PAGE TWENTY PRroAY, JULY 28, 1971 iHanrlieBtf£ lEnnting airraid , Average Dally Net Press Ron The Weather For nie Week Ended Partly cloudy, warm, humid T^rkna ^ B«Iiind Me” al muBtcians from 12 ana nPAata 'William O’Neill said the main H». Kh 11' ' <>1 K ( I IM in ' July 17, 1971 tonight; low near 70. Toniotrrow IT u p s i^^ay Andersoii'a “ Irlah towna, ta now In Ita second sea- ' * \ > U U U U U .C problem is checking the genera- I 1(1 'l l < ' 1.-1 j 11. Phlrlco, organizer and manager als for the second concert oncedures at the new secondary ’Hie new treatment plant, t * I < < r*M n •’ I mer Pops O r c ^ r a , under the of the orchestra, wUl bo the so- Sept. 1 w ill begin ’Tiiesday, Aug. sewage treatment plant have -which will turn out water 90 direction of Di*. Robert R l c l ^ - prano soloist. 8. Anyone wishing to participate postponed the opening of the per cent free of the harmful VOL. LXXXX, NO. 250 (SIXTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1971 (CUaaifled A dvd^lng on Page 18) PRICX FIFTEEN C»NT8 son of Manchester Community A group of violin students luay attend any rehearsal or facility up to two weeks. sewage It once held. Is part of ______College, will present the first hwn 6 to 11 years of age, train- . contact Mrs, Chirico, 206 L«ng -plant was scheduled to a $6 million seWer project be­ NKW l — llX aE n N O ef two concerts next Wednesday under the ^ zu k i method'by Hill Rd.,- South lildndsor. jaat Monday, but problems gun more than two years ago. NATURAL HEALTH COD^nATlOMS at 8:16 p.m. at the Unitarian Barbara Hmbser of Judith ^ in checking out the equipment The town’s share, $ lil mlUlmi, Meetinghouse, 466 Main St. ’The Br., at the Hartford Oonserva- More Insure Life forced the delay. Apparently was authorized In an April 1968 p o o d S h o p p e Teams Seek Walkout Spreads ’Ihe old armory on Wells St. wrestling matches on an eve- concert Is open to the public free ^ Music, YO R K - There were there is nothing wrong With the referendum. ’Hie remainder of Car Crash A T TK B ' niilte a snorts center nlng’s program. There were two of charge, and refreshm««ts wlU wsei've life In- plant, but the problems are the coete is being' paid with was quite a sports cente athletes in town be served. ^ Minor -l^olin Concerto and surance firms In the nation at merely a time-consuming test- federal and state fundh. ( PARKAOE Retarded Boy In State aroUnd the turn of the centur- ^ evenly matched that The program will Include,high- works of Bach, Schumann, I « l - the end of fiscal 1970, ton more Ing process, said Julio Laurero ------=— UGOEflT PHABfliRCY To Four Rail Lines les. There was a pretty good yfere often paired In dlf- lights from "Carousel’^ by Handel. than a year earlier, according of James Minges and Associates, Atlanta suffered a setback In I hockey team on roller skates, fereiit events William "B ill” Rogers and Hamitierstein, "An- ’The orchestra, comprised of 70 to the Institute of Life Insur- consulting engineers. 1864 when General Sherman I On Mountain Kills Six By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The late “Bob” ’Treat was one MnHrtAn and Frank "R ed” Hoi- dante and A lle g ^ ” by Mozart, student, amatqur and profession- ance. Town Public Works Director burned the city. Two more railroads were struck today by the AFL- fine player. lister. ’Their wrestling matches ------—------;------^ (jOASPEJR, Wyo, (A P ) — Na- BBJRUN, Conn. (A P ) — Six CIO United Transportation Union, spreading the walk­ Bicycle races of one, five and had the crowd on Its toes. And tkmal Guardsmen have been persons died early today when out to four of the nation’s major rail lines and multi­ even 10 miles were popular, equally so In boodng. called to join volunteers today ^ returning home from a The contestants took turns Joe Sullivan, who lived on in toe search for a 9-year-old drive-ln theater with 16 persons plying the economic consequences. Oakburne Briquets TTie Southern Pacific and the ------^------on a set of rollers driven by the south side of Maple St. mentdUy retarded boy who has pneked Inside flipped over an their rear udieels and belted to next east of Cottage St’s. Inter- 20 lb. Bag eluded would-be rescuers for embankment, Norfolk & Western began to rnembers had called in a pointer on a dial that regis- section, had a large shed in seven days on toe timber and ’Three of the victims were shut down after negotiators for Friday to disrupt oper- tered the mileage. Each one back of his house. He had once OurRsp. 1.49 brush-covered slopes ot Casper children under 10. ’The driver. toe two sides and fedferal gUons. The union denied It, The Mountain. a woman believed to be his mediators failed to produce j an railroad esUmated Ita strike was allowed to get up speed for 'been sort of a fighter and held Super Only 500 Per Store! a flying start and when the training classes in boxing In his Kevlii Dye, also an epileptic wife, their child and another agreement on a new conti^ct losses would run $2.26 nvlllicm a No Raihchecks! by toe 6 a.m. deadline set by pointer was at zero on the dial shed. Some of his trainees were and described by his doctor as mother were among toe victims, the stop-watch was started. Af- on the Armory programs. One hyperactive, walked away from Police said eight ai toe other the union. ' (jeorgta, Gov. Jimmy Car- ter all had ridden, their times pair of little fellows who al- his family’s cabin on toe moun- passengers, \riio eqipeated to be H ie UTU struck toe Union signed an executive order Pacific and toe Southern Rail- allowing trucks to exceed toe were .compared to determine ways pleased the "paying pub- tain Sunday afternoon. Appor- from at least three families, 2 way on July 16 and has threat- 21,000-pound highway weight the winners for prizes. lie” was Joe “ Toughle’l Tam­ Polaroid’s ently he doesn’t want to be were hurt. Only an^^ lS-monto- ened to expand the walkout to „n,,t by 20 per cent in an at- i l was even possible to vrork many and “ Chappie” Pentland SAVE found. old baby reportetoy Escaped In- slx more carriers next Friday, tempt to aid toe state's $480 handicaps with time allow- (later the florist), Newest Camera! An estimated 2,000 persons— jury, As a result of toe earlier million poultry Industry, which ances. Maurice Madden was After the 'new Armory was $15 often 700 at one time^—combed All toe iiassengers, 13, of walkouj, g^aln continued to pile bas been severely damaged by never given any. He didn’t need built on Main St. the old <»ie toe peak until ’ITiurkday eve- whom lived at three different up ouUide fully-loaded Midwest the Southern RaUway shut- them. fell into disuse and decay. It S q u a re nlng when Sheriff Bill Estes addresses in neighboring New sllos and other shipments re- d^vn. Popular.) at one time were was used as an automobile and toe boy’s parents, Mr. and (See Page Five) malned stranded, threatening MeanwhUe, "W g table" talks Mra. Phillip Dye, decided toe "toe-and-heel” walking races, salesroom for a while and for some Industries. resumed Friday as the Kenne- If a toe left the floor before the storage purposes. Finally the youth should be given a chance The caUcago Sc North Western gott Copper Oorp. and unions S h o o ter to calm down. other heel made contact the old wooden barn-like structure RaUway Co., which had been represeirting 6,675 Cniployes of contestant was disqualified, caught fire and. burned to the After Sale Price While Kevin seems to be in targeted for strike today, its Utah Copper Division tried 4 Judges watched IntenUy. Walk- ground, probably toe best thing Bunting 58 Inch Glider 35.97 good health—he was spotted Leader agrreed to a 42-monto contrac* to reach an over-all settlement ing would seem very simple, that could happen to It. But It 5 Day Stay Dri Shape several times running through Fiet with toe union Thursday. of a 24-day strike but It required some skill did leave a certain amount of Polaroid color pictures at Diet toe heavy underbrush but al­ The pact provided for a 42 Eleven of the 19 unions an- had Antiperspirant ^ gained by plenty of practice to nostalgia with some who ^with Innerspring Seat regular film prices! S'A 3,Flavors ways managed to elude the per cent wage gain over toe nounced agreements on local Is- do It right and get speed. One known it in its heyday, inch square pix, new Reg. or Unjeented ^ 10 search teams—that sttuatimi Will Seek current average $3.60 an hour sues, with toe eight others rep- 5 oz. $1.29 Size. could change at any moment. regular contestant laways car­ Wide contoured alumi- Our range finder focusing. 26.87 $1 and acceptance of some new resenting workers In Salt Lake The youth, because ot epilep­ ried a small container level full num frame with thick, Rsg. / / / work rules by toe union. Media- city stUl barginlng. Some 38.- The Dry Look Assorted sy, has been receiving medica­ New Term ^ I of lead shot In each hand. If Folk Festival comfortable cushions. 52.99 g ^ 9 • B A tors were hopeful toe contract o(X) workers have been l(Bed by any shot spilled over he knew Polaroid Typ^ 88 Film By Gillette ^ Combs . tion since he was less than 2 4 ^ would be a pattern-setter for the strike against copper corn- he was wasting time with Inef- Set Tomorrow years old, said his mother, who By GEORGE ESPEB .4 ^ settlement of work rules dls- panles In several Western 7 oz. Aer. Can Asstd AlMoclatod Press Writer Hdent up and down motion in­ Matching Innerspring Chaise, Rsg. 3 6 .9 9 .... 2 7 .7 7 Square Shooter Film, Our Rag. 3.29. 2 .8 7 has two other children. Sketch shows David Scott, left, Alfred Worden and James Irwin, right, three putes Involving otoer carriers. states. $1.49 Size 39c SAIGON (AP) — President stead of a straight glide ahead.. A free folk festival whl be “Kevin’s doctor warns toe astronauts set for the journey to the moon beginning on Monday. (A P Photo) The Schedule Preparing for a walkout, toe in other labor developments, There might be two or three presented tomorrow from 6 to medication is due to wear off Nguyen Van Thleu formally an- Southern Pacific refused to ac- local resistance to a naUonal 11 p.m. In Center Park by Sum­ Boon, and this could meain con- nounced today he will .seek re- cept perishables and livestock contract settlement between toe mer Activities in Manchester ’O ff Our O ff Our vulsimis,” Estes said Friday election to a second four-year On Television for shipment Friday. It also OmmunlcaUcns Workers of (SAM). SAVE liar night. term, saying he had realized “ I Launch Set M onday < canceled p^enger nins that America and toe Bell Tele- S«|rtlaTaikt Paul Silver, coordinator of Big Boy Reg^ular ‘ *We have to find him and stljl have toe responsibility to- ^ d l ^ short of their destlna- phone System continued to fade hold him. At this point in toe ward toe fatherland and toe tion at toe deadUne. acattered parts of the coun- AND SAM’s Summerfest programs, $12 oes Low Prices From Space points out that toe music of toe Wagon game, it’s either that or lose people.” In Los Angeles, toe Western try. PleggidSwis festival will be much quieter him entirely.” The 48-yearold former gener- AstronautsS Get Weekend TW Off j j s p a c e CENTER Houston ‘^‘xjwersGrowers AssociauonAssociation esumateaesUmated But some 40,000 telephone than toe music of toe first Sum­ Grill Kevin was dressed In a al made his announcement in a ' - (a p ) _ Television \1ewers fol- losses at $1 miUlon daUy. workers In more than 20 CWA MadriieCItiiid merfest program, a rock con­ Bwe^er, shorts and canvas- one-paragraph statement. He By HOWARD BENEDICT standby for any final "pracUce Apollo 16 excursions on toe jhe flight of Apollo 16 Granges, cantaloupes, lettuce locals in New York remained cert on July 10. He feels many tew ed shoes at toe Ume of his named former Prime. JOnlster A P Aercspace Writer ' runs toe brew might want to moon, but command module pi- mountains v a ll^ s and Cal“ o "d a produce off the Job. Their leaders pre- SepHo Tanks, Dry Wells, V Sewer tines InstAed-rCei- families will enjoy toe festival. disappearance. Tran Van Huong, 67, as his run- CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. take. lot Alfred M. Worden will have craters on the moon, wua be In short supply In toe dieted a long walkout affecting lar Waterproofing Dene. Almost all the music will be '77 Instead of another huge nlng mate In a move which po- /Ap\ __ T h p Anollo 15 as- Lurton Scott and Mary on toe same old duds. added attractions such- as a e^terh port of toe country in the New York Telephone Oo., folk, but a few jazz and blues search party, some 200-300 per- uucal observers believed would i ^ A Spacesults with flexible waist gp^ce walk and toe sight of a event of a prolonged shut- western Electric and toe Amer- MtKINNEYllMS. numbers will be presented. G.E. AM/FM sons. Including 80 guardsmen, a strengtoen Thleu’s campaign. j ™ - I their children Fri- and neck joints are being used spacecraft rocketing off toe lu- down of toe Southern Pacific. j^an Telephone Sc Telegraph There will be no rock. ged mountain climbing team and a Huong now is a senator south And COntrai r lo r id a day evening, as did toe two py Scott and Irwin, who will be nor surface Two televislcn Norfolk & Western head- uo.'s long-lines operations, US Pearl St. — 6tt-6S66 Gold finish legs, handles and The audience will sit on toe Clock Radio troop of Boy Scoute were to go xhe statement was read at a T 3 8 je t planes to d a y to daughters cf Worden, who Is dl- joing more and staying on toe cameras will be aboard toe ®®"'’ Sewerage tNsposiU'iCkk towel bar. Crank-lift fire box grass. Food will be sold. up toe inountain today. confe^iice by Thelu’s sharpen th e ir fly in g skills ^f*’®®'*- ,®®®®^“ ®® “ IT!,' longer than previous Apollo 18 spacecraft. One will Pe^7 officials charged some (See Page Five) swing away r Inventdi A lot cf times a smaller secretary Hoamr Due iust tw o davs b e fo re th e y dlcal Isolation, they visited Apollo crews, window, heat indicator, etc. irctcuuT nvKuiK j-rut; luak vyyu uaro .. —r ------remain On the command ship numberumber (rfof well-tralnedw eU -tr^ed men is president are to blast o ff for the through a glass partlUon. Otoer Tougher materials also have for Interior views and for toe J b e ^ r than a ecmfusl™*’’ ***** t>*en 111 with flu for toe moon during toe „gg^ jp improve toe dura- space walk. ’The other will be on I New watches Tagged slide projectors, dual 8 and Sup#T8 project­ 29.88 bility of toe new suits by, 280 toe lunar surface and will be re­ Estes said. ’ **” *® David R. Scott, James B. - Ir- fn,e wives are among those . [Extra Large Deluxe Model woi iS5iugged stylq ors, 126 and Polaroid cameras, Super 8 movie G-E. Cassette Tape motely operated by mission FBI Agent Slays Hijacker MARLOlirS-FIRST for EVERYTHNHII nMi^ vary Also included in toe rescue announcement came as win and Alfred M. Worden authorized to see toe astronauts . No. 68 Ui a series from Marlow’s: Where to And what you 3 9 .7 7 cameras, and 35 mm and reflex cameras. The Apollo spacesults have control, |itor«z Recorder Ofk QQ team were two helicopter* and T f ‘*®“ ?** drove their red, white and blue want! Your friends and neighbors bought the following Rag. 54.99.. ^ Inr^ aMtail . <_ been developed and made to or- Here is toe television from N aM u C tN aW Battery or AC . tn«,id,» ______sports cars to nearby Patrick On Runway at JFK Airport from Marlow’s last week. (Other stores have some of these A roln+oH ld ijoy ^^*®® Pre»l■ Js^ksonvllle, Fla., DCS jetliner A SPMNG CATCH for a metal wardrobe . . . Other 68.94 ,94 87 tion that confines them to three oxygen aboard the ppwer-pro- Homer D. Reihm, H C 's i ;S4 p.m.—The second lunar weapon and allowed him to *^tt®'’®0 ture, says that all Indications tourism or a campsite or a mo­ Chuck Patties the d ty,” he said. bases. Natural Resources, estima.ted toe OM - week - old Injunction have to jepordlze their well- tel site is affected—when It be­ 79 Orbital Sander 7 In. Circular Sawl I Our Reg. 34.97to 39.97 4 (u O a I VF that upwards of 18,000 acres point to "another bumper crop w ^ ld remain In effect. It being. And I don’t want to do Sen Diego, population 700,000, There a « several m a^r ho­ of gypsy moth caterpillars for - comes a severe economic prob­ allows welfare applicants who that ' 5 to the Pound 11 Piece ls Callfortoa’s (See Rage Eight) but they agreM toe gypsy moth ■''i. . ) MANCHEOT!e R e v e n i n g h e r a l d , MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1971 p a g e t h r e e PAGE .*^W0 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JUDY 24, 1971 industrials declined .073 to receipts increased by 13 per Do-Cittle Stock Market 887.78; The Associated Press M errill Loses cent or a total $2.3 billion. Two Men Hield ^ 60-stock average, lost .0^ to The rise in Intemational tour­ NOTICE . m o M E t v m i B B Sheinwold on Bridge Fiddler Robes ism wius attributed to a sus­ In Loren Theft rarimRENiBAND A StudyStudv in Slow Motion stock average dipped 0.17 to tained rate of economic ex­ DR. A M O S E. FRIEND MAKE DEK AUiOWAIfOIE 98.94; the New York Stock Eif- WALLINGFORD (AP) - A pansion, a relatively calm so­ NEW YORK (AP) — Two YOUNQPEPPLE FOR PROPER ORmaSM NORTH NEW YORK (A P )— SmallWlir Just crawl along, given toe change index of some 1,000 thief made off with part of cial scene and the lifting of New Jersey men accused of rob­ and. 4 10^4 changes and con- Nixon admlnistt^on’s pol- commons alippea 0.16^ to 64.82; singer Robert Merrill’s costume travel allowance restrictions in bing actress Sophia Loren last DR. CARLOS G. BENAVIDES By ALFRED 8HEINW0U) A Q 82 sistenUy sluggish trading made icies,” siald one analyst. "In toe and The American Stock Ex- for "Fiddler on toe Roof” at a Britain and their casing in Oct. 11, have been Indicted by a You can tell th«^ b r l< ^ play- 0 A Q 5 2 toe stock market a study in light cf toe President’s decision change Index declined 0.17 to , summer theater here Thursday France. federal grand Jury on charges of have moved their offices to e n are honest people just by ♦ KJ alow motion during toe past not to employ further stlmu- 26.44. • - night, but' a synagogue’s help unlawful Interstate transporta­ I MX M ftI M linu Iteaxliv wtaat they say about allowed toe show to go on. Ml<« WEST EAST 'latlcm, these investors think the Of the 1,829 issues traded on tion of stolen property. one ' another. “D o you call Merrill plays Tevye, an aging Tuition Feared 4 62 ♦ 53 Over toe course of toe week administration's economic the Big Board, 943 declined and Conviction of toe charge, filed 36 Haynes St. ^ Sbelnwold a bridge idayerT He religious Jew in-Eastem Europe 7 65 <0 K J 109 toe Dow Jones average of 30 in- goals will be hard to achieve.” 697 advanced. New yearly lows late Thursday in U.S. District can’t even follow suit,*’ one of at toe turn of the century. A Disaster MANCHESTER — TEL. 643-7044 0 198 0 K 10 7 6 dustrlals declined a mere 0.73 The biggest' determinant of were reached by 138 issues and Court, is punishable by 10 years P my good friends will point out. Spokesmen for toe Oakdale 6 dk 109852 Jh 743 to 887.78. Daily trading volume stock prices in many instances highs by 96. WEST HARTFORD (AP)—The in prison and a $10,000 fine. Or, commenting about a n o ^ r Musical Theater said the actor SOUTH on the New York Stock Ex- appeared to be news a l^ t indi- Among the week’s 20 most- secretary ol the University of ■Vincent M. Morris, 36, of weR-known bridge personality, discovered 45 minutes before 4 A K Q J87 change nver exceeded 12.8 mil- vidual issues.. \ active issues on the Big Board, North Bergen, and Josei^ Fer­ ■oraina an admirer will observe: “He show time that several bits of Connecticut Board of Trustees <:? 4 3 Thus (Thrysier, which Veport- 14 declined, 6 advanced, and nandez, 41, of Jersey City, the rITr doesn’t know the difference be­ his costume including two reli­ said Friday that charging tuition 0 43 There is a totaii lack of in- 0(] ^ dramatic increase InVquar- cne was unchanged, accused men, were arrested tween a king and a queen.’’ We gious articles, had been taken. Open 4 AQ 6 terest, people aren’t responding terly profits over a year\ear- The five most-active issues on at the school "could be disas­ July 7 on a charge of trans­ pay no attention to these honest to good or bad news,” said one Uer, gained 1 % during the w ek toe Big Bqa^ were; Beth Israel Synagogue in Wall­ North . East Seiith West trous for the children of the porting ,stoIen Jewels and other criticisms. But if anybody said b^er iMt Friday. active trading to close \at International Nlckle, off % at ingford was able to produce a All Day WEUOWN , M MC w on U ikBMtmi I didn’t know the difference be­ 1 N T Pass 3 4 Pass yarmulke, o^ skull cap, and a middle- and lower-income people personal property from New (Afi IMt wy Mry ow ® proved remark- 2714. . \ 33%; Generul Electric, off % at 4 4 Pass 4 N T Pass York City to West New York, PHARMACY m c m m im m ) tween an eight and a five, I ’d ably resis^t to news develop- Another of toe most-active i^ 86%;'Southern Co., off at "tsisls,” which looks like a bib, in this state.” sue for slander at once. 5 ^ Pass 5 N T Pass and toe show opened only slig^ N.J. NaUmial Cash Register, 22%; ,AIlls-C3ialmers, off % at Merlin D. Bishop, a United Sunday Ijiorth deader. ^ 0 Pass 6 4 All Pass ly after curtain time, the .tot­ Obs4rvere noted that develop- which has reported sustantial is t a - and Plessev Ltd un- Auto Workers international rep­ North-South vulnerable. menungenerally regarded as profit declinesVn toe first six S g e d ^ 2 % ter said. resentative, issued the statement Opening lead —Ten of Clubs. monds because dummy’s five mvora.ble, such as President months and second quarter, the five most-active issues from his office two days after Another Plant All Medicinal Services Available When today’s hand was play­ of diamonds offers 'no chance Nixon 3\p^posed visit to Com- lost 2% over the week to close on the American Stock Ex- Gov. Thomas J. Meskill warfied ed, South won the flret club oil covering West’s jday. ’Ihat’s munlst < ^ n a a n d a conUnuing at 40%. chknge were Canadian Home- the board that school funds Pares Job List with dummy’s Jack, drew two People Exports 455 HARTFORD RD. 643-5230 ^ j the difference between an flow of (favorable second-quar- Lockheed gained % during stead, up 1 1-16 at 10% ; Impe- could be cut unless tuition were rounds of trumps and then tried ^ THEATER TIME ter earhings, failed to spark {he week to finish at 12%, as rial OU, up 1 % at 27%; l4uclear Still Profitable established. ANSONIA (AP) - The H. C. ttie diamond finesse. ITnof East uimnwon ^ TWdly fjuesUUU any sustained rajly. Congress continued to debate Corp. erf America, up %at 3%: Bishop said: "I would remind Cook Co., a manufacturer of SCHEDULE with the king of diamonds and A s deEtler, you hoM: Spades, On the \other hand the news whether to. gfuarantee a $260- United Poods, up % at 6% ; and PARIS (AP) — Tourism con- the governor that over 10 per manicure equipment, announced got out safely •with a club. A-K-4-J-8-7; Hearts, 4-8; Dla- that the N^on administration’s million loan to the financially Levitz EYirnlture, up 1% at 68, tinues to'be one of toe most cent of th^ working population Friday it would be phasing out SA’TIIROAY South later tried the heart fi­ Monds, 4-8; Olubs, A-Q-G. economic pUtn' had been dealt a troubled aerospace c o m p a n y . ______pref itaWe intemational a number of operations at its Ide — “Klute,’’ 7:18, export jg unemployed and the unem­ 2 nesse and went down one when What do you say?' setback in toe form, of a sharp The most-active Big, Board Is- industries. plant here over the next ten PLAZA DEPT. STORE • this lost. “B ad luck, partner,” ployment picture is getting Answer: IKd cne spade, ^ le rlse in the cort o^ ILlring in June sua was Internatirnicd 'Nickel, According to the annual re­ months sind would be laying off Cinema I — “Siunmer of ’42”, Fair Draws Africans worse dally. Many of these un­ (We Have A Notion To Please) J South grUmblecL “H ie odds had no vislblbynegatlye impact off % at 33% on a volume of port of the Organization for half its 100 remaining employes 1:80, 3:30, 0:30, 7:46, 10:00. hand is not quite strong enough employed have youngsters in K. MIDDLE TPKE. (Next to Popular Market) ® were 8 tp 1 in my favor, but on the marke{.\ ' 1,028,900 shares. Inco has been CXILOGNE, Germany — Six Economic Cooperation and De­ by Oct. 1. dnema'* H — “Anderson for a forcing opening bid. college or approaching college OPEN WED., THURS., FRI. till 9 # both, finesses lost.” At least some observers at- plagued with an oversupply of African countries will pre^ht a velopment, tourism Increased The company said the action Tapes,” 1:40, 3:28, 5:16, 7:00, Ckqiyrtcht 1971 age. ' ’ibon’t talk to me about hard trlbuted the market's lethargic nickel. Joint display at toe anniml Food in 1970 by a rate of 10 to 16 per was prompted by new require­ 8'AO, 10:80. Genend F eatufw Oorp. “ It now costs about $2,300 an- Flannel Backed Plastic Table Covers for Patio, ® luck,” North growled. “Your attitude to the-cautious attitude Big Board volume declined to Fair here this year from Sept, cent in 2 member countries. „ . , . j . . ... ments for pollution control and State — “Ryan’s Daughter,” . nually to keep a student at the trouble is that you don’t know of investors fvhese \ihcertainty 60.84 million shares from 66.9 28 to Oct. 1. Thfey are Ivory Foreign currency earnings to- , •' , by the taking „ of some company . . Picnic or Kitchen. Colorful New Designs. 2:00, 6:00, 8:16. the difference between an e l ^ about the direction of^ toe econ- million shares toe previous Coast, Cameipon, S e n e g a l, taled $14.2 billion, about six per university campus without property fer a Hood control U. A. Theatre East—“4ndei^ and a five.” AIR-CONDITIONTD omy prompted tom to retreat week. Rwanda, Togo' and Dahomey, cent, of the total exports of "To im- project. Quality Plastic Wipes Clean in a Jiffjj. 9 son ’Tapes,” 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, This was hard! language, but to the sidelines. \ Market Indicators behaved as This rtll bfe toe first time Afri- goods and services In the mem- ^ additional charge, I a year Jigo, at its peak, the 8:00,10:00. we must make allowance for the STATE trirtWili MAHCMISTIR < ”Some institutional investors follows over the past week; can countries have been repre- ber countries. fear, would force many qualified company employed about 250 4 Manchester Drive-In — “Wll- strained ^ rOlf PAHN BIAU l circumstances. Any- are apprehensive that recovery The Dow Jones average of 30 sented at toe fair. The United States’ tourism students to drop out,” persons. lard,’> 10:16:,"FOoto,” 8:46. way, you have surely noticed East Hartford Drive-In — that North’s criticism •was quite "Hie Last Run,” 10:80; “Dirty correct. ACADEMY AWARDS Dingus Magee,” 8:40. Sets Stage Badge of Merit for Outstanding Counselors East Windsor Drlve-Ih — After taking the Jack of clubs "Klute,” 10:46; “Hotel,” 8:40. and two rounds of trumps, r Meadows Drive-In — “Wil­ “Let's try it on for size,” is what Camp Kennedy Director formerly of Manchester received his jacket last week, just be­ South should take the remain­ lard,” 10:80; “ Last Grenade,” ing top clubs to set the stage' for Harry F. Smith is saying as he helps Carole OToole with one fore he returned to Missouri. He spent eight days as a counselor 8:46. an end pISy. This would be a of the jackets awarded yesterday to outstanding, volunteer while on a visit to Manchester. “He did such a terrific job, Blue-fSlls Drive-In — “Dr. sure thing if dummy had A-Q- counselors at the Manchester camp for retarded children. Wear­ that we just had to give him a jacket,” &nith said. The water No,” 10:80; “From Russia With 9 of hearts, -but in a pinch South ing their jackets and.looking on are, from left to right, Laura repellent jackets, some yellow and some tan, were purchased Love,” 8:46. dkould make the attempt even though dummy has only the A- Malone, Deborah Phillips, Terry Banning, Laura Lojeski, Scotte- with funds left over from a 1969 Brotherhood in»Action grant, SUNDAY Q-8. Gordon, Kathy Hennessy, James Sulick and Jane Zamaitis. Also plus some funds from the Camp Kennedy Patch Fund. This Burnside — "Klute,” ,2:80, Smith leads a heart and hopes 4:40, 7:00, 9:00. getting jackets but not present for the picture were Catherine marks the third year that jackets have gone to outstanding that West doesn’t play a high Cinema I—“Summer of ’42,” and Kenneth O’Neil. Harry Bonham of St. James, Mo., and counselors. (Herald photo by Leggitt) heart. A s it happens. West can- 1:30, 3:30, 6:30, 7:30, 9:40 Cinema ’-T " “P e r s o n anything higher than AT n the seven. This allows declarer Tapes,” l:4fi, 8:46, 6:46, 7:46, Hebron to cover •with dummy’s eight. 2:00 9:46. ■> East must win the trick and 5:00 S'TA R eAXElC*<0 2 6-m 8 I>»'«hter, a red cart to give 8:15 •By CLAY R. POLLAN- Apartm ent Study ARIES LlIRA JM Voor Daily AdMly Guide JM T?: A Theatte East-“Ander- ^ y HAK.21 Panel Requests •« 1 -1K d-iK K-1K hadi a club, a club return would Aeeording to the Stan. ’’ The Baby Has ^ 1.16, 3.16, 6.16, ^ ^ I t _____ dummy To develop message for Sunday, 7:16, 9:16. 2- 422-401 19.25*39U2Jh Public H earing South disdRrted a diamond. read words corresponding to numbers Manchester (Drivb-Ih— "WU- A stoi7 o f lo v e ^43-53-77 73-74-75 ^ South should not start toe dla- of your Zodioc birth sign. lart,” 8:46; “Fools,” 10:80. TAURUS 31 If 61 Rely The Apartment House Study 1 You East Hartford Drive-In — Filmed by David U)an AM. 20 2You 32 Some 62 T rickety Committee formed by the Plan- Been Named 1 3 Can 33 Own 63 On "The Last Bun,” 8:40; “Dirty ( ^ MAT 20 nlhg and Zoning Commission ^12-23-33-351 4 Will 34 Possible 64 You Dingus Magee,” 10:30. 65 Of will request a public hearing in B^62-67-49 5 You're 35 Eyes Ekist Windsor Drive-Ih — ivIANCHEST e Ryan’s 6 Hqv9 36 Concessions 66 Fast September to present a prelim­ £:> f-,' t 'ty f ■ - J GEMINI 7 HiGhly 37 Profit 67 Is SAGITTARIUS “Klute,” 8:40; "Hotel,” 1 0 :«. \ {(A • HIM ||‘.S NIIM.H MAT 21 8 Cooperate 38 Gemini 68 You inary report. Luginbuhl, .Cherinne, daughter of Daryl and Norm s Dig- Meadows Drive-In — ‘‘WU- J 9Son>e 39 Gomes 69 Obvious NOK. 22 / - At its last meeting, on Wed­ Daughter JUNE 20 gelmann Luginbuhl, 82 Pleasant St., Rockville. She •was bom lart,” 8:46; "Last Grenade,” 3-Po. Colonial 10 Bright 40 And 70 In DEC. 21 nesday, the committee met with 21-31-34 n with 41 Older 71 Todoy 41-44-4841# July 3 at'Rockville General Hospital. Her maternal grandpar­ 10:30. BUNK BEDS 120pcn 42 With 72 Will Harold Maddocks, town asses­ IS 7545M 490 S3483539M ents are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lanz, Lanz Lane, ElUngtcn. Her Blue-IQUa (Drive-In — "D r. ROBBTTMnCHUM TRE\X)RHCVWRD BEBROOMSET 13 Magnetic 43 Overcome 73 Your sor, who explained the methods CANCER 14 Moke 44 Persons 74 Own CAPRICORN paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Urban Luginbuhl, No,” 8:46; “From Russia With OfbSHPHB2JONES JGHNMLUS 75 Security used to awess atid tax apart- Love,” 10:80. ' LEO NbKBlN .4 SARAH MLES ^JUNi 21 ISA 45 Moke DEC. 22 ^ Snlpslc Lake Rd., Tvdland. H 6 9 16 Avoid 46 Could 76 Pleose ment buildings In town. Maul- *«*»•* IC1ROOOCR hJULY 22 JAf). IP 17A 47 But 77 Todoy docks infonned the committee NOW * 9 fl '8.11-30-38 18 Potticularly 48 Moy 78 All 14-24-51-57^ Tuttte, Robert Tmnuui n , son of Robert ’Triiman and T" SALI STARTS TODAY that, properly regulated, apart­ Flower Very Choosy NOW 1249-65-79-821 19Ddn't 49 Irrdividuol 79 Opposite 72-76-78 and Charlene Magnuson ’Tuttle, Shuttle Meadow Rd., Southing­ Cginplsts wHh Bsdding ^ 5 20 Happy 50 Hold 80 Good ments could be a financial asset ton. He was bom July 10 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. IQs HHjO, Hawaii — A member 21 Travel 51 Repairs Bl The Full or .Twin Sin u for Hebron. of toe hibiscus family grows 22 Meet* 52 Be. 82 Sex maternal grandparents are Mr* and Mrs. Erik Magnuson, 71- 23 Your 53 Opposition 83 To At its next meeting, Aug. 19, Benton St., Manchester. His paternal grandmother Is Mrs. Mil­ only in'one 66-acre o o i^ at rich 24 Home 54 LMve 84 Offing the ccmmlttee. will discuss sew­ soil surrounded by lava on the S>15-27-37-46 85 For dred G. Tuttle, Southington. His ipatemal great-grandparents 25 Ploy 55 Day age disposed problems connected island of Hawaii. ORiailM L :S«2-70Al-84 26 Now 56 News 86 To are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gruessner, and 'Fritz Magnuson, all BEDROOM SET 27 Hortdsome 57 Thot 67 Impressions with apartmetn complexes. of Manchester. IQs paternal greiat-grandmotoer Is Mrs. (Marie 28Moky 58 Nothing 88 Principles SATURDAY F im l P.M. to 6 P.M. Voter Enroltanent 29 And 59-May 89 Suggestions . Gehring of Manchester. Slti 3-—Slggpi 2 I*. *1 » ,*1 W A T E R B a Platfic Top ■30A 60 Reach 90 Chance James U Derby Jr. and Jo­ seph J. Fill, Registrars of Vot­ On lnn«ri|mng» )Good (^Adverse ^^Neuwl Smith, Sherri Aim, daughter of Howard and Karen El- TaSay’a Priat SZ4S BoitQM Rodnn ers, aimounced they wlU hold axi dredge Smith, Buff Cap Hd.^Tolland. She was bom July 8 at Choica of .Colors »«iiM nnr- NOW 4 25 Only « Um enrollment sei^on next Friday RockviUe General Hospital. Her maternal grandparents afq . JMTMtR L evmilng from 6 to 9 at the Town Mr. and Mrs. Elarl C. Bldredge, West WllUngton. H er paternal ITS. Follow Where your nightmares UWQEST AMUSEMENT PARK IN Office Building. grandmother is Mrs.' Dorothy Nelson, Hartford. She has two end... NEW EN8UND 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. /, ’This is not a voter-maUng Maw 4 9 5 brothers, Timothy and Howard. M teN U u k . 4c ♦ ★ -N -It ♦ -F Magistrate Mulls Return session. Its purpose is to enroll «, :*| m electors entitled to vote in prim­ Klbbe, William Lincoln, son o l Frederick Sr. and MariS iJxkNUnlMiiC begins. l•re . Mtrftni aries an^ caucuses and to make Nickerson Klbbe, 60 WindsorvUle Rd., South Windsor. H e was Of Ellsberg to California Candice Bcigea (XXDR changes lin the enrollment lists. bom July 6 at Rockville General Hospital. His maternal grand­ U V im ROOM parents are Mr. and Mrs. James Nickerson, SomersviUe. His lArfwrGaiMKi BOSTON (A P ) — U.8. Magls- “The present motion,” the Any repdent who has not been enrolled m a party or Who would paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. AUison Klbbe, Som­ AnnJHai;^ Jdscxi Robofds trate Peter Prlnci said Friday "seeks siqipresslon SUN., JULY 25 SET of the arrest warrant and not like to transfer from one party ers. He has a brother, Frederick Jr. andXiesPciaet: KothQfine R6ss Cholco of Colon he wlU decide within a week to an o tl^ , is urged to attend I*, * • *. dlsnyissal of the indictment.” Knowledge whether Dr. Daniel EUsbeig ’The indictment, Issued under this sesrion. Simes, Wendy Lee, daughter of Robert and Gall Craw­ n S sow should be required to return to sued for ESlsbery in California, ford Simes, 118 N ew State Rd., Apt. G, Manchester. She was hi brilliant » Robert H YnfrMmn Awe mOMCNRAMAREUASftG RSp) California to face charged of il­ charged Ellsberg •with unauthor­ Manchester Evening Herald bom July 11 at Manchester'Memories Hospital. H er maternal A iaaat of a nm r@ i grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crawford, 191 Henry I aCflibr legal possession of the Penta­ ized possession of defense. in­ Hebron corre^wndent, Anne St., Manchester. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. gon papers he said he turned formation and converting gov­ Em t Telephone 228-8971 Anthony Merola, 87 Spruce St., Manchester. over to H ie New York ’Times. ernment property to his own Attorney Leonard IB. Boudin, iise. counsel fbr the 40-year-old sen­ Pltei, Jean Louise, daughter of Vincent and P a trld a Fltz- At Princl’s July 16 hearing, Coventry THEATRE EAST ior tesearch assistant at M as­ la'wyers for the Department of gei^ald Pitzi, 94 Highland Dr., South Windsor. She was bom sachusetts institute of Tech­ July 11 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal Justice contended the magis­ M idget Football nology, filed at PrincTs office trate lacked Jurisdiction to ^ e g;randparents are M r. and Mrs. Jdm F. Fitzgerald, 100 N. BEER i . : Lakewood Circle, Manchester. H fr paternal grandparents are T h e ninaway bestseller Friday a brief attacking the va­ on the defense petition asking R e g i s t r a t i o n S e t Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 'Pitzi, Ljrnn, Maiss. 'Her maternal great­ SPANISH DOOR lidity of the arrest •warrant is­ whether wiretap evidence was ---- ® -g-, • is on the screen. sued for Ellsberg in Oallfomia. grandmother is Mrs. Bridget Flt^erald, Bloomfield.. She has \ pRc a n f in is h Tbe warrant was issued in used. Monday Evening two brothers, Thomas, 4Vi, and (Michael, 1%; and two sisters, and They said that to disclose the - c COtUMBIAPICTUIIESPtescnts Linda, 6, and Ellen, 3. ^ BEDROOM SET IM Angeles Iwcause toe frter- government’s evidence at this Midget FootbaU League ac- t t f * I'l-. uv Tripl* Drouar, Chari, I ” * “• - Vendetta, Stacey Lee, daiighter of William and Elaine Mirrors and Bad<« chances for a convlctimi. registration session scheduled documents as an emjdoye of Wallace Vendetta, 37 Salmon Brook Dr., Apt. D, Glastonbury. Sean Conneir Reg. $4^0 NOW I J I l ^ lnAR0eERTM.(ffilTIIMNra0DUCTi0N COUNTRY/ CHAMPAGNE the Rand Oorp., a "think tank” ------for e to a p.m. at MiUer-Rich- She was bom July 10 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her which does research for toe maternal grandfather Is Willard E. Wallace, Glastonbury. Her WESTERN government at Santa Monica, B r i t o n s S w i n g ^ R S s S f o n aiiow boys paternal grandparento are Mr. and Mrs. Francis Vendetta, 40 Recording Star 41rtliaMdi9 Typa Oahf. , In F « V 1* Of Englewood Dr., Manchester. Her maternal great-grandmotoer. Andeisonlbp^ "The Sole question toe de­ -■"LR s. Cl V RS 1. Panthers, Coventry’s entry In a is Mrs. Jess Wallace, Hartford. Her paternal great-grandmoth­ THE ^Mattran Or la n p ria i fendant has raised before this F O i n i n o T l *uultl-town league. ers are Mrs. Mary~Griffln and Mrs. Catherine H eiU, both of au lM . Il-Vr. Ossraslts, Nam* Brand court,” toe brief said, "is V i U l l l l l l U I l I T A i t r K C l EUglble to play are boys Hartford. Bidrs Finn Twis cr Fiill whether an arrest warrant is­ LONDON (A P ) — Public reaching age 10 by next Jan. 1, Zlis. aw. nt.ts ss. ,\. sued in California t,can. . .be en- opinion_____ is______gradually swinging in snd who won't reach age 14 be- Dtl. Fries Tsks WIM Fries forced by issuance of a remov- favor Britain Joining toe^Eu- Dec. 1. A weight limit of RECLINER al warrant in this district des- ropean Common Market, a poll 79 to 116 lbs. applies, I-VI -«f H o’ JC ’ -I' h-1 HM() thessf movMyou $39 $35 4 I^te toe fact toe warrant is toe reported Friday nlg^it. The Panthers play a seven- lAK I I A si Wf ST SI 0 VI' 1 ft; I » 'T thouMnotsMaloM.i ^ALEX product of illegal conduct by Opinion Research Center said'gam e schedule of Sunday after- CGROI QUEEN SIZE SET Durable the government.” 36 per cent of toe electorate noon games in September and DsL Fries Teas wm Fri Choice of Heavy $1 Boudin asked Princi at a July want Britain in Europe ■with 41 October. Uniforms and full pro­ 16 hearing to require toe gov­ per cent against and 24 per tective gear are furnished by toe SHOW $100 $05 Vinyl— 2 Positions ernment to disclose whether toe cent undecided. program which is supported by warrant was based on evidence On July 4 toe same organ!za- private and business donations, BRUCE DAVISGN. , YoM tiMstSe* r U t ICOiORI 3 FREE IN PERSON O ver 100 T o Choose F rom obtained through vriretaps. tion M id 30 per cent were in Panther head coach this year In Friday’s brief he m ^n- To BeUtvo U f Avor, with 66 per cent against will be Bob Prinz. Serving as his ERNEST BORGNINE' APPEARANCES tained that toe warrant was not FREE KidiDrE and 14 per cent with no opinion, assistants will be Bob MAriln, 3 . 6 & 8 P . M . legal because it w as the result PLAYGROUND Jim Koehler, Fred Sansone and of an illegal investigation by Paul Diehl. SUNDAY . T J « NEW DISCOUNT FURNITURE WAREHOUSE federal authorities and illegal 4-Iiich G iant PIVERSIDE PABX MANOHmER COLONIAL British Visit Groton • TO blSSIU BBIUM E J«II svi St 1T6 P1NB HTBBBT CARRIES CNLY FAMOUS BRANDS evidence presented to toe Cali­ l( t T AT BIUF Mill S AVI NUI CHAMPION AUIO C.P' ' fornia grand Jury. The English 'visitors took a (Cor. of Foreat St.) YOU KNOW AND TRUST Prize of Zoo trip to Groton, toe “submarine a d m is s io n fPEI capital of toe world,” yesterr IN STADIUM DISCOUNT 096-2332 a Ameneae of Martinsville • lassctt LIVING ROOM LOS ANOBILHS (AP) — A •VB O M B U 8 8 U day. Hie Groton trip included ivanrwssearNni. 'TART', 1 PM, a Link • Kroahlar • Hewa four-inch baby Giant Tlnamou W n B L O V E ’’ ID r . N o a guided boat ride along toe TWO-rVTT ACAHAAD • Drexel • weM lend a World Sleep iiattrliFBtFr at toe Los Angeles Zoo is be­ A FIRST-RATE THRILLER1”1 ^ Thames. River ,to see toe U.S. STOCK CAR plus HARTFORD • Prestige * RCA Mad* in New England lieved to be toe first t t its spe- FURNITURE ' 8880 M AIN STREET , Submarine Base’ • and toe U.S. jcles ever hatched in captivity. FIGURE 8 RACES lEttmtiB ii^roUi Coast Guard Academy. After Former Fuller Brush t Choice of Decorator Fabrics Frank Todd, toe zoo’s curator toe boat ride, toe visitors went TUES. & SAT. (Next to Consumer Sriea) Publlabed Daily Except Sunday! of birds, said Friday toe Tl­ to Mystic Seaport for an after­ SnUTTING - 8:00 P.M. WAREHOUSE Thensands of Unadvartfsod SOFA A and HoUdaya at 18 Blssell Street, namou hatched this week will 522-7240 Manchester, Conn. noon of fun. JENNIFER P’NEjCL iRcbCoa. | Spaclalt — Sw« Oyar 200 reach a heigjit ot 14. inches in The next trip is toe overnight ENTIRE PARK OPEN OPEI^SUNDAYf II A.M. II MIDNIQHT Room 9roupln9s CHAIRS *125 Telephone 64M711 adulthood.' • stay at Niagara Falls this In everyone^ life there^ a Joflcfondo A COrTO' J iViRY DAY 1 f'M OPEN DAILY l-R , SAT. I P.M. *HI It MIDNIQHT Second Class Fosbuce Paid at The Giant Tlnamou, which Monday and Tuesday. SDIf.-THDB8.-l:46- Manchester, Conn. ((WOW) SUM M ER O F ’42 resembles a partridge, is com­ I dofiold/ulliefloAd l:IM:8M:ai»-7*,a»»s46 8:46 • 6:46 - 7:46 - 9:46 ROUTE 159 m iM M aOBIUKAMUHl SUBSGtRIPnON RATES monly found in Central and Manchester Evening Herald BURNSIDE FBL-8AT. 1:40-8:26- Fri.-B a L 6:16 • 7:09 > 9:40 • 10:80 AGAWAM. MASS. One Yeai^J?*.*f..^?^?f... 189.00 ®®**th America, vdiere it is Coventry summer correspon- 580 BURNSIDE AVE EtST HiRTFORC Sis M ooth s"*'*!!!!!!.!!!!!!!'. highly prized as food, Todd dent, Mary LeBlanc, tel. 742- FREE PARKING 528 -3333 isnala Hour TUT 2 f.lir iE a Saa, t.lJQOi. I trtt Nrliiiit, Frit AtmilwIlN Three Magtbs 9.76 said. 7878. Om Mon(

/ ■


Right now, on the basis of what moon Connecticut Fourth Annual Interfaith Day Camp Closes IHmtrifpBtpr exirforatlon to dote has revealed, ottr sci­ Day campers and their young TTie camp day as most camp ^ttptttns l$prald entists are inclined to think that Yankee volunteer counselors yesterday days finished wijth a swim M the moon was bom out of the same cloud enjoyed races and other out­ Globe Hollow and inother snack - ___ FtJBLlBHSlD BY TUB of juice and cupcakes. mmtAT.n FRimiNO 00„ INC. of gas the earth was, at the same time. door games and then a barbe­ 18 Binall Street B y A .H .O . The two-week ers Matter view to determining what catiijwa it. struggle has been that of a days was packed with activities. couldn’t go swimming. ’The The Grade 2, 3 afid 4 campers, Mary Cheney lAbrary came to SUBSCRIFTTON RATSIS Such seismic activity has been record­ game ot horrible alternatives. PayaMe In Adranoe TTie game opened with the 25 from Hsiirtford’s North End the rescue and provided a story Op» Year ...... 188.00 and 26 from Manchester, plus Sts Montba ...... 18.1^ ed,' and "moonquakes” seem to occur Governor proposing In Ms first hour and films. !Pi Tliree Montha...... 9.75 regulsurly. One explanation may be that fiscal approach to the General about 16 children of adult lead­ “I couldn’t believe how quiet One Month ...... &95 ers, started the day’s events as the kids were in the library,” the high temperatures in the core of the Assembly, a horrendous seven ___ HEIMBEIR OP per cent ,sales tax, wMch the / usual with juice and crackers Mrs. Nancy Carr, one of the THW Amif>niAT|nT> pRSfiS as soon as the bus brought the n>a Aaaocated Preaa la ezclualrely en- moon are still generating vcdcanlc activi­ Democrats ' conridered a "soak leaders, said. tillad to the uae ot repubUcatlon of all Hartford children to South Mrs. Jane Rice and Mrs. Shei­ newa diapati^j credited to It or not oth^ ty of the type that obviously, in the post, the poor" tax. Church. During their arte and \1 ‘r wlae credited In thla paper and also the played its part In shaping the outer sur­ The Democrats responded la Hronjak direoted the arts and looal news pubUahed here. crafts period in the church crafts program tMs year and All rlAta of repubUcatlon of apeclal dis­ with something at least equally they did a little transplanting. patches nereln are also reserved. face of the moon. horrible, a mixed package of last The youngsters made cat­ On the first camp day, the cMl- erpillars from egg carUms, cal­ The Herald Printing OonuMny Inc., Another explanation of seiamlc activi­ their own which Included a tax dren had planted pansy- and sumea no financial------responsL------ilbUi^ ty on the moon may be that It resulta, on dividends and capital gains Sweet William seeds in plastic endars, mobiles, boats, plaques grephleal errors appearfaiK In adve: wMch was a real “soak the and many other things to bring menta and other r M te matter In The not from Inner heat, but from some Inner cups. Some cups were crowded Manchester Eivehing Heriraid. rich" humdinger. with plants and a few were home. During the last few camp Suhsoriber to Loa Angeles Tlmea-Waaiiing- instability vrtilch is subject to the pull For a time, contemplation of bare. When they flnlidied, each days, the group iiad contests ton Post News Service. those two alternatives almost and winners received bird Ilill service cUent of N. B. A. Service, Inc. and haul of the earth’s gravity. Just as - cMId had a miniature garden PubUahers Representatives — Matherwa, the moon exerts tidal action on ‘the drove the Democrats and Gov­ for Ms home. houses to assemble and arts and ~ ------collen Ino., G^>ecial Agency ernor Mesklll together Into ac­ crafts kits. — New To(k, Chicago, Detroit and Boston. waters loose oa the surfsice of the earth, On the grounds across the ceptance of an income tax pro- street form the church the chil- Buses to bring the children MBMBBIR ADDn* BDRBlAn OF dRCULA- so the earth,' it Is speculated,' ihay cause from HartforJ and for field nONB. p o ^ , dren enjoyed three-legged races, tidal action on the possibly molten in­ The Democrats themselves relays, the Farmer in the Dell *1'® ®amp’s bigger ex DUptay advertising clos^ hours splintered away from that one. Tut Monday — 1 p.m. Enday. terior of the moon. and ottier games Children have P®"®® ^1*** running a close Fbr Tuesday — 1 p.m. Saturday. setting up the horrible alterna­ played for generations. second. The camp is sponsored For Wednesday — 1 p.m. Monday. What will we do with such Itoowledge, For Thursday — 1 p.m. Tuesday tives again. After an hour, of energetic ac- by several religious groups in Ehr Friday — 1 p.m. We*— *“ If we succeed in majdng it firm? What Next, the Democrats and the tlvlUes, Mrs. Irene Goss, chair­ town. Civic organizations and CUaiUled deadline 4:80 p.m. day bt ------4:80 p.m. niday for difference will it make' In anything we Governor got together, again man of the, camp, called the indlvlduala also contribute mon­ publication. and, this time, taking the worst youngsters to line up and fill ey and supplies. do or plan to do? We don’t know, and Saturday, July 24 of both possible packages, their plates on the portico of the Asked if lasting friendsMps we never really know-the results of the created an alternative so hor­ Georgian mansion on the church were built from the camp, Mrs. pursuit of knowledge, evenl vdien we or­ rible it made qn Income tax campus. Leaders cooked ham- Goass replies, "We can’t go to look comparatively good attain. '4 ^ ganize pursuit with some delate, tangi­ burgs, tossed salads of home- downtown Hartford without one Other Capitals React This time the legislators grown donated vegetables, and of the kids calling to us." Presldait Nixon can order his own ble purpose. themselves, sick of being buf- poured punch for the hungry The campers, the counselors ' feted about between horrlWe oampers. Youngsters sat on the and the adults were busy, ener- stafl apd request the members o< Oon- We (Hily know that someUiing usually comes of whatever khowledge we ac­ alternatives, took the bit In grass in the shade for lunch and getlc and were enjoying the grass to go easy on cqieculation about f their teeth and adopted an In­ a chat with new-found friends. company cf the others his trip to China, for fear some verbal quire. And we know ^abotve and beyond come tax. indiacretlan might upaet the perfaaiM all that we are never going to stop as Because Its rates seem rather long aa we can calculate there is some­ savagely Mgh for the average perilous understanding Dr. Kissinger Connecticut famllyj and be-, Moths Hit Tito T rip reached with Peking. thing additional to be di^coveredi which cause there is a great human will be for a long, long time,'iond beyond instinct to avoid a new payroll BEXiQRADE, Yugoslavia W oodlands (A'P) — President 'lito says But, although official Washington cRit the momi. deduction aind take, instead, one’s chance 'of being caught he wlU. -visit the United be quieted down, there is no control over States tills faU, returning , (Photo by John LeKgltU the reaction of other capHnls,. oCticlal by other forms of taxation, the In State income tax has currently be­ (Continued from Page One) President Nlxoit’s 1970 trip »Hungry campers picnic and chat on the last day of the two-w®®^^ camp. to Yugoslavia. and unofficial. Yes, The Same Acheson come the most horrible alterna­ tive of all. against the moths, some 20 Tito did not give a specific ilytraveled Van Wyck Ex­ Hanoi has reacted to the announce- Some observers seem to be myst&led Now the game of alternatives years ago. date for Ms trip, but inquir­ pressway to Kennedy. ’Hie Nevertheless the posslbiUtles Hijacker The Schedule mesit with its warning that tt Is not go- by the fact that what Dean Acheson Is to be resumed, with the Gov­ ed Friday about October truck was driven by Jake Mer- Ing to take dictation from big powers, ernor and the Democrats once for the spfead of the gypsy weaitiier ih Washington and nlck, an airport maintenance said about John F. Kennedy Ih 0968 and moth population are enormous. said he looked forward to the foreman, who was released on On Television whoever they are. more offering each other pro­ Slain By what be says about him In 1971 seem posals each side considers un­ The millions that ravage New -visit. arrival there. England forests today are the Moscow has reacted with sour, bitter to reflect quite different appraisals. speakable. Referring to Nixon’s plan­ Meanwhile, FBI sharp­ descendants of handful of egg- ned trip to Com m unist FBI Agent shooters concealed themselves From Spgce attack on the unworthy motives which. Ih his most recent puUlc pronounce­ But whatever inning In .the carrying females introduced' to ^game of the unsjieakable alter­ CMna, Tito said it was a sh(x>ters concealed themselves I this country in 1869 by a Med­ (Continued from Page One) around the runway deslg^iated (Continued from Page One) In Its view, are mainly responsible for ment, Mr. Acheson rules that PrealdMit natives this is, the third or (Herald photo by Lenltt) wonderful initiative which ford, Massaxdiusetts silk mer­ fer the MJacker’s rendezvous launched off the moon’s sur- bringing Washington and Peking closer Kennedy lacked “Inclstveness” and “was fourth or fifth, bne thing Is now should contribute to better felt It had to be taken.” Air­ Racing is fun on South Church campus at the Interfaith Day Camp picnic. chant. It is this ^reading of the relations among nations. with the transatlantic jet. face. This Is the first time this together —their nuttual enntity to Mos­ really out of his depth’’ in his handling different. problem that Is one of the ma­ line agents at the LaGuardla Photographed by Reginald Pinto The Income tex Is now on the With the stewardess, Oberg- typ^ of launch has been wit- cow. of the Cuban missile crisis in 1962, the jor concerns of most state offi­ boarding gate said they had fell strode to the runway, nesaed. books, whece before there was r cials. found several harmless metal episode In the Kennedy, career which FOR THE TOURISTS, BOOTHBAY HARBOR, MAINE Duplicate Bridge Injunction, where .FBI agents distracted' Monday, Aug. 2—^2:87 to 2:43 ,And now Japan has been heard from. nothing. '' Dwight Black, horticulturist Items In Obergfell’s bag that Mm for 30 minutes, trying to p.m.—Lunar module ren- Let the Governor and the Nixon’s It used to be an American worry about some . historians consider a demonstra­ in the Maine Agriculture De­ Car Crash could have tripped the detector. talk him out of Ms planned M- uezvous with conamand sMp by tion of coolneas and courage. Democrats continue to offer Manchester -Bridge CTlub re­ Effective partment’s Dlviaicn of Plant In­ but they said no weapon. They jack flight. the camera on the command Jiqian that Japan, for obvious reasons impending Nationalist recon­ teges and customers The each other alternatives neither r r i * • sults last night in a conUnentr dustry, said that the adult But back in 1862 Mr. Acheson, al­ asked him to open Ms coat for ^ s the TWA 707 jet he had module. of tiade opportunity, would move too quest x>f the mainland faded. American people consequently can accept, and the Income tax Iimiiig wide Olympiad Oiarlty Fund moths lay eggs on trailers in In State a ylsual Inspection wMch re- ordered waited nearby with Monday, Aug. 2—3 to 8:06 though disappointed that the young TTie CTilang Kai-shek myth, of were ill prepared for the reali­ will stay there, unpopular but game at the Italian-American Until Ruling camp grounds. When tile eggs vealed notMng. crew, Lovin fired two quick p.m,—Lunar module docks with doee to ponunuqist China. Nixon’s Timing course, dated back well before ties of World War n anjd the en­ President hadn’t taken his advice and undisturbed. (Continued from Page Four) (Jlub are; North-South; Mrs. hatch the camper has often Airlines started using metal shots from a .306 autom^c command sWp. Mow Japan seems to resent the way in By ROBERT J. DONOVAN the days of his 'Jalwan regime. suing eSUnese civil war. And let the Governor and the Mary Roy and Milton (Sottlle^ (Continued from Page One) moved to a different part of the K ills Six detectors at major airports last rifle with a telescopic sight, Thursday, Aug. 6—11:44 a.m. bombed the Russian missile sltoB out of ’ITiroughout the early part of In his “Beyond Vietnam: ’The the obvious fact that it faced first; Robert Stratton and Mrs.);' count^, taking the moth larvae wMeh, without consulting Jcqian, we our- The -Los Angeles Times Democratic . leadersMp agree September after PalestlMan striking the Mjacker in the ab- to 12:14 p.m.—Space >^k by existence instead of merely setting iq> a World War II President Frank­ United States and Asia”, pub­ among themselves on some Inevitable civil war and would Norma Fagan, and, Joseph Toce David M. Lessor, of the Legal their potential idestrucUon (Continued from Page One) Astronaut Alfred M. Worden. getves have suddenly moved closer to lished in 1967, Edwin O. ReJs- guerrillas Mjaoked t o r jets. ,In domen and back. blockade type of showdown, was full of lin D. Roosevelt and much of new alternative package wMch be more a disturber of world and Robert WhlteseU, tied for Assistance Association wMch is with them. Britain, were believed^ to be there have been 16 Mjack His crewmates, David R. Scott ' Oommunlst misconception. This has made the American people regarded chauer, former American Ajbj- still seems unspeakable to those jtoblUty than a ^talner of ^cond; Mre. Arthur ^ka and representing Mrs.-Minerva Riv- to ,;;;;kng"toWce. attempts in this country, far and James B. Irwin, will oper­ praise of the "wisdom’’ and the "lead­ It po(^ble tor the President to Bating to see what littleulti oppo- him as a great ally against Ja­ ba'^sadrr to Japan, observed; who voted for the income tax, It to some tline to come, Mrs. Paul Barto, fourth erh. said that in a preliminary Investigators said the car was more than were counted last ate the telfevlsion camera wMle ‘Since It interprets our move as one ership, . fiirmness and judgment" the Mtion has devel<^>ed so far to undertake to bring about a new pan. The truth was that he was “During the Seconti ■ World on the morning of July 1, and Rail Strike Worden goes outside the space­ President Nixon’s historic new, era. ■’When the Communists wi Irish fltoedlA^nn ite ^ havolr, however, the hijacker ®®ttl««ent and contend televised solar eclipse using the voices of the far right like he had various motives and nev­ otherwise melted away, and (See Page Five) more unspeakaMe . alternative, Quite obviously, to a number of - the be asking, be the aaine AcheAon? or a solution. DUBLJN (AP) — Irish luck mppea Dack on Its root. nnwr«nnAd a nint/ii from a need a wage differential camera' left on the moon. *Ilie ’The answer perhaps tells more about Reps. John H. Rousselot and er took seriously the idea that hundreds of millions of dollars’ from a special astigmatism Next Friday, the club will con- state less than a. year.- ...... to A T w ^ V ^ rt^ ^ o ^ h lT te n tully reflecting toe Mgh coat of remotely controlled camera world’s capitals, the question has be­ John G. Schmitz of California. CSiiahg could return to the worth of his American supplies when looMng at It.” auct Its first annual Silk a ty The state contends that it is vriien a copy of toe Treaty of their 8-year-dld daughter. Car- ™ '® ^ew York.' wiU be turned on as an ecUpse come Bometbing more than any simple, Mr. Acheson than about John F. Ken- Time and events have mainland and deteat the Com­ fell into Communist hands. The overwhelming, su p |^ Open Pairs event starting a^ 8 facing financial emergency aa a Rome-wMch found^ toe Eu- o l^ , were fataUy Injured. The ^ ^ c ^ h " ^ ^ Local settlements sent tele- of toe sun by toe eortir reaches straightforward determination of wheth­ ■ nedy. brought vast changes in munists. For a century Americans con­ A Thought for Today President Nixon, has received p.m. at the clubhouse, 186 El- result of the influx”of out-of- ropean Common Market—was other three victims were Mrs. phone workers back to work In totality at about 2:26 p.m. The ’The answer Is yes. American attitudes toward Yet many Americans who for sumed a rich fare of China for his forthcoming -visit to Pek- ^ d g e St. Play Is open to toe state residents seeking welfare, requested In Gaelic. Rosa Leo Traylor and Olen tnij carit Albert R New Jersey, Ck>nnectlcut, (Thl- earth casts a shadow across toe er the new United States move is Asia. years held had their hearts set myths, many of them revolving The Shepherd Is With Us Shepherd’s presence. Such dis­ ing suggests that sense of pro- pubUc. TMs emergency did not exist IrlMunen heard from Bnia- Traylor Jr., 4, both of the same Hawes he wanted to flv to Mi- cago and Ph^nlx. ScMtered re- Apollo 16 landing site as thla good In principle for the United States The old China Lobby that on just such a crusade were around the notion that the Chi­ Scripture Reading: Psalm 28 coveries can be made dally. portion has returned and that ------y when toe earlier law was sels that they could not have address, and CyntMa Jennings, 13^, w Hawes convinced Mm slstance was reported contln- occurs. The camera may be fought Chlang Kai-shek’s bat­ thrilled by Elsenhower’s deci­ nese, profiting from American Space flights and moon walks toe astigmatism la ^ in g cor- Results last night In a dupUc- thrown out, according to toe toe document In their native 3. ’ , LaGuardla and ulng among some CWA mem- able to pick out bright lights on or for the world in general. In such sion. Nor was it only rank-and- Special events can lead us to a tles in Washington so fiercely benefaction, were adopting are adding to our vocabulary rected. ate bridge game at toe Andover state. ton^e In prei»ration for Ire- ^wo other passengers were change for a larger jet There bers In OMo, Michigan and the earth. Also the tight ^ the capitals, th^l<®t tt g^taln General Hospital. They for a transatlantic plane. America summoned 600 local reds, blues and greens. offspring, we concluded that human the American people their fill the rift between President ’Tru­ fires of such fantasies. Dulles, long regarded as toe Smyth and Mrs. Kay Horrigan, He toe desire to s w e men- e j^ rte in GaeUc. And be- Peggy L«nnon, 21, of toe Obergfell allowed toe flight’s leaders to WasMngton next Frl- There will be more ttiqn M their 0^ . of conflict In the Far Blast. man and the late Gen. Douglas (JMna appeared to them, writes ented in the simple statement living. It was not easy, for second; Mr. and Mrs. Archibald ey does not justify a OonnecU- sides. It said, some Cfommon____J’J’/ ______» ** mothers are not the only ones upon changes make most of us fear­ ultimate hard-liner in Asia, same address as the Jennings 55 passengers to get off, then day to choose between a strike l^evis whom duty and diligence sit heavily. President Nixon, once an ally MacArthur in 1960 was Mac- Barbara W. Tuchman, “as the of the psalmist—‘’TTieLord Is cut regulation that was found Market terms cannot be tranS' In such respects, although President my shepherd, I shall not want." ful and uneasy. God reminds us, wrote three years before he be-; Ramage, third, child, and Olen Traylor Sr. descended ih e ramp, still hold- 'and an expected contract offer earth spec ring This is the period\ wbrai the setuMn’s of the China Lobby, has Arthur’s advocacy of the use of land of the future whose mass­ came secretary of state that i t ' The game, sponsored by toe uncookltutlonal by the 'Supreme lated Into Gaelic. Police said aU four doors of ing toe Stewardess, and ar- from Mne major steel com- mission.______Nikon may succeed in persuading WaMi- fledglings are venturing Into the world. changed his cwn views about Nationalist troops during the es, when converted, offered It seems so quiet, so provincial, however, that he is with us and Court two years ago. ------Korean War. so uneventful—until we read it that he can meet our needs in would be wise to establish rela- Andover Bridge Club wMch is toe sedan were locked an4 toe ranged with TWA officials for panics. The existing pacti, ex­ Ington to stay calm, the announcement It is an anxious tin^e for the motiier America’s interest in Oiina. promise of Christian and even tions with malMand China after now affiliated with toe ACBL, passengers Were jammed In- the six-passenger panel truefc plres Aug. 1 . in i : Furthermore the anti-commu­ Amusing as it sounds in ret­ English-speaking dominion of again and read it more atten­ every experience. Family of the trip is nevertheless shaking the Mrds, whose reiqionslbUities are increas­ Its stability had "been tested is played each Friday at 7:30 Office;^ Bitten, side In such a way that toe that took Mm to Kennedy with Contract talks focusing on ed many times beyonl v^iat' they were nist line he pursued with such rospect. Eisenhdwer in 1965 “re- the world.’’ tively. Then we realize there are O loving Savior, keep me dis­ leashed" C!Mang, as idiom had over a reasonable period of p.m. at the Andover Ctongrega- doors could not be (^ned! Pa- «scort. - wage provisions were seeking ST. JOHN’S, Nfld. — Five world. TUs is one of the consequences, when the maternal task was chiefly con­ showmanship in his earlier Through the glowing reports Important discoveries which can covering during Lent that you tlme.’’ Unfortunately toe Korean tlonal Church under toe direc- Viet Leader Woman Fined trolmen had to pry c ^ n toe With police cars trailing them to end toe 54rdayrold strike by generations of toe same family undoubtedly exciting, biit perhaps dan­ fined to incubating the eggs. years in politics now serves to it, because he feared that the of the missionaries and the lofty be made in inner space. are with me, ready to restore Wor and Intervention by toe tlon of B. Burton Smyth. Play INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — driver’s door to get Inside police helicopters over- toe United Telegraph Workers have tended toe Cape Spear ''neutralize criticism. Because Nationalist leader might try to language of John Hay’s Open (Certain words stand out — my soul. Amen. gerous, of the added dramatization given Young birds, like young childrra, can Chinese came along to set back is open to toe public, Will Seek Mrs. WlUam V. Martin, 60, ac- only 18-month-oId Tiiairon hijacker and Miss that has closed Western Union lighthouse at toe entrance to of Ms record many people regain the mainland by precipi­ Door policy, which had little leads, restores, comfort, good­ Source Unknown Conception sped along toe heav- offices across the country. be such a care. They can never get tating a war between Commu­ the movement that was then de------eftsed of biting a poUceman In Lennon, beUeved to be toe to policy by the employmient of high per­ enough to eat, and this alone keeps the would trust Min to deal with practical meaning, Americans ness, mercy. They relate to ex-- Submitted by: veloplng for recognition of Pek- Results ’Thursday morning In a dispute after a traffic accl- (.mjj Peggy Chou EM-lal while shying from nist China, and the UMted as recently as a generation ago periences which may be ours as appeared, to sonal diplomacy. mother bird busy particularly when the States. ’Thereafter the myth of Robert Wldham ing. . a duplicate bridge game at New Term dent to front ^ her home last escaped tajui^."''Air"auM brood, having left the nest, ' are suffl- any such negotlatixms conduct­ regarded CMnese as their pro- we become ’ aware of i the ’TriMty (Covenant Church Could we have moved toward ed by a iUberal Democratic In the mld-1960’s I once heard Holiday Lanes are Miss Louise expected to care tor toe clently dispersed to make parental feed­ President Elsenhower at a pri- Comst(x;k and Miss Ethel Cooii, (Contained from- Page One) she has false teeth and couldn’t ^aby when it was released from normalisation of our relationdiip with ing chores more difficult and unremit­ president. Above, all, however, the at­ vote ^ t e House dinner make first; Mrs. Kenneth Sandbeck Huong, who has a BuddMst i***® h o s f ^ . Also injured were Communist China through other ting. a most persuasive case for rec- ^nd Sidney Stein, second; Miss b„„vvroiind i and a 4 ranutatlon ^®H> ^Uc^an uavls, 4, and Darrol Da- Mother and. offspring were in the azal- mosphere has been changed by less spectacular channels — like,- for the crumbling of old myths ogMtlon. The trauma of toe Anderson and Mrs. John background | “ d reputation ^ ap^e ’ ’ Court ^ 4-y;ar:old O t b S n ^ ' ea bush near the wall when we Hist ob­ Korean war, however ..scar^ third; Mr. and Mrs. for honesty,!* would give ge.v an,i SteffaMe Tmylor, 8; i f d ^ Instance, that old routine of the meeting served them. ’The young robin, fully that long confused American Fischetti thinking about CMna. The pain oven B J ^ ^ w e r off from toe ^^.^ard Terhune, fourth. . giapMcal and religious balance ^ PMladelpMa reridehts, Bemie of ambassadors In Warsaw? fledged, but linsteady of wing and leg, and disillusion of the last 30 pMltical i ^ of p i l i n g recog- ^^e game, sponsored by toe to TMeu’s ticket. '.f^r being a d l a o r t ^ ^^d a, 18, and Steffany Davis, huddled inconspicuously in the fediage, I *1971 ( Undoubtedly we could have, but per­ years have at least cleared niUon at that time. Manchester Country Club TOeu, a convert to CathoU- t>Arson and viv&n aunnAndAd ^^h of 8 E. Springer St. rousing when the parent arrived on sev­ away a lot of the underbrush of haps only at a much slower pace, with eral occasions with a white moth to be Th» ^ DupUcate Bridge a u b . Is play- clBm, bi from South Viotnom’s ot n l u i d ^ t e on cblrges ^ DnvUes and the Lennons ■ ed em.h_dt,ur.d.y nt .,m . eentnU eo.«m region...... r„ySng . poh.emJTSa lived to low- and middle-income much slower results, and with no instant stuffed down the gaping mouth of the prepared by toe growing staWl- the summer at Holiday young bird. The parent made several In war action, toe South Viet- taunting a poUceman. housing develcqiments at 168 heroes. Ity of the Pektog regime, by toe pjay jg open to toe pub- namese military command dis­ Mailkowskl a rcle and 102 Mer- trips. If the Interval between feedings agtag of CMang, toe war-wear- This way, aa we have seen, even an Yesterdays closed a second new drive to imac Rd. The ’Traylors lived at grew too long, the Urd. with the Im­ toeSB to America and a new _____ southeastern Cambodia, souto patience of the young, uttered several 166 North St., an apartment announcement gets Immediate' results Herald American sense of pro^rUofi Results in a Tuesday morning of Highway 1 and cq^iosite the Rails Threaten building. and produces Immediate changes which piping cries. about China. If Nixon t

■ 1 A


\. MANCHESTER EVENlN(dl H e RALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 24F 1971 PAGE SEVEN. Area Churches News for Senior Citizens ; Unioii Oongregatloiial CSiiircb S t Awnote of Asslal Wesleyfui United Methodist u r c Satellite South Windsor TTBloa and Blm Sta., Rockville 673 Ellington Rd. I ' Church By WALLY FORTIN Ohmob of OhiM Church o f Hm Nasarene R ev. Paul 3. Rom nan, South Wiindsor CryBtal\itake Rd., Ellington DIBBOTOH \ Lydall and Vernon Sts, 236 M ain S t Itlniater Rev. John C. Gay, Rev. Haiyey W. Taher, Pastor Eugene Brewer, Minister Will Probe Business Bodies Swim O ass ’ J^llo folks! Well I sure had Centers throughout the state is Rev. William A. Tt^or, Rev. I^nnan D. Reed, 0E>astor a ^^e surprise here last BYl- that it is good for the seniors to P astor Aaaoolate IRnlater . Rev. Eugene M. Kilbride, 0:40 a.m., Sunday School 0 a.m., Blbto Classes tor alt The Moon .Assistant Pastor Clams for all ages. day. I came to work ,and start- break away froin a steady rou- FORM LEASING UNIT Registratioii M getting ready for qur kitch- tine. Then when action starts 0:30 a.m., Sunday School for ages. CBT Corp., parent holding 0 a.m., Morning: Wcrahlp. 11 a.m., Worridp Service. 10 a.m., Worship. Abraham By PAUL RECER en social games, when just be- again, everyone will be in a everyone. company of the Connecticut adld care provided. Saturday, Masses at S and 7 Nursery. AP Aeroopace Writer fore we were to start, low and good state of mind, and be glad 10:40 a.ih.. Morning’Worablif. Malherbe of Bethany, guest Bank and Trust Co., announces Next Week p.m . 6 p.m., Wesleyan Youth. spflakar. Sundi^, Masses at 7:30, 0:30, behold, Oeorglnia Vince came to get back again, Sermon by Ellis t>. Sedlacek. the formation cf a new sub­ 'Registration for -toe South Rockville Catted Methodist 7 p.m.. Evening Prayer. 6 p.m., -Worship. James Bell SPACE CENTER, Houston and 11 a.m . walking out of the kitchen with Wednesday we started our 7 Evening Service. Ser- sidiary, toe CBT Leasliig Corp. Windsor R^reation Depart­ of Storrs, kuest speaker. Apollo 16 will 'leave be- St Maurice Church, Bolton ^ giant sise cake, beautifully StuifHeboard League, and we nuai by the Rev. J. Grant The new firm will lease com­ ment-sponsored August swim­ Ua Orove St Wnd in lunar orbit a 78-pound Sacred Heart Church Rev Robert W Cronin. Pastor i«ted, and writing that were a UtUe dls^ipclnted in the Swank Jr. “What Hi^tpened on mercial and industrial equip­ ming classes at the Veterans R ev. Willard B. Oooklln, R t 30, VemMi said,said. “iHai^y“ iHar Birthday " ' Wally - tunuNit but found ouf- many the Day of Pentecost Oonoordia Lutheran Church satellite which will probe toe ment, Under Initial considera­ Memorial Park will be held M inister 40 Pitkin et 1. Rev. Ralph Kelley, Pastor Saturday Mass, 0 p.m. from the gang," That’s right would-be {Sayers were often moon wito electric sensors for tion for leasing are such items Monday and 'hiesday from 9 Rev. Joeeph E. Bourret, more than a year. a.m. to noon. R ev. Edward Konoiidta Sunday Masses, 7:30, 0:10 and it was my birthday, and I another trip, First Chnreh of Christ as iwllution control equipment, 9:30 .a.m., Worship Service. P astor All parents who have pre-reg- Assistant Pastor 11 a.m . thought I’d slip ri^t by the Next week we’ll continue' with ScleoUst Man's fourth moon landing computers, store fixtures and Nliraery for children 3-years., day without mentioning it. league play, and this will be the mlsdcn Is scheduled for launch modular buildings. r^53^K2368er istered children are asked to re­ old or younger. 447 N. M ain S t Church School and Nursery. IriWh Cape Kennedy on Monday. port to the pool for class assign­ . Saturday Miass, 0 p.m . St Margaret Mary Church However, I was quite sur- ia,t chance tor members to join James F. McNally, executive Sunday Masses, 7:30, 0, 10:30, prised to see so m wy attend- tj|a league. We expect that those M all goes well, astronauts lia- vice president of C3BT, will serve ments at this time also. W laiving IQ a;m.. Church Service,,Sun- Chnreh of the Assiimptlop ’Trinity Evangelical Lutheran and 13.noon. Rev. Thomas G. O’Neil, Pastor games becauK on^- Shuffleboard vld R. Scott, James B. Irwin as president of toe leasing com­ Children already enrolled in \1 Chnreh Adams St and Thompson Rd. ^the July session who wish to Rev.' Joeeidi SchicknlvTit. days we usually dMi’t get *— ^ Alfred M. Worden will pany. Appointed vice president (Miasouii Synod) St Bernard’s Church Rev. Edward 6. P epin, Pastor dump toe tumamed satellite on and general operations manager piirtlclpate in the August ses- 80 P rospect S t , RockvlUe ' RockvlUe Rev. Robert J. Buihank slon\jire asked to register on ISatunlay, Masses at 0 and 7 Aug. 4, juot before they fire toe Is Robert L. Porter, OBT assist­ Thursday and Friday from 9 Rev. Bruce Rudolf Rev. William Schneider p.m . sz’.s.’rmembered the day,r and . sthe S“„. command ship rockets to start ant treasurer in toe loon divi­ they are going to attend the ses- ^he ra«H«Han Science Read- Saturday, Masses at 5:00 and back to earth. n.m. to^iQon. Rev. Anthony MltcheU Sunday, Masses at 8:80, 10 cake was delicious. sion. slons. It isn’t fair to Join a uig Room, open to the pubUc ex- Guest Speaker 7:30 p.m . This program is co-sponsored 8' and 10:30 a.m.. Worship and'11:80 a.m. It was very heartwarming The sateUlte, which looks Bank officials said CBT Leas­ Saturday Maas, 7 p.m. Sunday, Masses at 7:30, 0, by the American Red Cross and Service, Holy Communion. Tbe Rev. Hemy Millan, re­ something like a rural mailbox, ing Corp. is Intended to provide 0:10 a.m., Sunday School. Sunday Masses, 7, 0:15, 10:30 turn4 .S W . svsetout, mmostly A sstln v because K sk sea siM it I f was uaMim J)i 0Ul6r aCUvltleS. WC “U 74Q IfAln gt. TllB hOUn ftTC 11 10:80 and U:45 a.m. • will carry three experiments '.r:; classes will b^qffered in the fol­ Second Congregational Munch cently appointed chaplain at convenience and flexibility in fi­ Adult lhatructlan Class. and 11:45 a.m . my birthday. I certainly thank awards for ^.m., to 4 p.m. Monday Uwougfa powered by solar cells and 'wlU nancing for companies Interest­ lowing catagorled: beginner, ad­ United Chnreh of Christ each and everyone in atten­ those who Join the league. Friday. Manchester Memorial Hospi­ Seoend Oongregatlonal Cbnreh communicate wito earth vanced beginner, 'intermediate, . Rt. 44A, Coventry ’Ihis past Wednesday we had ed In acquiring new equipment. S t Matthew’s Church dance, aiul also the many who tal, will speak tomorrow at the United Chnroli ef Ohrial through a complex transmiesicn swimmer, junior lifesaving and Unitarian Feilowahip Rev. Robert K. Bechtold, 28 players, so we started our Advantages of toe leasing plan ’Tolland sent me cards. Certainly is :M worship-service at 885 N. M ain S t system. senior life saving. \ io f Otsstnwbury hOnister Shuffleboard League. We’re St. Mary's Episoopal Chnrcli 0 include 100 per cent financing, Rev. J. Clifford Curtin. nice to be recognised on my Second Congregational Church. Rev. Felix M. D avis, To enroll in junior life' ing Academy Junior High keeping truck of the wins and Church and Park Sts. Worden wUl push a button at frequently over a longer term 80th (ahem) birthday. Ifls topic; “What Do You M inister a child must be 11 years ige 2 Main St., Glastonbury 10 a.m .. Service of W orridp. losses cf each player, and have Rev. George F. Nostrand, a predetermined time to than a corresponding loan, plus Sunday Vigil on Saturday at ’Ibe day naturally was quite - R ector M ean?" spring-eject toe minispacecraft potential tax benefits. An option but must not have reached a schedule aU set f o r this ’Tomorrow’s service is the 0:80 a.m.. Morning Worship. 14th birthday, at least in 10.-30 a.m ., Service, NuTMry ® P’™’ First Congregational Chnreh a success, and was topped off Rev. Russell Allen ' Into a roughly circu lar ortHt of to purchase toe equipment may by my team which soay. last union service of Center Nursery. Sermon by the Rev. fifth grade and able to pass nec­ and School. Masses, 7. 8:80, and Hebron Rev. Ronald Haldemqn 60 miles. be included in toe leasing agree­ 10:30 a.m . K.. ^®w som e m em bers w ere and Second Oongregatlonal R. Wlnthrop Nelson Jr. of Cen­ essary swimming exerclces. Rev. Herbert O. Kelsey, Jr., thrw^ ^ eve^ by Wk- ^ ^ ’Ihere are no rockets or jets ment. Churches to be hrid at Second Seniors must have attained Evangelical Lutheran Pastor ^ off the numtar one team. lntei;»ted in 7:80 a.m., Hedy CommuniMi. ter Church. Sermon: “The Gift on toe small satellite, but a spin Unitarian Meeting House Church this summer. Starting their 15th birthday or completed Church So all in all, I had a very en- jouiing the league, so we’re The Feast of St. James, of Being HumaiL’’ Coffee hour. will be imparted to It when it is - NOTES ANNIVERSARY 00 Bloomfleld Ave., Hartford Aug. 1, the union services will 9th grade and be able to pass 9:80 a.m., Union Service at Wrtl^y, telling all Fellowship Hall after the serv- ejected from a bay of toe Apollo Emerson H. Bosworto of Bol­ (Wisconsin Synod) Rev. Nathaniel D. Lauriat those 'Who ' mlened Apostle, be at Center Church each Sun­ the necessary swimming re­ GUead Oongregatlonal CSiurch. ^ «> with icb. spacecraft. This spin wiU stabi­ ton will celebrate his 25to an­ 200 Buckland Rd., wapping but want to join, 10 a.m.. Morning Prayer and day at 0:30 a.m. through Sept. quirements. Rev. Ksiri R. Gurgel, Pastor by the Rev. Mr. AUen. lize the craft and keep it from niversary wito Aetna Life & 10:80 a.m., Worship Service, 5. Unitarian Ualveraalist Society tumbling. ! Children registering for the 4 C^asualty Thursday. He Is assist- Nursery and Worship Church ’ ^ ^ We. mon at both services by Paul and Union IHa^itals. He also and character of the magnetic n m Eviuwdlatlc service Jr., Sunday ^hool superlntend- After the boat ride, we Will roll, and Helen Moske. At 12:80 Rev. Carl W. Saunders, BUYS RESTAURANT plant in Covington, Tenn., where across from Crlsplno’s Super­ uals and will continue toe most The ell that contained Vin­ Sand HUl Rd., South Windsor 7 has served as a sum m er cluq>. field. p.m.. Evangelistic service, E. ^ ‘Gardner, secretary h^ve at least a hall hour for A p.m. Lee Stelnmeyer, Martha Associate Pastor David L. Gunas of 114 Lin- the new Technlformer produc­ market. Strlano will triple the popular clothing lines of both In Pottery Set Rev. James A. Blrdsall, lain to 'migrant woricers both Scientists know that as toe cent’s will be toe first section oftne church board; Mrs. Rich- lunch. There is an eating Kansfleld, Agnes Halpryki, Rev. Ralph W. Spencer, wood Dr. recently purchased tion line is not yet producing capacity of his former luncheon­ houses. Iflcar A very S t In Massachusetts and Connect­ earth moves through space Its demolished, enabling work to be­ Summer Activities in Man­ aro Seavey, treasurer of i^hurch pjace with lots of outdoor Tom O'Neill, Ann Hoffman, Associate Pastor toe former Surrey Restaurant to capacity. / ette, expanding to a restaurant Bernard (Bennie) ’ Gozzo, Christian Reformed Church Calvary Church icut. magnetic field is w aip^ by toe gin on the bank's new side en­ chester (SAM) Will sponsor an­ 661 Avery St. board; Mrs. William Perry, benches. You can bring your George 'Last, Ann and I^trold on toe Berlin Tpke. in Berlin Lydall, Inc., was formed in with seating for 60. whose Meinchester Pet Center trance. The Andrew Ansaldi Co. 8 and 10 a m .. H oly Com -' (Assembilee at God) huge flow of chai:ged particles other four-week course In pot­ South Windsor president of the Nasarene World sandwiches, or buy a Lehmann, Jtm Copeland, Mey- 10 Km., Worship for the emd has reopened it as Davey a 1969 merger of Colonial Board Mrs. Arnoldeen TTiornton, who has been at toe Main St. site will do the renovation. Mankey muni on. 647 .E.. M iddle ’Tpke. The Preebjrterian Church from the sun. This invisible tery starting Wednesday from Rev, James A. Bcnnema ^?®**a**»u^ sandwich, coffee, or soda er Levitt, Ida ^ ess, and Car­ wbedeJe i church. ebure ’Ihe Rev. Dr. Jones Locker after extensive re­ Co., Manchester, the Superior last fall purchased Hayseed 18 years, plans to relocate Associates Is toe architect. Bton Anthony, president o f the men DelTetro. Newcoi^rs will Rev. K. L. Gustafson, 43 Spruce St. (kream—called soiar wind— modeling. Steel Ball Co., New Britain-, and 12:30 to 3 p.m. It will be held M inister Pastor Shaw preaching. Sermon: “The shapes a magnetic tail which Casuals, a women’s specialty around toe corner at 6 Maple (Herald photo by Coe) St Mary’s Chnndi Nasarene Young People Society. ygh^ ^ be assigned courts, and times Rev. George W. Smith, Pastor Gunas, a Manchester native their subsidiaries. The firm Mcmday through Friday In Search for Selfhood." Infant - the earto drag;s behind It during R t 81, Coventry Choir directors are David a hue tour of the shoreline starting sd 2 p.m . and 1958 graduate of Manches­ manufactures fiber and pack­ Room RI of the East Side Rec­ 0:45 a.m., Sunday SchocS for a.mif. S ervice o f Divine Toddler NUraery and child care its journey around toe sun. were $6.2 miUlen, according to Rev. F. Bernard MUler, Pastor aU akeT 10 0:15 a.m., Sunday Scbpol. ter High School, is also vice aging board, specialty papers, reation Center on School St. Blaney, Church Oiolr; CSiariee getting a view from a different Worship and BiUe preaentng. at Susannah Wesley Hall. The subeateinte, which Is or­ John A. EieQuattro, president. Rev. Richard F. Roughan, Pinochle Classes for all ages. steel balls .and bearing compo­ CL&P Employes Reject John Hull, teacher of toe 1 1 a.m Worship Service. iJunn, Youth Impact Oiotr; and angle. We’U then head f « Mld- biting toe moon as the moon or­ president of toe Gunver Manu­ DeQuattro said sales volume Assistant Pastor Thursday morning’s pinole classes for diU- 10:30 a.m.. Worship Service. nents, grease fittings, and lu­ morning pottery course vdilch Nursery. AHcn Munale, Junior CSioir. dletown, and should arrive bits the earto, will give data on Emerson H. Bosworth facturing Co., 234 Hartford Rd. by toe parent company and its Nursmy provided. brication equipment. began July 14, will teach toe 7 p.m.. Evening Service. Church musicians are Mrs. TVai- tlmo~ for^ciiT i^^t, ^ ^ turnout of 56, with the 7 p.m.. Evening Go4>eI this magnetic tail and on all lay­ The restaurant seats 130 in subsidiaries. Divestment Coti- Saturday Mass, 7:80 p.m. 7 p.m.. Evening Service. Church Greets ant secretary of toe life under­ New Tentative Contract course. He is. an art teacher at nyaon R. Anthony, Miss Gert- mont for our buffet hmi* toUowing winners: (Mvw Rob- Service. Hymnsing and Bible ers of the magnetic field be­ toe dining room and 90 in the sulting. Die. and J.D. .Real Es­ Sunday Masses, 7:80, 0:80 and First Evangelical Lutheran ert , 630; Mabel Wilson, 610; writing department. Stowaway Lounge and features REDUCED EARNINGS Bennet and a pottery crafts­ "J?.? P n»- A fter a m essage. St. Bartholom ew’ B Chulrch cause toe moon passes through: tate Assqciatea, was 10 per WATERBURY (AP) —More the one-year life of the agree­ 10:45 a.m . Church of Rockville v^h, Ito. William Taylor; Mrs. hearty meal, we’ll head for Paul A. Schuetz,--1 • 604; Louise Candidate For Bosworto, who attended the a seafood' and beef menu with Rogers Corp, has reported man whose work lute been ex-, WUbrod Mes- R ev. Philip Huaeey, PsuXor each of these layers once a cent less during toe half than than 2,000 Connecticut light and ment. Rev. Richard E. Bertram, Frederick Wood and Mrs. Alex- home and should be home bv Meyeriieff, 581, Trinity Convenant Chnreh University of Connecticut has 24 kinds of appetize^a, 10 soups first half profits for toe period total sales for aiM of 1970. hibited at various shows in ,0...... Home, ana enouia be nome by tevltt, 566; Rev. EMWard M. LaiRoee month. Power Co. employed remain on The union had originally pro­ United Chnreh of Christ P astor anderCubie.- o’clock. So that sounds 302 Hackmatack St. Co-Pastorate been with Aetna since 1946. He and chowders, 40 seafood and 7 ended July 4 of $64,000 or 7 Sales of middle income New Ekigland. Eva Poet, 566; Betty Jesanis, Aaeistant Pastor The magnetometer experi­ cents per share on sales of $14,- posed a 9,1 per cent wage hike Main StI, Coventry Chfdrmen and members of the like a pretty busy day, but one Rev. Norman E. Swensen, was advanced to chief under­ beef selections. , apartment houses, single-fam­ strike after-' they rejected a Those interested in register­ J and increases benefits. Rev. James. W. McBride, 10:30 a.m.. The Service. 554; Beatrice Mador, 658; The Rev. Lymdn Fsurar of ment will measure toe magnetic writer in 1961 and was named 393,000, down from a net cf church board standing commit- that should be a lot'of fun. 'Pastor Saturday, Vigil Mass at 5 Both rooms have' ’ a nautical ily and multiple dwellings in tentative contract agreement The union’s contract had ex­ ing may call toe SAM <^ce at lO nlster Peter Prey, 546; J«mle Pogiar- Jackson, kflsa., a candidate for fields cf toe mo(»i. From this on assistant secretary in May motif. Notable are a 126-gallon $220,000, or 25 cents per share on Manchester High School, 048- tees are Edward Swain Jr., Last Friday night’s setback ty, 545;^ M__ ary______Nackowakl, 542; _ p-m, data sclentista can tell much Greater Hartford were involv­ iVliich had been approved by pired June 1. Boltoa Congregational Church the cp-pastorate of Center Oon- of last year. aquarium in toe lounge that sales of $14,020,000 for toe com­ ed. 1919, on Monday o r Tuesday Bolton Center Rd. chairman, and E. Boyd Gardner, tournament , had 60 players, G o^ace race Windsor,WTndsor* 541,641 and John Worriilp Service Sunday, kCaaees at 7:30, 0, gregational Church, will be about the history of toe moon. parable period last year. negotiators for both sides. The power company provides 0:46 a.m.. Church School. George Chessman, Mrs. Walter with the following wlnnera: GaUy -540 ’ ’ ***'• pieach- 10:16 and 11:30 a.m . He has managed toe Bolton serves as a backdrop for toe DeQuattro also aaiibunced service to 496,000 electricity between 8 a.m. and 4 p ^ . Rev. J. Stanton Conover, GaUy,-540. among the worshipers tomorrow Studying toe surface magnetic Rogers President Norman L. When the votes of Interna­ 11 a.m.. Nursery. Worahlp Junior League baseball team bar, and dining booths designed that toe com pwy’9 offices Are customers and 115,000 gas cus- A fee will be charged for in­ kOnletM- kOUer, Winston Anthony and Da- Edith WlrtoUa, 128; Mary Nac- D ^ ’t forget now, next week *»« <» at toe union service at 9:80 a.m. fields also tells scientists about Greeinan, in announcing the re­ tional Brotherhood of Electrical Service. and has served on toe town’s to look like lobsters traps. being exi^dOd by 1,300 square toihers in the 125 of the state’s struction and materials. vid Blaney, buUdings and kowekl, 1^; Esther Anderson, en^U ie l^oor activities here Balance." Nursery and KIndei> St. Bridget CkiUTch the heat and heat conductivity duced earnings figures, said he Workers members around the 5 p.m ., Junior Pilgrim Fel- Rev. John J. Delaney, Pastor at Second ConSTtflAdonHi zoning board. Married and toe In toe foyer is an .eight-foot- feet to include the entire sec- 169 towns. 10:80 a.m.. Worship Service. grounds; the Rev. J. Grant 125; George SeihroU, 126; Mol- at the Center, and unfortunately Church. of toe moon. This, in turn, tells is enccurilged by the .outlook for state were tallied Friday night, lowshlp. 11a -loa. ____... ______4:S0 p.m.. Church business Rev. Neil F. Fltsgeraid father of two sons, he and his high waterfall used to feed a jcmd floor at toe present loca­ Emerson Boewortb, speaker ’ chairman, and Rchert Ue McCarthy, 128; Maude there wUl not be any1 bus serv- about the oomposlticn of the the company’s flexible circuits, 910 were for rejection of toe A union spokesman said re­ 7 p.m ., Senlor Pilgrim Pel- meeting. Coffee hour after the Members of Center Church family live on Bayberry Rd. 100-gallon pool where live Maine tion. Upon comp’etion, schedul­ His Tbpic: “Faith and Hope." ^ Belcher, 120; Ann Welakt^, jce. Jim Nason wUl be on his Rev. James F. Pllcn moon deep under Its surface. Poren shoe mater-als anJ’r'o.:iset contract and 690 were for rati­ sumption of toe negoUatiems Sioux Welcomes lowahip. sessicn. will, have toe (^portunlty to lobsters are held to be selected ed for September, the firm wUl would depend upon a federal STn Wvard, 117; kCabel final week’s vacaUon, and I hqpe The third sotellUe experiment printing plates and that he anti­ fication. 0 Saturday, Masses at 5 and meet the Rev. ktr. Farrar and IN TRACK ROADEO by guests. have a total of 3,200 square fe,et mediator. Ollead Omgregatlooal Cbaroh Armand Roux, he gets a good rest because when is essentially a radio which cipates a better second half. A Black Man Zion Evangelical Lutheran 7 ;80 p.m . in school auditorium . hla family during a coffee hour A Vernon man has been select­ The restaurant, open daily {Lvallable for marketing and The 2,025-member union has Vemon Uoited Bfethodfot 'Hebron ChrisOan education. ^ 7. 3 . Duhrlng, U7; Claire he returns he’U get a real good sends a beeping signal to earto. , Church Sunday, Masses at 7:30, 0, after the service. ed to compete in toe annual Con­ except Mondays, is at 896 Ber­ managing real estate. been on strike since June 28 DEVILS LAKE, N.D. A Black Rev. Herbert O. Kelsey Jr., Also, Mrs. Frederick Wood. Comlna,' 116, and John Gaily, y^orkout * ' TMs algiuil Is tracked by apten- Matthew M. Moriarty Jr. of when it -walked off the job to man was inducted Into toe RL 80 (Missouri Synod) and 10:30 a.m., in church; and The Rev. kfr, Farrar is di­ necticut Truck Roadeo being lin Tpke. Car Prophecy Wrong Pastor chairman, and k&s. WilUam lie. This wlU also give us an op- naes on earth and from this Manchester has been elected to NAME CHANGED protest toe lack of ‘a new con­ Sioux Indian tribe Friday dur­ R ev. Joe K. Chxpenter, Elsb and kirs. William Perry, - . . Cooper and EDgii Sts. 10:80 and noon in school audi­ rector of development epd pub­ held today at toe Connecticut NEW YORK — The clouded portunlty to give the bus a g (^ Charles W. Kuhl, Pastor scientists can tell the effects of The Connecticut Bank and Trust The G. E. Keith Furniture tract. ing toe annual Fort Totten kflnlster 0:80 a.m., Worahlp Service, program; kfrs. Richard Seavey, torium. - lic relaticns at Tougaloo (kfisa.) Post Shopping Center In Milford. CLAIMS RISE crystal ball; A U.S. adjutant Channel SO Parly going__ over so It will be resuly fw _____ the moon’s gravity on the satel­ Co.’s Manchester Associate Co., purchased last December Since the strike begem, the Days celebration. The Rev. J. Jermaln Bodlne cluUrman, and Eugene Shea and College, a United Church of E. Thomas McKinney Jr. of Manchester claims for insur­ general told toe Brooklyn Eagle Just-received word regarding toe big year ahead. lite. Board. He is 'vice president of by the Blau family of Middle- company’s 1,3(X) supervisory per­ “There is no record on our 0:30 a.m. Church Service, will presudi on "The Prophets." Sydney kfacAlpine, finance. 10:80 a.m„i Divine Worship. St James’ Church Christ College. He haa also 25 Montauk Dr., a'driver for toe ed imemploionent rose last in 1902; the Annual Channel SO Summer i ^ want to remind aU of T h^^v R ^d"Brbe Scientists are interested in the Moriarty Bros., Die. town, has changed its name to sonnel have been operating the reservation that a black man Nursery and Kindergarten kfsgr. Edward J. Reardon, served as minister of the kfay-. Mobil Oil Corp., will-, compete week by 97 reports the State “ I do not think toe automo­ Party at Lake Compoiince, and * nyidav night setback players . moon’s gravity field because It Moriarty attended St. Leo Col- Blau (Furniture Stores. company facilities throughout was so honorell," said Tribal classes. Pastor flower' Congregational Church hi toe straight truck ciassifica- Labor Department. Total bile is going to be popular for L is not uniform. There are dense log;o in Florida and toe Univer- Founded in Middletown in the state. Shortly after toe vote Rev, Joseph B. Vujs claims for the week ending any length of time wUh our Chairman Louis Goodhouse. 10:46 a.m., Church School 10. to^Luislyi, M cb.______areas of the moon—like raisins tion, one /St five classes in the -1909,-. Blau. Furniture has. been -was- counted -a company spokes­ day evening. Instead j)f on F r l - ______^______- Rev.-'Eu|;ene -J-.-Chtonan • -Ju ly-17: w ere-8,299,- up from toe- fa^I6na1»re'"pe^de . . . 'the fact ... J'anms“ ' (thase 'dr 'Detwer,' 1 ■Jhnj_jB.______can. start- talcing reserva- in a cake—which have a strong­ event.' t ...... a family-run -business for three man said he was “ disappoint­ day, As IH s w ill Ae tKe fin a l Community Bimtiet Church Rev. James M. Boyle He will preach his candldating previous w eek’s total o f 3,142. 1 of the matter is, toe swell wom­ Colo., a Labor Department 7:W p.m.. Junior and S^or Catholic Priests Find tions for tola trip Monday ^ hope sermon on Sept. 12 at 9:16 a.m. er gn:«.vlty attraction than oth­ He Is among some 50 pro­ generations. Its first branch ed” and added that the supervi­ threugh Friday. Price of An American Baptist Church fessional truck drivers with top Statewide, claims declined by an simply does not appear to manpower administration rep-" Youth Fellowsblp. h A a M ers. Spacecraft orbiting the store was opened six years, ago sory personnel would try to you’U be able to make it this Saturday, Masses at and in toe sanctuary of Onter 5,411 to 104,231 from 109,642 the as great ^advantage in an auto­ resentative for North Dakpta, trip will be $1.60 per person, 585 E . Center S t 6 moon fond to wobble or bounce safe driving records chosen for in the Old ^ybrook area. With maintain electrical and gas Wednesday night. 7:30 p.m . Church. After that service the week before. The rate of insur­ mobile she does behind a was given toe name “ Wlotiunphl P rince o f P eace LntlMaan and we’ll leave toe Center at 0 Rev. Waltbr H. Loomis, up aiuTaown when passing over toe all-day' competltim by the service “ as close to normal as Schedule For The Week congreg;atlon will meet to vote ed unemployment remained at the addition of Keith’s as its pair of fine horses." New Roles in Polities a.m., and we will leave the par­ kflnlster Sunday, kfasses 7 ;30, 9. these areas. sponsor, toe Motor Transport Ota.’’ It means “Plenty Stars.” Ohurcii Monday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:80 on toe pastoral supply commit­ 8.7 per cent. For the same second branch, Blau 'will serve possible." ty at 3 p.m., arriving home 10:30 a.m . and noon. Gravitational de'vlations are Association of Connecticut. Rt. 81 and North River Rd. By F. RICHARD OIOOONE that spurred Father McLaughlin tee’s recommendation that the period a year ago, the rate was central Connecticut home­ The tentative agreement had around 4 p.m. So If y5u have P ™ - registering for toe Lake 9:30 a.m.. Worship Service. important to theories of toe Coventry Asaocisted Press Writer to question the traditional role Rev. kfr. Farrar be called to Winners in each class will rep­ 3.6 per ce^t. makers from Massachusetts to been reached July 18 and, ac- been thinking about tola trip. Compounce trip; 10 a.m. to The Rev. Alex H. Ehieaser, The Salvation Army moon because such differencea Rev. W. H. Wllkens, Pastor cf parish priest. serve as co-pasUff- of Center resent Ocmnecticut In the Annual Long Island Sound. cordihg to the company it in­ then plan on aigning up this Mtchen social, cans guest minister. Topic: “Believ­ 661 Main 8t. can occur only over extremely cluded a general wage increase CHP^GO (AP) — Roman . shuffleboard g;ames, and for Nursery and Kindergarten, Beadle toe Rev. WWthrop Nelson on as lunar scientists now caU Into toe poUtical process from somehow led me to want to be a addition to demonstrating months of 1971 show Lydall, Stores. The three-store buyuig ceht hike in'fringe benefits for nice turnout for our kitchen so- pinochle tournament. No Bus. Offlcer-ln-Charge Nov. 1. ^ them, "mascons." TalcottvlUe Congregational Congress to clvU disobedience, priest." he “Upon online , , « in the Children’s Building. their truck-handling ability in Inc., of Manchester is still op­ power will result in better -Tueeday, 8 a.m., bus leaves ______^ . Hartford and Manchester For such masses to be near Church assertedly to revitalise moral Hnn t was assigned to a no toe women were Margaret such authoriz'ation for .banks tion. tics, says: I conditions In which they a^e ““ ""'' a " omi.- final day of kitchen so- aloofness and superior atti­ pan. in aU ai«M except m»- justify their curr^t drain on iHe and his 'wife,' the former UNI-LOK CONSTRUCTION Masses, 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. ^tslde New Yoric City’s finan­ You will see more priests in forced to Uve, you get In trou- f'°PP®.,?™,„ 'J™' dai cans of fruit needed; 1 10 a.m ., Sunday School. tudes toward blacks. Even tonilGr where they are 8 to 4 earnings.” Joanne Donahue of Manchester, ...... ® . Htieda / 1 uHrtt'wito iia143 afno-lAsingle, nnrtand AnnA n n . . . . ______* _ for those’ we realize' the tragic cial district, foUowing ad^tion unson politics and this is a commen- hie. I didn’t understand thaL p.m. to 4:30 p.m., shuffleboard, 11 a.m., Wordiip Service. In this regard, he mentioned have three daugliters and live at United Oongrgational Church W lm mer with a 374. Ann Wim- .Gospel Hall .and 9:80 to 8 p-m. of a new ruling by toe board. tary on the crisis In leadership Last week Father Lezak an- and card games. No setback 7:30 p.m.. Evangelistic Serv­ error of such habitudes, there the Washington Magnetics Di­ 28 Bruce Rd’. United Church of Christ mer had the high average of 416 Center St. Is a strain in social contacts Previously toe exchange re­ In our society.” nounced he would accept the job games tonight. No bus. ice. vision, which is on schedule in Tolland 127.9. with black peers vdilch must Admitted Wednesday: Peter quired companies listed on the And the trmid Is under ^ay of executive director of the Dll- Waahing1'60, took a wlU continue right on through, ber of toe School of engineer­ Whites must develop Qiifo- chester; IJebble Howe, Park 10 a.m.. Public Worship. Lay vant to contemporary issues. more traditional route to poll- ending sometinte In late Sep- ing faculty at the University of BIBLE SCHOOL tian imderstanding and pa­ preacher: Douglas Hayes. Lay West Dr., RockvlUe; Etta GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES ANYWHERE The diverse poUtical paths of tics. He was a wWely known tember or eariy October. This Connecticut, wUl speak. JULY * -'so , tience wito iqiparent contra­ Breneman, Snlpalc Village, - reader: klrs. Fred Maycock. NEW! — iEXOmNO 6 dictory attitudes In Mfcka, Every Sunday 10 A,M, Dusk •aaaaaaaaaaaaaaeaaaaoaaeaa#* CatocUc priests has, however, and highly respec^ author and j, ^n outside activity, and there------Evenlnga 7: - 8:M EUington. com m on denom inators: The teacher and asTv^d as dean o f f^^^ interfere with toe NATURAL HEALTH and blacka must overcome M IM in their almost Instinctive dls-. Discharged Wednesday: (SAVE THIS AD) Our Savior Lutheran Church Vietnam war and toe expert- the Bceton CoU*e Law School, cleaning of toe buUdtog. Fish Cooked on Hook FO O D W O P P E Calvary Church Sheila Dudsic, Somera; Harold .647 e : m i d d l e t p k e . trust of ydiltes If tensions are 280 Graham Road ence of ministering to the inner He was an odlspoken critic of ^ ^ be relaxed. Only Christian Dlmmock, Ooc* Rd., ToUand; FBEC: ADMISSION A FOOD O0NGE881ON South’ Windsor cities where food and housing the Vietnam war. ™® '"®"“ “ August U when PHONE 648-8465 to YELLOWSTONE PARK, Wyo. yours truly will be taking his love can accompUah either, Olara Rand, Snipaic Lake Rd., O ^ a b n n a Rev. Ronald A. Erbe, Pastor become more pressing needs written, books, I’ve —For many years campetrs flrii- 1 Oor. 18. ___ EUington;' Gua PUlau, Hart­ RUN YOUB TAG — GABAOE SALE WITH US! ------than ^liitual guidance. taught,” he said, “but who ®**“ ^ ®^ v ed In YeUowstone Lake and All Children ford; Robin Ouellette, Charter 1-84 EAST — E X IT 94 0 a.m., Worahlp Service. Holy It was the war and problems reads or listens to profesaora. '*^® ®an give toe building cooked their catches stiU on the CHURCH OF CHRIST All Pooli Weleome Rd., RockvlUe; John Quigley, Near Howard Johnson 897 Tolland Tpke., Manchester Where Qimlity Begins Conununlon on the first and of the inner city; poverty, crime It’s Congress thit turns It ® thorough cleaning. book in hot springs bubbling up iQrdaU and Vernon Streeto 'RockvlUe Memorial Nursing ROUTE 6, BOLTON — TEL 649^332 On P hone: MS-2S17 Route 44A Coventry 04231 third Sundays of each month, poor education and lack of joba around and I should be there." Experience of other Senior beside the lake. Home; Leighton Lawea, Wales, 640-2566 a 64S-5S8S a 644-1608 OPEN DAILY and Sunday tiU 8 te0 P M . Diiplay Maas.; Edna Sdilude, Ma{Ue Candy Also Available For Ftind Raising Tel. 7(6-6571 St., EnUngton. PAGE NINE PAGE EIGHT MANCHESTER EVEIHNG HERALD, MANCHESTER, Ceech, seats FUNERAL HOME Air I^ttresses, Stoves, area most of his life. He was Sfeele’s chaigal' made after he Printing: employed as a building s«q)er- returned from a fact-finding trip 60,000. A large buUding called Lanterns 53 TOLLAND TPKE. intendent for the Madison Devel- to Southeast Asia, was denied the Convention Oentek could Maach/Vemon Town Line Prompt and Efficient handle party committee meet­ FARR'S Printtag of All Ktads opment Corp. During the 1980’s Immediately by Oen. Dzu, who Wm. J. Lennon, Director FREE TOWING and again for a short time after announced publicly that he ings. “The Everything Store!" World War H, he owned and would , answer Steele by letter, Camp - Bike • Sport PRONE 643-2467 Community Press DENVER (AlP) — Here Is the 142 E. CENTER ST. 2 MAIN STREET operated a plumbing business in Yesterday, Steele said, "To at Depot Square Hours: 254 Broad St., Rear Manchester^ date, I have not received any unofficisl apportionment of del­ 649-7196 Fri. 8-6 egates from each state to the Open Dally to 9:00 P.M. 8-12 Telephone 643-5727 Survivors are 4 sons, Oene A. letter from General Dzu. I stand J. FARR — 643 -7U1 Pohlmann of Manchester, Rob­ on my statement that united 18E Republican National Con- ert F. Pohlmann and Norman H. States i^ c la ls are in posaesslcMi vei^on, subject to formal issu­ Pohlmann, both of Bast Hart- of hard intelligence, implicating ance of the call to the conven­ CUSTOM MADE ford, and Joseidi F. Pohlmann General Dzu as a herein twd- tion by the national committee M A N C H E Sn R CANVAS AWNINGS Jr. of North Highlands, Calif.; a ficker. later this year: LUCA’S MAHCHESTER CunUffe Repairs Car DanMges Delegate Vote* Self-Service daughter, Mrs. George Savoie ..jt is the assessment of these State Touch up YMrk Is not for an un-, of West WlUlngton; a brother, Bounces that General Dzu has 1968 Lautidromat MEMORIAL CO. No. one wanto to tiidnk of hav- ^ 1972 trained perten; ntoks and S s a f o o i L Frederick B. Pohlmann of Man- hew responsible for and has Alabama 26 17 I Also Reweavliig, tag their oar damaged . In 'an ac­ cheater; 2 sisters, Mrs. George been profiting from much ot the Custom Made Opposite East'Cemetery cident but unfortunately tiiere scratches need the hand of a- Alaska 12 12 Saits, Pants and mian skilled In the art of touch­ LaCrolx of Newtown and Mrs. herein traffle"' in the -H Corps 16 18 CHOICE VARIETY Arizona Cotes are many ajoetdents today, some ing up paint. It is neoeasary to Ernest Reyncrids of Stafford area." Arkansas Quality Memorials 16 18 m ajor repair jeibs, some minor. have the right odor - paint, of Springs; and 14 grandchUdren. gfeele said he is hle’a 22 REASONABLE PRICES the job oyer. They really -work -wish. bis wife, Daisy I For Auto Windshields space ship made of Japanese her husband was In office problems over a iMig period of yesterday on wanmits In con; tor water and we think hehi has Oklahoma O f Frienda may call at the fu- confidence In' the '^outh Vlet- RT. 88—VERNON, CONN. miracles here. Of course, they For all body work, for weld- Greg. Prior to opening his own ^ PAINT SUPPLY parts assemMed by an Italian was Mrs. John A. 'MacDon­ rover activity,” he said. nection with the theft of about been taking.scrape of f(^ food from Oregon 15 18 e For Store Fronts and neral home tomorrow ^rom 7 to namese Government and 64 60 SIneerity Just Above the TralBo wtli be glad to fumieh you an tag, touch-up work, depend business in 1963, Mr. Gozzo 1 xri^ln^coUara and leash- 645 MAIN STREET company and launched by the ald, the country’s first prime Scott and Irwin wUl spend g^oo from a Center St. boarding gfarbage cans and cabins,” Pennsylvania anH. worked five years In a pet shop —^Training collars ana leaan all sizes of windows 9. Army.” 6 6 Circle sstimate on the cost of any sueh upon OunUffe Motor Seles minister, fihe had a daughter CMisiderable time walking on room, all released after posting Estes added. Puerto Rico Where .Personal work aa this. to gain experience and know- ®®- . . . .. TeL 649-0300 United StatM crashes into the the moim’s surface In addition gooo bond. Court date Aug. 8. "I feel our chances of success Rhode'Mand 14 8 TEL. 648-0016 be well i For Table Tops in 1860 when MacDonald was Consideration Pbihaps some of the greateist ledge. Up until tills day. he has C o m p 1 e t e selection of Yugoslav ParUament building? 54. to touring in their moonrover. ____ are real good,” he said. “ As South OuoUn 22 22 Are yoti, si fo m ^ that could; Is A Tradluen sgjgraVaittons today are the served 8ver 40,000 customers, training aids tor obedience. ^ OPEN 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. iPlane Crash Victim’s Body A mock trial presided over The TYudeaus were mar­ The new suit’s mobility r> niPiAim 1/7 ia7 ^<>"8’ “ ^ e keep sighting the South D ^ ota 14 14 'use a used car f(w your seoonid: Mr. Gozzo feels that after "-L a r g e selection of troplcaH SATURDAY 8 A.M.-NOON by U.S; Chief Justice Warren ried last March. comes from an expandable gus- 6qy and he runs, he la evidently Tennessee 28. 20 400 Main Street scratches and scra|>es that mast car? If you are. It will pay you Y O U R oars have gained In a perking seventeen years in busin«!ae, A U T O U m V I E. Buiger pondered just that set, an extra piece ot cloth, be- last nlrtt in Mar- Texas 66 62 to drive up to CunUffe Mkftor, J. A. WHITE Friday id^^t in an attempt/to lot. Oar doora scraps other oars, “satisfying a customer" la al- -^quarii^ ®UPPU«»- Found Near Fishers Island tween the upper and lower grail’s parking lot on W. Center ------Utah 8 14 CO M PLETE Sales and leak over their se- ways uppermost In his mind. "-Complete line Smith GLASS CO., INC. show a lack of intemaUi^^ Vermwit grocery carts leave senatehes— lectidn ot used cars. H iey havei SUPPLIES A body discovered Thursday had lived In WUllmantic be­ 6% Sales Tax parts of the suit plus a series of gt court date August 9 12 12 PET CENTER “We stand behind every 31 Bissell St. — Tel. 649-7322 legislation and courts to/deal cables- and pulleys to keep the Andover Virginia 24 none serious but all detract all makes end jnedris of cans t^ afternoon in^a sound off Flriiers fore coming to Columbia 10 with cases invol’ving nations so quality product wa sell. We are W® parts of the suit apart. Also, Virgin Islands S Canaries — Parakeets tfrCm the appearance of a cqc. .choose tram..______’ Island, N. Y., has-been identi­ years ago. He ■was a 1942 grad­ and indivldualB. / Gains Levy In ACCIDENTS 8 Tropical Figh — Turtle# Manchester’s oldest existing pet PLUS uate of lAqndham High School, a new design at the neck lets Washington 24 fied as that of Peter A. Tambor- It was held at the Ikitel Yu- A summons charging him with Two Charged 24 ■ Hamsters’— Gerblls shop in_ continuous operation in ®*'®“ ^®i'OS MACHINE SHOP Complete Store and Office! WilUmantic, and attended Bay Alternate Plan the astronauts tilt their heads West Virginia 14 18 ■‘—We are known as the ninl Sr. of Columbia, one of four gfosla'ria before neariy 3,000 failure to g;rant right ot way was HAVE . Mixed Breed Puppies Radio for the Week this area,” Mr. Gozzo says. He Connecticut men aboard a plane Path Institute In Springfield, lawyers and judges/attending, horlzimtally to about 48 de- With Violations Wisconsin 80 28 DRY Aquarium 'Accessories, eto. asks anyone who has any prob- “ house ,, of the mixed breed pup- SERVICE issued"to Walter J. Crockett, 62, (These are the basic listings, and include only those news REMODELING tKa» disappeared diortly after Mass. the Fifth World Oomerence on- HARTFDRD (AP) — Demo- grees. compared with 30 de- Wyoming 12 12 LIKE NEW Our Own Special Blended lems with their pets to feel free P'®®‘ He was a communicant of cu UO.W. crp.tlc legislative leaders said grees for the old suit. And the of 441 Center St., after a c(d- Total Pte Foods broadcasts of 10 or 16 minutes In length. Some stations carry plus takeoff on June 22. Worid Peace ITuou^ Law. Ualon yesterday afternooh a t At Tiwn Dump a n d ; SAVE MONEY to ask him or any of his capable ^r^^^ln^S*lSk U Police said identification was St.’ Oolumba’s Church and • a Needed to ­ other short- newscasts. Dally sports information can be found Thexik: ImaginaryIiii^uuujr cident killed j *'°'**^ meeting thumb joint---- has ^ been---- — made 6:10 at Center and Proctor St»?: 166% GUARANTEE ON MANCHESTER Custom Fixtures made from papers on the body, member of the WUllmantic an Ethiopian dlp^mat and his t <=°'«P*«tely moWle by a d to g a his car and one driven "Two area residents were ar- nominate 607 ^ 4 WOim AND SATISFAOnON oh the sports pages.) crew for advice. over. MANCHESTER discovered by a -University of Lodge, of Elks and the Connect­ PET CENTER “Regardless where you pur- He carries a variety of small s^ht said that viola MEMORIAL 8:00 CBS World News 1:00 Hike Greene Vernon, Conn. men beUeved to have been I'ambomlnl of WUllmantic; tors froiip- the towns ot Bolton 8:15 Phil Burgess 6:00 Chip Hobart SAT; TO 1 PAL 872-4340 Ethiopian ;' representative ar- Reports Assets PARKADE CORN_ER^STORE“ 9:30 Arthur Godfrey Tlrui- aboeJKl - have been , discovered... .t»ro,.,sen8j., Carl., .M.,_T»ni.bprnlnl gued -thal-toa ^rited 8 ® » - - A summons eharglflg-hlm-with - and Andovdr were -charged by 10:00 -Art-Horgeii...... _ ®RCH_ — 910 _ Hie other three men were of Columbia and Frier, A. alone was liable because the iyivvguoa ^ failure to drive to the right was State Police last night for CI.EANERS e Party Cfoods " Magazines 2:00 Frank Williams (Honday-Saturda)r> Tambomlni Jr. of Wmimaintlc; J. . . . -_ informaticn on how much mg the year to $24,200,000, and Open 7 Days A Week , SATURDAY 11:00 Quiet Hours lairing off from the island In a 466 Jackson St., WilUmantic, is was liable, but reasoned that the income tax waa not ® scuff-reals- chambers U Aug. 9. MERCURY till Midnight STORE In charge of arrangements. damages should be paid by aU discussed during the meeting. flnlrii to improve its wear ------of the landfill eraUon, Paul increase of $2,600,000, according 6:00 Weekend WTIC — 1080 Spoclallxing in Jurovaty, found a number of ® Alfred W. CJavedon, president 8:00 CBS World News • Bzpert Bepairiac tog- There are no calling hours. three defendents. Jaworskl is added that a majority of abrasion resistance ^tf|ATraval Agmey 646-0290 8:15 Weekend (Monday-Frlday) p>inaral services for Mr. 862 MAIN ST. 5:00 Town and Countiy • Fine Seleteloa ot Oitfo Memorial contributions may Frank A. Delessaitdro 68, of containers of rubbish deposited ot the bank, at the aiuiual meet- 9:00 Wine Cellar Fbr 9J] Ooooalon# BRAKE SERVICE qMmbomlnl, 47, of Rt. 87, will the new president of the Ameri- legislative leaders would be s u p ------470 Main St. was issued a sum- by the roadside near the town *"8 mt Tuesday, 9:30 Arthur Godfrey Time 6t00 Bob Steele Show be made to the Peter A. Tam- can* Bar Association. ■ porting an alternative to the In- fljB 643.9571 10:00 Art Morgen 10:05 Theatre of Melody • Longlne, Balova, be held at the convenience ot mens charging him with foUow- dump, which on weekdays, Cavedwi also reported an til­ 2:00 Weekend 11:05 Jean Colbert Show Camping Needs Here Wittaauer and OamraOe bomini Memorial Fund In care Italy claimed that the ItaUan come tax. Probe Is Asked ay.F. u s FOB QUALITY 11:00 Father Nadolny 12:00 News. Weather Front End Alignmant the family. ing too closely, the resuH of a olcses at 4:30 p.m. Calling Post, ri at 12:46 on Broad St^ lators will be prosecut^^^ 121 SPBUGE ST. 6494)164 6:00 Bob Steele Show in loving memoiY of my husband. near Ceriter St. between his car Post also stipulated that ef- Cavedon, are: WDRC — 1360 10:00 Gardentime everyone but the children, and available. To save space, alu­ ' Power and Hand Tool# Jean L.^Marcel. who passed away The Rev. Lawrence O’Brien, ents or about the damage to be said they discussed the gover- Read Herald Ads Free Parking 10:15 Modem Living (hilted Aircr^t Corp. in his dis­ and onel by Harold D. otlve Aug. 1. any Bolton or prteldMit: (Monday-Frlday) if you have not looked over the minum nested Mlrro cook sets, Painting and Decorating July 25. 1668. pastor of the Burtislde - United pald to plaintiffs. nor’s record number of 173 ve- driven feotlve _ _ * „ mmla n a______*6:00 Bob DeCailo 10:30 Saturday Showcase trict. secre-, 10:60 W nC Outdoors many items that make camping service for four, six or. eight n, Tool# When God took you away from me. Methodist Church, wiU speak The case, In the opinion of toes and chiJse about 60 to at- Lew of West Hartford. Andover residents wishing to S. Wlnkley, 10:00 Bob C rsig He sajd (Pratt & Whitney spent Robert Les- 3:00 Dick McDonough ll:00 Saturday Showcase fun.and take the hard work out people. Heat-Pal tent and trail­ Garden and Land Tool# Part of me went with you, tomorrow at the 3 p,m. assem­ lA lAurVAra waa a AlAAr Hatvi. deposit refuse at the dump will J. Robi 12:00 News, Weather CMSTOM & STOCK For without you Dear, there s no the lawyers, was a clear dem- tempt to override during “trail- J31 mlillcn developing the kind 7:00 Joe Hager of it, you have a real surprise er heaters for chilly -nigbts. Baby, Hontehold, Party bly. The Rev. Willis P. Miller of A written warning tor follow- be required to have a dumn'®®c*«ta*y-asSl#- 12:00 Dick Haddad 12:15 Saturday Showcase Bnrr. Comer#, I life for me. onstratlon o^ a need for an in- er” session Aug. 2-4. of .engine needed for the Na- .1 ------. .. . ^ ... P- tant treasurer, and Frank L.Ja- 1:00 News in store for you. Stop in at absolutely safe and efficient, us­ and Banquet SoppUe# the United Methodist Church in Ing too closely was issued to stlrVer on their car *(6:00 on Monday) Invteld Need# Sadly Hissed by ternatiimal legislature and in- -Ratchford said the Democrats tional Aeronautics and Space But A Painting Prafcl«n? Wa’II Help! (Saturday) 1:15 Your Home Decorator Farr’s and see for yourself how ing alcohol for fuel. Alcohol NexttoCnUar Wife WlUmington, Mass., has been ternatiiHial courts to deal with would attempt to override ve- Administration project, fa t more Sharon M. Pinto of 43 Bralnard The rash of Incldente of the treasurer and 6:00 Bob DeCarlo l:3tt Saturday Matinee PI., after a collision yesterday past few months, said Post In- ^® Vernon office, Service still means something to us—rad wrvice 10:00 Bob Craig 2:00 Opera many items they stock—and at stoves, water and gas contain­ selected as “The Preacher of proUems involving several ttes lii three major areas; drugs than any other competitor 3:00 Terry Woods 9c00 Monitor reasonable prices — to, make ers in plastic and metal. Camp In Memoriam manna spending enough time with you to help you 6:00 News, Weather the Week.” He will speak at countries and Individuals as in the state, special education NASA’s own technicians, Oot- ^ r n o o n at 6:30 on W. MUddle cludVig robberies, the sheep r e ^ r a w w ^“ ular In loving memory. ----- of Tjfyjy ., Earl 24, the 7:30 p.m. vesper hours, six well as new technical achieve' Tpke. near the Wilbur Cross killing due to dogs the nrob- „ ^®*‘® dottier, John S. 12:00 Dick Haddad 6:20 Strictly Sports ' Garrity who passed away and police protection. ter said, recommended ihutt A selecrt the right paint finish for that 30b you re plan­ (Snnday) 6:30 Monitor Fbr instance, Farr’s has the item. .ments not foreseen in existing Highway between her car and' lems at ihe dump, all stem 11:00 News, Weathei 1968. evenings, tomorrow Uirotigh Whitney to build the space shut­ — — 1... m, _ e. Bwm Malcom W. Thompson, ning. See us for paint rad service whert you plan your 6:00 Religious and public service largest and finest selection of Make your nights comfortable legislatiiHi. one driven by David N. Wolf- from flagrant disregard of the ^ programming 11:20 Sports Final ’ ’Vou are not forgotten. Friday. tle main engine. Francis J. Prldiard, WUUam 12:00 Other Side of the Day Hlrsch-Weis and Camel tents in with wooden cots, aluminum Nor will you ever be. o ,» o v ^ K cSE next proj'ect. 9:00 Stett Morgan There wUl)be a chapel service Traffic Block In asking the General Account­ Schneider, Donald B. Caldwell, 3:00 Dick McDonough (Sunday) this area, featuring the latest cots, or ‘ the popular double- As long as there Is life and mem­ each morning at 9, and the 7:00 Terry Woods ory. ing Office to make the probe, A vehicle which left the scene _____ Wlnkley and Frederick W. Mc- 10:30 Religious sod public service 5:30 Sunrise Serenade finish., materials with exterior decker folding cots which may You will be remembered. Rev: James R. Uhllnger of Bol­ Names Changed Cotter said the award was "a 7:00 Sunday Strings Blocks Blockers damaged a car driven by Stan- Manchester Evening Herald Kbne. 8:00 News aluminum frames that, can be be used separately or tpgether; Wife, Children and grandchildren ton, superintendent of the Con­ crass political move by the Nix- l2;0q^Slgn Oft replacement cct covers are also SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. ley W. ^jew sjti of 46 Strong St. Andover correspondent ‘ Anna 8:15 Sabbath Message set up In minutes. Tbere seems necticut Valley District of the (AP) - The name'wai'chaiig^ PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) - on adm ^^tion” desired to ^ Bqcklaird” M.“ lMt°'iti^t ^slM 'Tel'TA ^*'*"* 8; SO Guideline to ,be no limit to : the kinds stocked. There are a dozen dif-. ROME OF FABiOUS BBANDB In Memoriam United Methodist Church, will WPOP — 1410 9:00 News. Weather from meter maids to parking A group demanding a new traf- assure California’s 40 electoral “ rnsina, lei. ivc-wm (Monday-Frlday) 9:10 Hynmtime and varieties of tents carried ferent styles of air mattresses, In lo v lu memory ol Sarah Wood- conduct a Bible Hour daily at Library Fine8 728 MAIN S T . , M ANCH ESTER-PH ON E 649-45J^l • Hofttotat •M aytag o.,Frigldalre o house, who passed away In July control checkers when men fle light staged a . trafflc-dls- votes in the 1972 elections to t ------6:00 BUI Love — Lou Morton 9:30 National Radio Pulpit here, umbrella tents, cabin new t'uft^ style which is tops • "Weatinghouae 1933. 0:30 a.m. BUY THE PAINT THAT'S WORTH THE WORK 10:00 Tom Jones 10:00 Siuiday Showcase • RCA • Paipwotac ,».Hotp#ta* joined the ranks and the city ruptlng demwistration at^an in- the Republicans. 12:10 Sunday. Showcase tents, pup and play tents to int sleeping comfort. Camp o Dryer# e Beginning each morning at A written warnlng-fer-fallure^’ V e r n o n Given Teeth 1:00 BUI Vflnters /> • Stereo# • Diahwaaher# • TV# To have to hold and then to part. eliminated parking meters. tersecUon Friday and It worked ’D>® aw ^ went to North established lane Your iodepondont 4:M MUce Greene 12:45. Travel Trends mention just a few. Then If blankets, navy style hammocks, Is the greatest sorrow of our hearts. U, there wlU be a supervised 7:00 Ray Duna-way 1:00 Sunday Best ou are thinking of renting a mosquito netting, ground cloths, Then the supervising author- so well the tieup nearly s^led ^!*\®, Rocketdyn iggued early this morning WOOD-RIDOE, N.J. (AP) — 12:00 Bobby Rivers 2:00 Monitor OiuMi Evas. tSI 9 P.M. at iha Porkoda Sadly Hissed. recreational program tor chil­ tty for those city employes who . the demonstration itself. Division in California. j<9m W. Volz of 226 ' New Police Blotter (Saturday) 5:00 News railer, why not consider a aluminum poles, stakes and fire Grandchildren dren, and.a ’variety of events CSironlc abusers of library 6:00 Bill Love — Lou Morton 3:10 Sunday Edition .cite motorists for parking viola- Hie' protesters drove 10 cars : State Rd., after the car he was .-^ler canopy? No matter what extinguishers. Parkas, ponchos, have been scheduled for the 10:00 Ray Dunaway 6:00 News, Weather, Sports tions was changed—from - the into the IntersectiMi . and P m *.*. 0 1 1 driving left thC' road at the Cen- Donald E. Johnston. 16. of 2;00 Bill Winters 6:30 Meet the Press ’ i'nt you have in mind^ you will rain suits, tarps in any size, .can­ In Memoriam , ___ ' * ^00 and 10 days in Jail under a dealer. 7:06 Meritor In loving memory of our dear dad adults In the afternoons ‘ and 6:QP (3Up Hobtot .nd just what you want at a teens, mess kits, knapsacks, Police Department to the fl- stopped.' After a few minutes reace syiUDOi ter about 12:60 and .struck a RPT)^,4, Eaton Rd., Tolland was new law here 12:00 Bobby Rivers ___and.______grandfather,_ Jean L.’ Harcel,— . evenings. J : = « 2j® ^ ® l!?^ e opera .rice that you can really afford. grommeted and waterproof, who paaaed away July 3S, 1968. There Is a playground for nance Department then to the they left,, drove around the INDIANAPOLIS (AP) '— tii- utility pole. charged by Vernon police last Hie fines can be applied for (S u nday) traffic engineer’s office, block and did It ajgain. dlana Appellate ' Court Judge ------9|:0S Monitor 8:30 Eternal Light . lemember money invested In rucksacks. Also, the famous The railing stream ol life rolls on. children, picnic tables and oth­ night with tampering with a ^®Uure to return a book within jamplng equipment , is not a White Stag sleeping bags by But still the vacant chair. er faculties. ^ Finally, the city announced They continued, and within Jenathan J. Robertson, a mem- , COMPLAINTS Retells the love, the voice, the recently creation of the Park- half an hour trkffic waa so ber of the American Society^ of Thursday night someone trospasslng. library tor” yedrly expense' but will give Hlrsch-Weirs with your choice smile. ,>leasure qver many years. of dacron, down and thermo-fill Of the one, who once sat there. ------y,g gg ^ Mllltaiy insignia Coilectprs, broke a window to an office at ^ e rT ’a fteaiTSTSd I EXPERT REPAIRS ON FOREION CARS t - ment. caught in Its own tieup and had says, “Hie peace symbor that 731 Parker St., entered and ran- 1® ®PP®®*- Court 12. Dining canopies are gaining filling. Daughters. Sons Center Built in Canyon in popularity for use in the “They didn't really belon? to difficulty getting around the we see frequently today- was sacked the room, leaving with Rockville on Aug. 17. “ UNITED SPORTS GAR REPAIR, Ine. If you camp by a lake qr I:/- and Grandchildren backyard, to attach to the house stream, remember that Farr’s WASHINGTON—A grant from the Police Department because block. the divisltmal sign of the 3rd two bottles of liquor. separate incidents this . exercise this ex- Rt. 83, Vernon, Conn. In Memoriam they don’t serve a police or ______Panzer Grenadier Division of ------morning Lawrence R. Blake, 19, or to a tent. They are free has all kinds of rods And reels, the Housing Departipent has Phbne 646-4485 standing, with five aluminum In loving memory o( LUUan Hac- safety function,” the city ad­ Nazi Germany during the 1910- Police say they found a strip- ° t S3 Crest Dr., Vernon was *15^® if' lures, plugs, flies, wet and diy, Gllllvray who passed away July 34, made pcesihic' a community serv­ p oles-to support the panopy; creels, ,. 'hlp boots and .chest 1964. ministrator, Moire Topper, said 41 campaign' against France.” ped. abandoned car on the ticketed on a charge of failure director of the ice center on the floor of. the Cable Spans 8 Miles ESTIMATES ON ALL MAKES the center.pole telescopes so it waders, even kits for those wt)o ct the narkln"' control checkers. Conversely^ ha said,I “From - _— ------north —shoulder____ of— W. ••• Middle to obey a traffic------control— ’ signal Wood-Rldwe Wood-Rldge Memnria Memorial Library. aa|, si Grand Canyon. H ie center can be set over a .table. They want to tie their own files. Love's rememSrance outlasts all. serves the, 266-member commun­ He didn’t say why they fitted AIBRIDA, Venezuela — The 1924 to 1939 the U.S.. 46th In- Tpke. near th,e Fountain Village and Everette Thompson, 48, o f . ®*® ® at constant ahu- ICASTROL OILS it FOREIGN CAR PARTS | And though the yenrs be many or better ■with dog catchers but he longest cable-car line In the fantry Division, complrised of Apartments,.last night. Rau St. Ext., Rockville was ®®™Who refute to heed regular are so easy to put up or to take Make this a camping vacatlonL- talk tor tki p M n m k R ... McDaill't few, ity of Havjasupai Indians. For 10 down, just a matter of 16 min­ one that the whole family will T h ^ are filled with remembrance centuries 'their tribe has occu­ said they wouldn’t-be expected world runs from Merida to Pico New Mexico Nation^ Guard r------. , charged with intoxication and re- °voraue notices and Ignore per- VW PACER PERFORMANCE EQUIPMENT 46 WEST CENTER STREET of you. to pick up stray dogs. That’s Espejo, 16,269 feet above sea units, wore a shculder patch -A wallet containing about $20 leased on his promise to appear phone calls to return utes, so you can move it tp any enjoy by making Farr’s yoor pied thelflcor of Cataract Can­ “Next to Vittner’s Garden Center” spot where you want. They are neauquarters. SILVER LANE EXTENSION Sadly Hissed, yon in Grand Canyon National the job of what Topper calls an- level. The 8-mUe-long trip takes displaying a yellow sw'astika on ivas stolen from a Globe 'Hollow In court. Both are to appear on overdue materials have, forced - y Husband, Daughter, Son-in-law 'land Grandson Parii. Imal control’ technicians. four hours. a red diamond.” swimmer yesterday afternoon. Aug. 17. the measure.

< ' '( ■


PAGE TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANOTESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1971 /----- ‘N BalesaiiO Sniokes East Hartford, Aparieio Credited with Legion Upends Zone Leaders, 3-2

stepped on second to Set a hot Manchc4iUr (t> By JERRY KA’TONA have tour losses as Manchester on catcher Jack Hollk’s htud ab r Fake Nails Possible Tying Run becomes 10-4 and East Hartford stogie to center. Shortstop Al arid cold Balesano out' of toe Maloney, 2h (laudreau, 2h When Coach Wally For­ dropped to 11-4. Balesano has Noske laced a double into left, jam . Marah. 3b scoring Holik and making it Manchester scored toe win­ M cKcon, lb who drove in two more with beaten toe loeera three out of Baloxano, b MINNEAPOLIS - ST. out the save to little shortsh^ Hdd it. . .Aparieio sUll had Lyle, who got the actual tin says Ms Manchester their tour meetings. 2-1 Manchester. ning run to toe fifth when Dwi Gllha. rf 2 0 0 0 Luis Aparieio, whose decoy in the ball. Carew was out by 10 two singles. Gaudreau was hit by ®d to with has mixed it weU with a sharp bench and shouting at the um- tog to four runs as Ire snapped “ k d y a l * INDIANS — two-hitter as Crisptoo’s defeat­ noimced that he is retiring NEW YORK (AP) — ^Kansas City 60 44 .632 10)4 as head coach of the Green quarferback to college but was 6:00 (18) Roller Derby shot the longest string of bird- a 10-footer for a birdie on the U.S., C!anadian and British two stogies. breaklng curve. pires unnecessarily. a i>ersonal four-game losing ed Mari Mads, 4-1, last night at from pro football. Bruce Kison*, Pittsburgh’s California 47 64 .466 Baltimore and Boston contto- The Royals trailed the In- _ Bay Packters considerably used ^ tight end last season; SUNDAY ' ies this year. 18to. open tltlist packed up his clubs Billiards 240 061 1 13-17-3 Against San Diego, he was * • * Minnesota 43 63 .448 streak and beat the Detroit Tl- ______I McDowell 2-0 the West Side Oval. and Sebtt Hunter, a, sixth-round On toe playing field, toe Chi­ rookie right-hander, has an easier. If he can’t, Devine 12:30 (30) Celebrity Bowling Palmer, the first-round lead- Gilbert was tough. He bo- Tedfords 020 020 2 6J4-4 superb. He retired the first 17 BRAVES - DODGERS — Chicago 42 53 .442 draft chmee out of Alabama. cago Bears scored on pass In­ to the AL Eiaitt. The Orioles but erupted for four runs to the Jim Sylvester and Ron Lan- will have himself a problem. 2:00 (8) Mets vs. Astros er to toe $280,000 W estchester geyed No. 1, took a double bo- to,T'^6 7 ^ a ? d unusual way of warming up batters before pinch hitter An- Rookie Earl IMUiams lashed Milwaukee 40 54 .426 On the 'financial front, Mis­ terceptions of 104 yards by ■nitoher rjtn ^ ***** games fifth and were never headed, zano each had a single, for the Starr, a veteran of ;)16 cam­ (18) Yanks vs. Brewers Classic with an elght-under-par gey on No. 2, paired No. 3 and only ® u , Scoring to every inning, Ted- before a game. gel Bravo lined a single to left two homers in pacing AUanta’s Friday’s Results sissippi ql|arterback Archie John Davis and 73 yards by hit, the manager willn ntsLvstay with ^*^1® Hi® Tigers dropped 10 Jerry May doubled home the winners. Bob Perrone and Den- paigns with the (Packers, during 4:00 (3) Westchester Open S^made It a 10-under 134 Iri- L^eyed No. 4. After pairing P lS ford’s fell before the powerful First, he does wind sprints in field with two out in the sixth victory over the slumping Dod- Baltimore 4, California 3 lengths back. first run, Paul Schaal’s sacri- nis GUha had the losers’ two Manning, the second player Jimmy Gunn and went on to —!------toe next hole he blrdied six under-par 69 Friday. P'agaoa the outfield. TTien he goes Inning. gers, who have lost 13 of their him longer, said Hunter, 12-9, which time Green Bay won four Biillards once again as the Kansas City 6, Cleveland 4 * * flee fly tied the score and hits, both singles. ^cked in last year’s NFL dr^t, defeat the College All-Stars 21-0 straight for the longest string by Oonjunc IviUs, a dl^rder through some calisthenics. And After the game, Joe Brown, last 17 games. Williams belted who surrendered eight hits and National F1 '"U P'»!' He apparently doesn’t need’ • “I thought you might want Singer, 6-12. mer Bear halfback. ripped two triples and a single, Kansas City (B utler 1-2) at , Elsewhere „ to the American single with the bases loaded to mered to the seventh. Roy Nassiff Arms part o f the 1970 season, wUl be five years. ' Manning Real Saint, tour record. He scored toe many pitches to beat the oppo- this,” said Brown, “and I am grille Crawford had four hits Cleveland ((Foster 8-9) The rebuilt Washington Red­ with Randy Smith, Steve Mc- a^e, timore edged the ninth inning, giving ; Pat Foster and Gralg Nettles c«i- M arl Mads performed Wednesday. Blaine Nye, a storting guard sition, either. sure that you ^ will pitch a lot for the Dodgrers, including a Washingtm (Cogolewskl 0-0 fomla 4-8, Boston outlasted skins came out slightly ahead year’s first double eagle, holing “ The surgery wlU be a bleeps who quit toe Dallas O^wtoys ®®*‘ 'Plunkett-to be bert>rt said afteralter hlsW® round. siosjesky 8, Wilson 7) Uona 27 the punchless San Diego Padres RlcWe Hebner provided Kison came a 2-1 San Francisco lead (Caln 6-6) flammation ■which has'been But Miami’s running back toe National FoMbaii ^ e se- "insfe-a^.-he wa® tied for thiid Billiards 323 442 x 18-17-0 72 attempts. Instead, he was tied for third _ ^ .. to a game that lasted only one ****^1 all the support he needed, in the eighth on Pete Rose’s New York (Kekich 4-4) at plaguing him (Starr) -Yor toe tandem cf Larry Csonka and signed Mississippi quarterback jegtlon la^t January. Plunkett at 137 with two relatively un-(Thurst®" 18- R®‘“y 8). Tedford's 102 000 0 8- 7-6 hour and 67 minutes. socking a two-ruil h^prier, his leadoff homer, three walks and Milwaukee (Slaton 6-2) TIGERS • A'a — Flntdly, in one of toe more laA two to three years. Jim Kilck remained holdouts Archie' Manning, their No. 1 was picked up by toe 'New Eng- known tour reg;ulars—41-year- SENIOR I DUSTY LEAGUE Elsewhere to the National ^®Hi, to the third toning, off a sacrifice fly by ex-Giant California (Clark 2-1) at Bal- Detroit took a 2-0 lead bizarre stories^'to come from "It wiU be 12 weeks until after three hours of negotia­ draft choice, to a mulU-year land Patriots. old Bob Stone and Larry Wood, CJ’s 61 (Haggarty 19,Murry The scheduled contest be-. League, CtoclnnaU edged San Kirby, 8-7. ’ George Poster. The loss was Umore (Cuellar 13-8), nlg^t against Hunter to the first to­ Pirate Fans A Lot of Money toe preseason catoM, Dallas Bart is able to' throw 'With full tions with Joe Thomas, Miami’s contract Friday. ______Asked If he thought observing who w as to sole ■possession o f 16, S. H aggarty 10) PFOT 43 t\yeen Center Congo and OBAT Francla)B3,*3il; Atlanta downed Willie Stargell, the' major the first to eight National Sunday’s Games ning on Aurelio Rodrigues’ receiver Bob HayesS^^losed authority,’’ the statement player personnel director. Terms were not revealed, but toe .Saints’ practices from the 2 ----- K r™------J _ .. la(Sdcha 11, Goodrow 9, Hadgson was forfeited, giving Congo the Los Angeles 6-3; Houston whip- league leader to homers, wal- League decisions tor former Kansas City at Cleveland, 2 homer and Jim Northnip’s RBI that he paid’$200 to October to ___ spot Thursday. PITTSBURGH (NEA)— added. That means Starr will The New England Patriots estimates were that it called sidelines the past few days had ). victory. ped New York 8-1; St. Louis lop®, JN.i>. I. t ) .. , . stroke, and I’ve even heard Trevino say it. tli;(ies at bat, Staigell’s haul 8 "I've faked an Injury or sive,’’ Mecom said, "but It’s__ designed to give some protec- Pittsburgh 4, San Diego 0 M iler Ryim ——“This 1.1110 BCU.K-game — has become------yjgn disappeared, dlsappeareo, refusingrt to been a long three or four tlon to Manning’s arm, broken Cinctonati 3, San Francisco 2 was three cents. There are few SO full of hypoensy that it discuss the calamity. "I don’t signed the wrong scorecard Now Just Happy Pitching big spenders, among the gener- many times just because I months” of negotiations. during toe last season. Atlanta 5, Los Angeles 8 makes me sick,” the veter- know what was in Lee’s mind Saturday’s Games al-admlasion customers in the didn’t want to play any more. Moves Again an Bob Rosburg said to- and I w o n ’ t pretend to to NEW YORK (AP)— Don Houston Astros’ pitcher, explain­ I knew what 1 was dollig Houston (Greif 0-0) at New left-field stands. They respond It’s hypocrisy. Ju t it’s the only Wilson had his no-hit arm ing toe ice pack on his right wrong, I’d correct it.” York (M atlack) 0-1 For Training to home runs 'with nickels and day, urging a rewrite of ^ - ^ ^ r a r ^ ^ e s out imder these silly rules.” Survey of Grid Salaries in the deep freeze. shoulder. ^ Wynn’s homer provided all Pittsburgh (B lass 10-4) at San dimes. A grand-slam home run tournament golf rules to y,at players often ■wju Rosburg, 44, ' was winner of aroused them to such a frenzy toe Vardon Trophy in 1968, “It’s a special treatment I U74i « « j 1 toe runs Wilson needed. He was Diego‘(Roberts 7-10) make them more specific. anything to get out of a TOPE5KA, Kap. (A P ) — Kan- o f gratitude that^ toe $1.06 PGA champion In 1969 and get after I pitch,” said the P«*H®aHy untouchable from Ctoclnnatl (GuUett 10-3) at “K’s ridiculous that a man tournament legitimately.” Shows Colts Highest Paid in ice,4 ,i,„like « Sandy j.. 'KoufaxT- - - did, toning to last, giving San______Frhnclsco (Carritoers______1-1) san Jim RyunI making a sec- udiiefa d e ce n d ^ upm the Tar- PGA Club champion to 1969. He has to lie, fake a scorecard or - Joseph C. Dey, Jr., commls- and he doesn’t use snake oil up only stogies to Ted Martinez St:^^Louls (R euss 8-10 and *““ * ™®''® within four months to ton T urf (it was S taigell’s was a member of the 'Players PHTLADELPHIA (AP) — A PHILAlDELiPHIA (A P) — feign an Injury Just because sloner of the PGA Tournament This is a survey of ,toe mean like Satchel Paige. But he’s and Ken Boswell and a ptoch- CJarlton''• 13-6) at Montreal **®P®® finding a bettor train- greatest bonanza) included two Policy Committee from 1968 secret survey of player salaries he’s playing badly and doesn’t players Division, said he 1 ^ salaries paid last year by 26 SATURDAY Tt 8 P M. getting to toe point where he hlt double to £)ave Marshall. (Strohmayer' 3-3.^and Morton 8- ®Hm^e,' confirmed M day quarters. torough 1961 and served as to toe National Football League 10), 2 he is aiming tor the 1972 Olym- Stately,- plump. Wlver Dor- want to continue. ,Yet It’s hap- checked Trevino’s eight thor- chairman for three years. Ros­ National Football League might try anything to jazz up Houst^ came up with three pentog every day.” oughly and found It legitimate. reveals that of 26 N^'TSuns; insurance runs, .auiyway, to toe CtaicagO (Jenkins 16-8) at P**^ Games at Mimich. staigell is a, man' of ex- burg shot a three under par 69 t^aps as compiled by toe Na­ hls m ^ 8-8 record. R o ^ ’s comments were Dey said under toi^ en t toe Baltimore Colts' paid their tio n Football,-League Players NASCAR Modified “This was toe first game I’ve fifth on run-scoring singles by Phladelplila (Wise 9-7), ni^t world record holder to treme dignity,' but hls dignity Friday fo r a 140 total. triggered by toe mystery sur- rules a player can wltodra Trevino has been under tre­ itlon. iu won to a month,’’ said Wilson, Cesar Cedeno, Doug Rader and Atlanta (Reed 10-7) at Los An- “ *** half-mile began a (jugg not prevent him from players toe highest stories lu t roS?Lg the triple bogey eight from a ^ mendous strain, playing to Fod^wing are the teams, the after pitching a three-hitter to Denis M®nke that kuyoed Ryan. geles i(Osteen 11-6), nigiit comeback last winter after stooping tor coins. When the 16 year, while toe Ctoclmiat4_,BlSv- on the final hole that knocked the ®P®"®°*‘ ® consecutive tournaments and number of players ■who re­ beat toe New York Mets 6-1 Sunday’s Games n e^ y two years absence from gg^ie is over, he ixits toe coins gails paid toe lowest. *m 2u«m rLee Trevino out of pre^ntlng a d^t^’s certificate winning toe U.S., Canadian and sponded to toe ^rvey, and the STOCK CAR Thursday, night. “I don’t know, Hbuston at New York competUlpn due to personal clr- i„ a box. When toe season is The PhUadelphla Inquirer, to Mike Shanj^on, Louis Car-*' toe final two days of com- showing an ^ment. British Opens in the space of mean salaries paid by the I’ve been pitching the same Pittsburgh at San Diego, 2 cumstances and what he called ^ver, he will give the cemtents Its Saturday editions,' reported dtoal third way for toe .past month. I’m baseman whose Cincinnati at San Francisco. *h®ht®l fatigue from running so of toe box to a foundation for I foyr weeks. receiving toe finding of toe teams. baseball 'career was interrupted much since his eariy teens. - ^ study of sichle cell anemia. can appreciate Lee’s being survey tram Philadelphia 1. Baltim ore 26 $31,300 just happy to get a victory.” nSTu^ Canadian and them say they carry a draen RACING by a kidney ailment, works to His comeback beg;an to al- blood disease which mainly tired," ^ Rosburg said. “I just Eagles defensive back Rom 2. Green Bay 23 30,900 Wilson hasn’t been toe super St. Louis at Montreal British Open champion shot a docotr's certificates to tljelr quick pitcher he once was vd^n fprom otion defHirt- Chicago at Philadelphia most sensational fashion when affects Wack people, don’t uiiderstand why he keeps Medved, toe team’s player rep- 3. Minnesota 19 30,800 insisting he’s going to play to 4. Clevelcuiid 14 30,000 he authored two no-hltters ear­ ment. Atlanta at Los Angeles toe 23-year-old Wichita native And when the season Is over, resentatlve. ' every tournament and then 28 29,300 ly to hls career. But Thursday ran a couple of sub-four minute k gtaigeU keeps hitting home The survey of last year’s sal­ 6. Los Angeles finding It necessary to pull 26 28,000 night’s power performance re­ "Hl®s. 'runs at hls present rate, the Donohue’s Sunoco-Ferrari aries was taken by toe National 6. N.Y. Jets But It faltered ydien he was jjQjj- ))g fuu to overflowing, 18 28,300 sem bled toe odd, swaggering ou t." PootbaU League Players Asso­ 7. Kansas City 36 27,800 form . Stofttlemyre Mix^s P itches, hit udth hay fever. He recently Nobody else to toe major ciation, toe Inquirer said., ( 8. N .Y. Giants cut ^ a Europe^ tour after leagues has been hitting home Favored at Glen Endurance The survey, toe paper said, 9. St. Louis 16 27,800 AP photo “Im iiappy to be throwing toe several dlsappv « J _1 J Al. J AM V« A •4'A^Wvr^a TAO_ which he blamed on the slier- ja a gratifying way, StargeU gine formula from toe present 19th H ole Bialtlmore players who respond­ 11. Washington 38 26,600 Love You Dearly, a two-year-old thoroughbred filly, as he awaits, tod^iy's fea- QUALIHER LA P S who only allowed four balls to Ace F ools Brewers’^ Batters WATKINS GLEN, N.Y. (AP) Uves up to some toner concep- five liter limit to three liters. i ed to toe i>oll was $31,300 while 12. Detroit 16 26,100 be hit out of toe infield—^toe _ \ Ferrari driven by Mark U.S. car owners, promoters ture race at Oceanport, N; J. Jockey Mike Hole will be aboard the horse. MILWAUKEE (AP) Mel and Kenney, and Briggs singled To^ka State Joun^, what home-run hitters Cincinnati paid a mean salary 13. San Fran. 37 24,900 three hits and a last-out drive Willie Stargell 0()nohue and two potent and enthusiasts want toe 1972 EHington Ridge Stottlemyre mixed hls pitchestoes them home home. “ ^ **’*»*** ®mployed Ryun ;a® a p h ^ ^ jggjj iijjg jjjgyg .o f $18,000. 14. Miami ,, 19 24,200 by Bob Aspromonte. formula raised to five liters, or and his New York Yankee But the Brewers managed Henry Aaron, who are rapid- njfgj, Porache 917s are favored to a SCOTCH BALL The survey also listed mean 16. Philadelitoia 32 24,000 MODIFIEDS Actually, Wilson almost sU.rhtiv irerterf the),- ^___ u... H>® University of Kansas to at least to allow this year’s 16 24,000 six-hour ipace Saturday at Wat­ Front Ntoe — Irons Only salaries by position. They 16. Dallas Major League cars to compete even al toe ex­ 40 23,600 PLUS kins I Glen that may see an end First net — Herb Snyder, were: quarterbacks $39,800; re­ 17. San D iego pense. of championship points. 18 D3,600 Th« Intxpmsiv* On* For to Wg bore machinery to endur­ Gladys Peck 45-12-33; second ceivers, $26,000; running backs, 18. Boston s = L e a d e r s = All American Sportsman f:;t ;;; ™***y attended by,28.968 on rTn’t"=m^ ““ Secortd place on today’s grid 26 '23,300 net — Tom; Wolff, Vera Honnon $27,400; defensive linemen, 19. Chicago PLUS while at hot to toe third inning. | ' night. will resume training at StargeU decides he wlU swing, er brass, he ■was just a young ance racing. went to Belgium’s Jacky Ickx, 25 23,100 “I might have been favoring Stottlemyre todn t allow a hit "It was my slider and fast- Santa‘Barbara. C a iif^ ^ “ “ ® *»®“«« strength. Stai> Donohue, 32, M edia, i P a ., 42-7%-34%; ' third net Les, $26,000; offensive linemen, 20. Houshm American League IID C g T S might have been favoring , . , , ^ , r ana last- Santa‘Barbara, Calif, the decislcn is not subject to first baseman who could not whose Ferrari 312p is eligible 21. Pittsburgh 29 23,000 TOYOTA geU comes close to toe proto- qualified hls massive five-liter Baum, Claire Brier 46-lo %- $23,000; defensive backs', BATTING (260 at bato) — Ol­ the hand^d a little in the fourth R/un. contacted to chanife. catch pop files. Now 80, be Is for competition next year. Hls 22. Denver 40 22,700 COROLLA TWO DOOR SEDAN h^ng.’’“ sid"w U i^.““pointtog ‘*'® whU® Ws New York ntogs,' that w ^ most effec- ia^e"!“^orwhe"ro 1^ ftSnu7fe type estabUshed by Ruth'him- Sunoco-Fermrl on the pole for 36%; fourth net — Al Kemp, $23,300; linebackers, $24,600, iva, Minn., .366; Murcer, N.Y., If he strikes out, as he often ®ura to surpass his best prevl- lap speed was 127.62 m .p.h. 23. New Orleans 24 21,700 • 4 Speed Syn. Trent. • WhiHwilli to4 tour . ' _ ...walks «!.. that .•foroed____ a i_to SI...toe tG&Tnm&.tGs scored two runs in “^®’”Hva stottlemyre said.qom i"When'iwiam vlritin^'...... '^ rh e is. sgU. toe final 1971 race to toe world Sue Apter ^7-11-36. and specialfeits, $19,600. .342. does, StargeU has no regrets. *>u® records for home runs (88) Next to line among the field 24. Buffalo 32 21,000 a Diie Irekel * Full Vinyl Interior Mets’ only run. "But, actually, toe first, third and eighth in- I loaded toe bases to toe sixth, "just relaxing between Jobs ’’ winter, to keep his weight manufacturer’s championship Medved said the salary nego­ HOME RUNS — cash, Det.. • Nylon Ceroeii • Complete Tool Kit He Uves by toe philosophy a and runs batted in (107). of 32 starters were two of toe b Ag k n i n e tiations to the NFL had become 26. Atlanta 16 19,800 22; R. Smith, Bost., 21; Melton, toe hand didn’t hurt. I was Just, "“'^®- I guess I was trying to be a ___ series* Porsche 917s—making their last 26 18.600 • Ciaerette Ligiiter • Undercoetinq r s , 1 ;^ A .'IS J S |»|™.-1»4B.., drlUed Hls lap speed of 129.60 m iles drawn-out(. struggles with man­ 26. Cinctonati Chic., 21. • Hew Thru Vent. • Touch Up Point plain wUd.” Bobby Murcer got toe first of UtUe too fine.” to the‘lw^'rfivoldtag *" ■**‘«*‘« suburban BuacepUWUty to official start to racing because First net — Chuck Reynolds, into n im : agement w er . Since It merged PITCHING (11 D ecisions) — a Reellnin, Front Seett a Theft Proof Loelt Going into toe fourth, Wilson his three hits to the first inning The bases were loaded to toe toe hay fever proWems which Pittsburgh nelghbortipod where ^ ' i™®® i"J“rle® wUl keep him fWm an hour was- the fastest ever the German marque has al­ Jo Chupas 43-7%-38%; second recorded at toe Glen by a with the American Football Women'’s Fish Record Blue, Oak., 18-3, .867, 1.41; a Tinted Sleti All • Roily Type Ceugei EVERY nursed a 2-0 lead built on Jim after Jerry Kennev had doubled sixth on Briggs’ single off beselged him to Eugene. Ryun **® “y®" “ ** Y®* i**® >»®®* i*®® i**® i”*®® ™n® ready announced It will not net — Stan Markowskl, Vince a Arid II Other Standerd Erire Feeturei At No Eitre Cherge Group 6 car. It was more than League. / Cuellar, Balt., 13-3, .813, 1.41; SAT. Wynn's two-run homer to toe and Thurman Munson singled, Alou’s glove and walks to Paul settled on Santa Barbara, he not maglcaUy disappeared. ToU, ^ ® K*” ** to one season by Ruth or too build for toe 1972 series. Sev­ Markowski 47-10%-36%; Ray KAILUA-KONA, Hawaii (AP) two mUes better than Pedro “Of course, they are tiytog to National League third. He walked four batters, and sent them both home. Ratliff and Rob Ellis, before said, because Olympic decato- 0-t<»t-2)4, he bulges both fore ‘ **” **• ' 61 by Roger Maris. StargeU has eral of toe endurance cars WlU Palozej, Claire Keating 47-10%- — Michele Spalding of Kallua- Rodriguez’ two-year-old mark keep salaries dewn. If I were BATTING (250 at hats) — including Donn CSendenon to Munson and Murcer singled Ron Theobald looked at a third ion champion Bill Toomey en- ®*t. lUs shoulders and chest Beneath the baUplayer cant ® predUection for .running into be made ready overnight to 36%; fourth net — Matt Chupas, Kona set a women’s world fish­ "T ' mOllYlOITIAllIrOvioiTIAll an owner, I would hope my Torre, St. L ., .368; Beckert, force to toe run, but then got to the third and scored on one strike to end* toe inning, couraged him to come there. Immense. The 216 pounds toereis an anxious, less placid ii® finds that aitifical of 127.64. compete In Sunday’s fourth Evelyn Reynolds 49-U%-37%. ing record Thursday by catch­ out of the one-out jam without of Felipe Alou’s four hits. The Brewers also made a About his desire , to compete which he is listed to the PI- WiUle StargeU. "In the minora,” 1® i*®*** <>•» H»® 1«»® «»** Under FIA—Federation Inter­ lo w g(TOSS — Chuck Reynolds, general manager would keep C hic., .361. event in toe $1 million Can-Am salaries generally down and at ing a 204-pound test line. further damage. And Kenney singled acroes scoring threat to toe fifth when to toe ’72 Olympic Games, ^-t® pwi®® guide may be regard- he said a few years ago, “I He plays toe outfield with national de I’Automoblle—rules Jo Chupas 43. HOME RUNS — Stargell, to become effective next year, series. the same time be fald.” The catch, made during toe LYNCH MOTORS SPEEDWAY Wynn was happy to get toe toe final pair in toe -eighth after Theobald and Tommy Harper Ryun said; ed as more to the nature of a was keyed up and tense, always ponderous grace, bis powerful Among them ■will be the Do­ Birdies — Jake Honnon, Bette 13to Annual HawaU Invitational P itt., 32; H.AaronJ A tl., 28. iiom'e ihn, cmly hls cfxth of toe singles by Alou and Ron Blom- singled, htit Utottlemyre got Ku- "It’s how I’ve felt for quite a than an actual statistic. determined I had to do some- *®^ arm gunning down adven- Donohue’s Ferrari and toe Woiff, three cm eighth hole; Ed Medved, a five-year veteran, PITCanNG (11 'Decisions) — '’"Htrlford Artdt Ltrgrif Teyefe Deelrr” nohue and Ickx Ferraris, two of BlUfidi Tournament, broke toe 444-4321 year.-' /. berg and a walk to Horace biak to hit Into a double oley. 'while and . sort of a com- Erect at the plate to a left- thing. It was a necessity ibn* turous baserunnera, but there Porsche 917s that have won Dlclunan/Joyce Dtokman, three is one of ntoe players to the E llis, Pitt., 16-3, .833, 2.30; Gul- 345 CtRttr Sf.. MoRchatttr tonee straight manufacturer’s toe Porsche 917s, and at least Eagles camp who have not mark of 166 pounds set to Aus- "It’s been a mystery to me Clarke. i There were two casualties to mitment I made to myself and handed stance, his weight shift- I hit at all times.” After one ®>^ I**®*® Sfoi^ell at times one of toe three-liter Alfa on !114th: 14th;-Chuck Reynolds, Jo lett, Cto., 10-3, .769, 2.79. titles will become obsolete. The signed contra.cts for this year. traUa to 1966. why' I haven’t been hitting toe The Brewers ;j managed . to toe game. May tripped over my family last spring. I didn’t tog rfaythmlc^Iy from one foot distressful season to the very Hiat he yearns to go back to bis Rom eos. Chupas, two on 16th. long ball this year," said Wynn, score m Stettfemyre in toe first base. trying to beat out a want-to announce it,-and no one to the other, his bat moving bush Sophomore League, a original position, first base. FIA has reduced the 1972 en­ Houston’s “Toy Cannon" who fourth \vhen Ted Kublak and grounder and stiratoed hls back, really pressed me that much to circles like an alip^e pro- rookie bf 18 away from home It 'would be an economical had 172 lifetime homers in Dave May reached base on sue- Michael strained a back muscle about it. But I’ve bem planning peller, Staigell creates a feeling for the first time and exposed move for toe customers out in eight seasons prior to 1971. cesslve errors by Gene Michael whilersllding into second, base, on it all idong.’’ of menace as he waits for toe to toe harshness of formal Tax.- left field.

I ' . /. -fy

MANCHESTER EVENH^G HERALD, GOim.. SATURDAY, JULY 24^19;^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SA'rURDAY, JULY 24. 1971 PAGE THIRTEEN PAGE TWELVE OUK BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE l^otoreycles-^eycle* 11 THERE UUGIITA BE A LAW BY SHORTEN and WHIPPLE Help i^dnted-Mole 36 Articles For Salt 48 W G G S BUNNY COLUMBIA 10-speed racer, EXPERIENCED roofer for SCREENED loam, sand, gravel, I'M ©IVINS VOU A new condiUon, must sell, best house type shingle work. In. processed grravel, stone, fUI. CLEAN) BILL OP v j e v l k o n CLASSIFIED F lAPTRAP is 1W£ Flt?ST TO 60UMD OFF - A n d im e f ir s t i o c o m e u p >nith a n AniwRf to f'««o«* offer. 743-9949 after 5 p.m. quire 643-2466, evenings. Also buUdoser and backhoe HEALTH, FOR THE RO^D IF A leAMMATE MUFFS A TOUGH OHE - ALIBI WHEN HE PULLS A B O O -B O O ? ' service and drain fields. N O W . B U T I BY 7 ! IMIS People ond Things George H. G i^ng, Andover. W A N T T O 16 THE DAY Buffiness Servlett 13 YA SHOULOA OW TCHfsUHW ASiM 742-7886. V O U a s a i M WE CHEW ADVERTISING PRINTING PLANT reluctance HAD THAT OHE. IN T W O UP THE ACBOSS SHARPBNINQ Service — Saws, MV EVES! BESIDES,THE^ ALUMINUM screen • storm MONTHS!, MILES! 57 Social insect CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS JWltTERMlTTf TRUCK DRIVER 1 Famous knives, axes, shears, skates, < CENTERFIELDER doors, bulH-ln bath tubs, lava- DOWN Texan,----- 8 AJL to 4:80 P.IL rotary blades. Quick service. SHOULDA HADIT.', torys, toilets, kitchen cabinet Houston lls se a te d Capitol Equipment Co., 88 Must be 21 years of age. Knowl­ sinks, metal wall cabinets, hot 4 Female hone 2 Operatic solo edge of Greater Hartford ai'ea 8 Leading actor C W Y CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. , Main St., Manchester. I^ rs w a ter fu rn a ce. 643-2466, 643- 3 Scottish for our local deliveries helpful 12 ------heroineGershwin 4;8e PJO. DAT BBFOBB FDBUCATlOIi ' dally 7:30-5, Thursday, 7:60-9. 1442. 13 Ellipsoidal (1722-1790) Saturday, 7:30-4. 643-7968. but not necessary. Some hefvy 14 W est African 4 ire n ch DeadHiie for Setardojr and Monday is «t8e p.m. Frida; liftin g . t ALUMINUM sheets used as republic landscapist singers 38Covet STEPS, sidewalks, stone walls, printing plates, .009 thick, 23x 15 Twitching S C Isssoi 23 Aromatic herb 40Part8ofbo9ks fireplaces, flagstone terraces. Must be able to pass a p h ylca l 136", 26 cents each or 6 for $1. Tt'. 16 Iniquitous vertebrates 41 Prince o f ------PLEASE READ YOUR AD All concrete repairs, both in­ exam required for interstate 643-2711. ISM ost 6 Roof timber ^ 42 Land measure side and outaide railings, land- deliveries. sorrowful TGuido’snote 43 Presently Oasaifiod or ••Want Ads» are taken over tbe pkone as a DARK RICH stone free loam, BY LANK LEONiOO) 20 M edieval scaping.' Reasonably priced. MICKEY FINN 8 Mixes 27 Venomous 44 Preposition eonvanlmoe. TV> advertiser aheidd read Us ad the FIRST 5 yards $20. sand, gravel, kingdom 4 6 Ifi^in DAT IT AFPBAIM and BBPimT EBBOBS in time for the Cali 643-0861. Liberal benefit progrtjm. Apply SOME OF MY BOVS ARE PROFESSIONAL WELL— r THINK IT MAY SOON BE ALL 21Extingtiished stature in person or call: stone, manure, pool, and patio IT BEGAN WITH ONE OVER.' IN A FEW 2 8 ^ »:;b io w next Insertioo, The Herald la responsible for only ONE in­ BOY ABOUT TWENTY ATHLETES, BUSINESSMEN... ONE IS IT'S A MARVELOUS 22 Auricles 47 Ardor LIGHT trucking, odd Jobs, also sand. 643-9601. WORK THAT MINUTES, I'LL KNOW IF 11 B ^ y Icelandic sag) correct or omitted insertion for any advertisement and tb«>" YEARS AGO— AND EVEN A HEART SURGEON...0UT OF 24 Trigonometric 17 Most 48 Amount owed moving large appliances. COURSE, NOT ALL OF THEM TURNED YOU'RE DOIN: WE'RE GOING TO BE ' hm ction 31 Wife of Paris snfy to tlw extent of a ••make geodH insertton. Errors which ALLIED PRINTING PICNIC tables, extra sturdy, all TODAY HE'S A FAAAOUS vincommon IITIC T 50 SauTs uncle do not lessen the value of the ndveitlaement wUl not be B urning b a rre ls d eliv ered , |4. COAWERCIAL ARTIST' OUT WELL. I'VE HAD MY SHARE OF. ED, THROWN OUT OF OUR HOUSE' 26 Sea eagle bolted, 80-36-40” 'wide tops, 6-6- (Bib.) oorreeted hy ••make good" inaerttoa. 644-1776. HEARTBREAK AS WELL AS HAPPINESS' 27 Pedal digit SERVICES 7-8-10' long. Prom $26. up de­ 30 P u blic, r ■ & r r liv ered . W . Zlnker, 876H)397. speaker 1 r r 4 r r MAINTENANCE service, com­ 679 Middle Turnpike W. / ■ / . mercial and residenUal, com­ AVERV FRUGLE 32 Oahu, for one 2 i VITA Master Belt massager, 34 More 12 plete carpet care, tile floors, Manchester, Conn. REAL 7-xt dishonest 1 643-2711 twospeed control, automaUc i f " 16 hard wood, fully insured. Pro- Tel. 643-1101 timer, removable seat. New ESTATE 35 Looked fesstonal quality guaranteed. fixedly 18 9 H 2 0 conaUon. $86. 649-3262. BY NEG COCHRAN 36 Tod Automobiles For Sole 4 Robert Wilbanks, 643-6919. PAHEN DRAVes OUT OUR WAY 37 Swelling 21 Tm Rag. U S Pal Oft —All righti rtsarvad 0 6 B K U N .O i» PAINTER Wantedr experienced PHOTOGRAPHIC d evelop- BRUSH chipper rental. Stop •1971 by UnHad rtslwrv Syndkafe, lAc. (an at) 21 29 29 only. Apply 296 Cooper Hill St. ment equipment complete. In­ 39 Ancient Irish r HERALD 1962 PLTTMOUTH, g ood running pollution, chip brush, use A£,LOtJfi AS'lfcXJ f i o n o YwHATtS WROWa EXPLAWmOHlAA 649-4343. cludes Bcgen enlarger, devel­ 2 NOTME'IH^WENO capital condition. $76. Phone 646-4260. chips for mulch. Special ^ M T a n y w a y WIWMOT- 40 Skin opening 30 31 oping tank. Practically new. OETABUMCHOFSPRAY SSK hS/IFH* IDEA WHATA CAM BOX LETTERS p rice s fo r con tra ctora , 742- Building Contracting 14 Floor nnhhing 24 Help Wonted-Female 35 m a n a g e r —Bookkeeper for OFSPRAVPAIMT 41 Small tumor 1966 CHEVY Im p^ Super 647-1010 after 6 p.m. S S sr 6SwaosH.BAiNT-) w t o b w n : 34 8262. Piano’s Motor Inn. Call 646- COSTSkErrHER, 42 Arab, for one Sport, V8, 283, automatic, pow- DORMERS, garages, porches, ETls, reasonable rates. Por NEWTON H. SMITH & SONS — commission schedule. Call Mr. Evening Herald, together 646-3881 evenings, w eekends. vin Limdy Agency, 627-7971. day, July 24, Sunday July 25th. free estimates call 643-9061 or Remodeling, repairing, addi- Dwyer at Evans A Clapp Resd-' with a memo Uating the 100 Constitution Plaza, Hart------9 a.m. 9 Ooleman Rd., Man­ ^ T 1 BY DICK TURNER 1961 M E R C U R Y M onterey, b est 649-7465 between 6-7 p.m. ^ U 0 offer. Phone after 6 p.m., 643- roofing. No Job too small. Call LPN UiottsB: want to see your letter. MILLAR Tree Service — prun­ Tour letter wm be de­ 0367. 649-3144. MORTGAGES — 1st, and 2nd., PART-TIME WARD'S 21” self-propeUed reel stroyed if the advertiser ing, cabling, topping, removal, mortgrages —Interim financing 1964 BU ICK EUectra fu ll p ow er, Coventry School System m ow er, $60 o r b ^ o ffe r . 646- is ooe you’ve manttoned. feeding, free estimates. Pully — expedient and confidential Manchester Manor BY PHIL KBOHN very good condition. Phone. 649- Coventry, Conn. 4344, 6-9 p .m . GUMMER STREET (f not it wUl bo handled insured. 633-6346 or 668-4716. Roofing - Siding 16 service. J. D. Real Estate Rest Home F * f in the usual maimer. 4934 or 232-0126. "TREE SERVICE (Soucler) — GUTTEaiS and roofs, all types Assoc., 648-6129. Library Clerk - High School b a r n s a l e — Antiques and 7 - M HEROES AR B AAADE-NOT BORN Call 646-0129 collectables, July 24, 11-4, July 1966 COM ET G T , red, b la ck in­ Trees cut, biiUding lots clear­ repaired and replaced. Rea­ When evening W h e n e v d n EASIER Payment mortgage DUTIEIS: Clerical esp ecia lly 25, 12-7. Flora Road off Route When evening te rio r. P in e condition . $860. ed, trees topped. Got a tree sonable prices. Free estimates, c o m e s th n plan. Pay interest orUy for b a r MAID wanted evenings, 85, Boltan. com es th e city Hione 649-3847. problem! Well worth phone 646-1399. tw o to five years, then pay aw_ — necessary out uesiraD ie. Loit and Found O all 872-3381 ask fo r Skip o r call, 742-8252. TWO-BURNER Coleman camp­ is silenit. BY FRANK O’NEAL 1966 GTO P on tia c fro m C a lifor­ AL LAPLANT — Siding, roofing, the balance without penalty. R a y. SHORT RIBS No brokers' fee, no appraisal ing stove, never used, $16. Call LOST nia, no rust. Radio, heater, 3- TWO YOUNG married in storm windows, awnlngfs. Qual- A P P L Y T O : 6 fee. Call now. Immediate serv- OLDER WOMAN wanted ' as 649-1169. EEERiRRRt? H speed. Excellent Ures. $760. [ will do small repair Jobs and Ity workmanship, free esU- Dr. Donald C. Hardy Female German Shepherd In 649-7644. ' painting, also cellar cleaning mates. Fully insured. 649-3417, Ice. Mortgage Finance Co., companion for elderly lady. Superintendent of Schdols vicinity of Ellington. Reward. and ligh t trucking. C all 646- 872-9187. 243-1416, 653-7162. Salary plus nice home. Call B ox 366 1963 DODGE D art — 2-d oor 2892, 646-2047. 669-0761, 232-6873. C oven try, Conn. 06288 CaU standard, 6 cylinder, excellent BIDWELL Home Improvement PROPERTY owners - consoU- 649-4882 running condition. Best offer. CUEANING — Interior com- Co. Expert installaUon of alu­ date your bills Into one month- WAITRESS wanted, 11-6, 6 days SALES PoslUons — Be your FRESH 649-0967. merclal and Industrial sys- minum siding, gutters and ly easy payment. Fast, confl- a week, Tuesday through Sat­ own boss. Unlimited oj^rtu- temaUc floor cleaning and denUal service. 646-1110. u rda y. V ic ’s P izz a , 649-3700. POUND — The best place to VOLKSWAGEN, bug, fair trims. Roofing InstallaUon and nlty for rapid advancement. I# ItTTbf IMM PMlM BfrOtli. !>«. waxing offices and businesses. rep a irs. 649-6495, 876-9109. SWEET CORN choose home decorations and condiUon. $1,360. Call 647-2191 —— ; ------—------; ------^ SEVERAL women 'wanted for Bring amblUon, we will sup­ Complete Janitorial services. Picked DoUy / m gifto Is Your Gift Gallery at days, 646-6797 evenings, Business O pportunity 28 Ught assembly work. Apply in ply the products to create en­ Free esUm'ates. Fully insured. W atkins, 936 M ain St. Y our ------'------perscHi, Engineered Metals, 10 thusiasm and p ro fit. C all 668- Suburban Floor iMaintenance Roofing and BY FRANK BAGINSKI home town friendly world of THUNDiERBIRD B rougham Hilliard St., Manchester. 6688. PLAIN JANE L a n d a u ,. 1970, fu lly . equipped. Service. 649-9229. Chimneys 16 -A J gifts. Telephone, 643-6171. EARN $15,000-$25,000. L O ^ — Male black and wdilte be- YQUJ^ Business Janitor. Total ROOFING — Specializing re- AS A SALES CLERK Situations Wanted - FMms cat with one eye, 'vicinity of building maintenance, com­ pairing roofs of all kinds, new SHELL DEALER flemer ToDaiid . AIR-OONDrnONER on wdieels, mercial, restaurants or InsUtu- roofs, gutter worit, chimneys Sales clerk for small factory'of- Female 38 Tpke. fr‘Adams BA, 'Benton St. Pho^e 649-2679. AmblUous man desired now 1964 Plymouth Belvedere, Uonal, window cleaning, rug cleaned and repaired. 30 fievB. Accurate typing lor order MsneiiMter. writing and some experience EXPERIENCED office worker LOST — Motts Super Market, shampooing. After hour ser­ years experience. Free esU­ for. existing 4-bay service power brakes, steering, fac­ desires typing and light book­ Mancdiester, circular mothers vice, free esUmates. 644-2874. m ates. c a n H ow ley,. 643-6361. staUon located on Main St. with record keeping required tory air. Asking $626. 647-9778 High degree of inteUigence, In- keeping at home. Form let­ pin with 11 stones. Reward. in Manchester. Excellent op­ evenin gs. lUaUve and resimnslbUlty re­ ters, term papers, resumes, C a ll 876-8261. TTMBBRLAND Tree Service— portunity for aggressive type NOTICE Tree removal, pruning,, lots Indi-vldual who desires to be quired for custom contact and bUling, etc. Pick up and deliv­ probVem solving on pricing and 7 - » V LOS T— Six-monto old tan mem- aUNBEAM Tiger, 1966, 360 h.p. clewed. No Job too big or Heating and Plumbing 17 his own boss. ery. Manchester-Bolton area. TOWN OF HEBRON ewnw>a*.i».TM»i».mM.ea. deUveries. CaU for appointment Call 643-2971. HEBRON, CONNECTICUT grel, female. Bush HIU Rd. asking $1,490.67. Call 289-8768. sm^l. Fifteen years eiqieri- M & M Plumbing & Heating — 289-2717 or write “ I’m sorry, Dear! I thought you had read that part area. CaU 649-9446. en ce. B onded, insured. . 742- SHELL OFFERS: The Registrars of Voters wlU 1967 PONTIAC 4-door, auto­ no Job too small. Free esU­ NOBLE & WESTBROOK EXPiaUENOBD babysitter wlU hold an enrollment sesslbn cm of the paper!” 9606. • ■■ mates gladly given. Bathroom • ExceUent Paid Training care for ycur chUdren while BOUND 1- Male Siamese cat, maUc transmission, power 21 Westbrook Strecd F rid ay , J u ly 30, 1971 from 6-9 remodeling, heating systems • Financial Assistance you’re working or vacaUonlng. vicinity CampbeU' Avenue, Ver­ steering, power brakes, 8 cyl­ Bhist Hartford, Conn. p.m. at the Town Office Build­ non. Phone 872-0244. inder, clean. CaU between 4-6 Household Services 13-A worked on, water pump work, • Insurance and Retirement Phone 647-1877. ing. The purpose of the sessiem faucet packings, 649-2871. p.m ., 647-1784. P lan is to enroU electors enUUed to BABYSrjTER needed 7:30 a.m. ATTICS and cellars cleaned. • Many more benefits vote in primaries and caucuses BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY to 5 Mancdiester, Center SituaHons Wonted - MR. ABERNATHY Announcements 1903 OORVAIR, ninn^^ condl- odd Jobs, light trucking, Also • 0 and to make changes in the en- BY DICK CAVALLl Free esUmates, plus quality St. areai CMl 647-9336. ^ ( COMB BACK AGAIN- Uon. Starter weak. Best offer. painting. FYee esUmates. CaU Mole roUment lists. WDW! t h a t w a s WINTHROP WANTED audience for Show- anyUme, 646-6489. work. 643-6841. GET THE FACTS! L RkSHT HERE YOU I FWWPTiyAr THREE. CaU 742-7807. QUICK! I DON'T SOMETIMES TALMOST^MISS _ caan fasLXhaxljty, .J uIy 27-28th. WILL strip €uid wax floors for Dated at Hebron, Connecticut, / 7 W i^ / 9 IR ! A R e > © 'R - I'M i ^ I N G l O T i e t l . H IM UGHT tracking, cellar and SAM WATSON Plumbing and (Jail week dsys 528-9401 SECRETARY KNOW HOW WHAT ARE you SOINQ TO CO y^TH E OLP NASTTV M^NAJRF. East OathoBc High School. ------Hartford trial homes or businesses. Phone 22nd day of July 1971 you DO IT j TO BRUCIE FOR CALLING HEfe ENTITUEP10 (hirtaln 8:80 p.m. DonaUon Trucks - Tractors attics cleaned, odd Jobs, lawns. Heating. Bathroom remodel- M r. Palumbo.. Nights and lawyer. CaU ff6-9191. John Granitz, 872-6874, eve- James L. Derby Jr., y o i A DIM-WITTED IDIOT? HIS OPINION, AND THAT $1.60 adults, $1 students, sen------trees cut and removed. CaU weekends call 1-666-6160, ------nings. Joseph J. FUI, / AL'S I forgive HIMi lor citizens. Proceeds drug 643-6000. mates. CaU 649-3808. Jarvis PACKERS for polyethylene bag Registrars of Voters CMiter. VOLKSWAGEN, 6- i>as- machines. Light, clean work in CARPENTRY, remodeling. \. C K fE R lN g T senger pick-up. 742-7416. ODD JOBS wanted, general Or 'write Shell Oil Co., 477 & new modem plant located In paneUng, addlUons, general re' cleaning, mowing lawns, pro- M lUIneryi ; '' “ Ehist Hartford near the Man- pairs. No Job too.smaU. - — Rea'- SERVICE 3 1966 FORD half-ton pick-up with Connecticut Blvd., East fessional experience in win- DreSSm okllig Chester line. A good starting sonable, free estimates. CaU Personals _ 1983 engine. 1966 Dodge pick­ 1" Hartford, Conn. dow wasliing and rug sham rate is offered for our 8 a.m. 742-66U. up half-ton, good condition. PASSENGER wanted for trip to poolngi CaU 649-8894. CUSTOM taUored ladies’ dress­ ______^______to 4:30 p.m. shift, 5 days a 1964 Ford station wagon. a s es, suits, alterations and Nevada, references. Leaving ...... week. (3all 628-9471 between 1- end of month. For particulars Is. 649-6784. POWER MOWERS, hand mow- costume Jewelry in your stone Dogs - Birds - Pets 41 COLLECTOR ers sharpened-repaired. Elec­ HelpWanted-Femole 35 3 p.m. ask for MTs. Perry. caU 742-8690. preference. 649-1133. of REVENUE ' PONES dftC6EWAYL tric hedge cUppers, small gar­ PRETTY kittens looking for P o IS' ACT NOW — Toys and gifts AD pofsoBs Dahls.hgr law ^ 'T 3 den tools, ' scissors. Pick up —— ------good homes. Some caUco, BY ROY CRANE Trailers - party plan. Work now tUl pay Toarn Tubm an' hwalif CXCI^ and deUvery. SharpaU, 643- m O V ing — some part-Slamese and others. iwHOad that I wm lu m a lUa« BUZZ SAWYER <3WAUJ Christmas. High commlssltxis Help Wonted-Mole 36 dear me elk AiifOtaobnes For Sole 4 Mobile Homes 6-A No charge 649-6480 -after 6 Bill for tha liat of .iflB «( dMi / and I SURE WOULDN'T .' 6305 anyume. '______Tnickliig - Storage 20 plus cash bonuses. CaU or ' PLEASE DON'T BE BLAAAING THE DARLING GIRLS FOR OUR FORD’S' THE PLACE p.m., anytime weekends. mills flfr tha dollar ihr DO Om M WANT TO TURN OVER IN NEED CAR? credit very bad? 1967 12x60, ipW J400N ^ handymen want a variety MANCHESTER - BEING LATE, BUZ. BESIDES, I ’D RATHER FLOAT POWNA WHERE THE SAWYERS BY CROOKS & LA\YRENCE D eldvery- write "Santa’s Parties” , Avon, of ManohaalOK oC mflls am ECHO CANTON ANP LOSE Bankrupt, repossession? Hon­ rooms located ait Conn., 06001. Teleiriione 1-673- PART-TIME RIVER WITHOUT A GUIDE. WERE GaNG TO FLOAT CAPTAIN EASY m ov ed b y fa ll.' 876-1666 o r 742- of jobs by day or hour. We llg^ truckiiig and package de­ the d o ^ for Dm ftoa OUR FOOD SUPPLIES ^ P T B K MIDNIGHT..' est Douglas accepts lowest clean yards, attics and ceUars. 3466. Also booking parties. FREE —3 kittens, housebroken, DOWN RUSHING RNER, BLAZE91 LBTB livery.. Refri^ferators, washers ment T ia d ag DMtiet of (ho r i g h t ', . a P R E -Y down, emaUest payments, any­ 8666. NO SELLING 647-9612. WHBM THB GCANNER^ COPER 6IGMAL HOPE THI6 Reasonably. Call 643-6306. and stove moving, specialty. MATURE woman for general Town of Manobeel*, DETBCT ANYOWB GARGET VOUi where. Not smaU loan flmmce mim QB tlM ddUir tof th f APPK0ACHIN<5-THB WHICH UNLOCKS'. 1966 NORRIS camper, hot wa­ Folding chairs for, rent, 649 offlce work, must be able to , OKAY, THE P O O K 6’ .... ER-'’B0RR0WEP' company plan. Douglas Mo­ REWEA'VING of bums, moth- WALL BOK BEAM6 ter, shower, refrigerator, heat­ 0762. handle busy telephone and gen­ Two or more evenings per elal Parfciag AnilMrlfy TaaDig CHRIS, BUT 0THERWI6E,THB DOB6 ITS' tors, 346 Main. holes, zippers repaired. W in- _____ FREE adorable cute kittens, OUT A RADIO er, sleeps 6, hitch, mirrors. era l pubUc, S3 hours w eek ly. week. Mature persons. Must District of tts T tm n of Mail- I'M not too ALARM GOE dow shades made to measure, ------^------delivered. Phone 742-8268. ebestsr. 1988 VOLKSWAGEN, excellent Jacks, clean. 649-0900. 646-2266. EXPERT IN all size Venetian blinds. Keys Painting — Popeiing 21 be dependable and able to Each Ndi 'tax is dna'inO SHOOTING candltion, new brakes. Must MOBILE HOME, 10x35’, excel­ made while you wait. Tape re- TRA'VEL AGBINT experienced handle men. •' Leave Man- ■ HOME wanted for kittens. CaU 'payahla, OBadialf OB tha ftm RAFIDS, seU, best offer accepted. CaU corders for rent. Marlow’s, 867 CEILJNG specialist expert lent condition, completely fur­ only, exceUent benefits, full­ Chester 6 p.m. Van furnish­ after 6 p.m. 646-6148. day of July u n, and ci 648-0318. nished, self-contained. 643-6686. Main St,, 649-5221. workmanship. One ceUing or time. Call for appointment. ed. Apply 35 Oak St., M(m- the ffrrt .day o_ f______Ja _ all your ceilings repaired and MOSTLY Laborador retriever, un, profUaA DuBtln , EU$ 1967 CORVETTE convertible, t r a VBL traUer, self-con- WASHING machine repairs. 647-9949. painted. Aeaaonable rates day 7 to 8 p.m. aU b lack , lo v e s chUdren, 10- any taA ewM—i*!— te.nat i 427-390 h.p., clean, good condi­ talned, sleeps 6, very good con- RCA Whirlpool, Kenmore, C a ll 649-699.S. PFFTCE iQ.anager for 3-glrl month old male. Call anytime, .than fVIy doOan OmD Da tion. 876-4630. dltion $1,100. Phone 643-9664. Maytag. Reasonable rates. general Insurance office. Must 643-8867. and Dayahla h i « ______Owner of Pike Coin Wash and RICHARD B. MARTIN. FuU have experience In g«)eral In­ SU PE R IN TE N D E N T — 106 unit on Jhly , u n . 1968 VOtKSWAGB»I. $800. In­ Dry Cleaning, 276 West Middle professional painting service, 1 BY V. T. HAMLIN surance poUcy rating find writ­ complex, four years old. Ex­ AT STUD AKC registered Ger­ FUliira to aMha lin t pag^ q u ire a fter 6. 643'4l9tB, M an­ G ara ge . Turnpike, next to Stop and interior-exterior. Pree estl- ALLEY OOP (p 1»n h NU. lac, TJ*. tat^ ing- and be capable of substan­ ceUent benefits and working man Sheperd, 649-72K days, ment by An|3Mt 2, u n . .rmBrnm. .. . I CAN HEAR ch ester. 10 Shop. 643-4913, 647-1719. mates, fully insured. 649-4411. THE LAST WE SAW r ft, Service - Storage tial responsiblUty. .Jewell-Eng- condition for right family weekends 1-4^6462. Ask for tha whols lax esa- OH, MR. OOP, ...AND THE POOR HISTEETH_ WE CANT THANK HE VWtS RUNNING^ OVER ™ s ® ,) OiATTERING,' man. Mail resume and photo If Sharon. bnd payment tiinniim M h ^ FOR THOSE BUSHES THING LOOKED BY MILTON CANIFF 1968 PON TIAC GTO, 2 -d ow tor rent,J^eU and MAN with pick-up truck wants NAME 'fdxm own price, palnt- land Insurance, Manchester, YOU ENOUGH SCARED TO death! STEVE CANYON quant altar Frinnaiy 1. t ft l. OVER THERE... hardtop. Automatic transmls- Holl St. area. A l^ never used light work mowing, trimming, ing, paperhanglng, removal, Conn. 646-4662. avaUabte to Lee C. Greenough, FOR SAVING US! AND I'M DUSTY Ihtanat Iq flgnnd h t n Am ^..ANP WE'RE WE WANT SUMMER- ^ MY NAMElS slon, power ' steering, power weeding, pruning. Also wlU re- Prompt service. fuUy insured, t*ke a 9 to b fob’ Be 'in. P. O. Box 1106, Manchester, YES.' WE HEARD JONES -T H E Y RHODES— GET, Morse sewing machine, 643- TWO 2-month old male racoons. data at tth rata of % cf 1% THIS PLANT WAS JUST STARTTNO JOB MEN BETWEEN disc brakes, radio, heater. Ral­ move rubbish, ashes, leaves. Satisfaction guaranteed. CaU OAN T take a 9 to 6 Job., Be In C on n ., 06040. COLLEGE SEMESTERS CALL ME DAVy IN.MEN — WEtL 1921. dependent! Be an Ayon repre­ AU shots, etc. CaU 643-1913. LAViNe OFF SOME A NEW BUSINESS ly# wheels, radial tires. Asking wood, etc. Reasonable. CaU be- Jerry Kenny, 649-3889. par m^nih or fraoUan of a IN TOWN...WE'RE — WHICH I ’LL BET OF C0UR5E.£J^ EXPLAIN THE sentative and earn money dur­ EXPERIENCED MAN wilUng month. PEOPLE-AND MW PEAL!t - $1,700. Phone 646-2836. tween 6-10 p.m. Ask for Davd, HAVE THE PINK SLIPS HIRINO! M50 TWO a r e ! B. H. MAGOWAN JR. & Sons, ing the hours that suit you. to work on fleet maintenance. Dald taxanlue poyahla .at lha Motorcycles-Bicycles 11 876-6369. » Articles For Sole 45 r ig h t t h e r e in 1966 CHEVY Impala Super ______interior and exterior painting, Meet people. Win prizes. jHave Good pay. CaU 643-2373. Ask Otfloa of thq OdOoetor of Itor^ YOUR h a n d s ! ^port, power steering, auto- m OTORCYCIK Insurance — ------paper hanging. Thirty years fun. It's easy to get started. for • Roger. TYPEWRITER, electric IBM, enia in the BaOdhar, matte, V-8, air-conditioning. Call Betty Tuper, at the Just call: 289-4922. good condition, $100. Cash reg- Monday thin m d n r Building Contracting 14 experience, four generations. EILECTRICIAN — Journeyman, tiM O fa. Crixskett Agency, for low rates * * FYee estimates, fully Insured. ister^ Victor, like new, manual, 8:M a.m. to 4:80 p im . onoapt PILGRIM MILLS, 99 Loomis full-time, insurance benefits, including passenger llablUty. LEON CIESZYNSKI builder — 643-736L $100 .649-2098. Thunday-^^JUy 8 | ,,u n — 1966 FOUR-DOOR BVry II St. has. openings for women to paid hoUdays and vacation, ____ 643-1677, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. new homes custom buUt, re------6:80 BJB. to 7 M 62,000 mUes, 6 cylinder. $600. modeling, additions, reo PAINTING and decorating — work full-time in our measur­ pension and profit sharing CARPETS and life too can bo Saturday—July M, u n — 7-X4 _ ing and marking departments. C mi ky HIA. Uc., TJA C a n 64S-2444. BBA 260 classic, new rubber rooms, garages, kitchens re­ interior, exterior, vinyl paper plan. CaU Roberts Electric, 8 beautiful If you use Blue Lus- 8:80 ajn . to U MOon Apply Miss Coburn, 646-1414. and battery, good original con­ modeled, bath tile, cement hanglnSt free estimates, a.m. — 6 p.m. 644-2421. tre. Rent electric shampooer Bnaot R. Maomn Jn. 1966 FORD Falcon, 2-door hard­ prompt, efficient service. $1. Olcott Variety Store. rvjim-rfr». nereane. BY GOtoR and PENN top. New transmission, brakes diUon, $276. 646i0679, evenings. work. Steps, dormers. Resi­ dential or commercial.' CaU Economy Painting Co., East LANCELOT a n d ba ttery. $276. Phone 688- Hartford, 828-0074. y Help Wanted - Female 35 t : AND I WANT TO BB THB r m /BBVeNTY IGN'T BA&Y Tp i 1966 BUICK Special deluxe se- LABORATORY 6*6 Ut Pat. Oe ' I dan, automatic, power brakes, soioo HONDA, exceUent CARPENTRY and remodeling, J- P- DE\^ & SON, custom power steering, new tires, low condition. CaU 742-6366 after 6 FiU-ttme posltian reporting to Technical Director In corpo­ rec rooms, dormers, kitchens, decorating. Interior and ox- rate R A D Lab. mileage. Good mechanical addiUons and garages. CaU terior, ^paperhanglng, fuUy In- condition $626 or best offer. ------conomon. TRIUMPH BoimevUle, Tom Corbitt. 643-0086. sured. Fo» free esUmates, call ChaUenging opportunity for ‘‘Girl Friday,” desiring fuU 646-4844, 9-9 p.m . motorcycle, exceUent condition. 649-9668. If no answer 648-6362. necretrlal re^pcnslbUltles. The finest fringe benefits avail- 1970 CORVETTE convertible, WES ROBBINS Carpentry re- ' ab le. Call 1-423-7897. modeUng speclaUst. Additions, INSEDB^-outside painting. Spe- 860, 800 h.p., 4-speed. AM-FM, rec rooms, dormers, porches, clal rates for people over 66. alarm. Dark green with brown COLONIAL BOARD CO. J,-. cabinets, formica, buUt-lns, Call my compeUtors, then call 616 PARKER ST., MANCHESTER Jgg M. interior. $8,800. Phone 649-4246. 1967 BSA, good condition, 643- bathrooms, kUchens, 649-3446. me. Estimates given. 649-7863. Mrs. E. S. Loftus Dhady Glen, Bolton. 2848. i I- •f. a. I i . ■, •/

PAGE FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1971 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHEStER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1971 PAGE f i f t e e n Apartments - Flats - , Houses For Sole 72 Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sole ' 72 Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 Out of Town Out of Town Appearances Tenements 63 ’TWO acres, 7-room Raised MANCHESTER For Sale ,75 For Sale 75 eXJUNTRY CLUB MANCHESTER —$19,500 neat ______DELUXE one-bedroom apart­ Ranch, bullt-lns, recreation u— THE MAGNIFICENT 7!! 9 room Older home. Garage. CXIVENTRY (North) VERNON — 6V4-room Ranch, 8 CLASSIFIED ERRY'S WORLD room, garage, georgeous view, NEW EXECUTIVE Ma n c h e s t e r In Diplomacy ment, wall-to-wall carpeting Custom built 7-room Raised 6-bedroom Ck>Ionial with 2% . Rural setting. $i|anchester NEAT AS A PIN bedrooms, playroom ready, throughiut, complete appli­ $32,900. Hutehins ^ Agency^ Ranch on a professionally baths, 2-car garage. Niqe COLONIAL Green area. City ujUlUes. Bel basement with sliding glass R ealtors, ,64r You’re ^Invited f CAPES And you will not get stuck ances, vanity bath. Centrally cared for, treed lot in one leyel lot adjacent to Man-, A ir R eal Estate, 6«S-»S82. doors to backyard, garage, D eriv in g of. Manchester’s finest with this nine-room over­ ADVERTISING located. $175. monthly. R . D. $27,900 — BIGHT-ROOM Colo­ PHILBRICK cheater Country Club. T. J. Situated on an acre with very large lot, convenient to areas. If you are seeking a -Tomorrow, Sunday 2-5 p.m. Sli^ room s, 1V4 baths, fire-' sized Cape on two acres By WILLIAM L. BYAM Murdock, 643-2692. nial, in-law quarters. Alumi­ (Crockett Realtor, 643-1677. . pond, ■ located in a new ex­ - Vernon C ircle. $26,900. E xclu­ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS modem home, less than 10 place, disposal, partial' rec 72 with fruit trees and brook. AP Special Oorreapondent num siding, new heating sys-. clusive area near country Lots For Sale TVo-car garage, plus barn. sive, Evans ft Clapp, Realtors, 8 AJM. to 4;30 P Jl. NOR’THWOOD Apartments — years old, with the best. ' room, 2-car garage, nicely^ At first blush. Premier Chou tern. Off East Center St., trees. AGENCY MANCHIPSTER — Slx-famlly club. ’This gorgeous home Brand new homes In Man­ Priced to move fast at only . MLS, 647-1464. One and two-bedroom apart-' Please call for details. Mid A-ZONE buUding lot In con ve­ ______Ebi-lai’s remarks about pre- Hutchins Agency, Realtors, has all the features that you chester proper with deUght- shrubbed and landscaped $38,900, Please call John M c­ ments, central air-condition­ 40s. M r. Gordon. and a iw o-fam lly. FTne condi- nient locaUon, nicely treed and ------'-----:------^ condiU anafor better Washlng'- COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT 649-5824. CONTEMPORARY L Shaped Uon throughout, a good Invest­ would expect. Builder very ful rural settings. Pick your lot, walk to bus and shop­ flat. $6,600. Wolverton Agency, Laughlin at 649-6306. ing, carpeting, balcony, car­ Ranch. Redwood and Birch ex- W anted — Real Estate 77 ton-Peklng relaUons would ment. Secondary financing anxious, will consider reas­ home or your lot for sum­ ping. R ealtors, 649-2813. • :M PJA. DAT BBFOBE PVBUCATION ports, plus other luxury fea­ \ MANCHES’TER — Brick 7-room terior, on wooded lot, acres mer . deUvery. We Invite " o W 7 _ _ ------seem to rule out slgnilicant • • B eadUne lor Saturday and Monday la 4:M p.m. Prldai tereste. 60s. Wolverton Agen­ call: Six rooms, formal dining TOLLAND — A cre lot, $3,000. __ age? For prompt friendly aerv- diplomacy, appearances are Estate A ssociates, 643-5129. cellent condition, wall-to-wall fireplaces, family room, den, 2- Manchester Parkade and location. Vernon - Acre, high scenic BARROWS AND WAU^CT CO. cy, Realtors, 6492813. Ice, call LauIb Dtmock Real- guppoaed ^ be deceiving. The cajpetln g, new 2-zone heating ca r garage. $69,900. M anchester 649-5306 room with china cabinet, lot, $6,900. Coventry — Two Manchester Parkade POUK GOOPEBATION WILL WE HAVE customers waiting ty, Itealtors, 6499823. ^act la that for some time the syiitem, screened patio. Must „ . ^ ------M AN CH ESTER- 43 Jensen St. ^EGHETTE REALTORS NUTMEG HOMES has a Uving room with fireplace, wooded building lots, $3,600 M anchester 6495306 BE APPaBOIATED D IA L 643-2711 for the rental of your apart­ be seen. Asking $29,900. Freeh- RANCH-Less than one-year px)UR, BEDROOMS, 2-car ga- well-earned reputatlan for ALL CASH for your property O^munlst C^ese regime has qqqq 3 bedrooms, enclosed flag- each. Hayes A gency. 646-0131. COVENTRY — R ^ d Ranch, ment or home. J.D. Real Es­ Modern 3-bedroom Colonial, a An quality of conatnictian and ette R ealtors, 647-9993. M odem eat-in kitchen, fam - rage, llu g e lot, fam ily room , large Uving room with fire- stoned {>atio, garage, good within 24 hours. Avoid red ^®" tate Associates, Inc. 643-5129. — ----- —— —------3 bedrooms, 2-car ga- baths, $88,200. Keith Real exceUence of design. Do SE'VERAL building lots in Man­ consisting of double 'door en­ . , uava* much 80 as to arouse suspicion ContinuBd Prom P fc e d in q Poq> place, dining room, large come visit us. residenUal neighborhood. try to a spacious foyer, living tape, instant service. Hayes ^ government MANCHESTER — $20,500. Im - rage. M any extras stay, includ- Estate, 646-4126, 649-1922. chester. Ask for Mr. PhUbrick; A gency, 646-0181. MANCHESTER 5ne - bed- maculate 5-room Ranch, wall- Ing refrigerator and freezer, ______!______------Phllbrick A gency, 646-4200. and dining room with natural and Chlang Kai-shek’s For­ condiUem. QuiSt area. '.” Imm 2 edi­ 2 St, Articles For Sole 45 Household Goods 51 room garden apartment. Car­ to-wall ca^teti enclosed porch, washer and dryer, new wall-to- MANCHES’TER — $25,900. 4-4, just listed, 5-room expandable Directions: beamed cathedral ceilings, mosa-based regime. At thU ate occupancy. Asking $27,500. W. J. BARCOMB, peting, all appliances, heat, aluminum ' siding. Hutchins wall carpeting throughout most two-family. New kitchens, car- Cape, fireplace, garage, East on E. Ctenter 9t. from B-ZONE parcel, 400x160’ deep, kitchen with range and hood, stage of the three-cornered SEVEN-PIEXIE Daystrom di­ and parking. $170. Im m ediate Frechette Realtors, 647-9993. between Oak and School, $11,- looids of cabinet and counter game being played out by the nette set, excellent condition. Agfoncy, R ealtors, 649-5324. o f the house, TV antenna, cus- peting, freshly decorated. Two beautiful treed yard. Should go Manchester Center, left on REALTOR Burns Presses SPECIAL SALE occupancy. Hig^and Oak Vil­ Vernon St., drive past Scott 000. Owners wlU consider 60 space, 1% decorator baths, 3 big powers, statements issued Call 643-9175. tom white storms and screens, furnaces. Assume FHA mort- MANCHESTER — New homes fast at $24,900. Frechette Real­ lage, 643-5177. Evenings 647- fireplace equipment, lawn' and gage. Hutchins Agency, Real- tors, 647-9993. Dr., take next left on Rlph- 644-8000 per cent m ortgage. 646-3633. twin sized bedrooms, wall of by leading poUtloans tor gener­ 9921. m a n c i being t^lt in a rural setting For More Effort BEIGE wool rug, others, dou­ garden tools. $88,500. tors, 649-5324. mond Dr. right at end of glass onto family sized sun al consumption often can be Mustang 1971, riding mow­ with city uUllUes. Itenches MANCHESTER ^ ImmaoU^e Richmond Dr. on Kennedy deck, garage. PTesUge neigh­ ble cot, tables, chests, .called New listing — Imma taken with large grains of salt. ers, brand new bought from PRESIDENTIAL Village Apart­ GRACIOUS antique colonial in SECLUDED acre lot, trees, from $32,900, Capes $33,900, Rd.,' second right off Ken­ Resort Property borhood. $34,900. Jesdor Real­ Against Inflation chairs, paintings, mirrors, 7-rpom Ranch, 8 or 4 6-room Ranch plus 12x17’ fam ­ ’TWO-FAMILY duplex, 6-8, ga­ Chou has listed the Vietnam dealers’ overstock. 7 h.p. ments, Manchester — One and Raised Ranches $36,500, Colon­ nedy Rd. is Woodstock Dr. ty. MLS. 742-9667, 633-1411. , clocks, collectables. 643-6526. rooms, large paneled r^ excellent condition, 8 fireplaces, lush 8-room Colonial, carpet- ily room. Three large bed­ rages. Live practically rent For Sale 74 ______WASHINGTON (AP) — Fed- “"4 Korean problems as among Briggs & Stratton engine, 3- two-bedroom apartments. For ials from $36,900. Merritt Representative on premises. room, 2 full baths, wall-to- 18 beautifully decorated rooms, ing, first-floor family room, rooms, fireplaced living room, free, only $27,900. Pasek R eal­ position transmission, 25” appointment or further infor­ ' Agency, 6491180. LEAVING for Germany. 4- COVENTRY — Two-famUy 4-4, eral Reserve Board Chairman TWO pair hunter green drapes, wall carpeting, buiit-in oven- •n eat-in kitchen,' form al double garage, $39,900. Hutch- attached garage. Private yard. tors, 2897476, 646-4678. S.-Ped Chinese relations. At cut. List for $389.95. Sell for 82x154” . Also single bed, mat­ mation, ca ll anytim e, 646-2623. and dining room , break- ins Agency, Realtors, 649-5324. 20s. Wolverton Agency, Re­ — ------a------room Chalet right on shore of Ranch style, new kitchens with j^^thur F Burns told Congress tbs same time, Peking’s inter- $220. with one year warran­ range, and dishwasher. Wall MANCHES’TER — Four-family BELFIORE AGENCY tress and box spring. Call 875- NEW 4-room apartment, in­ air-condiUoner. Cemvenient om, 3 sitting rooms, 4 ,------altors, 649-2813. 1!?®- If f yesterday he is pesslmlsUc that nai propaganda continues to 2 ty. in center of town location. All from Boston. Also large lodge rooms paneled and carpeted, r , r v . . » Want tha "Amei 8591. cludes stove and refrigerator, bedrooms, plus studio, study blast the ’’American imperial­ INI $r NEA, Ik. location. City utiiities. Only 9room apartments for mini- MANCHESTER — 4-bedroom 647-1413 OPEN SUNDAY for sale. Also rentals available, new roof suid siding, 2-car ga- substantially lower Interest heat, hotwater, carpeting, $185. $33,500. and 3 baths, st Out of Town baths, fireplaced Uving room, Waddell School area. Sylvia Immaculate 7-room English fully'funiished, full both, large MOVING SOUTH G. E. TWO-BE3DROOM apartment LAKEWOOD Circle, 3 bedroom floor family room, 2 firopiaces, way, 2-car garage, 1% tiled MANCHEISTER — New listing, LaiFenta Agency, 646-2440. .Ab-M -b-b.,. ^ ‘T ’i y ' Z U Z aZ available Aug. 1st, $140 per Tenements 63 For Rent 66 Colonial, carpeting, appU- exceptlonaUy well kept home, formal dining room, fully baths, bullt-lns, full attic, fire- preferred ' ^ west ' side locaUon. Colonial, 3 bedrooms, 1% deck overlooking lake. Owner, washer, deluxe model with equipped kitchen, family room COVENTRY Lake area, vacant Intervention in the mvkeq>lace audience at whom he . ances, latmdry room, screen- $39|900. place, plastered walls, city Immaculate 5%-room Ansaldi m ’ANCHES’TBR — B\)ur - bed- baths, eat-in kitchen (built- $17,800. CaU 643-4642. 4 4-room house on big wooded to hold down wage and price in- jjjg remarks included the Boots & Accessories 46 mini-basket, excellent condi­ children. t h REE-ROOM heated apart- and 2-car garage. Over ong. built ranch. 2-car garage, well ins), laundry and screened tion. Five-piece contemporary ^***’®” ’ Rc^hor, 649- ment. Stove, refrigerator. Sec- Kockvllle acre of land with horse uUlities, immediate occupancy. roonl older . Colonial. Bowers comer lot. Asking $11,900., but creases. North Vietnamese and North 4535. ^ 7-ROOM RAISED ranch, on Im- landscaped. Hurry! Hayes porch adjacent, attractive QKRIdrS Marine Service, au­ dinette set consisting of cus­ ond floor. Working adults pre- e^grounds. Call owner. 649- home tastefully dec- stables and corral. Immediate Charles Lesperance, 6497620. iSchool area. Expansion room Out of Town owners will listen. Lake privl- “I continue to feel that the Koreans, to say nothing of pro- thorized Evinrude outboard occupancy. ALL OFFERS Agency, 646.-0131. for two or more bedrooms. living room, den, formal din­ tom made 47” round table and LOOKING for anything t „ ferred. $185 monthly. Security CAREN APTS. '______orated, richly carpeted, 2% 31-33 HOMESTEAD ST., duplex ing room, all city utilities, For Sale 75 leges. Good financing. T.J. country needs lower interest Chinese Communists e'very- m otor sales and service. AbM two 12” leaves with Rosewood CONSIDERED. Two-car garage. Oversized lot. Crockett Realtor, 643-1677. rates, and that low er rates—es-. where •who might now bo wor- estate rontal - apartments. $22,500 ’THREE - BEDROOM baths, paneled fireplace, fam - excellent condition, 2-car ga- MANCHESTER is only minutes City ■water, sew ers. Early o c ­ $29,700. 10% down for quali­ boating accessories. 1082 Tol­ formica top and four swivel 3^, 4H room apartments. from this 3-bedroom Ranch on VERNON ------peclafiy ,_____ Jwi ...... mortgages—-0 - 0 ______and state rylng , „ about Peking’s revolu- homes, multiple dwellings, no ______Ranch. City sewera, city Uy room with built-in bar and rage, lot 100x125. Marion E. cupancy. $28,000. Call F. M. fied buyer. Call Suzanne land ’I^ke. Buckland, CoAn. chairs with removable seat Available now. Including ap­ lovely private grounds. Fea­ “ DEEPWOOD ESTATES” and local government secu- tlonaiy image. fees. CaU J.D. Real Estate As- MANCHES’TER — Deluxe two- water, fuU basement. Hiitehitm brick wall, centrally air-condi- Robertson, Realtor, 643-5953. Goal Agency, Realtors, MLS, ' Shorts, 6493233. 643-2868. cushions. Beautiful walnut pliances, wall-to-wall carpet­ tioned, beautifully treed and HERITAGE HOUSE tures fireplaced - living room, Lovely wooded area, with riUea—would contribute to a But Peking would hardly soclates, Inc. 648-5129. bedroom duplex. bedhs, A gency, R ealtors, 649-5824. 643-2682. ing room, nice kitconditi(m- ______perintendaht, 875-1665, 278- residential area. ’Tremen­ Paul W. Dqugan, Realtor, 649 chance to custom build a dous location and priced to to the dishes. Extra lot includ- MANCHESTER, like new, ex- substanUally lower Interest ujgpg were no rine supplies and accessories, skates; glasses; lawn chairs; ers, appliances, patio, 2-zone MANCHHiSTER — Deluxe one- 1510, 242-6658. 4535. SEVEN - ROOM Cape, estab­ home exacUy the way you movie screen; camp cooking seU. Drive b y ,' signs on ed. $14,900. quisitely reproduced authentic' want it by a talented cus­ rates can be achieved. untU we ^ concrete result. Chou’s used motors. Capitol Equip­ heat, no pets, one child, bedroom apartment on Main lished nelgfahoibood, central, BOLTCN as a nation make steady and c.puons remain wide open, ment, 38 Main St., Manches­ equipment. Queen size box cpharles Lesperance, 649-7620. St. $167 per month including property. T. ^ J . CTOckett, MANCHESTER 4-bedroom Split Colonial on BOL/TON Lakefront. Executive’s tom builder. Call 649-6306 R ealtor, 643-1577. THIS TERRIFIC VIEW weU landscaped, aluminum meaningful progress In solving what is said publicly now can ter. 643-7968. spring and mattress, two twin AniTT-iKi nniif----- 7" tjrr ^piiances, air - c<»diUoning IWCKVILLB — 5-room duplex, level, 8 baths. 2 fireplaces, 2- park-like lot in prestigre area. estate, two foyers, 3 fireplaces, for details. 5-ROOM RANCH ’Ihree fireplaces, 4 baths, first- Btorma and screens, finished our InfiatltHi problem ,” he said. changed at the wlU o f the size box springs and mattress­ ^ d eaxpets. Paul W. Dougan, residenUal neighborhood. W MANCHESTEIR Spacious 7. ca r attached garage, huge 30x15 ox>en beams, paneUng, 2% OWE3NS fiberglass, 14’ , 50 h.p. mo iwk rec room, walk-o;it basement, * * Ti ^ \Y 7 • • With garage, wall-to-waU car- Burps said and stub- pe)cing\ teaders, and their es, 26 Flagg Drive, (Off Scott), ed, appUances, second floor, Reaitnr 1* monthly, utilities not Included, room home, aluminum sldhur room, sundeck off master floor laundry iwm,room, 5-zone baths, 5-zone heat. Hutchins Jcdmson outboard, completely $170. call between 8-8, 2499397. PLUS PURE AIR 9zone heat. Immediate occu- ^ p«eting. One-acre beautifully bom inflatloni^^torcea, ema- propaganda machine can he Manchester. 643-2014. 872-0859, 7:899:80 p.m. new roof, double garage. 1 ^ bedroom, well treed and land- Agency, 649-5324. rebuilt, everything like new in­ see. A real oi^rtunity. Hayes pancy, $89,600. Kleth R eal Ea- treed lot. Hbccluaive area. 6%% noting from rising costs, Uhger just as industrious persuading ADULTS ^ y , no pets, aU elec- HEBRON — WaU St., 2 - bed­ treed lot. Low 30s, Hayes scaped lot with flagstoned pedio cluding convertible top and MOVING OUT of state — sofa room apartments, heat, hot Agency, ^ 646-0131. MANCHESTER. —Ranch In ex­ tate, 646-4126, 0491922. 649-5306 assumable mortgage to qualified on in the economy. the Chinese that a new line ex- tric 3-room deluxe apartment, ------— , ------Agency, ,646-0131. and barbecue. Preferred neigh- M anchester buyer. $25,000. wlndidlield. $6<10. 646-5390. bed, 'lamps, work bench, bar water, carpeting, appliances, ROSOft rTOpCFty ______i______borhood. ceUent condition, 3 bedrooms, He said President Nixon has presses the Inspired wisdom of light, shelf and stools, dish­ heat and appUances furnished, MANCHESTER — Rockledge 2 baths, large paneled den, BOLTON — Four - bedroom made some progress in fighting CS^rman Mao. 17’ FIBEnGLASS boat, 70 h.p. central location, near high chUdren welcome. Available Relit ^ 7 MANCHESTER — 2-faihtly, 89 es, electric heater, unfinished apartment—good in­ sectiem, .^ custom built 7-room screened porch, many ex­ QBOOEBY BBEB PKBIOT Cape. Central ah^condiUoning, F. M. GAAL AGENCY inflaUon by setting up flexible Moscow, watching warily, Mercury motor, tilt trailer, school and Manchester Memori­ im m ediately. $190 m o n th ly .------37 Chestnut St., aluminum aid- 4-UNIT bookcases, Letis vacuum, card 646-0682, 6492871. LONDONDERRY, Verm ont ski ing, 2 furnaces, $29,900. Helen com e. Call fo r details. Ranch. -(Deluxe quality |con- tras. Owner 643-1752, 648-0994. NOTICE OF AFPUCATION IVi baths, aluminum storms, REALTOR, MLS wage resti^te to the construe- ^ ^ ^m press^ by pubUc equipped with top and full cov­ table and chairs, ’TV trays, 2 al Hospital, not a complex. strucUoiC. Professionally land- This Is to Kive notice that I, screens, 100x400’ lot. M id 20’ s. ering. 643-6402. lodge, lovely apartment, D. Cole, R ealtor, 648-6666, t ™ o ur\TTT rkTTo a mam Colo- ROBERT A. CASASANTA of 238 Oak U « IndusUy, lislng the periodic ®'?®?!®’ neon lights, knotty pine desk, 1 ^ private home Uving. 649 DELUXE 2 - bedroom apart- gjeepe 6. aU now, thM.. lie e mUeil Dni/tir ick TAimtAHv LeAileux, 6 4 9 :9 ^ . BOLTON LAKE—Well built 2- scapet lot. Pool. Mid 40s. BOULDER Rd. — 6-TOOm c o io - Manchosfer, Ooon., have filed an Bel A ir R eal Estate, 643-9332. 648-2682 maple dining room' table amd >«ent, waU-to-wall carpeting, to pool, golf, tennis, riding. bedroom retirement home, ga- Hayes Agency, 646-0131. nial with breezeway, famUy application 14 July 1971, ■ertth ______room, two-car oversized ga- SOUTH WINDER - JmniMU- labor and m ^em ert negotla- recoX^^had been Garden - Farm - chairs, hassock, 9x12 rose 4%-ROOM apartment, second P*ayl>^. q«feL July MANCHESTER - Just listed rasre. Exquisite parklike 1.78 cohoUc liguor on the premlhee HUl- -late ■ 6-room- Raised Ranch, 3 ’TOLLAND tors in the steel Industry. saying that any natlans wanting beige rug and pad, mahogany floor, appilances, heat, hot un v^te fbrough September. $75 SSis’ 2-w ’gaS2^ t ^ li? 9ROOM COLONIAL. Large 4-4, 2 family. Double garage, pt.inTv ohnila top Market. 234 0 & St.. Man- Dairy Products 50 console stereo with extra acre lot with sturdy shade snaae g^^er. Conn. baths, 3 rooms partially fin­ DOWN ON 'THE FARM "In the board’s judgment, diplomatic ties with Communist water, disposal, parking, base- weekly. CaU 6436690. ^ modern kitchen with fam ily exceUent condlUk216’ with a Household Goods 51 net, dams, mends, embroi­ , „ COVENTRY LAKE — Ctezy RAISED RANCH on F^day nites. 8-11 p.m. room, fireplace, formal dining room, aluminum siding. Manchester Parkade labor leaders as well yjg claim. storage, master TV antepnav ______view. living room, bequtiful cor­ ______cottage next to water. AU Sponsored by Andover Lake Lot approximately 118x884. Price $80,900. Manchester 649-5306 “ government,” - Chou showed yet more flexl- SEWING machines 1971 push ders, monograms, etc. Origi­ ner fireplace, 2 enclosed • laundry facilltiee. Parking for Funiislieerately n e ^ larger four- ROCKLEDGE—Dynamic 9room each. 643-2465 evenings or 643- Raised Ranch, 5 bedrooms,'2% MANOR plus lot. Typical elegance at prlce review board, but the (Ucate that 'if Peking gets Into 1442. SOFA and chair, $45. CaU 643- month. 646-2^ 95. ' floor, small patio, heat, bedroom home in Manchester modest price. Plano Agency, SUBURBAN, two-family on^ a president has consistently re- the United Nations, the rwang ------______!___ !______hot water, utilities, prefer to lease ivith option to buy or ______baths, large family room, ca- 6868. APARTMENTS 6492677. country sized lot. Four rooms jected the Idea, government will walk out. CLEAN, used refrigerators, FIVE-R(X>M duplex, two bed­ business person. CaU 6492252 lease. Phone 5692421. PITKEN — Porter St. area, 5- thedral celUng Uving and dining year old aluminum sided cus- room, modern kitchen. A ver- each floor, owner’s has fire­ That, in fact, may be a solu­ ranges, automatic washers YARD SALE — Chrome table, rooms, spacious yard. Stove, after 6 p.m. ------HOiMiES’IE A D ST. tom built, 9 room Garrison. satUe home in an exceUent lo- place. Scarce price ot $28,900. tion to the American dUemma. with guarantees. See them at four chairs, glider, electric refrigerator, heat, hot water OFF W. MnOINLE TPK E. Family room with beamed cation. 2-car garage, Wolverton Agency, Realtors, B. D. Pearl’s Appliances, 649 hedge trimmer, power mower, furnished. Adults only. No Land For Sale 71 MANCHESTER 6492813. pets. $180 per month, one- Business Locations ceilinjg .and buUt-in bar, dream NOTICE Swingy Main St. Call 643-2171. mirrors, hair dryer, miscel­ 1, 2 and 3-bedroom luxury Quilt Delight month' security deposit requir- For Rent A4 kitchen' with barbecue, etc...... „______TOWN OF MANCHESTER COVENTRY — 7-room custom laneous', 106. 152 Benton St. ror Kenr oe b OLTON — 7 % acres. Route Agency We NEED LISTINGS apartments. Features wall-to^ TRADER ”P” — Antiques, ' ed. Write Box “ U” , M anches­ — 44A. Ideal for business or apart- ! ngcncy, - q POSITION VACANCY built Ranch. Two fireplace^, COMMERCIAL place for lease 6466181 NOW l ‘ Thinking o f SeU- wall carpeting, vanity tile used furniture and appliances, Musical Instruments 53 ter Herald. baths, built-in oven, range, WILLIMANTIC ROANOAK AYE. CHIEF WATER POLLUTION extra large rooms. Garage. ,^50 Pearl St., Manchester. Open ______or sale 461 Main St., next to ,, ------7------— Auming ,-vyour iu property?" CaU dishwasher, refrigerator and CONTROL PLANT OPERATOR Double lot. Excellent area. 4%-ROOM Townhouse apart- post office. ExceUent business MANCHESTER — Vernwi line, TODAY I New 4 bdrai. Cape with fuU shed, IM, baths, chteoe o f colC *8, NEW TOBK. side Lane, Bolton Lake, off middle age working man, near R ealtor, 6494535. , A pply: ROUTE 85 ticut. Prestige Rockledge Area. Come Browse, Come By, or Como Buy — You'll Be Most Welcome! a.T . IMM. or&SauoMSmw t o b k ’. 44-A. center, parWng. 649-6896, 647- SOUTH BOLTON Town of Manchester, JARVIS ENTERPRISES Mat MM, Mlrttf altt HP ir.T. UNO. Cl FIVE-ROOM apartment, sec­ Ckmnectlcut CMI, ttito MMar ate SM. Priat M bm, atertn «ilb ZIP 1146. METRONICS. INC. (Signs Posted)' 283 E. CENTER STREET CNL SLEDS, thayer crib and mat­ ond floor, stove/ pairklng. $150. Robert B. Weiss, The Spring and Summer Bouto a ft 44-A 'Commode, Mantle, Beds, Marion E . Robertson, Realtor The Spring it Summer tress, bumper guards, gate. Available August 1st. Adults, General Manager 643-4112 THE WILLIAM E. BELFIORE AGENCY ’71 Basic FASHION B ook is Humidifier, used refrigerator. Bolton, Conn. Marble Sink, Desks, Chairs, $1.00, includes postage T l AIBUM is 66d, includes ROOM for rent, parking facil­ security, references required. Tinware, Lanterns, etc. REALTORS 647-1413 431-3 MAIN ST. 643-5953 postsEre and handling. 643-9938 anytim e. ities, ladies only. Call 646-’N47. Call 643-5008 after 6 p.m . and handling. " ' ' r - ' ...... '■■',

P A G E ^ K T E E N iianrl|[?i^r iEttrning lirniUi, SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1971

garding tenure review policy; noon in the police station, Board To Get a resignation from the profes­ Austin, ahd Anthony Pao^e of sional staff; and other commit­ the MbniuM) Paving Co., ex­ Cost Estimates tee reports. plained the project is going VINYL LINER well, and barring any unusual For New School difficulties, they expect to be­ gin final paving of the entire in­ Pool Meflics . Donald Kuehl of the Town W. Center Work tersection before Labor Day, Buildihj' Committee and repre­ Scheduled Next with everything getting back to Associated With sentatives of the Bloomfield normal by mid-Septeniber. architectural firm of Steckel David Austin of the Connecti­ Although half of Broad St. wUl A ll SEASON POOL, HW. ROUTE 44A ON BOHTON LAKE , and OolavecchiO will submit remain o ^ n throughout Tues­ cut Highway Department said day’s paying. Police Chief plans €tnd the cost estimate for paving crews would black top JAmes Reardon asks motorists SALES - SERVICE - REPAIRS the proposed Northeast Ble- Broad St; Tuesday, and begin to avoid the location. 1\vo Replacement Liners, Pool Covers, Chemicals mentary School to the Board work Wednesday morning on patrolmen will be there to di­ of Elducation Monday night in Accessories, Filters, Heaters, Winterizing the third phase of improve­ rect traffic. Service Package. the Bennet Junior High School ments to the Pine, Arch, Broad, Paone said the W. Center St. Main Building at 8. W. Center, and Center Sts. in­ widening would eventually FREE ESTIMATES ON REPAIR w 6 r K The TBC Tuesday approved a tersection. The third step, wid­ reach along the south edge ot “ not to exceed” $2.7 million ening W. Center St., is expect­ Center St. to Arch St., where a figure for inclusion in the No­ ed to take about four weeks, large section of olid concrete t e l e p h o n e M9-A9A2 vember referendum. and during that time the street must be broken up. Paone said Other business will Include a will be closed from 8 a.m. to he anticipates some traffic memorandum from Dr. Walter 4:30 p.m. from Cooper St. to tieups at Arch St. though he M. Schaixlt, educatlcmal poli­ Center St. couldn’t say when or for how cies committee chairman, re­ At a meeting yesterday after­ long. Read Herald AdyertisemenU



(Photo by John Leggltt) OFF A Play on Problems ot Staging Play MISSES' KRINKLE VINYL WET LOOK Confusion and consternation reign backstage in this scene from “The Torch- bearers,” a comedy about the problems of staging a play, to be presented COATS AND JACKETS Tuesday ahd Wednesday at 8 :30 p.m. at East Catholic High School by the Man­ chester Community Players Summer Teen Theater group. Here Mrs. Ritter Fashion Styled, Acetate Lined. Wendy Piero) swoons after comidg offstage, as Mr. Sandler, the director SHORTIE i', Assorted Colors - Broken Sizes. (John Aubin) clutches his clipboard in a gesture of ‘.‘last straw” frustration. JILL W IG S Other cast members, trying to revive her, are from leftj 'Mr. Twiller (Mary CURLY, QUICK STYLINO, WASH ly - Alice Dwyer), Mr. Hossefosse (Ron Hindle), ,and Mrs. Pampinelli (Reges Mc- SHAKE IT - WEAR IT! POPULAR Keough). Proceeds will benefit the Drug Advisory Center. COLORS -AND FROSTEDS A '] 2 t 9 9 ALL MEN'S AND BOYS'

Mason, Sunset Terrace, Vernon; SWIM TRUNKS, SHORtS^ M anchester Mario Matassa, 76 Barry Rd. About Town POLYESTER KNITS Also, Mrs. Charlotte S. Miss Patricia Orfitelli, daugh-> Hospital Notes Patros, Wlllimantlc; pavid R. 96% POLYESTER, 6% NYLON, FULLY arid SHORTY PAJAMAS ter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael MACHINE WASHABLE, 46 ” WIDE, Schmedding, 606 Gardner St.; Orfitelli of ^ yUlage St., and AV.AILABLE IN STRIPES ONLY M a a VISITINO HOURS Mrs. Florence O. ’Traill, 16 Miss Audrey Smith, daughter Intermediate Care ' Semi­ Stock Place; Barbette*A. Wap- private, noon - 2 p.m., and 4 of Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. Smith ren, 6 Murray Rd., Wapplng. of 007 Woodbridge St., have ENTIRE STOCK OF GIRLS' p.m. - 8 p.m.; private rooms, BIRTTIB YESTERDAY: A been named to the dean’s list 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., and 4,p.iil. - 8 daughter to, Mr. and Mrs. Dur- at Adrian (Mlchp (3ollege. They p*m. „ wood Wlnchell, West Willington; WOMEN'S SNEAKERS PANTSUITS X »» j T . are both soidxoniores and mem- a* ' Pediatrics: Parents aUowed a son t o ^ ^ d hfrs. J ose^ any time except noon ■ 2 p.m.; BLUE TENNIS SNEAKERS, W f fkgk Includes. Knits, Bondeds, and others, 2 p.m. • 8 p.m. Somers, MarlbOrougTi: a son to ____ WASHABLE, BROKEN SIZES Cottons. Good Selection in Most Sizes Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ss,bin, IB Self Service: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.; Ashworth St,______Richard D. Mason, son of 4 p-m-..^ 8 p.m. Mr.^and MfsT Howard Mascn 61 Intensive Care and Coronary DISCHARGED YEJS’TERDAY; Albert P. Frederickson, Provi­ 27 Jensen St., has been named LANDERS Care: Immediate family only, to the dean’s list for the spring any time, limited to five min­ dence, R .I.; John S. Devaney, ALL CHILDREN'S UGHTWEIGHT East Hartford; Mrs. Sylvia A. semester at the L. C. Smith MOUTHWASH utes. School of Engineering at Syra­ Maternity: Fathers, 11 a.m. - Haley, 62 Diane Dr.; William L. URESSES Henderson, 2 Pearl St.; Mrs. cuse (N. -Y.) University. He 3 for 91.00 JACKETS 12:46 p.m., and 6:30 p.m. - 8 wiU ^nter his junior year m 32-oz. size. Reg. price 60c each p.m .; others, 3 p.m.-4- p.m.. Dorothy A. Ferron, 74 Nike Includes Nylon Windbreakers and Western the fall. and 6:30 p.m. -8 p.m.. . Circle; Joseph M. Hayes, 444 Denims. Most Sizes Available. Center St. Age Limits: 16 in maternity, GLOBAL TRANSISTOR 40®/o o W 12 in other areas, no limit in -Also, Mrs. Lois E. Gibbs, 306 Lee M. SUversteln of 27 ‘Lex­ self-service.. Oakland St.; Mrs. Bettena ington Dr., 'rehabilitation coun­ RADIO BAHERIES The emergency entrance on Cohun, 65 Harlan St.; Charles W. selor at Blue HUls Hospital in Hartford, recently attended the POPULAR 9 VOLT OR PACKAGE OF Armory St. is the only hospital ’Tufts, Warehouse Point; Mrs. 4 “ AA” SIZE, FOR f Agk entrance open from 11 p.m. to Mary L. Samlotls, 49 Kane R(i.; annual Rutgers University MOST PORTABLES 7 a.m. All other outside doors Mrs. Edith I. Barrow, East School of Alct^ol Studies in are locked during the night Hartford; Mrs. Phyllis R. Wil­ New Brunswick, N. J. shift. son, East Hartford. WALTHAM Also, Crawford C. Allen, 42 ’The Sienior Choir pt North CALENDAR WATCH Lenox St.; Mrs. Mable Shultz, United Methodist ChiH'ch will WHILE 0 LAST! Meadows Convalescent Home; rehearse Monday at 7-i:30 p.m -ADMITTED YIEJSTERDAY :■ Louis M. BotU, 260 Bush Hill at the church for Its appear­ -Anti-Magnetic, Shock Resistant, Waterproof Mrs. Dagny Augustlnsen, 40 Rd.; Mrs. Mary Smith, W. Cen- ance ’Tuesday at the Willlman- 17-Jewel wrlth Combination Expansion Band e l e c t r ic s h a v e * Valley View Dr;; South Windx ter St.; Laurent G. Larrabee, tlc CJamp Grounds at 7:30 p.m K 919.95 sor; Mrs'5 Marie L. Blanchard, East Hartford. East Hartford; Mrs. Barbara A. Also. Mrs- Evelyn Masse, 130 Members and advisors of * 11.88 Duff, 28 Dover Rd.; Kathleen Windsor St.; Mrs. Carol Fitz­ Manchester -Assembly, Order BAN-LON« 100% Egan, 76 Jarvis R d.; Mrs. Elsie gerald, 19 Winter St.; Mrs. of Rainbow for Girls, will have M. Fentlman, East Hartford. Helen R. Hathaway, 171 St. a barbecue and splash party POLYESTER KNITS 64” WIDE, NO IRON, MACHINE Also, Mrs. Marion C. Gibson, John St.; Mildred C. Burden, Monday 'from 5 to 9 at the home of Miss Sharon Smith WASHABLE, A Q 4 Moser Dr., Rockville; Arthur East Hartford; Sandra Clifford, and Miss Yvonne Smith, Rose PRINTED ONL\ ” X . T 7 Goodwin, 26 Ridgewood St.; 67 Mountain Ew., South Windsor; Mrs. Louise Stokes, 189A E. wood Lane, Bolton. 111080 plan- © I T S * Mrs. M & on H. Hammond, 62 M. ning to attend are reminded to Benton St.; Michael -Kozlowsky, Mlddle Tpke. contact Miss Sharon Smith. OHIUIBEN'S , 1026 Foster St., South Windsor. Also, Edward Westover, 60 N. -Also, Patti LaPorest, 300 ! Mrs. Mary Rowe, president of SNEAKERS Charter 'O ^ St.; Alexander Hilliard St.; Mrs, Althea Vldeon, the l^Canchester Auxiliary to Leggett, 44 Washingtcm St.; 6 6 « 19 Downey Dr.; Robert A. Bal- World 'War I Veterans; and Earl S. Leighton, 11 .Allison Dr., MACHINE WASHABLE IN SIZES 6 • 10 bonl, 342 Hackmatack St. members, Mrs. Pauline Clark Talcottville; Mrs. Thelma H. Also, Mrs. Michael McCarty, and Mrs. .Alfred Post, attended Libbey, 186 Brook St., South the recent Department of Con­ and son, 106 Birch St.; Mrs DUPONT lOWSO Windsor; Mrs. Dorothy L. Richard Schauster and daughter necticut Auxiliary to World War Ellington; Mrs. Franklin Cham Veterans convention In New Haven. ’Their names were omit­ M O TO R O IL bers and daughter, 1238 Hart ted In a report of the convention ford T’pke., Rockville. OoW** in yesterday’s Herald. 4 for 99^ Quart Cans — .All-Weaver (^mjnectlcut State TVeasurer Rd$fert Berdon of New Haven will be guest speaker at the meeting of the Kiwanls Club of HIBACHI Manchester TTiesday noon TTie Town firemen put out the Manchester Country d u b 96.50 two minor car fires yesterday ----- Double size, 10” x20” — Solid cast iron evening, both at about 6:40, at State Rep. Bruce Morris 23 Hemlock St., and at E. Ifld- New Haven will speak ’Tuesday dle ’Tpke. and Ardmore Rd. at the meeting of the Manches­ OOLEOO BtKE SHOP The Eighth District volunteers ter Rotary Club at 6;30 p.m at the Manchester Country POLY POOL SEE OUR NEW FALL FASHION LINE — 257 SPRUCE ST. put out a fire in a hollow log at the rear of 80 Princeton St., last Club. SHOP NOW -USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN New, Used night at 7:36. 60-lnch diameter, sturdy, safe blue poly­ ethylene. $2 DEPOSIT - $2 WEEKLY • HOLDS YOUR SELECTION Tradies, Rentqis s m Rocks’ Mercury High OPEN ALL DAY MOSCOW — Rocks with ab­ Service All Makes normally high mercury content SUNDAY — 100 times the normal maxi WEST 9 A.M. - 8 P.M. Daily 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. mum concentration— are found MIDDLE TURNPIKE in several places in the 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. Sat. ARTHUR DRUO U.S.S.R., notably in the Donets MANCHESTER PARKADE Basin, the Kerlck-Taman area and the Crimea.

‘ MV ■''.■' V-'x-v.-V CE - R E P A IR S ml Covers, Chemicals leaters, Winterizing *ackage. N REPAIR WORK E 649-6962


SiUaidair, fa ir 21 day, and William Holden. Sudsy, Jaly 35 r River". Exciting escapade in Monday, July 26 (18) Dick Vaa Dyke RFD Mo. S <0) (22) Mean —- Weather aad 8:88 (88) Agricsltara ss Parade which ‘ Tarxan ventures into Taeiday, Jfoljr 27 The Young and the Bravo” (8> Motor Moose (C) Sports (G) 7:88 (88) This U the Ute upper teaches of Amioon to 1:8 (2) Virginia Graham Show (C) (2240) NBC News (C) 1:00 63. Three American soldiers <2240> Hot Doc <0) (88) Gonaectleat Nowsmakecs 7:88 (8) Faith (or ’Today (G) ' stop strange cult of men from (8) Beat the Clock (G) 6:65 (40) News (C) <8) Beat the Clock (C) escaped from POW camp. Join (W> CaadlepUi BowUof (G> 7:M (8) MIssiaa Impossible B (C> (88) Btog A ro u d the Wortd carrying out terrorizing forays (88) At Home With Kitty (C) 7:00 (8) Movie (O) <22> At Home With Kitty forces with Korean o rp h ^ and I (8) Monkees (C) (2248) Movie B (G) 7:66 (8) Sign On A Prayer (G) I ' agaiQSt villages. “Apallo 15 — M ob. oaly" "Kiss Me Kate" '53. Stars of Interviews members of cast of his dog and together they fight (8> Hordr Boys (C) "Corridor dOO". Suxanne Ple- 8:88 (84) Ghrlxtophera_ (G> (8-48) The F 3 J . (C) (38) Talea of Wella Fhrgo musical version of Shake­ “ Forty Carats’* now playing at their way bock to their regi­ (2VS8) Jambo (O) shette, Theodore Blkel, An­ (88) Gol. Glown Theatre (G) 8:88 (2248) Bed Skelton Show (G) 1:88 (8) Az the World Taraz | (C) speare's “ The Taming of the Storrowton Music Theatre; & ment. Rory Calhoun. Wtlliam > (S> Dastardly * Mottley drew Duggan and Joseph 8:16 (8) Adventarea of Oamby (G> 9:88 (248) Movie (C) (SO) Joe Garaglola’z Memory Shrew" once married to each Lucille Rivers with “ Fashions Bendix, Richard Arlen. !' (848) Amencoo Baadstaad Campanella. Singer Anita (8-48) Saered Heart (G> “The Flim-Flam Mon” ’67. Game (C) other, battle as much off stage in Sewing.” K:ng is used as bait by federal (8) Truth or Consedaences (C) (22) WrcstUnc (C> 8:88 (848) ThU la the LUe (G) Comedy about creative con- BIG SOUND FROM A SMALL PACKAGE. Sylvania’s Mini- (840) LePi Make a Deal (C) as on. Kathryn Grayson, How­ (SO) Tales of WeUs Fargo (18) What's My Liner (O) (88) doalor Talent Show <0> ts to. expose big narcotics (22) Thuderbirda (G) man. George C. Scott Sue 2:8 I (8) Love Iz a Maay Splcadored ard Keel, Keenan Wyim, . (40) AU Bfy Children (C> (22-SO) News — Weather and 8:88 (8) World A rou d Ua (G) Lyon. Harry Morgan and Alice Modular reproduces your records with excellent clarity and full, Thlag (C) James Whitmore. 1:S0 (S) As tiM World *)tams The Jetooos (G> Ghoatley. (82) Baseban Close-Dp (G) S (8) Gommeata nad People (G) (2840) Dayz of Oar Uvea (G> (8) Troth or Caaseqaeaces (C) (SO) doe Garaglola's Memory (40) ABC News (C) ) Laarreace Welk Show (28) Gapt. Scariet (G) (18) Kathryn Knkhnan Show .big stereo sound. Sylvania Air Suspension speakers provide the (18) TVhaPs My UneT (C) (88) WHMB-TV Freseals (C) (8) My Iliree 1ms B (G) (840) Newlywed Game (C) Game (C) 7:30 (8-40) Mod Squad (C) I (8) Movie (88) Underdog (G) (22-88) Bonanza B (G) I (8) Ooldlag Light (G) (22-80) News — Weather aad (8-10) Let's Make a Deal (C) (18) Movie Game (C) (3248) Movie B (G) (48) Faith (or Today (G) 8:88 (18) Adventnres In Paradise ^es^sou n d available today. 32 watts peak music power. Sports (40) ABC News (C) Thing (C) milian Schell, Samantbtt^Sg- (8) Actton (G) (3248) The Bald Ones B (C) 7:80 (8240) From A Bird’s Eye (22-SO) Hake Your Own Kind he has betrayed hla country gar, Ingrid Thulin and H er­ I (8) Beverly HUIbilllee (C) (8-40) Newlywed Game (C) of Music (C) exiles himself. iLater he learns (88) Samaon (G) 18:88 (18) Oral Boberta please! Model MMIO. (82-80) Antoher World — Bay View (C) (22-SO) Days of Oar Lives (C) bert Lom. After undergoing (48) The Ghriatophen (G) U:88 (8-8424848) News —Weather (840) Let’s Make a Deal (C) Hosts are Richard and Karen betrayal was essential part of plastic surgery to remove City (C) 2:80 (S) Gaidlng Light (C) Carpenter and A1 Hirt, the secret mission. Linda Darnell, 18:88 (8) Lamp Unto My Feet (O) aad Sports (C) (8-10) Geaeral Hozpital (C) (IS) Movie Game (C) (fr40) Dating Game (C) traces of brutal treatment she (G) 11:25 (8) Movie 8:00 (22-80) Joe Garagtola’s Base­ Doodletown Pipers and Mark Trevor Howard and John Wil­ suffered in Naxl concentration (8) Dialegae I (8) Baoger Stattoa (C) (22-SO) The ^Doctors (C) Lindsay. liams. (22) Ghallce o( Salvattoa (G) "No Time For Sergeants" '68. iSYfl^ANlAi (2240) Bright Promiza (C> ball Worid (C) S:00 (S) Beverly HlllbUlies (C) camp, woman returns to P ar­ (18) Movie (88) Baseball Pre-Game Show (88) To Be Alive (G> Oe (S) Andy Griffith Show (C) 8:16 (2240) BaeebaU (C) (8-40) One life to Live (C) (8) Movie ply for ad­ (848) BaBwlnkle (G) Cops and Robberh—"Crim e in GeOTge Montgomery. Former 8:80 (8) ■rUe le Yoar LUe (Cl (22-SO) Somerset (C) Wilding. Satire on pointless­ the Streets" ’66. Sal Mineo, ture story filmed in Acapulco, mission to U. S. ness of war Is told f.-om (22) Pattern (or Living (G) outlaw determined to go Surprised guest: Jose Felici­ (8-40) Password (C) 11:16 (88) Jewtoh LUe (G) John Cassavetes. Young hood­ ano. Mexico. (48) Movies (C) points of view of two men both straight, fighu son of aristo­ 4:S0 (S) Andy Griffith (C) 9:00 (SO) Movie (C) "Sherlock Holmes A The Pearl 11:88 (8) Pereeptiu -. (G) lum, leader of teenage gang, cratic Mexican family who Is (40) It Was a V e n Good Tear (8) Morie disgusted by warfare and on plots murder dragging' young­ “ A Funny Thing Happened on of Death" and "Charlie Chan opposite sides but alike in (8 ^ ) Discovery (G> determined to prevent enforce­ 0:10 (8) Mayberry B.F.D. B (C) “ Stronghold*' *62. Zachary "The Pendleton Roundup” — est member of gang into (840) Movie (C) the Way to the Forum” *66. In Honolulu". many ways. STANEK ment of law. Scott. Veronica Liake. Two Zero Mostel. Phil Slivers. Busr Visit to annual western rodeo ertma (28) Mike Donglas Show (C) "34 Hours to KUI" '65. Mickey aristocratic leaders on oppo­ Z:15 (22) Baseball (C) 8:88 (48) Val Doalcaa (G) (2248) Tsnight Show Johnny ter Keaton and Jack Gilford. Red Sox Vs. Twins at Mlime- In Pendleton, Oregon where (M) Mr." Ed Rooney, Walter Slezak and site sides of 19th Ontury re­ (3) Arale B (G) cowboys, Indiana, ranchers Carson (C)c (40) The Monston Lex Barker In drama of Inter­ Conniving slave in ancient sota. 8:88 (18) Oral Boberto (48) Movie (C )) bellion are In mortal contest Rome, continually gets into 2;Z0 (18) Yankee Preview (G) and townspeople Join In com- (40) Weather Watch (C) national Intrigue and gold for love of American girl. (8) Mary ^rler Moore Show b'natlon of rodeo events and "Johnny Rocco" (8) Perry Maoon smuggling filmed in Beirut trouble as he attempts to win 2:M (18) Baseball (C) (48) Boxiag (G) 1:88 (88) News Slga OH (C) E LE C m O N IC S (22) Mike Doaglas Show (C) his freedom from domineering bdian ceremonies. A (IS) WIM WQd West (G) 8:80 (8) Deris Day Show B (C) (30) Mr. Ed New York Yankees vs. Brew- Jerry Quarry vs. Tony Doyle. ^ (48) News —^Prayer Sign mistress and her era at Milwaukee. (28) Sports Ghallenge (C) A 277 BROAD STREET — PHONE 649-1124 (80) Addams Family (18) Conn. Beport (C) (40) The Mansters (88) Adeluto (G) OH (C) 10:00 (8) CBS Newcomen (C> husband, R (8) Beaaty Pageast (G) (40) McHale’s NavjT 4:55 (40) Weather Watch (C) (22) Baseball (C) 3:t (8) Movie 12:88 (8) We Believe (G) 1:16 (8) Newsenpe (0) (80) Oilllgaa’z Izlaad (C) Host: Dave Garroway. "Francis Covers the Big 11:88 (8) It Was a Tory Good Year 1:88 (8) News — Prayer S in 5:00 (3) Perry Mason Boston Red Sox vs. Milwaukee Protestant A W ) News — Weather and Guesta: Varnie Mae Biser, Da­ (18) WUd WUd West (C) Town” . Francis helps his re­ (22-88-48) News — Weaiher (8) CtoinloBsted M u (G) OH ^ m r l s /(j) vid Arlen, Gay Perkins, Raul; Brewers. porter friend in and oiit of 11:88 and Sports (0) (80) Addams FamUy (18) Marriage on the Rocks (82) ’rtane Tnnnel (G) Perez, Cynthia Clawson, Peg- (40) McHale'i Navy murder trial as they drive po­ (8) News —Weather A Spofto "Devila Island" gv Sears, Rex Allen Jr., the Father Edmund Nadolny. (8) Movie (8-842) News — Weather and 5:S0 (30) GlUlgaa's Island . (C) lice craxy and gangsters out (88) McHale’s Navy 1 Sports ( o CalUornians, the Good Humor (S) Conn.: What's Ahead? (C) of town. . Donald O'Connor, "Revenge of the Pirates" ’62. (40) News — Weather aad (8-40) Marcus Welby M.D. (C) (48) BoUev Derby (G) (18) Candid Camera Comn-ny, Joey Garza, Rodney Sports (C) Yvette D uny, and Gene Lock- Mllly Vitale, Jean Pierre 12:88 (8) Face the N atlu (G) Educational Winfield. (18) Hartford Talk-ln (C) luiri. Aumont. Pirate triumps (80) To Toll the Trnth (C) 5:55 (S) What's Happening (C) 10:S0 (S) CBS News Special (C) (8) Flbn (G) (40) 77 Soaset Strip (18) HarUord Talk-la (G) 8:00 (S-8-n) News — Weather and 11:00 (8) Sports ChsUeage (G) against governor who murder­ (88) Gelebrlty Bowling (G) 6:88 11:00 (84-183240-40) News — (S-8-18-22.S0-40) News — ed his brother; he frees his (SI News with Walter Citm- W r i s (C) Weather and Sports (C) Guests include Ferguson, Jen­ 1:88 (8) Goayncssional Beport (G) KELLY RD., VERNON klte Weather aad Sports (G) (18) Candid Camera u kins, Ron Santo and HUly Wil­ captured sister, captures gov­ (22-881 Meet the Press (G) TV 11:36 (3) Movie 11:25 (S) Mqvie . (C) ernors llln tten treasure and mi News with J.K. Smith and (SO) To TeU the Troth (C) ■ The Brides of Drarnin.’’ i ). liams. (8) Eighth Day ‘"The Lady from Shanghai". 1:88 (8) Movies PM Canon (c ) (8-40) Dick CaVett Show (C> Tale of yriung adventurer who 8:55 (40) News (C) (S-8-S040) News — PrAyer A (22) Silents Please "A Portrait of Murder’’ ’66. 4:88 Sesame Street B (C) cxJeALirtjOr SPECIALISTS . . . Show (C) 7:00 (S) Movie (38) Movie agrees to participate in faked- Rem">ke of "I/uira" —^Young 6:88 Speaking Freely (0) 1:00 (9-80-M News — Prayer and Sign Off (C) "Bandit of Sherwood Forest” . up murder pf rich man with girl thought to have been mui'- Sidney Hook, professor of phi­ Sign Off /c) Tale of adventure in Merrie whose wife be has fallen in derod siidderlv turns up in losophy at N YU talks about LAWN MOWERS 1:95 (8) News — Prayer and Sign love. Rita Haytrorth, Orson England as Robn Hood’s son middle of investigation and V student discontent as danger REPAIRED (C) saves Queen Mother from Wells, and Everett 9oane. throws evervthing into tur­ to academic freedom. clutches of cruel Regent. Cor­ (48) Movie (G) moil. Dana Wynter, George 6:88 Foens on Sweden B (C) nel Wilde, Henry Danlell, Jill 11:56 "Cruel Tower" "We Are More Like Friends" SHARPENED (8) Movies Sanders. Esmond, and Edgar Buchan­ "The Desert Rata” '68. War 6:80 We, the Enemy B (C) Dan River Carpet ’.77 WEDNESDAY W We Are Not SatUfied an. "The Sundowners" '60. Draiha drama about turbulent slecre Stale o> environment in state Pop-Rock (48) Wide World of Sports (C) about little family of migrant of Tobruk during WW H. Rich­ of Connecticut WAU-IO-WAU SKCIAL ______SQ. YD. Until You Are! S:M (22) Time Tnaael (G> sheep drovers and shearers ard Burton. Jnmes Mason, 7:80 Hlzterugers Meets An Astro­ "The Ghost of Nero” in Australia hardships they airf Robert Newton. naut "Festivals in Spain” (8) News Roger Madd » (G) land, .Allan Luie. Meta vs. Hbuston Astros. mieres Aug. 4 at 8:30 p.m. on (22-38) MBC Mews ^ (G> ( W B a a e b a d ^ (G) (or evening of Jazz, show tunes aaniYL vnm . TJH'Wimiff. ' givea tour of his homeland; <))' 'iruth or Consequences (C> (18) Leave It TO Beaver (48) News — Prayer A Sigh New York Yankee vs. Brew­ A light classics. CtonnecUcut Public Television, Arena Civic Theatre In, Green-, (18) What’s My UneT (C) (48) I Spy . . . (C) OB (G) ers. 9:00 Masterpiece Theatre (C) NO WAX OOdUD CERAMIC W E DO field presents excerpts from (33-80) News — Sports and (88) Lasisl A Hardy channel 24 in Hartford, with a Weather (C) .7:0 (8) Here’s' Lacy B (C) (88) Guneeticat Glosb-Up "Plot-Counter Plot” their production of “ 8,000 "County Hospital" ^ i 2:16 (22) Baseball ' ' ,(G) 10:89 Fanfare (C) concert by Texas ^lues great Clowns’’ : World Affairs Coun­ (40) ABC News (C) (8) Truth or Conseqaences (C) (8) Mewscope (Cn TILE (18) Movie Red Sox v a Twins at Minne­ "American Odyssey: The Mid­ ( Frep. Freddie lOng. cil presents playlet with mem­ 7:80 (a) Tarzhn vT (C) (M) News A Sign OH (G) sota. night Special" bers of Holyoke St. School par­ (8-40) Coorishlp of Eddie’s Fa­ “ Born Yesterday” . Judy HoUl- (8) News — P j ^ e r A Slga * B ztia Everything CPTV i^peats the program ther (C) OH ^ ) 248 (88) B'ealdag Barriers (G) ticipating; and "Fashions In 3:88 (88) Goldm Y u r a (G) Aug. 5 at|7:30 p.m. Sewing." (18) Movie Game (C) "Niirs'ne Homes and Teacher PM *‘ i>n*‘yij dnly *6 fiMtallfid in Tour (88) Tales of Wells FTtigo (3 3 ^ ) Men from ShUoh R (C) Ad in Any i n s n o n i 'Hie nine-part series is a Retirement” 4:80 Sesame Street B (C) Electrical (48> AU My ChUdren (C) 8:00 (8-40) Boom 333 (C) Garner back on TV 4:88 <81 Golf T u ra a m u t (G) 7:00 Lei s Taae Plotares np tD azl2 PlepniBlIan B xte showcase for popular music and 1:88 (8) At the Worid Tarns (C) (18) Movie — ------Westchester-Open...... —.....-"Indoor Picture^- TeehnJques:-’- musicians. Each week, one out- (88) Joa Garaglola’z Memory "Operation Had Ball" Ernie (88) Religtu Special (G) 7:30 J ^ e e Chen Cpoks M A Y W E SE R V E Y O U ? /G am e (G) Kovocs. "TeU It Like It Is" “Egg Rolls” _8tfflfflngjperfpi^er^ is ^ __ (»4tl_Lrt’f Make a Deal (G) 8:80 (8) To Borne With Love (C) In Wesvern Series 4:88 (48) Ganadlan-Amcrleu Ante 8:00 World Iress (C) INDOOR-OUTDOOR CARPET When your needs are in a 30-minute, uninterrupted ,'8:88 (8) Love la a'Maay Bplendored -tfcOOL amlUL_F8niibL_____ (,CJ Race (G) 9:00 Black Journal (C) CAIVET TRJES Thlag (C) 9:00 (8) Medical Center B (C) James Gamer returns this carpet business in Los Angeles. 6:88 <*' Tomorrow la Now (C) 10:00 Evening at Fops B (C) electrical, let us take care color c(Hicert. (32-88) Days of Oar Lives (G) (3240) E)es O’Connor Show (C) Hugh O’Brien and 60 of ooun- Guest: Charlie Callas. fill to televislan, the medium Still a legal re^dent of Okla­ 12 FT. WIDE BOLLS Following'IQng on the series (8-48) Newlywed Game (G) tn’’s moat promising high of them expertly. 2:88 (3) OoldlBg Light (G) (8) Movie that made him a star more than homa and a National Guard school students visit Cape Ken­ Tuesday, July 27 will be Roger Kellaway, Rob­ "Requiem for a Heavyweight” PM (22-88) The Doctors (G) a decade ago In the “iSCaverlck” member, he was the state's ned" and meet crews of Aool- 3 1 ^ E a d i Electric Heat Specialist erta Flack, Kris Kristoffersnn, (8-48) Dating Game ■ (G) '62. Anthony (Juinn, Jackie lo 14 A 15 watdfi in trl^in g 6:00 Sesame Street B (C) • 1 . 8 9 ^ Gleason, Hickey Rooney and seizes. first draftee dining the Korean 7:00 Joyce Chen Cooks B Odetta. the Sir Douglas (Quintet, 8:88 (3) Beverly HUlblUies (G) process of prepauing for (light PLAIN BACK RUBBEB BACK (2248) Another World — Bay Julie Harris. What happens to • A veteran of 25 movies, G ar­ War. He served for 14 months to Moon. 7:80 Music of the 88th Century Sdf.$fiek — 12x12 TIIm WILSON Tim Buckley, Ughnin’ Hopkins CIto (G^ competent and honest boxer (28) Barbara MeNalr Shew "Olivier Messiaen" — planiat (8-48) General Hospital (G) who almost reaches top in his ner has become a major motion as an Infantiyman with the 24th Guests are Bobby Sherman, "Ralph Votapek. and Ramblin’ Jack Elliott. 17 years in ring and Is forced 8:98 ] ELECTRICAL CO. 8:38 (8) Baagar Station (G) picture star and has formed his Dlvisicn. Virna Liai. Bklles and Hender­ Book Beat (C) (22-*8) Bright Promise (G) to quit after match that spells son and Big Foot "On Instructions of My Gov­ (8-48) One LUe to Uve (G) end. own producticn (kxmpany Gamer’s acting (»reer began (88) .Grasamer Benert (C) ernment" Pierre Salinger. Resldential-Coinni.-Ind. (40) Love oo a Rooftop (C) 8:80 I 4:00 (3) FamUy Aflalr (G) (CSierokee) since his “M aver­ in 19S2 when an d dfrlend, pro­ 6:88 (l8> Jearney to Adventare of Our Times (C) (22-38) Somerset (C) 9:89 (40) The Immortal (C> (88) Goueeticat News Spot­ "The Truman. Era” IT D O ES Make a\Difference Where You Save! 646-1418 10:00 (8) Hawaii Five-O B (C) ick’’ days. ducer Paul Gregory, gave him 6:00 SO: Minutes (C) (8-48) Password (C) light (C) Seasame Street 4:88 (3) Andy Griffith Show (G) (3240) Fonr In One (C) As “Nichols” Face the State (G) 9:80 .Artists In America (C> (18) HarUord Talk-In (C) Jules Felffer (8) Movie producticn of “The Caine Muti­ (88) Gommmtl (c> I iii "Price of SUence" '69, Gordon 10:30 (40) NFL Action (C) Television Network ho again 18:08 Black Journal B (C) i k « A For the Older 11:00 (8-8-18-324940) News ny Court Ifortial.” Following a (8) Movie (G) > INSTANT Jackson, June Thorberg. After plays a man of the West, but "Zarak” '57. Victor Mature, serving time for criminal of­ Weather and Sports (C) it’s the West of just after the road tour with the pJay, he re­ Michael WUding, Anita Ek- Wednesday, Jnly 28 fense, man finally acquires po­ 11:35 (8) Movie turned to Hollywood where he berg. Man, driven from hla S EARNINGS Connecticut Public Television, sition and rises quickly, "Casbah" '48. Saga of Pepc turn cf the 20th Century. village becomes ruthless lead­ S A V 1 M G LeMoko, criminal who hides landed a few TV roles which Sesame Street B (C) CSiannel 24, will offer a 30-min­ man blackmall'ng him acci­ Gam er was bom in Normam, er of outlaw band pursued by dentally strangles hia client, from law in Casbah section of British agent -whose life he Book Beat B (G) i i ? I ( / I v O /\ Ni. ute "Electric Company Pre­ Algiers until love of woman Okla., the son of Weldcm and brought him his first film refe G u ’s Generation 5% Dividend paid he is suspected. saves. view” July 30 at 10-30 p.m.. (32) Mike Donglas ShoW (G) forces him to outside world Mildred Bumgarner. His moth­ in “Teward the Unknewn.” (18) Rifleman "The Rustlx" — rock group tram day o f depoait. p lan et and his doom. French Ghef (C) The program will offer a look (80) Mr. Ed I er died when he was Hve and Next came his selection as (22) This Is Year LUe (G) (40) The Mansters 11:30 (3240) Tonight Show Johnny Guest Andy Griffith. ' Pizza Variations" ELECTRONICS Carson (C) star for four of the Just Jams ,1 (C) 4 tbnea yoaiiy. at a new follow-up for “Sesame 4:65 (40) Weather Watch ^C) he came to Los Angeles briefly, 6:38 (8) News with Roger Madd ■aaaaaavaPa^aaaT riaaaaiak laatiTavint 5:00 (8) Perry Mason (8-40) Dick Ca^ett Show (C> “Maverick” series, followed by . (2248) ’NBC News (G> Billy Eckstlne Street” for older children — 7 1:00 (8-3040) News — Prayer and but returned to Norman to at­ Filing Line (C) LABORATORIES (18) Wild WUd West (G) (18) Leave It to Beaver Jlii to 10 years — to premiere in (SO) Addams FamUy Sign OK (C) tend high schoed, wdiere he ex­ a succession of movies. These (48) McHale’s Navy William F. Buckley Jr. and 1007 MAIN SX„ MANOHESTEB a BilKnCB 81, OOVBNTBT 1:16 (3) News Prayer and Sign guest the fall. (40) McHale’s Navy celled in football, baseball and Include “ Sayonara,” “Cash Mc­ 7:88 (8) Lassie B (G) 5:80 (30) OUllgaa’s Island (G) OK (C) (18) David Snsskind (G) 18:00 30 Minutes (C) track. Call,” “The Children’s Hour,” 10:80 Artists In America B (C) 277 BROAD (40) News — WeaUier and (22) News — Weather A Sports Bill Burrud deals with wild S^rts (G) He joined the Merchant Ma­ “The Great Ea'ca]^,”” “Move (88) Sommer Scene *71 (G) Glenn Strange o t “Gun- animals as host-narrator-exec- 6:55 (8) in a t’s Happening (G) rine at the age of 16 and earned Over Darling,” "The American­ (48) It Takes A Thief (G) Thursday, July 29 6:00 (84-32) Weather — Sports and smoke” on the CBS Television 7:88 (8) Untamed World I (G) PBI utive producer of “Animal News his hi£d> schcwl diploma' in the ization of Emily,” "Grand Prlx” 'N e w Birth Oeneratkm” 6:08 Sesame Street B (G) (C) Network played the Franken­ S T E R E O ' World” on the CBS Television (18) Candid Camera stein monster In three films. In service. After his discharge he and Support Tour Local Sher­ (2248) World of DUney B (G) 7:08 French Chef B (o> MANCHESTER (80) To TeU the Trath 8:88 (8) Movie (G) 7:80 Just Jasx B (c ) Network. He breeds and raises (C) began working for his father’s iff.” (40) 77 Sunset Strip (C) one, “House of Frankenstein,” "Tarxan and The Great 8:00 Washington Week in Beview MOTOR quarter horses on his California 6:80 (3) News with Walter 8:80 TOT Pl^house B (C) T A P E S 1 the monster killed Boris Kar­ SALES ranch. kite "The Prodigal" OLDSMQBILE (8) News with H.K. Smith aad loff, playing a mad scientist. 10:00 Firing Line If (C) “Y aw O M to o b ia Daa r F o n Sll WEST GEMTER ST. - (U-lsil Theo Goetz of “The Guiding CARS FURNITURE — CARPET U gh t” on the OB STelevislon Network was bom in Vienna. I l l ' s BEDDING — APPLIANCES HU father waa a professor of Ills MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER languages at the University of NEW or USED TV-Badio Shies and Service Open Monday thru Saturday — Thun. & Fil. till PJK. - Vienna. 9 VOI


liili J.B. Connally \ ill TEIURSDAY TV To Face Nation FR ID AY T V Treasury Secretary John B. nmndmjr, Jalir t t Vlfgiaia Onkam Show At H «ne With KltW (0) (»-M ) NBO News <0> (88) At Heme WUh Kitty (G) 6:66 (846) Giilese AILStar FssttaH Richard Mulse, authority on •iU News <01 work. The broadcast will origi­ Theatre Productions In S8th Annuat College AlMKar Abominable Snowman, shows 1:M (8) Animal World <0) nate in Washington. Amherst presents scene from FootbaU Game will footprints and other material (8) T m b or GsasecBeaees <0) their play "Alice In Wonder­ Baltimore COIU, winners of he has collected; Robbie (18) What’s My UaeT <0> Connally, a former governor land" and "Fashbna in Sew­ Super Bowl against best se­ Amyx and members of her <8S-8d> News — SporU of Texas and close assrxdate of ing.” niors of ’70 coUege season. It class demonstrate yofa; Bd <0) (86) Talee at Walls Fargo will be played at Soldier Field Weather Lomdon B. Johnson, is the only In Chicago. Leahy with his “ calendar" of (M) ABO News < 0 > (46) AU My GhUdren (G) cultural events; and “ Fash­ 7:88 <8> I h m b Affair Demixsrat to hold a cabinet 1:86 (8) As toe World Taras (G) (86) SteiSteaage B v o rt B rap Aettoa I ^ h l ^ (86) Joe Oaraglela’s Mami (8-8846)46) News — Weatoer A tales of WeUs Farce "W rncoat" Georce Hamilton, \ Game e^ rto I (G) (Ml AU My ChUdrea Marxaret O'Brien~ ■ and ■ Oarroll“ irroll (846) Let’s Make a Deal (G) 11:88 (8) Movies I 1;W (S) As the Werld T an s (O) O'Connor. Korean War OI Vlo 8:4 (8) Lave It a Maay Sptoadared "Ten North Frederick" ’SR (M) Joe Oarafiola’s Memory Thornton defects to enemy and Thtar ” (0) Man dominated by ambitious Game is sent back to U.S. to steal ((88-86) S i ^ Daya of Oar Uves (C(G) aelfbh wife finds h b political <8-M) Let’s Mahe a Deal (C> missile secrets. R (8-46) Newlywed Game (C(G) aspirations ruined by scandal, (I) Love b a Maay Bpieadeiod <8-M) Allas Stnllh aad denes (8) Oaldlag light (G) seeks refuge In alcohol and <18> Movte Game ' <0> (8846) The Doetws (G) love of younger woman. Oaty Days of Oar Uves 8:M <8> Laaeer B (0> (846) Dstlag Gama (G) Cooper, Diane TaraL - <>-41h Nerriywed Game <18> I toy <0> (6) Beverly HDIbllllee (O) "Man from Bitter RMge" ’58. (S) Galdiac l^ h t <0) S;88 (8846) Aaetoer Werid - Bay Lex Barker, Mara Oorday, Ste­ (Xt-M) The Doctors (8t-8t> Ironside B <0> CHv (G) phen McNaily. (8846) Toalght Shaw Johaay Dattec Game ( 0 > t:M (8) Mevfa <0> (8-46) Geaeral Haapital (G) S:N Garesa (C> <»-M> Another Werld__ yoiinc «inc*"g Idol who tries to (8846) Bright Fromise (G) (846) Naws — Weatoar aad CUy make comeback after becom- (846) One life to Live (G) Sperls (G) General Hospital let Inc has-been ovemiefat. Roddy (8) Family Affair (G) (8) Cbee KM <8) Baacer 8ts (C) McDowell.------Debbie ‘bieWatson. (88-86) Somerset (G) (86-46) News — Fraysr aad (Xt-8d) 6rlcht Framlse ( 0 > (8-46) Make ’Boom tor Grand­ (8-46) Fasaward (G) SIga Off (O) <8-46> One LUe to Uve (C> (8) Andy Oriffito Show (O ) (8) WHh Thb Blag (O) d a d ^ (C) (S) News - - Frayer aad SIga (8) nunHy Affair <0 ) (IS) Baseball (G) (8) Movie (G) (8S-S6) Somerset : O’" vTork Yankees vs. (Jhlca- "The Soavengers” Vince OH (O) <8-M> FasswMd 6:86 (88-86) Adam-lX B (G) mer smuggler In Hong Kong <8) M e ^ (8-U) Dan Aacast (G) teAms that hb long missing TTTIi' “ iiiast of Klllmanlaro" '63. 16:66 (8) Vto Damone (G) wife Is Involved with 88.000.- Marshall Thompson, G a l^ Guests: Don Cherry, Cblr and 000 worth of stolen bonds. Andre. Rovinc cameraman MoMabon and Csnestrelll fam­ (88) Mike D evise (G) files to Africa to record actlvi- ily. Carol Lawrence and Gail (86) Mr. Ed POWERFUL ties' of two scientists who have Mautin featured. R (46) Maastors convinced hostile tribe of need 16:86 (8) The Seveallea (G) 4:65 (46) Weatoer Watek (O) to Innoculate cattle acainst (46) Folkal (G) (SI Farrv Mason virus.. .only to U:66 (L6-W«bS646) News — (18) inM WOd West (G) face defeat Weather aad Sports (G) (86) Laaar Laadlag I 458 <46) The Maasters Blood O ff' '67. BlackmalHny <«6) fmmar Jaadlag (O) (46) Weather Watch (C) sclenUst by holdhid hla wife 5:85 (5) WksFe HVPeal^peatog (G) 80BAMBLBB (8) Ferry Masea prisoner, foreign agents hope John ConiMlIy 6:66 (8448) Waatoar — Sports * (16) Wild WOd West (C) to get him beick into country (G) (36) Addsnu Famly from which be defected. Ste­ post in President Nixon’s ad­ (18) GaadM Gamers ' SERVICE IS OUB SVMIMHi (M> MeHab’s Navy phen Young, Austin WiUls, ministration. He has been the (86) To Ten toe TTalk (G) 5:86 (86) GUIicaa’s bland (C) Lynda Day. (46) 77 Saaset Stelp (M> News — Sports aad "Code Two" 'Sa Ralph Meek­ administration’s leading spokes­ 6:86 (8) News wito TWter Groa- Financing Arranged Weather (G) er, Hllalne ^ w a rt. Keenan man on economic affairs. (G) 5:85 (8) What’s Happeatoc (C) Wyrm. ( 8) News wlto H.H. Smith 6:66 (8-8-88) Breather — Sports aad 11:86 (88-86) Tonight Show dohain Connally wlU be interviewed aad Harry Beaseasr - (G) Kawasaki •>— Ossa News (C) Carson (C) by CBS News Correspondent (U) Diek Taa Dyke (18). Gaadld Camera (8-46) Dich Cavett Show (C) (8846) NBG News (G) (86) To TeU the Trath (C) 1:66 (8-8646) News — Prayw aad George , Herman, moderator of (46) News (G) ( « ) . 77 Sanset Strip Sign Off (O) (8) WhaFa Hupeatog (G) the weekly broadcast, and two (8) Trath or CeasOgaei a (G) 6:86 (8) News with Walter CroB- 8:16 (8) News — Frayer aad Sign other reporters to be named. kite (C) Off (C) (U) WhaFs My U m T (G) MANCHESTER “ Face the Nation,’’ a presen­ (8846) News — Spasts aad HONDA CE^ITER tation of CSS News, is produced <84 CMiter SL, Manebeeter K; . by Prentiss Childs and Sylvia Westerman. Robert VltareUi is the director. Our SPEEDY Specialty TRULY DELiaOUS CHICKEN Brown in 6 Mnntes Mornine The worid’a ' ehleken” with TV ^ taste. (Monday — Friday) CALL IN OBDEB Plek Up 10 Mbiiitea Later

MOBNINO FBOOBAM8 JIEGI’S DRIVE-IM Blga Oa aag Frayer TawB Gitor , , 46S OKNTEB BT.e-««S-tSS0 Sammer Semester r (G) OeMea Tears (G) Newseepe FerepeeUves (G) GeasreMlenal Bepart (G) iS H O P and ______iO) Day (G) m w m w . s a v e (88) Waatter (G) 9VTJI WHERE (8) News tG) (8) Mr. Geaber rS S M YOU SEE (8846) Taday Skew (66) Heritage Geraer - (G) L*TAM i»aJ THIS (I) Oapi. Kaagaraa (G) Lauren Bacall, plays (46) Steam -N Drammers (G> twin sisters on “Ad­ SION Maa. ealy: Apolla FUgkt to 8:16. venture Theater” July Zero Mostel seemingly ignores favors «f bevy of 8:6* (8) Hap Blekards Shaw (G) 31 on NBC. PUEN>S TEXACO (8) Gtaea KM beauties in movie, “Way to the Forum,” July 27. (8M6) Maa. ealy: ApaOe Sffil MAIN ST. Ultoff at maaa racket Weather (0) aekedaled far 6:84 a.m. (46) ABG^Newa (O) OOBMAN BBOS. (88) DavM Freet Sktm (O) 7:86 (8) The Uteras B (O) OaUopiaiClaUopiag Oearmet (G) (8846) HIrt Ghspanal B (0) 770 MAIN ST. IHatewai Julaan Wright, who branched writing tm the wall for vaude- “The CBS Newcomers" o a the (8-46) Lave, Amarleaa S^le cut as a comedienne after be­ vUle when a theater manager CBS Television Network, holds (8846) The Who, What ar ing secretary to Robert Q. Where Game (G) as^ed him to cut his headline the tiUe Miss Teen-age Dallas. U:65 (8846) Newa (G) Lewis. 1 %M. AND JLM. I Don W IIJJS DAR s p e x h a u s t s i i r 'if,. LT.WOOD 51 BISSELL STREET WHEEL AUONBnaur AND STEREO Blocks, Crudied, Cubes. 24-Hour Vendor Service on 10-lb. bag b r a k e s e r v i c e QSIBIIMAL a u t o r k p a j r Crushed Ice. Plant opim weekdays 8-5, Sundays 8-12. BisseU RADIOS St. runs east from Main St. at State Theatre. 64»45ai — 18 MAIN ST., MANCMBSTER