
Consejs de Seguridad Diatr. GRNERAL

13 de mayo de 1992 ORIGINALI ESPAÑOL


Tengo el honor de dirigirme a Usted en ocasión de enviarle, coma anexos a eata carta, los textoa de los edítoríales publicados por loa diarios norteamericanos The Roaton Globo y , el 18 de agosto de 1989 y el 20 de julio de 1990 respectivamente.

Ambos textos se refieren al tema respecto al cual me he dirigido anteriormente a Usted, el 8 de mayo y a su predecesor, el 27 de abríl. Ellos reflejan la actitud de algunos sectores de opinión estadounídensea respecto a la doblez be la posición del Gobierno de Washíngton que por una parte simula oponerse al terrorismo fntsrnacional y por 1s otra ampara a dos notoríoe terroristau que durante largos alaos han estado a su servicio.

Le solicito que haga dírtribufr esta carta y sus anexoa como documento del Consejo de Segurídad.

(Ffrmaao) Ricardo ALARCON DE QUESADA Embajador Representante Permanente de Cuba ante las Naciones Unidas

92-20613 24656 130592 130592 / . . . Copyright (cI 1989 Globe Newspaper Company: Thr Boston Clobe Auquît 19, 1989, FrFday, City Edition SECTION: EDXTORIAL PAGE; Fq. 12

Ir terrorirt test for Bush

Ftosfdent Bush ir fondíng off an embarrassinq bid by some ín 's Cuban-kmrican corrrunity ta prewnt tha doportation of ths godfather of anti-castro terrorism, Orlando Bosch. The president prr@mpted an fnappropriate iobbying effort by Xreana Ros-Lehtfnen, a Repubkican conqreasionsl candidate, tetling her the dapertation ir Wot a presidential satter.(c.- Th8 Juno deportrtion arder describm Bosch as Rhsving repeatedly l xpressed and demon8trsted a wí1linqness to cause tndircrimfnrte injury snd death.n Th8 62-year-016 Cubm-born politfcal fanatíc berely bothers to deny thrt charge. In a reply to the Imíqr8tfon snd Natureliéetíon Sorvice, he ufcm, Wnurchfll raid th&t uers are, unfortunately, a corpatltion of cruettic8. And Thomas Jefferron rrid the tr88 of líberty hss to k unfhílíngly urterrd with the blood of tyrents, heroes end inneoent8, uhfch are ít8 n8wr81 fertilizer.s

Dorch Fs ín l cless wíth trrrorf8tr such a8 Abu Nidal. There fo ovrrwheletnq evidente that ho ms8termínded the 1976 babing of 8 Cuben l irliner trkíng off fro8 Brrbador th&t kflled 73. He rpent Lt yasrs tn jrfl in Venetuolr Ior that atrocfty. Bosch's pertner Fn the rtrlfner bombíng was Luis Fosada Carriles, fretd from jaíl in Vrnetuels to beco- a loqistics officor in the support tea8 supplyfng tho CIA-bscked con-u in sen SbLvador in 1986. Foeada disappeersd from vi8w l ft8t the Mesentus supply flight ~88 rhot dom and thr Irrn-contra affair beqsn to unr8veA. Cubrn extl88 ín Missi are divided about Bosch. Some, erpecislly from the older generaoíon , ere fwmtic in thetr rupport. Others l cknowledqe th&t ríght-wínq trrrortsm ís ee ewecrsble ss rny othor terrorisr, thauqh few statr that Posítíon oprnly, les+ thoy beco88 trrqetr. Th8 Basch-Fored& cs rhow+b how the US can rink into an rssocietion ulth terrOrh8. ff bwh l llows W8chc8 depcrrtrtion to qo forwwd, he uf11 rWai* SQme of the íara¡ wthority to críttctze terrorírr.

i... S/!391? T_s3n~;.ol ?S~?i.:ra3 Almo xx

Copyright (c) 1990 Th8 New York Timas Company: Th8 Naw York Timos JUlY 20, 1990, Frfday, Lata Edítton - Final SECTION: Soction At Pags 26, Column 1: Editorial Deak

The Bosch Casí Roes Violance ta Jurtíce

Th8 rolea from jail oF Orlando Bosch, convictrd of trrroríat víolence and officially deamd a moat undeairable alíen, is a startlinq wampl8 of political juatica. Th8 Juatico Departmnt, undar no legal coarpulafon but conspicuous política1 pr8aaur8, has 18t hím out, winnfng cheara frota local politfcians - and aquandering Am8rican cr8dfbiltty on íaauea OC t8rrotfam. Dr. Boach, a Cuban pediatrícfan known mor8 for bombinga than m8dícin8, has barn a hato in the snti-castro comaunitioa of South . H8 waa fmprisonrd two decad8a ago for planting buaba on shfpa and tirinq a batookr 8t l Polísh freightrr ín.Btianf'a harbar, Later he jump8d paro18 and flod to Wtin Eurríca, wh8re U.S. ruthorftiea aay ho rnqaqad ín numorwa anti-Cuban bmbinqa. He returnad illegally two yaara l go l nd waa held for drportation. Th8 Governn8nt saya thít only Cuba ir willing to l ccept him. Thoro'a a grouing revulaion about trrrorfan 8ven among the bittereat Cuban- exilea, but S8nrtor Connie Wack, Sbprorentrtiv& Sl8ana Roa-Lehtínen rnd other políticima havo lobbiod int8na8ly for Dr. Boach'a rrleaae. Prraident Bush’r ron Jab, l Rapublican t8ad.r in South Floríd8, join8d the polfttcal chorua. Th8ir criea wete h8rrd. Jurtic8 got the priaonm to rccapt l form of houae arreat and aqrer not to conaort wíth vialrnt p8uple. & roon 88 he wa8 relmaed, howevw, Dr. boach vouod to conduct hiuolf aa he ploeati during hir datly thre8 houra outatde hia hom. Suatice cont8nda las8ly thrt tto hmd waa torced by a Federrl judqe uho sew8d to k pr8aaing for hia roleaso. But Judgo William Horvehr, uho last Nov8nbar emphotícally l ffirud th8 departn8nt'a puwer to lock up a d~:portablr alien, hed l or8ly inquirid whothor the Governn8nt íntended to jail Dr. Bosch indefinit8ly.

Sn tho namo of fiqhting twrchan, the Unít8d Strt88 arnt th8 Afr Forcr ta bomb Líbyr md th8 An to Lnvad8 Panera. Y8t now th8 Bush Ad~inistrrtion coddlea on of th8 hamx l ph8r8fa noat notorioua trrroriata. And for uhst rcas.on? The only onm wtdmt ía curryinq favor in South Florida.