5% 3/15/ 0 14 , 944 15 075 21 SPLUNK INC 0 49,614 47,767 22 STARBUCKS CORP COM 0 45,907 46,435 23 STATOIL ASA 3.125% 8/17/17 0 20 , 216 20 , 071 24 SUMITOMO MITSUI BANKING CORP 0 25, 002 24,963 25 SYNCHRONY FINANCIAL 0 111 , 157 107,400 26 TAIWAN SEMICONDUCTOR ADR 0 99,131 130 ,478 27 TELEFONICA EMISIONES SAU 0 21,038 21,770 28 TESARO INC 0 35 , 530 32, 998 29 TEXAS ST TECH UNIV R 2 961% 2/15/25 0 25,000 25,370 30 THOMSON REUTERS CORP 1 65% 9/29/1 0 19, 971 20,011 31 3M CO 0 91,078 130, 656 32 TIME WARNER INC 4 0% 1/15/22 0 42,222 42 , 196 33 TIME WARNER INC 0 42 , 077 56 , 709 34 TORONTO-DOMINION BAN 2 625% 9/10/1 0 10,217 10,123 35 TOYOTA MTR CREDIT CORP 2.1% 1/17/1 0 29 , 974 30, 234 36 TWENTY FIRST CENTURY FOX INC 0 111 , 913 98 , 446 37 U D R INC 2.95% 9/01/26 0 20 , 000 18,988 38 UNITED STATES TREAS 2 0% 11/30/20 0 116,969 116,751 39 UNITED STATES TREAS 2 375% 8/15/24 0 25,071 25,570 40 U S TREASURY NOTE 0 56, 178 55 , 702 41 U S TREASURY INFLATIO 0 125% 4/15/20 0 25 , 803 26,259 42 UNITED STATES TREAS 1 75% 9/30/22 0 96,614 94 , 659 43 U S TREASURY NOTE 2 625% 0 172 ,485 166, 599 44 U S TREASURY NOTE 0 34,704 34,394 45 US TREAS-CPI 0 61 , 473 61 , 589 46 U S TREASURY NTS 0 19,555 20,263 8/22/2017 9 .37 41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Part II , Line 13 (990-PF) - Investments - Other 61.894.734 60.347.113 77.228.850 Basis of Book Value Book Value FMV Asset Descri ption Valuation Be of Year End of Year End of Year 47 U S TREASURY NOTE 0 139,864 133,722 48 UNITED STATES TREAS 0 875% 5/15/19 0 144,037 143, 868 49 UNITED STATES TREAS 1 125% 6/30/21 0 19, 985 19 , 586 50 UNITED STATES TREASU 1 375% 6/30/23 0 39,289 38,756 51 U S TREASURY NOTE 0 94,027 94,852 52 U S TREASURY NOTE 0 75% 10/31/17 0 139, 735 139 , 803 53 UNITED STATES TREAS 1 375% 9/30/23 0 63 , 819 62,794 54 U S TREASURY NOTE 0 94,354 93 , 160 55 LUMENTUM HOLDINGS INC 0 13,002 24 , 189 56 MSG NETWORKS INC 0 2,098 2 , 526 57 MA-COM TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS 0 6 ,414 4 939 58 MACROGENICS INC 0 3, 808 2, 662 59 MADISON SQUARE GARDEN CO/THE/N 0 5,722 7,816 60 MEDIA GEN INC CVR 0 0 0 61 MEDICINES CO 0 9, 949 12 , 329 62 MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY INC 0 1 , 839 3,249 63 MYRIAD GENETICS INC 0 7,735 4, 274 64 NEXSTAR BROADCASTING GROUP INC 0 2,966 2,746 65 P T C THERAPEUTICS INC 0 3, 126 1 002 66 US TREAS-CPI 0 54, 298 54 320 67 U S. TREASURY NOTE 1 5% 3/31/19 0 19,946 20,086 68 PORTOLA PHARMACEUTICALS INC 0 3,079 4,790 69 PROGENICS PHARMACEUTICALS INC 0 3, 456 4, 077 70 QORVO INC 0 18,356 34,298 71 RAYMOND JAMES FINL INC 0 7 , 906 11 563 72 REGENERON PHARMACEUTICALS INC 0 14,709 21,576 73 ROBERT HALF INTL INC 0 8,696 9, 298 74 SAREPTA THERAPEUTICS INC 0 2 , 893 2 ,686 75 SCRIPPS E W CO OHIO 0 5 ,411 5 841 76 SEACHANGE INTL INC 0 4,217 1446 77 SEATTLE GENETICS INC 0 8,833 14, 715 78 SINCLAIR BROADCAST GROUP INC 0 12,300 12 , 960 79 SOTHEBYS HLDGS INC CL A LTD VTG 0 6, 280 8 , 940 80 TEGNA INC 0 20,081 20,179 81 TELEPHONE & DATA SYS INC 0 6 , 126 6,277 82 TRIBUNE CO/NEW 0 2 , 587 3 438 83 TRIMBLE NAV LTD 0 18,249 20,543 84 I-VI INC 0 7,489 7, 500 85 UNIFI INC 0 4,885 5 , 347 86 VIAVI SOLUTIONS INC 0 4 , 613 6, 626 87 VISHAY INTERTECHNOLOGY INC COM 0 5 , 044 5 722 88 WORLD WRESTLING FEDN ENTMT INC C 0 4 , 881 7 , 348 89 ACCENTURE PLC IRELAND SHS CL A 0 104,930 , 120 611 90 EATON CORP PLC 0 98,033 165,593 91 NGERSOLL-RAND PLC 0 82,356 230 , 272 92 NVESCO LTD 0 104,184 140, 748 8/22/2017 9:37:41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Part II, Line 13 (990-PF) - Investments - Other Al RQ4 7 'i4 an 4d7 11 A 77 77A A An Basis of Book Value Book Value FMV Asset Descri ption Valuation Beg of Year End of Year End of Year 93 BROADCOM LTD 0 38,770 201,163 94 AT&T INC 0 41 206 42 810 95 AT&T INC 0 119,046 135 , 626 96 ABBOTT LABORATORIES 0 19,980 20,124 97 ABBOTT LABORATORIES 0 108,496 125,565 98 ABBVIE INC 2.85% 5/14/23 0 20 ,425 19, 975 99 ACTAVIS FUNDING SCS 3 45% 3/15/22 0 24 , 964 25, 924 100 ADOBE SYSTEMS INC 0 44 , 546 43, 121 101 ADOBE SYS INC COM 0 63,733 187 , 255 102 DREYFUS GLOBAL REAL RET -Y 0 700,000 716,106 103 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES INC 0 72 , 821 96,544 104 ALCOA UPSTREAM CORP 0 45,489 211 , 903 105 ALEXION PHARMACEUTICALS INC 0 79,999 58,720 106 ALLY FINANCIAL INC 0 117,898 108,644 107 ALPHABET INC/CA 0 181,141 317,843 108 ALLERGAN PLC 0 59, 862 84 , 578 109 AMAZON.COM INC 2 6% 12/05/19 0 41,130 40,813 110 AMAZON COM INC 0 70,158 356,074 111 AMERICAN EXPRESS CREDIT 0 34 , 954 35,044 112 HNDA 1 7 09/09/21 CORP 1 7% 9/09/21 0 24 , 956 24 , 550 113 AMERICAN TOWER CORP-CL A 0 106,995 148,245 114 AMGEN INC SR NT 0 19,955 21,275 115 ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV 2 65% 2/01/21 0 34 , 890 35, 541 116 ANHEUSER-BUSCH INBEV 3 65% 2/01/26 0 10,372 10, 292 117 APACHE CORP 3 25% 4/15/22 0 19,609 20,434 118 APPLE INC 0 30,538 30, 355 119 APPLE COMPUTER INC COM 0 53,099 181 , 021 120 ARCONIC INC 0 124,612 530 , 171 121 ASTRAZENECA PLC 0 4, 731 5,062 122 AUSTIN TX 40% 9/01/21 0 26,414 27 , 112 123 AUTOMATIC DATA PROCES 2 25% 9/15/2 0 19,982 20,276 124 BP CAP MKTS P L C 4 75% 3/10/19 0 33, 319 31,533 125 BANK AMER CORP 0 125,185 170, 092 126 BANK OF AMERICA CORP 2 6% 1/15/19 0 35 , 098 35,332 127 BANK OF AMERICA CORP 3 95% 4/21/25 0 29,912 30,508 128 BANK OF MONTREAL 2 1% 12/12/19 0 45, 080 45, 175 129 THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORP 0 70 , 206 782 , 192 130 BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY FIN 1 7% 3/15/1 0 14,989 15,058 131 BIOMARIN PHARMACEUTICAL INC 0 53,199 44 , 784 132 BOSTON PROPERTIES LP 0 21 , 046 20,469 133 BRISTOL MYERS SQUIBB CO COM 0 71 , 106 76 609 134 C S X CORP 3.7% 11/01/23 0 15, 282 15,876 135 CSX CORP COM 0 100,562 140,842 136 C V S HEALTH CORP 2 8% 7/20/20 0 25,876 25,500 137 CALIFORNIA ST EARTHQ 2.805% 7/01/19 0 24,999 25 , 172 138 CALIFORNIA ST 2 367% 4/01/22 0 15 , 000 1 15,094 8/22/2017 9 .37.41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Part II, Line 13 (990-PF) - Investments - Other 61,894 ,734 60,347,113 77,228,850 Basis of Book Value Book Value FMV Asset Description Valuation Be of Year End of Year End of Year 139 CATERPILLAR FINANCIAL 2 1% 6/09/19 0 35,000 35,208 140 CATERPILLAR FINL SERV 1 35% 5/18/19 0 15,033 14 , 884 141 CELANESE CORP DEL 0 58,751 148 , 866 142 CELGENE CORP 0 68,722 72,994 143 CISCO SYSTEMS 2 125% 3/01/19 0 39,972 40,389 144 CITIGROUP INC 2 5% 7/29/19 0 29, 767 30 , 291 145 CITIGROUP INC 0 35 ,664 36,396 146 CITIGROUP INC 2.7% 3/30/21 0 10,196 10,080 147 CITIZENS FINANCIAL GRO 4 3% 12/03/25 0 34,963 36 , 667 148 CITIZENS FINANCIAL GROUP INC 0 57,822 91,388 149 COCA-COLA CO/THE 1 15% 4/01/18 0 14 , 829 14 , 975 150 COMCAST CORPORATION 3.6% 3/01/2 0 10 , 712 10, 567 151 COMCAST CORP NEW CL A 0 144,220 203,864 152 COMERICA BANK 5.2% 8/22/17 0 26,818 25 , 190 153 CONSTELLATION BRANDS INC 0 87 , 120 124 , 818 154 COOPERATIEVE RABOBANK 3 75% 7/21/ 0 39 , 905 40 239 155 COSTCO WHSL CORP NEW 0 43,543 86,967 156 CREDIT SUISSE GP FUN 3.45% 4/16/21 0 30,318 30,783 157 D F A INTL SUSTAINABILITY CORE 0 250, 000 265 , 593 158 DFA EMERG MKTS SOCIAL CORE EQ PO 0 200 , 000 216, 639 159 JOHN DEERE CAPITAL CO 1 95% 12/13/18 0 15,107 15 053 160 JOHN DEERE CAPITAL CO 1 95% 1/08/19 0 24 , 998 25, 147 161 DEUTSCHE BANK AG 0 24 , 736 25 , 336 162 DISNEY (WALT) COMPANY HOLDING CO 0 21 470 82 , 034 163 DOMINION RES INC VA NEW 0 104 , 846 123 , 578 164 DOW CHEMICAL CO/THE 0 25,598 26,592 165 DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY COMMON 0 101 , 730 128, 257 166 DR PEPPER SNAPPLE GR 2 6% 1/15/19 0 35 ,421 35, 444 167 DREYFUS INTMED TERM INC-Y 0 51 913, 056 5 , 883 , 350 168 DREYFUS BASIC S&P 500 STK 1 0 6, 7 9,288 10 , 623, 922 169 DREYFUS SM CAP STCK INDX-I 0 2,219,613 3,619 206 170 DREYFUS MIDCAP INDEX-1 0 3 324 102 5 , 043 , 261 171 DYNEGY INC/NEW 0 78, 911 34, 072 172 EMC CORP 1.875% 6/01/18 0 29,983 29 , 822 173 ELECTRONIC ARTS 0 126,808 176,795 174 ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS 2.55% 10/15/1 0 15,194 15 , 189 175 EXELON CORP 0 74 , 912 89 323 176 FACEBOOK INC 0 76, 681 222,192 177 FEDERAL HM LN BK 5 375% 5/15/19 0 29,003 26,924 178 FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSN 0 24 , 819 25 , 330 179 FIDELITY NAIL INFORM 3 875% 6/05/24 0 29,902 31 , 379 180 FORD MOTOR CREDIT CO LLC 0 25,016 25,401 181 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO 0 93,470 90,902 182 GENERAL ELEC CAP CORP 0 34,304 33,410, 183 GLAXOSMITHKLINE CAP INC 0 32 , 523 36, 388 184 GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP 2 625% 1/31/1 0 40,678 40 , 462 8/22/2017 9.37:41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Part II, Line 13 (990-PF) - Investments - Other 61.894 .734 60.347.113 77.228.850 Basis of Book Value Book Value FMV Asset Descri ption Valuation Be of Year End of Year End of Year 185 GNMA GTD REMIC PIT 13-17 AB 0 26,988 26,165 186 GRUPO TELEVISA SA SR NT 0 40,751 36 , 320 187 HSBC FINANCE CORP 0 53, 528 51 , 190 188 FISERV INC 3 85% 6/01/25 0 29, 980 31 , 332 189 FLORIDA ST HURRICANE 2.995% 7/01/20 0 35,000 35,930 190 HARTFORD FINL SVCS GROUP INC COM 0 104, 979 132 , 859 191 HILL ROM HLDGS 0 7 . 305 7 , 427 192 HOME DEPOT INC/THE 0 15 , 163 15, 308 193 HOME DEPOT INC USD 0 05 0 24,281 194 958 194 HONEYWELL INTL INC 0 39,691 159,588 195 ILLINOIS TOOL WORKS INC COM 0 132, 374 214 , 654 196 INCYTE GENOMICS INC 0 51 , 450 69, 321 197 INTEL CORP 0 46, 331 45,837 198 INTERCONTINENTALEXCHA 2 75% 12/01/ 0 34,961 35,765 199 INTERCONTINENTALEXCHANGE GRO 0 61 , 202 140, 544 200 (SHARES S&P 500 INDEX FUND 0 2 , 378 , 993 4 , 089, 464 201 (SHARES MSCI EMERGING MKTS INDEX 0 2,481,753 21472,000 202 (SHARES MSCI EAFE INDEX FD 0 1,551,643 1,651,500 203 JPMORGAN CHASE & CO 3 375% 5/01/2 0 44, 758 45 , 815 204 JPMORGAN CHASE & CO 3 9% 7/15/25 0 15 259 15 , 710 205 KIMCO REALTY CORP 3.4% 11/01/22 0 15,872 15,404 206 KNOX CNTY TN 1ST UTILI 3 0% 12/01/17 0 25,327 25,212 207 KROGER CO/THE 0 30 , 242 30 , 243 208 LAS VEGAS VLY NV WTR 4 334% 6/01/19 0 21 060 21 , 095 209 ELI LILLY & CO COM 0 99, 633 _ 97 , 871 210 MACYS RETAIL HLDGS INC 0 15,846 14,918 211 MASSACHUSETTS ST 0 40, 071 42 , 757 212 MCDONALDS CORP MEDIUM TERM NTS 0 5, 070 5, 078 213 MERCK & CO INC 0 98, 367 113 942 214 MICROSOFT CORP 3.125% 11/03/25 0 34,991 35 973 215 MICROSOFT CORP COM 0 33 , 146 53,078 216 MICRON TECHNOLOGY 0 142 , 211 231 , 083 217 MONDELEZ INTERNATIONAL INC 0 74 , 705 86 , 192 218 MONSTER BEVERAGE CORP 0 60,160 130,293 219 MORGAN STANLEY 4 875% 11/01/22 0 46,435 49,065 220 ASG GLOBAL ALTERNATIVES FUND-Y 0 1 , 017 , 519 931 , 358 221 NBC UNIVERSAL MEDIA LLC 0 45 , 781 43,359 222 NEW YORK ST DORM AUTH 1 57% 3/15/1 0 20,000 20,071 223 NIKE INC CL B 0 106,052 105,662 224 NISOURCE FINANCE CORP 3 49% 5/15/2 0 19 , 997 20 , 291 225 NUCOR CORP 0 88, 205 06 , 904 226 NVIDIA CORP 0 110 , 665 230,960 227 OAKLAND CNTY MI BLDG 4.25% 10/01/18 0 20,745 , 20 563 228 ONTARIO ( PROVINCE OF) 4 0% 10/07/19 0 34,940 36,866 229 ORACLE CORP 2 5% 10/15/22 0 19 , 151 20, 184 230 ORACLE CORP 2 5% 5/15/22 0 34 , 8771 35 ,445 8/22/2017 9 :37:41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Part II, Line 13 (990-PF) - Investments - Other 61.894.734 60.347.113 77.228.850 Basis of Book Value Book Value FMV Asset Descri ption Valuation Be of Year End of Year End of Year 231 PANERA BREAD CO 0 36, 854 54 092 232 PARNASSUS MID CAP FUND-INS 0 400, 000 445 - 707 233 PEPSICO INC 0 33 , 822 209 , 197 234 PETROLEOS MEXICANOS 0 36,488 36 ,480 235 PREMIER HEALTH PART 2 911% 11/15/26 0 35,000 32 , 851 236 T ROWE PRICE HIGH YIELD FUND INC 0 2 1 047 , 140 2 , 099 , 342 237 PROCTER & GAMBLE CO COM 0 111,742 158 , 562 238 PROV ST JOSEPH HLTH 2 746% 10/01/26 0 20 , 000 19, 313 239 U S TREASURY NOTE 1 25% 2/29/20 0 25,070 24,900 240 U S TREASURY INFLATI 0 375% 1/15/27 0 75,211 75,663 241 UNITED STATES TREAS 1 125% 1/31/19 0 54,895 54, 888 242 UNITED STATES TREAS 1.875% 1/31/22 0 69,584 70, 435 243 UNITED STATES TREAS 1 125% 2/28/19 0 19,951 19,955 244 UNITED STATES TREAS 1 875% 2/28/22 0 39,581 40,256 245 UNITED STATES TREAS 1 125% 6/15/18 0 69 , 951 69 , 945 246 U S TREASURY NOTE 2 0% 7/31/22 0 76 , 217 75 750 247 UNITED STATES TREAS 1 375% 8/31/23 0 29,681 29,011 248 UNITEDHEALTH GROUP IN 1 9% 7/16/18 0 19,975 20,090 249 UNITEDHEALTH GROUP INC 2 7% 7/15/2 0 10,383 10 241 250 UNITED HEALTH GROUP INC 0 129,227 167 , 822 251 UNIVERSAL HEALTH SVCS INC CL B 0 90,644 74,220 252 UNIV OF CALIFORNIA 3 063% 7/01/25 0 50,000 50, 562 253 VANGUARD EUROPE PACIFIC ETF 0 1 , 426 , 994 1 ,453, 900 254 VANGUARD INTL EQUITY INDEX FD 0 250, 599 407 , 400 255 VANGUARD INDEX TR 0 1 , 114,624 1 976 998 256 VERIZON COMMUNICATION 5 15% 9/15/2 0 71,888 78, 313 257 VISA INC 0 U25 , 168 154 , 273 258 VOYA FINANCIAL INC 0 113 , 007 108 , 692 259 WAL-MART STORES INC 3.625% 7/08/20 0 44 , 174 42,197 260 WASTE MANAGEMENT INC 3 125% 3/01/ 0 24,928 25, 433 261 YUM BRANDS INC 0 50,259 114,045 262 YUM CHINA HOLDINGS INC 0 22 , 543 64,913 263 ZIMMER HLDGS INC 0 85 , 597 83, 209 264 WEINGARTEN REALTY INV 3 25% 8/15/26 0 9,916 9,653 265 WELLS FARGO & CO NEW 0 46, 124 86,427 266 $250 , 000 HEARTWOOD FORESTLAND III 0 85 ,403 85 ,403 267 $500 , 000 STRATEGIC INV FD PARTNERS 0 500,763 500,763 268 $250,000 HEARTWOOD FORESTLAND FD 0 220,757 220,757 269 BIRCHMERE VENTURES III LP 0 29,316 29,316 270 DRAPER TRIANGLE VENTURES II LP 0 84 , 218 84 , 218 271 LIAB-SPECIAL OPPS FD IV 0 0 1 272 SPECIAL OPPS FD IV 0 168 , 273 168, 273 273 FARALLON 0 31 986,052 3 986 052 274 BIRCHMERE VENTURES III LP LIABILITY 0 0 1 275 ADVANTAGE DYN TOTAL RET -Y 0 960,334 1 , 478, 301 276 JOHCM INTER SMALL CAP EQ-IS 0 684,386 770 , 789 8/22/2017 9:37.41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Part II, Line 13 (990-PF) - Investments - Other 61.894.734 60.347.113 77228.850 Basis of Book Value Book Value FMV Asset Descri ption Valuation Be of Year End of Year End of Year 277 SHENKMAN SHRT DUR HI INC-INS 0 1,093,016 11091,499 278 ARTISAN INTL VALUE FUND-ADV 0 365,000 418 , 044 279 BROWN ADVISORY GROWTH EQUITY F 0 388,211 420, 684 280 DREYFUS SELECT MGR US EQ-Y 0 350,000 368 , 083 281 DREYFUS PREMIER THIRD CENTY FD IN ( 0 750,000 705,668 282 PALMER SQUARE SSI ALT INC-1 0 567 , 273 544,319 283 WCM FOCUSED INTL GROWTH FUND 0 400,488 477 , 873 284 (SHARES S&P 500 INDEX FUND 0 1,842,548 3,197 536 285 MFS GLOBAL EQUITY FUND -1 0 546,124 625,617 286 ASG MANAGED FUTURES STRAT-Y 0 750,000 659, 946 287 RBC EMERGING MARKETS EQ-1 0 910,000 1 1 019 , 591 288 SIT DIVIDEND GROWTH FUND 0 433, 000 396, 818 289 LYRICAL U S VALUE EQUITY FD 0 320,000 366,950 290 VANGUARD INDEX TR 0 135,600 248 296 291 WALTHAUSEN SMALL CAP VALUE FUND 0 709,760 715 388 292 AMBARELLA INC 0 8,164 9 952 293 ARRIS INTERNATIONAL PLC 0 18 , 533 18,226 294 BELMOND LTD 0 7,526 6,546 295 JANUS HENDERSON GROUP PLC 0 6, 025 6, 790 296 LAZARD LTD 0 12 ,679 12 679 297 PROTHENA CORP PLC 0 3,832 4,591 298 INTERXION HOLDING NV 0 11,786 T7 , 780 299 ROYAL CARIBBEAN CRUISES LTD 0 18 ,468 33 , 054 300 AMC NETWORKS INC 0 10 , 726 9,007 301 ARRAY BIOPHARMA INC 0 2 , 916 5 761 302 BOYD GAMING CORP COM 0 5 , 804 10 926 303 C A E INC COM 0 8 , 126 10 , 323 304 CINCINNATI BELL INC 0 9,226 8,432 305 COGNEX CORP 0 10, 367 24, 708 306 CUMMINS ENGINE INC 0 12 , 619 14 , 193 307 CYRUSONE INC 0 6,374 11,252 308 DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS-C 0 19, 581 15 , 240 309 ENDOCYTE INC 0 1 , 191 484 310 ESPERION THERAPEUTICS INC 0 3,301 6,084 311 FIBROGEN INC 0 3,336 3, 945 312 FIREEYE INC 0 9,708 10 , 193 313 FITBIT INC 0 5, 540 2 040 314 FORMFACTOR INC 0 3,440 3,969 315 HARMONIC INC 0 6,515 5,252 316 HELMERICH & PAYNE INCORPORATED C 0 5, 177 2 633 317 HEXCEL CORP NEW COM 0 9 , 120 11 315 318 AC / INTERACTIVECORP 0 7 , 157 12 , 761 319 IMMUNOGEN INC 0 4,441 . 1 798 320 NFINITY PHARMACEUTICALS INC 0 2,445 550 321 NTEGRATED DEVICE TECHNOLOGY INC 0 8,328 10,232 322 NTL SPEEDWAY CORP COM STK USD 0 3, 140 1 3 , 177 8/22/2017 9:37.41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Part II, Line 13 (990-PF) - Investments - Other Al ROd 7Zd An Ad7 1 1A 77 99R ARO Basis of Book Value Book Value FMV Asset Descri ption Valuation Beg . of Year End of Year End of Year 323 IONIS PHARMACEUTICALS INC 0 10,633 13,737 324 IRIDIUM COMMUNICATIONS INC COM 0 7,244 8 , 118 325 KANSAS CITY SOUTHN INDS INC 0 12,218 11 ,424 326 KITE PHARMA INC 0 2,932 4 , 339 327 LAM RESH CORP COM 0 18,540 41,896 328 LAS VEGAS SANDS CORP 0 19, 225 16 556 329 ALYSUN FUND 250 , 000 261 641 330 GENERATION IM CLIMATE SOLUTIONS II 175,156 , 175 156 331 CONSTITUTION IRONSIDES III CO-INVES 152 , 209 152 209 332 CONSTITUTION IRONSIDES III PARTNER 25,925 25 , 925 8/22/2017 9*37:41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Part II, Line 15 (990-PF) - Other Assets 7.750 5.306 130.305 Book Value Book Value FMV End Asset Description Be of Year End of Year of Year 1 SEE ATTACHED STATEMENT 7,749 5,305 5,305 2 ALUMINUM DOORS ON LOAN TO CMU 1 1 125 , 000 8/22/2017 9.37:41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Part III (990-PF) - Changes in Net Assets or Fund Balances



Part IV (990-PF ) - Capital Gains and Losses for Tax on Investment Income Amount Long Term CG Distributions 852 ,618 Short Term CG Distributions 0 7 ,374 ,680 0 0 6,889.94 3 484,737 0 0 0 484 . 737 Cost or Other F M V Adjusted Basis Excess of FMV Gains Minus Acquisition Date Date Gross Depreciation Basis Plus as of as of Over Excess FMV Over Descri pt ion of Pro perty Sold CUSIP B Method Acquired Sold Sales Price Allowed Atl ustments ense of Sale Gain or Loss 12/31169 12/31169 Adjusted Basis Ad Basis or Losses 1 AMGEN INC 031162100 10/12/2015 7/8/2016 27,080 0 26,141 939 0 0 0 939 2 MGEN INC 031162100 9/16/2013 7/8/2016 2,549 0 1 ,869 680 0 0 0 680 S AMGEN INC 031162100 9/162013 10/192016 22,124 0 16, 006 6,118 1 0 0 0 6, 11 8 4 AMGEN INC 031162100 5/152014 10/192016 25,677 0 17, 51 5 8,162 0 0 0 8, 16 6 APPLE INC 037833100 3/302016 6/8/2016 10 , 1 85 0 11 ,281 -1,096 0 0 0 -1 ,096 6 AMERICAN HONDA FINANCE 02665WAFS 7/8/2014 9/72016 20,03 0 19 ,972 65 0 0 0 65 7 PPLE INC 037833100 3/31/2016 6/82016 10,481 0 11 , 596 -1,115 0 0 0 -1 , 11 5 8 PPLE INC 037833100 3262009 6/82016 55 472 0 8,770 46,702 0 0 0 46,702 8 PPLE INC 037833100 3262009 9/82016 26,097 0 3, 861 22,236 0 0 22, 2 36 10 PPLE INC 037833100 3/26/2009 11/14/2016 18,256 0 2,705 15,551 0 0 0 15,551 11 A B B FIN USA INC 1625% 00037BAAO 9/19/2013 10/122016 10,018 0 10,014 4 0 0 0 4 12 ABBVIE INC 1 8% 5/1 00287YAN9 5/5/2015 9/72016 20,119 0 19,980 139 0 0 0 139 13 ADOBE SYSTEMS INC 00724F101 3/30/2016 7/12/2016 975 0 939 36 0 0 0 36 14 ADOBE SYSTEMS INC 00724F101 3/312016 7/122016 10, 726 0 10, 31 411 0 0 0 411 16 ADOBE SYSTEMS INC 00724F101 8/42015 7/12/2016 13,651 0 11,485 2,166 0 0 0 2, 166 16 ADOBE SYSTEMS INC 00724F101 8/42015 9/30/2016 16,205 0 12,306 3,899 0 0 0 3,899 17 ADOBE SYSTEMS INC 00724F101 2/12/2013 9/30/2016 2,701 0 977 1,724 0 0 0 1 , 724 18 ADVANSIX INC 00773T101 1/142004 10/62016 565 0 190 375 0 0 0 375 19 ADVAN SIX INC 00773T101 1/5/2009 10/6/2016 56 0 18 38 0 0 0 38 20 ADVANSIX INC 00773T101 3262009 10/6/2016 246 0 71 175 0 0 0 175 21 DVANSIX INC 00773T101 3/26/2009 11/3/2016 13 0 3 10 0 0 0 10 22 AETNA INC 00817Y108 1/132016 11/42016 77,257 0 76,574 683 0 0 0 683 23 AENTA INC 2 4% 6/15/21 00817YAU2 622016 3/16/2017 30, 300 0 29,997 303 0 0 0 303 24 GILENT TECHNOLOGIES IN 00846U101 12/9/2015 10/62016 28,773 0 25,173 3,600 0 0 0 3,600 26 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES IN 00846U101 12/9/2015 10/182016 21 35 0 19, 396 1 , 957 0 0 0 1 . 957 26 ALCOA UPSTREAM CORP 013872106 10/21/1966 11212016 10 0 2 8 0 0 0 8 27 ALPHABET INC/CA-CL A 02079K305 822016 122/2016 1,525 0 1 , 594 -69 0 0 0 -69 28 ALPHABET INC/CA-CL A 02079K305 9/23/2016 12/2/2016 12,964 0 13,855 -891 0 0 0 -891 29 ALPHABET INC/CA-CL A 02079K305 7/172015 12/2/2016 24,403 0 22,277 2,126 0 0 0 2 , 126 30 ALPHABET INC/CA-CL A 02079K305 7/17/2015 1/3/2017 37,196 0 32,023 5 , 17 0 0 0 5 , 173 31 A B B FIN USA INC 1 625% 00037BAAO 2/28/2013 9/20/2016 25,051 0 25,37 -324 0 0 0 -324 32 AMERICAN EXPRESS CREDI 0258M0DG1 6/19/2014 7/29/2016 20,000 0 20, 00 0 0 0 0 0 33 APPLE INC 037833100 1/5/2009 11/14/2016 9,392 0 1,217 8,175 0 0 0 8, 175 34 ASTRAZENECA PLC 5 9% 046353AB4 11/72008 5/22/2017 30,406 0 29,458 948 0 0 0 948 36 ASTRAZENECA PLC 5 9 046353AB4 11/72008 5/31/2017 5,061 0 4,910 151 0 0 0 151 36 AVNET INC 053807103 3292016 9/28/2016 2,029 0 2,2101 -181 0 0 0 -181 37 AVNET INC 053807103 6/192014 5/842017 5,635 0 6,56 -925 0 0 0 -925 38 BANK OF AMERICA CORP 060505104 2252015 12/12/2016 79,964 0 58,081 21,883 0 0 0 21,883 39 BANK OF MONTREAL 141 06366RE76 4/72015 5/15/2017 19, 984 0 19,987 -3 0 0 0 -3 40 BANK OF MONTREAL 141 06366RE76 4/8/2015 5/15/2017 4, 996 0 5,001 -5 0 0 0 -5 41 BANK OF NEW YORK MELL 3 06406HBY4 9/302016 1252017 10,391 0 10,743 -352 0 0 0 -352 42 BIOGEN INC 09062X103 5/15/2014 12/192016 65, 879 0 66,652 -773 0 0 0 -773 43 BOSTON PROPERTIES LP 3 10112RAT1 9/19/2013 8/17/2016 20, 890 0 21,056 -166 0 0 0 -166 44 BRITISH TELECOM PLC 12! 111021AJO 2/112014 2/14/2017 25,000 0 24,984 16 0 0 0 16 45 BURLINGTON NORTHN SAN 12189TAYO 11/102014 6/32016 31 , 262 0 33,152 -1,690 0 0 0 -1,890 46 CVS HEALTH CORPORATIO 126650100 8/25/2015 8/112016 22,709 0 24,168 -1,479 0 0 0 -1 479 47 CVS HEALTH CORPORATIO 126650100 9/22/2015 8/112016 24 , 941 0 25 67 -729 0 0 0 -729 48 CABLEVISION SYS CORP CL 12686C109 6/19/2014 6212016 9,423 0 4 ,701 4,72 0 0 0 4,722 49 CABLEVISION SYS CORP CL 12686C109 3292016 6212016 3,839 0 3,634 205 0 0 0 205 60 CAMECO CORP 13321L108 6/19/2014 5/10/2017 3,984 0 7 , 798 -3 81 0 0 0 -3, 814 51 CAMECO CORP 13321L108 3/29/2016 5/10/2017 1,394 0 11 ,750 -356 0 0 0 -356 52 CAPITAL ONE FINANCIAL CO 1404OH105 5/15/2014 10/4/2016 25,552 0 26,480 -928 0 0 -928 63 CAPITAL ONE FINANCIAL CO 1404OH105 4/15/2013 10/42016 29,202 0 21,518 7,684 0 0 0 7, 684 64 CAPITAL ONE FINANCIAL CO 1404OH105 4/15/2013 10/5/2016 91 39 0 66,704 24,689 0 0 0 24 689 65 CARDINAL HEALTH INC 14149Y108 6/42014 9/14/2016 48,217 0 45,381 2,836 0 0 0 2 ,836 56 CARDINAL HEALTH INC 14149Y108 6/52014 9/142016 33,903 0 32,033 1,870 0 0 0 1,870 67 CAUSEWAY INTL VALUE FD I 14949P208 6/4/2014 8/5/2016 371,644 0 450,000 -78,356 0 0 0 -78, 356 68 CITIGROUP INC 2 5% 7 172967HU8 9262014 2/15/2017 20,117 0 19,847 270 0 0 0 270 69 CITIGROUP INC 2 5% 7 172967HU8 9262014 2/152017 15,088 0 14,883 205 0 0 0 205 60 BANK OF AMERICA CORP 060505104 5/11/2015 12/122016 15,902 0 11,598 4,304 0 0 0 4 , 304 61 CITIZENS FINANCIAL GROU 174610105 1/19/2016 1242017 55,439 0 34 ,092 21 , 347 0 0 0 21 , 34 62 COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY 192446102 12/1/2015 6/27/2016 42, 77 0 50,13 -7 , 360 0 0 0 -7360 63 COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY 192446102 12/9/2015 6/27/2016 13 , 331 0 14,461 -113 0 0 0 -1,130 64 COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY 192446102 12192015 6/3012016 15,979 0 16,871 -892 0 0 0 -892 66 COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY 192446102 12/142015 6/30/2016 26,251 0 27,336 -1,085 0 0 0 -1,085 66 COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY 192446102 9/30/2016 11/28/2016 30,753 0 25,991 4,762 0 0 0 4, 762 67 COMCAST CORP CL A 20030N101 7/192016 8/192016 13,303 0 13, 424 -121 0 0 0 -121 68 COMCAST CORP CL A 20030N101 4/16/2012 8/192016 15,296 6,827 8,471 0 0 0 8 471 69 COMCAST CORP CL A 2003ON101 4/16/2012 92/2016 20, 469 1 0 9,202 11 267 0 0 0 11 , 267 8/22/2017 9.37:41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Part IV (990-PF) - Capital Gains and Losses for Tax on Investment Income Amount Long Term CG DAstnbutrona 852, 618 Short Term CG Distributions 0 7,374.680 0 0 6 .889 . 943 484, 737 0 0 0 484 , 737 Cost or Other F M V Adjusted Basis Excess of FMV Gains Minus Acquisition Date Date Gross Depreciation Basis Plus as of as of Over Excess FMV Over Descri ption of Property Sold CUSIP # Acq uired Sold Sales Pnce Allowed Adj ustments Exp ense of Sale Gain or Loss 12/91/69 12/31/69 Adj usted Basis Ad Basis or Losses 70 COMCAST CORP CL A 2003ON101 4/16/2012 11/152016 24,782 0 10,983 13 , 799 0 0 0 13, 799 71 COMCAST CORP CL A 2003ON101 4/13/2012 11/152016 2,679 0 1,186 1,493 0 0 0 1 ,493 72 CUMMINS INC 231021106 6/192014 11/10/2016 2,766 0 3,125 -359 0 0 0 -359 73 DIAGEO CAPITAL PLC 155 25243YARO 3/26/2013 8/25/2016 5, 017 0 5,0701 -53 0 0 0 -53 74 DIAGEO CAPITAL PLC 1 5 25243YARO 5/8/2012 8/25/2016 10,035 0 9,956 79 0 0 0 79 75 DIAGEO CAPITAL PLC 1 5 25243YARO 5/8/2012 10/12/2016 15,038 0 14,934 104 0 0 0 104 78 DRIEHAUS ACTIVE INCOME 262028855 6/42014 622016 523, 953 0 567, 570 -43,617 0 0 0 43,617 77 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINA 1 26442CAL8 12/52011 8/252016 20, 051 0 19,967 84 0 0 0 B4 78 EXXON MOBIL CORP 1 708 30231GAP7 2292016 1252017 20, 035 0 20,000 35 0 0 0 35 79 FACEBOOK INC-A 30303M102 4/15/2015 9/302016 33, 292 0 21,566 11 72 0 0 0 11,726 80 FACEBOOK INC-A 30303M102 622015 9/302016 38, 414 0 24, 17 14 ,23 0 0 0 14 , 238 81 FACEBOOK INC-A 30303M102 5/4/2015 9/30/2016 40, 847 0 25, 17 15 ,677 0 0 0 15 677 82 FACEBOOK INC-A 30303M102 5/42015 11/14/2016 5, 91 0 4,024 1 ,890 0 0 0 1 , 890 83 FACEBOOK INC-A 30303M102 12!162014 11/14/2016 24,351 0 15, 831 8,520 0 0 0 8,520 84 FACEBOOK INC-A 30303M102 12/16/2014 11/16/2016 17 ,095 0 11 , 006 6 ,08 0 0 0 6,089 85 FACEBOOK INC-A 30303M102 12/16/2014 1/3/2017 13,282 0 8, 594 4 ,68 0 0 0 4 ,688 86 FACEBOOK INC-A 30303M102 5/2/2014 1/3/2017 3,845 0 2,011 1,834 0 0 0 1,834 87 FED HOME LOAN BANK 32 313372SN5 6/242014 11/14/2016 20,618 0 20,491 127 0 0 0 127 88 FNMA POOL 9 465274 3 8129 31381 M2F1 2/10/2014 6252016 44 0 48 -4 0 0 0 -4 89 DIAGEO CAPITAL PLC 1 5 25243YARO 5/82012 5/112017 5,000 0 4,978 22 0 0 0 22 90 FNMA POOL # 465274 3 69% 31381 M2F1 2/102014 7252016 49 0 53 -4 0 0 0 -4 91 FNMA POOL # 465274 3 8130 31381M2F1 2/10/2014 8/25/2016 44 0 48 -4 0 0 0 -4 92 FNMA POOL # 465274 3 69% 31381 M2F 1 2/102014 9/25/2016 45 0 48 -3 0 0 0 -3 93 FNMA POOL # 465274 3 69% 31381M21`1 2/10/2014 10/25/2016 50 0 54 -4 0 0 0 -4 94 FNMA POOL # 465274 3 8130 31381M2F1 2/10/2014 11/25/2016 45 0 49 -4 0 0 0 -4 95 FNMA POOL # 465274 3 69% 31381 M2F1 2/10/2014 12/25/2016 32,744 0 35,365 -2,621 0 0 0 -2 ,621 96 FLORIDA ST HURRICANE 2 9 34074GDH4 4/10/2013 9/20/2016 20,883 0 20,000 883 0 0 0 883 97 FORD MOTOR CREDIT CO 345397WD1 6/72012 1/52017 30,195 0 29 99 197 0 0 0 197 98 FORD MOTOR CREDIT CO 3 345397YG2 1/52017 4/4/2017 5,018 0 5,008 10 0 0 0 10 99 GANNETT CO INC 36473H104 6/192014 11/1/2016 1,661 0 2,44 -787 0 0 0 -787 100 GANNETT CO INC 36473H104 3292016 11/12016 604 0 1,237 -633 0 0 0 -633 101 GLAXOSMITHKLINE CAPI 15' 377373AC9 6/18/2014 62/2016 25,109 0 25,074 35 0 0 0 35 102 GOPRO INC-CLASS A 382687103 9/16/2016 5/10/2017 1,695 2, 974 -1,27 0 0 0 -1,279 103 GOPRO INC-CLASS A 382681103 9/30/2016 5/10/2017 1,271 0 2 ,51 -1 ,247 0 0 0 -1 ,247 104 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 2991 38378B7N3 1/27/2014 6/162016 46 0 46 0 0 0 0 0 108 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 2991 38378B7N3 1272014 7/16/2016 46 0 46 0 0 0 0 0 106 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 2991 38378B7N3 11212014 7/16/2016 18 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 107 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 2991 3837887N3 1/27/2014 8/16/2016 46 0 46 0 0 0 0 0 108 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 2991 38378B7N3 11/21/2014 8/16/2016 18 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 109 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 2991 38378137N3 1/27/2014 9/16/2016 484 0 483 1 0 0 0 1 110 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 2991 38378137N3 11/21/2014 9/16/2016 194 0 194 0 0 0 0 0 111 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 2991 38378B7N3 1/27/2014 10/16/2016 46 0 46 0 0 0 0 0 112 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 2991 38378B7N3 11212014 10/16/2016 18 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 113 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 2991 38378B7N3 1272014 11/162016 46 0 46 0 0 0 0 0 114 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 2991 38378137N3 11/21/2014 11/162016 18 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 116 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 2991 38378B7N3 11212014 6/162016 18 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 116 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 2991 38378B7N3 11/21/2014 12/162016 18 0 19 -1 0 0 0 -1 117 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 2991 383707143 1272014 1/162017 46 0 46 0 0 0 0 0 118 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 2991 38378B7N3 11212014 1/16/2017 19 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 119 GNMA REMIC TRUST 22991 38378B7N3 1272014 2/16/2017 46 0 46 0 0 0 0 0 120 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 2991 38378B7N3 11/21/2014 2/16/2017 19 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 121 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 2991 38378B7N3 1/27/2014 3/162017 47 0 46 1 0 0 0 1 122 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 2991 38378B7N3 11212014 3/162017 19 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 123 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 2991 38378B7N3 1/27/2014 12/16/2016 46 0 46 0 0 0 0 0 124 LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS 52729N308 3292016 2/17/2017 5,139 0 4,626 513 0 0 0 513 126 LEVEL 3 C OMMUNICATIONS 52729N308 6/192014 2/17/2017 571 0 463 108 0 0 108 126 LIBERTY BRAVES GROUP-RI 531229110 5/18/2016 6/72016 6 0 0 6 0 0 0 6 127 LIBERTY BRAVES GROUP-RI 531229110 5/18/2016 6/72016 9 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 128 LIBERTY MEDIA GROUP C 531229854 6/192014 6/72016 492 0 490 2 0 0 0 2 129 LIBERTY MEDIA GROUP C 531229854 3/292016 6/72016 98 0 111 -13 0 0 0 -13 130 LIBERTY MEDIA GROUP-A 531229870 6/19/2014 6/72016 150 0 147 3 0 0 0 3 131 LIBERTY MEDIA GROUP-A 531229870 3/29/2016 6172016 150 0 169 -19 0 0 0 -19

132 LIONS GATE ENTERTAINME 535919500 _12/812016 1/62017 13 14 -1 _ 0 _ 0 _ 0 _-1 133 MACOM TECHNOLOGY SOL 55405Y100 6/192014 2/8/2017 32 0 69 -37 0 0 0 37 134 MACYS RETAIL HLDGS 13 87 55616XAF4 9232016 5/182017 4,985 0 5,282 -297 0 0 0 97 135 MACYS RETAIL HLDGS IN 3 55616XAN7 2/222015 9232016 20,908 0 19,834 1,074 0 0 0 74 136 MARATHON OIL CORP 565849106 1202014 9/12016 21,335 0 47,471 -26,136 0 0 0 36 137 MARATHON OIL CORP 565849106 1242014 9/12016 10 295 0 23,079 -12,784 0 0 0 84 138 MARATHON OIL CORP 565849106 2/102014 9/12016 7,907 0 14, 013 -6106 0 0 0 06 8/22/2017 9:37:41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Part IV (990-PF) - Capital Gains and Losses for Tax on Investment Income Amount Long Term CG Distnbuhons 852, 61 58 Short Term CG Distributions 7 374 680 0 0 6 .889,943 484,737 0 0 0 484 , 737 Cost or Other F M V Adjusted Basis Excess of FMV Gains Minus Acquisition Date Date Gross Depreciation Basis Plus as of as of over Excess FMV Over Descri ption of Pro perty Sold CUSIP B Method Acq uired Sold Sales Price Allowed Ad j ustments Expense of Sale Gain or Loss 12/31169 12131/69 Ad j usted Basis Ad Basis or Losses 139 MARATHON OIL CORP 565849106 12/11/2014 9/12016 8,355 0 14,944 -6,589 0 0 0 -6,589 140 MARATHON PETROLEUM C 56585A102 11/12/2015 9/21/2016 57 ,02 0 72,782 -15,753 0 0 0 -15, 753 141 MARATHON PETROLEUM C 56585A102 2/11/2016 9/21/2016 25,727 0 18,09 7,634 0 0 0 7,634 142 MASSACHUSETTS ST 42 57582PWK2 1/12/2011 6/29/2016 16, 772 0 15,027 1 , 745 0 0 0 1 , 74 143 MCDONALD'S CORP 585 58013MEB6 10/19/2007 12/82016 20,756 0 20,281 475 0 0 0 475 144 JOHNSON & JOHNSON 478160104 7/9/2015 10/6/2016 23,470 0 19,605 3,865 0 0 0 3,865 145 JOHNSON & JOHNSON 478160104 7/92015 1/31/2017 61 , 175 0 53,665 7 , 51 0 0 0 7 ,510 146 JOHNSON & JOHNSON 478160104 8/24/2015 1/31/2017 31 ,603 0 25, 83 5, 77 0 0 0 5,773 147 LAM RESH CORP 512807108 3/292016 2/2/2017 3, 521 0 2 ,40 1 11 0 0 0 1 , 11 6 148 LAM RESEARCH CORP 34 512807A01 8/302016 10/132016 30,300 0 30,892 -592 0 0 0 -592 149 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 2991 3837887N3 1/27/2014 4/162017 47 0 47 0 0 0 0 0 150 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 2991 38378137N3 11/21/2014 4/16/2017 19 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 151 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 2991 38378B7N3 1/27/2014 5/16/2017 1,084 0 1 ,083 1 0 0 0 1 162 GNMA REMIC TRUST 2 2991 38378137N3 11/21/2014 5/16/2017 434 0 435 -1 0 0 0 -1 163 HARTFORD FINL SVCS GRO 416515104 10/20/2014 7/20/2016 41,467 0 34,656 6,811 0 0 0 6, 811 164 HONEYWELL INTL INC 438516106 1/14/2004 10/6/2016 42 , 77 0 12,958 29, 81 0 0 0 29, 81 9 156 HYDRO-QUEBEC 20% 448814JBO 6/23/2011 6/30/2016 25,000 0 24,995 5 0 0 0 5 156 HART 2012-8 C 1 95% 1 44890HAFO 1/82015 8/15/2016 35 , 00 0 35,396 -396 0 0 0 -396 167 INTEL CORP 458140100 10/72016 11/11/2016 14,811 0 16,391 -1,580 O 0 0 -1,580 158 INTEL CORP 458140100 6/2312016 11/11/2016 6,545 0 6,267 278 0 0 0 278 169 INTEL CORP 458140100 6/23/2016 11/16/2016 24,308 0 23,088 1,220 0 0 0 1 , 220 160 INTEL CORP 458140100 6/23/2016 1/25/2017 28, 283 0 24 , 737 3,546 0 0 0 3, 546 161 INTEL CORP 458140100 6/23/2016 2/102017 22 , 181 0 20,77 1,402 0 0 0 1 ,402 162 INTEL CORP 458140100 6232016 3/13/2017 32,947 0 31,003 1 ,944 0 0 0 1,944 163 INTEL CORP 458140100 6/30/2016 3/13/2017 9,464 0 8,760 704 0 0 0 704 164 INTEL CORP 1 35% 12/ 458140AL4 1/9/2013 11/9/2016 45, 174 0 45,049 125 0 0 0 125 165 INTERCONTINENTAL EXCHA 45866F104 1/17/2013 7/20/2016 67, 82 0 33,812 34,013 0 0 0 34,01 3 166 JOHNSON & JOHNSON 478160104 8/3/2015 10/6/2016 711 0 598 113 0 0 0 113 167 SCHLUMBERGER LTD 806857108 10/62009 9/12016 80,338 0 61,373 18,965 0 0 0 18,965 168 SCHLUMBERGER LTD 806857108 5222015 9/12016 784 0 921 -137 0 0 0 -137 169 SCHLUMBERGER LTD 806857108 5262015 9/1/2016 13,324 0 15,500 -2,176 0 0 0 -2176 170 NOVA SCOTIA PROVINCE 5 1 669827FT9 2/13/2008 1/26/2017 30,000 0 31,904 -1,904 0 0 0 -1 ,9D4 171 SDART 2013-5 B 1 55%1( 80281CAE5 11/20/2014 7/15/2016 1 ,849 0 1,860 -11 0 0 0 -11 172 SDART 2013-5 B 1 55%1 ( 80281 CAES 11/20/2014 8/15/2016 1 , 834 0 1 ,846 -12 0 0 0 -12 173 SDART 2013-5 B 1 55%1 ( 80281CAE5 11/20/2014 9/15/2016 1,686 0 1,696 -10 0 0 0 -10 174 SDART 2012-3 C 301% 80282WAEO 10/29/2014 6/15/2016 2,006 0 2,043 -37 0 0 0 -37 176 METLIFE INC 675% 6 59156RAU2 5/26/2009 6/1/2016 15,000 0 14,964 36 0 0 0 38 176 MICROSOFT CORPORATION 594918104 1/52016 6232016 7,251 0 7,724 -473 0 0 0 -473 177 MICROSOFT CORPORATION 594918104 162016 6/23/2016 29 005 0 30,2371 -1 , 232 0 0 0 -1 ,232 178 MICROSOFT CORPORATION 594918104 1/72016 62320 16 52,830 0 53,964 -1,134 0 0 0 -1,134 179 MICROSOFT CORPORATION 594918104 922/2015 6232016 18 646 0 15, 701 2,945 0 0 0 2,945 180 MICROSOFT CORPORATION 594918104 9/22/2015 9/2/2016 28,190 0 21 , 371 6 ,819 0 0 0 6,81 181 MICROSOFT CORPORATION 594918104 922/2015 10/132016 18,816 0 14 , 392 4,424 0 0 0 4 ,424 182 NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO 637071101 2/20/2013 9/6/2016 1 349 0 2,460 1,111 0 0 0 -1 , 111 183 NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO 637071101 9/16/2013 9/62016 16,190 0 34 , 11 -17, 925 0 0 0 -17, 925 184 NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO 637071101 5/15/2014 9/62016 8,770 0 18, 856 -10,086 0 0 0 -10,086 186 SG GLOBAL ALTERNATIVE 63872T885 12/19/2013 1/5/2017 380,318 0 439,454 -59,136 0 0 0 59,136 188 ASG GLOBAL ALTERNATIVE 63872T885 4/8/2015 1/5/2017 44,844 0 50,989 -6 , 145 0 0 0 -6, 145 187 SG GLOBAL ALTERNATIVE 83872T885 11/4/2013 1/5/2017 74,838 0 84,802 -9,964 0 0 0 -9, 964 188 NETFLIX COM INC 64110L106 1(72016 7/19/2016 19, 216 0 26,685 -7469 0 0 0 -7 469 189 NETFLIX COM INC 6411OL106 1/13/2016 7/19/2016 15458 0 19,584 -4,126 0 0 0 -4,126 190 NETFLIX COM INC 64110L106 1/21/2016 7/19/2016 9 ,394 0 11,706 -2,312 0 0 0 -2,312 191 NEW JERSEY ST ECON 10E 6459186N8 4/24/2014 6/15/2016 45,000 0 45, 00 0 0 0 0 0 192 PALO ALTO NETWORKS INC 697435105 10/27/2015 7212016 18,244 0 22,831 -4,587 0 0 0 -4 ,587 193 PALO ALTO NETWORKS IN C 697435105 3/31/2015 7/21/2016 10,136 0 11 , 771 -1,635 0 0 0 -1 ,635 194 PALO ALTO NETWORKS INC 697435105 3/31/2015 8/2/2016 24,955 0 28, 986 -4 , 031 0 0 0 -4,031 196 PALO ALTO NETWORKS INC 697435105 3/25/2015 3/12017 40,697 0 48,603 -7 , 906 0 0 0 -7 ,906 196 PALO ALTO NETWORKS INC 697435105 3/31/2015 3/1/2017 1,860 0 2 , 354 -494 0 0 0 -494 197 PALO ALTO NETWORKS INC 697435105 5/62016 3/1/2017 8,837 0 10,179 -1,342 0 0 0 -1,342 198 PANERA BREAD CO CL A 6984OW108 420/2016 4/6/2017 36, 81 0 25, 709 11,105 0 0 0 11 . 105 199 PANERA BREAD CO CL A 6984OW108 4/19/2016 5/25/2017 45,460 0 31,430 14,030 0 0 0 14,030 200 QUALCOMM INC 747525103 9/2/2016 5/11/2017 21,820 . 0 25,352 -3,532 0 0 0 -3 , 532 201 OUALCOMM INC 747525103 9/22016 5/302017 19,500 0 21,549 -2,049 0 0 0 -2,049 202 QUALCOMM INC 747525103 9/82016 57302017 18,927 0 20,713 -1 78 0 0 0 -1 , 786 203 RABOBANK NEDERLAND DE 74977EPZO 4/92014 7/15/2016 40 274 0 39, 862 412 0 0 0 412 204 SALESFORCE COM INC 79466L302 3/30/2016 7/12/2016 5,752 0 5,187 565 0 0 0 565 205 SALESFORCE COM INC 79466L302 3/31/2016 7/12/2016 10,683 0 9,600 1,083 0 0 0 1,083 206 SALESFORCE COM INC 79466L302 6/22/2010 7/12/2016 9,039 0 2 586 6, 453 0 0 0 6 453 207 SALESFORCE COM INC 79466L302 8/19/2016 10/13/2016 19,801 0 21,664 -1,863 0 0 0 -1 663 8/22/2017 9:37.41 AM - XXX XXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Part IV (990-PF ) - Capital Gains and Losses for Tax on Investment Income Amount Long Tenn CG Distnbutions ------02,6% Short Term CG Distributions 0 7 , 374680 0 0 6 .889 , 943 484 , 737 0 0 0 484 , 737 Cost or Other F M V Adjusted Bests Excess of FMV Gains Minus Acquisition Date Oate Gross Depreciation Basis Plus as of as of over Excess FMV Over Description of Property Sold CUSIP C Method Ae u retl Said Sates Price Allowed Ad justments Exoanse of Sale Gain or Loss 12!31169 12/3L59 Adj usted Basis Adj Basis or Losses 208 SALESFORCE COM INC 79466L302 622/2010 10/13/2016 9,900 0 3,291 6,609 0 0 0 6 ,60 209 SALESFORCE COM INC 79466L302 6222010 10/14/2016 20160 0 6,583 13,577 0 0 0 13,577 210 SALESFORCE COM INC 79466L302 622/2010 10/182016 6,253 D 2,022 4,231 0 0 0 4,231 211 SALESFORCE COM INC 79466L302 6282010 10/182016 17,740 0 5 , 588 12,152 0 0 12, 152 212 SDART 2013-5 B 155%1 ( 80281 CAES 11202014 6/15/2016 1 , 833 0 1 ,844 -11 0 0 0 -11 213 QUALCOMM INC 747525103 922016 4202017 26,216 0 31,690 -5,472 0 0 0 -5,472 214 NESTAR MEDIA GROUP, INC 65336K103 1/172017 1/31/2017 46 0 44 2 0 0 0 2 215 SIMON PROPERTY GROUP 828807CX3 1/82016 8/11/2016 15,52 0 14,988 532 0 0 0 532 216 STARZ FOR LIONS GATE CO 855710102 3/29/2016 12/92016 2 , 91 0 2, 142 774 0 0 0 774 217 STARZ FOR LIONS GATE CO 855710102 11192015 12/9/2016 3,281 0 3,098 18 0 0 0 183 218 STILLWATERMNGCO 860740102 6/19/2014 5/42017 3,420 0 3,232 188 0 0 0 188 219 STILLWATER MNG CO 860740102 3292016 5/4/2017 1 , 26 0 712 648 0 0 0 548 220 STARZ FOR LIONS GATE CO 855710102 6/19/2014 12/92016 4,739 0 3, 744 995 0 0 0 995 221 TAIWAN SEMICONDUCTOR 874039100 6/30/2016 9232016 24 ,463 0 21 ,268 3195 0 0 0 3, 195 222 THOMSON REUTERS CORP 884903BU8 9/23/2014 5/31/2017 5, 003 0 4 ,996 7 0 0 0 7 223 THOMSON REUTERS CORP 884903BU8 9222014 5/31/2017 10,00 0 9,983 22 0 0 0 22 224 TI ME WARNER INC 887317303 11/20/2014 3/16/2017 4,921 0 4,077 844 0 0 0 844 225 UNITED STATES TREAS 0 6 912828R93 6/302016 8/11/2016 24944 0 25,007 -63 0 0 0 -63 226 TIME WARNER INC 887317303 8/14/2014 3/162017 71,850 0 55,318 16,532 0 0 0 16,532 227 TIME WARNER INC 887317303 8/14/2014 3/172017 6,887 0 5,304 1,583 0 0 0 1,583 228 TIME WARNER INC 887317303 8/13/2014 3/172017 47,223 0 35,594 11,629 0 0 0 11 629 229 TORONTO-DOMINION BANK 891140AB4 6232014 7/14/2016 20, 00 0 20,000 0 0 0 0 0 230 U S TREASURY NOTE 0 87 912828SC5 6/18/2014 9/82016 55, 088 1 0 55,144 -56 0 0 0 -56 231 21ST CENTY FOX AMER IN 3 90131HAR6 6/18/2014 3/8/2017 39,655 0 39,419 236 0 0 0 236 232 UNITED STATES CELLULAR 911684108 6/192014 3/20/2017 2,587 0 2, 83 -248 0 0 0 -248 233 UNITED STATES CELLULAR 911684108 3/29/2016 3202017 370 0 432 -62 0 0 0 -62 234 UNITED STATES TREAS 07 912828A91 12292014 7/122016 5,008 0 5 ,001 7 0 0 0 7 235 U S TREASURY NOTE 087 912828SC5 6/182014 10/6/2016 45, 067 0 45,118 -51 0 0 0 -51 236 UNITED STATES TREAS 07 912828A91 1/142015 7/12/2016 5,008 0 5,025 -17 0 0 0 -17 237 UNITED STATES TREAS 07 912828A91 1/142015 7/12/2016 5,008 0 5,024 -16 0 0 0 -16 238 UNITED STATES TREAS 0 7 912828A91 12/29/2014 7/12/2016 20,032 0 20,004 28 0 0 0 28 239 UNITED STATES TREAS 07 912828A91 12/29/2014 7/182016 20,030 0 20,004 26 0 0 0 26 240 UNITED STATES TREAS 07 912828A91 12292014 8/32016 10,016 0 10,002 14 0 0 0 14 241 UNITED STATES TREAS 07 912828A91 12292014 8/26/2016 20, 025 0 20,004 21 0 0 0 21 242 UNITED STATES TREAS 0 7 912828A91 12/29/2014 8/30/2016 30,03 0 30,006 30 0 0 0 30 243 UNITED STATES TREAS 07 912828A91 12/29/2014 9/72016 5,00 0 5,001 4 0 0 0 4 244 UNITED STATES TREAS 07 912828A91 12292014 9/82016 5,00 0 5,001 4 0 0 0 4 245 US TREASURY NB 225% 912828G38 2/42015 5/4/2017 20,034 0 20,780 -746 0 0 0 -746 246 US TREASURY NB 225% 91282BG38 2/32016 5/42017 5, 008 0 5,19 -185 0 0 0 -185 247 U S TREASURY NOTE 2 0 912828K74 1202016 2/13/2017 19,368 0 20,064 -696 0 0 0 -696 248 U S TREASURY NOTE 1 87 912828NV 9252015 10/6/2016 5,05 0 5, 11 -59 0 0 0 -59 249 U S TREASURY NOTE 1 87 912828NW6 9/25/2015 11/9/2016 40,384 0 40,892 -508 0 0 0 -508 250 U S TREASURY NOTE 1 87 912828NW6 9252015 11/182016 10,085 0 10,223 -138 0 0 0 -138 251 US TREASURY NOTE 1 87 912828NM 3/10/2016 11/18/2016 10,085 0 10,146 -61 0 0 0 -61 252 ] US TREASURY NOTE 1 87 912828NM 3/102016 2/152017 20 , 12 0 20, 293 1 -167 0 0 0 -167 253 US TREASURY NOTE 2 62 912828PT1 4/142015 12/2/2016 5,094 0 5,255 1 -161 0 0 0 -161 264 UNITED STATES TREASU 1 6 912828R36 7/12/2016 5/112017 18,784 0 20,220 -1,436 0 0 0 -1,436 265 US TREASURY NB 0 875% 51 912828R44 5/24/2016 4/21/2017 14, 897 0 14,912 -15 0 0 0 -15 266 PFIZER INC 717081103 1/82015 9/14/2016 23, 73 0 22,758 977 0 0 0 977 257 PFIZER INC 717081103 6262015 9/14/2016 24, 07 0 24,304 -230 0 0 0 -230 258 PFIZER INC 717081103 7/72009 9/14/2016 19,327 0 8,347 10,980 0 0 0 10 ,98 259 PFIZER INC 717081103 7/7/2009 10/6/2016 14, 761 0 6,443 8,318 0 0 0 8, 31 8 260 PFIZER INC 717081103 3/262009 5/24/2017 49,024 0 22 , 182 26, 84 0 0 26,842 261 PFIZER INC 717081103 7/72009 5,124,12017 9,292 0 4,245 5,047 0 0 0 5,047 282 PFIZER INC 717081103 7/72009 524/2017 13,137 0 6,004 7 , 133 0 0 0 7, 133 263 PFIZER INC 62% 3/1 717081 DB6 3/17/2009 11/182016 27,606 0 24,975 2,631 0 0 2 ,631 264 POLYCOM INC 731721<104 7/9/2014 9272016 2,25 0 2,331 -81 0 0 0 -81 266 POLYCOM INC 73172K104 3292016 9272016 750 0 650 10D 0 0 0 100 266 QUALCOMM INC 747525103 10/14/2016 3/17/2017 13,901 0 15, 746 -1,845 0 0 0 -1,845 267 OUALCOMM INC 747525103 10272018 3/17/2017 19,69 0 23,887 -4,194 0 0 0 -4,194 268 QUALCOMM INC 747525103 922016 3/172017 5,213 0 5,704 -491 0 0 0 -491 289 U S TREASURY NOTE 087 912828SC5 3/142012 1082016 40,059 0 39,633 426 0 0 0 426 270 U S TREASURY NOTE 087 912828SC5 3/142012 10272016 65,089 0 64,404 685 0 0 0 685 271 US TREASURY NOTE 0 87 912828SC5 3/142012 11/9/2016 55,058 54 ,496 562 0 0 0 562 272 US TREASURY NOTE 1 0 912828SM3 6/172014 2/152017 20,01 0 20,004 8 0 0 0 8 273 US TREASURY NOTE 17 5 912828SV3 6232014 2/13/2017 19,752 0 19,399 353 0 0 0 353 274 US TREASURY NOTE 1 62 912828TJ9 9/32015 2/13/2017 9 , 785 0 9,814 -29 0 0 0 -29 276 U S TREASURY NOTE 0 625 912828TS9 3/42016 2/152017 19 985 0 19, 940 45 0 0 0 45 276 U S TREASURY NOTE 0 625 912828TS9 1272016 2/15/2017 9,993 0 9,970 23 0 0 0 23 8/22/2017 9:37 41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Part IV (990-PF) - Capital Gains and Losses for Tax on Investment Income Amount Long Term CG Distributions 852 618 Short Term CG Distributions 0 7,374 ,680 0 0 6, 889 . 94 3 484 , 737 0 0 0 484 , 737 Cost or Other F M V Adjusted Basis Excess of FMV Gains Minus Acquisition Date Date Gross Depreciation Basis Plus as of as of Over Excess FMV Over of Sold Descript ion Prope rty CUSIP a Method Acquired Sold Sales Price Allowed Ad ustments Expense of Sale Gain or Loss 12131/69 1 213 1/69 Adjusted Basis Ad Basis or Losses 277 US TREASURY INFLATION IN 912828UX6 6/92015 3/21/2017 74, 04 0 74,410 -367 0 0 0 -367 278 US TREASURY N/B 1% 5/31/1 912828VE7 6/14/2016 8/18/2016 35,170 0 35 , 18 -15 0 0 0 -15 279 US TREASURY N/B1%5/31/1 912828VE7 6/142016 8/26/2016 10,02 0 10, 053 -24 0 0 0 -24 280 UNITED STATES TREAS 1 1 912828XF2 6/112015 8/11/2016 10, 067 0 9, 993 74 0 0 0 74 281 UNITED TECHNOLOGIES CO 913017109 10162009 1/13/2017 135,478 0 75 937 59,541 0 0 0 59,541 282 UNITED TECHNOLOGIES 6 1 913017BOl 12/152008 12/12016 16,43 0 14,976 1,462 0 0 0 1,462 283 UNIV OF CALIFORNIA 1 796 91412GSB2 3/62013 5/4/2017 40,139 0 40, 000 139 0 0 0 139 284 UNIV OF CALIFORNIA 1 796 91412GSB2 6242014 5/4/2017 20, 059 0 19, 881 188 0 0 0 188 285 VALERO ENERGY CORP NE% 91913Y100 10/16/2009 9/21/2016 77,113 0 24 94 52 , 167 0 0 0 52 , 167 288 VALERO ENERGY CORP NE% 91913Y100 2/112016 9/21/2016 31,851 0 31,182 669 0 0 0 669 287 VALSPAR CORP 920355104 3292016 9292016 4 ,24 0 4 , 27 -31 0 0 0 -31 288 VALSPAR CORP 920355104 6/192014 9292016 1 , 062 0 764 298 0 0 0 298 289 VALSPAR CORP 920355104 6/19/2014 10/31/2016 4,991 0 3,818 1,173 0 0 0 1 , 17 3 290 VALSPAR CORP 920355104 6/19/2014 4/5/2017 0 4 , 582 2,075 0 0 0 2,07 5 291 VANGUARD S/T BND INDX-A 921937702 6/42014 1/102017 0 329,694 -2 , 817 0 0 0 -2, 817 292 BROADCOM LTD Y09827109 3/172016 3/172017 0 1,212 562 0 0 0 562 293 BROADCOM LTD Y09827109 1 2/2/2016 3/17/2017 fl 0 14,931 5,249 0 0 0 5,249 294 BROADCOM LTD Y09827109 10/29/2015 3/172017 0 7,210 6,096 0 0 0 6,096 296 BROADCOM LTD Y09827109 10/29/2015 4/5/2017 0 7,090 5,895 0 0 0 5, 895 296 DIANA SHIPPING INC Y2066G104 10/72015 8/112016 0 714 -468 0 0 0 -468 297 DIANA SHIPPING INC Y2066G104 10/8/2015 8/112016 0 2,609 -1,698 0 0 0 -1 69 298 DIANA SHIPPING INC Y2066G104 3292016 8/112016 0 386 0 0 0 33 299 BROADCOM LTD Y09827109 3/17/2016 9/2/2016 32 , 278 0 28, 32 0 0 0 3. 950 300 BROADCOM LTD Y09827109 2/32016 3/17/2017 32,155 0 19 , 194 0 0 0 12,961 301 WILLIAMS PARTNERS LP 3 96950FAJ3 1252017 2/162017 19,994 0 19,952 0 0 0 42 302 YUMI BRANDS INC 988498101 4/25/2014 4/62017 7,722 0 6,666 0 0 0 1 , 056 303 CCENTURE PLC-CL A G1151C101 11/72014 10/72016 24, 397 0 17,524 0 0 0 6,87 304 CCENTURE PLC-CL A G1151C101 11/62014 10/72016 9, 75 0 6,988 142,771 0 0 0 2771 305 CCENTUREPLC-CLA G1151C101 3/172017 4/52017 13383 0 14,122 0 0 0 -739 306 INVESCO LTD G491BT108 10/62009 7202016 0 3,534 648 0 0 0 648 307 ROWAN COMPANIES PLC G7665A101 6/192014 5/42017 0 4,532 -2,785 0 0 -2,785 308 WELLS FARGO & COMPANY 949746101 2/26/2010 522/2017 0 5,186 4,846 0 0 0 4 ,84 309 WELLS FARGO & CO 3 5 94974BFC9 6/192014 9292016 N2615 0 25,571 1,011 0 0 0 1 ,011 310 NXP SEMICONDUCTORS N N6596X109 7212016 10/132016 0 10 98 2,22 0 0 0 2 22 311 NXP SEMICONDUCTORS N N6596X109 7/12/2016 10/132016 0 14 924 3,865 0 0 0 3 86 312 NXP SEMICONDUCTORS N N6596X109 7/122016 10272016 0 1 , 21 290 0 0 0 290 313 NXP SEMICONDUCTORS N N6596X109 2/42016 10/27/2016 23,500 0 17,868 5,632 0 0 0 5,632 314 NXP SEMICONDUCTORS N N6596X109 2/4/2016 11/2/2016 80,490 0 61 , 588 18, 902 0 0 0 18, 902 316 NXP SEMICONDUCTORS N N6596X109 2/4/2016 11/11/2016 13, 183 0 10,265 2 , 918 0 0 0 2 ,918 316 NXP SEMICONDUCTORS N N6596X109 2/112016 11/112016 34,178 0 22,928 11,250 0 0 0 11,250 317 ROWAN COMPANIES PLC G7665A101 3/292016 5/42017 499 0 603 -104 0 0 0 -104 318 NXP SEMICONDUCTORS N N6596X109 7/21/2016 9/2/2016 11 , 431 0 10,980 451 0 0 0 451 319 WADDELL & REED FINANCIA 930059100 6/192014 4/28/2017 1,690 0 5,870 -4,180 0 0 0 -4,180 320 WADDELL & REED FINANCIA 930059100 8/312015 4282017 712 0 1,574 -862 0 0 0 -862 321 WADDELL & REED FINANCIA 930059100 3/29/2016 4/28/2017 712 0 893 -181 0 0 0 -181 322 WELLS FARGO & COMPANY 949746101 2/26/2010 7202016 38,774 0 21,834 16 , 940 0 0 0 16 ,940 323 WELLS FARGO & COMPANY 949746101 1/24/2017 5222017 12,144 0 12,652 -508 0 0 0 -508 324 VERIZON COMMUNICATION 92343V104 9292015 922016 27 , 857 0 23, 104 4,753 0 0 0 4 ,753 325 VERIZON COMMUNICATION 92343V104 10/6/2009 922016 2,628 0 1 ,414 1,214 0 0 0 1,214 326 VERIZON COMMUNICATION 92343V104 10/82009 5/4/2017 37636 0 23,192 14,444 0 0 0 14444 327 VERIZON COMMUNICATION 92343VBQ6 6/23/2014 4/72017 21,340 0 21,229 111 0 0 0 111 8/22/2017 9:37.41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Part VI . Line 6a (990-PF) - Estimated Tax Payments Date Amount I Credit from prior year return . 1 31,125 2 First quarter estimated tax payment . . . . 2 3 Second quarter estimated tax payment . . 3 4 Third quarter estimated tax payment . . 4 5 Fourth quarter estimated tax payment . . 5/9/2017 5 5,000 6 Other payments . . 6 7 Total 7 36,125 8/22/2017 9.37:41 AM - XXXXXXX2199 - 42 - PIT - HUNT ROY A FOUNDATION - AGY

Part XIII, Line 2a, Column C (990-PF) - Prior Year Undistributed Income 1 Distributable amounts for 2015 that remained undistributed at the beginning of the 2016 tax year 1 1,541,466 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 Total 10 1,541,466