Russo Pondering an Appeal SEE STORY BELOW Sunny, Milder MEDMIY HOME Sunny and milder today. Fair and not so cool tonight. Sunny 1 Red Bank, Freehold f and very mild, tomorrow. Long iBnmeh J FINAL (See De Pag. 2) Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 90 REb BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1968 34 PAGES TEN CENTS President Halts North Viet Bombing Hoping This By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER Republican nominee Richard Informants said North Viet- gested that they might have did not develop. Officials now WASHINGTON (AP) — M. Nixon, third party candi- nam was officially notified of acted because they no longer say hard bargaining with Han- Three years and nine months date George C. Wallace, and the decision. saw a chance of victory in. oi was then under way. after he started the bombing Humphrey all said after John- Johnson warned that his ar- South Vietnam. Johnson said he had reached of North Vietnam, President son's television • radio broad- rangements with North' Viet- 'Remarkable Results' his decision "in the belief that Johnson has ordered an end to cast they hoped the step would nam are. not foolproof and he He said the Saigon govern- this action can lead to progress all attacks against that country mean progress-Jn the Paris held open by implication the ment had "grown steadily toward a peaceful settlement of in the hope this will "lead to peace talks. possibility the bombing would stronger," that South Vietnam's the Vietnamese war." But progress" in ending the war- Johnson had notified all of be resumed if the North Viet- army was increased to a mil- again he tempered his hopes in Southeast Asia. them of his decision about 6 namese went on the offensive. lion men, and that U.S. troops with warning. • Announcing his decision last p.m., two hours before he went "We could be misled — and under Gen. Creightori W. "It should be clear to all of night, Johnson said he acted on the air. we are prepared for such a Abrams, Jr., and his predeces- us that the hew phase of nego- contingency," he said. "We sor, Gen. William C. West- with the full support of his Johnson himself, obviously tiations which opens on Nov. military chiefs and diplomatic pray to God it does not occur." moreland have "produced tru- 6th does not, repeat does not, aware of speculation' that he Johnson started the bombing ly remarkable results. officials, with the agreement "of might time a bombing halt to mean that a stable peace has South Vietnam, and upon "con-, of North Vietnam Feb. 7, 1965. "Perhaps some, or all, of yet come to Southeast Asia. help Humphrey, declared that At the heart of the- deal.he ; firmation" from 'the North the action was determined by these factors, played a part in There, may well be very hard Vietnam of "the essential un- made to bring it to an end is an bringing about progress in the fighting ahead. Certainly there derstanding" of U.S. terms for responses from North Vietnam agreement that the Paris peace to his terms. Paris talks," Johnson said. is going to be some very hard his action. talks will enter- a new phase Serious negotiations on the negotiating ..." next Wednesday. The Johnson order injected a He said these began develop- bombing issue began during the He spoke of the nature of his dramatic new element into the ing Sunday night and continued At that time representatives second week in October after arrangement with North Viet- presidential election contest through Monday. of both the South Vietnamese the North Vietnamese in Paris nam as an understanding with- less than a week before the A round of consultations government and its eneniy, the began to ask direct and'ob- out saying what precisely that voters go to the polls. within the government and National Liberation Front of viously interested -questions means. Political observers said it with South Vietnam followed, South Vietnam, take their plac about what Johnson had in es at the negotiating table. Some officials said there was could give a lift to Democratic and he made the final decision mind: "no contract" between Wash, nominee Hubert H. Humphrey's to order that "all air, naval, The President did not say On at least two occasions — ington and Hanoi, meaning no PREPARES ANNOUNCEMENT — President Johnson presides over a meeting of hit- campaign, although it might and artillery bombardment of specifically why he thought the about Oct. 16 and again last written agreement; others' have come too late to make North Vietnam cease as of 8 North Vietnamese had finally week — there were worldwide military and defense experts last night in the Cabinet Room before announcing said; there was not even an much difference in voter opin- a.m., Washington time, Friday decided to make terms on end' expectations that a bombing agreed tacit understanding on bombing over North Vietnam would be halted. (AP Wirephotol ion/- •:-' ••• -v '••;••• - morning." ing the bombing, but he sug- halt was only hours away. They the military aspects, Johnson advisers did say, however, they were convinced that Hanoi now knows fully what Johnson's terms are and that other governments have of- Bombing fered their assurance that North Vietnam will respect the Commenting on President "The President acted on the said,"The halt to the bombing icy all expressed pleasure at McCarthy called the move I called-the halt "a first step to- It was Fulbright who called terms. The Soviet Union and Johnson's announcement of a absolute assurance of military announced by the President the bombing halt announce- an opener." Fullbright, who ward a cease-fire and a nego- possibly France have reported- hearings on the so-called Ton- ly given such word. beimbing haft, Eep. James J. leaders that this won't harm represents a sincere effort to ment. in his position as chairman of tiated peace." kin Gulf, incident, airing the our effort or jeopardize our break the deadlock which has Among the three major: pres- McGovern, who like Ful- Other Arrangements Howard, D-N.J. said, "I am the Senate's Foreign Relations 1 events in 1965 that led to the men. I am sure all Americans surrounded the Paris negotia- idential candidates, Republican bright is running for re-election, Apart from expanding the highly gratified the President Committee led the fight against has determined it is proper for will follow the President's lead- tions. All of us hope and pray Richard M. Nixon declined to termed the bomb halt a "ma- president's order to begin peace talks by adding the Sai- USr-Hrttifc* this step at this ership in this. I am sure all that this effort will be success- comment beyphd sayingLoe Vietnam involvement for years, jor; reduction? in the war. bombing of North Vietnam. g°?LgPYernnient and the Na- time. .-•--* -„..;•:,.., Americans will be hoping and ful and will lead to an early hoped the action "may bring tional Liberation Front, the ar- "Many of us were hoping for praying the results of this ac- and enduring peace in Viet- some progress" in the Paris rangement calls for re-estab- End urging this for quite some tion will be world peace." nam." peace talks. lishing the demilitarized zone •A Sincere Effort' Three of the nation's leading between North and South Viet- time, but the President is the Vice President Hubert H. only one who knows when it'* State Sen. Richard R. Stout, Democratic opponents of the nam and for a stop to enemy GOP candidate for l Congress, administration's Vietnam pol- Humphrey,: the Democratic terror attacks on the cities and the right time. candidate, said the action was very meaningful, very hope- town of the South. ful" and added, "Peace is clos- -flours~before-Jt»hnson-acted— er tonight — thank God!" enemy rockets fell on Saigon but U.S. officials said this did Third-party candidate George not violate the new bomb-halt Burns Uniform, GI C. Wallace said, "I hope and arrangement, not then in ef- pray" that the halt will bring fect, v an early and honorable peace Restoration of the DMZ has in Southeast Asia "so we can long been advocated by the bring the. American service- United States in the Paris Is Given Two Years men home." peace Calks as a means of, de- By TONY GABRIELE cere boy, a perfectly, normal • Through .military channels, Sens. Eugene J. McCarthy of escalating the war. FT. MONMOUTH — A20- person"—was court-martialed an interview was scheduled for Minnesota, J. William Full- For several years, enemy old California soldier who Oct. 16,^charged with destruc- The Daily Register with Pvt. bright of Arkansas and George forces have struck from or burned =*4iis uniform three tion of Army property and re- Ritenour in the stockade for 3 S. McGovern of. South Dakota through the zone at American* fusing to obey two orders to and allied forces in the north- months ago~~m>jn apparent 1 p.m. yesterday—only to be can- agreed that the bombing halt protest against ThX^Vietnam sign for a new uniform. He celed a£ 2:30. would probably speed up the ern part of South Vietnam. 'war is now being heRKin the pleaded not guilty, and was (See SOLDIER, Pg. 2, Col. 4) Paris peace talks. Ft. Monmouth stockade, sen- judged guilty of all three tenced by an Army court-mar- charges. Bomb, Shell tial to two years at hard la- Sentence: Twp years confine- bor. ment at hard labor, a'bad con- duct discharge, forfeiture of ail A Daily Register interview WINDOWS DRESSED UP — Winners of f he Halloween window painting contest Attacks On with the soldier-pacifist sched- pay, and a reduction in grade uled for yesterday afternoon, from E-2 to E-l, the lowest sponsored by the Hazlet Chamber of Trade and Commerce were yesterday award- was canceled a half-hour rank in the Army.
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