



JUG BAY SANCTUARY Comparison of three types of 'arrowhead' .


Seasons and Cycles of Wetland Plants ...... 2 Types of Plants ...... 4 Characteristics of Wetland Plants ...... 5 Structural Adaptations ...... 6 Reproductive Strategies ...... 6 Types of Wetlands ...... 7 How to Use the Guide ...... 10 Wetland Plants ...... 12 Map ...... centerfold Table of Jug Bay Wetland Plants ...... 32 Index ...... 37 Green Arrow Arum Broadleaf Arrowhead Pickerelweed Arrow arum leaves have two, usually divergent, basal lobes opposite their broadly-tapering tips. At the end of the petiole, there are Originally published April 1996, three large divergent veins—one going to each basal lobe and the third updated March 2013 by Elaine Friebele, Lindsay to the leaf tip—from which secondary veins emerge something like the teeth of a comb. Near the margins of the leaf, the secondary veins then Hollister, Chris Swarth with help from merge with one or two veins occuring paralle to the edge. Arrowhead Cynthia Bravo and Jennifer Muro lacks a single mid-vein but rather has many veins that branch out from the point where the leaf joins the stem. Pickerelweed leaves likewise have some veins originating from the distal end of the leaf petiole. However, those veins projecting downward arch concentrically into the basal lobes, then curve upward paralleling the leaf margins, and eventually end at the leaf tip. Pickerelweed also have exceptionally smooth leaves. A GUIDE TO NOTES THE WETLAND PLANTS OF JUG BAY The extensive wetlands at Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary are home to a great variety of water-loving plants. More than 150 of trees, , and herbaceous plants have been identified, and more are surely to be discovered. This guide will help you learn more about these fascinating plants as you travel through the Sanctuary.

A WETLAND IS. . . mysterious, beautiful, rich with life, muddy, exciting, and unexpected. Wetland are transitional habitats, often located between well-drained uplands and the deeper, permanent waters of rivers and bays. Most wetlands share three gen- eral characteristics:  They are covered by water for all or part of the year.  They possess saturated soils that are depleted of oxygen.

 They have specially adapted wetland plants.

1 Wetlands are also one of the most productive and ecologi- INDEX Plants, Wetland (defined) Herbaceous 5 cally complex habitats on Earth. Wetlands provide food Alder, Hazel 23 Woody 5 Poison Ivy, Eastern 27 and shelter for a myriad of wildlife and serve as nurseries Alisma subcoratum 31 Alnus serrulata 23 Polygonum artifolium 18 for fish, shellfish and birds. Wetlands are valuable for hu- Amaranthus cannabinus 30 Polygonum punctatum 24 Amaranth, Tidalmarsh Polygonum sagittatum 18 man society, too. Most of our nation’s commercial finfish (Water Hemp) 30 -lily, Yellow 13 Pontederia cordata 17 and shellfish depend on and wetlands during por- Arrow Arum, Green 15 Arrowhead, Broadleaf 16 Reed, Common 29 tions of their life cycles. Wetlands hold floodwaters, help calamus 20 Rosa palustris 28 Beggartick, Smooth 24 Rosemallow, Crimsoneyed 21 trap sediments, reduce waterborne pollutants and aid in Bidens laevis 24 , 28 Sagittaria latifolia 16 groundwater recharge. Let’s hear it for wetlands! Blueflag, Harlequin 25 Buttonbush, Common 27 Saururus cernuus 31 Cardinalflower 29 Skunk Cabbage 25 SEASONS AND CYCLES OF WETLAND PLANTS Cattail, Broadleaf 14 Smartweed, Dotted 24 Cattail, Narrowleaf 14 Spatterdock (Yellow Jug Bay’s wetlands undergo Cephalanthus occidentalis 27 Pond-lily) 13 Ceratophyllum demersum 22 Sweetbay (Magnolia) 23 amazing seasonal changes. In obliqua 30 Sweetflag 20 early spring the young , curled Coon’s Tail 22 Symplocarpus foetidus 25 Hamamelis virginiana 26 Tearthumb, Halberdleaf 18 leaves of Spatterdock (Yellow Hempvine, Climbing 28 Tearthumb, Arrowleaf 18 Heteranthera reniformis 26 Toxicodendron radicans 27 Pond-lily) begin poking above Hibiscus moscheutos 21 Typha angustifolia 14 the mud; they are one of the first Hydrilla verticillata 22 Typha latifolia 14 Impatiens capensis 19 Turtlehead, Red 30 signs of the com- Iris versicolor 25 Waterplantain, American 31 Jewelweed 19 Waterthyme 22 munity coming back to life. By late spring and summer a Mudplantain, Kidneyleaf 26 Wetlands (defined) profusion of dense, almost impenetrable plant growth covers Lizard’s Tail 31 Forested Floodplain 9 Lobelia cardinalis 29 Marsh 7 the . This remarkable development during a rela- Magnolia virginiana 23 Non-tidal 9 Scrub- 8 tively short growing season attests to the productivity of this Mikania scandens 29 Nuphar lutea 13 Swamp 8 ecosystem. By late summer wild rice stands 12 feet high. At Peltandra virginica 15 Wildrice, Annual 12 Phragmites australis 29 Witchhazel, American 26 the end of the growing season, in the fall and early winter, Pickerelweed 17 Zizania aquatica 12 2 37 the tremendous biomass of marsh plants dies back and un-

dergoes bacterial decomposition and degradation. Fungi and

sunlight also break down plant tissue. Through decomposi-

tion the nutrients in the plant tissue are slowly released into

the tidal waters, serving as a major energy source for the es-

Tidal -

Family Common Name Scientific Name tuarine and riverine ecosystem. By winter the above-ground

WoodyorHerbaceous Tidal

Perennial orAnnual Non

Typhaceae Narrowleaf Cattail Typha angustifolia P H X plant material dies back, and the wetlands are mostly barren Broadleaf Cattail Typha latifolia P H X X Hybrid Cattail Typha X glauca P H X except for stands of brown cattail stalks. Wrack (broken up Ulmaceae Common Hackberry Celtis occidentalis P W X marsh plants) piles up on shore. Seeds and remain American Elm Ulmus americana P W X Smallspike False Net- alive but dormant in the mud—waiting for the warming tem- tle Boehmeria cylindrica P H X X Canadian Woodnettle Laportea canadensis P H X peratures of spring to start the cycle once again. Lesser Clearweed fontana A H X Canadian Clearweed A H X Violaceae Marsh Blue Violet Viola cucullata P H X Parthenocissus quin- During the growing season, wetland plants reduce water pol- Vitaceae Creeper quefolia P H X Fox Grape Vitis labrusca P H X lution by readily taking up nutrients such as nitrogen, which enters the river from wastewater treatment plants, farm run- off, and acid precipitation. Bacteria, algae, and wetland sedi- ments also play important roles in chemically transforming

Nomenclature based on USDA Natural Resources Conservation Ser- nutrient pollutants. vice Plants database, updated March 2013

This list is based on the Vascular Plants of the Jug Bay Wetlands Sanc- tuary, the Jug Bay herbarium, and information in Brown & Brown (1972) Wetlands nationwide continue to be lost to development and and Tiner (1988). Thanks to Bill Sipple, David Laughlin, and Cris Flem- ing for comments. degradation in spite of their universally recognized values. In alone, over half of the wetlands have disap- peared since colonial times. Local, state, and federal regula- tions now require all development projects that may 36 3 adversely impact wetlands to undergo an environmental Poaceae Sweet Woodreed Cinna arundinacea P H X X Deertongue Dichanthelium clandestinum P H X X review process. Coast Cockspur Grass Echinochloa walteri A H X

Virginia Wildrye Elymus virginicus P H X X Rattlesnake Mannagrass Glyceria canadensis P H X X Types of Plants Fowl Mannagrass Glyceria striata P H Rice Cutgrass Leersia oryzoides P H X X The plants of freshwater tidal wetlands fall into a variety of Whitegrass Leersia virginica P H Nepalese Browntop Microstegium vimineum A H X categories. Most of the plants in the wetland are emergent Switchgrass Panicum virgatum P H X X Common Reed Phragmites australis P H X macrophytes, species that are relatively large and that Annual Wildrice Zizania aquatica A H X Polygonaceae stand above the mud or water surface. Many are perenni- Halberdleaf Tearthumb Polygonum arifolium P H X X Marshpepper Knotweed Polygonum hydropiper A H X als, which grow up every year from a Dotted Smartweed Polygonum punctatum A H X X Arrowleaf Tearthumb Polygonum sagittatum P H X X (underground storage stem) in the mud. Spatterdock and Swamp Dock Rumex verticillatus P H X Pontederiaceae Kidneyleaf Mudplantain Heteranthera reniformis P H X cattails are perennials. Many other plants are annuals, Pickerelweed Pontederia cordata P H X X Potamogetonaceae which sprout from seeds in the spring. Wild Rice and Jew- Curly Pondweed Potamogeton crispus P H X X Primulaceae Fringed Loosestrife Lysimachia ciliata P H X elweed are annuals. Ranunculaceae Littleleaf Buttercup Ranunculus abortivus P H X X Blisterwort Ranunculus recurvatus P H X X King of the Meadow Thalictrum pubescens P H X X Canadian Serviceberry Amelanchier canadensis P W X X Jug Bay is also home to submerged aquatic vegetation, also White Avens Geum canadense P H X Red Chokeberry Pholina pyrifolia P W X called SAVs. These threadlike, flowering plants are rooted Swamp Rose Rosa palustris P W X X in the mud, yet they float in the water. At low tide they Rubiaceae Common Buttonbush Cephalanthus occidentalis P W X X Stickywilly Galium aparine A H X form a tangle on the exposed mud. Coon’s Tail and Hy- Salicaceae Black Willow Salix nigra P W X X Saururaceae Lizard's Tail Saururus cernuus P H X drilla [page 22], are examples of freshwater SAVs. Once Scrophulariaceae Red Turtlehead Chelone obliqua P H X X Sharpwing Monkeyflower Mimulus alatus P H X X found in abundance in the Chesapeake Bay and its water- Smilacaceae Roundleaf Greenbrier Smilax rotundifolia P W X shed, SAV beds are much reduced because of light-blocking Sparganiaceae American Bur-reed americanum P H Broadfruit Bur-reed Sparganium eurycarpum P H X X algae and sediments. Since the 1980s, SAVs have made a

4 35

moderate comeback throughout the Chesapeake Bay


Tidal -

Perennial orAnnual

Tidal Non Family Common Name Scientific Name WoodyorHerbaceous Herbaceous plants, including cattail and Spatterdock, Grossulariaceae Virginia Sweetspire Itea virginica P W X X have soft stems and are pliant to the touch. They make up Hamamelidaceae American Witchhazel Hamamelis virginiana P W X Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua P W X the majority of species in the marsh. Woody plants have Hydrocharitaceae Waterweed Elodea canadensis P H X Waterthyme Hydrilla verticillata P H X hard stems. These may be trees such as Red Maple or Harlequin Blueflag Iris versicolor P H X X Pumpkin Ash or shrub-sized plants such as Buttonbush Common Woodrush Luzula multiflora P H X X Common Rush Juncus effusus P H X X and Swamp Rose. They are commonly found in Poverty Rush Juncus tenuis P H X X Lamiaceae Virginia Water Horehound Lycopus virginicus P H X X or scrub-shrub wetlands. American Water Horehound Lycopus americanus P H Wild Mint Mentha arvensis P H Blue Skullcap Scutellaria lateriflora P H X X Lauraceae Northern Spicebush Lindera benzoin P W X Characteristics of Wetland Plants Lemnaceae Common Duckweed Lemna minor A H X X The tidal wetlands at Jug Bay are a stressful environment Liliaceae Turk's-cap Lily Lilium superbum P H X Lythraceae Swamp Loosestrife Decodon verticillatus P H X X for plants. The species that live here have evolved surviv- Magnoliaceae Sweetbay Magnolia virginiana P W X X Malvaceae Crimsoneyed Rosemallow Hibiscus moscheutos P H X X al mechanisms that upland plants lack. These adaptations Najadaceae Southern Waternymph Najas guadalupensis A H X Bristle Waternymph Najas minor A H X help them deal with: Nodding Waternymph Najas flexilis A H X  oxygen-depleted soils due to water saturation (the Nymphaceae Yellow Pond-lily Nuphar lutea P H X Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica P W X roots of all plants need oxygen in order to survive) Oleaceae Pumpkin Ash Fraxinus profunda P W X Onagraceae Purpleleaf Willowherb Epilobium coloratum P H X  unstable soils (tree and plant roots grow in soil the con- Seedbox Ludwigia alterniflora P H X Marsh Seedbox Ludwigia palustris P H X sistency of chocolate pudding) American Sycamore Platanus occidentalis P W X  different water levels from daily tides (plants are alter- nately inundated and left dry) 34 5 Betulaceae Hazel Alder Alnus serrulata P W X X Structural Adaptations River Birch Betula nigra P W X X Bignoniaceae Trumpet Creeper Campsis radicans P H X Cut a stalk of Spatterdock or cattail and Campanulaceae Cardinalflower Lobelia cardinalis P H X X Caprifoliaceae examine it. In cross section the stem ap- Japanese Honeysuckle Lonicera japonica P W X American Black Elderberry Sambucus canadensis P W X X pears to be composed of strawlike Southern Arrow-wood Viburnum dentatum P W X X Blackhaw Viburnum prunifolium P W X tubes. These tubes, which are found in Ceratophyllaceae Coon's Tail Ceratophyllum demersum A H X Clethraceae Coastal Sweetpepperbush Clethra alnifolia P W X X many wetland plants, are a special tis- Convulvulaceae Whitestar Ipomoea lacunosa A H X sue called aerenchyma (air-en-KY-ma). Cornaceae Silky Dogwood Cornus amomum P W X X Blackgum Nyssa sylvatica P W X Their function is to carry oxygen from Cattail aerenchyma Cuscutaceae Dodder Cuscuta gronovii P H X X Cyperaceae Greenwhite Sedge Carex albolutescens P H the leaves down to the roots. Aerenchyma is an adaptation to Longhair Sedge Carex comosa P H X X Fringed Sedge Carex crinita P H X X help the plant avoid root anoxia (oxygen depletion). Another Gray's Sedge Carex grayi P H structural adaptation found in some wetland species (for exam- Greater Bladder Sedge Carex intumescens P H X X Hairy Sedge Carex lacustris P H X ple, jewelweed, and wild rice) is the development of adventi- Smoothsheath Sedge Carex laevivaginata P H X X Shallow Sedge Carex lurida P H X X tious roots just above the water line. These aerial roots are able Muehlenberg's Sedge Carex muehlenbergii P H X X Awlfruit Sedge Carex stipata P H X X to take up oxygen directly from the atmosphere. Red maples Weak Stellate Sedge Carex seorsa P H and ash develop a flared trunk that acts like a buttress to stabi- Squarerose Sedge Carex squarrosa P H Cattail Sedge Carex typhina P H lize the tree in the wet soil. Blunt Broom Sedge Carex tribuloides P H X X Fox Sedge Carex vulpinoidea P H River Bulrush Schoenoplectus fluviatilis P H X X Common Threesquare Schoenoplectus pungens P H X X Reproductive Strategies Softstem Bulrush Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani P H X X Wetland plants have developed ways of pollination and seed Woolgrass Scirpus cyperinus P H X Leafy Bulrush Scirpus polyphyllus P H X X dispersal so that they successfully propagate. Bright flowers Dioscoraceae Wild Yam Dioscorea villosa P H X X such as those of the Spatterdock, arrowhead, and marsh hibiscus Ericaceae Swamp Doghobble Eubotrys racemosa P W X Swamp Azalea Rhododendron viscosum P W X Highbush Blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum P W X Fabaceae Groundnut Apios americana P H X X 33 6

Characteristics of Wetland Plants of Jug Bay

attract insects that aid in pollination. Wind helps in the

Family Common Name Scientific Name Tidal

- pollination of several wetland grasses, including Wild Rice


Tidal Non Perennial orAnnual and Phragmites. Ferns Aspleniaceae Common Lady Fern Athyrium filix-femina P H X New York Fern Thelypteris noveboracensis P H X Eastern Marsh Fern Thelypteris palustris P H X X The buoyant seeds of arrow arum float in and out with the Onocleaceae Sensitive Fern Onoclea sensibilis P H X X tide and, as a consequence, are dispersed over a large area. Osmundaceae Cinnamon Fern Osmunda cinnamomea P H X X Royal Fern Osmunda regalis P H X X Wild rice grains fall straight down from the top of the plant Salviniaceae Carolina Mosquito Fern Azolla caroliniana A H X Flowering to the mud below, where they germinate the following Plants year. Nearly pure stands of Wild Rice result from such con- Acanthaceae American Water-willow Justicia americana P H X Aceraceae Red Maple Acer rubrum P W X X centrated seed dispersal. Acoraceae Sweetflag Acorus calamus P H X X Alismataceae American Waterplantain Alisma subcordatum P H X X Broadleaf Arrowhead Sagittaria latifolia P H X X Amaranthaceae Tidalmarsh Amaranth Amaranthus cannabinus P H X Types of Wetlands Anacardiaceae Eastern Poison Ivy Toxicodendron radicans P W X X Annonaceae Pawpaw Asimina triloba P W X Several types of wetlands are found at Jug Bay. Apiaceae Spotted Water Hemlock Cicuta maculata P H X  Tidal Hemlock Waterparsnip Sium suave P H X X Aquifoliaceae American Holly Ilex opaca P W X are wetlands that are composed of herbaceous or Common Winterberry Ilex verticillata P W X X Jack in the Pulpit Arisaema triphyllum P H X soft-stemmed plants. Most of us are more familiar with salt Goldenclub Orontium aquaticum P H X X Green Arrow Arum Peltandra virginica P H X X marshes than with freshwater marshes. Salt marshes di- Skunk Cabbage Symplocarpus foetidus P H X rectly border the Chesapeake and are extensive on the outer Asteraceae Smooth Beggartick Bidens laevis A H X X Common Boneset Eupatorium perfoliatum P H X X coast at Chincoteague and along the New Jersey shore. On- Flat-top Goldentop Euthamia graminifolia P H X X Climbing Hempvine Mikania scandens P H X X ly a handful of species can tolerate the high salinity condi- Purplestem Aster Symphyotrichum punimceu P H X Balsaminaceae Jewelweed Impatiens capensis A H X X tions of the . Freshwater marshes, on the other Berberidaceae Mayapple Podophyllum peltatum P H X

32 7 AMERICAN hand, support an abundance of plant species. At Jug Bay WATERPLANTAIN the water is fresh (no saltwater), yet Jug Bay marshes are Alisma subcordatum Marsh subject to the rise and fall of the tides. This is because Jug Perennial

Bay is close enough to the Chesapeake Bay—50 miles up Growing up from a rhizome, the Patuxent River—to be affected by tides, yet too far up- this plant has large egg-shaped leaves with heart-shaped bases. stream for saltwater to penetrate. The water rises and falls It sends up a 40-inch panicle about 2.5 feet twice every day. The tidal freshwater marsh- with small three-petaled white flowers. Flattened fruits and es at Jug Bay cover hundreds of acres and are the most ex- seed heads appear after bloom- tensive type of wetland found here. ing. Found in only a few places along the Marsh Boardwalk, this

plant is easy to overlook. Watch  Swamp for the delicate blossoms be- A swamp is a wetland where the dominant plants are trees. tween June and September in the tangled marsh growth. Swamps at Jug Bay occur at the higher edge of the marsh close to the drier slopes. The swamp is inundated by water LIZARD’S TAIL for only brief periods during the tidal cycle. Red Maples, Saururus cernuus Swamp Blackgum, Green Ash, Pumpkin Ash, and Sweetbay Mag- Perennial nolias are found here; herbaceous species such as Jewel- Growing from spreading and weed, tearthumbs, and Lizard’s Tail occur as well. aromatic rootstocks. Lizard’s Tail has tiny fragrant white flowers on a 4 to 6 inch spike  Scrub-shrub Wetland with a drooping tip. Leaves are The scrub-shrub wetland consists of a mixture of shrubs or dark green and heart-shaped. The plant can be found in woody-stemmed plants and herbaceous plants. This wet- swamps and near streams. It land type generally occurs as a zone in between the marsh blooms in June and July. and swamp. Look for Common Buttonbush, Black 31 8 RED TURTLEHEAD Chelone obliqua Swamp, Forested Floodplain Perennial A member of the snapdragon family, this plant grows in wet, wooded areas. Its hooded pink flower, which somewhat resem- bles the head of a turtle, blooms in late summer and fall. It has narrow-toothed lance-shaped leaves.

Willow, Hazel (formerly Smooth) Alder, Swamp Rose, Crimsoneyed Rosemallow (formerly Marsh Hibiscus), and even Eastern Poison Ivy. TIDALMARSH AMARANTH (was called WATER HEMP) Amaranthus cannabinus  Forested Floodplain or Nontidal Wetland Marsh Perennial Nontidal wetlands occur above the reach of the tides. At Found in tidal rivers as well as Jug Bay this type of wetland occurs along a spring or in salt and brackish marshes, this plant has alternate lance- small stream that flows toward the Patuxent River. Dur- shaped leaves and green flow- ing periods of heavy rain, these waterways may fill and ers on slender spikes. It grows to 10 feet high and blooms overflow. Skunk Cabbage, Lizard’s Tail, Jewelweed, and from July to August. Water- clearweed are found here, shaded by White Oak , Ameri- fowl, songbirds, deer and small mammals use the leaves can Beech, Red Maple, and American Holly. and seeds for food.

30 9 HOW TO USE THE GUIDE COMMON REED Phragmites australis To help you identify and locate wetland plants, we have in- Marsh cluded a map (see centerfold) that shows the major stands Perennial and types of plants found on both sides of the Marsh Board- Growing 12 feet tall often in dis- walk, as well as those along the trails leading to the board- turbed areas, phragmites is slowly increasing its range at Jug Bay. walk. For information and illustration of specific plants, re- Flowers appear as feathery plumes fer to the list of plants starting on page 12. The common at the top of the plants. Phragmites has little food value for wildlife but names is listed first, followed by the scientific name, where some marsh birds will nest in the it is found, and whether it is perennial or annual. reeds. Once established, the plant spreads rapidly, forming dense stands and forcing out other more The Boardwalk passes through Swamp, Marsh, and Scrub- beneficial plant species. It has been used for erosion control. shrub habitats and is about a third of a mile long. A leisure- ly stroll along the boardwalk will take about 30 minutes. CARDINAL FLOWER Lobelia cardinalis Marsh, Swamp WHERE TO BEGIN Perennial We suggest that you begin at the Obser- This 2– to 5-foot plant has bright vation Deck. From there you have a red tubular flowers atop a stalk spectacular view of the wetland’s great with narrow lance-shaped leaves. It is pollinated mainly by hum- variety of plants and the many channels that flow in and out mingbirds; insects are usually from the Patuxent River. When you leave the deck, turn unable to reach the base of the flowers. Its name derives from right on the path that will take you to Otter Point Trail. its color: red like the robes worn Proceed to the right on the Otter Point Trail for about 75 feet by Roman Catholic cardinals. It blooms in late summer and fall in until you see the Marsh Boardwalk sign. the upper parts of the marsh.

10 29 SWAMP ROSE Rosa palustris Follow the path and stairs down to the Marsh Boardwalk, Scrub-shrub which goes to the right. The first stretch is through a Perennial swamp with Red Maple, Green Ash, Pumpkin Ash, Sweet- The fragrant pink flowers of bay (Magnolia), and many wetland plants. On your right, this thorny deciduous shrub bloom in June and July. At the just past the swamp, is a bench where you can rest and re- base of each leaf are hooked view the guide for a few minutes. The ferns, mosses, and prickles. Fleshy red fruits (hips) and buds are eaten by Mountain Laurel growing on the hillside can make you feel songbirds and deer. as if you’re sitting in a tropical rain forest!

Continue along the boardwalk and notice how the land- scape opens up as you come to the marsh. Low-growing CLIMBING HEMPVINE Spatterdock (Yellow Pond-lily) is mixed with stands of An- Mikania scandens Marsh, Scrub-shrub nual Wildrice, then the cattail take over near the end of the Perennial boardwalk. The shrubs and small trees here on the upland

(right) side of the boardwalk are part of a scrub-shrub wet-

This member of the aster fam- land, a transitional area where the soil is drying out and ily is a vine with triangular- the marsh is slowly changing to woodland. shaped, opposite leaves that grow up and over other marsh plants and shrubs. At the end of the boardwalk is a path that follows a forest- Clusters of white or pink ed floodplain or nontidal wetland up through the woods. flowers bloom in late sum- mer. It is often found in the As you cross the small bridge, look for a spring in the ra- higher end of the marsh, vine that seeps from underground. Continue on the path to where it twines up cattails the top of the hill and back to the Wetlands Center. Tell us and other plants. what you’ve discovered! 28 11 ANNUAL WILDRICE EASTERN POISON IVY Zizania aquatica Toxicodendron radicans Marsh Swamp, Scrub-shrub, Forested floodplain Perennial Annual "Leaves of three—Let it be!" is the well-known motto for this Reaching a height of over ten deciduous plant, which may feet, this annual grass has cause an itchy skin rash when large, soft, flat tapered leaves any part of the plant is touched. (up to four feet long and two Taking many disguises, poison inches wide) with margins ivy can grow as a shrub, as a low rough to the touch. Pistillate -growing plant, or as a trailing or (female) flowers are on climbing vine. The thick, hairy broomlike branches at the top, vines, often seen growing up to while the staminate (male) the tops of mature trees, are not flowers dangle from spreading part of the trees—they are side branches below. Narrow Eastern Poison Ivy vines, which half-inch black seeds have can also give you a rash. The long tails to help them fall plant’s white berries are a straight down into the mud favorite food source for many when ripe. In the fall, the de- birds, which scatter them widely. composing rice plants provide a rich source of organic matter to the river and . COMMON BUTTONBUSH Unlike the wild rice that grows around northern Cephalanthus occidentalis Scrub-shrub and the Great Lakes, the variety here at Jug Bay drops its Perennial ripe seeds (rice grains) so quickly that it has no commercial value. Its value to wildlife, however, is immense. The seeds This shrub grows on the upland are eaten by game birds, songbirds, muskrat, deer, and wa- side of the Marsh Boardwalk. terfowl. The wild rice marshes are an exceptional stop-over Fragrant white globular flower habitat for thousands of fall migrant rails. Wood heads, which look like pin- Ducks feed on both seeds and flowers, as do Red-winged cushions, mature in the fall to Blackbirds. The Marsh Wren weaves the reeds into a globu- form round "button" seed lar–shaped nest. heads. Marsh birds nest in the branches, and waterfowl and muskrats eat the seeds. 12 27 KIDNEYLEAF MUDPLANTAIN YELLOW POND-LILY Heteranthera reniformis (SPATTERDOCK) Marsh Nuphar lutea Perennial Marsh Perennial This inconspicuous plant floats on the top of the water at high tide. Spatterdock, or Yellow White or pale-blue flowers bloom Pond-lily, commonly from August to October. Uncom- grows in colonies and mon at Jug Bay, the plant is found reaches a height of up in only a few locales. Seeds are to 3 feet. This plant eaten by ducks, and the leaves has large heart-shaped shelter fish and insects. leaves that remain erect at high tide and do not float. A single two-inch yellow flower is produced between May and October. AMERICAN WITCHHAZEL Leaves and flowers Hamamelis virginiana arise from a thick spongy underground stem called a Scrub-shrub rhizome embedded below the mud. The blackish rhi- Perennial zomes work their way up from the mud in winter, where they look like strange marsh creatures! This shrub is known for its medicinal uses as a skin as- Yellow pond-lily leaves help shade the water for fish tringent. The leaves have and other aquatic life. The rhizome is used as an ingre- wavy edges and uneven ba- dient in cooking in some countries and some cultures ses. In the fall after the leaves also use this plant for medicinal purposes. Seeds can be have dropped, yellow flowers used to make 'popcorn.' A small beetle feeds on Spatter- bloom and the woody seed dock and tiny flies are likely pollinators. pods burst open, shooting out black seeds over a large dis- Spatterdock is expanding in coverage here. tance. Seeds are eaten by deer, quail, and beaver. 13 26 BROADLEAF CATTAIL Forming extensive stands at Jug SKUNK CABBAGE Typha latifolia Bay, cattails are easily recog- Symplocarpus foetidus NARROWLEAF CATTAIL nized in late summer and Swamp, Typha angustifolia through winter by the brown Forested Floodplain Marsh cigar-shaped "cat’s tail," which Perennial Perennial is made up of tiny seedlike fruits with long hairs. Seeds The earliest plant to appear and are wind-dispersed. Broadleaf flower in the spring, Skunk Cab- Cattails have broader, 1-inch bage first pokes its way up through wide leaves and almost no gap the snow or mud in February. Pur- between male and female flow- ple and green floral hoods (spathe), ers. Narrowleaf Cattails have with knob-shaped flower clusters 1/2-inch wide leaves and stam- inside (spadix) appear first, fol- inate (male) flowers that are lowed by large green "elephant-ear" separated by a gap from the leaves. When crushed, the plant gives off a distinct odor, pistillate (female) flowers. which helps attract insect pollinators. Skunk Cabbage is a relative of the Jack-in-the-Pulpit and Green Arrow Arum. Cattails provide shelter and food for HARLEQUIN BLUEFLAG waterfowl, song- Iris versicolor birds (especially Marsh, Swamp Red-winged Black- Perennial birds, Sora Rails, and Marsh Wrens), This wildflower is found in the and muskrats. upland edges of swamps and Muskrats use the marshes. Its swordlike leaves long leaf blades to emerge in early spring, and vio- build dome-shaped let-blue flowers bloom from lodges in the May to August. The plant has Typha latifolia marsh. little food value for wildlife, but the flowers add brilliant splash- Cattails trap sedi- es of color to the marsh. ments from the wa- Typha angustifolia ter and slowly change the habitat 14 from wet to dry, 25 DOTTED SMARTWEED so eventually cattails may die off. Polygonum punctatum Swamp, Scrub-shrub Native Americans relied heavily on cattails for their surviv- Annual al. They ate the roots, new shoots, pollen, and seeds. The fluffy seed hairs were used as tinder for fires and as diaper Smartweed has tiny white, material in papoose carriers. Dried reeds were made into green, or pink flowers that ap- baskets, mats, and roofing for their summer longhouses. pear from early summer to October, after which seeds are GREEN ARROW ARUM formed. The lustrous black or Peltandra virginica brown seeds have a peppery Marsh taste; they are relished by Perennial ducks in the fall. The rhi-

zomes or underground tubers Up to three feet high, Green Arrow Arum has thick, fleshy, are also eaten by waterfowl. arrow-shaped leaves with three lobes. Each lobe has a prominent midvein, which branches out from the center vein, and veins along the leaf SMOOTH BEGGARTICK edge. Flowering in tidal (BUR MARIGOLD) marshes along the river from Bidens laevis May through July, Green Ar- Marsh row Arum produces tiny, in- Annual conspicuous flowers on a fleshy spike (spadix) enclosed Blooming in late August and within a pointed, leaflike September, the Smooth Beggar- green sheath (spathe). Green tick is a member of the sun- seeds form within the stalk; flower family and produces when they are ripe, they dis- spectacular yellow flowers. perse by floating in and out of The number of plants that grow the marsh with the tides from up in the marsh varies greatly late summer through the fol- from year to year; however, a lowing spring. The seed coat large bank of flowers can al- splits open, exuding a sticky most always be seen from the jellylike substance. The sticky Observation Deck in the fall. gel helps anchor the seed in the mud to aid germination. Seeds are a favorite of Wood Ducks and muskrats. 24 15 BROADLEAF ARROWHEAD HAZEL ALDER Sagittaria latifolia Alnus serrulata Marsh Scrub-shrub, Swamp Perennial Perennial Seen along the Marsh Boardwalk, Arrowhead leaves are arrow-shaped and similar to this small tree grows well in wet Green Arrow Arum soils. It has double-toothed oval leaves. Arrowhead leaves and smooth bark with small lacks a single speckles. Both the male flowers midvein, but rather (catkins that droop) and female fruit has many veins that (small pine cone-like structures) are branch out from the found on the same plant. Female flowers first appear in point where the leaf March; the male flowers stay on the plant all winter and joins the stem. The open in April. Alders grow rapidly and often form thick- showy white flow- ets, which make good cover for birds and other wildlife. ers have three pet- Deer, if they are hungry enough, will eat the twigs. als and yellow centers. The green seed balls are in SWEETBAY (MAGNOLIA) groups of three. Magnolia virginiana Swamp, Scrub-shrub Arrowhead is also Perennial called ‘duck pota- When crushed, the leaves are spicy to,’ since its potato- and fragrant; they are white under- like tubers are eaten neath and have a conspicuous midrib. by ducks (as well as Here in Maryland, the smooth un- by muskrats). Na- toothed leathery leaves are "nearly ev- tive Americans cooked the tubers and sometimes opened ergreen"; that is, some of the leaves up muskrat houses to get to the animals’ cache of roots. remain on the tree all through the winter. Large white fragrant flowers bloom between May and July, and dark red fruits develop between Sep- tember and October. Growing in both swamps and uplands, the Sweetbay is favored by beavers, which use it for building dams. 16 23 WATERTHYME PICKERELWEED Hydrilla verticillata Pontederia cordata Marsh Marsh Perennial Perennial

Hydrilla is often considered Pickerelweed (2-4 feet a nuisance when it forms tall) produces spikes of dense beds that interfere purple-blue flowers that with recreational use of wa- bloom from May until terways. On the other hand, October. Emerging hydrilla is an excellent food from underground rhi- source for waterfowl and zomes, the fleshy heart- habitat for fish. A native to shaped leaves have Asia it was first discovered closely parallel veins in the US in 1960. that follow the general shape of the leaf. The plant is similar to Green Arrow Arum, which has COON’S TAIL larger, triangular-shaped leaves with three dominant Ceratophyllum demersum veins. Marsh

Perennial During the winter, the upper portion of the plant decom-

poses entirely, leaving mud flats bare. Although Pickerel- Coon’s Tail is shade tolerant weed can propagate by seed, it is a perennial that sends and free-floating, making it less up new growth each year from a rhizome. The sticky red sensitive to turbid water condi- seeds are eaten by ducks, and the thick, short rhizomes tions. It is an important food are eaten by muskrats. source for waterfowl as well as a key shade, shelter, and spawning medium for some fish.


22 HALBERDLEAF TEARTHUMB Polygonum arifolium CRIMSONEYED ROSEMALLOW ARROWLEAF TEARTHUMB Polygonum sagittatum Hibiscus moscheutohydrilla Marsh, Swamp, Scrub-shrub Scrub-shrub Annual Perennial

Forming tangled thickets in late summer, these vines grow This tall (3-7 feet), up and over other marsh plants. Tearthumb’s name comes leafy member of the from the sharp spines that grow along its stems. The leaves mallow family are smooth, narrow, and arrow-shaped. Flowers are pink or grows in the higher white and grow in loose clusters at the end of long stalks. parts of the marsh. The hard seeds are eaten by waterfowl, Red-winged Black- The large five- birds, Soras, songbirds, and small mammals. petaled flowers are pink or white and sometimes have a red center. Leaves are egg– or heart- shaped, smooth above, velvety on the underside. The plant flowers from late July through August.

The dark brown round seed pods remain on the stems through the winter. The plant propagates by both seeds and rhizomes.

During colonial times a confection was made from mu- cilaginous roots of a related species of this plant, the Common Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) so this marsh Polygonum arifolium Polygonum sagittatum hibiscus is sometimes called a "marshmallow."

21 18 SWEETFLAG Acorus calamus JEWELWEED Swamp Impatiens capensis Perennial Marsh, Swamp, Scrub-shrub Annual Sweetflag leaves are sword-like with a rigid mid-vein and grow to four feet high. All parts of the plant are fragrant This wildflower, which flourishes in both tidal and when bruised. The roots have a sweet flavor and were once nontidal areas, has many succulent, light-green trans- used for making candy. Minute green-yellow flowers grow lucent stems that bear on a 2-3 inch long spike, which juts from the stem at the base brilliant orange funnel- of the plant. The plant is eaten by muskrats. shaped flowers with darker orange spots. When the leaves are held under water, they be- come silvery and jewel-like. Ripening seed pods split open with a pop to eject seeds over seven feet. When touched, the pods burst—hence its other name, Touch-Me-Not.

Ruby-throated Hum- mingbirds drink its nec- tar, birds and mice eat the seeds, and rabbits browse on the leaves. Jewel- weed’s juices have long been used as a natural remedy to treat poison ivy and encounters with stinging net- tles. It is still used in some skin medications.

20 19 Wild Rice Wild Rice Low Marsh Spatterdock

Spatterdock Cattails Swamp


Observation Forested Scrub-shrub Deck Floodplain

This way Start here! Stairs Trail Wetlands Picnic Center Area Almost done Turn right here Otter Point Trail

SWAMP SCRUB-SHRUB LOW MARSH HIGH MARSH FORESTED Tidal/non-tidal Tidal/non-tidal Tidal Tidal FLOODPLAIN Trees, woody shrubs and Shrubs and herba- Herbaceous plants Herbaceous plants Non-tidal ceous plants Trees, shrubs, and Alder, Smooth * Pickerelweed * Arrow Arum, Green herbaceous plants Arrowwood, Southern Arrowwood, Southern * Arrowhead, Broad-leaved * Arrow Arum, Green Blueberry, Highbush * Pond-lily, Yellow * Cattails Arrowwood, Southern Ash, Green * Buttonbush (Spatterdock) * Coon’s Tail Beech, American Red Maple Parking * Jewelweed * Hempweed, Climbing Greenbriers Blackgum * Rosemallow, * Reed, Common Holly, American *Blueflag, Harlequin Crimsoneyed (Phragmites) Laurel, Mountain Doghobble, Swamp Rose, Swamp Maple, Red (Fetterbush) * Scaldweed (Dodder) Fern, Cinnamon *Sweetbay (Magnolia) * Tearthumbs Oak, White * Jewelweed *Tearthumbs * Waterthyme (Hydrilla) * Skunk Cabbage * Lizard’s Tail * Wild Rice, Annual Pepperbush, Coastal Sweet * Sweetbay (Magnolia) * These plants are described in the guide. * Sweetflag For information on other plants, please * Tearthumbs consult the field guides available from * Smartweed, Dotted the naturalists at the Wetlands Center. * Skunk Cabbage * Turtlehead, Red