Budget “Crunch” Gets Underway Stay in the loop! Get RCSC News Alert Fall brings not only cooler temperatures and the return of snow- five percent increase in utility costs alone equates to $135,000 or Emails, sign up at: birds to Sun City AZ, but it is also the time of year that the RCSC nearly $5 for each and every home in Sun City. Cost of living salary Management Team is hard at work preparing next year’s budget. increases for many RCSC employees, while extremely modest, adds up quickly when multiplied by the number of employees. And each year the RCSC Board of Directors must give their final Email addresses approval to these expenditures and ultimately the amount that Providing first-rate entertainment has proven to be a top attraction remain confidential the annual property assessments must be increased to cover to many Sun City AZ residents – but that too comes with a price. these costs. Budgeting for entertainer’s travel and accommodations increases during the winter months as it does throughout Arizona. While The repair and maintenance of RCSC every event requires set-up and tear down, there are also costs facilities, which includes the recreation associated with decorations and staffing these events. INDEX centers, golf courses, centers and the Sun Bowl, can cost as much as In addition, each year RCSC Chartered Clubs submit to the Assistant $3 million a year. The good news is that General Manager their “wish lists” of items that they would like to News Page 01 by maintaining and keeping RCSC prop- see budgeted for the following year which also have to be reviewed erties in great shape, the desirability of and evaluated. Events Page 02-03 Sun City AZ remains strong, protecting Golf Page 04 the value of our homes and attracting Remaining debt-free is the driving force behind each and every new buyers to the community. budget while staying true to our mission – to provide the broadest Bowling Page 05 range of recreational and social facilities possible to enhance the Golf | Bowling | News Page 06 While we all must adjust our finances on a personal level to active lifestyle and well-being of Sun City AZ residents. cover increased costs and unplanned repairs, doing the same Board News Page 07 for RCSC facilities can sometimes be a daunting task. A modest Management Page 08-09 Community News | Events Page 10-12 Board of Directors Election Update Club Articles Page 13-14 Club Articles | Events Page 15-16 Campaigning to Begin as Election Nears Club Events Page 17-19 Trips | Tours Page 20-21 Candidate packets for the upcoming RCSC Board of Directors Elec- Electronic voting for this year’s election will begin online one tions are due to the Corporate/Board Office no later than Friday, month prior to Election Day (Tuesday, December 8, 2015). Safe- Club Events Page 22-23 October 2, 2015 by noon. Once application packets have been guards that restrict each qualified member to only one vote will be Classes Page 24 deemed complete and signatures have been verified, candidates in place and strict confidentiality will be maintained throughout will be announced in the local media and the full slate of candi- the voting process. Fitness | Sports Page 25-26 dates and their qualifications will appear in the November edition Monitored Activities Page 27 of SunViews. By casting ballots online, RCSC Members will have the convenience of voting from any computer, anywhere – home, work, library – Club Directory Page 27-28 Candidates will be formally introduced at the Board/Member whether they are out of town or right here in Sun City AZ. For any Events Page 40 Exchange on Monday, October 12 in Social Hall #1 at the Lakeview members without access to a computer, in-person voting will be Center and at subsequent Board Meetings and Board/Member held at Lakeview Center on Election Day from 8am to 4pm. Exchanges, where candidates will have tables provided to share informational literature about their qualifications. R C S C Stay involved and do your part – participate in Cardholder Services the RCSC Board of Directors election process. Lakeview Center Two candidate forums will also be held this year, allowing mem- bers to question candidates about their goals and expectations if Remember - those elected will be leading Monday - Friday elected prior to ballots being cast. RCSC into the future. Your future and the 8:30 am to 4:00 pm future of Sun City AZ. Forums are scheduled for Thursday, November 5 at 2:00pm at Fair- 1st Saturday of the month way and on Tuesday, November 10 at 7:00pm at Marinette. Both REMINDER: Night Board Meeting - Thursday, 9:00 am to noon sessions will have a meet-and-greet social one-half hour prior to October 29 at 7pm, Fairway Recreation Center (Temporarily in Social Hall #3) the start of the forum. 2 0 1 5 Arizona Rooms 1 & 2. Social begins at 6:30pm. PAGE 2 EVENTS SUNVIEWS • OCTOBER 2015 Sun Bowl Amphitheater • 2015 Fall Shows


Corporate Office &ƌŽŵ :ŽŚŶŶLJ ĂŶĚ Lakeview Center :ƵŶĞ ƚŽ tĂLJůŽŶ ĂŶĚ 10626 W. Thunderbird Blvd. tŝůůŝĞ͕ ĞƐĞƌƚ ŝdžŝĞ 623-561-4600 ƉƌŽŵŝƐĞƐ Ă ĚŽǁŶ ŚŽŵĞ ƉĞƌĨŽƌŵĂŶĐĞ ĂŶĚĂƌŽĐŬĂďŝůůLJŐŽŽĚ ^ƵŶĚĂLJ͕KĐƚŽďĞƌϮϱͻϲ͗ϯϬƉŵ ƟŵĞ ĨŽƌ Ăůů͊ ŽǁďŽLJ ^ƵŶĚĂLJ͕^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌϮϳͻϳƉŵ ƚƐ ĂŶĚ ǁĞƐƚĞƌŶ Member Services (Clubs) Office ǁĞĂƌŽƉƟŽŶĂů͘ zĞƐ͙dŚĞŽƌŝŐŝŶĂůdŽŬĞŶƐ͊tĞŬŝĐŬŽīƚŚĞ&Ăůů^ƵŶŽǁůĐŽŶĐĞƌƚ Lakeview Center ƐĞƌŝĞƐ ǁŝƚŚ ƚŚĞ ŐƌĞĂƚ ĚŽŽͲǁŽƉ ƐŝŶŐĞƌƐ ƚŚĂƚ ƚŽƉƉĞĚ ƚŚĞ ĐŚĂƌƚƐ 623-561-4660 ǁŝƚŚ͞dŚĞ>ŝŽŶ^ůĞĞƉƐdŽŶŝŐŚƚ͟ƚŚĂƚŚĂƐƐŝŶĐĞƐŽůĚŽǀĞƌϭϱŵŝůůŝŽŶ ĐŽƉŝĞƐǁŽƌůĚͲǁŝĚĞ͊dŚĞƐĞƌŽĐŬƉŝŽŶĞĞƌƐƉƌŽĚƵĐĞĚŶƵŵďĞƌŽŶĞ Creedence Clearwater Revival Tribute Cardholder Services Office ƌĞĐŽƌĚŝŶŐƐĨŽƌdŚĞŚŝīŽŶƐ͕dŚĞ,ĂƉƉĞŶŝŶŐƐĂŶĚdŽŶLJKƌůĂŶĚŽΘ Lakeview Center ĂǁŶ͘dŚŝƐŝƐƐƵƌĞƚŽďĞĂŶĞǀĞŶŝŶŐŽĨƵŶĨŽƌŐĞƩĂďůĞŵĂŐŝĐ͊ 623-561-4603 dŚĞ ,ĂŵƉƚŽŶƐ ƉƌŽŵŝƐĞ ĂƐŚŽǁƚŚĂƚƌĂŶŐĞƐĨƌŽŵ Recreation Centers ƚŚĞŚŝƚƐŽĨƚŽĚĂLJƚŽƚŚĞ Bell Center: 623-876-3040 ŽůĚŝĞƐ ĞǀĞƌLJŽŶĞ ŬŶŽǁƐ ďLJ ŚĞĂƌƚ ǁŝƚŚ ůŽƚƐ ŽĨ ^ƵŶĚĂLJ͕EŽǀĞŵďĞƌϭͻϲƉŵ 16820 N. 99th Ave. ŐƌĞĂƚ ĚĂŶĐĞ ƚƵŶĞƐ ĂŶĚ dŚŝƐƌĞĞĚĞŶĐĞƚƌŝďƵƚĞďLJZĂŶĚLJ>ŝŶĚĞƌŝƐƐĞĐŽŶĚƚŽŶŽŶĞƚŚĂƚƉƌŽŵͲ ĂůůͲƟŵĞ ĨĂǀŽƌŝƚĞƐ͘ /ƚ͛Ɛ Fairway Center: 623-876-3044 ^ƵŶĚĂLJ͕KĐƚŽďĞƌϰͻϲ͗ϯϬƉŵ ŝƐĞƐƚŽŝŶĐůƵĚĞĂůůŽĨƚŚĞŐƌĞĂƚZŚŝƚƐďĞƚǁĞĞŶϭϵϲϴĂŶĚϭϵϳϮĂŶĚĂ ƟŵĞ ƚŽ ŐĞƚ ƚŚĞ ƉĂƌƚLJ ĨĞǁ:ŽŚŶ&ŽŐĞƌƚLJƐŽůŽŚŝƚƐĂƐǁĞůů͘/ŶƚŚĞŵƵƐŝĐďƵƐŝŶĞƐƐƐŝŶĐĞϭϵϲϴ͕ 10600 W. Peoria Ave. ƐƚĂƌƚĞĚ ĂŶĚ ĨŽƌ ƚŚĞ >ŝŶĚĞƌ͛ƐĂƵƚŚĞŶƟĐŝƚLJƐŚŝŶĞƐƚŚƌŽƵŐŚǁŝƚŚŚŝƐƐƚƌŝŬŝŶŐƌĞƐĞŵďůĂŶĐĞƚŽ ĚĂŶĐŝŶŐƚŽďĞŐŝŶ͊ :ŽŚŶ͕ŚŝƐǀŽŝĐĞĂŶĚŐƵŝƚĂƌƐƚLJůĞ͖ŚĞĞǀĞŶƉůĂLJƐƚŚĞŚĂƌŵŽŶŝĐĂ͊'Ğƚ Lakeview Center: 623-561-4675 LJŽƵƌƐĞůĨƌĞĂĚLJĂŶĂďƐŽůƵƚĞůLJĨĂŶƚĂƐƟĐƌŽĐŬŝŶ͛ŐŽŽĚƟŵĞ͊ 10626 W. Thunderbird Blvd. Alan Jackson Tribute Marinette Center: 623-876-3054 9860 W. Union Hills Dr. ^ƵŶĚĂLJ͕KĐƚŽďĞƌϭϭͻϲ͗ϯϬƉŵ Veteran’s Day Tribute dŽƉͲƌĂƚĞĚ ĐĞůĞďƌŝƚLJ ŝŵƉĞƌͲ ^ƵŶĚĂLJ͕EŽǀĞŵďĞƌϴͻϲƉŵ Mountain View Center: 623-876-3042 ƐŽŶĂƚŽƌ ĞdžƚƌĂŽƌĚŝŶĂŝƌĞ ŽƵŐ WŚŽĞŶŝdž ĮƌĞĮŐŚƚĞƌ ZŽůůŝĞ ^ƚĞͲ 9749 N. 107th Ave. ƌĞǁŝŶ ƉƌŽŵŝƐĞƐ ƚŽ ďƌŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ ǀĞŶƐƉƌŽŵŝƐĞƐĂƚƌŝďƵƚĞůŝŬĞŶŽ ŐŽŽĚ Žů͛ ďŽLJ ƉĞƌƐŽŶĂůŝƚLJ ĂŶĚ ŽƚŚĞƌ ĂƐ ŚĞ ƐĂůƵƚĞƐ ƚŚĞ ŵĞŶ Oakmont Center: 623-876-3046 ƌŽĐŬŝŶ͛ ĐŽƵŶƚƌLJ ŐŽŽĚ ƟŵĞƐ ŽĨ ĂŶĚǁŽŵĞŶŽĨƚŚĞŵŝůŝƚĂƌLJǁŝƚŚ 10725 W. Oakmont Dr. ƚŚĞ ůĞŐĞŶĚĂƌLJ ůĂŶ :ĂĐŬƐŽŶ ƚŽ ŚŝƐ ƐŽŶŐƐ ĂďŽƵƚ ůŝĨĞ͕ ůŽǀĞ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ^ƵŶŽǁůƐƚĂŐĞŝŶƚŚŝƐLJŽƵͲ ĞǀĞƌLJ ĚĂLJ ŚĂƉƉĞŶŝŶŐƐ͘ ZŽůůŝĞ Sundial Center: 623-876-3048 ǁŽŶ͛ƚͲďĞůŝĞǀĞ ŝƚ͛ƐͲŶŽƚͲ: ĂďƐŽͲ ŚĂƐ ƉĞƌĨŽƌŵĞĚ ǁŝƚŚ ƐƵĐŚ ĂĐƚƐ 14801 N. 103rd Ave. ůƵƚĞůLJ ĨĂƐĐŝŶĂƟŶŐ ƉĞƌĨŽƌŵĂŶĐĞ͘ ĂƐůĂŶ:ĂĐŬƐŽŶ͕^ĂǁLJĞƌƌŽǁŶ 'ŝƚŽŶĚŽǁŶƚŽƚŚĞŽǁůĨŽƌƚŚŝƐ ĂŶĚ >LJŶŶ ŶĚĞƌƐŽŶ ĂŶĚ ŚĂƐ Sun Bowl Amphitheatre ƐƵƌĞͲƚŽͲďĞŐƌĞĂƚƐŚŽǁ͊ ĐŽͲǁƌŝƩĞŶ ƐĞǀĞƌĂů ηϭ ĐŽƵŶƚƌLJ ŚŝƚƐ͘tŝƚŚŽǀĞƌϮϬϬƐŽŶŐƐƚŽŚŝƐ 10220 N. 107th Ave. Thank you! ĐƌĞĚŝƚ͕ ƚŚŝƐ ƉƌŽŵŝƐĞƐ ƚŽ ďĞ ĂŶ (weather recording) ĞǀĞŶŝŶŐLJŽƵ͛ůůŶŽƚǁĂŶƚƚŽŵŝƐƐ͘ 623-972-6014 Let’s Dance Softball Field Band *FREE* for RCSC Cardholders & their escorted guests! 10220 N. 107th Ave. ^ƵŶĚĂLJ͕KĐƚŽďĞƌϭϴͻϲ͗ϯϬƉŵ WůĞĂƐĞďĞƉƌĞƉĂƌĞĚƚŽƐŚŽǁLJŽƵƌZ^DĞŵďĞƌŽƌWƌŝǀŝůĞŐĞĂƌĚ;ǁŝƚŚ Duffeeland Dog Park ƉŚŽƚŽͿĨŽƌĞŶƚƌLJƚŽĂůůŶŽŶͲƟĐŬĞƚĞĚZ^ĞǀĞŶƚƐ͖ŶŽŬĞLJĨŽďƐĂĐĐĞƉƚĞĚ͘ ƵƌŐŝĞƌĂŶĚĂůů͛Ɛ>Ğƚ͛ƐĂŶĐĞĂŶĚƉƌŽŵͲ 14610 N. Del Webb Blvd. 'ŽƵƌŵĞƚĨŽŽĚǀĞŶĚŽƌƐĂƌƌŝǀĞϭͲϭͬϮŚŽƵƌƐƉƌŝŽƌƚŽĞĂĐŚƐŚŽǁĨŽƌLJŽƵƌ ŝƐĞƐƚŽŚĂǀĞƚŚĞĐƌŽǁĚŽŶƚŚĞŝƌĨĞĞƚǁŝƚŚ ĚŝŶŝŶŐƉůĞĂƐƵƌĞ͘ŽŶ͛ƚĨŽƌŐĞƚƚŽďƌŝŶŐLJŽƵƌůĂǁŶĐŚĂŝƌŽƌďůĂŶŬĞƚ͊ Ă ƌĞƉĞƌƚŽŝƌĞ ƚŚĂƚ ƌƵŶƐ ƚŚĞ ŐĂŵƵƚ ĨƌŽŵ Sun City Visitors Center ϯϬƐĂŶĚϰϬƐďŝŐďĂŶĚƚŽũĂnjnj͕ƐǁŝŶŐĂŶĚ 1-844-4 SUN CITY or 623-977-5000 ůůƌĂŝŶůŽĐĂƟŽŶƐͲ^ƵŶĚŝĂůƵĚŝƚŽƌŝƵŵĂƚϭϬϯƌĚΘŽƐǁĞůůůǀĚ͘ ƐĂůƐĂ͘ >Ğƚ͛Ɛ ũƵƐƚ ƐĂLJ ƚŚĂƚ ƚŚŝƐ ĐĂƚ ƌĞĂůůLJ &ŽƌŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶƌĞŐĂƌĚŝŶŐƌĂŝŶůŽĐĂƟŽŶĂŶĚĂƌĞĐŽƌĚĞĚŵĞƐƐĂŐĞ͕ĐĂůů Located in the Bell Center at ŬŶŽǁƐŚŝƐƐĂdž͊ZĞůĂdžƵŶĚĞƌƚŚĞƐƚĂƌƐĂŶĚ ϲϮϯͲϵϳϮͲϲϬϭϰ͘ 16820 N. 99th Ave. ůĞƚ ƚŚĞ ŵƵƐŝĐ ƚĂŬĞ LJŽƵ ĚŽǁŶ ŵĞŵŽƌLJ &ZZ^ǀĞŶƚƐĂƌĞƉĂŝĚĨŽƌďLJZ^ĂƌĚŚŽůĚĞƌƐĂŶĚĂƌĞƚŚĞƌĞĨŽƌĞŝŶƚĞŶĚĞĚ ůĂŶĞ͘ ĨŽƌZ^ĂƌĚŚŽůĚĞƌƐĂŶĚƚŚĞŝƌĞƐĐŽƌƚĞĚŐƵĞƐƚƐŽŶůLJ͘zŽƵƌĐŽŽƉĞƌĂƟŽŶŝƐŐƌĞĂƚůLJ ĂƉƉƌĞĐŝĂƚĞĚ͊ A Community Newsletter EVENTS PAGE 3

Winter Hours Resume October 1

Effective October 1, winter hours at the Sun City AZ Recreation Centers will be as follows:

Mountain View, Oakmont, Lakeview

• Monday-Saturday: 6am to 7pm • Sunday: 8am to 7pm

Bell and Fairway

Line-Up of Shows • Monday-Saturday: 5am to 9pm Sundial • 2016 JANUARY 2016 • Sunday: 8am to 8pm Sundial and Marinette Eleven evenings of great entertainment Turn the Page – Bob Seger Tribute Wednesday, January 6, 2016 at 7pm • at an unbelievable price! • Monday-Saturday: 6am to 9pm • Sunday: 8am to 8pm Legendary Ladies of Country Music Reserved seating in the Sundial Auditorium Sunday, January 10, 2016 at 7pm The hours for Duffeeland Dog Park in • means no more arriving early & waiting in line! NOTE: Special Sunday concert October are 7am to 6pm. Re:Voiced Season tickets holders have the same seat Wednesday, January 27, 2016 at 7pm • guaranteed for every show! It’s Time to Get Your FEBRUARY 2016 Duck Bucks! Does not include free Sundial Shows or those Motown Review – Four Tops, Temptations & • relocated from the Sun Bowl. Supremes Tribute Wednesday, February 3, 2016 at 7pm

The Magic of Eric Giliam Wednesday, February 10, 2016 at 7pm

Ticket Info Hope, Crosby, Benny, Durante, Skelton Tribute Wednesday, February 17, 2016 at 7pm Season Tickets: • Close to You – Carpenters Tribute On sale November 2-30, 2015 Wednesday, February 24, 2016 at 7pm to RCSC Cardholders only MARCH 2016 $154 (limit one per card) Roy Orbison Tribute Join in the fun by buying a Duck Wednesday, March 2, 2016 at 7pm Buck and come down to cheer as Single Tickets: the ducks race over the waterfall • The Garth Guy – Garth Brooks Tribute during the Sun City AZ Holiday Wednesday, March 16, 2016 at 7pm Celebration on Friday, December On sale Tuesday, December 1, 2015 11, 2015 at Lakeview Center. $17pp for RCSC Cardholders Tonight’s The Night – Rod Stewart Tribute Wednesday, March 23, 2016 at 7pm Duck Bucks can be found at $20pp non-Cardholders Cardholder Services, Clubs Cher Tribute 2I¿FHVDW/DNHYLHZDOO)DFLOLW\ Wednesday, March 30, 2016 at 7pm Attendant Stations, RCSC Golf Pro Shops & Bowling Centers Purchase at Lakeview Clubs Office or by phone (623-561-4660) with Visa, MasterCard or Discover beginning October 1. (no voice mail or email orders accepted). ** Season Tickets are transferable for those unable to attend all shows! ** COST: One Buck ($1) ** All ticket sales are final; no refunds issued. ** Winners need not be present!

All proceeds from Duck Bucks will be donated to the 2015 RCSC Manage- PHQW7HDP¶VIXQGUDLVLQJEHQH¿FLDU\ - Sun City Fire & Medical. PAGE 4 GOLF SUNVIEWS • OCTOBER 2015

Golf Report 2015 OVERSEED SCHEDULE Golf Course will be Closed Pro Shops Total rounds are still behind prior year YTD, however Course Overseed Opens Cart Path Until July rounds increased from prior year. Total rounds North October 5 October 24 November 6 played in July exceeded 14,000, the first time they Lakes West October 5 October 24 November 6 have done so since 2012. For the month 94% of rounds Willowbrook October 5 October 24 November 6 played were played by residents and their guests, which Quail Run October 5 October 24 November 6 is only slightly under the YTD average. We thank all of Riverview (Not Greens) October 26 November 14 November 28 our residents for supporting our RCSC golf courses. Lakes East October 26 November 14 November 28 Willowcreek October 26 November 14 November 28 Snack Shops South October 26 November 14 November 28 Snack Shop revenue benefitted from increased play, exceeding budgeted revenue by $1,800. Normal Snack RCSC’s 8 Golf Courses Shop closing time remains at 1:00 p.m., however hours can be extended should the demand arise. We are very Lakes East: (623) 876-3023 excited with the ongoing renovations to the Riverview Lakes West: (623) 876-3020 patio and are eagerly awaiting the reopening. 10433 Talisman Rd

Courses North: (623) 876-3010 Palm tree trimming began at Willowcreek and is con- Check it out online at 12650 N. 107th Ave. tinuing throughout all the courses, with the exception South: (623) 876-3015 of Riverview. Palm trees at Riverview will be trimmed 11000 N. 103rd Ave. closer to the reopening. Due to the grow-in, many areas remain too wet for the large trucks performing the trim- under the “Resources” tab Willowbrook: (623) 876-3033 ming. Willowcreek: (623) 876-3030 10600 N. Boswell Blvd. The Riverview project is fully grassed and remains on schedule for a November 14 reopening. The greens are Quail Run: (623) 876-3035 continuing their fertilization program and are respond- 9774 W. Alabama Ave. ing as expected. Greens are currently mowed six times Register now for per week. In addition the greens are top dressed with Fall/Winter 2015 sessions Riverview: (623) 876-3025 USGA greens one to two times per week. Some areas of the “Get Golf Ready” 16401 N. Del Webb Blvd. that are not responding to sprigging will be sodded. In program Closed for renovation September fairway lines will be painted out in prepara- RCSC’s 5 Snack Shops tion for the AGA and AWGA course rating teams. $99.00 includes 4 group lessons, and Menu Available at the 5th lesson being a round of golf. The greens at Riverview will not be over-seeded this Contact: Sue Presta Lessons held at Willowcreek Golf year and newly sodded/sprigged areas will be firm. @ 623-876-8419 or October Snack Shop Hours The greens will putt well when first opened but will be Course unless otherwise posted. There Open Daily 6am - 3pm hard, especially late Winter and early Spring of 2016. will be a variety of days and times. Ses- [email protected] Conditions at Riverview will closely resemble those sions are limited to 8 students for each experienced at North. Conditions will remain firm until group, so be sure to sign up early. enough organic matter is built up in the soil. Sign up today! We are about a month away from beginning over- seeding on all courses. As a reminder we have pushed Upcoming Sessions - November & December 2015 back the start of over-seeding to the first full week in October. We are hopeful that the later start will provide NOVEMBER: cooler and more favorable growing conditions for the Golf Professional: Bob Day (final day of play at Willowbrook) winter grass, helping us to avoid the challenges we Tuesdays & Thursdays, Play on Friday - November 3, 5, 10, 12 at 1:00 pm and, faced last year. Friday, November 13 - Play a round of golf at 1:00 pm (Meet at 12:30 pm)

Lawn Bowling/Grounds Golf Professional: Billy Edmondson (final day of play at Willowbrook) The Lakeview renovation continues on schedule. The Mondays & Wednesdays, Play on Friday - November 9, 11, 16, 18 at 1:00 pm and, greens are mowed four times per week. The height of Friday, November 19 - Play a round of golf at 1:00 pm (Meet at 12:30 pm) the greens is lowered in small increments which help the plant to grow laterally. The greens are fertilized and DECEMBER: top-dressed weekly. Golf Professional: Bob Jennings (final day of play at Willowbrook) Mondays & Wednesdays, Play on Friday - December 7, 9, 14, 16 at 2:00 pm and, Lawn bowl greens at the other centers are receiving Volunteer Ranger Friday, December 18 - Play a round of golf at 2:00 pm (Meet at 1:30 pm) light weekly fertilizations. They have been aerated Program during the summer with hollow tines and on a more Golf Professional: Sarah Bakefelt (final day of play at Lakes East) For more information about joining frequent basis with solid tines. Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays) December 9, 10, 11, 16 at 11:00 am and, our program, please contact Chris Friday, December 18 - Play a round of golf at 3:00 pm (Meet at 2:30 pm) Linam, Pro Shop Manager, at 623- Grounds and Centers are going through normal sum- 876-3030 or email at clinam@sunaz. mer trimmings. This fall we will spray a pre-emergent Visit for the complete com. Next meeting is Thursday, around all centers for Winter and Spring weeds. This October 29 1pm at Talisman Hall. process will prove to be less labor intensive than tack- 2015-2016 Get Golf Ready Schedule ling weed problems as they arise. A Community Newsletter BOWLING PAGE 5

Upcoming Bowling Tournaments RCSC Bowling Centers Get New Look

Century Doubles at Lakeview Lanes Both RCSC Bowling Centers recently received upgrades to their floors, Sunday, October 11, 2015 maskings and countertops. The project started in late August due Qualifying • 9am | Finals • Noon | Entry Fee: $50 to other contractor obligations and RCSC’s commitment to scheduling Open to any USBC Certified Member | Doubles Partners Ages Must Total 100 upgrades without closing the centers (whenever possible) and during times when it would cause the least amount Sun City Annual Open Handicap No-Tap at Bell Lanes of disruption for league and open play Saturday, October 17, 2015 at 10am bowlers. Entry Fee: $17 The maskings (shields that cover pinsetters) were replaced with a southwestern theme from Brunswick Corporation. The flooring at both bowling centers has replaced with Open to ALL Bowlers | Sponsored by the Sun City Bowling Hall of Fame a wood grain type material similar to what was installed in the Lakeview Center Social Halls. The countertops were removed and replaced with two eight-foot tables pur- chased from Murrey International Bowling. The tables replacing the countertops will serve as tables for bowlers on the concourse side and countertops from the bowler’s SCBA Doubles at Lakeview Lanes area side; the tables also have storage for house balls.

Saturday, November 14, 2015 As we promised, the bowler’s area seating was expanded to provide more room Squad Times: 9am & 1pm | Team Entry Fee: $34 between the spare racks allowing bowlers more room to pass in the bowler’s area. Open to all SCBA members age 50 or older SCBA Annual Meeting - October 10

The Sun City Bowling Association (SCBA) will hold their RCSC Bowling Centers annual membership meeting at 9:00 am on Saturday, October 10 at Bell Center (Social Hall #1). Free donuts Locations & Hours and coffee provided. This year representatives from Vital Signs Pro Shop will be the guest speakers and will host Lakeview Lanes a Storm Products bowling ball demo and clinic at Bell 10502 W. Thunderbird Blvd. Lanes following the meeting. 623-876-3055 Monday-Saturday: 8am-8pm | Sunday: Noon–6pm Sun City AZ Welcomes

Fall Hours & Rates Dart Boards now at Metro Phoenix Valley of the Sun Effective September 1 Bell Lanes! Senior Tournament Bell Lanes October 24 & 25 16810 N. 99th Ave. 623-876-3050 Good luck & good bowling! Monday-Saturday: 8am-9pm | Sunday: Noon–8pm This tournament will be played at both Lakeview & Bell Lanes. Fall Bowling Rates - Cardholders: $2.40 | Guests: $2.65 (per Game) ** Please call for Open Play Lane Availability **

Fish ‘n Chips $7.99 Memo’s Bistro George’s Two Pieces of Cod, Coleslaw & Potato Lakeview Cafe Wednesday and Friday Inside Bell Lanes Restaurant Hours: 623-933-8261 M-Sat 7am-8pm; Sun 7am-6pm ** Wednesday & Friday ** Inside Lakeview Lanes All-You-Can-Eat Alaskan Cod Fish Fry 623-876-3057 with Cole Slaw & Potato Wedges From our Family to Yours! RESTAURANT HOURS: M-F: 7am-8pm; Sa & Su: 7am-2pm $9.99 99¢ Coffee with any Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner PAGE 6 GOLF | BOWLING SUNVIEWS • OCTOBER 2015

Pink Ribbon Charity Golf Tournaments Bowling Lessons @

Show your support and sign up for one of these upcoming Pink Ribbon Charity Golf Lakeview Lanes Tournaments today!

North Golf Course - November 3 The women of Sun City North Golf Course are pleased to announce their 20th annual Pink Ribbon Charity golf tournament to be held on Tuesday, November 3, 2015 Five Weeks Starting on

The tournament is open to all Sun City residents with an established handicap. Wednesday, October 21 - 9-10:30am

Registration begins at 7:00am with a balloon launch at 7:45am and shotgun start at Cost: $25 8:00am. Includes shoe rental & free game passes Morning coffee and goodies will be available at the course, with a luncheon at the Instructor Di Tormanen is a USBC Bronze Certified Coach Fairway Recreation Center located at 10610 W. Peoria Ave in Sun City. Reserve your spot now! The cost is $43.00 which includes everything except golf fees and carts. There will be a men's flighted straight scramble and a women's flighted straight scramble. All pro- ceeds go to the Women's Diagnostic Center of Banner Boswell in Sun City. Call 623-876-3055

Applications are at all Sun City Golf Courses or contact Dottie Honsberger at 623-972- 8042 with questions or applications. Please contact Pat Gorlach at 623-322-6290 to sponsor a hole or any donations for our raffle.

Quail Run Golf Course - November 17 Sun City Pink Ribbon Golf Tournament will be held at Quail Run Golf Course on Tuesday, November 17, 2015. There will be two shotgun starts, 8:00am and 10:30am. Refreshments served before each tee time with lunch served about12:30pm. Entry fee Free Clinics is $30 per person - green fees and carts are extra. This tournament is open to the first 144 women who sign up and just love to play golf. There are no handicaps; just fun games and prizes. There is also a 50/50 drawing, many raffles and a silent auction.

You may sign up as a foursome, twosome or individually. Entry forms are at all Sun City Saturdays at Lakes West Golf Course Golf Courses open for business. Proceeds will benefit Reba’s Vision to stomp out breast cancer by providing diagnostic services for women at Banner Boswell Medical Center. Open to all Sun City Residents & Guests!

Breast cancer has touched the lives of many, some not as fortunate as others. Let’s join Men - Women - Junior Golfers Welcome! forces to help this very worthwhile cause by playing in this fun tournament. Give a day of your life to help save the life of another. Whether you’re looking to improve your game or are just starting Hurry, the deadline is November 11. If you can’t locate an entry form or want more info, to play. Whether you want to lower your score, fix your slice or please contact Lenora at 623-974-6827. just hit the ball straight! Come and join us. We can help you! Play Golf with the Novice Niners October 31 @ 9:30am Putting - Bring putter & ball (50% of score) November 7 @ 9:30am Chipping & pitch shots - Bring 8, PW and SW Come join a friendly group of ladies to play nine holes of golf on Tuesdays starting at 12:00 PM from November through April at Lakes East Golf Course. Our aim is to interest November 14 @ 9:30am Full Swing - Bring 7 iron beginning lady golfers as well as more experienced players who enjoy playing in a fun November 21 @ 9:30am Full Swing - Bring 3 wood and driver group in the afternoon. We welcome ladies outside of Sun City as well.

Our registration meeting will be at the home of Francine Jennings located at 9822 W. Sun City resident PGA & LPGA Professionals will be on hand. Pineaire Dr. in Sun City on Tuesday, November 3, 2015. Registration will be open from 11:30am until 12:30pm with our general meeting following. The registration fee is $40, Business Cards are located in all RCSC Sun City AZ golf pro shops. of which $30 is for the handicapping of the Arizona Women’s Golf Association (AWGA) Call to schedule an appointment for private/group lessons. and $10 for league expenses. You do not need a handicap to join as you will establish one as you play. Please bring a chair if you can. Former members, please bring a snack to share. • Billy Edmondson - 602-625-7050 • Sarah Bakefelt - 623-875-3418 If you have any questions, please call Pam Kensmoe (623-566-8360), Penny Matsler (623-933-7021) or Joyce Dudley (218-301-9877) • Bob Jennings - 602-463-4533 • Bob Day - 602-818-1470 League play begins Tuesday, November 17. If you can’t make the registration meeting, call the Pam Kensmoe for a tee time and you can register on that Tuesday. We meet on the patio by the café at Lakes East. We hope to see you there. A Community Newsletter RCSC BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 7

A Moment with President Schroeder - Volunteer & Join an RCSC Committee Are you looking for ways to share your ideas? Do you have a adequate coverage and selec- recommendation that you would like presented to the RCSC tion of brokers, agents, carriers Board of Directors? Why not volunteer to join one of the ten which are reviewed regularly standing committees and be a part of the process? No experi- based on service, bid proposals, ence is required, only a commitment to serve. and recommends any changes or additions. Standing Committees meet monthly (except in July and 2015 RCSC Board of Directors August) in the Lakeview Board Room unless otherwise noted Lawn Bowling (Chair Ida Eisert, Dan Schroeder Phone: 623-561-4620 and are always looking for volunteers. Whether you have an Co-chair Peter Lee) – Assists in RCSC Board President email: [email protected] area of expertise from your previous career or would just like the promotion of lawn bowling to get more involved and have your voice heard, stop by as a by maintaining interest and encouraging fellowship amongst guest and find out more. lawn bowlers while gathering input from community members. Dan Schroeder, President Recommended changes may include lawn bowling policies, fees, email: [email protected] While standing committees have no decision making authority, operations and facilities. recommendations from each committee are presented to the Ron Jesse, Vice President RCSC Board of Directors by the Committee Chair and/or Co- Outreach and Communications (Chair Rich Hoffer, Co-chair Mike email: [email protected] chair during work sessions. Kennedy) – Recommends avenues for reaching out and interact- ing with Cardholders to facilitate communication and exchange Here’s a brief description of each committee along with the cur- of information; information of interest and value provided to Carol Lawry, Secretary rent Board Members who serve as chairs. They would be happy Cardholders and to potential Sun City AZ residents. email: [email protected] to discuss their committee with you if you would like additional information should you wish to contact them directly. Properties – (Chair Peter Lee, Co-chair Dan Schroeder) – This Michael Kennedy, Treasurer committee conducts at least three complete inspections annu- email: [email protected] Bowling (Chair Ron Jesse, Co-chair Rich Hoffer) – Assists in the ally of all RCSC properties, including buildings, equipment and promotion of bowling by maintaining interest in the game and grounds to determine if they are safe, properly cared for and in James Brasher, Director encouraging fellowship amongst bowlers in the community. good condition. Meets with Management to report the status of email: [email protected] Recommended changes may include bowling policies, fees, facilities and makes recommendations for the preservation and operations and facilities. care of properties. David Wieland, Director Club Organization Committee (Chair Carol Lawry, Co-chair Ida Committee meeting times can be found in SunViews, on the email: [email protected] Eisert) – Commonly referred to as the COC, the purpose of this website at under Board & Committee Meetings committee is to support RCSC Chartered Clubs, promote and or pick up a copy of “This Month @ the Board” at the Lakeview Peter Lee, Director encourage participation in clubs and assist with club member Corporate Office. email: [email protected] disciplinary issues when necessary.

Elections (Chair Mike Kennedy, Co-chair Carol Lawry) – This Ida Eisert, Director committee is responsible for recruiting a sufficient number of Get Involved! email: [email protected] candidates for the annual RCSC Board of Directors election, conducts candidate forums, and ensures that elections and Join a Committee! Rich Hoffer, Director recall elections are conducted pursuant to Corporate Docu- email: [email protected] ments.

Entertainment (Chair James Brasher, Co-chair Rich Hoffer) – Previews and recommends to Management entertainment for the Sun Bowl concerts and free Sundial summer shows. This Month @ The Board - October 2015 They also critique performances afterwards, evaluating audi- **PLEASE NOTE: All dates are subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, ence response and recommend if acts should be requested to check or pick up a copy of “This Month @ The Board” from the Corporate Office. return.

Finance, Budget & Audit (Chair Mike Kennedy, Co-chair Ida Board/Member Exchange Monday, October 12, 2015 @ 9:00am Lakeview Social Hall #1 Eisert) – Reviews financial statements to determine financial performance year-to-date of the operation compared to Regular Board Meeting Thursday, October 29, 2015 @ 7:00pm Fairway AZ Room 1-2 budget and previous year, advises the Board of any concerns regarding financial operations and makes recommendations Committee Meetings (Lakeview Board Room): regarding the annual operating and capital budget. Bowling Committee Thursday, October 1, 2015 @ 9:00am LV Board Room Golf (Chair Ron Jesse, Co-chair James Brasher) – Assists in the Outreach & Communications Committee Tuesday, October 13, 2015 @ 9:00am LV Board Room promotion of golf by maintaining interest and encouraging Lawn Bowling Committee Tuesday, October 13, 2015 @ 1:00pm LV Board Room fellowship amongst golfers while gathering input from com- Club Organization Committee (COC) Wednesday, October 14, 2015 @ 1:00pm LV Board Room munity members. Recommended changes may include golf policies, fees, operations and facilities. This committee also Golf Advisory Committee Thursday, October 14, 2015 @ 8:30am LV Board Room directs each golf course’s Green Committee. Entertainment Committee Tuesday, October 27, 2015 @ 1:00pm LV Board Room Insurance (Chair Dave Wieland, Co-chair Carol Lawry) – Reviews and recommends to the Board insurance requirements and The following committees do not have meetings scheduled for this month: Elections, Finance & Budget, Insurance, Properties PAGE 8 MANAGEMENT SUNVIEWS • OCTOBER 2015 Updates

Financial Report: standing balances related to property very conservatively to assure that we in medical premiums and will be look- Since there is no monthly Board meeting in the month transfers now represents 51% of all have the cash on hand for planned ing for ways to make this affordable for of August, I will include the Treasurer’s report informa- receivables due and down to 48% of projects as we remain debt free. employees as well as RCSC during the tion in my monthly report. The balance of unrestricted past due balances. negotiation process. Medical coverage funds as of July 31, 2015 was $10,151,176 which A reminder that the Cardholder Ser- has been provided by BCBS for several includes a $2.5M cash reserve. Restricted funds include Payments made by Cardholders vices and Member Services offices have years and we have been satisfied with the Preservation and Improvement Fund (“PIF”) and through the online RCSC Web Portal been relocated to Social Halls 2 and 3 the coverage and the service provided. the Capital Reserve Fund. As of July 31, 2015, PIF had a in July totaled $52,753. Year to date on the second floor at Lakeview Center balance of $3,277,686 plus $573,472 collected in June payments through the web portal are while the office space for these areas is During the renewal meeting, a decision that was transferred into the PIF account the first part $425,621 and represent 3.4% of total being renovated. was made to place the dental cover- of July 2015. The Capital Reserve Fund had a balance payments. age out for bid this year due to some of $5,000,044 as of July month end. Human Resources: service deficiencies. Trustee sale notices on Sun City proper- Renewal of employee benefit plans is We have completed July 2015 well within our operat- ties increased to 47 properties at the fast approaching for RCSC. In prepara- When our benefit plans have been ing and capital budget year-to-date. Matter of fact, end of July. The number of proper- tion, we met with our Willis brokers last finalized for 2016, we will hold informa- every division has a net operating positive variance ties owned by lending institutions week regarding renewal of Medical, tional open enrollment meetings from budget. increased as well in July and is now at Dental, Life, and Long & Short Term Dis- for all eligible employees. We have 39 properties. ability Plans. made the decision to continue our Investment Report 2nd Quarter 2015: Wellness Program through Biometric RCSC’s Investment Policy (Board Policy 33) is stringent Preservation and Improvement Fees We were informed that we have 35 Screenings. The intent of the program in its requirements with the priority of investment collected in July were $573,472, which large medical insurance claims dur- is to raise each individual’s awareness objectives to be placed in this order: 1) safety, 2) is $273,472 over the amount budgeted. ing this year with 6 of those being of his/her own health status with the liquidity, and 3) yield. Year to date PIF fees are $4,166,520 over $50k. Final numbers are not yet long term goal of a healthier workforce which is $1,625,520, or 64%, over bud- available since renewal notices are which impacts medical premiums. At the end of the second quarter, $2,470,461.70 of the get for the year. Again a reminder that not provided until October 1st. We are $2.5M unrestricted cash reserve has been invested in we intentionally budget PIF income expecting a more than normal increase (continued on page 9) various FDIC insured certificates of deposit.

As of June 30, 2015, RCSC had invested $4,960,798.56 Financial Report of the $5,000,044 in the restricted capital reserve in various FDIC insured certificates of deposit. Period Ending - July 2015 For a more detailed financial statement, visit Bowling: BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSES The bowling department recently confirmed two additional tournaments for RCSC bowling centers. The For the Period Ending July 31, 2015 For the Period of July 31, 2015 Current Prior Current Prior Metro Phoenix USBC Valley of the Sun Senior tourna- Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D Y-T-D ment will be hosted by Lakeview Lanes and Bell Lanes Unrestricted Funds: Operating Income: on the weekend of October 24, 2015. The Metro Phoe- Cash Invested/On Hand/In Bank 7,651,176 8,445,750 Property Assessments 6,356,707 6,272,372 nix USBC Senior Open Championship will be hosted Cash Reserves 2,500,000 2,500,000 Transfer & Access Fees 460,639 446,887 by Lakeview Lanes and Bell Lanes on the weekend of Sub-Total Unrestricted 10,151,176 10,945,750 Privilege & Guest Cards 513,566 487,653 January 16, 2016. These types of tournaments are an Restricted Funds: Food / Liquor Sales 397,363 374,452 opportunity for us to showcase Sun City and the RCSC PIF/Capital Reserve 8,851,202 12,882,448 Bowling Fees 374,389 355,772 bowling centers in addition to producing additional Total Cash & Investments 19,002,378 23,828,198 Golf Fees 3,221,037 3,270,060 income, which helps keep cardholder prices low and Other Current Assets: Cart Rentals 121,812 133,207 competitive. Accounts Receivable 2,276,106 2,304,798 Merchandise Sales 104,504 114,619 Deposits & Prepaids 1,649,622 1,666,201 Activities Income 261,842 209,332 Cardholder Services: Inventory 69,464 84,389 Rental Income 147,796 194,504 Payments on past due assessments continued strong Total Current Assets 22,997,570 27,883,586 Contributions 12,130 13,815 in July and were 25% higher than the average for the Fixed Assets: Miscellaneous Income 68,160 16,590 prior 12 months. Overall past due assessments offset Land, Improvements, Buildings 82,338,058 79,592,108 Total Operating Income 12,039,945 11,889,263 the increase in June and decreased in July by 2.5%. F, F & E and Vehicles 26,131,201 24,598,186 Cost of Sales: The increase in Over 30 day balances in June flowed Less: Accumulated Depreciation (58,841,826) (54,943,712) Total Cost of Sales 381,950 392,150 through to Over 60 day balances in July. The 30 Day Work In Progress 20,598,524 9,750,502 Gross Income $11,657,995 $11,497,113 past due rate has crept up and was greater than Total Fixed Assets 70,225,957 58,997,084 Operating Expenses: the 12 month average for the past year. Year to date TOTAL ASSETS $93,223,527 $86,880,670 Salaries and Wages 3,927,119 3,568,344 payments from our third party collections firm are Payroll Taxes and Benefits 1,095,022 912,736 $68,806. Current Liabilities: Repairs and Maintenance 1,809,181 2,326,373 Accounts Payable and Other 1,687,653 928,680 Utilities Expense 1,421,556 1,405,257 Total accounts receivable decreased slightly in July by Deferred Income 6,762,241 6,671,585 General Operating Expenses 917,390 1,006,691 1.0% with the most significant change being the flow Pre Billed Assessments 1,576,121 1,542,620 Total Operating Expenses 9,170,268 9,219,401 of balances from Over 30 Days past due to Over 60 Total Current Liabilities 10,026,015 9,142,885 Net Operating Income $2,487,727 $2,277,712 Days past due. Also noteworthy, the Over 90 Day past Other Liabilities: Other Income: 36,622 502,524 due balances are down 12% from the beginning of the Lease Purchase 13,811 46,996 Other Expenses: year and are at its lowest level since September 2013. Total Liabilities 10,039,826 9,189,881 Property Taxes 98,029 64,999 In July property transfer related balances increased Net Worth: Insurance 262,451 248,687 by 4% and lender owned related balances increased Current Net Worth 83,183,883 77,690,789 Other 20,799 62,395 by 27%. The balance flow for these two categories TOTAL LIABILITIES and NET WORTH $93,223,709 $86,880,670 Net Income Before Depreciation 2,143,070 2,404,155 has bounced the past several months showing the Depreciation: 2,331,976 2,228,553 unpredictable nature of these types of balances. Out- NET INCOME / (LOSS) ($188,906) $175,602 A Community Newsletter MANAGEMENT PAGE 9 Project Updates

Lakeview Center / Lakeview Lanes / Viewpoint Lake / Duffeeland Riverview Pro Shop Building • Duffeeland Dog Park major renovations are completed and the dog park was • The Riverview pro shop, patio and building renovation project is nearing comple- reopened on August 20, 2015. Contractors were Wadsworth Construction, Double R tion with only a few things left to do, such as installation of a new service counter in Masonry, B&C Tree, CCBG Architectural and Sav-on-Fence. (Cost – $136,213) the pro shop, epoxy coating of the patio slabs, reinstallation of offices, installation of • Replacement of the deteriorated vinyl siding on the second level at Lakeview Center interior and exterior furniture, display cases, parking lot seal-coating and re-striping, is now completed. (Cost – $16,700) deep cleaning of the entire facility and passing the final building inspections. Con- • The lake wall repairs around Viewpoint Lake are nearing completion. After a boat tractors include Ken McIntyre Construction, Accel Electric, Regional Paving and CCBG trip around the perimeter on July 21 all the recent repairs to the lake wall look good Architectural. (Cost – $524,236) except one by the 103rd Ave overflow and a new location on the West wall. Contrac- tor is Waterworks by George. (Estimated Cost – $10,000) Skilled Trades Department • Lakeview Center and Lakeview Lanes parking lots were seal-coated and re-striped. • The RCSC Skilled Trades department completed 174 work orders during the last two Contractor was Swaine Asphalt. (Cost – $22,511) weeks of July 2015 and the first two weeks of August 2015. • The cardholder services and clubs offices are currently undergoing a complete renovation which includes complete demolition, new framed interior walls, ceilings, Centers Operations Report LED lighting, flooring, automatic entry doors and some furniture. Contractor is Ken • We recently hired Michael Janicki to fill the South Area P.M. Supervisor position. He McIntyre Construction, Accel Electric, CCBG Architectural, D.H. Pace and Resource will supervise Lakeview, Oakmont, Fairway and Mountain View Recreation Centers. Flooring. (Cost – $171,206) He will also oversee the utility staff at North, Quail Run and South golf course pro • Remodel work is currently underway at Lakeview Lanes. The work includes removal and snack shops. of all the old ball racks and counters, replacement of flooring in the bowler’s area and • New patio furniture has arrived at the Bell Tennis Center. There are now 12 tables and installation of new counter tables with “house” ball racks. Contractors include DFG 48 chairs under the big awning, available for relaxing and socializing between tennis Builders, Resource Flooring and the RCSC Skilled Trades Team. (Cost – $55,248) matches. • Additional lighting has been installed for the disco ball in the Bell Social Halls. This Sundial Center will greatly enhance the ambiance when it is turned on during special events and • Except for the walls surrounding the equipment building, the new Verizon cell tower dances. and equipment building are installed and functioning. The contractor has informed me that a mold for the current style block had to be made before the block could be cast. This process has delayed the wall construction, but he assures me that he will Updates make the installation of the block a priority and expects to begin construction soon. • The two assisted shower rooms have been remodeled and were reopened to card- (continued from page 8) holders on August 28. Contractor was Robert Porter Construction. (Cost – $49,074) Group medical plans must cover essential health benefits and meet actuarial value • The two new unisex ADA restrooms in the lobby area of Sundial auditorium are requirements and be rated according to the Affordable Care Act rating methodology. progressing very well. The restrooms are complete except for the installation of sinks, BCBSAZ has been capturing this information annually in renewal paperwork and requires toilets and some punch list items. If all goes well, the two new ADA restrooms will be each employer to complete a group size questionnaire. RCSC has provided this informa- opened for cardholder use in approximately two weeks. Contractor is DFG Builders. tion for the 2016 renewal. (Cost – $49,848) • The Sundial pools and spas will be closed beginning September 7 for approximately Member Services: 14-18 days so new LED overhead lighting can be installed. Contractor is Harmon There are still tickets available for The One Hit Wonderfuls at Sundial on October 17. Electric. (Cost – $52,500) Come hear all the hits that topped the charts and put many of these performers on the • Sundial Center parking lots were seal-coated and restriped. Contractor was Swaine map. Tickets are $13 for RCSC Cardholders and are available at the Clubs Office, which is Asphalt. (Cost – $20,864) currently located in Social Hall #2, on the second level of the Lakeview Recreation Center.

Bell Center / Bell Lanes Would you believe the fall Sun Bowl series kicks off Sunday, September 27th at 7:00pm? • Bell Center parking lots were seal coated and restriped. Contractor was Swaine The original Tokens will perform their chart topping hit “The Lion Sleeps Tonight,” which Asphalt. (Cost – $44,519) sold over 15 million copies world-wide! • Remodel work is currently underway at Bell Lanes. The work includes removal of all the old ball racks and counters, replacement of flooring in the bowler’s area and In our efforts to improve customer service and better accommodate Cardholder expecta- installation of new counter tables with “house” ball racks. Contractors include DFG tions, RCSC is pleased to announce that all seating at 2016 Sundial ticketed shows will Builders, Resource Flooring and the RCSC Skilled Trades Team. (Cost – $47,812) be reserved. We will limit seats to 1,466 and there will be a choice of theatre seating or table seating. Gourmet food trucks will be available starting 1-1/2 hour before the show. Fairway Center Season tickets, which will be available from November 2-30, are being sold to RCSC Card- • Shutdown of the fitness room, pools and walking track occurred on August 24 and holders only for the unbelievable price of $154. That is only $14 for each show (11 shows is expected to last until August 31, which allows staff and contractors to complete total). Season ticket holders will have the same seat guaranteed for every show. Imagine needed repairs, perform maintenance work and thoroughly clean this portion of the no more waiting in long lines for doors to open. If you’re not sure about attending every facility. show, individual show tickets will be available beginning on December 1 to RCSC Card- • Contractor bid proposals have been received and bid commission approval obtained holders and Non-Cardholders at the Clubs Office, which will also include reserved seating. for the construction of a shade canopy and installation of artificial grass at the Best Friends Dog Club training facility. Unfortunately, the structural engineering for the The Member Services/Clubs office has been relocated to Lakeview Social Hall #2 on the shade canopy was not correct and had to be resubmitted for corrections. As soon second level of the Lakeview Recreation Center. The original office space is being reno- as the engineering is completed again, the architect will submit this project to vated so we can serve you more effectively. Please understand that we are still available Maricopa County Planning and Development Department for the building permit. for all services during this time. However, club copies may take a few days turnaround Contractors include Arizona Bag and Shade, Sun Burst Landscaping, and CCBG Archi- time, so clubs have been asked to plan accordingly. All current contact information such tectural. (Cost – $80,909) as email addresses and phone numbers remain the same. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and patience. Mt. View Center • Ninety-six thermal solar panels at Mt. View Center are scheduled for replacement. General: The project also includes the replacement of some 4” piping and upgrades to the For those who may not be aware, the monthly management reports are available on our electronic controller. Contractor is General Solar. (Cost – $37,614) website under the Corporate tab. Also, if you have not done so already, please sign up on the RCSC email list where you can designate topics of interest and stay in the loop with RCSC news alert emails! PAGE 10 COMMUNITY NEWS SUNVIEWS • OCTOBER 2015

Water Conservation Friends of the Library Industrial Water Usage Adds Up

By now, we’re all doing what we can to help conserve water around our homes and our efforts will continue to pay off for future generations. However, a tremendous amount of water is used by industry and our consumption of these products creates a global impact on the water supply as well.

Can you match up the item in the first column with the amount of water it takes to produce it?

1. 1 apple a. 16.5 gallons of water

Fall is here! Hooray! Let’s hear it for Fall! I really like summer. I do, honestly. But I am 2. 1-12 ounce can of soda b. 54 gallons of water very happy that Fall is here, again. Cooler. Less humidity. Our snowbird friends are coming back or are here already. More people on the golf courses! Anyway, those of 3. 40 sheets of paper c. 100 gallons of water us who stayed for the summer are happy to have September and October back again. 4. 1 glass of milk d. 17.5 gallons of water Try playing golf at noon in July. 5. 1 hamburger e. 500 gallons of water I always try to remind you folks about our Book Buddy Program every month and it seems to have helped! Please keep those in mind who cannot go to the Library and 6. 1 pound of chicken f. 633 gallons of water need someone’s assistance. Those who are not able to leave their homes would be more than happy to be able to get into their auto or golf cart and drive to the Library. 7. 1 loaf of bread g. 120 gallons of water Just because they cannot go themselves, they still would like to have a puzzle, a book, maybe a DVD or audio book. Keep them in mind. When you go to the Library for your- 8. 1egg h. 1,800 gallons of water self, it does not take much effort to pick up another item for someone else. Hope not, but maybe YOU may need the service at some time in the future and you would want 9. 1 gallon of gasoline i. 97 gallons of water someone to bring something to your home. Keep that in mind. Either way, if you need the service or want someone to bring something to your home, call the Friend’s Book 10. 1 pair of blue jeans j. 150 gallons of water Store at 602-651-2014 and tell the person who answers what you need. 11. 1 cotton t-shirt k. 400 gallons of water Another thing to keep in mind – it is that time of the year that the Friends of the Sun City Library Book Store will be having many sales. We have many books, both hardback Some of these amounts are pretty amazing; a way we rarely consider our water and pocket, puzzles, DVDs, CDs, VHS (yes, we still have quite a few of those oldies), and footprint. Maybe we should buy less, be sure to consume what we buy and con- audio books. Our “Friends” keep us supplied. They will not let us run out of material. sider donating used items such as blue jeans and t-shirts to help conserve our water Just when we think that we are running low on something, we receive a phone call resources in more ways than making sure our pipes and faucets don’t leak. asking us to pick-up books or something else. A couple of months ago, a friend called Think of it as being “additional to the traditional ways to conserve.” As we’ve said and said that they had ‘some’ VHS tapes that they wanted to donate to the Library. Boy, before, “Every drop counts!” did they! Think there were 12 boxes! Keep an eye open for these sales. I do not have any dates yet or what the sales will consist of, but Mary Anne tells me that she will be Answer Key: 1-d, 2-a, 3-c, 4-b, 5-f, 6-e, 7-j, 8-g, 9-i, 10-h, 11-k scheduling some very good ones come October and November.

The Bell Library will have a class on Windows 8 on October 2, 9 and 16 (Fridays) from 1-2:30pm. Bring your own Windows 8 device, either a tablet or a laptop.

They will be showing the movie “October Sky” on October 8 from 1:30-3:30pm. Very Mi take Inve tor Make interesting movie about a coalminer’s son who becomes a NASA engineer! The movie is being shown as an introduction to the fiction book club’s discussion of “October Sky” by Homer Hickman at their meeting on October 22. & How to Avoid Them Interested in your financial situation? October 9, 16 and 23 we will be having discus- Thursday, October 29, 2015 • 2 to 4pm sions about budgeting, credit and debit and how to reduce debt. Space is limited so registration is required. Sundial East Hall On October 14 from 2-3:00pm, the Bell Library will have an author Richard Corey to dis- ** Free for RCSC Cardholders (Space Limited to 300) ** cuss his book, “Bloodline: the Doberman Family.” Copies of the book will be available for sale and signing by the author after the discussion. RCSC is pleased to present “Mistakes Investors &UHDWLYH3ODQQLQJ,QF ZZZWKLQNLQJEH\RQGFRP LV Make & How To Avoid Them,” which offers investors RCSC’s investment management company, who is advice on how to steer clear of investing blunders providing this class free to RCSC Cardholders as a How about “Healthy habits for a healthier you”? This program from the Alzheimer’s VXFKDVPDUNHWWLPLQJDQGRYHUFRQ¿GHQFH Association is for those wanting to learn more about this disease. SDUWRIWKHLUVHUYLFHWRRXUFRPPXQLW\ Ealing Jahn, CFP®; a wealth manager at Creative Please be prepared to show your RCSC Member or 3ODQQLQJ,QFZLOOVKRZLQYHVWRUVKRZWRQDYLJDWH Privilege Card for entrance to this class; no key fobs The last program on “Vulture Mine” will be held October 29 from 2-3:00pm. Learn the markets using a disciplined strategy based on DFFHSWHG about the first big gold mine in Arizona. This program will be in the Bell Center Social decades of academic and practitioner research that Hall. can improve investment performance, increase the probability of achieving investment goals, and even LPSURYHTXDOLW\RIOLIH The Fairway Library will be holding the usual programs throughout the month. Please call them at 602-652-3000 for times and dates. A Community Newsletter COMMUNITY NEWS | EVENTS PAGE 11 ƩĞŶƟŽŶ^ƵŶŝƚLJĂŶĐĞƌƐ͊ dŚĞƐƉŽƚůŝŐŚƚĂƚ^ƵŶĚŝĂůĐŽƵůĚďĞŽŶLJŽƵ͊ Annual Arts & Crafts Festival EŽĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞŶĞĐĞƐƐĂƌLJ͊ Friday, November 27 - 8am to 4pm Dancing with the Sun City Stars will be back in 2016 and we will select six Saturday, November 28 - 8am to 3pm lucky Sun City residents (three men, three women) to take the stage & compete for the coveted mirror ball trophy!

6LJQXSIRUWKHUDQGRPGUDZLQJDWWKH/DNHYLHZ&OXEV2I¿FH (temporarily located in Social Hall 2). The deadline for entries is Friday, January 29 at 4pm. Contestants will be drawn & announced on Monday, February 1.

Rehearsals with members of the Utah Ballroom Dance Company begin one week prior to the big night - Friday, February 26. Here is your oppotunity to buy award-winning, one-of-a-kind handcrafted items - all made in the USA.

Purchase gallery-quality items at discounted prices. Whether you are looking for jewelry, paintings, leather goods, metal and wood crafters, photography, needle work, pottery or more - don’t miss this event.

Sundial Recreation Center 103rd Avenue & Boswell Boulevard

Free Admission • Free Parking • Stroller Parking • Food Vendors

Free Movies * Wednesdays at Marinette Saturdays at Mountain View Afternoons at 2pm Evenings at 7pm


FREE To find out “What’s Playing?” POPCORN! 1) Sign up for Movie and Events emails at and a list will be sent to you on the last Wednesday of each month; 2) Log onto the RCSC Web Portal; NOW or 3) Pick up a flyer from the SERVING Clubs Office (please be prepared to show your RCSC Card). All movies are closed-captioned BOTH for the hearing impaired and projected onto a screen from a DVD.

*FREE* RCSC Events are paid for by RCSC Card- holders and are therefore intended for RCSC SALTED & Cardholders and their escorted guests only. UNSALTED Your cooperation and understanding is greatly appreciated! PAGE 12 COMMUNITY NEWS | CLUB ARTICLES SUNVIEWS • OCTOBER 2015

Sun City Gives Back - Bell Stitchers “Sew” Blessings on Many in Community

Imagine the heartache of a school girl who doesn’t own a dress for the special field trip her class is scheduled to take. Or the child who has an “accident” during school day.

One of the area schools fortunate to be the recipient of the Bell Stitch- ers generous donations of hand-sewn clothing for children with such needs this year is Sunset Vista Elementary in Glendale. And school nurse Heather is the “keeper of the closet.”

“We are so blessed,” she exclaimed as the seamstresses brought in arm- load after armload of outfits in sizes ranging from pre-school to young teens. The club also donates underwear, tee-shirts, socks and school supplies to kick-off the school year.

Since 1978, Bell Stitchers has been sewing their way into the hearts of school administrators and local children throughout the ”...As the pieces come together, help West Valley, including schools in El Mirage, Avondale and Glendale. me sew seams that are straight, so that nothing tears apart or unravels; With donated fabrics neatly stocked in a cupboard, Bell Stitch- and when it does, show me where ers sews over 700 outfits annually and how to patch with just the right to be donated. In addition, they touch...” make and deliver lap robes and blankets to area nursing homes and a local pregnancy crisis center. - The Seamstress’s Prayer by Jay Hanley All proceeds from club room sales (located in the Bell Arts & Crafts Vil- lage complex), in addition to the annual Sun City Arts & Crafts Festival, are donated back to the club to purchase machines, supplies and mate- rials.

Several monetary donations are also made by the Stitchers annually to local service organizations including Meals on Wheels, Hospice of the Valley, Habitat for Humanity, Valley View Food Bank, the Sheriff’s Posse and the Sun City PRIDES.

One could say that Bell Stitchers are “sewing” their way into the hearts of many with these acts of charity. And the community is truly blessed by their generosity.

Hatha Yoga Club

If you would like to become more flexible, feel better, have less stress, sleep better, improve your breathing techniques, or manage chronic health conditions... the Hatha Yoga Club is right for you!

Hatha Yoga Club meets at Sundial in the Yoga Club room. Our classes are multi-level and do not assume prior yoga experience. Classes are taught by certified instructors. Please arrive 15 to 20 minutes before a MAT class and bring a yoga mat, small blanket or a beach towel, your RCSC card, $3 class fee and $5 for yearly membership. Wear loose, com- fortable clothing for a warm environment. Refer to our website for more information:

Twelve MAT Class Times and four CHAIR* Class Times are offered. We have classes six days a week, and two evenings. Pre-registration and pre-payment is required for Chair Yoga classes. *Call Carlyn for Chair Left: Yoga members, Dwight and Jan, demonstrate the Warrior II position in MAT class. Warrior II builds strength in the body. This pose strengthens and class information at 623-972-9602. stretches the legs, chest, lungs, and shoulders. The pose increases stamina and can help relieve backaches. Center: Helen, a yoga club member, is demonstrating a “seated twist” in CHAIR class. The “twist” is performed in yoga for the continued health of the Please refer to our website for all yoga class times http://hathayogaclub. spine and abdominal organs. org. Right: Yoga club member, Ursula, is shown performing a “chair plank” in Chair class. This position builds core strength and is one of the most useful poses for body toning. A Community Newsletter CLUB ARTICLES PAGE 13

Fairway/Mountain View Lawn Bowl Sun City Concert Band

Do you enjoy sunshine and outdoor activities? Do you want to have fun while getting “Celebrate America” as the Sun City some exercise? Try LAWN ...the sport for all ages. Concert Band presents their first con- cert of the season on Sunday, October Lawn Bowls is a fun and friendly game suitable for all ages and most all physical condi- 25, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. at the Sundial tions. It is a very unique sport with the objective to roll a grapefruit-sized resin ball, Auditorium. With the challenges we known as a “bowl” on a flat green trying to get closest to the target ball, known as the face in this great country of ours, we “jack.” The fun part is that the bowls are slightly need to do all we can to promote lopsided and curve when rolled, making it all the patriotism in our communities. more interesting. Men and women, young and old, ex-jocks and ex-loafers all compete on an equal Director George Zoske and the Con- footing. It is easy to learn and challenging to be cert Band will provide an historical good at. journey through music, tracing the challenges we face and the progress Fairway/Mountain View Lawn Bowls Club is proud we made in these United States. to have two wonderful venues. At Mountain View Some of the music on the program Recreation Center we have the beautiful natural will be “American Civil War Fantasy”, grass greens, while at Fairway Recreation Center we have state-of-the-art artificial car- “God Of Our Fathers”, written to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the United pet greens. This carpet is prized because there are no imperfections to alter the course States Declaration of Independence, “Flags of Freedom,” “ This Is My Country” and more. of your bowl. In fact we are happy to host on our “carpet” the Qualifying Trials for the Our soloists will be vocalist Jane Higgs and Dan Reed on trumpet. Mark your calendars World Bowls Competition which will be held April 2-6, 2016. Come watch this special now because you don’t want to miss this concert. Admission is free and all are wel- event featuring the best bowlers of all ages from all over our country, including Sun come to attend. City. The nationally recognized Sun City Concert Band membership is open to all RCSC Card- We encourage visitors, spectators and potential bowlers at all of our events. We holders. The music performance season is from September to May, with practices each try to have a member available to greet you and share with you our knowledge of, Tuesday at the Fairway Recreation Center Music Room, from 8:30 to 11:30am. Contact information about and enthusiasm for this great outdoor activity. Open to all RCSC Band President Ed White at 623-972-4767 for any additional information. Cardholders. Drop by and say hello and stay awhile, or contact 928-853-6991 for more information. Come see if the grass is greener on our side of the fence! Rock Hound Club & Museum

Senior Softball Club Our museum is 25 years old, opened in 1990 at Sundial, where you will find all sorts of gems, minerals, fossils and fluorescent specimens are on display. This is a great place to bring the grandchildren. Trek with our experienced members on monthly rock hound Did you know there is a regulation-sized softball field field trips. Educational meetings help you to learn about this rewarding hobby. Meet- in Sun City? That nearly 500 senior softball players ings every 2nd Thursday at Fairway; social (men and women) utilize the field on an almost daily time begins at 6:30pm, meetings begin at basis? It is located behind the Sun Bowl Amphitheater, 7:00pm. Our next meeting is October 8. Field off of 107th just a block south of Peoria Avenue. trips are every 3rd Thursday with details avail- able at the meeting. Visitors are welcome. There are 34 League teams (American, Central and Membership is open to all RCSC Cardholders. National) which play Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays Stop by the museum for details. Some of our and Fridays from 4:30 p.m. in two sessions: upcoming events include the Sun City Annual late October to mid-January and January to mid- Arts & Crafts Festival (November 27-28) and April. Snowbirds are welcome. Three summer sessions Pot Luck Dinner (December 10). There will accommodate year-rounders’ vacation schedules and also be a sale of excess minerals, rocks and games begin at 7:00 a.m. There are also seven Coed rock hound equipment in early 2016. Watch teams, (Frdays), six Seventies teams (Saturday morn- for details. ings) and the “Hot Flashes” women’s team (Saturday afternoons).

Whether it’s been a few years since you played or you have never played but would like to give it a try, (even if you don’t have a glove) - it’s no problem. Drop by the Canasta at Oakmont field, check out the bulletin board and chat with some- one. Start getting serious on Monday at 8:30 a.m. with the Green Team (rookie) practices. New players must par- Remember playing Canasta when you were young? ticipate twice before team assignment. Need more time Come join us at Oakmont Recreation Center on Fridays to get in shape? Come early to the 7:00 a.m. practices. from 10am to 2pm.

Join the Sun City Senior Softball Club any time; pay reg- We play “Pennies from Heaven” Canasta, almost what istration fee, dues, attend Green Team practices, then get you used to play. We have a lot of fun, birthday parties a uniform and team assignment. A valid RCSC recreation once a month, snacks, coffee play weekly. For more card is required. information, call Shirley at 623-566-6408 or 832-264- 3303. PAGE 14 CLUB ARTICLES SUNVIEWS • OCTOBER 2015

China Painting at Fairway Friday Night Singles Dance Club

Try a different kind of art. Stop in When was the last time that room 217 at Fairway Recreational you attended a dance? Did Center to learn more about a free you have fun? What was your beginner’s class painting on porcelain. favorite dance? Jitterbug, or All supplies are provided. Once your maybe the Waltz? The Jitter- item has been fired in our kiln you can bug is now called the Swing. take it home to enjoy or present it as Whether it's the Swing, Waltz, a gift. Class will be held on Tuesday Foxtrot, or any of the Latin October 13, 2015 at 1:00 pm. We hope dances, we still do it all, at the you will sign up for this unique experi- beautiful Sundial Auditorium. ence soon. When you step through the door, you will probably be reminded of some of the great China painting is one of the oldest ballrooms of long ago. Sundial has one of the best dance floors in the entire Valley. And forms of art. Dry mineral paints are mixed with oil and patterns are trace or free hand talk about music - this is where singles and couples come to hear some of the best live painted on glazed porcelain and made permanent when fired. You can paint useful or dance music in the region. Whether you love to slow dance or you are an accomplished artistic items with modern or ancient designs. ballroom dancer, or somewhere in between, you will love the Sundial Ballroom.

Club hours are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:00 am to noon; Tues- Friday evening dances begin with a Foxtrot at 7:00pm days 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Please call 623-256-6784 after 4:00 pm for more information. and usually end with a Waltz, at about 9:45pm. If you are a beginner or would like to learn a few new steps, we encourage you to take the free dance lesson offered Camera Guild of Sun City before each dance. The 50 minute lesson begins at 6:00pm. Admission cost is $5 for members and $7 for escorted guests. Annual club membership/participation is $3 and is open to all RCSC Cardholders.

Not only is dancing good for you both mentally and physically, but it is fun and easy to learn. It is also a great way to socialize and make new friends. For more informa- tion, please call Bob at 623-215-8718 or visit our website at:

Oakmont Lapidary & Silvercraft Club

Come visit us to see our newly remodeled store. We have beautiful new carpeting on the floor and have painted the walls to match. There are also new lighted glass display cabinets with lots of space to showcase our club members’ fantastic creations. It is a sight to behold and one you won’t want to miss. The Camera Guild has a full schedule of activities planned for 2015-16. Program Chair- man Les Siemens has programs for Membership Meetings, including a seminar that will Oakmont Lapidary and Silvercraft is the be presented by Freestyle Photographic Supplies for CGSC members and their invited very first Sun City club which makes us 55 guests on Tuesday, October 20 at 10:00 am in Arizona Room 3 at Fairway. CGSC has years old this year and celebrating with the Membership meetings are every 1st Saturday of the month in the East Hall of Sundial remodel. As one newsperson noted, we’re at 9:00 am. old enough now to live in Sun City!

Education Chair Paulette Hall intends to fill the Guild’s calendar with classes that are We are located at 10725 Oakmont Drive focused on improving photography knowledge and skills. Classes are scheduled dur- across from the Fry’s Grocery store and ing afternoon hours at the Club Room on the second level of Sundial. north of the North Golf Course (Sun City’s first golf course) at the Oakmont Recre- Detailed Information about classes and membership seminars can be found on our ation Center. website at Our hours are Monday through Friday Several members entered Grand Canyon Circuit’s international Competition and won from 9am to noon the month of October. Acceptance Awards. Competition Chair Howard Zatulove has been successful in gain- From November through March we are ing local and international recognition for our Club, by encouraging members to enter open Monday to Friday from 9am to 3pm, competitions, learn the judging process, and assist with national and international and April through September we are open judging. Wednesday to Friday from 9am to noon.

In addition to all of the above, CGSC is a social organization. All members are invited to A general meeting is planned for Tuesday, October 6 at 9am. Check out our adventures attend weekly dinner outings, and to participate in day or overnight photo shoots in on Facebook. Club membership/participation is open to all RCSC Cardholders. and around Arizona. Come join us! A Community Newsletter CLUB ARTICLES | EVENTS PAGE 15

Artistic Stained Class Club Armchair Photo Explorers Club

We’re not simply “STAINED GLASS”! Located Come explore the world with us! Every in the Arts & Crafts building at the Bell Cen- Wednesday, through slide and video shows ter, to join our club you must take a begin- taken by club members and guests, we ner stained glass class. The price of this class travel to a new destination in this beautiful of $75 which includes the yearly member- world of ours. ship fee of $15 and some basic tools. From mountains to seashores, we explore Artistic Stained Class is open to all RCSC wonderful scenery and the different cul- Cardholders. We offer a number of classes tures of the world. This year we will explore and you must be a member of the Club to Southeast Asia, Morocco, Alberta and the enroll. Arctic among other destinations.

• Fusing: Fruit bowls, vases, platters and It's a wonderful way to spend a Wednesday ornaments can be made in our large evening, to revisit places you have been, or kiln to see new parts of our wonderful world. We • Slumping: Shaped glass is placed over meet every Wednesday evening at Fairway petal molds, in the kiln for 24 hours and Center, Arizona Room 1. The show starts at then assembled into flowers. 7pm, the doors open at 6:30. Please arrive early to sign in and be seated before the • Jewelry: Pendants, bracelets & earrings show begins. are fused in our small kilns - unique jewelry fashioned out of scraps of glass. Our club is open to all RCSC Cardholders, • Stepping Stones: Take a simple pattern, and membership dues are only $3 a year. cut glass pieces and glue on to the Cardholders are welcome to attend three stone. Let dry, grout, let dry and apply times before joining. Escorted guests are welcome but must pay $2 each time they grout seal. Make several 'sections' of a visit. The first Wednesday of the month we serve coffee and cookies. Please contact Ron larger design for a patio floor. Or take Yankowski at 623-476-2811 if you have any questions. a large piece of flagstone, add a house number, gecko and a few butterflies making a perfect display for your front yard. Bell Ceramics Club • Sandblasting: Two short classes and you can produce beautiful shadowy Bell Ceramics is located in the Bell Recreation Center and offers membership to inter- designs. Personalize bottles of wine for ested Sun City residents with a current RCSC card for an annual fee of $7. Members are your friends for Christmas or anniver- asked to volunteer six hours each month. sary. The Club features beginning ceramic classes as well as classes for the more advanced • Garden Art: Whimsical glass art is in! ceramist or hobbyist. Classes teach various techniques such as banding, carving, and Slump glass pieces using large petal airbrushing as well as how to pour ceramic molds. In classes teachers demonstrate molds, add a copper tube stem and how to use various underglazes, glazes, stains, oils, lusters and decals. Upcoming place in a pot of stones. Tree candy classes being offered are posted in the Club’s window along with the finished project or wind chimes on a fishing spinner piece for viewing. Stop by and see what you can learn to create. makes eye catching works of art. Bell Ceramics has a gift shop, open to the public, with reasonable prices and beautiful pieces crafted by members. With summer over and the arrival of fall, there are Thanks- Wednesday giving and Halloween pieces that one can purchase to give as gifts or decorate their October 21, 2015 own home. Club hours are Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm; Monday evening 5:30 pm to 7pm; Doors Open 6pm 8:30 pm and Saturday 9:00 am to12:00pm. Club telephone is 623-974-6750 Sundial Auditorium

Tickets on Sale Now at the Lakeview Clubs Office RCSC Cardholders - $13 Non-Cardholders - $15

A tribute to the artists who enjoyed their 15 minutes of fame with one hit song! But couldn’t make magic a second time. PAGE 16 CLUB ARTICLES | EVENTS SUNVIEWS • OCTOBER 2015

Sun City Women’s Chorus

The Sun City Women’s Chorus is back from its summer hiatus and is busy rehearsing for its upcoming holiday concert. Ours was the first chartered musical group in Sun City. We’ve been making music and performing for 53 years!

Currently the Chorus has 70+ members, and we are always looking for more! You do not have to audition, but it is helpful if you can read music. Our members come from a wide array of musical backgrounds: professionally trained voices, former music and band directors, church choir members, and women who simply love to sing four-part harmony. We really are a fun group! Our Director is well-known West Valley vocalist and musician, Jane Higgs. We rehearse every Thursday from 8:30 to 11:00am in the Music Room at Fairway Recreation Center.

We perform two major concerts each year. Both are held in the auditorium at Sundial Recreation Center. The Holiday Concert will be Sunday, December 6, 2015 at 2:00pm. We will be joined by several instrumentalists to enrich the listening experience. The Spring Concert will be on April 10, 2016. For more information, contact Sandy at 623- 933-7647. Bell Billiards Club

Last February, professional pocket-billiards player Mike Massey visited the Bell Bil- Book in Hand Club liards Club. Best known as a trick-shot artist Mike has traveled the globe participating in exhibitions and competitions and was inducted into the Hall of Fame of the Billiard Congress of America in 2005. He was ranked as #8 in Pool & Billiard Magazine’s poll of We’re a group of well-read people with a variety of the “Fans’ Top 20 Favorite Players” in 2007. He has appeared in a several movies includ- opinions and life experiences that foster great conver- ing The Baron and The Kid (with Johnny Cash), and did voice commentary in The Hustler sation. We like to take something from every book we starring Paul Newman. During his visit, Mike played several games with club members read, sometimes making our discussions quite lively. and performed a number of his trick shots. The book club meets year-round at 1:00pm on the second Fridays at Fairway Recreation Center in Room The Bell Billiard Club is not just for beginners, although it’s the only place in Sun City 217. Books include fiction, non-fiction, biography, to receive any lessons. The Club also offers a several Challenges for the bolder play- classics and an occasional fantasy. The club has no ers. Our Handicapped Challenge Matches are limited to eight players (dollar amount dues. Open to all RCSC Cardholders. Refreshments dependent upon participant acceptance). All players are rated according to skill and served on occasion. Books are selected by consensus game know-how. Just stop in and sign up. Challenges are filled on a first come, first and the Fairway Branch Library reserves copies from serve format. Maricopa County Library one month in advance for members with library cards. For more information, On Wednesdays, we hold “6” and under “Round Robin” 8-Ball tournament, designed for please contact Jerri Hauff at 623-444-9160. players who want to play on an even field (limit 16 players). Entry fee is $5. Players with Upcoming titles include: RCSC Cards will have priority over guests and other non-resident players. Play begins at 8:30am every Wednesday. Fridays from 8:30 to 11:00am, we provide hands on “basic • October: Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens training” to anyone interested in personal help playing pool is welcome to attend. For • November: All-Girls Filling Station’s Last Reunion by Fannie Flagg those wanting to work alone, we have several videos via the Club computer for you to • December: Sleeping with the Enemy - Coco Chanel’s Secret War by Hal Vaughan watch and learn on your own.

All this and more for annual membership dues of only $10. Rack ‘em up! Sun City Farmers Market Returns to Bell Center Thursdays ~ 9am to 1pm

Opening Day October 1

Fresh has never tasted so good! ** Sorry, NO pets are allowed at the market! ** A Community Newsletter CLUB EVENTS PAGE 17 Political Welcome to RCSC Club Events We’ve reorganized the Clubs Events and Annoucements that appear in SunViews each Sun City Republican Club month so that it’s easier to find the activities you’re looking for. October 19 meeting at Sundial; 6:30 pm social time, 7pm meeting. Guest Speakers inform Clubs are welcome to submit information to this section every month and should include members of current events at the State Capitol. It is time for the Nomination Committee to the date, time and location of the event along with cost and contact information. submit the names for new Board Members and there will be open discussion time. Let us know what you think by sending an email to [email protected]. Page 17 General Information, New Interest Groups, Politics, Other Interests Sun City Democratic Club Page 18 Cards, Games and Social Clubs The Sun City Democratic Club meets on 10/1(the first Thursday of the month) at Fairway; Page 19 Arts & Crafts 6pm. October speaker: Mary Jo Pitzl who reports from the Arizona State Capitol for the Page 22 Arts & Crafts, Sports & Outdoors Arizona Republic newspaper. Page 23 Dances, Dance Lessons, Performing Arts Page 24 Education Page 25 Fitness & Fitness Classes Other Interests Stamp Club Meeting The Sun City Stamp Club hosts its second meeting this fall on Monday, 10/ 5 at Marinette General Information Social Hall. Items for auction can be viewed at 6:30pm; meeting at 7pm. We welcome all our members back from their summer holiday and welcome all other residents of Sun City - new and/or long-time residents - to visit and learn about our club and what we do. FMIC Home Delivery of SunViews Hugo at 623-583-6111 or Doris at 623-875-1778. Did you know you can start and stop home delivery of SunViews while you’re out of town? Simply contact the Daily News-Sun Circulation Department at 623-977-8347 or email to Book in Hand Club [email protected]. And don’t forget - another way you can stay in the know We’re a group of well-read people with a variety of opinions and life experiences that foster is by getting SunViews online at great conversation. We like to take something from every book we read, sometimes making our discussions quite lively. The book club meets year round, 1pm, second Fridays in Room Submit Your Club Events by email to: [email protected] 217 at Fairway. Books include fiction, non-fiction, biography, classics and an occasional All submittals must be received no later than close of business on the 5th day of the month fantasy. The club has no dues. Open to all RCSC Cardholders. Refreshments served on for the next month’s edition. Please include the date, time and location of the event along occasion. Books selected by consensus. Fairway Branch Library reserves copies from Mari- with cost and contact information. If you need additional assistance, contact Joelyn Hig- copa County Library one month in advance for members w/library cards. FMIC Jerri Hauff at gins, Communications and Marketing Coordinator, at 623-561-4616. 623-444-9160. October: Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens November: All-Girls Filling Station’s Last Reunion by Fannie Flagg Something to Sell? December: Sleeping with the Enemy -Coco Chanel’s Secret War by Hal Vaughan Did you know that if you have an item for sale or a place to rent, you may have it posted on a bulletin board at any (or Community Garden Open House/Work Days all) of our seven recreation centers? Items must be listed on Join us this fall beginning in October on the 3rd Saturday of each month to help improve a 3 X 5 card (any color) and may contain photos, stickers, the community garden or just have a tour and see what we are all about. Start planning etc. Just be certain to post contact information on the front your fall garden now! and your name and RCSC card number on the back. Cards Day: 3rd Saturday (October through May) must be taken to the Clubs Office at Lakeview Center for Time: 9-11 am approval and distribution. Cards are posted for 30 days regardless whether item is sold or Where: West side of EPCOR water plant on Northwest corner of 91st Ave & Greenway rented prior to the end of 30 days. If item does not sell, another card may be presented for Bringing you own work gloves, rakes and shovels would be helpful. posting after 30 days. Cards for services, commercial information or larger than 3 X 5 are Plots are available to RCSC Cardholders in the Sun City Community Garden. Please call 623- not eligible for posting and will not be accepted. 875-5921 or visit the Garden Club Office at Oakmont for more information.

Armchair Photo Explorers Club New Interest Groups Come explore the world with us! Beginning 10/ 7, we meet every Wednesday at Fairway Arizona room 1 to travel the world in slides and video. This October we visit the Birds of Paradise in Papua-New Guinea, followed by a two part visit to the wildlife of the Arctic, then Any new interest group who has (at a minimum) 25 potential members may complete the on to a two part exploration of the South Pacific. The hour show starts at 7pm; doors open Application for Club Charter (FORM BP:12-15) and submit to the Clubs & Activities Office. 6:30. Please arrive early enough to sign in and get seated before the show begins. Club is Applications can be found at or pick one up at the Clubs & Activities Office open to all RCSC cardholders, who are welcome to visit three times before joining. Annual located at the Lakeview Recreation Center. membership: $3. Escorted guests are welcome but must pay $2 each visit. Cookies and coffee served the first Wednesday each month. FMIC Ron Yankowski 623-476-2811. We look forward to seeing you! Attention Bicyclists A new road bicycle club for RCSC Cardholders is form- Sun City RV Club ing! Weekly ride, with distances of 25-30 miles, and A fun group of people who enjoy potlucks, card games, day trips (car pool), and RV cara- average speeds of 15-16 mph. First ride is planned vans. No RV required for membership, only a RCSC Rec Card and a desire to enjoy some fun for first week in October. If interested contact Chuck times with a great group of people. Join us for our monthly potluck every fourth Tuesday Booth at 623-846-8579 or email jeanbooth1@juno. at 5:30 PM, at Sundial (just bring along a dish to share for 10-12 people, eating utensils and com. A great opportunity for keeping in shape and drink). Or, drop by our Monthly Caravan meeting every fourth Friday at 9:30am at Sundial riding with friends. Hope to hear from you! for the latest info on our planned outings. The Club plays cards/ games at Bell Multipurpose Room B every second Wednesday and third Tuesday of the month from 5-9pm. Come join in our travels! Upcoming Caravans and Rallies: Future Day Trips (car pools, no RV required) FMIC Judy (623) 444-4224 PAGE 18 CLUB EVENTS SUNVIEWS • OCTOBER 2015 Games Social

Backgammon Club of Sun City Duplicate Bridge (ACBL) Sun City RV Club NextGen We welcome all levels of players. Classes The Sun City Duplicate Bridge Club (ACBL) A fun group of people who enjoy NextGen is a social club designed to be offered to help from basic play to more hosts two Unit Wide Games and three potlucks, card games, day trips, and RV operated by Sun City residents younger advanced strategies. Meet 1st & 3rd Thurs Club Appreciation Games at Lakeview caravans. No RV required! Open to all RCSC than 67, but open socially to all RCSC 7-9pm & every Saturday from 1-5pm at Social Hall 1 during October. The Unit Wide Cardholders who want to have fun with Cardholders. Meetings held first & third Team Room at Lakeview Lanes. Lessons Games are on Thurs 10/1 & Mon 10/26. a great group. Monthly potluck 5:30pm, Wednesdays of the month at Bell Social available 2nd & 4th Saturdays at 1pm, The three Club Appreciation Games are fourth Tuesday at Sundial - bring dish to Halls, unless posted otherwise. Annual Lakeview Social Hall #3. FMIC 575-441- on Monday, 10/19, Thursday, 10/22 and share (10-12 people), utensils & beverage; dues: $5. Proof of age and valid RCSC card 7076 or 623-933-0146. Friday, 10/23. There will be no game on or drop by Monthly Caravan meeting every required. Friday, 10/30. Regular games are sched- fourth Friday 9:30am at Sundial. Cards & Thursday, 10/1: Ponytail Cards; 1pm, Bell uled each Monday, Thursday and Friday Mixed Cards games at Bell Multipurpose Room B, every Multipurpose Room afternoons at 1pm for the remainder of second Wednesday & third Tuesday from Like to play cards? Join us Saturdays at Wednesday, 10/7: NextGen Meeting & the month. Please plan to arrive by 12:45 5-9pm. Upcoming Caravans/Rallies, trips in Oakmont. Games begin at 6:30pm. An- to check in and find a table. The club has a Potluck 6pm, Bell Social Hall nual Dues: $3; $.50 a night to play. Singles planning stages. FMIC Judy 623-444-4224. fragrance-free policy. Please be consider- Thursday, 10/8: Freakin Brewing Company, welcome, or bring a partner. We play both ate of your fellow players by not wearing single and double deck. Club is open to 9299 W Olive, 4pm Eight tastes of beer for any fragrance. FMIC contact Paul Weader at Sun City Singles Social Club $10; Dinner to follow all RCSC Cardholders. FMIC Bea or Pat 623 928-240-0341 or [email protected]. 933-1953. Sun City Singles Social Club welcomes Thursday, 10/8: Texas Hold’em, Bell Multi- single Sun City seniors with current RCSC purpose Room, 1pm card. Guests must be single and escorted Mah Jongg Saturday, 10/10: Golf Scramble, Lakes East, One Partner Bridge Come Play Mah Jongg by a club member. Annual membership: Morning tee times. One Partner Bridge is the largest contract - Tuesdays 12-4pm at $6. Club meets first Friday every month bridge club. Meets Thursday 6:45-9:30pm Sundial; Sundays12-4pm Pot Luck 5:45pm (bring food to feed 10-12 Tuesday, 10/13: Pool party, Bell Pool, Bring in Lakeview Social Hall #1. Partners & Thursdays 6-9pm at people). Third Friday (Game Night 5:45pm) snacks to share; no glassware, 5:30pm required. If you need a partner, please Marinette. Classes on can bring snacks to share; bring your own drink for each activity, Fairway AZ Rm #4. Thursday, 10/15: Ponytail Cards; Bell Multi- contact Eleanor at (623) 583-2785. Annual January 29th, February purpose Room, 1pm membership: $3. Each evening costs $1 5th and 12th from 1-4 at Weekly activities: per couple, which goes into evening’s prize Marinette. Contact Susan Saturdays: Breakfast at Royal Café 8:45am. Sunday, 10/18: Bowling, Bell Lanes,1:15pm fund. Annual surprise: “free play” night is at 910-1271 or Linda at Mondays: Golf, FMIC Jim at 623-242-7279 Wednesdays: Billiards at Lakeview 1pm Monday, 10/19: Texas Hold’em, Bell Multi- given. All grand slams are rewarded and 240-9586; registration purpose Room, 1pm designated small slams are also paid. Birth- required. October Activities: days celebrated with cookies. If you wish Thurs10/1&10/3: Ball at Sundial, 7pm Monday, 10/19: Happy Hour at Uncle Sam’s, to come for an evening, the cost is $1 for Tues10/6: Dinner at Caramba Fresh Mexican 18913 N. 83rd Ave, 5:30 p.m. Oakmont Pinochle Club Food 8285 W Union Hills Dr, 4:30pm RCSC Cardholders; $2 for escorted guests, Tuesday, 10/20: Butterfly Wonderland. Lakeview and Oakmont Pinochle Clubs Thurs 10/8: Mini Golf at Bell, 6:30pm plus the $1 prize fund. Meet 10am at Bell Center by Memo’s; Travel have merged and the club is now called Fri 10/9: Dinner at Memo’s (Bell center) at to 9500 East Via de Ventura, Scottsdale. Oakmont Pinochle. We meet at the Oak- 4:30pm followed by Darts at Bell, 6pm Lunch afterward. mont Auditorium on Tuesdays at 11:30am Sun10/11: Dinner at Good China, 9180 W Saguaro Bridge and Saturdays at 9:30am. Union Hills Dr, 4:30pm Wednesday, 10/21: NextGen Meeting, Bell Saguaro Bridge meets Fridays, 6:45-9:30pm Tues10/20: Brunch at Mimi’s 7450 W Bell, Social Hall, 7pm at Lakeview Social Hall #1. Must have Monday Night Pinochle 10:30am Thursday, 10/22: Wine tasting at Total Wine partner, please call Eleanor @623-583-2785 We play both single and double deck at Thurs 10/22: Mini Golf at Mountain View, if you need a partner. $3 and current RCSC (Arrowhead) 1pm, (date subject to change Oakmont every Monday at 6:30pm. Arrive 4:30pm, followed by dinner at Bibiano’s - check NextGen website) $20 per person. Member Card required to join; .50Cents by 6:15pm. Membership dues $3/year 10651 W Olive Ave #106, 6:00pm each night for prize fund. Come visit and with valid RCSC card. Play fee is 50 cents/ Tues 10/27: Dinner at BJ’s 9748 W Northern Monday, 10/26: Breakfast at JB’s Restau- try it out for $1. We’ll have fun! evening. Non-members/guests pay $2/ Ave October 27, 4:30pm rant, 9889 W. Bell Rd, 9am evening plus play fee of $1. Punch cards or Thurs 10/29: Shuffleboard at Bell, 6:30pm. Wednesday, 10/28: Shuffleboard at Bell daily card accepted. FMIC Kim at 623-251- Additional information and list of activities and dinner at Memo’s. Shuffleboard begins 4155 or Monies at 623-875-0421. can be found on the club web site, 4:30pm or contact Bunco Broncos Ellen 623-583-2307 or Traci 623-640-4713 Friday, 10/30: Halloween Party, Bell Social Hall, Pizza provided, bring a dish to share, Bet your booty it’ll be a blast with the 6pm Bunco Broncos! All it takes is a willingness Michigan Friends in Sun City Club to indulge in a few laughs and tons of fun. Must be member, visitor (RCSC Card- Michigan Friends in Sun City Club hosts an Bring two bucks and you’ll be betting on holder), or escorted guest to participate. early-bird (robin redbreast) dinner at JB’s a bodacious bucking bronco bash...throw To learn more or to sign up for activities, Kachina Bridge Restaurant on Bell Road, Saturday 10/17 at those dice pardner and join us. If this is check our website calendar http://www. Play bridge? Interested in getting into the 4pm. The inclusive price of $12.00 includes your first rodeo, no worries...we’ll still send and use the activ- game? Come join us! Don’t let duplicate beverage, one of four entrees, dessert, tax, you back to your bunkhouse with a smile ity link Dates/ bridge scare you; we will help. We are a and tip. RSVP to Cheryl & Dennis Cassady; on your face. We meet at the Oakmont times subject to change. Please check our non-sanctioned duplicate bridge club that [email protected] by 10/14. For “Ranch” (social hall) on the 4th Monday website for current information. FMI next- meets on Monday and Thursday (play once those interested in happy hour first, bring of each month. Doors open at noon; play [email protected]. or twice a week) at Sundial 12:15-4pm. your favorite beverage & come to the Cas- starts at 12:30. FMIC 328-5327 or 972- Closed July and August. Annual member- sady’s place on Pineaire Drive, at 3pm. Their 1035. ship: $10 to all RCSC Cardholders in good address & phone number to be emailed Sun City Woman’s Social Club standing (covers both days); plus $2 each after getting your RSVP. Also, save the date: Gathering place at Lakeview for women play for prizes. We welcome players to visit Saturday 12/5, for the Michigan Christmas to play cards (canasta, bridge or poker) to see how duplicate bridge is played. No Potluck Party from 1-5pm at Fairway. More or board games (Rummikube or Mexican partner, don’t worry - call Kitty at 623-933- details and other activities will be emailed Train). Hours: Daily 10am-4:30pm. FMIC 6466. FMIC Sharon at 623-251-4858. in the fall. 623-760-3293. A Community Newsletter CLUB EVENTS PAGE 19

Arts & Crafts

Sun City Clay Club at Lakeview Palo Verde Art Club Bell Craft Club October is here; that means classes & work- There’s no better way to learn to draw Open Mon-Sat 9am-3 pm, and Thurs 6pm- shops are back in full swing. More winter shapes & shadows than practicing on the 9pm. Scrapbooking class Sat: 9am-3pm. visitors return every day, making for more human face. If you’ve always wanted to Happy Hearts group knits & crochets for activity and fun. If you have an interest capture your friends and family in artwork, our military veterans & other charities; in learning about clay, now is the time to why not start now? Palo Verde Art Club’s meets Fri noon-3pm; members gather their check us out. You are welcome whether projects, stitch, plan, and socialize. Yarn SewNSew Club Portrait Group, open to all RCSC Cardhold- new to clay or an experienced potter. We ers, meets weekly year-round in their Art donations welcome. Meetings every Thurs 9:30 –11a. First Thurs are a well equipped studio with friendly Room at Sundial Rec Center with a live every month: Show & Tell followed by Many different classes/workshops avail- members and teachers to help you get model to practice drawing and paint- potluck. Open sewing Tues & Sat 9:30a–3p able, including (but not limited to): Bead started. For information about the club, fall ing skills and share techniques. Join us and Thurs 11:30a–3p. Membership open to weaving, Greeting Cards (4), Copper classes and activities, visit us in person or Thursday afternoons from 1-3pm. Club all RCSC cardholders. Annual dues: $5. Enameling (2), Placemats, Candle making, check the website, “” Membership: $10/ year; each Portrait ses- Special Interest Groups (SIG): Quilling & Cross Stitch, Painting, Plastic Club hours: 8:30am-8:30pm Mon-Thurs and sion $3. FMIC 623-551-0402. Become a part Machine Embroidery SIG- Anita Goodesign Canvas, Knitting, Crocheting, Silk Flowers, 8:30 am-4:30pm Fri and Sat. of our fun group! Craft Beading, Polymer Clay, and Brazilian Class first Wed 9a-4p. Members register at FMIC 623-933-0899 Sun Valley Quilts (under SewNSew). Dimensional Embroidery. Serger SIG – second Tues 9:30–11a fol- All classes taught by active members. If lowed by a serging project until 3p. Camera Guild you have a craft you think others would Garment SIG– second Wed each month Learn Leather Craft Special Sun City seminar by Freestyle enjoy, become a member and teach. Bou- 9:30–11:30a Carving-Stamping-Garment-Construction. Photographic Supplies on ‘The World Of tique open to all for purchase of unique Machine Embroidery SIG- third Wed each Join the Leather Craft Club of Sun City; Inkjet Papers - Success or Failure... The Print handcrafted gifts made by our members. month 9:30–11a followed by machine open to all current RCSC members. Annual Matters!’ presented by Eric Joseph, Senior General Meetings second Thurs, Sept- May. embroidery project until 3p. Dues: $10. Beginners welcome. Lessons, VP at Freestyle. Educational seminar covers Annual Dues: $10. New members joining Garment Design SIG – TBD (check in room) patterns and tools furnished. Beginner every available inkjet paper brand and July 1-Dec 31: $5. All regularly scheduled where members learn to “think outside classes are Tues. Located at Marinette. Win- helps you understand how to select the classes free to club members. Membership the pattern.” Certification required for all ter hours 8a-2:30p; Summer hours 8a-12p, right paper for your image. This one-of-a- open to all current RCSC Cardholders. FMIC machine use. Upon certification, members Mon-Fri. We make all types of leather kind seminar applies to photographers, 623-974-3497. may use that machine type when club- goods from holsters, belts and purses to printmakers, graphic designers and artists room is open. Sign up in the clubroom for clothes and mini saddles. A fun group of of all levels. Sponsored by Camera Guild the specific machine: people and a great craft. Come check us of Sun City on Tues 11/20, 10am-12pm at Artistic Weavers/Fiber Artists Sewing machine - Brother out! FMIC 623-594-6591 or 623-933-8831. Fairway. Seminar free to all Camera Guild Regular hours resume 10/1: Mon- Fri 9am– 1 – 3-hour class – cost $6 members, interested Sun City Cardholders 3pm. Classes: Basket weaving, Fri; Coiled Serger – Baby Lock Imagine – Jet Thread- and escorted guests ($2 fee). To reserve baskets, Mon; Spinning, Wed; Crocheting & ing machine your space or FMIC: Les Siemens, Camera Knitting, Tues & Thurs. Sign up for Begin- 1 – 3-hour class – cost $6 Guild of Sun City program chair: cgsc. ners’ Loom Weaving; classes held Tues, Embroidery Machine – Baby Lock [email protected] Thurs & Sat, 9am-Noon, 10/13-10/31. Cost: 2 – 3-hour classes – cost $12 $40 plus $12 membership fee (includes Cover Stitch Machine 2016 dues). Membership open to all cur- 1 – 3-hour class – cost $6 Sun City China Painting rent RCSC cardholders. Intermediate Weav- Heavy Duty machine for bulky fabrics Try a different kind of art work that’s purely ing classes (Twill Towels Project) begin 1 – 3-hour class – cost $6 Creative Quilters artistic yet practical. All RCSC Cardholders 11/3. Registration required. Instructors will Sewing classes on topics requested by We meet on second floor at Lakeview. are invited to stop in Fairway (Room 217) contact you with details. members are scheduled; to see class list, Club Hours: Mon & Fri open sewing 8am- to learn more about a free class (supplies check the reservation list in clubroom or at 4pm; Tues & Wed open sewing with Sew N also provided). Once it has been fired, take Sew 9am-3pm; Quilting technique open your newly painted selection home to Teachers, a library of reference materials, Fairway Woodworking discussions every Mon 9am; Fri Busi- enjoy or present as a gift. Class held Tues club patterns and embroidery designs are Come take a look around. Join us and ness meeting, announcements, programs 10/13, 1pm, in Room 217. Sign up for this available to members during open sew enjoy a great club and rewarding hobby 9:30am; Boutique items & quilt raffle tickets unique experience soon! Club room open hours. Sew ‘N’ Sew Club appreciates fabric in a large club room containing the latest available for purchase during club hours Mon, Wed, Fri from 9am-noon; and Tues donations that help us serve our commu- equipment and tools. FMIC 972-4385 Upcoming events: 9am-3pm. Stop in to see the many kinds of nity. Donations accepted Tues & Sat from 10/2: Show & Tell; 10/9: Monthly Business art work used on china and china-like sur- 9:30a-3p & Thurs 11:30a–p3. Meeting, slate of 2016 officers announced; faces, such as tiles. There are many places Open sewing and boutique sales, including 10/23: Featured Quilter Program; 10/30: where hand-painted tiles can be used. Bell Metal Club doll clothes to fit the American Girl Doll, Charity Work Day; 10/20-10/22 Quilt Camp FMIC 623-256-6784 after 4pm. Love metal? Love art? Come to Bell Metal are Tues & Saturdays 9:30a–3p and Thurs at Windmill Suites; 1/22 & 1/23 (2016) Bien- Club to be innovative and artistic with 11:30a–3p. nial Quilt Show. Membership/participation metal! Not only can you work with metal, is open to all RCSC Cardholders. we can fix and replace your garbage can lids or make your mailbox secure by add- Lakeview Ceramics ing a locking security box. We have all Lakeview Ceramics & Porcelain offers the equipment to cut, weld and machine classes in ceramics, porcelain & stoneware. Artists by the Lake Meets in Lakeview Art Room. Next club metal; we even build small engines. Come Beginners Workshop on Wednesdays visit our shop and/or join us Monday-Satur- 9am-1pm; get one-on-one instruction. meeting on Tuesday, 10/6 at noon in Social Hall 1 at Lakeview. New classes begin that day, 8am-4pm. Membership is open to all Club hours: Mon 9am-3pm, and Tues-Fri RCSC Cardholder and is $10 per year. Call 9am-1pm. Tuesday evening classes no week for watercolor, drawing, acrylics, oils, pastels, and general art classes. FMIC us to see if we can repair of fix your broken longer available. Annual Membership: $5 metal items. FMIC 623-974-8206. w/current RCSC card. FMIC 623-974-5979 Kathy Phillips, 623-877-9366. or stop by. Visitors (RCSC Cardholders) are always welcome. PAGE 20 SUNVIEWS • OCTOBER 2015 PAGE 21 Take some time to get-away! Overnight or just for the day!

Tours can be purchased Monday through Friday in the Lakeview Clubs Office or by February 21-28, 2016 (Sunday-Sunday) December 9, 2015 (Wednesday) Celebration of Christmas at Phoenix First Assembly of God | AAA phone from 8:30am to 4:00pm. Visa, MasterCard, Discover, cash or checks accepted. Copper Canyon, Mexico | FSV Day Tours Tours are for RCSC Cardholders and their guests only. Cardholders should have member $1,500pp double | $1,800pp single | $100pp deposit; balance due January 7 Depart 4:45pm | Return 10:30pm (est) card available, must accompany each trip and may purchase a maximum of six tickets. $85pp The largest canyon complex in North America, Day tours depart from Bell Center. Tours are non-refundable. Please inquire about trip November 9, 2015 (Monday) a destination unlike any other. For those who Phoenix First is proud to bring one of America’s largest Christmas musicals to Phoenix. cancellation protection offered by All Aboard America (AAA) and Free Spirit Vacations Need for Speed Penske Museum and Turf Paradise | FSV love the unusual and seek adventure , the “Bar- Bring family and invite friends to experience the true season of Christmas. In this year’s (FSV) for overnight tours. Call 623-561-4660 for more details or visit Depart 9:00am | Return 6:00pm (est) ranca del Cobre” is the answer. At an altitude show a group of people discover the wonder of Christmas through their journey on the travel $99pp of 8,000 feet, the mountain peaks are snow- “Christmas Express,” while entertaining the audience with aerials, live circus animals, capped in winter while the canyon bottom Rockettes, popular dance numbers and a special feature looking back on the music and remains tropical. Here’s the home of the semi The Penske Racing Museum showcases an amazing collection of cars, trophies, and dance of the 1950s. The story culminates with a live nativity, flying angels, and a 30-piece Overnight Trips nomadic cliff dwellers, the Tarahumara Indians, memorabilia chronicling the career of one of the most successful dynasties in all of orchestra. Seats are very limited; this is always a sold out event in the Valley. the least acculturated Amerindians. Experience sports. Then enjoy thoroughbred racing at its finest at Turf Paradise. Includes lunch. December 10, 2015 (Thursday) November 11-17, 2015 (Wednesday-Tuesday) one of the most dramatic rail journeys in the November 10, 2015 (Tuesday) Desert Botanical Gardens, Dinner at Organ Stop Pizza and Mormon Temple | FSV Red Rock Pickleball & Canyon Country | FSV western hemisphere, on a rail line that took Sabino Canyon in Tucson | AAA Depart 3:00pm | Return 9:00pm (est) $1,660pp double | $2,094pp single | $1,554pp triple | $100pp deposit; 100 years to complete. Travel with us and enjoy Depart 8:15am | Return 6:30pm (est) $99pp balance due August 25 the majestic beauty of one of the world’s most unique destinations. PASSPORT REQUIRED. $95pp Enjoy a magical night as the Desert Botanical Gar- In addition to magnificent sightseeing in Sabino Canyon tour is a narrated, educa- dens come to life with the soft glow from more than Lake Powell, Grand Canyon, Bryce and Zion February 23-25, 2016 (Tuesday- Thursday) tional tour into the foothills of Santa Catalina 8,000 hand-lit luminaria bags, thousands of white National Parks and Monument Valley Tribal Laughlin, Oatman, Lake Havasau | FSV Mountains. The trams have nine stops along twinkle lights and the vibrant sounds and sights of Park, there will be two mornings of pickleball $165pp double | $195pp single the way (with several restroom facilities and live entertainment throughout. An early dinner at in beautiful St. George, Utah. A professional picnic grounds) located near Sabino Creek, Organ Stop Pizza and a stop at the Mormon Temple pickleball instructor from SOUP (Southern Flirt with Lady Luck in Laughlin for three fun-filled days. Then, travel back in time and visit the quaint Arizona town of Oatman. Make friends with the wild burro roaming the street and turn around at Stop #9. Riders may Light Display are also included. Utah Pickleball Association) will offer optional remain on board or hike back down to the clinics for beginners to advanced players. Take and shop ‘til you drop while enjoying the local flavor of this unique and historic Route 66 town. You will also visit Lake Havasu City, home of the London Bridge. Visitors Center, enjoying the panorama of advantage of a clinic or join local players for cottonwoods lining the creek below. You will drop-in play. February 23-26, 2016 (Tuesday- Friday) have a few hours to explore the canyon on December 12, 2015 (Saturday) Queen Mary & Catalina Island | AAA your own, so take your time and enjoy your Christmas Show at Arizona Opry | AAA November 24-28, 2015 (Tuesday-Saturday) box lunch at your leisure at one of the many $695pp double | $785pp single | $200pp deposit; balance due January 23 Depart 1100am | Return 6:00pm (est) San Antonio & the River Walk over Thanksgiving | AAA picnic areas while in the canyon. $105pp $1,750pp double | $2,175pp single | $250pp deposit; balance due October 2 The Queen Mary’s creation and launch was nothing if not extraordinary, and her story November 26, 2015 (Thursday) is rich with history, elegance and grandeur. From the time of her construction began in They have been entertaining Arizona for the past 30 years and new for 2015-2016 sea- This holiday season the River Walk shines brighter than ever, with thousands of colorful Thanksgiving at the Opry | AAA 1930 in Clydebank, Scotland, the Queen Mary was destined to stand in a class all her own. son, exciting artists join Barbara & Brenda Barleen and their family. Get into the Holiday Christmas lights decorating the facades. Do a little holiday shopping or just enjoy the Depart 10:45am | Return 4:45pm (est) For years after her maiden voyage, the spirit with Arizona Opry by joining us for an afternoon of a tasty meal followed by their Thanksgiving holiday in San Antonio. Watch centuries of history come alive right before $99pp seasonal Holiday show. The Opry cast will delight you with their top-notch musical talent, your eyes. Warm up to a heapin’ helping of Texas hospitality and join us on this wonder- Queen Mary was the greatest ocean liner in the world carrying Hollywood celebri- featuring traditional Christmas music as well as newer holiday instrumentals and songs. ful and historic tour to experience Holiday Magic at its best in San Antonio! Come with us for a special “Thanksgiving Day” mati- ties like Bob Hope and Clark Gable, royalty Known for Arizona’s wholesome family entertainment, enjoy music, great food and hilari- nee show that gets rave reviews throughout the like the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, and ous comedy. The Valley’s top choice in dinner show entertainment that’s certain to start December 7-11, 2015 (Monday-Friday) valley and where everyone has fun! The “Opry” gang dignitaries like Winston Churchill. As World your Holiday off right! New York City Holiday | FSV will entertain you with over 50 different instru- War II started, the Queen Mary’s transfor- $2,899pp double | $3,949pp single | ments, and almost any style of music. This is bound mation into a troopship had begun. She December 14, 2015 (Monday) Includes Airfare to be a fun-filled day at the Arizona Opry which is a was painted camouflage gray and stripped Holiday Dinner at Durant’s & Lights at the Mormon Temple | AAA $750pp deposit; balance due October 7 top-attended theater. Enjoy a hearty home-cooked of her luxurious amenities. You’ll learn Depart 2:45pm | Return 8:00pm (est) $105pp meal served right at your table, then sit back, relax about the ship’s usage during World War II that dubbed her the “Gray Ghost.” There will Highlights of this fantastic tour include Green- and prepare for an unforgettable event of musical also be an opportunity visit Catalina Island and observe The Christ Cathedral. Join us for some holiday cheer! We begin with wich Village, Wall Street, Christmas Spectacular variety, comedy and wholesome family fun! Sign-up an old fashion festive dinner at one of our at Radio City Music Hall, tour of the Statue of early as this is a VERY popular event and always sells March 1-4, 2016 (Tuesday-Friday) favorite restaurants in metro Phoenix, “Du- Liberty and a Broadway show! Experience the out quickly! Discover Las Vegas Deluxe | FSV rant’s.” You’ll have a choice of selections off city that never sleeps with this holiday tour of $575pp double | $750pp single | $100pp deposit; balance due January 15 their holiday menu. Following a scrumptious a lifetime! dinner, we’ll head to Mesa to visit the Mormon December 5, 2015 (Saturday) Spend three nights at the Monte Carlo on the world-famous Las Vegas Strip and experi- Temple beautifully lit with more than 500,000 February 3-5, 2016 (Wednesday-Friday) Prescott Day Christmas Parade | FSV ence all the new attractions this city has to offer. If you haven’t been to Vegas lately, you multi-colored lights just for the Christmas Pickleball in Palm Springs | FSV Depart 7:30am | Return 5:00pm (est) will be amazed at all the new and exciting attractions that are available. A city tour is holidays. There is very little walking on this tour $425pp double | $550pp single| $100pp deposit; balance due December 18 $79pp included so you can see it all! It is truly a destination like no other! and it has been especially designed for anyone to come along! Please wear casual clothes and Palm Springs is a jewel among desert cities. Rich in history, blessed with glorious Travel to historic Precott, “Arizona’s Christmas City,” and watch a legendary parade com- comfortable walking shoes. You won’t want to weather, and loaded with attractions, this Desert Destination includes the Palm Springs plete with floats, marching bands, and tap dancing toddlers. miss this tour, excellent food and the festive Aerial Tramway, VillageFest and two days of pickleball for all skill levels. light displays – a wonderful way to celebrate You’ll find more Trips and Tours at the holidays!

Copies of the itinerary can be requested for overnight tours/cruises in the Lakeview Club Office, Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 4:00pm. Single residents can request their name be added to a list for “sharing a room by gender” with another resident for overnight tours. Visit for a complete listing of overnight trips, day tours and more information. PAGE 22 CLUB EVENTS SUNVIEWS • OCTOBER 2015 Arts & Crafts (continued) Sports & Outdoors

Handweavers & Spinners Guild Bocce Club of Sun City Pickleball Now on full schedule; be sure to sign up Classes held Oct–May at Sundial Artistic Stained Glass at Bell The fastest growing sports for seniors, for desired days of Club play & join the fun Schedules: Mon 9am–12pm Beading; Tues Open weekdays: 8am - 3:30pm Mon-Fri; great exercise for all levels and lots of fun. on Fri nights & Sun afternoons; open play 9am–12pm Rug weaving; Wed 9am-3pm 8am-1pm Sat; and 5-8:30pm on Mon, The Club offers introductory lessons and every Thurs at 10am Basic & Intermediate Weaving; Thurs Wed, Thurs. Come in and visit to see all Skills and Drills workshops. Group times Sept tournament playoffs: 10/ 24 at 10am 12–3pm Inkle and Spinning; Fri 9 – 3 Basket the great work happening there and sign suggested for different levels of play. Times Oct tournament: 10/ 26- 11/20; play on Weaving. General meetings : First Monday up for a beginner’s class. suggested for different ability levels to play Mon, Tue, Weds and Fri, 10am; playoffs on of the month at 1pm FMIC Guild room comfortably. If there is not a group for you, Sat 11/ 21, 10am. Clubhouse closed on phone 623-9339397 contact us and we will try to accommodate Saturdays (other than playoff date). any level/group. Club membership/partici- Open play every Sunday; 2pm. pation open to all current RCSC Cardhold- 25cent play every Friday, 7pm. ers. Oakmont Ceramics Two Person Team tournament: Thurs Open Play (all levels): Mon-Sat, 7-11am or Annual Dues: $5 Club hours: Mon-Tu-We: 10/29-11/19, 10am. Grab a partner and Mon-Thurs, 4-7pm 8am-noon; Wed: 8am-3pm; Tu evening: do-si-do to the courts. There must be even Introductory Class: Mon, 11:30am-1pm (To 5:30-9pm; Sat: 9am-1pm; closed on Fridays. couples; once play begins, must find sub- make sure we have enough teachers and New expanded hours to meet members’ stitute if you (or teammate) cannot play or equipment, call Peter 575-779-1154) needs. Now open Sat 9am-1pm. Whether a forfeit day’s games. Appropriate, modest Beginners/Novice: Tues & Thurs, 2-4pm beginner or advanced, The Friendly Club is attire required at courts at all times. Couples Play & Grab a Bite: Fri 5pm for you. With over 900 molds, you can use Times subject to change. Check bulletin simple method or do amazing things with Fundraiser: Fri 10/2 Peter Piper Pizza 4-7pm boards or new techniques learned from specialty or call Dave Sinclair at 623-322-3420 classes. Classes/workshops vary in cost; Board Mtg: Mon 10/5; Clubhouse; 5:30pm some are free. FMIC 623-363-3908 or come Member Mtg: Mon 10/12 Sundial East Hall; by Club during Club hours. 7pm Fairway Knitters Halloween Party: Fri 10/30; Bocce courts; Knit / crochet items for the military, care 4:30pm; refreshments, costume judging, centers, and school children as well as for prizes & 25 cent play. Don your funniest or Clay Corner the homeless of Phoenix and other chari- scariest costume or just come as yourself & Don’t forget Clay Corner Board Member ties. Join us any Friday 8:30am-2:30pm. enjoy the fun elections take place at November General Club provides the yarn, you provide your Lessons: Meeting. Meetings held monthly on 2nd time and skill, and we all have fun learning Keith 623-760-6927 Wed thru April; open to our membership. from each other. We meet in AZ Room 4 Bruce 623-972-7180 Social time 8:30a; meeting at 9a. Please at Fairway. Annual membership: $3. FMIC Edith 623-271-0092 or FMI Sundial Shuffleboard Club check our website at: http://marinetteclay- 623-972-9736. Play at Bell on Thursday. Club play begins at 7pm on 10/1 when Rec Centers move Clay Corner’s Hours: Fun Water Volleyball Club from summer hours. Please arrive by 6:45; Summer: 25 cent court fee. Requirements: comfort- Grandmothers & Friends Plays M & W noon-2pm and F & Su 2-4pm M-W 8am-9pm at Oakmont Pool. Annual membership able but modest and appropriate attire; Grandmother & Friends meet Mondays at Th-F 8am-4pm $5. Enjoy the benefits of getting exercise, desire to have fun. If you haven’t played Oakmont, 9am, for workshops where we Sat. 9am-5pm meeting friendly people & laughing (which before, don’t worry; arrive a few minutes make favors etc. for various area charities. Closed on Sundays is probably the best thing for your health). early and someone will assist you. All We also craft placemats (and other crafts) Winter: RCSC card required to join, but try it out equipment is furnished. made from recycled greeting cards (gener- Sep. 1-Apr. 30 as a visitor for one session. FMIC 623-523- Club Board Mtg: Thurs.10/22, 5:30pm, ously donated to our club) for the Arts & M-F 8am-9pm 3449 or email [email protected]. Team Room, Bell. Crafts Festival. Social meetings are second Sat. 9am-5pm If fun, exercise, new friends & laughter are Member Mtg: Tues, 11/3 Sundial East Hall; Monday each month at noon. FMIC Shir- Closed on Sundays Summer & Winter your goals, you couldn’t make a better Social 5:30pm; Pot Luck 6pm. Welcome all ley: 623-876-2016 Stop by and visit with us at Marinette, choice. new members and welcome back winter Building A. FMIC 623-977-3167 residents. FMIC Russ at 623-208-9921 or come to the courts any Thursday evening. Fairway Ceramics & Porcelain Swim Club Announcement All Guests & Visitors invited to enter free Sun City Swim Club Lessons have moved monthly drawing for awesome door prizes outdoors to the Lakeview pool. Lessons Sun City Senior Softball Club and take a quick Ceramics Club tour! from 8:30-10am. Beginning and inter- The Sun City Softball field is closed for Annual membership: $10 per RCSC card- mediate classes available, along with over-seeding & maintenance during Octo- holder; family memberships for 2 (same an advanced group workout. Annual ber. On Mondays, from 9/28-10/19, the address) $15. New member dues paid Membership fee: $3 for any current RCSC Green Team program (for new players) is at after 6/30 are half-price! Classes are fun cardholder. Gateway Park, (located on El Mirage Rd, ¼ and low-cost: airbrushing, clay lifting, glaz- mi N of Olive Ave) 8:30am. Player practice ing, brushstrokes, translucents, Zentangle, Sun City Lawn Bowling Clubs Mondays at 7am. Pick a time & place that works for you and underglaze pencil, and other techniques. The Senior Softball Leagues hosts the joins us! M, W, F, 8am & 7pm at Bell Green All skill levels welcome. Orientation helps annual Veterans Day Tournament on 11/ or Oakmont Green. T, TH, Sat, 8am & 7pm new members get started in a friendly, 7 beginning at 8:30 a.m. at the Sun Bowl at Bell Green or Oakmont Green. We have encouraging environment. Greenware, Softball field at 107th & Clair (one block many fun tournaments & social events. tools, & supplies available for purchase. south of Peoria Avenue), including a color Free lessons. Open to all RCSC Cardholders. Winter Hours: October-May: 9am-3pm, guard salute and recognition of veterans. FMIC Len 623-974-3214 or Micky 928-853- Mon-Fri. FMIC 623-972-5818, or Dott All softball players are former military, fire, 3945. Check our website: www.bowlsaz. McDaniel at 623-748-3313. Located on 2nd rescue, EMS, or police/posse. Come out com floor at Fairway. and honor the vets, cheer on the ball play- The Lakeview Greens are closed this sum- ers and enjoy hot dogs, burgers, sodas etc. mer for renovation! A Community Newsletter CLUB EVENTS PAGE 23

Dances Sun City Line Dance Welcome-Back Party Tue 10/27, Full Lunch; Dance Schedule: 9:45-10am Dance steps (Lesson);10am-12:30pm Beginner, Improved, Advance; 12:30pm-Lunch served. Rockin’ Thru the Years – Saturday Nite Fever Halloween Dance Party! Tue 10/31 Dance Schedule: 6:30-7pm lesson; 7-9:30pm Dance. Only dance club dedicated to Classic Rock and Roll, Disco, DooWop & Country Rock. We Costume encouraged for Costume Walk; Door Prizes have our own sound system & use 2 different DJs to play music from the 50s thru today. Members: $3; Guests: $5 (both events) FMIC Walter 623-972-5127 Will play requests within R&R genre. Singles/couples welcome; No Dress Code. We furnish cups & ice; BYO snacks & drinks. Admission: $3/members; $5/escorted guests. Annual RTTY membership: $3 with valid RCSC member card. Doors open 6:30pm; Dance 7-10pm Satur- Dance Lessons days at Bell. Remember, you don’t need a partner or lessons to enjoy dancing to R&R and Disco! FMIC 623-332-7894 or visit New! Videos with your music Sun City Ballroom Dance Club on our new 10ft x 5ft Video Screen! October Schedule: 10/10 – DJ Ryan Blair; 10/24 – DJ Mon 6pm ChaCha Thurs 6pm Night Club 2-Step Jamee Soulz ; RRTY Halloween Special! 10/31 DJ Ryan Blair Mon 7pm Country Thurs 7pm Waltz 1 Mon 8pm Swing Thurs 8pm Variety Sun City Friday Night Singles Dance Club Cost per lesson: $5 members; $7 escorted guests. FMIC Kat 623-387-6731: Julie 623-755- Singles & couples invited to join us for social & ballroom dancing at Sundial, Friday eve- 8129 or visit our website: nings, 7-10pm. Enjoy some of the best live music in the Valley, whether you love to slow dance, are an accomplished ballroom dancer, or somewhere in between. Free dance lesson with paid admission: 6pm. No partner required for lesson; Students rotate so everyone Performing Arts has an opportunity to dance. We have a couple “Mixers” and “Line Dances”. Admission: $5/ members; $7/escorted guests. Enjoy socializing and the opportunity to make new friends. Rhythm Ramblers Be comfortable, but please - no jeans, shorts, pullover shirts, hats, tennis shoes or flip flops. The Rhythm Ramblers return Tuesday, October 6. Join us at Sundial Auditorium from 2:30- Coffee, ice and cups provided. FMIC Bob (623) 215-8718 or visit our website at: www.sunc- 4:30pm. Dance and listen to the sound of a great band along with the vocal styling of Barry Open to all RCSC Cardholders and their escorted guests. Dale. Admission: $4 for current RCSC cardholders; $6 for guests/visitors. Dress is casual. October Dates: 10/2 Manuel Dorantes; 10/9 Midnight Moon; 10/16 Mike Carollo; 10/23 Bring drinks and snacks. Cups, ice and napkins provided. Your attendance is greatly appre- Bob Roppolo; 10/30 Mike & Manuel ciated. Let’s keep the “Big Band Sound” alive!

Sun City Ballroom Dance Club at Bell The Sun City Concert Band Weekly Dance Sundays 7-9:30pm; free lesson: 6:30pm w/paid admission. Dance mixers, The Sun City Concert Band presents its first concert of the season, “Celebrate America,” raffle, drawing for free passes. Coffee, ice & cups provided; bring your own snacks. Mem- on Sunday, October 25, 3pm at Sundial Auditorium. With the challenges we face in this bers: $4; escorted guests: $6. Annual Club Membership: $3. Open to all RCSC cardholders. great country of ours, we need to do all we can to promote patriotism in our communities. Quality music & lessons by professional DJ and instructors. Come enjoy a few hours of Director George Zoske and the Concert Band provide an historical journey through music, air-conditioned, pleasurable exercise. Ballroom dancing is low-impact aerobics which is tracing the challenges faced and progress made in these United States. Selections include: good for our health. Group lessons on Mon & Thurs evenings. FMI visit our website: www. “American Civil War Fantasy,” “God of Our Fathers,” written to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the United States Declaration of Independence, “Flags of Freedom,” “This Is My Country” and more. Our soloists: vocalist Jane Higgs and trumpeter Dan Reed. You will want to attend this free concert. Concert is open to all. The Country Dance Club at Sundial Come dance with us Saturday, 10/3 at Sundial and 10/17 at Fairway. Both dances are from The nationally recognized Sun City Concert Band is open to all RCSC Cardholders. The 7-9:30pm; doors open 6pm; free dance lesson with admission from 6:30-7pm. Admission: music performance season is from September to May, with practices each Tuesday at the $3/members; $5/guests. There is something for everyone; a good mix for couples, couples Fairway Music Room, from 8:30 to 11:30am. FMIC Band President, Ed White, 623-972-4767. pattern, and line dancing. Dress casual or dress up, country or otherwise. Bring your own drinks and snacks. Cups and ice provided. For more information, call 623-972-5127 or visit Piano Club our website at Join us as we start the new 2015/2016 season. Enjoy a variety of tunes, from old great classics to jazz and popular favorites from the 40-80’s played by our members and guest performers. Piano Club meets 9:30am Friday, 10/16 in the Sundial Auditorium. Feel free to Sun City Squares bring a friend, and be a friend to someone new. (Guests must be accompanied by an RCSC First dance of season: 11/10; Dee Dee Dougherty, Caller; Doug Dodge, Cuer Nov, Dec, Cardholder) Membership is open to all RCSC Cardholders. Annual Dues: $10. Apr; Larry Sperry, Cuer Jan, Feb, Mar. (Bell Center) Beginner Square Dance Lessons begin 11/6; 6:30-8:30pm Friday. Plus Workshop 8:30-9:30pm Fridays; If you ANGEL for lessons, Choraliers of Sun City workshop is free. Dennis Farrar, Caller/Instructor; FMIC Marilyn: 623-930-7513 or Mary Sue: The Choraliers, an auditioned group of men & women, work on music for upcoming 2015 623-875-2642 or EMAIL: [email protected] Dances open to RCSC Cardholders & Holiday Season. Auditions begin 10/12 and are open to all RCSC Cardholders. Prospective their Escorted Guests vocalists encouraged to attend a Monday rehearsal from 8:30-11am. First performance is 12/1. Some musical selections are well known; others are new compositions, all performed Tip Top Dance Club with the usual talented “Choraliers’ flair.” The Choraliers is directed by Jane Brambilla & Tip Top Dance Classes - Men and Women all levels Welcome. accompanied by Carol Morse on piano & Jeff Morse on percussion. Annual dues: $10; most Beginner Mon 10am Diana Intermediate Tues 9am Diana costuming provided by the club. Dates now being set for Spring 2016 concerts. To schedule Moving /Beat Tues 1pm Kim Adv Variety Mon 8:45am Jackie a program or FMIC Carol Morse at 623-933-7202. Non-Performing Wed 9am Joey Adv Tap Tues 11am Dallas Moving /Beat Thurs 1pm Kim Adv Variety Fri 9am Jackie Readers’ Theater Ensemble Adv Tap Fri 11am Dallas Readers’ Theater Ensemble encourages acting & oral reading. We give short plays at various Annual membership $10. Tap Class fee $12 monthly. Moving to the Beat $3 per class. Open organizations. Meetings are workshops to help improve talents. We do not memorize; we to all RCSC cardholders and their guests. Marinette Social Hall; FMIC Christine 623-322-3138 read from scripts. If you are shy, we can help you gain confidence. We meet every Fri, 1pm in Marinette Auditorium (thru Oct). Come and observe; don’t be surprised when you decide to keep coming back. FMIC 623-972-4580. Open to all RCSC Cardholders. Annual dues: $1. Bell Tea Dance Dances on Weds from 2 to 4pm at Bell. Must provided by local keyboard artists. Dance Sun City Players consists of Foxtrots, Waltzes, Latin, Swing and Rock; two mixers and line dance included. October Cabaret Variety Show 10/19. How fun! So much talent--so little time! Open to all Coffee, tea & cookies provided. Singles welcome. Admission: $4/Club Members, $6 Guests. RCSC cardholders. Come early and bring munchies and beverage. A short business meet- FMIC 623-933-8873. October Dates: 10/7 Mike Carrolo; 10/14 Manuel Dorantes; 10/21 ing at 7pm with great entertainment to follow. Don’t miss it. Bob Roppolo; Bobby Freeman FYI Sun City Players Community Theater meets every Wednesday from 9am-noon at Mountain View. All those interested in using that time to visit, coach, learn, or rehearse are welcome. Visitors are welcome to come in to see what players club is all about. Maybe join? PAGE 24 CLASSES SUNVIEWS • OCTOBER 2015 Educational Classes

Computer Club of Sun First Week’s Events (continued) City Computing 101 - Windows 7 Class on October 7, 8 and 10 from 9a to 11a The Computer Club of Sun Computer Clinic on October 9 at 9a City is on the 2nd floor of the Investor SIG on October 10 at 9a Fairway Recreation Center. Our members come here to Second Week’s Events share computer knowledge Internet/ Email SIG on October 12 at 9a and experiences, including Windows Explorer Class in Windows 8.x on October 12, 13 current Microsoft Operat- and 14 from 9a to 11a ing Systems, Chromebooks, Speak and Listen to Your Computer SIG on October 12 at 1p Spanish Club - El Círculo Español Android Smartphones and tablets in a fun social environ- All things Google SIG on October 13 at 1p Mark your calendar for 10/15! Membership Renewal, ment. This includes the internet, mobile, media, geography, Backup and Recovery SIG on October 15 from 9a to 10:30a Class enrollment, ‘Finger-food’ potluck, 5:30pm at FW home, office and social. Members can come anytime that Monitor Training on October 15 at 11a AZ rooms 1& 2. Classes free to club members; must we are open and use our computers to check email, read Computer Clinic on October 16 at 9a be an RCSC Cardholder to join. Annual Membership: the news and visit favorite websites. Classes, special interest Third Week’s Events $7. group discussions and presentations are both interesting Android for Beginners SIG on October 19 at 9a Classes Schedule: and educational. Classes require pre-registration at the Computing 101 - Windows 8.x Class on October 19, 20 and Start Date Day & Time Class Level club. Register early as they do fill up fast! 21 from 9a to 11a 10/19 Mon 11a-1p Beginner level 1 The big news this Fall is the arrival of Microsoft’s new File Explorer Class in Windows 8.x on October 19, 20 and 21 10/19 Mon 3-5p Beginner level 2 operating system - Windows 10. We plan to equip an entire from 9a to 11a 10/21 Wed 8-10a Intermediate classroom with Windows 10 and schedule classes there. We Android Workshop on October 21 at 1p 10/21 Wed10a-12p Beginner Level 1 will have three classrooms filled with Windows machines! Computer Clinic on October 23 at 9a 10/22 Thurs10:30a-12p Intermediate Classes on all current Windows versions will be taught. Investor SIG on October 24 at 9a Conversation All RCSC cardholders are welcome to join the fun! All we ask Fourth Week’s Events 11/16 Mon 9-11a Intermediate Level 1 is that you attend a short “Join Us” presentation at specified Microsoft Windows SIG on October 26 at 9a 11/16 Mon 1-3p Beginner Level 2 times throughout the month. Please come to our club for All things Google SIG on October 27 at 1p “Destinos” 1/6/16 Wed 2-4p Beginner Level 1 more information, or visit our Club Website: www.firstsunc- November Noteworthy 1/7/16 Thurs 9-10:30a Intermediate Level 1 Quicken Class, November 2, 3, 5 & 6 (M-T-Th-F) 1:00 to 3:00 1/12/16 Tues 10-11:30a Drop-In Workshop All club members have full use of our computers, printers, pm scanners and internet connections at their leisure during FMI see our bulletin board at Fairway, email SunC- club hours. [email protected] or pick up a club flyer at Hours: M-F, 8am to 4pm, Sat: 8am to Noon Sun City Visitors Center. Here are our planned activities for October First Week’s Events Round Table Discussion on October 2 at 9a Lifelong Learning Android Devices SIG on October 5 at 9a October is here; Lifelong Learning classes begin Club Intro Class - Windows 7 on October 5 from 9a to 11a soon. For $20 per calendar year, RCSC Cardhold- Computing 101 - Windows 8.x Class on October 5, 6 and 7 ers can take courses on topics ranging from art & from 1p to 3p music, to finances, current affairs and entertain- Club Intro Class - Windows 8.x Class on October 6 from 9a ment. General Meeting 10am on Thursday, 10/1 to 11a at Fairway followed by required registration until 1:30pm. RCSC Member or Privilege Cards (with photo) must be presented for registration (no key fobs). Classes begin the week of October 19. SunMacs Computer Club Course Brochure and Class List is available on the Monthly membership meeting on Saturday, October 10, 9-10:30am in the Sundial West bulletin board outside Room 129 at Fairway, at Hall. The topic is “Protecting Your Mac, iPhone and iPad;” and “What’s Brand New from the Clubs & Activities office at Lakeview, or on the Apple.” It’s another Don’t Miss It program! As the Apple product line becomes more-and- Lifelong Learning webpage at more popular (remember: we formerly had a mere 2-3% of the market!), we now have FMIC Pam Schwenck at 623-583-0777 or email more threats to the safety of your Apple products. Our speaker is CJ from Mac Media, one [email protected] of your favorites, and he’ll bring another member of the staff as well. Hackers and scammers abound. Learn what they are and how to beat them at their own game. Plus, the newest updates to both iOS and OS X and the new advantages and fea- tures you’ll have and use. There’ll be time for Q & A, so unless you have to leave immedi- ately, stay around for personal advice. As old-timers know, some of the best information happens during the Q & A sessions. We transition from our summer schedule of morning classes only to our regular schedule of morning and afternoon classes on the weekend of 10/17. We specialize in Apple Products & Software. Located at Sundial; regular hours M-Th, 8:30-10:30a & 12:30-2:30p. See Cal- endar for any Friday sessions. RCSC card required. Annual dues: $20 single/$30 couple. We offer Classes-Round Tables- Socials-Help Sessions free to club members. Some require pre-registration. Visit or our club room for our schedule of classes and events. FMIC (623) 933-5300. A Community Newsletter FITNESS PAGE 25

Fitness & Fitness Classes

Zumba Fitness Club Stretch & Slim Zumba fuses Latin rhythms and easy to follow fitness moves to create a dynamic full body Crank up your metabolism, strengthen your heart, and have a blast in our 9am class. We do workout. It keeps you moving & grooving & makes fitness fun. The hour includes a warm- a variety of the new “HIT intervals”-short “bursts” of medium cardio alternating with brisk up, cardio workout, and cool-down. Mondays: Bell Social Halls 11:30am-12:30pm; Tuesdays: (or boosted) walking DVD’s. Hand weights and bands are used along with cardio every Sundial West Hall 6;30-7:30pm; Wednesdays: Bell Social Halls 11:30-12:30pm; Thursdays: other day for toning. 8am class is a lower intensity class using DVDs to incorporate cardio Marinette Auditorium 6:30-7:30pm. Debbie Reiss, Instructor. Saturday class: 8:30-9:30am, & strength training to build a strong body & alert mind. Classes: Mon-Sat in Bell Aerobics Marinette Auditorium, Sherry Possner, Instructor. Cost: $3 per class session. Annual Mem- room (across from Fitness Center). Come enjoy 3 free sessions before joining. Annual Fee: bership: $5 FMIC Jan at 623-972-0099. $5. Extra $2 Guest Fee - Guests must be accompanied by RCSC Cardholder.

Hatha Yoga Sun City Tai Chi Club Our Yoga Club meets at Sundial in the Yoga Club room. Classes are multi-level and do not Join the Tai Chi Club to improve your balance and health. assume prior yoga experience; all classes taught by certified instructors. Please arrive 15-20 No Equipment needed; just wear comfortable clothes and shoes. minutes before a Mat class and bring a yoga mat, small blanket or a beach towel, your cur- Come to any Beginner’s class. No Pre-Registration or Pre-payment required. rent RCSC card, $3 class fee and $5 yearly membership. Wear loose, comfortable clothing Class Schedules: for a warm environment. Refer to our website for more information: http://hathayogaclub. Monday: 9-10am Foundations of Tai Chi Fairway org 10:15-11:15am Qi Gong at Fairway 12 MAT Class Times: Tuesday: 6-7pm Intro to 108 Yang Style Tai Chi at Lakeview Mon: 8:30 - 10:00am Tues: 8:00 - 9:30am Thursday: 11:30-12:30 pm Intro to 108 Yang Style Tai Chi at Bell Social Hall #2 6:30 - 8:00pm 10:00 - 11:30am Special Events: Wed: 8:30 - 10:00am Thurs: 8:00 - 9:30am Thursday, October 8, 2-3pm 6:30 - 8:00pm 10:00 - 11:30am Special Membership Event; for location check website: Fri: 8:00 - 9:30am Sat: 8:00 - 9:30am or FMIC 623-972-6159 or Email: [email protected] 10:00 - 11:30am 10:00 - 11:30am 4 CHAIR* Class Times: Pre-registration & pre-payment required for chair yoga classes. Monday & Wednesday: 10:30 - 11:45am. Thursday & Friday: 1:00 - 2:15pm. Aqua Fitness Club *FMIC Carlyn for Chair classes: 623-972-9602 The Aqua Fitness Club presents water aerobic classes at several Sun City pools. Co-ed, each session is 8 weeks long, twice a week, mornings and evenings. Club Members must be RCSC members to participate. For more information, call Alice at 623-876-8627 or Debra at 606-465-4528. Dance for Fitness With a current RCSC Membership you may enjoy three free sessions with us. Can’t beat that deal, and then you may join for only a $5 annual fee. Come once, twice, or three times a week (whatever fits your schedule). We have no per-lesson fee. Classes meet on Tuesday Bell Aerobics at Bell, Wednesday at Sundial and Friday at Mt. View and all classes are from 9-10am. FMIC Come join this friendly group for a complete 45-minute workout of gentle stretching on Penny at 623-933-7021 & Donna at 515-975-1683 Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8:00, 9:00, or 10:00am at Bell Social Hall. Membership is $3/year with valid RCSC card; there are no class fees. There will also be a holiday potluck social in December for all club members. Looking forward to having you Oakmont Ladies Exercise Class join us as club meets year-round. FMIC Brenda at 623-455-1818. Join us for low impact exercise designed for women over 50. Tues & Fri 8am-9am. Annual Membership Dues: $5 - 3 free trial visits. FMIC Dee 933-0936.


Why not take a tour and see all Year-Round Hours: Sun City AZ has to offer? Open Monday thru Saturday • 8:30am to 4:00pm See all seven RCSC recreation centers, area shop- ping centers and learn more about our great com- munity service organizations in just two short hours! Great for visitors & Tours are offered on select Wednesdays, Thursdays residents, too! and Saturdays. Pre-registration required. Make a reservation Contact the Sun City Visitors Center located in the today! Bell Recreation Center at 99th Avenue and Hutton Drive by calling 623-777-1191 or visit www.suncityaz. Space is limited! org under the “Learn More” tab to sign up! PAGE 26 FITNESS SUNVIEWS • OCTOBER 2015

Tips for Seniors from Daily Fitness - LaTouch Wellness Massage Therapy Shares... Warm Up Before Your Workout Myofascial Energetic Massage

“A warm-up is an important part of any exercise The application of Myofascial Massage is a soft tissue therapy technique, which is session,” states Jane Fortier, Daily Fitness personal complementary medicine therapy that aims to relax contracted muscles, improve trainer. “A warm-up prepares the body and mind circulation and relaxes the nervous system. Myofascial Energetic Massage is a very ef- for the work ahead and helps reduce the chance of fective technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the connective injury. It can be a casual walk on the treadmill, or tissue. The primary goal of a Myofascial Energetic Massage is to stretch and loosen the involve dynamic movements such as calisthenics.” fascia so that it and other connecting structures can move more freely. Although a warm-up lasts only three to eight min- utes, it provides the following significant benefits.” The Fascia is a very thin, tough yet elastic type of connective tissue that is wrapped around most of the structures within the human body, including muscles. It is the • Body Temperature: A warm-up helps raise fascia tissue that supports and protects, the soft tissue of the body and can become body temperature, potentially improving restricted due to overuse, trauma or inactivity, often resulting in pain and muscle ten- calorie-burn efficiency. sion. Although fascia and its corresponding muscles are the main targets of myofascial • Muscle Pliability & Oxygen Delivery: A warm- Massage, other tissue may be addressed as well, including connective tissue. up increases the flow of blood through body tissues, making muscles more pliable and Normal myofascia should feel pliable and elastic. Focusing on areas that feel rigid or less likely to tear. Nutrients and oxygen are tight, the therapist will begin massaging and stretching the areas of the body that feel delivered to prepare the tissue for maximum rigid with a light manual pressure. Introducing the Myofascial Massage in an attempt performance. to bring about changes in the myofascial structures by stretching or elongation of the • Coordination: A warm-up primes the central Virginia Nelson uses dynamic movements at fascia, to begin the mobilizing adhesive tissues. The practitioner moves slowly through nervous system, so nerve-to-muscle pathways the ballet bar, for her workout Warm-Up, at the layers of fascia until the deeper tissues are reached. This is a holistic system which are clear and ready for action. the Marinette Fitness Center. manipulates fascia, connective tissue and other soft tissue structures, movement • Mental Preparedness: A warm-up can help education and bringing the body into balance is the goal. Myofascial stretching in one separate an exercise session from the stress of the day, which leads to better area of the body can be felt in and will affect the other body areas. workouts. • Exercising Longer: A warm-up allows energy systems to gradually adjust to Myofascial massage techniques focus on reducing pain by erasing the tension and increased demands. Lactic acid build-up is better regulated, resulting in a longer tightness in trigger points. Pinpointing the exact trigger point responsible for the pain and harder workout. can be difficult and that is why myofascial massage techniques often covers a broad • Joint Safety and Core Activation: A warm-up can increase the range of motion in area of muscle and tissue rather than single points. joints, specifically knees, hips, ankles and shoulders. A WARM-UP that involves the spine, glutes, hip flexors, abdominals and back muscles stabilizes the core for Joe Gordon, left, says: Laura’s massage techniques relaxes me movements that follow. as well as helps my body heal. The Myofascial Energetic Mas- • Overcoming Physical Objections: A warm-up is a test-drive for the body, following sage greatly reduced the pain I had been experiencing in my illness or injury. If the body feels weak, or the injury nags, the workout should be right wrist. When I receive a massage after exercising it helps skipped. my sore muscles recover faster. Laura has given me reflexology sessions which I feel have contributed to lowering my diabetic A warm-up is only the beginning of a good exercise program. Daily Fitness trainers are A1c levels. Laura’s massages provides great benefits. experts at creating workouts that include all of the essential parts of exercise: Warm- Up, Aerobic, Strength, Flexibility, Balance. To find out more about working with a Daily LaTouch Wellness Massage Therapy is Fitness personal trainer, call 623-256-7901, or visit located within the Fairway Recreation Center, 10600 W Peoria Avenue. Join us for 1st Mon- day of the Month Chair Massage Sessions. October Fitness Equipment Group Demos October 5, 2015 Only $10 for 15 minutes All RCSC members are encouraged to RSVP by Bell Center Wednesday, October 7 at 11:30 am with Dick contacting Laura at (623) 201-0378. Sundial Center Wednesday, October 14 at 11:30 am with Tom Marinette Center Wednesday, October 14 at 11:30 am with Dick Fairway Center Wednesday, October 21 at 11:30 am with Jane Did you know? Member Fitness & Massage Services Water can intensify perfumes & colognes! Sundial Center Fitness Training Fairway Center Free Spirit Massage Daily Fitness Laura Moore Think twice before giving yourself 623-225-8582 623-256-7901 623-201-0378 that extra spritz or two before latouchwellness@ Bell Center heading off to the pool. Jan Najera 623-521-0771 Lisa McCoy Your fellow swimmers will thank you! 623-210-2707 A Community Newsletter MONITORED ACTIVITIES | CLUB DIRECTORY PAGE 27

Monitored Activities Club Directory Art and Craft Clubs Art Club: LV M-F 9a-4p 877-9366 or 583-7116 Artistic Stained Glass: BC M-F M-F:8a-3:30p, Sa 8a-1p, M, W, & Th 5-8:30p 974-4765 Member Mtg 11/8 9-10a Artistic Weavers & Fiber Artists: M-Sa 9a-3p: M 5:30-8:30p 974-6108 Member Mtg 10/23 9a-12p Calligraphy: SD Thu & Fri 9-11a 210-9137 Member Mtg: 1st F 9a-11a Open House 10/21 9-11a Clubrooms Basketball Spas Camera Guild: SD M-F 9a-noon Marinette Center M-Sa: 6a-9p; Su: 8a-8p Bell Center - 18+ only M-Sa: 5a-9p; Su: 8a-8p 293-8824 & 360-461-4801 Mbr Mtgs:10/3, 10/31 8:30-11:30a East Hall Billiard Tables Fairway Center M-Sa: 5a-9p; Su: 8a-8p Carvers: LV Th, Sa: 7:30a-12p SH #1; Carved items Bell Lanes M-Sa: 8a-9p; Su: Noon-8p Lakeview Center M-Sa: 6a-7p; Su: 8a-7p 388-3051 on display & for sale during club hours. Lakeview Lanes M-Sa: 8a-7p; Su: Noon-6p Ceramics & Porcelain: FW M-F 9a-3p Marinette Center M-Sa: 6a-9p; Su: 8a-8p Fairway Center M-Sa: 5a-9p; Su: 8a-8p 972-5818 Bingo Mountain View Center M-Sa: 6a-7p; Su: 8a-7p Ceramics & Porcelain: LV M-F 9a-1p, Tu 5:30-9p Sundial Center Doors Open: Th @ 5p. Bingo 6:30p Oakmont Center See Pool Hours 933-8118 Member Mtg 10/8 9-10a $7 for all 18 games w/3 special games Sundial Center - 18+ only M-Sa: 6a-9p: Su: 8a-8p Ceramics: BC M-F 9a-3p; M-F 5:30-9p; Sa: 9a-noon 974-6750 Member Mtg: 2nd F 9-10a Open to the public. Swimming Pools - Open Swim Hours Ceramics: OM M, T, W 8a-12p, Sa 9a-1p Boating/ Fishing Bell Center - 18+ only: 319-431-5242 Mbr Mtg 2nd Tu 9:30-11:30a OM Aud Lakeview Center M-Sa: 6a-7p; Su: 8a-7p (or Dusk) Lap poolM-Sa:5a-9p; Su: 8a-8p; Closed for class: M-F 7a-9a China Painting: FW M, W, Th, F – 9a-noon Bocce Courts 623-256-6784 Tu 9a-3p Sundial Center M-Sa: 6a-9p; Su: 8a-8p Walking Pool: M-Sa: 5a-9p; Su 8a-8p Clay Club: LV M-Th 8:30a-8:30p, F-Sa 8:30a-4:30p Bowling Lanes 933-0899 Fairway Center Bell Lanes M-Sa: 8a-9p; Su: Noon-8p Clay Corner: MC M-F 8a-9p Sa: 9a-5p Lakeview Lanes M-Sa: 8a-8p; Su: Noon-6p Lap Pool: M-Sa: 5a-9p; Su 8a-8p 977-3167 Mem Mtg 2nd W 9-11:30a Dog Parks Walking Pool: M-Sa: 5a-9p; Su 8a-8p Yard Art/Luncheon 10/21 All Day Duffeeland October: M-Su: 7a-6p Crafts: BC M-Sa 9a-3p; W,Th 6-9p Lakeview Center Closed last Wed/month for Maintenance 974-3497 Member Mtg 2nd Thu 1-3p Darts M-Sa: 6a-7p, Su: 8a-7p; Closed for class: M, W, F: 8a-10a Crafts: SD M 8a-1p & Th 8a-11a Bell Center M-Sa: 8a-9p; Su: Noon-8p Children's Pool Hours for Ages 4-15 yrs: Daily 4p - Close; 977-5494 Member Mtg 10/26 Creative Quilters: LV M & F 8a-4p; Tu & W 9a-3:30p Fitness Centers Marinette Center 815-1289 Bell Center - 18+ only M-Sa: 5a-9p; Su: 8a-8p M-Sa: 6a-9p, Su: 8a-8p; Closed for class: M, Th: 8-9a Friendship Quilters: BC M 9a-8p, W 12p-8p, Th & Sa 9a-3p Fairway Center M-Sa: 5a-9p; Su: 8a-8p Children's Pool Hours for Ages 4-15 yrs - Daily 1p - 4p 933-3084 Lakeview Center M-Sa: 6a-7p; Su: 8a-7p Mountain View Center Grandmothers: OM Social Mtg: 2nd M 12-2p OM Aud Marinette Center M-Sa: 6a-9p; Su: 8a-8p 876-2016 Workshop 1st, 3rd, 4th Mon 9-11a Mountain View Center M-Sa: 6a-7p; Su: 8a-7p M-Sa: 6a-7p; Sun: 8a-7p; Closed for Class: M,Th: 8a-10a; 6p-7p Handweavers / Spinners: SD M-F 9a-3p Oakmont Center M-Sa: 6a-7p; Su: 8a-7p T,F 8a-9a; 6p-7p 933-0397 Mbr Mtg 1st Mon 1-3p Sundial Center - 18+ only M-Sa: 6a-9p; Su: 8a-8p Children's Pool Hours for Ages 4-15 yrs - Daily 10a - 1p Knitters: FW F: 8:30a-2:30p Horseshoe Courts 972-9736 Auction 10/30 Oakmont Center Marinette Center M-Sa: 6a-9p; Su: 8a-8p Lapidary: BC M,T,Th,F 8a-3p W 8a-12p,6-9p Sa 8a-12p Mountain View Center M-Sa: 6a-7p; Su 8a-7p M: 6-8a, 10a-12p, 2-7p; Tu: 6a-8a, 10a-5p, 6p-7p;W: 6a-12p, 2-7p; 977-1803 Member Mtg 10/6 9-11a MPR-B Lapidary / Silver: OM M-F 9a-3p, Tu 6-9p Jogging / Walking Track Th: 6a-8a, 10a-7p F: 6-8a, 10a-2p, 4p-5p, 6p-7p; Sa: 6a-7p 319-431-3563 Member Mtg 10/6 9a Indoor Su: 8a-2p, 4-7p Leathercraft: MC M-F 8a-2:30p Fairway Center M-Sa 5a-9p; Su: 8a-8p Sundial Center - 18+ only 594-6591 Mbr Mtg 11/3 10:30-11:30a MC Aud Sundial Center Daily 6a-8a Metal: BC M, Wed-Sa 8a-4p, Tu 8a-8p Outdoor Large Pool: Exercise Pool: 974-8206 Member Mtg 10/5 9-10:30a MPRs Marinette Center M-Sa: 6a-9p; Su: 8a-8p M: 6-9a, 10a-9p M: 6-10a, 12-4p, 5-9p Needle Arts / Crafts: OM Th: 8a-11:30a Sun Bowl Dawn to Dusk T: 6-8a, 9a-9p T: 6-10a, 2-5p, 6-9p 972-2609 Member Mtg 10/30 8:30a OM Aud Library (602) 652-3000 M-F: 9a-5p W: 6-9p W: 6a-9p Palo Verde Artist: SD Bell Center M: 9a-7p; Tu-Sa: 9a-5p 933-7572 Member Mtg 1st M 12-2:30p E Hall Fairway Center M-F 9a-4p Th: 6-9a, 10a-9p Th: 6-10a, 2-4p, 6-9p Sew-n-Sew: LV Tu & Sa, 9:30a-3p; Th 11:30a-3p Mini Golf F: 6-8a, 10a-9p F: 6-10a, 12-5p, 7-9p 977-9460 or Boutique Sales, Sewing & Donations Silver Stones: SD M-Sa 8a-3p Bell Center M-Sa: 6a-9p; Su: 8a-8p Sa: 6a-9p Sa: 6a-9p Lakeview Center M-Sa: 6a-7p; Su: 8a-7p 972-1484 Member Mtg 10/12 9-11a, SD East Hall Su: 8a-8p Su: 8a-8p Mountain View Center M-Sa: 6a-7p; Su: 8a-7p Silvercraft: BC M 8a-9p; Tu-Sa 8a-3:30p Sundial Center M-Sa: 6a-9p; Su: 8a-8p Table Tennis 933-8442 Member Mtg 10/16 9:30a Sterling & Stones: FW M-F 8a-4p; Sa 8a-12p Pickleball Bell Center: M,W, F: 6a-10a, 3p-9p; Tu: 6a-10a, 12p-7p; 977-2208 Member Mtg 2nd M 11a-2p AZ Rms1,2 Marinette Center M-Sa: 6a-9p; Su: 8a-8p Sa: 6a-10a, 12p-9p; Su: 8a-1p, 3p-8p Stitchers: BC Tu 9a-3p, W 9a-noon, F 9a-2p Mountain View: Outdoor M-Sa: 6a-7p; Su: 8a-7p Tennis 972-8491 Member Mtg 2nd Tu 12:30-1:30p Racquetball Bell Center: 623-977-3325 M-Sa: 6a-9p; Su: 8a-8p Woodworking: BC M-F: 8a-4p; Sa: 8a-12p Bell Center Courts A & B M,W,F: 5a-10a, 3-9p; Su 8a-8p Lakeview Center: 623-561-4676 M-Sa: 6a-7p; Su 8a-7p 974-6058 Member Mtg 4th Tu 9-11a Tu & Th: 5a-5p; Sa: 5a-7a; 12-9p Woodworking: FW M-F: 8a-4p, Sa 8a-noon Mountain View: 623-876-3042 M-Sa: 6a-7p; Su 8a-7p Shuffleboard 972-4385 Member Mtg 2nd Tu 12-1p Bell Lanes: Indoor M-Sa: 8a-9p; Su: Noon-8p Woodworking: LV M-F: 8a-4p, Sa 8a-12p Lakeview: Outdoor Daily 6a-7p; Su 8a-7p 933-2355 Member Mtg 1st Tu 9-10:30a PAGE 28 CLUB DIRECTORY SUNVIEWS • OCTOBER 2015

Card and Game Clubs Fitness Clubs Social Clubs Book in Hand: FW 2nd F: 1-2:30p 500: FW M 6:30-10p, FW AZ Rm 3&4 Aerobic: BC M, W, F: 8a, 9a, 10a FW: China Painting Room 217 979-8676 Instruction Available 455-1818 BC SH 1 & 2 Gourmet Social: OM 2nd & 4th Sun: 4:30-7:30p Backgammon: LV 1st/3rd Mon 6p, Sa 1p, LV Team Room Aqua Fitness Club Classes in session 920-716-2862 OM Auditorium 3rd Mon BC MPR-A 12:30p 640-7211 876-8627 Call club in reference to club hours Men's: SD M-Sa: 7a-4p Bunco Broncos: OM 4th M 12:30p-3:30p Dance for Fitness BC: Tu 9-10a; SD: W 9-10a; MV: F 9-10a 977-5116 328-5327 OM Auditorium (623)933-7021or (515)975-1683 Michigan Friends In SC dinner JB’sRestaurant, Bell Rd Sa 10/17 Canasta: OM F: 10a-3p [email protected] 4pm; RSVP @[email protected] 566-6408 OM Auditorium New England: OM 2nd Sa; 5-8p Handi-Capables: SD SD: wm wtr exrcs pool: Tu, Th 12-2p 738-7021 LV SH#1 Euchre: FW Tu: 6:30p-9:30p 933-6515 Soc Mtg 1st M: 12:30p at FW AZ 1&2 NextGen: FW 1st/3rd Wed 6:30p BC Soc Halls 695-5229 FW AZ Rm 3 & 4 Pool cancelled 10/28 314-423-0123 4th Wed 4:30p BC Shuffleboard Cts Mah Jongg: MC Tu 12-4p, SD West Hall Hatha Yoga: SD Mat Classes: M/W 8:30-10a, 6:30-8p; Halloween Party 10/30, 5p, BC SH's Susan 623-910-1271 Th 6-9p, Su 12-4p MN Soc Hall Sun City Hospitality: MC Pizza/Games:Cancelled for Oct Only 623-236-9972 T/Th 8-9:30a,10-11:30a;, 933-5158 Linda 623-240-9586 Potluck/Games Last F: 5p or 623-875-8055 F/Sa 8-9:30, 10-11:30a; Euchre: 9/30 & 10/7, 21 at SD East Hall 1-4p; Oct Only Mixed Cards: OM Sa 6:30-9:30p Chair classes:M/W10:30-11:45a;Th/F1-2:15p Partners Bridge: 2nd/4th Tues 6:30p 623-933-1953 (Bea) OM Aud Pre-Reg.Required FMIC Carlyn 623-972-9602 Bridge: Wed, 12:15. Mixed Cribbage: LV Tu 1p-4p; W 6:30p-9:30p, LV SH #1 Friendship Corner (974-4529) Sa 11a at FW AZ #4 Oct Only Ladies Exercise: OM Tu, F: 8a-9a, OM Aud 594-0797 Member Mtg 10/7 6p Chess: Wed/1st,3rd Th 1p LV Tm Rm 933-0936 10/13 Breakfast Meeting 9-10:30a Singles Social Club: FW 1st F: 6p potluck, 3rd F: 6p games Monday Night Pinochle: OM M 6:30-9:45p, OM Aud So Grand Exercise: FW M, W, F: 7:30a-9a 583-2307 FW AZ Rms 3/4 875-4465 Wisconsin Club:SB Contact President Pinochle: OM Tu 11:30a-5p Sa 9a-3p OM Aud 977-6885 FW AZ 1 & 2 623-242-6318 388-4372 Stretch and Slim: BC M-Sa 7a, 8a, 9a, 10a, M-F 6p, 7p Women's: LV Daily: 10a-4:30p 533-4215 623-760-3293 Mbr Mtg 10/14, 12-1p, Club Room Contract Bridge Clubs Tai Chi: FW M 9-11:15a FW AZ #3, Tu 6-7p LV SH#1 Sport Clubs Card Sharks: LV M: 6:00-10:00p 972-6159 Th 11:30-2p, F 12:30-3p, BC SH #2 Billiards: Bell Billiards Room M: 8-11a Lessons tables 1,2,3; W: 8a-1p 933-7972 LV Social Hall 1 10/16 Relo to BC Aerobics 315-806-0068 Grand Slam: MC Tu: 6:30-9:30p, MC Aud Zumba Fitness: M/W11:30-12:30p BC; Th6:30-7:30p MC Aud Billiards: LV Billiards Room Ladies M & Sa: 8:45-10:30a, Th:9:45a- 602-319-0783 11:30a, Couples W: 6-7:30p; 875-7136 Tu 6:30-7:30p SD WH, Sa 8:30-9:30a MC 323-559-4688 Men Singles M & F: 8a-12p, One Partner: LV Th: 6:00p-9:30p Men Doubles Tu & Th: 8a-12p 466-6567 LV Social Hall 1 Hobby Clubs Bocce: SD Open Play: M-F 10a, Su 2p, F 7p Saguaro: LV F: 6:15p-9:45p Armchair Photo Explorers: FW FW: W, 7:00p , AZ #1 271-0092 Playoffs 10/24, 10a Halloween party 10/30, 4p 466-6567 LV Social Hall 1 623-476-2811 Member Mtg; Oct 14, 7:00p Conservation/Sportsmen: LV General Mtg: 3rd Th 9a Wednesday Afternoon: OM W: 12:30-3:30p, OM Aud Best Friends Dog Club: FW TA: M & W 8a-12p; Th & F 8a-11p 612-741-5923 BC Social Hall 1 533-9567 266-6905 Member Mtg 3rd Tu 8:30a Dart Club: BC T/W 6:30-9p, M Cricket 3:30-7p Thursday Afternoon: LV Th: 12:30p-3:30p Garden: OM M, W, F: 9a-12p 623-875-4523 or Training 1st/3rd Sat 1-3p, Bell Lanes 933-3968 OM Auditorium [email protected] 875-5921 Club Luncheon 10/17 10a BC SH #1 Lawn Bowls: BC M,W, F, Su Friday Afternoon: FW F: 12:30p-3:30p Member Mtg: SD East Hall: 1st Tu: 8:30a- 972-3248 Member Mtg 10/16 BC SH's: 3p 972-5063 FW AZ Rm 3 Model Railroad: FW M-F, 1-3:30p; S,10a-2p Lawn Bowls: FW & MV FW: Tu, Th, Sa 933-5066 MV: Tu, Th, Sa Duplicate Bridge Clubs 974-2846 Member Mtg 10/12, 10-12p Lawn Bowls: LV (Sun City club) M 12-4p First Floor Meeting Rm 133, 8-4p 583-0625 Duplicate (ACBL) LV Social Hall 1: M & Th: 1-4:30p Model Railroad Museum: FW M-F, 1-3:30p; S,10a-2p Lawn Bowls: LV Tu, Th, Sa 875-7136 Fri 12:30-4p 974-3214 Mbr Mtg/Potluck 10/14, 3p, SD East Hall 974-2846 Kachina: SD M & Th 12:15-4p SD West Hall Lawn Bowls: OM M, W, F & Su 251-4858 Rockhounds: SD Member Mtg, FW AZ #1&2 10/8 7-9:30p 792-5202 974-0550 Show & Tell, 10/22, 12-2p Mini-Golf: LV Member Mtg; 2nd Tu 10-11a Dance Clubs Mineral Museum: SD M, Tu, W, F: 10a-3p; Sa: 10a-1p 217-2290 LV SH #1 Pickleball Level Play 8a-2p Tu-Sa MC 428-6442 Ballroom Dance: BC Social Hall Dances Su 7-9:30p, BC Social Halls [email protected] Open Club Play 5-8p M-Th MC 623-755-8129; 623-387-6731 RV Club: SD Caravan Meeting: F, 10/23 M, W, F 9-11a MV Bell Tea: BC Wednesdays 2-4p, BC Social Halls 602-616-4835 SD West Hall, 9-11a Fun Day 10/30 4-7p MV Member Mtg 10/8 2:30p MC Aud 933-8873 Member Mtg 10/7 3p Pot Luck: Tu 10/27, SD Aud, 5-9p Racquetball Club: BC BC Crt #1: M,W,F: 11-3p Sa6:30-9:30p 10/3 SD Aud, Country Dance Club: SD Stamp Club: MC Member Mtg: 1st M, 6:30p 986-1754 BC Crt B BC Crt #1: Tu, Th 5:30-7:30p; 242-9535 or 972-5127 10/17 FW AZ Rms 974-9943 MC Aud BC Crt #1: Sa 7-9a, 9-10a, 10a-12p Line Dance: SD Tu and Thu 10a-1p, SD Aud Vintage Vehicles BC Crt #2: Same days & times as Crt #1 A-B-C Rotating Doubles 972-5127 or 238-9686 Welcome Back Party 10/27 Dance lessons 928-600-9739 Senior Softball: Call Club for Beginning Oct 12-Su: Open practice 7-10a 9:45a - 12:30p; Lunch @12:30p Location; SB closed for overseed M: Open practice 7-9a; New players 9-11a Performing Arts Clubs Halloween Dance 10/31 7p SD Aud 399-8055 Tu, Th, F: League play 8a-5p Rockin' Thru The Years: BC Sa: 6:30-10p 10/10, 10/24, 10/31 Chamber Orchestra: FW W: 9-11a Sa: 70's League play 9a-1:30p Shuffleboard Bell: BC M, Tu, F: 12p-4p 332-7894 BC Soc Halls 933-1568 Music Room 337-4515 Singles: SD F: 7p-10p Choraliers: FW Rehearsals, M: 8:30-11a Shuffleboard Outdoor: LV M, W, F: 1-4p 210-4087 SD Auditorium 933-7202 (Carol) FW 2nd floor Music Room 688-4823 Squares: BC Closed for Summer Concert Band: FW Tu: 8:30-11:30a Music Room Shuffleboard Sundial: BC Th 7p - Arrive 6:45p 208-9921 Board Mtg: 10/22 5:30p BC 875-2642 (Mary Sue) May 1- November 1 972-4767 Fall Concert 10/25, 3p, SD Aud [email protected] Mem Mtg 11/3, 5:30p; Pot Luck SD East Hall Handbell Ringers: FW F: 8:00a-12p Six Shooters-Horseshoe: MC Sun City Latin Dance MC: M 5p-9p 933-6645 Music Room 505-7465 308-4880 2nd/4th W 6-9p Piano: SD 3rd F, 9:30a-12p, SD Aud Swim Lessons: LV Annual fee $3 W: 8:30-10a Sun City Poms: MC Practice M/F MC Aud, T/Th MC Soc Hall 583-5894 All RCSC Cardholders Welcome 876-0645 602-392-4242 [email protected] Call for Class Times Swimmers Master: BC M-F: 7a-9a Players Theater: MV General Mtg. 3rd M: 7p 876-1233 Tip-Top Dance: MC FMIC See website or 623-322-3138 476-7358 MV Auditorium Swimmers Synchronized: LV M, W, F: 8a-10a 974-9830 Member Mtg 10/28 10:30a-12p MC Aud 583-5894 Readers Ensemble: LV F 12p-4p Table Tennis: BC M, W & F: 10a-3p; Tu: 10a-12p, 7-9p; Educational Clubs 974-3384 MC Auditorium 875-9991 Sa: 10a-12p; Su: 1p-3p Apple Macintosh: SD Thru 10/16: T/Th 8:30-10:30a Rhythm Ramblers: FW Rehearsal: Tu, 12-4:00p Tennis: BC Call Club for Times, Locations 293-2013 933-5300 After10/16: M-Th 8:30-10:30a,12:30-2:30p 876-8464 [email protected] Ukulele: FW Th 3-5p Check calendar for Friday sessions Water Volleyball: OM M & W 12-2p; F & Su 2-4p Gen Mtg: 10/10 8:30-10:30a West Hall 594-6591 FW Music Room 523-3449 Life Long Learning: FW Mbr Mtg/Registration 10/1 10a-2p FW 3&4 Women's Chorus: FW Rehearsal Th, 8:45a-11a, Music Room Club Directory Key: M = Monday BC = Bell Recreation Center 583-0777 Vol Luncheon 10/15 11:30a FW 3&4 933-7647 Potluck 10/15 FW AZ Rm 2 Tu = Tuesday FW = Fairway Recreation Center See Club Office for Schedule Political Clubs W = Wednesday LV = Lakeview Recreation Center PC Computer Club: FW M-F 8a-4p, Sa 8a-noon Th = Thursday MC = Marinette Recreation Center Democratic:FW General Meeting: 10/8 6:30-8:30p F = Friday MV = Mountain View Recreation Center 933-8953 977-0980 FW AZ Room 1 & 2 Sa = Saturday OM = Oakmont Recreation Center Spanish Club: FW See Class Page for Schedule or Bulletin Su = Sunday SD = Sundial Recreation Center Republican: SD 3rd M: Open @ 6:30p Mtg: 7-8:30p a = A.M. & p = P.M. SB = Sun Bowl 466-5011 Board at FW; Mbr Mtg 10/15 5p FW 1&2 322-5101 SD East Hall All area codes are 623 unless noted. A Community Newsletter PAGE 29 We are here to give you a helping hand… Sun Cities CareGivers provides help with personal care, household chores, transportation to appointments, exercises, good nutrition and, most importantly, makes it possible for people to stay in their own home. Companion/Homemaker: Assists with household chores & errands Personal Care Attendant: Serving the Northwest Valley since 1990! Assists with personal care needs Certified Nurse’s Aide: Assists with doctor/nurse supervised care needs Registered Nurse: Sets up medication and supervises usage FREE In-Home Meet Our Staff Consultation! Standing L to R: Sandy Vega, Staffing, Shelley Ouimette, Scheduling Coordinator, Mary Jo Cuttell, RN, Kay Spofford, RN, Natalie Henrichsen, Sales & Marketing with mention of this ad. Seated L to R: Janice Grady, Office Manager, Dot Scherr, RN, Lola Judy, Owner, Jane Keys, Memory Care Specialist All Clients Are Nurse-Managed “Always know who you are doing business with. A life depends on it.” Sun Cities CareGivers 623.974.2397 13203 N. 103th Ave. Ste. F6, Sun City

QR CODE For a complete listing of our rates and services visit us at Scan with your Smart Phone! Insured • Bonded • References & Licensed Verified • Background Checks PAGE 30 SUNVIEWS • OCTOBER 2015

GOLD & COINS WANTED!! Highest prices paid for your collections Coins, stamps, gold, silver, all collector coins or paper money. Scrap gold rings, chains,sterling flatware & more. sample prices 14 K Gold Jewelry $14 - $16 per gram Silver Dollars $12-$24 to $10,000 or more Common silver coins: 10-12 times face value Sterling Flatware $9 - $11 Troy Ounce Complete line of Stamp & Coin SupplieS expert appraiSal ServiCe BJ’S StampS, CoinS & Jewelry Same location since 1983 • 5 minutes from Arrowhead Mall Hours: Mon.-Sat. 9am – 5pm, Closed Sunday 6342 W. Bell Rd. (Bell Tower Plaza) Glendale, AZ • 623.878.2080 IMPORTANT: You should not clean your coins! You may hurt their value!

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623-583-9493 Free VALLEYWIDE DELIVERY 12751 W. Bell Rd. WITH THIS AD (Crossroads Town Center) SEE STORE FOR DETAILS. EXP. 9-30-15 A Community Newsletter PAGE 31 PAGE 32 SUNVIEWS • OCTOBER 2015

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Community Church SBC Pastor (Southern Baptist) Jere A. Martynotte 480-747-7617 Currently Meeting in the Chapel Sundays On the Campus of 9am Bible Study Faith Presbyterian Church 10am Worship 5pm Worship / 16000 North Del Webb Boulevard Discipleship Sun City, AZ Wednesdays 5pm Bible Study

® Look for the yellow signs FALL INTO SAVINGS! E-Z-GO FALL SALES EVENT IS GOING ON NOW. LIMITED TIME OFFER 0% for 24 months financing available for qualified buyers. *Offer available on select models. Offer may vary by model and model year. Offer ends Oct. 31, 2015. $ Contact your local dealer for details 49 POHLE NV CENTER, INC. Exam, Cleaning, & Digital X-Rays 2 Locations New patients only. Coupon must be presented to receive discount. Offers may not be combined. Periodontic treatments excluded OVER $200 SAVINGS 9922 W Santa Fe Dr 13606 Camino del Sol #105 New Patients & Emergencies Welcome Mon - Fri and 6:30 am Appointments Available Sun City AZ 85351 Sun City West AZ 85375 OFFERING 623.974.5859 623.584.5566 COMPREHENSIVE DENTAL CARE INCLUDING IMPLANTS

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Ask David Layman PGA Only $14 Professional about Get Golf Ready Lessons (With Coupon) (616) 780-6302 *Good for additional players Monday - Sunday After 11:00am A Community Newsletter PAGE 35 SUMMER SPECIALS SUN CITIES TIRE & AUTO 13701 W. Camino del Sol • Sun City West AIR CONDITIONING PERFORMANCE CHECK FREE SUMMER COOLING SYSTEM $ 99 Plus sales tax. Must present coupon. INSPECTION 19 Expires 10/30/15. Must present coupon. Expires 10/30/15. Mon-Fri 7:30-5:30 • Sat 8:00-Noon We Honor Most Extended Warranties AAA TOP SHOP AWARD 2003-2015 ONE OF THE MOST DECORATED AAA TOP SHOPS IN THE STATE AT 13 YEARS RUNNING OIL CHANGE & FILTER ANY SERVICE OVER $50.00 Frequent, vital engine Most cars $ 99 maintenance includes refill up OFF to 5 qts. of quality 5W-30 oil. Plus sales16 tax. Most vehicles. Price does not include oil disposal fee of $2.50 and chassis 10%Plus sales tax. Not valid with any other offer. Must present coupon. Expires 10/30/15. lubrication (if applicable). Expires 10/30/15. ALL WHEEL ALIGNMENT $ 99 Helps prevent early tire wear with $ 99 Thrust computerized accuracy. Plus we inspect 4-Wheel Angle steering/suspension. 69 59 Plus sales tax. Most vehicles. Vans, trucks, RV’s slightly higher. Parts and rear shims extra, if needed. Expires 10/30/15. Call For An Appointment: 623-975-1737 PAGE 36 SUNVIEWS • OCTOBER 2015

BONUS CASH DISCOUNTS 2016’s Are Here, 2015’s Showroom Close-Out EASY AS 1 - 2 - 3 SALE EXTRA $100 OFF PRE-OWNED CARS EXTRA $200 OFF REBUILT CARS EXTRA $300 OFF THE WEST VALLEY’S ONLY FACTORY THE WEST VALLEY’S ONLY FACTORY AUTHRORIZED STAR EV DEALER NEW 2015 & 2016 CARS AUTHRORIZED CLUB CAR DEALER PLUS AN ADDITIONAL $250 OFF ALL SHOWROOM 2015’s (discounts expire 10-31-15) Gas & Electric Models New • Used • Rebuilt Sales • Service • Repairs • Parts • Batteries • Accessories Southwest Golf Cars Sun City Golf Cars 13901 Camino del Sol 11124 W. Youngtown Ave. Sun City West • 623-584-0591 Youngtown • 623-977-3100 (1/2 mile E of Grand, Just S of Meeker) (1/2 mile S of Grand, Off of 111th Ave.) SW Valley location in Goodyear on the SW corner of Indian School & Litchfield Rd. in the Safeway Center • Stop by to check us out! 623-536-5625 1975-2015 SERVING THE VALLEY FOR 40 YEARS NAMED CLUB CAR’s OVERALL SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE DEALER for 2014 A Community Newsletter PAGE 37 PAGE 38 SUNVIEWS • OCTOBER 2015

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We’re a Full Service Book Publisher: Typesetting, Proof Reading and Printing Services Plus, bindery options to fit your budget.

Happy Fast! Local! Affordable! Valley Rd Exquisite Swimwear • All printing services from A-Z for Men, Women & Children 17 • Resume preparation with writing help 2450 W. Happy Valley Rd. | Phoenix, AZ 85085 | 623-581-7428 101 • Manuscript proofreading & editing • Memoirs & life-story production The Shops 20 Min Drive • Book repair and bindery services from the at Norterra West Valley • Business cards OPEN Let’s Talk About Your Project MON-THURS 10am-8pm SPECIALIZING IN: Arrowhead Creative Services • Mastectomy Suits FRI-SAT 8715 W. Union Hills Dr. #105, Peoria • Womens sizes 4-24 10am-9pm Office:623-561-8233 | Fax: 623-815-5290 • Cup Sizes A-H SUN | [email protected] • Alterations 11am-6pm

Located in Sun City over 14 Years! FALL 16 x 7 Garage Doors Maintenance Special Model 8355 - 7’ 1/2 HP Belt Drive * Garage Door Garage Door Starting With this ad * Opener at $ Installed $ Tune-Up Offer expires plus tax. (Must Mention Ad) NOW 10/31/15 745 55 $ 00 *Includes removing existing door & reconnecting ONLY Installed + Tax *Tighten hinges, lube and/or adjust door, springs & 329 existing opener. Offer expires 10/31/15 opener. Limited service area. Offer expires 10/31/15 COUPON Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-5 • Sat. 8-12 ANY NEW ANY GARAGE LIC #ROC 161375 | HOA • COA • PORA $ GARAGE $ DOOR 9008 N. 99th Avenue off DOOR off OPENER (99th Avenue & Olive) 50Must present coupon. Cannot combine with25 other offers. Expires 10/31/15. 623-915-7777 Operational Doors & Openers On Display! Visit us at Call For Your Free Estimate A Community Newsletter PAGE 39

623-583-8895 PAGE 40 EVENTS SUNVIEWS • OCTOBER 2015                         $87801,6,17+($,5&20(21(&20($//                         Country Fair at the sunbowl Fun for everyone! Bring your lawn chair or blanket so you can sit a spell while enjoying the music and treats!

LOOK HERE! Yummy Treats for Featuring Sun City’s Purchase Very Own Llamas! SATURDAY • Hot Dogs • Kettle Korn Take your photo with these International • Ice Cream Celebs! • Cotton Candy Play Super *FUN* 17, • Beer, Wine, Bloody Carnival Games! Marys available (no outside alcohol Win Plush Prizes! OCT 2015 allowed) Dance to “Live” DJ Music Donations will be accepted for the 4-8pm Sun City Fire Dept Free for RCSC Cardholders & their escorted guests only! Be prepared to show your RCSC Member or Privilege Card with photo to enter; no key fobs accepted.