THE GEAR of THETA TAU Volume XLVll Number 2 The I r f F A IR of THETA TAE f t SPRING, I f 5S VOLUME XLVII NUMBER 2 Tlieta I au Fraternity Founded at the University of Minnesota October 1904 IS, FOUNDERS Erich J. Schrader Isaac B. H anks W illiam M . Lewis Elw in L. V inal EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Erich J. Schrader , Alpha ‘0 5 Counsellor of Theta T au Box 244, Reno, Nevada (Address all Telegrams to 12' W est First St., Reno, Nevada) A. D. H inckley , Theta '2 7 Grand Regent 90 Morningside Dr., New York 27, N. Y. C harles W . Britzius , Alpha ' 3 3 ..................................Grand Vice Regent 2440 Franklin Avc., St. Paul 14, Minn. R obert E. Pope , Zeta ' 5 2 ..................................................................G rand Scribe 667 W est C anterbury Rd., Saint Louis 24, Missouri P aul L. M ercer, Omicron '2 1 ...................................................Grand Treasurer 1415 G randA ve., Keokuk, Iowa J. M . D aniels , Nu Honorary '22 Grand Marshal Carnegie Institute of Technology. Pittsburgh 13, Pa. R ichard Lynch , Epsilon Beta ' 5 3 ..................................Grand Inner Guard 4367 Berkshire. Detroit 24, Mich. W illiam K. Rev, Mu '4 5 .................................................. Grand Outer Guard P. O. Box 664, University, Ala. DELEGATE AT LARGE Jamison V aw ter , Zeta ’1 6 ............................................... Past Grand Regent 307 Civil Engineering Hall, University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES William E. Franklin, 617 Y i South Keeler St., Bartlesville, Oklahoma Chester J. Selden. 24831 Crowley Ave.. Taylor Center, Michigan Palmer Terrell. 803 N. Highland, Fayetteville, Arkansas THE GEAR OF THETA TAU P.
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