The Hamilton Project Housing Support Service 23-25 Street Hamilton ML3 0DD Telephone: 01698 283651

Inspected by: Alan Paterson Type of inspection: Unannounced Inspection completed on: 21 August 2013 Inspection report continued


Page No Summary 3 1 About the service we inspected 5 2 How we inspected this service 6 3 The inspection 11 4 Other information 20 5 Summary of grades 21 6 Inspection and grading history 21

Service provided by: Blue Triangle () Housing Association Ltd

Service provider number: SP2003000162

Care service number: CS2004079128

Contact details for the inspector who inspected this service: Alan Paterson Telephone 01698 897800 Email [email protected]

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This report and grades represent our assessment of the quality of the areas of performance which were examined during this inspection.

Grades for this care service may change after this inspection following other regulatory activity. For example, if we have to take enforcement action to make the service improve, or if we investigate and agree with a complaint someone makes about the service.

We gave the service these grades Quality of Care and Support 4 Good Quality of Staffing 5 Very Good Quality of Management and Leadership 5 Very Good

What the service does well The service monitors its activities well and uses the information to improve the service.

We observed good examples of supportive relationships between the staff and the young people.

Young People spoken with praised the support they had received.

We saw examples of very good outcomes for young people who have been supported by the service.

The service management have a very clear vision of the outcomes they are aiming for and how to achieve them.

What the service could do better The service should look to expanding the range of activities offered to the young people using the service.

What the service has done since the last inspection We found that the service had become more evidence based in that it gathered information on how successful its support was and used this information to develop the service.

The Hamilton Project , page 3 of 22 Inspection report continued Conclusion The Hamilton Project is very good service which offers support to Young People experiencing homelessness based on their individual needs. The approach is supportive and achieves good outcomes for the Young People.

Who did this inspection Alan Paterson

The Hamilton Project , page 4 of 22 Inspection report continued

1 About the service we inspected

The Hamilton Project is managed by the Blue Triangle (Glasgow) Housing Association. The aim of the service is to "provide safe, secure accommodation for people who are experiencing homelessness". The service operates from premises owned by The Blue Triangle (Glasgow) Housing Association and is comprised of singe bedrooms with communal living and utility spaces. Support is also provided in satellite flats in the local area.

The service was registered by the Care Commission in October 2004. The registration passed to SCSWIS in April 2011

Based on the findings of this inspection this service has been awarded the following grades:

Quality of Care and Support - Grade 4 - Good Quality of Staffing - Grade 5 - Very Good Quality of Management and Leadership - Grade 5 - Very Good

This report and grades represent our assessment of the quality of the areas of performance which were examined during this inspection.

Grades for this care service may change following other regulatory activity. You can find the most up-to-date grades for this service by visiting our website or by calling us on 0845 600 9527 or visiting one of our offices.

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2 How we inspected this service

The level of inspection we carried out In this service we carried out a low intensity inspection. We carry out these inspections when we are satisfied that services are working hard to provide consistently high standards of care.

What we did during the inspection In the course of the inspection:

• we spoke with the service manager and depute, the outreach support worker and staff present at the time of inspection. • visited young people in three satellite flats and spoke with them. • spoke with young people present during the inspection. • examined the service's policies and procedures • examined service users personal plans • examined records of reviews • examined records of staff supervision • examined records of staff meetings

Grading the service against quality themes and statements We inspect and grade elements of care that we call 'quality themes'. For example, one of the quality themes we might look at is 'Quality of care and support'. Under each quality theme are 'quality statements' which describe what a service should be doing well for that theme. We grade how the service performs against the quality themes and statements.

Details of what we found are in Section 3: The inspection

Inspection Focus Areas (IFAs) In any year we may decide on specific aspects of care to focus on during our inspections. These are extra checks we make on top of all the normal ones we make during inspection. We do this to gather information about the quality of these aspects of care on a national basis. Where we have examined an inspection focus area we will clearly identify it under the relevant quality statement.

The Hamilton Project , page 6 of 22 Inspection report continued Fire safety issues We do not regulate fire safety. Local fire and rescue services are responsible for checking services. However, where significant fire safety issues become apparent, we will alert the relevant fire and rescue services so they may consider what action to take. You can find out more about care services' responsibilities for fire safety at

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What the service has done to meet any recommendations we made at our last inspection 1. The manager should show what action has been taken to address any issues raised in questionnaires by people.

NCS Housing Support Services Standard 8: Expressing your views

The service has addressed this recommendation through the recording of the issues raised in the questionnaires and compiling 'you said....we did' information which individually identified the issues and what the service had done to address them.

This recommendation has been met.

2. The manager should ensure that where any action has been identified in service users minutes that there should be a clear record of when and by whom this has been completed.

NCS Housing Support Services Standard 8: Expressing your views

The service audits the responses to issues raised in service users minutes and includes information regarding what the response should be who is responsible and when the action is completed.

This recommendation is met.

3. The manager should regularly monitor the care plans to ensure the quality of the information is consistent and to ensure they are appropriately signed off by people who use the service and staff.

NCS Housing Support Services Standard 4: Housing support planning, Standard 7: Exercising your rights and Standard 8:Exercising your rights

During the inspection we examined the support plans and the monitoring arrangements and found that the service manager was auditing the personal plans and ensuring that they were up to date.

The Hamilton Project , page 8 of 22 Inspection report continued This recommendation is met.

4. The manager should ensure that the same system of paper work is used in staff files.

(NCS Housing support services Standard 3:Management and staffing arrangements).

We found that the staff files were mainatained in the Provider format and were the consistent throughout the staff team..

This recommendation has been met.

5. The manager should develop questionnaires for staff to further involve the workforce.

NCS Housing support services Standard 3:Management and staffing arrangements. We found that the service had implemented the use of staff questionnnaires

This recommendation has been met

6. The manager should ensure that staff views are reflected in team meeting minutes.

(NCS Housing support services Standard 3:Management and staffing arrangements).

We looked at staff team minutes as part of the inspection and found them to reflect views of staff attending the meeting.

This recommendation has been met.

The annual return Every year all care services must complete an 'annual return' form to make sure the information we hold is up to date. We also use annual returns to decide how we will inspect the service. Annual Return Received: Yes - Electronic

The Hamilton Project , page 9 of 22 Inspection report continued Comments on Self Assessment Every year all care services must complete a 'self assessment' form telling us how their service is performing. We check to make sure this assessment is accurate. We received a self assessment electronically. It was well completed and contained accurate information on the service.

Taking the views of people using the care service into account The staff help me XXXX (staff member) is great

Taking carers' views into account There were no carers present during the inspection

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3 The inspection We looked at how the service performs against the following quality themes and statements. Here are the details of what we found.

Quality Theme 1: Quality of Care and Support Grade awarded for this theme: 4 - Good

Statement 1 We ensure that service users and carers participate in assessing and improving the quality of the care and support provided by the service. Service strengths We found the service to be very good in this aspect of the inspection. We concluded this after:

• Talking with the service manager, depute and staff • Talking with Young People present during the inspection • Examination of the service documentation regarding participation • Examination of service user meetings records • Examination of service users personal plans.

Service users had key workers who were tasked with providing support to individuals and helping the Young Person complete their personal plans. This ensures that there is a member of staff who has personal responsibility for ensuring that the Young Person is able to participate in their support. We saw evidence of good outcomes for Young People which had been facilitated by the service support. Examples of these were a Young Person joining the army and another Young Person representing the country at the homeless soccer world cup. We also met with Young People successfully maintaining their own flats with support from the service.

The service has regular service users meetings which support the young people in participating in the development of the service. We saw that this was successful in helping the young people make decisions regarding their support and to make demands of the service. Service users are also supported to attend the South

The Hamilton Project , page 11 of 22 Inspection report continued users forum which allows the service users to contribute on wider issues affecting them and the service. An example of good practice arising from participation was that service users had gone into schools to speak to pupils about homelessness and were involved in making a DVD aimed at informing people about homelessness.

The service holds regular reviews of the service users support at which all stakeholders are invited to contribute.

The service regularly distributes questionnaires regarding the quality of the service to service users. The results of these questionnaires are analysed and the information is used to inform the development of the service.

The provider regularly distributes a newsletter which informs the service users of what is going on in the services provided by the provider.

The service has a complaints procedure which is distributed to the service users. This informs the service users about how to make a complaint to the service or the Care Inspectorate. Areas for improvement The service should continue to develop the ways that it uses to involve service users in the development of the service.

Grade awarded for this statement: 5 - Very Good Number of requirements: 0 Number of recommendations: 0

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Statement 3 We ensure that service users' health and wellbeing needs are met. Service strengths We found the service to be good in this aspect of the inspection. We concluded this after;

• discussion with the manager and depute • discussion with service users present during inspection • examination of service user personal plans

The service gathers information on the service users health needs. This information is stored in the service users personal plans.

Service users are supported in linking with community health services and receive support from specialist homeless health supports.

The service carries out an individual risk assessment on a wide range of areas of the service users lives. Examples of this are relationships, physical health and Personal Safety. This information is used to inform the service planning. It is regularly reviewed with the Young Person and is audited by service internal and external management. This shows that the service is gathering information regarding the service users health and wellbeing consistently and over time and using the information to inform the development of the service.

Staff receive training on issues related to the health and wellbeing of the service users including: first aid, mental health issues and suicide intervention. Areas for improvement The service would benefit from extending the range of activities it supports the service users to take part in. In particular those which are long term and open to the community in general not just service users.

We noted in the service's self assessment that accessing resources to provide input from external resources in the form of presentations and talks to the service users was being pursued. We thought that this was a good idea.

Grade awarded for this statement: 4 - Good Number of requirements: 0 Number of recommendations: 1

The Hamilton Project , page 13 of 22 Inspection report continued Recommendations 1. The service should examine its activities programme with a view to making it a more diverse and individualised programme.

National Care Standards (NCS) 6 Housing Support Services - Choice and Communication

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Quality Theme 3: Quality of Staffing Grade awarded for this theme: 5 - Very Good

Statement 1 We ensure that service users and carers participate in assessing and improving the quality of staffing in the service. Service strengths Please see comments on participation in section 1.1

In addition the service users group have produced a number of questions to be asked at interviews for new staff. The service users also show prospective staff (permanent and relief) around the project and give feedback to service management. Areas for improvement The service should examine how service users can be formally involved in the recruitment of new staff.

Grade awarded for this statement: 5 - Very Good Number of requirements: 0 Number of recommendations: 0

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Statement 3 We have a professional, trained and motivated workforce which operates to National Care Standards, legislation and best practice. Service strengths We concluded that the service was very good in this aspect of the inspection. We concluded this after:

• talking with management and staff • examination of service documentation including training records, supervision records and team meetings records.

The provider has safe recruitment policies in place which include:

• competitive interview • two references taken up before appointment • Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) checks undertaken before commencing employment. • Planned induction including mandatory training • Regular Staff supervision and appraisal

We found that all permanent staff had completed Scottish Vocational Award in Health and Social Care to level 3 (SVQ3) and the service management team had all completed SVQ to level 4 and held appropriate management awards. This evidences appropriate qualifications for the provision of this type of service.

The service maintains records of staff training and we saw that the service staff were attending training relevant to all aspects of their work role.

Staff receive regular supervision and appraisal. This allows the service to ensure that staff are supported on an individual basis and supported to develop skills and knowledge.

We observed good interaction between staff and the Young People using the service. Areas for improvement The service should examine how it might include service users in the staff appraisal system.

Grade awarded for this statement: 5 - Very Good Number of requirements: 0 Number of recommendations: 1

The Hamilton Project , page 16 of 22 Inspection report continued Recommendations 1. The service should consider how best to include service users in staff appraisal.

NCS 6 Housing Support Services - Choice and Communication

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Quality Theme 4: Quality of Management and Leadership Grade awarded for this theme: 5 - Very Good

Statement 1 We ensure that service users and carers participate in assessing and improving the quality of the management and leadership of the service. Service strengths Please see comments regarding participation in sections 1.1 and 3.1. Areas for improvement Please see above

Grade awarded for this statement: 5 - Very Good Number of requirements: 0 Number of recommendations: 0

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Statement 4 We use quality assurance systems and processes which involve service users, carers, staff and stakeholders to assess the quality of service we provide Service strengths The service is very good in this aspect of the inspection. We concluded this after:

• discussion with the manager and depute • discussion with staff • examination of the service's self assessment • examination of service audit records.

The service carries out a wide range of audits to check that the service provided is of sufficient quality. The service uses information gathering from a number of sources to find this out.

Reviews: All stakeholders are involved in regular meetings to evaluate the service to an individual service users. This ensures that information is up to date and that it is discussed and the service evaluated by the appropriate people.

Staff Meetings: regular staff meetings allow the service staff to contribute to the evaluation of the service.

Audits: the service carries out a number of audits as everyday practice. This is to ensure that policies are complied with. These checks are carried out by the management team and are recorded. Remedial action is identified along with who is responsible for carrying out the task. The providers external management receive reports on these audits in the form of reports which ensures that the provider is aware of how audit activity is carried out in the services and can identify areas of good practice or areas where work is required. The information is collated annually to form a development plan for the service.

Questionnaires: the service uses questionnaires to directly collect information on the quality of the service. Areas for improvement The service should continue to develop its audit activities.

Grade awarded for this statement: 5 - Very Good Number of requirements: 0 Number of recommendations: 0

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4 Other information

Complaints No complaints have been upheld, or partially upheld, since the last inspection.

Enforcements We have taken no enforcement action against this care service since the last inspection.

Additional Information

Action Plan Failure to submit an appropriate action plan within the required timescale, including any agreed extension, where requirements and recommendations have been made, will result in the Care Inspectorate re-grading a Quality Statement within the Quality of Management and Leadership Theme (or for childminders, Quality of Staffing Theme) as unsatisfactory (1). This will result in the Quality Theme being re-graded as unsatisfactory (1).

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5 Summary of grades

Quality of Care and Support - 4 - Good

Statement 1 5 - Very Good

Statement 3 4 - Good

Quality of Staffing - 5 - eryV Good

Statement 1 5 - Very Good

Statement 3 5 - Very Good

Quality of Management and Leadership - 5 - Very Good

Statement 1 5 - Very Good

Statement 4 5 - Very Good

6 Inspection and grading history

Date Type Gradings

26 Aug 2010 Announced Care and support 4 - Good Staffing 4 - Good Management and Leadership 4 - Good

All inspections and grades before 1 April 2011 are those reported by the former regulator of care services, the Care Commission.

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To find out more about our inspections and inspection reports Read our leaflet 'How we inspect'. You can download it from our website or ask us to send you a copy by telephoning us on 0845 600 9527.

This inspection report is published by the Care Inspectorate. You can get more copies of this report and others by downloading it from our website: or by telephoning 0845 600 9527.

Translations and alternative formats This inspection report is available in other languages and formats on request.

Telephone: 0845 600 9527 Email: [email protected] Web:

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