4 RecessionMenzies' interims bites 6 Reich man MW Datable Welsh wizard paint a grim picture US minimalist with this12-page week's digest charts of Profile of

iiusic week The Business Magazine for the Music Industry 16 FEBRUARY 1991 £2.25

Rough Trade seeks cash aid beRough negotiating Trade is aunderstood substantial to The planned deal follows a a veryGroup big managingfinancial deal."director resolveOne theirindependent, difficulties." believed fromthe withdrawalits distribution of Revolvernetwork loanis in financialamid speculation difficulties. that it dentseries group of blows and for adds the toindepen- uncer- tails,Geoff Travisarguing refuses the deal to give is still de- creditors,to be one confirmsof Rough the Trade's com- ex-employeesand vandalism over by thedisgruntled last two details,The company but it is refuses believed to givethe taintyManaging about directorit's future. of its dis- labelsunder havediscussion. been incredibly"All our ing.pany is in no danger of collaps- months.Since Kimpton-Howe joined ousloan cash-flowis needed problems, to resolve which seri- Kimpton-Howetribution arm admits Georgehe has supportive,"Leading independent he says. label moneyHe says;to the "They bank anddon't I can'towe yearfrom ago,arch Roughrival PinnacleTrade has a several labels. pastreceived week several asking calls whether over the RoughMute, whichTrade, is issueddistributed a state- by jorremember company the called last timein the a ma-re- frombeen accusedits indie ofroots. moving Teething away admittedLate last ityear had Rough been Trade in companyHe says: is in"We receivership. are not in thatment Roughsaying: Trade "We arehave aware had ceiversRough in thatTrade situation." has been whentroubles it movedplagued to the a newcompany com- discussionsUS company with was Geffen. refusing The currentlydanger of goingwaiting under. to finaliseWe are seriouswe are committedfinancial problems to help them and recentplagued months, with problemsculminating over in puterisedLondon last warehouse summer. in north Elton and Lisa: true Brits lndiesvoteforfu'!timCT Elton John, Lisa Stansfield O'Connor: brellaIndependent is to open association a full-time Um- of- willThe be office'smet by runningan increase costs in andBritish The music Cure — are and the that's best of-in MirhnelBest International Hutchence: Best In- increasefice next itsmonth support in an for effort labels to yearmembership and from fees a toMCPS/Um- £50 per ficial.The names of the award- Bestternational International Group Newcomer— 1NXS: andA distributors.temporary office has been scheme,brella/BPI which import is duty still stamps being winners140 member chosen companies by the BPTswere —^-MC-Hammer;track — Twin Peaks;Best Sound- . Best nual Umbrella seminar, but finalised.It was also decided that a heldunveiled last atnight the Brits(Sunday) Awards at PavarottiClasskaLLP Domingo — Ift-ffiSByt. Carreras; manentthis year focal there point will befor a inde-per- seminar,new venue London's will be usedULU. for the TheLondon's ceremony Dominion is due toTheatre. be tele- BeautifulBes(._Videp South;— A Littleand Time.Out- pendents needing information. creaseUmbrella the council also plans from tosix in-to throughoutvised on BBC1 the worldtonight in andthe Stansfield: best female standingBritish MusicContribution Industry to the— t last week's AGM. eight representatives. comingAll three weeks. of the top award year'sCure Bestwon Britishlast year's Group BestThe StatusThe Quo.Best Single result, fore.winners Best have Male won Elton Brits John be- VideoThe otheraward awards for Lullaby. were:_£iest One,:hosen by listeners to Radio standingwas recognised contribution for histo Brit-out- Listen-Without-RrejudiceAlbum-By-a^Brilish Artist Vol — press• The Music Week Awards — inish music1986. jointlyik*sl_I''emale„Liaa with Wham! ish1, GeorgeProducer Michael; — Chris Best Thomas; Brit- ceremonythe industry's — takes own placeawards on StansfieldBritish Newcomer, was last year'swhile Bestthis Best—BritishB.etty_Boo; Best - Newcomer International — GrosvenorFebruary House25 at Hotel. London's Should I stay.or should I

Weather freezes up sales 8 ordSnow trade storms all overhave thehit countrythe rec- butmitted most a fewwere people in by werethe after- late, says:Daranjo, "We of are Sam having Goody problems stores, closewith earlymany by storesthe bad forced weather. to livenoon. outside MCA said:London "People have whohad theanyway Gulf with war. the This recession has justand VirginOne earlyMegastore casually in London'swas the perproblems, cent present." but we are about 80 aboutOur finishedPrice, whichus off." has 300 earlyOxford on ThursdayStreet, which and Friday. shut however.Retailers Andy'swere suffering,Records storesits shops across were the not country, badly affect- says Sixallow trading staff to hours get home, were butlost the to earlychain onin ThursdayEast Anglia as soclosed few edBut by theMidlands conditions. chain the Mu- storemal by hoped today to (Monday). be back to nor- peopleThe weresevere visiting weather the stores, over tomerssic Junction had saidforced a lackit to of close cus- theBy worst Friday, weather which of thesuffered week, atmost the of worst the country possible has time come for earlyEven at Gallupthe end fellof lastvictim week. to fifthrecord of staffcompanies were absent. reported WEA a lowretailers, due towith the salesrecession already and wentthe freeze down when briefly its oncomputer Friday 7.12.CD.NIC RELEASED: 18thFEB quiet,and EMI while said Phonogram the day wasad- Christmasthe traditionally period. quiet Prankpost- didmorning not affect due tothe a chart.powercut. It JUST KEEP WALKING THE LOVED ONE STAY YOUNG THE ONE THING SPY OF LOVE DON'T CHANGE ORIGINAL SIN I SEND A MESSAGE BURN FOR YOU MELTING IN THE SUN (LOVE IS) WHAT I SAY DANCING ON THE JETTY ALL THE VOICES WHAT YOU NEED THIS TIME KISS THE DIRT LISTEN LIKE THIEVES NEED YOU TONIGHT MEDIATE DEVIL INSIDE NEW SENSATION GUNS IN THE SKY NEVER TEAR US APART SUICIDE BLONDE GREATEST VIDEO HITS (1980-1990) RELEASE DATE: MONDAY 18th FEBRUARY CAT. NO: CFM 2572 (RUNNING TIME: 120 MINS!) • CAMPAIGN FROM WEEK OF RELEASE INCLUDES - • MAJOR TV ADVERTISING (FOR 2 WEEKS FROM 25/2/91) • EXTENSIVE CONSUMER MUSIC PRESS ADVERTISING • NATIONAL DISPLAY & MASSIVE PR CAMPAIGNS - - INCLUDING "INXS WEEK" ON RADIO 1 HOW TO ORDER - (OTHER THAN WITH YOUR REGULAR SUPPLIER) • THRU' YOUR POLYGRAM REP - CALL POLYGRAM ON 081-590 7790 OR DIRECT TO POLYGRAM VIDEO ON 081-994 9899 /S DESK: 071-583 9199 NEWS COMMENT BCM halves staff to stay afloat Dance label BCM is slash- it had only recently opened an the UK, but across Eur- chart act. Twenty 4 Seven, pering itscent staff in bya bidmore to thanremain 50 has been very unstable Rothwell comments; "We are RothwellUK label says managerthe company Ruth — along the way. le acts hangingment, but on itto couldthem atchange the mo- at Donnawhich hadAllen's hits Joylast Andyear Painwith '91"We by alsonot sholosl g up.Midem Obvi-" ' anyBCM time." will now become in- forfaced a cash a February injection. To1 deadline meet it, and Mixmasters' Grand Piano ously we owe sc volved in manufacturing in BCM decided to cut staff num- —by isdropping trying toacts spread and itscutting costs ofmake money, sure but th; v thePreviously UK for the the first company time. im- berstions, in including all its European in Paris opera-where She says: "We have had sue- On the future of BCM' ported all its product from Europe. Roughbeen Tradethe easiest has neverof R1 animalsIt challenged to understand. industry orthodoxybeginning whenright fromit started the as playlist Big names seek a co-operative. hasFor stood more more than or a lessdecade at the it imminent vanguard of that peculiarly Radio One will reveal details independentBritish success music. story — justof its anew-look few weeks, playlist says within the CIN charts deal apedWlule or joinedmany ofthe its ranks rivals of station's head of music Chris number of ways of generating insistedthe majors, on goingRough its Trade own way. thatDespite discussions claims surroundinglast week asidemore incomefrom straight from the licensing charts affectionInevitably for its worker idiosyncratic stillthe albums-basedat an early stage, playlist Lycett are aimduring is tothe make next the month. chart Thepay companiesto various aroundpublications the world. and democracytraditionally in run an industryby strong "emerge"says the soon.new format will forBut itself. chief executive Adrian forA the chart industry information and media hotline is withindividuals its bigger found brothers. Uttle favour in Singlesthe playlist, will still he play adds, a partbut pedWistreich about iswho staying is likely tight-lip- to put being planned. This will independentsThe arrogance who of claim the a highlighting tracks will up the financial backing that supply1S a full0 range of facts and monopoly of virtue is clearly andgive producerslisteners morebetter freedom pro- towill the bring music thousands industry. of pounds 0898CIN premium also plansTa rate telephoneseries of continuedidiotic, but to Rough show Trade that it hasis grammes,"Given thehe adds.evidence of the are believed to include banks, ersinformation who feature services. the numbersPublish- otherpossible than to thehave bottom priorities line market it makes sense that we confectioners and cosmetics i alongside their charts will be and yet still produce hit waysshould of investigate reflecting theand shifting devise companies.ant Coca-Cola But is soft thought chinks to gi-be Wistreich: marketing support feesable throughto reduce royalties their onlicence calls. records.Even early last week, as sales.",emphasis he says.toward "This isalbums not a topThe of theUS list.company has al- forWistreich the industry believes to take it fullis time ad- sponsorshipAlthough Wistreichdeal will notsays bea thefalse group rumours was circulatedin that radioresponse market. to competition It is simply in the berready of been music involved sponsorships, in a num- letsvantage for theof the chart. commercial out- March,confirmed he claimsbefore thethe industryend of receivership,boast that it was the thegroup could theresult changing of our tastesdesire and to profilereflect istsfrom such deals as with George individual Michael art- to has"It neveris fair toreally say thathad thea full-BPI ofis alreadyhaving areaping fully administered the benefits distributornumber one behind single thefrom KLF. of Theour audience."new playlist will con- backingThe BPIfor a had"Euro discussions chart". sociatedtime marketing with it. operationCIN, for theas- chart,"The industry is already moreRough "commercial" Trade has becomein recent commitmenttinue to reflect to Radiosupporting One's sponsorshipwith the US 18 companymonths ago about but support,"first time, he offerssays. them that chartsmaking than more it moneyhas done from in the beingmonths. trimmed. Smaller Major labels lay-offs are new talent, he adds. no agreement was reached. CIN intends to pursue a past," he says. causedof temporary much staffill feeling. have Now thebe propelling financial climate the company seems to Oberstein replaces New glossies on target major.into some Geffen kind is of the deal hot with a Monthly rock magazines Se- anteed readership of 75,000. favourite.If that happens, there will Ellis in MCPS talks theirlect andexpected Vox readershipboth exceeded fig- figuresSelect higheris hoping with to more push free its be plenty enough people our arguments and the force ures in their first six months tape offers, including one with sayingcan't rim "I tolda business you so. on You good ObersteinPolyGram ischairman taking over Maurice from of our case in the MCPS dis- onfigures. sale, according to the latest Happyits March Mondays, issue Northside,featuring intentions". Terry Ellis as the BPI's chief Unless the figures for Electribe 101, The Wendys — Ofup course to a point they will be right negotiatorThe move with will the further MCPS. fuel will"Nonetheless, be able to resolve we hope this dis-we EMAPunavailable, Metro show rival a Q.dramatic so far andin a dealNew with Order, Factory put Records.together But wouldn't it be just a speculation that Oberstein pute within the industry." fall, the launch of the two While figures for EMAP goodwee bit intentions sad if all camethose to will replace Ellis as BPI chair- unofficialOberstein's words comment from bothand doubledtitles willthe sizehave of thevirtually "adult" lishertitle Q Tomare notMaloney available, says pub- he nothing? Ellis has been vociferous in couldparties be suggestresumed negotiationsin the near rock magazine sector. expects it to maintain its last gotiatingthe role as committeechairman offor the thene- future, before the Copyright _ Select was credited Julywith figureMeanwhile, of about IPG170,000. music pa- If the recession, the Gulf past year. At one stage he de- Tribunal expected in July. and pers NME and Melody Maker leaguewar, releases and the weren'tlack of major ists".scribed But the he MCPS has now as "terror-handed threatenedEarlier in theto year,boycott the BPIthe ahead75,000, ofaccording its guarantee to official withare winningfigures theof 121,001"inkie" warand enough, now the heavens see over the job to Oberstein. MCPS and set up a royalty col- ABC figures. 70,100 according to their own snowfit to dump on to themillions nation's of tons of withProtracted the MCPS overnegotiations royalty tivelection organisation. deal with an alterna- fullVox ABC does certification not qualify because for a auditedrise of about figures. 15 per Both cent show on the a shopping streets. rates broke down last year BPI legal affairs director it only began publication in same period last year. year1991 for may record not sales.bo a classic bunal.after the dispute went to a tri- Sarathe deadlocked John said disputebitterness had over led 90,931the autumn, readers but according it reached to zines'United Sounds Consumer slipped byMaga- al- fidentOberstein about says; the "Westrength are con- of it to investigate terms with PriceIPG's Waterhouse.own figures Itaudited had guar- by ofmost 40,238 4,000 in tosix an months. ABC figure MUSIC WEEK 16 FEBRUARY 1991 NEWS OPINION Peace DJ says sacking was unjust Riders' Let There Be Peace. s that day." GillesSacked PetersonJazz FM says presenter he was placeair an in anti-war I.ondon onmarch January taking 12 "It was a spontaneous and Jazz FM managing director dismissed unfairly. — four days before hostilities honest response to the impend- Johnment Bradfordon the Peterson refuses sackingto com- thePeterson London was station asked afterto leave he began.He then played one and a ingin any threat way of a warquestion and .was of tak- not nor if any listeners complain- alledgedly made anti-war com- half hours of music with a ing sides," Peterson says. "In ed,ing butorganisation he says: "No can broadcast- express tracksments duringand played the show. anti-war peacewhile thetheme march that was afternoon in prog- duringfact one the dedication show to the was brother made political opinions. That is the j directorPeterson, of Jazz who FM was for madehis role a asress. Bobby This includedMcFerrin's Peace, such ofline a listenerin Saudi who Arabia." is on the front Peterson is also the man be- in setting up and establishing Pharoah Sanders & Leon "The music I played, as 1 Talkin'hind theLoud, jazz/dance through Phono-label thecame station, after sayshe announced the dismissal on MasterplanThomas' The Creatorand MightyHas A priatesaid on to the the show, situation was appro-facing gram. UK.Our industry would improvebetter training dramatically and with Tube team standardeducation; of the students high leaving the HNC Music Recession bites returns with BathgateManagement in Scotland course at 80proves per cent the point.of these More than live series healthygraduates careers, now have and all the launchingn behinda The Tube is major record companies lenzies' profits this summi student.employ at least one former bands at the Newcastle vi The ignorance and Interim results at the John ments: "I don't think John from £3,lm to £200,000 for the Riverside.The Tyne Tees series of 10 entrepreneursnaivity of would-be and many Menzies Group show "all the Menzies losses bear any rela- 26 weeks to October 27 on half-hour programmes musicians, costs the signsThe of Highrecession". Street chain's tionSmith to TBD's says performance."the company's £451m.turnover Menziesup 10 perwarns cent that to ingeach to featurea live audience. five bands The play- pro- everyindustry year, millions leaving of many pounds latest figures show a sharp improved performance was profits for the full year will fall duction team of John Gwyn, people disillusioned and drop in profit. The winningmainly due the to contract TBD's success to supply in belowGroup last managingyear's £29.1m. director allKen worked Scorfield on andChannel Jeff BrownFour's brokenVisual hearted. art, classical fall by 10 per cent, Boots last August. Ranald Noel-Paton says: "This The Tube. music, drama, dance, wholesalingMenzies' musicsubsidiary and Terryvideo Boots"Our chain,involvement allied withto the allis a theHigh signs Street of recession."chain showing TheRiverside Tube in thatwill itdiffer will follow, from televisionindustry, alleven have the many film Blood Distribution is perform- growth in sell through video, He says the group's perform- documentary-style, the run- more training and aginging well, director however, Norman says Smith. man- overmeans to that April our willprojected be up turn- by byance its is Hammicks the result Booksof a £4m whole- loss howning itof servesthe 450-seat the local venue North- and weeducational do — and courses they still than cry Although Smith refuses to around 50 per cent," he says. saling business. east community. for more. financialgive details results, of the company'she com- showedOverall pre-tax Menzies' profits resultsfalling manageMeasures cash are flow, being he takenadds. to yet,No butbands Riverside are confirmed director as At a time when the UK haveAndy completeBalman sayscontrol he overwill it's doubtfulis gripped if the by recession cameraswhich acts will are move shown. in fromThe Government will invest in TDK offers free hits tape startingApril to inMay, June. with the series isindustry. being invested Although by moneythe BPI TDKtime anis launchingon-pack offer for ofthe a firstfree ousMusic artists, . .. Secondcalled ThatFirst Emo-The SayThey A Little were Prayer. selected after withBrits GovernmentSchool of Technology aid (the latestcompilation range cassetteof blank tapes.with its advertisingtion, echoing campaign. the recent TDK conflictrights werewith artistscleared who to doavoid not Bidders put Croydon),and the Performing not nearly Arts at The packs itcarry off in tokens Ballet'sTracks True,include Yazz's Spandau Fine homewish taping,to be saysseen TDK's endorsing mar- enoughThe BPI is being and the done. SRIA for a 10-track album by vi Time and Bomb The Bass's keting department. radio case secondaryshould provide schools all with tionalProspective radio biddersfranchises for willthe putna- widedetailed range information of job on the Title targets Ex-Parkfield chief joins theirHouse casesof Commonsforward at nextthe the music industry.-S prov d by rich hi-fiers MCEG/Virgin Vision A motion; "This house be- shouldOne- orbe two-yearavailable courses WV Publications is launching Former Parkfield Entertain- lievesradio tothat flourish, for UK the commercial new na- coveringthroughout such the areas UK as thea new growth hi-fi ofmagazine the CD andto reflect DAT hasment joined director MCEG/Virgin Johnny Fewings Vi- populartional services tastes" must is being appeal pro- to companyrecord and infrastructure publishing consumerThe pilot markets. issue of Complete bellsion asreplacing general Williammanager Camp- of the posedMD Charles by Virgin Levison. Broadcasting David accountancy,legal affairs and sound and 38,000CD & Hi-Fi copies Buyer last sold autumn, around company's sell through divi- against.Astor 'of Classic FM will speak andlighting agency technology, work. touring enoughlishers toto give persuade the go-ahead. its pub- allFewings music, sport is responsible and special forin- ationOrganised of Independent by the Associ-Radio sakeMaking is wonderful, musiq for but music's ly Themagazine first issue is on of sale the onmonth- Feb- terestfirst full-timepublishing. position This issince his ContractorsGroup, the eventand The will Debating be held makingprofession, a living an honourable from it is a perfect-bound.ruary 14, priced at £1.95 and tainment,the demise ofwhere Parkfield he headedEnter- ofon Marchsix public 18 asdebates one of aon series the & RobHi-Fi Lehmann, Buyer's Complete advertise- CD wasthe Hollywood MD of Lightning's Nites chain whole- and Westminster.media hosted every year at ofScboolbouseBruce Findlay is chairman zinement is director, aimed at says upmarket the maga- con- saleCampbell division. left MCEG/Virgin saysAIRC the directordebate isBrian not part West of presenterManagement for andRadio a Forth. sumers with high disposable toLifetime join video Productions production as houseMD. the assocition's lobbying ef- MUSIC WEEK 16 FEBRUARY 1991 NEWS NEWSFILE Island splits China Records has signed a video division BPI clamps down on distributionPinnacle following deal with its subsidiary.Island is splittingIsland Visual its videoArts, departure from Polydor, to into two so it can focus on mu- takeMeanwhile. effect from Midnight March Music,1. sicThe product. move is part of the con- Glass Fish Records and tinued restructuring of Island illegal music rental Templeswitching Records from APT are directorsince the Marc arrival Marot of managingin July of Distribution to Pinnacle. last year and the takeover by jorThe BPIvictory has woin a itsthe first battle ma- sought"This is anthe injunction.first time we'veFrom andpart ofPatents the Copyright Act 1988. Designs That The complaint lodged by PolyGramIVA's music 18 months video ago.produc- against illegal music rental the size of their catalogue and made it illegal to hire out rec- Choice FM over the results of tion is being "streamlined" so shops.Acting with EMI, Warner membership,the apparent we sizefelt weof shouldtheir withoutords, CDs, the cassettes permission and videosof the thebeen last rejected. JICRAR Both figures the AIRC has stream music video product. Music, Chrysalis and 10 Rec- take a more serious view of copyright owner. and RMB, which carried out Distribution will be through Satinords, theSounds BPI of has Eastbourne stopped thisSatin than was we havesent in a the warning past." judgeDabin how says big itthe is problemdifficult tois listenersthe survey, polled say forthe the selection survey of PolyGramThe more Video. idiosyncratic side renting out CDs and videos letter before the action was throughout the country. But it was random and fair. of IVA's output is to be floated withoutThe company a licence. agreed to stop taken. In previous, less serious mainlyis believed to video to hirebe shopconfined own- The Levitt Group's offIsland into aWorld separate Communica- company, wasthe tradeissued afterat the an High injunction Court reachedhave been beforenecessary. injunctions business.ers wanting to expand their entertainmentfold this week if division no serious will ordstions, founderformed Chrisby Island Blackwell Rec- lastBPI Monday. anti-piracy unit co- changeThe crackdownin the law whichfollows came the ationsSatin with is currently the BPI overin negoti- costs buyeraccording comes to receiversforward, at Andrewwith IVA Frain. managing director ordinator Tim Dabin says: into force in August 1989 as and damages. McLintock.KMPG Peat Marwick volvementIVA has in a non-mainstream history of in- product. Jason to record Lloyd Webber songs broadcastingRadio Luxembourg 24 hours isa nowday. 15-minuteLast September film calledit released Dick a soundtrackJason Donovan album is toof recordthe new a edlease cast singles album from before the thepropos- the- Evening broadcasting which consisted of 1,000 shots production of Joseph And The atre show gets underway. It continuesand satellite on withmedium "twin" wave ofments penises on thewith male women's organ. com- DreamcoatAmazing forTechnicolored release before doesing deal not withaffect PWL. his long-stand- station RTL-International Island Records managing di- the show hits the West End "I'd like to continue record- coveragegiving all onday Astra. and night rectorwhich MarotIVA was says, interested "The areas in stage.Donovan could not confirm ouslying my I otherwill have stuff, to but concen- obvi- Meanwhile, Luxembourg's expanding are not really of which the record- 74London Newman offices Street, have W1.moved Tel; to anyFrain interest adds: to PolyGram.""IVA will be hopesing will to be inon, the but studio says in he a DonovanJoseph says.And The Amazing 071-4364666. focussing on music because month. The stage show is set Jason becomes Joseph Technicolored Dreamcoat was French independent thoughthat is it will endeavour to be to Speakingopen on June at the 12. London Pal- Andrewed plans Lloyd for Webber the reveal-show, Webberfirst written with in lyrics1968 byby LloydTim distributor Danceteria is ladium where he and composer Donovan said he hoped to re- openingmarket releases a London on office the to name.company's Both label back of catalogue the same Philips gears up for'92 DCC launch beand shipped new acts from are Danceteria scheduled toin quality comparable the coming months. vertisingRoadshows willand extensiveherald thead- campaignwith an extensive next yearmarketing even DIGITAL to CD as well as the capacity BBC Radio Two is launching launch of the new Digital though worldwide deals for the to Wielensplay standard disputes cassettes. industry show.a native Hosted country by Neilmusic radio nextCompact year. Cassette in April systemfirmed. have still yet to be con- fears that there will be a prod- Coppendale, The Best Of But details of the cost of the "In April, we will serve the COMPACT CASSETTE betweenuct war Philipsof DCC and versus Sony. DAT He Britishlaunches Country at 3pm Musicon March 30, opedsystem by and Philips, its software, will not devel-be de- thefirst wholegeographical campaign market will andbe says Sony has not officially re- cided until full agreements supported by demonstrations 3 targeted first. jected"The DCC. management at Sony Thewill beMusic delivered Week todayDirectory '91 warehave beenand recordreached companies. with hard- ofroadshows," DCC through he says. a number of beganThe developingsystem, which after Philipsdecid- (February 11) a week later Philips Audio managing di- Wielens declined to com- ing that Digital Audio Tape, at all at tl Musicthan originally Week apologises scheduled. for any companyrector Wim intends Widens to gosays ahead the ment on the cost of the cam- consumerwas not appropriatemarket, claims for to the of- inconvenience caused.

BLACKWING . THE RECORDING STUDIO WOULD LIKE TO CONGRATULATE JESUS JONES ON THE NUMBER ONE SUCCESS OF THE ALBUM 'DOUBT' 071 261 0118 MUSIC WEEK 16 FEBRUARY 1991 5 MARKET REPORT Games/The Album to explode again, and one of theirwill undoubtedly fifth Top 20 albumbecome in the first of the new wave of Albums SOHO: Goddess. hitsy to0 emergea is My Loveb,S "I've called the album Free w eekb c?tybeaWho free to choose the songs I ESHEF1 calssucd hiVfinuted U1C OuTof My MTnd^an31 faVe" SUyoTshTuMTL^eing1 StockMore Aitken mature Waterman. and with All^EE£=of Right Now storming up acclaimfrom the for album. the first Cry single For albumissued bya similarly-titled Free. Their first JESUS LOVES YOU; Bow Free also includes songs hits album since 1974, it will radVoX, fndSans! butWaS Loose Fit, another surefire PROT S.18'61' M016 Pr0tem Rick penned with Mark advertising,100^ WEA has ignorecHhe only 0y 0 e Pr0jeCt King of Level 42. and a potential smash. And fs s obfZ a?reR'fno| choosing instead to issue SSErhere' WEA ^exec^The nTpidity\)f EiSSSirl" New Kids On The Block Ja0me-ama"otrh!"andhe sales prospect. No More Ca0rHsl"CmberBC'lnC'a another bort"or5t0heantly Alan Jones Sand,impressive come fromEvery Dylan's Grain most Of K ThTFou" Secfions^'co'upled emphatic period of funda- aCt ThisDylan. week As it'sthe Dylan,first stage Dylan, in viewedmentalist as Christianity.the comeback Once al- t e n 0 C It' a^hree-CD L^'TcD AndOrgIn! comeswkha Roy A66441/3). strarfge slow' 1 .m A nd'Vaink Columbia, the company is put- PROFTTio! 'via^tTrnfucm the?18 albums! ^like C all Wbte EHlgtH groanerDylan, areis hittingvariable, the theUK oldin Brownsville Girl. mySten0US iFiKFoSi: ing ItaYo3 house,0'Trilogy Tove All in all a mixed lot, but es- 0 P Me Forever Or Love Me Not sential for completists. gard Reich^ MOK A^harm- 214. Clivilles(Atco B8841T,& Cole viaproduced W), BOB DYLAN: Pat Garrett & rSSSS & Barrie K. Sharpe Love Or ^"in^diro^'lo^cal"reissues comprise Self order Portrait the 32098).TThe ^soundtrack Cto (Col CD4601122), 32267), DylanNew Morning (Col CD PatSam GarrettPeckinpah's has culta primitive classic. Coates, and a reissue, The jitteryciples retroApparently : Young Nothin' Dis- The Kid (Col CD 32098), Sav- grandeur — clearly Dylan White Cliffs Of Dover — war- (Talkin Loud TLKX 5, via F), ed (Col CD 32742), Shot Of found it easy to identifye S 0d Bwith 1 Love (Col 467839 2), Real Live The "KM —'test seIn n the contender. 1LitrHow'oo Elektra EKR118T), Yo^Say^oTC breezy lesque^ (Col d^SdtTJ) a"nd appealing to thW^ "^^^ie^'o^'E^et^n the 46 4 2 DANCE ^Z_ZJ sIlf po rtrait, Dylan's 1970 SStHfH'E^NewYear's Concert From Vienna MC Hammer Here Comes groove;ST.' v!YrT), Inner jungly City percussion Till We irB^Me^Vhe^ofer.^BMe Abbado in time for Abbado's The Hammer (Capitol 12CL 337),Meet AgainByron (10 Stingily Records duetted TENG on'February018, ^The "cD^n" but disappointing slow lurch- SSSESS JoinCola TheTV^adl'k Future Tuff (WARP Little'llnit WAP Emma Haywoode (You're pear on CD — part of an on- V P C P 0 mourPuttin') RUM A ATRush 28, On via Me Pi. (Ru-jog- doubtedlyfrom'^r^ortrmT^L^un- Dylan's most dis- gLchTa^f Warner S litUepopLepe^CFM pensable outing. 1970's New It's a 26 minute work high- rjmgements of ^Polka ^nd a mRwSi^ ^on'Tt mark'H^Dylan^s ^renaissance drille (431 6282 — all for- SISSEs This month Mso sees a new most ambitious sortie into the It stunned its audience at TarnH^HISS Records TTT 43, via STEREO MC'S: Lost Hi Mu- |rEpH3|"i PAC),Italo house;girl holleredThe Basement sturdy 6 MUSIC WEEK 16 FEBRUARY 1991 ii Head strong n | Motorhead's 1916 v Getting there xii [ f]| Wheeler dealer is flying high reachesOleta Adams Top 10 I I#MQ noCaron quitter proves she's Biusicweek

datafile The information Source for the Music Industry 16 FEBRUARY 1991 CHART FOCUS The arctic weather Pops debut to surge strongly, downturncaused a severe in record seven.from number It may 15yet to reach number the Index of unit Last registeringsales last week, a 23 singlesper cent drop, summit. For the present, averagesales. 100=weekly in 1990 week with albums down six per cent. Hi Thehowever, Bartman the newby The leader is Do Albums 78 In more clement conditions, Simpsons, the second number MusicSingles Video 9876 expectedalbum sales to rise could steeply, have been with one for the Geffen label in a a number of long-awaited Mariamatter McKee'sof months, Show following Me SINGLES MARKET SHARES BY FORMAT Gloriaalbums Estefan'sreleased, among Into The them Heaven. Light, which debuts at number HaveKylie To Minogue'sDo? inches upWhat from Do I charttwo, and topper Innuendo, for Queen. an instant debutingis also in sleep at number decline. one Since it has whilenumber New seven Kids to Onnumber The six, numberInnuendo one isalbum, Queen's a total seventh numberpaused at 12 number and now two, number Block'snumber Games17 to number advances 14; bothfrom (12bettered number only ones), by the the Beatles Rolling 31. It seems probable that it could spoil their performers' Stones (nine), Abba and Led weekwill spend in the only Top one 75, furtherthus singleproud hasrecords made — theevery top Kylie five, albumZeppelin it replaces (eight each). at number The careerequalling ever the for shortest a number chart one reachedand every the NKOTB Top 10. single It's a has one,tumbles Jesus all Jones' the way Doubt, to number Maiden'ssingle, as established Bring Your by Iron canproblem only thedream Frazier of. Constant Chorus precipitousnine. That's drop probably ever sufferedthe most Daughter... To The Slaughter critical acclaim and a firm fan by a number one album, a matterCuriously, of weeks all this ago. is releasedbase notwithstanding, five singles in they'vethe 21 VANILLAENIGMA ICE SBKVirgin Inter 6 C&CFACTORY MUSIC Columbia 34 albumsexcept when have variousbeen made artists happeningOleta Adams's at a time Get Herewhen has havepast twomade years the allTop of 75, which though 43 SIMPSONSSNAP GeffenArista 87 ROXETTEINNOCENCE EMICooltempo 4335 theineligible chart altogether.and vanished from slowly.been climbing This week, the chartits seventh very Theirnone has sixth reached attempt the at Top 50. 5 BLACK BOX deConstruclion 109 BETTYM. CAREY BOO ColumbiaRhythm King 4951 single,Meanwhile, also entitled Queen's Innuendo, latest advantagein the chart, of it its takes Top Of The debutsstardom, this Walking week at Onnumber Air, 67, ANALYSIS Lconditionsast week's severecould not weather have sales andtake 52 place per oncent Friday of albums and theis struggling weather doesn't and, obviously, help. comeweek atfor a the worse record time business. of the Saturday.December's cold spell, a bullishDistributors, view. however, take recordBad weatherbuyers at is any a turn time, off but for thealthough Midlands not asand severe, Yorkshire meant director John Mair says; "We week,when itthe hits results at the are end of the salesjustlost a full aspercentage the trade point hit the of ourare keepingdelivery anpeople eye onare it, very but potentiallyRetailers disastrous.have bemoaned busy pre-Christmas sales good."Even in the hard winter of forthe months. lack of major The Gulf new war releases and CokeilRCA says: head "It'sof marketing one of the doe more1987, thansupplies a day were late." never helpedhardening anyone. recession But the have not Christmasthings we account sales patterns for; post are deterrentCold weather effect clearlyon prospective has a emergence of new albums from always low, the singles market record buyers, but anyone ifabMjJO MondayGloria Estefan held out and the Queen promise last couldhoping be that the globalanswer warming is in for of the1991, first bumper sales week WHATA DAY A DIFFERENCE MAKES bada shock: for sales. hot weather is also butThe by weeklate Thursday began strongly, the Singles Albums insider:Comments "Good one weather chart is a big whole country was covered in Monday 12 13 problem for the record megastoresa blanket of in snow central and evenLondon Tuesday 10 11 holidaybusiness. more People in the tend summer, to go on wereSays forced one chart to close expert: early. Wednesday 10 11 records.so they are Nightclubs, not around too, to tend buy bdieJtyrtt'bijy. "Nobody likes bad weather, Thursday 13 13 not to be so full, so people pointbut from of view the recordit is always industry's best Friday 20 16 Inaren't hot weatherexposed topeople new justmusic. theto have week." it at the beginning of Saturday 35 36 buyhave records," better things to do than hugeThe 55 table per centshows of why. singles A 1990 ligures Souice; Gallup withIt seems the British you just weather. can't win DISTRIBUTION; INDIE ALBUMSt MID-PRICE/BUDGET DISTRIBUTION: 1 NTO , THE TRACKS OF MY TEARS " CLASSICALle C< 1P Ser ALBUMSLabo1 2 , ,3 HLLSJN'THRILLS & BELLYACHES ^ — | § Arl i o h INDIE SINGLES' J J12 Kylie Mmogue Va,,ous £ § Artists ^Distributor} PWLHF 18 (PI 1 , CUSSICAL COLLECTION SAMPLER Conllor 4 s 12 VariousSONGSE NDLY N C l EM0ZARTEDIT,ONCCLODDCAT/MMnmmrnm ] , 4 3 Aifl^ETERNAL 0 OinoOlNfvttro. 2 , j,™fM^1 ^SJJf Philips 2 -ttWc^FSm^^ Rumour RUMAIT} 25 (P, 05 '"^%arKs Situation Two SITU 3nrRT| 3 s ELGAR: VIOLIN CONCERTO Emi'nenS 3 , , WHAT DO 1 HAVE TO DO Front242 R.R.E.RRFIPni, rsur, 4 , VIVALDI: FOURSEASONS CFp 4 . ALL TOGETHER NOW / 4 Various DinoDINTVtt fPi C , DUETS FROM FAMOUS OPERAS CFP g NCW , JHINKIN' ABOUT YOUR BODY 8 ' cSnePun^wrbVesfi,MachineWHERE Big Cat ABB 101 (Rn g , TCHAIKOVSKYM812 OVERTURE CFp 15 9 "hS!?e2 NIA Creation CRELP07a ipi 7 , P^°lJ^- S JJPHONY9|NEWWORLDl CFP 6 i™ ' FhSaie!^*"E,REMIXI ® 4A0 (BIAD1001 (RT1 10 • '^SJS 0 d a FF 7 "S Kickin KICK 3S112" KICK 3) IBRD) Rhythm King LEFTL12 (RT) 0 , JamesHOLST: Loughran/HO THE PLANETS CFP4023^CCFP40243IEICFP 8 Nm , KID GET HYPED METAL CHART 0 9 , EVERYBODY NEEDS SOMEBODY L A YENOUGH Yah'"" • CCFP 4569ITCCFP 4569 (El 2 1 N£' DartU Roi Warner Bros WX 403CIWI EEEL E P0WER Waro-IWAP 121 IP) 2 " Jfoload Epic 4674814 (SMI t LUVtULLAbb,CS1 11 NEW 1 f V T ™ D Zone IOANCE 0061ISRDI 3 7 REMASTERS Atlantic ZEPlCiW) 12 » ?arfo!Js CD;CDZ7625002/MC;LZ 7625004 IE) 12 , 3 BLOODSPORT FOR ALL r ^ ^ 3 ROCKING ALL OVER THE YEARS Vertigo8467972/8467971 8467974 (F) Ifl HOLST: THE PLANETS Imp Classics 13 -IM1 2 Fire BLAZE 41(T1 (RT) g 6 CORNERSTONES 1967-1970 14 ShulUoAmlDance Shut JpAnd DanceSUAO 11SIPACI 6 5 f™WHENWET VertigoVERHCD VERHC 38/VERH 38(F) 38 15 » WARSAWBE LOVEDCUSSICS2 CONCERTO E CFP 15 ,4s 2 JHE SCORCHER/KIRK'S BACK El E GLORY/YOUNGGUNS 0 O 16 « var?oI; CDCD276250,2/MCL27625Jl"E» 16 Man^Stneet Preachers Heavenly IHVN 812HREP) 7 " ^on?o^ " ^T 732^1M7317 E 17 )0 PU^CCINh TURAN0OT (HiCHUQHTS) ^ Decca Opera Gala g < NO PRAYER FOR THE DYING 17- 2 SituationTwo-ISFT75THRTI g NEW KULKUIYNIbHIb CDIMDVertigoRCNTCUF)IOI^EMOIOI7 10■W BEETHOVEN:Karl BohnWPO SYMPHONY NO. 9 CD;4278022/MC:4278024Deutsche Grammophon (F) 18 " ' RE 6CM 8CM 07504 [12'-BCM 12504) IP) 10 „ HOLST: THE^LANETS Eminence 19 1S 7 Lehf ^H^^ ' KNOW/NOT FORGOTTEN^^^ |FOOT9IIRT1 10 ' ZZTop WarnerWX BrosWX 390CD/WX 390C(W) 390 2Q M MOZART: REQUIEM CFP 11 72 DAMN YANKEES Warner Bros 7599261594 (Wl 01 „ BIZET/PUCCINI/VERDI DUETS RCAV.ctor 21201 „ ,0. OLESITUATION OLE OLE (REMIX) Mutel12IYAZ4IRTI 12 1' HEARTBREAK STATION ve F Mernll/Milanov/Albanese/TE E : HONYNa9 ebal GL 87799/GK 87799DGGalleria |BMG) ^ n to LA. Mood PWL PWL|T) 66 IP) 13 u THE REAL THING aSi8' 22 » Her^Von a aaK 4 09" ]7 2 FIREG Double WHENR E READY Jumpin'&Pumpin-.|)2TOT10HPI sss 23 » VIVALDI; POUR SEASONS ^ Eminence 23 17 Ka TlJ eloTUP(EPI25IREP) 14 s THE RAZORS EDGE


Luciano Pavarolti OVLP2102/DVMC2102(TB) i 3 25 * ^Domingo MSS 25 21„ .STILL2 FEEL THE RAIN SomeBli;areSBZ,M2(,2..SB21200;,||Rr) 16 " SI? Bludgeon Riff. HYSMC, IF) 20 a VERDI: ARIAS CFP A-U _ , Homeboy/Hippie/FunkyDreddFREEDOM Tam Tam. ITTT 0391IPACI 17 SHAKE YOUR MONEYMAKER DefAme,ican8425,54,FI 27 SACRED ARIAS CFP 27 "2SeIT Republic-,LICTOamRT, 18 u CHERRY PIE Columbia 4671904 (SMI '000 ' MENDELSSOHN/BRUCH:VIOUNBurgos/BouitASO/Menhum CD:C02;625t92/MC:LZ7625194|EICONCERTOS EMI Laser 28 22 3 GROWING OLD Hul/VC HUTITl 2IRT1 19 2i APPETITE FOR DESTRUCTION GefFenWX125C(WI 29 71 RACHMANINOV: PIANO CONCERTO 2 ^ CFP 0(1 ALBINONI/PACHELBEL DGGalleria 29 7,1, SPICE Vinyl Solution * (STORM 22) (SRD) 2Q ■ PERSISTENCE OF TIME IslandD ICTL 99679 IF) OU Herbert Von KarajanlBPO 4190461/4190464 IF) 30 7, .ffiy^L^OraddK A ,am Tam 7TTT031ITTT031,IPACI 21 is IN THE HEART OF THE YOUNG Allanl'c;5CTr2lM4W 31 a. PUCCINI: ARIAS AND DUETS CD CD2762520Z;MC 31 7* "lKpy Mondays FacWFAC3027 l,2- FAC302IIPI V 32 „ MUSIC FOR THE LAST Cirrus 32 2] SCHOOL OF THE WORLD , |p 22 7. STICK ITT TO 0P YA HEEL 'CCD1702/CHR1702 E S H0NY6INFMAjbi 33 „ 35 [LLEGAL^GUNSHOT/SPLIFFHEAD^^^ShuIUpAndDance up And Dance ISUAD7IIPACISUA[)9( ACI 23 " MelfcPal Epic4504472/4504471 4504474 (SM) J/J33 * LGREATSvSa SOPRANOSaK OF OUR TIME ' "^iLvS?Eminence 24 " BACK STREET SYMPHONY 34 X • iiffiorcis, Warp-iWAP9l(PI yu re rUUK bYMoULS CDE^CSSWEMcSAUantic K 450008 (SM) Jg MOZART REQUIEM^ DGGalleria 35 ic 2 MAKE WAY FOR THE ORIGINALS . , *-** 30 Led Zeppelin K 25000a'K 60008 36 • SN F:AV0URITES CFP4145011/CFP4145014C(E) 36.1 .».ITALLAB0UT o 11(nProfilesnv|opT PROFIT) )20H)|( 315 (PI 26 e^Ada^s AMDSO^^ASOIS 37 HOLST PLANETS/ELGAR ENIGMA VARIATIONS DG Walkman 37 „ j ^EA|CE (IN THE MIDDLEiEASn^^ UJ^MddtbCAPOLLO 11SR01 27 « TIME'S UP ^ol/S 00 - SirMOZART Colin Davis OVERTURES CO:COZ7628582/MC:LZ 7628584EMI Laser (El 38 -I WS Rhythm King LEFT451THRT) ^OQ■0 Z3 BLACKOUTLove'Hale IN THE RED ROOM Columbia4663502/4663501 4663504 ISM) OQ " GeorgBIZET: Solti/LPO CARMEN SCENES AND ARIAS 4213002/4171724Decca Opera Gala (F) 39 7.ihMldSfGSTAR Fadoty FAC 2987 (12*-FAC 298, (PI 20 » BAT OUT OF HELL /JQ BEST LOVED CLASSICS 4 CD CD27625032/MC 127625034(1) 40 ..13»!J1SD|EP1 COW DUNG lltTHRT) 3Q » FLESH fie BLOOD Capilot'EnigmaTC^^IE) •©ON. Compiled by Gallup t © CIN, Compiled by Spotlig.it Research from Gallup data from independent shops. • ©CIN. Compiled by Gallup VERDI AIDA A/AT DISTRIBUTION CHORUS AND ORCHESTRA OF THE SOFIA NATIONAL OPERA CONDUCTED BY 27 WindsorAvailable Road, now Wraysbury, from: IVAN MAR1N0V. Staines, Middx, TW19 5DE. DOUBLE COMPACT DISC - AVMCD1008/9 Tel: 0784 48 2551/2681. DOUBLE CAS - AVMC1008/9 DEALER PRICE - £4.49/£7.29 Fax: 0784 48 2203. ii MUSIC WEEK 16 FEBRUARY 1991 US TOP 30 SINGLES PLAYIIST CHART ! GONNA MAKE YOU SWEAT. C&C Music Factory Coiumb.a 3*2* ALLONE THE MORE MAN TRY, THAT TimmyT. I NEED, QualityArista THE OFFICIAL jiusicweek CHART 5*4 SOMEDAY,THE FIRST TIME, Mariah Surface Carey Columbia H - - - i, ,»i | I .! si ! 7*6* I'LLWHERE GIVE DOES ALL MY MY LOVE HEART TO BEAT. YOU, Celine Keith SweatDion VintertainmentEp.c 1 , Rick Astley CRY FOR HELP RCA A - A A • 48 9 92 6 8 2 3 Oleta Adams GET HERE Pomona A A A A - 50 15 88.3 109 LOVE WILL NEVER DO (WITHOUT YOU). Janet Jackson A&M 43 »7 RalphUB40 WAYTresvant YOU DOSENSITIVITY THE THINGS YOU DO DEPImernationalMCA A- A AB A B 48 4920 8686.0 3 11* WICKED GAME, Chr.s Isaak Rcpr.se 5 2 Robert Palmer MERCY MERCY ME I WANT YOU EMI B A A A A 50 16 85 8 13*12* LOVE1 SAW MAKESRED. Warrant THINGS HAPPEN. Pebbles ColumbiaMCA 7 m Kim Appleby G.L.A.D. Parlophone A A A A - 45 21 85.0 15*14 AROUNDSENSITIVITY. THE RalphWAY Tresvant GIRL. LL. Cool J DefMCA Jam 10 h Soho HIPPYCHICK S&M A A A B A 43 8 81 5 17*16 ARER THE RAIN, Nelson OGC 1211 3623 KylieE.M.F. Minogue I BELIEVE WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO parlophonePWL A A- A A- B- 4047 67 79.781.2 1918* 25a (MlHEAT ALL OF THIS THE TIME.MOMENT, St.nq After 7 VirginA&M 13 37 Manah Carey SOMEDAY Columbia B A - A 21*20 2216 IFHIGH YOU ENOUGH, NEEDED DamnSOMEBODY. Yankees Bad Company Warner BrothersAtco 15 u Queen INNUENDO EMI -ABA 2322* 2723 THISMONEYTALKS. HOUSE, Tracie AC/DC Spencer Cap.tolAtco 18 IS Enigma SADNESS PARTI Virgin International - A A A 3736 2413 72.274.5 2425* i4- JUSTGET HERE, ANOTHER Oleta Adams DREAM, Cathy Dennis FontanaPolydor 20 2S The Simpsons DO THE BARTMAN Geffon - A B - 3836 21 68.570.5 27*26* 30• COMINGlESHA, Another OUT BadOF THECrew DARK, Gloria Estefan MotownEp.c * 1 i 1 1 i I

21 22 C&C Music Factory GONNA MAKE YOU SWEAT Columbia - - A B s 22 1, Will To Power I'M NOT IN LOVE Epic - - A A 3229 4814 64.464.0 f 23 w Tongue'n* Cheek FORGET ME NOTS Syncopate - A A A 35 34 62.9 30*29 s. I'MWAITING NOT IN FOR LOVE, LOVE. Will Al.as To Power Ep

BLOW-UP "World" | 12 CHERRY 115/CD CHERRY 115 P.





at the Great Room, Grosvenor House Hotel, Park Lane, on Monday, 25th February, 1991

The music industry's own awards


If you haven't yet booked your seats at The Music Week Awards, phone Avril Peyton at EMS Associates Ltd for a table reservation form.

Call the Music Week Hotline now 071-437 3665 iv MUSIC WEEK 16 FEBRUARY 1991 16 FEBRUARY 1991 TOP 75 SINGLES THE OFFICIAL gmsicweek CHART

THE 39 « 40 m

43 «

s =r Sai

62 M

55 »

69 M 70 m 12 « 36^ A&MAM(Y)711(F( 75 « Epic 6565377/6565378 |SM) As used by Top Of The Pops and Radio One ■ ■■ r~j■ The BasenBasement Boys present Hello...It's Groove O'clock •UHral 35.6%- and Is it love? ^■Nate Scandal EKRl 18/T/CD/C MUSIC WEEK 16 FEBRUARY 1991 HIGHLIGHTS 1 ST 3 CHART PLACINGS COMMENT UVVI Dance

°E reSra4Mc S -

m si



Singles Poster Chart

Please pull out and display Hi 1 ill ii 11 111 I iili I II ill ill I fl ill Is 11 S3 § ss

r f i— 00 coc ^a LU v * —j

CD * Z 1 u 00 1 ill I


i! !Uk=, if U» i O. HI! |i ilsi ii iS o LU m 6NS CO ID to CD h- mi Uli gs I1 SS u- Qn:

0(^N LU O 3= LSI D- O 17

| § !s 0 f .S e f 55 1 ^ e ■Si® i® § ■g'S "3 O 0) 03 Fiemlng, Smallman,


a bit of Evans too

"Don't call us,

we'll . . .!"

Britain's favourite music station congratulates two favourites of the music business TOP 30 VIDEO TOP 15

THE OFFICIAL [iiusicweekLa LE CHART MUSIC VIDEO I 3 1 Category/running time Cat^| | | | ^5g^„n(ng tim0 Ca^o! 1 S 1 cT 41 3 3 SpecialROSEMARY Inleresl/lhr CONLEY'S WHOLE... BBCVBBC 4457 1C1 0 23 5 THESpecial 'Y' Inlerest/llu PLAN 20min WDVirgin 652 1 , , MADONNA: Justify My Love/MTV Vogue WMV 2 12 R AN ' Video Single/12niin 7599382253 2 CoS^S^n Touchstone ,3 PHIL COLLINS; Seriously Live Virgin 0, ,, MADONNA:Compilation/55min The Immaculate Collection7599382143 WMV J 2 04 3' 2 Mi,s.c/t2m,n % Love/MTV Vogue7599382252 WMV 1 0 ",a , SpecialLIZZIE InteresVlhrWEBB'S 8 MINUTE WORKOUTS VideoVC6127 Coll. "J . ..■ Uve/lhr26minPAVAROTTl/DOMINGO/CARRERAS PolyGramCFV11122 Video Y DTH R MP 15 15 A4 , PHIL COLLINS: Seriously ...MCEG Virgin Vision t4 " "k?M12 Children* s oCartoons/1The,mmaculateCo11^I hr 13min,a Walt Disney0205822 -q' U 22 THEMusicalfthr KING 13min AND s 1 CBS/Fox100450 Live/2hr 45min WD 783 5 5 20 g MARY POPP1N Walt Disney J3C , ,R.E.M.:Uve/1hr25min Tourfilm 7599381843WMV g CALLANETICS CIC « TWINS CIC u 0 6 5 Special Interesl/lhr VHR 1335 Zl"1 ' comedv/lhr42n1in VHR1365 fi a .." Compilation/1hr30minELTON JOHN; The Very Best PolyGramCFM2756 Video Is' 5 CREASEMusical/lhr45min VHR2417CIC ZZ«« ~ ,' Aclion/2hr6minDIEHARD CBS/Fox166650 7,' „ CUFFLive/2hr4min RICHARD: From A DistanceMVB9912473 PMI 0 „ DIRTY DANCING Vestron 28 21 COCKTAIL Touchstone 09 O a Musical/lhr40mtn VA15223 ZJ 0rama/1hr39min O406062 0 , .." TINALive/lhr30min TURNER: Live From Barcelona PolyGramCFM2842 Video l Q 12 ,5 theMusical/2hr'46min SOUND OF MUSIC CBS/Fox1051 50 9£..i , R.E.M.:Music/1 hr Tourfilm25min 7599381843WMV q•J"NEW™ 1, Compilation/lhrHARD 'N' HEAVY 30min VOL 10 MCEG Virgina WD813Vision i,u H n ,3 Action/1LETHAL hrSOmin WEAPON 2 Warner HomeRES Video 11876 ZD0r - 1 Children'sMOminTHE JUNGLE BOOK PickwickPAC2071 in,„au „" DANIELO'DONNELL:Compilation/1nr39min An Evening WithRIT2V 0008Rit2 ■i<•' 5 SpecialJANE Inleresl/IhrSOmin???FONDA'S NEW WORKOUTVideoIR2218 Coll. tOoc Action/1LETHAL hrASmin WEAPON Warner HomePES11709 Video 11,,1 1 " „ Compilation/65minNEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK: Step By Step 49869SMV 2 19 to m ROYComedy/1 CHUBBY hr BROWN: Inside.. PolyGramCFV11412 Video 97,,LI 25 SpecialInterest/lhrBEGINNING CALLANETICS VHR1380CIC ID,,'*■" fl2,, LUCIANOLive/lhtl7min PAVAROTTI Music Club/VideoMC2003 Col ^2 21 ,3 WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT Touchstone 2g , OLIVER Cinema ClubA/ideo Col 13 6 2 MOTLEY CRUE: Dr Feelgood-The Videos WMV i/i,14 6 ., THEChildren's/lhrllmin LITTLE MERMAID LGV10035Legend "90 29 " ELTONMusic/1 hr30min JOHN: The Very Best Of PolyGramCFM2756 Video Ifl,.11 416 5, Compilation/52minDANIEL O'DONNELL: Thoughts Of Home TVE1007Telstar i' 3c „ ^„ Music/1PARAROTTI/DOMINGO/CARRERAS hr26min PolyGramCFV11122 Vid DUon , MartialKICK BOXERAns/lhr37min Entertainment inEVS1033 Video iq,, , Live/2hr4minMOSCOW PEACE FESTIVAL: Voll 7559401113WMV FLEMING AND SMALLMAN PROUD TO HAVE CHARTED QUARTZ FEATURING IT'S TOO LATE SOHO "HIPFYCHICK" TWENTY 4 SEVEN "ARE YOU DREAMING?" TOM JONES "COULDN'T SAY GOODBYE- HALL & GATES "I CANT GO FOR THAT (NO CAN DO)" IN JANUARY . . . CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THIS YEAR'S BRITS WINNERS AND LOOK OUT FOR LISAM STEVE BOOKER MAUREEN TWENTY 4 SEVEN RODEO JONES HALL & GATES SOHO MATT BIANCO 2 IN A ROOM SILJE TOM JONES THE PROCLA1MERS YAZZ DANGEROUS GROUND BRUCE DICKINSON LONNIE GORDON LISA STANSFIELD JUNIOR RE1D TIMMY T ELAINE PAIGE SMALL TOWN PARADE QUARTZ FEATURING DINA CARROLL JORDAN BAILEY ALISHA WARREN PEARL STONE ROSES IN NEXT YEAR'S . . .. an FLEMING AND SMALLMAN® 081-846 LTD, The 8080 Courtyard, Fax: 081-846 42 Cblwith 8050 Road, London W6 9EY MUSIC WEEK 16 FEBRUARY 1991 TOP 75 ARTIST ALBUMS TOP 20 16 FEBRUARY 1991 THE OFFICIAL iiusicweek CHART COMPILATIONS | . ^ ^ ^ 1 S S ™f (P d , Label/Ca ssette (Distributor) Ttio issetto (Distributor) |! 12 |™Vb Label/Cassette (DistributoO 38 33 MUSmOMTWIN PEAKS# A lEa lNNUSNOQ „ C0PCS0tl5PC50115 14 'amer Brothers WX 340C (W) 1,. THE(OST) LOST ® BOYSAlla_ntic 7817674 (W1 iNTOTHELIGHT 39 30 17 JHEV,VALDI PHYTHM OF "THE SAINTS ★ 2 v. A 2[S3 4577322,46723?l' flfll <8 68' Nigel Kennedy/ECO POUR (Keener) SEASONS ★ 2 • EMITONIGEltBj e.O rba*™ VariousMISSING YOUEMI 2-AN TCEMTV ALBUM 57/CDEMTV OF LOVE BZrEMTV 67 (El 3 6 4 WICKED GAME 1 A&M AMC9006|F( THINKING OF YOU... Columbia MOODC 15 ISM) 759S26S132'WX4C6 41 36 ,3 1DeiWAKING AmitnlFreeqard.'JonK. HOURS# Norioni 3 i Various MOODCD16/MOOD16 ^ , 15 THE VERY BEST OF ELTON JOHN M 42 ,7 48 CO NOT WANT WHAT 1HAVENT GOT * 2 EnsignlEl nA DEEP HEAT 9 NINTH LIFE-... TelsrorlBMG) 5 „ THE IMMACULATE COLLECTION ss Slnead O'Connor (O'Connor) ZCHEMtCCDIJSgCHFK'ia Various STAC 2470/TCD 2470/STAR 2470 5 7599264402AVX370 ^ „ 16 PtefabSptourlOoibv)JORDAN: THE COMEBACK. KilcbenwareKWC14(SM)KWCD14/KWLP14 5 3103, VariousDIRTY DANCING (OST)BK 86408/BD*5 86408/BLRCAIBMGI 86408 g 1()30 RUNAWAY HORSES* 44 „ ONLY YESTERDAY *3 firM SOUL REFLECTION Mean & Soul 8453344 |F| 1 MCMXCA.D.» Viigiali CDV 2599 V 2599 CDA199Q'AMA1990 UiMM Varrous E M 8543342/8453341 l 9 CDVIRI/IPVIR1 45 3S15 InnocenceBELIEF® Uoliey.'Hatfis/Joliey/MorrisOsbornel CooiiempoZCTLP20(ElCCD 1797/CTLP20 7 6 35 PRETTY WOMAN (OST) * c j USA TCMTL1052 IEI A R CBS ^UICA1IUN - THE VERY BEST OF THIN LIZZY Veaio848i92«iF) 4g 33 DREAMLAND . deCon u rnm Uny (Various) 8481922/3(81921g 25 istructionPKP0 74572/PL 74572 IBMG) 74572 O 6 2 VariousSMOKEY ROBINSONDino WRITER DINMC17/DINCD17/DINTV17 & PERFORMER (P) **Q JesusDOUBT Jones (Edwards) Food FOODTC 5(E) 47 .„ 2.GONNA MAKE: YOU SWEAT Columbia 4678144 (SM) q m-n BRITS 1991-MAGIC OF BRITISH MUSIC ina w , .ALL TRUE MAN Tabu 4658824 (SMI ■" THEC&CMusicF3floiylCI,vilies,'Coiel 467814Z'4678141 ^ Udil VariousTelstar/BPI STAC 2481/TCD 2481/STAR 2481 (BMGI Alexander O'Neal (Jimmy JanvlewlsVariousi 48 (2 52 ROAD TO HELL * 4 10 61 VariousVERY BEST OF GREATESTSTAC LOVE 2443n'CD . 2443/STARTelstariBMGl 2443 11 8 „ I'M YOUR BABY TONIGHT * Arista 411039IBMG) 4q LABOUR OF LOVE II *2 261039:211039 t J UB40IUB40I E | I 11 17 NOW! 18 *3 EMWirgin/PotyGram TCNOW18 (El 12 4 3 THE SOUL CAGES* A&M 3964054 IF) Rfl ,, LOOK SHARP! * MTCEMC3557|1 Various CDNOW 18/NOW18 IJ 16 23 39640523954051 3 Roxene (Ofwerman/Moseleyl 12 0 13 VariousROCK 'N' ROLL LOVE SONGSOINCD D™ DINMC 13/DINTV13 13 (P) 11 IE „ GeorgeHichaellMicriaeliUSTEN WITHOUT PREJUDICE VOL 1 !★ Epic 4672954 (SM) 51 3, MotorbeadjSoilev] Epic 4674814 (SMI 3 ROCKY V(OST) Bust ltTCEST2137(E| 14 „„ SERIOUS HITS...LIVE!* 3 13 6 Various CDEST 2137/EST 2137 PCCDX hKIP] •i? MARIAHCAREY.Marian Carey IVariousl Columbia 4668154 (SMI 14.3 17 VaiiovsGREATEST LOVE 4 . TeistarTCD STAC 2400/STAR 2400 (BMGI 2400 15 S ,4 DON'TRoben Palmar EXPLAIN. (Palmer/Macerol CDEMDXIOISIMOXIOISEMITCEMOXIOISIEI 51 39 re ROCKINGStatus Quo IVariousl ALL OVER THE YEARS ★ 2 Vertigo8467972/8467971 8467974 IF) 15 10 .3 ROCK CITY NIGHTS . Vertigo RCNTC I |FI 16 „ ,3 COLLECTION 1984/1990 (0.300828223110 54 SirORCHESTRA! Georg Solii S Dudley Moore (Harelll 16 17 8 THE HIT PACK Sony/WEA/8MG COMPC 1 (SM) 17 i3 3 GREATEST HITS 1977-1390 55 REMASTERS. 4675412/467 JJ LedGLI ZeppelinPPERY (Page) VVHEN WET 2 7557804152r?EP 1 17.1 3 THE TREE & THE BIRD ... Columbia 4678804 (SM) A 18EB3 AND NOW THE LEGACY BEGINS 4iIh-B'wayBRCA BRCD560;8RLP560 560 iFi 56 H 87 j * Vertigo VERHC 38 (Fi THAT LOVING FEELING VOL 3 DinoIPl A 1 q pm EVERYBODY'S ANGEL 1 :asiWestWX40lCiVV) 57 WE ARE IN LOVE. 8302642M1/VERH38 18.6 70 Various DINMC 11/DINCOII/DINTV It Tanilaivea Tllaramtthebrixto miarenwan Hoole/Arqeotl 903T733412AVX401 " Harry Connicl Jr IConn'cL Jr/Shaiman) Columbia4667362/4567351 4667364 (SMI GREATEST HITS OF 1990 • TelstariBMGl a 20 E3 !- , N ACADEMY 50J u „, THE LA'S 0 19 «u Various STAC 2439/TCD2439rSTAR 2439 SSsi " " c The La's (Lilly,vhirc/Andrewsi 8282022.8232021 20^1 VariousMISSING YOU - AN TCEMTVALBUM 53/CDEMTV53/EMTV OF LOVE * EMI (E)53 ?1■ VanillaTO THE Ice (Various) EXTREME* SBKCD9/SBKLP9SBKSBKTC91E) j*'5q .. 'S„ THE(JBJO (Various! BEST OF UB40 VOL 1 * 2 CDUBTV1/UBTV1Virgin UBTVC1 IF) A 22 39 3 PieTHE Simpsons SIMPSONS (Lorea) SING THE BLUES75992430324599243031 Gedeo 2599243084 ,w, 60 se - BUT SERIOUSLY * 8 Virgin TCV 2620 (FI yj 15 330 PLEASE HAMMER DON'T HURT'EM * H CDV 2620.'V 2620 ARTISTS A-Z 15 WHswer ■ 1 r rE f C1^ " „,4 TheMIXED Cure ISmiiri'Alien/Saunders) UP. Fiction 8470984(F) 24 „ . PaisyOmelSradieyiSWEET DREAMS C MCAMCGCEOO3(BVGIMCA06149MCG6003 02 ,6 ,9 THE ESSENTIAL PAVAROTTI * 3 Decca 4302104 (F) 95 „ 32, WORLD POWER • Ansia 410682IBMG) 6^ 5, 22 BOOMANIA. Rhylhm King If FTC 12 (RT) A-J 23 23 SnapllSnap!) 260682/'210682 Betiy Boo teTisio.s 3oo ri'-nJonn, ' rnfl 1?. FFTI F r. 26 MSlThn.asi Mercury8466682/8466681 8466684(F) Kfl ..CORNERSTONESJrniHendrixlHendrix'Cnandler/Milche; 1967-1970. Xramer'Ja' Polydor 8472314 (FJ 27 20 49 SOUL PROVIDER *3 c 55 „ 3 K,'mAopleby(Schweir;DeAnge''SiKIMAPPLEBY. F'ariophoneTCPS 7348 (E) 28 ,9 35'NLuciano CONCERT PavaronLPiacido *4 DomingoJose Carreras DeaiRae ""SI 66 63 11 ENLIGHTENMENT. Polydof8471004 (Fj 29 2, ,3 RHYTHM OF LOVE. HFCD18HF18 07 igl HEART OF STONE* GeffenWX262C(BMGI onou A LiniE AIN'T ENOUGH ' Warne. DavirileeRolhlRoc.i Kfi 6, HEAVEN ON EARTH *2 Virgin TCV 2495(F) 01 „ „ VERY BEST... RIGHTEOUS BROTHERS * Verve 8472484 IF) Belinda Carlisle INomelsl «" PILLSTrie Righteous Brothers (SpectoriMed cyi 8472482.8472481 ■■■■■ EPMDiSermorvSmilh/SpiveylBUSINESS AS USUAL Def Jam 4676974 (SM) j 32 26 14 'N' THRILLS AND BEUYACHES : FactcfYFACT320C!P) LiFE national N01594 (BMGI a Mo-dans OalerlodCiDcmtj ACT320CD/FACT 320 7ora™1 NO 1592/N01591 A nOO 151bm THEBarryWhde(Various) COLLECTION * Mercury B\VTVC 1 IF) 71' 1 as re CliffEBON Richard A [Richard/MoessllDISTANCE... THE EVENT * '2 CDCRTV31/CRTV31EMIKXRTV 31(E) 34 23 „ STARRY NIGHT. ajlumbia 467284?.'46728}1 4672844 (SM) 77 „„ PnaFOREIGN Turner [Varioosl AFFAIR *4 (:OESTU2103 Capitol TCESTUIESTU2103 2103 IE) OC 3, ]5 CHOKE * 3 Polydor ECTVC 1(F) The BeauiKuiSoutn'.Hedges)THE 11,EE G 0LDEN Ti* J rri[ifca THEEric Clapumtream CREAM (Various)OF ERIC CUPTON * 8335192,'ECTV1 36 » 12 • GREATS ♦ VirginPGTVD6PGTV6 PGTVC 6 (FJ 74 65 IB WORLD CLIQUE. Eleii(raEKT77CiW) 07 THE VERY BEST OF THE BEE GEES * J i ' Poiydor 8473334 IF) 7R' KHlLusel EaglesBEST ISrymcrykl OF EAGLES * 2 Asylum9603422/EKT EKTSCfW) 5 viii MUSIC WEEK 16 FEBRUARY 1991 i»€i€ ASTLEY THE NEW ALBUM


MUSIC WEEK 16 FEBRUARY 1991 ix NEW RELEASES: ALBUMS Week commencing 18 February 1991-22 February 1991 - 252 Year to Date: 1,506 Send new release details to research manager • Import LondonGraham EMY OMR, Walker, Tel: Music071 583 Week, 9199. 23-27Fax: Tudor071 583 Street. 0955. HIGHLIGHTS ART,ST TITLE LABEL CAT NOS. DEALER PR,CE |D,STR,BUTORS, C, COMMENT

GO-GO.. THE GREAI-ESI ASM EP/WC. 3353331/39M334 CD. 3953333 9 W.39 IF,





Imsicweek directory'91 Copies are now available from weeK COMPUTER POSTINGS LTD. 120-126 LAVENDER AVENUE SURREY CR4 3HP Tel: 081-640 8142 Fax: 081-648 4873 Please send a cheque payable to Music Week for £27 (inc. p&p) U.K. £30 (inc. p&p) overseas Music Week subscribers current on January 1st will receive their imsicweek free directory shortly For everyone in the business of n MUSIC WEEK 16 FEBRUARY 1991 16 FEBRUARY 1991 TOP 60 DANCE SINGLES THE OFFICIAL liuisic week CHART " t! " TIH i i la asm- III L0VEArts. 18 THE (DiaribiS '9i:■J 25 2 Love Inc. (eat MC Noise MESSAGE Love EVOLX1 (Fl q/l prajUU GORocky FOR V/JB Ellis/TIT! (HEART Hare AND FIRE)Bust It 12CL601 (E) 4 (1 WANNA GIVE YOU) £U 9c: „ THE SCORCHER/KIRK IS BACK gg ,8 3 MY HEART, THE BEAT ^ J. 'DEVOTION - 4 AMHero the DArjCE Reinforced RIVET 1204 (PACI 27IIZ2 a q7 2, 2 KID GET HYPED 0 TekTEKK4(BT) Big One VVBIG 27 (RT) £9 2 3 SourceYOU GOTfear Candi THE Siaion LOVE Truelovo TLOVE 1IBMG) *-90 3, 2 CaronDON'T Wheeler QUIT RCA PT 44260 IBMG) qp 30 3 JUSTTaraKemp WANNA HOLD YOUBig BeatTIGHT BV 9102 (Import) JO , , LalahBABY Hathaway DON'T CRY Virgin America VUST 35 (Fl 29 23 ,0 THE BEE (REMIX)

Anti-war list denies free speech Punk led to song crisis ingAlthough claims BBC that Radioit has isbanned deny- something?"'It's that Apollo XI record' or middle-agedgramme are over mainly 30s, whilethe 60 records (AW, February 2), DJ: "No, it's unpatriotic .. ." OWE PEACE A CHANCE the age of Radio One's average whatI refer they'reto your doingarticle to "Look our bethe remotely fact is any construed track which as being can factIgnoring that the for concept a moment of "peace" the thereforeaudience inis the under age bracket25 and to song" (MW, January 26). More anti-war is no longer being is a straightforward Christian be called up to the front? slidethan ainto decade stagnation ago, I insaw the a consideredRadio One. for airplay on church-goingethic that is prayedpopulation for by theof nationSurely, are if jeopardising the of their the music industry which began A recent conversation be- Great Britain every Sunday of Peace Choir lives to protect our lifestyle, it sumedwith punk. that 1the have long, always hot sum- as- andtween a Radioour Radio One DJOne about plugger our banthe year,on anything doesn't remotely this blanket sen- lookshould at becomenon-violent paramount ways toof mer of 1976 had some sort of latest release, Peace, by Apollo sitive to the Gulf war amount resolving this problem. because,effect on recordshortly company after, staffthey XIDJ: went "That something Apollo XIlike recordthis: nialto both of thecensorship basic right and theof freede- Peaceful sentiments preferAfter to all, hear which on wouldthe radio; you started handing out huge ad- is great." speech? isations such as CND, while Give Peace A Chance or Nuke youngstersvances to wholargely couldn't talentless sing, playPlugger: it, then?" "Are you going to programmesFurthermore, such why as Todayis it that on ordsBBC suchRadio as OneLulu's now Boom calls Bang rec- 'EmAdam High? .Morris couldn't write and hated DJ: "No." BBC Radio Four are able to A Bang and John Lennon's Im- Director At the same time the kids DJ:Plugger: "Because "Why?" of the title." naturemake statements and provide of a aplatform pacifist agineCould "possibly it be because offensive"? the lis- POWAU! Box Mr 483 Modo who made the Sixties boom Plugger: "Can't you just say for the views of pacifist organ- teners to the Today pro- Sheffield werepossible not were being growing replaced up, andin completelysuch large numbers.unnoticed This by went the Remember music business. Radio One's key singles role industryThe result, supplying today, a isminority a huge the music With regard to your front page much reduced quantities, per- started to present non-chart storyruary and9): IEditorial believe OWW,the BBC's Feb- tryinghaps Radio to chase One a "new"should audi-stop records years ago. The sooner In terms of completely new featureI was interested "Look what to they'reread your do- charter, at least when re-writ- ence and serve those for whom thatthe Radioit is what One itboys is and realise ever claimsbusiness, to the contrary,record, despite is not ing to our song", especially often Radio at the One, time Two, of theThree launch and it is still intended. shall be, the better we'll all be. doing as well as it once was. yourial (JITW, comments January in 26).the Editor- Four, describes Radio One as Radio1 also One seem starting to remember to play TrojanAustin PowellSales Theused highestto be gold award — for for1 m sales One of our many problems theGiven "youth that service". Britain's youth is more album tracks some years Twyman House — with Disc issuing silver for veryin the little industry in-depth is that experience there is still buying singles, even if in asago. when It didn't Top workOf Thethen, Popsjust London31-39 Camden NW1 9LFRoad Now250,000 gold sales takes for secondrunners-up. place in most A&R departments. To overand tophalf prize the previousis given require-for just greatunderstand singer a greatyou songmust and love a ilW: no place for snobbery ment. That does not represent "The industry has forgotten I was astonished to read Peter his nights in rough, northern As we get older, we look to thethat most the music important must thing.always We be Walker's19) decrying letter the(MW, choice January of clubs".Surely, the truth is that •IT butmusic in toa whichvastly wedifferent can relate, way ploys,see more visual interest images in marketing and pub- Jonathanthe Brits Awards;King as producerastonished, of bothable tomen produce are eminently this event suit- be- enjoyedto that inwhich earlier as days."rebels" we thatlicity has than always of thesold oneus records thing factnot bythat its Music content, Week but chose by the to causeative professionals,they happen eachto be withcre- is Thehuge market — far greater for MOR than music the — Ifgreat there songs. is to be any encour- tingdignify it intothis loadprint. of tosh by put- sica track industry record should the British be proud mu- exclusively,market pandered today. to, almost agement to the British music of. Godfrey-Cass: capability Changes are needed in beenindustry here itbefore is that ... itwe was have just dignifyingdone so, I itmight further as bywell taking risk whoeverIt is the it BPTs wishes right to toproduce choose needmany toways. be A&Rstaffed departments by people calledknow whatpunk thatmusic, led andto. we all exquisitethe trouble example to comment of inverted on this thisWeek's event, right just to publish as it is a Musicletter Respect for trends,who can can see understandbeyond following basic mentsThank about you SAW. for all 1 yourfound com- this snobbery.To criticise the choice of dribblingNevertheless, with class when prejudice. Walker Godfrey-Cass demos or, dare I dream, can Bagshaw'sarticle, particularly drawing, superb. Melvin Jonathanistocrat) on King the (hardlygrounds an of hisar- thiswrote, letter", "1 bet 1 thinkyou don'tyou should print 1 read the profile of Robin God- finishedToday, production anything lessas athan demo a PetePWL Waterman dicrousuniversity and education, as bigoted is as lu-as Mitchhave let Murray him win (classless) that bet! withfrey-Cass interest. iMW, TheJanuary writer's 19) ateis likely rejection, to meet the A&Rwith immedi-staff be- 4/7Sanctuary The Vineyard Street PeteWalker's Waterman attempt for tothe qualify job by 25Onchan Howe Road forview him that within there theis a publishingdisregard ingThis unable places to realisea huge potential. burden London SE1 1QL arguing that "he still spends Isle of Man fraternityAs an independent is extraordinary. manage- carryon the it people— the least songwriters. able to withment ailcompany the major which publishers, deals Theyvery lightoften budgets.have to Spendingwork to Send CDs, you know it makes sense Godfrey-CassI find that thehas respect earned that for dioupwards is beyond of £500 thea day reach in a stu- of Soes" 'The(Midem vinyl '91 hour supplement). approach- tionsink peoplewe were for askingthe Holy promo- Grail CDslogically but sensiblecheaper ttoo — v andhimself very to high. be both pervasive kindmost. of If money, I could I'd beafford spending that companies,Why then dohoping so many to get music air- sample.rather than a legitimate trade andknow theyCDs costare lesslighter to presar playedAll of the the talentMDs that and havetenacity dis- stuffit on masterson my own and label.releasing the insistplay for on their sending new product, radio stillsta- musicFrom for my a radioposition, station picking with interest,cheaper tothe post. copies In the have artisl housesto run areour men large of greatpublishing capa- and,Unless to a lesserrecord degree,companies pub- tionsA fewcopies minutes on vinyl? away from tenersabout 250,000in Nottinghamshire regular lis- ourlonger listeners shelf life. — And your of coun cu bility,thought andMusic 1 Weekwould could have rec- soon,lishers, they change will face their an ever-de-attitude myretailers office therewho arestock five majortheir four(and veryshows many morenetworked if our tomersuct rather — hearthan a"snap quality crackle" prod- ognisebring tothe the worthindustry that without they leadcreasing to highermarket. prices This which will shelvesthat's left only on vinylwith areCDs the — Top all throughoutare included), the I'm East amazed Midlands the pop.Nick Brungcr againstthe need the toother. denigrate one ketwill, further.in turn, depress that mar- copies20 singles of MOR and compilations. remaindered directindustry promotional doesn't tate power our more in- RadioProgramme Nottingham organiser RookmastersChris Gilbert Management Alan1 Tintern J. Bowman House insteadYet, whenof albums we request you would CDs Surely it is not just techno- NottinghamPO Box 222 London110 Westbourne W2 5RU Grove LondonAugustus NW1 Street 3SY MUSIC WEEK 16 FEBRUARY 1991 7 PROFILE

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MUSIC WEEK 16 FEBRUARY 1991 Roger Lewis gave himself 100 days to orchestrate a new-look classical division at EMI and plot its future. Nicolas Soames reviews the ex-Radio One chiefs performance nameAsk Roger his favourite Lewis to "EMIpounds". was Lewis expecting defends changes his actions. to be informality,Through it a all disarming he has never quality. lost He his ConcertoPre's recording is ASD of 655 Elgar's — Stefan Cello Bown, arecord long wait.and you'll have made,"Although he says. such actions appeal- whichfeigns saiddisdain he earnedat the £35,000press report at Radio toin recitecontrast, catalogue was known numbers for his — abilitybut he Lewis may have almostLewis did out not of character,make his mark they atare Radio not. "andOne. 1"It earn was a morelot more than than that," that he now." says, willLewis undoubtedly sees no problem pick things in having up. to includingbusiness for three 15 years,years canOne beby described being geniality as confident incarnate; or he doctorMarried, — they with were two childhood children, to a survivefive years in ata commercialRadio One. world"I pushed after as Radio One's head of music, but he ruthless, depending on the speaker. sweethearts and have spent only a hevery says. hard to talk about figures there," Even when pressed, EMl's new musicChristine at Radio Hardwick, Three former and a headkeen of yearminutes apart into since London 1971 each— he day. drives His 90 One of his main aims is to break classical director is unable to come up Lewis supporter, calls it "clarity". car, a Carlton CDX, is "a CD on downin classical the "tremendous music. And complacency"he speaks of nameswith a acurrent few memorable fave and eventuallyclassical thatShe evidently outlined attractedsome of the EMI qualities MD wheels",Lewis's he Welsh says. roots are reflected in the need for new young artists to play recordings — coincidentally, all EMI Rupert Perry and strategic marketing betweenhis love forGavrilov rugby. atIn thehis Royaldiary, listed recordedrepertoire 25 that times. has "They not already must only been do later,releases he —adds from The 1990. Beatles' A few Rubber moments isdirector a very Davidgood chap,Hughes very to clear-headed Lewis: "He Festival Hall and Gotterdaramerung it if they really have new things to Soul. and, an excellent manager. He also has versusat the RoyalEngland Opera at Cardiff House, andis Wales Wales Lewis is impressed by the classical hisColleagues management at Radio skills, One energy respected and himvery asgood a producer direction for— IRadio tried Threeto recruit versus Scotland at Murrayfield. blockbusters of last year. "Whoever enthusiasm, but many bemoaned his some years ago — and a good "I managed to get to every one of thoughtthe impossible. up In Concert Who would dared have to think lackLewis of empathy admits that with DJs pop such music. as John Too many "goods" for Perry and heWales' reports. home internationals last year," thought, even 18 months ago, that Peel and Andy Kershaw accused him Hughes to ignore as they sought a meantLewis's he lesshad thanto play imposing scrum halfphysique in Domingo and Pavarotli would agree to seats"of being than more the interested music; others in "bums felt he on EMIfigure Records to kick intothe shapeclassical for division a more of his youth, but he confides he has "The lesson is we must never feel listened too readily to pluggers at the competitive Nineties. always imaginedrampant himself open-side as the embarrassed to ask anyone anything," expenseA&M promotionsof objectivity. director Julian enthusiasmNo-one can or fault his sense his energy, of initiative. wing forward. Not for The 1m sales of EMI's Nigel Spear remembers; "He really listened Music, and the French horn in downhim the the sneaky blind siderun to inspireKennedy him Four to keepSeasons the releaseball rolling must in thatto what Lewis you had had difficulty to say." Butin coming he adds to miningparticular, village took where him out he ofwas the bom Welsh to snatch victory; instead terms with the pop business, Nottingham University to read music. forthhe prefers into theto sally thick of forgeHowever, ahead Lewisinsensitively says he imposing will not with"His the main huge problem pressure was from how record to deal soonHe became turned ahis freelance hand to musicianarranging,dhd but things. new-style classical marketing. companies to have album tracks conducting, the latter providing a ;o be seen which role he we"With have Nigelto think Kennedy, long term. for example,We are albumplayed playliston the radio," he evolved says neverSpear. really "The glimpseAfter aof few his years,managerial seeing ability. a nomadic boysWill fulfilof Classical n ■ he recording. is among the big considering his career in terms of a worked." life stretched in front of him, he opted Complaints about his lack of marathon,And he acknowledges not a 100 metres difficulties sprint." mis-castBut if Lewisat Radio seemed One, hisslightly background Darlingtonto change course Arts Centreand joined as music the new Radioknowledge One daysof the will music not duringbe his over the recent EMI campaign, as a classical musician, arranger and sustainable at EMI for very long. promotelaunched Peter before Donohoe. his arrival, The to pianist incomposer his new will role stand at EMI. him in good stead theIt roadwas ato decisionLondon. thatHe startedput him on musicianFor a start, — he he has was since an activesold his horn was less than enchanted with his new At 36, he directs the company's presenting shows on Radio Tees which — and knows the repertoire from the eyesimage, being which airbrushed included frombags theunder main his onclassical the international operation in repertoire the UK and board, sits Radioin turn One. led to Capital Radio and then beartist's able side.to tell He you may that not Jacqueline immediately du photo. "I don't look like that," he enabling him to determine the CURRICULUM VITAE complained.Despite a full in-tray, Lewis spent classicaldirection operation.of EMI's international more than four hours discussing His slightly overwhelming aura of NAME: Roger Charles Lewis promotion with Donohoe. 'The artist markzestful in youth a field has largely already populated made its by ■ BORN: August 24. 1954, Cefn Cribwr, Mid Glamorgan must— the feel image comfortable must come with from his within," image older figures. "He's a bright lad," says PARENTS: Father — steelworker who played the organ in the local Welsh Baptist he says. colleagueone new, andof his even boss. more youthful, Chapel. Mother — nurse, sang soprano listeningLewis clearly and absorbing, has a talent and forit is The impression of youth is aided by EDUCATION: 1366-1973 Cynffig Comprehensive. Began learning the French horn and unlikely that Donohoe will experience glassesLewis's andinformal bonhomie. manner, He hismeets large his later played in the National Youth Orchestra of Wales. "I enjoyed the physicality of toproblems know all in ourthe majorfuture. artists," "I want asserts to get guests personally at EMI and sends music you get when 120 people are playing Tchaikovsky or Brahms." 1973-1976 studied handwritten notes about music at Nottingham University himselfThe day 100 he days joined to assessEMI, hethe gave appointments.If the panegyrics gathered at Radio CAREER: operation and make a presentation to One are to be believed, Lewis 1976 Freelance musician playhis bosses and his about view the of currentthe division's state of amongengenders those strong he selects loyalty, to workat least closely 1977-1980 Musical director and composer with a variety of theatre, dance and ballet future direction. It was marked in his with him. companies including the Scottish Ballet days".(BBC) FilofaxAnd he undermade Januaryit. 15: "100 innovative,""Roger was says dynamic Chris andLycett, 1980-1982 Music officer at Darlington Arts Centre Lewis may not be a record buff, but Lewis's former right-hand man and 1981-1984 Presented a jazz programme for Radio Tees. His smooth manner brought Hughes.that is probably Shrewd aback plus catalogue for Perry and forthe worknew headwas inexhaustibleof music. "His and capacity as promotion to a night-time youth programme called Street Level exploitation is one element in the such motivated myself and the rest of 1984-1985 Producer at Capital Radio. "The best thing about it was when I left. It was programmedevelopment over of the the classical next few years, Histhe networksingle-minded to greater ambition achievements. was an a great disappointment." but more important are new ventures. example to us all." 1985-1987 Producer at Radio One Throughout his career, Lewis has at VetEMI, just Lewis two hadmonths ousted after the arriving classical 1987-1990 Head of music at Radio One. "I took risks, championed new female DJs shownunconventional himself to ideas be full and of drive, division's general manager, Stefan and broadened output to go beyond music." Denies that he left because he thought characteristicsincreasingly necessary which are in thebecoming classical, thingsBown, plushappen" his secretary.is Bown's "Theseonly he wasn't destined to become controller, but admits that he was "very disappointed" world. comment.cuts in the There existing have recording also been severe not to get the job as Radio Three head of music which went to Adrian Thomas suchSurely, programmes no man aswho Has has Heavy produced Metal aschedule, cost of "hundreds with 15 projects of thousands cancelled of at November 1990 Appointed director of EMI's Classical Division impactGone Rusty? in classical can fail music. to make an |H MUSICWEEK16 FEBRUARY 1991 CLASS IFI ED BUSINESS TO BUSINESS XtogcL 3 Promotion-r* ^. C.K. APPOINTMENTS 1 ™ POSXINO THE ONE STOP RECORDS-3


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DIARY Ronlyough one Trade looking isn't forward the Traxto extra Records cash in isthe close coffers, to as butmy justrecords, two securingmystery backerinvestment to relaunch from a Saturdaysbought agothe specialist.itself as a TV-marketing .. What a trooper bum,lew StingThe Soul al- whimperedTerry Ellis underis. While a few Britain likedCages. the 1 singlereally chairmansnowflakes, ignored the BP! swollen hearand 1 wantedwhat the to Yorkglands for to the flyback Brits Awardsfrom New m rest of thei like. al- yesterday.Hacienda Whiletalks to the "The penulti- Juliana taste Copefor the has unusual, always had thatgrasp — — so it's I wanted a double to andput all jrthe police about Verymate Bestone OfI bought Elton John, was asThe a weird even, but his latest the record straight." )u have tof have ownersecurity Anthony at the club, Wilson even can co- result of seeing the ad for it in songwritersventure may having well see minor theHe reaction says he to is thesurprised scheme: by a little more respect for the throw no light on when it will boughtMusic anWeek. Elton I recordhave innever my heart attacks. it has been positive. doingbusiness. this: That's getting why on I'mthe fivereopen. weeks, "It couldfive months, be five days, five life before, but I saw the track forthcomingCope is presenting double LP, his be"People weird," expectedexplains Cope,me to a tube to go to see people and years, or never." Well, I'm knowlisting every and oneI said, of these 'My songs.'God, 1 Peggy Suicide, to record not unreasonable reaction countrydoing sessions to promote all over the the Ex-Cookingglad we got that Vinyl sorted boss Peteout., . "So I'm a bit of a pleb really." retailersabove). He like says Our the Price, main knownto someone to wear who nothing has been but album. I have a regard for Lawrence has been agementGail Co/son currently of Gailforce manages Man- reason for this unorthodox a turtle shell on his back, myDuty? duty Itas sounds a musician." like the companies,approached butby atthe least good four stepthe album is "to explainis coming where from. realised"but when I was they OK, met it's me just they erstwhile Wild Man of Rock money is on him setting up a It's a difficult album to that the music can be a little might be a closet sales rep. withinnew non-specialist one of the majors. label post-Ninja Turtle showbiz No flash American enter- Pure coincidence and all Candi sings almost- anything is possible. Rock, wrestle tainers for Luther though, he that, but doesn't our i it is with only a little sur- shireprefers lads to battlingwatch tough it out. York- friend Jake the Genie bear I'm a believer F.R.O.7.,prise we hearthe ofnew Freddie "block- as mA roSS resemblancemore than a slight to a certain Mr While her disembodied voice is whicher" hascartoon brought feature ex-Film- film You may think Sting is a Hussein , . . Could it be that returning to the charts on The {rax head of publishing David writeshandsome, careful, sensitive considered soul rockwho Don't mention theatrePaul Russell's is growing? interest With in both Source'sformer bootleg legal versionYou Got of Thethe Simmons back into the busi- songs, but he is in fact a the war! Three Sisters and Matador Love, Candi Staton has her Simmons — executive pro- bettersweaty thanoaf whoto grapple likes nothing people Bad news for anyone hoping to Theatre,being staged can atwe the expect Queens it to be mindThe on gospel spiritual diva amazedmatters. staff ducerfilm music of the supervisor soundtrack — says:and into a half-nelson. bring politics into music; the renamed the Sony Theatre? at the single's UK company theThe rock Sting star, in questionbut one isof not a Britswill televise Awards nothing on BBC1 but tonight fun. Julian... Travelling Cope (see salesman left) says ex- pleadingReact Records for believers with toa stumpletter growing band of "world" wres- The TV show is directed by Teardrop Explodes manager up some dosh to help her com- sictlers with who their, are linking ahem, rocksport. mu- Michaelfour Brits Hurll, Awards a veteranand a for- of andDrummond KLF member was telling Bill Me,plete fora new the album, exceedingly Love Lifted odd The wrestlers use rock mer director of Top Of The porkies when he said on the Beracah Ministries. themselves,theme tunes, as many they written walk on,by temptingPops. He tosays mention any artistthe Gulf at- TEoriginal compilation tapes were Piano lost. that "I've winningRecording material Grammy is costly, award- the and the spectacle is organised war will get the chop. got them," says Cope, who letter whimpers. "You can according"very much to likeAlan a rockEdwards, event", of explains,"It's a trivia"and event,"the coverage Hurll compilation . . . I'm not saying (andhelp usin surmountsome cases, this ungodly)needless Poole/Edwards. the company will reflect that. If anyone Sony staff are short of a bob impediment by grasping our Simmons: hopping back latesthandling World publicity Wrestling for tourthe againsttries to thestand Gulf up war and they protest will cameor two as at quite the moment, a shock butwhen it For just S8 they will "pro- "He is definitely not a Ninja due in April. be cut. There will be no swear- pleasurewhile at the on onecompany's of those vide the kind of example and Turtle.to Rupert He Bear. is probably nearer theThe approval phenomenon of some rockeven stars has ingHurll either." says the prospect of expensive lunches, the credit comfortanointed andmusic exhort that will in edify, the "But he has this very sexy who are big fans. Cyndi someone doing an Oliver Reed card belonging to the Sony midst of a perverse and woman," he adds. "He likes sheLauper made was a wrestling so taken video with forit it's in'ti worry him. "Obviously personhanded was back cutinhalfand ... Finally, crookedLook outgeneration." Mrs Whitehouse, To look at the green-gilled one of her songs; Deborah ofShoreham-basedcommiserations to Tony A&S Grist someone's after your job. hero,Alongside you'd hardlythe servicescredit it: of BroadwayHarry played in Trafforda wrestler Tanzi; on Records. He won a trip to Don "Born Free" Black and while Toyah Willcox played theOn sophisticated the difference Brits between audi- KylieVenice album for having window the display. best Bond spawns SimmonsDavid "Blue has Jeans"managed Dundas, to se- theThe role biggest in the fanUK's though theatres. has ence and the younger TOTP But after a four hour trek from cure a track from Grace Jones. to be soulful crooner Luther audience Hurll is used to, he wasBrighton told that to Heathrowall flights were he Freddie acter"There and is this when evil I queensaw herchar- I betterVandross, than whoto wind likes down nothing after ence.says: but"There's that's anabout age it. differ- They cancelled due to the weather. A year ago the idea of a frog thought she was the epitomy his concerts by watching a spe- actPrepare the same." for scantily-clad playinghave been James unthinkable, Bond butwould in aof modicum Grace Jones," of tact. he adds with ciallymatch backstage.arranged wrestling people dancing badly. wmm a ^ I, a nmsftc week ess

MUSIC WEEK 16 FEBRUARY 1991 11 small

