Eden District Council

Planning Committee Minutes

Date: 15 October 2015 Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Penrith Time: 9.40 am


Chairman: Councillor W Patterson Vice Chairman: Councillor J G Thompson Councillors: A Armstrong Mrs E Martin Miss M Clark H Sawrey-Cookson Mrs V Kendall J Tompkins J C Lynch Standing Deputies: Councillor M Eyles Councillor Mrs S Orchard Officers Present: Kevin Hutchinson, Principal Development Control Officer Phil Nicholls, Planning Officer Jack Sykes, Senior Planning Officer Lisa Tremble, Legal Services Jeff Tweddle, Planning Officer Charlotte Alderson, Member Services Officer Democratic Services Officer: John Greenbank, Member Services Officer

Pla/88/10/15 Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor I Chamber, Councillor S Orchard attended as a deputy, and Councillor D Holden, Councillor M Eyles attended as a deputy.

Pla/89/10/15 Minutes

RESOLVED that the public minutes Pla/71/9/15 to Pla/84/9/15 of the meeting of this Committee held on 17 September 2015 be confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record of those proceedings.

Pla/90/10/15 Declarations of Interest

Declarations of Interest were received from;

1. Councillor Mrs V Kendall declared a registerable but non-pecuniary interest in respect of Planning Application 15/0752 as they had been involved in consideration of previous application at the site in her capacity as a Town Councillor.

1 2. Councillor J Thompson declared a registerable interest in Planning Application 15/0607 as they had been lobbied by an objector.

3. Councillor J Tompkins declared a registerable interest in Planning Application 15/0794 as they had met the applicants.

4. Councillor A Armstrong declared an interest in item 4, Appeal Decision Letters, application 14/0899 as they were a former employee of the applicant.

Pla/91/10/15 Appeal Decision Letters

The Planning Committee considered report CD73/15 of the Head of Planning Services which detailed decision letters received since the last meeting.

Application Number(s) Applicant / Appeal Appeal Decision 14/0899 Atkinson Homes Ltd The appeal is allowed subject to the conditions Land off Beacon Edge, imposed. Penrith, , CA11 8QH

The appeal is made under Regulation 17 of the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements)() Regulations 2007 against a refusal to grant express consent.

The advertisements proposed are an advertisement board and 2 flag advertisements for residential development. 14/0838 Birchwood Farms Ltd The appeal is allowed and planning permission Monkcastle Farm, granted subject to Southwaite, CA4 conditions 0PZ

The appeal is made under section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 against a refusal to grant planning permission.

The development proposed is the erection of a wind turbine and

2 associated infrastructure including tracks and cable housing. Birchwood Farms Ltd The application for an award of costs is Monkcastle Farm, refused Southwaite, Carlisle CA4 0PZ

The application is made under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, sections 78, 322 and Schedule 6, and the Local Government Act 1972, section 250(5).

The appeal was against the refusal of planning permission for the erection of a wind turbine and associated infrastructure including tracks and cable housing.

RESOLVED that the report be noted.

Pla/92/10/15 Planning Issues


1. Applications determined under officer delegated powers for the month of September 2015 (attached as Appendix 1)

2. Application for refusal on delegated decisions for the month of September 2015 (attached as Appendix 2) be noted.

Pla/93/10/15 Public Path Orders - Appleby Cross Croft

Members were notified that the report had been withdrawn.

Officer also asked if Members would like to hold a site visit to Appleby Cross Croft to view the area subject to the Public Path Orders.

RESOLVED that a site visit be organised to Appleby Cross Croft at the next available date.

Pla/94/10/15 Planning Issues - Applications for Debate (Green Papers)

3 The Committee was advised of the applications requiring a decision by Members as detailed in a report of the Head of Planning Services.


1. the following applications for planning permissions ("those applications") are determined as indicated hereunder;

2. those applications which are approved be approved under the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990, subject to any detailed conditions set out in the Report, to any conditions set out below and to any conditions as to time stipulated under Sections 91 and 92 of the Act;

3. those applications which are refused be refused for the reasons set out in the report and/or any reasons set out below;

4. those applications which the Head of Planning Services is given delegated powers to approve under the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990, be approved by him subject to any detailed conditions set out in the Report, to any conditions as to time stipulated under Sections 91 and 92 of the Act, to the receipt of satisfactory replies.

Pla/95/10/15 Proposed two storey extension, 65 &67 Macadam Way, Penrith (Planning Application No 15/0607)

The Committee received a presentation from Mrs J Wakelam objecting to the application.

RESOLVED that the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:

1. The development permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of permission.

Reason: In order to comply with the provisions of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990.

2. The development hereby granted shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the details and plans hereby approved (Drawing No. JR01am0 received 6 July 2015).

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory development and to avoid any ambiguity as to what constitutes permission.

3. The proposed windows in the eastern elevation as approved shall be fitted with obscure glazing in accordance with the details that have first been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority before any work is commenced. The development shall then be carried out in accordance with the approved details and shall be permanently retained.

Reason: To protect the privacy and amenity of the neighbouring property.

4 Pla/96/10/15 Proposed roofing over existing livestock gathering area,Goodlie Hill Farm, Kellybark Lane, Great Asby (Planning Application No. 15/0794)

The Committee received a presentation from the owner of a property neighbouring the site objecting to the application.

The Committee received a presentation from Neil Henderson, the applicants agent, in support of the application.

RESOVED that the application be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:

1. The development permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

Reason - In order to comply with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2. The development hereby granted shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the following details and plans hereby approved.

Site location plan

Proposed steel portal elevations, roof plans and floor plans – Drg No. L1/15/2408

All received on 28/08/2015

Reason - To ensure a satisfactory development and to avoid any ambiguity as to what constitutes the permission.

3. The structure hereby approved and associated livestock gathering area shall be used solely for the purposes outlined within the applicant’s Supporting Information (ref JNH/15/057) dated 28th August and received by the Council on 01/09/2015 and shall not be used for the overnight housing of livestock.

Reason – For the avoidance of doubt relating to the current and continued use of the livestock gathering area.

4. Prior to the structures first use exact details and methodology for how the site will be drained shall be submitted to the local planning authority and approved in writing. The development shall be completed in accordance with the approved details prior to the structure’s first use.

Reason - To ensure adequate and appropriate drainage of the site.

5. Prior to the installation of any external lighting in and around the agricultural building hereby approved, details shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall include:

(i) the location and height of any external light fittings;

(ii) the details of the light fittings;

5 (iii) the colour of the lights;

(iv) the lux levels; and

(v) the details of any louvers on the light fittings.

The approved lighting details shall be installed prior to the first use of the agricultural building and retained in an effective state thereafter. No additional external lighting shall be fitted to the building.

Reason: To protect the amenities of the neighbouring property and the character of the surrounding area

Pla/97/10/15 Outline Planning permission for residential use to facilitate the erection of a self-build Starter Home of a four bedroom house with garage and garden, Land to the northwest of Linden House, Hilton (Planning Application No. 15/0632)

Moved by Councillor H Sawrey-Cookson Seconded by Councillor M Eyles

That the Committee be MINDED TO APPROVE the application.

A vote was taken when there were:

For the motions – 4 Against it – 6

The motion fell.

Moved by Councillor J Tompkins Seconded by Councillor J Thompson and RESOLVED that the application be REFUSED for the following reason:

The application would lead to the creation of a dwelling in an unsustainable location not associated with a local service centre. No exceptional need has been demonstrated for the dwelling in an isolated location nor does the proposal meet the criteria of a rural exception site. The application is therefore contrary to the NPPF (Para 55), Eden Core Strategy CS1, CS2, CS3 and CS9.

Pla/98/10/15 Alterations and extensions to existing house to provide an additional residence and three garages, Limnerslease, Bongate, Appleby (Planning Application No. 15/0752)

The Committee received a presentation from Mr G K Norman, the applicant’s agent, supporting the application.

6 RESOLVED that delegated authority is given to the planning department to approve the development subject to the provision of a Unilateral Planning Obligation securing a 3% affordable housing contribution in line with Core Strategy Policy CS10 and subject to the following conditions:

1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission.

Reason: To ensure compliance with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. The approved plans comprise drawings 114-159-01, 141-159-05 Rev E and 114-159- 06 Rev F received by the Local Planning Authority on the 12th August 2015. The development shall be completed in accordance with the approved plans except where conditions attached to this planning permission indicate otherwise or where alternative details have been subsequently approved following an application for a non material amendment.

Reason: To specify the permission and for the avoidance of doubt.

3. The annex hereby approved shall be used wholly in conjunction with, and ancillary to, the use of the first floor flat hereby granted permission as a single dwellinghouse. In particular it shall not be occupied, sold, disposed of or otherwise let as a separate dwelling.

Reason: To specify the permission and the use of the annex as an independent dwelling has not been assessed as part of this application.

4. The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the extensions hereby permitted shall match those used in the existing building.

Reason: To ensure that the proposed development is of a high quality and appropriate appearance in the interests of the visual amenities of the locality.

5. The glazing to the new first floor window to the north west elevation of the extension hereby approved (shown on plan 114-159-06 rev F as serving a stairwell) shall be obscured to level 5 and be non-opening. Once in place the glazing shall be retained as such thereafter.

Reason: To protect the amenity of neighbouring occupiers of residential properties in accordance with the requirements of the NPPF and CS18.

6. The glazing to the first floor windows to the south east elevation of the extension hereby approved (shown on plan 114-159-06 rev F as serving m.bedroom, bedroom 2 and an en-suite) shall be obscure glazed to level 5 and be non-opening. Once in place the glazing shall be retained as such thereafter.

Reason: To protect the amenity of neighbouring occupiers of residential properties in accordance with the requirements of the NPPF and CS18.

Pla/99/10/15 Confirmation of Site Visits (if any)

7 RESOLVED that site visits will be undertaken regarding applications for solar farms on Thursday 29 October 2015.

Pla/100/10/15 Any Other Items which the Chairman decides are urgent

The Principle Development Control Officer advised Members that the Eden Local Plan had been made available.

Pla/101/10/15 Date of Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting of this Committee was confirmed as 19 November 2015.

The meeting closed at 12.10 pm



App No App Type Parish Description Location Applicant Decision

15/0408 Full Application Skelton Proposed agricultural building. FIELD BETWEEN SKELTON AND Mr R Nettleton APPROVED LAITHES, BETWEEN FOWRESS FARM AND AULDBY FARM, PENRITH,

15/0421 Listed Building Listed building consent for the removal of side door FAIRVIEW, NATEBY ROAD, KIRKBY Mr P Hunter APPROVED and replace with a wooden 12 pane georgian sash STEPHEN, CA17 4QD window

15/0482 Full Application Appleby Decommissioning of 23 no. demountable flood gates THE BUTTS CAR PARK, CHAPEL The Environment APPROVED and the construction of 55m of flood defence wall. STREET, APPLEBY, CA16 6QR Agency - Mr A Demolition of 2 no. existing pumping station kiosks, Stephenson removal of 1 large non-preserved coniferous tree and the construction of a new stone clad kiosk of larger dimensions.

15/0502 Full Application Asby Proposed alterations to second floor. GRANGE HALL, GREAT ASBY, Mr & Mrs A Harrison APPROVED APPLEBY-IN-WESTMORLAND, CA16 6HF

15/0503 Listed Building Asby Listed building consent for internal and external GRANGE HALL, GREAT ASBY, Mr & Mrs A Harrison APPROVED alterations to dwelling house. APPLEBY-IN-WESTMORLAND, CA16 6HF

15/0509 Full Application Hesket Proposed extension to tearoom seating area and THE POT PLACE, STATION YARD, ARTFORM UK LTD - APPROVED kitchen, creation of childrens play area and creation PLUMPTON, PENRITH, CA11 9PA Mr P Thomas of new access entrance.

15/0514 Reserved by Appleby Approval of details of condition 3 (materials) of 15 CHAPEL STREET, APPLEBY-IN- Mr G Lightburn APPROVED Cond approved application 15/0164. WESTMORLAND, CA16 6QR

15/0526 Full Application Brough Sowerby Proposed slurry store. BELAH BRIDGE FARM, BROUGH Mr M Scott APPROVED SOWERBY, KIRKBY STEPHEN, CA17 4EG

15/0541 Full Application Penrith Proposed 500kw on farm anaerobic digestion tank. MILBURN HOUSE, BOWSCAR W Threlfell & Son APPROVED ROAD, BOWSCAR, PENRITH, CA11 9NW

15/0565 Reserved by Appleby Discharge of condition no 6 (materials) attached to 15 CHAPEL STREET, APPLEBY-IN- Mr G Lightburn APPROVED Cond planning application 15/0165. WESTMORLAND, CA16 6QR

02 October 2015 Page 1 of 7 App No App Type Parish Description Location Applicant Decision

15/0571 Listed Building Penrith Listed building consent for internal alterations to PENRITH RAILWAY STATION, Virgin Trains APPROVED various rooms within the station complex. ULLSWATER ROAD, PENRITH, CA11 7JQ

15/0580 Full Application Nateby Proposed extension of main house into adjoining two BROOK EDGE, NATEBY, KIRKBY Ms S Middleton APPROVED storey store / loft building. STEPHEN, CA17 4JR

15/0591 Full Application Lowther First floor rear extension and single storey rear and 1 LEITH BECK FOLD, Mr A Bulman APPROVED side extension. MELKINTHORPE, PENRITH, CA10 2DX

15/0592 Full Application Penrith Proposed extension to existing industrial unit. HOWDENS JOINERY, HARTNESS Mr S Dixon APPROVED ROAD, GILWILLY INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, PENRITH, CA11 9BD

15/0596 Full Application Stainmore Erection of domestic garden shed (retrospective). WESTMORLAND COTTAGE, Mr J Armer APPROVED PENNISTONE GREEN, NORTH STAINMORE, KIRKBY STEPHEN, CA17 4DY

15/0600 Full Application Bandleyside Proposed conversion and extension of barn to BARN AT NETHER HOFF, COLBY, Mr & Mrs Thursby APPROVED provide ancillary accommodation. Demolition of lean APPLEBY, CA16 6BD to stable.

15/0601 Listed Building Bandleyside Listed building consent for the proposed conversion BARN AT NETHER HOFF, COLBY, Mr & Mrs Thursby APPROVED and extension of barn to provide ancillary APPLEBY, CA16 6BD accommodation. Demolition of lean to stable.

15/0608 Full Application Greystoke Extension to existing agricultural building. RECTORY FARM, GREYSTOKE, N Richards APPROVED PENRITH, CA11 0UJ

15/0609 Full Application Langwathby Extension to existing ancillary accommodation SUMMER HOUSE COTTAGE, THE Mr & Mrs S. M. & S. D. APPROVED associated with The Old Vicarage. OLD VICARAGE, EDENHALL, Dixon PENRITH, CA11 8SX

15/0615 Full Application Temple Sowerby Proposed side and front extension (as revised). SKYLIN, TEMPLE SOWERBY, Mrs J Dodd APPROVED PENRITH, CA10 1RS

15/0616 Reserved by Stainmore Discharge of conditions no 2 (external sample WILKINSON HOUSE, WINDMORE Mr & Mrs M WILSON APPROVED Cond materials) no 3 (windows and doors) no 4 (surface END, NORTH STAINMORE, KIRKBY drainage water scheme) attached to planning STEPHEN, CA17 4DZ approval 14/0582.

15/0618 Full Application Soulby Proposed detached garage and garden room. Lean- EXCHANGE HOUSE, SOULBY, Mr A Banford APPROVED to store extension to main house. KIRKBY STEPHEN, CA17 4PJ

15/0625 Full Application Appleby Replacement of 11 no. windows to white UPVC PUBLIC HALL, BOROUGHGATE, Appleby-in- APPROVED double glazed units. APPLEBY-IN-WESTMORLAND, Westmorland Town CA16 6YA Council - C Dodgeon

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15/0627 Full Application Ousby Proposed two storey side extension. THE COACH HOUSE, MELMERBY, Mr & Mrs G Walker APPROVED PENRITH, CA10 1HB

15/0628 Full Application Clifton Installation of a number of PV arrays on the site to CLIFTON MOOR, CLIFTON, Mr A Jenkinson-A W APPROVED the roofs of 4 buildings as indicated on the location PENRITH, CA10 2EY Jenkinson Forest plan. Products

15/0630 Advertisement Ravenstonedale Advertisement consent for the display of 2 no GARSHILL NR RAVENSTONEDALE Mr C Metcalfe-Gibson APPROVED hoarding signs. SCHOOL, RAVENSTONEDALE, KIRKBY STEPHEN,

15/0635 Outline Penrith Outline application for proposed erection of a ROUNDTHORN FARM BUILDINGS, Mrs P.H. Squires REFUSED Application dwelling with approval sought for access. STAGSTONES ROAD, ROUNDTHORN, PENRITH, CA11 8SJ

15/0639 Full Application Penrith Proposed extension. UNIT 12 HARTNESS ROAD, Mr S Dixon APPROVED GILWILLY INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, PENRITH, CA11 9BD

15/0640 Full Application Alston Proposed two log cabins for holiday purposes. MARK CLOSE, ALSTON, CA9 3BD Mr & Mrs H Wyatt APPROVED

15/0642 Full Application Hesket Demolition of north facing lean-to wall and proposed BROCKLEY MOOR HOUSE, Mr R Whiteley APPROVED extension. PLUMPTON, PENRITH, CA11 9PA

15/0643 Listed Building Hesket Listed building consent for the demolition of north BROCKLEY MOOR HOUSE, Mr R Whiteley APPROVED facing lean to wall and proposed extension. PLUMPTON, PENRITH, CA11 9PA

15/0648 Full Application Penrith Alterations to listed wall to widen access. CROZIER LODGE, FELL LANE, Mr M Morrison APPROVED PENRITH, CA11 8AB

15/0649 Listed Building Penrith Listed building consent for the alterations to listed CROZIER LODGE, FELL LANE, Mr M Morrison APPROVED wall to widen access. PENRITH, CA11 8AB

15/0652 Full Application Ousby Change of use of agricultural land to form extension MELMERBY MILL, MELMERBY, Messrs James APPROVED to caravan site PENRITH, CA10 1HA

15/0654 Householder Morland Proposed single storey rear extension. THE GREEN, MORLAND, PENRITH, Mr R Neilson APPROVED PD/PN CA10 3BA

15/0660 Full Application Castle Sowerby Installation of a single medium scale wind turbine SOUTHERNBY HALL, HESKET Mr R Todd REFUSED measuring 45m to blade tip with associated NEWMARKET, , CA7 8JA infrastructure and access track.

15/0661 Tree Works Orton Remove Sycamore tree (T87) due to declining OAKLANDS, FRONT STREET, Mrs L Macauley APPROVED (TPO) condition and increasing branch failures; Tree ORTON, PENRITH, CA10 3RX Preservation Order 6, 1959, Orton.

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15/0664 Full Application Orton Conversion of existing barn to form office, kitchen, RAYNE FARM, GAISGILL, PENRITH, Mr D Penrose APPROVED guest bedroom and shower room. CA10 3UD

15/0670 Full Application Orton Variation of condition no 2 (plans compliance) LIBERAL CLUB, FRONT STREET, Dr F Candlin APPROVED attached to planning approval 14/0399 comprising of ORTON, PENRITH, CA10 3RJ alterations to internal layout.

15/0676 Reserved by Morland Discharge of conditions no 3 (external surface CROWN INN FIELDS, MORLAND, Mr G Young APPROVED Cond materials), no 6 (foul and surface water drainage) PENRITH, CA10 3EB and no 7 (surface and foul water drainage scheme) attached to planning approval 14/0905.

15/0679 Notice of Intention Catterlen Erection of an agricultural buliding WOODHOUSE, CATTERLEN, Mr D Horsley - DR & APPROVED PENRITH, CA11 0BE HM Horsley Ltd

15/0681 Full Application Ravenstonedale Proposed garage and store. TOWN HEAD FARM, Mr & Mrs Richardson APPROVED RAVENSTONEDALE, KIRKBY STEPHEN, CA17 4NQ

15/0684 Reserved by Crosby Discharge of conditions no. 3 (public footpath CROSBY HALL, CROSBY Mr Edmumd Brewer APPROVED Cond Ravensworth 319076) and no. 4 (archaeological watching brief) RAVENSWORTH, PENRITH, CA10 attached to planning approval 14/0094. 3HY

15/0685 Full Application Skelton 1. Extension of dwelling to provide for annex to RIGG HOUSE, IVEGILL, CARLISLE, Mrs M Thwaites APPROVED accommodate relative. 2. Erection of building to CA4 0PR provide garaging and storage.

15/0686 Full Application Penrith Proposed demolition of former pre-fab offices, METCALFES PLANT HIRE LTD, 46 Metcalfe Plant Hire LTD APPROVED formation of a new access and associated parking. GILWILLY ROAD, GILWILLY INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, PENRITH, CA11 9BL

15/0687 Full Application Shap Proposed three storey house. LAND ADJOINING ROSE BANK, Mr D Mallinson APPROVED SHAP, PENRITH, CA10 3LX

15/0691 Advertisement Penrith Advertisement consent for advertisement scheme 22 KING STREET, PENRITH, CA11 Marks and Spencer Plc APPROVED comprising of 3 no illuminated facia signs, 4 no non 7AG illuminated facia signs and 1 no halo illuminated hanging sign.

15/0692 Full Application Penrith External alterations to existing foodstore and erection 22 KING STREET, PENRITH, CA11 Marks and Spencer Plc APPROVED of two no. trolley bays within the store car park. 7AG

15/0695 Full Application Penrith Proposed single storey rear extension. THE BEECHES, GRAHAM STREET, Mr & Mrs Holden APPROVED PENRITH, CA11 9LE

15/0696 Full Application Shap Proposed rear extension. 31 GAYLE AVENUE, SHAP, Mr & Mrs Stamper APPROVED PENRITH, CA10 3NS

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15/0697 Tree Works Penrith Group 1: Crown lift to a height of 4m on northern LAND NORTH OF CYPRESS WAY, Mrs Rachael Graham - APPROVED (TPO) (development) side to prevent mechanical damage OFF CARLETON HILL ROAD, Persimmon Homes during construction phase of development; Group 2: PENRITH, CA11 8UN Crown lift to a height of 4m on northern (development) side to prevent mechanical damage during construction phase of development; Remove main leader on northern side of eastern-most member of group to within 1.5m of fork, ensuring cut is clean and angled to prevent water retention (see enclosed photograph); T2 on enclosed plan (T4 of TPO): Crown lift to a height of 4m on northern (development) side to prevent mechanical damage during construction phase of development; All in TPO125, 2006, Carleton Heights, Penrith.

15/0698 Tree Works (CA) Appleby T1 and T2: Fell Oak trees; T3 and T4: Fell Yew CASTLE PARK HOUSE, APPLEBY Mrs Sally Nightingale APPROVED trees; Due to trees contributing to subsidence on the CASTLE, BOROUGHGATE, SW corner of the keep and to enable the restoration APPLEBY-IN-WESTMORLAND, of the moat to dry status and enable castle grounds CA16 6XH to be restored to their condition at the turn of the century; Appleby Conservation Area.

15/0699 Tree Works (CA) Great Salkeld 1 and 4) Remove Cypress and Birch; 2) Reduce THE SHEILING, GREAT SALKELD, Mr J T Slater APPROVED height of Cypress; 3) Pruning to Birch tree; Great PENRITH, CA11 9LW Salkeld Conservation Area.

15/0701 Full Application Penrith Extension of offices. 11 THE GREEN, PENRITH, CA10 APPROVED 2BA

15/0703 Full Application Castle Sowerby Creation of all weather equestrian arena. ROE LODGE, SOWERBY ROW, Ms J Kennedy APPROVED SOUTHWAITE, CARLISLE, CA4 0QH

15/0707 Full Application Ravenstonedale Refurbishment of existing feed store, part rebuilding LOW LANE HOUSE, NEWBIGGIN- Mr & Mrs D Thackray APPROVED of former implements store and construction of a part ON-LUNE, KIRKBY STEPHEN, CA17 covered yard between. 4NB

15/0710 Full Application Hesket Application to amend previous 12/0776 approval ALLENDALE HOUSE, FRONT Mr & Mrs M Shead APPROVED enlarging rear single storey rear extension and STREET, ARMATHWAITE, inclusion of Garden room. CARLISLE, CA4 9PB

15/0711 Full Application Warcop Revised Scheme for demolition of existing barn and EDEN GATE FARM, WARCOP, T M Gregson 1986 APPROVED replacement with two detached dwellings. APPLEBY-IN-WESTMORLAND, Settlement CA16 6PL

15/0712 Full Application Temple Sowerby Creation of additional car parking for 60 permanent ACORN BANK, TEMPLE SOWERBY, National Trust - Mrs S APPROVED spaces and 20 overflow spaces with associated soft PENRITH, CA10 1SP Braithwaite landscape treatment.

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15/0714 Tree Works (CA) Asby Removal of all trees and shrubs to allow garden LAND ADJACENT TO THE OLD Mr David Garick APPROVED restoration; Great Asby Conservation Area. RECTORY, GREAT ASBY, APPLEBY- IN-WESTMORLAND, CA16 6EX

15/0723 Non-Material Morland Non material amendment to planning approval SOUTH VIEW BUILDING PLOT, Mr I Dinsdale APPROVED Amend 14/1040 comprising to remove internal chimney LOWERGATE, MORLAND, breast & place externally. PENRITH, CA10 3BA

15/0726 Listed Building Appleby Listed building consent for solid through glazing bars 5 BATTLEBARROW, APPLEBY-IN- Mr D Murphy APPROVED and astragals putty pointed replace hidden box WESTMORLAND, CA16 6XS weight sash pulley cords with spiral sash spring balance system.

15/0729 Non-Material Dufton Non material amendment to planning approval IVY BANK, DUFTON, APPLEBY-IN- Mr & Mrs J Pugh APPROVED Amend 12/0382 comprising of repositioning of external wall WESTMORLAND, CA16 6DF to new extension.

15/0730 Full Application Penrith Proposed two storey annexe. 3 BRENT ROAD, PENRITH, CA11 N Jesko APPROVED 8ES

15/0731 Full Application Dacre Single storey rear and side extension. WESTSIDE COTTAGE, STAINTON, Mr D Elliott APPROVED PENRITH, CA11 0ET

15/0732 Full Application Ravenstonedale Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of CHANTRY LODGE, Mr & Mrs Houston APPROVED 3no. Bedroom detached house. RAVENSTONEDALE, KIRKBY STEPHEN, CA17 4NQ

15/0734 Full Application Penrith Proposed alterations and extension. GARTHSIDE, NICHOLSON LANE, Mr T Nicholson APPROVED PENRITH, CA11 7UL

15/0740 Tree Works (CA) Temple Sowerby 1) Pear tree in rear garden - reshape top of crown by PROSPECT PLACE, TEMPLE Mr Terry Crellin APPROVED 1m and reshape tree; 2) Reshape crown and reduce SOWERBY, PENRITH, CA10 1RZ by 2 feet; Temple Sowerby Conservation Area.

15/0747 Non-Material Kirkby Stephen Non meterial amendment to planning approval BIRKBECK GARDENS, NATEBY Mr M Nugent - Story APPROVED Amend 13/0927 comprising the addition of stone feature to ROAD, KIRKBY STEPHEN, CA17 4TH Homes public open space.

15/0755 Full Application Ravenstonedale Proposed greenhouse, summerhouse and array of THE TOWER HOUSE, BROWNBER, Mr & Mrs Wardrope APPROVED ground mounted photovoltaic panels NEWBIGGIN-ON-LUNE, KIRKBY STEPHEN, CA17 4NX

15/0758 Tree Works (CA) Penrith Remove small Horse Chestnut tree and Hazel; 1 APPLERIGG, LOWTHER STREET, Applerigg Management APPROVED Penrith New Streets Conservation area. PENRITH, CA11 7US Co

15/0759 Tree Works (CA) Ravenstonedale Crown raise Stika Spruce to 3m; Ravenstonedale 1 THE COURTYARD, Mr P Taylor APPROVED Conservation Area. RAVENSTONEDALE, KIRKBY STEPHEN, CA17 4LW

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15/0760 Tree Works (CA) Appleby T1 and T2 Sycamores: Crown raise to 4m; G1: APPLEBY CASTLE, Mrs Sally Nightingale APPROVED Crown raise trees over path to 5m; Thin Sycamore re- BOROUGHGATE, APPLEBY-IN- generation and remove belt of Cypress on top of WESTMORLAND, CA16 6XH banking; Appleby Conservation Area.

15/0786 Notice of Intention Kirkoswald Proposed agriculturical steel portal frame building. LOW SCALES FARM, Mr D Hodgkiss APPROVED KIRKOSWALD, RENWICK, PENRITH, CA10 1JE

15/0795 Non-Material Penrith Non material amendment application to planning SPRING BANK, NICHOLSON LANE, Mr K Addison APPROVED Amend approval 15/0123 comprising of alteration to PENRITH, CA11 7UL sunroom.

15/0810 Non-Material Bolton Non material amendment to planning approval LAND AT NORTHEND, BOLTON, Mr J Willan - Willan APPROVED Amend 13/0329 comprising of alternative wndows and APPLEBY, Trading alternative external finishes.

15/0815 Reserved by Great Strickland Discharge of condition no5 (accesses and parking COACH CROFT, GREAT Mr D Metcalfe - APPROVED Cond areas) attached to planning approval 13/0827. STRICKLAND, PENRITH, CA10 3DF Shapwells Developments Ltd

15/0827 Notice of Intention Penrith Proposed upgrade to existing telecommunications LAND AT SKIRSGILL Cornerstone APPROVED radio base station installation. AGRICULTURAL HALL, A66, Telecommunications SKIRSGILL, PENRITH, CA11 0DN InfrastructLtd & Telefonica UK Ltd

15/0860 Notice of Intention Crosby Proposed anaerobic digestion plant. CRAKE TREES MANOR, CROSBY Mr M & Mrs R Tuer APPROVED Ravensworth RAVENSWORTH, PENRITH, CA10 3JG

15/0873 Non-Material Clifton Non material amendment to planning approval CLIFTON MOOR, CLIFTON, Mr A Jenkinson APPROVED Amend 15/0628 comprising of alterations to arrangement of PENRITH, CA10 2EY PV panels.

In relation to each application it was considered whether the proposal was appropriate having regard to the Development Plan, the representations which were received including those from consultees and all other material considerations. In cases where the application was approved the proposal was considered to be acceptable in planning terms having regard to the material considerations. In cases where the application was refused the proposal was not considered to be acceptable having regard to the material and relevant considerations. In all cases it was considered whether the application should be approved or refused and what conditions, if any, should be imposed to secure an acceptable form of development.

02 October 2015 Page 7 of 7

Notice of Decision

Carriage Return

To: J Stannard Mansion House, Penrith, Cumbria CA11 7YG Vox Energy Ltd Tel: 01768 817817 Titan Business Centre Fax: 01768 212320 Cleckheaton West Yorkshire (Met County) BD19 5DN

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2010

Application No: 15/0660 On Behalf Of: Mr R Todd

In pursuance of their powers under the above Act and Order, Council, as local planning authority, hereby REFUSE full planning permission for the development described in your application and on the plans and drawings attached thereto, viz:

Application Type: Full Application Proposal: Installation of a single medium scale wind turbine measuring 45m to blade tip with associated infrastructure and access track. Location: SOUTHERNBY HALL HESKET NEWMARKET WIGTON CA7 8JA

The reason(s) for this decision are:

1) The proposed turbine, by virtue of its scale, incongruous appearance and prominent siting in attractive open countryside, would have a significant adverse and unacceptable level of harm on the character of the landscape and the visual amenity of the area contrary to Saved Policy of the Eden Local plan (1996) NE1: Development in the open countryside, Eden Core Strategy policies CS18 and CS20 and National Planning Policy 11: Conserving and enhancing the natural environment.

2) The proposal has failed to address the planning impacts identified by affected local communities and fails to have their backing contrary to the Written Statement made by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (Greg Clark) on 18 June 2015 and also National Planning Practice Guidance.

Where necessary the local planning authority has worked with the applicant in a positive and proactive manner seeking solutions to problems arising in relation to dealing with the planning application and to implement the requirements of the NPPF and the adopted development plan.

Date of Decision: 16 September 2015


G Clark BSc (Hons), DipTP, MRTPI, ACMI www.eden.gov.uk Head of Planning Services

(Authorised Officer) G Clark BSc (Hons), DipTP, MRTPI

Attention is drawn to the attached notes.

www.eden.gov.uk 2 Notice of Decision

Carriage Return

To: GR Architects Mansion House, Penrith, Cumbria CA11 7YG 97 Lowther St. Tel: 01768 817817 Penrith Fax: 01768 212320 Cumbria CA11 7UW

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order 2015

Application No: 15/0635 On Behalf Of: Mrs P.H. Squires

In pursuance of their powers under the above Act and Order, Eden District Council, as local planning authority, hereby REFUSE full planning permission for the development described in your application and on the plans and drawings attached thereto, viz:

Application Type: Outline Application Proposal: Outline application for proposed erection of a dwelling with approval sought for access. Location: ROUNDTHORN FARM BUILDINGS STAGSTONES ROAD ROUNDTHORN PENRITH CA11 8SJ

The reason(s) for this decision are:

The application would lead to the creation of a dwelling in an unsustainable location poorly related to the nearest service centre of Penrith. No exceptional need has been demonstrated for the dwelling nor does the proposal meet the criteria of a rural exception site. The application is therefore contrary to Saved Local Plan policies NE1, HS1 and Eden Core Strategy policies CS1, CS2, CS3, CS7, CS9 and CS10 and the NPPF.

Where necessary the local planning authority has worked with the applicant in a positive and proactive manner seeking solutions to problems arising in relation to dealing with the planning application and to implement the requirements of the NPPF and the adopted development plan.

Date of Decision: 22 September 2015


(Authorised Officer) G Clark BSc (Hons), DipTP, MRTPI

Attention is drawn to the attached notes. G Clark BSc (Hons), DipTP, MRTPI, ACMI www.eden.gov.uk Head of Planning Services