Cape Cod Commission Annual Report Fiscal Year 2001
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Cape Cod Commission BARNSTABLE COUNTY FISCAL YEAR 2001 Annual Report . Cape Cod Commission Annual Report Fiscal Year 2001 Contents Cape Cod Commission Members ........ 1 Cape Cod Commission Staff ............... 2 Message from the Chair & Director .... 3 Program Highlights ............................. 7 Services to Towns ............................. 27 Financial Statement .......................... 40 Cover photo: Outflow from Shawme Pond in Sandwich. Printed on recycled paper. Cape Cod Commission Members Fiscal Year 2001 (July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001) Frank Shephard, Chair Elizabeth Taylor, Vice Chair Robert D. Deane, Secretary Appointed Town Representatives: Barnstable ............................................................................................ David Ansel Bourne ........................................................................................... Robert D. Deane Brewster ......................................................................................... Elizabeth Taylor Chatham ........................................................................................ Catherine Frazer Dennis .............................................................................................. Joseph Travelo Eastham ............................................................................................. Ian Aitchison Falmouth ........................................................................................ Frank Shephard Harwich..........................................................................................Michael Sekerak Mashpee ............................................................................................ Ernest Virgilio Orleans .............................................................................................. Herbert Olsen Provincetown ........................................ Gwen Bloomingdale (to 9/00), Len Stewart Sandwich............................................................................................ Jay Schlaikjer Truro ............................................................ Kenneth Brock (to 8/00), Susan Kadar Wellfleet ...................................................................................................Alan Platt Yarmouth .................................................................................... Thomas Broidrick County Commissioner...................................................................... Robert O’Leary Minority Representative ................................................................ Robert Randolph Native American Representative....................................................Gloria Brundage Governor’s Appointee ...................................................................................vacant Special thanks to Commission member Ken Brock for his contributions during the past decade. .1 Cape Cod Commission Staff Fiscal Year 2001 Margo Fenn, Executive Director John Lipman, Chief Planner/Deputy Director . Administration . Planning, Community Development, Gail Coyne, Assistant to the Executive Director and Regulatory Activities for Administration and Finance Dorr Fox, Chief Regulatory Officer Kerien Cahoon, Executive Assistant Andrea Adams, Planner II Gail Hanley, Department Assistant III Sarah Korjeff, Planner II Priscilla Prahm, Department Assistant III Gregory Smith, Planner II Cynthia Reynolds (through 1/01), then Joan Tana Watt, Planner II McCarty, Department Assistant II Gay Wells, Planner II Nancy Hossfeld, Communications Coordinator Carolle White, Department Assistant III–Planning/ Regulatory John Morse, Information Technology Specialist Sharon Rooney, Senior Regulatory Planner Margaret Callanan, Staff Attorney Martha Hevenor, Planner I Katharine Peters, Commission Clerk Heather McElroy (through 7/00), then Martha Twombly, Planner I . Affordable Housing Paul Sutton (through 8/00), then Van Morrill, Edward Allard (through 6/01), then vacant, Planner I Affordable Housing Specialist Seth Wilkinson (through 5/01), then Stacey Arden Cadrin, Department Assistant III–Affordable Justus, Planner I Housing . Transportation . Economic Development Robert Mumford, Program Manager James O’Connell (through 5/01), then vacant, Lev Malakhoff, Senior Transportation Engineer Economic Development Officer Glenn Cannon, Transportation Engineer P.E. Marilyn Fifield, Research Analyst B. Clay Schofield, Transportation Engineer P.E. Paul Tilton (through 12/00), then Timothy . Geographic Information System (GIS) Boesch, Transportation Engineer Gary Prahm, Systems Manager Priscilla Leclerc, Senior Transportation Planner Benjamin Smith, GIS Analyst John Jannell, Transportation Analyst . Marine and Coastal Resources . Water Resources Steven Tucker, Marine Resources Specialist Thomas Cambareri, Program Manager Eduard Eichner, Water Resources Scientist Natural Resources and Land Protection . Gabrielle Belfit, Hydrologist Kathy Sferra (through 7/00), then Heather Scott Michaud, Hydrologist McElroy, Natural Resources/Land Protection Donna McCaffery, Water Resources Project Assistant Specialist .2 A Message from the Chair and the Executive Director cross Cape Cod, residents, officials, Fiscal Year 2001. Having achieved a Aand community leaders focused milestone the year before (the tenth sharply on the issue of growth manage- anniversary of the agency’s founding), ment during Fiscal Year 2001. The sta- Commission members and staff sep- tistical indicators of growth, particularly arately and together examined the the U.S. Census figures for 2000, affirmed agency’s accomplishments, its short- what many already believed through ex- comings, and its continuing and future perience: The population of Cape Cod challenges throughout the year. The is growing at a remarkable rate (over kickoff to this period of reflection was a 19 percent in Barnstable County in the Commission retreat in September 2000, past decade), and the impacts of that to which nearly 50 community leaders, population growth, particularly the addi- legislators, town officials, developers, tion of more than 16,000 new housing business representatives, and environ- units in the decade, have been felt in mental and housing advocates were all sectors of our communities. Many invited. The conversation was frank, expressed the need to call “time out,” the discussion stimulating, and the to reassess where our communities are ideas forthcoming. Together, the group headed and how they want to look and identified several priorities for the Com- feel as they develop. mission as it entered its second decade: The Cape Cod Commission took . improved relationships with time to evaluate its own work during Cape towns, with an emphasis on Comprehensive EconomicProvincetownHarwich LCP Certified LCP Certified Regional Certification for Transportation ImprovementOpen Space andWater Habitat Festivals atCommission SandwichRegional Retreat Policy Plan Development Report Released State Housing Funds Program Endorsed Protection Workshops and Mashpee Schools Public Hearings Fiscal Year 2001 ▼ JULY 2000 AUGUST 2000 SEPTEMBER 2000 .3 assisting their efforts to develop update that focuses strongly on guiding and (especially) implement their residential and commercial growth to Local Comprehensive Plans; areas that can support it and away from . greater emphasis on resi- areas that cannot. We have worked hard dential growth management, an to incorporate incentives that comple- area that the Commission’s regu- ment that goal while not undermining latory powers have been little able the environmental protection and com- to influence because so few resi- munity character goals that are part of dential developments exceed the the Commission’s charter. The draft plan regional review threshold; and proposes to ease some regulatory re- quirements in defined growth zones . enhanced focus on afford- and to strengthen some requirements able housing needs in the region, in areas outside those zones. As Fiscal with particular attention to state Year 2002 began, we prepared the final “Comprehensive Permits,” or draft 2001 Regional Policy Plan for the Chapter 40B developments. Barnstable County Assembly of Dele- gates to consider for eventual approval The retreat focused our priorities and clarified our challenges, which as a county ordinance. Commission activities reflected through- Working with the business commu- out Fiscal Year 2001 and into 2002. nity and local leaders, the Commission he Commission’s year-long effort continues to encourage growth manage- to update the Cape Cod Regional ment, particularly residential growth man- T agement, where it is needed and where Policy Plan was a top priority during Fiscal Year 2001 following the retreat. it most appropriately belongs—at the Our public hearing process, our work town level. Throughout Fiscal Year 2001, the Commission worked to support the with town planners, and our discus- sions with community leaders and ongoing efforts of many towns to com- plete their Local Compre developers have produced a draft hensive Plans. Walking WeekendSeasonal 2000 WorkforceCape StudyCod TransitRegional Task Policy Plan Issue Zoning WorkshopsRegional TransportationLower Cape Wireless Capewide GrowthCape Cod Pathways’ Regional TransportationCommission Reviews Regional Released Force Appointed Area Workshops Plan Public Hearings Report Released Management Seminars Namskaket Sea Path Plan Approved Policy Plan Changes OCTOBER 2000 NOVEMBER 2000 DECEMBER 2000 Trail Guide Published JANUARY 2001 ▼ .4 The Commission certified the plans for debated