This and That
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offensive. How much more of this beating can he take? Ifhe cannot challenge our superiority The Political Mill §% JEfiening jifaf in the sky with his present formidable force of Earthlings Being Taken for a Ride? Soviet-made jets, if he can do little to ward off With Sunday Morning Edition. To the Editor of The Star: he are his eyes Lose Pillar our stepped-up air attacks, can he gain has ever seen—or "su- Democrats what perior” to such sights? And if WASHINGTON . P . SEEMS rather amazing to me that C from just sitting there while civilian these morale ITno one has advanced the theory that things are hallucinations will the pro- In Death of McMahon Published by deteriorates and his military installations are the “saucers” may be some aftermath fessor kindly tell us how you take a The Evening Star Newspaper Company. wrecked in town after town and city after city? of our atomic experiments. Let us say photograph of a hallucination. Senator Highly Popular SAMUEL H. KAUFFMANN, President. He wears an inscrutable mask, but behind it—- that an experimental explosion takes J. L. C. With Connecticut Voters even though it hides the answers to such ques- with it particles of dust impregnated * * B. M. McKELWAY, Editor. tions—his thoughts may be full of fear and he with radioactivity. This goes off into Those who discuss life on other plan- By Gould Lincoln space but destroyed fail a may be ardently wishing for away of is never and under ets to make distinction between HYANNIS, Mass., Aug. 7.—Connecti- MAIN OFFICE: 11th St. and Pennsylvania Ave. out his certain atmospheric conditions reap- the words “life” “intelligence.” NEW YORK OFFICE: 420 Lexington Ave. trouble. If so, then the deadlock the and cut’s Democratic Party lost a tower of CHICAGO OFFICE: 435 North Michigan Ave. in truce pears in these various sizes and shapes. There could be intelligence operating talks at Panmunjom may than strength when Senator Brien McMahon end sooner seems Let us assume, therefore, that these in a rate of vibration or biological strata died. , Oelivered by Carrier. likely at the moment. “bodies” would have some density just that would make them beyond our sight His popularity voters Evening Sunday a star; have with the was and Evening Sunday like they would radiation and hearing, neither would they neces- demonstrated twice in elec- {f°n!h'y - J-75* Monthly 1.30* Monthly light and, senatorial «» >' 45e or at least from some angles our type water, oxygen w kl —4O c 30c Weekly sarily need of tions, once in 1944 and again in 1950. 10s under some atmospheric conditions, temperatures *IOe additional For Night Final Edition. and for their existence. In the latter year, Senator McMahon Stevenson Control even color. Would this not account for Rates by Moil—Payable in Takes At a high rate of speed the blades of a was re-elected with a lead of 43.593 votes Advance. such as ability fan become invisible to us and con- Anywhere in the United States. In a fortnight of activity since his nomina- other characteristics the over his Republican opponent Bush. At to move up and down (with air cur- versely meteors become visible when the Evening and Sunday Evening Sunday tion, Adlai Stevenson has quite the same time Senator William Benton, ! year made it clear rents), still, hover, and move at of our atmosphere *«¦', 2100 I 15.60 I year .. 8.00 stand friction slows and his Democratic colleague, just managed 6 months 10.50 6 months . 7.80 6 months 400 that he is taking over the full leadership and variant speeds either or them make them glow. 1 month 175 1 month 1.30 forward back- heats and to squeak through with a lead of 1.102. 1 month 70c of Democratic campaign. ward? It might also account for The saucers may be from the “etheric” telephone STerling 5000 control the the It’s an unusual coincidence that Con- fact that can sometimes be sighted or aura-like area surrounding a planet Entered at the Post Office. Washington. 0 C In doing so, he first of all set up the they necticut should have elected two Sena- as mail from ground can’t located and temporarily galvanize into visi- second-class matter. physical headquarters of the campaign his the but be tors each in successive biennial elections. on by the pilot of a pursuing plane, or bility when they come into our atmos- home grounds in Springfield, Illinois. With that In 1950, it came about because former Member of the Associated Press. again they may be seen from a plane phere. They may even be able to slow Senator Baldwin, Republican, resigned The Press entitled one decision, he placed himself ground, just Associated Is exclusively to the use for outside the but not seen from the as down their own “vibratory rate” at to take appointment as judge, and Sena- republication of all the local news printed in this newspaper as Washington any it is possible to see a soap bubble from —Burck, Chicago Sun-Times. will—which the only hypothesis well as all A. P. news dispatches. atmosphere and suggestion that seems tor Benton was appointed to fill the he is simply becoming part of an administration some positions but not from others. T DID TOO SEE A FLYING BALL.’ that would cover all the types of sight- vacancy in the Senate by Gov. Chester A-20 THURSDAY, August 7, 1952 political circle that is particularly vulnerable to This might also account for a pilot col- ings. And if we get our attitude toward Bowles, Democrat. Senator McMahon liding with or passing through a a common course along a tvire fence or them right they may slow it down the “time for a change” attack. He has, in other cluster was seeking re-election in that year. of these radioactive formations, with stream bed. enough to make a contact. The “things” words, forestalled the danger of his campaign If we can imagine these nebulous balls This year. Senator Benton, having the possibility that the plane would ex- definitely exhibit high intelligence of completed the short term for which he headquarters becoming merely an annex to the pode or crash. And furthermore, it lifted to much higher elevations, several some kind and they are here for some elected, seeking re-election, and The Pass —or No Pass things are likely happen. As they was is White House or an easy gathering place for might explain the “blips” on the radar to purpose. Let’s do our part toward a creates an- pass through a and elec- Senator McMahon’s death Back in 1933 the streetcar company those who may be seeking early and easy screen since this theory provides the clearer more contact! vacancy. an trified atmosphere they will other Inaugurated the weekly pass a way radioactive formations with some den- gain in Interplanetarian. at bargain rate to shift their allegiance from President * G. O. May Up Seats. sity as well as radiance and shape. Or volume and, being free of local attrac- * P. Pick Two of $1.25. The company was seeking more revenue. Truman to the 1952 nominee. do you believe they are space ships from tion, will be capable of traveling at Your “Review of the Week” article Should this turn out to be a Republi- But it was also seeking more passengers. higher speeds. They may up The As for his attitude toward Mr. Truman and Mars? will follow what on “flying saucers” last Sunday con- can year, the G. O. P. pick two pass appears predetermined was an inducement to regular users of the President’s expressed willingness partici- Louise B. Rossignol. to be a course tained several errors, of which the ma- Senate seats in Connecticut which, dur- to * ? streetcars and buses, and it added to their through the skies and in a certain sense jor one was the statement that official ing the present Congress, have been held pate in the campaign, Governor Stevenson has they by go number. It was a part of progressive manage- Could it be that flying saucers are this is true, because follow the circles have denied, without hedging, Democrats. This would far toward been noticeably guarded in his comment. Both formed as the result of the testing of path of vagrant electrical fields which giving the Republicans an opportunity ment which “sold” the pass idea to the public. speech that the United States has any aircraft his address of welcome and his of atomic bombs? We see pictures of the are formed here and there in the upper resembling “flying to capture control of the Upper House, The Public Utilities Accountant, as a part of atmosphere remotely the saucer.” acceptance of the nomination before the con- huge mushroom-shape substance that by ever-recurring differences According to usually New regarded in some quarters as extremely the procedure of the commission in studying potential. the reliable the vention carefully refrained from categorical ascends when they are exploded. Is it of electric These invisible York Times (July 30. 1952), what Gen. difficult because of the small number of company’s request for possible that of it is not lines of potential difference traverse the Democratic Senators for rt*-election , latest higher fares, has indorsement of the Fair Deal and he paid only a some com- Samford really said was: up dissipated power recommended continuation of the pass. But to “lifetime of service pletely but continues in the skies somewhat like lines at the “1.