Br Inwood Hill son Spuyten Duyvil Hiking Trails Hud Shorefront Park


ORANGE TRAIL (1.3 Miles) This moderate-vigorous hike will take you off the paved paths through the heart of the park’s Forever Wild forest with views of Spuyten Duyvil Creek and the .


BLUE TRAIL (1.7 Miles) a y CoCockck HiHillll w l This moderate trail is perfect for those k P ForFortt SitSitee t looking for a long hike on paved paths Hudson River n M o through the woods. An initial incline s d a pays off with lovely views of the Hudson u r River and the New Jersey Palisades at H Straus s ry h n the Overlook Meadow. e Mansion H Site Inwood Hill Nature Center WHITE TRAIL (1.2 Miles) This easy trail on paved paths provides Park fantastic views of the Hudson River and Spuyten Duyvil year-round.Hudson The trailRiver W 21 ShorakapokShorakapok Rock guides you up a flight of stairs and into Overlook d 8 S the woods, where you can enjoy the t Meadow Rock n R calls of songbirds and a variety of Formations ia woodland plants. Natural Spring Ind

Paved Path Indian Road Playground Unpaved Path W 21

Stairs 5 S t W Building BBQ Area Av er n The Clove a k T Other Park Kayak Launch Par kwy Seam P Glacial Potholes Softball Lookout son Emerson Handball Playground Hud Playground WhalebackWhaleback Ish Tennis Dog Run Henry am Av on S Volleyball Restroom Pays W 20 W 21 Dyckm t W 20 2 S St 7 S t Basketball Soccer Av er an an 4 S Coop t S Seam t t Beak S W 21 Miles Academy 1 S ± 0 0.05 0.1 Dyckman House t t t FortFort Washington Museum Av Produced by GIS Unit, IT Division Payson ilyea January 2017 Park Staff S m Data Sources: NYC , NYC DOITT Center Payson Copyright 2017, NYC Parks S Ver Playground t way Broad