Central Florida Future, Vol. 18 No. 12, November 13, 1985

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Central Florida Future, Vol. 18 No. 12, November 13, 1985 University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 11-13-1985 Central Florida Future, Vol. 18 No. 12, November 13, 1985 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact STARS@ucf.edu. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 18 No. 12, November 13, 1985" (1985). Central Florida Future. 594. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/594 V r LJllJ I V ~ I ~ ' . ARCH\VES • he-Central Florida Future 'C • Volume 18 Number 12 University of Central Florida/Orlando Wednesday November 13,_1985 ·university may soon regulate PC _lab use class and section of the students who by Maryann L. Cross use the computer. The computer will CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE check to see if that ·student is registered in the class and section given and will determine if the class The two computer labs in CEBA, has tirrie left on the computer. The ac­ the Center for Engineering and counting program will then charge Business Administration, may soon the · appropriate department on a e~ploy an accounting program to class-by-class basis. regulate student usage of the com­ puters, according to Dr. George F. In order to provide input on opera­ Schrader, assistant dean of the col­ tions and software programs, Com­ lege of engineering. puter Services will assist in supervis­ ing the engineering computer labs, • . By implementing the accounting Director of Computer Services program, the cost of maintenance, William Branch said. Use of the labs supplies, and repairs could then be will depend upon how much computer charged to the departments that use time is needed by engineering classes. the computers for classroom The accounting program for the assignments. personal computers is expected to be in operation in the Computer Center The accounting program was writ­ by the end of the year. If the program ten by the university's Computer Ser­ tests out well, it will then be installed vices Department for use with the into the engineering computer labs. Local Area Network (LAN), a hard­ At that point, Computer Services will ware and software package already in begin the supervision and implemen­ Tim Barto/Central Florida Future use in the Computer Center's PC lab. · tation of a maintenance and supervi­ College Bowl . The accounting program is a pilot sion program to prolong the life of the Students matched wits last week with the beginning of College Bowl com- project of Computer Services that personal ·computers and the software will monitor and record the name. used with them. petition at UCF. · Kiosk c~mplete Over $9 million in but still on ho~d student .aid coffers by Tim Ball NEWS EDITOR . The first step in applying • by Nicky Tarantino for a loan js to complete two CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE forms. The Family Financial Structural work has been completed on the Statement (FFS) which asks oft-delayed student government Kiosk but T,be Financial Aid office has · information the applicant's the new information booth won't be fully about $9 million in student family, residence, annual in­ operational until parts required for the in­ aid to distribute this year, ac- come and some information stallation of t~lephm1es in the building arrive, cording to Director of Finan- from the previous year's tax student body President John Gill said last cial Aid Rick Goodenough. return. week. ''Financial Aid is a set of '·All the original problems have been cor­ Services to offered gr.ants, loans ·and work-study rected," Gill told stud('llL senators. job programs that are provid­ !'Typically, state at the K,iosk ed by various donors. Typical­ According to Gill's secretary, Barbara ly, ·state and federal gover­ and federal gover­ Pope, the Kiosk was inspected by student ment provide the largerst ment provide the government personnel on Friday but has not . - amount of funds.'' y!::'t been fully approved because of the in­ • Discount ticket sales , Goodenough said. largerst amount of · complete telephone system. • Setect.. A-Seat tickets He pointed out that one role funds." Gill said a.granq opening for the Kiosk will of the Financial Aid office is • · he held Nov. 27 at 1 p.m. regardless of • Centranzed Servlces to advise and help students ·Rick Goodenough_ whether or not the needed telephone parts secure loans from various ·director of financial have arrived. The ceremony will include three lenders even to the point of past student body presidents who have had a aid . • becoming co-endorsers with hand in the planning and building of the the student. The federal kiosk. They are: John Sowinski, Mark Geary goverment also participates The other form is an In­ and Tica Perez. in the process by paying for stitutional Financial Aid Ap­ Student Sen. Kay Craven said the services · the intrest on· some loans plication which is kept by offered at the Kiosk will include services about it, .. Craven said. while the student is still in that .the Financial ;\.id office already available at the student center's main desk. · school. Six months after the to simplify the application .... .. A lot of people don't know what's available student graduates, the loan process. Four to six weeks .. It's jusl more convenient to have it all out to them on campus and the Kiosk can help becomes the student's total t hNc (at the Kioskl where people can find ouL change that.·· she added. responsibility. SEE AID, PAGE 4 ~cli}li .3 ' Discoveries 7 Opinim 8· l. __..._ _ -- -· ',.,·---···- ..J 10 Kids and Co. Fun with Mensa . .Euthanasia Just for kicks UCF students produce Dispelling myths about The facts you don't Knight soccer teams Sports 11 children's program. 3 brainy people. 7 hear about. Inside miss out on bids. 11 2, The central Florida Future, November 13, 1985 Where have all these • UCF Ca:sa . grads ~ ·· - . ·Park · ~~ Villas gone? ~ ~llis~;1\\'ill; A11 • features $·250 • listed below will go included GENUINE TILE ROOFS 17 FT REFRIGERATOR DISH WASHER to the WASHING MACHINE CLOTHES DRYER GARBAGE DISPOSAL PATIOS & PRIVACY FENCING UCF SPRINKLER SYSTEM CHOICE OF DECORATOR COLORS INSULATED GLASS WINDOWS 2 CEILING FANS (INSTALLED) .. Athletic MINI BLINDS MARBLE TILE ENTRYWAY GOURMET KITCHEN CABINETS • (MICA EUROPEAN STYLED) Depart- WALL TO WALL CARPET FROM CENTRAL HEATING CENTRAL AIRCONDITIONING CABLE T.V. WIRED • FULLY INSULATED • ment · ONE YEAR WARRANTY THE OUTSIDE STORAGE ROOMS for. each WOODEN BI-FOLD DOO_R 'MID ' . Home purchase includes full membership in Tuscawilla 50's home Country Club 'for 1 y~ar. TUSCAWILLA Give Us A Call purchase 365:-7000 REALTY INC . • 671-1100 Exclusive sales agent Opportunity of a. lifetime. • I know of no place in Ce~tral Florida where a person has the opportunity to buy in a $159,000 area for only $56,500. This -is truely an outstan­ ding value. Casa Park Villas in Tuscawilla offers the Country Club atmosphere that is convenient to the University of Central Florida, Martin . Marietta and Westinghouse. A chance to advance the quality of your lifestyle. (pictured above left to right) Pat Cucci (wrestling coach), ~ Michael O'Shaughnessy Lori Sirota, Mitch Sirota (strength coach), Bill Ray (football '79), Mrs. Cucci, Scott Ryerson (football), Becky White Miller, Pick Miller (trainer), Warren Picket Class of '81 (baseball). •>" Baseball and Football Mr. and Mrs. Pick Miller. • • • New children's -show produced b F by Adam Chrzan The show begins with the CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE closing of a TV studio for the night and a toybox coming to life. The dolls turn into people Kid's and Co., a new and entertain the children un­ children's television series, til morning when the studio will combine educational opens again. themes -within an entertain­ Characters such as Reta ing atmosphere, according to Goodbook and Mr. Letters, as Professor Mike Shulman, well as talent recruited from director of the show. Central Florida are used to • Tlie show, which began air­ teach children about subjects ing on Evans and Storer cable ranging from wildlife to child systems last week, is produc­ abuse to dealing with ed by students in a technical strangers. television course in UCF's ''I want kids to be creative College of Extended Studies. with their imaginations," said Shulman said that when Wendy Gaynor, the host of • cable operators were the show. She said the show is surveyed on the possibility of a unique and different way to broadcasting a children's TV teach skills because it "uses program, they said they liked kids to teach kids.'' • the idea but that it was too Production personnel monitor the taping of Kids and Co. expensive to produce. SEE KIDS, PAGE 6 Library offers new services • by Eddie Gorak The new system allows users-to dial in on a home Dtie to an editorial over$ight, a. picture of CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE computer and tap the library's own computers for .. Duan Jack B. Rollins of the OOllege of Arts and reference services. All that is needed is computer Sciences was placed on the page 1 of the Nov. 6 . with telecommunications capabilities. issue of The Central Florida Future. Because of . In an attempt to speed up reference services, UCF' s library is also the only academic library in the poor placement of the picture. readers may UCF's library has become one of the most com­ the state university system that has a non-card puterized libraries in the state by implementing an h~ve been misled to believe that Rollins was · catalog.
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