CITATION Clague, D.A., J.B. Paduan, D.W. Caress, W.W. Chadwick Jr., M. Le Saout, B.M. Dreyer, and R.A. Portner. 2017. High-resolution AUV mapping and targeted ROV observations of three historic flows at Axial .Oceanography 30(4):82–99, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2017.426.

DOI https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2017.426

COPYRIGHT This article has been published in Oceanography, Volume 30, Number 4, a quarterly journal of The Oceanography Society. Copyright 2017 by The Oceanography Society. All rights reserved.

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High-Resolution AUV Mapping and Targeted ROV Observations of Three Historical Lava Flows at Axial Seamount

By David A. Clague, Jennifer B. Paduan, David W. Caress, William W. Chadwick Jr., Morgane Le Saout, Brian M. Dreyer, and Ryan A. Portner

MBARI’s autonomous underwater vehicle. Photo credit: Phil Sammet

82 Oceanography | Vol.30, No.4 ABSTRACT. The lava flows produced by eruptions at Axial Seamount in 1998, using remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), 2011, and 2015 were mapped at 1 m resolution from autonomous underwater vehicles has enabled development of eruptive and (AUVs) developed at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI). tectonic histories of Axial Seamount A portion of the flows erupted in 2011 and 2015 are defined by pre- and post- and of the Endeavour Segment of the eruption AUV surveys. Data processing software, also developed at MBARI, precisely Juan de Fuca (Clague et al., 2013, coregisters pre- and post-eruption surveys to allow construction of difference maps 2014) that enhance study of recent vol- by subtracting a pre-eruption grid from a post-eruption grid. Such difference maps canic and hydrothermal activity on mid- are key to extracting detailed information about eruptive processes and emplacement ocean . High-resolution mapping of the lava flows. All three eruptions began on the east side of the , and each has also illuminated the distribution of produced ~25 × 106 m3 of thin channelized flows (with sheet lava channels, lobate lava eruptive and non-eruptive fissures, and interiors with pillars, and distal inflated pillow lobes) in the caldera and on the upper the relation of flow types and fissures to south or north rifts. The 1998 and 2011 eruptions propagated down the south rift, pre- and syn-eruptive geophysical obser- and the 2015 eruption propagated down the north rift. The 2011 and 2015 eruptions vations. The mapping data also permit formed shallow grabens surrounding new non-eruptive open fissures on the east rim accurate calculation of flow volumes, of the caldera and produced thick hummocky flows on upper to mid rifts, and the but uncertainties in eruption duration 2011 eruption also produced a thick hummocky flow on the lower south rift. Future still hamper determination of eruption eruptions at Axial Seamount will likely follow this pattern, regardless of which rift is rates. The scientific results made pos- the locus of the eruption. sible by these Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) technologi- INTRODUCTION detected a 2015 eruption in real time at cal advancements in high-resolution sea- The most voluminous volcanic activity Axial Seamount that triggered a rapid floor mapping are outlined here as part on Earth occurs in the deep sea (Crisp, response cruise (Chadwick et al., 2016). of this special issue celebrating MBARI’s 1984) along the global 65,000 km-long Axial Seamount is a submarine vol- 30-year anniversary. mid-ocean ridge system. Despite the cano astride the , high frequency of submarine eruptions 400 km offshore the US Pacific Northwest MAPPING AUV SURVEYS AT required to construct oceanic crust, these (Figure 1). It has a horseshoe-shaped AXIAL SEAMOUNT eruptions are rarely detected and even 3 × 8 km summit caldera that is deepest One of the primary tools for building more rarely studied in detail to under- to the northeast and whose rim is buried understanding of submarine eruptive stand eruption processes and lava flow by lava flows to the southeast. The sum- processes is the ability to map the lava emplacement in the submarine realm mit is connected to north- and south-​ flows and eruptive fissures at high res- (e.g., Fornari et al., 2012; Rubin et al., trending rift zones (Figure 1) and rises olution. Mapping of lava flows on the 2012). Historical submarine eruptions on to a depth of ~1,367 m with the shallow- ridge system using images from ship- mid-ocean ridges have been discovered est area on the southwest rim. The three based sonars, towed side-scan sonars and by water-column surveys that detected detected eruptions at Axial Seamount in cameras, and bottom observations from large water masses with temperature and 1998, 2011, and 2015 are the most recent submersibles began in the late 1970s chemical anomalies (megaplumes) above of >50 mapped lava flows emplaced in the (e.g., Ballard and van Andel, 1977; Ballard eruption sites, during submersible dives last 1,600 years (Clague et al., 2013). et al., 1979). More recent observation and that serendipitously encountered new High-resolution autonomous under- sampling studies have used ROVs that glassy lava flows, by repeat water vehicle (AUV) bathymetric map- are spatially located using GPS-based surveys that revealed depth changes of the ping data of the historical flows on Axial long-baseline or ultra-short baseline nav- seafloor, or by recording of seismic activ- Seamount have illuminated how effu- igation. AUV mapping technology and ity on hydrophone arrays that accompa- sive lava flows are emplaced under vary- data processing techniques developed at nied these explorations. Most recently, ing eruptive conditions and the dynam- MBARI have focused on sites of histor- instruments on the Ocean Observatory ics of eruptive activity (Caress et al., 2012; ical (since the mid-1980s) eruptions on Initiative (OOI) cabled undersea net- Chadwick et al., 2013, 2016; Yeo et al., the Juan de Fuca and Gorda Ridges off- work (Kelley et al., 2014, 2015; Wilcock 2013). The mapping, combined with shore northwestern North America. Lava et al., 2016; Nooner and Chadwick, 2016) lava and sediment core sample collection flows produced during these eruptions

Oceanography | December 2017 83 were studied in considerable detail soon a single, comprehensive AUV navigation capable of eight-hour surveys covering after their discovery (e.g., Fox et al., 1992; model. The surveys were conducted with 30 km of survey lines; by 2016, two AUVs Embley et al., 1995, 1999, 2000; Chadwick AUV altitudes between 50 m and 90 m, were operated simultaneously with each and Embley, 1998; Chadwick et al., 1998) with most at 50 m altitude. The current achieving 17-hour survey durations for a and provide context for high-resolution coverage at Axial encompasses 290 km2, total 160 km of surveying per day, along mapping data. including significant areas resurveyed with a fivefold increase in bathymet- Between 2006 and 2016, MBARI map- after the 2011 and 2015 eruptions to ric sounding density. Equally significant, ping AUVs (Caress et al., 2008) col- detect seafloor change. the MB-System software package used lected 1 m lateral, 10 cm vertical resolu- The submarine volcanic process stud- for survey planning and data processing tion bathymetry and side-scan data on ies undertaken at Axial Seamount require (Caress and Chayes, 1996, 2011; Caress Axial Seamount during 37 surveys as part well-navigated, repeatable, efficiently col- et al., 2008) has evolved to solve the prob- of six expeditions on four research ships. lected high-resolution seafloor mapping lems particular to surveying challenging The MBARI surveys were augmented data at depths ranging from 1,400 m to submarine topography. The near-vertical using Woods Hole Oceanographic over 2,500 m. Over the past 15 years, walls of Axial caldera required automated Institution’s (WHOI’s) AUV Sentry for these science requirements have helped pre-planning of the AUV vertical tra- four surveys in 2015, and five in 2017. All to drive continuing innovation in auton- jectory to avoid bottom crashes, and the 41 surveys completed by 2016 have been omous vehicle, sensor, and data process- high and narrow walls of some drained coregistered spatially by matching fea- ing technologies. MBARI began these lava ponds require multistage missions tures in overlapping data and solving for surveys with a single mapping AUV combining sections of constant depth and constant altitude operation. For any deep-ocean AUV-based sea- floor survey, the primary data processing challenge is achieving navigational accu- NorNorth racy similar to the 1 m bathymetric lateral RRiiftft resolution. Although the inertial naviga- Zone tion system (INS) used on MBARI AUVs Caldera limits navigational errors to 0.05% of dis- tance traveled, this translates to as much as 40 m accumulated error for an 80 km trackline survey. Coregistration within and between surveys at the 1 m level is attained by measuring both the lat- eral and the vertical navigational offsets required to match bathymetric features SouthSouth in crossing and overlapping swaths, and RRiifftt then solving for an optimal navigational Zone 45°N model fitting those features while also sat- isfying known feature positions (e.g., vent chimney locations from ROV dives) and minimizing perturbations to vehi-

40°N cle speed. On Axial Seamount, the cal- 130°W 125°W dera floor uplifts slowly as the subsurface magma reservoir inflates and subsides rapidly during eruptions that drain the reservoir (Nooner and Chadwick, 2016). Consequently, bathymetric changes reflect both lava emplacement and verti- cal deformation associated with the erup- FIGURE 1. Oblique view of Axial Seamount. View is to the north and has 3x vertical exaggera- tion cycle. Because it measures horizontal tion with the color ramp from 3,000 m to 1,300 m. The north and south rifts are labeled, as is the and vertical navigation offsets required to summit caldera. Inset shows location of Axial Seamount offshore Oregon and Washington. S is Seattle, P is Portland, G is Gorda Ridge, and JdF is Juan de Fuca Ridge. The gray box is the extent match features, the MB-System naviga- of the map in Figure 2a. tion adjustment tool allows differencing

84 Oceanography | Vol.30, No.4 repeated and coregistered AUV bathym- of sediment cores on the flows, show that 2016). Where flows covered ground that etry surveys to quantitatively measure Axial Seamount has erupted >50 times had only been mapped at low resolu- both types of seafloor change. in the past 1,600 years. The backscatter tion before the eruptions, calculations These advances in data collection and mapping data define regions around the were imprecise, but the post-eruption processing have allowed us to success- summit where volcaniclastic sediments high-resolution maps revealed import- fully address increasingly ambitious sci- blanket the surface and provide a guide ant details obscured in lower-​resolution entific questions at Axial Seamount. The to sampling of those deposits (Helo et al., post-eruption ship-based data. The repeat historic flows have now been completely 2011; Portner et al., 2015). surveys used to define the extent of new mapped at high resolution (Caress et al., Difference maps of 1 m resolution flows can also be used to measure vertical 2012; Chadwick et al., 2013, 2016), and a pre- and immediately post-2011 erup- deformation associated with subsurface geological and petrological history of the tion AUV surveys (Caress et al., 2012) magma accumulation between eruptions caldera floor, rim, and upper south rift precisely defined, for first time, new sub- and discharge during eruptions (Caress has been developed (Clague et al., 2013; marine lava flows and their volumes even et al., 2015, 2016). The summit and the Dreyer et al., 2013). The many flows where they are only about 20 cm thick. neo-volcanic axes of the north and south defined in the mapping data, when com- Similar difference maps defined lava rift zones are now mapped at high res- bined with radiocarbon ages of the base flows erupted in 2015 (Chadwick et al., olution (Figure 2). The hope is that

6A FIGURE 2. (a) Axial Seamount a b 6B c Figure 9 46°8'N ship bathymetry (faded) under- 6C lying autonomous under- 10E water vehicle (AUV) 1 m res- Figure 3 46°10'N 10D olution coverage. The shape of the axial magma cham- c ber (AMC) is indicated by the black dashed line, from Arnulf North Rift Zone

45°56'N et al. (2014). Gray boxes in (a) 46°6'N show extents of panels (b) and (c), which are at the same scale, and yellow boxes on (a)–(c) show extents of sub- sequent map figures. Color

46°0'N Caldera ramp is from 2,550–1,375 m depth (blue to orange). (b) The

45°54'N flows of 1998 (Chadwick et al., 46°4'N 2013) and 2011 (modified from Figure 8 Caress at al., 2012). Color ramp is 2,300–1,390 m depth 10C (blue to orange). (c) The 2015 b flows in the summit caldera, on the northeast rim, and in 0 1 0 1 the north rift zone (modified 45°50'N Figure 4 45°52'N km km 46°2'N from Chadwick et al., 2016). Color ramp is 2,300–1,390 m 130°0'W 129°58'W depth (blue to orange). Flow outlines (solid lines) and fis- sures (dotted lines) on sub- Lava ows 10B sequent maps use the same South Rift Zone 2015 10A colors. Labeled stars indi- 2011 cate locations of images in

46°0'N Figures 6 and 10. 1998

45°40'N Figure 5 Fissures 2015 Figure 7 2011 Figure 3 1998

0 5 Images 6A 45°58'N 6B km AMC 6C 130°0'W 129°50'W 130°0'W 129°58'W

Oceanography | December 2017 85 future eruptions at Axial Seamount will 1999; Chadwick et al., 2013). A differ- margins, lobate and drained flow interi- occur where high-resolution bathyme- ence map, subtracting the pre-eruption ors (with lava pillars), and the full range try now exists. grid from the post-eruption grid, only of sheet flow morphologies in channels. The lava flows erupted in 1998 were clearly detected the distal pillow lobes, All are considered to be facies within mapped in their entirety after the erup- as the rest of the flows were too thin. The map-scale channelized flows. tion as described in Chadwick et al. co-eruption earthquake swarm recorded The 1998 eruption produced four (2013), so we will briefly summarize their by the SOSUS hydrophones continued channelized flows from 11 en echelon dis- continuous fissures spread over 11 km (Chadwick et al., 2013). The distal south- ernmost lava flow consisted of a shingled sequence of distal pillow lobes up to 26 m thick where it flowed down a moderate For any deep-ocean AUV-based seafloor slope east of the south rift. The northern- survey, the primary data processing challenge most flow also evolved into pillow lobes up to 13 m thick at the ends of channel- is achieving navigational accuracy similar to ized flows that had well-developed prox- “ the 1 m bathymetric lateral resolution. . imal sheet lava channels. Chadwick et al. (2013) estimated that the eruption pro- duced ~31 × 106 m3 of lava, although this volume is less precise than estimates for the 2011 or 2015 eruptions because the pre-​ ” eruption surface is defined from much- results and add some new observations. ~50 km down the south rift (Dziak and lower-resolution​ ship-based bathymetry, The 2011 lava flows were mainly emplaced Fox, 1999), but comparison of pre- and and the flows are generally thin, so small where pre-eruption mapping had been post-eruption ship-based bathymetric errors in thickness result in large errors in completed. The post-eruption and differ- surveys did not detect new lava flows in volume. They also proposed that the erup- ence maps for those flows not yet mapped those distal areas (Chadwick at al., 2013). tion of the northern flow lasted <12 hours when Caress et al. (2012) was published The post-eruption high-resolution AUV based on the 2.5-hour rise and fall of an are presented here. Finally, the 2015 mapping of the summit and proximal instrument package containing a pressure lava flows were also only partly mapped south rift Figure ( 2b), begun in 2006, gauge that was partly engulfed by the flow before and immediately after the erup- resulted in a detailed flow outline and (Fox et al., 2001), and that the channelized tion (Chadwick et al., 2016). Previously also revealed details of flow morphology flows were consistent with high eruption unmapped 2015 flows are presented here. (Chadwick et al., 2013). rates. The minimum 2.5 and maximum Chadwick et al. (2013) introduced 12 hour durations require average erup- 1998 ERUPTION the concept of map-scale flow mor- tion rates from 2,400 to 500 m3 s–1, with Background phology, describing features that are on the lower rate thought to be more likely The eruption in 1998 was detected by the scale of hundreds of meters, based than the higher one. the US Navy’s SOSUS acoustic array largely on high-resolution mapping of (Dziak and Fox, 1999), and additional the 1998 Axial Seamount flows using the New Results data were recovered after the eruption MBARI AUV. They proposed the termi- New AUV mapping of much of the south from instruments deployed as part of nology that “inflated lobate flows” prox- rift (Figure 2a) and comparison to pre- the National Oceanic and Atmospheric imal to the eruptive fissure transition to 1998 ship bathymetry did not detect Administration (NOAA) NeMO obser- distal “inflated pillow flows” as the flow any 1998 lava flows there, in agreement vatory (Baker et al., 1999; Fox, 1999; progresses downslope away from the fis- with earlier results based on pre- and Fox et al., 2001). The eruption began sure. Here, we simplify their terminol- post-eruption ship surveys. Revised vol- on January 25, and the swarm of earth- ogy to channelized flows that combine the umes of the channelized flows erupted in quakes lasted for 11 days (Dziak and facies of inflated lobate flows and inflated the caldera and upper south rift were cal- Fox, 1999). Pre-eruption ship multibeam pillow flows. Soule et al. (2005) used this culated at 24.1 ± 1.5 × 106 m3 based on the and side-scan data (Embley et al., 1990) term to describe similar features on the area of the flows and new measurements were compared with post-eruption ship- East Pacific Rise. The map-scale channel- of average thickness of the similar chan- based surveys (Embley et al., 1999) and ized flows are composed of visual-scale nelized flows erupted in 2011 and 2015 time-series observations (Embley et al., lava morphologies, including pillowed (discussed below, Table 1). This volume is

86 Oceanography | Vol.30, No.4 22% smaller than the 31 × 106 m3 calcu- reused by 2011 flows and that the 2011 collapses, levee-bounded lava ponds, sur- lated by Chadwick et al. (2013) using the eruption largely reused fissures active face tumuli, and off-fissure hummocky same flow area. in 1998 or during prehistoric eruptions. flows fed through tubes. ROV dives done in support of con- This level of mimicry of both fissures and structing the geological history of the channel systems was a new insight into New Results summit of Axial Seamount (Clague et al., understanding eruption and emplace- Mapping data collected in 2014 and pre- 2013) observed rare fragmented pillow ment of channelized flows. sented here shed additional light on the lava in the caldera near a low-tempera- Another map-scale flow morphology emplacement of hummocky flows and ture area at the north- described by Chadwick et al. (2013) was the dynamics of the 2011 eruption. It pro- ern end of the 1998 fissures. “pillow mounds” (e.g., Yeo et al., 2013). duced dominantly channelized flows in This morphology was originally detected the caldera and on the upper south rift. 2011 ERUPTION in historic flows by comparing pre- and In contrast, the most distal flows on the Background post-eruption ship bathymetric data for upper south rift are hummocky flows, and During the 2011 eruption, the SOSUS nearby Juan de Fuca Ridge historic erup- the most distal flow on the lower south rift array was not operational, and the tions, including the 1986 North Cleft is a thick, steep-sided hummocky flow. event was discovered serendipitously (Chadwick et al., 1991; Fox et al., 1992) The post-eruption AUV maps allow during ROV dives to refurbish monitor- and the 1982–1991 and 1993 CoAxial us to recalculate the areas and volumes ing instruments deployed at the sum- (Chadwick et al., 2001), and occurs (Table 1) presented in Caress (2012). mit. Bottom pressure recorders, hydro- among the Axial 2011 and 2015 flows. The revised volume is 94.0 × 106 m3 phones, and other instruments that were Here, we modify the terminology to hum- (~5 × 106 m3 less than the prior esti- recovered after the eruption (those not mocky flows that are mostly pillow mate). The volume of the channelized entombed in lava) yielded important that form mounds or coalesced mounds flows in the caldera and on the upper information about the sequence of events. or ridges on or close to eruptive fissures. south rift is 28.7 × 106 m3. However, in The 2011 eruption began on April 6 and In contrast to the “pillow mounds” pro- addition to the channelized flows, the lasted ~6 days, based on when the summit posed and illustrated by Chadwick et al. 2011 eruption also formed hummocky co-eruption deflation ended (Chadwick (2013) that lack molten cores, hummocky flows on the upper south rift with a vol- at al., 2012). Caress et al. (2012) presented flows have small (dike-scale dimension) ume of 5.1 × 106 m3, and hummocky a comparison of pre- and post-2011 AUV to voluminous molten cores. White et al. flows on the lower south rift with a vol- bathymetry and used difference maps to (2000) previously suggested that basal- ume of 60.1 × 106 m3 (~5.9 × 106 m3 less determine the extent, thicknesses, and tic lava domes (pillow mounds) grew than the prior estimated). These revised volume of the summit and upper south endogenously, and therefore had molten volumes are based on coregistered pre- rift flows. Caress et al. (2012) showed that cores. The molten cores of nearly all these and post-eruption AUV surveys, except many pre-existing lava channels were types of flows are evident from summit for the lower rift hummocky flow and a

TABLE 1. Historical Lava Flows on Axial Seamount

Fissure Maximum Average Volume/km Area Volume Flows and Fissures Length Flow Flow of Fissure (x 106 m2) (x 106 m3) (km) Thickness (m) Thickness (m) (x 106 m3/km)

Channelized Flows 8.0 7.14 SR26 3.4* 24.1 3.0

1998 Eruptive and Non-Eruptive Fissures 11.0 7.14 26 3.4* 24.1 2.2

Channelized Flows 8.1 8.20 C16 3.2 28.7 3.5

Upper South Rift Hummocky Flows 1.5 0.37 SR29 22.6 5.1 3.4

2011 Lower South Rift Hummocky Flows 4.8 1.65 SR167 36.4 60.1 12.5

Eruptive and Non-Eruptive Fissures 35.0 10.23 167 9.2 94.0 2.7

Channelized Flows 7.3 6.92 NR24, C12 3.6 24.7 3.4

North Rift Hummocky Flows 4.4 4.59 NR126 28.0 130.5 29.7 2015 Eruptive and Non-Eruptive Fissures 20.0 11.51 126 13.5 155.2 7.8

*Average of channelized flow from 2011 and 2015 SR = South Rift; NR = North Rift; C = Caldera

Oceanography | December 2017 87 small portion of the near-caldera chan- 500 m diameter prehistoric hummocky Figure 4a). Mounds on the upper south nelized flows for which there are no pre-​ flow composed of that is rift coalesced to form a smooth hum- eruption AUV data. For these areas, ship-​ bisected by the caldera-bounding . mocky flow (HF on Figure 4b) up to 27 m collected multibeam bathymetry (MBARI It does, however continue at N12W for thick with a volume of 4.8 × 106 m3. The Mapping Team, 2001) was used for the at least 1.3 km (Figure 3c) as a discontin- northern portion of HF is inferred to be pre-eruption map. The surface area cov- uous, open, non-eruptive fissure within located on top of its eruptive fissure, and ered by the flows increased slightly from a several-​meter-deep and roughly 20 m the upper surface is thought to have col- 10.10 × 106 m2 to 10.23 × 106 m2. wide graben (Figure 3d). The flows on lapsed as its molten lava drained out. New post-2011 eruption mapping the east caldera rim have common frag- A series of three small coalesced flows shows channelized flows on the east rim mented lava lobes (Figure 6a) and cov- and one isolated steep hummocky flow of the caldera (Figure 3), hummocky ered volcaniclastic sediment (Portner just downrift of HF are up to 29 m thick. flows just south of the channelized flows et al., 2015) up to several meters thick These upper south rift hummocky flows on the upper south rift Figure ( 4), and (Figure 6b). The southern of the two (combined volume 5.1 × 106 m3) all a lower south rift thick hummocky flow flows cascaded over the 10 m tall caldera-​ erupted along ~1.7 km of the same fis- (Figure 5). Two lava flows on the east bounding fault (Figure 6c). sure that fed 1998 flows (Figure 4a,b). rim of the caldera erupted from a new Hummocky flows that erupted in 2011 One small offset hummocky flow (OHF fissure (Figure 3) offset 160–220 m east covered 1998 channelized flows and also on Figure 4b) grew west of the fissure that from 1998 eruptive fissures on the cal- filled a gap between 1998 flows where erupted a series of small mounds and the dera floor (Chadwick et al., 2013). The only a non-eruptive fissure was observed lava that flowed down a channel in the fissure did not cut through a pre-existing in the pre-2011 bathymetry (F1 on underlying 1998 channelized flow, then

a b c d

45°530N d 0 500 0 200

45°520N 45°50N 45°510N

D655 6A R1469 6B 45°530N 45°5N

6C D522


12°5W 12°5W 12°5W 12°520W FIGURE 3. Maps showing the 2011 flows, fissure, and graben on the east rim of the caldera. (a) Pre-eruption AUV bathymetry, (b) post-eruption AUV bathymetry, and (c) and (d) difference maps from AUV bathymetry. Stars in (c) indicate locations of bottom photographs in Figure 6. (d) Close-up of the graben formed during the emplacement of the dike that also produced the discontinuous open fissure. Color ramps in (a) and (b) are 1,530–1,460 m depth (blue to orange), in (c) 0–15 m thickness (blue to orange), and in (d) (−4)–1 m thickness (blue to orange). (a, b, c) are at the same scale, and the location of (d) is the gray box in (c). ROV Doc Ricketts dives D522 and D655 are indicated by white lines, and ROV ROPOS dives R1467 and R1469 are tracked by yellow lines. Flow outlines in (b) and (c) and fissures in (c) as in key to Figure 1.

88 Oceanography | Vol.30, No.4 stalled, and then built upward. This dis- sections overlap by about 1 km. In the width of a typical dike. placement from the fissure demonstrates 13 years, the average spreading rate on These observations suggest that exten- that even the smallest of hummocky the Juan de Fuca Ridge should produce sion at the summit of Axial during the flows had molten cores capable of feed- only 70 cm of extension, which is less last 20 years is significantly greater than ing lateral flow. than the space needed to accommodate simply the spreading rate multiplied by The difference mapFigure ( 4c) also a typical 1 m dike. Similar overlap of fis- the time elapsed, and that spreading is shows another fissure (F2) located about sures took place during the 2015 erup- either strongly episodic and each dike 300 m east of the main 1998/2011 erup- tion (discussed below), with eruptive and intrusion does not relieve all the accu- tive fissure (F1 onFigure 4a ). This 1.7 km non-eruptive fissures on the northeast mulated tensional stress due to plate long fissure overlaps the 1998/2011 fis- rim and the north rift overlapping by sev- spreading, that the unbuttressed caldera sure for about 1 km. One thin channel- eral hundred meters. walls allow inward collapse (as seen on ized flow 300 m across and one tiny low A different type of overlap between the northwest rim), or that the flanks of hummocky flow erupted from it. fissures occurs from one eruption to the the are gravitationally sliding These two parallel and overlapping fis- next. The 2011 non-eruptive fissure on the down and out, as occurs on larger volca- sures formed just 13 years after the south east rim (Figure 3d) and the 2015 eruptive noes like Hawaii (e.g., Moore et al., 1989). rift accommodated a dike that fed the fissures on the caldera floor (Chadwick Exploration of these options is beyond 1998 eruption (F1 in Figure 4a, which et al., 2016) overlap for nearly 1 km. In the the scope of this paper. was reused in 2011, and F2 in Figure 4c). intervening four years, spreading should The tall ridge consisting of coalesced The eruptive sections of the fissures over- have created only slightly more than steep hummocky flows on the lower lap by about 650 m and non-eruptive 20 cm of extension, which is far less than south rift Figure ( 5) is cryptic in the

a b c 45°5240N F1 HF F2

R1473 D529 45°5220N

D73 OHF 45°520N D657 T874 0 500


130°020W 12°540W 130°020W 12°540W 130°020W 12°540W

FIGURE 4. Upper south rift pillow ridge and new flows and fissures from 2011. (a) Pre-eruption AUV bathymetry with 1998 flow boundaries and fissure in black, and ROV Tiburon Dive T874 and ROV Doc Ricketts dive D73 in white. (b) Post-eruption AUV bathymetry and (c) difference maps from AUV bathymetry. Color ramps in (a) and (b) are 1,775–1,660 m depth (blue to orange), and in (c) 0–41 m thickness (blue to orange). Post-2011 eruption ROV Doc Ricketts dives D529 and D657 are indicated by white lines, and the yellow line tracks ROV ROPOS dive R1473. Flow outlines as in Figure 1, and fis- sures for each eruption are shown as dashed lines of the same color as the flows. Maps are uniform scale.

Oceanography | December 2017 89 ship-based bathymetry, but evident on mound grew, so at least a small part of the of the slope (Figure 6e). Such lavacicles the difference map and has sharp contacts interior of the mound was molten. These were previously observed among talus at with underlying older flows Figure 6( ). It steep hummocky flows were discharg- the base of steep 1996 North Gorda Ridge erupted from a 4.8 km long fissure sep- ing low-temperature shimmering fluids hummocky flows (Clague et al., 2005; Yeo arated from the upper south rift hum- (Figure 6f) 28 months after the eruption. et al., 2013). The lavacicles demonstrate mocky flows by 18.2 km with no detected Pillows cascade down the steep slopes that the near-vertical slopes on some pil- intervening surface fissure. The flow of the hummocky flows, forming talus low mounds formed while the mound (Figure 5) lacks collapse structures. These slopes of pillow fragments at their bases. was still active and that the talus at the hummocky flows align closely with a lin- In places, the slopes are near verti- base also formed during the eruption. ear inferred eruptive fissure that is now cal, and lava dripped off the tops of the Talus deposits are generally viewed as buried by the flows. However, the feeding mounds to form cylinder-like fragments being produced by tectonism subsequent dike must have extended upward as the (“lavacicles”) that accumulate at the base to lava flow emplacement, but along mid- ocean ridges where many hummocky flows are steep because of very low erup- tion rates, talus and associated lavacicles a b c are part of their construction during active eruptions (Paduan et al., 2014).

2015 ERUPTION 45°42N Background In 2015, the OOI cabled network was deployed at the summit of Axial Seamount D520 but not yet fully operational. However, seismic and deformation (pressure and tilt) data were being sent via cable to shore, allowing detection of the eruption in real time (Wilcock et al., 2016; Nooner and Chadwick, 2016). The eruption began on April 24 and is inferred to have con- tinued through May 21, when the last 45°41N 6D explosive sound was recorded from the 6F north rift (Wilcock et al., 2016; Caplan- Auerbach et al., 2017). The 2015 lava flows 6E are all located north of those erupted in 1998 and 2011 and have a more complex system of eruptive fissures Figure 2c( ). D521 Difference maps based on pre- and post-eruption ship-based bathymetry broadly defined the thicker new hum- mocky flows on the north rift, and differ-

45°40N ence maps of pre-eruption AUV data and post-eruption ship data enabled higher- 0 500 resolution AUV mapping of the thinner new channelized flows on the caldera floor and northeast of the caldera within 130°20W 130°130W 130°20W 130°130W 130°20W 130°130W a few months of the eruption (Chadwick et al., 2016). The eruptive fissures and FIGURE 5. Lower south rift pillow mounds emplaced in 2011 are imaged by (a) pre-eruption ship bathymetry (MBARI Mapping Team, 2001) at 20 m resolution, (b) post-eruption AUV bathymetry at flows within the caldera are described 1 m resolution, and (c) a difference map at 20 m resolution. Color ramps in (a) and (b) are 2,350– in detail in Chadwick et al. (2016), and 1,800 m depth (blue to orange), and in (c) is 0–158 m thickness (blue to orange). ROV Doc Ricketts our mapping of that area is the same dive D520 and D521 tracks are shown by white lines, and stars indicate locations of Figure 6 bot- tom photographs. Flow outlines as in Figure 1. The eruptive fissure is assumed to underlie the new with some additional coverage north-​ pillow ridges and mound. Maps are uniform scale. northeast of the caldera.

90 Oceanography | Vol.30, No.4 New Results presented here. The 13 separate flows an en echelon west-stepping fissure near New AUV surveys and ROV Doc Ricketts cover 11.51 × 106 m2 and have a com- 46°10'N, 130°20'W (F2 in Figure 7c). dives in 2016 mapped the flows that bined volume of 155.2 × 106 m3 (Table 1, The only other eruptive fissure north remained unmapped in 2015. The map- updated from Chadwick et al., 2016). of the caldera, also en echelon west-​ ping reveals several additional thin chan- The flows north-northeast of the cal- stepping, erupted two small flows nelized flows (<1–2 m) not resolved dera (Figure 7) are thin channelized (F3 in Figure 7c). This fissure is paral- by Chadwick et al. (2016) and shows flows (no thicker than a few meters) lel to several prominent prehistoric fis- that several north rift hummocky flows with well-developed channels proxi- sures between the new flows and the cal- are not coalesced, as they had indi- mal to the eruptive fissures. Most of the dera rim and on the upper north rift. Its cated. The post-eruptive AUV maps of largest flow on the north-northeast rim N16E orientation is rotated 32° from the the northeast caldera rim (Figure 7), erupted from a fissure located between N16W orientation of the new F1 north-​ the upper north rift (Figure 8), and 45°59'30''N and 46°N (F1 in Figure 7c). northeast of the caldera. the middle north rift (Figure 9) are The remainder of this flow erupted from From the north-northeast caldera

a b

c d

e f

FIGURE 6. Plate of 2011-flow bottom photos with locations indicated on Figures 1b, 2c, and 4c. (a) The 2011 flow on the east rim showing explosion pits near the flow margin and dark sediment disrupted by flow burrowing under sediment. (b) Disrupted zone of sediment where flow has burrowed within >1 m of the sediment section. (c) Lava cascade on 10 m tall eastern caldera wall, with truncated old horizontal flows exposed behind the lava drapery. (d) The contact of the 2011 flow on top of an older flow on the lower south rift. (e) Lower south rift pillow ridge with lavacicles. (f) Hydrothermal deposits, and active venting on lower south rift pillow mounds.

Oceanography | December 2017 91 rim, the eruptive fissures step west- is similar in depth (3–5 m) but twice be used to estimate the width and depth ward ~1.2 km to N14E and align with as wide (~40 m) as that formed on the below the surface of the dike that formed the north rift. Here, two small, chan- caldera rim during the 2011 eruption beneath it (Chadwick and Embley, 1998) nelized flows erupted between 1.8 km (Figure 3d). Its southern end is at about and are consistent with a 0.8–2.1 m wide and 2.6 km from the caldera. The south- the same latitude as the northern end of dike that rose to within 3 m of the sur- ern flow has a 20 m diameter shatter the 2011 graben, but 400 m to the west. face at the north end, and 27 m at south ring probably formed above a lava tube Non-eruptive fissures and grabens end. The open fissures within the graben as observed on land (Orr, 2011). The form above dikes that did not reach the are discontinuous and up to at least 10 m northern of the two flows on the upper surface locally. The 2015 graben and fis- deep. The initial southward migration north rift produced a drained lava pond sure (Figure 7d) can be tied to geophys- of earthquakes extended south beyond with spindly pillars and arched flow ical data about the eruption. Seismic the extent of the eruptive fissures on the top with thin crust (Figure 10b). data indicate that the dike first propa- caldera floor (Wilcock et al., 2016). The One of the most striking features gated south from about 45°59'N to about 2011 non-eruptive fissure and graben revealed by the post-eruption mapping 45°57'N before stalling and then migrat- (Figure 3d) is narrower but similar in (Figure 7b) is a 1.7 km long, discontin- ing to the north (Wilcock et al., 2016). depth to those formed in 2015, suggesting uous, open, non-eruptive fissure embed- The initial rise of magma was therefore that the underlying dike was shallower, ded in a shallow graben between the centered under the east rim of the caldera, on average just 10 m below the surface, northern-most eruptive fissure on the within the zone where the non-eruptive but similar in width. These two grabens, caldera floor and fissure F1 on the north- fissure and graben Figure 7( ) are located. at 1.3–1.7 km in length, are longer than east caldera rim. The graben Figure 7d( ) The width and depth of the graben can others mapped on the Juan de Fuca Ridge

0 500 a b c d

F1 F3

F2 4°0N 45°520N

J825 F1 d 45°5N 45°5N

J822 45°540N 0 200


130°1W 130°0W 130°1W 130°0W 130°1W 130°0W 130°00W 12°540W FIGURE 7. Flows, fissures, and a graben that resulted from the 2015 eruption on the east to northeast rim of the caldera. (a) Pre-eruption AUV bathym- etry, and (b) post-eruption AUV bathymetry. Color ramp for (a) and (b) is 1,823–1,367 m depth (blue to orange). (c) Difference map from AUV bathymetry showing flows on caldera floor to the southwest and flows on the northeast rim. Color ramp is 0–15 m thickness (blue to orange) (d) Close-up of a gra- ben formed by a dike injection that also produced a discontinuous open fissure. Color ramp is −4 to +1 m thickness (blue to orange). (a, b, c) are at a uni- form scale. Location of (d) is shown by the gray box in (c). Flow outlines were determined from difference with ship data where pre-eruption AUV cov- erage was lacking. ROV Jason dives J822 and J825 are indicated by yellow lines in (c). Flow outlines as in Figure 1, and fissures for the 2015 eruption are marked with dashed lines.

92 Oceanography | Vol.30, No.4 (Chadwick and Embley, 1998). appear fresh and still cooling. North of channelized flow that extends ~200 m to Fragmented lava pillows are com- the two thin channelized flows, a wide the northeast. The fissure steps west again mon in the 2015 flows (Figure 10a) and fissure marks the path of the dike for at this point. Low-temperature vents are thought to be the cause of abundant ~1.7 km (F1 on Figure 8b) but remains characterized by white microbial mats explosive sounds recorded during the unexplored. North of that, the fissure (Figure 10c) are common within the fis- eruption (Chadwick et al., 2016; Wilcock was filled with lava that spilled out only sure and on adjacent flows; some have et al., 2016). During roughly 45 ROV to the east at the southern end and to the more diverse vent communities, includ- dives by MBARI on Axial Seamount in east and west farther north (Figure 8b). ing occasional clusters of small Ridgeia the past 10 years, fragmented pillows The lava drained out of the fissure, leav- tubeworms and scale worms that were were observed only rarely. These frag- ing drapery-folded lava coatings and observed in August 2016. mented flows are distinct from collapsed thin jumbled sheet flows. A deep non-​ The northernmost area of the 2015 lobate flows in several ways. First, they eruptive fissure (F2 onFigure 8 ) contin- flow starts with ~900 m of non-eruptive generally form in pillow instead of lobate ued another 1.7 km to the north before fissure (F1 onFigure 9a) that erupted lavas. Second, some fragments of the pil- lava again overflowed and fed a small thin channelized flows on both sides of the low are ejected outside the main frag- mented area. Third, the lava fragments tend to be extensively broken into small a b pieces (most <5 cm across) of mainly 0 1 non-glassy lava. Such fragmented pil- lows in the 1998 lava flows were observed D880 F2 in active hydrothermal areas with 4°3N tubeworm clumps and orange-brown 10C hydrothermal staining. The 2011 flows have rare fragmented pillows around the pillow margins of the flow on the east rim of the caldera where the flows buried 1–2 m thick sediment. The 2011 lava flow burrowed under some sediment, creating a lumpy sediment surface texture with a Figure 6b darkened color ( ). Fragmented 4°2N pillows have also been observed in pre- historic flows at Axial Seamount, but only rarely. In contrast, the 2015 flows have many thousands of fragmented pil- F1 lows (Chadwick et al., 2016), an observa- tion confirmed during 2016 ROV dives. The physical setting of many of the frag- mented pillows near flow margins or near sites of low-temperature hydrother- 4°1N mal venting, combined with the non- glassy character of the fragments pro- duced, support the idea that these are 10B formed by steam explosions under solid D876 lava flows rather than being driven by 10A J825 release of magmatic gases or by collapse 130°1W 130°W 130°1W 130°W when molten lava drained. Continuing northward on the north FIGURE 8. (a) Upper north rift showing 2015 lava flows and fissures on post-eruption AUV data superposed on ship bathymetry at 25 m resolution. Color ramp is 1,700–1,475 m depth (blue to rift, the pre-eruption bathymetry is ship- orange). Lava flow boundaries and fissures as in Figure 1. ROV Doc Ricketts dives D876 and D880 based. Narrow fissures and thin parts of are shown as white lines and ROV Jason dive J825 as a yellow line. Stars indicate locations of flows were not resolved (Figure 8b) until bottom photographs in Figure 10. (b) Difference map between post-eruption AUV data and either pre-eruption ship data (northern section) or AUV data (southern section). Flow outline and fissure as AUV mapping revealed flow margins and in Figure 1. Color ramp is 0–15 m. The difference map shows vertical offset across the north rift fis- the ROV observations found the lavas to sure with the west side uplifted relative to the east side.

Oceanography | December 2017 93 fissure at its northern end. The fissure terrestrial volcanoes (e.g., Mauna Loa in of subsurface tubes extending off axis changes trend from N14E at the south- 1984; Lockwood et al., 1987). The hum- (Le Saout et al., 2017; Figure 9c). Despite ern end to N22E at the northern end. mocky flow inFigure 9b was built on top its complexity and the variety of tumuli This next 1.5 km of fissure erupted chan- of the eruptive fissure and covered broad and partly drained lava ponds on the nelized flows with open sheet flow chan- lava channels of the earlier channelized-​ summit of this roughly flat-topped fea- nels and distal inflated pillow margins. flow phase of the eruption. This hum- ture, it is a hummocky flow. A small conical hummocky flow about mocky flow is nearly 6 km up-rift of the The fissure system steps about 500 m 300 m across is centered on the eruptive most distal flow. to the northwest just north of the mound fissure (HF on Figure 9b), atop the chan- Starting about 1.2 km to the in Figure 9c, maintaining its N22E ori- nelized flow. A hummocky flow on top north-northeast of the small hum- entation. It erupted two adjacent hum- of an earlier channelized flow is evidence mocky flow, the flows become largely mocky flows with only a narrow gap that the eruption rate decreased during hummocky. The northernmost of these between them. These show very sub- the eruption, as has been observed in is complex, with an intricate network tle collapse features on the lobes that

130°0W 12°5W 12°5W 12°5W FIGURE 9. (a) Middle north rift a showing 2015 lava flows and fis- sures on post-eruption AUV data 12°530W 12°510W superposed on ship-collected bathymetry at 25 m resolution. d Locations of the close-ups of the d pillow mound on top of inflated 4°20N 10E lobate flow (b), and inflated pil- low mounds (c, d) are indicated by gray boxes in (a). Numerous

4°N R1863 tumuli and small lava lakes dec- 10D orate the summit. Lava flow 4°10N boundaries are indicated as in Figure 2, and fissures are shown 0 200 as color-matched dashed lines. Color ramp is 1,900–1,650 m 12°550W 12°530W depth (blue to orange). (b) A low 4°0N D879 pillow mound constructed on top b of inflated lobate flows indicates that eruption rates decreased as the eruption proceeded. Color 4°N HF ramp is 1,762–1,755 m depth (blue to orange). (c) Summit of complex 4°430N inflated pillow mounds mainly J826 constructed adjacent to the erup- 0 200 tive fissure, with interpreted sub- surface tube distribution system c (Le Saout et al., 2017). (d) Summit 4°420N platform of inflated pillow mound perched on an eruptive fissure c exhibits lava lakes with levees

4°5N and depressed areas of drain- 4°520N back. Color ramp is 1,740– 1,715 m depth (blue to orange). (c) and (d) are at the same scale. b ROV Doc Ricketts dives D879 and D880 are shown as white lines and ROV Jason dives J820 and J826 and ROPOS dive

4°50N R1863 as yellow lines. Stars indi- J820 cate locations of bottom photo-

4°4N graphs in Figure 10.

F1 D880 0 1 0 200


12°520W 12°50W 12°540W

94 Oceanography | Vol.30, No.4 advanced away from the fissure and flows is 126 m thick (the mound that dive constructed atop the eruptive fissures formed as lava drained from the molten R1863 focused upon, Figure 9a). instead of being distal flow lobes. flow interior. The three northernmost fis- Mounds produced from the fis- A complex lava pond lies on top of the sures (with that in Figure 9d being the sure south of Figure 9d are hummocky nearly flat-topped 66 m thick hummocky middle one) are oriented N47E, offset flows lacking collapses. The distal pil- flow inFigure 9d. The pond measures from one another to the north by 650 m lowed margins of these flows drape into about 200 m × 400 m and is surrounded and then by another 200 m. The orien- pre-​existing open fissures (Figure 10d). by low levees. The pond partly drained, tation of these three 2015 fissures paral- In other places, 2015 lava is visible creating the depressions. Numerous tiny lels a series of older fissures that were not down in some open fissures, such as (~10–30 cm tall) active black smoker buried by the 2015 flows and are located between the hummocky flow shown in chimneys (Figure 10e,f) were observed east of Figure 9d and ~30° oblique to the Figure 9d and the adjacent hummocky in August 2016 and again in August 2017 trend of the north rift axis. The thickest flow to the northeast. The two north- on the summit of this mound along with of the northernmost 2015 hummocky ernmost mounds are hummocky flows extensive bacterial mats and occasional

a b

c d

e f

FIGURE 10. Plate of bottom photos of 2015 flow from ROV Doc Ricketts, with locations shown on Figures 8 and 9. (a) Fragmented pillows in 2015 north rift flow. (b) 2015 upper north rift lava lake and skinny pillars~ 2–4 m tall. (c) 2015 fissure on upper north rift with extensive orange hydrothermal depos- its. (d) 2015 flow on north rift flowing into open fissure in older lava. (e) Thick hummocky flow with active black smoker chimneys from lower north rift. (f) Close-up of the chimneys in (e).

Oceanography | December 2017 95 scale and Paralvinella worms. Chemical lava ponds on their upper, near-flat sur- to an eruptive fissure, as clearly shown and microscopic analysis of the chim- faces. Many hummocky flows of a range during the 2011 event (OHF in Figure 4b) neys shows them to be composed almost of sizes are located adjacent to inferred and especially illustrated by the middle entirely of Fe-sulfides and anhydrite with fissures that fed lava to them. One of north rift hummocky flows from the 2015 very low abundances of Cu, Zn, Pb, or these flows Figure ( 9c) has a volume of eruption (Figure 9c), as well as elsewhere metals other than Fe. These northernmost 38.6 × 106 m3 and was apparently active (Yeo et al., 2013). 2015 hummocky flows reach up to 126 m for the entire 28-day eruption, based on thick, and others ranged between 35 m acoustic records of explosion sounds ERUPTION DURATION and 73 m thick. The two complex mounds (Wilcock et al., 2016; Caplan-Auerbach AND RATES illustrated in Figure 9c,d are 59 m and et al., 2017). Likewise, another complex Accurate flow volumes and eruption 66 m thick, respectively. Areas, volumes, hummocky flow Figure ( 9d) has a vol- durations are required to determine aver- age eruption rates. Eruption rates proba- bly start out high and decrease through an eruption, as illustrated in Figure 9b, where a mound of hummocky flow If the past is the key to the future, then erupted after channelized flows. Average eruption rates might therefore be sub- future eruptions at Axial Seamount will likely begin stantially lower than maximum eruption with eruption of ~25 × 106 m3 of fluid channelized rates that probably occurred during the “flows in and near the caldera. . initial phase of each eruption. The repeat AUV mapping provides accurate volumes for flows and flow lobes, and difference maps using ship-based bathymetry are sufficiently accurate for thick hummocky flows, but less reliable for thinner chan- and inferred fissure lengths are summa- ume” of 21.3 × 106 m3 and erupted for at nelized flows. Eruption durations, on the rized in Table 1. Elsewhere along the 2015 least 12 days, again based on the timing other hand, are less well constrained. fissure on the north rift, low-temperature of recorded explosive noises. Lava was fed For example, the 1998 eruption was venting supported abundant bacterial through a maze of lava tubes within the estimated to have taken 11 days based mats and occasional vent megafauna, and hummocky flow, as indicated by locations on the duration of the associated seis- deposited abundant orange-brown hydro- of the explosions and the morphology of mic swarm (Dziak and Fox, 1999). This thermal mat 16 months after the erup- the surface (red dashed lines in Figure 9; yields an average eruption rate of just tion. The discovery of venting here and in Le Saout et al., 2017). If activity lasts lon- 25 m3 s–1, which is in the range expected the 2011 hummocky flows on the south ger than that of the 2015 Axial eruption, for hummocky flows (Griffiths and Fink, rift shows that the cooling of thick hum- complex hummocky flows Figure ( 9c,d) 1992; Gregg and Fink, 1995), yet these mocky flows takes more than three years, may grow to become small flat-topped were exclusively channelized flows. and extraction of heat from cooling dikes , like Cage Seamount (with a Eruption rates more in line with expec- beneath fissures drives low-temperature volume of ~121 × 106 m3; Embley et al., tations for a channelized flow are at least hydrothermal circulation that contin- 1995) located on the CoAxial segment an order of magnitude greater. If the ues for multiple years. In the event that a of the Juan de Fuca Ridge adjacent to the eruption ended either when the earth- thick hummocky flow is constructed on 1993 hummocky flows. quake swarm migrated down-rift past top of the dike, it may generate a high-​ The new mapping data unequivocally the eruptive fissure (9:24 hr:min from temperature hydrothermal system, and show that hummocky flows do not con- the time of the initial earthquake swarm) sulfide chimneys may still grow there sist solely of constructional piles of pil- or when it reached the distal south end more than 28 months after the eruption. lows, as depicted in Figure 2 of Chadwick of the rift (22:27; Dziak and Fox, 1999), The AUV mapping shows that the et al. (2013), as they must also have mol- then the average eruption rates would be 2015 hummocky flows on the middle ten cores that can drain and lead to sur- 712 m3 s–1 and 292 m3 s–1, respectively. north rift Figure 9c,d( ) are the most com- face collapse, depending on the thickness The higher rate is similar to that esti- plex hummocky flows formed during the of the solid crust and connectivity that mated by Chadwick et al. (2013) using a three eruptions at Axial Seamount; they allows molten lava to drain from the inte- duration to produce the northern, larg- exhibited large volumes of molten mate- rior. These molten interiors allow con- est channelized flow of 12 hours. The rial not only in their cores but also as struction of hummocky flows adjacent 22:27 duration and 292 m3 s–1 rate are

96 Oceanography | Vol.30, No.4 reasonable for the average eruption rate before the eruption on the lower south support eruption rates to form the lower of all the 1998 channelized flows and sug- rift ended. Dziak et al. (2012) showed that rift 2011 hummocky flow significantly gests that the eruption most likely ended volcanic tremor continued at least until less than 16–35 m3 s–1. These values sug- as the dike advanced to the distal end of April 19, or 13 days after the start of the gest that the eruption rate for the 2011 the south rift. For comparison, the fissure eruption, supporting a longer inferred lower south rift hummocky flow should eruption on Mauna Loa in 1984 had an eruption duration. be lower still, with the eruption lasting eruption rate of between 280 m3 s–1 and The detection and locations of explo- even longer than 40 days. 560 m3 s–1 (1–2 × 106 m3 hr–1) during the sive sounds during the 2015 eruption These estimated average eruption rates initial stages of the eruption (Lockwood (Wilcock et al., 2016; Caplan-Auerbach suggest that the 1998 eruption was much et al., 1987), whereas Kilauea’s high-​ et al., 2017) provide a new observation shorter in duration than the accompa- fountain phases early in the current to constrain the duration of an erup- nying earthquake swarm and that the eruption ranged from 17–367 m3 s–1 tion and cooling of flows. The period of 2011 eruption lasted far beyond the end (Parfitt et al., 1995). intense explosive noises located within of summit deflation. These discrepan- The similarity in volume and mor- the caldera and on its northeast rim was cies highlight the need to improve deter- phology of the summit and near-summit limited to about 1.5 days after the erup- mination of durations of eruptive activ- channelized flows produced in 2011 and tion began. If all the channelized flows ity when visual observations are lacking. 1998 suggest that they erupted for similar erupted during this 1.5-day period, the The explosive sounds recorded in 2015 durations and at similar rates. The 1998 eruption rate would be about 190 m3 s–1, might be just such a tool, although frag- and 2015 channelized flows have nar- which is consistent with the expected rate mented lavas are far more abundant in row lobate margins and extensive chan- for this flow morphology (Griffiths and the 2015 flows than the 2011, 1998, or nel systems compared with the wide Fink, 1992; Gregg and Fink, 1995). other prehistoric flows, so if the explosive lobate margins and narrow channel sys- The explosive sounds lasted longer on sounds are associated with formation of tems of the 2011 flows, presumably indi- the middle north rift zone, suggesting the fragmented pillows, explosions may cating somewhat different eruption rates the entire group of complex hummocky be far less common in future eruptions even for the channelized flow portions flows, with a volume of 130.5 × 106 m3, than in 2015. of the eruptions. The channelized flows erupted in no more than the 27-day in the summit and upper rift zones from duration of the sounds, for an overall WHAT’S NEXT? all three eruptions likely erupted in less average eruption rate of 56 m3 s–1. The The channelized flow portions of all than 24 hours. eruption durations of individual 2015 three eruptions have similar areas On the other hand, the entire 2011 hummocky flows (Figure 9c,d) can also (6.92–8.24 × 106 m2) and volumes eruption was estimated to have lasted six be constrained by the distribution in (24.1–28.7 × 106 m3) (see Table 1). The days (Chadwick et al., 2012) based on the time of explosive sounds (Wilcock et al., 1998, 2011, and 2015 eruptions produced duration of deflation at the summit, after 2016; Caplan-Auerbach et al., 2017). The channelized flows from similar distances which it began to re-inflate. The erup- hummocky flow inFigure 9c has a vol- of the uppermost fissures for 11 km, tion rate that formed the lower rift pil- ume of 38.6 × 106 m3, and explosions 12.7 km (includes non-eruptive fissures at low ridge can be evaluated, assuming the were recorded there for the entire erup- each end), and 15 km, respectively. Their dike took a day to propagate down the tion. These values yield an average erup- eruption volumes per km of active erup- south rift zone, as it did in 1998 (Dziak tion rate of 16 m3 s–1 for this flow alone. tive fissure are also similar, ranging from and Fox, 1999). This five-day eruption The hummocky flow in Figure 9d has a 3.0–3.5 × 106 m3 km–1 of fissure (with the duration yields an average eruption rate volume of 21.3 × 106 m3, and explosions 1988 flows exhibiting the lowest volume of ~140 m3 s–1. However, the steep hum- were located there for the first seven days per kilometer of fissure). If the past is the mocky flow Figure ( 5, pillow ridge B of of the eruption. These values yield an key to the future, then future eruptions Caress et al., 2012) has the morphol- average eruption rate of 35 m3 s–1 to form at Axial Seamount will likely begin with ogy expected for very low eruption rates this flow alone. eruption of ~25 × 106 m3 of fluid chan- (e.g., <1 m3 s–1; Griffiths and Fink, 1992; The estimated average eruption nelized flows in and near the caldera. The Gregg and Fink, 1995). Based on feasible, rates for the 2015 channelized flows of large differences in total volumes of the but perhaps still too high, eruption rates 190 m3 s–1 and for the hummocky flows three eruptions are due to differences of 23 m3 s–1 and 17 m3 s–1, we calculate of <56 m3 s–1 are consistent with higher in the production of thick hummocky eruption durations of 30 and 40 days. The eruption rates for thin channelized flows flows down the rift zones, and such flows low expected eruption rates suggest that than for thicker hummocky flows, as pro- may or may not follow the eruption of the 2011 eruption lasted at least a month, posed by Griffiths and Fink (1992) and near-summit channelized flows. and that summit re-inflation commenced Gregg and Fink (1995), but would also

Oceanography | December 2017 97 CONCLUSIONS 12 days inferred from seismicity, and Caress, D.W., D.A. Clague, J.B. Paduan, and H. Thomas. 2015. Vertical deformation of the Axial 1. AUVs equipped with multibeam the 2011 eruption likely lasted longer Seamount summit from repeated 1-m scale bathy- sonars can produce meter-scale bathy- than a month instead of the six days metric surveys with the MBARI mapping AUV. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, metric maps, following data process- inferred from the duration of defla- Baltimore, Maryland, November 1–4, 2015, ing to reduce navigational offsets to tion at the summit. The acoustic sig- Abstracts with Programs 47(7):381. Caress, D.W., D.A. Clague, J.B. Paduan, H.J. Thomas, the same order. MBARI played a cru- nals recorded in 2015 may be the most W.W. Chadwick, S.L. Nooner, and D. Yoerger. 2016. Vertical deformation of the Axial Seamount sum- cial role in the development of map- reliable measure of continuing erup- mit from repeated 1-m scale bathymetry surveys ping AUVs and the data processing tive activity, although explosions may using AUVs. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 12–16, 2016, required to produce high-resolution continue during a short period of flow Abstract OS41C-1991. maps that illuminate lava flow types cooling beyond the end of the erup- Caress, D.W., H. Thomas, W.J. Kirkwood, R. McEwen, R. Henthorn, D.A. Clague, C.K. Paull, J. Paduan, and their emplacement dynamics. tion, and not all eruptions may pro- and K.L. Maier. 2008. High-resolution multibeam, 2. The 1998, 2011, and 2015 eruptions at duce such abundant explosive noises side​scan, and subbottom surveys using the MBARI AUV D. Allan B. Pp. 47–69 in Marine Habitat Axial Seamount produced morpholog- as the 2015 eruption. Mapping Technology for Alaska. J.R. Reynolds ically similar channelized flows inside 8. Future eruptions are likely to consist and H.G. Greene, eds, Alaska Sea Grant College Program, University of Alaska Fairbanks, and near the caldera. Each covered of summit and upper-rift eruptions https://doi.org/​10.4027/mhmta.2008.04. areas of ~7–8 km2 and erupted lava of channelized flows similar in vol- Chadwick, W.W. Jr., D.A. Clague, R.W. Embley, M.R. Perfit, D.A. Butterfield. D.W. Caress, volumes of ~25 × 106 m3. ume and area covered to those erupted J.B. Paduan, J.F. Martin, P. Sasnett, S.G. Merle, and A.M. Bobbitt. 2013. The 1998 eruption 3. The 2011 and 2015 eruptions also pro- in 1998, 2011, and 2015 and may also of Axial Seamount: New insights on subma- duced hummocky flows consisting form hummocky flows along the upper rine lava flow emplacement from high-​reso- lution mapping. 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Oceanography | December 2017 99