Comprehensive Fundraising Training Leadership Institute Online April 20-23, 2020

Monday, April 20- Direct Mail School

9:00 Registration for Comprehensive Fundraising and the Direct Mail School

Welcome to • What is the Leadership Institute Annamarie Rienzi the Political and Fundraising Training 9:00-9:15 • How are we serving you online Leadership Coordinator • Institute Online training best practices Leadership Institute

• Why should you prospect? John Whitbeck Direct Mail 9:15-10:15 • Organizing your data President Prospecting • Acquiring, borrowing, and trading lists StratPoli • What is direct mail? Joe Goetz Mechanics of 10:20-11:20 • Why does it work? Principal Direct Mail • How to execute a mail program well Wartime Strategies Group Kevin Allen • The targeted donors in your house file 11:25-12:25 House File Vice President • Examples of donor pipeline American Target Advertising

12:25-1:25 Lunch

Comprehensive Fundraising Training Leadership Institute Online April 20-23, 2020

• Create mail pieces people want to open John Davis Package • Personalization of mail pieces Director of Donor 1:25-2:25 Design and • Communications Production Timeliness, limitations and design examples Leadership Institute Mitch Nozka • How does cultivation play into the donor Direct Mail Deputy Director of Donor 2:30-3:30 pipeline? Cultivation Communications • Methods of cultivation Leadership Institute Turning a • Checklist for editing letters Dan Whitfield Good Letter 3:35-5:00 • Tips for copywriting Senior Copywriter into a Great • Eberle and Associates Letter Basic components of a great letter

5:00 Adjournment

Comprehensive Fundraising Training Leadership Institute Online April 20-23, 2020

Tuesday, April 21- High Dollar School

9:00 Registration for the High Dollar School

• Why you should bother organizing the Organizing your department Andrew McIndoe 9:00-10:00 Development Vice President of Development • How to organize in a donor-centric way Department • Donor Life Cycle

• Who gives to noble causes? Sean Themea Creating a Case 10:05-11:05 • Developing your theme Vice President of Development for Giving • Interrogating your theme broadly Young Americans for Liberty

• Identifying top prospects Carter DeWitt Personal Chief Development Officer 11:10-12:10 • Moves management Solicitation News • The ask Foundation

12:10-1:10 Lunch

Ron Nehring Fundraising • Keeping events scalable and manageable Director of International 1:10-2:40 Events • Considering VIPs Programs The Leadership Institute Comprehensive Fundraising Training Leadership Institute Online April 20-23, 2020

• How capital campaigns can super-charge Stephen Clouse Capital 2:45-4:00 your fundraising program President and Founder Campaigns • Choosing a theme and a timeline Stephen Clouse and Associates

Care and Bethany Rolando • Donor stewardship techniques 4:05-5:00 Feeding of Director of Development • Donors Best way to steward contributions Project Veritas

5:00 Adjournment

Comprehensive Fundraising Training Leadership Institute Online April 20-23, 2020

Wednesday, April 22- High Dollar Fundraising School

Haley Roddie • What type of donor research must happen Preparing to Development Manager 9:00-10:00 before a major gift is earned? Make the Ask The Foundation for Research on • How to prepare for a donor meeting Equal Opportunity

• Strategies for legacy giving promotion, Ann Fitzgerald Planned and 10:05-11:05 cultivation, solicitation, and stewardship President and Founder Legacy Giving • Breaking the stigma of legacy gifts AC Fitzgerald

• Do you know how to listen? Bob Ewing The Lost Art of 11:10-12:10 • President and Founder Listening What to pay attention to in donor conversation The Ewing School

12:10-1:10 Lunch

• How to ask for money through stories Bob Ewing 1:10-2:10 Tell me a Story • How to craft a compelling story to convey President and Founder your mission The Ewing School

• How to compose meaningful thank you Cheyenne Plott The Art of the 2:15-3:15 notes Regional Development Officer Thank You Note • Timing for follow-up Leadership Institute Comprehensive Fundraising Training Leadership Institute Online April 20-23, 2020

• Conveying your story and mission through Parissa Sedghi Social Media social media 3:20-4:20 Vice President of Development Storytelling • How to use your social media presence to FreedomWorks connect with donors

4:20 Adjournment

Comprehensive Fundraising Training Leadership Institute Online April 20-23, 2020

Thursday, April 23- Digital Fundraising Training

9:00 Registration for the Digital Fundraising Training

• How to run online campaigns that make Krista Carter Fundraising money 9:00-10:00 Accounts Director Digitally • Where to put your online fundraising TAG Strategies resources • Strategy for online advertising to raise Danielle Fife Online funds 10:05-11:05 Chief Legacy Planning Advisor Advertising • Formats, terminology, and platforms for Leadership Institute managing campaigns Digital • How to measure and optimize the right Patrick O’Keefe Fundraising and 11:10-12:10 metrics to increase online revenue Director of Customer Success Optimizing • Anedot Analysis What, where, and how to test

Comprehensive Fundraising Training Leadership Institute Online April 20-23, 2020

Thursday, April 23- Grant Writing Workshop

12:10-1:10 Lunch and Registration for Grant Writing Workshop

• Finding a grant that is fit with your mission Karla Bruno Private Grant Director of Corporate and 1:10-2:10 • Crafting a one-page proposal Proposals Foundation Relations • Sample budget for grants vs actuals Leadership Institute Karla Bruno The Research to • How to write a letter of inquiry Director of Corporate and 2:15-3:15 Back it Up • Researching and targeting foundations Foundation Relations Leadership Institute Carter DeWitt, Chief Development Officer at the Daily Caller News Foundation Grant Writing and 3:20-4:20 Panel Karla Bruno, Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations at Discussion the Leadership Institute

4:20 Adjournment