www.haveringeastlondonramblers.btck.co.uk email:
[email protected] Mobile: 07583 532309 Programme and Newsletter August - November 2017 Secretary’s Report Annual General Meeting 7.30pm on Monday 23rd October 2017 in the Meeting Room at Hornchurch Library, 44 North Street, Hornchurch RM11 1TB. A Nomination Form is at the end of this newsletter. All members are welcome. We have been instructed to tell all leaders not to take any unaccompanied children or young persons under 18 on walks. This has come from a group called "Children 1st". We don’t normally get unaccompanied children anyway, so it’s no great problem. Ken Richards Havering Footpath & Countryside Officer Footpath Maintenance Working Party Thank you from me and James Rose at Havering Council to everyone who has already helped with footpath maintenance work in 2017. We meet once a month on a Friday for most months of the year. Our usual meeting time is 9.45 am near where we will be working and we usually finish by 1.00 pm. Information about the jobs will be available from me on a monthly basis. Page 1 Provisional dates for this programme are Friday 18th August 2017, Friday 8th September 2017, Friday 20th October 2017 and Friday 10th November 2017. It would be very helpful if Ramblers would let me know of footpaths in Havering where work needs to be done. N.B. As usual we include an additional reminder of the provisional dates of footpath maintenance working parties in the body of the programme. We hope that this will help all walkers to plan a date when they can participate in one of the working parties.