Report Filed by TNPCB in OA No 256 of 2020(SZ).Pdf

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Report Filed by TNPCB in OA No 256 of 2020(SZ).Pdf ANNEXURE-I 1 2 3 4 EE _i-==-I- "1Lpr ANNEXURE-II TAIVIIL NADu poLLUTloN CoNTnoL BOARD EE2hNo:T5JTN.Pe.LflE=±OeAMBJ17Catodory/2021datod:11.o3Lap SuB: TNPCB - Industries - M/s. MANALI PETROCHEMICALS LIMITED -PLANT- I , S.F.No. 266 part, 275/1 part, MANALl village, Thiruvottgivr Taluk and Tiruvallur District - A report in Neus Desk Magazine qpoison in the Air- The Regulatory BIack hole over Ennore Manali Industrial Zone"-Certain directions under Section 33(A)of the.Water(PreventionandControlofPollution)act,1974asAmended& Sect.on 31A of the. Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 a8 amended - Issued - Regarding. REF: JCEE (M) '8 Letter No.F.0214/ JCEE (M)/ TNPCB/ CHN.ZONE/ Misc/ 2020, dated 22.01.2021 enclosed with inspection report. *"ise="* Whereas Ch®nnai Climate Action Group has published a report in News Desk .Poison in the Air- The Regulatory Black hole over Ennore Manali Industrial Zone" November 2020.Based on the above report of Climate Action Group, the Hon.ble NOT SuO MOTu taken up the case vide O.A.No.256 Of 2020 (SZ) and formed a Joint Committee to furnish a report on the above. Whereas, the news paper report published in News Desk Magazine dated, 11.11.2020 under the caption These Six Industries in North Chennai are polluting the air for more than half the year is based on the stack emissions data recorded at the CAC, TNPCB for the period from 01.01.2019 to 15.12.2019. Whereas, .rt is alleged in the nows paper report that all quality in Ennoro - Manall region has been seriously affected on account of the emission made by some of the industries namely, Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited ITANGEDCO's) North Chennai Themal Power Station (NCTPS) Stage 1, NTECL Vallur Power plant, Chennai Petroleum Corporation Llmited (CPCL), Tamil Nadu Petro products limited (TPL) , Manali Petrochemicals Limited (MPL), and Madras Fertilizers Limited (MFL). Whereas, in this regard,the unit of M/s. MANALI PETROCHEMICALS LIMITED - PLANT- I , S.F.No. 266 part, 275/1 part, MANALl vlllag®, Thlruvottlyur Taluk and Tiruvallur District hag been inspected by JCEE (M) on 05.01.2021 .nd based on the observations, JCEE (M) has recommended to for issue of c®rtaln dllectlon to the unit for compliance. Therefore, in exercise of the powers conf®ried under S®ctlon 33 A Of Water (P&CP) Actl974. a9 amended in 1988 a Section 31A Of the Alr (Prov®ntlon and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 ae amended, Board leeu®e the following dlr®ctlone to the unit of M/s. MANALI PETROCHEMICALS LIMITED -PLANT- I , S.F.No. 266 part, 275/1 part. MANALl village, Thiruvottiyur Taluk and Tlruvallur District: 1) The unit shall remove the Limo Sludge dumped out®id® the earmarked area immediately. 2) The unit Shall Store the limo 8ludg® g®n®r.tod from the iotory drum v.ovum flw I-`ifa€i.I.+i- and un-burnt lime from lime slacker unit in the ®ermeri<®d .... only .nd .ent to Mok kiln for further beneficial u8®. r,i : ; 3) The unit shall maintain records on the quantlty Of o®n®r.tlon and dl.Po..I ol llm. , ?`+. sludge for further beneficial use. 4) The unit shall ensure that the tompoiary lime etorag® yard .nd lt. le.¢h.I.. collection arrangements provided are properly malnlalned, .o a. to .vom groundwaterpollution. I -.... * \. 5) The unit shall en8uro that lh® OCEMS ln®l®ll®d ln the Boller .I.ok :.nd`th. continuous amblent all qu®lfty monltorlng (CAAQM) ®®n®on provlded .I. "llbf.I.a regularly, operated continuously and connected lo the CAC Of th. Board .nd CPCB servers. 6) The unit 8hall ensure that the OCEMS installed at the outlet Of the troatod tred® effluent holding tank (ETP) for the paramot®ro TOC (BOD a COD). TSS, pH a Temperature and flow S®nsoro provided are collbi®t®d rogul.riy, op.i®led continuously and connected to the CAC of the Board and CPCB ®®rv.r® 7) The unit Shall ensure for the continuous data transmission from the OCEMS end CAAQM sensors to the CAC and WCW of the Board and CPCB servor®. 8) The unit shall comply whh the minutes Of the meeting hoid on 09.02.2021. =====-Ljii--I---- "|rBr TAMIL NADu poLLUTloN CoNTROL BOAnD Failure to comply with the above said directions, will lead to issue of further directions for closure and stoppage of bower supply to your unit under section 33 A of Water (P&CP) Actl974 as amended in 1988 & Section 31A of the Air (Prevention and Control Of Polluton) Act,1981 as amended. The receipt of the proceeding shall be acknowledged. LI {.S' Fo, Ch,Im, fo 4.,9®.>, The Director, M/a. Manall P®trochemlcale Llmltod -plant- I, Manali Petrochemicals Limited, Spic House 88, Mount Road Guindy ,Chennai Copy to 1. The Joint Chiof Environmental Engineer (M), Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board, Chennai Region 2. The District Environmental Engineer, Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board, Ambattur. 3. Technical file. -,`'.. fEISpe®d Poet I- •,. - :=`:`-->.:-, EH TAMIL HADU POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Proc. No: T5/TNPCB/F.112 AMB/17 Catodtorv/aez.1 detod: 11.03.2021 SuB: TNPCB - Industries - M/9. MANALI PETROCHEMICALS LIMITED-PLANT-Il, S.F.No. 1ro, 1/e, 23 to 30 a 30ro, SATHANGADu VIIlage, Thlruvottiyur Taluk and Tlruvallur District - A report in Nevve Dock Megazlne .Poison ln the Air- The Regulatory BIack hole over Enroro Manali Industrial Zone.-Certain directions under Sedion 33(A)Of the Water (Prevention and Control Of Pollution) act, 1974 as Amended & Section 31A Of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act. 1981 a8 amended -lesued -Regarding. REF: JCEE (M) 'S Lott®r No.F.0214/ JCEE (M)/ TNPCB/ CHN.ZONE/ MiSc/ 2020, dated 22.01.2021 enclosed \^th inspection report. n*====-- Vtheroas Chonnai CIImato Action.Group has published a report in News Desk Magarine .Poison in the All- The Begufatory BIack hole over Ennore Manali Industrial Zone. during November 20ae.Baaed on the above ropoit of Cliimato Action Group. the Hon'blo NGT SUO MOTu twon up the case vide OJINo2se of 2020 (SZ) and formed a Jolnt Commmee to fumlsh a report on the above. Whereai9, the news paper report published in News Desk Magazine dated, 11.11.2020 under the caption 'Thes? Six lndusariee h Noith Chenrrai ere polluting the air for more than half the year le based on the Stack omisslon8 data recorded at the CAC, TNPCB for the periocl from 01.01.2019 to 15.12.2019. Whereas, it i9 alleged ln the news paper report that alr quality in Ennore - Manall region has been seriously affected on account of the emisoion made by some of the industrfe® namely. Tamil Nadu Cen®ration and Distribution Corporation Limited ITANGEDCO'9) North Ch®nnai Th®mal Power Station (NCTPS) Stage 1, NTECL Vallur Power Plant, Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited (CPCL), Tamil Nadu P®tro pnducts Llmited (TPL) . Manali P®trochemlcal9 Limited (MPL), and Madras Fertilizers Limited (MFL). No. 76, MOUNT SAL.AI, GUINDY, CHENNAl - 600 032. T®I®phon® : 22353134 to 141. Few : 044.2235ac8 EmaJI : tnpcb¢hn®gov.In web : `^r`^n^/ + ~ ,L- +i , J Whereas, de ult cf lML IIANAil tchocHEMICALS LIMITED-PI.AN"I , S.F.No. 1re, 1ro, 23 to sO & Soul P+ANG^DU VIlfage, "nivottiyur Talut and Tiruvallur District has been r±ee±±±qr JCEE qu) on 05.012021 and based on the observations, JCEE (M) has I-±=+E#.e far deue Of c®rtaln direction to the unit for compliance. .. i .S. r Therefore, in exeroise of 0. porers conforrod under Section 33 A Of Water (P&CP) Actl974 as amendetl in Ice a Sectlon 31A Of the Alr (Prevenfron and Control of Pollution) Act. 19el as orede4 ao-ro a]euee de follewhg dlroctione to the unit Of M7s. MANIALi pETROcHEMicALs LiMrTEDpi.ANT-ii . s.F.NO. iro, ire, 23 to so & 30/3, SATHANGADU Village, "ruvottiyur Taluk and Tiruvallur Di8trlct: 1) The unit shall maintain records on the quantfty of generation and di9pcoal Of limo sludge for further beneficial use.. 2) The unit shall ensure that the temporary limo ®torage yard and ife leachato coltewhion a arrangements provided are property maintained, co as to avoid any groundwator pollution. 3) The unit shall ensure that the OCEMS lngtalled in the Boller 8tack and the continuous ambient air qualfty imonitoring (CAAQM) 8ensore provided are calibrated regularly, operated continuously and connected to the CAC Of the Board and CPCB servers. 4) The unit shaw ensure that the OCEMS installed at the outlet Of the troatod trade efflLed holding tank (ETP) for the parameters TOC (BOD & COD), TSS, pH & Te~ and ftw sensoirs provided are calibrated Tegulariy, operated continuouslyandconnectodtotheCACOftheBoardendCPCB8enroro. 5) The unit sham en9uro for the cont!nuou9 data transmi®eion from the OCEMS and CAAQM sensors to the CAC Of the Board and CPCB eerver8. 6) The unit 9hau eumish the bound action plan to romovofdear the old accumulated lime Sludge Stored in the backyard Of the unit. 7) The unit shaM take immediate action to get supply Of LNG from locL to Switch over the fuel from fumac® oil to LNG for the boiler. 8)TheunitshancomplywiththeminutesOfthemeetingheidon09.02.2021. =-=EEFiE\_I- "1LB, TAMIL NADU POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Failure to comply with the above said directions, will lead to issue of further directions for closure and stoppage of power supply to your unit under section 33 A of Water (P&CP) Actl974 as amended in 1988 & Section 31A of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act,1981 as amended.
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