Russo Pondering an Appeal


Sunny, Milder MEDMIY HOME Sunny and milder today. Fair and not so cool tonight. Sunny 1 Red Bank, Freehold f and very mild, tomorrow. Long iBnmeh J FINAL (See De Pag. 2) Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 90 REb BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1968 34 PAGES TEN CENTS President Halts North Viet Bombing Hoping This By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER Republican nominee Richard Informants said North Viet- gested that they might have did not develop. Officials now WASHINGTON (AP) — M. Nixon, third party candi- nam was officially notified of acted because they no longer say hard bargaining with Han- Three years and nine months date George C. Wallace, and the decision. saw a chance of victory in. oi was then under way. after he started the bombing Humphrey all said after John- Johnson warned that his ar- South Vietnam. Johnson said he had reached of North Vietnam, President son's television • radio broad- rangements with North' Viet- 'Remarkable Results' his decision "in the belief that Johnson has ordered an end to cast they hoped the step would nam are. not foolproof and he He said the Saigon govern- this action can lead to progress all attacks against that country mean progress-Jn the Paris held open by implication the ment had "grown steadily toward a peaceful settlement of in the hope this will "lead to peace talks. possibility the bombing would stronger," that South Vietnam's the Vietnamese war." But progress" in ending the war- Johnson had notified all of be resumed if the North Viet- army was increased to a mil- again he tempered his hopes in Southeast Asia. them of his decision about 6 namese went on the offensive. lion men, and that U.S. troops with warning. • Announcing his decision last p.m., two hours before he went "We could be misled — and under Gen. Creightori W. "It should be clear to all of night, Johnson said he acted on the air. we are prepared for such a Abrams, Jr., and his predeces- us that the hew phase of nego- contingency," he said. "We sor, Gen. William C. West- with the full support of his Johnson himself, obviously tiations which opens on Nov. military chiefs and diplomatic pray to God it does not occur." moreland have "produced tru- 6th does not, repeat does not, aware of speculation' that he Johnson started the bombing ly remarkable results. officials, with the agreement "of might time a bombing halt to mean that a stable peace has South Vietnam, and upon "con-, of North Vietnam Feb. 7, 1965. "Perhaps some, or all, of yet come to Southeast Asia. help Humphrey, declared that At the heart of the- deal.he ; firmation" from 'the North the action was determined by these factors, played a part in There, may well be very hard Vietnam of "the essential un- made to bring it to an end is an bringing about progress in the fighting ahead. Certainly there derstanding" of U.S. terms for responses from North Vietnam agreement that the Paris peace to his terms. Paris talks," Johnson said. is going to be some very hard his action. talks will enter- a new phase Serious negotiations on the negotiating ..." next Wednesday. The Johnson order injected a He said these began develop- bombing issue began during the He spoke of the nature of his dramatic new element into the ing Sunday night and continued At that time representatives second week in October after arrangement with North Viet- presidential election contest through Monday. of both the South Vietnamese the North Vietnamese in Paris nam as an understanding with- less than a week before the A round of consultations government and its eneniy, the began to ask direct and'ob- out saying what precisely that voters go to the polls. within the government and National Liberation Front of viously interested -questions means. Political observers said it with South Vietnam followed, South Vietnam, take their plac about what Johnson had in es at the negotiating table. Some officials said there was could give a lift to Democratic and he made the final decision mind: "no contract" between Wash, nominee Hubert H. Humphrey's to order that "all air, naval, The President did not say On at least two occasions — ington and Hanoi, meaning no PREPARES ANNOUNCEMENT — President Johnson presides over a meeting of hit- campaign, although it might and artillery bombardment of specifically why he thought the about Oct. 16 and again last written agreement; others' have come too late to make North Vietnam cease as of 8 North Vietnamese had finally week — there were worldwide military and defense experts last night in the Cabinet Room before announcing said; there was not even an much difference in voter opin- a.m., Washington time, Friday decided to make terms on end' expectations that a bombing agreed tacit understanding on bombing over North Vietnam would be halted. (AP Wirephotol ion/- •:-' ••• -v '••;••• - morning." ing the bombing, but he sug- halt was only hours away. They the military aspects, Johnson advisers did say, however, they were convinced that Hanoi now knows fully what Johnson's terms are and that other governments have of- Bombing fered their assurance that North Vietnam will respect the Commenting on President "The President acted on the said,"The halt to the bombing icy all expressed pleasure at McCarthy called the move I called-the halt "a first step to- It was Fulbright who called terms. The Soviet Union and Johnson's announcement of a absolute assurance of military announced by the President the bombing halt announce- an opener." Fullbright, who ward a cease-fire and a nego- possibly France have reported- hearings on the so-called Ton- ly given such word. beimbing haft, Eep. James J. leaders that this won't harm represents a sincere effort to ment. in his position as chairman of tiated peace." kin Gulf, incident, airing the our effort or jeopardize our break the deadlock which has Among the three major: pres- McGovern, who like Ful- Other Arrangements Howard, D-N.J. said, "I am the Senate's Foreign Relations 1 events in 1965 that led to the men. I am sure all Americans surrounded the Paris negotia- idential candidates, Republican bright is running for re-election, Apart from expanding the highly gratified the President Committee led the fight against has determined it is proper for will follow the President's lead- tions. All of us hope and pray Richard M. Nixon declined to termed the bomb halt a "ma- president's order to begin peace talks by adding the Sai- USr-Hrttifc* this step at this ership in this. I am sure all that this effort will be success- comment beyphd sayingLoe Vietnam involvement for years, jor; reduction? in the war. bombing of North Vietnam. g°?LgPYernnient and the Na- time. .-•--* -„..;•:,.., Americans will be hoping and ful and will lead to an early hoped the action "may bring tional Liberation Front, the ar- "Many of us were hoping for praying the results of this ac- and enduring peace in Viet- some progress" in the Paris rangement calls for re-estab- End urging this for quite some tion will be world peace." nam." peace talks. lishing the demilitarized zone •A Sincere Effort' Three of the nation's leading between North and South Viet- time, but the President is the Vice President Hubert H. only one who knows when it'* State Sen. Richard R. Stout, Democratic opponents of the nam and for a stop to enemy GOP candidate for l Congress, administration's Vietnam pol- Humphrey,: the Democratic terror attacks on the cities and the right time. candidate, said the action was very meaningful, very hope- town of the South. ful" and added, "Peace is clos- -flours~before-Jt»hnson-acted— er tonight — thank God!" enemy rockets fell on Saigon but U.S. officials said this did Third-party candidate George not violate the new bomb-halt Burns Uniform, GI C. Wallace said, "I hope and arrangement, not then in ef- pray" that the halt will bring fect, v an early and honorable peace Restoration of the DMZ has in Southeast Asia "so we can long been advocated by the bring the. American service- United States in the Paris Is Given Two Years men home." peace Calks as a means of, de- By TONY GABRIELE cere boy, a perfectly, normal • Through .military channels, Sens. Eugene J. McCarthy of escalating the war. FT. MONMOUTH — A20- person"—was court-martialed an interview was scheduled for Minnesota, J. William Full- For several years, enemy old California soldier who Oct. 16,^charged with destruc- The Daily Register with Pvt. bright of Arkansas and George forces have struck from or burned =*4iis uniform three tion of Army property and re- Ritenour in the stockade for 3 S. McGovern of. South Dakota through the zone at American* fusing to obey two orders to and allied forces in the north- months ago~~m>jn apparent 1 p.m. yesterday—only to be can- agreed that the bombing halt protest against ThX^Vietnam sign for a new uniform. He celed a£ 2:30. would probably speed up the ern part of South Vietnam. 'war is now being heRKin the pleaded not guilty, and was (See SOLDIER, Pg. 2, Col. 4) Paris peace talks. Ft. Monmouth stockade, sen- judged guilty of all three tenced by an Army court-mar- charges. Bomb, Shell tial to two years at hard la- Sentence: Twp years confine- bor. ment at hard labor, a'bad con- duct discharge, forfeiture of ail A Daily Register interview WINDOWS DRESSED UP — Winners of f he Halloween window painting contest Attacks On with the soldier-pacifist sched- pay, and a reduction in grade uled for yesterday afternoon, from E-2 to E-l, the lowest sponsored by the Hazlet Chamber of Trade and Commerce were yesterday award- was canceled a half-hour rank in the Army. ed savings.bonds, stamps, and gift certificates. Shown here is Michael Bayreder, North Cease before it was to begin, report- With the aid of the Ameri- Ponders Appeal 13, right,, of 12 Virginia Ave., receiving his firit prize award from Chairman An- SAIGON (AP) - Anwican air, naval and artillery bom- edly on Department of the Ar- can Friends Service Commit- ; nfy orders. tee and a civilian lawyer, Pvt. thony Casuccio. Watching are second and third prize winners, left, William Muset, bardment a! alL^orth Viet- MOUNT HOLLY (AP) - In out visible emotion Wednesday nam ended tonight on Presi- The soldier, Pvt. Joseph Rit- Ritenour is now appealing for the last two weeks, disappoint- as a jury handed down a ver- Kathleen Tully, Michael Ervin, and Henry Rohrhofer, airt3HRegister Staff Phbfo) enour of Lompoc, Calif.—de- a conscientious objector classi- dent Johnson's orders, the U.S. • ment has tailed reputed Cosa dict finding the contractor and Command announced, but it scribed by his parents and ac- fication and a reversal of his Nostra figure Anthony "Little former Long Branch restaurant quaintances as "a nice, sin- conviction. said there would be no letup in Pussy" Russo, first in the form and night club owner guilty of operations in South Vietnam. ' of a house fire and then in the perjury and false swearing be- words of a jury finding him fore a Monmouth'' County Hughes Says Bombing Order The Viet Cong also showed guilty of perjury. Grand Jury. no sign of de-escalation in.the The balding Russo, conserva- Russo left the courthouse South. In the 12 hours before The Inside Story tively dressed in a dark suit without comment, but Warren President Johnson's broadcast Wilentz, his attorney, told Discloses 'Real Peacemakers' announcing the bombing halt, and tie, sat and listened with- an enemy mine blew holes in a Howard answers Keith -...Page- S newsmen he would need time •NEWARK (AP) — Gov. Ret. Air Force Gen. Curtis Le- Despite reluctance to public- to review the testimony before May. U.S. Navy LST and killed 16 Hadet GOP trailer illegal... —Page 3 Richard J. Hughes, who lis- ly attach political dividends to American sailors and a South deciding on an appeal. In the tened in pn a limousine radio The governor was asked Page 21 the halt in the-bombing, Demo- Vietnamese, rocket attacks Clubwomen mail servicemen gifts October meantime, Russo remained with Vice President Humphrey, whether the President's an- cratic state officials were visi- Roster of Autumn brides .Page 21 free on f 10,000 bail. killed 33 Vietnamese civilians declared last night that Presi- nouncement of a bombing halt bly elated and more so by Uie in Saigon and Hue, and 69 Ocean-Manasquan highlights grid slate... Page 22 Mild, Dry Short Deliberation dent Johnson's announcement would help Hubert Humphrey's fact that Humphrey was in North Vietnamese and 12 of a bombing halt in Vietnam Scaup season opening today . - Page 23 MONMOUTH BEACH - The V/2 hours the jury delib- bid for the presidency in Tues- New Jersey when the President Americans were killed in fight- "will disclose who the real day's election. adddressed the nation. Amusements 32, 33 Stock Market 34 Wilbur Lafaye, the weather erated was short compared to ing north of Saigon near the observer here,' said today the first Russo trial. A panel peacemakers are." "I don't like to speculate on Cambodian border. Births Z Successful Investing 34 remained closeted then some the matter of life and death," Republicans generally assert- Bridge _ 33 Sylvia Porter .._ '.. « that October was a bit mild- Hughes equated the cause of ed that Nixon would still carry American warplanes contin- er and drier than the month eight hours before returning on peace .with the Democratic Hughes^ replied. Classified - -24-31 Television : 32, 33 June 3 to announce it was the state by a wide margin. ued raids on North Vietnam's is in a normal year. Party. Several times during a He reminded newsmen that southern panhandle today but Comics 31 Women's News 2», 21 hopelessly deadlocked, prompt- even before the President's Nixon Echoed, Crossword Pnrale 32, 33 The month's* average tctn- day of campaigning in North were ordered to rjuit the skies DAILY REGISTER peralure was 58.8 degrees, ing a ruling of mistrial. Jersey he characterized Hum- speech he was predicting that They echoed Nixon's state- Editorials ...... '. 6 ment of hope that the Presi- north of the demilitarized zone PHONE NUMBERS compared with the normal To Assistant County Prosecu- phrey as a "peacemaker." Humphrey was gaining in New before 9 p.m., or 8 a.m. EST, Herblock 6 tor Solomon Lautman, the 1>h- Jersey and would overtake dent's order to haltfcthe bomb- Home and Garden 14, IS Main Office 741-MIO '58.2, and its 2.00-inch total If the people are looking for the hour Johnson set for all rainfall — including a hard hour deliberation was long. Nixon. He said he based his ing "may bring some pro- Inside Washington « Classified Ads 741-6900 a step-up in the cold war, the gress" In peace negotiations. attacks on North Vietnam to be' rain on Oct. '3 — compares "The verdict was justified," he optimism on the "good crowds halted. ' Movie Timetable 32 Home Delivery 741-0010 added. "I wasn't surprised. I governor said after President and warm welcomes" the vice Obituaries * Mlddletown Bureau ..(71-2250 with a normal 3.71. "Mr. Nixon's position on this The U.S. Command said op- was only surprised the jury Johnson's speech, 'they could president received on his sec- matter lias been that of Religious Services 16 Freehold Bureau 462-2121 The warmest it got was 83 choose Richard M. Nixon as erational reports on the final on Oct. 3 and the coldest was took so long to get to it." ond campaign visit to the a statesman," said one GOP Sports », 2J tong Branch Bureau 222-0010 their next President. state. raids would not be available 33 yesterday . state official. until tomorrow, and it was not Through October, total If they want candidates who Awnings Hughes sat In the back seat immediately known if any rainfall measured 34.60 inch- Hy order of the court the of- nre irresponsible, he added, Huy now for installation next of a white Lincoln Continental members were lost during the Uncertnln? Optician es. Normally by that time fice of the Tax Assessor will they could choose (Joorfje C. sprint;, «l l°w off season prices. and listened to the President's final day. Wallace and his running mate, Come to Candidates Nlgm, J. II. Talcrico, formerly at the total 1B 39.35 inches. not appear on the General Elec- No deposit. Also sale on Uattan (Sen HUGHF.S, I'f;. 2, Col. 3) The orders to halt the bomb- Monday, Nov. 4, 8 p.m. Tintc n Dr. Alexander Vinclmrg, now Measurable rain fell nine tion Ballot In the Township of Ocean Diner Special and Den furniture. Monmoulh The Double Starter ing by 9 p.m. were sent down FalW School. Hear aU cand I at 718 Bangs Ave., Asbury Park, days in October and had fall- Mlddletown. III. 35, Oakhurst, N.J. Full Awning & Casual Furniture Co., A unique, now, luncheon spe- tho military chain of command dates running for office m opposite Main St., Post Office. en for a total of 90 days since Charles V. Carroll Jr. course dinners, from Monday 147 Main, Astmry Park. 775- cial only 90c at Bonanza, Rt. an hour after Johnson broad- •HAdv.) 774-3347. (Adv.) Jan.|1. Township Clerk Adv.) thru Sunday, $2. (Adv.) 4B8U • (Adv.) 35, MkldUtown. , •< (Adv.) cast his decision, k '* Hughes (Continued) Fast peech on the radio with Hum- ihrey and Democratic State )hairman Robert J. Burkhardt Sought After Raid t Newark Airport. All thtee ^S __ • - __, « *li_ LAM tared straight ahead, appar- NEW BRUNSWICK (AP)— with the routes to-the homes ently oblivious to the crowd of Middlesex County Prosecutor marked in red - before they more than 150 who clustered Jdward J. Dolan-will seek synchronized watches and set around the limousine. The car swiftUidictments of 38 men and out with orders to make ar- lad been rented by the Demo- _ wdman^rrested in the larg- rests precisely at 5:15 a.m. :ratic State Committee for the est narcotics raid in state his- ice president's campaign tory. . wing. • A small army oLpolice strik- Three Held Humphry occasionally ing with detailed "battle plans" :upped his chin in his right arrested 42 suspected narcotics land, listening intently while sellers before dawn yesterday, For Jury he President spoke. A Secret limaxing six months of under- MIDDLETOWN - Two men, Service man sat in the front cover work. - charged with possession of loti seat. The 42 arrested included tery slips, were bound over'for Hopes and Prays three juveniles, who wil} not Grand Jury action during pre- When the' speech was fin- be indicted. Most of those ar- liminary hearings in Municipal shed, Humphrey ascended the GHOSTS AND GOBLINS INVADE KEYPORT — Hundreds of children turned out for rested were in their early 20s, Court yesterday. ' although ages ranged up to 50. Charles I. Thompson of 122 tops of his waiting airplane the annual Veterans of Foreign Warj Halloween parade in Keyport last night. The Thirty of the defendants were or an impromptu, news con- Monmouth Ave., Port Mon- Keyport High School marching band was among the merrymakers and prizes were apprehended at their residenc- mouth and Alex J. Gondek of ference. He said he hoped and given out for the best costumes. Pictured here are the winners of the couples cos- es, and one gave himself up- 583 Green Ave., Belford, were prayed the President's decision when he heard he was wanted. tumes in the 11-14 years old bracket. #• (Register Staff Photo) Eleven others already were un- the accused. would help pave the way to der arrest and confined in a Judge Seymour R. Kleinberg peace." variety of institutions. withheld a decision on book- Hughes stood on the ground More than. 150 law enforce- making charges against each Me the vice president £poke . Soldier Gets 2-Year Term ment officers swept through man pending submission of The governor and Burkhardt homes and apartments in abriefs by the state of evidence ad.pictured Humphrey earlier (Continued) , convenience, of the govern- dletown, a member of the predominantly low income sec- on the charges. the week as trailing Nixon An Army Department spokes- ment" discharge. Shrewsbury Friends Meeting tion carrying warrants for 52 The lottery slips were found QUEEN — -Miss-Patricia Oxley, 17, of Long Branch, for New Jersey's 17 critical man in Washington later said Pvt. Ritenour's parents com- and a principal intermediary persons issued on the basis of in Mr. Thompson's vehicle and last night was named M4tY Long Branch Mardi Gras electoral college votes but clos- that "the interviewing of pris- lained of difficulty in commu- for Pvt. Ritenour, > described narcotics purchases — mostly in Al's Luncheonette, BeMord, after the city's Halloween parade from Broadway and ing ground fast. oners in the stockade is not in icating with their son. Accord- him as "a very nice1 boy, a heroin — made by a state po- which is owned by Mr. Gondek, Victor Ave. to the beachfront. Thousands of onlookers 'He's considered the under- conformance with Army pol- ing to what he has written to perfectly normal person. It lice agent who posed as a user, Arthur W. Burns, of 660 log in the public opinion icy." them, their son hasn't been re- seems he didn't realize com- The raids were aimed at Ocean Ave., West Long Branch lined Broadway tp view the event, which was the 26th rails," the governor told a. The Register did receive a ceiving their letters, they told pletely what he was getting in sellers of heroin and marijua-. was also bound over to the annual parade to be sponsored by the city's Exchange :rowd of about 3,000 at a rally brief report .of the case and the The Daily Register. to until he was in the Army na, "people we knew were re- Grand Jury on a charge of open Club. : ' •• :-: .•",». .;.":•"•. ' *' ' , outside the RCA plant in the court-martial results from a "He's been a good son to me; He is very much opposed to the sponsible for selling on the, lewdnesss. He was fined $15 on Hudson County community of fort spokesman yesterday—the ; always listened to me. He war, to all wars, and is putting street," said Lt. George Kell, a charge of soliciting a ride. Harrison. first official acknowledgment was a -good student, too; heit on the line. head of the State Police nar- Also referred to the Grand "But I'U tell you something, of the affair. Additional infor- as on the honor roll in high "The act which he made was cotics unit. Jury, was Joseph Obrensky of ie'11 be top dog on Tuesday." mation was received from the school, never in trouble," his not an act of convenience Thirty • eight persons were 15 Poplar St., Keansburg on Ocean Man Is Held Several times Hughes caHed Friends Committee, which has si other ^3 id quite the contrary." arraigned by Middlesex Coun- charges of non-support brought lumphrey "a peacemaker . .. been counseling Pvt. Ritenour; His stepfather said "I think Dr. Rogers testified at the ty Court judges here, but no by his wife Rose, of 22 Illinois man who speaks to the soul from his civilian lawyer, Em- this boy's being sacrificed. trial, as did a psychiatrist, preliminary hearing dates were Ave., Port Monmouth. On Theft Charges if this country." erson Darnell of Mount Holly, The Army's trying to cover the who, according to Dr. Rogers, set. Bail was put at between Mrs. Obrensky charged her Humphrey visited a cross- and froni his mother and step- whole thing up. They don't said the private was "com $2,500 and $5,000 for each pris- husband stopped payments for OCEAN TOWNSHIP-Federal The merchandise-laden truck section of the state's diverse father, who live in Las Vegas, want the public to know what pletely normal ajid reasonabl oner. hersedf and two daughters in Bureau of Investigation agents was recovered near the Stage population. The rallies includ- Nev. > they're doing-to him." and consistent in his opposition Raids were conducted in July, causing utilities at their yesterday arrested five men — Coach Motel, Rt. 35, here-, the home to be shut off. ed college students and profes- "He has been feeling this According to Mr. Bird, "Jo- to the Army." New Brunswick and in nearby one an Ocean Township resi- FBIsaid. The judge recomniended to sors at Fairleigh Dickinson way for years and years, this ;eph's act seems to stem from, The only recourse for Joseph Franklin Township, Piscata- dent — and charged them with Among those arrested is Pas- conscientious belief that He Rintenour now is to the mili- way Township, and Plainfield. the county prosecutor the dis- University in Bergen County, just didn't happen overnight," possessing a trailer truck and quale Vaccaro, 48, of the Stage visit to the. heart of the riot- was participating in a war ef- tary he protested against. An The raiding teams of state, missal of causing death by auto $18,000 worth of merchandise Coach Motel. scarred Central Ward in New- said the private's mother, Mrs. fort which he opposed . . . unless his sentence is short- county and local , lawmen charges against Charles J. Sel- stolen yesterday morning from All five men appeared be- ark where he pledged tp aLeo Kopels, in a telephone in- we're going to try and give this ened or reversed, his punish- formed at 3:30 a.m. lick Jr. of Palmer Ave., West a Jersey City firm.> • fore U.S. commissioners and terview. She is confused, an- thing some publicity." ment for protesting a war could They were given explicit in- Keansburg. were remanded; to the custody crowd of 2>000 Negroes to unite the country ^'rather than divide guished and angry over what Dr. Edward Rogers of Mid- outlast, that war itself. ! structions — including maps The youth was charged when, of U.S, marshals in lieu of $15,- a passenger in his car, James Youth Injured OOt) bond each. it," and ari*aadress to a gath- has happened to her son. ering of all strata of life at a Moore, died of injuries suffered Arrested here yesterday "He would say to me, 'I just in an accident on Rt. 35 Sept, 6. By School Bus downtown section of Elizabeth can't see myself shooting some- morning by. FBI agents and hi Union County. Accident Described WEST LONG BRANCH - Ocean Township police under body'," she said. -"He felt Parade Officer Leonard Moon testi- It was in Elizabeth that «trongly about the Vietnam Authorities at Monmouth Med- the direction of Capt. Neil Tan- ohnson telephoned Humphrey fied that it had been raining ical Center, Long Branch, re- tum were Dominick Fiuza, 33, war, it seemed so senseless to at the time of the accident I his plans to announce a him. He was a fine, normal ported that Steven Seidin, 15, and Joseph A. Rubino, 40, both bombing halt. Humphrey said causing wet road conditions. Alpine Ave., Ocean Township, Bayonne; Michael Asaro, 54, boy, but he always tried to To Counter WallaceMotorcade Mr. Sellick had attempted to the President also telephoned avoid a fight. He wouldn't hurt is in fair condition this morn- Brooklyn, N.Y. and Mariano Nixon and Wallace. MATAWAN-Despite lack of "I can't estimate how many derly fashion so as not to ob- swerve to avoid hitting a car ing with injuries suffered when Joseph Castelli, 32, West Hemp- a fly-" official sanction, Negroes and leople will participate, but the struct, Mr. Jackson advised. stopped for a left turn,-but' But he declined to disclose Young Ritenour, according lumber is growing," he said. he was struck by a school bus stead, N.Y. details of his conversation'with whites, supported by the local "We would rather not cause skidded and crashed into a util- at Shore Regional High School. Vaccaro was apprehended to Robert Bird of the Friends Ministerium, will march Sun- 'It's quite possible we'll have any undo friction," he added. ity pole. the. President, sayjng only that Committee, was ordered for in- nore whites than blacks. The He was admitted at'4:58 p.m. yesterday afternoon in the Mili- Johnson had an announcement day afternoon in a protest "We don't want to alienate the A careless driving charge yesterday. tary Ocean Terminal, Bayonne, duction last April, and shortly against a planned motorcade by rord is being spread by the people by demonstrations and against the driver will be heard ' make to the nation. afterwards enlisted so that he 'arjous ministers and some are Police here said the accident where he is employed. Humphrey talked briefly at a Wallace supporters. ; want the entire protest to be pending the decision of the pro- could choose a course of study, venplanning to announce their,' ni ; occurred on the school grounds All are charged with posses- Democratic-fund - raising' af- Alex Jackson,-of 35 Gaston v the least disruptive." secutor. . ' '-' -' • ''•' _ sion of stolen property moving in his case electronics, which St., Matawan Township, orga- upport at Sunday services. '_ -In. this-way, -he explained, Judge John A. MieJe, wHo~asT and is being investigated by fair in the Elizabeth Carteret leiLbimtoJie-assigned to school in interstate commerce-ani Hotel "before leaving' for Ihe nizer ollhe yet unnamed group, Rev. Dennis Jacobs, chair- the ministers are backing up sumed the tench during the .af- Officer""jSfes~WSsonTand Pa- aiding and abetting in the pos- at Ft. Monmouth. said yesterday the protest is not man of the Matawan Minis- the idea wholeheartedly. ternoon session, reserved deci- airport where he arrived just, It was on or about July terium, said a special meeting trolman James Maletto. session of stolen property mov- as the President was beginning against people or George Wal- sion on a concealed, weapon ing in interstate commerce. 18 that Pvt. Ritenour poured lace, but against the idea. ivas called for 11 a.m. today to "Our signs will be aimed at charge against John J. Cusick his address on radio and tele- lighter fluid on his uniform determine what courses of ac- The truck was stolen from vision. racism and not at Wallace as of Jersey City. Trio Arrested the Woodward Warehouse and and set fire to it, after which "Our intent is to show objec- tion that group will take. an individual because we object After the broadcast, Hum* tion to the racist atmosphere Mr. Cusick is charged ito Transport Corp., Jersey City. he was confined to the com- The group will march with to the idea,'.' Mr. Jackson de carrying anj automatic pisto In Middletown phrey left for Battle Creek, pany area. He was formally, the Wallace supporters are pro- ilacards and sips In an or- i The $18,000 shipment included Mich., to resume his campaign. dared. under the front seat of his car. -—MIDDLETOWN—— Jftree plwnograpn-records, cameras, charged . and • placed in the" jecting here," Mr. Jack- sbirsafil; | ~ youths were arrested radios, clothing and other de- stockade in August. Jice after Mr. Cusick was on The case came to the atten- Harmony Road at 3:45 a.m. partment store-type merchan- The Wallace grofap, which has stopped on Rt. 36 in BeKord dise in transit from various Russo tion of the Friends, who serve manned a campaign headquar- today and charged with ma- State Sues Marlbor for driving under the influence - Midwest states to a Shop and (Continued) as counselors for conscientious ters on Main St. for the third- of alcohol. .,' ' liciijus injury to property, ac- Save store in Hackensack, the He then explained that his objectors, and who arranged party candidate during the past for Mr. Darnell, an expert in Judge Miele fined Harold J. cording to jplice. FBI said. rule of thumb is that a jury months, has planned the mo- Firm for Fouling Air Clare of Jersey City a total Probe Truck Theft military law, to serve as his They Rified the trio as deliberates an hour for every torcade to begin at 1 p.m. at FREEHOLD - The state De- ing and smoldering on the open of $70 on charges of carrying The investigation into the day of testimony. Since, there counsel. The Friends also pro- the headquarters,- - Richard ' W. Toop, 18, Phalanx vided Pvt. Ritenour with the partmeat;ofjiealth filed a com- ground. The industrial hygien- a concealed switchblade knife, Roaid, Lincroft, John H. Gar- theft of the truck is continu- was only a day of testimony Getting Escorts' ilaint in Superior Court yester- ist also observed that the smol- driving without a license and1 ing, the FBI said. They said in Russo's retrial, Lautman ex- proper papers for applying ror The route will take the group briel, 19, Somerville and Paul conscientious objector1 status. day against Ed's Auto Wreck- dering material emitted an odor taking a vehicle without the N. flannigan, 19, ^9 Hudson: the truck is valued at $6,000. pected the jury to return in an through Keyport, Union Beach, ing, Texas Road, Marlboro, for' of burning rubber and a white owner's permission. Vacarro was arraigned be- hour. No Action Taken Haziet, Middletown, Red Bank, Ave,, POrt Monmouth. Pvt. Ritenour was court-mar- alleged violations of the state's smoke tended to hang over the During the morning session, fore U. S. Commissioner John Faced Ho'mdel and back home. In Air Pollution' Control Code. area as a dense haze. The com- Judge Kleinberg heard threee Pttlice said they were throw- F.Corridon in Jersey City.. tialed, however, before any ac Russo is scheduled to return Middletown, and Red Bank, the In its complaint, the state- plaint charges that Mr. McCar- cases concerned with violations . ing, eggs and firecrackers at The other four men were ar- to court Nov. 22 for sentencing tion was taken on his CO. ap- group will have police escorts. homes. They are in Middle- plication. There has been no maintains that Edwin McCar- rick is subject to a $2,500 fine of the trash and health ordi- raigned before U.S. Commi* before Monmouth County for this Violation. nances. . town jail in. lieu of $100 bail sioner David Goldstein in As- word from the Army on tha Mr. Jackson's plan to counter rick, owner of the wrecking Judge M. Raymond McGow- firm, did cause or permit open He fined Virginia Luckacs ot each. bury Park and requested a pre- an. Russo, about 50, faces a application, according to sev- demonstrate began to take Mr. Krauss observed Mr. liminary hearing which has eral sources. shape Tuesday, when he visited burning of refuse. McCarrick on June 26 at 12:15 5 Creek Road, Port Monmouth, maximum penalty of seven $100 for uncovered garbage and , Lauds Youngsters been set for Nov. 8. years in prison and a $2,000 The next step for Pvt. Rite- the Wallace headquarters and- It stated that Charles E. p.m. conducting a salvage oper- Conviction on the charges nour, his military defender and Krauss, one of its industrial hy- debris in the yard. The fine will fine. volunteered.his services. ation by the open burning of be remitted if the debris is On Good Behavior carries a maximum penalty ol It was just about a week ago Mr. Darnell is the military ap- [ienists, observed open burning peals courts. Workers were accounta- I refuse April 26 at 10:45 a.m. six autos, said the complaint cleaned up. RED BANK - Deputy Police 10.years in prison or a $5,000 that Russo's leased home, esti- A similar provision led to no Chief Eeroy McKnight today fine or both. mated in the $50,000 range, The first stop, according ti bly , surprised at the Negro's The complaint maintains that adding that' the charges are Mr. Darnell, is the judge advo suggestion but offered to let car seats were being burned subject to $2,500 fine for this fine for John Supple of 730 commended youngsters in Red caught fire while Russo was Palmer Ave., East Keansburg Bank for their good behavior cate at Ft. Monmouth, who will him hand out literature rather and that Mr. McCarrick was alleged violation. away. No one was injured, but conducting a salvage operation for a violation of the junk and last.night. He said there were Taxi Driver damage was extensive, firemen review the testimony present- than explain the Wallace stand only;' two incidents of Hallow- ed at the court-martial. to visitors. , ' by the open burning of cars. trash ordinance. He was said. Although residing in Deal, charged $5 court costs. een-vandalism reported. Hurt in Holdup Russo spends much of his time Mr. Darifell said he is opti- "While there I learned they The burning consisted of Ticket Driver mistic about this first review, I Robert Bogg of 21 Holland HOWELL -!• State Polic< in Florida. Lautman is former were planning the motorcade about 14 cars, it continued, 30 Roa Chief McKnight said Alvin "only because they (judge ad- so I went to the police de* Alter Accident '. f-Storing a junk car and horse Place reported that a rock was er was held up by two men oi [trailer on his property because Rt. 33 near the Wayside In It was exactly a year ago tences." permit," he explained. feet and 14 feet high, it con- thrown through a rear window He said, he does not know he testified the offensive ve- of, his residence at 10 p.m. Atat approximately 8:15 th: Halloween that Russo first ap- Momentum. Gains tended. ,The material was Bank, v how long it will take Ito ar- The movement gained mo- I hides had been cleaned out. An 7:25 a.m. today? the chief said morning. peared before the Grand Jury stacked in layers of «ar seats, driving at | ir investigating allegations of po- range this first appeal. Tt, de- mentum Wednesday as friends auto, tires and gas tanks, auto 2 a.m. today when his car went of the premises by Mrs. Catherine Le'ntini, 59 E They could not identify th« pends on how long it takes th police was ordered. Sunset Ave., reported that her driver but said he was injured litical interference with Long learned of the delaying tactics bodies, car seats and tires and Out of control on Rumson Road Army to prepare the records ol they said were employed to auto bodies. garage was broken into during The men escaped, accordinf Branch police. The scope of the at Buena Vista Ave, taking 2—THE DAILY REGISTER, the night and the rear window to State Police, who were a investigation was magnified the court-martial, he said. shunt Mr. Jackson from bor- The state charges that Mr. down a light standard, three of her car was broken. the scene at press time. foUowing a Life magazine arti- If the judge advocate uphold: ough official to borough official, McCarrick is subject to $2,500 county signs and damaging the Friday, November 1, 1968 cle alleging that criminal ele- the conviction, Pvt. Ritenou all claiming *- no knowledgi fine for each violation for a to property of Sherwood Heath. ments were able to exert pres- will be sent to a "disciplinary of parade permits. tal of $5,000. The car was a total wreck, sure on Long Branch officials barracks"—probably Ft. Lea' The police suggested the The complaint alleges that on police said, but there were no Be wise... open a prior to 1064. en wroth, Kans. borough clerk, who in turn sug- April 26 at 8:30 a.m. Mr. injuries. Sgt. Walter Pomphrey Countv Births Russo was accused of lying The next appeal would be be gested the mayor and council. Krauss observed two cars burn- and Patrolman David Gaynor RIVERVIEW (nee Katherine Langan), 17 Ori to the Grand Jury when he de- fore a board of review In Was! The clerk, Mrs. Verna Horbal, Checkmaster Red Bank ole Road, Middletown, son, ye nied having bragged to three ington, composed of high ran! said the request could |o be- terday. policemen in a patrol car on ing officers. If the conviction fore the council, which had Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cataldo upheld there, one last resoi account toddy '(nee Jacqueline Piatti), 425 April 24, 1967 that "We can caucus planned for Wcdnesda The Weather JERSEY SHORE MEDICAL take care of the mayor. We got remains—the Military Court night. Crescent St., Keansburg, Appeals. daughter, yesterday. Neptune three councilnien. Tonight or However, Mr. Jackso Sunny' and milder today, high west 10 to 15 knots tomorrow. Mr. ;ind Mrs. Stephen Kan tomorrow we'll have number Right now, Mr. Darnell learned the caucus was called in upper 50s to mid 60s. Fair Fair through tomorrow with Mr., and Mrs. Dankwart hoping to arrange the freein, Knchler (nee Chrlsta Ische- (nee Cheryl Ayres) lfl mail four." off. When he returned to Bor- and not so cold tonight, low in visibility of more than five St., Mafawan, son, yesterday In directing a new trial last of Pvt: Ritenour under a pr ough Hall yesterday, hek wa,s 40s. Fair and very mild to- miles. beck), 10 Gcorjean . Drive, vision similar to the (Misting Ilnlmdel, daughter, yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hal spring, Superior Court Judge told the request could not bi morrow, high in mid 60s to TIDES 41)2^ Sylvania Ave., Avo Elvin R. S&nmill also granted ball In civilian courts. considered until the next fu low 70s. Sunday's outlook Sandy Hook Mr. and Mrs. George McGow- This is the first court-marli partly cloudy and cooler with an (nee Frances Perrone), 114 son, yesterday. a change of venue to Mount session of the governing body TODAY — High 5:12 p.m. Holly from Freehold, claiming at Ft. Monmouth involving planned for next Wednesday. chance of a morning shower. and low 11:18 p.m. Riverview Ave, Little Silver, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ir In Monmotith Beach, yester- ving (neo Helen Gajdzi), 102 that he was now convinced protest action in recent yean "A little more checking an TOMORROW - High 5:42 son, yeslerday. according to the fort spoke; day's high WHS 5,1 degrees and Mr. and Mrs, John DeMattco Mclaughlin Ave., Point Pleas that the defendant could not re- I learned from (ho America] a.m. and 6 p.m. and low 11:54 man. National attention was fr Civil Liberties Union that n the low was 33. It was 47 at 6 a.m. and ... p.m (nee Dorothy Delgrossb), 22 ant, daughter, yesterday. ceive a fair trial in the area in p.m. The overnight low was 32 which tlm Indictment was ru- cased here in June, 1!M15, whe pnriidc permit Is needed if thi SUNDAY - High 6:18 am. Arthur Drive, lied Hank, son, Mr. ;ind Mr.s. Patrick Morg; I'vl. l)avi(l H. Ovall or l.os A and Hie temperature at 7 tills yesterday. turned. demonstration does not ol and 6:M p.m. and low 12 a.m. (nun Gloria Dow), '!A\ Il;u f^eloH went on a .33-day hiing struct traffic," M*. Jackso morning was 35. and 12:36 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. (leorgc Lock- shorne Itoad, Locust, daunlitc strike when the Army refas< Can we help you? wood (nee Sandra Cafkcy), 184 said. MAKINE For Red Hank and Ilumson yesterday. I'U I HO Alarm to classify him as a ronsclci Ho added that to in Cape May to Block Island: bridge, add two hours; Sea Service It our blggttt anaf. Creek Road, Kcan.sburg, linus objector. Tlu> Army f Northwest winds 10 to 15 knots daughter, yesterday. Mr. find Mr.s. Jerry Schul ItKI) HANK - Police said Bint* peace, he will make Bright, deduct 10 minutes; (nee Dolores Dniclccr), \ (lie fiic alarm that (.minded at nally declared 1'vt. Ovall "ui courtesy call on the police chlel this morning becoming south- Umjj Branch, deduct 15 min- MONtoOUTH MEDICAL' Og, Kngllshtowii !) a.m. today on Clay Street Bultahlo for military service to confer on miRgcstcd deco- erly fit the same speeds this utes; Highlands bridge, add 40 CENTRAL JERSEY BANK MO and Mn. Donald Smith daughter, yesterday. wag a false alarm. and gave him an honorab] rum for tbo protest. afternoon and* tonight. Smith- minutes. •- totally destroying the who will go to Washington and trailer in the shopping center a Piainfield policeman, on July 16, 1967. The newsman de- His record shows, he is capable, that the Republican campaign building and causing traffic to effective and fiscally prudent. He was indicted for; allowing hide from them. My newsletter trailer violated Hazlet's zoning but he didn't know if they did nied the charges and claimed the local ordinance which he a race horse,- Early Bird be re-routed through parking "On the other hand, his op- told the people the truth about ordinance because it is a non- or not; allegedly violated was unconstitutional. Breezy, to run in the second lots. . ponent, Congressman James J. my activities. If my opponent permitted use in a business- No Provision race at Freehold Raceway Nov. Howard, has, been__somewhat claims doing that will get me commercial zone, that it has Judge Simmill said he won- They said Sea "Bright and 'Peace Pilot' Slates Mission 16, 1967, knowing then the free in spending tax dollars a lot of votes on Tuesday, I too many signs and violates dered why the writers of the Monmouth Beach fire com* horse had been treated with a ' NEWARK — Abie Nathan, the Israeli "peace pilot," over and above anticipated rev- thank him for the compliment." frontage requirements. zoning ordinance didn't make panies responded to the alarm. said yesterday he will fly a planeload of supplies to war torn narcotic drug. Firemen were still at the scene enue. I feel his votes in favor of And, Rep. Howard added, he Representing the two Demo any provisions for temporary Biafra next Wednesday. , at press time. $41 billion in deficit spending Casalino interrupted the trial paid for printing the newsletter crats, James V. Higgins of usages for trailers. "That one child should die of starvation is a crime in since he took office are a prime and pleaded guilty to the himself. i, . Newark said that the trail- Mr. Roberts said the trailer The house, owned by Michael our time," he said in appealing for donations of medical magistrate's complaint, a less- er was 42.6 feet from the road was there since Sept. 19- Stavola and Louis Drazin, was reason for current inflation, the "Mr. Keith either Js misin- —supplies for liis-flight from Kennedy AiiportJiLNeMr-Jfork.- er ^harge. — ^inoVtfte-OKlinance-calls-for- WilliR unoccupied, according to police. recent—tax—increase~~and formed or he is lying," Rep. He told a news conference here that $200,000 worth of sup- 100-foot setback. He also main- town- represented the RepubTF ltldtthSU the shakiness o,f the American County Court Judge M. Ray- Howard said of the statement 7 plies already has been donated, but that more is needed. tained that the trailer, which can Executive Committee. dollar in world markets. mond McGowan accepted the made Wednesday night by the Beach, near the Up Tide Bar. measured 47 feet in length by "I've been a Democrat from plea and set Dec, 13 for sen former 'assemblyman who de- Named as defendants in the The cause of the fire is under 9.9 feet in width and 10.9 feet in Hits Milk Pricing Formula the first day.I became inter- tencing. clared that in the, 89th Con- case besides Mr. De Maio were investigation. No injuries were height, has signs occupying NEW BRUNSWICK — An agricultural economics pro- ested in government and poli- Assistant County Prosecutor gress Mr. Howard didn't have Hazlet Mayor Joseph A. Mor- reported. • - fessor charged, yesterday that a current formula proposed tics but I firmly believe Sen. Solomon Lautman presented a single bill with his name on . for setting state milk prices is "a nightmare of complexi- Stoat IMhe better man to rep- the state's case. Benjamin it .signed into law, and had ty" that would "confuse both the industry and the public resent theMhird district in Con- Nohemie of Linden represented one bill passed in the 90th Con- as to what actually is the basis for pricing milk." gress." Casalino/ gress. The formula would lnevltaWylncreasemillrprices-and- have the effect of "de-emphasizing competition and effi- Several legislators may pro- 1 MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP ciency operations,' Dr. Robert E. Jacobson, Ohio State, pose similar pieces of legisla- professor, added. He testified for Garden State Farms, a' tion, the congressman ex- milk producer, at the Office of Milk Industry hearings here. plained, and the bills are re- worked in committee or sub- committee. Then, instead of in- Gambling Raid 'Misses' Told troducing the original bill with NEWARK — The head of Essex County's gambling squad numerous amendments, the VOTERS says "there were a lot of misses" when he called Newark committee or subcommittee Police to help him in gambling raids. chairman introduces a "clean For that reason, information often was withheld* from Newark police while making gambling arrests, L't. Bart IF YOU WAtiTTO Dougherty testified yesterday in his second day as a wit- ness in the nonfeasance trial of Newark Police Director Cohen Holds Dominick A. Spina. Dougherty said he called Newark po- lice for assistance only at the last minute,'if be called them Five Persons CONTINUE at all. -» .. For the Jury Metal Prices Dip in London * LONG BRANCH - Judge REPRESENTATIVE LONDON — Word of the U.S. -bombing halt in- North Stanley Cohen yesterday held Vietnam sent gold and silver prices down on the London five persons for Grand Jury ac- bullion market today but the pound sterling advanced in tion in Municipal Court here. >:!'• early deialihgsr """•"• .' GOVERNMENT The price of gold fell about 40 cents to $38.56 an ounce. Berlin R. Baldwin of 319 Rt. Silver dropped to $1.86 an ounce, a loss of between 6 and 9 35, Neptune; Kenneth Frazierof cents. ' • 314 Rt. 35, Neptune, and Rob- ert L. Settles of 1309 Spring- . . . and keep the Problems Riot Police Form Lineup DETECTIVES PRAISED — Freeholder. Director Joseph wood Ave., Asbury Park, were PATERSON — More than 80 policemen stood in a "line- C. Irwin, left, presents Eatontown Police Detective Jo- held for Grand Jury action on up" yesterday in connection with the grand jury investiga- seph A. Mazza with a commendation for his bravery burglary charges. out of Middletown that tion of charges of police brutality and misconduct during the in rescuing Thomas Ca+chpole, 84, from his burning James G. Renna of ISO Cole- July 3 racial disorder here. hows in Eatontown last- January, Taking part in the man Ave., here, was also held The lineup was conducted for three hours by the prose- for Grand ,Jury action have been plaguing cutor's office in front of persons who say they are witness- ceremony were, left, Monmouth County Fire Marshal on charges of breaking' and en- es of the alleged police brutality and misconduct. Leonard Mack and Eatontown' Fire Chief Charles try and possession. of a hypo- The findings of the lineup will be' turned over to the Suerci in the background. (Register Staff Photo) dermic syringe. other nearby towns that grand jury which is continuing its Investigation after hand- i Also held for Grand Jury de- Ing up a presentment Monday which charged a "relative termination was Charles handful of misguided police officers" broke the law and de- Cooper of Grant Court. He is have changed governments stroyed private property during the disturbances. Detective Who Saved charged with forgery. Claude L. Stevens, 251 Sixth Student Power Pushes Bonds Ave., here, was fined $15 for TRENTON. — Student power at New Jersey's public col- Man in Fire Praised careless driving and $5 for not leges is being channeled toward passage of the $990 million THEN . . . FREEHOLD — Eatontown Catchpole, who suffered from having *a driver license in his bond lsues on Tuesday's ballot. ' Police Detective Joseph A? smoke and shock and was un- possession. At the request of students from the six state colleges, Mazza'was commended by the conscious, from the living Craig J. Hlttle of Paramus Newark College of Engineering and Rutgers University, > county Board of Freeholders room. Within minutes after the paid a $10 careless driving fine. the New Jersey Bonds Yes Committee supplied tens of thou- yesterday for his bravery in rescue, flames engulfed the liv- sands of brochures, pamphlets and other Information on the rescuing an 84-year-old man ing room. bonds to each campus. from his burning house in Ea- The freeholders noted that Children Guests The students, in turn, have canvassed the communities tontown last January. surrounding their colleges and universities and, in several Mr. Mazza made the rescue VOTE NO! Freeholder Director Joseph Of OES Unit areas, arc planning a last minute "blitz" of major shopping without regard to his personal C. Irwin said he was very LONG BRANCH — Golden centers tomorrow. safety and at the risk of his pleased and proud to present own life. Link Chapter, Order of Eastern Mr. Mazza with tlie commen- Mr. Mazza was cited for his Star, hosted tho children of the TUESDAY, NOV. 5«i Bank Fraud Involves 19 dation. outstanding act of bravery by Monmouth County Retarded NEWARK — Nineteen persons, including five former Then a patrolman, Mr. Maz- the New Jersey State Fire Children Association at their bank official:;, are under federal indictment today charging za was driving on South St.,. Chiefs' Association, the Mon- annual Halloween party at 245 them with a series of separate schemes that allegedly de- Hatontown, to his Maple Ave. mouth County Fire Chiefs' As- Potter Ave. frauded 10 Now Jersey banks of alxnit $300,000. home early Jan. 12 when lie sociation, by Eatontown Bor- More than 50 of the "children CHARTER STUDY When l.hfl indictments wen; rutui'iifd yesterday, Rdwin noticed smoke coming out. nf the ough Council and by the Eaton- .Hid their parents look part in II. Stler, chief criminal Investigator for the U. S. Attorney's home of Thomas- Catchpole at town Klwanis Club. dancing, games and costume MUNICIPAL PUBLIC QUESTION NO. 5 office, said the schemes involved the granting of loans to 164 South St., Eatontown. A five-year police veteran, Judging for which prizes were Paid for by: real or fictitious persons ineligible to receive them. The 30yopr-old off-duty pa- Mr. Mazza wa's promoted to his given tho winners. A i;lft was lie said part of the money derived from the loans was trolman, who also is a volun- present rank last April. presented to each jjuest. used to repay Rambling debts or loansharks. teer fireman of the Eatontown Mr. Catchpole later died In Mm. Gladys llutchinson was Joseph Tomnso, 6 Richard Placo, Rod Panic and "We are Investigating this anple further," Stler said Kiro Department, turned,In the Monmouth Medical Center, chairman of the party. Mrs. J. Crawford Compton, 155 8lh St., Belford, N. J. wlwn naked If there was a connection between tho way tho flro alarm. Ho then rushed into I^ong Branch, of injuriesi lU! SUf- Dorothy Hnrtcn Is worthy ma- ca«h w« obtained and the way lt was spent. . the lftuno and rescued Mr. fcred in/tho lire. tron ol tho chapter. Mitt. Artemlcf o 4-TBE DAILY REGISTER, FrM«y, Nwegftto 3, 1968 Ramon Novarro Slain In Hollywood Home LACEY TOWNSHIP - Mrs. )M, Anthony Jr., at home, Lillian Artemisio, S3, of 117 [any Artemisio of Lakewood, HOLLYWOdp (AP) - Ha- he quit movie stardom for found yesterday on a bed in his ing Novarro recently with an Laurel Blvd., Lanoka Harbor, lalph Artemisio of Rahway, FOR ANY OCCASION mon Novarro, the dashing Lat- life of quiet luxury and occas $150,000 home. autobiography. died Wednesday in the Country nd Louis Artemisio of Brick in lover who was the first "Ben ional television character roles Novarro, a life-long bachelor, Police said Novarro's head Manor Nursing Home, Toms ownship; another daughter, HONEY HE FLOWERS HOT" on the silent screen, has The nude, bludgeoned bod; River. lived alone in the Spanish-style and upper body bore signs of a tiss Rosemary Artemisio, at RUSSELL T. HODGKISS died vlolently-53 years after of the 69-year-old actor wa fierce beating, but that the She was the mother of Mrs. ome; her mother, Mrs. Car- white brick home. His death death instrument had not been Florence Beams of English- lela Vollano, a brother, Louis, 464 BROAD ST. was reported by Edward Web- located. Investigators conceded town. ' nd two sisters, Mrs. Florence, SHREWSBURY er, 42, the actor's longtime they had few clues other than Also surviving are her hus- ophia and Mrs. Molly Russo, 741-4020 secretary \vho had been help- the evidence of a savage strug- band, Anthony Artemisio; four 11 of Bethpage,.N.Y., and 11 John Van Kirk & Son Harold W. Crawford gle in three rooms of the house. randchildren. IMIakl* SbM 1OT They said bloody clothing, William Agnellino The Anderson and Campbell MIDDLETOWN-Harold Wil- believed to have been Novar- BY WIRE ANYWHERE / MONUMENTS liam Crawford, 64, of 152 NEWARK - William Agnel- 'uneraT Home, Toms River, is ro's, was found in ivy bushes lino, 51, of 83 Palm St. died l charge of arrangements. 85 COOPER RD, MlfeDLETOWN Chapel HiU Road, died Wednes- outside. Tuesday at Perth Amboy Gen- (OH Rt. 35 «t Htidon't Cernar) day at his home. A mainte- Weber told newsmen he 7414319 74MMS nance supervisor at the Ben- came upon the death scene eral Hospital. BAUI SUILD MONUMIHTS dix Corp., Eatontown, Mr. when he arrived at the house He was the brother of An- yesterday and—as was his cus- Crawford had resided in Mid- thony and Attillio Agnel- tom—let himself in with a kit- lino, both of West Long Branch. and Compare dletown 20 years. chen door key. He said he Also surviving are his widow, Surviving is his widow, Mrs. found no sign of forced entry, Mrs. Mary Agnellino; a daugh- Margaret Allen Crawford; five and that nothing was believed ter, Miss Barbara Agnellino daughters,- Mrs. Doris Par- missing from the house. and a son, William Jr., both at WITH OTHERS the rish of Kitzingen, Germany,' Officers said they believed home; two other brothers, Or- Mrs. Mary Applegate and Miss the slayer was a man. The lando Agnellino of West Orange LOW COST and CONVENIENCE Carol L. Crawford at home, Wood stains were dry when po- and Joseph Agnellino of New- John E. Day Mrs. Audrey E. Blanchard of lice arrived, indicating the ark, and a sister, Mrs. Clara of OUR Lake Worth, Fla., and Mrs. murder took place many hours Santorelll of Newark. Betty Ann Richard of Colts earlier. .. Neck; five sons, Harold Craw- A Requiem Mass will be of- FUNERAL HOME Novarro was one of a trio of fered tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. in ford Jr. of Neptune, Robert handsome, Latin leading men Crawford of East Keans- who charmed millions in the St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Regular and Convenience CHEGKIN6 ACCOUNTS'! burg, Bruce Crawford of Fres- 85 Riverside Ave. Red Bank 1920s. The others were Rudolph East, Orange. Burial will be in no, Calif., Richard Crawford of Valentino, who died at 31 in Holy Sepulcher Cemetery, New- Long Branch, and Dana Craw- ... LOW costs — There are none lower. 747-0332 1926, and Antonio Moreno, who ark, under direction of the Ga- C. SIDUN, Director" ford, at home; two sisters, was 80 at his death In 1967. ... Personalized checkbooks art Free. Mrs. Olive Oren of Van Nuys, lante Funeral Home, here. Calif., and Mrs. Elinor Eighmy Novarro was born Ramon of Long Beach, Cal.; a brother, Samaniego in Surango, Mexi- I co, Feb. 6,1899, one of 10 chil- Th» imarf, •uy, ufa way to pay bills. No caih to carry—Juit your ehaekboek. Frank Crawford of River Plaza, Man Acquitted and 13 grandchildren. dren. The father, a dentist with Services will be tomorrow at extensive landholdings, fled In Assault Case with his family during the rev- FREEHOLD - A jury before Special Offer to SENIOR CITIZENS 10 a.m. at the VJordet Funeral olution of 1913. Worden Funeral^ Home Home with the Rev. Neal_S. County District Court Judge IP TOB AM IS WARS YOUNG. NO SWVICI CHARM ON Busker of the Reformed George A. Gray yesterday ac- YOUR UVULAR HRSONAl CHICKIN* ACCOUNT. 60 E. FRONT ST. RED BANK Church of New Shrewsbury offi- quitted Joseph Guthrtdge, 170 ciating. Burial will be in Fail Papandreou Filth St., Cliftwood Beach, on Cemetery here. charges of assault with Intent to kill a OliEfwood man. OPEN YOVR ACCOUNT Dies at 80 AT ANY OFFICE Day and Night Phone . Mrs. W. E. Broyzna Sir. Mr. Guthridge was charged UNION BEACH - Mrs. Wal- with assaulting Edward Reed, Aibary Port . In Athens DMI 747-0557 ter E. Broyzna Sr., 62, of 104 1 Second Ave., GMwood, Jan. ATHENS (AP) - George U>9 Sn»ek National State St., died yesterday in 14 in Matawan Township with Ncplnw Riverview Hospital, Red Bank. Papandreou, a storm center in a 12-guage shotgun with in- ffeptan* Moll The former Mjss Rose Kelly, Greek politics for • more than Oc«aa Orow HARRY C. F. JAMES A. ROBERT F. half a century and a leading tent to kill him. Oeacnpait she was born in Newark. Her Assistant Deputy Public De- OCM Tmnifclp parents were the late Thomas foe of the present dictatorship, died early today at the age of fender Harold A. Karaite pre- V/nt LM« Iraick and Annie Donahue Kelly. sented the state's case. Mrs. Broyzna had been an 80. Despite his opposition to the employe of the Hazlet Board of military regime, it will give Education. She was a mem- Him a state funeral tomorrow. ber of Holy Family Catholic He had undergone emergen- Church here. cy surgery yesterday morning The Adams Memorial Home Besides her. husband, she is for a perforated ulcer and survived by a son, Walter E. came through satisfactorily. MIDDtETOWN TOWNSHIP VOTERS Broyzna Jr. of this place; four But shortly before 2 a.m. today William J. Connally, Owntr-Managar daughters, Mrs. Jack Douglas lie developed a brain dot and of this place, Mrs. Raymond died 30 minutes later. Shea of Marlboro, Mrs. Joseph 747-0226 His son Andreas, the chief Sammaro of Leonardo and Mrs. target of the military coup Frank A. Wells of this place; 18 months ago, is in exile in ELECT FUNERAL DIRECTORS a sister, Mrs. Helen Schnuden- Stockholm. He is scheduled to ••'-•' *INCE 1MB v back of' Newark and 15 grand- be tried in absentia Monday children. on charges of plotting an unsuc- ~A Requiem Mass-will be of- cessful attempt to assassinate fered tomorrow at 9 a.m. at Premier George Papadapolous. 310 BROAD ST. RED BANK Holy Family Church. Burial, Andreas' American wife, the under direction of the Bedle former Margaret Chant of Chi- Funeral Home of Keyport.will cago, came to Athens Wednes- be in St. Joseph's Cemetery, day with two of her children af- Keyport. ter being assured she would not Be harmed. But there was no Indication the junta would grant Andreas temporary am- nesty to attend his father's fu- TO THE PEOPLE OF neral. A long line of persons waited outside the hospital chapel where the body will lie in state until the burial Saturday LITTLE SILVER in Athens' main cemetery, I have read the proposaT*o¥ the Little Silver Fusion Candi- • Pasquale Laugelli LONG BRANCH - Pasquale dates that the Northeast Monmouth County Sewer Authority I Laugelli, 81, of 443 Willow Ave., JOSEPH M. MAUYET EDWARD P. MAKELY HERBERT E. BRAD5HAW employ a paid, full-time" executive director. And I must say that died'yesterday at Monmouth Connlttw Tovnuklp Commlttt* ,...'"* TD C*ll*ttM after spending seven years working to get a regional sewer project Medical Center after a lengthy | illness. started, to hear from candidates for local public office that what a Mr. Laugelli was born In project that has now come to fruition has needed is a paid co- I Italy and came to Long Branch ordinator, comes as a shock. This particularly when the suggestion 55 years ago. He was a self- THE BEST MEN employed landscaping contrac- comes from Mr. Drawbaugh, Mr. Flatley and Mr. Pound, none of tor. He was member of Holy whom has ever attended a regular monthly Sewer Authority Meet- Trinity Catholic Church and' a 50-year member of the Amer- FOR MIDDLETOWN ing, since its formation. They have never contacted the Authority igo Vespucci Society of Long for information, or ever made a single suggestion of any kind I Branch. He is survived by his widow, regarding the sewer project until now, when they are running I Santiha DiGirolamo Laugelli; EXPERIENCED and QUALIFIED! for office. And even at this time, they make their suggestion, not a son, Anthony G. Laugelli, and to the Authority or any of ifs members, but they incorporate it into a daughter, Mrs. Mary Colden, both of Long Branch, and four a news release. I grandchildren., , .,, The funeral will be' Monday JOE MALA YET GOVERNMENT - Serv.d 3 years Township Commit- " None of them can know what the problems have been and I with a Requiem Mass in Holy fee — Police Commissioner. OCCUPATION — Director of Product Development, Bache 4 Trinity Church at 9 a.m. Burial are. But, they have decided, .without any contact or knowledge, to I will be in Woodbine Cemtery, Co., N.Y.C. Security Brokers. EDUCATION — Packard Junior College, Accounting and Bull- recommend the expenditure of a sizable salary. How this would Oceanport, under direction of ness Administration. VETERAN — World War II* U.S. Navy, Pacific, 5 Battle Stars. AGE — the Damiano Funeral Home. gain for the project any substitute for the care and attention that 42, Married, 3 Children, lives in New Monmouth. MEMBER — St. Mary's Athletic Associa- the eleven members of the Authority and myself have given to it, I Mrs. William Lippert tion, N.Y. and National Security Traders Association. do not know. Competent engineering and legal help are employed OCEAN GROVE - Mrs. Le-1 by the Authority and we have not hesitated to ask our elected I ona Lippert, 78, of 112 Asbury Ave. died Wednesday at the officials, from the U.S. Senate to local mayors and councilmen, for Jersey Shore Medical. Center, | BOB MAKELY GOVERNMENT— Served 3 years Township Committee assistance in the furtherance of the project when it was felt neces- I Neptune. — Chairman Public Grounds and Buildings. OCCUPATION — Diamond Industry for 22 years. sary. This is a cheap attempt to mfeke political a truly bipartisan She was the mother of Wil- liam Lippert Jr. of Howellj EDUCATION — University of Vermont. Flight Instructor School, Army Air Corps. VETERAN project, which I believe is a disservice to all the people of the j Township and the wife of Wil- region. I, along with all interested parties regret the delays that I Ham Lippert. — World War II U.S. Army Air Corps, Pilot.* AGE — 44, Married, 7 Children, lives in River A grandson also survives. Plaza. MEMBER— River Plaza Boys Club, St. Anthony's Church. have occurred, but any inference that they were unnecessary is The Ocean Grove Memorial | untrue. I tuggesst that all the Fusion Candidates read the local I Home is in charge of arrange- newspapers for Wednesday, October 16, 1968, which contain a I merits. " " . '* '• ' "" . .'" report of our October 15 meeting and relate that bids will be BEGJSTERW BUD BRADSHAW GOVERNMENT — Served 4 years TAX COL- invited during the month of November on the Authority's proposed Main Offlra: LECTOR FULL TIME. Prior OCCUPATION. 17 years Accounting Experience with N.J. Natural 1(15 (lieitniit HI. sowor treatment plant. Hril Hank N. J. 07101 Ilriuirli Olden: Gas Co. and River Plaza Farm Milk Co. VETERAN — World War II U.S. Navy. AGE — 41, •711 III. 35, Mlddfalowii, N. 1. 30 Kail Mnln HI., Frrfliold, N. I. Married, 2 Children, lives on Nutswamp Road. MEMBER — River Plaza Hose Co. Fireman Is it possible that the prefix "con" added to their label would XI9 IlrMdwfty, l>ong Drench. N. J nil In 1878 by 'aha H. Cook River Plaza Boys Club and Lions Club. moro aptly describe those Fusion Candidates condition? and Ilnnry OlMjr | rnbllihrd l.r Il«d Rank Rllcfttlon of all tha InMl nnwa prlnUd lo thli M. J. RAFFERTY, ir aa w.ll u all AI> mm . claaa tioatav. paid1 *t A*4 I VOTE REPUBLICAN Col. 1 Tues., Nov. 5™ Hank, M. J. miftl «iMl at addlUnml Chairman of the Northeast Monmouth mallln* otllrw Publutied dally. Hon- ' r <'jrnu»li WM»y-__, County Sowor Authority Hnm. J>.llv.ry by Carriar~ . ,« C«nla Put Waek . (lilba/il|itlrai rrlr»i In Artvanc. r«M (w by MIMtoMwa lUpaUl 71 liw Dri**, MM*>t*wa, N. X , i Paid lor by M. J. Roiricly - »J Humion Bead. LIHI. Sllv«,. N. J, Stnill. ou^y at ooiinUr, 10 oattal l>y I mai: l» «i>nta 1 montn h —1X21X20 < montha—«I7d» | j I monlU»-W.?nlU»-W.J0 11 nwo(h»~4M.M ' PA1JT REGISTER, Fjj&y, 1, 1963-5 t. Irwin Upholds Republicans' Progress and Accomplishment Aid Squads to Get FREEHOLD — The aim of research facilities id the coun- and has accomplished the needs tion growth, more county ser- that they are taken for granted, county government is to pro- ty. ' of the county in the fields of vices are constantly required. and few recognize them as,, vide all of the programs of Monmouth needs the type of education, roads, transporta- valuable, even•, an indispen progress in the most economi- The federal and state govern- ble part of their daily lives.| administration that recognizes tion and sanitary facilities, con- B'nai Brith Award cal manner, said Freeholder ments are turning to the coun- The right of every citizen to tinued Mr. Irwin, adding: v • Director Joseph C. Irwin.- . ty as the best unit able to^ope vote,' he said, is so essential He said the Republican plat- M)NG BRANCH - The Long Englehart as program coordi- Girl Scouts Your county in this is a with new health, welfare and that few realize that they exer- Branch and Elberon First Aid nator in charge of the test! form of progress and accom- Squads have „ been selected leader, and your Republican educational programs. cise this right because the "to monial reception. plishment plays a very impor- Board of Freeholders is deter- receive the B'nai Brith The affair will be in Temple tant role in the social, econom- To Discuss Municipalities with inad- county pays for the costs; Community Service Award to mined that Monmouth County equate resources look to the Beth Miriam, Elberon, Tuesday ic and cultural life of the citi- shall remain a leader." registration,, election boa be given by the Joseph Finkel evening, Nov. 19. Invitations' county for assistance, he said, voting machines and ottief Lodge, here. zens of the count's 53 munic- Prejudice .._ ,„ Problems Seen have been extended to local ipalities. and the freeholders are contin- items te assure an efficient, As director of finance, said ually working to provide solu- Jack Kiely and Paul Di dignitaries and prominent cit- With all of the accomplish- FARMINGDALE - A honest and accurate handling of Nucqi, presidents of the reizen- s of Monmouth Coun- ments brought about by the Re- "Speakout," to take a sharp Mr. Irwin, he knows that coun-' tions and to reflect the will of ty government faces many the people. elections. This is one of hun- spective organizations, will ac- ty, many of whom will partic- publican Board of Freeholders, look at what Senior Girl Scouts ipate in the special event. problems. With rapid indus- Many government services dreds of services paid for by cept the award, it was an- said Mr. Irwin, who is seeking can do to break down the walls the county tax dollar, he said. nounced by the lodge-president, re-election, the county's finan- trialization, urban and popula- are so tangible, he continued, Jerome Englehart. cial condition remains sound. of prejudice and to cement un- Recollection Day The county has an excellent derstanding among all girls, The award is presented by will be held at The Lodge of the lodge in recognition of out- For Clergy Set credit rating, he continued, standing services to the com- brought about by the use of Monmouth Council of Girl LONG BRANCH - A Day of sound business principles, and LITTLE SILVER NEEDS THEM! Scouts, Camp Sacajawea, on munity by dedicated and deRecollectio- n for the clergy of voted citizens. this progressive fiscal program Joseph C. Irwin Sunday from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. the Catholic Diocese^ of Tren- has made Monmouth County Meeting in executive session ton will be held Nov. 7 at San Senior Girl Scouts have been the leader among the state's in new and expanded industrial urged to get together sometime last; night, the board members Alfdnso Retreat House here. 21 counties.' facilities, he said, adding that heap a report by Disney Sol- "The Rev. Francis Nolan, pas- during- this first weekend: in Ratables Climbing the county Planning Board and November for a chance to dis- deaj outlining plans for thetor of Holy Spirit Church, As- More than, $100 million In its Industrial Committee have award program. Mr. Solden, bury Park, and diocesan direc- cuss today's problems today. ratables have been added to stimulated investment in de-The event, suggested by the past president of the lodge and tor, explained that the second the county's tax roles since 1960 sirable types of industry and chairman of the Northern New day, which had been scheduled national president of the Girl Jersey Council of B'nai Brith's for Tuesday at St. Joseph's Col- Scouts of the U.S.A., is to be citizen and civic affairs com- lege, Princeton, had been can- planned and executed entirely mittee, was appointed by Mr;celed because it is election day. by the Senior Scouts. Bedell Vows to Seek The Honmouth Council event has been planned by the Se- nior Planning Board, composed Property Tax Reform of* representatives from each MIDDLETOWN — Eugene J. taxes sadly inefficient, inequit- of the Senior Girl Scout troops Bedell, Democratic candidate able and wasteful. of Monmouth Council. All Senior Scquts of Monmouth for freeholder, last night vowed "Property taxes in our coun- ty are rising at an intolerable Council and their . non-Scout to use the full resources teenage^ friends have been in- rate and property owners are l county government to reform being pushed beyond" reason- vited to pariticpate,in Sunday's session^ property taxes. " able limits.. These taxes' are BRUNO GREENWOOD RELL Addressing a meeting of theparticularly objectionable be- Immediately after "Speak- .Too young to vote, but Natelion J. Kridel'j second' East Keansburg Betterment cause they are poorf^ admin- out," a duplicate report on (RETURN THESE RESPONSIBLE MEN TO COUNCIL Jloor customers know their own minds on fashion. Association' at Buck Smith's istered and work to discourage ideas and action decisions will Inn, the Democrat called such property improvement," he be prepared by the seniors, THEY ARE CONCERNED! one. to be submitted directly to said. • We remain opposed to all Little Silver residents at the collection within th* Mayor the council president and the apartment development, yet station witfiln an adequate and Council. Mr. Bedell said real estate other to be mailed to the Na- revenues are not only the al- encourage th» search for niw parking area* We pledge to HOLD THE tional president, Mrs. Holton ratablu in the existing busi- most exclusive source of fund- We believe present garbage LINE on municipal taxes over ness and Industrial xones, but collection contract costs are the next few years by limit' ing local government and lo- only whan strict control l» too high and that other Ing major expenditures for HAVE YOU READ YOUR cal schools, but currently fi- maintained over planning meant must be found wifhin Improvements to our. current" nance 87 per cent of the coun- * A "breathtaking" record was and optration. the next year to keep such means. ty's budget. set in 1942, by a Middletown, We favor giving th* home- costs within reasonable lim- W* favor a planned program Conn., Wesleyan University owner the option of using its. Wa favor exploring co- to upgrade borough roads "County government in Mon- plastic pipe in plumbing In- operation with other com- once the seweri are installed INSURANCE CONTRACT? junior. According to "Time munities faced with the same mouth cost about' $30 million stallations to obtain, cost and to spread such work over \ ....;.• '• . - ; ' ' ' '-W,';!'-'' '" *; •—' • • this year," he said. "In many Capsule 1942," a paperback and service advantages. problem. We seek to keep several years to minimize book'that records events for We favor free parking for the responsibility {or garbage the cost. Your Insurance policies, are legal, binding contracts. Each policy specifies that of our beleagured communities, the county tax bill amounts to that year, Eugene J. Frechette We offer experience and new ideas to help make Little in exchange for your premium dollar* you are protected agatast certain ex- as much or more than that for Jr. ''took three breaths of oxy- municipal services. gen, then sat purple - faced, Silver a better town in which to live. •posures^ HOWEVER]"'the poiicietjlso EXCLU&E coverage for various hazards. breathless* Iike4o-foust, for 20 Paid lo> bv Littli Silver Republican Campaign Committee. Arthur C. Evans, • Holly Tree La. Finance Chairman "The increasing county levy minutes S.seconds." 1 Your Welfare' ahdf peace of mind depend SOLELY on fhe'TYPE of coverage you indicates that even the substan- tial increase, in taxable prop- have been 'SOLDI Without proper protection you could sustain a financial erty has not been able to off- set the upward spiral," Mr. Be- . catastrophe, Most Homeowners do not carry adequate fir* insurance on their dell said.* "If this country is to homes or contents. " • . • " meet the demand for more and increased services with reason- able success, the costs cannot , We shall be pleased to analyie your'intur.nce coverage at a service without continually be met by raising THE MEN FDR MIDDLETOWN {•any obligation MLVOJIT part. , j^.. the property tatpf Mr. Bedell said, "Property taxes could be the best and the Rosell Insurance Agency fatrest of all levies if only prop- erly exercised. THeysre, how- ever, the most objectionable. NEED YOUR VOTE! 631 NEWMAN SPRING* ROAD The worth of any community LtNCROFT, N. i: 741-3538 is increased when an owner im- proves his home or commer- INSURANCE IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS cial structure, but under exist- ing practice, he is penalized by BUY DIRECT AND SAVE KITCHEN SALE' . in time for the holiday %#••.•BUY DIREC• MT l AND SAVE Here't what you g«t: • 8 fr. of upper cabinet! • 8 ft. of base cabinet! • Built-in gas oven . JOSEPH M. MALAVET EDWARD P. MAKELY HERBERT E. BRADSHAW • Built-in gas rang* ToffiuMp CsamlftM Township Committed Tea Collector • Center bank of" drawers complete with built • In Custom Built Kitchens DT9Cra DOX ~ • Ad drawers on nylon Tollers • Formica top BECAUSE • 21x24 porcelain sink with ¥•• spray faucets, strainers • Adjustable shelves • Finest birch cabinets beautifully finished - Installation optional THEY PLACE THE PEOPLE

Illustrated: Is Gelco'» "REGAL" Red Birch Kitchen AND THE TOWNSHIP ON DISPLAY See Our Fabulous New ! KITCHEN DESIGNS ON DISPLAY BEFORE POLITICAL IN OUR SHOWROOM This Kitchen features MANUFACTUHi AMBITION! BUILT-IN CUSTOM KITCHEN Manufacturers of i GAS QUALITY KITCHENS -For MidAletoum' H lle*t Team— CABINETS Oven & Range TO STYLES—20 FINISHES (Between Atbury Park Our K Cl n rla fl 1121 HWY. 35 and Caroniown Circle) WANAMASSA " " ""' « deportment It VOTE REPUBLICAN Col. 1 Tues., Nov. 5TH ^^ ifafted with speclallirt In this fluid. SIORS HOURS: « can plan with your budgtt. BVen Monday, Wednesday, Friday W A.M. to • r.M.i Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 'til i P.M. arrang* easy Dm* payment.. Paid for by Mlddfetown R«publltaH Campaign Committee, JoiepK Anollna, Chairman, 75 llrr Drive. MUdlefown, H. J. . . . Come Sro Our Large Display of ttathroom Vanities ************* FREE ESTIMATES DIAL 531.3800 *•*****•*•*****,; i *••- • • - n. ... i Our Candidate and Question Selections a Established in 1878 — Published by The Red Bank Register, Incorporated COLUMN S COLUMN ID COLUMN I . COLUMN*. • (r SllU FatHc Qnwlbni NOMINATION PUBLIC QUESTIONS M. HAROLD KELLY, Publisher REPUBLICAN DEMOCRAT Magmas JSf^ ISPrSrw! BY PETITION T» B. Vottd Upon ' Oantrit Election - G«o»ral XUcUon Gonaral ElacUoa Genoroi Eleclioa Movemlttf >. IMS Arthur Z. Kamin, Editor KovcroUr 6,1«» t>oviml»r I, >MI ".- Hovimbu e, UM

Thomas J. Bly, Executive Editor William F. Sandford, Associate Editor CMroa Vduc rwir lioawrfl •. nuinnnnr NEW jEDsrr rmuc BWUBNOI ouan* «. WALUU YES COTITMXTION BOW iann auiniit ontnir Q A —« FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1968 V Slul] Hie ad nlltM "M >t( jMaorfiUfto Prtaidantla] Ebefon For VtltXIKft 1, BL01IKX NO 9 IBOI1 i. (AXLOK (3 i A VakUlunMli tteam t# pay thi inUf sit ct v**4 uvBCf HV W^ W t Praldtritoti VlMTnaUnt rAim Mt&tuM g >av aw) £jcharf!e tlw principal thoroof; oadfM. JSlia f4 XoprMmtatlna WAiTint -•»• endorsed candidates for the presiden- after serving so well, should not. be • VoUtoOo* .•row n i HOVAtO Q msonoe D SJiTo'of'fi'i Ua ttalo mibo •» ol returned to Congress. Sen. Stout had TmSmUt PAttL NO V public lra»Umi .yiloni of ya aaj Ika lav VettfcrOM - cuuoN, .f*. a A prneniiit ol nau truipoftaUn /WlBUolianKd. the highly difficult task of trying to \nt tot wayi and mean) to pay and dauluno feo and sheriff. Here, for the benefit of our JOHEM a - •nmi prindpil thcrnl and Weraat tlmoa: and imU. convince Third District voterjs that he, • f Inl lor lha t£nli'l«n ol tola act to Of poopVol MMFQf • JESOb 0 A a (ooeral oloaliio." to apjtovalt .readers,.are excerpts from the four instead of Rep. Howard, would make a Botrd af Chew* Tntk/Mtn oMAjmti, - n«i. - , editorials. better congressman. t Bousma jusnTANa BOND Una oUMOt ' • mouzr 0 A YES Shan lio «t uA'Ued *An act M^ttMtf «o creaUoo »l «*t ol tin Salt ol X«r Mtnf If IkO For President: As the campaign developed and the iuumM o( (xmla'ol I" SUU U Ibo ran of «U it million lo provldo money to apw eaMtnaloa aM ' . /•".'• \ NO A rahabmiaUon ol bwiliif;- U) ooibla tock toatai ... Among the three contenders candidates debated, it became even lo la !«»»• ill iff mt Bateau fciKima: (o pmHo tte wyl aM moau U Mr more dramatically apparent that to a 1 tfeo laiaiaat of aald dobt 4BQ ino to jtf 4tfl ••. with substantial support, George Wal- I charla tbo principal thf r«li and lo provWo (or So make a change now would not be in •uhnLlcf «l IklTact U Ua Poofk, at • W*** lace can be dismissed as undeserving of - alection," bo opprovod! ' the best Interests of the district and - X • PaMo »»oHap Wo. IT tiro-YElB •-*•**• *"-|* :' serious consideration. He is an astute the nation. We respect Sen. Stout — •"•» • YES OONVIRUXIDKAli AaMNDmW m demagogue who is cleverly exploiting but Rep. Howard has compiled too \ X oflnc CoBitHutloa apcol to bf tia1 ullMan the fears and hates of untold num- outstanding a record to be denied NO X mtan thonol and for atUoa. la tia MCaaol » bers of troubled people. But he has another lerm. Matter of fact, this in- Dual otulan. iron U«lVl«Uvo moaiani (MWMi telligent, dynamic, creative and inde- u>i^amlnri.W».£ujuaati»«ora»o/l, proposed no considered programs, for • eenmiHIon or Won tla Oonraar, k •* (rat pendent young congressman should be amal aouln; bo adapUdT ' '. .' the ills of the nation other than police returned to Washington with the solid ^ force at home and military force and convincing voter approval that he* INSIDE WASHUNGTON abroad. By any reasonable standards so f ichty deserves. • of knowledge, experience or personal Sep. Hpward's impressive leader- stature, he is unfit to be President. - ship and service are there for all to 8 The other two major candidates — see and admire. Let's take a look at Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey, a the record again: By ROBERT S. ALLEN a close Nixon-Humphrey split order is: "Keep the black Washington "team" to fight CONTRAST IN STYLES— Democrat, and Richard M. Nixon, a The Central Jersey Expressway and JOHN A. GOLDSMITH could leave no candidate with man down." , crime, to help the fanner, -Circumstance.' has combined LOS ANGELES-RepuMican Republican — offer us the choice to project appeared to be doomed until the 270 votes necessary for NO HOUSEHOLD WORD- and so forth. In these re- with the personality of the nominee Rfchard M. Nixon is victory im the electoral col- Another marked difference marks,-which are warmly two major party candidates be made. And neither has, in our Rep. Howard employed superb legisla- trying to keep his campaign lege. between the last-lap cam- applauded, Agnew gets no to produce very different opinion, arousea any real enthusiasm tive skill in obtaining the necessary "cool" afc he appUes a finish- That would throw'the elec- paigning of Nixon and Hum- •'new team" assipment. campaign styles. The essen- among the electorate. We cannot say funds for it A major building program ing kick in his race for the tion of a president Into the phrey is in their treatment of In that connection, it should tial differences remain, White: House, but Nixon is that Mr. Humphrey or Mr, Nixon for Ft. Monmouth was beset with de- House of Representatives, or their own vice presidential also be noted that Nixon is though both candidates are beginning to hear footsteps. open the way for bargaining running mates. warmly applauded for just trying to sharpen tneir barbs brings forward to the public the excite- lays and indecision until Rep. Howard Vice President Hubert H. by the candidates; with mem- In Miami Beach, after be-, about .\anything he 'says. in the campaign's final days. ment and the hope that should be such labored to get it approved. The result Humphrey, sprinting desper- bers of the Electoral College ing selected by Nixon to run Teen-agers are turned out in Nixon projects an urbane an integral part of anyone seeking the will be muclwieeded facilities for the ately— as he bas almost — the course whioh-is favored for vice president, Maryland large numbers for Nixon's and confident image. He presidency of the United States-. . . fort and tremendous economic gains from the start — is closing by Wallace. Gov. Spiro Agnew remarked campaign appearances. They cautions his audiences about in on Nixon with bis all-out In his stretch-drive speech- that his was not exactly a are urged to give the candi- for-the county ... the dangers of overconfi- What is needed today is leadership drive, but Humphrey wonders es Nixon scarcely mentions household name. Nixon, It date an enthusiastic response. dence, reminds them of the whether.he will run ou of Wallace, though. Wallace sup- must now be reported, has The result is invariably noisy, that will restore the confidence of the This is but part of the exciting 1948 upset victory of Demo- nation. Unfortunately,, this was lost track. porters carrying Wallace done nothing to remedy the but it does not often seem to crat Harry S. Truman, but it story of Rep. Howard. It is,one that Both of.the major party signs turn up occasionally at governor's problem of identi- provide a reasoned endorse- during the Johnson Administration — all serves to .strengthen the vividly points out achievement. and candidates are well aware Nixon rallies to do a bit of fication. ment for the former vice; impression that Nixon Views and the Republic became bitterly di- aggressiveness, all in the interests of that the presidential race is heckling: Nixon ignores Nixon almost never men- president's views. himself as the front-rtinner vided and at odds with itself. getting closer. That is clear them, as he ignores most of tions. Agnew from the cam- Humphrey rallies are less and expects that he willwin. the "¥hird District and all of New to newsmen who follow them the hecklers whom he en- paign rostrum. He has de- From the White House now must predictable, perhaps be- Humphrey's appeal is very Jersey. "• , in the crucial final days of counters in his travels'. fended his running mate on cause they are less well or- much that of the underdog. come a new sense of direction that will their'campaign traveling. Humphrey, on the other the rare occasions when cir- The congressman has Ignored par- ganized. In this Southern He speaks often — and al- lift us from our domestic and inter- It is ironic that, as the hand, seldom misses a chance cumstances have placed him California area there may tisan politics to bring the finest repre- most enviously — of Nixon's national quagmires. We do not see Nixon-Humphrey race nar- to harpoon Wallace and his in a question-and-answer for- be some Hollywood entertain- big campaign treasury and rows, chances increase that running mate, Gen. Curtis um, but he volunteers no Mr. Humphrey, so closely linked to sentation and service to his constitu- ers on tap (though Humphrey of the GOP nominee's big ad- ents. Democrats, Republicans and in- it will produce no clear-cut LeMay, the former Air Force comments at all in his stump has turned off some of the vertising budget. He! tells the Johnson Administration, In; a posi- winner. With independent chief ol staff. Humphrey speeches. dependents should respond in the same old Kennedy idolaters), and audiences that, with, their tion to do this. That leaves Mf. Nixon candidate George C. Wallace tells audiences that the Ill- The omission Is quite ap- that may please the crowd manner and return Rep. Howard to . help, he is going,to-'bring off — and, it is our hope that he can '• assured of Deep South sup-, concealed message behind parent, because Nixon is and warm uft.the faithful for . the biggest political upset of port — and perhaps more — Wallace's call- for law and forever promising a; new measure up to the great challenge be- Congress. ' the candidate's remarks. :^ece%y: V;• fore him and the nation. For Freeholders: Watching, the two cam- FROM OUR READERS , paignets, it is hard to believe We take some comfort In the fact Freeholders Joseph C. Irwin and that either of them has gen- that Mr. Nixon is a man with a deep Benjamin H. Danskin, Republicans,- erated much, enthusiasm sense of history ^- and, as such, wilt among the voters, or among are campaigning for re-election on a their party rank and file. want to become a great President. Comments on Numerous Subjects solid record of pregressive action. All Perhaps that is because both There is no' question that he is a around us is evidence that our county of them have, in different changed man — one who has come a - government is meeting present needs, ways, .been conducting defen- 'Yes* Vote Imperative Significant Education Bill sive campaigns. long way from the candidate who lost as well as preparing for the population 221 Nancy Lane Monmouth Educational Council Nixon has been cautiously his bid for the presidency eight years Trenton, N.J. growth that every indicator shows , Gartield-Grant Building protecting his position as To the Editor: ago. He has made some political and will continue. 279 Broadway front runner, trying to avoid As a student- at New Jersey's State College at Trenton philosophical adjustments since'that Long Branch, N.J. real bloopers and minimize and a resident of .New Shrewsbury, I feel it imperative that A quick look at some of the reali- To the Editor: small mistakes. Humphrey time — and today he at least stands the contents of theJetter which I am enclosing be made zations — and other projects soon to I would appreciate the privilege of alerting your read- has been defending the John- as a presidential contender who, under known to all voters in this area. • ers to a significant education bill (A-411) now awaiting be accomplished —. finds us in excel- son Administration's policies the circumstances, could be accepted Because of inadequate dormitory space, I am forced action in the New Jersey State Senate. and the Democratic record by the American people. lent shape in such matters as a county to live in a house off-campus. I have,classes until six Enactment of this bill Vould make it possible for local since FDR. ' o'clock, and by the time I have finished dinner it's dark. , library, park system, land for a golf districts to receive reimbursement for two-thirds of the In 1964 President Johnson I can choose between walking home through the woods . At least he heads a party that is course, regional sewerage programs, a costs of maintaining high school equivalency courses for had to get mediqal treatment or along busy roads without sidewalks. Considering that united for a change — and largely adults who need the credential for employment and job for his hands which were cut community college, a new courthouse, a girl was raped on her way home only a week ago, either through his efforts. This is in distinct advancement. At present, these courses must be financed . and calluSed during the cam- an adequate highway program and an prospect is discouraging. entirely through individual tuition payments, and the contrast to the Democratic party, still paign by voters who wanted improved jail setup . . . New Jersey is 50th in higher education. We have . costs prevent many needy and deserving men and women to touch him. In that cam- fragmented from a bitter fight over marched peacefully to Trenton; we have stated our-' from 'participating. Modest state support would sustain the paign year the Republicans the nomination and the platform . . . Their Democratic opponents, Eu- grievances, and we have •received no help; Perhaps if the continuing educational development of many citizens and who bothered to turn out for gene A. Bedell -and Frank K. Woolley, voters knew the facts, the seriousness of this situation bring substantial benefits to the entire community. The mood of the nation calls for a Sen. Barry M. Goldwater have staged a disappointing campaign. would move them to action. Bill A-411 passed in the Assembly on June 10 with a ^boasted that they would change in the White House. It is urgent Most sincerely, vote of 66-1. Now it is up to the Senate to take action. We've supported Mr. Bedell in the "rather fight than switch." and essential that new goals be set Marcia Hill Sincerely, past, and continue to admire the job Somehow it doesn't seem to forth under a President wholly di- Robert H. Snow be a fighting matter (his he did when he was a freeholder, but vorced from the present administra- Coordinator of Adult Education time.. neither he nor Mr. Woolley, formerly The Senatorand the Elderly tion. Thus, the strange events of his- an outstanding councilman in Free- 6? Delaware Ave., tory have left open to Richard M. Ocean Grove, N. J. hold, have shown a good reason why YOUR MOIVEY'S WORTH Nixon great opportunities for leader- To the Editor: they should replace their opponents. As an elderly person whose fixed income gets smaller ship at a critical time. We endorse his Perhaps the reason for their lackluster each year because of the way Congress throws our money candidacy. campaign is that they, too, realizeliow around, I'm fed up with explanations from the spend- • Next for Social Security ers who want to go back for more of the same. By SYLVIA PORTER For Congress: formidable the opposition is. Richard Stout has worked in Trenton for the elderly, Automatic benefit boosts to match liv- Would you like to see: Social Security ing cost increases are virtually a sure thing Third District voters this year have County voters will do themselves not against them. On the basis of his outstanding service and his con- beneficiaries given periodic automatic bene- for the near future, for the next President is. the good fortune of having two excel- a service by returning Mr. Irwin and cern for the welfare of the elderly and others on fixed fit raises, so they could keep pace with our committed to the step and Congress will not lent major party candidates seeking a Mr. Danskin to office by overwhelm- Incomes, Sen. Stout has earned the right to become part nation's rising living standards as well as resist. seat in the next Congress, , ing majorities. ' of the Nixon team. rising living costs? Periodic standard-of-llving benefit raises r Children of divorced or separated par- also has overwhelming support, since 2,- Incumbent Rep. James J. Howard, Sincerely, For Sheriff: Alexander Anderson ents added to our Social 800,000 elderly Americans now receive only a Democrat, is without question one of Security rolls? the shameful minimum ($55 a month for in the finest congressmen ever to repre- Sheriff Paul J. Kiernan Sr. three A new Social Security individual and $82.50 for a couple). The years ago was elected sheriff of Mon- benefit in the form of a National Council of Senior Citizens wants sent this district. At the same time, flat monthly children's al- the minimum raised at least to $150 a 'he has gained national stature for his mouth County by a 10,000-vote major- lowance for all American month for individuals and $250 for retired Hst of accomplishments. ity. For a Democrat to score so heav- children, similar to the al- couples. A more realistic might be a lowances provided today minimum at the poverty line, about $125 Opposing him is State Sen. Richard ily in normally Republican territory is in most major European a month for a retired individual. R. Stout, a Republican, who serves proof that his popularity is not re- nations? • * * with distinction in the legislature, has All of these ideas have stricted to the party of which he has AND AMONG THE other likely Social never lost an election* and represents, been proposed in recent Security liberalizations are: a raise In the • PORTER months, .and while none is to a great extent, the more positive Re-- been a leader for so many years. retirement earnings test (but not Its elimi- likely to becomo law soon, It's a certainty nation) ; Inclusion of all elderly Americans publican thinking that has started to When he took office, Mr. Kiernan that Social Security benefits will continue in the Social Security system, bringing in to be liberalized. Tjie only -questions are manifest itself in New Jersey. was faced with personnel problems those whose jobs were not covered and who how much, when and in which directions. The campaign conducted by both that had gotten dut of hand. At his *' • - • therefore did not pay Social Security taxes; B reduction in the waiting period for disa- candidates has been an enlightened swearing-Jn ceremony, he promised to BOTH CANDIDATES Humphrey and bility benefit.-!, perhaps from today's six ine. They have debated. They have move slowly but efficiently to regain Nixon, are calling for automatic Social Se- months to threo months. discussed issues. They have set forth control. He also said, he would be a curity benefit boosts- to compensate for rises Not among probablo new benefits In the program* and ideas for the district, sheriff in the sense Intended by state in our cost of living; near future arc: day care centers for chil- Humphrey la also asking for standard- dren of widows; special benefits for vic- the itate, and the nation. They truly statute ... •' . of-living benefit raises and many other ex- tims of automation; college benefits for hav^ sought to keep the campaign on The Republican candidate, Mayor tensions. Nixon Is proposing guaranteed children of Social Security beneficiaries. the hlgheit level — andw e n°Pe ^is Social Security benoflta for all Americans Axol n. Carlson Jr. of Manasquan is When we go boyond the benefits which will continue until the last minutes over age 65, no matter what their other MII bi> financed this way, WR will get Into an ablo, attractive campaigner. Wa Of the pre-election activity. earnings. Candldato Wallace wants the the murky-murky land of welfare-type bene- see no reason for n change, however, elimination of the "retirement test," the fits which could be financed only out of the But, as we asid here when Sen. Mpocinlly since Mr. Kiernan'n itew- "If they holt the bombing, and there's o limit on earnings n retiree can have and Treasury"; general funds. The more we itill collect Social Security benefits. Stout announced his candidacy, the cease fire and no more killing, 1 ho,pa mova toward tlil.i, the more we change, In nrdship has bccMi so commcndnblc. Wo Which new benefits are probably com- a fundamental way, tho contributory naturo "it: fcey liiue continues to be whether hope county voters agree. you'r* null at ltd'." " 1 ing oompgritlvtly »oonf of the Social Security lystem ofI the U.U.SS. K h 5 OUR READERS Police Need Better Pay Pay Raise Deserved THE DAILY REGISTER, Fri^y, Nwmkur I, 8 Highland Ave., 77 Wallace St. Red Bank, N.J. 07701 . ^ Red Bank, N.J. jfbout 'Off Broad? To the Editor: To the Editor: Department of the Army Since the proposal for an increase in the salary At the forthcoming, election, voters of Red Bank will VOTERS OF Battery D 3d Battalion (Nike- scale of the Red Bank Police Department is one of the have the opportunity to express their appreciation and Hercules) 51st Artillery most important local issues to be decided in the coming reward our Police Department for the. excellent services Hazlet, N.J. 07730 election, I would appreciate the opportunity' to express they have rendered for many years'to the borough by an UNION BEACH To th« Editor: publicly the feasons why I have been urging people to vote approval of the 15 per cent salary increase which would Iliis. letter is being written to bring to the attention "yes" in support of this question. become effective Jan. 1. VOTE REPUBLICAN. NOV. 5th of the citizens of Red Bank and the surrounding com- Having been privileged for three years to serve as The writer heartily supports this increase as the re- munities a most worthy and commendable non-profit organi- judge of the Red Bank Municipal Court, I had the op- quest is a reasonable one and there has been no general zation. portunity to observe at close range the functioning of the increase in salaries of the Police Department since 1964. V police department and the work of the individual police Our neighboring communities of Little Silver, Middletown, Return to Reason I am referring to the coffee house in Red Bank named officers. I can state without reservation that the citizens Oceanport, Rumson attti Shrewsbury have a higher basic "Off Broad Street," which in fact is located on Broad St. of Red Bank should be truly proud of the high caliber of standard which we should equalize or better if we are to ELECT MEN, FULLY QUALIFIED It has been in existence since May, and I regret that our police force and the efficiency, dedication and loyalty retain the services of the fine body of men on our Police many parents of teen-age children in the area are either to duty displayed by men of all ranks in every department. (^Department and secure adequate and qualified personnel for . WITH COMPLETE INTEGRITY not aware of its presence or, being aware of it, have replacements when needed. The cost of living has steadily a negative impression of it, an impression based on a Few people are in a position to see the time-consuming advanced the past few years and is still advancing which lack of information about it, no information at all, or a and painstaking detail which these men devote to their merits favorable consideration of their request for an in- ElECT combination of both. As a resident of Red Bank since daily reports and many other after-duty obligations as crease in salary. There is an element of risk and danger June, I have had ample opportunity to investigate "Off members of the department. in the services rendered by the Police Department and Broad Street," and to meet both its management and many In addition to keeping our qualified policemen, we good policemen are indispensable to a well-run community. * WILLIAM D. WRIGHT of the teen-agers who patronize the place. I feel so strongly must also consider: the very real problem of attracting Our policemen render many services beyond the1 call and that "Off Broad Street" is a desirable social and recre- recruits to the. department. The recommendations of recent of actual duty to the citizens of Red Bank and surround- ational asset to Red Bank's youth that I believe it to be study commissions are that policemen should receive addi- ing communities. Let us show our appreciation for their In the interest of all that its presence be known. tional special training in order to understand and comply efforts Tuesday by voting yes for the 15 per cent salary * HARRY JOSEPH I am not a teenager. As a college graduate an* an with modern intricate court decisions and the psychological increase. TO THE BORO COUNCIL Army Officer with a strong interest in youth work, I have and social problems confronting every community today. Edmund H. Hanlon nothing to gain personally by writing about "Off Broad The President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Street." The people who will gain by "Off Broad Street" Administration of Justice, in its report "The Challenge of | ATTENDED DUDE RANCH fuar are the teen-agers and the parents, and even adults who are Crime in a Free Society" issued February, 1967, notes Four Monmouth County resi- leen Coughlin of 75 Walling not parents. The coffee house has some excellent musical "The new division of functions also dictates a reexamina- dents, attending The Berkeley Ter., Keyport; Mrs. William entertainment tb offer on weekends, and the door is open tion of police salary scales, which in most cases are now Schools of New York City and Fowler, Middlesex Road, Mat' * taNRY T. DEHLER to. everyone of any age. The only cost is a few cents and too low to attract the best qualified recruits, or to keep the East Orange, have attended a awan; Miss Judy Leong, 7 In- , the time to come in and see for one's self what is being best qualified policemen." .dude ranch social weekend at gress Way, Matawan, And TAX ASSESSOR Offered. I believe they would be pleasantly surprised. The future of Red Bank may well depend upon the Roaring Brook Lodge, Lake Miss Peggy Williams, Bostin Paid for by Harry Joseph, 424 Lorlllard Ave.,'Union BMCft continued excellence of our Police Department. This goal GeorgevThis was the first of a way Village, Asbury Park As a closing comment, we know that the future of. this can only be achieved by supporting our policemen now in series of social events planned nation rests with its youth. The best way to enhance the their request for a higher salary scale. for students throughout the emotional and intellectual maturation of teen-agers is to . Sincerely, year. provide them with a place to meet with their friends and Francis X. Kenhelry Attending were: Mlgg Kath- with the adult supervision present at "Off Broad Street." LEGAL NOTICE Committee In this way, ideas and opinions are exchanged, and the NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT mind develops. Furthermore, the "kids" are out of trouble OF ACCOTOT KSTATB - OF JOHN FRANKLIN by being off the streets at "Off Broad Street." HITCHCOCK, DICSABBD ; Notice Is hereby riven that the ac- I I Sincerely urge all teen-agers and their parents to come ootrati of the Hfcacrlber,' TRUSTEE ftls weekend for some good times and good entertainment. of the estate o( aald Deceased will be audited, and stated by the Surro- Sheldon F. Wagner, Jr» gate or the County or HenmotiUr mud reported for' settlement to The lion- •2nd Lt., Artillery mouth County Court, Probate Dlvl- | •ion, on Friday, the 6th day of DE- United States Army CEMBER A. D., 1988, at 9:30 o'clock a.m., at the County Court Home, Monument and Court Street!, Free- hold, New Jeraey, at which time Ap- End Big Government plication will be made for the allow- ance of CommUilona anil Couniel 851'Ocean Ave., fees, « Elberon, N.J. CHEMICAL BANK NEW YORK TRUST COMPANY To the Editor: By: RANDOLPH X. RICHARDSON, Trust Officer, America has reached the crossroads as to whether 20 Pine Street, • New Tork City, N. T. they will go forward under the precepts as set forth by our Trustee. founding fathers, or whether they will succumb to the many Messrs. Bourne, lehmld, Burke * Noll, ideologies that beset us from every side. America must Counsellors at Law, 382 Springfield Avenue, decide whether they wish to be a second rate power, a Summit, New Jeraey. nation where the flag is burned, torn and disgraced, whose Oct 11. 18, », Nov. 1 131.00 every action in many quarters of the world is suspect, ADVERTISEMENT FOB BIDS a country that is looked upon as disunited, dissatisfied Project No. and Location and struggling for survival, as has been its lot in recent 4757 MAC DARA F. LYDEN CHARLES D. FALLON Renovate' * replace elevatan, years. . ~ "v— •'.. Ollnlo Bultdlni, Oreyitone Park Hoi- pita!, Oreyiton* Pat*, N. J. The time has come for everyone of voting age to make Owner: State of New Jersey Separate sealed bids (a) for each one of the most vital decisions that they may be called •f listed branches of work and a separate over-all single contract bid Upon to make in the next century. Theyadecide whether (b) covering all the branches of work they wish fresh leadership, furnished by a team of men and material required to complete the project will be received In the VOTE whose feet are on the ground, whose platforms and utter- Reception Room of the Office of the Director, Division of Purchase and ances espouse the causes that made our nation the greatest Property, 2nd floor. Room 232-2, State House. Trenton, New Jersey 08625, on earth, men who are able to see the whole panorama of until 2:00 o'clock p.m. D.B.T. on No- POSITIVE I our great nation, who do not have their heads in the clouds vember 14, 1968 and then publicly opened and read aloud. No bid will nor are they plagued by indecision, or tied down with -be accepted after the hour specified. , BROTECTtONl . Bids will be received on the follow- DEMOCRATS commitments that are impossible to adequately fulfill, ing branches of work: men who can give our nation a new start and bring GENERAL _r STRUCTURAL WTF.EI. - ;,.r _.., - by Cerfan-dri America back along the road to prosperity, who will ELECTRICAL ELEVATOR WORK "• lead Us in peace with honor, and once again raise our flag to The Information for Bidden, Form or Bid, Form of Contract, . Plans, Apply Certan-dri Anti-Parspirant only twice the position of respect and eminence that it so rightly Specifications and forms of - Bid deserves. Bond, Performance-Payment Bond, weekly at bedtime. Keeps you lastingly fresh, and other contract documents may be examined at the following: The decision is yours, Mr. and Mrs. America, on Tues- Office of Architecture, odor-free and desert-dry. Pure, odorless and day for your vote and only your vote can bring this about. To Smglneerfag 4k Construction, colorless. Will not wash off, harm or stain deli-, lit stay home or register.a negative protest vote is only to State House LETOWN cate garments when used as directed. sell out your precious birthright, a right that was won Trenton, New Jersey 08825 Copies may be obtained at the Of- by sweat and blood, a right that is an obligation owed fice of Architecture, Bngineerlng and Construction, located at .the State to our fore-fathers. - House, Trenton, New Jersey upon 2 oi. Roll-On $3 payment of S2B.00 for each set. Any unsuccessful bidder, upon returning Let us one and all arise in our greatness and cast a such set promptly and In good con- dition, will be refunded hli .payment, vote for the party that holds our salvation and offers and any non-bidder upon so return- ttttnbaeh'i eoimatics — ill item ing such a let will be refunded us a bright and fruitful future. I25.0O. Let us not make the mistake of just picking up one The State reserves the right to re- a look at your ject any or all bids. or two men. We must vote from the top of the ticket start- Each bidder mult deposit with hli Ing with Nixon, right on down to the last name in the bid, security in the amount, form and subject to the conditions provided In Republican column. We must' have a working team, so the Instructions for Bidders. Attentlen of bidders Is particularly tax bill will that our nation may once again return to the free enter- called to the requirements as to con- prise system, with every man, woman and child, free and ditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid not a slave of bureaucracy, red tape and big government. under the contract Very truly yours, No bidder may withdraw his bid within sixty (60) day* after, the ac- tell you why _ • Edgar N. Dinkelspiel tual date of the opening thereof. DEPARTMENT OT THE TREASURY Division of Purchase and Property CHARLES F. SULLIVAN, Director A'Yes'for Police• "' Oct. 2«, Nov. 1 (33.00 73 Broad St. Red Bank, N.t 07701 To the Editor: . On Novt 5, Red Bank voters will decide whether Red We promise to hold the tax rate Bank's Police Department will receive a salary increase. FASHION-RIGHT Times have dramatically changed hi the past few years and r it has become increasingly apparent that law enforcement LEATHER or reduce it within constitutional limits is not only 'necessary but vital to the safety and welfare of our community. HANDBAGS As a former mayor of Red Bank and former assistant prosecutor of Monmouth County, I know that the local * We will not loan money without interest. police officer must be a trained and qualified employe in order to meet the law enforcement standards required in today's complex society. * We will anticipate revenues correctly. Intelligent and competent men cannot be expected to wnbark on a policeman's career unless they can be assured * We will halt mass home construction. of a salary sufficient to meet their average economic needs. It is unfortunate that the Borough Council, which con- tains a Republican majority, could not have negotiated a satisfactory wage increase without the necessity of putting the question on the ballot:. I expect to vote "yes" on this STOP this carelessness & bring question and urge all voters to do the same. Very truly yours, Benedict R. Nicosia back two party government Prayers On Broad St. Tax Collector ' Box 391 ./••••..• Red Bank, N.J. To the Editor: .. * I read with Interest the letter of Dr. Richard Levine concerning the Off Broad St. coffee house. Dr. Levine should be congratulated for this altruistic endeavor. I wonder, however, if in his enthusiasm "he is HUGHDUGAN ' aware of the attractive nuisance this haven is. In spending 11.00 to 70.00 I most of his spare time there, one would presume that the patrons are well behaved, but what about the time he is not ^^ ——— there. Today's qr»at fashion look in great new collection of leathers and •or On one occasion, Oct. 2, I met our esteemed mayor at the post office building observing the situation. The styles . . . totes, safari's bolstersl Large and small shapes to please noise that was forthcoming from this hang-out was deafen- all. Zippers, pockets, buckles and hardware for the new-fashion you. ing ... On one Saturday night,,while visiting some friends in TAX ASSESSOR the area, I had the misfortune of finding my license plates mutilated and fog lights tampered with . . . ilelnbich'i ucceiiorlei — all itorei Is is agreed that plrfces such as this are better than -nothing but they should bo located where they do not create inconvenience to the residents of the area. I would -further recommend the posting of signs of warning to JOHN J. MURPHY ' motorists who park in the area reading, "You arc parked In temptation zone ... lie everything down, and pray." •hop slelr.beeh'l 0 red bank 10 to 5:30, weJneitUy and (rld«y till t p.m. Pold lor by Wllllom Himmelmnn, PijUy fhnlimnn, II Leedwllle Drive, MWrtltlown, N. J. * Respectfully yours, \ Sidney Sdmrtt TE REPUBLICAN VOTE THE STRAIGHT VOTE REPUBLICAN TICKET IN YOUR COMMUNITY NXON-AGNEW Here are the Republican Candidate! who appear on your ballot, Tues., Nov. 5th

ALLEHTQWN BOROUGH MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP Councilmen (Full Term) Township Committeeman • EDMUND Y. STEWARD (Full Term) MAURICE TINDALL ALBERT A. ABBATE , ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS BOROUOH Tax Collector (Full Term) , Councilmen (Full Term) DAVID H. BAIRD ROBERT L. ROEN NIPTUNE CITY BOROUQH RICHARD ART Moyor (Vnexpired Term '• •; *» BRIELLE BOROUGH One Year) . -i-~i Councilmen (Full Term) HOLMES A. ADAMS EDWIN T. KASPER Councilmen (FuU Term) • -"i ROBERT A. STRICKLAND BRYCE G. HALDEMAN , • 5 Councilman (Vnexpired ROBERT J. HEWITSON , ,'. ,^ ' Term One Year) DONALD C. HAVENS NIPTUNE TOWNSHIP •«, .• 'y COLTS NECK TOWNSHIP Toumship Commiteemm • "\J Township Committeempn (Full Term) ' . ,'[ (Full Term) HERMAN S. JOHNSON , CARROLL S. PIERCE GILBERT TWELVES . / To* Assessor (Full Term) NE'W SHREWSBURY BOROUQH ALEX BORDEN ILER Mayor (Full Term) EATOHTOWN BOROUQH JOHN E. LEMON, JR. Mayor (Full Term) €ouncilmen (Full Term) , A ican Administration NEEDS a Republican Congress HERBERT E. WERNER ROBERT F. HENCK Councilmen (Full Term) C DALE MANIGOLD ROBET B. DIXON Councilman (Vnexpired DANIEL H. KAUFMANN Term Two Years) . ENOLISHTOWN BOROUOH STANLEY E FOX • Councilmen (Full Term) Councilman (Vnexpired .. i.,,. . OSCAR L. DAVISON Term One Year) % ARTHUR M. RAVALLY EDWARD F. STASHAK Give Monmouth County Tax Collector (Full Term). OOEANPORT BOROUQH t NORMAN FORMAN . Councilmen (Full'Term) FAIR HAVEN BOROUGH FELIX J. FOGGIA Mayor (Full Term) CLEMENT V. SOMMERS ROBERT A. MATTHEWS a strong voice in a Councilmen (Full Term) RED BANK BOROUGH ERNEST F. BEATTIE Mayor (Full Term) WILLIAM R. KIELY, JR. JOHN P. ARNONE Tax Assessor (Full Term) Councilmen-(Full Term) W. RAYMOND VAN HORN WALTER M. THACKARA new administration FARMINQDALE BOROUGH HENRY A. STEVENSON, JR. Councilmen (Full Term) RUMSON BOROUQH - -:• STERLING MEGILL Councilmen (Full term) •'•••••- ; CHARLES A. MILLS FRANCIS E. P. McCARTERV? Councilman (Vnexpired WILLIAM J. MINERS % VOTE Term One Year) Councilman (Vnexpired • BELFORD B. HOLMES Term One Year) ' ! FREEHOLD BOROUGH LAWRENCE R. MALONE ? Councilmen (Full Term) To* Collector (FuU Term) ' f AUGUST J. DAESENER, JR. IRENE C. POSEY • | ANDREW E. DALE FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP SEA BRIGHT BOROUQH •: 1 Township Committeeman Councilmen (FuU term) | (Full Term) DOUGLAS K. ADAIR > %• DANIEL SCHWARTZ JOSEPH RONE - ^ Tax Collector (Full Term) Councilman (Vnexpired -'-• FOR CONGRESS RICHARD R. STOUT ROBERT N. FERRELL Term One Year) HAZLET TOWNSHIP JOHNS. AKIN Township Commiueemen To* Collector:(FuU Tarn) (Full Term) JOHN N. CAMPBELL A Our country desperately needs change. Soaring taxes eat away at workers' pay- JOSEPH MORALES Tax Assessor (Vnexpired SPRING LAKE BOROUGH Crime and violence have grown so bad President and for Richard Stout for Con- HENRI J. HANSEN Councilmen (Full Term) ' i LEROY HICKS LOUIS VAN NOTE Tax Collector (Vnexpired that men and women are afraid to leave gress. FRANCIS R. HURLEY r; Term One Year) Councilman (Vnexpired their homes at. night. DOROTHY H. WALKER Term One Year) LITTLE SILVER BOROUQH RICHARD J. DAY Councilmm (Full Term) y STEPHEN GREENWOOD, JR. SPRING LAKE HEIGHTS BOROUBH '" CHARLES F. RELL Councilmen (Full Term) ' Councilman (Vnexpired FRANK B. HORNER ; Term One Year) JOSEPH F. ZACH -, T ANTHONY BRUNO Tax Collector (Full Term) MANALAPAN TOWNSHIP IDA E. BEEBE Township Committeeman UNION BEAOH BOROUGH. (Full Term) Councilmen (Full Term) : * STANLEY LEHRER WILLIAM D. WRIGHT w JOSEPH J. REGAN, III HARRY JOSEPH • MANASQUAN BOROUQH : Tax Assessor (Full Term) Councilmen (Full Term) ' HENRY T. DEHLER SAMUEL Y. BLAIR CHARLES E. PATTERSON UPPER FREEHOLD TOWNSIP MARLBORO TOWNSHIP Township Committeeman Councilman (Vnexpired (Full Term) Term One Year} RICHARD H. SATTERTHWAU THOMAS A. ANTISELL Tax Assessor (Vnexpired \ MATAWAN BOROUQH Tetm One Year) Councilmen (Full Term) JOHN C. FIELD WILLIAM M. LANZARO WALL TOWNSHIP VERNON A. ELLISON Township Committeemtn MIDDLETOWH TOWNSHIP (Full Term) • , Township Committeemen JOHN J. GASSNER (Full Term) JOSEPH N. EHRET JOSEPH M. MALAVET WEST LONQ BRANOH BOROUBH EI)WAKD P. MAKELY Wnyor (Full Term) AXEL B. CARLSON JOSEPH C. IRWIN BENJAMIN H. DANSKIN Tax Collector (Full Term) HENRY J. SHAHEEN HERBERT E. BRADSHAW Councilmm (Full Term) ' FOR SHERIFF FOR FREEHOLDER FOR FREEHOLDER Tax Assessor (Full Term) RICHARD H. DEMAREE JOHN T. LAWLEY WALTER 8. LERMER VOTE COLUMN No. 1, ELECTION DAY, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1968 Paid JOT by J. guM«4 WpolUy, County Chairman, Watt Lont Branch, & J. Charter Study —- The Bi device, which the boosters in- r.l Booster Club t is stalled on the athletic field for i-fi membership drive use by the football team. Fate Up to Township Voters Under tfie chairmanship of Wil- MIDDLETOWN - Township sociation and Middletown Town- lege. Married, with three chil- liam Herring. The club reports that the athletic field refreshment stand raters'are being asked to ap-ship Administrators and Super- dren, he is a vestryman at In door-to-door visits to town- prove or reject establishment risors Association. Christ Episcopal Church, a past ship residents, cheerleaders, was completed and in, operaj. if a charter study commission James R. Minogue, local at- president of the Middletown twirlers, and football and drill tion for the first home varsity torney, lives at 147 Greenoak "team members, accompanied football game Oct. & on Tuesday's ballot. Blvd. Aged 41, he holds a BS aycees and the Middletown by parents, have signed up 100 The organization has pur- If the commission is apdegre- e from Setqn Hall Univer- Athletic Club, a director of the pew members and. collected chased letters for the- cheer- proved, voters will at the same sity and a law degree from Boys Club of Middletown and $200 in contributions toward leaders' uniforms and donated time elect five commissioners. Fordham University. Married, a member of the Leonardo Be- " the'$600 cost of a Tackle-matic a water fountain for the teams. By statute, the commissioners with six children, he is a mem- mblican Club. - • . • will have nine months in which ber of the Middletown Kiwanis to study available forms of gov- :iub. ernment for the township and Miss Gertrude Neidlinger of make recommendations. Sug- 57 Cdncord Ave., Leonardo, is 'Reminder' ;ested changes would then be an artist and lecturer and is put up to the electorate on aco-director of Studio 57. SheCalls Slated referendum. studied Voice, music and sculp- Supporting the charter study ture, attending Montclair State are the Citizens Committee for College. Miss Neidlinger is sec- For Appeal Charter Study Commission, retary and a trustee of tite FAIR HAVEN - A tele- WINS HAWAII VACATION — Mrs. Patrick J. Mackin, 32 Waverly Place, Mata- the township League of Women Leonardo Taxpayers Associa- phone reminder campaign will wan, receives a certificate from John J. Griffin, Jersey Central Power & Light Voters, the Middleown Jaycees tion and a trustee 67 the Mid- be conducted next week by vol-, Company-New Jersey Power & Light Company residential and farm sales manager, and the Business and Residen- dletown Historical Association. poise...confidence... / tial Organization of Middle- unteers for the 1968 Fair Haven for a 14-day expense paid vacation for two to Hawaii via Pan American World Air- eown (BROOM). Andrew J* Praskai, 45, ofCommunity Appeal. '' ways, which she won in the JCPL-NJPL "Island Vacation Sweepstakes." Presenta- 270B Thompson Ave., East ability to deal with people Nine candidates are running Keansburg, is njarrled, with George S. Bowden, president tion was made in Sears Roebuck's Keyport store where Mrs. Mackin filed out the for the five commission seats. three children. Employed as anof the appeal, stated that resi- winning entry. At the right is James A. K alley, JCPL Bay Division sales manager. Mrs. Elaine D. Anderson of inspector, he.attended St. Pe-dents who have not,responded 49 Hubbard Ave., River Plaza, DALE Roddy Kilowatt appliance dealers and Pan American cooperated with the electric ter's School one year. He iswill be contacted. He said utility in the contest. . Is a housewife, and has onea member of the East Keans- child. A member of the League burg Betterment Association. arly returns were encouraging of Women Voters, she holds a Edward J. Roth of 79 Leeds and this is a measure to coun- CARNEGIE Gddie Show Star- BS degree In chemical en- ville Drive, Lincroft, is 58. Mar- teract any lack of response. gineering from Northwestern ried, he has four children. Em- Mrs. Barbara Johnson Is School Study Committee To Appear at Bank University. She belongs to theployed as a financial manager, chairman—oL_the_ volunteers. EATONTQWN - Claude Friends of the MiddletowTH- he holds a BA degree and She will be assisted by Jrs. COURSE Kirchner,. star, of kiddie tele^ brary. . " ' a master's degree in business Ann Bowden, Mrs. Pat Limp, in effective speaking, human relations, To Meet Monday Night ision cartoon shows,, will ap» Emanuel Katell, 40, of 216administration. He is a mem- Mrs. Frank Leslie, Mrs. Dee DALE CARNEGIE « memory training RUMSON — The Bumson- The chairmen urge the public pear at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow to Parkview Ter., Llncroft, is ber of tfie Llncroft Homeown Clellan, Mrs. Jean Bug- ^cornier Fair Haven School Study Com- to attend the meeting and par- married, with two children. He ers and Taxpayers Associa- bee, Mrs. E. T. Harkless, Mrs. mittee1 will meet Monday for elp the, Eatontown National is a product manager for tion. R. H. Stollwerck, Mrs. Helen. free demonstrations! the 13th time in the Adamson ticipate in the discussions. Con- anlc celebrate its fourth birth- computer firm. He holds a mas- Andrew M. Van Dyke, 57, ofRichard, Mrs. Linda Feeney, clusions and recommendations HOIIDAY INN Room of the high school at 8:15 lay.' ,-•-.. . ter's degree in computer sci- 4$ Stork Court is married, with Mrs. Donald Charles, Mrs. Hel- RT. 35. HAZLET, N. j- p.m. of the study committee are Mr. Kirchner will have with ence from Stevens Institute of four children.- He is principal en Magennis, Mrs. Judy Baker, Mrs. Carlotta Emmons, Mrs. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 8 P.M. Formed last April to research scheduled to be offered to both im "Clowny," the pupTechnology- . He belongs to theof Lincroft School. He holds a boroughs by the first of next Parent-Teacher Association and B"A~"aegree from Hobart Col- Ty Boyd and Mrs. Alex David- the questions of expansion or pet which has been entertain is a board member of the Citi- lege and a bachelor's degree son. II ways the Dale Carnegie Course will help men and women further regionalization of year. ing children for years. • zens Committee for Improved in divinity from Virginia Theo- Also, Mrs. Marilyn creighton, the school systems, the study Government in Mjddletown. logical Seminary. He took his Mrs. Marilyn Solan, Mrs. 1. New self-confidence and poise 6. Think and speak on your feet committee is. chaired by AN BBCH GRADUATE Mr. Kirchner now ap- master's degree in education Jane Conway, Mrs. Carol Hen- 1 Speak effectively ~ 7. Control fear and worry Brooks Van Arx and Donal George Lane, principal of A news story In yesterday's pears dally on Channel 9>on the Harmony School, New Mona-t Rutgers University. He i ry, Mrs. Marilyn Rafferty, 3. Sell yourself and your ideas 8. Be a better conversationalist Martin, and Is comprised of representatives from the Daily Hegister, about Air Force "Scrub Club." The party, mouth, is 46. He lives at 28chairman of the Tercentenary Mrs. Joan Peters, Mrs. Marie 4. Be your best with any group 9. Develop your hidden abilities two boroughs. First Lt. Matthew A. Husson which all four-year-olds and Hemlock Court with his *wifi Committee and a member ol Calt, Mrs. Sheila Harvey, Mrs. 5. Remember names 10. Win a better job, more income. 3d contained an error. He is atheir parents have been invit and three .children. Holder oi Oak Hill Association. Eleanor Bahr, Mrs. Judy Egan, Certain basic evaluations are 1960 graduate of Red Bank ed, will be In the parking loi BS and MA degrees in educa Robert B. Waller, 37, of 18Mrs. Marilyn Mellar, Mrs. virtually complete. Filed re- Catholic High School. tion, he is past president oi Nautilus Drive, Leonardo, is an Carol Noonan, Joyce Johnson, DALE CARNEGIE COURSES ports from several key sub- f the bank at Rt. 35 and Wy Middletown Kiwanis, Middle engineer, He holds a BS i Dolly Deary and Katharine ckoff Road. ; Presented by , committees — Enrollment pro- town Township Education As chemistry from Wagner Col- Bradford. jections, educational goals and The flame of life burns so WES WESTROM & ASSOC. educational facilities—are to be low in a hibernating hedgehog ! P.O. BOX 1345 reviewed Monday in connection that one taken to a laboratory PUINFIELD, N. J. 07060 TELEPHONE 753-9354 with a recent report from the survived a 22-minute immer- operating cost subcommittee. sion in water.. • • • * MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP VOTERS For Mayor and Council FOR GOOD GOVERNMENT FAIR HAVEN ELECT

For Council For Mayor For Council Ernest F. Beattie Robert A. Matthews Wm. R. Kiely, Jr.

A local businessman and Council- A graduate of Rider College, Mr. Mr. Kiely Is a local businessman, man tine* 1944, Mr.' Seattle Is Matthews it Vice President and ,and Councilman since 1966. He staking re-election. He hat served General Manager of"Boro Busses. is seeking re-election. Presently on several of Council committees A Councilman since 1959, Mr. Mat- Chairman of the Public Works and is presently-Chairman of the thews is seeking the office of May- Committee, he also serves on Finance Committee and of the Civ- or. He was Chairman of the Com- ic Improvement Committee. Mr. mittee which built the. Library and other important committees of the 1 Beatfie was Superintendent of Saint Municipal Building. Under his chair- Council. Mr. Kiely has been in- George's Church School in Rumson manship, the Public Safety Commit- strumental in effecting improve- JOSEPH M. MAUVET EDWARD P. MAKELY HERBERT E. BRADSHAW and A past member of the Vestry tee initiated a home-alerting sys- ments at McCarter't Pond and the Towuhlp ConnlHtt TowBtklp Connlttt* Tax Colltctor of that Church. tem for fire and first-aid members. Youth Center playing field, and he He is a member of the Board of A police "hot-line" for direct com- is «_mtrnbei,

• • \ \A Congress WASHINGTON—Rep. James sey, I will continue to work for —New' vocational training slum schools. J. Howard, D-N.J., today hailed measures to improve the qual- programs to assure that stu- —Elementary level educa- Bed Red Bank Republicans the record of the 89th and 90th ity of American education," dents who do not go on to col-tion for illiterate adults. Congresses, citing the legisla- Mr. Howard added. lege will have the skills to . —A nonprofit, corporation to •k tion passed in the field of edu In listing the achievements guarantee continued job oppor- assist noncommercial radio M cation. of the 89th and 90th Congress- tunities. and TV stations provide qual- k "Expansion of educational op- es, Mr. Howard included: —Funds for elementary and ity programs. •k portunities for all Americans —Loans, grants and work- secondary schools to improve "But a look at the record is is one of the most important study programs to help able educational opportunities for a look at the past, and I look responsibilities of government students attend college. disadvantage, children. toward the 91st Congress which at all levels in today's world, —Funds to help colleges —Grants for school libraries convenes next January in the i and I am. privileged to have build more libraries, class- and text books. hope that we can do even more •t served in these^two Congress- rooms, laboratories arfd dormi- -r-A National Teacher Corps for education in America," Mr. • t es which have-^one so much tories. to work in rural and urban Howard concluded. • c for educatiojr," Mr. Howard said. • ( Mr. Howard, a former school Howard Gets Backing Of Study Group •( t principal, said: "Education has WASHINGTON —The Na"- Members of the committee in a letter to Congressman become more than preparation • ( for adulthood and a stepping- tienaf Committee for an Effec- include James Michener, the Howard, praised his "indepen- stone-to personal prosperity tive Congress announced today author, and Henry Steele Com- dent Judgment and political •< and happiness; it has also be- mager, the noted historian. . - .courage" and hailed his fight * 1 its endorsement of Rep. James The chairman of JJCEC, Sid-for better air and water pollu- come the backbone of our .na- J. Howard (D. 3rd Dist, N.J.) tion's economy and is indis ney H. Scheurer of New York, tion control programs. * . for. reelection. i • pensable to a free society. •k "Education is the best in- The non-partisan committee, * vestment we can make in ourwith supporters in SO states, 3 Injured In Collision

Shopping Dollars Are in the Bag When Gifts Season Rolls Aroi

Choose Any One Howard deserves another term of These Club* FREE! i>n unccd h!a intention to v WEEKLY AMOUNT AN ATTRACTIVE 7 ; ™ °«» PAYMENT OP CLUB ^!i5» *v ^'=o tho •lnrKCBt p°Pul»r vot« nationwide, regarding .50 GIFT WITH EVERY riirty, if the 1968 presidential election is thrown into the YS 25.25 J^fWtive". Senator Stout, if elcctai, will in tho 8am« XJ for mehmci! Nixon, Mttudhn of which cmdhkle enrries $1 50.50 CLUB OPENING |UM tha hJRhest popular vote. . . $2 101.00 ..< >His logfulativo Bklll in dccrinit ih» 'Central Jcreey Expressway Wlf through tne'ConRrcni! was historic in the fact that it -was th» first $3 15TT50 Re-elect addition to th« interstate 'highway system anywhere in the nation. $5 252.50 Howard's position on tho Public Works Committee permitted him to accomplish a legislative miracle in providing ^h|J[ey to the Express- —$io~ 505.00 way, and to bring about approval of a rental proflBal which -will permit 'the Electronic* Command at Fort Monmouth to be housed in a atari* $20 1010.00 multi-million dollar building' to be constructed by private capital. Howard has been nn active legislator and hnti hem frank in advising; Ml constituent* what he is doing. He has been responsive to bis mail, HOWARD hu ffone into voting areas with hl« mobile vfflcs arid has represented thi votarn who put him into office. He hm represented his district nggrtinnhely and well. On •SAVIN9S * LOAN ASSOCIATION, national Issues has shown himself to bo soiwitlve and well informed. MIDDLITOWN I AH. HIGHLANDS I LINCROFI U.S. Congress Although a Joyal party Democrat, he is independent when it counts. Hi* Ml-1400 | 211-0100 | I4I-440O ' career has been a bright and energetic one and it deserves to be continued. Paid for by Vafarani (or Howard Comm!ft», Chairrnam C. V, Ktlly, Spring Lad* HtlgMi, N. J, W« •nthuslMticiiy tndom th» candidacy of Congrea*-'-' Howard* t THE DAILY REGISTER, Bond Question 2: For Transportation Facilities Friday, November 1,1968-11 ate, would be allocated in this By JAMES H. RUBIN' pect to receive $125 million in northern area of the state, dai- cials have replied that delays Goldberg said the Transpor- iroved will be completely or The legislature approved a way. TRENTON (AP) - The larg- federal funds in the next five ly traffic volume now exceeds in purchasing right-of-way for tation Department can guaran- substantially constructed" with one-cent per gallon increase in est of the three bond issue or six years for improving 80,000 vehicles on some roads. future construction have made tee with approval of the bond lie bond issue-funds in the next About $107 million for equip- the gasoline tax to help pay ment, including high-Speed proposals that will be submit- commuter service. —New Jersey last borrowed costs skyrocket. They say that issue that $100 million worth of ive or six years. "Freeway the interest on the bonds and cars which eould cut about 15 ted to New Jersey voters next Proponents of the bonding money for road building in 1955 millions of dollars could have highways will be constructed irojects which do not. now have Tuesday would provide $640 when $6.5 million was used been saved if the land was pur- each year in addition to proj- an additional penny increase minutes from the Trenton program contend that the pro- ipproved alignments will be to New York trip; $52 million million for highway construc- posal has been long overdue to from a bond program approved chased years ago before real ects supported by federal idvanced through the plan- was suggested in 1974 if a sec- tion and mass transit. by the voters in 1930. estate values soared. funds. ond bonding proposal is forth- for electrification; $92 million counteract the effect of years ting and approval stages, to eliminate grade crossings; of neglect. Critics of bond proposals in Goldberg added that the Where the money would go ilaced under design with the coming. State Transportation Com- general argue that it is 'too $12 million for upgrading track "pay-as-you-go" method has al- was outlined by the depart- :ritical right of way being ob- missioner David J. Goldberg Statistics costly to pay around 4 per cent so caused interruption in road ment in a master plan submit- The $200 million in the bond and "signal systems, and ?3S ained," the report continued. contends that the borrowing They point to these statistics interest on borrowed money building projects because of de- ted to Gov. Richard J. Hughes issue for mass transportation, million for station construction, Transportation officials pro- proposal, if approved by the to demonstrate the extent of and prefer a "pay-as-you-go" lays in obtaining right-of-way. and the legislature earlier this plus the $125 million in federal additional parking and ticket electorate, would permit the the highway needs in New Jer- method of financing road con- The bond issue inethod, he year. lected the state's highway funds it is expected to gener- validation. state to make significant prog- sey, the most densely populat- struction. said, provides planning flexibil- The master plan states that leeds at $1.2 billion. Although ress in the next five years in ed state in the nation: * Costs Zoom ity and the opportunity to keep "all major freeway projects on the legislature trimmed relieving choked highways and that amount for the current —The average number of But state transportation offi- building. , which alignments are now ap- modernizing railroad com- bond issue, it left the way open MIDDLETOWN VOTER muter service. tears, trucks and buses travel- ing daily on each mile of the for a new borrowing proposal . ,The bond issue would pro- state highway system has in- in 1974 if this year's program LOOK OUT FOR THE REPUBLICAN vide $440 million for highway creased from 9,000 to 13,000 be- successfully completed. construction and $200 mil- tween 1950 and 1962 and will Fair Haven Man Aboard lion for rail transportation. In reach 18,000 by 1970. • You Get FULL HOUSE •addition, New Jersey.could ex- —In the more populated 'Essex' in Splashdown THE THE TAX ASSESSOR TAX COLLECTOR FAIR HAVEN — "When Ap- stood at attention in the rain ate of Rumson Fair Haven Re- Granted TENURE by the Seeks TENURE by reelecHo* pollo 7 splashed down last in his "tropical whites" on thegional High School, is an air- courts after.only three years after only three years In week, Petty Officer l.C. Robert flight deck of the USS Essex. borne radio operator on the Es MORE lit office. office. E. Jones, 28, of Fair Haven The formal welcome was not sex, having been in the Navy WITH FIRST MERCHANTS RISULT — you have lost HERE — you hove one LAST an official order, but only sug- 10 years. Last week's spjash DAILY INTEREST CUB PACK 205 „ down was his" second. He saw your right to vote. CHANCE to vote. gested by-the ship's command- Appollo 5 come down in the PAID FROM DAY OF I MTODLETOWN — "More than ing officer. But all hands— Pacific In 1966. He also has DEPOSIT TO DAY OF ELECT 150 scouts and parents attend- about 2,800 men—were on deck also served aboard the Bon WITHDRAWAL ed .the Cub Pack 205 Halloween after waiting 11 days for^the Homme Richard, seeing action providing o SM balaiMl If IBLJV MIDDLETOWN party at Nutswamp School. in Vietnam in 1964 during the maintained al the OTd of H»» | LPn I TAILCOLLECTOH ' Keith Bingham won most recovery 500 miles southeast of Gulf of Tonkin incident. quarter. SALE original costume and Wayne Bermuda. 4% Ptr Annum HERE IS WHY J Reed, most humorous. There was no cheering, Of- The Fair Haven man was ON OUR FAMOUS home' on leave last weekend, Compounded and Paid Murphy's background makes him better qualified The pack will attend the Rut ficer Jones said, but a general visiting his mother, Mrs. Mar' Quarterly The Incumbents record In office Is poor- gers-Colgate football game feeling of relief swept over the gurite C. Riesenberger of 147 Deposits Insured «p M $11,000 ship when three space fliers' Murphy will be your watchdog Jn assessments '"., next month. The theme for the Oxford Ave. He was to return by P.D.I.C. 3. Nov. 22 meeting will be "Show- helicopter landed on the Air- craft carrier. to Norfolk, Va.,'and the Essex, Murphy promtsei not to seek tenure In four years . boat." to go to sea again, but his des- WHITE ALUMINUM "You can't help but feel pride 5. IP MURPHY LOSES, you lose your future right to vote At Friday's meeting the M when you're involved," he said. tination was "classified."' lowing boys received awards: ''Even though you may play "The Essex," he said, "is the Eric Small, Richard Wheatley, Paid lor by the Folrvlew Democratic Club COMBINATION WINDOW only a small part, you're still sailin'est ship In the. Navy. It Tom Arrmt, Prti., 151 StotMir PI., Mlddletewn , George Mearns and Matthew involved." seems we go to sea every other MwTtbtr r#dcrpt RntfY*) Peters. Ftetral Mpesll Inwrana Cw*. For the "quality buyer" if you've been looking Petty Officer Jones, a gradu- week!" Webelos achievement awards for a better combination window be sure to see went to Jerry Trautwein, Kev- our "ENGINEER" and save. in Gulrich, Tim Borland, Jon Paris, Sherman Havens, John McGuire, Peter Ministri, Heavy Duty James Mulder, Michael War- Triple Track gotz, John Cole, Paul Rhodes, Picture Frame Design William Montgomery, Robert Reid, Mark Baumann, Ken- 15 yr. Paint Guar. neth Noland. Cleans from Inside Fully Weather, LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE stripped MOKMOTJTH COOTT- SURROGATE'B COURT Mln. 6 Hattee to Creditors to Present INSTALLED Claims Anliut r.*t*tt ESTATE op JOSEPHINE SEBTI- tO, DECEASED Pursuant to the order of DONALD J. CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate ot the • IUDMT TERMS • Mil DELIVERY - County ol Monmouth, thl» day made, on the application of the under- Dolly and Saturday • A.M.4:30 P.M. lined, Joseph Bestlto, the Sole Ex ecutor of the. estate ot the said Jo Wednesday and Friday 'rll f P.M. rfgfc stphlne Sestito . deceased, notice Is hereby given to the creditors of »ald deceased to present to the said Ex- 9 IBBH—f ecutor their claims under oath within Vtt'months from this date, ^Batea: October 4th, 1968 JOSEPH SESTITO 19 St. Nicholas Place [TOWllo nao inmytnvng Red Bank, N. J. Executor 32 IROAD ST. • 741 • 7500 • RED BANK llemi. Reuisllle, Cornwell, Mauaner * Carotemito 3t Broad Street , Red Bank, N, J. Attorneys Oct 11. 16. !S, Nov. 1

We can trust these men. Next Year's Gifts Sure, America has its troubles today. And easy way, seeking to inflame emotions andrstir we've had troubles before. But just as we re- hatred. They've had faith in the basic good Think ahead to next Christmas. Will you have the cash to enjoy a gift shopping spree? You will if you start saving in a RED BANK solved the problems of the past, we're going to feeling of Americans for other Americans. SAVINGS' CHRISTMAS CLUB account for a merrier gifting '69. overcome today's difficulties. We'll do so They've tried to talk facts and discuss the' because Americans have learned to trust one issues. another. Yes, there are those who would drive Dividends Paid on all Completed Clubs And they've wanted to stand up and do so $ 25.00 Club Payi $ 25.25 us apart—set American against American, before all the people of this country. But un- 50.00 Club Pays 50.50 race against race, religious and ethnic group 100.00 Club Pay's 101.00 fortunately for America, the Republican 150.00 Club Pays 151.50 against other religious and ethnic groups, candidate has feared to present himself on the. 250.00 Club Pays 252.50 OURUU 500.00 Club Pays 505.00 Unfortunately, those who would divide us same platform with Vice President Humphrey. CHRiSTMASOUB 1.000.00 Club Payi 1.010.00 include men seeking the highest'offices in the Through one device after another hehas avoided i land. a national debate on television. So Hubert But not Hubert Humphrey and Edmund Humphrey and Ed Muskie Kaye/gone ahead CURRENT 4.50°/*O DIVIDEND Muskie. They haven't taken the politically and continued to talk facts and to trifct America. Bed Bank Sayings Because they trust America, we think America will trust them. and Loan Association BROAD ST. at BERGEN PL, RED BANK For peace in America and peace in the world. 741-3700 Vote Democratic. Vote HUMPHREY- MUSKIE. "Where You Save Poet Make a Dillcre.ncc" •• . v :.. . > . Paid for by New Jersey Democrati^State Committee, Robcijf: J. Burkhardt, Chairman % LEGAL NOTICE •'November i;«8B;: ' • - . • ,S ri». . ; • .•• • NOTIOK- Itm wis be a. apechl meeting of Local Securities *h« Zontnt Baud of Adjustment of Arnone Says Ratables Will me Towixtitp of Hohndel, County at Representative inter-dealer quotations at approximately 3:08 •MoiunoutJi »t Uie Rolmilei Township H»tl, Cmwfarda Oornar-Everett Road, p.m. yesterday from NASD. Prices do not include retail mark- >at ! p.m. on Wednesday, November .13, 1968, to consider 4tie application up, markdown or commission. :O( Pasmos, Inc. for variances. Rise $5.5 Million in Borough BANKS WARREN E. BA.UMGAUTOTER ] Secretary Div. Bid Asked ; Zoning Board of Adjustment ' RED BANK — Mayor John ous areas of the community. 'In addition, and very im 1 Township of Holmdel P. Arnone today forecast a "Look at our borough today. portant, an area of understand- Belmar-WaU National 4.00 300 Hov. 1 $325 "victory of overwhelming pro- Progress is evident everywhere ing has been established be- Central Jersey Bank (x) (xx) .40 21 2J 25 '; J LEGAL NOTICE portion" for Republican presi- you go. Empty stores are now tween the people of'our com- Eatontown National Bank .30 27 AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: 5 NOTICE dential candidate Richard Nix- occupied, great new companies munity, the uncertainty is Fanners & Merchants .(x) (xx) .06 6 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING First Merch. Nafl Bank (xxx) .14 13% FUNDS AND AUTHORIZING THE on, and announced the addition have made their home in Red gone, and Red Bank residents 13'4 First Nt'l Bank of Spring Lake (xx) 1.75 EXPENDITURE THEREOF FOR of over $5.5 million in tax rata- Bank, our high rise apartments can look forward to the future 60 . THE PURCHASE AND IMPROVE- 1st Nt'l Bk of Toms River (x) (xx) .76 MENT OP LANDS AND PROPER- bles to the borough next year. are nearing completion, home with anticipation rather than 38 41 •; TY BORDERING CENTERVILLE 1st State Ocean Cty Stock Dividend 17 ROAD IN THE TOWNSHIP OF Mr. Arnone said, "The mood and property values have in- with anxiety." Keansburg-Middletown 1.40 ! HOLMDEL (#24-68> creased in resale value 20 per 74 HEADQUARTERS *ws.s presented for Introduction and of the people throughout the na- Mayor Arnone said that he Middletown Banking Co. 16 first reading on Sept. 16, 1968 by the cent and are still increasing, A ITownshlp Committee or the Township tion today is quite similar to and his running mates have Monmouth County Nat'l (xxx) .10 7& . F-4WW8 in our business district, public ably reduce it. express themselves privately. Brockway CIML ACTION 59V4 : NOTICE OF TIME morale was at an all-time low, During my tour of the borough Buck Engineering 18'/4 ! AND PLACE TO REDEEM •GOVERNMENT SECURITY CO., a and a state of tension existed I have asked their opinions Electronic Associates 22% ' 22% i corporation of New" Jersey. Pialn- between the residents of vari- Electronic Assistance ' tltr, vs GEORGE C. WAINWRIGHT, Revoked List about many things including .20 • et aid, Defendants. how they feel about spending Foodarama . 31 ITo: GEORGE C. WAINWRIGHT, • GERTRUDE MALLORY. ALBERT LEGAL NOTICE money to open Broad Street to Laird .'-.', 1254 1 V. WAINWRIGHT. PHYLOGEAN Driver Fined ! TRAMELL, CAMMON A. WAIN- the river, developing the loop Metallurgical International 26 28 . WRIGHT, PHILIP WAINWRIGHT, LEGAL NOTICE road, and other questionable ! ESSIE CUNNINGHAM, CAROLINE AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED! EATONTOWN — Jacob J. Monmouth Capital 13»4 14 1 WAINWRIGHT, ROBERT WAIN- NOTICE Profetto, 455 Hampton Ave., proposals. Monmouth Electric 4H WBIQHT, HAROLD WAINWRIGHT, AN ORDINANCE TO VACATE. RE- 3% LEASE AND EXTINGUISH IN ATLANTIC GLASS ! LESLIE CUNNINGHAM, BEA- Long Branch, was fined $205 "As mayor, I have never Monmouth Park • - TRICE HAWKINS WAINWRIGHT, AND TO A PORTION OF THE i RALEH TRAMELL, ANN WAIN- CUL DE SAC WHICH TERMI- by Municipal Court Judge Wil- been hesitant about asking N. J. Natural Gas ^ —j-T WRIOHT; ANNA SUE — WAIN- NATES HEATHER HILL WAY IN- • WRIGHT. ROSELLA CUN- TO HEATHER HILL SUBDIVISION. liam Throckmorton yesterday questions and seeking solutions PATS (Patterson-Smitbrilnfc) 6& 21 MAPLE AVE. - Cor. Whlt» St. & KINOHAM, MRS. GEORGE C. TOWNSHIP OF HOMDLEL, NEW for driving while on the re- from the public. 12% I WAINWRIGHT, wife of Georee C JERSEY. (#23-68) Rowan Controller . 1314 RED BANK Maple Ave. — 747-2020 • Walnwrlght, MRS. ALBERT V. was presented for Introduction and voked list. "The responsive, intelligent Servomation 55% ! WAINWRIGHT, wife of Albert V. first reading on Sept. 16, 1968 by HIGHWAY 71 — So. of 18* Aw. J Wainwrlght, MR. TRAMELL, hus- the Township Committee of the Town- Robert Reevey, 244 South St., residents of Red Bank will Spedcor • - 15% BELMAR 681-1200 f band of Phylogean Tramell, 1/tHB. ship of Holmael and on Oct. 21, 1968 Eatontown, was ordered^ pay reach their voting decisions Spiral Metal - 33% | CAMMON A. WAINWRIGHT, wife was finally adopted and approved. 138 LOWER MAIN STREET ' • of Caramon A. Wainwrlght, MRS. JAMES H. ACKERSON $30 per week in wife and child based on unemotional evalua- U. S. Homes 19 1 PHILtP WAINWRIGHT, wife ot Mayor MATAWAN 564-2838 ! Philip Wainwrlght, MR. CUNNING- Township ot Holmdel support. Judge Throckmorton tion of Republican accomplish- United Telecontrol Electronics ' EAM, husband of Essie Cunning- Attest: ; ham, MR. WAINWRIGHT, husband • John P. Wadington warned him he faces a 90-day ments benefiting the entire Walter Reade-Sterling I of Caroline Wainwrlght, MRS. RoB- Clerk jail sentence if he doesn't meet community," Mr. Arnone said. Wlnslow Tel. • BUT WAINWRIGHT, wife of Rob- Nov. 1 J5.60 ! «rt Walnwrtght, MRS. HAROLD the payments. 1 WADtWRIGHJV wife of • Harold INVITATION FOR BIDS '. Wainwrlght, His, her and their BOROUGH OF LITTLE SILVER James A. Francis, 34 Taylor ; heirs, devisees and personal rep- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ' resentatives and his, her, their or the Borough of Little Silver In the Place, Eatontown, was fined ,' any of their, successors In right, County of Monmouth will 'receive sep- $25 for careless driving. Glenn 1 title, and interest, STATE OF NEW arate sealed bids for the construction JERSEY-, COUNTY WELFARE and completion of an addition to the F. Steckhahn, 78 Willshire ! BOARD OF MONMOUTH COUNTY, existing Public Library, a one story ' c. corporate entity at New Jersey, masonry structure containing. approx- Drive, New Shrewsbury, was • CARL J. SMITH, and GEORGE imately 3024 sq. ft Bids will he .' WARREN, • Guardian ad Lltem opened In public at a Regular Meet- fined $20 for speeding. ; tor Gertrude Millory and Caroline ing of the Borough Council In the Wainwrlght, Incompetent defen- Borough Hall, Prospect Avenue, Lit- Robert Marsella, 487 Bath ! dsnts,* tle Silver, New Jersey at 8:30 P.M. Ave., Long Branch, was as- PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that an or- prevailing time on November 13, 1968. LITTLE SILVER ffler wan entered In the above action Separate bids will be received for sessed $15 for operating [en October 23, 1968 fixing November work as follows: 25, 1968 between the hours of 10 Contract # 1 - General Contraction torcycle without a license. 'o'clock in the forenoon and 3 o'clock Complete plans and specifications Richard Wehner, 107 Meadow tin the afternoon, a* the time, and are on file at the office ot B. Kel- 'the office of the Collector of Taxes lenyl. Architects, 22 Reckless Place, Brook Road, Spring Lake !ef the Borough of Red Bank, Bor- Red Bank, New Jersey. FOR BALANCED EFFICIENT GOVERNMENT •iugh Hall, Red Bank, New Jersey, One complete; set of documents may Heights, was fined $15 for not >ms the place, when and where the be obtained by depositing a check in displaying license plates on a (defendants In this cause should pay the amount of $75.00 with the Archi- >10) days after bid opeolnt*. Ad- icst, which on that date, may be ditional copies of the documents may •due at the time fixed In this no- be obtained at the expense of the Designers to Dine [tlce, which order provides, that In person desiring same. Such ex- [default of the defendants paying to pense being the actual cost of repro- SADDLEBROOK - Samuel [the plaintiff its principal, interest, duction. P. BlaisdeU,, of New York's [fees and costs as aforesaid, the said {defendants stand absolutely debarred Bid Security In the form of a Bid Parke-Bernet Galleries, will be [and foreclosed of and from all right Bond or certified check shall accom- 'and equity of redemption or, in and pany each bid; Certified check shall the guest speaker at a dinner jto the lands and premises described be drawn to the Borough of Little ;ln the complaint, and every part Silver. Bid Security shall be for not meeting Monday at 6:30, spon- {thereof, and to deliver up to the less than ten (10) percent of the sored by the National Society (plaintiff all deeds, papers ' or wrlt- amount of the bid, but not to exceed [uigs In their custody or power re- $20,000.00. of Interior Designers, in the ilatlng to or concerning the said landi No bid shall be withdrawn for a fend premises or any part thereof. period of thirty <30> days Marriott Hotel here; Members " Dated: October 23, 1968 to opening of bids. of NSID and their guests may ! HAUL A, WTTTES Right Is reserved to reject any or all bids If.deemed to be in the in- make reservations through ! Attorney for Plaintiff terest of the Borough of Little Silver. • 281 North Broad Street rxjRoTinrgHiLiiER Florence Karasik Associates, Elizabeth, New Jersey rxjRoTinrHi [WOT. 1 (23.29 Borough Clerk $12.50 19} Bumson Road, Rumson. FALL

For Council For Council For Council (Three Year Term) (One Year Term) (Three Yeat Term) GEORGE H. DRAWBAUGH JAMES A. FLATLEY ALFRED E. POUND GO FUSION! TAMPAX HELP KEEP OUR GOVERNMENT "OPEN." WE ARE PLEDGED ONLY TO LITTLE SILVER, NOT A POLITICAL CLUB OR STEERING COMMITTEE. CLAIROL We are pledged to: KINDNESS • Continue Fusion leadership in opposing multiple dwellings and INSTANT HAIR SETTER retail store zone expansion. • • Upgrade zoning on vacant land to hold down taxes. I• Conrinue drive to attract properly restricted, quality ratables. • Establish Conservation Commission to preserve our heritage of wetlands and open spaces. • • • Continue property maintenance and beautification drive. CONTAC • Continue communication by "newsletter," etc. 1.19 • Continue effort to keep railroad station with adequate park- ing and preference for Little Silver residents. . e Seek utmost efficiency and economy from Regional Sewer HEATING PAD Authority. 3 MODELS • Guarantttd 1-Ytar • 100*/. Waterproof • Publish sewer cost and contract guidelines to be prepared by • 3-Po.ltlve Heats citiien-plumber committee. Water Pics e Braille Switch • Continue Fusion record of recommending non-partisan ap- pointments of qualified citizenry.

With-This Coupon VOTE FOR Reg. 35c COLGATE ;:;;: "PERSONAL SIZE" EXPIRES NOV. 4 George H. Drawbaugh • James J. Flailey • Alfred E. Pound Elect the Fusion Ticket on the Democratic Line

FAMILY PHARMACY Paid (or by Campaign Commlttaa ©, McGnwun, Tcoaiurtr, 1*14 RlvtrWtW Av«. Church St. & Prospect Ave Llrrte Silver. should know about agendas and such In advance. Communica- Fusionists, GOP Swap Blows In New Shrewsbury Contest tions ii a J0S-day-a-year effort" Mayor Lemon countered, NEW SHREWSBURY - The the .authority as well as for Henshell, an architect and Ken- Mr. Cooper's allegations, said; Mayor Lemon, countering, !'remarka*ble steady, tax "We have maintained good Republican Club political debate between Re- customers. There will be no neth Hiltbrunner, a profession- "Ten years ago, these things said: "I resent the fact that rate" and accused the Repub- they are trying to mislead the acans of "not mentioning that communication with the peo- publicans and Independents differentiation." al planner." were not even thought of. This ple.. Council has been kept in- of Manosquaii Concerning Planning Refuting Republican claims became a reality during my people by stating that no re- surpluses have taken an alarm- continued yesterday with a of industrial growth, Mr. Coop- administration and under the quests for Green Acres funds ing dip, manipulated in. such formed. Purpose of public hear- Proudly Endorses I statement issued by Francis L. On community planning Mr. er said: "It is true that some Industrial Committee which I have been initiated. We have way as to account for theings is just this — to allow Cooper, candidate for mayor on Cooper said:' "We are most cer- ratables have come to New appointed." already acquired the property lajor part of the stabilization." citizens to be heard by coun- THE CANDIDACY the Independent Fusion ticket, tainly going to pack the Plan- Shrewsbury. We are now reap- ' Referring to the Green Acres adjacent to the Tinton Falls Countering, Mayor Lemon cil and thus give the adminis- ning Board. We want to pack ing benefits from efforts made issue, Mr. Cooper accused the School and the state is in pro- tration an idea of their de- and Urges and counter statements by cess of acquiring all the bottom wlnted out that "surpluses it with all the available brains over 10 years ago by a full present administration of "not rere dipped into under a pre- sires." Mayor John E. Lemon Jr., lead- Industrial Committee, one of initiating a single request for lands on Hockhockson Brook Concluding, . Mr. Cooper The Election er of the Republican ticket. ^ and talent which can effective- whose members, Tom Ruzicka, funds," adding that "the whole for Green Acres." ious administration." charged the administration of of our Mr.'Cooper/replying to May- ly contribute to the advance- Is our running mate. Today question is now academic any- On the taxation issue, Mr. On Republican claims that not having proven quality, im- or Lemon's statements carried ment of this Important com- this committee has been re- how, because more progressive Cooper rejected Republican al- good communications are portant experience and effec- In The DaUy; Register yester- munity function." duced to a one-man operation." communities have already used legations that the incumbent maintained through the annual tive programs, as claimed, and Distinguished I up any available funds." administration has maintained day, said: "After Weeks of stud- Referring to Mayor Lemon's Mayor, Lemon, countering newsletter, Mr. Cooper said, added, "We (eel the events of ied silence they have not only statement that the Republican 'Such an annual newsletter is the past six years prove the MAYOR borrowed our 'Do something administration appointed the imply not enough. People contrary." , - About It' theme, but they have planning consultant, Mr. Coop- also loaded it with misleading er added: "In a long overdue Lemon Asserts Council A New Look . . . naif-truths." measure and under pressure, On the .sewerage issue Mr. they hired the planner this Cooper said, "Regardless of year. This in no way justifies TOP to BOTTOM! what our rates will be as cus-the fact that for an Important Seeks ECOM Building tomers, it remains a cold fact 10-year period the plan lay that at any time the authority gathering obsolescence." NEW SHREWSBURY - Bor- that the ECOM site had not i tage. Mr. Rindner at that time can vote to increase them. As ough Council has been after the yet been determined. Since this also proposed the construction customers we shall have no On this question, Mayor Le- $10 million Army Electronics municipality has a number of of a separate municipal center vote on this matter." mon said, "As mayor I have Command office building since attractive sites suitable for at.some other location. always appointed to the Plan- Aug. 15, "when I was in con-such a project, we have been Mayor Lemon said that due Mayor Lemon, referring to ning Board people from both tact with federal authorities," aggressively pursuing this to the "current state of nego- ' the same question said the sides. They were persons who, matter. tiations, further details of the trutn is that "if rates are in-I felt, could do a good job andMayor John E. Lemon Jr. said last night. "In fact," Mayor Lemon add- issue cannot be revealed a creased, they will be increased contribute their talents to the present. We are, however, op-, equally for both members of board, as for example Justin He claimed these efforts af ed, "renderings of possible ter press reports that Rep. buildings located on these sites timistic and Borough Council James J. Howard, D-N.J., said have already been prepared is prepared to take immediate * THE BEST FOR the location of the proposed and discussed between an in- action as soon as details can "desirable ratable" had as yet vestor's representative, the ap-be worked out to the mutual MONMOUTH COUNTY satisfaction of the government Maybe flat's what your honia needs. Aid we're nady to help not been decided upon. Accord- propriate government agencies yen convert your attic and botanwni Into utoble ipoci. A bed- ing to the same press reports, involved and the borough." the investor and the borough. room ... a recreation room ... a spar* room ... two roemi VOTE COLUMN 2 Eatontown, Shrewsbury and All the sites under proposal, "The advantages offered by a . . . wnotever yog need can be easily handled by our etpertly AXEL B. New Shrewsbury were named Mayor Lemon said, "are now$10 million ratable to New trained staff. by Rep. Howard as possible already zoned for either com- Shrewsbury, are obvious." Make the winter count. Start new with home Improvements. proposed sites. mercial or industrial use. We Referring to these negotia- ITop quality at rock-bottom prices.) CARLSON tions, Mr. Cooper said, "We Francis L. Cooper, candidate trust that the delicacy of nego- AS THE NEXT FOR PRESIDENT and VICE PRESIDENT for mayor on the New Shrews- tiations will not preclude the bury Independent Fusion Do definite- advantages to the fe fullest public exposure and con- • SCHLOEDER • HUBERT H. Something About It ticket, said, fh ark2e su£ -I sideratlonof all thefacts which SHERIFF ^e-are-very pleased that the. —~ may^have-arssrious bearing an CONSTRUCTION CO. HUMPH11Y creative suggestion made at a the future of our borough. We recent, meeting by Jack N. At last month's council are very pleased that we may, 250 Shrewsbury Ave. Red Bank MONMOUTH CdNUMTY EDMUND S. Rindner, a candidate for coun- meeting Mr. Rindner had pro- in some way, have offered an cil on the Fusion ticket, may posed that the present borough added impetus for this under- 741-2139 * 776-9284 Paid for by the Republican Club of have found acceptance by var- Manmquan. Jas. P. Van Scholck Jr., MUSKIE hall site be used for the'con- taking." | Treat., 8S McLean St., Manaiquanr FOR CONGRESSMAN ious officials." struction of such a building. Mayor Lemon said, "The Its proximity to the Hexagon JAMES J. borough has been fully aware was then cited as, an advan- HOWARD Red Bank Voters... FOR SHERIFF Both Sides Silent PAUL KIERNAN On Pay Talks Status Why does FOR FREEHOLDERS ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - member, said yesterday that School board members and rep- the meetings mentioned would EUGENE J. take place "sometime in the Mayor Arnone resentatives of the Education next two months." Association remained silent BEDELL He said any statement could yesterday on the state of nego- FRANK K. not be made now because no tiations on teacher' demands discussions have been held on Continue to WOOLLEY for the 1969-70 contract. the demands. He would not dis- A terse statement from the cuss what specific demands board advised that the "Atlan- have been submitted. IGNORE YOUR VOTE WILL COUNT! tic Highlands Education Asso- Mrs. Sondra Haness, presi- ciation, representing the teach* dent of the local Education As- en of the Atlantic Highlands sociation, which represents 24 VOTE DEMOCRATIC Elementary School, has pre-of the 26 teachers at the ele- Red Bank sented the board with a series mentary school, said a state- :* TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5th, 1968 of demands involving salaries, ment would be "premature." working hours, etc., and the "Our proposal was. delivered, POLLS OPEN board is considering these to the board on Oct. 23,.after a Voters? meeting with them Oct. 16," she t * ; things and , expects to / A»m» *••*• O I*ML meet with the teachers in the said. "As yet we have not met A HANDY PHRASE — Red Bank Councilman Dwiiel J. We believe that a Candidate who will Paid lor by P. Paul Camp). Chairman next^ew weeks." with the board to discuss any ' 97 Monmoutti Strut, Md Bank, N. J. /Howard A. Cottrell, a board of the items in the proposal." O'Harn Democratic candidate for mayor, makes a point not face the Voters cannot face the during last night's candidates' meeting sponsored by two borough groups, but debated an empty chair when issues! his GOP opponent, Mayor John P. Arnone, failed to apptar; Damocrafic candidates for council are Edward This article appeared in the Tuesday, Oct. A PROPOSAL L. Minear, right, and Councilman Theodore J. La- brecqu* Jr. (Register Staff Photos) 29 issue of The Daily Register. FOR POSITIVE DISSENT v O'Hern Debates a Chaif Hon. Hubert N. Humphrey, Vice Pnsfdtnt Senate Office Building ~ lrVCWIHIQtOlli ft* C»' • . •, „ . Second Time in Red Bank By DORIS KULMAN - to know where the mayor is... lots of people came here to RED BANK — Councilman Daniel J. O'Hern, Demo- ask him questions . . . what's he scared about?" Dear Mr. Vice President, cratic candidate for mayor, debating an empty chair again Raymond Williams, vice president of the Red Bank last night, outlined a program lie said will increase business Branch of the National Association /or the Advancement of ratables and ease the homeowner's tax burden, and de- Colored People, pointed out that Mr. Arnone hadn't appeared I WILL VOTE FOR YOU MR. HUMPHREY, BUT clared lie will seek legislation to gear the senior citizens tax at an NAACP-sponsored debate last week. exemption to the cost of living. "... I figured he's tired of coming to the Westside so I I want you to know that: Mr. O'Hern debated an empty chair for the second time .came here to ask him some questions.. . we've got lots of in a week when GOP Mayor John P. Arnone failed to ap- councilmen here, but no mayor ... I'm tired of chasing the I I. I am in accord with the positions taken on Vietnajn by both Senator Kennedy and Sen* pear at the candidates' meeting sponsored by two borough mayor around . .." Mr. Williams sajd. ator McCarthy. „ . organizations and attended by about 60 persons. Several in the audience called out "right", and "exact- Walter M. Thackara and Henry A. Stevensen, GOP ly" as Mr. Williams concluded his remarks. 2. I was appalled at the general atmosphere of the convention held in Chicago, and at your council candidates, told, the audience they didn't know where Mr. Dziezyc, president of the Red Bank Taxpayers As- defense of Mayor Daley's disregard of civil liberties. the mayor was. Mayor Arnone told The Daily Register later sociation, one of the sponsoring groups, said Mr. Arnone that he had been at a borough Republican Club meeting. had told the organization yesterday that he would be late 3. Although you were not my candidate for the nomination, I plan to vote for you because CROWD ANNOYED for the 8 o'clock candidates' confrontation, but that he would I cannot, on any score, vote for Nixon/Agnew. The mayor's absence obviously annoyed the audience. be there..... There was loud grumbling when panel moderator John I hope and trust, Mr. Vice President) you get the people's mandate, you will give Dzlezyc explained, after the otter candidates finished their presentations, "We're waiting for Mr. Arnone. He promised, careful consideration to my concerns. .' . ' to be here tonight." And toe evening's biggest applause went to a man in the audience who declared, *'. .. I'd like Name ...

Address VOTE FOR THE MAN WHO HAS THE Join with us on November 5th and COURAGE TO FACE THE VOTERS AND vote for Hubert H. Humphrey— TO FACE THE ISSUES. rh« mail the letter portion of this advertisement, or y «ur ewn ietttr. te Mr, Humphrey »• that h« mey derttand and appreciate the basis for eur vote. VOTE FOR Sponsored by: Mrs. Peter J. Lumia Mrs. Harold R. D««n Frederick Pohl Mrs. Michael Brodnitz Mrs. Barry R. Kurtz Fr«d J. Cook O'HERN Mr. and Mrs, Walter Marvin Mr. and.Mri. Roland Kriegel Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kopk* Mr. and Mrs. Lan Bargmann Mr. andVvin. Frank Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Karl Ooldschmidt Mr. and Mrs. Donald O'Rourk* FOR MAYOR Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Spiegel Mrs. Benjamin Uissin Mr. and Mn. Marvin Paris reM f*r ev Mn. r»t.r J. lumli, JI JukllM Circle, MM«wtn LABRECQUE and MINEAR for COUNCIL tor bv Diernemtle Campaign CtmmlHw, •. d . design might - Wive an open plan that permits easy Open for Suggestions supervision of y<8Wg children Home Opens This Weekend HOWELt TOWNSHIP - Re- In an in-depth study of the by parents. But tlren it should design. and production of be possible," when children MIDDLETOWN - The areas conform to the needs of The family room with fire- search House '75 designed by reach the age at which privacy Pease-Good Housekeeping Plan a modern family. place has ceiling beams which U.S. Home and Development houses, Burnham Kelly, as- run its entire length and are sociate director of housing re is all-important, to easily con- Home built by Lefferts Homes "In other words, we have a Corporation to test, analyze vert the plan. ' at Hillandale on Cooper Road rustic colonial with all the painted white to match the ceil- and interpret consumer reac- search and city planning ing and bookcases. These fill Massachusetts Institute is opening this weekend. warmth, charm and styling that tion to new ideas, room devel- is traditional, combined with the wall area at either side of opment and floor 'plans, Technology, wrote that the two- The colonial house presents an interior planned to meet the the fireplace. has opened on Newbury Road. a unique floor plan zoned to ever changing needs and ac- The, bedroom wing is separ- OLD WORLD BANKING accommodate contemporary tivities of the maturing family." "This is the first time, to our living patterns. ate from the rest of the house. knowledge, a builder has con- Modern banking techniques, The result is a house full of There are two twin-size bed- structed a house that is purely were born during the Holy Cru- It was planned by Lon H. surprises. Upon opening the rooms, each with two large clo- sades. Crusaders wished to Purcell, chief architect at experimental. Research House front door, a visitor's gaze tra- sets. These rooms are sepa- '75 is not for sale. We're pri- send money home and to bor- cousin Pease Woodwork Co., Hamil- vels down the central hall to rated from the master suite by marily concerned with present- row money while in the Near ton, Ohio. The house was fea- the sunlit garden room which the family bath. The master East. Thus, letters of credit tured in a 12-page story in the ing contemporary living plans literally brings the outdoors in. suit is entered through a large and testing consumer reaction came into common use where- Famous October issue of Good House- This bright room, perfect for dressing room with its own wet keeping Magazine and was se- to them," announced Robert H. by monies put on deposit in Eu- midday teas or bridge parties, basin, dressing table and five Winnerman, president and rope could be drawn in the lected by the publication as features a skylight and a wall full-size closets. Off the 13 x 19 Names "1968 Home of the Year." chairman of the board of form of credit in the Near of windowed doors opening on- foot bedroom is a master bath U.S. Home & Development. East. According to Purcell, "an au- to the garden terrace. with a six-foot long sunken thentic colonial should by all This garden room also serves bathtub with reclining back. rights have a water pump and as the center of a large en- According to builder Jake Lef- The place to go — for the brands you know! wooden sink in the kitchen, a tertainment area. Bi-fold- fireplace in every room and the ferts, the house is designed as 11 ing doors open to make a party a home which fits the many IN THE GALLERY — Realtor &. J, Sterling Thompson, bathroom in the backyard. room which includes the fam- center, president of Sterling Thompson & Associates, BOTANY "500 However, the colonials we build needs and moods of today's ily room, kitchen, foyer, dining with offices in Middletown, Rumson and Matawan, today have ^modern conve- room and garden room. Indi- American family. And with its clothes of distinction niences, and I see no reason vidual features in these rooms flexibility, the house will re- welcomes Assemblyman Joseph Azzolina, right, and Yei, they male* quit* a why we must limit improve- such as the kitchen barbecue main comfortable,for a family Todd Harris of Gallery of Homes to grand opening of pair. Yes, they stand for ments to plumbing and heat- or the grand elegance of the from the time the children are the firm's Middletown Gallery. Mr. Thompson is ex- JOHN DANIELS quality. Yes — Pay Less 1 ing. What we have done with toddlers right on through the formal dining room make the clusive county representative of the Gallery of Homes, 50 BROAD ST. RED BANK for Brand Names with this house is to make the living arrangement perfect for large retirement years.' The house OPEN WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. or small parties. was decorated by Schulz & a visual coast-to-coast marketing concept for house "BIG W" CHARGE IT — 30 - 60 . 90 DAYS - Discount Prices! The living room appears in a Behrle, Inc. buying and selling. ' • Real Estate tone that is subdued and tran- quil and is equally comfortable as a library, music room or a Men Back place for friends to enjoy an intimate conversation. The Bond Issues deep textures of real wood pan- eling are further enhanced by J. Mc- the play of light from a large Claude Kirchner, Star of Channel 9 TV Scrub Club, Says: Gowan, president of Bed Bank bay window that stretches to | Area Multiple Listing Service, the floor. has announced that the New Jersey Association of Real Es- The formal dining room is I tate Boards is .urging citizens large enough, to seat 10 com- to approve the three state bond fortably. Its full length windows issues Tuesday. This is the first and chandelier make every] time NJAREB has supported a meal a special- event. proposed bond referendum. The kitchen is designed to I make the room functional and Mr. McGowan said that with- efficient. Bleached rosewood | • out public affirmation of t h e cabinets go to the ceiling, elim- issues, New Jersey could face inating dead space. Total elec- an immediate fiscal crisis. tric appliances include two ov- The extra 1-cent per gallon ens, one of them self-cleaning, tax on gasoline that beganjast a. barbecue and a range,', all July 1 was earmarked to pay under a six-foot range hood off the anticipated transporta- which contains two exhaust tion bonds, totaling $640 fans. As an added touch, there's million, with $200 million for a complete serving area be- mass transit and $440 million tween the kitchen and the din- for highways. If the transpor- ing room with 12 storage cab- tation bond issue is defeated, inets and a buffet counter! the public will continue to pay Adjacent to the kitchen are the added gasoline tax, but the' the home's utility areas; ac- money will go into the general cess to the two-car garage and treasury and be forever lost to the basement, a lavatory, and transportation purposes for where the old back door-mud which it was intended, he said.. room used to be — a potting Because of their concern room. This innovation features about taxes and the state's eco- its own sink and moisture re- nomic growth, the realtors' tax sistent paneled cabinets, mak- Tomorrow, November 2nd at 10:30 a.m. till 12 (Main Office) committee made an examina- ing an- ideal spot for garden- tion of the bond issues In the ing chores or cleanup. past five months. He said they and in front of Monmouth Shopping Center Office at 12:15 feel assured the legislative and CANDLE TEA administrative departments of FAIR HAVEN — The Mon- the state would" operate mouth County Alumnae Club efficiently and economically in of Alpha Chi Omega will hold using the moneys from the bond its annual candle tea Sunday, issues as well as for the stated Nov. 3, in the home of Mrs. purposes. Robert Beck, 33 Riverlawn The association says urgent- Drive. Proceeds ^from the sale ly required programs are al- of Christmas and year-round ready too-long delayed, and candles will go to the-club's New Jersey's citizens must cerebral palsy clinic project vote "Yes" to the three bond and the Alpha Chi scholarship issues on election day. . fund.


• \ .-.:•:•-in

Stop dreaming about that dream kitchen! Now you , You'll love this worm 50" x 60" Virgin wool, can have one in fime for the holidays and ah a cost much lower than you might imagine. A phone call cotton/rayon washable blanket. It comet to a Hmdiomtly boxed 5-coin ser contains the original Kennedy harMoRar. will get you a free estimate on a bright new kitchen •mart vinyl carrying case — perfect for car, cabin or any other type home improvement. Call right now Here Is a gift of lasting significance for any child or adult. with no obligation whatsoever. er game.


Hours: NEW PLAYROOM Hwy. 35 & Wyekoff Rd. MainOfficeOpenSof Eatontown and at the Monmouth ElATONTOWN * FIRST PAYMENT-MAR. 9:30 A.M. to 1 P.M. Shopping Center MONEY DOWN ATIONAL UP TO 20 YEARS TO PAY ANK .' i MONMOUTH CONSTRUCTION CO. !< ,"!'' HIGHWAY,^*! H[0OONS COHNM, MIDOLtTOWN Member Federal Depotit Insurance Corp. * 741-5040 - 776.4600 DAILY REGISTER, Fridty, Novembw 1,

Hadet, and moved to. Marc- General Foods. Mrs. Gotch is Monmouth MLS Has 39 Title Changes shire Drive, Lincroft. Their, an executive secretary with bouse is how owned by Mr. and uy Carpenter Co., New York BKDJBANK — Realtors who Mrs. Jacaiow. The property Purchase of the house was ef- Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Cole- del. They recently lived on and Mrs. Arnold Horn of New Mrs. Anthony Oddo from Flush- City. Mr. and Mrs. Moyles and are members of Northern Mon- had been listed through Eugene fected through Stuart Packard nan have sold their Georgian Ocean Ave., Sea Bright. Mr. Monmouth Road, New Mon- ing, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Oddo mouth Multiple Listing Service A. Fitzpatrick of Walker and of the Belford office of The colonial house on Heulett Road, Taylor is associated with Bell louth. The house has been pur- are the parents of three chil- their son and daughter have report the closing of title on Walker, Holmdel office. Kirwan Co. Listing had been ?olts Neck, through Earl 0. Telephone Laboratories, Holm- ihased by Mr. and Mrs. Wil- dren. Mrs. Theresa S. Martin moved to Colts Neck. Mr. J8 residential and one commer- Mr. and Mrs. David Bader through Eugene A. Fitzpatrick Vspdln of The McGowan Agen- deL Purchase of the house was liam Rauscher, who have of Applebrook Agency, Mata- Moyles is an attorney with the cial property in the northern are the purchasers of the house of the Holmdel office of Walk- :y,-Red Bank, with whom they arranged through Mrs. Ruth M. moved here from Woodbury. wan office, both listed the prop- law firm of Haight, Gardner, Monmouto County area which er and Walker. lad listed their house. They are Whitfield of Marshall P. Whit- at 11 The Vista, Middletown, Mr. Rauscher is retired. erty and effected its sale. Poor & Havens. Frank A. Mil- they serve. formerly owned by' Mr. and Purchasers of the* bi - level IOW residents of Long Island, field, Holmdel member of Red Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams •Also sold through Mrs. Mar- ler of Van's Agency, Matawan, Mr. and Mrs. George Dick, Mrs. James Macrae, who now house at 17 Daniel Drive, Haz- N.Y. The purchasers are Mr. Bank Area MLS. Henry A. West tin was a new house at 5 Doro- of Holmdel was the builder. and their two sons have moved their daughter and two sons, reside in Dallas, Tex. Mr. and let, are Mr. and Mrs. Matthew and Mrs. Frank J. Viggiani, from Staten Island, N.Y., to thy Court in the Elmwood Park arranged the sale for Mr. arid have taken occupancy of the Mrs. Bader and their three chil- W. Kulish who, with their two formerly of Jersey City, where Another new house sold in the colonial house they bought section of Middletown. The Mrs. Moyles. The property had ranch style house*'known as dren have moved here from Ir- sons, have moved here from Mr. Viggiani is owner of a heat- the area was that, on Devon- at 19 Colby Lane, Hazlet. Mr. home has been purchased by been listed through Mrs. Rhoda ing and plumbing business.'Mr. "Heron House," located on the win, Pa. Purchase of the house Nutley. Mr. Kulish is a travel- shire Lane in the" Elmwood Williams is with the investment Mr. and Mrs. Edward Engel Conrad of Joseph S. Lang was arranged through. Mrs. ing specialist associated with iggiani is also a horse owner Park section of Middletown to house of Merrill Lynch Pierce west side of Long Bridge Road, and breeder. who, with their three children, Agency, HolmdeJ. Colts Neck. The family has Theresa S. Martin of Apple- Nabisco, New York City. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cantrell. 'enner & Smith, Inc. Mr. had lived in Matawan. Mr. En- just returned from a three-year brook Agency, Matawan office. A. Miller of Van's Agency, Mat- Mr. and Mrs. John G. Payne Mr. and Mrs. Cantrell have md Mrs. Frarik L. Lee Jr. are gel is associated with Federal Mr. Miller listed and Joseph Mr. and Mrs. George Haub- awan, both listed the property ire the purchasers of the new come here Mim Aiken, S.C. ;he previous owners and, with P. Cahii of the same agency stay in Toronto, Canada, where and sold it for the previous Pacific. Winwood Homes, Inc., sold the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Dick has been on leave er have moved from Leonardo Cape Cod house at 63 Kings Mr. Cantrell is associated with their three children have were the builders of the home. to the house which they have owners, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hwy., Middletown, built by Wil- the U. S. Atomic Energy Com- moved to Freehold. Mr. Lee is John Aneser at 37 Overlea Lane of absence from Bell Telephone McGonigal, who are now resi- Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Fis- in the Strathmore section of Laboratories and teaching elec- purchased at 26 Walnut St., liam C. Schweizer of Middle- mission. Garrett G. Roberts of with Bell Telephone Labora- ler are the purchasers of the Port Monmouth. The house was dents of Ft. Lauderdale, Fa. town. Mr. and Mrs. Payne, and the Matawan office of Apple- tories. Arrangements for the Matawan. Mr. and Mrs. Aneser trical engineering at the Uni- Mr. McGonigal had been with house at 156 Jersey Ave., East are residents of Long Island, versity of Toronto. Mrs. Amy sold through Mrs. Constance heir three children have moved brook Agency effected the sale purchase were through Wilbur Keansburg. The purchase was Maher of Cornelius J. Guiney Tom's Ford in Keyport. tere from Massachusetts. Mr. of the house for the builder, iynn of the Middletown offife N.Y. Their home has been pur- J. Van Vltet of Van Vliet negotiated through John Bou- chased- by Mrs. Lillie Asher Agency, Holmdel, handled the Jr., Highlands/for the previous Mr.' and Mrs. Jack T. McCoy ayne Is associated with West- Winwood Homes, Inc. of Sterling Thompson & Asso- ton of the West Keansburg of' owners, Mr. and Mrs. Edward have sold their split level house irn Electric. Purchase of the ciates. Listing was through Eu- Levy, formerly of Flushing, purchase for Mr. and Mrs*. Dick. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Banfe flee of The Kirwan Co. Mr. and N.Y. Ttiis will make the third time McGrath, who are now resid- at 96 Ravine Drive, Matawan, house was effected through have purchased, the Country gene A. Fitzpatrick of Walker Mrs. Fisler formerly resided on over a period of several years ing on Bray Ave., East Keans- to Mr. and Mrs. William A. Mario E. Cilli of Applebrook Clubber style house at 136 Ivy and Walker, Holmdel office. Columbia Way, East Keans- burg. Bommer. Mr. and Mrs. McCoy Agency, Matawan office. Mr. that Mrs. Van Vliet has sold this Hill Drive in the Strathmore Mr. and Mrs. Jospeh Shep- burg. Mr. Fisler is with Better Not all pirates were men. same property. The house was The ranch house of Mr. and are living in Sougas, Calif. Schweizer had listed the house section of Matawan from Mr. Housekeeping Shop in Red The widow of a Chinese pi- Sale of the house was through hrough Calvin G. R. Ohlsen pard are the purchasers of the purchase^ from Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Edward B. Sparks at 365 and Mrs. James H. Callahan. •anch house at 20 Imbrook Lane Bank. rate named Chtog took over Middle Road, Hazlet, was listed Emil J. Unger of Sterling >f Navesink Associates, Middle- Mr. and Mrs. Banfe and their J. Donald Roache and had been Thompson, & Associates, Mat- own. In the Strathmore section of Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Gotch her husband's fleet and ha- listed through James F. Brun- through Harry Leighton of the two children are former Hill' Matawan which belonged to have purchased the bi-ievel rassed the China Coasts in the Belford Office of The Kirwan awan office, and listing was side residents.. Mr. Banfe is ner of j. D. Roche Agency, through Mrs. Joan Cushman of Mrs. Margaret M. Conwell Mrs. Eleanor Herrmann, now house of Mr. and Mrs. Philip 1800s. At the'height of * her Colts Neck. Co. The property was sold sted and sold her house at 11 with SCM Corporation. Mr. and f Neptune City. Mr. and Mrs. V. Moyles at 12 Mohawk Drive, power, Madame Ching com- through John Bouton and the Middletown office of that Mrs. Callahan and their thren Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo A. agency. . Washington Ave., Leonardo, Sheppard are former residents Matawan. They are recent resi- manded 500 junks. She even- Lacobucci have sold their col- Thomas Largey of the West through Charles A. Wingage of children have moved to Holm- of Brooklyn. Mr. Sheppard is dents of Bayonne. Mr. Gotch tually obtained a government onial house at 88 Oxford Lane Keansburg office of that agen- Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. For- 'he Curtin Agency, Leonardo. del. Mr. Callahan is with Ken- sales manager with Harry Rich is an industrial engineer with pardon and settled down to in the Strathmore section of cy to Mr. and Mrs. Richard nabio are the purchasers of Mrs. Conwell, a retired real es- yon and Kenyon. Sale of the k Co., Union. Purchase of the the Maxwell House Division of smuggling. Matawin and moved to Atlan- Cardone, recently of Matawan. business property at 416 Rt. tate broker, has moved to Mary- house was through Philip Lor- property was transacted ta, Ga. It has been purchased Mr. and Mrs. Sparks and 36, Belford, where Mr. Fornab land. Her house was purchased berfeld. of Sterling Thompson through Joseph P. Cahill of by Mr. and Mrs. Melvin F. Ja- their twin daughters, mean- operates his business, Middle- by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rich- & Associates, Matawan office, Van's Agency, Matawan." MONMOUTH COUNTY'S LARGEST INDEPENDENT calow, formerly of Flushing, while, have moved to New Mon- town TV Service. Mr. and Mrs. ardson, former residents of and listing was through Emil Fornabio reside on New Mon- J. Unger of that office. Mr. Lewis Parker is the new N.Y. Mr. Jacaiow is with Mc- mouth where they have pur- iearny. owner of the house at 63 Snug SCOnS DEALER HAS A... chased the split level house at montli Road, Middletown. Pur- Graw-Hill* Joseph P. GahiU of chase of the property was n& Mr.- and Mrs. Lawrence Mil- Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Bach Harbor, Highlands, that had Van's Agency, Matawan, hand- 46 Maplewood Drive from Mr. ler have moved from Bay Ave., from Staten Island, N.Y., are been owned by Cornelius J. and Mrs. Edward L. Bednarz. gotiated through Richard A. led the' purchase for Mr. and Stephens of The Stephens Agen- Atlantic Highlands, to the house the purchasers of the house at uiney Jr. Mr. Parker has YEAR END cy, Belford. The property had which they purchased at 7 Bur- 403 Johnson Ave,, Union Beach. moved from Linden Ave., High- been listed through Miss Bev- lington Ave., Leonardo. Mr. The ranch style house had bee,n lands. The purchase was han- erly J. Bova of Paul P, Bova, Miller is associated with his owned by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph dled through Mrs. Constance New Monmouth. father at Miller's Esso Station, P. Caulfield, who now live in Mahet of Cornelius J. Guiney Rt. 35, Middletown. Mrs. Miller Toms River and was sold Jr., Highlands. Mr, and Mrs. Robert H. is a teacher at Harmony School, through Mrs. Theresa M. Cava Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Kerns and two children have Middletown.. The house was of Poplk and Blumberg, Haz- Upset by come from California to occu- Lennon from Old Bridge are SALE previously owned by Mr. and let. Mr. and Mrs. Caulfield had py the ranch style house they occupyingtheranch house they Mrs. Vincent Aversa of Brook- listed their home with John C. purchased at 119 E. Highland purchased at 9 Galewood lyn, and was sold through Mrs. Bouton of the West Keansburg Drive, Holmdel. Mr. and Mrs, Ave., Atlantic Highlands, Wilma Coolick of Cornelius J. office of The Kirwan Co. through Joseph I. Gail of The Chris J. Cerullo are the recent Guiney Jr., Highlands. Listing Owners and are living in Tren- Mr. and Mrs. John Olsen ol Brook Agency, Atlantic High- ton. Mr. Kerns is associated was through Mrs. Constance Kings Hwy. East, Middletown lands. Trie former owners, Mr. with American Export Indus- Maher of that agency. have sold their house at 31 and Mrs. Joseph Arway, had tfis. Raymond B. Schooley of Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Ocean Ave., Sea Bright. It ha, listed their home with Mr. Gail Applebrook Agency, Matawan Thomas and two children are been purchased by William and have moved to Norwalk, office, arranged the sale of the occupying the colonial house Crawford, formerly of Newark Conn. Mr. Lennon is with Dan property. Listing was through they purchased at 14 Daniel and a pilot with Mohawk Air- River Mills, New York City. MarehaU P. Wnitfield, Holm. Drive, Matawan, from Mr. and lines. The house is on the Nave- Mrs. Lennon- is with Bell Tele- del. Mrs. John Ahem who are now sink River and includes a pri phone Laboratories, Holmdel. residents of Piano, Tex. Mr. vate beach. Mr. Crawford plans The split level house at 500 SCOTTS Mr. and Mrs. William F. Ken- and Mrs. Thomas are from Can- extensive renovation of th East Road, Belford, has been nedy are the new owners of the ton, Mass. Mr. Thomas is with house and to winterize it. Ne- sold to Mr. and Mrs. Robert ranch style house at 251 E. the Oldsmobile Division of Gen- gotiations for the purchase were B. Russell. They and their four lawn products Highland Ave., Atlantic High; eral Motors. Marvin Eisenfoerg through Roger F. Cozens ol children have moved here from lands which they purchased of Van's Agency, Matawan, ar- Hall Bros., Fair Haven, m Canada., Marvin Ejsenberg of through Joseph I. Gail of the ranged the purchase for Mr. bars of Red Bank Area MLS, Van's Agency, Matawan, han- Brook Agency, Atlantic High- Mrs. Marie Minugh of John dled the sale for the former lands. They and their and Mrs. Thomas. The proper- ty had been listed through Ray- Minugh Agency, Rumson mem owners, Mr. and Mrs. Michael CERLIONE S three children previously re- mond B. Schooley of Apple- bers of Red Bank Area MLS, Morin, who have moved to sided in Indianapolis, Ind. Mr. listed the property for Mr. and Pennsylvania. Thomas Largey Kennedy is associated with brook Agency, Matawan office. GREENHOUSES Mr. and Mrs. Donovan R. Mrs. Olsen/ of the West Keansburg office Bell Telephone Laboratories, of The Kirwin Co. listed the Holmdel: Mrs. Wllma Coolick Sheldon are the owners of the Cornelius J. Guiney 3d of Cor HWY. 35 HOLMDEL split level house at 3 Mountain property for sale. of Cornelius J. Guiney Jr., nelius J. Guiney Jr., Highlands, (between Hcndtt and Middletown) Highlands, had listed the house Ave., Hazlet. They and their arranged the sale of the house Mr. and Mrs. Warren T. Van in heating bills? * for the former owners, Mr. and two children previously resid- at 166 Navesink Ave., High* Nosdall have sold their split Ample Parking In Rearl Mrs. Paul M. Haag, who have ed in Wayne. Mr. Sheldon is I 98 nwnnH lw •IAVPI hnncA nt Id W Sn^an Kt Spreod out your payments through our Budget Payment moved to Florida. in the advertising business in New York City. The house, Plan. You make small, equal payments throughout the heat- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Ing season ... never have to face up to midwinter peaks which had been rented for sev- Bell have purchased the split eral years, was owned by Mr. again. And there is no interest; there are no carrying level house at 6 Indian Trail, charges of any kind. Matawan, from Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Donald S. McClellan, DOWNl DONT MISS IT! Find out today about our Esso Budget Payment Plan. Calif 0. Thomas Angioletti, who have who have been living overseas. Mr. McClellan is with the Unit- SYCAMORE AVE. moved to Wanamassa. Mr. and Mrs. Bell and their seven-year- ed Nations, presently stationed LA WES SHREWSBURY., N. J. old son have come here from In Italy. Paul W. Conrow of Staten Island, N.Y. Mr. Bell is Edwin S. Stark, Hazlet, han- CLEARANCE! a stock broker in New York dled the sale for Mr. and Mrs. City. Walter T. Blaine of Van's McClellan. Arthur H. Lam- Agency, Matawan, listed the breeht of Matthew J. Gill, Mid- house and handled arrange- dletown, listed the property for ments for its sale. sale. Mr. and Mrs. John Krause, SAT. & SUN. formerly of Secaucus, are pur- chasers of a house at 43 Lib- SAvms UP to erty Place, West Keansburg. The previous owners are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schenzinger who have moved to Palmer EXTRA SPECIAL! Ave., Keansburg. Mr.. Krause is with General Motors. Pur- chase of the property was ar- TAXUS (Yews) 50% off! ranged through Mrs. Dorothy f Neuendorff of the T/iTest Keans- Up to $9 values! burg office of The Kirwin Co. Harden L, Crawford of the $ "Red Tag" Middletown Office of Apple- brook Agency handled the sale 4.29 of a new house at 17 Marlpit >f • •while nicy rait • • • Court in the Homestead Farms SALE! section of Middletown to Mr. . . . BIG SAVINGS en oil and Mrs. John DUllngham, for- POPLARS merly of Liverpool, N.Y. Build- nursery stock togged witfi 6'-r; HI container* er of the house was Marlpit our special "RED TAGS"! Inc. Regularly $10! Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Suss- man have sold their house at 49 SHADE TREES! 140 Main St., Keyport, and Weeping Willow • GrJ./ieor Birch moved to Spring Lake. Ber- • Wteplng Birch e' Horn Bean nard J. McElroy of The Step- *********************** e Sugar Maple e Crlrmon King* hens Agency, Belford, effected the sale of the house to Mr. Scotts Products and Mrs. John F. Conroy who FRUIT TREES! had lived In Union Beach. Mr. Choose from Conroy is with Double H. Pro- 25% OFF! • Applet • Peon ducts. James J. Murphy Jr. of e Cherriei because PORAFLOR has the shine built in Walker and Walker, Holmdel office, listed the house for Mr. FLOWERING TREES! Stop waxing—start relaxingl Here's a new kind of floor- and Mrs. Sussman. Lasts a lifetime Kwanian Cherriet • Flowering ing that never has to be waxed-stays clean and beautl- Mr. and Mrs. John Landon Pimm e Mountain Alh (ul with only an occasional damp mopping. You choose Care-Ires Luxury and three children have come from Rock Springs, Wy., to take from an unlimited number of colorful designs to match Unlimited Colors or contrast with each room's decor. Ideal for family or occupancy of the bl-Ievel house, EVERGREENS! play rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, utility rooms-where- Safe and Sanitary they purchased at 12 Chestnut Choote from a number Drive, Matawan. Mr. Landon ever heavy traffic stains and water make proper floor Waterproof, Staln-proot lockt and Janlpeit. care difficult. PORAFLOR Is waterproof, stain-proof, and is associated with F.M.C. Cor- carries a 5-year warranty not to crack, chip, peel or lift 5-year warranty poration in Cartcret. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Wallace, the former owners, now reside in Call today for TREE estimate. North Carolina. Kenncfh Wil- liams of Van's Agency, Mata- wan, transacted the purchase of tlio house which had been listed with Marvin Eisenbcrg TEMPLE FLOORS of that agency. Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Tay- lor have taken up residence in OPEN: Weekdays 9 AM to 6 PM Saturday, 9 to 5; Sunday ,10 to S RUMSON, N. J. PHONE 842-1500 tho now house which they have purchased on Doer Path, Holm \ .16-THE DAILY REGISTER, Friday, November 1, 1968 . ' Services in CoyMy Churches ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC, Long -Branch Atlantic Highlands keyport Masses will be at «:30 and 7:80 EMMANUEL BAPTIST a.m. and 12:15 p.m. In the church; FIRST RWORMBD Jjong Branch. Atlantic Highlands 1:10, 8:45 tad 11 a.m. In the school. Bunday service at 11 »-m. Rev. Mornlni worship service will be at GOSPEL HALL U o'clock and the evening service at John E. Grant U pastor. Church Marks 103rd Year 7:30 The Rev. Richard Bhaw 1B pastor. Long Branch CLINTON CHAPEL A. M. «. BOX Services will be held Sunday at >:30 Mlddletown By FLORENCE BRUDER He lives at 179 Bay St., High- UNITED METHODIST am. A Qospet. Service will be held Ths Rev. Robert Kerler Is psatof. lands, and is in his first year Atlantic Highlands at 7 p.m. OLD FIRST CHURCH SEA BRIGHT - Original- The "unday service will be held at ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL American Baptist Convention as pastor also of the Highlands 11 a.m. The Rev. Harvey Van Sclver Long Branch United Church of Cnrtlt ly built by the fishermen of the Is pastor. Youth Sunday. Theme: "Re- Miildletown. Methodist Church. His son, bellion For God." Low Mass at 8 a.m. Family Mass at 10 a.m. Th« Rev; Robert A. Pear- The Sunday uervice will bs at W village and now administered George, the Air Force at son -la reotor. a.m.. The Rev. Avertll M. Carson » FIRST PRESBYTERIAN pastor. _by a native of the British Isles, Langley Field, Va., and he is Atlantic Highlands ST. LUKE'S METHODIST JMYSHORE COMMUNITY 8unday services at D and 11 a.m. the proud grandfather of two Long Branch East Kennsb'irg the First United Methodist Rev.' Richard B. Anderson official* Sunday service* will be held at 11 girls. log. The Sunday service wlU be at U Church here recently celebrat- a.m. a.m. The Rev. Richard Schwartz I* From a long-range point of pastor. ed its 103rd anniversary with CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY FIRST BAPTIST FIRST SPIBTCAL C1IUBCH view, the Rev. Mr. Starsmeare Atlantic Highlands Long Branch OF DIVINE HOSE Bunday services will be held at 11 The Bunday service* will be held at Bellord . understandable pride. said "We would like to sell a_m. 11 a.m, and 7:15 p.m. Services are held Sunday at 8 p.m. "Our number is small—133— the old building—it needs so CENTRAL BAPTIST at 270 Main St. The Rev. , Phoebsj many repairs — and build a Atlantic Highlands Dalley, pastor. as churches go; but we are Bunday services win be at 11 a.ra. Mat a wan smaller, more adequate church Rev. Harry w. Kraft Is pastor. Wor- ^growing spiritually," conunent- ship service at 7:30 p.m. ,. ETHICAL CULTURE FELLOWSHIP New Shrewsbury right here in Sea Bright." Matawan " ed Allen Johnson, chairman of Donald Jacoby Is president. Con- REFORMED CHURCH \ Still, numerous repairs have ST. AGNES CATHOLIC tact Barry Kurtz, 62 Deerfleld Lane, New Shrewsbury 1 . the official board, lay leader been completed. Sidewalks, the Atlantic Highlands for Information about meetings. Sunday services will be at S:SO and Sunday Masses are at 0:30. 7:4.1. 9. 10:30 a.m. Rev. Neal fi. Busker, pastof. and treasurer of the church. parsonage, the kitchen, Sunday 10:15 and 11*0 a.m. and 12:<5 and TRINITY EPISCOPAL Sermon: "This Ministry We Have." 5:30 p.m. Rev. Michael J. Lease Is Matawan school classrooms, rest rooms,, Pastor. LUTHER MEMORIAL LUTHERAN "We intend to stay in Sea Matins and Holy Communion at 8 and a social room have been ' a,rn.. Morning'Prayer and Holy Com- (Missouri Synod) Bright," added the Rev. munion- at 10 a.m. Tlie Rev. Carroll Ne» Shrewsbury ' George Starsmeare, pastor. renovated. Al the work.was ac- Cliff wood Beach B. Hall is rector. Baptism at 1 p.m. The Sunday servics at 10:3O complished by the members a.m. The Rtv. Donald L. BlKKfi Is And their roots are deep in BAYVIEW PRESBYTERIAN FIRST PRESBYTERIAN pastor. Sermon: "Race to Where." this community; The congrega- and friends of the church. Bunday Worship Service will he at Matawan Holy Communion. The pulpit and choir areas 9:30 and 11 a.m. Rev. David L. Bucel. Worship services 5:15 and 11 a.m; SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS tion has worshipped in three pastor, win officiate. Leste* Whitfleld The Rev. Chester A. Galloway Is have been done over and sheet will preaoh at ttoe 11 a.m. service. pastor. Sermon: "On Recognizing and New Shrewsbury, buildings. The first was built Discharging A Debt." Services will be held, tomorrow at U a.m. Rcb«rt K. Tome,Is mlnlstar. > by the fishermen of the town rock in the basement area, CLIFFWOOn COMMUNITY which had become soft from CROSS OF GL"RY LUTHERAN . in 1865. Financial aid for that METHODIST •' Matawan - Oakhurst venture was given by Gen. the water from storms, was re- CllffWOM) The Sunday service will be at 10:30 Worship services will be held at a.m. The Rev- Arthur W. Eblsh- FIRST UNITED METHODIST Clinton B. Fisk, who was placed by hard wood panels. > a.m. with the pastor. The Rev. bach will officiate. Communion on Oakhurst Alfred Brighton supervised Kldrlch C. Campbell, Jr., officiating. The First and Third Sundays of the Th« Vinday service will be at »:3O instrumental in founding many month. and 11 a.m. Dr. John D. ^lalr Is "churches throughout the coun- the recent renovations to the Sunday school area. Materials Colts Neck FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE try. It was named the Church Matawan Oceanport of the Fishermen. were paid for through the es- REFORMED Sunday services at 10:30 a.m. and 7 tablishment of a memorial STORMPROOF — First United Methodist Church of Soa Bright has celebrated its The Sunday service' will be at 9:80 p.m. at Jackson St. and Ravlni Drive. CALVARY BAPTIST Move Building and 11 .A-m. The Rev. Samuel La The Rev. Daniel Gentile will officiate. Oceanport fund to the late William R. 103rd anniversary. Storms and fire have not deterred worshippers from attending Penta's sermon will be based on the Sunday morning service*, at 9:49 James Minugh bought the Fowler. text: I Peter 3:1-10. Reception of • ST. CLEMENT'S CATHOLIC and 11. Evening service at 7:30. Rev. services in ivy-covered building. The Rev. George W. Starsmeare is pastor. new members. Matawan-Marlboro Paul N. Smith Is pastor. building in 1899 and it was Enters Ministry Bunday Masses and Holy Communion OCEANFORT UNITED METHODIST moved to Peninsula Ave., CHRISTIAN CHURCH will be held at 7, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30 Oceanport , • <, Mr. Johnson noted that, for Colts Neck and 11:30 a.m. In the Matawan Re- Morning worship at 0:30 aim. ana gional High School. Rev. Joseph Ru- evening service at 7:30 Rev. W. Win- where the structure,' now an the first time in the history of tionafly has two lay speakers, years here by presenting ola Neely, Mrs.Sigrid Goddia, Morning worship. service will be at clnskl Is pastor. 11 a.m. Larry Calhoon Is minister. field Is paator. Holy Communion at apartment house owned by the church, one of its mem-Oscar Benson and Alfred Christ and His Gospel." Oscar Benson, Mrs. Gfenevieve Evening worship at T. FIRST UNITED METHODIST the morning service. Bvening sermon: Matawan "The Disgusting Cmrrolv." Mrs: Hilda Walton, now stands bers, George Finegan, has ded- Brighton. Aiding in this effort are of- Tilton, Frank Van Duzer, Wil- Sunday services will 0:30 and " -* The second church was built icated his life to the service' of Mr. Johnson stated: "We ficers and commission heads liam Keeler and George Flem- 11 a.m. The Rev. Donald T. Phillips (Old Bridge Eatontown Br. pastor. Holy Communion. and dedicated Aug. 17,1890, the ministry. The church addi- look forward to many more including Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Vi- ing. , ST. AMBROSE CATHOLIC JESDS CHRIST OF FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Old Bridge the present site. It was • LATTER DAY SAINTS 1- Matawan —~ .... -Simoay Mass will ne at e:S(UT:» Morning Vforihlp »t 10 a.m._ ftul 10, 11:15 a.m. and HlstTpnu , gutted in the great Sea Bright ; (Mormon) - , The Rev, Bernard A. Coen Is pastor. Eatontown CALVARY BAPTIST CHAPEL fire of June 16,1891, when the Church Hall News Roundup . Services will be the Priesthood LUTHERAN GOOD SHEPHERD meeting at a a.m. and the Saorament Matawan Odd Bridge heart of the borough, from meeting at 5:00 p.m. Bishop Bruce Morning Worship at 11 a.m. Sun- Family Bible hour will be Sunday Peninsula Avenue to Cen- Savage will offloJeta. day evening worship IX 7:30. The at »:15 a.m. Worship service Rev. Jack Kinney Is the pastor. will be at 10:30 a.m. The Rev. Harley ter Street, was destroyed. METHODIST " • E. Meyer will officiate'.'^, Soon afterward, the present, Eatontown • Marlboro Sunday worship services will be at BIBLE PROTESTANT Red Bank ] church was built. To duplicate 10:45 a-m. wltn Pastor William Joel it in 1968 would cost three Peace Corpsman to SpeakWright officiating. Robertsvtlle TRINITY EPISCOPAL Bandar service will be at* 11 am. Red Bank ,,, • times the original cost, accord- ST. DOROTHEA'S CATHOUO am. The Rev. Edwin P. Spencer Is Sunday' services will be^held la Bit RED BANK—Arthur Dobrin dletown, president; Mrs. Wil- CHOIR PROGRAM „ bration hi what is planned to Eatontown paator. Communion Service. Mystic Brotherhood Lod?e, 10) Maple ing to Mr. Johnson. Bunday liaises at 7:30, 9 and 10:30 Ave. with Holy Eucharist at ! a.m.. former Peace Corps voiunteei liam Matthews, New Shrews- MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - be an annual presentation. a.m. and noon. Tb* Rev. James MORGANVILI.E METHODIST A'memorial window to Gen. Morganvtlle • Family Service and Holy Eucharist in Kenya, will speak to the bury, vice president; Mrs. Clin- The senior choir of Cross of During the program there B. Ooyle la pastor. Sunday worship service at U a.m. at 9:15 and the.Holy Eucharist and Fisk was unveiled Aug. 13, address at 11 arm.' The Rev, Canon Monmouth Ethical Society Sun- ton Hasenohr, River Plaza, sec- Glory Lutheran Church will will Ve places for the congre- ST. JAMES MEMORIAL EPISCOPAL The Rev. William T. Frantx Is pastor. Charles H. Best is rector. - , ,. .„ 1892. - It was repaired and re- Eatontown . ... day at 11 a.m. in the Red Bank retary and Mrs. Michael present the first of four major gation to participate in hymns Holy Eucharist at 8 and morning OLD BRIDGE REFORMED leaded in 1963 through the ef- Marlboro ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC Community Center. Lisowsky, Shrewsbury, treasur- and psalms, and prayer, led, by prayer at 10 am. Rev. H. Holly Knight Wtrshlp service at 10 a.m. Red Bank forts of Mrs. Louise Fowler. musical events Sunday, at 8:30 officiating. - — Mr. Dobrin, an honor grad er. Mrs. Frank J. Alocca is in p.m. in the church on Cam-the pastor, the Rev. Arthur W. Sunday Masses are celebrated at The entire building is fuH of Ebischbach. Middletown 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 a.m. and noon. uate of New York City College, charge of publicity. bridge Drive. MONMOUTH BAPTIST Magr. Salvatore Dl Lorenzo la pastor. :bistbry: On Oct. ?1, 1892,, the (Southern Baptist Convention) ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC worked in Kenya as the officer The community is invited to f Director of music, Walter L. latontnwn New Monmouth FIRST BAPT»T church hall, which is used to- in charge of a training pro- SPEAKER share in the festival. Worship services wlU be at 9:45 Masses are at 7, 8:15, »:30, 10:45 Red Bank day, was raised. Born, has put together a pro- 10 a-m.. 11 a.m. ana 7:30 p.m. wile sum. and noon In the church; at 8:15. The Sunday service wfU be V gram for 62,000 people in tftc LITTLE SILVER - "A Chris- The Rev. it. ,B. Halre, pastor preach- 9:30, 10:49 a..m. and noon in Memorial 11 a.m. The Rev. Stanley B. Mug- gram of traditional and mod- ing. Hall. ridge la paator. Joined Circuit administration of a farm coop tian Message" will be delivered SOCIETY MEETS ern religious music. Composers FIRSV UNITARIAN CHURCH A.M.E. ZION The church went on a circuit erative. HAZLET - St. Benedict's MT. DON AJI.E. HON OF MONMOUTH COUNTY by Brigadier Florence Spaeth, Thomas Tallis, Brahms, Men- ' * Red Bank with the' Oceanport Church in Rosary-Altar Society will meet Xatontown Llncroft He is an author and lecturer, ret., Salvation Army hospital delssohn, Haydn and Randall Sunday services will be held at 10:90 Sunday services at U a.m. The Rev. 1950. The Rev. Robert S. Judge has conducted workshops in Monday at 8:15 p.m. beginning Bunday morning service at 11. The a.m. The Rev, Harold R. Dean Is Alfred 8. Parker ts pastor. Holy. Com- superintendent, at a meeting of Thompson will be among those Rev. X. J. Reevey la pastor. pastor. . . munion. was minister at that time and African stddies for teachers, with recitation of the rosary in the Women's Society of Chris- represented. IJNCRQFT UNITED PRESBYTERIAN served for 10 years. He wasand is now doing graduate work church followed by a business Fair Haven — Llncroft ST. NICHOLAS RUSSIAN EASTERN tian Service of Embury Meth- Sunday service at 10:30 a.m. The ORTHODOX .' v at the Center for Human Rela- The program is Hie highlight meeting in the auditorium. Re- CHRIST CHURCH METHODIST Rev. Harold Turner Is. pastor. succeeded by the Rev. Donald '• '• ••• Red Bank' .-•••. Higbee and the Rev. Mr. Stftfs- tions of New York University, odist Church, Tuesday at 1 p.m. of the AH Saints Festival in freshments will be served by Fair Haven REFORMED The Divine Liturgy will be eels-' in the church parlor. Baby-sit- The Sunday service will bs at 11 Middletown brated at 10 e.m. on Bunday and Holy meare is now beginning his the Lutheran Church year. This Mrs. Hugh Kindlan and the hos- a.m. The Rev. Charles O. Hankins Is The lunday service will be held at Days of Obligation. Evening services ting service will be availabe. is the second year for the cele- pitality committee. pastor. Sermon: "The OonUnuJnsj Re- 11 s,m. Rev. WUbam W. Coventry preceding Bunday and Holy Days of seventh year of service. INVESTITURE formation: IMUM." will preach on "Two Trips to Water." Obligation at t p.m. Father BmUlaa . He was bora in London and RED BANK — Investiture Kajko, pastor. HOLT COMMUNION EPISCOPAL GOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERAN came to this country when he new members of the St. James Fair Haven Holmdel-Mlddletown CHURCH OF CHRIST Bunday service* will be at i and 10 The Sunday service will be held was 18 years old. He the then Rosary-Altar Society will at 10:45 at the Thompson School. Red Bank , Two Groups a-m. The Rev. George J. Frank Jr., Is held Monday at 8:30 p.m. in St To Open Charter Roll Bunday service at 11 a.m. The eve- went to work for the National pastor. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES ning service will be at 6:30. Evangelist City Bank and* in' 1932 moved James Catholic Church here Fair Haven Congregation KINO OF KINGS LUTHERAN Donald Wood will preach at both aervices. to Bermuda to serve in the Anyone interested in membei Hear Wife (Kingdom Hall) Middletown • Sunday services will, be at 8 a.m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN ' ship may contact Mrs. Norbert Fair Haven and 10:45 a.m. The Rev. William' A British Admiralty Service for Of Holmdel Church Red Bank Sunday at 10 a.m., Gary Home Hanson Is pastor. Holy Communion 14 years, he returned to this Connair, 22 Madison Aye. Of Pastor will apeak on "Tne Miraculous Gifts at both services, . The Sunday service will be at 9 country in 1945 and was called A meeting in the parish room HOLMDEL — The charter Churches for half a century will That Passed Away." Watch tower and 11 a.m. The" Rev. Dr. Cfearlat FAIR HAVEN — Mrs. James study at 11:10 a.m. on "Maintaining NEW MONMOUTH BAPTIST 8. Webster will preach on "Three to the ministry in 1950. A grad- of the grammar school will fol- roll of the newly-orga- receive 50-year pins. Balance In Human Relationships." New Monmouth Philosophies of Life." Steele, wife of the pastor of the Marvin Hall will preside. Worship Services wlU be held at uate of Temple Theolog- low the ceremony. The film, nized Holmdel Church will be At the 7 p.m. service, speak- 10:45 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. Donald - UNITED METHODIST Presbyterian Church, Shrews- er will be the Rev. Averill Car- N. Scofteld will speak at both ser- ical Seminary, Philadelphia, 'The American Trail," will be opened at the 11 a.m. worship . Freehold vices. Red Bank bury, spoke on "Excitingly on son, pastor of the Old First Sunday services will be at 9:30 and the Rev. Mr. Starsmeare shown. service Sunday and will remain 11 a.m. Holy Communion at 6:30 a.m. Our Way Together" at a recent HOPE LUTHERAN SAINT CLEMENT'S EPISCOPAL served on the Silverton circuit Officers of the society are open until Jan. 5, 1969. Church of Middletown, which is Belford The Rev, Bdward B. Cheney wiu charter meeting and service of dually aliped with the Amer- Freehold Sunday schedule: 8 a.m. Holy Eu- speak on > "From Useless To Respon- before coming-to this area. Mrs. Francis X. Flaherty, Mid- The Rev. John W. Waldron, Worship services will be at f :3O a.m. charist and sermon: &:30 a.m. sung sive." celebration of the Women's So- ican Baptist Convention and The Rev. Albert W. Gibson Is pastor. Eucharist and sermon. K pastor, Invites members of the HOLY TRINITY EVANGELICAL ciety of Christian Service and the United Church of Christ. riBST PRESBYTERIAN METHODIST LUTHERAN three congregations merged Freehold Belford the Wesleyan Service Guild of His topic will be "Where Is the Morning worship will be at »:30 In The Bunday service will be at 11 Red Bank • into the new church, parents of the new auditorium and at 11 a.m; In s_m. The lunday service will be held tl Christ Church United Meth- Church?" lite Sanctuary. Pastor James 21. lieza- 9:15 and 11 arm. The Rev, Harold Sunday School children and in- MIDDLETOWN METHODIST Hornberger la pastor. . : odist, here. After the evening service, a mott wlU deliver a sermon. terested area residents to be- Middletown Leading the service were coffee hour will be held hi Fel- QRACE LUTHERAN Sunday service at 10 a.m: The ST. e JAMES CATHOLIC come charter members after freehold Rev. W. A. Abrams la pastor. Red Bank - . Mrs. Charles Hankins, wife of lowship Hall hosted by the The Sunday service will be at 9 COMMUNITY Bunday Maaaes will be at 6, 7: SO, I, acceptance of the covenant and 10:45 a.m. 10:30 s.m. and 13 nooa In the Church; the pastor of Christ Church, Ladies Aid and the Youth Fel- Port' Monmouth which has been adopted as the The Rev. David a Vote is pastor. at 8, 9:30, 11 a.m. and 13:15 In tte and Mrs. Wesley Crozier, pres- lowship. Worship service at 11 a.m. Veaper Peters Place auditorium, and Jit 5: JO basis of the faith and life of the IMMANUEL BAPTIST service at 6:30 p.m. The Rev. A. D. p.m. In the Church. Msgr. Smnmt' ident of the WSCS. Freehold Hagaw Is. pastor. A. Monahan ts pastor. Morning worship wUl be at U a.m. sew church. SISTER FRANCIS SPIRITUAL Other members who took part and evening aervlce at 7 p.m.f both ST. PAUL BAPTIST In The Qable Building, 225 sohanck Port Monmouth Included Mrs. Donald Koehler, (During the service, those who Grow Plants Road. The Rev. Frank O. Morse, pas- Private messages given Monday to Red. Bank tor, will preach. .-,-• Saturday, 1 to 5 p.m. Bpoken In Sunday worship servloM wffl k* Mrs. Jess Jackson, Mrs. Fulton have been members of the English and Italian. Call during at u 15 a.m. • Holmdel Baptist or Reformed In the Home FIRST BAPTIST church hours. Ml Main SL Bishop Haltowell and Mrs. Walter Dru- Angela Soils. FIRST CHURCH OF .CHRIST Freehold gan. FREEHOLD —Techniques OCEAN VIEW COMMUNITY f SCIENTIST • ; Sunday worship service at 10:45 a.m. Red Bank Mrs. Peter Hutchinson, mem- can be used to propagate The Rev. Richard R. King U pastor. Leonardo Sunday service at 11 a.m. Service Baptist Church Morning worship service at tl a.m. at 9:30 a.m. first Sunday of the bership chairman, gave mem- plants in the home. Growing The Rev. Kenneth N. Gambit will month. Reading Room now located bership cards to those signing plants from seed can be edu- Highlands speak. Evening services at 7:30 p.m. at the Mall. Roll Call Slated 1 LEONARDO BAPTIST the charter membership list cational as well as fun, says TOST METHODIST ' Leonardo KEYPORT — The annual Highlands Bunday services will be at 11 a.m.. Rumson and refreshments were served Donald M. Mohr senior county Sunday services will be at 11 a.m. The Rev. William Oarr Is pastor and by Mrs. Koehler and Mrs. Roll Call service of the First agricultural agent. and 7:30 p.m. The Rev. a. W. Stars- will preach on "Oneness." Holy ST. OEOR0E'S-BY-THE.RTn» tneare, pastor, will officiate, i Communion. Overling service at 7:30. EPISCOPAL • . Crozier. Baptist Church here will be held Rumson ** Many of the common house ST. ANDREWS EPISCOPAL WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN Plans are now being emm- Nov. 3 at 2 p.m. Sunday services will be Holy Ooav plants, such as African violets, ' Highlands Middletown munion at 8 and 9:30 and 11 a.m. . pleted for a holiday' bazar, Guest speaker and soloist will The Holy Eucharist will be cele- The Sunday service will be >:U begonias, fuchsias and coleus brated this Sunday at 8 and 10 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Rev. Harlan C. Dur- FIRST PRESBYTERIAN scheduled for Nov. 16. be the Rev, Jjrillmore M. Gun- with Malms, at 8:30 a.m. and Even- fee will speak on "Oast Your Vote." Rumson can be grown from seed. Seeds song at 7 p.m. Wm. D. Lorlng, vicar* BETHEL 11IBI.E CHAPEL Worship Service at 9:15 and 11:18 dersen of Essex Fells. Mr. Gun- of these as well as other house will preach. Middletown a.m. The Rev. Harvey C. Doule, Jr., dersen has been traveling dur- Services Sunday will begin with will preach on "Heartbeat* of a plants can be obtained from Holmdel worship at 9:30 a.m. FamUy Bible Healthy Church." Priest to Speak ing the past five years in Eu- plant societies or commercial hour at 11 a.m. Evening service at HOLMDEL CHURCH 7. Located at Applegate and Carpen- Sea Bright rope, as a song-evangelist. Dur- seedsmen. Holmdel ' ter Sts., River Plaza. To Methodists ing the past summer, he con- The Bunday service will be at 11 a.m. CALVARY BAPTIST FIRST UNITED METHODIST MATAWAN - The Rev. John ducted a young peoples' Nor- Seeds require a soil which is with the pastor. The Rev. John W. Middletown Sea Bright Waldron, officiating. Evening service Sunday services at 11 a.m. and 7 The ' Sunday service will < be at fine textured and well drained at 7. p.m In the Falrvtnw School. The Rev. 8:30 am. with the Rsv. O. W. Meehan of St. Matthew's Cath- wegian choir on a concert tour Btarsmeare, putor, officiating. olic Church, Edison, will be of the United States. for germination. This soil Is George J. Elliott Is paalor. Hazlet ALL SAINTS MEMORIAL ST. LUKE'S A.M.E. • the speaker Sunday at the At the 10:45 p.m. worship ser- should be "sterilized" before Sea Bright FAITH REFORMED Naveslnk The Bunday service will be at 1 p to. CHILDPROOF — Sunday School area of the First first Famili y NighNih t supper of vice the guest speaker will be planting to prevent damping Hailet Sunday services will be Holy Com- off, a fungus disease. Sow the Sunday services will bs held at 9:S0 munion at 0 and Family service at United Methodist Church of Sea Bright is scene of the season, at First United the Rev. Joseph R. Faith, pas- and 11 a.m. The Rev. Theodore C 9:30'a.m. At 11 a.m., Holy Com- Methodist Church. tor of the First Baptist Church seeds and cover lightly with MuHer Is pastor. Sermon: "The Bal- munion wlUi sermon on first and Shrewsbury pageants and presentations by youngsters. Oscar Ben- lot and You." third Sundays and Morning Prayer The title of his talk;will be of Lancaster, Pa., who was pas- soil; water thoroughly. The op- wlUi sermon on second and fourth son is superintendent of the school, which it conducted timum germination tempera- ST. JOHN'S METHODIST Sundays. CHRIST EPISCOPAL "Christian Commitment in This tor of the Keyport church from Haslet Shrewsbury in historic building on Ocean Ave. ture for most seeds is 68 F. Sunday services will bs held at 9:90 ^Sunday services will be Holy Changing World," and there 1952 to 1958. • and 11 a.m. The Rev. Normsn n. West Ix>ng Branch fcuchartat at 8, 9 and 11:15 a.m. At formation on house plants can Rlley Is pastor, the latter two sorvlcoa the Rev. Ronald will be opportunity for ques- v REFORMATION G. Albury wiu preach on "Communlcev tions and answers. be gotten from the agent's of- MARANATHA BAPTIST LUTHERAN CHURCH tton."- i : fice at 20 Court St. The bul- Hailet West Long Ilranch Father Meehan is a popular Choir to Present Sunday worship service* at 11 a The Rev. W. Ilobort Oswald wftl PRERBYTERIAN Broadcast of November 3 letin is entitled "Care of House and 7 p.m. The Rev. Lawrence Heed proach tho 9:15 and 11 a.m. services. Shrewsbury . , speaker in Protestant churches, Is pastor. Iloly Communion. s The morning service of. worship Plants." will be at 0 "in and 11 a.m. The When grades or friendships seem to be going wrong, so much so that he was invited Program Sunday ST. MAHV'S EPISCOPAL Rev. James R. Bteele, ptstor, will Kcatighurg Keyport prvuch on "A Cause Fw Concern." high school students needn't accept frustration. to speak in the Methodist MATAWAN TOWNSHIP-The Bunday nervlcpa win be: 7:45 a.m. Holy Qanvmunton. Church in Oakhurst on three senior choir of the Cross of Morning Prayer; B a.m. Holy Com- Christ Jesus found strength in a humility that recog- FinST METHODIST munion; 9 a.m. family services and F1IIST ASNKMRLY OF GOD different occasions. Blind Layman Keansblirg 11 a.m. 11 >lr Communion. Bhrewibury Glory Lutheran Church, under Bunday services will he at 9:50 Hiinflay wornhlp service at 11 a.m. nized God as the source of .ability. We can learn The public is invited to hear Its director of music, Walter .ra. and at 11 a.m. The Rev. Newton Evan«nli»lir. sxrvlce at 7 p.m. Patrick To Give Sermon W. (1 minor la paator. rinsr CHURCH op O. UcLonn In pantor. from hit example. Listen Sunday, November 3, to him at 7 p.m. L. Born, will sing an All Saints SCIENTIST ST. AMN'K OATIIOMO Keyport Hlllir.WNMllltY MF.F.TINO "Helping Youth Cope with Frustration." Families of the church will he Music Festival Sunday evening OUFFWOOD BEACH - Les- Keaniihiirg Services are al 11 a.m. Sunday. OK I'KIKMIS Sunday Masnen will1 be at 7. I, V. (Oiinltrri) served a "pot luck" supper at at 8:30. ter Whltfield, a Wind Metho- 10, 11 and noon. RKFOHMKI) Shrewsbury Keyport Meeting for wortihlp Sundays at 11 5:30 p.m. in the church dining This is the first in the se- dist layman, will deliver the ST. MAIIK'R EPISCOPAL nunday wornhln al 10:<5 a.m. The a.m. In the Fellowship Hall of the; STATIONS hall. A committee will prepare ries of four major musicals to Kraniihurs; Rev, 5.>T. Bctiollfn li paHtor. Shrewsbury I'reabyterlan Church. sermon Sunday at the 11 n.m. Sunday services will he Hnly Com' WRLB-FM 107.1 the tables and serve the meal, be presented by the choir dur- munlon at 8 a.m. and Parlnli Little Silver worship service at the Hayview ElKftarJat and flnnnrn at 0:30 a.m. Union Reach 8.00 A.M. supplying the butter, rolls, bev- ing the 1908-1969 church year. WNEW 1130 KC. erage and dessert. Tho other This year the choir Is invit- Presbyterian Church here. EMBURY UNITED METHOIIICT IINITKD MKTIIOD1ST "• Keyport I.lttlf Hllvnr Union neactt 4:45 A.M. dishes of meats, voc- The Itev. Banfoicl M. Hanny will ing select singers and friends Mr. Whitfleld hnd been an ac- T BAPTIST preach and conduct tin morning Worship services will ha Runday att WVNJ 420 KC. ables, casseroles and salads fixmi tlio community to partic- tive preacher prior to his be- Keyport worship services at 11 a.m. 10 a.m. Ths n«v Franklin II nlrtV Bunday services at 10:43 a.m. and Jr., In paator. Herman: "Qhrinllan 9:45 A.M. will be brought by the families. ipate with them. The special coming totally Wind. He has 7 p.m. T)ikat you .malca yoi windbreaks, says Donald M. orous renewal growth, or main- NEW AGENT — Arthur N. ratarvationi at soon at possibl Spaeial axpirai February 14, 1969 Mohr, senior county agricultur- tain the attractiveness of col- Neylon Jr., 25 Wesley St., al agent. ored twigged plants by prun- ing correctly. Monmouth Beach, hat been JOS. M. BYRNE CO. For additional information on appointed a right-of-way types of trees suitable for The main objective of prun- (O'Donnell Travel'DivisionJ agent • In Jersey Central 144 BROAD STREET screens and windbreaks, write ing is not to make a plant fit a particular location, but to en- Power & Light Co.'s Bay RED BANK, NEW JERSEY or call his office at 20 Court St. -• . hance or preserve the natural Division With, headquarters 741-5080 beauty and shape of the plant, says Donald M. Mohr, senior in Union Beach. Mr. Neylon county agricultural agent. joined the company in De- If you would like a bulletin cember I959\j a radio dis- ANDERSON BROS., INC. on pruning write OP, call his patcher after having been office at 20 Court St. and ask discharged from the Navy. for "Pruning Shrubs." PACKING-MOVING-STORAGE He was the jenior clerk in the Allenhursf Transporta- 51-53 Mechanic St. The early Irish divided their year into four parts. New tion Department before be- Red Bank, N.J. Year's Eve was Oct. 31, our ing promoted to' his present Halloween, and May 1 divided position. He is married to the hot and cold seasons. The -the former Miss Patricia MENT/ other two great feast days 741-0030 A. Wills of Neptune City. JOOOC were Feb. 1 and Aug.;k V •^^»•'""^~«J~»"»^WH^^MeJ.»f~"•" BLENDED SCOTCH WHISKV «6,S MOOF *SC0fN$H *> NSWCASTU IMP6STEH6 CO,

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Down with Ckmy Scotch. <&99 MAURICE SCHWARTZ I SONS iAYSHORE CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH. INC BUHLER J BITTER 141 W. Front St.. U* Umk 1S1 First Avt., Atlantic Highlands 3290 Highway 35, Haht 1S-THE DAILY BEGISTER, Friday, November 1, 1968

_=1 • . . .• On Campus Three" Monmouth Count) hockey team at Drew Univer- residents were among 36 Doug sity, Madison. Miss Lord is a lass College seniors designated junior at Drew, preparing for for departmental honors b; a career in teaching.' She is their major departments: Jan the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. et Koentg 6t 40 Conover Lane Joseph F. Lord. Middletown, political science; Jane Berman, 220 Pinewooc Ave., Oakhurst, political sci- Miss Sharon Meadows, a ence, and Mrs. Paula Krauser, junior from Deal, has. been 48 Maxwell Lane of English- selected Montcdair State Col- town, psychology. lege's Homecoming Queen and will reign this'weekend of the To Celebrate the Opening of Our Two North Jersey shore area Indian's 60th annual get-togeth- residents are among 35 Rider er for graduates. College students honored b> A physical education major, Clifton store, Exciting buys from Jersey's the 1968-69 edition of "Who' Sharon is a graduate of As- Who in American Universitie: bury Park High School and and Colleges." hopes to enter the teaching pro- largest Broadloom Collection Named to the directory oi fession after graduation^" _ outstanding campus leaden The selection as Homecom- were Richard J. Potter, of Lit- ing Queen is the second major tle Silver and Merilee Million honor won by Sharon in the more magnificent broqdlooms than anywhere else of Belmar. last year. Last Spring she cap- A senior finance' major, Mr, tured tile Miss Montclair State in.'the state... more new textures, weaves, colors Potter has served as president title in competition conducted .*.'•» ... more quality names: Karastan, Lees, Bigelow, of Alpha Phi Omega servic by the phi Lambda Pi frater- Mft fraternity. He's the son of Mr. nity. and Mrs. Alfred Potter of 102 JVAonticello, Cabin Craft, Alexander Queens Drive S., Little Silver Smith ... and.otheis! and is a graduate of Red Bank Fears of Child i?>a T** High School. »« Miss Mihloh, an economics major, has been active in the To Be Discussed Student Government Associa- U METUCHEN — Dr. Louise •-«• -•." you pick it, we install it tion and has served as presi Guerney, research associate at '> /i dent of Phi CM-Theta national the Psychological Clinic, Rut- *^«: business society at Rider. She's gers University, will be the in toe-deep richness wall-to-wall also served as a residence as guest speaker at 8:30 p.m. Sat- sistant. urday at the Adoptive Parents over our special thick cushioning A Manasquan High graduate, League meeting in Old Frank- she is the daughter of Mr. an lin School House, Middlesex Mrs., Frank Minion of 203 Ave., here. at prices outstandingly low Ocean Ave., Belmar. Dr. Guerney will discuss ''Fears of Children." She is a - Richard Potter, son of Mr graduate of Penn State Univer- and Tire.; Alfred" Potter, 102 sity where she received her ,-Y- textured nylon, worth much, much more Queens Drive, Little Silver, has master and doctorate .de- been named in "Who's Whc grees. She served an intern- Who Among StiideSs in Ameri- ship at Wichita, Kan., Child by Masland, lush super-C Cumuloft ® can Universities and Colleges' Guidance Center. for 1968-69. Mr. Potter, a se- w%:«*> nior at Rider College, is presi- LEGAL NOTICE dent of Alpha Phi Omega and ^A-i completely installed 95 a member of Delta Sigma Pi. NOTICE wall-to-wall, only MONMOOTH'COBNTT ' sq.yd. ' SURROGATE'S COURT NoUcn to Creditors to Present Nancy Lord, M Church St. -Claims Asjtlnst Kstato Little Silver, has been namec ESTATE OP HARRY J. HARDY, DECEASED to the women's varsity fieli Pursuant to the order of DONALD Almost unbelievable ... this much elegance at J. CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate of the n County of Monraouth, this day made, this tiny'price. Extravagantly textured and fab- on the application of the undersigned, Bobby Banker says, Joseph Henderson and Raymond M. Tlerney, Jr., the Executors of the ._ i 'i ulously thick, with double jute back to give years "don't run all over estate of the said Harry J. Hardy deceased, notice Is hereby given to of extra wear. 8 rich color blends; pick your town paying bills ., ." the creditors ot said deceased to pre- sent to the said Executors their -uti'? claims under oath within six month! favorite for our experts to install over heavy from this date. Dated: October Utti, IMS duty padding. JOSEPH HENDERSON sfl Muhleobrlnk Road Colts Neck, New Jersey RAYMOND M. TEBRNBT, JR. 45 Northvale Avenue Little Silver, N. J. Executors Stanley 4 Fisher 570 Broad "Street 'v& Newark, New Jersey ^*iij by Bigelow, deep pile all nylon shag Attorneys, • Oct. 18. 25, Nov. 1, I $31.00 tweed for the casual look of richness NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT ' i~i ESTATE OF HENRY TOMAN, DE- CEASED Notice Is hereby given that the ac- counts of the subscriber, Executor of completely installed the estate of said Deceased will be audited and stated by the Surrogate ^i wall-to-wall, only sq. yd. of the County of Monmouth and re- JS ,^B8S^ te ^ ' > W •' ported for settlement to The Mon- Open a convenience mouth County Court, Probate Dl- v'llon, on Friday, the 6th day of De- checking account. cember A.D., 1968, at 9:30 o'clock a-m., at the County Court House, NO MINIMUM BALANCE Monument and Court Streets, Free- Don't let its soft richness fool you. It's made of REQUIRED hold, New Jersey, at which time Ap- plication will be made for the allow- Bigelow-approved carpet nylon, tough enough to ance of Commissions and Counsel » absorb years of use in busy rooms, and never Dated October 17th A.D. 1968 £lj THE FIDELITY UNION. TRUST show, itl Your choice of 9 stunning tweeds in- ByPM. SCOTT EAKELEY. 3AS »1»* Monmouth County Trust Officer, "••• ' ' stalled by our craftsmen over resilient padding. 785 Broad Street, JiW National Bank Newark, New Jersey Executor. Messrs. Rlker, Danzig, Scherer and Brown, Counsellors at Law, 744 Broad Street, There's an office near you! Newark, New Jersey. Oot 25, Nov. 1. 8, US 133.00 by Karastan, random-sheared all wool Meriteau of rarely luxurious beauty lfc>~-

completely installed LIQUIDATORS wall-to-wall, only IX sq. yd. HOME ... and of course, our famous . Not just special but extraordinaryl Actually the IMPROVEMENT LIQUIDATORS LTD. first 100% wool broadfoom Karastan made that DIVISION BARGAIN PRICES! we could price this low. You'll love its dense Nl w opulence, subtle hint of pattern, gentled colors .. .all 15 of them. Expertly Installed over buoyant padding to pamper you for years.

\t& ^' ADD-A-ROOM by Lees,elegantly heavy all wool twist NEW KITCHEN N^- an aristocrat from any point of view t< V^L *2 completely installed $-fQ95 wall-to-wall, only JL/W sq. yd.

Decorators rave about it; so will you! For its lus- REMODEL trous texture, lovely play of light and shadow, 12 trend-setting colors. Superior wear is loomed in, with every thick strong buoyant twist. In- MASONRY stalled wall-to-wall over heavy cushion to make your dreams comef true. We Do Everything

Licensed By Stcrtt of N.J. ; Prefer to budget your 0\, ; sw* YES, YOU MAY SHOP AT HOME... Up To 7 Yean To Pay broadloom? Up to 20 -^ Juit phone the Huffman & Boylo nsaratl you, and choow months to pay with our CARPENTRY FREE ESTIMATES from our Broadloom Showcase right In your own living toom. Our decorator-expert will meature Revolv-Charge Account >-«f* CALL and estimate; no obligation.

f . . / " •,•••.,• Still Able to Serve SPCA By JANE FODERABO . amicably after a little per- begin with her own curiostity. nuts for squirrels in her • RED BANtf - "Mrs. Sned- suasion — or others that "I happened to be ..riding hometown of Englewood. "I ,don has left her house," the went straight into court. through Middletown one had a badge," she says, . police radio reported. "Mrs. Talk It Out day," she reports, "and I "and it was so heavy that if "Actually," says Mrc Sned- saw a man dragging a horse I fell off a bridge, I'd have Sneddon is at the bridge... don, "I don't sign many com- with a tractor. The horse drowned." (Those were the she's on her way." plaints. I'm really an ad- must have been 35 or 40 days, she recalls, when the . Mrs. Blanche Sneddon, a juster. I like to talk it out... years old and he was down; six children in her family militant humanitarian, for 20 to hear their side of the he couldn't get up. each had a cat and each cat years has charged into cow had kittens.) story. "I had no luck when lx barns and inarched through "But," she adds, "when I tried to get the r n *n nut Today there are certain carnivals in the name of the go into court, I go to win." the animal out of his misery," kinds of people who "get Mrs. . SPCA to find, expose and Some of Mrs. Sneddon's in- she continues, "so I signed Sneddon's goat." They're the correct maltreatment of ani- vestigations have been a complaint." ones who bring pets to the mals, In the middle of the prompted by anonymous SPCA because they "get tired Acts of Cruelty of them." night, with police at her side, callers reporting tor ex- Although most incidents the invincible Mrs. Sneddon ample, a dog that hadn't of cruelty occur in outlying "Here an animal gives the has rescued dogs wracked been fed (for a week. rural areas, Mrs, Sneddon best years of his life to a with hunger or horses tied Others come directly reports there are some dis- family," she says indignantly, out in a storm. from the police, advising her turbing situations to be found "then out he goes. They Mrs. Sneddon has left the to be on hand when they raid in most affluent neighbor- bring him to the shelter and SPCA animal shelter in Ea- a gamecock fight — or to hoods where there are as say, 'Here take this.'" tontown as resident manager, take a look at barns dis- many pedigrees as station But the humanitarian but her work is far from over. covered after a police round- wagons. brightens when she recalls She, has moved out of a up of cows on a highway. / For instance, she notes the countless people who have . house that she shared with "One time she recalls/ "there should be a law" that come to the shelter to take tier husband, the late Wil- "we went to a farm where female dogs cannot be tied animals into pleasant homes' liam J. Sneddon, from 1947 nine cows were crowded to- outside when they're in heat.: for life. ; until his death in 1966. (She gether, standing in filth up to "It's not right for the males The only badge that has moved into an apart- their udders. It was just as or the females," she says. Blanche Sneddon wears in ment on Spring St. here with much a case for the state Mrs Sneddon began her Monmouth County is her PRETTY KITTY — Though Mrs. Blanche Sneddon has no favorite animal, she keeps two pet cats at her new apart- Board of Health as it was for career as a humanitarian at good-natured zeal — a badge ment on Spring St., Red Bank. Here she plays with felines at the Eatontown shelter. She has left the SPCA where two pet cats.) However, at 1 77, she is retired from the ~MS." •• the age of 8 with the Band that obviously nevei weighs she held the resident manager post. ' [Register,Staff Photo) SPCA with the title of con- Still other investigations of Mercy Girls, putting out her down or holds her back. . sultant—and consult she will whenever the welfare of ani- mals is at stake. Modern Shelter Psychiatrist's View Givqn Opposition

During the years the couple - ; , " ' - * . . ' \^ • . t ran. the shelter in Eaton- town, Mrs. Sneddon saw a 4 modern, 60-unit shelter re- place makeshift chicken coops. She saw the birth of Terms Mental Illness Really A Hoax' auxiliaries which brought sew life and hope to (he so- ciety. She saw every side of By HALLIE SCHRAEGER a symposium at Marlboro State Dr. Szasz said. "I will speak where patients seek help and tal Health and Hospitals, N.J. control.people under the guise He said the "most civilized- human nature torn the heart- MARLBORO - Mental ill- Hospital on "Civil Rights of the on "The Civil Rights of Ameri- their privacy is protected, and Department of Institutions and of helping them. He likened the way to deal with the problem less to the humane, as ness is a "hoax" and an "im- Mentally Disturbed Patient" - can Adult Citizens Accused of involuntary psychiatry, where Agencies, and Dr. Oscar Dia- stigma of mental illness to the of "imposed status'-' is.the ac- animals of all descriptions posed social status," Dr. Thom- a title which he rejected. the Stigma of Being Mentally patients are forced to undergo mond, director of Manhattan stigmas of witchcraft and slav- cusatorial or adversary system passed through. (An estimated as S. Szasz,. psychiatrist and "The only civil rights set m."~ treatment, usually against their State Hospital, New York City, ery,- which he said were also of law, where a person is tried 60 dogs are brought in each author, charged here, yesterday forth in the Constitution are the Dr. Szasz distinguished be- will. who was moderator. imposed by society on people in court. Week, with an equal number Dr. Szasz was a panelist in civil rights of human beings," tween •• voluntary psychiatry, Some 150 psychiatrists, psy- Dr. Henry A.^Davidson, med- it wished to control. He contrasted this to the "in- going into new homes.) chologists, lawyers, social ical director of Overbrook Hos- "Protection of society by quisitorial procedure." But one aspect of the Sned- workers and others heard vary- pital, Cedar Grove, was absent, confinement is not medical busi- "Karl Menninger is a good dons' work became uniquely ing points of view from Dr. but his notes — in which he ness. It is a moral and legal example." (Dr. M^nninger* hers. As an agent of the Szasz, professor'of psychiatry strongly opposed the views ex- question," he asserted. noted Kansas psychiatrist, this SPCA, which was conceived at the Upstate Medical Center, pressed by Dr. Szasz— were 'Way to Reject' week called for putting as few mainly as a prosecuting Syracuse, N.Y.; Prof. Alexan- presented by Dr. Henri M. Yak. "Calling people mentally ill people into prison as possible, agency, Mrs. Sneddon was der D. Brooks, teacher of law er, chief psychologist at Marl- is a way to reject theni," he making all sentences.indeter- the complainant-on-call in and psychiatry at Rutgers Law boro and program chairman. said. "One does not become a minate, and letting people out cases of alleged cruelty in School; Dr.- V. Terrell Davis, Dr. Szasz said the term men- slave spontaneously. Someone of jail only after psychiatric de- the copty. Though she has director of the Division of Men- tal illness is a "hoax" used to puts a slave in that position." termination that they had been a "dyed in the wool hu- RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1968 changed.) . - ' manitarian for 69 years," Dr. Szasz said people favor- Mrs. Sneddon first filled the ing the Inquisitorial procedure role because her husband was on a truck, picking up Lawley's Tenure Valid, say they "don't want to pun- stray animals, or working in ish, they want to protect." the*shelter.••.-, • "Thisis, a way of disqualify- ing, stigmatizing and control- In her relentless efforts to ling people," he declared. track down offenders^ she Assessor Race Is Off Dr. Davidson, in his prepared won the admiration of local ASBURY PARK-The names tributed and the voting ma- when his present term expires statement, said: "The doctrine police over the years. Day of the two candidates for Mid- chines have the two men listed and that no vacancy exists for or night, she came out when that civil rights are absolute dletown Tax Assessor, the in- as candidates. the post. is wrong. Unrestricted freedom they called her,< following cumbent Republican and Mr. Lawley was represented Under court rules, a single Ap- leads that sometimes ended for all would hamper everyone. the Democratic contender, will by Frederic Baar of Middle- pellate Division judge can grant It would be throwing sand into have to be removed from Tues- town who maintained in a hear- or deny temporary relief pend- the machinery of daily life.". day's election ballot. ing before Judge Simmill that ing an appeal before the three Rights Stressed Lawyers A motion to stay the judg- his client will be on tenure man court. Dr. Davidson said the fear ment of Superior Court Judge that sane people are too easily Criticize Elvin R. Slmmill who ruled locked up is groundless because that incumbent, John T. Law- hospitals are overcrowded and ley, will be on tenure and con- Ex-Freeholder Sues don't want them and because Candidate sequently no pbskis open, was there are safeguards, for pa- denied yesterday by Superior tients. He said any patient has FREEHOLD — Spokesman Court Judge Milton B. Conford To Collect Pension for a group of Monmouth Coun- the right of habeas corpus and of the Appellate Division. FREEHOLD — Former Mon- retirement as a jury comrais- can be seen at regular inter- ty lawyers criticized SJate iJudge Conford denied a re- Sen. Richard R. Stout, "the mouth County Freeholder sioner, he applied for a retire- vals by a doctor of his choice. GOP Congressional candidate, quest by Democratic candidate James S. Parkes, 94 Ridge ment pension, but that the He said in order for a sane for saying he would have voted Hugh Dugan to stay the rul- Road, Rumson, fled a Superior county has refused to authorize person to be committed, a con- for an amendment cutting off ing and thus permit an election Court suit yesterday to collect its treasurer to pay him. spiring relative, two corrupt legal kid to anyone "accused" for the post. The judge ruled a monthly pension for his ser- He also states that he was a physicians and an accommodat- of participating in a civil dis- that there was not a sufficient vices to the county. Red Bank Councilman from ing judge all would have to order. - s FIREMEN HONORED — Robert Morley, left, president of the Port-au-Pecic Chemi- constitutional question raised to Named as defendants in the 1926 to 1935 and that he served work together. grant the delay. "Society has rights, too," he Theodore Labrecque, Red cal Hose Company, Oceanport, presents honorary membership badge to former suit are the county Board" of as county freeholder from Jan. Bank, and Stephen Argeris, Appeal On File Freeholders and Edward ,C. 1, 1936 to Dec. 31, 1950. maintained. Mayor Edward C. Wilson, second from left, and Rufus Sullivan, 476 Branchport Ave., Broege, county treasurer. Mr. Parkes had served tfiree Other panelists took the mid- Deal, co-chairmen of the Law- is presented a life membership pin by Councilman Clement Y. Somm'ers, far. right An appeal with the Appellate yers for Howard committee, Division, however, remains on He wants the courts to direct years as freeholder director dle ground. criticized Sen. Stout's position (Register Staff Photo) file. This means that should the county to pay him $50 a and had retired from the board Professor Brooks said the and said the GOP candidate the tribunal favor the- plaintiff, month pension, retroactive to in this capacity. . problem is lack of "highly visi- "should know better than to a special election would have Nov. 1,1965, for his services to ' The 70-year-old Rumson resi- ble" criteria. He said it is say he would vote in favor of the county for five years as a dent maintains that he is en- important to protect mentally to be held. If it goes against jury commissioner. any amendment which would Mr. Dugan, nothing need be titled to the pensions accord- ill person's from harming them- Ex-Mayor Gets 1st Firemen's Mr. Parkes also wants the ing to law. selves or others, but that rela- prejudge a person's guilt or done; Innocence." courts to rule that he is en- The suit also mentions that tives should not be allowed to Mr. Dugan, .represented by titled to receive a pension, he served in the U.S. Naval conveniently rid themselves of Rep. James J. Howard Joseph Ferraro of Red Bank, retroactive to Jan. 1,1951, after Reserve Force and was dis- family "nuisances." D-N.J., voted against the Honorary Membership Badge maintained that the state law he had completed 15 years as charged Oct. 1, 1922; was in Dr. Diamond said at the out- amendment on the House granting tenure to tax assess- a county freeholder. the Naval Reserve from June floor because he said "it was set that the 50 states, have 50 OCEANPORT — Three local men were honorary membership badge, the first" given ors is unconstitutional because In his suit, Mr. Parkes, a -30, 1930; on active duty in variations in systems of care obvious to me that this amend- honored at the Port-au-Peck Chemical Hose by the department, for his 22 years of pub- it deprives others from obtain- Republican, states that he World War II from July 1,1941 ment was clearly unconstitu- lic service to the borough. The department and confinement of the mental- Co.'s annual "Old-Timers Night" dinner in ing the post and deprives the served as a jury commissioner" to Dec.', 1945 and was honor- ly ill. No conclusions were tional. .. it is clearly not the president, Robert Morley, presented Mr. electorate from choosing the from Oct. 10, 1960 to Nov. li" ably discharged. American way to punish any- the firehouse. Wilson's award. reached here, but the audience assessor it wants. 1965 for $500 per year. Charles Frankel of Asbury applauded each panelist enthu- one before he is convicted..." Fire Department members Ellwood Present at the dinner, were life mem- Hussey, 285 Port-au-Peck Ave., and Rufus Sample ballots with the two He maintained that after his Park represents Mr. Parkes. siastically. Mr. Howard's vote has been bership holders Ned. Blakeslee, Byron names on them have been dis- supported and hailed by the Sullivan, 476 Branchport Ave., were pre- Briggs, William H. Edwards, Howard W. president of the American Bar sented life membership pins by the fire Firehock, William P. Fleckrier and Coun- Association and by Rep. Eman- committee chairman, Councilman Clement cilman Felix J. Foggia. Three, Treated Bel Celler, D-N.Y., chairman V. Sommers. Oceanport Mayor Robert Jackson, Fire of the House Judiciary Com- Mi» Hussey and Mr. Sullivan have Chief Daniel Sapp, and Fire Marshal Victor After Accident mittee. served 28 and 25 years, respectively, with Terwilliger were also present. , the fire department. Chairmen for the dinner'were the first RED BANK — A spokesman Also honored was former Mayor Ed- assistant fire chief, Michael Marks, and at Riverview Hospital reported Maryland Man ward C. Wilson, who was presented an Port-au-Peck's Capt. Al DeSantis. that three persons were treated for injuries after a two-car ac- Hurt in Crash cident last night at Rt. 36 and Main Street in Port Monmouth. SHREWSBURY - Colts Two Boys Injured by Auto The drivers who were treated Neck State Police reported a are Kathleen Covert of S. Lau- one-car accident on Shrews- MIDDLETOWN-Two young ney, 14, Edward's sister, who E. Kelly, 75, of Brooklyn, N.Y. bury Avenue at 6:50 p.m. yes- rel Ave., West Keansburg, and boys last night were struck was near the curb and not in- at 6 p.m. He was uninjured and Harry Lark of Ocean Ave., terday resulted in injuries to and" injured by a car on Bray jured. was issued a summons for the driver and the Issuance of Sea Bright, the spokesman Ave., Port Monmouth. Two boys were allegedly careless driving by Patrolman said. A passenger in one of a ticket for careless driving. struck by a car driven by John Ixonard Moon. They identified the driver as James Johnson, 14, of 690 the cars, Gertrude Naughton Frank Plunkett, Rockyillc, Harmony Road, was ad- of Creek Road, keansburg, al- Md., and said his car rah off mitted to Riverview Hospital, Man, H5, Hurt In Auto Crash so was treated for Injuries the road and struck a tele- Red Bank, with a cerebral con- and released. phone pole. He was treated at cussion and possible fractured RED BANK — An 85-ycar- a car in collision with a vehi- No further details were avail- the scene by the Eatontown skull. He was In fair condition old Holmdcl man was in fair cle driven by Floyd Hcmcn- able at press lime. in the intensive care unit this First Aid Squad, State Police condition today in Riverview way, 42, of ' Marshall Con- Uniform Sale said. morning. His companion, Ed- course, Keyport. Mr. Hctnon- ward Ixwncy, II, of 61 South Hospital, lted Bank, where ho Now in progress at the Shirley TO BUILD CHURCH — New St. Catherine's Catholic Church, as depicted in archi- Authorities at Riverview Hos- was admitted yesterday after way was treated at Riverview Shop, Red Bank. (Adv.) pital. Red Bank, said he was Ave., East Kennsburg, was and released. toct's rendering, will me within parish boundaries to servo Middletown-Holmdel admitted at 8:21 p.m. and list- treated for a broken right arm a two-car collision on Rt. A NOTICE area. A committee of laymen is studying possiblo locations, and announcement of and released. Trooper John T. Pctzarck Is- ed his condition this morning I will not be responsible for a site is expected shortly. A fund-railing campaign for a minimum of J125,000 i» as fair. Police said the two boys were Colts Neck State Police said sued a summons to Mr. Voor- any debts other than those in- in progress, under the direction of the R«v. James T. Connell, administrator of th« Trooper Stephen Snhli Issued walking along Bray Ave., ac- Robert Voorhees, 85, of Ma^n hees for making an improper curred by myself. Frank M.m;i, the summons. companied by Barbara Low- St., J'olmdel, was tho driver of turn. 258 Pearl St., Red Bank. (Adv.) church. . , .«. fc n 20-THEDAILYHEGISTER, Friday/November 1, 1968

Gift Shopping for Servicemen

HAZLEt TOWNSHIP — meet the Nov. 10 deadline for Birthday packages, which in- "Christmas Cheer From mailing. clude a specially baked birth- Home" is the theme of the Mrs. Erik Rosengren, in day cake packed in marshmal- charge of packaging and mall- lows, are also being sent to the Woman's Club of Raritan servicemen., /Township for its continuing ing, has asked for donations to The group in addition to the project of preparing Christmas * help prepare the packages. Fi- project is. preparing cakes and packages for area service- nancial contributions to offset cookies to be given to returning the cost of mailing are needed, PALL DINNER DANCE — Mrs. William J. Russell Jr., men in Vietnam. veterans in the East Orangf as well as items to fill the Veterans Hospital. Donations left, president of th» Fair Haven Auxiliary of River- Mrs. George Coburn, club Christmas stockings. Socks, T- of cakes and cookies will be view Hospital, meets with committee aide Mrs. Harry president, has invited area res- shirts, handkerchiefs, candies, accepted until Dec. 10, and will idents to submit names of ser- dried fruits and sundry items be distributed at the hospital C> F. Worden to complete plans for the annual fall vicemen in Vietnam in time to . are included. Dec. 15. dinner dance, Th» benefit event will take place Satur- day, Nov. 9. at 7 p.m. in the River House Inn, Rumson. Rumson Antiques Show (Register Staff Photo) HOLIDAY GIFTS — Preparing Christmas packages to be sent'to area servicemen in Vietnam are Mrs. James Bazaar ENROLL NOW Keating, Coral Drive, left, and Mrs. Erik Rosengren, FOR FALL CLASSES Stanford Drive, Hazier, members of the Rarifan Town- Looks to the President Opens snip Woman's Club, sponsors of the project. RUMSON - November 1968 is not only the month of and 16th century maps; Mildred S. Dufford of the Lamppost, presidential elections, but also time for the annual antiques Farmingdale, tools, iron and country furniture. show in Rumson. Blending the two together will be the show An art exhibit of work by the students attending Rum- theme "Presidents Who Made Their Home on the New Jer- son- schools also will be shown. The work will be the stu- Tonight sey Shore." The show will be held in Holy Cross School,. dents'interpretations of American presidents. IT'S A DATE Monday and Tuesday, from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Wednes- Mrs. Anthony Lanahan is chairman. Msgr. Joseph A. SHREWSBURY -: Christ day from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Luncheon will be served each Sullivan, church pastor, and Mrs. George Miles, Parent- Church is going "Around the day from noon to 3 p.m. Teachers Association president, are honorary committee World" to qffer booths and at- RUMMAGE SALE heads. tractions for its annual parish RED BANK — A rummage sale will be held by the* Decorations will feature turn of the century election Assisting Mrs. Lanahan are Mrs. Lorraine Ambrette, bazaar. Evening Membership of the Red Bank Woman's Club tomor-. and. campaign memorabilia. Twenty-five dealers will dis- dealers; Mrs. John F. Klein, adviser; Mrs. Theodore Bren- The two-day event will be row from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the firehouse of the Union play such antiques as coins, sterling silver, and a most ap- ner, treasurer; Mrs. John Lembeck, ad book; Mrs. Joseph open tonight from 7 to 10 p.m. Hose Company, Shrewsbury Ave. propriate pine-framed map of Monmolith County by Jesse Lightfoot. Included among the furniture on display will be a Lucarelli, luncheon; Mrs. Raymond Garside", hostesses; and tomorrow from 10 a.m. to Queen Anne cherry server from Freehold made in 1768. The Mrs. Perry Campanella, promotion; Mrs. Clifford Svikhart, 5 p.m. SQUARE DANCE show is open to all, buyers and browsers alike. partrons; Mrs. Andrew McDeity, house; Mrs. Anthony Mrs. A. M. Valenti .and Mrs. FREEHOLD — the Greater Freehold Area Jaycees, Arban, publicity; Mrs. Hugh Wilson, secretary; Mrs. Ed- Frederick Saal are chairmen. Local antiques dealers in the show are Coopers Corner, ward Mehm, decor; ilA. Thomas Smith, art; Mrs. William The popular parish auction, with the, Jaycee-ettes assisting, will sponsor a square-dance Fanningdale, pewter and furniture; Richard J. Doeiger, tomorrow at 8 p.m., in the IB Club, HoweU Township, i Blake, flower arrangement, and Peter Henderson, construc- the annual feature attraction, Shrewsbury, Americana; Alice O'Connor of O'Connor. tion. ..,•'.' will be held both tonight and Antiques, Little Silver, rare manuscripts, Audobon prints Proceeds from the show will benefit Holy Cross School. tomorrow concurrently with the ROAST BEEF DINNER bazaar. - , TINY LINCROFT — St. Leo-the-Great Catholic Church, New- Booths representing countries man Springs Road, will hold its annual roast beef dinner, ANN LANDERS from Mexico to Switzerland and served family style, Sunday, from 5 to 8 p.m. Tickets will, Japan wiff display needlework, TAP CLASS be sold at the door. Pre-school children will be admitted Christmas decorations, reli- free. Takeout orders will be available .from 4:39 to 5 p.m., if gious articles, toys, jewelry, SAT. 11:00 you bring your own containers. good used clothing- and trash Discipline Has Its Place and treasure. Paranh invihd fo obtarva. '-. GARDEN GLAMOUR SHREWSBURY—The Shrewsbury Garden Club will hold Dear Ann Landers: I took children, I was spanking in your blood to lead in the long hair is a symbol of re- Centenary College TAP •BALLET •TO* a special fund-raising meeting Monday in Blair Hall, my three- and five-year-olds them because they had it fanny. Twice I got hooked bellion and he has let trie Alumni to Meet Shrewsbury, at 1 p.m. Speaking on "The Glamour of shopping last Saturday when coming. Where do people get on TV — thinking I could rebel for 18 months and it's Acrobatic • Discotheque Christmas" will be Helen Langenberger. Mrs. Robert Billings my sitter failed me at the off making such remarks — walk away from it. The darn time I got it out of my sys- BRIELLE — The Monmouth- is chairman. of the event, which will include a tea and last' moment and I had no and right in front of the kids? thing ate up my entire morn- tem. Ocean Chapter of the Alumni boutique. Association of Centenary Col- DOROTHY TOLAND one with Comment, please. — A GOOD ing. My hair is down to my lege for Women, Hackettstown, whom I could MOTHER WHO BELIEVES P.S. Maybe I should tell shoulder and falls in nice will meet here Nov. 7 at 8 p.m. DANCE STUDIOS HADASSAH SALE leave them. IN DISCIPLINE you that 23 years in the Navy waves. I keep it clean and in the homeof Mrs. H. Orvule 201 S. Bergen PI. 741-2208 The kids Dear Mother: You did the as a white glove inspector neatly trimmed. It is even Emmons 639 Susan Lane. MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - The Matawan Chapter of behaved like gave me an edge on most Hadassah will hold a rummage sale Monday and Tuesday right thing — but you chose 'and not scruffy locking. If I animals. They the wrong place. Children men. — RETIRED C.P.O. cut my hair I will have to in the Odd Fellows Hall, Main St., Keyport, from 9 a.m. to 4 raced down p.m. should not be spanked on the DearCP.O.: An edge, you set it every night. Please be "the look you look for" the aisles, street. You .should/ have say? You white glove guys on my side and say so in pulled mer- waited until you got home are the best housekeepers print. Thanks. — HAIR chandise off and explained to them on the in the world. Thanks for the the racks way what they were going to P.S. Dear, Hair: Please tell me and made a get and why. if you are a boy or a girl, Lantern lot of noise. Dear Ann Landers: My 17th the answer will influence my I decided to discipline them Dear Ann Landers: My birthday Is next month. Last decision. If you're a boy, on the spot rather than wait wife has-been ill for the last night my dad told me I have waves to the shoulders are till we got home. Youngsters week and I've been trying to to" cut my hair by then or too much. Settle for side- have short memories, you take over for her. Now I forego all privileges, includ- burns, let your ears show, KNITS know. know why some women never ing the car and 50 per cent and the back should not hide of my allowance. He says your shirt collar. "We have the Largest As soon as we were on the get their housework done. 71 street I walloped them both There are two secrets to Collection in this Area and,, of course, they yelled. keeping house. One: Plan your work before you start A woman rushed over and 1st Reunion in 25 Years Our knits are 4ru« fash- shouted in my face, "Are you and stick with each Job until having fun beating those kids, it is finished. The woman who ion collector's Items Lady?" I told her to mind her leaves the kitchen half done U Held by Star of Sea in the newest, neatest own business. Then a man to make the beds or place a LONG BRANCH - Star Of- Benjamin Hawley, "end most superb styles came-up and informed me of telephone call will never the Sea Academy held its make it. that are destined to a law against "child beat- first reunion dinner in 25 years de Lourdes Higgins, ing." last week in Price's Fountains become fashion ..clas- Second: Don't switch on Veronica MacBurnie, • I was not" BEATING my TV. It will convert the iron Restaurant at the call of Sis- Sister Maryanne Ahern, Sister sics for every woman. ter Daniel Francis, principal, The look that will take who asked that the Alumnae Jane Kratz, and Sister Mary Association be reactivated. you thru the Fall Set- PRE ELECTION DAY More than 90 graduates and ' son. arid beyond. guests attended, including 12 of the Sea faculty. sisters who are on the faculty. Mrs. Joseph Driscoll, Elber- voluntary on, gave the history of the by Mrs. academy, founded in 1885 with Driscoll, an enrollment of 30 students, which now accommodates more than 300. At one time it enrolled boarding and day stu- Haven; Mrs. dents, with a grammar school Rumson, and 35 Broad St., Rad Bank and high school, but It is now Daily 9:30 - B:30 — Wad. - Frl. 'til 9 a secondary day-school. Sev- enty-five per cent of its grad- uates go on to higher educa- STARTS NOV. 2nd tion. .The academy is owned and operated by thp Sisters of Charity of St. .Elizabeth, Con- vent Station, under a resident SPECIAL GROUP mother superior, Sister Daniel Adding brilliance to autumn days . ., OF Francis. woolens with the great young look and thorough- Mrs. William J. Schooley bred tailoring of John Meyer. Suede is the ST., Monmouth Beach, was story here, binding the pockets and sashing FALL DRESSES master of ceremonies, and in' the waist of the hrst-of-both-worlds skirt traduced Mrs. Betty D'AIes^ sio, alumnae-coordinator, and (it's a dirndl; it's back-wrapped). 19.00 REG. secretary of the academy, who A pullover with fashionable lurtleneck and 00 40.00 made awards. Among the cables entwined in softest lamb's wool, 19.00 26 award winners were Mrs. Wil In an array of dolors to mix or blend Ham Schnorbue, Trenton, who 00 represented the earliest class; according to your special style. REG. Mrs. Lewis Sawin, Hartsdale, 30.00 22 N.Y., who traveled the great- est distance; Mrs. Jack Welsh, f/)ng Branch, who had the Skilled Decorating Advice Costs No More - REG. 18oo "nrgest number of children; 26.00 and Dr. Dorothy Piofrucha, and the Results Will Really Please You" Spring I.nkc, for entering the professional field as a pedia- trician. M. SILBERSTEIN, Inc. Sister Cecelia Krnnds, who continues at the academy with "CONSULTING ASSISTANCE" Helene's seniority of years, reported !!!*9* Sllpcoven J^mP* Draperies hat 13 graduates have become nuns. They are Sister Mary Wallpaper Tobies Furniture Bedspreads 70S. TValUce of Shrewsbury Hose, Sister Mary Klena Gau- 24 W. FRONT ST. (let, Sister Margaret Gertrude 21-23 MECHANIC ST. 74J-17*2 RED BANK KEYPOIIT, N.J. Fralcrirkson, Sister Dorothy 676 BROAD ST. SHREWSBURY Seheehan, Sister Maureen — 2644)700 — David Van Note, Sister Mary Miller-Richardelli ials Are Announced NEW MONMOUTH — Miss Julie Ann bride, and Ronald Cole. Thomas and James Richardelli, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. An- Richardelli, brothers of the bride, were thony Riehardelli, 15 Heather Court, Mid- . ring bearers. Sraham-Maher dtetown, became tne bride of Charles Ward A reception was held in the Magnolia FAIR HAVEN — Miss Carol Ann Graham, and Barbara Maher were brides- Miller Jr., Saturday, here, in St. Mary's Inn. Maher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William maids. Catholic Church, New Monmouth. Thggcouple will reside in East Orange. Maher, 935 River Road, became the bride The bridegroom's brother, Ernest Roch- The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and/ The bride was graduated from Our of Army Pfc. Robert Stewart Graham. He eford, was ring bearer. Mrs. Charles W. Miller Sr., Norman St., Lady of Perpetual Help High School, Brook- John Conway was best man. -• Ushers East Orange. is the son of Mr. and Mrs. tfrnest Roche- lyn. She is a correspondent for New Jer- were Andrew Rocheford, Robert Graham The Rev. Charles F. Kelly officiated. sey Blue Cross, Newark. ford, 2 Laurel Drive, Eatontown. and Gary Strasser. Miss Lorraine Richardelli, sister of the The bridegroom was graduated from The Rev. Donald Hickey celebrated the The bride is a graduate of Red Bank bride, was maid of honor. Also bridal at- Clifford J. Scott High School, East Orange. Nuptial Mass here in Nativity Catholic Catholic High School and is a bookkeeper tendants were Miss Connie Melina, cousin He is attending Fairleigh Dickinson Uni- Church, Oct. 12. at Love Lane Bridal Shoppe, Red Bank. of the bride, and Mrs. Ronald Cole. versity, Rutherford. He served in the A reception was held in the Non-Cora- Her husband is a graduate of Middle- Willard Quimby was best man. Ushers Navy Construction Battalion and is em- missioned Officers Club, Ft. Monmouth. town Township High School and Ft. Mon- were Wayne Richardelli, brother of the ployed by Public Service, Newark. • Miss Jean Maher was her sister's maid mouth Signal School. He is stationed at of honor. The Misses Catherine and Sheila Ft. Green, Alaska. -<•' * i •» Brown-Kleiber Mrs. Robert Graham Comito-Sommers Mrs. Charles Comito KEYPORT - Miss Theresa Kathefine James Langworthy was best roan. Ush- Klelber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen (The former Carol Maher) NEW MONMOUTH — Miss Barbara Atlantic Highlands, and the late George (The former Miss Sommers) ers, were Charles Kaminski, Richard Bos- N. Kleiber, 240 Broad St., Matawan, be- let and Joseph Fischer, cousin of the bride. Ann Sommers became the bride of Charles Sommers, was given in marriage by her came the bride of Burton William Brown, J. Comito, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Co- godfather, Charles A. Sommers. David Mordaunt, , nephew of the bride- son of Frederick Brown Jr., 904 Franklin groom, was ring bearer. mito, 25 Hudson Ave,, East Keansburg, The maid of honor was the bride's aunt, Ave., Ocean Township, and the late Mrs. A reception was held in the Marlboro Oct. 12 in St. Mary's Catholic Church, at a Miss Margaret Daly. . Brown. . Nuptial Mass concelebrated by the Rev. Lawrence Policastro was best man for Firehouse. The couple will reside'hi Mata- Robert Crittelli, the Rev. James Roche his cousin. William Bove and Charles Sum- The Rev. Joseph Rucinski, pastor of St. wan. - •' and the Rev. Ralph Reneri. mers Jr., cousin of the bride, were ushers. Clement's Catholic Church, Matawan, -offi- The bride and the bridegroom are grad- Miss Sommers, the daughter of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Comito are teachers at St. ciated at the double ring ceremony Satur- uates of Asbury Park High School. Mrs. Elizabeth Sommers, 35 King James Lane, Mary's Catholic School here. day in St. Joseph's Catholic Church. Brown is employed in the wool and design- Miss Phyllis Tralka Was maid of hon- ing office of Charles J. Alexander and Sons or. The bridal attendants were Mrs.1 Fred- Inc., New York City. Rafferfy-Paris erick Waitt, sister of the bride; Mrs. Nor- The bridegroom spent one'year in Thai- man Mordaunt, sister of the bridegroom, land during his four-year enlistment hi the KEANSBURG — Miss Joyce Lynn Par- bridegroom, was best man. Mitchell Paris, and Mrs. Richard Boslet, cousin of the U.S. Air Force. He is employed in the ac- is, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. brother of the bride, was usher. Michael bride. Janet Reynolds, cousin:of the bride- counting division of Borden's Inc. Interna- Paris, 82 Manning Place, became the bride Halligan, nephew of the bridegroom, was groom, was ftower girl. tional, New York City. of James Robert Rafferty, son of Mrs. Pat- ring-bearer. rick Rafferty, 15 Frazee Place, and the late A reception was held in Buck Smith's Patrick Rafferty. Restaurant. The couple will reside in West The Rev. Kevin Crowley officiated at Keansburg. i the ceremony here in St. Ann's Catholic The bride was graduated from Middle- Church Oct. 19. town Township High School and is employed Mrs. Harry Clickner was matron of at Lily Tulip Cup Corp., Holmdel. The honor. Miss Carolyn OBrensky was brides- bridegroom was graduated from Port Rich- Mrs.: James Rafferty maid. Cheryl Paris, sister of the bride, was mond High School, Staten Island, and is Mrs. Joseph Palermo FOR FABULOUS FASHION FINDS 1 (The former Joyce Paris) flower girl. employed at Lohsen's Esso Station, Keans- (The former Linda Crotchfelt) Thomas Halllgan, brother-in-law of the burg. AAUW PANEL PROGRAM Sensational Savings! To Install Slate SHREWSBURY - "Can Val- Palermo-Crotchfelt HIGHLANDS - Installation ues Be Legislated" will be the of new officers'ot$he Altar- topic discussed, by a guest panel NEW MONMOUTH - Miss Linda Mae Cheryl Baum, cousin of the bride, was flow- A Sale of Outstanding Crotchfelt and Joseph Gary Palermo, 260 er girls* „ " ' Rosary Society of Our Lady of at Monday's, meeting of the Perpetual Help Catholic Church Northern Monmouth County Atlantic Ave., Long Branch, were married Robert Luz was best man. Ushers were Saturday here in St. Mary's Catholic Edward Crotchfelt, brother of the bride and will take place at the Nov. 4 Branch of the American Asso- meeting. ciation of University Women at Church. Roger Richards. Bruce Crotchfelt, brother New Winter Goats of the bride, was ring bearer. The recep- Officers to be installed are the Shrewsbury Presbyterian The parents of the couple are Mr. and tion was hew in Colts Neck Inn. The cou- Mrs. Theresa Horan, who will Church House at 8 p.m. The Mrs. Frank Crotchfelt, 387 Maple Drive, ple will reside in Long Branch. succeed Mrs. Loretta Larsen, a distinguished collection public is invited. Belford, and Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Palermo, The bride was graduated from Middle- completing her third consecu- Revere, Mass. town Township High School and is employed tive term; Mrs. Timothy Lynch, Untrimmed Coats Msgr. Robert T. Bulmait celebrated the at ,Shop-Ttite, Shrewsbury. vice president; Mrs. Joseph Custom and Nuptial Mass. The bridegroom was graduated from Kanarkowski, and Mrs. Ken- neth Paris, treasurer. ' Miss Joyce Crotchfelt, sister of the Peabody (Mass.) High School, He served $ $ Ready-Made bride, was maid of honor. The bridesmaids one year in Vietnam during his three-year- Women of the parish may en- roll as members at this meet- were the Misses Linda MacCrindle and enlistment in the Army. He is a cook at 58 & 68 ing. Evelyn Palermo, sister of the bridegroom. Colts Neck Inn.- . :_ reg. to 99.95 DRAP- Plan Forthcoming Weddings «-» , ' —' - Fur-Trimmed Coats* Brian-Castimore ERIES PLEASANTVILLE, N.Y. - Mr. and Mrs. William T. Castimore, Pleasantville, announce the engagement of their $ W«'r« tamoui for them . . . both daughter, Miss Marjorie Strong Castimore, to Douglas Rich- our ready madet and cuitom . ard Brian, son of Harold Brian, 69 Spruce Drive, Fair and, w» off»r convanitn* (hop 88 &'128 Haven, N.J., and the late Mrs. Ruth Brian. A February wed- horn* itrvica. Give u» a ealll ding is planned. The bride-elect is- a graduate of New York's Fashion reg. to $165 Institute of Technology as a major in textile design. • Mr. Brian-is a student in the cooperative education *Mink, Kit-Fox, Beaver, Persian program in business and finance at Northeastern University, NEW HIGH-FASHION COATS . . . designer styled . . . beau- Boston. • , ' tifully interpreted in single and double-breasted models . . . The future bride's father is a commercial artist in New York. Mr. Brian's father is vice president of Teacher's In- tailored to perfection in fine imported and domestic fabrics Miss Siverson Miss James surance and Annuity, New York. in solids, novelties, multi-tweeds. Black, brown, green, red, SHREWSBURY Miss Hussmann 468 BROAD ST. Lloyd-Hussmann royal . . . sizes 6 thru 20. Call 747-4421 HOLMDEL — Announcement of the engagement of Miss Lynda Dolores' Hussmann to Airman Frank Allen Lloyd, U.S. Navy, has been made by her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. ..DANCE.. A. Fred Hussmann Jr., 20 Chestnut Ridge Road, Holmdel. PUT YOURSELF Airman Lloyd is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lloyd, 54 Chapin Ave., Red Bank. Extraordinary Special Purchase! IN THE Miss Hussmann is a service representative with New SPOTLIGHT Jersey Bell Telephone, Shrewsbury. Her fiance is stationed at Naval Air Station, Patuxent Famous Maker RiverJMd. Bozza-Siver$on HIGHLANDS — Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Siverson, 99 Suits and Ensembles Highland Aye., have announced the. engagement of their Miss Castimore Miss Knierim Miss Simek daughter, Miss Gail Ruth Siverson-to Richard George Bozza, untrimmed • fur-trimmed* son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bozza, 40 Navesink Ave.,. Atlantic Highlands. Bungay-Knierim $ Miss Siverson is employed at Littman Jewelers, Mon- UNION BEACH - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knierim, 330 • Ballet • Tap mouth Shopping Center, Eatontown. Broadway, have made- known the engagement of their Mr. Bozza attends.Monmouth College, West Long Branch. daughter, Miss Barbara Knierim, to Robert Burigay, son '58. Til 98 • Too * Acrobatic of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Read, Inverness, Fla. A Jan. 25 • Baton • Jazz . Springer-James — wedding is planned. «, _ - SAVE UP TO $87 CHILDREN to ADULTS RED BANK — The engagement of Miss Carol Ann Miss Knierim is employed at Ft. Monmouth.. SPECIAL TOTS CLASSES James to Dennis Michael Springer has been announced by Her fiance is employed, by Frequency Engineering EXCLUSIVE FASHIONS . . . connoisseur's collection for town her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willis E. James Jr., 17A Spring Laboratories, Farmingdale, and is attending Ocean County and travel, beautiful news in the long and short jackets and Ter. Mr. Springer is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank College. coats, including many three-piece styles. Leah Mauer Springer, Flushing, N. Y. The wedding is planned for Dec. SCHOOL OF DANCE i COSTLY FABRICS . . . fine double-faced gabardines, hand- 21. ' Bierwirth-Simelc 37 EAST FRONT STREET Miss James is a mathematics teacher in Port Jervis, some camel hairs, rich petit-points, ribbed oHomam, luscious RED BANK MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP - Announcement of the en- N. Y. • ...-•.. •.•••.••<• gagement of their daughter, Miss Margaret Simek, to Theo- imported tweeds. Her fiance is employed by the Port Jervis Board of 747-9552 dore A. Bierwirth, has been made by Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Education. Simek, Willett Road. He is the son of Mrs. Helen Bier- 'CUSTOM-LOOK' TAILORING ... by master craftsmen. wirth, 105 E. Lincoln Ave,, Atlantic Highlands, and the late SEASON'S NEWEST COLORS . . . including black. Sizes 6 Install! Officers Charles Bierwirth. A fall wedding is planned. to 18. MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - The bride-elect is employed by the Keyport Board of The Matawan Italian-American Education. Association Auxiliary met last Her fiance is marketing manager for U.S. Gypsum Co., J BULLETIN!! week at Strathmore Lanes, at New York. which time two officers were LIQUIDATING CONTENTS OF EXCLU- installed. They are Mrs. Ege-Woods Spectacular Fashion Scoop! SIVE GIFT & CHINA SHOP. LOADS Josephine Tuccitto,. treasurer, HAMILTON, N. Y. - Mrs. Wesley Woods, Hamilton, and Mrs. Mary DiSanto, trust- announces the engagement of her daughter, Miss Carol OF FINE ENGLISH BONE CHINA CUPS ee. Joyce Woods, to Capt. Karl J. Ege, U. S. Marine Corps, Famous Maker & SAUCERS, HUMMELS, RELIGIOUS The group will hold a chil- son of Mr. and Mrs. Karl L. Ege, 123 Locust Point Road, dren's Christmas party. Dec. Locust, N. J, The wedding is planned for Dec. 2£ ITEMS, MOUNTAINEER WOOD 22, with Mrs. Esther Paula, The bride-to-be, a graduate of Albany Business College, Wool-Knit Dresses ITEMS, ETC., ETC., . . . Mrs. Mildred Lardierl, and is employed by WNYS-TV, Syracuse. Mrs. Patricia Vaccarella Capt. Ege was graduated with honors in chemical engi- regular to 89.50 as chairmen. neering from Princeton University, where he was presi- IT'S ALMOST A GIVE AWAY! dent of Cannon Club. He served with the Marine Corps in Miss Kollmar Honored Vietnam and is officer in charge of officer selection for the $ 9 Marine Corps in upstate New York. His father is an as- COUTURIER COATS (Small Sizes) At Bridal Shower sistant vice prcsidont of the Federal Reserve Bank of New 28 38 '48 DRESSES • HANDBAGS ETC. HIGHLANDS - A bridal York. shower was given in honor of SAVE UP TO 41.95 COLI'ISHOES • MEN'S SLAX Miss Virginia Kollmar, Bay Ave., in the home of her sis- Do Your ChriHlmiifi Shopping at the IMPORTANT KNITS . . . exciting on-the-go knits that set the FAR BBJLOW WHOLESALE! ter-in-law, Mrs. Paul Kollmar, fashion pace . . . travel beautifully 'round the town, the coun- 12 Fourth St., with the bride- — ANNUAL BAZAAR — elect's mother as co-hostess. of Christ Church, Shrewsbury try, the world. (Dacrbn also included in this special group). A The bride-elect, daughter of lovely spectrum of Autumn Colors. Sizes 6 to 18. Mrs. Ethel Kollmar, 08 Bny* November 1st •— 7 to 10 p.m. Ave. will be married to John November 2nd —10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Schwind, son of Mrs. Dorothy *FUR PRODUCTS LABELED TO SHOW COUNTRY OF ORIGIN Schwind, 44 South Bay Ave., Auction: 7:30 p.m. (Friday) Charge Accounts Invited and the late Emil Schwind, 10:30 a.m. (Saturday) Nov. 18 in Our Lady of Per- MONTCLAIR and SPRING LAKE petual Help Catholic Church. Hnndmndti Goods - Rummage — Food Some 22 guests attended. 500 BLOOMFIELD AVE. 1113 THIRD AVI. Highlights School Schedule To "B" or not to "B" is the Falcons (3-1-1 overall), led The "A" games have the high-scoring halfback_ Jack Keansburg will be out to big question, as the Shore by their bruising fullback first division dubs in the roles Vdtale invade Keyport, losers register its second victory of high schools head downhill on Tony Williams, have a 2-1-1 of heavy favorites against of four, straight after an the season to go long with the 1968 football schedule this conference log for five points the second division teams. opening game victory. its four setbacks whtn it en- weekend. for their second place position. As a result, the standings The best game in the di- tertains St. Joseph's of Ham- The sixth week of play Red Bank also will try to aren't expected to change vision finds Wall Township monton. shows 15 games on tap — 14 keep pace wnen it plays host after tomorrow's action. (2-3) at Central Regional Rumson-Fair Haven Re- tomorrow and Red Bank to winless Jackson Township. Unbeaten Long Branch (5-0) (3-2). Both teams show 2-1 gional, which suffered a 14-6 Catholic's annual battle with The Buccaneers are tied with will be at home against Free- records against "C" Opposi- setback at the hands of Shore Mater Dei on Sunday after- Monmouth Regional, the hold Regional (1-3); Toms tion. Regional last Saturday, re- noon — with emphasis on teams boasting identical di- River, also unblemished in Ashley Back turns to the Garden State SPARTAN STALWART — Ocean Township's Ron Ryder Shore Conference play in all visional records. Overall, on its first five games, will be Shore Regional, with half- Conference wars at home to- divisions. the season, Coach Bob Mor- at Neptune (1-3-1); Middle- back Barry Ashley back in morrow. Roselle,'winless in TITAN TOSSER — can kiss any title hopes good- Point Pleasant Boro can the division and victorious the cellar, the Hg game of Archer, Barber game schedule in both "A" by for 1968, while the win- make it official tomorrow only 6nce in five outings the GSC season will take and "B" and a capacity slate ners' spirits will be lifted. when the Panthers and their against all comers. place at Carteret where the of three contests involving undefeated first place Ram- "C" Division teams. blers (5-0) take on defending Sports Lucky Leaders Crucial Encounter champion Highland Park (3-0 in the GSC). A Carteret SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - who can clear the $200,000 mark Manasquan enters tomor- Slate row's crucial home game with victory would give it the title, TODAS Towering George Archer and by winning the tournament, was Soccer Ocean with a shaky advan- while a Highland Park win Henry Haosen vs. Ft. Bora «i Urn* , baMing, bespectacled Miller tied at 68 with, eight others, in- Register Staff Forecast would place the importance Branch tage on top of the "B" Di- Baiter led a par-breaking bar- cluding Don Massengale, Bruce Shore Beg. at Brick vision. The Big Blue Warriors on the Owls' engagement Lona; Branch at Ocean rage in the first round of the Crampton, Bob Rosburg and CHUCK with ' third place Roselle Jackson at Lakewood $100,000 Lucky International Dow Finsterwald. seem tob e getting stronger HY CUNNINGHAM Jlonmouth Beg. at PI. Bon as the season progresses. TRIBLEHORN ED WALSH Park a week from tomorrow, St. Bose at Ajbury Park Open Golf Tournament yester- (57.22-3.722) Meptone at HamUton nest. U.S. Open Winner Lee Tre- Only a tie with Red Bank (58-21-3 .734) (S8-21-3 .734) Nov. 9. TOMOEBOW day tying for the lead with five Football vino shot a 70 and wasJn a mars an otherwise clean TOMORROW Sunday's Red Bank Catho- Shore Conference under par-66s. long list of golfers who haff that Rumson-FH-Rosella Rumson, 19-12 Rumson, 13-0 Rumson', 14-7 "A" Division record in five outings, and lic-Mater Dei game on the Freehold at Lonf Branca No fewer than 44 golfers score, including Chi Chi Rodri- then- 3-0-1 conference mark is Freehold-Long Branch Long Branch, 33-13 Long Branch, 19-0 Long Branch, 28-13, Seraphs' New Monmouth Brick Ttrp. at Lakevood cracked the par-71 over the 6,- SUddletown at Barltna quez and Bob Lunn. good for seven points. Marlboro-Southern Southern, 26-6 Southern, 28-0 Southern, 33-0 playing field also could go Toms River at Septant 777-yard Harding Park course Rosburg blew a chance for a Monmouth, 19-6 Monmouth, 27-12 : "B" Division Ocean has only four points, Monmouth Reg.-Howell Monmouth, 27-13 either way, wjth the latter Honsnoatb Bee. at HoweD on a sunny but cool day as early lead when he followed a but the Spartans, who saw Shore-Point Beach Shore, 28-12 Shore, 28-0 Shore, 20-0 rated a slight edge. Neither Matawan at Asbnry Part many of the country's top golf- lackson Twp. at Bed Bank front-none score of 32 with a 36 their unbeaten status stopped Wall Twp.-Cantral Central, 14-7 Wall, 13-7 Central, 21-7 club is enjoying a strong sea- Ocean Twp. at Manas«oaa ers fought for the $20,000 first and Kennit Zarley blew sky last Saturday by powerful Matawan, 19-14 Asbury Park, 14-7 son. Coach Dick Hartnett's "C" Division prize in the four-day tourna- Matawan-Asbury Park Asbury Park, 20-7 Point Boro at Keyport - high after starting with a nine- Toms River after four con- Brick Twp.-Lakewood Brick Twp., 35-0 Brick Twp., 26-6 Brick Twp., 27-6 Seraphs are 2-3, while the Boon Bee. at Pt. Beach ment. Wall Ttrp. at Central Re(. bole score at 31, following it secutive triumphs, have yet Pt. Boro-Keyport Pt. Boro, 41-6 Pt. Boro, 37-0 Pt. Boro, 41-12 Caseys of Jim McNamara Garden State Conference Tied behind Archer, who with a 39 Wf a 70. are 1-4. Game time is 2 p.m., BoaeUe at Bomsen-FH Be(. to lose in two "B" confronta- Middletown Raritan Middletown, 28-13 Middletown, 20-0 Middletown, 30-6 Ouwrs •;,•.• -,>• learned much of his golf on Archer, fifth leading money tions. The contest shapes up Red Bank-Jackson Red Bank, 35-12 Red Bank, 28-0 Red Bank, 32-7 the same as that of all 14 Sonthern Heg. at HsVrlbon . this course, and Barber of winner on the tour, said he had as a tight, low scoring tus- games tomorrow. St. Joseph's (Uammcmton) at Ktam- Ocean-Manasquan Ocean, 14-7 Ocean, 7-0 Manasquan, 20-14 U:ii Sherman, Tex., with rounds of been troubled with flu attacks sle. Toms River, 33-6 Toms River, 45-14 67 were Doug Sanders, Jack for the last three months and Toms River-Neptune Toms River, 34-7. In another big "B" game St. Joe's-Keansburg Keansburg, 20-13 St. Joe's, 47-6 Keansburg, 3UI3 Fleck, Dave Stockton and that he had spent four days in Monmouth Regional will at- Frank Boynton. bed last week before compet- tempt to remain in contention SUNDAY Billy Casper, the .pro golf ing in a Sou&era California for honors when it visits RB Cath.-Mater Dei tMatsr Del, 13-6 Mater Del, 7-0 Mater Dei, 20-13 tour's leading money winner tournament. Howell Township. The Golden YEAR Brown No La ugher to Worried Colman By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS offense home to Rutgers Stadi- Princeton's main problem now looks like the number one Ivy race. when Policastro replaced Brace Van Ness at quarterback. Van They used to laugh at Prince- um for a game with an explo- has been inconsistency, partic- tailback, gets better every Rutgers' offense perked up ton football coach Dick Colman sive Delaware team. Both ularly in its passing attack. week. The other offensive Ness, shifted to fallback to al- END when he worried about games teams have 4-2 records. And when the running bogs backs — Scott MacBean, Ellis last week against Columbia ternate with Mel Brown. with the likes of Colgate, Penn Ino ther action involving New down, as it did in the first Moore, Dick Bracken and Jim and Brown. This year, they're Jersey teams, Frostburg is at half against Penn last week, Koloski—have all proven their laughing at the people who Glassboro, St. Francis at Jer- the Tigers are in trouble. worth and only have to play up laughed at Colman. sey City State, Trenton State But Brian McCullough, who to it to keep the Tigers in the In Photo Finish The Tigers are in Providence at Montclair State and Lycom- Bucky Squire (McCaodless) 1.30 HAf FREEHOLD — A three-way •TH—Pace; 1-m.; JL900; T.-2:08.3 this weekend to face Brown in ing at Upsala. photo finish developed in the Oamden Paloma (Kelly) 10.60 5.40 3.80 Lads Kay (Smith) 4.90 3.00 what used to be the annual Despite the slightly tattered featured $$2,500 Woodport Trot Hobo Doris (Lowden) 4.00 Ivy League joke. But after con- nature of the Tiger, Princeton at Freehold Raceway yes- Exacts. (1-1) Paid M7.M 6TH—Pace; 1-m.: »,4O0; T.-J:08.1 secutive Princeton losses is still a two-touchdown terday, and it was An- MacvaJe (Oameo) 4,BO 3.40 3.00 Freehold Today stamp Lady (drank) 6.40 4.40 favorite over Brown. The to Colgate and Penn the con- thony Bruno and Victor Span- Siaay Smith (Oakes) B.40 Bruins haven't come closer iel's Grand Bob Volo prevail- 8TH—Pace: 1-m.: J2.000; T.-a:0T.4 test is being discussed tike it than that against the tigers Entries Sandy Leo (Tullno) 21.W 7.80 3.40 might be a football game. 1ST>-PAOT; CI.MG.I tUW 10-1 ing by a head at the end of the Silly U (KcUy) 4.S0 3.60 since a 7-0 loss in 1959 and they Royal Randy (Sperentt) 3-3 Speedy Lore (Wunderllch) 12-1 mile trip. The 5-year-old geld- Southern Wll (Oraaft) 2.40 Rutger, meanwhile, brings haven't beaten Princeton since KoEoC (GOmour) 7-2 Blue Oem (Bulk) 12-1 Eiacta (6-5) raid (81.00 Pinehavwi Direct (Kelly) 4-1 ITH—PACE; 13,100 ing came between horses TTH—Pace; 1-m.: W.80O; T.-2:08.S Its new Rich Policastro - led a 21-20 decision in 1954. Busy Bee Chrta (Cormier) 54 Sunny Oai (QUITO) Laoluielen (Kadicl) U.60 8.00 4.00 Suocaas-Time (Mecouoh) 3-1 Lively Wick (Cormier) through the stretch run to get Steady BUI (Rosa) 19.40 8.20 But last weekend Brown Tom Hub (Kovtan) 8-1 Peppy Tar (W«u»h) n the verdict in 2:08.4, with Bob Goldfish - (GaW 3.20 Red tele, (Witt) 10-1 Sassy Siren (Beede) 5-1 8TH-^Pace; 1-m.: $2,000; T.-3:OT.2 CLEARANCE soundly beat a Colgate team Dan Dear (MoKetma) 10-1 Spring Bonnet (Webb) 10-1 On Top (Lowden) 22.60 10.40 5.00 Chat* Me (Orar*) Schilling at the reins. Peter OreM (SmlOi) 8-1 10-1 1ST—iPace: 1-m.; H,000: T.-a:U.J J M Duke (Lamb) 11.60 4.40 that had out • mudded Prince^ Victory Dlnle (W&ugh) 3-1 High Sua (MeOouoh) 12-1 Batul Prince (Crank) 3.60 •68 Chrysler Outboard, Symphony Ootleen (Vint:) Wohs Honey (PanwUs) 13.60 8.60 6.0O ton the week before. And both 2W—PACE; CLMO.l 11,800 15-1 Bums Klyer (Crank) T.8O 3.60 Exacta. (34) Paid $151.!0 A Few 35 H.P. Susy Pam (Chappell) 5-2 TTH—PAOEl t3,000 Pine HBl Bin (Oonsol) 3.20 9TK—Trot; 1-m.: 12,800: T.-J:08.4 teams have 2-3 records, Tag Day (Wlneatd Br.) 4-1 Vortex (GugHeimlnl) t-2 SNp—Pace; 1-m.: $1,400; T.-8:ll.l Gram B Volo (SohlUIng) 6.60 4.40 3.80 Engines Left Hunrlcaqa (Bier) 61 Bold Key (Fltapatrtok) 4-1 Wjnged Star (Qulnn) • J.SO 4.40 3.80 Ltttle Jezebel (Qulon) B.20 CM although Prjnceton is 2-1 in the Ronllekl (Petgelbeck) 6-1. Mr. Hiatler (ChappeU) 54 Whlta lota (Sadovaky) MUM Change (AVlrlch) 4.20 Hobo Wayne (lowden) (-1 10.00 5.60 Ivy League and Brown 0-3. Watcn Your Step (Smith) 6-1 Btar Rom (Baidadilno) 6.40 1OTH—Pace; l^n.; Sl,400: T.-S:10.1 Now Below Cost My Gal Wick (Cannier) - 8-1 Cblef Widower (GJlmour) 8-1 Seaward (Scott) 6.40 3.20 2.80 Good on Groond Clobea Jewel (Sleeiooe) 84 Mystery Key (Molnai) 8-1 (Daily Double (M) Paid «TI.40) The DevUs Partner (tosr'ala) 10.40 9.80 QulHen Hawrver (Piako). 10-1 BlUi Oonnle (Paradls) 8-1 Hunnymeade Dave (Kohegyt) 6.00 MONMOUTH The Bruins looked particular' Perfect Landing (ND) S-l Speedy Pace (Quinn) 1M SRO—Pace; 1-m.; H.4O0; T.-2:06.3 3RD—PACE; »MW BTH- PACE! $J,I00 Bsirney•'VUU^^aH DreaA^A«CMSm4 (HegMo(H14J4 ) o.W 8.40 3.00 EiacU (34) Fall 170.40 ly good on the ground against Opal Creed (Sedatto) 2-1 Suooeas Lane (Oakea) 3-1 BabBai Colt (UoOee) 3.80 3.40 ATT.-MM. HANDUB «330,iM CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH Quality Inn (Ferrlgtaa) 3-1 Grind Juror (Maraua) 7-3 700 RT. 36 EATONTOWN Colgate. And they seem to have Lopez Hanover (Cormier) 4-1 Spike Ed (Beede) 4-1 found a good quarterback in Henry (Dobrowakl) fri Don Van (Kelly) 4-1 542-5500 Terry Aircraft (Dandeo) 8-1 Worth Otenn (Kovlan) 84 sophomore Bryan Marini. Von Charmer (Wagner) 12-1 Yankee John (Luohento) 12-i Finrt Dxric (Plsko) 18-1 Bobby Mike (SperendO 12-1 ••••••••••••••••I Royal Ada (Qutan) 13-1 Yankee -Guy (Browne) 15-1 4TH—PACE: 11,900 *TH—PAGE: {3.006 Missile Mies (Crank) 2-1 (THE BBLVIDKBE) Oheera (FlUon) 4-1 Prides Pomp (Luonento) 3-1 POT-O-LUCK SALE Fair illrt (Smith) 5-1 Little Hodge (Kelry) 4-1 Sarah) Filly (Gale) 6-1 Gonsolata Joe (Pelgeibedc) ML Oareyi Dottle (Garey) , 6-1 Salt Mite (Taaarlello) Adtoa (Hove (McOee) 8-1 Straight A (Butler) in Golden Oil* (Kelly) 12-1 Crimson Ribbon CFuUno) 6-1 lawn products PANELING SLAB DOORS Blue Jay Otiarmer (O'Hettn) 15-1 Perfect Knight (Flllon) 8-1 Snippy Worthy (Plako) 15-1 Apache Oun (Paradls) 8-1 STH— TROT; $3,000 XOTH—PACE; 11,800 10-1 Egyptian Sone (Fttsp&brick) 5-2 Singing RU1 (Wacner) 6-2 Hadleya Boy (McGee) T-2 Brrols Song (Gale) 8-1 Stair Ttockette (Kelly) 4-1 Skips Boy (Bciplone) Debutante Kanover (Belli) . e-1 Prides Boy (Quarter) II Little Sid (Crude) 8-1 Marllnda Eipreas (.Ferrlglns.) »-l Shapely Louise (Molnar) 8-1 Sea Buoy (McGee) 84 Use now — or next spring. Scotts Main Stait (Lamb) M-l Vlnlee (Dill) 304 money back satisfaction guarantee applicable either time . Selections 1—Ko Ko C, Success Time, P'lne- harm Dtreet t-Hassy Para, Watch Your. Hep, Tag Day , Was Now Save J-Qu«li»j- inn, Opal Cree4, lapea Hanover 4—Missile Mun, Pair Flirt, Cheers Turf Builder 5.45 4.09 • Pre-Finlshed • Assorted Seleetidn 6—Debutante Hanover, Bnrpllan Frank Porter Sent, Hadleys Bey 9.95 7.47 2.48 • Slightly Imperfect (—Peppy Tar, Bunny Gal, flassy •4x8 Shell* Siren If you fish and catch" carp — 7—Vortex, Mr. Hastier, Bold Key 13.95 10.47 3.43 • All Sim a^—(irond Juror, Success Lane, Worth here's a bit , of information Glenn VALUES TO 22.00 - VALUES TO 20.00 about preparing carp that a—StrHght A, Oonsolat* Joe, Prides Plu»-2 6.95 5.21 1.74 Ponm should be of cnfsreif. If the 10—Errgh gong, Singing- Hllli, Prides 12.95 9.71 3.24 Boy carp ara taktn in muddy water, Best Bet — Sassy I'»m (tnd) Plus-4 *^ 9.95 7.47 2.48 $1.99 $1.99 pur than) In a clear, running stream for * weak or to. Thay 17.95 13.46 4.49 can ba netted easily whan re- quired for tha tabla, and all the WAYNE Windsor 4.95 3.71 1.24 1 1 mud will ba washed out of tha 'Cash and Carry" 11.95 8.97 2.98 carp, Whan clean, cut tha red AAMGO strip of maat out of each tide, Mapletone WEYERHAEUSER soak tha carp over-night in salt HORSE KRU • til Quality FIRESIDE MAPLE water, then bake In the oven • Pre-Flilihed with tomato sauce. Tha batt • Top notch feed for all ages and 99 • Pre-Flnlshed authorized t'Scotts') dealer • 4YT Sheet • Full '/<" Thick 98 fish-taster In the world cannot breeds of horses • 4x1 ShMt identify the meat as ctrp. Un- 1 2 4'xB Sheets 1.11 • Rig. ».«• 5 doubtedly he will think he is EVERY MINUTE AND •. Reduces waste. Easily digested by eating bait. young colts and horses From Georgia Pacific Famous Brand Name A HALF... SOMEONE Inlaid Pecan Mist CHARCOAL ELM Undoubtedly you get me finest • Develops and maintains bone • Full VV Thick • Pull '/«" Thick alignment and brakes tarvice at structure; conditions and gives more • or «Mti 99 • 4'xl' She,! CALLS AAMCO • Itt Quolliy • t Coal Flnlih 95 RED BANK TIRB CO., Shrews- Every week AAMCO satisfies rnort stamina than 10,000 trunsmlnlon problems • ROB, U.M Little Silver bury Aw., Shrewsbury, 747- You oftt free towing, a free road- 6 8 check, fast, efficient service — 3404, Cooper tires. Daily 8- most times In |uit one day. And Fred D. Wikoff wlllitMMco, your transmission can 5:30, Saturday 8-3. be protected by over 300 AAMCO 234 MAPLE AVE. Centers coast-to-coatt, RED BANK HELPFUL HINT: If two drink- 809 Railroad Ave., Asbury Park 741-0554 Ing glassai ara stuck together, Free Jawing 774-6BO0 LUMBER one inside the other; fill tha 193 E. Newman Springs Rd. innar glass with cold water and Red lank 142-2100 15 SrCAMORC AVE.. LITTLE SILVER _ 741-7800 Open eWly I A.M. I* MO P.M.. Sot. I A.M. to I P.M. set the other glass in hot water PICK UP STATION NO CHARGE POt D1LIVIRY A»A IIIOP, RT. »4 « CRMICINT fU ATTfNIiON IOATM1NI 'OPEN tUN. f TO NOON anal lhay will tome apirt easily. J M FH4«y 7ilO - I: IVaNty 7ilO. 1 P.M. SUIIU ^••••••••••••••••••••••••••••HaBBa Award to McLairi THE DAILY REGISTER, Friday, November 1,1968-23 By HAL BOCK in 1963,1965 and 1966 - were major leagues in 34 years. first two Series starts but NEW YORK (AP) — Denny unanimous choices. Dizzy Dean, who won 30 for won the vital sixth game, McLain, Detroit's 31-game The Tiger ace was the the St. Louis Cardinals in tying the classic against the winner, was unanimously se- .choice, on all 20 ballots >— 1934, was the last man tq Cardinals at three' games lected today the American two from each league city reach that plateau. apiece. Mickey Lolich, who League's^ Cy Young Awardw — in the annual Baseball McLain, an accomplished won three Series games, beat winner for 1968. Writer's Association of Amer- organ player who is making St. Louis as Detroit took the McLain, 24, is the second ica vote. Only Dean Chance, a series of night club and title in the seventh game. youngest winner of the award who was 23 when he won the concert appearances during McLain made 41 starts and as the league's top pitcher Young Award in 1964, was a the off-season, is only the and the first American Lea- pitched 28 complete games. younger winner than McLain. second Tiger pitcher ever to He was 17-2 on the road and guer ever to win it unani- Succeeds Lonborg earn any votes in the Cy 14-4 at home and had winning mously. Only two other pitch- McLain, who succeeds Bos- Young balloting. IVank Lary streaks of five, four, nine, ers — Bob Gibson of the St. ton's Jim Lonborg as the picked up two votes "in 1961. seven and six games during Louis Cardinals, named Na- AL's Young winner, beat The ballots were sent in the season. He struck out 280, tional League Cy Young win- every team in the league at before the World Scries and walked 63 and pitched six ner earlier this week, and least twice and became the did not consider Series per- shoutouts. He had. a 1.96 Denny McLaln Sandy Koufax, who won it first 30-game winner in the formances. McLain lost his earned run average, fourth best in the league. The young right-hander is a product of the Chicago White Sox organization. He Expansinist Bucks Finally was drafted by the Tigers in LOOKS GOOD; BUT— , Phil Goyette (20) gets a shot off that 1963 for $8,000 on the first looks good but was blocked by Philadelphia Flyers' Larry Hale (171 during second, year waiver rule when the period play in last night's game. .Other Flyers are goalie Bernie Parent (30) and White Sox decided to protect Ed Ban Impe (2). The Rangers won, 2-1. (AP Wirephoto) Make It, Blow Pistons another young pitcher, Bruce Howard, instead. . If at first you-don't succeed, whipped Denver 122-100, Hous- vantage. Then, Embry and Guy Again Gail Goodrich was the The BBWAA started the Cy try, try, try, try, try again—it ton rolled past Dallas 108-50 Dodgers sparked a second pe- star for surprjsing Phoenix," Young Awards to baseball's worked for the Milwaukee and Oakland defeated Los An- riod surge that lifted the Bucks drilling in 30 points—the third top pitcher in 1956 and last Bucks. geles 143-127. *•' to a 64-44 control at halftone. time he has reached that pla- year began awarding two Rangers Flip Flyers The NationalBasketball Asso- Wayne Emnry guided The Pistons' Dave Bing, top teau this season. trophies,, one to the top ciation's expansion outfit, los- Milwaukee to its first victory NBA shooter last season, was Goodrich tallied 16 points in American League pitcher and ers of its first five games, ft by whipping in" 30 points. Em- held to only five points during an 11-minute span in the first . one to the top National Lea- • nally turned the trick by beat bry and Jon. McGlocklin the first half, but came half as the Suns led at inter- guer. Lonborg and San Fran- Ing the Detroit Pistons 134-118 teamed in the first period to on strong after intermission to mission 66-44. Bob Boozer cisco's Mike McCormick were On Marshall's Goal yesterday night. help, the Bucks to a 27-23 ad- finish with 29. topped the Bulls with 23 points. the 1967 winners. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS defenders to reaeh an empty got the others.. Don Marshall batted in a re- net, in leading the DetroTTRed Meanwhile, Phoenix climbed Gofdie Howe set up three bound at 5:20 of the third pe- Wings to, a 7-5 victory over the into a tie with Los Angeles for goals and his first assist was riod last night to give the New Boston Bruins. the lead in the Western Division SURF, FIELD AND STREAM his 900th in regular season play. York Rangers a 2-1 victory by turning back Chicago 112- Defense went out the win- Goalie got over the Philadelphia Flyers in 103 in the night's only other dow as the teams combined for the call to start when Ed Johns- a game. . . 23 shots and six goals in the ton was hit on the side of the game at the Spectrum. final period, Mahovlich put the head by a shot during the pre- • Over in the American Basket- Scaup Season Opening Today Wings ahead for keeps 23 sec- game warmup. ball Association, Indiana It was New York's sixth vic- tory without a loss this season onds after Ken Hodge tied it Bobby Orr gave Boston a 1-0 By DICK RIKER . Obviously, stools should be rigged so that a string of against West Division teams. for Boston at 13:11 with the lead with a power play slap decoys all work from one or two anchors. The best method Today sees the opening of this year's special scaup sea- Bob Nevin fired a 20-foot shot Bruins' third straight goal. shot at 6:35 of the first period. that I know of utilizes two heavy anchors with decoys as son. This year, the special season is limited to the waters that Philadelphia goalie Bernie Pete Stemkowski scored twice But Howe set up first Delvec- Kimmimik buoys. Between the two buoy decoys a fairly heavy toe of of Raritan' and Sandy Hook Bays. Needless to say, the Piarent blocked with his stick for Detroit and Alex Delvec chio at 9:39 and then Mahov-- perhaps 25 feet is run, and individual decoys are tethered, gunners of the coastal marshes further south are, a bit un- but Marshall tapped the re- chio and rookie Danny Lawson lich at 18:52. togifrigifcft to this line .with lighter anchor lines of varying lehgtljs." I •Happy about this. The special scaup season of previous bound over Parent's, shoulder. years that allowed the gunning of broadbills throughout suggest you use cheap but strong line that you can bear to in (Holmdel) the state during early January provided action for wild- sacrifice to the knife when the season ends. The goal judge failed to flash fowlers after the regular duck season went out. RARITAN BAY DANGEROUS the red light, but Referee Art Skov ruled the puck had Momnoiitli Club Hosts Raritan Bay can be a very dangerous place to be. Duck Our special scaup season for 1968 will run through crossed the goal line. Nov. 16, and as in past years gives the hunters gunning the bay should take maximum precautions before running out for a day's gunning. Under a strong After a scoreless first period hunter a daily bag limit of five scaup and New York took a 1-0 lead on Turkey Bowl Regatta northwest wind, the deceptively cajm waters of the bay a possession ..limit of 10. Diehard water- veteran Harry Howell's 50-foot fowlers not interested in going soutjj for rapidly become a mass of frothing/raging ice water madly RED BANK — The 19th annual Turkey Bowl Regatta, tearing at your boat. Take life preservers, take extra cloth- blast at 1:12 of the second pe- , •;•»•>*;.„. brant and geese can use this special sea- riod. A pass from Phil Goyette sponsored by the Monmouth Boat Club, will be held on the son to fill the gap between the ended first ing, let someone know where you are going and what tune Navesink River here Sunday. you intend to return. set up Howell's second goal of portion of the regular duck season and the the year. The regatta, for Penguin class sailboats, will consist second period which opens on Nov. %.. Be sure your boat is seaworthy and do not risk over- Philadelphia tied the score at of five races. The skippers' meeting is scheduled for 11:30 Regular waterfowling hours prevail with loading the boat. Best bet is to have a bigger seaworthy 4:19 when Andre Lacroix con- a.m., with the first race, slated to start at noon. The last hunting hours limited to those hours be- boat for a tender and then gun "from your sneak boxes. verted a pass from left wing race 'will begin shortly before 3 p.m. tween one-half hour before sunrise and Take turns gunning and keep one man in the tender. The Guy Gendron. Philadelphia after sunset. tender boat can lay off well upwind until it is time to ex- Bill Magee, regatta chairman, expects between 25 and skated hard for two periods but 30 boats for the event, the final day of sailing at the MBC BROADBILL, ANYONE? x Rlker change places. Within sight but well out of range of the birds, the tender will not disturb your gunning and will tired badly and was outshot 43- for 1968. Some of the top Penguin skippers from the Middle With an estimated 80,000 broadbills already ensconced 24 for the night. Atlantic area are expected to participate. oh the bays and more on the wing, where can the novice add a large margin of safety to your operation. You will The Flyers now are winless gunner try-broadbill? I would suggest that you take a find it easier to set out the rig from the tender than from Among the New Jersey entries expected are Mr. and, in their last five games and re- when you ride in your car to some of the overlooks around the bays. your small gunning boat. Mrs. Roger Brown of the Metedeconk and Monmouth Clubs, main tied for last place in the own an Scenic Drive, between Atlantic Highlands and Highlands, Runyon Colie of Mantoloking and Magee of MBC. West Division. Leading finishers in last year's Turkey Bowl were, in •Askiany Eskimo. Here's gives you a duck's eye view of the entire, eastern third of a real drift buster that can the Raritan plus all of Sandy Hook Bay. With northwest Winter Program Will Begin fired three order, Bob Seidelmann of the Little Egg Harbor and Cooper whip any Arctic blizzard winds blowing, the broadies favor the Leonardo area where goals, the last a twisting, stick River clubs, Dick Curry of Old Cove and BUI Harjes of . . . features designed to they can rest in the lee of the Navy Pier. A large raft of MATAWAN—The winter rec- weight-lifting and golf will be handling exhibition around two Toms River. make your job easier in- birds can often be found just outside the mouth of the reation program for borough held at the Matawan Regional clude: four-speed stick Shrewsbury River where they feed on the seed clams that and township residents will be- High School, also at 7:30 p.m shift; snow tires that hold fill the sand bars. • Basketball for boys from the their own on ice and snow; gin next week and con- From the top of the bluff at Cliff wood Beach you can eighth grade through senior FAILED INSPECTION? ... WE CAN FIX IT!! differential with lock-out tinue through March. high school will begin Thurs- hub; wide swing discharge scan the western third of Raritan Bay. Huge rafts of broad- bills rest below you..'A slow ride along Beachway in Keans- The activity wilL start with day at 7:30 p.m., also at Mata- chute plus many more. wan Regional High. Engines range from 4 h.p. burg will allow you to cover the rest of Raritan Bay. After volleyball and basketball for to 7 h.p. For an experience these three stops, you should know where the birds are women Monday at the Lloyd The Saturday morning pro- in quality, see Ariens snow and where you are going to hunt. Much yet remains to be Road School at 7:30 p.m. gram for boys in the sixth and removal equipment today done before you can put out from the shore. •" On Wednesday- the adult seventh grades will start Nov. CHANGES IN DECOYS men's program of basketball, NEVER BEFORE If you are a shoal water gunner, as most of us are, you are going to make some major modifications to your dRUONE'S rig of decoys before putting out. You will be gunning in Shore Harriers Cop 10th IT THESE LOW PRICES) much deeper water than you are accustomed to, and your NEW MONMOUTH - Shore by posting the second best time GREENHOUSES decoy anchor lines will need lengthening. It does hot make over' the Seraphs' course in sense to rig 50 or more broadbill stools with 30 or more Regional earned its 10th vic- HWY. 35 HOLMDEL 12:55. feet of anchor line. Don't even try it. The thought of 50 tory in 16 tuns over cross-coun- Haxl.r and Freshman Tom. Clark, Mater. Mlddlctawn) stools and 2,000 feet of anchor line all snarled in the bottom try. ground yesterday, 22-34 over of the boat gives me a cold chill. Dei, captured second place hon Amp!* Parting In Rear! Mater Dei. ' ors, finishing in 13:14. Shore Mike Plantamura led the had the next three spots, with Halloween Purse Shore runners, and he did it Larry Bremmer, Larry. Bova America's Favorite Winter Tires Shop Where the Do-lt-Yourselfers Shop! |||) To Smooth Seas and Steve Jacobs finishing in that order. CHERRY HILL (AP) - Henke Waived, Shore's junior varsity had a WE HAVE THE MOLDING TO Smooth Seas stuck to a straight tougher run, but managed to MATCH YOUR PANELING—RIGHT IN I course and won the Halloween Gordon Ready come out on top, 29-30. Purse at Garden State Park by NEW YORK (AP) — Rookie STOCKI WHY BOTHER TRYING TO MIX \>h. lengths. defensive end Karl Henke of A STAIN TO MATCH? Sent to the lead quickly. Tulsa has been waived by the NEW Smooth Seas repelled the early New York Jets, the American challenges of Tolk and Caliger- Football League club an- TOP POWERED | ro and had enough in reserve nounced yesterday. Henke had to resist the late bid of Martia' been slowed by an injury to his V-8 SCOUT Melody, who ran second. right leg. Third was the betting choice The Jets also said that Cor: WITH 4-WHEEL DRIVE Guaranteed to go thru ice, mud Carlos Comet. nell Gordon would start again BY and snow. ..or we pay the tow I at a cornerback spot when the (>ur guarantee extend* to n*u> Firestone Town k Country The victory was the second INTERNATIONAL . tiros on drive wheels of passenger carts, for tha «itir« lift 4x8 ROSEWOOD : 14.95 of the day for English - born club meets Buffalo this Sunday. of the original tread deaign. Claims paid by dealer or itor* issuing the guarantee, certificate. 32"x84" LUAN (Unfinished) .... 1.95 Mike Hole. NOW AT nriitui iiAcnrAiu SIZE TDKUU mirmuii 4x7 IVORY 3.50 Colt Frosh Runners •• MAURICE Mtlftt MTIU MTIM u« I.W-1 IVORY 3.95 ALLPRO Lose to St. Joseph's '24.00 •12.00 •27.26 •13.82 •111' SCHWARTZ IBS1 26.26 12.62 28.60 14.26 in NEW BEECH 3.50 and SONS, Inc. 1M LINCROFT — Christian 26.50 13.26 29.76 14.87 101 3.11 NEW BEECH 3.95 TRANSMISSIONS Brothers Academy's freshman 7.7B 1 27.76 13.87 31.00 18.50 Ml 3.31 FRUITWOOD 3.45 SPECIALISTS cross-county team dropped a 119-1 30.75 16.37 34.00 17.00 III 3 H •15-1 16.87 FRUITWOOD 3.95 • Adjmttd 20-39 decision to St. Joseph's FOR FREE TEST 33.76 37.00 18.60 3U • Rtpolred • Orartinltd of Metuchen. Mt-1 37.60 18.76 40.76 20.37 311 NUTWOOD 4.95 Gary Trojanowski was first, DRIVE PHONE Ohm $I*M ilia SAitmtCfDI All prktt PLUS timt and trtdtj-ln tirtt off your ear, AUTUMN BLEND 4.95 over in 6:32, with teammates 747-0787 CHERRYTONE 5.75 Jim Kelsh second, and Steve NO MONEY DOWN-MONTHS TO PAY! WHITE ELM 5.95 Martin third. ALSO ASK US ABOUT OUR NEW YORK BIRCH 6.88 FREEI EARLY BIRD" DEAL ANTIQUE BIRCH 6.95 Fifty-four drivers turned in ICE GRIP" STUDS TOWING & DIAGNOSIS 100or more harness racing vic- ALSO AVAILABLE AT SLIGHT ADDITIONAL COST AMERICAN MADB FLAMINGO ELM 7.25 Call tories In 1967. This was 13 more SHERWOOD GREEN 7.25 2M-9617 than the previous year and 19 ll»J Iktt ajainduBilaJ ttth JIIW, •••! *>txj •* h4(in| Ik* labtitH lift bwJ MaJ 4>N>*| ELM 7.98 more than in 1965. (M thtnia •KHI* iMtrwIf U MauUaf CHARACTER WALNUT... 9.75 Standard 3-Speed' or FANCY CHERRY 12.95 optional 4-speed floor- BUY NOW AND SAVE-DONT MISS OUTI mountod synchromesh fton* Ota)*r( and el «ll ttrvlf ttaHoni dltptayJnj tbt Hr*>if*JH# tt§9 SEE THE FRIENDLY GUYS AT transmission . . . heavy RENT A CAR or duty rear axle . . . plus RED BANK full safety feature pack- YOU MAY USE YOUR EASY CHARGE! age. Also available in TRUCK from HERTZ 2 or 4-wheol drive with« LUMBER 4 cylinder engine. and SUPPLY CO. U-DRIVE , Call MIDDLETOWN TIRE CO. 741-5500 775-1515, 222-3299, 747-2121 M- 1325 HWY. 35 ' Cor. ftari and Wall. R*d lank 141 W. FRONT STREET 9 TO 9 DAILY MIDDLETOWN O»M Dally 7:10 A.M.-8;30 P.M.] SAT. 7:30 A.M.-I P.M. RED IANK 671-2484 9 TO 6 SAT. AUTOS FOE SALE AUTOS FOB SALE AUTOS FOR SALE 24-THEi DAILY REGISTER, Friday, November 1, 1968 LOST AMD FOUND * PUBLIC N0TIC1! LOtrr-WhlU ihort Mired terrt»r, v You Can't ANNOUNCEMENTS LOST AND FOUND long tin, ODO tt-'tvo Must «polf ot) ivElitt-ooui body, Ow Watk ere. W-im, **• Pr^nt CWn LOST AND FOUND LOST — Hoot of r fladbitnottv thai* the W.OM . •»rd. havj all th» Jttiert. ' MISS tOBT — Keaniburt aret,rTwo yo\in* WM77T. cockers, female, black with tan LOBT — New Shrewsbury. Blatnete POUND — Peklniett. Vicinity at (More CtassMrt, .... make a date with a new model matfclnn. Mining alnca Oct. 10. Re- cat Reward. Call Ulddlitown. Phone WHEN YOU BUY A ward. Thon« 717-8410. M2-MJT 842-2896. On The Next Page) USED AN OUT OF THE ORDINARY AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE CAR FROM 69 OLDSMOBILt WTSOH CHEVROLET! ADD A LITTLE EXCITEMENT TO YOUR DRIVING!

AUTO HUGE CASH SAVINGS ON LEASING 1968 DEMONSTRATORS BY THE DAY. WEEK • MONTH LUXURY 98 TORONADO FOUR-DOOR SEDAN TWO-DOOR HARDTOP OR ON A LONG TERM BASIS EXCITEMENT Two doer hardtop. Automatic tronsmtsslon. Radio. Htottr. Power steering. CAN BE A 1949 MUSTANG! $2442 it only takes a minute RUSSELL EXCITEMENT •67 CORVETTE Con' to get a mvertlble. Four speed. Rod Htottr. 300 h.p. better OLDSMOBILECADILLAC Co. CAN BE A $3553 deal 100 NEWMAN SPRING RD. RED BANK 74 I -,09 10 1969 LTD! Caprice. Two door hqrrttop. Auto- Open Daily 'Til 6 P.M. — W.dnasday end matic trsminlitlon. Radio. HMtir. Pomr iteerino. Vbiyt roof, Friday 'Til 9 P.M. Saturday 'Til 5:30 $2332 CopyrloM mt Lw Shofler Qotildr A«V. In* EXCITEMENT CAN BE OUR UP-TIGHT PRICES

'68 COUNTRY SQUIRE $3295 '66 COLONY PARK $1995 •68 FORD HARDTOPS $2295 up •67 PONTIAC Leaded, 4,000 mll«j, VM factory warranty. 5-50 factory warranty. New and slightly used. ; Grond Prix convartlblt. Auto- '67 COUNTRY SQUIRE $2595 '66 COUNTRY SQUIRE $1950 •67 COUGAR $225(f motic trommfsslon. Radio. Hoattf. Automatic, powtr ttttrlng, air conditioned..'? Power stnrlng. Power brakes. Air conditioning. Six or ten passengtr. Six pautngtr. 5-50 factory warranty. Ah- condltlofwd. 5-50 factory warranty. '67 OLDSMOBILE $23?| $2772 '67 COLONY PARK $2595 OTHER MODELS Dtlta Custom two door hardtop, cdr condltteneoY Air conditioning. NIM poutngtr. 1969 FORDS 5-50 factory warranty. "64 FALCON SQUIRE $$95 '67 FORD HARDTOPS $1991 '67 CAMARO Twwo door hardtop. Automitomatlo c '67 COUNTRY SEDAN $2350 '68 FALCON $1795 '66 MUSTANG $1595 transmissionii . RadioRdi . Heater. Air conditioning. 1-50 factory warranty. Automatic, 5,000 mile*. Power stttrlng. Convertible, automatic, power iteerlng. V $2112 '66 COUNTRY SQUIRE $1995 '68 MUSTANG $2395 '66 BUICK ON SALE NOW! 10 patttnotr. £50 factory warranty. Bight cylinder, power steering. Electro E5, '67 BUICK •66 FORD HARDTOP Gran sport convertible. Automatic OVER 75 BRAND NEW FACTORY FRESH FOUR FLOORS OF FORDS transmlulon. Radio. Heattr. Pow- er stttrlng. $2332 FORDS-THUNDERBIRDS-MACH I's COBRA JETS-CTRY SQUIRE WAGONS MOUNT-ENGLISH '67 CAMARO MONMOUTH and MAPLE • RED BANK • SINCE 1904 • 741>600O Convertible. Automatic transmis- READY TO ROLL—COME IN AND GET YOUR DEAL NOW! sion. Radio. Heater. Power steering. Brand New 1968 Fords selling op to $1500 below $2112 original sticker prices . .'. look at some of those savings!! '67 PONTIAC AIR CONDITIONED Catallno. Two door stdan. Auto- FAIRLANE "500" matic transmission. Radio. Heattr. Power steering. 10-PASS. COUNTRY FASTBACK HDTP. Yott First... $1991 SQUIRE WAGON Vinyl Seats - Automatic - FULL PRICE 390 _ JV - Disc Brakes. FULL PRICE Radio - White Wall Tires - *< '67 CHEVROLET Seled Air Condition, White Under Coating — Power * Wall- Tires, Automatic - $ Steerlno. f Keeps Us First! Impalo sport coupe. Automatic Radio, Power Steering, etc. '2391 transmission. Radio. Heater. 3491 Power-stetrlng^vinyl roof. $2222 MUSTANG FORD F-250 STYLE SIDE PICK-UP Stop in today and get '66 CHEVELLE 2-DOOR HARDTOP Mallbg. Two door hardtop. Auto- «5xU Genuine 4-Ply WAN* « CyL Mpetd SM. HOxilJ FULL PRICE matic troninilsjion.' Powwr steer- RILL PRICE an outstanding deal Ing. Radio. Heater. Wall Tlrei - Automatic - $ Speed Tire. - Htavy Duty $1661 m — V-» - Bucktt Seats - Rear Serins* - Pointed Rear Radio - Power Steering. 2591 on every new and '66 CHEVROLET Impalo. Four door sedan. Auto- We're Selling matic transmlulon. Radio. Healer. OK used car in stock! Power steering. $1551 Out To The

'65 PONTIAC Bare Walls! BonnevlTle convertible. Automatic transmlulon. Radio. Healer. Power steering. Power brakes. USED CARS FOR LESS! COME SEE AND COMPARE! $1661 $400,000 USED CAR SALE STARTS TONIGHT! •67 FORD $2499 '65 CHEVROLET $1699 '65 FORD $999 '65 OLDSMOBILE 6 passenger Country Squirt Wagon. Impala convertible, red, V-l, auto- Falctfn Futura, Wnwleor hardtop, FI5. Four door sedan. Automatic matic, power steering, puff. automatic, radio and heater. transmission. Radio. Heater. Loaded, V-4, automatic, power steer- ing, etc. Putt. '64 T'lIRD $1599 '64 CHIVROLIT $ 999 $1111 •69 FORD $2399 Convertible. Full powtr. Equal to Van truck. 1969 IMPALA CUSTOM COUPE Mustang two-door hardtop, hill loc- new. lory equipment. '64 CHEVROLET $ 999 We know it's hird to pUau *v«ryono every time. But for 1969 '66 FALCON » $1499 Bel Air station wagon, era owner. '64 CHEVROLET -Futura, bucket seals. we've come «» close r. Automatic. White. Extra wheels Automatic. Power steering. Good con- ter. 666-8479. Johnson, 8 to 4 p.m. and snowa. Top condition. $1150. 291- 1961 CADILLAC — Sedan' DeViTieT 1 ZG87. dition. $800. 566-9394. 066 CHEVROLET Super Sport Con- 196S VOLKSWAGEN — Excellent con- many just-traded late rert!ble, 327, 4-speed. New brakes, Full power, factory air. Very ciean. dition, low mileage. Weekdays call Low OVERHEAD PRICE 1966 DODGE — Convertible Coronet 1965 BARRACUDA — Six-cylinder. Call 741-7565. . model used cars. Excellent condition. Power console on clutch, shocks, tires. Take over pay- after 5 p.m. Weekends anytime. 842- Power ' brakes, »teertog. Folly floor. Lists at $1100, will sacrifice. ments of 31200 plus $31)0 cash. Call 1B58 CHEVROLET — Four-door auto- 5695. • Here's an opportunity equipped. Factory air. Private owner. Call evenings or weekends, 842-0995. between 4-7 p.m. 787-2112. matic. Radio, heater. $100. 787-0332 31,000 milei. S1850. 741-5110. after 4 p.m. 1965 OLDSMOBILE 98 — Four-door and Save Yourself a Bundle! to buy quality cars at 1068 RED CAMARO — Convertible 1966 CHEVROLET WAGON — Nine sedan. Power steering, power brakes 250. Six cylinder automatic. Take passenger. Caprice model. Immacu- 1866 CAMLLAC COUPE de VILLK Radio, heater. Tape deck. Executive discount prices. AUTOS FOR SALE over payments. After 5 call 222-8273. ate condition. One owner. 741-4528. {3,000 car. Beautiful lnstde and «ut. 671-2643 Call after 6 p.m. 842-4285 1939 FORD COUPE 1962 TRIUMPH — Red with white top. 1965 PONTIAC — Four-door hardtop. ALL CARS FULLY Make good stock car. 5350 Btandard tour-speed. A-l. Call 568- 1962 FORD SQUIRE WAOON Automatic. Full equipped. 'Reasonably.' 842-0697 after 5 p.m. 0278 after 6 p.m. Immaculate. Asking $600. priced. One Owner J1075. Call 222-3188 oSUARANTEED 291-2968 until 5 p.m. After, 222-2040. McCARthy J9B4 OPAL KADETT — Two-door. 33 1966 LeMANS — Two-door hardtop. )nlleB per gallon. Low mileage. Like V-8. Four-speed. Bucket seats. Radio. 1968 VOLKSWAQEK" — Squlreback. new. Asking $550. 842-«21!>. Excellent condition. Call after 3 p.m.Like new. 6500.miles. Must sell. Call (More Classified Ads WARREN 291-3185. 842-541T. rCHEVROLET i 1959 CADILLAC — Four-door aedan 1966 PONTIAtf GTO — Automatic AUTOS FOR SALE De Vllle. Fully equipped. All power. transmission. Gold. $1700. Pbone af- On The Next Page) OLDS Call alter 5, 264-5682. ter 6 p.m. 787-1239 lour Low Overhead Dealer — First Avc., Atlantic Highlands 84 So. Main St., Asbury Park AUTQS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE 775-4670 % 291 -HOI Open Evenings 'til S A Word fo the CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE BROADWAY AT 4TH 222-1234 LONG BRANCH Wise !i Sufficient MONMOUTH CHttYSLER PLYMOUTH .... Take Over MONMQUTH CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH n Low Weekly Payments We've got the new one 1967 TRIUMPH $13.20 Splttlre roadster . »• m 1966 GTO $16.60 • Convertible V4, automatic, power. _1966 GTO $16.80 • Coupe, vinyl root, V-S automatic, • power. 1966 MUSTANO $13.20 6 cyl., auto., radio & heater, coupe. _Jl966 MUSTANG $12.80 • Convertible V-S, atrllght •tick, _ radio, heater., • i960 CHEVROLET $16.10 1 Caprice, 360 engine 4-speed. 1966 CHEVROLET $10.00 __ 'Bel Air 4 dr. radio ft heater, auto- • * matlc. • ' " FACTORY OUTLET 11966 IMPALA $14.40 Conv. V-8, double power, low mile- age. J1965 BUICK $13.10 a' B< door LeSabra hardtop, automatic, • double power. 1065 FORD «. $15.10 _ LAST OF THE 68'S Country Suulre wagon, 10 pusen- • ger, radio * heater, automatic, tull power. 1965 LINCOLN H6.20 Continental four-door factory air, — fully equipped. v , '1 • 1965 FORD "$13.10a HURRY WHILE • Falrlane 600, aportf ooupe, » cyl.. • • auto., power. - _ THEY LAST! 1965 PONTIAC $13.10 • • Bonnevllle 4 dr. Hardtop. Factory ~ • air, Full power. SAVE HUNDREDS NOW! = 1964 BUICK . $14.601 • Riviera, factory air, loaded. • • 1961 CHEVROLET $10.10 • Impala two-door hardtop, V-S au- — tomatlc, power. 11964 CHRYSLSm $12.10 - Nevr Yorker, 9 p&asenffer wagon, • _ full pbwfer, roof rack. "~ p • l96< OLDSMOBILE $12.12 • Jetscar I, V-8, automatic, double1 power, buckets. L 1964 PLYMOUTH »9.W| I Fury 6 passeng-er wagoo. V-8, auto- Corolla "matlc power. 1964 PONTIAC , $11,801 m4 door hardtop. Double power, ra- per Bdln, heater. 11964 T-B1RD $10.10 Convertible, Full power, automatic. Come in and check the shape, ••I • 1964 CHEVROLET • $12.10 _ DOWN • Mailbu. 9 pass, waron. 8 cyl., auto-1 mo. matic. Power steering. "" _ 1964 CHEVROLET $ 8.60 • Bel Alre, 6 cyl., radio & heater. _ the statistics.., 11964 CHRYSLER t T.M I New Yorker, sedan, full power. 1964 PONTIAC $ B.80 Catalina 4 door, sedan, auto., full power. m 30 miles to the gallon- 1964 CHEVROLET $12.10 s. Station Wagon, Bel Alre, V-8, au-• tomatlc double power. • 1984 CHEVROLET $ 8.M • 60 horses-up to 87mph Impala 4 dr. Sedan, 9 cyl.» stick, FURY III, ^DR. SEDAN • radio and heater. • 1963 PONTIAC $11.60 • Radio, heater,, automatic, power Grand Prix, tull power, factory air. '88 PLYMOUTH • 1983 CHEVROLET $9.10 Steering, light package, bumper • Bel Air wagon, six cylinder, auto- matic. • guards, whitewall tires, wheel _ 1963 RAMBLER $1.80 • 660 wagon, six cylinder, automatic, coven and all standard power steering, roof rack. • factory equipment. B1963 CADILLAC $14.10 • ™4 dr. Hardtop, 7 way power. Fac-Z ' Many colon to tory alrj • 1962 Od.bSMOBILE $ 7.B0 • choose from! Super 88, wagon, tull power, air • cond. • Hardtop* t> 1961 OLDS $ 6.20 • Air-Con- 98 Town Sedan Radio * Beater, • automatic, full power. Z ditioned 15 TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS • Models Avail- MONMOUTH able •AUTO EXCHANGE! ^- CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH J65 Moplt Av«. (Rf. 35) 700 RT. 36, EATONTOWN • 5425SOO ' Red Bank. N. J. 747-3930 ••••••••••••••••!• More Buick owners than ever before are selling Buicks for us — J we will finance Because we give more people more good things to say about us. OVER 200 CARS USED CAR MUM AT ALL TIMES Used Car Customers find Plenty of good things too. 1968 CHEVROLET Impala custom. Two door sport 1965 BUICK Wildcat, 4 door hardtop, auto, trans., PRICES WERE NEVER LOWER!! coupe. Vinly top. Air conditioned. AN power. radio and heater, power steering and brakes. •47 CADILLAC $5497 '66 BtllCK $1897 •45 CHRYSLER $1597 •44 CHRYSLER $ 9»7 Equipped i $2799 $1799 Eldorado 2 door, air conditioned, Wildcat 4 door hardtop, automatic 4 door Newport, air conditioned, Newport 4 door sedan, automatic, full power, wheel covers, WW tires. automatic, power steering, power power steering, WW tires, wheel 1965 BUiCK Electra 225, 4 door sedan, auto, trans., full, power, vlrt/J root, leather In- covers, R&H. Extra Clean I 1967 BUICK Custom El.etra Conv. AM/FM Stereo terior. •66 CHRYSLER $1897 brakes, WW tires, wheel covers. Radio, air condition. Tilt steering wheel. Door radio, air cond., power door locks. $1799 •47 DODGE $2797 New Yorker M door hardtop, air •45 BUICK $1297 •64 TEMPEST $ 9»7 Monaco 500, 3 door hordlop, air conditioned, automatic, power steer- 4 door, automatic, power steering, LeMans 2 door, automatic on cot^ loclci, all power options. $3499 1965 BUICK Skylark. 2 door sport coupe, V-8 engine, conditioned, foil power, vinyl roof, ing, brokes, R&H, WW tires. power brakes, R&H, WW tires, sole, bucket seats, power steering, bucket seats, auto, trans., power steer. $1599 bucket seals, / wheel coven, . R&H. 1967 CHEVY CIO 8 ft. '/> ton pick up, V-8 auto, •66 PLYMOUTH $1897 1965 BUICK Skylark Grand Sport, 2 door hardtop, 47 CHRYSLER $2297 VIP 2 door hardtop, air conditioned, •45 FORD ..: $1297 •M CHRYSLER ...r $ 9?7 trans., power steering, custom cab, stainless Newport 3 door hardtop, oylomollc, full power, vinyl roof. Falrlane 500 station wagon, auto- Newport convertible. Law mileage, high performance V-8 engine, bucket seats, matic, power steering, roof rack, exceptionally clean. steel, rails, radio, heater, positive rear. $1799 lull power. •66 PONTIAC $1897 R&H. auto, trans, in center console. Wide oval tires, "47 CHEVROLET $2197 Grand PrJx 2 door hardtop,. full '44 PLYMOUTH WON. $ 8*7 1967 BUICK Custom Electra, 4 door hardtop, vinyl Ifnpala 4 door hardtop, air condi- power, bucket seats. •45 RAMBLER $ 997 Fury Station wagon. Automatic, chrome plated wheels, power steering. .,$1699 tioning, power steering, automatic, American 2 door. Economical six. power steering, radio, heater. top, air condition, radio, alec, antenna, power RJ.H. Wheel covers, wrV tires. '4C&HEVROLET $1497 1964 BUICK Station Wagon. Air conditioned. Pow- •45 FORD $ 997 *4 PONTIAC $ «»7 windows and teat door locks $3499. Impala 4 door, automatic, power Two door sedan. Excellent trans- er steering. Brakes, luggage rack $1299 •47 MGB GT $2197 steering, R&H, WW tires. Catallno convertible, automotlc, 2 door sedan. Exceptionally clean, portation, well kept. power steering, WW tires, R&H. 1966 FORD Galaxie 500, 4 door sedan, V-8 engine, 1964 .CHRYSLER Newport 4 door sedan, auto, trans., low mfleoqe. (46 MUSTANG $1297 '44 DODGE $1497 •64 OPEL .$ 497 •47 DODGE $2197 2 door hardtop, automatic, power Coronet 9-pass. station wogon, uuto- > auto, trans., radio, heater, power steering, power steering and brakes. R4H...: $ 999 Polara 4 door sedan, full power, steering, bucket seats, sport wheels, motlc, power steering, R&H, root 2 door sedan, VERY ECONOMICAL. vinyl interior .» : ...... % 1599 4964 PONTIAC Catalina 4 door sedan, auto, trans., low mileage. WW tires. •63 IMPERIAL .....$1197 •47 PLYMOUTH $1897 •46 RAMBLER ...$1297 '44 VOLKSWAGEN LeBaron 4 door hardtop, dual air 1966 PONTIAC GTO, 2 door hardtop, bucket seats, power steering and brakes. R&H. $1099 Belvedere II 2 door hardtop, power Rebel 2 door hardtop, bucket scots, Micro bus.. Exceptionally clean, low conditioning, lull power, low mile- 1964 BUICK Electra 225 conv., auto, trans., power steering, automatic, R&M, WW tires. fully equipped, power, etc. mileage. age, extra clean I floor shift, standard trans., radio, heater, >67 RAMBLER S1A97 '66 VOLKSWAGEN $ 997 '44 OLDSMOBILE $1097 power steering $1799 steering and brakes, windows, seat. Tinted Rebel 2 door hardtop, fully 2 door. Wagon. Air conditioned, automatic, windshield -. $1499 power steering, power brakes. 1966 CHEVY Impala Conv., V-8 engine, auto, trans., equipped, low mileage, '45 CADILLAC $2297 1964 OPEL KADETT, two door sedan. R&H $ 599 •47 FORD $1497 DeVille, 2 door hardtop, automatic. '44 CHEVROLET $1097 '61 to'63 Models! radio, power steering and brakes, white wall power steering, power brakes, fully Impala 4 door hardtop, automatic, 1963 PONTIAC Catalina 4 dr. sedan, V-8 engine, Falrlane "500" automatic, WW, equipped. 40 In Stock tires - $ 1799 wheel covers. power steering, RAM, wheel covers, auto, trans., R&H. White wall tires $ 899 •44 CHRYSLER $1997 '45 CHRYSLER $1697 WW tires. All Makes 1966 BUICK Custom Electra, two door hardtop, vinyl "300" 2 door hardtop, olr condi- New Yorker, air conditioned, power •44 PLYMOUTH $ 997 1963 CHRYSLER New Yorker, 4 dr. sedan, auto. tioned, full power, bucket stats, steering, power brakes, low mllMfle* Fury 5totlon wagon, automatic, From top, air condition, pow.r windows, 6 way seat, exceptionally clean I trans., power steering, brakes. Radio, white vinyl root. power steering, RS.H. Won't loitl AM/FM radio , $2599 LARGEST STOCK OF 1969 , wall tires $ 999 CHRYSLRS «• PLYMOUTHS 1966 BUICK Wildcat convertible, automatic trans., 1963 CHEVY II Nova, 4 dr. station wagon, auto, IN MONMOUTrt COUNTY! In Monmourh County, See Us For .. power steering, brakes and radio $1999 Termi From trans., RAH, power steering. '. $ 799 1965 VOLKSWAGEN station wagon, 1963 CADILLAC, 2 door hdtp., DeVille vinyl top, air ft MONEY '69 TOYOTA ,B,y $1597 PO U DOWN! radio and heater $1099 cond., R&H, power windows and seat $1299 tir TO TO 4-YRS. PAY! NO PAYMENTS 'TIL DECEMBER MOTORS IMMEDIATE "THE DEALERSHIP WHERE THE CUSTOMER IS IMPORTANT" Dinvmr v-r CHRYSIER . PLYMOUTH 1969 CHRYSLERS BUICK-OPEL 7OO RT. 36, EATONTOWN 542-5500 PLYMOUTHS HWY. ,,»„„ 264-4000 KEYPORT * " l "icross froni M V Inspection Stjtiuii I 4 Mile East Of Mciinioulh S'lu^i'iiqCeiirtr 26-THE DAILY REGISTER, Friday. November 1, 1968 AUTOS FOR iALB LOU URNER * JIRRY lAMtATTA ARI OPBL KADETT — KM. Red. low 1MT CAKAHO — Tiro-ioor ,h»r«loD/ AUTOS FOB SALE mlletie. Excellent ;u saver. Fully VlnyL 3»o h.p. engine. Two tan RACK TO WORK AGAIN TO GET AUTOS FOR SALE equipped. Aeitlai tMO». . CeJCaJtBt T41«0T. Urea. Oood oosolUoB. IU0O, i RXMBLBR 1MT - Rebell two-door afUr '• o.m. RID OF INVENTORY BEFORE SNOW * AUTOMATIC UM CHKVSUJI SUM—Pour tM«d. hardtop. Vinyl root. Automatic Pow- Bucket seats, power steering. Cal er steering, tedlo. henter, Ito. Line 1M1 VOLKSWAOKN BUg — «iw in- tMt ObevT n. Four-door. ajga, daya T41-8754, nights 642-2MS. new, Cell Ur. Cufar, H2-BI gin« an4.tlrea. Call M4-J039 M nt- WERNER'S D0D6E 1W7 BUICK — Viry low mileage 1666 IMPALA WAOON -^Power. 38. PLYMOUTH-CHRYSLER BeWort • J Like sew. After > p.m. Call 842 000 miles. Excellent condition. After 1965 CHEVROLBT Impala ooBvert- 4630. • p.m. call (71-9253. lnle. Tahltlaa turquoise, white top. IBM MOB—Convertible. Wire wheels New battery. Under a year ruataa- Snow tire*, gtebro exhaust, transistor W83 CORVBTTU iTINO RAY — Con 1953 OLDSMOBILK (8 WAOON — tee. Complete wiring, oarburetor and DIRECT Ignition. Black with red leather Inte- vertlble. 32T, 3M h.p. Four speei Very 100A condition. (M0. Call ><•• exhaust system, 283-automaUa, power rior. Excellent condition. J1600. Bve.. Hunt. 12200, no Ills. Call 071-309: 4368 •teerlng. Less than a yiar on IBOxU 566-«2«. after « p.m. 1955 FORD — *38. tMl Bulok, *7«. Flreitonei. Excellent condition. tUW FACTORY OUTLET! 1953 CHRY8LER, S75. 1653 Plymouth 8(2-1213. AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE 1948 Plymouth, «?0 pair. 229-2211. 1983 MBBCURY MBTBOR »3»Two \ 5 YEAR WARRANTY QUALITY USED CARS VOLK8WAOUIT 19M — ConverUble. door hardtop. Automatic! tranemu- Factory maintained. Radio. Excellent alon, V-8, power iteerlng, excellent overall condition. Call 787-3380, ask Interior. Bxlerlor needs paint work. for Qeorie Below wholesale, aiWnf I47J, Call 74T-101T. 5 YEARS TO PAY 19B1 LARK — Red conrirUbll. Bllht- '68 BUICK 'ft CHEVROLET $1595 cyllnder, automatic, flood mechanical 19M V0LK8WAOBN CAMPER — J-door, coup*, Cylinder, yellow Impala, Super Sport. Fully equipped. •ondlUon. 741-4961. Custom Interior complete. A-l. llust ON ANY CARSOLD and black. 1,000 miles. Niw car be ie>n to appreciate. 741-,OO41. guarantn. 1887 ohDBHOBSLX — CuUus Su- '65CORVAIR $995 preme. Factory air, power •tiering, 1865 PONTIAC — 2 Plus S convert- irakes. Auto-console. (2000. 531-9969. ible, 421 motor, 4-apeed, bucket aeats, '68 CHEVROLET $2595 Morug, coup*, *Vipetd transmission, BOB WHITE BUICK power steering, power brakes. la ONLY 12 1968 LEFTOVERS white. Low mlltafl*. BUICK SPECIAL 1968 — silver mlit. great aliape. 493-8507. *• V-8. Btlolr nlm passenger wogon. 21,000 miles. Excellent condition. Ca.ll Fully equipped. Power steering. 842-3ST«, 1987 CAMARO — six cylinder, auto- and 8 DEMOS Niw car guarantee. '65 CHEVROLET $1595 matic transmission. Bucket . Beats, Eight cylinder. Impala sport coupe. 19«J BONNEVnjJD CONVBRTDLB console. Many extras. Low mileage. Fully equipped. Power steering. —Ooed condition. 1200, Phone 187-1907 Will sacrifice. Call 2M-317J., CHOOSE YOUR OWN DEAL! after 5 p.m. '67 CHEVY II $1995 Fully guarantied. OPEL - KADETT 1663 CHBVY U — Utation wagon. Nova, station wagon, fully equipped, 1903 DODOU DART — Convertible 61,000 miles. Dlainbstlc tested. New K PLYMOUTH M PLYMOUTH Niw car Guarantee. GT. Big six. Radio, heater. Automat- enow tires. 1800. 741-W93. ic W25. Call 842-1003. Barracuda Sport Coupe Fury III Hardtop '65 PONTIAC $1595 19S4 FORD OALAXIB XL - Two- Bonnevllle Sport Coupe. Fully 1981 BUICK — L« Babre, (350. door hardtop. Call after 6 p.m. 222- it CHEVROLET ol CHRYSLIR' '67 CAMARO $1995 equipped. Power steering. Fully Phone Nova i Newport Hardtop Convtrtlbli, 6-cyllnder, standard guaranteed. 291-0449 after 5. transmission, radio and hwrttr. BUICK 1965 — Le Sabre, four-door "Fin Engine Red", Mint condition. 1988 TEMPEST — Low mileage. hardtop, Power steering and' brakei. <5 OLDSMOIILI it FORD Niw car auarantit. j '65 BUICK $1695 Vinyl roof. New car warantee. Leav- Extra enow tlrjis. Excellent condition. } Dr. Hardtop Sedan Country Squirt Wogon (1 V8. Grand sport convertible. Fully ing for Vietnam. 291-0274 after »• Retired executive, -449-8650. •quipped. Power steirlng, "Mint I960 PONTIAC convertible *185. 19611963 CORVETTE —Convertible. Two «4 IUICK 47 CHEVROLET '67 CADILIAC $4895 condition." Chevrolet Impala (195. Call after 5, tops. Excellent condition. (1200. Phone Electro Convertible Impala Station Wogon Coupt DeVUte, Fire engine red with 264-6453. ' , .. . between 9 and 6, • 671-5292. black vinyl top and block leather 1962 CHEVROLET — Convertible, 1964 BUICK 8PECIAL — Convertible. Interior. Fully powered Including air '64 CHEVROLET $1195 Muat eell. Beat offer. Call 45 PLYMOUTH 47 PLYMOUTH condition, 18,000 mitts. New car One owner. Asking 1900. Phona Fury III convertible Furv Convertible Blscayne, V-9, itotion woflon, fully 747-0051 741-3585. guarantee. tqulpped. 19«7 FIAT — SSO COUPB 19S7 PONTIAC Tempest Custom. Full Call after 5:30 power, air conditioned, snow tires. S YEARS TO PAY — NO MONEY DOWN '67 OLDSMOBILE $2395 '64 CHEVELLE $1195 ' 506-0(10 Cream puff. 12,350. 842-231T. Cutloss Supreme Coupe, fully Convertible, white/ fully equipped In- 1966 PONTIAO — atatlon vagon. Cat- 1963 CHEVROLET — Sports coupe. tqulpped, bucket seat». A low milt- cluding power steering allna. t pasienger. Whltewall tlrei. Air conditioned. All power. IBM. Call age beauty with a new car guaran- Power steering, air brakei. Air con- Molly Pitcher Hotel, 747-2500, Rm. 35, BAYSHORE Jee. '66 BUICK $1895 ditioned. Original owner. 747-9376. Sat. or Sun. LeSabre convertible, fully equipped 1965 PONTIAO OTO—Two-door eport 1366 CUSTOM Chevrolet Sports Van. Including power steering and coupe, maroon, good condition. 4- Call '67 CHEVELLE $1995 •peed of( floor. Special wheel'. Owner 264-3064 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH Super Sport, convertible, fully brakes. Red. attending college. JISOO. 787-1040. .equipped. 1965 CHEVROLBT Impala two-dool FIRST AVENUE ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS 1983 OHEVY II NOVA — Convertible. sport coupe; Automatic, six cylinder, '66 CHEVELLE $1795 S£E THEM TODAY AT New tires. <3ood condition. Beet oiler. power steering. Good condition. fl,» Phone 747-1812 after 0 p.m. m-9200 229-4790 '66 CHEVROLET $1795 Mallbu, station wagon, fully 175. Call 5661720. VI. Impala sport coupe. Folly •quipped. Fully guaranteed. 1M4 VOLKSWAGEN — One ownet' 1968 ROAD RUNNER — 8,000 miles. equipped. Power steering. Fully Phone Stick. Extras. Must sell. Getting •••• guaranteed. ' '65 CHEVY II $ 995 542-2443 after 5:30 • married. Call 671-3355 after 6 p.n Nova, sport coupe, standard trans- BOB WHITE BUICK PONTIAC 1968 STATION WAOON — , '66 TEMPEST $1695 mission, rodlo and .heater. AUTOS FOR SALE Executive model with wood slde~~ Six cylinder. Custom deluxe four .SHREWSBURY AVE. NEW SHREWSBURY panels, air conditioning, tefir». door hardtop. Fully equipped. Power matte, power steering, power braSree •' steering. Economical/ sporty and a '62 LINCOLN $ 995 and many other accessories. 462- . family car. Continental. Fully equipped Includ- 741-6200 5563. ing air conditioning. A beautiful, RED BANK 1063 BUICK RIVIERA — Excellent well kept luxury car. condition. Full power. Original owner. BOB WHITE BUICK '65 FORD XL $1295' AUTO IMPORTS J1O0O. Call 842-2317. V-eV Convertible. Bucket sears. 1861 RAMBLER — J200. Call Molly Maroon. ' Fully ' equipped. Fully '62 CADILLAC $1195 Pitcher Hotel, 747-2500, Rmu 38, Bat Just a fraction of the original cost will buy guaranteed. Sport coupe. Beautiful. Fully or Sun, ^^ •quipped. USED CARS 1964 VOLKSWAOEN—Red. Low mile, any of these Luxury Laden Values. But don't '65 CHEVROLET $1695 A USED CAR age. Excellent condition. fNO firm. V-9. Impala. Six passenger wagon. '61 C0RVA1R $395 IMPORTED Call 229-6161. judge without looking first. You'll see what Fully tqulpped. Power steering. Excellent condition. Motor lust THUNDEBBIRD 1967—Landau, four. Fully guaranteed. . completely overhauled. door, alr-condltloned. Silver (ray, we mean. That Won't Freeze Up '68 VOLKSWAGEN blue Interior. 13,000 miles. 13600. /Blue. Two door. Save many a^llors,,. Phone 747-2573. —MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM— THUNDERBIRD — 1967, blue Lan- In The Winter? '68 VOLVO $2350 dau. Full power, air. 16,500 miles. 141 S. Two door. Green. Radio Asking 12,995. Call 842-2940. '67 BUICK ELECTRA $- and hiatir. 1990 PLYMOUTH — Sport suburban Low Down Payment — Bank Financing station wagon, V8, autematlc. very good running condition. With enow __ "225" Sport" Coups, white. '67 TOYOTA $1595 tires. Phone 671-1490. Brown stotlon wooon. Four door. Dovt vinyl interior. Overdrive. Radio and heater. % VOLKSWAGEN $1295 TRUCKS FOR SALE 1863 FORD window van, white. Take Two door sedan. One owner. over low monthly paymenta. Call M4- Rodlo and healer. 8451. ; . '68 CHEVROLET CAPRICE 1961 CHEVROLET — PIcktlD true*. Sport Coupe. Air conditioned. '64 VOLVO $11951 Very good condition. Phone MULLER 122 S. Two door. One owner. II 291-1625 Yellow. Rodlo and heater. II 1966 — \ ton Chevrolet pickup? Fleetslde. Call HWY.34 '64 FIAT, $595 291-3961 ra. We Have a Lot of Them! 1952 CHEVROLET pickup truck. $150. Four door sedan. Rebuilt motor. Call after 5. ' '67 BUfCK SKYLARK $- MATAWAN They're called Volkswagen* ... and wa guarantee them 264-6453 , , 566-8000 all 100% which will repair or replace all major mechanical '63 RENAULT $ 495 1960 CHEVROLET BT.EP VAN—Ideal Sport Coupe. V-8, Automatic R8. Four door sedan. Rodlo & heater. tor sportsman or businessman. Ask. parts* for 30. days or 1,000 miles, whichever comas first. .Ing *KS. 542-6216. , , . transmission, power steering. Why won'* they freen up7 They've got air cooled '62 VOLKSWAGEN $ 595 1964 INTERNATIONAL SCOUT — anginas |usr like the new ones. ' - , Two door. Radio and heater. 4x4 body with, snowplow. ITour wneet 'engine, transmission, rear axle, front axla assemblies, brake drive, low mileage. 7*1-4183 after* p.m. system, electrical system. '62 VOLVO $895 1952 OMC bait ton window wag' 122S. Four door. Rodlo ond heater. Rum • good. Four extra tires. < '66 BONNEVILLE H*3 MERCURY . *™U.U;-..- $ 7»S One owner. Call Kl-3750. 1964 FORD % ton pickup. Excellent Four door hardtop, turquoise. Monterey, four cfoor, radio, healer, automatic power, alr-condltloned. running condition, good tiree. Pri- 196J CHEVROLET ...... --...$ *»0 '62 VOLVO $795 vate party, must sell nowl (TOO. 233* Power steering and brakes. Corvalr Monta, twfrOoor, four-speed, radio, heater. S44. Two door. Four ipeed. 72T4. 19M BUICK : : $11 »S DOMESTIC Skylark convertible, radio, heater, automatic, power. MOTORCYCLES 1»64 CHEVROLET -•- —:.S11S0 Impolo Super Sport. Two-door hardtop, radio, heater, automatic power. '67 FORD $1850 SUZUKI '66 BUICK RIVIERA $< Bronco. Four wheel drive. Hardtop. Headquarters for Monmouth County. IMS FORD ; _....™...j.._..v....;_ .'.SUN Snow plow. AH modeli and colors in stock. Turquoise, air conditioned. Mustang, two-door hardtop, radio, heater, automatic, slx^yllnder. BILL LANZARO'S. ~~ Fall-power; TOCL1AR THE WAY FOR MERCURY _..>. $1395 '66 PONTIAC $1895 AUTO SALES.INC. Monterey four-door, radio, heater, automatic, power. GTO convertible All power. Yellow. On* owner—- ._ 334 Haln St. 586-2334 MaUwan H0nr^zs 1967 SUZUKI 250 cc Like new. MORE '69 TRADE-INS! Caprice, two-door hardtop, radio, heater, automatic, power. Call '66 FORD $1195 787-5205 '47 POMTIAC CATAUrU Our acre of like new uiad can i» bulging with late model 19M FORD CUSTOM - $1395 Futura. v-», 289. .Two door. Three trad« ~- and more are on the w«y. The '69 Chryslers an* - Custom "500" Tudor, radio, heater, automatic, power, stacyllnder. ^ speed transmission. Four door, bronze, automatic Plymouths art tailing at an unprecedented rat* — We need 19*1 VOLKSWAGEN ;...$ 79J MOBILE HOMES mor» room" {or fraih trades and we art taking a little Ins Sedan, white, radio, heater. (3) '65 CHEVROLET $1295 transmission, power steering. 19«2 VOLKSWAGEN $ 195 Belalr. Four door station wagon. REAVES to mova thaia beauties nowl Full power. V-8. Sunroof, turquoise, heater. I960 MODELS OK DI8PLAT 1*63 VOLKSWAGEN •. $ 995 '65 RAMBLER $995 1988 MODEL!) DRASTIC REDUCTION . FRESH '69 TRADE-INS Sedan, gray, radio, heater. Four door. M0 classic. Six cylinder. AaJlle • Travelmaiter - Terry (•> HILo '67 BUCK WILDCAT $< 19*4 VOLKSWAGEN »1«»9 All power. Chateau - Trot Wool . Duke Wanderer 'it Dodge Charger '64 Buiek Special Sedan, white, radio, heater. Motor Home and Truck Damper . Sport Coupe. Air conditioned, Aralon Motor Home • Amerigo Truck Maroon, J door hardtop, VI, White, 4 door sedan, V8, with radio 19*5 VOLKSWAGEN ..'. $1095 '64 CHEVROLET $595 Camper. loaded. . • «rtwiotle, S90AA Sedan, black, radio, heater. Corvalr Monia convertible, 4-speed. 174J Rt. SJ (200* W. ot LaurlltOB transmission aCOUU Z. *775 19*5 VOLKSWAGEN $1095 '63 MERCURY $495 Circle) Brlcktown, Open 8 a.m. • 19M VOIKSWASISedanN , Bahama blue, radio_,Ui heater.... 9 p.m. Mon.-Bat 199-4053. Four door. All power. Air. '67 Chryiltr Custom '67 Pontlae Carolina i Sedan, green, radio, heater. .:....$! 350 VAGABOND MOBILE HOME — 101 Four door sedan, V», outo. trant., 19** VOLKSWAGEN -...$1350 '62 CADILLAC $ 795 '67 BUICK LeSABRE Newport Sedan, black, radio, heater. 54, completely (urnlshed. One bed- power steering and brakes with Fieefwood. Full power. Air. room, full Rlge bath, kitchen, II' llv* Sport Coupe. Marpon, custom Green, auto, trans., power steering 19it KARMANN GHIA _ ...._..; . ...$1595 ing .room. Radiant heat by gun type and brakes, recllner seat and Coupe, green, radio, heater. furnace, automatically controlled. black vinyl interior. factory air conditioning '62 FORD $ 295 Alr-condltloning and patio awnlnf. '2375 19*7 VOLKSWAGEN _ _...$1995 Golaxle 500 XL convertible. Power. Call 542-2733 alter 6:30 p.m. cona*trlonlna Needs minor repairs. Squarebock,sedan, blue, rodlo, heater, roof reck. t 1888 TRAVEL TRAILER - IT. new. •66 Chevy Impala Bleeps six. Refrigerator, atovi, oven, '67 Plymouth Fury III 4 Door Hardtop ****** SPECIAL OF THE WEEKIIU toilet, heater. 281-0S96. '66 BUICK LeSABRE $' Blue 1 door hardtop, VB, auto, troni., transmission, RED BANK 12x60 — Two bedrooms, like new. Blue, VI, automatic transmission, 1965 VOLKSWAGEN $ Call altor 5 p.m., Sport Coupe. Beige, air power steering S*1*)AA Nlne-pauengir bus. Red/while. Rodlo, heat- 787-3212. and brakes ; ZafUU "1695 er, whltewqlj ejlres. UM37. 1195 NORRIB TRAVEL TRAHJBR — W conditioned. Hearing AUTO IMPORTS self-contained. Sacrifice. Will tax* tent trailer in trade. Phone 543-3820. '67 Plymouth GTX H.T. '66 Buiek LeSabre MONMOUTH COUNTY'S OLpEST and LARGEST Green, 4 door, vfc outo. iron., Monmouth County's Import Leader Green, auto, trans., with 440 engine, AUTHORIZED VOLKSWAGEN DEALER WANTED AUTOMOTIVE power steering Newman Springs Rd\, Rid Bank '64 BUICK SKYLARK and brakes JUNK CARS — Towed tret. Call Ray '2250 SHREWSBURY MOTORS, Inc. Hyer. Sport Coup*. Showroom new. '65 Ford Country Squire 787-6774 '66 Chrysler Newport ! SHREWSBURY AVE. 741-8500 SHREWSBURY 741-5886 CASH FOR USED CARS — Truck*, 29,000 miles. Block, i passenger, VI wagon, auto, foreign or domestic Dean, opposite 1495 Blue, 4 door sedan, auto, from,, tram., power S1OC Two Ouys. Mlddletown. WASTED-FEMALE HELP WAJVTED-MALE HELP WANTED-MALE Frid»y, November 1,1968~2f a.p. ChryslerTHesd, new COLUMBIA YACHTS ..' SLIPCOVERS THE DAILY REGISTER \ > radio. Good condition. TO« YAOHT SHOP •ore, 180, chair 118, with row ma ; sale. WOW. 222-8083 Cttr 8. "•> UM Ocean Ave., Bee. Briiht 8C-191S fabric. Free welting, itppers, or ever- II* UFO—HtaitlH runabout. 7« h.P. WANTBD FIBEROILAS SAILBOAT — locking. Fabrics also available. Celt BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES iohnsoiohnon electriectric start, trailer. ExEx- IS' to 301 note. Must fit reaeonevbie. anytime 671-23M. GIRL-WOMAN trast . ExcellenEllt t shapeh . (975(975 . CalCll 741741- Call 7t7«06 after *'r weekdays. SHOP FOREMAN INSURANCE BUSINESS aBITWO RUBBER STAMPS — Made to order. TOO TOUGH? Interested In retire- COMET SAILBOAT — Hull complete- Fast, efficient service. Use at home of mentT Tired of constant comraliilon BUSSHuX BUK.T JBRSEY BPEBD ly overhauled, re-canvassed and business. Call 741-3227 or 787-2403. cuts? We would like to discuss buy-" SKIFF — C«ll 711-7758 before noon or painted. Complete with tilt-bed trail- NEEDED IMMEDIATELY ~ Ing ?our agency-ve're located In Bay- alter 6 p.m. er/ Phone 741-5873. LIGHT TRUCKING AND DELIVERIES William Abrams BARB OPPORTUNITY FOR RELIABLE INDIVIDUAL shore Area, Replies confidential,; r HYDROPLANE — With 10 h.p.Iff WHITBHOU8E Fiberglu runabout 220-2SU Good with figures, to work in payroll department Principals only. State volume.- Wrile Mercury engine. All In excellent con- with windshield, steering wheel and FAMILIAR WITH SHEET METAL FABRICATION. KN0WL- Box G-182, The Sally Register, Red dition. Call TM-i355. cover, 1300. Call 842-3654. 3.C. THUCKJNO — unit hauling and Bank. odd Jobs. Clean cellars, yards and lib* Experience preferred. CORSAIR W Sloop — 1967. Sleeps «. 18' COABT SKIFF — 95 h.p Inboard rages. Call 542-2728. EDGE OF SHEARING, STAMPING, BENDING, WELDING HOME REMODELING CONTRAO -• Genoa, wlaohw, B.2 Chrysler electric, engine. Good bass boat J400. TOR — Needs mason sub-contractor,: apesdometer, depth (latter, dinghy, 291-0009. FURNITURE HOVXNO — Attlos and Call ESSENTIAL. REPLIES CONFIDENTIAL WRITE BOX H-lll, or Is willing to set-up enterprising Hint Dacrons, head, galley, electric- cellars oleaaed. Free estimates. Call mason worker in his own business. •KTtotrtrMM . M9»M00. 1888 60 h.p. MERCURY — Three new THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK. Call 741-5060. . • THE 1TACHT SHOP gaa tankfl plus oontioli, $370 or best offer. Call 291-2885. TYP'N'COPY 542-5000, Ext 34, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. CONFECTIONERY STORE FOR UM Ocean Are., Sea Bright 812-1013 IBM Executive Typing and Mlmeo SALE — Selling because of health. 22' TROJAN CABIN CHUI8BR — Resumes- Letters • Report! M8-430J 264-9749 for appointment Stand up head. Sleeps three. Full gal- AUTOS FOR SALE ley. New top, engine and bunk cuah- EMPLOYMENT AGENCY — Eitsb- Ions. J150O firm price. 229-3922. DON'T WAIT llshsd clientele. Central N.J. city. Bring*. In that aluminum frame tot HELP WANTED-FEMALE HELP WANTED-FEMALE HELP WANTED-MALE HELP WANTED-MALE Reasonable terms. Owner will train. new glass NOW. Box RBR 833, 125 W. «lst St.. NYC 38. BOATS FOR CHASTER PROV/N'S HOUSEKEEPER _ Full Urns, sleep WAITRESSES—ov«r 51. Biperlenced MMEDIATE OPPORTUNITY GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY ~ —Very In. Two boys ages 10 to 11. Call 671- prefsrred. 5:30 to 9:30 p.nj. dally. little oash down. Laundromat, dry 1968 CADILLAC I 37' KGQ HARBOUR —- Available lor 33 Broad St. Red Bank 711-7500 2193. Apply In person, Betsy Rosa Seitau- MONTGOMERY WARD cleaning combination. 20 washers. 10 monthly bare boat charter, located HAVING A PARTY? — Fancy sand- rant, Rt. 35, Shrewsbury. lit & 2nd CLASS MEN dryers. All. In good condition. Total : at Palm Beach. Florida. Qualified wiches, canapes, cookies and cakes. DAY WORKER — Ona day. seven Opportunity for positions In price 113.000. Call 284-2477. i Sedan DeVille yatchtamen only. Phone 222-8000. Ask All home made, orders must be hours, with or without transpertatlon. tor Ann. called In between 9 a.m. and 12 neon. Call after 5, 671-1953. HELP WANTED-MALE the following dtpartmtntl. 2 SHIFTS PLUS 'Finlihed in Presidential blue with 741-5933, Mon. thru Frl. PANTRY HELPER — Must nave INSTRUCTION ' [black vinyl top and red leathery STORAGE and TERVICE PAINTING AND PAPBJRHANGING — own transportation. Apply In person, OAR WASHERS — Men over IT. Ex- MAJOR APPLIANCES MILLING OPERATORS , interior. Loaded with exfrai in- Far free estimate phone Felix X>e COLONY RESTAURANT, BM»» Road, perience preferred, but not essential. NEW WINTBR CLASSES STARTOia France. 787-5402. Rumson. Tralunc In 'vacuuming, ateammg and FLOOR COVERING —Jan., 9th. Register now. Hypnoila • [eluding factory air and stereo. detailing. Good wafea. Apply Ooun- REFRIGERATOR REPAIR LATHE OPERATORS and self hypnosis. For information " [Immaculate Inside and out. I0,o BE WISE EXPERT WATCH, Clock and Jewelry WAITRESS WANTBD — Hvenlngs. try Sudser Oar Wash, Ulddletown. call 249-0048. • a AND reparlng. H. Rosin, Jeweler, 18 W.Experience necessary. Apply In per- *000 mil»«. Front st. Red Bank. son, PLEASANT VALLEY INN, Hwy. PLUlffBER — Sxparlenced In Job- SHEAR OPERATORS WINTERIZE 34, Holmdel. bing work. Excellent working condi- Only those with •xptritnc*) PAINTERS tions. Must be A-l meohanlo. F. V. who want permanent, full Priced to sell YOUR MERCURY MOTOR GIRL WANTED — Experience pre- Verange, 7*1-7217. BRAKE OPERATORS ENROLL NOW MERCURY SPECIALIST Experienced only ferred, bbt not necessary. Excellent time •mploymtnt nsid ap- c&ii en-ores working conditions, vacation with SHOP MEN — And slash or weldare AVOID COSTLY REPAIRS pay, Blue Cross. Apply mornings un- for truck body shop, Holidays, uni- ply. Ptrtonnal Department, NEXT YEAR til 11. Top Hat Cleaners, Hwy 36, forms, top benellts, top pay. 2J W. LAYOUT MEN IBM STOIRAGEJ AVAILABLE • EMPLOYMENT Mlddletawn. 671-1330. Blgbland Are., Attantio Elehlandi. Monmouth Shopping Can- Steady work. All benefits. •Keypunch WARREN BECRETARY RECBPTIONIBT — For ter, Eatontown. NATIONAL ELECTRONICS THE BOAT CENTER HELP WANTED-FEMALE dental olflce. Experience necessary. YOUNO MAN — Neat and reliable aa •Computer Programming Matura woman. Full time. Excellent uaner at the Town Theater Ulihwar 75 White, st . J Red Bank R.N.'a!and L.P.N.'a WANTED — All SS at Palmar Ave., Mlddletown. Apply METAL CO. •Office Automation typing. Top salary. Write Box B-133, An equal opportunity employer At. 34, opp. Monmouth Airport, Bebnar 201-T41-11M shuts. King James Nursing Home. The Dally Register, Red Bank. after 6:30 p.m. 251.3400. KITCHEN HELP — Xxperlence hsln- 081-5700 ' Day or evening classes — Free pta«e> OLDS BUSINESS NOTICES CLERK TYP1BT — Part-time, tor OARBBR OPPORTUNITY — Join one ful, but not necessary. Pleasant work- KITCHEN WORKERS — Call for In- ment - OIRL8 — 18 to 26 to detail oars. CPA office In Red Bank. Experience of Monmouth and Ocean Oountlea lnc conditions. Apply in person. Ooaa* terview. Permanent posltlsn. 172- ;[ M $. Main St., Aibury fork Driver's license and active, athletio la typing figures desirable. State edu- faateat (rowing real esUte agenclts. Inn, H6 Bodman PI., Bed Bank. LIGHT HAULING—CLEAN OEIAARB background preferred. Work outdoors Va will train and prepare (Or uoens- YARDS GARAGES — Free eitimates. cation, experience and hourly rats. NORTHEAST - tor good say. Apply Country Sudser Addreas P.O. Box 802, Rad Bank. IM, through our ecedal oompany Call after 3 p.m. 741-2148. Car Wash. lllddletown. achool, qualified young men (or po- TAXICAB DRIVER FULL TIME—Ex- COMPUTER msTrrom. 775-4670 DOMESTIC — Three or Ilva days per altlona In one of today'a moat lucra- perlence not necessary. Must have H Broad St . Red Bank EXPERIENCED COSMETICIAN — week. Steady. Seven room housa with tive professions. If you are IMereeted OFFSET ;oed driving record. Call White Star 747*4047 AUTOS FOR SALE Full time. Good pay, Red Bank area. no children. Must hava own transpor- In first year earnings U H1.000, Trtth •ail, 747-0747. APPROVED FOR VETERAHS ; Write Box F-100. The Sally Register, tation and relerencss. Call 542-37111. unlimited future Income potential, call ASSISTANT MANAGER—For one of ; Mr. Steam. 787^1600. « OPERATOR' the faateat growing men's clothing IF YOU CANNOT WORK IN OFFICE SALESWOMAN — Full or part-time i COMPUTER CAREERS age 35 to W: home-sewing knowledge, QARPENTERfl — steady work. Osll chains In America. Liberal salary In business, Industry and government OR FACTORY — Qall 787-7351 be- plus excellent commission plan. Ex- tween 9:30 and 5:30 p.m. required, selling experlenca desirable. 8TENDKR BUILDERS. Need Operator with some experi- stirt with ECPI training. Dur sod TOM'S FORD has a Permanent poiltlan for qualified ence on ditto otfset or comparable leriencad only. Call'Mr. Dtvld Booth. evenings. Call ECPI at M2-2M0 or woman. Baskln's Fabrto Fair, to equipment. Oilier (HvereifleS olsri- 5S4-S43K. MAUD UNSKILLED HELP — Borne visit ECPI, 265 Monmoum Park Hwr., ARTHUR MURRAY Broad Bt, Red Bank. oal dutlea ncuired. flood worldng West Long Branch. Has openings for dance teacher and jobs pay coed Incentive rates after oondlttons. Bicellent bsoeOt pn>- YOUNO MAN—To learn auto and belter idea . . . the Junior Interviewer trainees. No ex-WOMAN — Light bouaiwork Bat 11 abort training. BoepKalliatlon, paid gnuiu. AppJy: plate glass trade. Permanent post- ART LESSONS — Morning Studio perience necessary but)dance ability ac11 holidays and 'other benefits. Apply ion. Apply ATLANTIC GLASS, 31 Classes - Beginners, advanced • all preferred. Apply dally 2-8 p.m. 12 ATOO CERAMICS, Rt 35, Keyport Maple Avs., Red Bank. media. »y Lonla Elthyvoulou.- "ltudJe> ENGLISH FORD Broad St., Red Bank, 741-5858. WAITRESSES WANTBD — Tot day An equal opportunity employer M&T CHEMICALS, INC. 21", 21 Broad St., Red Bank. Call, Church St.. Matawan, N. J. NURSERY WORKERS — |1 per hour 741-S3M mornings. • EXPERIENCED RECEPTIONIST — or night REX DINER RESTAU- needed for doctor's office. Write Qual- RANT — Rt. SS, Keyport Apply In SALES-MUTUAL FUNDS A SUBSIDIARY 6F 1 ltet C*" T4W4.3 ifications and hours available to Box person. ' Riga corrfmlsaslon plus bonul. Full or AMJJRJOAN CAN COMPANY ORGAN LESSONS F-106. The Dally Register, Red Bank. part-time SECURITY INVESTORS, Equal Opportunity Employer TRACTOR AND TRAILER DRIVER By. professional musician EXPERIENCED NURSES' AIDES— U2-43O4. — Experienced only. Call • 747-1381 MEAT WRAPPER — Part-time. Ex- Evening shift. Call for an appoint- M24I88. ment, 671-0177. MACHINE SHOP CLERK — ThO! perienced. Hours to suit. No Bat or ough, reliable Individual with me- YOUNO HAN — Interested In learn- •TOOK OLERK — Full time, drugs. BEGINNER GUITAR COURSE eves. Holmdel Meat Packing, 948-4595 MJUDS — Pull tlma day positions Ing the fast growing microfilming chanical background. Knowledge of tnislness, to operate and maintain Qeod salary. Six daya. Fringe bene- AGES 8 to U NURSES' AIDES AND ORDERLIES available with good salary and full hardware, machinery, tools. Perma- flta. Apply in person. Foods Plus, 48 fringe benefits. Contact personnel Of- microfilming cameras and processing ,6 weeks for $5.00 : —All shifts. Starting 51.76 per hour. nent Job with chance for advancement equipment, etc. Work in all phases Broad St., Red Bank. Full fringe benefits. DO NOT PHONE fice, RIVERVIEW HOSPITAL, Rad Excellent starting salary. Apply Atco Guitar - Plajio • Bank. 741-2700 ext. 229. of business. Mechanically Inclined. Apply In person weekdays, 10 a.m. Ceramics Corp., Hwy. 85, Keyport Photographlo knowledge helpful. Must Druma - Accordion '. to 3:30 p.m. Atlantic Highlands Nurs- CHRISTMAS affiUJKO IN FULL An equal opportunity employer. have driver's license. Fer appoint- HELP WANTED—Male-Female MUSIC TOWN ing Home, 8 Mlddletown Art,, AUan- SWING — Ye», our Hej>re*«otattv— ment oall 741-1123. 600 Hwy. 35, MUdttletown ttl-UW tlo Highlands. PLUMBERS — Experienced. And are enjoying Ug weekky lnoomee plumber's helpers. Steady work, 631- NOTIOE TO JOB APPLICANTS REGISTERED NURSES — For nurs- right now. You' too can Join and BARTXNDKR — YBAK ROUND Die Dally Reglater doea not knowingly MERCHANDISE ing home. 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. shift. insure a Merry CbriMmeji tor your Call accept Help-Wanted ada from employ Full time or part-time. For appoint* family. Cam A-ron, TU-O43, «2- 042-9OT4 era covered by the Fair Labor Stan* FOR SALE ment call 291-0600, Mon. threugh Frl. S377, TM-1220 or wilta J. BiMbail, MANAGER darda Act, which applies to employ- P.O. Box 788, Port Monmouth. FOR SHOE REPAIR DEPARTMENT ment In Interstate commerce, It they LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSES — Good pay. Company benefits. Shoe Re. offer leas than the legal minimum DESKS «15 up FILES, tables, ohalra, For nursing home. All shifts. Top ABPLICATIONS FOR CHRISTMAS pair Dept, Netaner'a, Hwy. X. Middle. FIRESETTERS wage ($1.40 an hour tor those covered adding machines, trpwrlters, office salary. For appointment call 291-0600, HELP — As salea clerks and cashiers town Shopping Department Briar to February 1, 1997 and Jl.OS equipment, etc., at bargain price*. Mon. through Frl. are now being accepted. Apply Ladler an hour tor newly covered employees} New or used AAC DESK OUTLET. Dept. ATLANTIC BUPBRAMA. TRUOK EQUIPMENT MECHANIC — FIRESETTER TRAINEES or CaU to pay the applicable overtime Rt 39, Oakhurst 531-3M0. SECRETARY — Excellent shorthand Experienced. Welding helpful. Call Mr. Gray, M2-3220. Contact the United Statea Labor Ce- and typing required. Professional of- AND THIRD MHIIFTI nartmenta local office tor more In- TYPEWRITERS, ADDING roaohlnes. FORD NOW PRESENTS THE fice . not legal - offers unique op- WOMEN PRINTER — To operate open press. ormaUon. The addreaa Is Federal All makes new or used. Guaranteed. portunity. Five-day week. Car neces- HAVH FUN AND BARN MONEY. Can be part-time. Commercial Frees, BBX3AU8B OF OUR RAPID GROWTH, Ndf., Room 417, 403 B. 8Ut« St., Low aa (39. Serplco'a 101 Monmouth 11 sary to and from work. Salary com- DEMONSTRATE T.V. ADVERTISED ISO W. Front St, Red Bank. WB NOW KAVS POSITIONS AVAXI^ Trenton, N. J. 0960*. Phone (80V St. Next to theater. 7*74489. MODEL "C mensurate with experience. Call Miss TOYS IN 8TOREB IN YOUR AREA. ABLfl! FOB MDN WHO ABI ICE- 5JK-3382. BCALAMANDRE—Schumacher, Stro- Roblnjon at 531-1600, Ext. 27, to ar- NO EXPBMBNOE NECESSARY. MEN WANTED OHANJOAU_,T INCUNBD. DUTtU helm Romann remnants 89c yd. Bat* range Interview. CALL AT CXNOB. 738-OT90. WJLi, INOIiUDX BqUIPMENT AND Ins, silks, velvets. Little Silver Up- REGISTERED NURSES — For nur ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER WITH McDONALD'S DRIVE-IN MAOHIKB MABTOBNANOE ON HK3H holstery, 333 Sllverslde Ave. AT Ing home. All shifts. Top salary. For KB Hwy. 30 Mlddletows 8PHBD IiAlllP: IIANVFACTUROtO OFFICE CLERK -* For buiy BXPHRIBNCB r- In a seven-iirl of- UAdQNffiS FOR THB PERFECT WBDDDJO appointment call J91-0600, Men. fice. Long established manufacturing We need full or part-time workers Red iBank office. Mutt b» GOWN — Bridesmaid dresses and all through Frl. firm In Eatontown area. Call 222-4900. for evenings. Must be sit least II accessories with Individual personal yean old. For further Information IXdUUDNT HATES AMD COMPANY able to work with figures. FRBB RENT AND BOARD —Fox un- GIRL FRIDAY — Interesting, divers- atop In or call 071-0626. service. Call Virginia Klmball, Free- TOM'S FORD attached reliable woman In exchange BaNBFTTS, WITH OPPOWTUNTmaa Light typing, answer phone. hold. 482-7773. ified, full time employment at YMCA FOR ADVANOOEMaVrT, for minimal child watching of twoCamp Arrowhead. Excellent skills re- AUTO BODY MAN — Fully experi- ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS — And school age children. References ex. quired. Must be experienced In gen- enced. Salary in line with ability. APPLY DI PERSON BETSTEDN • $70 to ttart,- $5 increase frames at wholesale prices. THB changed. 842-2443. eral office routine. Call 946.4598. Fringe benefits. B4W AUTO BODY, FIRST THROUGH THE YEARS Hwy St and York Are., Fort Mon- AM. AND < P.M. MON. THROUOH after three months. Paid HALL, corner Broad and Mouneuta WOMAN OR STUDENT TO LIVE IN READER FOR PRESS CUPPING mouth. 787-3400. 842-4081. FREE — In exchange for household SERVICE — Experienced preferred. vacation, pension and pro- Model "T", Then'the Model "A" duties. Private room and bath up- Must be conscientious, able to apply PAINTER FOR BODY SHOP — Foi fit-sharing. Air conditioned stairs. 642-4897. sell to Job and show ability to spot large QM dealer. Must be ezperi SIGNALITE, INC. (More Classified Ads articles In newspapers. Permanent enced and reliable. 741-7843. office with parking. State NOW CORTINA part-time employment, 20 hrs. a PARTS MAN — New car dealer. E* US3 Heck Ave. Neptune, N. J. On The Next Page) AUTOS FOR SALE week. Apply Room 607, 12 Broad Bt, perlence not necessary. ^ Must have age and experience. Box 911 a.m. driver's license. Apply In person, M. PORTERS — Full time positions Schwartz at Sons, 141 W. Front It., available with good salary and full B-154, The Daily Register, WOMAN — Te manage dry cleaning Red Bank, fringe benefits. Contact Personnel of- MODEL "C" store In Rolmdel Village. Holmdel. fice, RIVKRVIIW HOSPITAL, Red Red Bank. HELP WANTED-MALE Hours » to 6. Call. 848-8484. RESIDENTIAL Bank. 741-J70O ext. 125. i 1967 TORONADO CLEANING), WOMAN — Two half BARBBR — Part-time. Good wages. BBM1 MTATB 8AUUMAN OR $ or >ne full day. Matawan area. Own REPRESENTATIVE Carl * Mike Barber Shop. Camp- WOMAN — Opening an opportunity Juit tradfd. This ona owner; transportation. 56S-88S7. Largest diaper service In the worli bells Junction, B20 Main Bt., Bslford, for one additional salesperson. THE FROM 1815 P.O.I. ^luxury coupt looks and rum an haa local area open. Work by appoint- 7M-8688 r HKtm DOWSTRA AOBNCY, 741-8700. AUTO SALESMAN WAITRB83 - Apply at Atlanuo Su- ment only. No oanvaaelng. No eve- \ [good at the day It left our new' perama, luncheonette. Full or part- ning* neceaeary. Guaranteed salary, AUTO PARTS COUNTBR MAN — BEAUTICIANS — Steady and week- fear showroom. 8,000 milei. Ful-j time. Shrewsbury Ave., New Shrews- plus commission, plus car allowance. And inside salesman. Some expert-: end operators. Apply In person, WAN- With leading Import car ajsney. bury. 'ence necessary. Permanent position. NER OF SWITZERLAND, Middle- ly aquipped Including factory) All leada furnished. Mr. Began, Plata- MATURE QIRL OR WOMAN field 6-UOS. Medical and retirement benefits. Full town Shopping Cenler, Rt. 39. Small- sales force. 6o«d hours. time. Apply Norwood Distributers Inc. iair conditioning. . Five-year—-_ WANTBD — For babysitting ID my Excellent pay plan. We art look- home, with one 18-moutli-old boy, REAL ESTATE SALESMAN ns Broadway, Long Branch, 3B>. HAIRDRESSER — East of Eden PLUS A FINE • c50,000-mile guarantee. WANTED — The state's fastest grow- 380*. See Mr, Peakoe. <• Beauty SsJon. Full time sr part-Hme. DAILY Three mornings a waelc. Red Bank, 671-97M. . ~ ~ ing for * man with i $10,000 Llncroft area. Phone 741-S179. ing real eetate (Inn la opening tta PRICED third office In Mlddletown. We will MAN — To work in used car cleanup plui performance, exper!en«s SELECTION OF CLERK WANTED — Apply In pertrain you to make over $12,000 s department and do bulMmg mainte- FORD TO SELL son. Full or part-time. OBS fJuper- year, nxperlenced er Inexperienced. nance work. Apply in penton M. GENERAL FACTORY WORK and ability Apply Rad B.nV '3595 muket, 38 Main Bt, Keansburg. Stop Realty, IM-2900, for an appoint- Schwartx A Sons, ltl W. Front IL, ment Red Bank. Immediate opening* tor malee and Auto Importi, Newman Spring! RENTALS WOMEN—To work In dry cleaning females, Muet work rotating shifts. USED CARS department No experience necessary. MECHANIC FOR OUTBOARD BE' FLOOR WAXBB — Part-time eve Starting salary $2.3J and V, cents por Rd,, Rid tank, N. J. Free hospitalluUon, paid vacation. PAIR — Full time. Fringe benefits. nlngs, five nights- per wsik. Steady hour plus shift differentials. Excellent Apply Star Ciaanen, 133 Myrtle Are. Apply The Boatman'* Shop, 34 Wharf position. Red Bank area. Phone 831- fringe benefits. Drive to Exit 130 Oar- WARREN Leng Branch, Ave., Red Bank. 3522; den State Parkway — right turn to 741-588LAO CO., 100 New- ly. No experience. Ws train. 1115- JOIN OUR transportation. Apply In person, COL- man Springs Rd., Red Bank. Atk for 1170 to start., Call 741-4016 between ON? RESTAURANT, Rldie Rd. BUI Orleg. 2:30 and 4 p.m. Runsson. ' "TEAM" RESTAURANT DRIVE-IN PRODUCTION WORKERS MECHANICAL BNOINBBR — Part' MANAGEMENT TRAINEES tlma, to design and package com- We are a leading manufacturer of OF merolal products fer consumer mar- eclentlflo equipment. Excellent growth High aohooj graduate* over 21. Starting ket. Non tovernment work. Know] potential, fringe benefits. Experience salary to $1,300 year; 10-14 month edge of drifting deatraJMs. Work can preferred but not necessary for: "I defy anyone Intensive training program. Excellent be performed at home. Reply to Box TOLL employe* benefits. No experience neo- D-lil, The Dally Register, Red Bank. LATHE OPERATORS essary. DROJL PRESS OPERATOR* USED CAR LOT HAN — For new STOCK CLERKS to be uncomfortable For personal Interview call ear agency. Experience desired but not necessary. Good pay, teott work- COLLECTORS ins; conditions. Its Mr. Batch. MS- Apply * a.m. to 4 p.m.

in this car." MCDONALDS DRIVE-IN STEPttENSON CORP. II you Ilka on Inlsreiflns, chol- MS Hwy. IS Mlddletown M VlrhlU Rd. Shrewsbury, N. J. ••rising corsar, and the penon- Stirling Moss GARBAGE MAN - lUSTottnr flva dsys. ENGINEERS-DRAFTSMEN REAL BSTATK SALES MANAQER- al satisfaction ol itlmuWlng, Good steady lob for light man. Call To handle supervision of sales staff dtmandlng work that hoi real M2-MH0 or Sti-OBes. JsrM ofttc.. and opportuol- and all advertising. Active local meaning. . . . loin our team cri agency. Excellent opportunity for the active, Intelligent, personable: ON OVER 50 CARS! right person. Our asles psrsonnel womsn who are our "goodwill know of this ad. Write giving exper. ambassadors" with the public "I can't recall a car in which the (So said Stirling Moss in QUEEN MANPOWER 01 STASIO & VAN BUREN Itnce and qualifications to Box G-190, •eats afford such an astonishing Magazine, a British publication HERE ARE SOME OF THE VALUES Structural, Engineerg s The Dally Register^ Bed Bank, degree of luxury. Correction. The He w4is talking about the Renault NEEDS MEN FOR J50T Rt' . ~It SootcrSt i PlPlainsi , N.J. COUPLE FOR FARM - Apartment, Your work will tnvolvl partial Mercedes-Benz 600 does-but it 16 Sedan-Wagon. The sedan that MlaHtSU tajntxn all. utilities, good salary. expoiurs to outdoor wsolfwr will cost you 10 times as much as changes into a station wagon. And TEMPORARY WORK 492-11120. conditions ... on a llve^oy, HURRY! Sale Ends Sat. I P.M. APPLY T:30 TO » A.M. WB NEED APPETIZINO CLERK — Fart-tlm SALESPERSONS — Attractive, to sell 40-hour week, requiring ihlfts, ^thw one. Covered in leather-cloth, back again, whenever you want.) MEN FOR LOADING), UNIiOADINO. evenings. Over 18. Excellent salary. local ads In culturally oriented mag- relating days ofl and some the Renault I6's seats are filled -... and I would like to offer my FACTORY AND WAREHOUS1 All oompany benstlts. Apply Mr. Lea azine. Part-time. Preferably with work on Saturdays, Sundaya '67 MERCEDES BENZ 250S, 4 door ledin, automatic power WORK. TOP HOURLY RATES. ALSO Johnson, BIO tV. SUPERMARKET, knowledge about buslnfss snd enter- and Holiday! . .. positions ore with thick foam cushions and give congratulations for producing this BOMS PERMANENT PLAOxMBNTS. M Newman Springs Rd., Bed Bank. tainment In shore area, central and available at the George Wash- foil support where you need it..."sensational motorcar for a very steering, AM/FM radio, power windows, tlntad 747-1435. southern New Jersey. Good commis- ington Bridge, Lincoln Tunnel, 4 W. FRONT ST. Holland Tunnel,. Outerbrldg* "The front ones are fully reclining 1QW price," glass, mint condition. Full price only CARPENTER — Experlencsd. Yea sions commensurate with experlsnct. and are adjustable through a multi- RED BANK round work. Report on lob, Country Phone (211) 243-5330. Crossing, Goelhali Bridge and "67 FORD Fairlane Squire, V-B, automatic, power ttearing Woods, off Red Hill Rd., Holmdel. the Boyonna Bridge. tude of positions..." radio and heatar, turquoise. Full price ) 542-5769 , 312 MAIN ST. TIRB MOUNTER — Must hava N.J, SITUATIONS WANTED-Female "The rear bench seat is also ad- only _....„.—. driver's license. Full time, permanent The qualifications are: • '•- justable: in fact, you can take the '67 ALPINE Roadster, 4 speed, red. SlCflO ASBURY PARK position, MIDDLBTOWN TIRE, ISM MAID — SHep-ln. British West In- ,.. United Stotss clflnn Hwy. 99, Mlddletown. dian. Available In about fnur monthi, ,, . At least 21 years at ag» whole thing out if you want to." Full price) only leWI 776-5577 Excellent references, Attorney, week- • *#Hlgh school diploma or PORTER — Steady, full time, day AUTO BODY days (213) 933-8701 or 7795719. equivalency certificate '66 CORVETTE Convertible,. V-i, automttlc, power •tiering, position with benefits and chanca for METAL MAN power windowt, «lr conditioning. Full $30A2 advancement Apply in parson ai Must have eaparlsnoe IR0N1NQ — In my home. Reason- ,,. At least live |ee| tall Monmouth Lanes. Jollna and Myrtli Salary or commission able, Inquire 3ft Bay Ave., Leonardo, i 11 A valid driver's license) price only eavWesa Aves., Long Branch, Sight nun oan make up to MOO or call 201-OIS5. - '-. and uss of a car It re> '66 CHRYSLER Town * Country Station Wtgon, V.I, automatic, per week. YOUNO WOMAN — Desires position quired -tor assignment to THE RENAULT 16 SERVICE STATION ATTENDANTS— Paid vacation, hospital .plan, uniforms. Slalsn Island Srldgn. power steering, black. Full price . *" ' And mechanics wanted. Commission aa doctor's analstant or receptionist. SEDAN-WAGON $ plus salary. Contact Carl Duncan For Interview call 7»7-iUil3, Very ambitious and willing to learn. only • - 2l93 2M-H7B2, BXPEIUBNOBD FORfflKIN OAK ME- Call anytime, 229-7130. '66 CHEVROLET Impels 2 Door Hardtop, V-l, CHANIC — Good pay. Fringe bene- FORMER EXECUTIVE SECRE- STARTING SALARY- automatic, ORDERLY—To assist Chief Therapist fits. Excellent working condition, Ap- TARY — Wishes to do secretarial power fleering, radio and heater. Full price In Physical Therapy Dept. Five day Rly In person. Monmouth Motors, work/typing on IBM typewriter In SI 08.50 PER WEEK week, Mon. • Frl. with full flngs Iwy. 35, Eatonlown. with .periodic Incrsam. only M876 benefits. Contact Personnel Office, my horns. Wrlls to Box D-1I8, Ths Rlrervlsw Hospital, 741-2700. Ext. 225. ASSISTANT BUYER AND . INVEN Dally Rsglsler, fled Bsnk. Benstlti Include paid vocations, '66 PLYMOUTH Satellite Convertible, V-l, TORY CLBRK — No experience nee- sick Isave allowancei, graus OIL BURNER SBUVICH MECHAN- WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN health and mo|or medical In- automatic, radio and heater. Full price only 10 — MatawanFreehold-Red Bank essary. Part-time. Mornings prefsrred In my home. *U38 Norwood Distributors, US Broadway, Csll 7)7-7441 turonce, Ills Insurance and re- '66 PLYMOUTH Valiant Signet 2 Door r-lardtop, automatic, area. Experienced. Oood salary and Long Branoh. 323-3804. tlremonl plqm, company benefits. Contact Mr. Fescs, MOTHER'S HELPER — Minister's 6 cylinder, radio and heater. Full 3(3(100, home. Children or Infants bnard/d by price oily „ - HKS8 OIL * CHEMICAL CORP. SALES CAREER day or wsek, MJ-liJO.' * *1449 HI. 49 circle Little Ferrjr, N.J. We have an outstanding opoortunlt Nots: applicants who have '65 FORD Country Squirt Station Wagon, V-l, An enusl opportunity employer for a mature, highly motivated per LADY Wishes to cars for newborn token the Tell Collector exam automatic, son .who has owned a business oi bahy ar pre-school chIM 3 mornings within the post six months will power tteerlng, radio and heater, maroon, KARTKNDEn — Experienced. Oa! served in cither salea or aanvltfstra a we'*. Experienced. 741MU. not bt centldertd. Full p/ico only ., i Mr. SchwarU, tion. Excellent starting salary plur commission*. Unlimited earning po- RELIABLE WOMAN-Wlshes to take '65 DODGE MOrjACO 2 Door Hardtop, bucket M479 care of children In her home. Will also tential. Management opportunities. board If desired. Oall 7«7.|H*. APPLY IN PERSON: automatic, power steering end brakes. Full •oati, V-8, MECHANICS Liberal fringe benefits. Osil (HS-IMT 11:00 a.m., Monday, October II Maintenance and construction, ma- for s.i»i*ol»lment. SECRETARY — «teno. Part-time. through Friday, November I. price only chinery and buildings. Machinists, An equal opporluntty employer M/F Call '64 FORD Falcon Rsncnsro, 6 cylinder, standard M476 mllt-wrlghts, auto mechanics, else, 222-0O2J RED BANK trlclsns and over trades, Versatlllt] B'nK;K"/lOY-"".~~1iiir"Mime7~Ai>piy I' shift, excellent condition. Full price only $ desirable. Interviewing for all grades. person, IMx Slum, ](m Hwy. 15, Reliable men who wsnt permsnen! MlrlMletown. \VOMAN — Day woTksrrExperlencsd. '62 FORD Galaxie Convertible, V-l, automatic 974 year-found Jobs close to home. Tues. and Sat. every other week. Call BARN 140 to »50 WEEKLY Ann, 7479797 alter B p.m. THE PORT power steering, burgundy. Full price only $ SPrve your own A.M. Mtaltll/ihe 264-8000 route In Momnoutti County, Liberal 522 ATCO CERAMICS CORP car allowance, ('ill 7«7-:i:iUD. FINANCIAL HWY. 35, KEYPORT, N. J AUTO MBRHANIO WANTED BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES of NEW YORK AUTO IMPORTS Chrysler cxptrlence preferred. R ^ _hn equal opportunity employivr lent starllnx salary. 5-day, 40.hnul <>ULF iBUVICK STATIONS FOR AUTHORIZED DEALER ....__ WANTK wofk. Bxcehent opportunity. Contaol LEABE — Modern 2-nay, good nel|h. —Apply In person nfter 4 p.m. LIT Rnrvlt'e Manager, John Btockman, al borhoods and tranfit trade. Paid AUTHORITY &BILL TI.B MI.VKIt MAUKWT, iro Tros Ilayahore Chrysler A Plymouth, 291 training. One In Malawan and one In LANZARO'S Oh«.-«p.|U«k« Call ilays, 1IK (19M9. peel Ave,, Mills Hllver. 11200. PEHIOHNRL DF.PT., ROOM MO NEWMAN SPRINGS ROAD RED BANK Artnr ) call 727-IH47. Authorized D»al«r Chrytlar Motor Corporation TAILon — Bxpurlsnced men's cloth Mxi'KniKNirED rTiioclmY <:i.EitK 111 Eighth Av«nu« Ing huiheinian. Permanent, rive days Itnmfltllaln full lima opsnlng, 12 mid HKItVicK ~BTA'flON K< >Ii I.EAHB "~" night to 7.-3O a.m. Cscellent •tl'ry. Downtown n«fl Bank. Mrjor nil enm- Simca - Sunbeam 5£&-2224 Open Evtningi fill 9 Excellent Appnrlunlty for qualified 1 (at 15th "number two nun". Apply In person, AH cnmpsny benefits. Apply Mr. psny. Three hays. now operating. Hu* 741-5886 Mr. Eastwick. Nalslson's J. KrM«l !.«• Jnhninn Din W RlJl'ERMAR' reliant opportunity lor siperlencml NEW YORK, NBW YORK 10011 • ^ 34 MAIN ST. KCTU' MATAWAttWN Rrnsd A Frnnt (lli.. RrA Bank, o Kir, t« Newman Springs Rd., ftt opsralns. raid training available. (An Equal Opportunity Rmpleyer) phone T41-83O0 lor appointment HlVt. 14I14.M. Call «7^poM. avti, «](VifH. > {, 1*28—THE DAILY REGISTER, Friday, November 1, 1968 FOR SALE THE FAMILY CIRCUS By BilKtaM APARTMENTS APARTMENTS HOUSES roi IALB ADD BANK " " FOR SALE FOR SALE LEAF PROBLEMS? REDDEN AGENCY Luxury High-Rise Apartment Living j ITEMS YOU,NO LONGER TRY GIANT VACS . 741-9100 : NEED OR USE WILL ... HAMMOND 3 to 10 H.P. In Stock On The Beautiful Navesink River! ALSO LEAF BLOWERS Realtors-lnsurori 1 SELL ORGAN NOW AVAILABLE*— Super-luxurious penthouse apart- Member of Red Bank W. H. Potter & Son ments with 3 bedrooms and 3 baths overlooking the river. Multiple Listing Middletown BeautifuHy furnished lobby wllii 24-hour doorman service/Heated FAIR HAVEN CAPE COD - i FAST STUDIO swimming pool with looked looms, cabanas and sauoa baths (ex- 671-0552 clusive to tenantfl)/Private marina/100% Indoor parking' available/Fire- Four bedrooms, two baths, liv- J WITH A QUICK ACTION OF ASBURY PARK proof 12-atory buUddmc with hl-speed elevators/All apartments have ing room, dining room, kitchen KfRBY VACUUM — cleaner with all balconies with river vjewa/OBNTKAL AIR CONDITIONIMG/Frlgidalre r LOW-COST Opea dally 'til 9 - Sat. -til « attachments. New ?370, now $175. Call dishwashsrs and 2-door relrlgerator-freezers/Tappan built-in wall ovens and paneled den. In-ground 8^2-0193 after 6 p.m. and countertop rannes/Formdca kitchen cabinets and work areas/Less | DAILY REGISTER HUGE SELECTIONS — FULL BED and mattress. 9x15 than 1 hour NYC. 40 minutes to Newark and 10 minutes tram beach swimming pool. Needs some . TREMENDOUS BAVINGS braided green rug; 9x18 blue-gray and 3 blocks Horn trains and express buses. redecorating, but a good buy rug. Gas stove, rocker. After 11, 842- CONSOLE PIANO BALE! 0382. APPUANOBS BY at $22,500. I FAMILY AD • Direct Blow Action • Full 88 Note Console GA-KAGE SAIiE — Nov. 2. 10 to 5 I 3 LINES - 5 DAYS • Lifetime Guarantee p.m. 31 Sherman Ave., West L«ng CONVENIENT TO EVERY- • SPECIAL PRICE $444. Branch. Furniture, other items. FRIGIDAIRE ! FOR $2 AA SEARS SILVERTONE TV — Console. THING — Little Silver Cape Mason 4 HaaiUn — Knabe — 8chmer — New picture tube. Needs minor ad- Cod in immaculate condition. Everett —Janssen —Hammond Pianos I-Bedroom, 2-Bedroom, 4 3-Bedroom Penthouse Apartmenis - JUST L.KJKJ Justment j65. 747-1170. Three bedrooms, two baths, Jr Available tor Merchandise For Sale 'REGULATION POOL TABLE — S only. Article must originate tram a . 775-9300 State top. Like new. . Complete, $630. living room, dining room, £ household and may not exceed a sale Phone 291-9230. From $235 - price of (50.00 per article. 300 MAIN ST. ASBURY PARff. N. .} modern kitchen and game C Price MUST be advertised. Bach ad 15 YEAR PAINT ; ditlonal Une $1.00. No copy changes WROUGHT IRON FURNITURE — IMMEDIATE AND FUTURE OCCUPANCY room. Also good for profession- • may be made and no discounts or Love scat, two ohalrs, two-piece sec- guarantee on white aluminum combi- al use. Asking $27,500. 2 returns will be.,jttade If. ad Is can-tional couch. Two table lamps. Floor nation .windows. Only 1 (or 559.99 IN- lamp, two step-tables, coffee table, STALLED. £ celed before expiration. Perfect for gambroom or office. 3ft PROWN'S NEW SHREWSBURY SPE- X151. Munkin swimming pool and fil- Riverview Towers 5 To Place Your Daily RegUiar ter. Small 3'x3' wrought Iron table, 32 Broad St. Red Bank 741-7500 CIAL! Attractive four-bedroom fc FAMILY AD, CAU... four chairs. 264-0548. COACH CARRIAGE — And stroller. Dinette set, sofahed, colonial sofa and home on nicely landscaped half MODERN LIVING ROOM FURNI chair. Baby-Tenda. Built-in oven and 28 Riverside Avenue, Red Bank, N. J. acre. Has just beeri'offered by TURE —Excellent condition. Rea- burners. Gas stove. Junior two wheel- 'My lump of shiff Is bigger fhon your lump of shjff." | .'74I-6900 sonable. 946-8283. er. Call 747-3339. Rental-Office Open Daily 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. transferred owner. Large liv- 5 24-Hour Service SINGER ZIQ ZAG* STANDEL — Publlo address system COLORED AND TWO REGULAR Phone: 741-1732 ing room, dining room, electric Late model. Reposesaed. Makes but 100 watt amplifier unit 4-lnpHt*. Re- TV'S — Antique chair and Iron tonholes, monograms, hems. Needs no verb In each channel. Master and In-wheels, wringer washer, fishing kitchen with dishwasher, game- attachments. Pull price $56 cash ' oi dividual volume aad tone controls. equipment. 542-0275. FOB SALE PETS AND LIVESTOCK KEYPORT AREA — 1 miles from Bell Lob. room, workshop, porch, three $6.50 per month. Trade-ins accepted Two column speakers, 6-8" Jensen SNOW TIRES — Atlas, hltewalu CRBDIT DEPT. 254-5553 -speakerp s In each column. Pre-amp In 8.25 • 14. $30. Call SPECIAL HOLIDAY SALE DOBERMAN PINSCHER PUPPIES- baths. Many extras. Won't last eaoh cocolumnlu, n, m years oldolld . VVery 842-O37S AKO registered. Available now GREEN GROVE GARDENS at f31,000. . Z PIANOS — ORGANS good conditionti . Cover included. $325. Pkrst quality -waU-to-waH carpeting, Kauffman's Kennels, breeders of Do- * We are winterizing our Warehouse Call 741-4252. GARAGE SALE and household fur- AH tashlonatOe colors and paitterm bermans only. Rt. 130 between Tren- •* and for the next tew days you >'c&n nishings. Everything must go. Sat, 501 DuBont, AonUin, KodeJl, etc. Als< ton and Ulghtatown. 609-448-3114. 2'/i ROOMS (ONE BEDROOM) $105 * save a lot of money on a new orRUGS, ORIENTAL. ~- Two. Witt Nov. 2, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. 181 Pros- Indoor and outdoor and kitchen COM- LOOKING FOR THE BEST? £ used piano or organ. Planos-Bought- 9'xl2\ Excellent condition. Call after pect Ave., Red Bank. JtEBCtAIL OABP1BT. Priced tight, GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES — Moved • Repaired • Tuned - Rented. 6 p.m., 542-3847. AKC . CHAMPION SIRED. Dam FOUR ROOMS 10NE BEDROOM) $125 Olde Shrewsbury split level'in S Shop «t home service. daughter of champion. Best la show. M FREEHOLD KIMBALL piano A Or- USED CLEAN PLYWOOD CHEAP] BEST TOP SOIL Call Mr. Prentlsa, 2M-5G98 591-1759. FIVE ROOMS (TWO BEDROMS) • $158 excellent neighborhood. Good * . can Warehouse, 431-1166 or 462-4730. .Assorted sizes. % h.p. -water pump, Good fill dirt, blue stone, road gravel, Financing anranged. $35. Submersible pump, $15, Steel sand, etc. Bulldozing,dozing, and baebftoe tier-tier GERMAN SHEPHERD AT STUD — SWIM CLUB FOR TENANTS size living room, dining room, workbench, $12. 264-5268. vice. Gcfcl' Truckingki , Morg&nvlllel , LARGE CASTRO LOUNGER cha! AKC registered. Phons FREE HEAT, COOKING GAS, HOTWATER AND AIR CONDITIONING modern kitchen with dishwash- | RENT A TV 691-9707. with built-in vibrator, Hotpolnt refrl 264-9533 1 1 hon< outlet •J Color or black and white. Day. week UNPAINTED FURNITURE erator, cartonB ot books, .living roor AKC REGISTERED DACHSHUNDS JX;,.? " S »' " cu. ft. refrigerators, parking ond wolk-ln itsraas er, den or bedroom and game- X or month. Low rates. BAYSHORE TV WOODEN CLOTHES CLOSET — rug, television, andirons, pine bench J»eK»lt». SMCI9U» .rootni, laroe closets. Wolk to shopping plow, buiei S! ~ 16 Church St., Keauaburg. 787-4100. RED BANK LUMBER Very good condition. One window ad- two pine chests, Jugs. Good Roya — Red, male and female. Shots, (70. room on lower level. Three bed- justable fan, two-speed, reversible typewriter and table. Old tools. Sma] Phone 747-1714. CALIFORNIA WINE GRAPE Pearl and Wall, Red Bank. 741-6500 blade and time clock. Phone 291-9364. rooms, two baths on upper bookcase, like new vanity Formic: AKC REGISTERED BEAQLE DOGS E frn left, then two blocks to model apartment. From 35, pp WINE BARRELS, ALL SIZES FISH TANKS — One 30 gal. regular sink. Excellent small safe. Oak ward —Call after 6 p.m. CALL 787-9085 FRKMDAIRiE REFIttO-ERATOR — Flslds) to Hozlet Ave.. turn left to Middle Road, straight ahead (J level. Should sell Quickly at one 15 gal.- high, one 10 gal. regular. Lady Kenmore automatic washer. robe. Antique 5-piece bedroom sei 787-1344 X HORSE CARRIAGE HARNESS — All with stands. Including gravel, G.E. dryer. Call 671-5096. Old, heavy marbje mantel. Vlctrola. Phone 264-/846 #7,500. m Wine bottle lamp. 18"x20" original pumps, filters, heateps and many ex- Other Items. Must be se-ld Saturday, BEAUTIFUL KITTENS — Free to a 5 oil paintings. 642-2827. tras. $40. 264-3597. CONTENTS OF FORMAL GEOR- Nov. 2, tram 9 a.m. to i p.m. at good home. Call 787-0881 alter 7 176 Broad. -St, Eatontown. 542-449! p.m. DINING ROOM SET — GIAN HOME — In Little Silver. Rt. 35, 301 Maple Ave. 5 CARPET AND RUGS —All colorsT Chandeliers, antiques, and odds and ADORABLE .FLUFFY KITTENS — •«. ' SI.00 per yard above our cost. Free Blx-plect — $25. ends. 741-2357. DANELECTRO DS 100 — Like new. APARTMENTS HOUSES FOR RENT Corner Bergen PL £ shop at home service. All first quall- 741-'41-376: 3 Good condition. Asking {150. Call 291- Housebroken. Many celors. Free to —• ty, no seconds. Direct from mill to SIX-PIECE — Mahogany, glass 2396. good homes. 747-5597. THREE FURNISHKD ROOM BLACK WOOL COAT — A-l Condi breaktront four' chalra and table. Ex- RUMSON _ Furnished. Four bed- RED BANK Z- you. Financing arranged. Can Mike Hon. Size 14. $25. Call anytime be<- DUMOND HING-SeTen carat, round GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS — AKC. APARTMENT — Private entrance. K balhs hot WIler 3 S. 787-1862. fore 2 p.m. 741-8513. cellent condition. 264-4763 after 5:30 Will sell reasonably. Write Bo: Seven weelcs. Beautiful, lovable, In- Adults. Rt. 3S, north of Red Bank. two-caE£T' r garage.' . Small family. °'< heatNo, p.m. telligent Sire Ulk's son. Dam excel- 741-3014. G-192, The Dally Register, Red Bank nviwi'6*''6' MOO/mo. DENNIS K. Eveningt and Sundays Sals • Introductory . Sale DINING ROOM TABLE — With ene GARAGE SALE — Selling out An- lent blood lines. Trained for obedi- leaf, heavy pads. Sturdy, darkwood. BINSON ECHO-REC—By Guild, wlti ence. CDX title. 747-4011 after 4 ONEjBEDBOOM COTTAOE — Spa- Clear Plastic Slipcovers $15, Phone 741-8315. tiques Knlck-Knacks, etc. 46 Cherry three mikes and mike stand. Oooi p.m, or weekends. CIOUB rooms. In excellent condition. Tree Farm Rd., Middletown. No' children. J95 plus utilities. Rel- , 741-7480 S-piece set 179,99 pin fitted to your HOTPOINT — Electric range. Wilts buy. 264-3064. ATLANTIC HIQHLANDS ~i- Bayslde furniture. 20 years experience. Guaran- MJfiWia DRUM SET — TWO bas> OBEDIENCE SCHOOL , ereneds exchanged. Call 291-1594 be- er Dt NeWly porcelain finish. 40" wide. Push but- GAS HOT WATER HEATER—40 gal Bayshore Companion Pog Club will tween ft a.m. and 12 noon. Fur I hS! '^ m. Dur- lu u l lM £ Brand new, natural slate, 'in ear- ing the week MAGIC CHEF—Year aid. Five bur 741-6421 i?,n f S» , , ,'i" - Available until maintained four-bedroom, three - tons". Must sacrifice. V, *295. 8', BLACK PERSIAN LAMB COAT er plus grill. Gas range, Excellent RIDING INSTRUCTIONS June 1, .291-3377. after 8 p.m. Friday. bath . split level with 18x22 ~ 1389. Terms cash and carry. Delivery Full length. Excellent condition. Size NEW UTILITY CABINETS — {1495. value. Phone after 6 p.m. 842-5830. ENG-IJSH or WESTERN THREE ROOMS — Furnished. 174 3 and Installation arranged. Call any- 18-20. Call 711-9764. base cabinets {14.95, linoleum and (4.00 an hour (3.50 an hour Carr Ave., Keansburg. gameroom and full basement. 3 time, 727-0462., Congoleum rugs $6.85, J9.63. spear SWIMMING POOli COVERS — Clos 787-1835. WANTED TO RENT HAY FOR SALS back rockers, new, {29.95. Lovs. seats ing out, water-lock and mesh winte: Four to six students per class. Attached two-car garage, dn = SEAMLESS GUTTERS 95c a hale and up. Also straw. —.SO. Unpalnted stools {7.95. 30x40 covers for In-ground and above Call 671-5990. FURNI8HED . TWO-B E D R O O M RESPONSIBLE FAMILY - With two 4*2-9273 -,.-n shelf bookcases $24.83. Desks APARTMENT — Private entrance. children need three or four-bedroom over half acre plot. Offered at £! 002 White baked enamel. Our trucks ground pools. Host popular sizes 1; INSTANT CREDIT Most desirable area. Outskirts of 2 are ready to roll. Free estimates. Call {39.99. New mattresses $22.50, {29.50, stock. Closing for winter Nov. 9. Add TAKE A PUPPY HOME WITH YOU $150 d between $31,000. ANTIQUE SHOP — Sets of chairs. {39.60, etc.. etc. RU SOIL'S, 25 E. on Paols, 1400 Hwy. 35, Middletown. AKC poodles from (50. Scottlca, Long Branch. Ideal for buBlness cou- $150 and $200. Will take twtwoo year ^ 741-0175 after 6 p.m. - Waahstand $15. oil lamps, etc. 11"Front St, Red Bank. 741-1693. 671-0808. ple. Quiet, responsible adults only. lease or option to buy. 747-5440. Main St. Fort Monmouth 1-6. West Highland, Great Danes, Boxers, Owner on premises. 222-5031. " RED NYLON SCULPTURED RUG" St. BorruuTis, Cockers, . Schnauzera, WE HAVE an overflow ot bona fide ~ —12x18 with fringe, $200. Perfect con- LATE MODEL IBM EXECUTIVE HORSE MANURE TYPEWRITER — Large carriage. Free Wire Fox Terriers, Dachshunds, Cor- RUMSON — Five rooms, two bed-prospects looking for two or fou? bed- WEART-NEMETH 's dition. Dark green velvet Chippendale MRS. ROBERTS glM, ChltiuaJiiiM, Pugs, Bejuets, and rooms, couple, no pets, 5130/mo. rooms. Call us for fast action to have :i sofa. {125. 642-4897. Will be pleased to show you the very Phone 747-3866 alter 5 p.m. 741-0162 many more available. ' Three rooms, Individual or couple, no latest In DECORATOR OR PLAIN COMEALONG HOIST — Two-ton, Hk< LOWEST PRICES, BEST QUALITY pets, SlOO/mo. "All teases. DENNIS K. CT, Rt 35. Middletown, 171-1000 AGENCY -- NEW FURNITURE SAMPLES WINDOW SHADES. Hundreds ol dox- new, {25. Also three-ton heavy duty All health guaranteed at your BYRNE, Realtor, S W. River Rd., v «ns In stock to 72" wide. GUNS REALTOR «- OPBN TO 9 New and uaed now In stock. We'll buy, {50. 787-6180. K-9 CLUB 747-3634 Rumson. 842-1150. MI Pour-piece modern bedroom, mar re- sell and &rade> Maony'* Sport Shop, FURNISHED ROOMS 102 WEST FRONT ST. T» slstant tops, 5100.. Odd lnnersprlng , * PROWN'S KITCHEN SET—Green Formica ta- SIAMESE KITTENS TWO ROOMS AND BATH — One 33 Broad 81 Red Bank 7*1-7300 Rt 36, S. Keansburg. -ble, 4 yellow chairs, (30. Small end Purebred, Sealpolnt. block from all conveniences. Call - mattresses or box springs 515. Living tables (3 up. Twin bed, complete, Phone 747-4334. 741-8881. LARGE ROOM — With bath, private 741-2240 ^ room, nylon Fxiese, $75. Triple dreas- TWO MORTAR MIXERS — Two ce- ORGAN -E, Farttsa compact duo, Am- (25. 222-6713. £ #r, four-piece bedroom, ?128. ProVin- ment finishing machines. Mortar pans peg BUN amp. Leslie speaker 18" MOBILE DOO GROOMING MATAWAN BOROUGH — 314 and 4» Member of Red Bank -• clal finish four-drawer chest $30. Ward- and stands. Clipper masonry saw. 10 >speed. All cases Included. 264-2629. TYPBW5UTER — Royal, large ad- WE COME TO YOU room air conditioned garden apart- FURNISHED ROOM - For lady onlyT It robe $15. Hollywood bookcase maple wheelbarrels. Tubular scaffolding and 47-3021. ministrator. Like new. Gray with EDEN ACRE 842-4039 ments from $115 per mo. for Decem- K 0 Multiple Listing Service JJ bed $48, with complete Innerspring planks. Curb forms. Sidewalk forms chrome trim. (35. 787-6180. ber or January occupancy. Private f"" " Privileges. In private home " mattress and box spring. Hundreds and twe well pumps. Can be seen LOWERY HERITAGE deluxe ergan. POODLES — Black, standard. Seven swim club. MARC HAMPTON APTS., with widow. Convenient Red Bank lo- FOUR BEDROOMS XI of other bargains. between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. at ExceUent condition. {1,000. Barca- ATTIC STAIRWAYS weeks old. AKC registered. Call 741- Matawan Ave., between Ravine Dr. catlon. Call 747-5397 for appointment. Leonard St, Red Bank. lounger, like new, fCO. Leticla mink 2508 or 741-4178. and Aberdeen Rd. Tel: 588-7019. GREAT LOCATION M IRWIN'S FINE FURNITURE cape stole, {300. Call 842-3164 after 6. Complete unit ready to install. Sturdy, NEWLY DECORATED — Kitchen disappearing tvpe. In stock at $19.95 AKC MINIATURE BROWN POO- privileges. Teacher or business wom- A new listing for Immediate Inspec- 2 CREDIT-FREE DEUVERY SVOWTIRES — Two 775x14, like new. ROCK MAPLE BEDROOli SET — DLES—At Btud. Phone an. Good area. 747-0468. tion. Top New Shrerwabury area. Three " V MonmoutU St. Red Bank 747-OM1 $25 for the set. Bed, bedding, dresser, night stand,, RED BANK LUMBER 264-3431. COMMERICAL RENTALS full bathj, paneled family room. Base- 741-3389 {80. Modern triple dresser, with ATTRACTIVE NICELY FURNISHED' ment. Large covered porch. Attached COLLECTOR'S ITEM — Record al- Pearl and Wall, Red Bank 741-5501 GENTLE RIDINO HOR8E —Studio room, with private light bums of McCormack, Caruso origi- CARVED OAK CHEST.— 25x33x54, rg« mirror, {40. double spring and TWO ROCKERS — Two chests c - *200 WAREHOUSE 8TORAOE SPACB — cooking. For gentleman. 741-8394, two-car garage. Hot water heat. Well nals, Jeannelte MacDonald and Nelson six drawers, two-door, $85. Beautiful lattress, {30. Call 542-0306 6 to 9 P-m drawers, large leather trunk, umbre CALL 9*6-8274 Approximately 1300 Ba. (t Call maintained home and half-ccra card Eddy and many more. Call 642-2733 ige, two parakeets $12. 787-2931. SAVE ON iO-piece dining room suite la-hat rack. Drop-leaf table, Formic! 747-1100 FURNISHED ROOM — Private eri- for privacy. THe design Is well Uuuibt after 8,30. No dealers. {39, couch {39, reception room couch top. Three mirrors, three ova: trance, bath, T.V. and refrigerator. out for today's aoHve families. Just ?ORCH SALE — Wed. - Frl. 10-8:30 OFFICE 'BUlrB-il »66 sq. ft. in ex- Call after 5 p.m. 842-0922. Hated *t $31,000. CaB today. . WARNER RUBBER STAMP MAK- 10 Glenmary Ave;, Leonardo. 291-3810. >29, carpet runner {6.50, combination frames, large table lamp, dressing ta- REAL ESTATE FOR RENT cbllent location. Seslrable for any pro- ING EQUIPMENT — With all acces- TV, household items. bookcase-desk {39, artificial fireplace ble with mirror. 60. records, some fesslon. Call 747-3730 between 9 and 5. RED BANK — Furnished room with HALL BROS., Realtors sories and operating manual. Never 119.50, mahogany serpentine dresser dated 1902. Other Items. 10c to {18. APARTMENTS own private kitchen. Nice section of M3 Hlver ltd. 7«-7696 Fair Haveo DINING ROOM SET — Large O.E with beveled glass mirror, {39. office Mon., TUBS., Thurs., Prl. 10 to 4. " DESIRABLE OFFICES with view of been used. Call 542-2733 after 6:30 refrigerator and freezer. Garden trac- the river available. Tuller Bldg., 103 town. Close to shopping and trans- Member Multiple Listing Service p.m. deBk (29, swivel arm chair {12.50, Peters Fl., Red Bank. TWO-ROOM efficiency, apartments. portation. Call after 6 p.m. tor ap- tor and garden tools. 200 burlap bags. stenographer's chair {12.50. Throw E. Front St., Red Bank. 747-2440. Open 7 Days Blackswlth's vis. Many other Items. QA8 FLOOR SPACE FURNACE —II Tiled kitchen s.nd bath. Winter rates. pointment. 264-5176. TOP SOIL ruga {1.75, fireplace screen {6.50. Leonardo Motel. 74 Hwy. 36. 291-9614. 3500 SQ. FT. — Light manufacturing Sold by load or yards 46 Cherry Tree Farm ltd., Middletown. Miscellaneous Items, etc. RUBCIL'S, good condition. Call alter 6 p.m. 78' ROOM — For young refined bus! 8487. loft for lease. FLORIDA CALLING Call 291-1355 GARAGE SALE — 108 Rlvervlew 25 E. Front St RED BANK — Furnished three-room Call 747-1100 neas lady In Middletown. Private res- Ave., Little Silver. Boub,le windows, DIAMOND RING—Recently appralsei apartment, bath. All utilities included. idence. 741-5462. KITCHEN SET — Table, four chlflra, TWO SEARS ROAD RACING SETS Adults. No pets. 747-5320. MODERN OFFICES — Singles or Income producing homes from SM.OOO. stool. Good condition. $33. chairs, good Junk. Frl. and Sat,, 10 *75O. Will sell [or much less. Phom SINGLE ROOMS - Clean, comfort- —For leis than'the price of one. 33' 741-8063 during day. suites, own parking, Colonial style duplexes from J20.000. Buy now. Ws 741-6141 to 3 p.m. long ea., 1/32. Over 200 pieces. Kx-J RED BANK -~ Unfurnished, Cannon building. Heat, full maintenance, air able. Reasonable. Qenttemaa pre- win rent your - property when not Z 8CUBA FANS! 25 issues 8Mn Diver POOL TABLE — It size, slate top. cellent condition. {05. 671-0237. 4 KITCHEN TABLE—Lent, lour chall Point Village Garden Apartments. 239 conditioning optional. Reasonable ren- fered. 92 Wallace St, 741-5392. In use by you. This Is a sound In- Brown Formica. Good condition, (30 Spring St., 3^ room apartment avail- tals, 10 Spring St., Red Bank. Call vestment. ED OONWAY, ASSOC 3 Magazine. 1965 to 1967. Set *8. After- Excellent condition. Including all ac- HOTPOINT REFRIGERATOR — In able. All electric. See manager, Apt. SUITABLE! FOR TEACHER OB BUS- 3 noun, 741-905O. cessories, $200. 787-1040. Call 787-8012. 7U-9595, INESS LADY — Residential, Con- Sunrise Realty, Realtors, K» N. B. good condition. {35. Call B 9. l»th Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. J304. SURFBOARD — Ha'nsen, ¥l. No ANTIQUE—Drop leaf table, beautiful 747-1955. COAL STOVE — Heater, large cabl DELUXE OFFICE SPACE in new venlent location. Call 747-4970. dings. Perfect condition. Call 741-8782, mahogany. Call 462-1504 Sat., and net type, for garage- or living r»om. EATONTOWN air conditioned building. Will design SINGLE ROOM — Furnished, inv LTOINEL TRAINS — Two «et». J-25 {35. 787-6180. after 5:30 p.m. Sun. each. Call after 6 p.m. \ LAKEVIEW GARDENS and set up office to yiur specifica- provements. Driveway parking. Phone IMMEDIATE POSSESSION tions. 3,000 sq. ft. available. Norwood 787-5849. SEWINO MACHINE — »25, step ta- TWO 60" Shaw Walker metal desks BUNK BED WITH SPRING—3' Flex- 47 Tinton Ave., Eatontown Ave., West Long Branch. Call 229- Newly decorated spilt. Three bedrooms. ble, $10, Kitchen set, $10, floor lamps, with 3 left hand drawers, center ible Flyer sled. Call Large one-bedroom apartments. Sepa- 0151. Hi battai. County kitchen. Family *5. Drop-leaf table, »I0. Floor Polish- drawer and large right hand draw< NET PLAYPEN — Bronze chrome 842-3466 rate dining areas, color-coordinated room. Mud room. Two-car sumce. er, 55, Simmons Hlde-a-bed, $20. crs. Brown vinyl tops. -Fine condition. high chair. Baby's dressing table. {40 kitchens. Air conditioned, swimming PRIVATE OFFICE — Ground floor. GARAGES FOR RENT Bemaric Homeg, 74q-4760. Barka-loungar, J.15, etc. 671-1853. 75 ea. Lawley Agency. 741-6262. for everything. 747-4708. REVEREWARE pool. $H0/mo. 542-4572. Superlntcndant Utilities, air conditioning and Janitor- Apt. 26A. ial service furnished. $50 per month. WANTED — OARAGE — Vicinity of LINCROFT — St. Leo's Parish. Bxec- OARAGE SALE — Bat. and SunPARBBRWAR. E at discount prlci utlve type home. Central air condi- Nov. 2nd and 3rd. 24 Carriage House LATEST In colored enamel ware, Telephone 9-3 p.m. 747-2900. After 3 Colts Neck. Monthly or yearly basis. FREEHOLD — Furnished apartment p.m., 741-0348. tioning. Four bedrooms, finished base- MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN me, Little Sliver, olf SUverlide colored Wear Ever Aluminum. Excellent area. Short/long term. Also ment, large living room, family room, Ave. one furnished efficiency. 462-1596. OFFICE SPACE. Very busy location. 2% baths. $35,500. Salt by owner. RANCH MINK COAT — SlM 14. Ex- PROWN'S Reasonable 38 Broad 81 Red Bank 741-7500 RED BANK — Six-room apartment REAL ESTATE FOR SALE :ellent condition. {500. Call 842-16*2 with Hi baths in duplex house. Un- 747-9300 RED BANK — Seven-room house. letween 6 and 6 p.m. SIMMONS HI-HI8BR — With cove] furnished. Near town, sclioel and RED 'SANK — Furnished office, 15x HOUSES FOR SALE Four bedrooms. Redecorated Ints- and bolster (50. Formica coffee and :raln station. Call 747-2529. IS. All MtlllUes. Call 741-1716. Alter rlor. Fully equipped kitchen. Hot wa- SAWS SHARPENED end tables (15. Blond port-a-bar (10. 5 p.m., 741-2461.- TWO ACRES IN INDUSTRIAL ZONE ter oil heat Full cellar. Three-track Also scissors, hatchets, knives, cut Twin mattress (8. Cricket chair (4. FURNISHED 3'/4 ROOM APART- —Surrounded by woods, small home, windows. Chain fenced-ln yard. Ga-" 671-5718. MENT — Utilities Included. Port ting edges In general. Bring them In. Monmouth area. Call alter 6 p.m. 2 ROOM OFFICE SUITE garage, and hobby shop, $13,500. rage. FHA approved J12.O0O. Asking SNOW TIRES — Town 4 CounCl Hwy. 33, in Shrewsbury. Paneled. Ex- HAROLD LINDEMANN, Broker, JU.65O. Call 741-1607. 828 Pearl It. RED BANK LUMBER whltewalls, 855x14, like new, (30. Call 435-0374 or 671.0628. Shrewsbury. 5*2-1103. Red Bank. Pearl and Wall, Red Bank. 747-5500. cellent parking. All utilities Included. 747-4608 BEAUTIFUL, modern three-room fur- ¥100 per monUi. NOT A YELLOW BLOOM — A shake NEW SHREWSBURY — Four-bed- NO BETTER VAJJUES! Butterfly ta- CONTENTS OF HOMJB^-Old Limoges; nished apartments. Eatontown near shingle split. Fly to this 4 or 5- room ranch, in • excellent condition. ble {2.75, maple bridge lamp {3.75, oriental rugs, antique furniture. 842- Ft. Monmouth. 74T-1647. 741-3213. PAUL BRAGAR bedroom home. 2^4 baths, large fam- Custom country kitchen with beams, bird cage stand {2.TO, child's school 0303 before 9:30 a.m. or alter 7. EATONTOWN—LAKBVIEW APART- Realtor ily room. Perfect for a young family. living room with wall-to-wall carpet- desk {10.90, shopping cart {1.75, high MENT, Tlnton Ave., Model Apart- 794 Broad St. Shrewsbury T47-0221 Only $31,900. STERLING THOMP- Ing, two baths, 30' paneled family hair {2.75, crib {6.50, foot-stool {2.75, DINTNO ROOM BET — Extra targe table; aht chairs, china cloaet, two ment Fully - carpeted. $140 monthly RED BANK — -Professional ftpace. SON'S GALLERY OF HOMES. 45 W. room, paneled den. Attached garag* small size 3-plece kitchen set (22.50, with purchase of complete contents 350O sq. ft. on ground floor with River Rd., Rumson. 747-0900. Extras. 542-3761. boudoir chair {4.7S, maple arm chair servers. About 30 years old. Excellent for 1500. Call 512-0705. (6.50, throw rugs (1.75, office chairs condition. (75. 160 Bridge Avt., Red abundant parking. New air con- MIDDLETOWN—CRESTVIEW AREA INTSnEaTBD IN A NEW HOMBr — (6.50, etc. RUSCIL'S, 25 E. Front B»nk. • RED BANK — Attractive 3H room ditioned building. Will design and set —Three-bedroom split. Hi baths. We have many choice locations In th«' St., Red Bank. 741-1693. apartment — Front and back en- up offices to your specifications.-. Call Convenient to all buses and shopping Middletown - Atlantic Highlands area DRAWING BOARD — Secretar- trance. Heat, hot water and gas eup- ALLAIRB-FARROW Agency, 199 center, quiet street. Excellent for where custom constructed new names •RIVATE COLLECTION — Hand chair, typewriter table. Roy; plled. Immediate occupany. 1S5E Broad St., Red Bank, 741-3450 for ap- children. 747-5918. ranging from $16,000 to 135,000, are to lewn copper kettles, tankards, pew- portable typewriter. Adding machine. iranch Ave., Red Bank. pointment. be built. For complete details call :er pitcher, and huge oopper kettle. Lady's bowling ball, maa's bowling RUMSON-HOLY CROSS AREA REALTY. tfl-SUl. /Ictorlan bookkcase, old Victorian, ball and bag. 9x6 wool rug, miscel- THREE-ROOM APARTMENT RED BANK —. OFFICE SPACE — Five bedrooms, 4H baths, Hving/dln- iesk. Oak dining room, round table, laneous throw rugs, card table, four No pets. Ground floor. Choice location. 700 sq.Ing room, den. Modern kitchen, two FAIR HAVEN — New-Colonial. Air chairs, chrome towel rack, electric Call 264-7292 It, 1000 sq. ft, 1200 sq. (t, avail- ilx chalra. China closet, bric-a-brac. able. On site parking. For further In- fireplaces. Two acres. Garage apart- conditioned. Four bedrooms, 2^ TAX CASH, BILL CONSOLIDATION ATTIC DOOR ANTIQUES, Hwy. 35.mixer, table lamp. Snow tires, 735x14, ment pays taxes. Asking $59,000. baths, paneled den* with fireplace. Middle-town. (Opposite Cobb-ledtones with rims. Phone 671-90X4. RED BANK — Cozy, three rooms, formation call 6710177. Phone 8)2-2844 after 6 p.m. Near school and buses. Builder will 60 Mo. Total CASH ft CASH FOR DOCTORS, EDU- furnished. Garage. Meat. Couple only. j Casnh •» "•»• Restaurant^ ;•" BARN SALE -— Excellent and unusu- Lease. |11B month. Collect. 212B58- consider leasing. 741-0516. : Pymtmt. Pyml. TOMS RIVER — Nine room Bl-level, f Youu Gell PY i_ CATION, HOME IMPROVEMENT, ETC. OARAGE BALE. — Miscellaneous al values from several homes. Sil- 5962 or 212-987-5777 after 6 p.m. HOUSES FOR RENT five years old. Excellent contlltlon, CHEESEQUAKE VA ACHES—Three ! 1 813.00 • ~f"60—TMO0 Ti"3.5J 1355S items, some young, some otd. Frlver, furniture, decorator Items, 10m convenient to shopping, churches and bedroom ranch. Eat-In kitchen, Uv> 1,355.40 collector pieces. Everything imagin- ,0NQ BRANCH — Furnished Mur V,6oo 22.59 ind Sat. Nov. 1 and 2, 10 a.m. to 4 roo "ns. Duplex apartment. Two bed-TWO AND THREE-BEDROOM HOMES schools. Four bedrooms, 114 baths, Ing room, dining room, ltt baths. T333.40 CAU NOW! irn. 389 Prospect Ave., Little Silver. able. Perfect condition, priced foi spacious living • room, formal dining Screened porch. Full basement with 33.89 Immediate sale. Sat., Nov. 2nd only. rooms. Heat and water supplied. No — For rent or sale. $125 to $150 a 1,500 pels. 229.1553. month TUB KIRWAN CO., REAL- room, eat-In sanltas kitchen with all finished room. New two-story barn 45.19 2,711-40 BIRCH MAPLE DINETTE — Table, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Rain data Sun. S3 appliances, wall-to-wall carpeting, ele- with five horse stalls. 138,000. 5M475T rrf-o™ four ohalrs and' hutch. Also gold re* Hope Rd., between Tlnton and Syca- TORS, Beltord, 787-5500. W. Keans- 56.49 "1389.40 RED BANK — Furnished 214 ro»in», burg. 787-0600. Hazlet. 264-7100. vated aim deck. Lower level - spacious ^,500 laxer chair. Call 787-2509. more Area. Bachelor apartment. All utilities, pri- mahogany paneled room with huge HIGHLANDS — Brick apartment 67.79 4,067.40 vate entrance. U mile north of Ited WIDE SELECTION OF RENTALS — brick fireplace, laundry room, garage. house. $13,000. Yearly gros§ 12900. i,m GARAGE SALE — Saturday 12 and Call after 5 p.m. 408-OB71. 90^3B 5,422.80 5. Miscellaneous household items, Bank. 741-4105 after 5 p.m. Furnished and unfurnished. Immedi- Many extras! No AGENTS. Call for ate occupancy. SAMUEL TEICHER appointment after 2 p.m. 3U-9619. ~4,«X "X776.80 irlc-a-hrac, projector, power mowers, MERCHANDISE WANTED LONG BRANCH — Furnished large ~~\iin 988-2300 •tc. Palludan, 154 Kings Hwy, East, AGENCY, Oceanport Ave., Octanport 5,000 bedroom, large living room, kitchen, Chapel Hill. HAS ANYONE SEEN PilESlDEN 642-35O0. • ' • HOLMDEL (More Classified Ads WARREN O. HARDING? — If you bath. All utilities. One block north oi HEYWARD HILLS Rt. 38 on N.Y. - Long Branch bus $85 to $2.50 Per Month Cilfltom built Colonials and Ranches FURNITURE AND APBLJANCE8 — have thla coin ' from the "Shell Mr, THE BERG AGENCY 2260 HIGHWAY 33 WELFARE AND PEOPLE WITH President Coin Game," I'd like tc lines. One acre lolfl, city sewers. N.M. Pal- On The Next Page) CREDIT PROBLEMS. IMMEDIATE Rt. 35 Middletown ERMO, INC., 486-3573. share the 13,000 prize with you. THREE-ROOM FURNISHED APART- 871-1000 ZENITH LOAN CO. NEPTUNE " nEUVBRY, CALL MR. ORAN, 378- have all the others. Call 776-0(77. MENT- — Heated. Private entrance. 6636. Centrally located. PHone 8420071. UNFURNISHED — Three-bedroom OOLfcECTOR — Wants old toy trains duplex. Available 1st of Nov. Year's APARTMENTS APAItTMfeNTS any condition. Pay cash or will trade. RESPONSIBLE ADULTS - Or small lease and one month's security. Ten- HO., 027, 0, standard gangc. 774-3710. family for second door four rooms. ant to pay all utilities. Call at 15 OLD FURNITURE — Antiques, china, Hi-iu-li, yard, parking. $110 per White St., Eatontown, between 2 and glassware, art objects and bric-a-brac, innth, own gas. Security. 787-5923. 4 p.m. Immediate cash for anything and ev- THREE ROOM —• Unfurnished apart- NEW MONMtJUTH — Two beaToomsT CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY erything. Rusoll'a 25 East Front St., ment. Inquire Ifll Maple Ave., flfter living room with fireplace, dining 741-1603. room, kitchen, garage. Convenient lo- A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDS! ANTIQUES — Tiffany items, toys, fur- HIXJtOOM SoDJCIlN EXECUTIVE" cation. One year lease. $100 per niture, china, paintings, statuary, coins, APARTMENT. Heat and air condi- month. Call 671-1250. lighting fixtures. Carved oak dining tioning Included, $200 per month. FURNISHED — Four-bedroom Cane Pleasure Bay room pieces. Copper Kettle Antiques, Umltril to two nhllilroa Call between Cod. Convenient Llllle Silver loca- ((j 531-1C99 or 2290892. II ami 8 p.m. 201-2775. tion. Yenr's lease, $275 per month. ELLEN 8. HA^KLTON, Realtor. 842- :1 Adding Machines-Typewriters General Contractors Painting and Decorating IEWTNO M AMiiNir (CATHN KI THREE-ROOM APARTMENT FUR- 3200. NIHIIED — All utilities Incluiteit. {90 ADDINO MACHINES - Typewriters J. PALLADINO A SONS - Contrac TYPE) — Good condition. Ilcasonaule. sold, renter), repaired, Berplro's 101 tors. Patios, additions, walks, etc. < THOMAS SLATE 872-0453 or 7B7-6B5O. per mnntii. . Adults only. No petl. 62 HOLMDEL — ElKht-room home, four Apartments Monmouth St., Red Bank, 747-0485. Wo specialize In plumbing and heat- Free Estimates ANTlqiTraf"— Pntntlngs, NTJ. AUM,Third Ave., Atlantic IllRhlands. bedrooms, 2V4 baths, flreplnce, broad- Ing of all kinds. 40 Manson PI., Painting and Decorating . KBtates purolinJ»rn. All work guar- Direct Service •trand. Sterling clasps (rom 73c. cy. liotli Hi>ltnt>le for ont. 741-M4. three bedrooms. l-'ahulous water anteed. Call 264-3363 for free esti- Fla. • Calif. Specialists REUSSILLES', 36 Broad St., Red BRMAfrfl i i K I'll K il I >~P U l'ff ~A K view. $3110 plus utilities. HlKlHamls. bury River . . . at Pleaiure Bay Garden Apartmentil From mate. Rank. nnlen. I.IIIK^ iKJiieil. (liuul blood f])'>hitiiii-nt only. AKC pen Let us buy the diamonds you drm't ri['liiiuu/inci-r{>om~nnTl~imTii' Draperies Plumbing nnd Heating Spi-clally Bliow Open nml Wlnnrn -fflclenry iipnrtinrnt. Slnple porflon anil dining room, large paneled rat-In I.IOI1T .IIAUMNd—Cellars, Rnrn|(<-« DOK, lirod for toinpnrniiipnt anil inly. Mntiiro fomnlo ilcstrcil. 87'i- kitchen. $240 plus unities. nfifl-:iQ25. (fpholBlcrlng, draperies, miiicnvcrn. cle.-triM up. ttuvc truck. Fr?ft cstl- toiiUn. l!« Bid 100 nfli>r 2 p.m. IlKLFoill) • Neiir~«ciinol"~S(Jvr to <]Ol,liKN . TOUCH PKCOJlATOlm, Innt^ii. 741-214!) after 3 p.m. remodeling. June. Four rnoms and tmth. Newly 2, IVi, 4 and 5-room apfi. from 117 Ilnmd, Ited Hank. 747-OgV.!, IOA~IlitI(|]lT -'-";'l "niniiiVimfurnliiieT decorated. $13A per month. Csll 405- CORRIGAN'S "" HORSEBACOlDING <-nt, hot wntnr supiillril. Private en- Including hoot, hot water, parking and •leclriclty for light I'jilnting and Decorating llorai-s f..r ri'nt tint) nil liour llt/TCHI nmen. Call utter i. B42-0IKB. OM-1. _ ^ 127 OnUlnml 1)1., Ited Ilnnli 7(7-210(1 and cobking. Electrical Contractor! ('Aid, II. JONKII ~I'iiliiVmii"»nci' AOllHIlt, 1119 llollnncl ltd., Mlddlolown. HANCII 1IOMII1 - Largo living room/ IHI-WJ9, Ifill HANK -- Two-room apnrlnlfnt, fireplaee, two lnrge bedrooms. >I9O (;.* "e.™Bi-ECTiilC~^-~New wiring, wiiUiwiirrUw. Kully Jrntiml. For tree Hooting, Siding & Insulnllon irnlahril, 37 Hhrnwubilry Ave., Itud _rnllM!Hti>.i, cull 2.0-3KIR. — j Yiil Per monUi. BO1IANOK AOHNOY, ExcluiivB Lsaiing & Managing Aganti: rewiring. Electric hent. No Job too mik. _ Itialtnr, 8 Linden Fl., Red Bank. 747- •mall. 741-9040, 7I1-B7W. ______I'AINTINH —' Interior, ttd'horTiiw AKC HIOAfll.m :MYi'OItT - Fnur-ro(trn ap*rlnimiT. o:i»7 le rales. Call r.Miaw for 10 yours, 775-OTO.1, 201-0540. | KKKH1 -- '1-lirr-e frlilflle li itr^A slry rooms, Rettirenoa required HILL RUCTION - - Atlantic Highlands Trirof-betlroom ranch. Call RANI iM>,~ Minimi ~Xeillar~«id" ml litmrn. ('nil fmyllms nil nfler I) p.m. 20(01111. r. e. Scott co.f Realtors BciTeTs~av«*il«!7l« faVlsiMt Broad- Your i>ienilni>n Alcoa. Woik Rtutinntt-rd. 7HJ-4WH) KII'ILANIIH" - - 4% toonia. AilillU "TlIBli HANK --• Threii ijedroomi, tWi way Rtiruvs nnd MtJ'ir ftiwtris Kvenlv. _ 2211-2(44 IIOHTON and Culm lirrleri nhot- lit Mcmmnulll St., Ited Rank, PROWN'S ly. Cull bnlhs, twd-t-Ar garage. IlHMPmeiit. Hot iinilRHT B. KA .12 Droad HI. lli-d Hank 741-7900 j f Innd «firr|i dimd," wwdi-linlml . Prtfins- 871! -DM walrr nil limit, flnml idcAflon. H block Phone: 355-8)00 Rental Office: 222-7714 t-nrntl llann, nliepliffr hiiniir.prs, Chlhua.- Thrpft rooiriB, |inrl- frnm tins line. Itent 1180 montli. Rel! General Contractor* Fnr Vrm K.llnulM'OHn HOOFINd * BIDINfl CO. hunt, I'pklnKi-flc. New roofs and rcpalrfl, iluinl . BI'ECIAI, , 8'ininl llonr. IM plus $3J,MM. Phnn« aller 6 p.m. '•*'•}• DIRICTIONJ: s(0Ut, |) t0 Botonlown arelt (at MonmouHi Co Additions, *BB ob'NTOAfrron .. flldlng,dng wlnifowi, (Inors, awnings, AuAli'fillnn lirrl |11» T •Ing c«nUr); turn tut an Jollns Av«. (leword LM« Branch) ptlMsn psllo". terlor »nd eitenor. ir c lsr»lsr» , Ifadfrs, shulters. Illld |*AnTMiutU' — in dupl^M 'Hires hedran-ms, unturnlshejl- - ^ mtutt) MM* TrMk t* iroiKhMrt A«.) Kit It Atlantic »vai rFWt t* Hrn»'Uisl'l» rut™, Call 7«.7-t2 7B7-in rutmrt »ey A»t». • . ** R m yesr giiRra • Inlr-VIn 1'fl Bhni'l'«, Mnnmnillll poliruttl. Fnr Ittforrnatton 'hfe !>'<• I lor four to

garden room ancl dining room ... and includes Direct from the pages of GOOD HOUSE- is unique because it is loaded with new dishwasher, refrigerator-freezer, a drop-in KEEPING (October, 1968) comes the full- ideas for living ... without being too far out. range, gas grill, and a second separate oven that color story of one of the most exciting new The architect succeeded where so many others is built in below counter level. Countertops homes in America today: The Pease House, have failed: the home is contemporary and and all cabinets are Bleached Teak Formica, designed by Pease Woodwork Company, for innovative, yet really comfortable, really wall covering is washable vinyl ' construction in selected local areas around practical. the country. The exterior of this one-level home is mellow More great ideas: an interior "porch" with sky- light for year-round casual dining and relaxa- We at Lefferts & Company are proud to an- brick combined with board-and-batten. The tion ... floor-to-ceiling brick fireplace flanked nounce that we have been honored as one familyVoom gpens onto a large patio. The by bookshelves ... extensive closet areas. of just ten builders in the United States given interior features a children's bath with shampoo the rights to construct this magnificent— and sink. A Master bath and dressing room with But to really appreciate The Pease House, you now famous — residence. And the only one luminous ceiling and sunken tub. Pantry hall must stroll thru it. Feel the luxury, the rich- in the entire Northeast. with double bank of cabinets. A rear-entry ness of color, the tasteful decor by Schulz & mud room features Formica wall paneling, Behrle. Imagine your family within its bright What is *o special about TJie Pease House? storage cabinet and stainless steel sink. rooms. You are cordially invited to do just What would inspire one of the most influential that. This weekend. For tip first time. magazines in the world to devote 14 fu'Ucolor The "open-plan" kitchen is a marvel all by :•; . pages to one home? We think The Pease House itself. It is situated to service the family room,

i Si & 1 '\ \' c/o Applebrook Agency

OfrMtiMii R«utf 31 •• Niv.ilnk Rlvtr *»•<•, MMtiUttwilt ««l» MIDDLETOWN MATAWAN RUMSON •n Nivulnk Nv«r Rtad to Lufburrtw Lm»t lift an Ce«|ttr Pease 671-2300 566-7600 842-2900 100 yirdi on right. * Sft-THE DAILY REGISTER, HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOB SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE BOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOE «AtE HOUSES TOE MIX iFriday, November 1, 1968 RIVER OAKS LITTLE SILVER FIVE BEDROOM* •* RUMSON - Interesting . dential area. Ranch. Living - HOUSES FOR SALE A home of informal charm. THE BER© AGENCY Three bedrooms, 154 baths. Co- Split level. Two baths and,powder room, 18x10 playroom, ga- room has fireplace, dining TOO COLD OUTSIDE? lonial. Lovely trees and shrubs. rage. Lot 100x200. Clean as a whistle. Owner must leave for REALTORS, room, electric kitchen, family; Florida soon. Asking $31,900. room, three bed rooms, 2'A PLENTY OF WARM ROOM Rare buy. $19,500 : INSIDE $33,500 baths. Basement has recrea-- On th«e co!3 day* you wiU truly ap- BEAUTIFUL RUMSON ROAD RANCH tion room. Hot air oil heat. Iprecl&te the Triple Zone baseboard Government Appraised cheating throughout your lour bedroom*, ON THE NAVESINK Situated on Little Silver tree covered lot 150x250. Three large Oversized two-car garage. Nice aJi on (Uie same level. Let your chll- No Closing Fees 'dren" play In the paneled den wtiile you Locust area. Unsurpassable bedrooms, two large baths, large living room with fireplace! grounds. Again reduced to : relax by the hearth In your Uvinf Lack of cash won't stop you now. Willing owner will help a $43,400. • .-room. In the summer, the kids can view! Large Tudor"eight bed- formal dining room, modern large kitchen, 20 foot den, two- ''run over an acre of lawn. ITiree bath- room residence. Garage with car garage with heated workshop, 25 foot screened porch. An sincere buyer. Beautiful older home completely renovated and RUMSON — Conveniently sit- • rooms, rormal dining room, two-cai freshly painted. Pour bedrooms, 1H baths, formal dining room, "tarage, full basement. All you'd ex- apartment. unusually attractive property. Asking $45,900. uated Cape Cod. Fireplace in pect for $37,900 $135,000 living room and kitchen, full basement. All city utilities. Don't living room, dining room, elec- : PAUL BRAGAR FOUR-BEDROOM, SPLIT LEVEL miss this one. tric kitchen, den, three bed- REALTOR ELLEN S. VETS NO DOWN NON VETS ?I,000 ;: 1H Broad St., Shrewsbury 747-0221 In New Shrewsbury. Three bathsy 18x22 foot recreation room rooms, two full baths. Full base-. ment with game room. Hot air HOUSES FOR SALE 22 foot porch, two-car garage. Beautiful lot, well shrubbed, and $26,900 HAZELTON house well maintained. Transferred owner asking $31,000. oil heat. Attached one-car ga- Realtor Beautiful Split Level rage. Large plot. Reduced to RUMSON COLONIAL West River Road Ruroson LINCROFT SPLIT LEVEL (UNUSUAL) 534,500. % Acre Lot RUMSON—English Tudor. Liv- FOR LARGE FAMILY 842-3200 Brand new listing. One of our most convenient areas — walk Tali trees surround this Immaculate Beauttiful landscaped property with trees. Four bedrooms, two ing room has fireplace, jining 'line-year-old Southern Colonial. Cen- baths and powder room, den and recreation room, patio, ga- to schools, buses and shopping. Four twin size "bedrooms, ter hall, large living room with fire- MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE room, kitchen, den, three bed- place, formal drnlng room, lavatory, rage. Many extras. Convenient to school and shopping. Owner separate dining room, eat-in kitchen, 28' living room, huge rooms, l\i baths, full basement. den. Office and eat-In kitchen comprise recreation room, I1/, baths, attached garage, full basement. Ihe first floor. The second floor of- has purchased other house. Asking $35,500. Steam oil heat. Detached two- fers six bedrooms, two ore master HOUSES FOR SALE I HOUSES FOR SALE Many extras. • sire with private Berths, plus four ad- car garage. Deep lot. Reduced ditional bedrooms. Spocious flagstone VETS NO DOWN NON VETS J2.909 DOWN -)atio. Basement, with paneled game- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS to $28,900: room. Finest schools. Moderate taxes. ON SCENIC DRIVE ALLAIRE-FARROW AGENCY Daily 9-9 Saturday and Sunday 10-7 Asking 1 TO,790. Call us for appoint- Four-bedroctn, I&-bath, Colonial. Ex* 199 Broad Street Red Bank 741-3450 ment. BREEZY POINT ca)lent condition. Living room, dining Middletown 671-1000 DENNIS K. BYRNE room, kltcJien, fireplace. Hot water MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING . REALTOR-INSUROR AT baseboard heal, DJah washer. CUy sewers and water. Must aeJi Call for "95 Yean of Red Carpet Service" 8 West River Road Rumson LITTLE SILVER an appointment. HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSED FOR SALE Phone 842-1150 . . . A prestige community. Custom Colonials on wooded lots with a view ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE MEMBER MULTIPLE of the Shrewsbury. 4 and S bedroom Beautiful surroundings off Scenic The Dowstra Agency LISTING 8 models available, from !48,500. Drive. Ttaree bedrooms, two baths. REALTORS Four-year-old brick and frame raw*. UNOROFT SPUT — Four bedrooms, FOUR-BEDROOM SPLIT WATERFRONT RANCH 113 River Rd. 741-7486 Fair Haven Located at Sllverslde Ave. Fireplace, hot water baseboard heat. living room, dining mom, kitchen, den, Three full baths, formal dining room 91 East Front St., Red Bank Member Multiple Listing Service . (Near Seven Bridge Rd., Little Silver) Full basement, Mtlo, balcony. At- gameroom, hair basement, attached 18x22 paneled family room. 22' cov- ONLY $34,900 RUMSON OPEN 7 DAYS For Information coll 741-1200 tached two-car garage, large Ieve4 lot garage, 214 baths. Excellent condition. ered pordh. Basement. Two-car ga- Flve^edToom ranch on 2.5 acre! ofv P4enty of treea. AakW J36.S00. 133,500. . . rage. Many extras. Beautiful haHf- 741-8700 Thr£e bedrooms, two batha.- beautiful, well treed and atiniM»4 aore. Immaculate condition. Only $31,• Outatandlng view of w&ier grounds, large llWnff room, formal, THE BROOK AGENCY OAK HILL RANCH — THree bedrooms, 000. DOCTOR'S AND PROFESSIONAL from living room, dining dining room, handy kitchen, paneled* ANNE E. HAIITIN, HeaJtox living room, dining room, modern room, and 35' gamcroota. den, Ml baaement, built-in over-Hied' Bank Building. Atlantic Highlands kitchen, attached garage, i'i baths. 8PIDCIAL. Finest location, zoned, for 100' private beach and *ea Very secluded and priv»!». • 291-1717. Air conditioned. Fireplace. (32,000. RIVER OAKS COLONIAL wall. Please call (or appointment. Price »88,500. Tree shaded yard. Three bedrooms, commercial. Seven-room, lH-batll TRULY RURAL COLONIAL! ELECTION SPECIAL LITTLE SILVER CJAPB — Two bed- 1% tfaths, 22' living room with fire- rooms, expansion attic, living room, place, formal dining room, den. Base Large living room with (, din- menrt and two-car garage. Below re> home with. a-Uaohed four-room office RUMSON Reduced to $33,900.00 ing room, kitchen, den, three bed-rooms, dining area, kitchen, bath. A-d' condi- Woodland setting. Five-fbedroom, four- Hi baths in this gracious Colonial. At- tion. 121,500. lent value at $33,500. Call today- In excellent condition. Many extraa. A. FRED MAFFEO won't last!t!, bath Rancher. Large living room, for- Charming old farmhouse'in lovely setting on quiet tached two-c&r fa-rage. Full basement REAWTOR mal dining room, modern kitchen and-. with wnrlurtiop. Ntce lcrt In River Oaka. TED HALL AGENCY Asking only $31,500. ttre&kl&si room, p&neied den, base- road hat five, spacious bedroom;, living room, din? What else do you need? 533,500. Me SCHANCK AGENCY 569 River Rd. Fair Haven ment, two-car attached £&v&ge. Built* ALISTER AGENCY, Realtor, 108 E. Realtors CHARMING CAFE COD IN "OLD In air conditioners. Price $0J,OOO. ing room, eat-in kitchen and den 18x18; l'/i bafhi. River Rd., Rumson. M2-1694. REALTOR 733 River Rd. Fair Haven 741-9333 AaJc for Brochure, a-H areas Oil steam heat; detached two-car garage. Settle ' * t Linden H. . Red Bank 842-4200 SHREWSBURY". Living room, large ELLA WLTSHIRE AGENCY WHO NEEDS A CAR? . 747-0387 Evea: Sunday 747-1088 MTDDIATOWQ AREA kitchen, four good sized bedrooma, 1% Realtors your family today. Country setting. Excellent for children. "Our 35th Year" Live and work In Red Bank — prime ENTERTAIN A IiOT? L*t us show location. -Income property, two-jtory Convenient for adults. Spacious brick baths, hot water radiant' 2-zone beat, SHREWSBURY house with two 3-room apartments. you this three-bedroom, two-bath and shingle three-bedroom, two-bath Well cared for three-bedroom, W 842-0004 Immediate occupancy on tint floor. Kanoh that aCforda year round enter- home. 1-% acres lovely grounds, Liv Cape with fireplace In living room. Multiple Listings Open T days taining ease. Formal dining room, ing room-fireplace, bookcases. Full full bMement, almost new furnace, at- WATERFRONT RANCH! — Modem kitchens and baths. Inspec- large but convenient kltohen, 2?x22 Walking distance to sahwls, shop.and tion by appointment S20,9O0. FARROW dining room, den-fireplace, patio two- tached two-oar garage, tool shed and buses, $23,000. TWIN BROOKS ASSOCIATES, Owners. 196 Broad St.. family room with fireplace for winter. car attached garage. At $38,500 call Red Bank. 741-3490. Porch, pool, path) for summer. Call today. FOUR BEDROOMS $34,900.00 842-Otio.for appointment 434,000, attractive yard wltli treea. Only $27,000. RED BANK . This new listing has eye appeal and Your own private beach, miles of watervfew- frorn •niree-bedroom, l'A-bath Dutch Colonial spaciousness. Six years old and in EDWARD A. HANlON 747-3500 LARGE PAMBLY OPPORTUNITY. In exc&Uent condition. Well landscaped top condition. Center hall floor plan. thii three-bedroom, two-bath ranch. Heated solari- HOUSES FOR SALE property, one o( the nicest homes In Format dining room, family room REALTOR LltUe Silver split, living room, dining Red Bank. «7,500. adjoins large eat-in kitchen Den or um'•!4x35 formerly used is studio for artist. Will Member Multiple Listing ROLSTON WATERBURY firth bedroom. 2"4 battis. Ba-sftment. 504 Shrewsbury Ave. Realtor-Insurer . room, kitchen, den, five bedrooma, Attached tf&ra&e. Top Mlddietown lo- not lattl New Shrewsbury M2-O110 II W. Front St. Red Bank 07701 MIDDLETOWN - OAK HILL cation. Two blocks to shopping. Flv* SEA BRIGHT 214 baths. Many, many extra* for Beautiful three-fcedroom, two-bath minute* to New York City brains. Ask- Ing 1137,000. Oafi today, we hav* tb* River front. Magnificent sunrises and 1 l ranch on % ot an acre. Fireplace in Wl.BOO. I - living room. $42,500. key. sunsets. All 'brick three-bedroom | BOUSES FOB SALE BOUSES FOR SALE ' ranch. Dining room. Living room, - LAWLEY AGENCY HALL BROS., Realtors 813 River Rd. TU-TO88 Fair Haven GUIhCV fireplace. Science kitchen. Full base- The Dowstra Agency Realtors - Insurors Member Multiple Listing Service ment. Two-cor garage + private Established 1932 Open 7 Days beach, deep water dock + all brick | 91 East Front St., Red Bank Income cottage + ocean beach. 741-6262 NEWMONMOUTH- 741-8700 MIDDLETOWN 500 HWY. 36 872-0001 $39,900 "SECLUSION" 10 room split, 24x25' attached two- HIGHLANDS In historic Shrewsbury fcMj American car garage, hurge covered patio, tivt farmhouse, age approximately 200 bntlnoms, 17M.X12' dinlrur room, 17Hx Now open 7 days a week 'til 5 PJH. LINCROFT INCOME PROPERTY years, ta presented to the discerning 11' country kltolion with 34' ot cabln-'a, public. Three bedrooms, 2% baths, dishwasher. Den,- living room, play* Unusual four-bedroom split. Den and I RED BANK wide board floora, beamed celling, gas room, VA baths, finished basement. play room. Living room and dining | White brick Georgian' Colonial apart* range and dryer, carpeting and five Centrally alr-condltloned, wall-to-wall meni house in rood condition. Two 4- room. Charming caunfry kifchen. i REALTOR alr-condlUoners make- this. residence carpet Jn «lx rooms, hail and (tain. room apartments on first Floor now Ideal for your cherished antiques. Price All drapes and curtal--. t • ;' Oversized corner lot. Patio wilt! rented. Six roomj on second floor may 1 *3?,500. Call far appointment. orated In and out. New white root. ornamental finery. Many tree* In-1 be rented indivl dually or converted to two additional apartments, Two RUSSELL M; BORUS Large corner !ot, well lao^f'or, eluding fruit. Near St. Leo's. garages In rear. Laundry connections Plenty or trees, jaa lamp, KM grin, in basement 529,500. STERLING REALTORS storm windows and doors .Imr-n i- THOMPSON'S GALLBRY OF HOMES, In'c condition. Asking (32,000 Plum $35,500 600 River Rd. Fair Haven 871-0017. 45 W. River Rd., Rumson. 747-0900. .717-1532 MIDM.ETOWN RED BANK ' Cozy two-bedroom Florida ranch. Fire- I HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE For the professional man. « ROOM RUMSON COLONIAL - Af only W1.900. Yes, four bedrooms, pfoce, basement and attached aaraoe. THE CURTIN AGENCY two baths and a den. A full cellar with a game room, too, and a two- Seven rooms, l'/2 baths, plus Conveniently located between N. Y. I car garage. Central air conditioning controlled humidity heating -system. four rooms for office. Prime REALTORS - INSURORS and Red Bonk bus line. FHA op-1 Century-old oaks. Much shrubbery provides good privacy. Well worth praised. seeing, Why nol call ui for an appointment. location. An excellent buy at $800 DOWN $22,600 $31,500. $18,900 MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTINGS THE STEPHENS AGENCY, INC. VETS AND NON VETS RED BANK JOSEPH G. McCUE INC. Nearly 300 listings In Llttlt Silver, Shrewsbury, Fair Haven and Rumson OFFERS IN "•' RIVER PLAZA Three-room apartment, thret-car go- REALTORS Three- bedrooms, extra large kitchen. rage. Convenient to schools, shop- 23 RIDGE ROAD 842-0600 RUMSON formal dining room, full basement. ping and transportation. Liberal BELFORD 30 Ridge Rd. Rumson 842-0444 Just reduced to 118,000 for quick financing available. Centrally located for schools, ihoDDinq anil transportation, Member Multiple Listing MIDDLETOWN — Split level. Four" FAIR HAVEN featuring three bedrooms, huge eat-in kitchen ana\ pantleel bedrooms, two bajhs, kitchen with $3,500 DOWN In the Tradition of Estate Living; game room plus attached qarage. First tim« offered. Asking built-in dishwasher. Family room, liw FIVE-BEDROOM Ing room, dining room, basement and VETS AND NON VETS $20,900. Call 787-7500. garage. Professionally landscaped COLONIAL with beautiful trees In spacious back NAVESINK yard. *26,900. 7HJ647. \ hree bedrooms, full basement with 3V living room with gas log flre- BAHRS NEW: MONMOUTH family room. Spacious living room ploce, formal dining room, ipocloul 3OLT3 NBCK — QUAINT OLDB CO- with fireplace. Must be sold this sun room. 2Vi baths, full base- REAL ESTATE PIEDMONT FARMS Neat four-bedroonV I'/i-bath split in St. Mary's Parish LONIAL — Three bedrooms, H4 weekend at reduced prlc* of $3V ment, two-cor garage. Priced to baths, large Itvlng room, dining roonv 500. sell for only S33.000. REALTOR featuring 17' family room, attached garage. See this to den, kitchen, two*car garage. Fenced ai 6oltt Nock yard. Located on almost two acres. SUBJECT TO FHA AND VA MORTGAGE MEMBER OF MULTIPLE appreciate. Asking $23,500. Call 787-7500. Asking $30,000. J.D. ROCHE, Realtor, . LISTING SERVICE Bt. 34, Colts Neck. 462-2741. SEND FOR BROCHURE Highway 36 & Emr Road HERE'S A NICE WAY TO GET 24 BAY AVENUE & COLONIALS & RANCHES STARTED — A three-bedroom home- 291-1818 in fine condition. Outside just painted 1 STEAMBOAT LANE FROM $41,900 New Jersey Nice living room, 12x13 dining room, eat-In kitchen, apptances included., Hwy. 36 and Thompson. Ave. Leonardo Full basement and garage. Immedi- HIGHLANDS, N. J. A new community of eastern built homes, built to your per- Realtor Multiple Listing Member ate possession available. 122,500. Look' Member Red Bank Area and Northern at this one today! E,A. ARMSTRONG Monmouth Multiple Lilting Services 872-1600 sonal tastes and requirements from our basic exhibit home AGENCY, Realtor, 555 Prospect Ave.. plans or. from- your plans and specifications. Set on magnifi- Little Silver. 741-4900. c, cent I acre lots in one of the lowest tax areas of New Jersey, RUMSON — Gracious old estate sur- rounded by almost live acres ot state- each home reflects the highest standard of excellence in com- ly specimen trees and rolling lawns. 12 rooms, 4H baths.. Excellent condi- fort with such outstanding refinements at: tion. Private tale. Sacrifice at {80,. 000.. Call 7410873. 3, 4 and 5 bedroomf brick fireplace MOOT FOR YOUR MONEY — Three- bedroom. Hillside ranch with lota of: 2Vi and 3 baths ' large 2 car garage. trees and shrubs. Entrance hall leadl- ! to oversized living 'room with flre-^ place, combination dining room and , kitchen, 26x16' gameroom, full base-' . — MODEL OPEN DAILY — ment and attached, garage. A charm- REALTORS — INSURORS — APPRAISERS Ing home offered at (30.400. E. A. DIRECTIONS: Route 34 North, 3 miles from Intersection of ARMSTRONG AGENCY, Realtor, 5S1 SHREWSBURY OFFICE Prospect Ave., Little Silver. 741-4500. Route 537 (at Colts Neclt Inn) make left turn DESIRABLE LOCATION! :.,.'. . . ; at Clover Hill Road, continue Vt mile to Tulip" . (More Classified Ads Three-bedroom brick and frame ranch with woodburning fireplace In living room, 20' dan and • ' Lane, and'left to modal. ' ! ' . On The Next Page) two-ear garage en nicely landscaped' acra. Immediate occupancy and just reduced to $33,900. COLTS-NECK Model Home: 946-4560 Evenings: 583-9049 l_

.SET ON A KNOLL '• , Magnificent custom built four-bedrooms, l'/i bath Colonial lo- HOUSES FOR SALE With plush green lawns. Brick and frame rancher boasting slate foyer, sunken living room, dining room, modern kitchen with breakfast room, three or four bedrooms, family room, base- cated in on* of the most scenic areas of the towmhip. Spa- , NEAR RED BANK ment, two-car garage (with automatic doon). Centrally air-conditioned tool Unusual at cious country kitchen with 'dining area, paneled family room $46,900. Almost ty-acre with treei around with fireplace,' built-in bookcases and cabinets on fireplace house. On dead end street. Hot water wall, formal living room, dining room, laundry, oversize two- gas heat. Fireplace, (n living room. COUNTRY FEELING Two bedrooms — one more you can room and dining room, Yet close to shopping and ichool. Dramatic foyer, ipaclout living car gunyi. Master bedroom suite I4'x27' with walk-in closet finish upstairs. Aluminum j Id I no. Even screened perch, base- a swimming pool. Was $20,300 last up-to-minute eat-in kitchen, four bedrooms; three bethi, family room, week; you can buy M now at 111.900, ment. Tastefully decorated. Ailcing $37,900. and extra vanity in dresilng room. $53,900. VOTE YES niRCPTIflKK. approximately two miles west-from the Colts COLONIAL CHARMER 661 BROAD ST. SHREWSBURY, N. J. UIKC^I IV-MNO. Neck Inn on Rt. 537—lurn on Montrow Rd. and watch for sign and modil. Open 7 Days 741-5212 Trada-ins On Naveslnk River with riparian To help solve New Jersey's problems In rights. Surrounded with lovely trees. Slate roof covers Its eight rooms and IVi both]. Fenced ploy area lor small children. Attoctjed .garage. II J. D. ROCHE AGENCY you have been looking for this type • EDUCATION and PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS ot home, please coll us for an ap- THE KIRWAN COMPANY'S For the bast in Colts Neck pointment. 545,000. • HIGHWAYS and MASS TRANSIT CALL 462-2741 HERITAGE AGENCY Marie A. Hofiesi, Realtor HIGHV/AY 34 COLTS NECK Holdmel, Ul-mr, Matawan, 546-7040 BEST BUYS OF THE WEEK • URBAN HOUSING Listings from S14.0OO to 1100,000 MIDDLETOWN HAZLET RARITAN the New Jersey Association of Real Estate OFFICE—787-5500 OFFICE—264-7100' OFFICE—787.6600 CAMPIELL'S JUNCTION AIRPORT PLAZA, HWY. 3» HWY 3*. W KfANSIUna Boards urges all citizens to

VACANT $11,500 $16,900 Spotless — $15,500 Colonial — 3 Bedroom. Colonial— 3 Bedrooms vote "YES" This lovely ranch nome Is located 3 bedroom spacious J story Colo- REALTORS — INSURORS — APPRAISERS near every convenience on a quid Older.home but In excellent con- street. Extra large kitchen, lormal nial with country style kitchen, dining room, baseboard hot water lormal dining room, 3 large bed- dition. 3 large bedrooms, den, on all three Bond Issues November 5 MIDDLETOWN OFFICE heating, detached garage and rooms, porch, 1 car garage, nicely tormalMlnlng room, full basement, large tronl porch.—Vels no down, landscaped lot. VA no down, FHA city leweri. Quint street, yet close MIDDLETOWN SI 35 a month. Others 1500 down. to schooli/ shopping and trans- Don't wait, call i|owl 7B7-55O0. low down. Immaculate ranch with three large bedrooms, family-ilie kitchen, formal dining room." Base- portation. Call 707 MOO. ment completely and bonutifi|ly finished. One-car garage and tun porch. Many extrail Call $15,500 now. Priced to sell thli weekend at $27,700. FOUR BEDROOMS 3 Bedrooms — I Vi Bafhi •1 hedroom well cared lor 2 story MATAWAN ' Ranch — 1 Vx Baths home with large kitchen and $23,500 Three-bedroom Colonial with dining room and 18' family room. Basement. Nicely landscaped Tills lovely modern homfl Is lo- pantry. Pormnl dlnlny room 13x18 cated on a Vt acre lot fully lund- grounds with many tall shade troesl All utilities including city sewers and also near railroad sconerf, Larfle srlancc Kitchen- loot, living room, l'/j Ixiths. En- Split Level — 4 Bedrooms transportation. Call now for appolntmentl Listed at $36,000. formal dlnlnu room* basement and closed front porch. Enclosed brick This lovely tour bedroom home central air conditioning. Also WOll- Polio, r.hciln link lenr.o. Full boie- has foo much to offer to last long fo wall carpeting Neor every con* "lent, aluminum storms and MIDDLETOWN , venlence. Only »21,M», . Vets no at thts price. Ideal location, large down. Others SM00 down. Pon't screens. A real buy at only lot, l'/i bains, nttached guraue. Young three-bedroom ranch, full basement and one-car garage. Wall-to-wall carpeting. City wall, call now I W 5W0. »I5,MO. Coll for appointment. 7a7o600. MULTIPLE LISTINGS •ewars. Schools and bus transportation nearby. 514514% mortgage available with $171 full monthly payment and 30da30-day occupancyoccupancy . Lilted at $23,900$23900. OVER 250 LISTINGS AVAILABLE Printed as a public tervtca by membarf of R«d Bank 2068 HWY. 35 MIDDLETOWN, N. J. • 'NATIONWIDE. RIFIRRAL SERVICI • TRADIS • EXCHANGES Ar«a Mulripl* Lilting Service. f SUBJECT TO VA-PHA APPROVAL and QUALIFIED BUYERS - TBRMf ACPROXIMATB Open 7 Days 671-3311 Trade-ini tntxix BOUSES FOB SALE HOUSES FOB SALE HOUSES FOB SALE EOtySES FOB SALE HOUSES FOB SALE THE DAJLYJtEGISTm Friday, November 1,1968-31' RED BANK IMMEDIATE POSSESSION t?ew four-bedroom raised ranch. IV, LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE QUIET LOCATION Mtths. Paneded den, attached two-car UNCROFT . LINCROFT RAY VAN Inspect ttite new Uatlnff right away. Barage. $26,800. OROWBLL, AGENCY, A tree lined street within walking 18 w. Front Sfc 741-4080. Evenings NOTICE NOTICE distance to stores end schools. Ideal M1-385S. MONMOUTH COUNTY TAKE! NOTICE that application hai HURRY' HURRY HURRY Leaders in the field for over a quarter century. for the wire thai doesn't drive. Com- SURROGATE'S COURT been made to the Mayor and Council . Rumson, Middletown, Colts Neck and miles fortable living room with fireplace, COLTS NECK — LOVELY FRAME Notice to Creditors to Present if the Borough of Red Bank to trans- a nice family sized dining room, sunny AND BRICK — Seven-bedroom, Claims Against Estate er to Bartel &nfl Jozwlak, Inc., a cor-, ONLY THREE BEAUTIFUL HOMES LEFT around. kitchen with breakfast nook. Enclosed Vj-bath ranch. Centrally air condi- ESTATE.OF JOHN E. BEEBE, DE- soratlon of the State of New Jersey, sun room. Cool coveired porch. Three tioned, recessed lighting, built-in vac- CEASED. radlng as Le Vintage for premises AT ORCHARD HILLS bedrooms. Basement. Garage. Every- uum system. Large paneled den with Pursuant to the order of DONALD located at Bay #7. The Mall, Broad A TREE SHADED STREET thing In lovely condition. Asking $2T,- fireplace. 28x15 paneled gameroom. J. CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate of the and Monmouth Street, Red Bank, 600. Hurry. Act now! 5<9,9O0. J. D, ROCHE, County of Monmouth, this day made, New Jersey, the plenary retail dis- Bl LEVELS SPLIT LEVELS This lovely home it In 4J> tiUblished neighborhood n»ar ichoolt Realtor, lit. 34, Colts Neck. 462-2741. on the application of the undersigned. tribution license number D-2 hereto- and thoppirtg. Three bedrooms. I Vi bathi. Fireplace in living HALL BROS., Realtors June R. Beebe—Sole Executrix of the fore Issued to John J. Niven T/A, S13 River Rd. 7*1-7886 Pair Haven TOO MUCH TOGETHERNESS? — :te of the aald John E. Beebe de- The Wine Barrel, for the premises lo- Three and four bedrooms. Large family rooms. On half acre room. Formal dining room. Modern kitchen and breakfast room. Member Multiple Listing Service Spread out In this spacious Little Sti- ceased, notice ia hereby given to the cated at 4 Monmouth Street,. Red Full dry basement. Charming rear porch and patio overlooking Open 7 Days er home in A-l condition. Four good creditors of said deceased present Bank, New Jersey. lots. Walking distance schools, transportation, shopping and size bedrooms, 2V4 baths. Attractive .„ the said Sole Executrix their JAMES A. BARTEL, churches. secluded pretty garden. Asking $27,50^ Taxes $672. LITTLE SILVER living room, separate dining room, claims under oath within six month* President and Director Popular three-bedroom floor plan. Two modern kitchen, 18' den. Attached ga- from this date. 8 Rlghter Roftd RUMSON - RUMSON - baths. Bay window In living room with age. All on VJ acre tn choice loca- Dated: October 18th, 1968 Succasunna, New Jersey .^ DIRECTIONS: • llroplace and bookcases. Formal din- ion. Cure tor cramped style offered JUNE R. BEEBE ROBERTA BARTEL, In excellent taste and spotUii throughout. -Seven spacious rooms. Ing room with French doors to at $31,000. E.A. ARMSTRONG AGEN- 19 Stanford Circle Secretary and Director Newman Springs Rd. to Harvey Ave. Two blocks on Harvey 2'/i tiled baths. Electric kitchen. Family room. Expansive view screened porch. Eye appealing pan- CY, Realtor, 555 Prospect Ave., Little Red Bank, New Jersey 8 Rlghter Road Ave. to : - elect kitchen with built-lna. Aluminum Silver. 741-4500. Sole Executrix Succaaunna, New Jersey of fields and gardens. Picket fencing. Two-car garage. Price Biding. Ne&r good schools. $34,300 5- ReuBsIIIu, Cornwflt, Mausner EMZABBTH H. JOZWIAK, reduced to $43,400. Taxes $936. Offers wanted. percent V.A. mortgage can be & & Carotenuto, Vice President and Treasurer ORCHARD HILLS aumed. Asking (34,900. Don't wait, LOTS AMD ACREAGE 34 Broad Street 339 Parker Avfnue Red Bank, New Jersey Hackensack, New Jersey CALL 842-4796 804 River Road REALTORS Fair Haven, N. J. FROM ONE LOT TO 100 ACRES — Attorneys The foregoing are all the names 747-3500 Either commercial or residential. Call Oct. 35, Nov. 1, 8, 15 J39.W and residences of ail officers, direc- 747-4100 MULLANEY REALTY. 6T1-5151. tors and stock holders, ivho hold ROLSTON WATERBURY more than 10% of the slock of Bar- MIDDLETOWN — HARTSHORNS tel and Jozwlak, Inc. Realtor - Insww WOODS — Beautiful wooded acre REAL ESTATE WANTED HOUSES FOR SALE 18 W. Front St. Red Bank 07701 plus with view of Navtslnk Itlver. Objection, it any, should b« Im- HOUSES FOB SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Will build to suit. $15,300. Call 542- mediately in writing to: 3377 after 5 p.m. ATTENTION—COLTS NECK John Bryan, Municipal Clerk MIDDLBTOWN , RUMSON COLONIAL Borough of Red Bank ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS NEW HOMES RUMSON FOR INVESTORS — 38 acres on W« have ready qualified buyers, so Five minutes to Red Bank station. EVERY CONVENIENCE for fast efficient service, call J. D. Red Bank, New Jersey \ VA NO DOWN AKiANTIC HIQHLAtUX: Three-bed FOUR BEDROOMS Four-bedroom Colonial. Living room- highway with large frontage, $50,000 ROOHB, Realtor, Rt 34, Colls Neck. BARTEL A JOZWIAK, INC. Approve^ four bedrooms, two b&UM, room ranch. Living room, kitchen, din- fireplace, booKcases. Dining room. Centrally alr-contlltloned four-be feoora, 33 wooded acres with brook, 5350 per BY; JAMES A. BARTEL, two-batti home In immaculate cotidK acre. 9 acres on highway with large 462-2741- Member Multiple Listing ser- living room, dining room, kitchen. Ing area. Family room. Attached ga- $31,500 Jalousied, heated sunroom. Oarage. vice. President Bafreft>o&r4 hot-water radiation. Newly rage, me bath. Cedar shakes. Hot Fine residential area. Weal for Brow- Basement. Comfortable home needing tlon. Spacious Hving room, formai din- house S32.OO0, HAROLD LINDE- Bay #7 The Mall renovated, throughout. Search com- water heat. *21,900. Ing family. Two blocks from excellent some attention. Asking (24,000, See Ing room, raised heaxth fireplace in MANN, Broker, Shrewsbury. B42-1103- Broad and Monmouth Street pleted, mortgage oommltt&d. Quick 1U possibilities today. family room. Large cement patio, full LIST WITH CONFIDENCE Red Bank, New Jersey sctaoola , and bus line. Large living tiled baaement. two-ear garage. 1)1 ec KBYPORT — Building lot. City sew- Our 14 professional salespeople are occupancy* $ 19,500. ( ^ /' \ JtrDDLETOWN: Hiree-bedroom ranch. room, formal dining room, eunny P-H s^d wuer. Westerly side of Kear- Oot. 25, Nov. 1 $22.00 Living room. eat-In kitchen. Utility Ironic air filter, double gaa bat^e-cue, ready ana able to market your prop. kitchen, 114 baths. WalHo-wall carpet- many othor extras. Asking W1.900. ny St. 67.5 frontage. 117.16 deep erty, luocessfully. .room. Tiled bath. Attached garage. Ing, 34x17 knotty pine recreation room 747-3500 ».,00i). 264-1117. EDWIN f. klARK A Oily water. $19,000. in bas&ment. Reasonable taxes. Sh RUSSELL M. BORUS Trade-Ins — Exchanges ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS by appointment. Gall MQ-ISSS. Member Multiple Listing Services Project No. and Location Realtor •'Insurer _y BEACH AGENCY, Realtor ROLSTON WATERBURY REALTORS WALKECER & WALKER, Realtors 6408 . M K. 3S ' MJddlotown. N. J. Re<ar • Iasuror WATERFRONT LOT Shrewsbury Holmdel Alteration & Addition to (&rag« 1336 Hwy. M, Hazlrt 842-2623 Open 7 days 2,000 SQ. FT. IN RUMSON 16 W, Front Bt. Red B*nk (WT01 600 RIvar Rd. Fair Haven 741-5212 671-3311 building:, Totowa Maintenance Shu and White Bus Terminal Bids. EveK 4!e(e the adjoins a park. Colonial style-Cape TnlB spacious rbur-fcediroom Colonial CY, Rt. 35. Middletown, 671-10O0. Hated branches of work and a sep- •AVU frultlMi houn of searching by Roomy enough for your Inaugural ball first floor. Factually priced at 529 600. has a sunken family room with raised son. T47-O900. arate over-oil single contract bid (b) ' •ending (or our free comprehensive Cod. Four bedrooms, two baths, ta-ri Living room 21x22, dining room 15x32 Florida room that overlooks many hearth right off the dollghttuj country 1V4 ACRE WOODED LOT - Con. WE CAN MULTIPLE LIST covering all the branches of work and Catalog; modeBt homes; palatial Hum- with firerplace, Wtchen 25x12, three bed- RUSSELL M. BORUS kitchen where Mom can watch the venlent to schools. On Bher&ton Lane, required to complete the •on estates, waterfront!, farms. Mul- beautiful trcea, fireplace in living rooms, two b&tha. On 1% acres In REALTORS room. Full basement. Walk-In cloaeti. youngsters at play, two ruu baths, Rumson. 117,500, Call 842-2070. YOUR HOME protect will be received In the Re- tiple LlsUngl. Rurruaon. Two-car garage. Immediate powder room, lull basement, two-car Call today and give details and cash ception Room of the Office of the Di- River Rd. Fair Haven Just listed. Only (28,900. (arose, above ground pool. Within RED BANK AREA — 3 adjoining rector, Division of Purchase and RAY STILLMAN, Realtor occupancy. TW» modem rancb la com- 747-4532 beautifully wooded lots an hillside, price. 8TERLINQ THOMPSON & ASfJ pletely air conditioned. Priced to sell PAUL BRAGAR walking distance to shopping, tranapor 1 BOC, 747-6600. Property, 2nd floor. Room 232-2, Stata "Our 50th Year" at WI.000. McALlSTER AG-KNCY, taUon and high school. See It today - approximately 130'xlBO each. Only House. Trenton, New Jeraoy 08925, REALTOR MI.600. APTMSBROOK AGJSNCY, U'. principals. No brokers need apply. MS Hwy. 35 Shrewsbury 7(1-8600 Realtor, 109 E. River Rd., Rumson. DUTCH COLONIAL T94 Broad St., Shrewsbury T47-0221 MAPLE AVENUE until 2:00 o'clock p.m. E.S.T. on No- 842-1894. Ave. ol Two Rivera, Rumson. 842-2800, Price 516,000 each. Write Box H-112, vember 14, 1068 and then publicly Nice JooMng Souse on deep lot. Three The Dally Register, Red Bank. Or street nearby. House wanted. Write opened and read aloud. No bid will M ACRID GBNIDRAI, FABM — Live bedrooms, 1% baths, 17' square kitchen Box H-110, The Dally Register, Red be aocepted after the hour specified. brook. Many outbuildings. Can be con- SHREWSBURY COLONIAL with breakfast area. Full basement. RUMSON COLTS NBOK — One acre, *7,6OO. Bank. Immediate possession. Three-bedroom, MINIATURE ESTATE Call Bids will be received on the follow* Verted for horses. Pasture land, old Six months old. Custom built. Three A good buy with low taxes. {27,500. Over three acres or rolllns country tag branches of work: homestead. Clear and wooded. HO,000. extra large bedrooms, 2% baths, 21 McALlSTER AGENCY, Realtor, 109 lVj-bath ranch. Large living room (31-4256 LISTINGS WANTED — Two, three E. River Rd., Rumson. 842-1894. with stone fireplace. Fu!4 basement. side. Custom butH three-bediroom home. and four-bedroom homes In Little Sil- GENERAL MEYER MORRILL, Broker kitchen, family room, full dining room Large picture window. Air conditioned. Spacious living room with wood-burnlns 14 ACRE WOODED LOT — Partla ver, Rumson, Middletown area. Foi The Information for Bidders, Form Two-car garage. Convenient to schools view of bay, 58,500. Call 45 E. Main St. Freehold 462-o627 COLTS NECK—Classic olde Colonial. This ii an "All Amortoan" candidate. fireplace, formal dining room, cat-id fast efficient service call E.A, ARM-of , Bid, ' Form of Contract. Plans, and transportation. Extras, 743-3295. Located on large, beautifully land- 135,250, McALISTBR AGENCY, 109 X kitchen. Expansion possibilities, jal 291-9069 STRONG AOBNOY, Realtor, 555 Specifications and Forms of Bid Bond, UNCHOFT — Three-b«droom spilt LINOROFT- — A REAL BUY — scaped property with many, many River Rd., Rumaon. SUaSM ousied porch. Full dry basement, 114 WOODED ACM Prospect Ave., LHUe silver. 741-4500. Performance*Payment Bond, and oth- level complttely redecorated Inside Three-bedroom, two-bath split level. trees. This five-bedroom, 414 bath Three-car garage w*h 15x30 playroom. Colts. Neck. Beautiful high ground. A er contract documents may be ex- and out'Floors reflnlshcd. 2'A baths. Completely redecorated Insldt house offers the ultimata m graeloua LINCHOFT — New custom built to- Unusual opportunity. Asking 537.000, virtual forest of s trees, Asking S14.- amined at the following: Available Immediately. $28,000. open and out Large living room, dining country living. Complete " with two level and split level homefc, Three The MoOOWAN ACUBSNOY, Realtors, 000. Dial 741-5212 for details. .Office of Architecture, nousB Sunday, November 3, 1 to l> room, kitchen, game room and garage. fireplaces, porch, patio, railed sun- and four bedrooms, recreation room, »B JN^vmaa Bpxiti«a Rd., Red Bank, WALKER ft WALKER, Realtors, Engineering A Construction* or call owner, 946-4828. Newman Located within a tew minutes walk deck off upstalra bedroom. Large liv- dishwasher and dryer. Two-car ga- Hwy. 35. Shrewsbury, 741-5212. State Honst •prings Rd. to 6 Majestlo Ave. (2 to St. Leo's school and shopping cen- ing room with pegged floor, dining rage. Early possession. Call EDWIN 24-Hour Service., , Trenton, New Jersey 08626 ^ blocks East of St. Leo's) , ter. $29,000. J.D. ROCHE, Realtor, Rt room, kitchen, gameroom, laundry H; MARTIN, Broker. 642-5900. OCEANPORT - RANCH Copies may be obtained at the Of* 34,' Colts Neck. 462-2741, room, detached two-car gatttge, pan- Perfect rox ne»1jTt-od« m retired cou- "flee of Architecture,' Engineering and COUNTOY OKNTUEMEN! Flva pic- eled den with beamed celling and COLTS NECK—PRICED FOR QUICK ple. Completely furnished with inew COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Construction, located at the State House. turesque wooded acres—brook. Like LINCROFT — Three-bedroom ranch. built-in bookcase. Even an old bam SALE — Lovely three-bedroom, two- appliances. Settlement of an «stat Trenton, New Jersey upon payment of new three-bedrobm ranch. 1>4 tiled Two baths. WalMo-wall carpeting. En- on property. Ideal for a few horses. bath, contemporary ranch, located on Immediate occupancy. H8MXI f2S.OO for each net. Any unsuccessful baths, basemsnt and garage. (Free- closed porch. Full basement .Beauti- Unlimited possibilities. Asking *53,OOO. 1 2/3 acres. Low taxes. Asking 135,- py H8XI. MIDDLETOWN TWP. — Commercial bidder, upon returning' such set hold area.) »a,900. OTTO AGENCY, ful landscaping. S28.500. Owner, 747- J.D. ROCHE, Realtor, Rt 34, Colti 900. J. D. ROCHE, Realtor, Rt. 34, property along Hwy. 35 or 36. From PAUL BBRAGAR R 175' to 10 acrei MULLANEY REAL- romptly and In good condition, will Realty, Hwy. 8.. Freehold. 431-COIW. 0372. Neck. 482-2741. Colts Neck. 482-2741. Se refunded his payment, and any Realtor TY 671-5151. non-bidder upon io returning such * TO4 Broad Bt. Shrewsbury 747-0221 set will be refunded $25.00. PEANUTS By CHARLES M. SCHULZ RJED BANK — Bpacfoua older Co The State reserves the right to re* lonial In choice area near htgt; BUSINESS PROPERTY Ject any or at! bids. achool. Modern kitchen with butlUns, NSW MONMOUTH — Professional of Each bidder must deposit with his ALL I SAUMterW BEDROOM! EMAE WHERE THE'SREAT PUMPKIN' formal dining room, living room with bid, security In the amount, form ana fireplace and. three large bedrooms. flee.building. Asking (27,900. Call 671 subject to (he conditions provided la 6RAMMA WAS BW-SITTW6, POM'T 1-S COUCERMEP, GRAMMA Deep rear yard and tingle garage. 1260. the Instructions, for Bidders. AND SHE UXJULDNT LET ME SDJrV Immediate possession. Asking $23,- Attention.or bidders Is particularly 000. E. A. ARMSTRONG AGENCY, called to tho*~requtrement« as to con- OUT IN THE POMPKIM PATCH.,. 15 vetw uwri Realtor, S5S prospect Ave., Little Sil- REAL ESTATE WANTED ditions of employment to be observed ver. 741-4600. and minimum wage rates to be paid WATERFRONT INCOME HOME NEED VACANT LAND under the contract. Only one of 1U kind. Riverfront No bidder may withdraw his bid Small lot or large tracts. Call MUL- within sixty (60) days after the actual apartments plus beautiful 100'x233' LANEY REALTY. 671-5151. ' ocean be&cb. property. In Sea Brlgh "Just for laughs, let's lie wha< dato or the opening thereof. Call us for details. 842-1492. URGENTLY NEEDED — Two and DEPARTMENT OF THB TREASURY SWEENEY; AOENCY, REALTORS throe-bedroom homes Middletown, Has- kind "of nut In The Daily Ragista Division of Purchase and Property P.O. Building, 1032 Ocean Ave., Sea let vicinity. We have buyers waiting, PHARLBS F. SULLIVAN, Director Bright Sundays by appointment only THH KIRWAN CO. 787-6600. Wont Adi would hire you!" Oct 29, Nov. 1 $3100 THE PHANTOM By LEE FALK BLONDIE By CHIC YOVNG ABOVEWM-AHEST- THAT BIS BIRD.' ITU WHAT WE NEED WHAT I NEED BRUSH HIM IS A REMOTE CONTROL IS A PEMOTB CONTROL OFF' rrS SUCH A NUISANCE TO TO TURN THE TV TO TURN HIM




SNUFFY SMITH By FRED LASSWELL POGO By WAH KELLY NOPE-HE'S OVER HE OUGHT TO BE WHAT I THOUGHT HE MIGHT VDUCANY V ITS YOU "TWO ISVORE IN LUKEV'S BARN 'SHflMEO OFHISSELF!.' DIDVE LIKE TO BUV SOME Ti IhanteaneK-toee-maltyflee-teep-et plan. PANC0/ 5:» 7— News—Fronk Reynolds—Color 31—Film 4—Research Project—Medicine—Color You face 'fewer obstacles than You may have to put forth 22 Afghanistan 64 Enraged 36 Cooking 61 Long-tailed 9—Moke Room For Daddy 13—New Jersey Speaks 47—Spanish Drama—Color 9—Film—The Glrl-Getters— many others, but this is Email more effort, but results will 11—Munsters—Comedy 31—Return to Nursing Oliver Reed—S hrs. comfort, warrant all of your work. city 65 Part of shoe II—Long John Silver—Color ingredient ape 13-Mlsterogers—Children 7:30 13-Fllm Sagittarius. Nov. 22 to 0ec.2l 2—Wild Wild West—Color 13—Latin America Gemini. May 21 to Junt 21 23 Plats 66 Sweetsops 31-^llms From France 31—News—Herbert Boland 31—It's Fun to Read—Discussion Your sparkling personality Reject unethical or even slightly Solution to Yesterday's Puzzle 5:iJ 4—High Chaparral—Color 10:00 questionable scheme proposed at 25 Regret 67 Race horse 47—News 5—Truth or Consequences—Quiz—Colo/ 4:30 works to .your advantage in a 4—Star Trek—Adventure—Color 2—Film—On the Town— Mrangc social situation. this time. 26 "Perry DOWN 5:* 7—Operation: Entertainment—Color 7—Judd—Drama—Color 5-McHole's Navy-Comedy 9—Steve Allen—Variety-Color _ Gene Kelly—2 hrs Color Cancer. June 22 to July 21 Capricorn. Dae 22 to Jan. 20 Mason" 1 Cherub -., 11—Rat Patrol—Drama—Color S—News—BUI—Jorgensen—Color 4—Someone New—Color You have too much at stake to Conserve your energies this 9—Real McCoys-Comedy 11—Perry Mason-Mystery 5—Secret Agent—Drama 11—Botmon—AdventureWGolor 13—Who Is—Profile—Color 13-Newsfront—Mitchell Krouss take mny chances, so proceed ' weekend as you'll be quite ac- 27 Relaxation 2Jxroking 31—Brooklyn College 11—Horse Roce-^Aqueduct—Color tive in' the week ahead. 13—What's New-Children 31—In the Law Library 31—Films From France with utmost caution. 29 Convulsive glass: var. 31—Wings to the World i 47—Big Debate—Color 47-Varlety Hour—Lonia-Color Lao. July 22 to Aug. 21 Aquarius. Jan. 21 to Ftb. 19 sigh 3 Use strength 47—Film—Los Farsonfes— I0.-M You may want to make m change. You'll face competition, setbacks MargarltaT_om-<- " hrs." 5—Pay Cords!—Game—Color (Continued on Next Page) Kow's a good time, if it's care* and irksome delays, but you'll 11—Sun For Your Llfe-^Dramo-Color 31—Latin America ' 30 Petty demon 4 Never: Ger. EVENINO ' 47—News—Corrlgan—Color fully thought out • cope with all.' 33 Christmas 5 Haunts 10:45 Virgo. Aug. 22 to Sapt. 22 Piseas. Fab. 20 to March 20 47—Variety Hour—1 nnza-Color . You may have to mark time Only you can decide the ur- sprigs 6 Figurines 11:09 while tniting" for propitious gency of each situation and 37 Blackthorn 7 One to whom 2—News—Bob Young—Color {AJITNTTCJ aspect*. make the choice of when to act 4—News^-JTrh Hartz—Color 38 Common a check is Sr-Donold O'Connor—Variety—Color CFieid Enterprises, Inc., 1968 , 39 Same score issued At the Modes 7—News—Roger Grlmsby—Color 9-Fllm-Vlo Malo- NOW THROUGH TUESDAY 40 Claw 8 High * 4:O0: Oooean'eBkiH 6:30; 8:15; 10:00 Gert Frobe-,2 hrs.-Color DORIS DAY • BRIAN KEITH 41 Escape mountains RED BANK SUN. — Santa CUua 1:30; 3:30;11—NFL This Week—Color COOIM'J Blutf <:00; 7:49; 9:30. 11:10 "With Six You Get Eqqroll' 42 its capital 9 Beverage CARLTON- - 4-Wealher—Field-Color "Its Paper Won 2:00: 7:45; 1O:»; PLUS • 2nd BIG HIT isArnhem 10 Questioner LAURELTON 11:15 Debbie Reynolds - James Garner Pep Bally — Red Bank Hljh School 7—News—Roger Grlmsby—Color T:00. DRIVE-IN— 47—Film—Los Farsantes- "HOW SWEET IT IS" SAT & SUN. — Kiddle Snow: Santa Oartooiu 7:00; The Secret IMe ot an Clatu 2:00; The Paver Lion 4:0O; Margarlta Lozano—40 mln. 8:00; 8:00; 10:00. American Wife 7:30; 11:10; Ban 11:25 Sahirday, Sunday Matinee At 2:0 dolero 8:20. ' 4—Sports—Kyle Rotn—Color SAT. — The Seoret U(e,of in Ameri- 1 EATONTOWN H:M .<•> "With Six You Gel- Eggroll can Wile 7:00: 10:40; Bandolero 8:50. 2—Fllm-Operoflon Mad Ball- COMMUNITY- SUN. — "Wie Seoret l/We ot an AmeT- 1 Plus Selected Shorts Coogan'B Blutf S:2O; 7:20; 9:S0. Ican Wife 7:00; 10:40; Bandolero Jack Lemmon —2 hrs.. 5 mln SAT. ft SUN. — Kiddle Show: Santa 8:20. Clause 2:00; Coogan'i Bluff 4:3S; 8:20; 8:20; 10:18. . TOMS RIVER DRIVE-IN- DOVER— PM. * SAT. — The Paper Uos 7:SO: Paper Lion 7:20; 9:25. 11:25; me P«j# »:«. - SAT. - HaSo-weenjJo*hm« PsJty WHIT KIND OF PICTURE IS "PAPER LION"? BUN. — The Poser I4oo 6:06: 8:56; 2:00; Banta aim* 2:30; Tfie Tmoet It* P»u*y 8S10. Lion 4:30: 830: B:SO; 10:!0. Is it a football pictureTls it awoman's picture? LONG BRANCH Is it an action picture? Is it a family picture? BARONET- North of Red Bank Is it a suspense picture ?Is it a groovy picture^ AMURY PARK For Lore of Ivy 7:20; 9:30. •ATONTOWN BAT. — Far Love ot Ivr 2:30; 8:00; Is it a funny picture? 7:15; 8:30. MIDDLETOWN F DRIVE-IN YRIC BUN. — Spanish Snow — Oonttnuou* 775-1081 All Day. • 542-4200 I FREEHOLD Coogarf" BluH 7:13; 9:30. BAT. * SUN. — Kiddle Show: Santa MALL- Clans 2:00; Ooocan'eBiuK 5:40; 7:40; , Piper Uon 7:28; B:S6. SAT. — Kiddle snow: Santa Olaui 12:00; 2:00; 4:00; Ttie Paper Uoi ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS "ft DELIGHTFUL MOVIEI ONE OF THE FUNNIEST FINALES 8:00; 8:00; 10:00. The Taper Lion' BUN. — Kiddle Show: Santa ATLANTIC- SINCE KORSEFEATHERS'I EVEN FOR ONE IGNORANT OF 1:30; 3:30: The Paper Uon 9:30; VM,, BAT. ft BUN. —With Six You 7:30; B.-30. s, Get Breroll 7:00: 70:10; How Sweet FOOTBALL, PLIMPTON'S ADVENTURES ARE TOTALLY AB- is about to ASBURY PARK 'It I* 8:35. SORBING AND ENTERTAININGI",..-..:,"IN TAPER LION' LYRIC— HAZLET Paper Lion 5:15: 7:15: S:2S. PLASMA— THE DEVOTEE IS EXTENDED A RARE PRIVILEGE. DO NOT get creamed! SAT. — The Paper Lion 2:00; »:86; Paper Lion 7:29; 9:26. 5:85: 8:00; 10:00. BAT — Banta Chun 12:00; 2:00; SPURN IT. THE FIELD-LEVEL ACTION IS SO MUCH MORE BUN. — Ttae Paper Lion 3:35; «:90; 4:00; Paper Lion 6:00; 8:00; 10:00. 7:10; 8:25. SUN. — Santa Clam 1:30; 3:30: COMPELLING THAN A FARAWAY SEAT OR A TV SCREEN. MAYFAIK- Paper Lion 5:30; 7:30; 9:80. Coogan's Blu« 2:15; 7:25: 8:30. THE CLACK AND CRUNCH IN CRASHING CONTACT IS THE Stuart Millar presents SAT. ft SUN. — Kiddle Show: Banta KEYPORT Olaui 2:00; Cooian't BluH 4:25; STRAND- TRUE SOUND OF THE GAME. DONE SUPERBLY." i?;^ «:13; 8:10; 10:00 FBI., SAT. ft SUN. — The Two of Reviewers Are Split ST. JAMES- Us 7:15; 10:19; Weekend Italian "AN ENTERTAINING. OFF-THE-BEATEN PATH MOVIE. PAPER SUN. — The Restlau Ones 3:00; Style 8:«i. WHAT A LOCKER ROOM FULL OF DEEFI PERHAPS IT IS NEW YORK (AP) - The sin- day at the Cherry Lane, and 4:30: T:00. • EAST BRUNSWICK 9 gle show opening this week, "Grab Bag" until Monday at NEPTUNE CITY TURNPIKE- REALLY A WOMAN'S PICTURE1' v; OUTDOOR — FRI., SAT- ft SUN. — LION Megan Terry's "The People vs. the Astor Place playhouse. Ooogan'e Bluff 7:00: 10:20; King NEPTUNE CITY— Kong Itecapei 8:40. Ranchman," sharply divided Two recent Broadway pro- Salt ft Pepper 7:00; 10:40; Hani INDOpR — Coogan'a BluH 7:30; S FAPERLION ductions succumbed to general- •Em High 8:4S. 10:5O; King Kong Escapee 9:10. the critics. SAT. — Hane 'Em High 1:30; 3:10; SAT. & BUN. — Santa Ctous 2:00; <33> Technicolor' United htnti Alan'Alda 8:50: Salt & Pepper 3:20; 7:09; 10:48. ly adverse notices. "Rockefel- 3:30; King Konx Escape* 5:40: 9:10; Favoring the abrasive avant- BUN. — Thoroughly Mod Bra ilUM NOW PLAYING Technicolor United Arlists ler and the Bed Indians" folded 2:10; 1:40; 7:10; 9:40. Coogan's Blutf 7:30; 10:50. CO-STARRING garde display at off-Broadway's after four performances, "Her. ALGOfoQUlNXpQ MANASQUA- N PERTH AMBOY RED BANK EATONTOWN FREEHOLD HAZLET THE DETROIT LIONS Fortune Theater were review- First Boman" exits after 17. PM—. ft BAT. — The Heart 1» a AMBOY'S DRIVE-IN- and Lonely Hunter 2:O0; 7:05; 9:15. FM., SAT. ft SUN. — Cartoon T:00; CARLTON EATONTOWN D.I. FREEHOLD PLAZA ers for ABC and CBS televi- BUN. — Ite Hwirt I« a Lonely Puner Lion 7:06: 11:07; The Party Vlnee Lombard! and Frank Gifford sion and The Associated Press. Hunter 3:00; 4:23; 6:40; »:66. Mixed reports were tied by Concert . BRICKTOWN MENLO PARK the Times "and NBC-TV, and BRICK PLAZA- CINEMA- FBI.. SAT. ft. SUN. — Paper Lion AT 2 pans by the Post and News. Coogan'i Bluff 7:2(1: 9:25. SATURDAY Tomorrow BAT. -r- Banta dam 13:00: 2:O0; 2:00; 4:O0: 6:O0; 8:00: 10:00. • A.I.T. * Tonite On Stage At 7:00 P.M. Two mother scheduled off- LAKEWOOD-The 10th anni- THEATRES at 2:00 & 4:00 PEP RALLY FOR Broadway arrivals were post- versary concert of the Lake- poned, "Triple Play" until Sun- wood Civic Symphony Orches- SUNDAY RED BANK HIGH SCHOOL tra will be held at 8:30 p.m. COME AND WATCH THE CHEERLEAD- tomorrow in Lakewood High 7 mi. SOUTH JCT. RTE. 35136 at 1:30 & 3:30 School with" Murray Glass as HAZLET 264-2200 _ERj^AND MEET THE BUCCANEERS conductor-soloist. BRING THE IN PERSON The program will feature: * WHOLE STKAN "Overture to the Gassa Ladra' (The Thieving Magpie) by ALWAYS TWO FEATURES Rossini; "Toccata and Eitor- nelli" from the Opera "Orfeo" LONG BRANCH FREE SMOKING SECTION by Monteverdi; Concerto Num- IN COLOR ber 3 for Violin," featuring ARONET NOW thru TUESDAY Anthony Lucia of Long Branch, CLII1T EaSTWCX)D I mm INTERNATIONAL by Saint Saens;«and "Harold AWARDS in Italy" by H. Berlioz, fea- I'cooGarrs STARTS M turing Mr. Glass, violinist. ^rJ0ffl! KIEK TONIGHT It pays to advertise in The WffNE DOUGLAS Register. Call Classifed Ads at 741-0010.

• ACRES of FREE PARKING / FREE SMOKING SECTIONS! • SANTA'S COMING Sidney TO OUR THEATRE! • PLUS • A MAGNIFICENT "Weekend FULL-LENGTH FRf cbold MAII MOVIE Italian Style" SMM turn, tab MOOMO ESPECIALLY NOW thru TUES! * * UNuc FOR THE KIDS (M COLOR Saturday-Sunday The 'Paper Lion' FROM 2 TO 921 fig Matinee Only is about to I MIDDLETOWN I EATONTOWN get creamed! 'OWN 'OMMUNITY 671-1020 I 54Z-4M1

am Stuart Millar presents, I ASBURY PARK NOW AT ALL The adventures and AYFAIR 3 misadventures 6f a I 775-8881 THEATRES shaggy little burro PAPEAPER and a boy! LION MATINEE ONLY! Technicolor' United Artists CO-STARRING SAT. & SUN world of todays youth... Th« REAL DETROIT LIONS and featuring Vine* Lombard) and Frank Gltlord Specuf Krcet appesrafKe BH1Y i CHILD Sunday, Nov. 3 UNDER 2, 4:30 & 7 P.M. 12 Mon.-Wed.. Nov. 4-6 TODAY and TOMORROW! 6 & 8:30 Each Evening "SALT & PEPPER" and "HANG 'EM HIGH" plus a FREE ST. JAMES THEATER Srarti SUNDAY Julie ANDREWS Asbury Park, N. J. 1 chance on a "THOROUGHLY MODERN MILLIE' Irkols: 11,75 Inrivnnre snlc! only until CLinT EaSTWOOD Deluxe Boys and Nov. 3) tl.M ill 1li« door — Stelnnach Company store* (Mhury Pk., Red Dank, SAT. and SUN. MATINEES ONLY Rrlrktown); Cenlral Jorsoy Bank 4 at The PLAZA and FREEHOLD MALL ."CXXXSaiTS BLUff" Girls Bike Trusl Co., Moln 51., freehold; SI. James Tinnier or phoni 511-4842 or //5-3S88, "SANTA CLAUS" In color IM COLOH A UNIVERSAL PJCTUHB 'riday, November X, 19«8—3 33 Risk DENNIS THE^EN ACE By Hank Keuham Man Acquitted TOE DAILY REGISTER, for one Lobster Spodcd I* lock 30H4djuuta ONE POUMO LQtttt* PUZZLE 8 Set 42 Hippie DINHt* 9 Caruso gatherings In Arson Trial Taw" * By H. A. HdmblMfer SERVED 10 The bearded 43-de sac FREEHOLD - Fred Craft, DAILY Restaurant ACROSS SrlRKWJBURt AVH., RID BANK 41 Filched one 44 The bearded 237'Buermann Ave,, Toms Riv- 1 Psychedelic 43 Coquettish 11 Peak ones ' er, was acquitted yesterday by CLOSED ELECTION experience 44 Set number 12 Thick's 46 Drawing (Continued) 5 Rested a jury on charges of burning DAY and NIGHT of cards partner room down a chicken coop Sept. 5, 10 Hippie 4-Campotgn/CaMldatn-Color non- 45Madrileno 13 Multitude 47 Near's 7—Wide World of Sports-Color 1956 in Howell Township. 46 Place 21 Reverence partner 11OWMtlCl Pick Your Own Lobster Out SIN«LES DANCE TONIGHT essential 31—Continental Comment He was charged with burn- ef Oar Live Lobster Tenkl Hightstowa Country Club 14 Emanation 47 Records 23 Central 49 Annoy I'.N 4-College Bowl-Ouil-Cotor ing the building owned by Ben- Folks 20 «d Over — Walt ISMusical 48 Important 25 Crone 50 Italian S-*lan From U.N.CLE.-Oromo— Metier Band — Adm. $1.55 — direction 50 Top 26 Awry houses Color i - jamin Zuck, 630 Seventh St., Couplet Invited Also — Join 11—Batman—Adventure—Color eMIy etoablo Monday only 51 Pittsburgh 27 Dissipate 51 Not real 31—Lee Graham—Interview Lakewood. Thet Crowd and Fan Her* 16 Twin sound 47—Film-Color 5-ONE POUND *n LOtSTtRS. *t Toatcjiir — We*. Nov. 13 — 17 On footballer 28 Egyptian 52 Musical EVENINO The trial was heard before Novtmber Frolic Dane* 18 Oriental 54 A twanger god sound i:so County District Court Judge 19 Friends: Fr. 58 Shoshonean 29 Secure 53 Epics 4—It's Academic—Quit—Color DORIS "N ED'S 9—Oeath Volley Days—Oramo—Color George A. Gray. 20 Hippie 59 Certain 31 — chords 54 Socks 11—F Trooo—Comedy—Color SCAFOOD RESTAURANT 31—Focus on Books—Discussion 34 Shore Dr., Highlands • 87MW5 footwear vocalists S2 Make up for 55 Pertaining to 47—Pollllcol Debatt—Color Ocean County Public Defen- "HOUSE OF GOURMET SEAFOOD" 33 Ocean fronts 56 Pack CM Clown 22 Inner 61 In" 3—News—Tom Dunn—Color der Harold C. White represent- material 62 Prolific 35 Pale 57 Throw 4—News—Frank McGee—color ed Craft. Assistant County 5—Fast Draw-Come—Color ALPINE 24 Night- author 86 Time period 60 Wine cask' 7—Suspense Theater—Drama—Color Prosecutor John A. PetiUo pre- 25 Wading bird 63 Band leader 9—1 Spy—Drama—Color Solutiw to Yesterday's Ptuzle »!—Electric Village—Variety—Color sented the state's case. FAMILY 64 Love god 31—Italian Panorama 26 Cognizant 47—Wrestling-Washington, D. C. 29 Hippie home 65 Mbc-ups IIAIMIEINIOWSIPUITMAIGUIRII «:«.! • GUIDE MANOR 31—News 39 Operatic • 66 Sea eagles ' pnnnra nnnra HITJRH Forum Slated stars 67 Stitches r •swHit rfhdr] 2-News—Roger Mudd—Color ler reur elMitg 4-New Yorit llliBtroted-Coior , eltowre. Die OK 34 Papa's pal 5—1 Love Lucy—Comedy DOWN mam u For Candidates Union Hem Is 1 Greek anaa UH 31—Community Action How etterlnf fee 35 Milady's - 7:J0 our *««T lysre- pride letters J—Jpckle Gleason—Color NEW SHREWSBURY - The 4—Adnn-12—Crime Drama-Color ne S6 British name 2 Hinduism: 5—Truth or Consequences—Game—Color Rev. Mrs. Joan Mackenzie specMt. Evenr 7—Ooting Gome-Color WITH ME IN THE MI00LE OF THE NIQHTf toy visible form v—Burke's Law—Mystery Higgins of 9 Middlebrook Drive, it for a DC-3 •elloM, 3 Golf club 11—Invaders—Drama—Color 37 Doctrine UlG 31-On the Job—Fire Dept. ' Wayside, haj announced that a S8 The piper 4 The curious forum discussion between Do TODAY'S SPECIAL' HWY. 36 HIGHLANDS TiL|c|sanaI BIRIIIsn Kwarn L ElY 4—Get Smart—Comedy—Color SLICED SIRLOIN STEAK 39 Buddy one 5—Pay Cardsl—Game—Color Something About It candidates 872*1773 French Fried Potatoes • Colt Slow 40 Pro's 5-talk 7-Newlywed Gome-Color 31-Fllm Bridge Advice and their Republican counter partner 47—Club De La Famlla—Color 2.75 "THE BEST IN 6 Deficit parts will be hati at her home 2—*Ay Three Sons—Comedy—Color PRIME RIBS OP BEEF, 4—Ghost and Mrs. Mulr—Color By ALFRED SHEINWOLD South took the ace of dia-between 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. All JUS FOOD & MUSIC" 5-AAerv Grllfln-Color 7—Lowrence WMk-Color If you're working on a scien- monds, drew two r6unds. of tomorrow. Vegetable ) gE f—Twlllflhf Zone—Drama tific method to bid 29 - point trumps, overtook the queen of Potire • ietn 4.T3 II—Win With the Stars-Color Avsltable Mon. • FrU ethor sea- 31—Casper Citron—Interviews hands don't wake me up whert "fflSfltehds- with dummy's king Representing the DSAI side you've finished. You should get and tried a finesse with \1te will be candidates for council Choice et CMmoeone, VTn KoM DANCING I—Political Talk—bemocrotlc-Color 4—Political Talk—OemocraHO-Color a hand of this strength about queen of hearts. Thomas Ruricka pnd Aldee 9—Pro Basketball-Color FRIDAY & SATURDAY II—Movie Premiere—Color once every Friday the thir- South then cashed the ace ofMiller. Until late last night the 31—Film-Color teenth, with results appropriate t:N hearts and gave up a heart. Republican campaign office with the J—Ptttlcoat JuncHon-Cotor to that day. , East unkindly returned a 4—Film—Bonnlno— Today's South had no partictf had not released the name of fabulous Robert Waoner-2 ...... trump, and South eventually 7—Hollywood Paloce—Color ular system for bidding his had .to lose a second heart. the Republican representives DelKMM Atwoiptiere 31—Young Musical Artists Wknrl Ave. MMSN KM BMk 47—Film—Rosauro Castro- powerhouse. He just bulled his Down one. to attend the forum. Pedro Armendarlz—SO mln. way to a slam, but it djdn't COACHMEN 10:00 2—Mannlx—Mystery-Cotor bring him any- lasting happi- S—News—Schormen—Color Sooth detkr ^ featuring the 11—College Talent-Varlef»-Cotor ness. 31—Travelogues Neither side vulnerable ?,• Dynamic Vocalist 10:» NORTH 5—Branded—Western THE OFF BROAD STREET COFFEE HOUSE 7—Wings of Adventure-Color 4—Youth Forum—Olscusslon—Color e> 763 11—Pot Boone-VarWy—Color 7—King Kong—Children—Color CJ 642 . (hi Rtd lenk Next to Post Office) 1«:S5 •—New York Report—Color O K52 BETTE CLARK «—Sports—Color 11—Monsters—Comedy llN HIM 4 9752 Presents This Weekend 2—News—Tom Dunn—Color 5—Alan Burke-Dlscusslon—Color •-Searchlight—Color WEST EAST V "ED 8OYNTON" 7—News—Keith McBee—Color <7-»ullwh*]|—Color * 82 • 1054 •—Film—Terror In the Haunted House— V-Hoodllnt-Olscusslon—Color j otHio PIANO NIGHTLY Cathy O'Donnell—1 hr., 45 mln. 11-Came ofttw Week—Colo r «5«J7 OKI 108 FRI. NIGHT: ROCK Arturo Fernandet—40 mln. O J10984 " O 763 SERVING TO 1:30 A.M. 47—Film—A Sangre Frla— 3—polltlccri Talks-iolor-Speclai SAT. NIGHT: 71:15 4—Direct Line—Interviews—Color • Q1063 +J84 7—Local Newt—Noble-Color 5-My Mother, tne Car—Color SOUTH j (Closed Tuesday) 7—Discovery—Color 4 AKQJ9 THETOWNFOLK 2—Film—Day of the Bad Man- ll_Notr« Dam* Football-Color Fred MacMurray—1 hr., 40 mln.- »—Shirley Tempte—Dramo <3> AQ53 UNI HERRMANN, POLK MUSIC Color AFTERNOON O AQ «^-News—Bob Teogue—Color. + AK Bus-Truck 7—Film—Adylse and Consent- J—Newsmakers-Color Don Murray—2 hrs., 35 mln. S—Mr. "Robers—Comedy—Color South West North East Unique Atmosphere 11—It Is Written—Talk—Color 7-College Fooloall-Color-Hlghllohff 11:40 MM 2 •> Pan 2 NT Pas Collision 4—Weather—Nicholson—Color S—News—Robert Potts—Color 3 e> Pass 3 NT P«ss 11:4] 4 O Pass 4 • Pass Good rood 01 MIDDLETOWN -A High- 4^—News—Bob Teoque—Color 2—Face the Nalloiv-Color 11:55 • 4—Eternal Light—Color 5 efr Pass S O Pass (Luncheon Special) lands man was slightly injured 4—Sports-Mel Allen-Color 5-No Tim* tor Sergeants 6 •> All Pass yesterday morning while a pas- 12:00 S—Fllm-'Tlve Miles to MMnlght" 4—Johnny Carson—Color Opening lend-OI senger on a Boro Buses bus ll-ConrmerrM Miniatures j—Fllm—"Th» Girl He Lett Behind" King Sue Drinks ,f „ 2J which was struck by a tractor- 12:10 4 Most tt» Press-Color 11—Bio Picture—Arm^-Color » 5—Fltm—"MWiMght" trailer truck. 47—News—Arturo Rodrlguei 7—Issues and Answers-Color ot. .. 11:45 11—Fran Tarttenton—Color Police said the bus, driven »-Fllm—Color .1:* . South's line of play was not 4-rFllm-"Marle Antoinette" absolutely guaranteed to fail: Navtsink Rivtr by Edward L. Stewart, fifl.ftf 4. 11-«o<*et Squo4-J»oltee Lakeside Drive, Rumson, had 1:10 if the six missing hearts had «-New%-Coloi 7—Poge One—Interview-Color stopped on Rt. 35 near the 1:15 ll-M Suoact-Pollct broken 3-3 declarer would have DINE CASUALLY Navesink River Road for three t-Fllm—"•attle •< >he Coral Sea" landed on his feet. Leaving one 1:30 7-A ConvertotlonWIrh-Color children. 4-fllm—"A Place «•> Go" •-film—Oroma—Color trump in the dummy didn't the atmosphere 1M5 Il-Naked Clty-Oroma help regardless of which oppon The truck driven by G e n »-Fllm-"Tr* Desporodo" U to your liking I Swanger, 38, of Dlghton, Mass 1:10 2—Frank OrMord-Color ent had the last trump. If West l-Fllm-"Tnunoer on tht HIM" - S-Fnnvi-"CoBioln Horatio Homblowir" I bumped the rear of the bus as 4:M . 7—New York. Now York-Color had the last trump, East would PARTIES—WEDDINGS—MEETINGS I it attempted to stop. Police l-Fllm-"Mo and Pa Kettle at Home" ll_Pofry Duke-Comedy have led a fourth heart to let SUNDAY 11-Comultonri at Largo RESERVATIONS said the scene of the accident MORNINO West overruff the dummy. r:m 2-NFL-PT*Gome Show-Color J is under construction and traf- J—Tom and Jerry—Color 11-Oloae»-Como«y-Color Too Many Trumps 542 - 0800 fic is forced to move in and >:« 1I-5KW and Sound—Music 4 Modern Fomwr There was a way to make out of lanes. 7:H 47—Film—Color the slam, but South drew too 1—Aauomoo—Children—Color 4:<* Theodore G. Davis, 23, of 265 {-Herald el Trum-Rellalon 2-Pro Football-Color many trumps. Declarer should ))—^otHttfrcn of Tofnorrww 4—Pro Football—Color Bay Ave., Highlands, was 7W 7-Llke It la-Color draw just one round of trumps • open 7 days a week for treated at Riverview Hospital, 7-News o_piim—"Mr. Lucky" and should then, lead a low HWY. 35 ^y EATONTOWN I.-N II—Dr. Klldare—Orama Red Bank, for back and neck J—Around tin Corner—Color 11—American Llrerature heart. The defenders should re- LUNCH and DINNER injuries and released. No tick- S—Prince ot Plorntv-Children 47—Panorama R.A.I.—rlewsrttl turn a trump to South's hand. (Opposite Fort Monmauth) T-Pr»t«ct Know-Cducaflon 4:15 Excellent Food & Exquisite Atmosphere ets were issued. K15 47-Fllm—"Ascoltoml" Now, with one heart given up 4-Lbrarv Uans—Education 4:10 Entertainment •:U ll-Stoten Island Today and two trumps drawn, South •-News and Weather „ S:M overtakes the queen of dia- FRIDAY • SATURDAY • SUNDAY . 1:151 5-Man from U.N.C.L.e.-Color •-Chrlsteptiers—Religion 7—Fllm-r"Pony Express"—Color monds with dummy's king in TRY and FIND US! This Week at 8 11—Perrv " Meson—Myslery order to try a finesse with the S-Wonderoroo—Color II—Troveloauet 7-Chrlstophers-Rellglon—Color t:4J qu"!n of hearts. Lf TEf NDf ZYOUS •—Connecticut Report—Color 47-ltollon News—Erberto Land GIFFORD'S INN II—evaojel Hour—Religion When the finesse wins, South EVENINO :...__ 42 AV1NUE.OF.TWO-*IV«S 1:45 has something to hope foe; TONIGHT 4-$tory Tim*—Religion—Color 4:00 RUMSON, N. J. PHONE 842-1116- M2-9820 5-Fllm—"And the Angels Sing" that the opponent with the last 4—Sunday Sctiool- MUSIC for DINING and DANCING 4—Sports—Mel Allen—Color YES WE HAVE HEAT Private Banquet Facilities Il.-X 2—Film—"The Grass Is Orener"—Color ADAILY ^85 FRI. and SAT. — the "AMBASSADORS" 4~Fllm—"Yesterday, Today and Tomor- row"—Color DOUBLE 4 11—Encounter—Rellalon i 11:41 Reservations being accepted 7—News—Keith Mclice—Color JIarry \LobsterHouse] ll:N for Christmas Partlcsl 7—Local News—Noble—Color II—Film-Color STATE HWY. »«. HIGHLANDS 47— News—Artura Ro(lrloue<4 and Telegraph Co. In New Bank and the United Methjodlst Investing Allla OKI 23* Kresge, S3 41%, Mr, Hoffn n joined New Jer- has been installed as a mem- Alcoa 35 Kroger York City, effective NoV.< 16. sey Bell in 1967 as a public re- Church in Red Bank. ber in a new professional orga- Am Airlla SI Leh Port C E. SPEAR Am Can TOVi Loh Val Ind 13% Mr. Hoffman is now assistant lations assistant, and was He was graduated from Rut- nization known as the Arm- BY ROGER Am Cyan 314 LOP JCO 64K gers University in 1957 with a Am M Fdy 5C% Lib MoN 1S% Q — I'm interested in Fair- your area. Opening an accounl Am Mourn S0V4 Ligg 4 My 4214 bachelor's degree in journal- strong Installation Institute. Am Smelt 2tH Ltttxro Ind 7854 field - Noble Corp. located near is similar, to establishing credil Am Sid 13% Lukeiu SU 32% Nursing Home Has Closing ism. He served three years • Mr. Guzria received a certifi- Am Tel&Tel M.1H% Masnavox 57\i me. Could you inform me about for a charge account. Am Tob Marath Oil 55H PHILADELPHIA — Initial but who do require skilled nurs- with the New Jersey National cate of achievement and other the company as well as how to AMP too Martin M 26% Guard. materials designating him as a Fairfield - Noble, manufai Anaconda Masonlte S8% mortgage dosing on the Medi- ing care and related medical proceed to invest?—R.K. Armco StA MOM 47 He and his wife live wjtn master flooring craftsman. He turer of women's knitted blou Armour Minn MtM 1O8H Center Nursing Home being services. Sponsors may be non- A — A trusted banker could Armst Ck 77H Mo Pac A 80% constructed in Neptune, N.J., their two children, Adri and has had extensive experience probably give you the name of es, appears to have investmen AaW Oil Mnbllotl S6H profit groups or proprietary installing Armstrong resilient Atciilaon % Mont Wanl 44% has been completed. Scot, at 44 Garfield Place, Red reliable investment firm in merit. Its vertically integrated AU Rldiftd 104 Nat Biac 44H (organized for profit) organiza- floors. Avco Corp 43 Mi N oaah Reg 120% , The $1,035,200 mortgage is Bank. operation — from dyeing Bibcock W 35% Nat Dairy 43% tions. <-• Bayuk CIg 15* Nat Distill 38% payable at 6% per cent over 20 packaging — allows for bette; Bell & How 6514 Nat Gyps 62% Gilmartin Is Bendix Mtt Nat Steel 6074 years and is insured by the Betti Steel 32ft Nia M Pow 20% cost and quality control. Boeing 54% No Am Rook 39% Peter It. Hoffman FHA. Credit Officer Borden 3314 Nor Pao 55% A 39 per cent sales increas Borg Warn 33ft Nwst Alrlln 82% Construction of the twtf-story, WHEN YOU NEW YORK - Matthew G. vear Brunswk 19i4 Norwich Ph 45% fireproof, 100-bed nursing home to $24.8 million for (jgcal Bucy Erie 27» Outb Mm- 37% Bid on Landfill Cohere Bulova 40% Owena 111 68% is expected to be completed Gilmartin of 9 Cresci Blvd., ended June resulted inp:.earn Burl Ind NEED IT! ; 49% Pan Am W!4 24% LITTLE SILVER — It was CASH ings gain of 24 per cent. Rec Case, 11 21ft Penney, JC 9014 and ready for occupancy next Hadet, N.J., has been promot- Cater Trac Pa Pw 4 U 31% ords for the past two years in Celanese 18 incorrectly reported in yester- August. Federal commitment of ed to the post of credit officer 7OVi Penn Cen 63% AND Men&s elude operations of newly ac CUM & Ob 72 K Pepsi Co 49 day's Register that the Little mortgage Insurance followed a Chrysler 6814 Parkin Blm 48!i We have £ $5OOO. MORE by The Bank of New York. quired, Bryant 9, produce^ Cities Sv 63-54 PtlzeT 6714 Silver Borough Council received certification of need of the fa- Cooa Cola Phil Kl 30 FOR HOMEOWNERS ' CONSOLIDATE DEBTS Mr. Gilmartin has been with Cols Palm 7114 64 cility by the New Jersey State junior sportswear. 54% Phil Pet a bid for garbage collection and OR FOR ANY PURPOSE Oolum Gas Pit Steel 17% the bank in the main credit de- Coml Solv 3014 32% Health Department. A recently completed plan Con Edls 26« Pub av B4Q disposal from the Shrewsbury Pomarico partment since 1957. He was Con Can 33 PuUman The U.S. Department of Specialists in Home Refinancing liir lax YsM/ssor named senior credit analyst in allows Fairfield to do its ownCorn Prod 6214 RCA Disposal Co. The bid was forHousing and Urban Develop- Corning G 42% Heading Co 23% fold by Cohen. Menges, Pomarico Comm. 1963 and assistant treasurer in dyeing, previously a high-cosl Cm Zoll 279 RepUb SU 46 a landfill area contract. ment insures mortages to en- • LOWEST ESTABLISHED RATES • EASY TERMS Parkway PJ., HoJmdel, N. J. Curtlaa Wt 59H RevJon 81% 1965. ' item, It also houses a distribu Deere 26 ii Reyn Met courage construction of nursing Dent Sup 158 Reyn Tob homes for the care and treat- MONMOUTH COUNTY Investment Corp. He is attending the Newtion system programmed Dow Chem 44 Rob Controls 60% Dresa Ind 80% St Jos Lead 52% 34-THE DAILY REGISTER, ment of convalescents and Rt. 35 Middletown P.O. Bam 44, Red Bank 741-5061 York University Graduate handle double the current vol duPont 36% St Regis Pap 41 EXPRESS Duq U 171% S&ars Roeb 67 others who are not acutely ill School of Business Administra- ume. East Kod 2914 Slioll Oil 63% Friday, November 1, 1968 End John Sinclair »9% and do not need hospital care, tion. He is a member of the Fireatone Smith, AO YOUR IDEAS Fairfield • has increased its PMC Op Sou Pac Robert Morris Associates, the Ford Mot g Sou Ry m PERSUASIVELY IN CONVERSATION highly successful TV advertis GA.C Op- 5954 Sparry Rd 42 National Consumer Finance As- ing camapign on a nationwide Gen Ctg 591. Std Brand S2« OR BEFORE A GROUP . . . DEVaOP Gen Dynam 30 Std Oil Cal T2V4 CONFIDENCE AND ASSURANCE, scale. Gen. Eleo 43% Std Oil NJ SI sociation Financial Forum and Gen Fds 8o Stud Wortti 55 ABILITY TO DEAL WITH the Knights of Columbus. • These factors help to justif Gen Motors «% Texaco 8714 PEOPLE! GOT Pub Ut 87% Tex O Sul 32 its somewhat rich price earn- 29% Textron • 43H G Tel 4 Tel 42%Transamar n% ings multiple. Gen Ttre 32% Un Carntt*. M DALE Bendix Award Ga Pac Op 87% Un Pac Q — For the present, I work Gillette 51% Un Tank C. «V4 CARNEGIE G-leh Aid 1374 Unlroyol 60 !i two days a week but will retire Goodrlcli 41 >i Unit Alrc Goes to Potter Goodyear 60% United Corp 13Vi COURSE soon. Social Security and a pen- Grace Co 48% US Mnes 4614 EATONTpWN — Fredericl? Gt A&P 30% US Plywood Tl M. Potter, Little Silver, chief sion will give me $166 a montt Greyhound 24% US Smelt 5014 Gulf Oil new il'i US Steel u Dale Carnegie' engineer of rotary products at toward the $400 I need to liv Hamm Pap 32% Walwortti Foundtr Hero too > 48% Wola Mkt» 13 Bendix Electric Power Divi- on. How can I make up theni Cent Ind\ 65% Wn Un Tel 38 >4 Ins B«nd 4914 Weatg El 15 In Effective Speaking, Human sion, was awarded a $100 check difference with dividends from IM Bus Men 307 WMte Mot *S

Charles K. Shnltes FT. MONMOUTH — Charles K. Shultes, deputy director of the Army Electronic Warfare Laboratory here, has received Fceftificate of service and-piir honoring Ills 30 years of ser- vice. Mr. Schultes, who resides at 126 Pinckney Road, Little Sil- ver, has spent aH of his federal service as a civilian employe. With the exception of the war years, 1941-1945, when he worked in the office of the chief signal officer in Washington, all Sav^33% to 43% on of it has been laboratory work •'I- at Ft. Monmouth. Mr. Schultes Slightly Irregular is married and has three chil- dren. A 20-year service pin was Famous Make White Percale also presented to Enrico Ivone, Exciting News on the "TOTAL Our Men's Shops 4 Fieldstone Center, Eatontown, Sheets and Cases an electronics engineer. H. Freeman *& Son Exact-Sleeve Length SUITS OF Uncommon EXCELLENCE ARROW DECTON SPORTSHIRTS SALE 1.99 An abundance of hand-tailoring, supremely cara- This perma-press, 65% Daeron® Polyester, 35% ful styling, and great attention to every detail cotton shirt can be used for dress or sport. All Twin Flat — Would be $3.70 if perfect make H. Freeman Suirt feel at though thoy the latest colors and in the ex«,ci, sleeve length were designed especially for you. No clothing can you need, (up to 35") This is the only way to buy Luxurious 180-count cotton percale sheets and cases art priced low offer you more. Come in today and see our pre- a sportshirtl S-M-L. due to (light irregularities that do not affect looks or wear! Stock view of '69 suits. up at these fantastically low pricesl While they lastl $115-$135 6.50 SIZE If Perfect SALE A Man's a Man for the ARROW TURTLENECK KNITS Twin Flat, 72" x 108" .„ 1.3.70 1.99 KNOX HAT He Wears Choose 100% cotton or 100% Orion* Acrylic. Each is washable ... never need ironing. Wear Twin Fitted ..1 3.90 2.19 And preference of many men is the pinch front under a sporfshirt or a sweater to create the totaf shape shown here. Perfectly proportioned'' from look. New Autumn shades. Full Flat, 81" x 108" .:...... ,... 4.20 2.49 brim to crown, and crafted with Knox know-how Full Fitted 4.40 2.69 . . . long recognized for distinctive, classical styl- Grand Rally 100% Cotton —-4.00 Ing- 17.00 100% Orion : 9.Q0 Queen Flat, 90" x 120" , 5.60 3.50 Pillow Cases 42" x 38" 2.00 pr. 1.49 pr. italnbach'l m«n'l ihopi — all tlor itainbach't llnani — all itorat WILLIAM A. NAYLOR of 445 Prospect St., Long Branch, hat celebrated hit

40th anniversary ai an om- Yu mart fct • >i|lil.tii n«« la K|a«MaMi OtM C ploye of Jersey Central Nffthlna to adv. |wal antar Wttr MM* III i«Jf «f It.. Him St.lftbaeh ittmt Att^ r.rk, «•« l.«lt, hcladn naaa1 tri. ky Kl»uri.« Power & Light Company. tan, m OIHHi* Ti.v.1 Ctattr, ianntNtr He is a chief in the com- Ort. ]|it thrau.k HH. 5lh, IHI. toa. Into lai Vo«, N.mlula pany's Coast Division sub- (tation department in Al- len(iur«r. lUlnbich'i 0 pr«n plan, aibury park 0 broad, i»d bank, 10 |« 8i3O, wad. and frl. till f p.m.