|HAI LALA AT TATAUS009832516B2 TAIMULUT AT HOLD THAT (12 ) United States Patent (10 ) Patent No. : US 9 ,832 ,516 B2 Bloch et al. (45 ) Date of Patent: Nov. 28 , 2017

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Device3 Manager 110 106 Device2

102 ?Device1 FIG.1 leU . S . Patent man wowNov. 28 , 2017. Sheet 2 of 8 US 9, 832 , 516 B2

- - - - - DLL- -







- AUDIANNOUNDS - 230 - OutputEngine -

















- 210 - InputEngine - ANDNDOD 200PlayerMedia - -

- - - -

FIG.2 U . S . Patent Nov. 28 , 2017 Sheet 3 of 8 US 9 ,832 ,516 B2


Device2 JE

300b 210 -310b 110110 210 t 320a


Device2 TE Device2 M IE

210- 110

M Device1 Device1 OE Device1 OE OEMOE FIG.3A FIG.3B FIG.3C 3002— 230 230 300a 230230 310a 320b~ U . S . Patent Nov . 28, 2017 Sheet 4 of 8 US 9, 832 , 516 B2 340c

Device2n 2aDevice Device2b |E] 330b 210|

110 Device2n IE -340a Device2a Device2b 210 -

-Gene~110 -230

M 230 Device1 [oes[m|| Device1 OE OEI FIG.3D FIG.3E 330a 340b atent Nov . 28 , 2017 Sheet 5 of 8 | US 9. 832, 516 B2

Device2n |IE Device2b 350c Device2a 360b

- 210 110 Device2b Device2n - Device2a OE -210 350a- 230 230 110

Devicein OE Devicela Device1b 350b - FIG.3F ??360a FIG. atent Nov . 28 , 2017 Sheet 6 of 8 US 9, 832 , 516 B2 Commands/ User interactions timing


EventAnalyzer 410 Choice Manager 420 Event Distributor 415 HEProject Configuration Manager 405 Project ConfigurationFile 407 FIG.4 atent Nov . 28 , 2017 Sheet 7 of 8 US 9, 832 , 516 B2

Screen User Interaction 210

Choice Manager 520 ManagerManager 110 faunaautoExternalAssetsManager 515

Project Configuration Manager 505

buttons,StartScreenetc.) ExternalAssets(Choice 550 Project ConfigurationFile 507

FIG.5 atent Nov . 28 , 2017 Sheet 8 of 8 US 9 ,832 ,516 B2


230 VideoBytes Appender 655 VideoParserVideoParser 645 Send/receive events

110 A Manager Choice Manager 620 LoadingmanagerLoadingManager 635

ExternalAssetsManager 615 Project Configuration Manager 605

buttons,StartScreenetc.) Project configurationfile 607 ExternalAssets(Choice 670 Videos FIG.6 US 9 ,832 , 516 B2 SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR MULTIPLE In one embodiment, the input engine presents to a user , DEVICE INTERACTION WITH during a predefined decision period as a content segment is SELECTABLY PRESENTABLE MEDIA playing , visual representations of two or more alternative STREAMS content segments from which a subsequent content segment 5 may be selected . The input engine may also present to the FIELD OF THE INVENTION user, upon reaching the predefined decision period , a visual representation of the time left to select an alternative content The invention relates generally to providing interactive segment. multimedia content over multiple devices , and more par In some implementations, there are multiple input ticularly to systems and methods for managing the interac - 10 engines, each configured to execute on a different device . tion of multiple input and output devices with a seamless Each input engine may provide interactive options to a user multimedia presentation having selectably presentable con based on a characteristic of a device user and / or a device . tent segments . In another embodiment, there are multiple output engines , each configured to execute on a different device . The output BACKGROUND 15 engines may play the assembled multimedia presentation at the same time, in accordance with a common timeline . Each Over the past decade there has been an exponential assembled multimedia presentation may include the same growth in the prevalence of in the lives of set of content segments, causing the output engines to play the general public . Users frequently listen to streaming the same multimedia presentation . Alternatively , some of the music on Internet stations such as Pandora , and watch 20 assembled multimedia presentations may include different streaming shows, movies , and video clips on content segments , thereby causing those output engines to websites such as , , and YouTube . Interactive play different multimedia presentations. streaming multimedia content, though less common , is also In various embodiments, the manager is configured to available . Existing forms of interactive videos allow a execute on the first device , the second device , and/ or a third viewer to make choices on how to proceed through pre - 25 device . The manager may include an event analyzer that defined video paths; however , this functionality is accomom evaluates user interactions received from the input engine plished using separate video segments that are jumped to and , based on the evaluation , selects content segments to upon selection , resulting in a noticeable disconnect in audio provide to the output engine . and video between consecutive segments. Further, these In a further implementation , to coordinate the multimedia forms of interactive media rely on a single device for 30 presentation , the devices are synchronized to a common receiving user interactions and playing the resulting audio timeline . The input engine may receive user interactions and video for the user. Accordingly , users would benefit simultaneously with playback of the multimedia presenta from systems and methods for interacting with selectably tion by the output engine . presentable multimedia content through multiple input and / In another aspect , a method for multiple device interac or output devices . 35 tion with selectably presentable multimedia content includes the step of storing selectably presentable multimedia content SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION segments , with each content segment representing a pre defined portion of one or more content paths. An output Methods and systems are disclosed for multiple device engine, executing on a first device, receives a subset of the control and interaction with selectably presentable media 40 content segments , assembles them into a seamless multime content, such as a segmented video presentation that , as it is dia presentation that is one of the content paths , and plays assembled in real - time based on viewer choices, is seam - the assembled multimedia presentation . An input engine , lessly played for the viewers, such that the video appears to executing on a second device , receives user interactions be a single , linear presentation without noticeable gaps, associated with the multimedia presentation , and a manager jumps , or delays . Various devices may be used as output 45 coordinates the multimedia presentation among multiple devices to view the multimedia content, and/ or as input devices based on the user interactions . devices to interact with and make choices affecting playback At least one of the content segments may include a of the content. predefined decision period during which a user may select, In one aspect , a system for multiple device interaction as that content segment is playing , a subsequent content with selectably presentable multimedia content includes an 50 segment to be played immediately following the conclusion output engine, an input engine , a manager , and a memory or selection of the playing content segment. that stores selectably presentable multimedia content seg . In one embodiment, the input engine presents to a user, ments . Each content segment represents a predefined portion during a predefined decision period as a content segment is of one or more content paths. The output engine , executing playing , visual representations of two or more alternative on a first device, receives a subset of the content segments , 55 content segments from which a subsequent content segment assembles them into a seamless multimedia presentation that may be selected . The input engine may also present to the is one of the content paths , and plays the assembled multi - user , upon reaching the predefined decision period , a visual media presentation . The input engine , executing on a second representation of the time left to select an alternative content device , receives user interactions associated with the mul - segment . timedia presentation , and the manager coordinates the mul - 60 In some implementations , there are multiple input timedia presentation among multiple devices based on the engines, each configured to execute on a different device . user interactions. Each input engine may provide interactive options to a user At least one of the content segments may include a based on a characteristic of a device user and/ or a device . predefined decision period during which a user may select, In another embodiment, there are multiple output engines , as that content segment is playing , a subsequent content 65 each configured to execute on a different device . The output segment to be played immediately following the conclusion engines may play the assembled multimedia presentation at or selection of the playing content segment. the same time, in accordance with a common timeline . Each US 9 ,832 ,516 B2 assembled multimedia presentation may include the same the foregoing, " seamless ” may refer to a continuous play set of content segments , causing the output engines to play back of content that gives the viewer the appearance of the samemultimedia presentation . Alternatively , some of the watching a single, linear multimedia presentation . In some assembled multimedia presentations may include different instances , the viewer is permitted to make choices or oth content segments , thereby causing those output engines to 5 erwise interact in real- time at decision points or during play different multimedia presentations. decision periods interspersed throughout the multimedia In various embodiments , the manager is configured to content. Decision points and/ or decision periods may occur execute on the first device, the second device, and /or a third at any time and in any number during a multimedia segment, device . The manager may include an event analyzer that including at or near the end . Decision points and /or periods evaluates user interactions received from the input engine 10 may be predefined , occurring at fixed points or during fixed and , based on the evaluation , selects content segments to periods in the multimedia content segments . Based at least provide to the output engine . in part on the viewer' s choices, one or more corresponding In a further implementation , to coordinate the multimedia multimedia segment ( s ) associated with the choices may be presentation , the devices are synchronized to a common presented to the viewer. timeline . The input engine may receive user interactions 15 The chosen multimedia segment( s ) may be presented simultaneously with playback of the multimedia presenta immediately following a currently playing segment, or may tion by the output engine . be shown after other segments are played . Further, the Other aspects and advantages of the invention will chosen multimedia segment( s ) may be presented to the become apparent from the following drawings , detailed viewer immediately after selection , after a fixed or random description , and claims, all ofwhich illustrate the principles 20 delay, at the end of a decision period , and / or at the end of the of the invention , by way of example only currently playing segment. Two or more combined segments form a seamless multimedia content path , and there may be BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS multiple paths that a viewer can take to experience a complete, start - to - finish , seamless presentation . Further , one A more complete appreciation of the invention and many 25 or more multimedia segments may be shared among inter attendant advantages thereof will be readily obtained as the twining paths while still ensuring a seamless transition from same becomes better understood by reference to the follow - a previous segment and to the next segment. The content ing detailed description when considered in connection with paths may be predefined , with fixed sets of possible transi the accompanying drawings . In the drawings, like reference tions in order to ensure seamless transitions among seg characters generally refer to the same parts throughout the 30 ments . different views. Further , the drawings are not necessarily to Traversal of the multimedia content along a content path scale , with emphasis instead generally being placed upon may be performed by selecting among options that appear illustrating the principles of the invention . on and / or around the video while the video is playing . In FIG . 1 is an exemplary diagram illustrating a system some embodiments , these options are presented to viewers network according to an embodiment of the invention . 35 at a decision point and /or during a decision period in a FIG . 2 is an exemplary diagram illustrating a media player content segment. The display may hover and then disappear according to an embodiment of the invention . when the decision period ends or when an option has been FIGS . 3A - 3G are exemplary diagrams illustrating com selected . Further, a countdown or other visual, aural, or other ponent location configurations according to various embodi sensory indicator may be presented during playback of ments of the invention . 40 content segment to inform the viewer of the point by which FIG . 4 is an exemplary diagram illustrating a manager he must make his selection . For example , the countdown component according to an embodiment of the invention . may indicate when the decision period will end . FIG . 5 is an exemplary diagram illustrating an input The segment that is played after a currently playing engine component according to an embodiment of the segment may be determined based on the option selected . invention . 45 Each option may result in a different video and audio FIG . 6 is an exemplary diagram illustrating an output segment being played . As previously mentioned, the transi engine component according to an embodiment of the tion to the next segment may occur immediately upon invention . selection , at the end of the current segment, or at some other predefined or random point. Notably , the transition between DETAILED DESCRIPTION 50 content segments may be seamless . In other words, the audio and video may continue playing regardless of whether a Described herein are various embodiments of methods segment selection is made, and no noticeable gaps appear in and supporting systems for managing the interaction of audio or video playback between any connecting segments . multiple input and output devices with a seamless multime- In some instances , the video continues on to another seg dia presentation having selectably presentable content seg - 55 ment after a certain amount of time if none is chosen , or may ments. The disclosed techniques may be used in conjunction continue playing in a loop . with seamlessly assembled and selectably presentable mul- In one example , the multimedia content is a music video timedia content, such as that described in U . S . patent appli - in which the viewer selects options upon reaching segment cation Ser. No . 13 / 033 , 916 , filed Feb . 24 , 2011 , and entitled decision points to determine subsequent content to be “ System and Method for Seamless Multimedia Assembly , ” 60 played . First , a video introduction segment is played for the the entirety of which is incorporated by reference herein . viewer . Prior to the end of the segment, a decision point is Selectably presentable multimedia content may include , reached at which the viewer may select the next segment to for example , one or more predefined , separate multimedia be played from a listing of choices. In this case, the viewer content segments that are combined to create a continuous, is presented with a choice as to who will sing the first verse seamless presentation such that there are no noticeable gaps , 65 of the song : a tall , female performer, or a short , male jumps , freezes, or other visual or audible interruptions to performer. The viewer is given an amount of time to make video or audio playback between segments . In addition to a selection (i .e ., a decision period ) , after which , if no US 9 , 832 , 516 B2 selection is made, a default segment will be automatically tions with the user , and providing the interactions to the selected . The default may be a predefined or random selec - Manager 110 . On the other hand , each output engine 230 tion . Of note , the media content continues to play during the receives instructions from the Manager 110 , which may be time the viewer is presented with the choices. Once a choice based on interactions provided by one or more of the input is selected (or the decision period ends ) , a seamless transi- 5 engines 210 , and plays the seamless multimedia presentation tion occurs to the next segment, meaning that the audio and in accordance with the received instructions . video continue on to the next segment as if there were no Referring again to FIG . 1 , each input device 102 may have break between the two segments and the user cannot visually an input engine 210 stored on and/ or executable by the input or audibly detect the transition . As the music video contin - device 102 . Likewise , each output device 106 may have an ues , the viewer is presented with other choices at other 10 output engine 230 stored on and / or executable by the output decisions points, depending on which path of choices is device 106 . A device that is capable of acting both as an followed . Ultimately , the viewer arrives at a final segment, input device 102 and an output device 106 may include both having traversed a complete multimedia content path . an input engine 210 and an output engine 230 , one or both Although the techniques described herein relate primarily ofwhich may be active at any point in time. The system may to audio and video playback , the invention is equally appli- 15 include one or more input engines 210 and / or one or more cable to various streaming and non - streaming media , includ output engines 230 , each corresponding to a respective input ing animation , video games, interactive media , and other and /or output device 102 , 106 . forms of content usable in conjunction with the present The Manager 110 , input engine ( s ) 210 and output systems and methods . Further, there may be more than one engine ( s ) 230 may be distributed among the input and output audio , video , and / or other media content stream played in 20 devices 102 , 106 . In some implementations , however, the synchronization with other streams. Streaming media may Manager 110 is stored on and/ or executable by a separate include , for example , multimedia content that is continu - system , such as a server in communication with the input ously presented to a viewer while it is received from a and output devices 102, 106 . As depicted in FIG . 3A - 3G , content delivery source, such as a remote video server. If a various configurations are possible for the Manager 110 , source media file is in a format that cannot be streamed 25 input engine ( s ) 210 , and output engine ( s ) 230 . FIG . 3A and / or does not allow for seamless connections between depicts two devices 300a and 3006 . Device 300a acts as an segments , the media file may be transcoded or converted output device and includes the output engine 230 of the into a format supporting streaming and /or seamless transi media player. In this embodiment, Device 300a also holds tions. the Manager 110 , which communicates with the output Referring to FIG . 1 , in one embodiment, a system for 30 engine 230 via a local intradevice connection , and commu managing the interaction of one or more input devices 102 nicates with the input engine 210 on device 300b via a and one or more output devices 106 with a seamless mul- remote interdevice connection . The devices may communi timedia presentation includes a Manager 110 . The Manager cate with each other over any suitable form of connection 110 synchronizes between the input device ( s ) 102 and the medium and method , wired and / or , including net output device ( s ) 106 to allow for one or more of the input 35 works such as cellular, computer, cable , , radio , the devices 102 to control and / or interact with the multimedia Internet, and so on . presentation shown on one or more of the output devices FIG . 3B depicts a configuration similar to FIG . 3A , with 106 . Users and /or viewers may interact with the multimedia two devices 310a and 310b ; however , in this implementa presentation through various input devices 102 , such as tion , the Manager 110 resides with the input engine 210 on desktop computers , laptops , , , cel - 40 device 310b . Accordingly , communication between the lular phones , tablets , gaming devices , DVD players, media Manager 110 and the input engine 210 may be locally based , players , set- top boxes, and / or any devices having a suitable whereas communication between the Manager 110 and the input interface such as a keyboard ,mouse , trackball , touch - output engine 230 may be remotely based . In FIG . 3C , the pad , touchscreen , , eye tracker, motion Manager 110 resides on a separate system 320a . For tracker, microphone, and the like . The multimedia presen - 45 example , the Manager 110 may reside on a remote server, tation is presented to users and /or viewers via output devices and the output engine 230 on device 320b and input engine 106 , such as desktop computers , laptops, televisions , smart - 210 on device 320c may act as clients communicating with phones , cellular phones , tablets , gaming devices , DVD the remote server from the same location or different loca players, media players , set- top boxes, and / or any devices tions. having a suitable visual display , audio , and /or other sensory 50 FIG . 3D shows the case of a single output engine 230 and output interface such as a display screen , projector , speaker , Manager 110 residing on an output device 330a, with and the like. multiple input engines and corresponding input devices A single device may perform both input and output 330b in communication with the Manager 110 . For example , functions. For example , a may allow a user to three friendsmay view the interactive music video described provide input using a touchscreen , while viewing the mul- 55 above on a television ( output device ), and each may use his timedia presentation on the display screen of the phone . smartphone ( input devices ) to vote on the various options Alternatively , a single device may have both input and shown during a decision period . The option chosen by the output capabilities, but may only be used for either input or most voters may then be presented following the end of the output. For example, the smartphone may be used as an decision period . FIG . 3E illustrates a similar configuration to input device to interact with a video that is being played on 60 that of FIG . 3D ; however, in FIG . 3E , the Manager 110 a television . resides on a separate system 340a instead of on an output Referring to FIG . 2 , in one implementation , the device 340b or input device 340c . Likewise , in FIG . 3F , the system includes a media player 200 having an input engine Manager 110 resides on a separate system 350a and com 210 and an output engine 230 . Generally , each input engine municates with multiple output devices 350b and multiple 210 is responsible for presenting choices to a user (e . g. , via 65 input devices 3500 . Further, as shown in FIG . 3G , the a graphical user interface displayed on the associated input devices 360b include both input and output engines 210 , 230 device 102 ), receiving choice selections and other interac of the media player, and as such may act as both input and US 9 ,832 ,516 B2 output devices . As described above , the multiple viewers Because decision periods may occur near the end of a may be co - located ( e . g . , sitting in the same room watching segment, it may be necessary to begin transfer of one or the same instance of the music video ) . In some cases , more of the potential next segments to viewers prior to a however, the multiple users may be geographically dis selection being made . For example, if a viewer is approach persed such that votes are collected from multiple locations , 5 ing a decision point with three possible next segments for tallied , and the subsequently viewed segments are deter - selection , all three potential segments may be loaded to mined based on the results . ensure a smooth transition upon conclusion of the current Other configurations are also possible . For example , in segment. Intelligent buffering of the video , audio , and / or other embodiments , the Manager 110 may include multiple other media content may be performed as described in U . S . components thatmay be distributed among the input devices 10 patent application Ser. No. 13 /437 , 164 , filed Apr . 2 , 2012 , 102, output devices 106 , and /or other systems or devices . and entitled “ Systems and Methods for Loading More Than There may also be more than one Manager 110 , each of One Video Content at a Time, " the entirety of which is which may work independently or in synchronization with incorporated by reference herein . one or more of the other management components . As earlier indicated , the Project Configuration Manager The Manager 110 , depicted in further detail in FIG . 4 , 15 405 may reference the configuration file 407 to determine includes a number of functions . In one embodiment, the which interface elements should be displayed to viewers . Manager 110 is responsible for maintaining synchronization The configuration file 407 may further indicate the specific among all of the devices interacting with and /or playing timings for which actions may be taken with respect to the back the multimedia presentation so that user interactions interface elements (e . g ., when a particular element is active affect the multimedia presentation in substantially real- time 20 and can be interacted with ) . The interface elements may while the presentation is playing . More specifically, the include, for example , playback controls (pause , stop , play , Manager 110 may synchronize the devices to a single seek , etc . ), segment option selectors ( e . g . , buttons, images , timeline on which some or all events related to the multi - text, animations, video thumbnails , and the like , that a media presentation are based . Such events may include the viewer may interact with during decision periods, the selec start and end time of a content segment, the start and end 25 tion of which results in a particular multimedia segment time of a decision period within a content segment, the being seamlessly played following the conclusion of the timing for providing one or more viewers with options to current segment ) , timers ( e . g . , a clock or other graphical or select or other interactive user interface features, the selec - textual countdown indicating the amount of time remaining tion of a particular option , pause / stop /play events , and other to select an option or next segment, which , in some cases , events related to playback and / or interaction with the mul - 30 may be the amount of time remaining until the current timedia presentation . segment will transition to the next segment) , links, popups , The Manager 110 may also be responsible for session an index ( for browsing and / or selecting other multimedia initialization . For example , when a session begins ( e . g ., content to view or listen to ), and / or a dynamic progress bar prior to or as a multimedia presentation begins playback ) , such as that described in U . S . patent application Ser. No. each device ( input and /or output ) establishes communica - 35 13 /622 ,795 , filed Sep . 19 , 2012 , and entitled “ Progress Bar tion with the Manager 110 to inform the Manager 110 that for Branched Videos, ” the entirety of which is incorporated the respective device intends to participate in the session . by reference herein . In addition to visual elements , sounds or Each device may also indicate whether it will be acting as an other sensory elements may be presented . For example , a input device , an output device, or both . Upon successfully timer may have a “ ticking " sound synchronized with the initializing the session , the Manager 110 has knowledge of 40 movement of a clock hand . The interactive interface ele the number and type of devices participating in the session , ments may be shared among multimedia segments or may be the devices that will act as input and / or output devices , and unique to one or more of the segments . various information associated with participating users , such In one implementation , the Event Analyzer 410 evaluates as login name, IP address, location , social networking data received from one or more input engines that are account user name, and the like . At this point, each device 45 participating in a session and , based on the evaluation , may be permitted to engage in unidirectional or bidirectional determines how the multimedia presentation should con communication with the Manager 110 . tinue . For example , referring again to the interactive music In one embodiment , the Manager 110 includes a Project video discussed above , the data received from the input Configuration Manager 405 , an Event Analyzer 410 , an engines may indicate the selection of a particular singer to Event Distributer 415 , and a Choice Manager 420 . 50 continue the song . The choice may be associated with a The Project Configuration Manager 405 reads from a particular algorithm that the Event Analyzer 410 uses to project configuration file 407 that stores the defined content determine the behavior of the multimedia presentation . If the path structure of the multimedia presentation , e . g ., how the choice is associated with a voting mechanism , the Event multimedia content segments may be linked together in Analyzer 410 will determine the singer having the most various manners to form one or more content paths ( in some 55 votes and , in response , the Manager 110 may direct any embodiments , a video tree ) . The configuration file 407 may output engines in the session to seamlessly transition to further specify which audio , video , and/ or other media files playing the content segment associated with the highest correspond to each content segment , i . e ., which audio , voted singer. Other algorithms are possible , such as a video , and / or other media should be retrieved when the bidding algorithm in which an option requested by a highest Manager 110 determines that a particular content segment 60 bidder is presented to viewers . should be played . Additionally, the configuration file 407 The Event Analyzer 410 may evaluate other types of user may indicate the interface elements that should be displayed interactions. For example , the Manager 110 may direct all or otherwise presented to users , as well as the when the output engines to pause playback if a pause event is received elements should be displayed . from any input engine . In other embodiments, users are able In some embodiments , the configuration file 407 is also 65 to send messages or chat with each other , or cause text, used in determining which media files should be loaded or images, or sounds to be output to one or more other output buffered prior to being played ( or potentially played ) . engines via the Manager 110 . Messages may include, for US 9 ,832 ,516 B2 10 example , suggested content segments for selection , allowing communicates to the output engines 230 (and / or input viewers to “ lobby ” for particular selections from among engines 210 ) the instructions necessary for the next segment/ those available for subsequent playback . One skilled in the action to take effect . art will appreciate the various interactions received by the Each device that enables a user to interact with a multi Event Analyzer 410 that may affect playback of the multi - 5 media presentation as described herein may include an input media presentation . engine 210 , as depicted in FIG . 5 . The input engine 210 may In one embodiment, the Event Distributer 415 manages perform a number of input functions, including receiving timing / synchronization events from the Manager 110 , pre distribution of instructions, messages , updates , and other senting interface elements to a user ( e . g ., segment select data to the output engines participating in a session . Theto 10 options, presentation control buttons, timers, etc . ), collecting Event Distributer 415 informs each output engine how to user interactions ( e . g ., when and how the user interacts with proceed with playback of the multimedia presentation . The the multimedia presentation or interface elements , which instructions sent by the Event Distributer 415 may be based option ( s ) are selected , and so on ), and sending user inter on prior user interactions received and evaluated by the actions to the Manager 110 . In some embodiments , users are Event Analyzer 410 . Notably , the Event Distributeruter 415413 may 15 able to interact with an input device in real -time , during provide different instructions to different output engines playback of the multimedia presentation . In this manner, depending on characteristics associated with a user or users may receive substantially instant feedback to their device . In one example, an interactive video presents male interactions. and female viewers with the option of having a character in In one embodiment, an input engine 210 includes a the video spend the night studying or go out for entertain - 20 Project Configuration Manager 505 , External Assets Man ment. Upon a determination by the Manager 110 that the ager 515 , and Choice Manager 520 . Similar to the Project majority of the viewers have voted for the character to seek Configuration Manager 405 described with respect to the entertainment, the Event Distributer 415 sends instructions Manager 110 , the Project Configuration Manager 505 in the to output engines associated with male viewers to play a input engine 210 may read from a project configuration file segment in which the character attends a sports game. For 25 507 that defines the content path structure of themultimedia female viewers , the Event Distributer 415 instead sends presentation , e . g ., how the multimedia content segments instructions to cause playback of a segment in which the may be linked together in various manners to form one or character sees a movie . The Event Distributor 415 may also more content paths ( in some embodiments , a video tree ) . send events input engines ; e . g ., the Event Distributer 415 The configuration file 507 may further specify which audio , es 210 30 video , and /or other media files correspond to each content may send synchronizing events to the input engines 210 30 segment, and may indicate the interface elements that should and /or provide instructions on what interface elements be displayed or otherwise presented to users , as well as when should be presented to users. the elements should be displayed . In some embodiments , the Referring still to FIG . 4 , the Choice Manager 420 may configuration file 507 is substantially similar or identical to interface with the Project Configuration Managerser 405nu , thehe 35 the project configuration file 407 utilized by the Manager Event Analyzer 410 , and the Event Distributer 415 . For 110 . The configuration file 507 may be stored on the device example, in one embodiment, the Choice Manager 420 associated with the input engine 210 , or the file 507 may be receives selected content segments and / or other user inter remotely accessed by the Project Configuration Manager action information after processing by the Event Analyzer 505 . 410 . Based on this information in combination with a 40 The External Assets Manager 515 component of the input multimedia content path structure received from the Project engine 210 manages assets 550 associated with a multimedia Configuration Manager 405 , the Choice Manager 420 deter - presentation , including user interface elements such as seg mines the next multimedia content segment( s ) that should be ment choice buttons/ thumbnails , splash screens, timers , played and provides the determination to the Event Dis - playback control buttons , and other visual and/ or audio tributor 415 , which distributes the appropriate instructions to 45 interactive or display elements . Upon direction from the output devices . Choice Manager 520 , the External Assets Manager 515 As described above, the Event Distributor 415 may pro sends the assets for display /playback in accordance with the vide different instructions to input output engines . In some timeline of the multimedia presentation . embodiments , these instructions are based on instructions The input engine 210 may also include a Choice Manager from the Choice Manager 420 . For example , referring again 50 520 , which receives user interactions ( e . g ., mouse clicks , to the study - or -party interactive video described above , the keyboard presses , touchpad presses , etc . ) that may be trans majority of viewers may vote for the character to head to the lated into actions associated with the multimedia presenta library . These votes ( interactions ) are received from the tion ( e . g . , segment selections , playback controls , etc . ) and input devices at the Event Analyzer 410 component of the provides them to the Manager 110 , which processes the Manager 110 , which determines , based on a voting algo - 55 actions as described above . In addition to receiving user rithm , that the winning selection is that the character should interactions , the Choice Manager 520 may receive other study . This determination of the winning selection is events or data , such as video and /or audio recorded previ received by the Choice Manager 420 , which may examine ously or in real- time by the user, images, text ( e .g . , real- time the content path structure provided by the Project Configu - chat) or other data uploads, such as information associated ration Manager 405 to determine which content segment 60 with the device user ( e . g . , user name , avatar, social network should be played after the current content segment, given ing account information , demographics , etc . ), or device that the character should be shown studying . Upon deter- itself ( e .g ., GPS location , device type, device model , etc . ). mining the correct segment to play (which may include The events , actions, and /or data may be provided to the different segments for different devices and /or users , as Choice Manager 520 automatically , or as a result of an indicated above ), the Choice Manager 420 informs the 65 action taken by the user . Event Distributor 415 of the next segment to be played or The input engine 210 may also receive events from the action that should be taken , and the Event Distributor 415 Manager 110 . For example , the Event Distributor 415 may US 9 ,832 ,516 B2 send synchronizing events to the input engine 210 and /or described with respect to the Manager 110 and input engine provide instructions on what interface elements should be 210 , the Project Configuration Manager 605 in the output presented to the user and when they should be presented , in engine 230 may read from a project configuration file 607 accordance with a common presentation timeline . Taking that defines the content path structure of the multimedia into account events received from the Manager 110 as well 5 presentation , e . g . , how the multimedia content segments as the path structure of the multimedia content received from may be linked together in various manners to form one or the Project configuration Manager 505 , the Choice Manager more content paths ( in some embodiments , a video tree ) . 520 informs the External Assets Manager 510 of the inter The configuration file 607 may further specify which audio , face elements that should be presented to the user and the video , and/ or other media files correspond to each content timing of the presentation . 10 segment, and may indicate the interface elements that should In some embodiments , the Choice Manager 520 instructs be displayed or otherwise presented to users , as well as when the External Assets Manager 510 to present interface ele - the elements should be displayed . In some embodiments , the ments based on information associated with the device configuration file 607 is substantially similar or identical to and /or device user. For example , in one example of the the project configuration file 507 utilized by the input engine present invention , a group of viewers in a movie theater can 15 210 and /or the project configuration file 407 utilized by the use their mobile devices ( e . g . , smartphones , tablets , etc . ) to Manager 110 . The configuration file 607 may be stored on vote on how a currently playing movie should proceed . In the device associated with the output engine 230 , or the file this instance , the Choice Manager 520 receives data from 607 may be remotely accessed by the Project Configuration each participating indicating whether it is , Manager 605 . e . g . , an Android® smartphone, or an Apple iPad® tablet . 20 The External Assets Manager 615 component of the When a point in the movie timeline is reached where user output engine 230 manages and retrieves assets 670 asso interface elements are to be presented to the users , the ciated with a multimedia presentation , such as audio , video , Choice Manager 520 may direct the External Assets Man - and / or other media files, as well as user interface elements ager 510 to provide customized interface elements to each such as segment choice buttons/ thumbnails , splash screens , user ' s device based on the properties of the device , e . g ., 25 timers , playback control buttons, and other visual and / or different graphical themes that correlate with the design of audio interactive or display elements . The External Assets the device . Manager 615 may cause the same or similar interface In some embodiments , the input engine 210 also includes elements to be shown on an output device as are shown on functionality to cause media to be presented on an input an input device . In some embodiments , the External Assets device , similar to the functionality provided by the output 30 Manager 615 causes the display of real - time status messages engine 230 , further described below . For example , the input or other indications of activities performed on input devices ; engine 210 may cause an input device to play the same e. g ., how many and /or which users voted for a particular audio , video , and / or other media as is simultaneously pre - option , information about users (photo , Facebook user sented on one or more output devices participating in the name, etc . ) , the options selected by the users , and so on . same session . In another example , the input engine 210 may 35 Upon direction from the Choice Manager 620 , the External cause personalized media content to be played on an asso - Assets Manager 615 may send the assets for display /play ciated input device , such as audio , video , imagery , or other back in accordance with the timeline of the multimedia content based on a particular user, the user ' s device , and / or presentation . interactions or content segment selections made by the user . The Loading Manager 635 manages the downloading of For example , if there is one device used for output but there 40 streaming media according to a loading logic . In one are multiple input devices , the present system may display embodiment, the Loading Manager 635 receives the media global video ( i . e . , video common to all users ) with global content path structure from the Project Configuration Man data on the screen , while simultaneously providing each user ager 605 and events from the Choice Manager 620 and , with individualized video , data , and selection options. The based on the path structure and events, determines which foregoing example may operate with multiple output devices 45 media segments to download and / or buffer ( if the segments as well ( e . g . , multiple screens showing a globally -presented are remotely stored ) . For example , if the Choice Manager video ) . Individualized content may include customized end - informs the Loading Manager 635 that a particular segment ing options; for example , at the end of the multimedia A will be played at an upcoming point in the timeline , the presentation , each user may be provided with one of mul- Loading Manager 635 may intelligently request for down tiple possible endings and / or an individualized ending . Such 50 load , in advance of playback or notification of potential an ending may include displaying a winner, comparing the playback , additional media segments X , Y and Z thatmay be performance of the user to other users , and so on . played following segment A . The downloading may occur Each device that enables a user to view , listen to , or even if fewer than all of X , Y , Z will be played ( e . g . , if X , engage in other sensory perception with , a multimedia Y and Z are potential segment choices branching off seg presentation as described herein may include an output 55 ment A ) . engine 230 , as depicted in FIG . 6 . The output engine 230 In some embodiments , the Loading Manager 635 ceases may perform a number of output functions, including receiv - or cancels downloading of content segments or other media ing synchronization events from the Manager 110 to syn - if it determines that it is no longer possible for a particular chronize the output engine 230 to a common session time- media content segment ( or other content) to be presented on line , intelligently downloading media content, and 60 a currently traversed media path . Referring to the above seamlessly playing multimedia content to a viewer accord - example , a usermay select, via an input engine 210 , segment ing to instructions received from the Manager 110 . Y as the next segment to be played . The selection may be In one embodiment, each output engine 230 includes a relayed to the Manager 110 , which processes the selection Project Configuration Manager 605 , External Assets Man and notifies the Choice Manager 620 output engine 230 . The ager 615 , Choice Manager 620 , Loading Manager 635 , 65 Choice Manager 620 may then inform the LoadingManager Video Parser , 645 , and Video Bytes Appender 655 . Similar 635 of the selection event and , based on the Loading to the Project Configuration Managers 405 and 505 Manager 's 635 knowledge of the content path structure of US 9 ,832 ,516 B2 13 14 the multimedia presentation , the Loading Manager 635 may 110 may be integrated or collocated with the output engine stop active downloads or dequeue pending downloads of 230 ( see FIG . 3A ) or input engine 210 ( see FIG . 3B ) or in content segments no longer reachable now that segment Y an entirely separate location ( see FIG . 3C ) . Another such has been selected . application is a live sporting event played on an output The output engine 230 may also include Video Parser 645 5 device (e . g ., television ) while allowing for the control of and Video Bytes Appender 655 modules. In one embodi- certain events from an input device . For example , a viewer ment, the Video Parser 645 receives media content from the may use an Apple® iPad® tablet to jump to video of an Loading Manager 635 and analyzes and / or modifies the raw event having previously occurred during the game and save video or other media content, for example , to concatenate the video as a new content segment. The television , upon two separate media streams into a single timeline . The Video 10 direction of the Manager 110 , may then transition to the new Parser 645 may also insert cue points and other event segment for playback and return to the broadcast stream markers , such as junction events , into media streams. The thereafter (see FIGS . 3A - 3C ) . Video Bytes Appender 655 processes media content output In another embodiment, multiple users view an interactive by the Video Parser 645 . For instance , the Video Bytes movie in a movie theater and vote or bid to direct its path . Appender 655 may form one or more streams of bytes from 15 In this case , the output engine 230 may be stored on or multiple video , audio or other media streams, and feed the executable by the movie theater projection system , with the formed streams such that there is seamless playback of the projection screen acting as a display , and each user in the combined media content. The Video Bytes Appender 655 audience may have a smartphone , tablet, or other mobile or may be directed by the Choice Manager 620 to stream media fixed device having an input engine 210 that receives user in synchronization with other modules of the output engine 20 interactions and forwards them to the Manager 110 , which 230 , such as the External Assets Manager 615 . may be separate from or collocated with the output engine Referring still to FIG . 6 , the output engine Choice Man 230 ( see FIGS . 3D and 3E ) . ager 620 interfaces with other modules of the output engine In another exemplary implementation , an interactive 230 as well as with the Manager 110 . In one embodiment, game show is presented on a television (having an output the Choice Manager 620 receives the content path structure 25 engine 230 ) , with multiple participants interacting through for the current multimedia presentation from the Project suitable respective input devices 102 (having input engines Configuration Manager 605 , listens for and receives user 210 ). Questions are presented to the participants on the interactions and other events sent to it by the Manager 110 , television , and answers are collected by the Manager 110 via and notifies the Loading Manager 635 of events , such as the the input devices . The Manager 110 directs the flow of the selection of a content segment for playback . In some 30 game show content based on the participant interactions. embodiments , based on its analysis of received events, the The Manager 110 may be collocated with or separate from Choice Manager 635 is able to cause the presentation of any the output engine 230 (see FIGS . 3D and 3E ) . form of sensory output connected to the output engine 230 , In one application , a multimedia presentation includes such as visual, aural, tactile , olfactory , and the like . For selectably presentable content segments forming various example , if a theater audience controlling an interactive film 35 paths of a video storyline that can be traversed and interacted with their mobile devices votes to send a character to the with by viewers. In this example , there may be multiple beach , the output engine may cause the activation of fans in input devices 102 having input engines 210 and multiple the theater to simulate wind , along with the release of ocean output devices 106 having output engines 230 , each of scents in the air , in addition to playback of the associated which interacts with a separately located Manager 110 (see audiovisual segment. 40 FIG . 3F ) . Alternatively, there may be multiple devices, with In some implementations, the input engines 210 and /or at least one having both an input engine 210 and an output output engines 230 participating in a playback session of a engine 230 ( see FIG . 3G ) . Each user (or group of users ) may multimedia presentation track data regarding user interac - view the interactive video from its own output device 106 , tions , users , and / or devices and provide the data to the and the video may be personalized to that user (or group of Manager 110 for the collection of various analytics . Col- 45 users ) . For example , a male viewer may view / participate in lected analytics may include, but are not limited to : the the video storyline as a male character, and a female viewer number, type, and / or location of a device ; user data , such as may view /participate in the video storyline as a female login information , name, address , age , sex , and the like ; user character . In either case , each video may be a particular point interactions , such as button / touchpad presses , mouse clicks , of view of a character appearing in the same video storyline, mouse / touchpad movements , interaction timings , and the 50 which is presented simultaneously on a common timeline for like ; decisions made by users or automatically ( e . g. , content each viewer. segment user choice or default selection ); and content paths In another example using the configuration of FIG . 3G ( or followed in the presentation content structure . The analytics any other suitable configuration ) , one user may control the may include those described in U . S . patent application Ser. output of another user ' s device . For example , a videocon No . 13 / 034 ,645 , entitled “ System and Method for Data 55 ference , chat , or other form of communication may occur Mining within Interactive Multimedia ,” and filed Feb . 24 , among two or more participants during playback of a media 2011 , the entirety of which is incorporated by reference presentation . In other embodiments , one user may make herein . Those skilled in the art will appreciate the various segment selections or perform other actions on his or her analytics available for collection and analysis in the present own device that cause particular output, such as video and/ or system . 60 audio , to be presented on another user ' s device . The present invention may be used in a variety of appli - One skilled in the art will recognize the various forms in cations , including but not limited to the scenarios described which the systems and methods described herein may be herein . In one exemplary embodiment, a user watches implemented . The functions provided by the Manager 110 , selectably presentable video content on his television (which input engines 210 , output engines 230 , and /or other com includes an output engine 230 ) and can direct the path of the 65 ponentsmay be implemented in any appropriate hardware or video by interacting with his smartphone or tablet (which software . If implemented as software , the invention may includes an input engine 210 ) . In this example , the Manager execute on a system capable of running a commercial US 9 ,832 ,516 B2 15 16 operating system such as the Windows® operat . processor and the memory can be supplemented by, or ing systems, the Apple OS X® operating systems, the Apple incorporated in special purpose logic circuitry. iOS® platform , the Google AndroidTM platform , the ® In various embodiments , the devices include a web operating system and other variants of UNIX® operating browser, client software , or both . The web browser allows systems, and the like. 5 the client to request a web page or other downloadable Some or all of the described functionality may be imple program , applet , or document ( e . g . , from the server ( s ) ) with mented in a media player and /or other software downloaded a web page request . One example of a web page is a data file to or existing on the viewer' s device. Some of the function that includes computer executable or interpretable informa ality may exist remotely ; for example , management func t ion , graphics , sound , text, and / or video , that can be dis tions may be performed on one or more remote servers . In 10 played , executed , played , processed , streamed , and / or stored some embodiments , the viewer ' s device serves only to and that can contain links , or pointers , to other web pages . provide output and input functionality , with the remainder of In one embodiment, a user of the client manually requests a the processes being performed remotely . web page from the server. Alternatively , the device auto The local and /or remote software may be implemented on matically makes requests with the web browser. Examples hardware such as a smart or dumb terminal, network com - 15 of commercially available web browser software are Micro puter, personal digital assistant, wireless device , smart soft® Internet Explorer® , Mozilla Firefox® , and Apple phone, tablet , television , gaming device , music player, Safari? . mobile telephone , laptop , palmtop , wireless telephone , In some embodiments , the devices include client soft information appliance , workstation , minicomputer , main - ware . The client software provides functionality to the frame computer, or other computing device , that is operated 20 device that provides for the implementation and execution of as a general purpose computer or a special purpose hardware the features described herein . The client software may be device that can execute the functionality described herein . implemented in various forms, for example, it may be in the The software may be implemented on a general purpose form of a web page, widget, and /or Java , JavaScript, .Net , computing device in the form of a computer including a Silverlight, Flash , and /or other applet or plug - in that is processing unit , a system memory , and a system bus that 25 downloaded to the device and runs in conjunction with the couples various system components including the system web browser. The client software and the web browser may memory to the processing unit . be part of a single client- server interface ; for example , the The described systems may include a plurality of software client software can be implemented as a " plug - in ” to the web processing modules stored in a memory and executed on a browser or to another framework or operating system . Any processor in the manner described herein . The program 30 other suitable client software architecture , including but not modules may be in the form of any or more suitable limited to widget frameworks and applet technology may programming languages, which are converted to machine also be employed with the client software . language or object code to allow the processor or processors A communications network may connect the devices with to read the instructions . The software may be in the form of one or more servers and / or with each other. The communi a standalone application , implemented in any suitable pro - 35 cation may take place via any media such as standard gramming language or framework . telephone lines , LAN or WAN links ( e . g ., T1, T3 , 56 kb , Method steps of the techniques described herein can be X . 25 ) , connections (ISDN , Frame Relay , ATM ) , performed by one or more programmable processors execut wireless links (802 . 11 , , GSM , CDMA, etc . ), and ing a computer program to perform functions of the inven so on . The network may carry TCP / IP protocol communi tion by operating on input data and generating output . 40 cations, and HTTP /HTTPS requests made by a web browser, Method steps can also be performed by , and apparatus of the and the connection between the clients and servers can be invention can be implemented as, special purpose logic communicated over such TCP / IP networks . The type of circuitry , e . g . , an FPGA ( field programmable gate array ) or network is not a limitation , however, and any suitable an ASIC ( application -specific integrated circuit ) . Modules network may be used can refer to portions of the computer program and/ or the 45 It should also be noted that embodiments of the present processor/ special circuitry that implements that functional invention may be provided as one or more computer ity . readable programs embodied on or in one or more articles of Processors suitable for the execution of a computer pro - manufacture . The article of manufacture may be any suitable gram include , by way of example , both general and special hardware apparatus, such as , for example , a floppy disk , a purpose microprocessors , and any one or more processors of 50 hard disk , a CD -ROM , a CD -RW , a CD -R , a DVD -ROM , a any kind of digital computer. Generally , a processor will DVD -RW , a DVD - R , a flash memory card , a PROM , a receive instructions and data from a read - only memory or a RAM , a ROM , or a magnetic tape . In general , the computer random access memory or both . The essential elements of a readable programs may be implemented in any program computer are a processor for executing instructions and one ming language . The software programs may be further or more memory devices for storing instructions and data . 55 translated into machine language or virtual machine instruc Information carriers suitable for embodying computer pro - tions and stored in a program file in that form . The program gram instructions and data include all forms of non -volatile file may then be stored on or in one or more of the articles memory, including by way of example semiconductor of manufacture . memory devices , e . g . , EPROM , EEPROM , and flash Certain embodiments of the present invention were memory devices ; magnetic disks, e . g . , internal hard disks or 60 described above . It is , however, expressly noted that the removable disks ; magneto - optical disks ; and CD - ROM and present invention is not limited to those embodiments , but DVD -ROM disks . One or more memories may store media rather the intention is that additions and modifications to assets ( e . g ., audio , video , graphics, interface elements , and / what was expressly described herein are also included or other media files ) , configuration files , and / or instructions within the scope of the invention . Moreover, it is to be that, when executed by a processor, form the modules , 65 understood that the features of the various embodiments engines, and other components described herein and per - described herein were not mutually exclusive and can exist form the functionality associated with the components . The in various combinations and permutations, even if such US 9 ,832 ,516 B2 17 18 combinations or permutations were not made express herein , display screen of the first device a first multimedia without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention . content segment of the multimedia presentation and In fact , variations , modifications, and other implementations the second output engine displays to the second user of what was described herein will occur to those of ordinary on the display screen of the second device a second , skill in the art without departing from the spirit and the scope 5 different multimedia content segment of the multi of the invention . As such , the invention is not to be defined media presentation . only by the preceding illustrative description . What is claimed is : 2 . The system of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the 1 . A system for multiple device interaction with selectably multimedia content segments comprises a predefined deci presentable multimedia content, the system comprising : 10 sion period during which a user may select, as that multi a memory for storing a branching multimedia presentation media content segment is playing , a subsequent multimedia having a playback timeline , the branching multimedia content segment to be played immediately following a presentation comprising a plurality of traversable con conclusion of the playing multimedia content segment. tent paths each comprising a plurality of selectably 3 . The system of claim 2 , wherein the input engine further presentable multimedia content segments . wherein 15 presents to a user , during a predefined decision period as the each multimedia content segment is associated with a multimedia content segment is playing , visual representa particular portion of the playback timeline; tions of two or more alternative multimedia content seg a first output engine executing on a first device having a ments from which a subsequent multimedia content segment display screen to : may be selected . receive a first subset of the multimedia content seg - 20 4 . The system of claim 3 , wherein the input engine further ments ; presents to the user, upon reaching the predefined decision assemble the first subset of the multimedia content period , a visual representation of a time interval representing segments into a first one of the content paths of the an amount of time permitted for selection of one of the branching multimedia presentation , and alternative multimedia content segments . display to a first user on the display screen of the first 25 5 . The system of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the device the first subset of the multimedia content multimedia content segments comprises a predefined deci segments in the first content path in synchronization sion period during which a user may select, as that multi with the playback timeline based on the respective media content segment is playing , a subsequent multimedia associations of the first subset of the multimedia content segment to be played immediately following selec content segments with the particular portions of the 30 tion of the subsequent multimedia content segment . playback timeline; 6 . The system of claim 1 , wherein the input engine a second output engine executing on a second , different comprises a plurality of input engines, each to execute on a device having a display screen to : different one of the devices. receive a second subset of the multimedia content 7 . The system of claim 6 , wherein each of the input segments , the second subset of the multimedia con - 35 engines provides interactive options to a user based in part tent segments being different from the first subset of on at least one of a characteristic of a user associated with the multimedia content segments , the second subset one of the devices , and a characteristic of one of the devices. of the multimedia content segments being associated 8 . The system of claim 1 , wherein the first output engine with same portions of the playback timeline as the and the input engine each execute on a different one of the first subset of the multimedia content segments ; 40 devices. assemble the second subset of the multimedia content 9 . The system of claim 1 , wherein the manager executes segments into a second one of the content paths of on the first device . the branching multimedia presentation , the second 10 . The system of claim 1 , wherein the manager executes content path being different from the first content on the second device . path ; and 45 11 . The system of claim 1 , wherein the manager executes for each multimedia content segment in the second on a third one of the devices . subset of the multimedia content segments , display 12 . The system of claim 1 , wherein coordinate the branch to a second , different user on the display screen of ing multimedia presentation comprises synchronize the the second device the multimedia content segment in devices to a common timeline . the second subset of the multimedia content seg - 50 13 . The system of claim 1 , wherein the manager com ments in the second content path simultaneously prises an event analyzer to evaluate user interactions with the displaying , by the first output engine , of the received from the at least one input engine and , based on the multimedia content segment in the first subset of the evaluation , selecting one or more of the multimedia content multimedia content segments that corresponds to the segments to provide to at least one of the first output engine same portion of the playback timeline ; 55 and the second output engine . at least one input engine to receive user interactions 14 . The system of claim 1 , wherein the input engine associated with the branching multimedia presenta receives user interactions simultaneously with playback of tion ; and the branching multimedia presentation by the first output a manager to coordinate the branching multimedia engine . presentation among a plurality of devices based at 60 15 . A method for multiple device interaction with select least in part on the user interactions, ably presentable multimedia content, the method compris wherein the first output engine and the second output ing: engine simultaneously begin playing the branching storing a branching multimedia presentation having a multimedia presentation at a same point of time in a playback timeline , the branching multimedia presenta same playback timeline , and wherein , during a same 65 tion comprising a plurality of traversable content paths period of time on the same playback timeline , the each comprising a plurality of selectably presentable first output engine displays to the first user on the multimedia content segments , wherein each multime US 9 ,832 ,516 B2 20 dia content segment is associated with a particular 16 . The method of claim 15 , wherein at least one of the portion of the playback timeline ; multimedia content segments comprises a predefined deci receiving , by a first output engine executing on a first sion period during which a user may select, as that multi device having a display screen , a first subset of the media content segment is playing, a subsequentmultimedia multimedia content segments ; 5 content segment to be played immediately following a assembling , by the first output engine , the first subset of conclusion of the playing multimedia content segment. the multimedia content segments into a first one of the 17 . The method of claim 16 , further comprising present content paths of the branching multimedia presenta ing, by the input engine, during a predefined decision period tion ; and displaying to a first user on the display screen of the first 10 as the multimedia content segment is playing, visual repre device , by the first output engine , the first subset of the sentations of two or more alternative multimedia content multimedia content segments in the first content path in segments from which a subsequent multimedia content synchronization with the playback timeline based on segment may be selected . the respective associations of the first subset of the 18. The method of claim 17 , further comprising present multimedia content segments with the particular por - 15 ing, by the input engine, upon reaching the predefined tions of the playback timeline ; decision period , a visual representation of a time interval receiving , by a second output engine executing on a representing an amount of time permitted for selection of second, different device having a display screen , a one of the alternative multimedia content segments. second subset of the multimedia content segments , the 19 . The method of claim 15 , wherein at least one of the second subset of the multimedia content segments 20 multimedia content segments comprises a predefined deci being different from the first subset of the multimedia sion period during which a user may select, as that multi content segments , the second subset of the multimedia media content segment is playing , a multimedia subsequent content segments being associated with same portions content segment to be played immediately following selec of the playback timeline as the first subset of the tion of the subsequent multimedia content segment. multimedia content segments ; 20 . The method of claim 15 , wherein the input engine assembling, by the second output engine , the second comprises a plurality of input engines , the method further subset of the multimedia content segments into a sec comprising configuring each of the input engines to execute ond one of the content paths of the branching multi on a different one of the devices . media presentation , the second content path being 21. The method of claim 20 , further comprising provid different from the first content path ; and 3018ing , by at least one of the input engines , interactive options for each multimedia content segment in the second subset to a user based in part on at least one of a characteristic of of the multimedia content segments , displaying to a a user associated with one of the devices , and a characteristic second, different user on the display screen of the of one of the devices . second device , by the second output engine, the mul 22. The method of claim 15, further comprising config timedia content segment in the second subset of thethe 35 uring each of the first output engine and the input engine to multimedia content segments in the second content execute on a different one of the devices . path simultaneously with the displaying , by the first 23 . The method of claim 15 , further comprising config output engine, of themultimedia content segment in the uring the manager to execute on the first device . first subset of the multimedia content segments that 24. The method of claim 15 , further comprising config corresponds to the same portion of the playback time- an40 uring the manager to execute on the second device . line ; 25 . The method of claim 15 , further comprising config receiving , by an input engine , user interactions associated uring the manager to execute on a third one of the devices . with the branching multimedia presentation ; 26 . The method of claim 15 , wherein coordinating the coordinating , by a manager, the branching multimedia branchingmultimedia presentation comprises synchronizing presentation among a plurality of devices based at leastCast as45 them devices to a common timeline . in part on the user interactions , 27 . The method of claim 15 , wherein the manager com wherein the first output engine and the second output prises an event analyzer , the method further comprising engine simultaneously begin playing the branching evaluating, by the event analyzer, user interactions received multimedia presentation at a same point of time in a from the at least one input engine and , based on the same playback timeline, and wherein , during a same 50 evaluation , selecting one or more of the multimedia content period of time on the same playback timeline , the first segments to provide to at least one of the first output engine output engine displays to the first user on the display and the second output engine . screen of the first device a first multimedia content 28. The method of claim 15 , further comprising receiving, segment of the multimedia presentation and the second by the input engine , user interactions simultaneously with output engine displays to the second user on the displayplay 55ss piaplayback of the branching multimedia presentation by the screen of the second device a second , different multi first output engine . media content segment of the multimedia presentation . * * * *