Events EEL Events intelligent investment in emerging markets

2nd ANNUAL 2019

UK Turkish Overseas 26 April 2019 Waldorf Hilton, Investment Forum London, UK UK as a springboard to Turkish companies global growth

Co-hosted with: In associa�on with: Events ProgrammeEvent Overview: UK Overseas Investment Forum 2019

Following the success of our last year’s inaugural ‘UK Turkish Overseas Investment Forum’ the 2nd edi�on will build on the con�nuous talks of the opportuni�es and challenges for Turkish companies aiming at global expansion through the UK. While the UK remains number one des�na�on for Foreign Direct Investment, second only to USA, keeps climbing the list of Britain’s FDI, which grew tenfold over the past decade. The event will examine these rela�onships in the light of recent economic slowdown in Turkey, while addressing the challenges of BREXIT. For those keen to find out more about the latest fundamental developments in the markets, policies and regula�ons, this conference is a must-a�end, with agenda-defining debates, diverse speakers, and interac�ve networking opportuni�es. Market Opportunity: Turkey is the 13th largest economy in the world, its economy is growing about twice as fast as that of the EU and it is geographically the closest big non-EU market to the UK. As a result, the UK sees Turkey as a fast-growing market for the kind of exports that Bri�sh governments are always trying to encourage, namely cars, machinery, pharmaceu�cals and retail, while the UK s�ll remains Turkey’s second largest exports des�na�on a�er Germany. Over the past several years, Turkish Investment and M&As reached the staggering USD 20 billion, with Turkish corporates expanding their presence globally, such were Dawlance, Defy, United Biscuits, Alma�s, OCI Chemicals to name the few. Great deal has been coming from greenfield investments, and it’s expected to rise, compared to brownfield and M&As. There is a general tendency of Turkish investors to strive towards a long-term ROI and sector dynamics rather then monetary route changes. The UK s�ll remains the number one choice for Turkish investors, followed by the USA and Eastern Europe. In the light of post-Brexit, the business world is wai�ng for the reforms that will reinforce the percep�on of ‘global Britain’, while both Turkey and the UK need to take account of their respec�ve customs and trade rela�ons with the EU and define a new framework. Bri�sh and Turkish policy makers face a similar problem. Both need to reconstruct a rela�onship with Europe under changed assump�ons about their future status. Despite the challenges, UK s�ll remains an a�rac�ve hub due to its core principles of flexibility of legal and regulatory framework, transparency and accountability, which con�nues to a�ract Turkish corporates and businesses of all sizes for their overseas expansion, and as a gateway to the world.

Programme Highlights: Some of the previous par�cipants include:

Akbank TAS Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group WYG • Is UK still the number one location for European Head- Akfen Holding Mo� MacDonald BEKEN TECH AmCham/ABFT Nurol Holding Think Posi�ve Antonio Marsocci quarters and holding companies? Astaldi Otoyol A.S. Ltd Balcioglu Selcuk Akman Keki OZBEK CPA Boden Law • UK: A Platform for global growth of Turkish companies: Bilkent Holding Pekin & Pekin Odin Financial Advisors Bosch Central Privi�za�on Administra�on Aon Turkey discover investment opportunities and learn how your Bosch Security Systems PwC Otoyol A.S BTY Remondis UK Export Finance business can set up and grow in the UK Boden Law Ronesans Healthcare One London Property Group Capital Markets Board of Turkey Roche Nord Pool • Negotiating Brexit: The prospect of a UK - Turkey partner- Carillion Private Finance Siemens Astertex�le and WTR Carl Zeiss Meditec Siemens Bank Aster Tex�le ships CBRE SMBC WTR Clifford Chance STFA Construc�on Turkish Add Value • Turkish investments: legal and regulatory framework and CMS TEB - BNP Paribas Calik Holding CNR Consultancy TEBA AKG Trading UK finance structuring Credit Agricole CIB Tepe Insaat Taxture Crescent Capital TIIC Bain & Co • UK as a hub for global expansion in infrastructure and Delega�on of the EU Toshiba Medical Systems Bahceci Group Dentons Turkish Treasury Yilmaz Law energy Dia Holding UTD Grow in EMEA EBRD Vinci Element • Targeting the right channels for global growth in the Egis WYG Doğan Holding Embassy of Italy in Texture Elmadag retail sector Euler Hermes Yalcin Babalioglu Boso Tusiad EY YDA Group Hiera • Thriving automotive sector for Turkish corporates GAMA Holding Yenigun Insaat Kale Group Garan� Bank Yildizlar Group Oxford St Anthony College • Construction and Real Estate: Helping Turkish companies Golder Associates Ziraat Bank And Gayrimenkul Emta Capital Markets Board of Hill Interna�onal ISPAT Turkey plan, invest and expand IFC TAV Airports Holding DEİK IGA - Engin Group Insaat A S Ziraat Bank UK • Wealth management and family office solutions Grand Airport Project Mergermarket Turkish Trade Centre UK IC ICTAS Arup Gedik Holding Intertoll-Europe ZRtIsbank CSEBA Wi�ire Ltd ISPAT Bener Advisory Services Ltd Square Property IsDB Deloi�e JLL Italian Embassy in Ankara Daily Sabah Dogus Holding John Laing Polimeks SRM WANT TO BE INVOLVED? Kinstellar BCCT Banka Kombetare Tregtare Kolin Construc�on - Kolin Insaat Security and Defence Ipsos Mori For sponsorship opportunities, contact: Limak Consultant Yegenler Kimya Ltd Marsh GKC Partners Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi [email protected] Medicall Biomedical. Meridiam Astas Holding Bridgepoint Infrastructure CNR HOLDING A.S. Yegin Ci�ci Astaldi or call us on +44 207 275 8063 Ministry of Development A�orney Partnership Solarheap Ministry of Finance Clifford Chance Palmera Capital Ministry of Health Erdem Holding Henley & Partners UK Ltd

e: [email protected] | @EEL_Events Events ProgrammeAgenda - 26 April 2019 UK Overseas Investment Forum 2019

09:00 Registra�on and Coffee 13:00 Networking Lunch Break 09:30 Opening Remarks from Chairman 14:00 Targe�ng the right channels for global growth in the retail sector Alderman Emma Edhem, Chairman, Turkish Bri�sh Chamber of • How to access and quantify market opportunities globally from the UK Commerce and Industry • Making the investment work by taking the same long-term strategic approach to the needs of retail businesses 09:40 Official Welcome Address Invited: H.E. Ümit Yalçın, Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to the Moderator: Ekrem Utku, Founder, World Brands Con- / f. Secretary Gen. United Kingdom of BMD, Turkish Retailers Antonio Marsocci, Partner, Think Posi�ve 09:50 UK: A Pla�orm for global growth Now equal fi�h largest economy in the world, UK is predicted to overtake Meltem Turker, Managing Partner, GRED Germany to become the largest Western European economy around 2030. It is s�ll a number one loca�on for European Headquarters and holding Invited: Turkish Retailers Associa�on, BCCT companies. 15:00 Networking Coffee Break • Discover investment opportunities and learn how your business can set up and grow in the UK 15:30 Thriving Automo�ve sector for Turkish corporates • Learn about the transparent, flexible company low and corporate • How to invest, grow and export in the automotive industry governance Invited: Automo�ve Organisa�on, Joe Greenwell (formerly Chair of Ford • Low tax burden UK) • Checklist for legal and regulatory issues 16:00 Wealth management and family office solu�ons Jane Grady, Deputy Trade Commissioner for EECAN and Head of DIT As in the rest of the world, the asset and wealth management industry in Turkey Turkey is growing, and regulations, compliance, risk management, 10:00 UK as a springboard to Turkish companies’ global growth reporting and taxing are becoming bound by more rigid and complex laws. A recent survey of interna�onal business leaders found investor • Diversifying wealth solutions: UK as a hub for wealth management, confidence in the UK is the strongest in Europe, while the World Bank has and family offices said it is easier here than any other major economy in the con�nent. Put it simply, if you are an overseas business aiming for global expansion, Britain • Transparent investment products: can real estate be used as a wealth is the place to be. management mechanism in the UK? • Negotiating Brexit: The prospect of a UK - Turkey partnerships Omar Majid, Director, Salonica Group • Common challenges facing both countries as they strive to negotiate a Invited: EMYA Global, LL London new framework that would underpin their relations with European Union • Driving profitability and increasing your competitiveness through your UK 17:00 Construc�on and Real Estate: Helping Turkish companies plan, invest and headquarters expand • Innovation and expansion from start ups to corporates The global construction market is forecast to grow by 70% to reach US15 trillion by 2020. Invited: DIT, Turkish Bri�sh Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Turkish Trade Centre Consul�ng London, TBCCI, Ziraat Bank, World Bank • Opportunities for individual and corporate Turkish investors to capitalise on the UK extending trade credit schemes to improve access to finance 11:00 Networking Coffee Break • Making the construction industry and real estate more efficient, 11:30 Turkish Investments: Regulatory Framework and Finance Structuring sustainable and competitive • The flexibility of legal and regulatory framework • Utilising the UK expertise in architecture, design and engineering • Transparency and accountability: Due diligence 17:20 Chairman’s closing remarks • Structuring M&As and securing finance • Risk management 17:30 Cocktail Recep�on Paul Webster, Business & Banking Specialist, DIT PLEASE NOTE AGENDA IS PROVISIONAL AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE 12:15 Posi�oning global opera�ons from the UK: Structuring Infrastructure and Energy Investment for Interna�onal Players • UK as a hub for global expansion: industry led sector organisations providing hands on support to help you invest and expand your business in the UK and to overseas markets. • Sizing the opportunities and managing risks in infrastructure and energy: directing you to credible, UK industry-backed development infrastructure and regeneration opportunities throughout the country • Success stories: pitfalls to avoid Gavin Jones, Director, Gavin Jones Consul�ng Invited Panelists: GAMA, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corpora�on Europe, UK Export Finance, Turkish Republic to UK

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