

Watch for Downtown P Day on Dec. 9! Champions!

Official Student Body Publication of Texat Chrittian Vnivertity

VOL. XXXI. FORT WORTH, , FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1932 NO. 10 Leland Chooses Compiles Speech Book December Magazine «V Hears Dr. McAlister First of Series Will Feature T.C.U. French Schools Frogs Crowned Boone Gathers 100 Declamations Guest Speaker Talks to Group All-Conference for School Use. Of T. C. ft 'Town Texas College Digest to Have To Admit T. C. U. ., on Racial Problems. Champions With Lester Btjone, former T. CM. de- Initial Cover Page in Team for Skiff Frog Colors. Approximately 40 members of the bater and now instructor ^'public Days' Is Dec. 9 Degree Holders Perfect Record Student Y. M. C. A. heard Dr. H. L. speaking at the University 4t Texas, The Texas College Digest, a new McAlister discuss' racial problems at' Pruitt, Townsend, Ev- Participating Stores to magazine which appeared for the first Minister, Consul Advise Schmidtmen Defeat Six has recently compiled a book? "One the regular "Y" Forum last Monday ans, Vaught, Howell, time in November, will feature the Hundred New Declamations," which Use School Colors President Waits of night. Marion Hicks, president of Conference Teams Boswell in Line. was published by a Fort Worth pub- in Decorations. Horned Frog football team, South- Action. to Gain Title. lishing house. • west Conference champions, in the the "Y," presided at the meeting. The purpose of the book, accord- December issue, which will be releas- Dr. McAlister, who is from the Ar- Spearman Is at Half ing to Boone, is to provide modern Yearbook Is Sponsor ed next week. Decree Is Announced kansas State Teachers College at Con- Squad Hit by Injuries The initial cover page will be in five-minute speeches on current sub- way and who has gained nation-wide purple and white and" will have a Koy. Stafford and Milliard of jects for use in high schools, colleges Chamber of Commerce, Ad Club University Graduates Will Be recognition through his work in the Reserves Replace Veterans in Texas; James of Baylor and declamation contests. picture of the entire team on it. and Merchants Association Recognized for "Enseign- field of racial problems, was brought T. C. I'. Lineup to Down Complete Team. Boone is a graduate of the Univer- Indorse Project. The November number gave the ments Superieur." Ponies 8 to 0. sity of California. He collected his football records of all of the principal to the T. C. U. campus by the Texas By CY LELAND material for "One Hundred New Dec- colleges and universities in Texas and Graduates of the University with Inter-Racial Commission. By CHARLIE CASPER Friday, Dec. 9, is the date of the also other information of interest to Once again the time has arrived lamations" in< California. - Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Other appearances of Dr. McAlis- "Undefeated and untied champions first of a series of once-a-month the Southwest football fan. for that meaningless myth, the all Arts degrees will be admitted into ter on the campus included a lecture of the Southwest Conference", was tha "Downtown Days" to be sponsored by The main purpose of the Digest, ac- Conference team. So, once again, The the Graduate Schools of France as in Brite College chapel, an address to title bestowed upon the Horned Frogs the Horned Frog. The "Downtown cording to the editor, Garland Adair, Skiff present* its selection with no equivalents of the French Baccalaur- the freshman-sophomore chapel, and Sunday morning following their Day" project is for the purpose of is to give a condensed report of the apologies but plenty yof regret—re- Racial Groups eate, according to a decree issued by an open discussion before combined victory Ver the Mustangs from S. M. giving the students of T. C. U. more activities taking place in the various gret that there are not enough posi- the FrencrakMinister. of National Edu- history, economics and sociology U. in Saturday. The Frog* value for their money in purchases of Texas schools which would be of in- cation, who%dvised President E. M. classes. A dinner was also given for are the *first undefeated and untied tion! to accommodate all the players To Hold Meeting student merchandise and at the same terest to students of the other schools. Waits through the French Consul in him by several members of the fac- te"am to win the crown since .1926. of all-Conference ability. time making the downtown merchants The magazine is published in Aus- New Orleans recently. ulty. Taking the full .Reason in a sum- T. C. U. Sets Record. aware of the T. C. U. student market. tin, and Hubert Jones, former student Inter-Racial M e e tings „ President Waits has been negoti- mary the Frogs were one of the hard- T. C. U. won the championship this Stores that participate in the of Texas University, is business ating with the French Board of Edu- year undefeated and untied in con- Convene on Campus "Downtown Day ' project will deco- manager. est hit teams in the conference this cation for this recognition and the year. Their first major tilt found ference competition and having only Sunday, Dec. 11. rate a display window in T. C. U. col- decree comes from the highest body Horned Frog Band them without the services of their one non-conference tie marring its ors featuring student merchandise. inHhe French educational system. T. star wingman, Dan Salkeld, who was record. It is the first time in his- The Intercollegiate The Worth, Palace and Hollywood Work on Church C. U\graduates will now be accepted tory that the championship was won Inter-Racial Conference, sponsored by theaters will offer reduced price tick- Goes 1600 Miles out with a broken leg. They man- to "ehseignements superieur" or by a team winning over all six of the campus Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. ets to T. C. U." students for Friday, aged to send the Longhorns home on graduate\work in air of the French the remaining members of the con- A., will meet on the T. C. U. campus Dec. 9. Some stores have signified Will Start Soon the short end of the score and to beat universities. The French consul noti- One Concert Trip Made ference. The 1932 Horned Frogs are Sunday, Dec. 11, Mrs. Mirth W. Sher- their intention of giving free bus Baylor here on home grounds for fied President Waits, who expressed considered one of the greatest, if not er has announced. tickets good for return rides to T. C. and Several Radio the first time in the history of tha Modified Spanish Air thanks to the French Minister of Edu- the greatest, eleven in Southwest The theme of the conference will U. with each purchase of a certain Programs Given. school. With only one man on tha Is Style Selected cation through the consul. history. Thus it is only,logical that be "Contributions Religion Should amount. . injured list the Frogs invaded Hous- The University is- now affiliated ton to tackle the . When membera of that team merit more Make in Establishing an Efficient So- Harmon Indorses Project. for Auditorium. Saturday's trip to Dallas with the with the Institute of International the Frogs left Houstpn they had soma positions on the mythical eleven. cial System." Group discussions, which The "Downtown Day" project has football team ended approximately Work on the new building of the Education of New York t^ity and has eight men on the hospital list, fiva Tha ends are not hard to pick. will be led by Prof. H. L. Pickerill, received the indorsement of the sixteen hundred miles of traveling University Christian C,hurch will be- an exchange of students wJth Euro- of them being candidates for all-con- Madison "Pap" Pruitt for his crafty Dr. Edwin A. Elliott, Dr. W. J. Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce, for the Horned Frog Band since the gin just/ as soon as the papers can pean universities. Miss Ada^Assman ference berths this year. and complete defensive work, his ex- Hammond, Dean L. L. Leftwich and the Fort Worth Retail Merchants As- opening of school in September. be signed, which will be immediately, of Berlin is now attending T. C. U., Their last tilt against S. M. U. cellent blocking of the tackles on the Dr. William Smith, will be held Sun- sociation and the Fort Worth Adver- The band went to Houston, Col- according to Prof. Raymond A. Smith, and Miss Bita May Hall, daughter of found them with these same five valu- offense and his ability going down day morning at 9, 10 and 11 o'clock. tising Club. Paul Harmon, adver- lege Station and Dallas as a univer- chairman of the building committee. Dean Colby D. Hall, is attending the able men unable to play. The re- under punts and catching passes is The 9 and 10 o'clock sessions will be tising manager for Texas Electric sity organization and went to Wichi- The contract has been let to B. B. University of Toulouse in France. serves were called on to replace the firat Frog to be named. He is held in the amphitheater. The 11 Service and president of the Adver- ta Falls and Clifton as the official Adams, who will complete the struc- The new French recognition will these men and carried out their as- without weakness in end play. Frank o'clock group will transfer to Brite tising Club, indorses the project, say- band of the West Texas Chamber of ture for $33,340. This, together with be added to the group of educational James of Baylor, aside from the fact College. ing that if the T. C. U. students get Commerce. One concert trip wars signments well enough for an 8-to-0 $20,000 invested in the lot, and $9000 recognitions already held by the Uni- thatfie is the best punter in the con- Although the conference is main- behind the project, it will mean in a victory over the Ponies which meant a in the foundation will result in a versity. The other recognitions arc: made to Cleburne. ference, is a splendid pass receiver, ly fori the members of the Y. W. C. degree a revival of retail buying in championship for the Christians, thi structure worth $65,000. This amount National Educational Association, Adopting a new policy of recruit- a strong defender and a creditable A. and the Y. M. C. A., all persons Fort Worth and will make the down- second one in the history of the school. does not include an organ and certain Board of Education of the Disciples ing Fort Worth musicians for home Mocker. He gets the call at the other interested in this are welcome to at- town merchants conscious of a big Passes Beat Rice., other fixtures. of Christ, Council of Church Boards games and out of town trips when and. tend, Mrs. Sherer said. market at T. C. U. The juggling of a pass f*r ten According to President Waits, a of Education, Association of Texas transportation could be provided, the Tacklea Are Monopoliied. "If students will save their mon- yards on the second play of the gama member of the building committee, Colleges, Southern Association of band for the T. C. U.-Texas game For tackles this writer picks ey and buy together on the down- spelled victory for the Frogs when this money spent now for materials American Colleges, Association df numbered 105 pieces and 50 men T. C. U.'s Ben Boswell and Foster Prof. Ashburn Will town days, they will be able to save they met the Rice Owls in Houston. at depression prices will build a American Universities, Council of were taken to Houston for the Frog- Howell. The former was all-Confer- money on each article purchased," ac- Hubert Dennis passed a short flat Conduct Broadcast structure worth $75,000 to $100,000 in Education of the American Medical Owl game. A 60-piece band was tak- ence his sophomore year, but was out cording to Paul Martin, business en to Dallas for the Frog-Pony con- zone pass to Red Oliver for the first ordinary times. Association (for prc-medical work), most of last season because of in- manager of the Horned Frog. "It marker of the game. late in the sec- Transportation to Be Subject The entire building, with the pos- American Association of University test. juries. This year he came into his ond period Coach Schmidt sent in of Talk—T. C. U. Band will also mean a great help to the sible exception of some partitions in This week's activities consisted of Women and the University of the Tiner and he kicked a perfect field own again and was one of the big to Accompany. advertising of the Skiff and Horned the rear, will be built at this time a radio concert over KTAT Monday State of New York. goal to put the Frogs ten points reasons why plays directed to the Frog. As it is, students purchase "so we may have a worship atmos- night and a reduction of the daily ahead. During the third period tha left side of the T. C. U. line were Prof. Karl E. Ashburn of the eco- haphazardly and spasmodically and phere different from that of a, col- practice to a three-hour-a-week sched- failures. Foster Howell, the best nomics department will conduct the the merchants do not realize the im- lege auditorium. We hope for suf- English Meeting ule. Owls staged a 70-yard march which offensive tackle in the conference, third of the series of the weekly T. portance of the student trade." ficient collections to complete the resulted in a score when they com- played steadily _ on the defense for C. U. radio programs Monday night Studeflts May See Goods. rear portions," said President Waits To Show Slides pleted a fluke pass over the Chris- three seasons and rose to the heights from 9:30 to 10 o'clock over KTAT. "Another thing, student merchan- Wednesday evening. "Christian Attitude tian's goal line. They failed to kick in the S. M. U. game. "Survey of the Transportation dise may lie on the shelves of the goal. The Owls kicked off to the The auditorium will be of modified The monthly meeting of the Eng- Toward War" Topic At guards we place Captain John- System" will be the subject of Prof. stores and never see a display win- Spanish architecture, some 165 feet Purple team and regained the ball lish department for December will ny Vaught and Lon Evans of T. C. U. Ashburn's talk. His discussion will dow. This will afford students an iiy length, with heavy beams and iron when it was fumbled by Spearman. be combined with a Shakespearean International Relations Club to In the fourth quarter Jack Langdon There will be no argument over the be divided into transportation facili- opportunity to see goods that they straps inside. Hold Lecture Forum selection of the former. Evans, who ties prior to the Civil War and after buy displayed in the windows. It is, The structure is to be built on the program, according to Dr. Rebecca intercepted an Owl pass and raced in Kaufman. 20 yards to score the final, marker has played just as brilliantly his the Civil War. Prof. Claude Sammis our ^iope Nthat every student will go northwest corner of University Drive Smith, associate professor and chair- senior year as Vaught, is the fast- and the T." C. U. orchestra will play and Cantey Street, on the block north for the Frogs. The game ended a to town Dec. 9." man of the English department. The "The Christian Attitude Toward old Civil War melodies after the first few plays later 16 to 6 in favor of est big guard in the conference and Stores that have already signified of the University campus. War" will be tile topic of a lecture half of Prof. Ashburn's talk, and meeting will be held at 8 o'clock on the Schmidtmen. finished, his football career by play- their intention to participate/ are o 1— forum to be held at the First Method- modern songs will be played as the the evening of Dec. 8 in the chapel. Five Stars On Injured List. ing the outstanding^ defensive game Washer Bros., Jackson's, The Fair, ist Church in Kaufman Sunday eve- conclusion of the program. The main feature of the program Harder hit by injuries than, ever on the field in th*-fi«a+ contest with Monnig's, Meacham's, W. C. Strip- Dean Hall Meets ning by the International Relations A T. C. U. Band program was pre- before in his career p.s a coach, S. M. U. ling's, E. H. & A. Davis/John L. will be the showing of special Shake- Club. sented last week with Prof. Sammis Schmidt set to work the following J. W. Townsend of T. C. U. is Ashe. Walk-Over Shoe Store, StQ With Association speare slides. There are 50 scenes Gene Cagle, club president,,will be placed at center because of his abil- in charge. College and football songs Clothiers and Gans. /Other stores week grooming men to fill the shoci Dean Colby D. Hall is in New Or- which have ben prepared by.Al B. in charge of the open forum. The ity to direct the defense and his un- dedicated to the championship Frogs are expected to signify their inten- of those injured men. All week ha leans today representing the Univer- regular address of the evening wi!| usual steadiness the past two sea- were featured. tion to participate during this week. Nelson of the history department and worked hard in the rain and cold sity at the annual meeting of the be givert by Prof. Karl E. Ashburn aons. The fact that tie played three The Dec. 12 program will be pre- compiled by the English department. teaching the reserves the responsibil- sented by the International Relations / Southern Association of Colleges and on "The Church and Our Economic quarters of the S. M. U. game with Miss Mabel Major, associate pro- ity which lay on their shoulders in Secondary Schools there. The meet- Order." < Club. The topic will be "A Survey of fessor in the English department, will the coming game with the Mustangs. a fractured bone in his wrist and Student Conducts ing began yesterday and ends tomor- Expenses of -the trip, which the the Cattle Industry in Texas." Dr. talk on the various scenes at the time Red Oliver, Ben Boswell, Dan Sal- did not make a single bad pass-back row. club will make in a body, will be Newton Gaines, associate professor of that the slides are being shown. As keld, Madison Pruitt and Blanard is proof of his offensive ability. Class in Cooking Dean Hall left for New Orleans paid by the church, and a dinner physics, will sing cowboy songs. On .another feature of the program Mrs. Backfield Fast and Shifty. Wednesday and will return when the will be served to the club members. Spearman were missing from the Dec-19 the program will be presented y Helen Fouts Cahoon will sing a group The backfield combination of Mill- A second class in the preparation meeting is over. The Association is Invitation to make the trip was ex- starting linfe-np when the Frogs lin- by the Brite College of the Bible of Shakespearean songs. iard, Stafford and Koy of Texas and and service of foods will be organized ed up for the first kick-off against Quartet with old church songs of ear- the principal educational association This program has beed arranged tended to the club by the church Spearman of T. C. U. seems to be today at the Wesley Community the Ponies. *■ ly Texas featured, i in the South and is the standardizing for all sophomores in the English de- pastor, Patrick Moreland, Texas post the strongest possible. Unfortunate- House for Mexican mothers and their As a result of nervousness on tha agent for all schools and colleges in partment. Dr. Smith announced that and recent visitor on the T. C. U ly the writer saw Hilliard play only daughters. the Southern states. part of the reserves the Frog of- all English majors and minors are campus. in the game with T. C. U./where he Margaret Lindsay, junior major in fense failed to click during the first compelled to attend as well as all was completely stopped, but his suc- "The Fool" to Be the home economics department, will quarter but S. M. I.', was unable to sophomores. eeis in other games seems to war- have charge of the class. Y.W.C.A. Has Program pierce their strong defense. Late Presented Dec. 19 Any other students outside of the rant his selection. The other three Miss Bonne Enlow and Miss Ka'th- Students Attend in the second quarter Lucy Phelps Presents Thanksgiving Play and department are invited to attend if are placed on the all-Conference team erine Lipscomb have been conducting tossed a ten yard pass into the wait- : "The Fool," a play by Chinning Musical Selections. they wish to do so. Especially arc Houston Meeting without hesitation, as their play has a class for young mothers during the ing arms of Wallace Meyers for tha Pollock, will be presented by the the town students urged to invite been top-notch for three seasons. past month. »Miss Enlow reports that The campus T. W. C. A. sponsored lone touchdown of the game. Only Dramatic Club Dec. 19. / the Thanksgiving chapel program their parents. Miss Elizabeth Henry, Miss Anniel Many good backs are not listed oh they are all eager to know American once did the Mustangs threaten to The production will be/directed by Wednesday, Nov. 23, in the auditor- Phares and Miss Reba Jo Curd, and this eleven, but none of them can cookery. score. That came when Burleson re- Prof. Lew D. Fallis, head of the Uni- ium. Houston Club Plans Dean Harrison, John Knowles and boost of the all-round ability, strength Miss Enlow says that all but one covered, a blocked kick and raced to- versity public speakjng department. A devotional led by Mrs. Mirth W. To Care for Family Roy O'Brien attended the World Fel- and steadiness of the four mentioned of them speak English. Miss Mendez, ward the goal line,. Members of the/Cast are:. Misses Sherer, sponsor, and Miss Rebecca lowship Meeting held in Houston on a helper at the Community House, in- The fleet Hubert Dennis overtook, above. Elizabeth Cuthrell, Elizabeth Tate, Graves, president, opened the pro- Plans were discussed for the adop- Nov. 25, 26 and 27. terprets the phrases used in cooking the racing Mustang thus ending their o Johnnie Eubanks, Vera Connell, Mar- gram. A pintomime representing tion of a needy family during the last The meeting, under the sponsorship that are unfamiliar to them. , chances to score. During the fourth Twelve Days Granted jorie Davisson, Frances Talbot, Max- Thanksgiving was given with the fol- week before the Christmas holidays of Mrs. Bessie Hart and Charles quarter I'y Perkins broke through For Yuletide Vacation ine Edwards; Milli Fearis and Cor- lowing characters taking part: a Pil- at a meeting of the Houston Club held Marion Ross, was held under the and downed Herron behind his own Twelve days will be granted for inne Lewis. A. A. U. P. to Meet Wednesday grim father, Miss Madalyn Whitener; I in Jarvis Hall parlor Wednesday-eve- auspices pf the Young People's De- 7 partment of the United Christian goal line for a safety which assured Christmas holidays this year, Presi- George Cherryhomes, Gene Cagle, a Puritan maid. Miss-Elna Winton; an I ning, according to Billie Dickey, prcs- Missionary Society. the Purple team of victory. A few dent E. M. Waits has announced. Otto NAlsen, Roy O'Brien, Sid Light- The T. C. U. chapter of the A. A. Indian, Miss Elizabeth Henry. I ident of the club. Miss Henry was elected vice-presi- plays later the final gun barked end- Classes, will close for the holidays foot, William Gonder, Charles Hanna, U. P. will meet Wednesday afternoon Musical nunVbers were given .by Members expressed through Dickey, dentr of the meeting to be held ne.\j| ing the game 8 to 0 la favbr of tha at 2 p. m., Wednesday. Dec. 21, and Dean Harrison, William Gilliland, at 3:16 o'clock in Room 205 in the Misses Doris Nell Twitty, Hortense appreciation for the recognition of year. The meeting place is to be new champions of the Southwest Con- will be resumed Tuesday. Jan. 3, ac- Manuel Godwin, Clarence Crotty and Administration Building, according Baker, Bern Branum and Clyde John- their services rendered to the T. C. U. to Prof. Karl E. Ashburn, secretary. son. students in Houston at the Rice game. decided later. ference. cording to'President Waits. Robert Mainord. ■ ;i r ' -

rat* Two THE SKIFF Friday, December 2, 1932 l-J -4- THE SKIFF ■TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT I Misa Lollie Botte visited friends in Gay nor and Farrell Come to Worth (ifeenvill? -during Thanksgiving. Entered u eecond-class maihfijr matter at the pbetoffiea ~" ~ lUSTA hi Fort Worth. Texas — In "Tess of the Storm Country" I : ' r- r-Cr.-.t'. ERNESTINE SCOTT . 1 J SPLASH .' DIRT Janet Gaynor and Charles FarreJ] come to the Worth Theater r ."..-.*» EDWIN W. VAN OBDEN tomorrow in 'Tea* of the Storm Country." This production is MONNIG'S Louise Cauker . Advertising ********* A4iAAAA4«A44A4A.A4*A*4.A.4...... 4,.AA41 ; aaid to cast these two popular stars in the most dramatic roles Was FLOMENE TURNER popu- ERS enjoyed the night at the Black- of th*ir combined screen career with the Fox Film Co. The pic Paul Martin A toast) Eia: For the Holidays !ar en the special train returning atone with two drunk •r^y, ture is directed by Alfred Santell, who also directed Miss Gay- Laurence Courier—. ->: .-" . - - ». W--vr '- -. BMM ' * I;>: a«< km km slept on the tile floor. "~~ ~*nor's "Daddy Long Leg*" ami Far- Joe Sargent .x -Typographical Teehttirian many bcya enjoyed ber company ; bavins; 300 pictures MARY TOM TURNER and ADA made Pot ™;rell's "Body and Soul." Helen Puck- Feature Editor1 I necking and kissing deluxe) on the JERSEY ASSMANN tain they enjoyed the your order early. Maudallen T—ng —Exchange Editor trip. The theme of the production deals show at the State Theater the other We wonder where Sam Cotter. *-Fihe Arta Editor i The football boya with to nominau 8 j with the adventures of a «a cap- night, but they added that they would ; WYNN spends his leisure hours since Nina Whittjngton _ —literary Editor KAY BLALOCK for the "AU-Ameri- see me there Saturday night. | he is seldom seen in Jarvie. ! tain's daughter who is experiencing DRESSES car. Curve Lane GirL" KAT aaya ahe Lucrle Hatheway.. Society Editor I for* the first time life on land. The «a now open for datea. What was the famous love affair Gentlemen are requested from re- Ruth M'.-«»- A ear-tent Society Ed. tor moving MARGOT SHAW from ' partrayal of picturesque settings of We wonder if HOG CALLER MY- LUCY PHELPS had with the elevator girl at the Rice Hotel? dancea during same. MARGOT and Ben BoawelL 5porta Editor the shore scenes add scenic realism MARY ROWAN are better known as Charles Caaper.. .*.' ••»-• ~- -« T.-i. — r fTT»TTTTTTTTTT??TT» PROF. HUTTON announced in to the picture. ■ "ROOMIE" to certain people. Paul Ijpnoran ...... Assistant Sporta I chapel the opening season of the The film was adapted from the FORT WORTH SYMPATHY OR- Among the interesting skits being novel by Grace Miller While and the REP0RT0R1AL STAFF CHESTRA. •taged on the campus this year is dramatization by Rupert Hughes. Roy Bacua, Harry Bates, Ralph 'Brown, Rex Clark, Lc-:«e Conens, PROF. JONES was so elated over "Me and My Shadow"—principals in Charles Dannelly, Elna Evana, Ada McCiH, Edwin T. Phillip*, Ben Sar- the football championship that he the cast being MYRTLE NELL Pictures Open Saturday at Palace. gent and Hindu Van Zandt. 1444444LAAAAA ▼v V 44444t '.old some of this football jokes twice TALIAFERRO and LOU BLUM- . "The Mask of Fu Manchu" comes , BERG. v " On Other Campuses— in the same class. to your Pa!ace Saturday for a run Seems to me that the girls will all L 6. DALLAS fell for the girl who Rumor hai it that at S. SI. U. this through Tuesday. Thia is an entire- , get athlete'e hand from C. C. CON- sang with BUSTER WELCH'S Or- ytmr a red-haired janitor ia to select ly new experience iii screen thrillers , VERSE holding so many hands in one chestra in Houston. They became the eampue beautiea. I night. VERY friendly coming back on the and is being shown on the screen for Recently in St. Paul. Minn., initi- special the fir«t tir-.e. It is not to be con- j atea to the Playera' Club had to carry A dancer at the State Theater stop- BILL BARNES, please refrain from We're Watching Auburn a raw hen'a egg from claaa to class ped long enough to bawl-out TINY fused with the other Fu Manchu pic- GODWIN for a wise crack aimed at flashing spotlights. tures. Wh<-n Auburn meets Tennessee tomorrow she will be playing j *" n„Jm',. !t_ her by him. This one is told in Goode Hall C m de From Peiping to Paris they left a for the championship of the Southern Conference. She will go I. .? , ^ °^ * CABOT STEIN introduced himself During a atupor VIC MONTGOM- trail of death that mocked at the We've just received a new into the game favored to win, with a record of nine consecutive Am„, * ERY, R. J. DUCKWORTH, JIMMY to a freshman who replied, "Glad to world's greatest police ... the wo- victories over strong Southern teams. If she comes out of the ' education. After a long shipment of these clever j struggle, they have been given per- LAURENCE, DON SMITH and LEE know yon; I've jus; met your brother man who had no aoul and the man game with a victory, she m*y be pitted against T. C. U., the win- FINKLE." miaaion to have a jatz orchestra play GLASGOW were led to the Yale who had no. pity. This production jersey frocks. Buy yours ner of the Southwest Conference, with a possibility that the win- Ho l by 1 CY in the d.ning room during meal times. \ £ ?-^ KELLOW. We wonder why IDA HAYES Mc- has been termed *The Frankenstein for the holidays. Football ner of that intersectional tilt will be invited to play in the Rose w wonder wl CANDLESS blushes furiously when Bowl game. A certain Baylor freshman eats ! t « >y a certain girl on of the Orient." colors in sizes 14 to 20. only one meal a day—and has done so the Houston Special called CARL anyone says the sky looks haxy and So—our eyes are on Auburn and our hopes are high. Scores SAIN "MR. ZILCH." rosy? The management of the Palace don't m«*n anything, but we take pride in pointing to the fact during the last five years. His Theater has announced that opening MOSSWS Third Floor monthly board bill ia on the average We see that J. R. CRUMP stands Try to get HELEN FELLOWS to Z?'LM that Theater on that f. C. U. held L. S. U. to a 3-to*3 tie in an earlv season game. ! out in front of Clark Hall wearing a show you the two sonnets she wrote Z. and T. C. U. -,„ from Bee Texas smothered | ^.^ ^^ h„ i( lab gown—horn come T recently. Oh, boy! Missouri and outplayed . T. C. U. smothered Texas., FRED "PUSS" MILLER took hia Is LAURENCE COULTER moving S. M; U. defeated Syracuse by a good score, and T. C. L\ def«t l^m,™ i girl walking1 in the park the other in an effort to have the to Colorado or is Colorado moving to S. M. U. for the Conference crown. day. Look out, PUSS! There's rancor in our hearts, ''the New York Sun all-Amer- student* on time to classes. Coulter? Members

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Friday. December 2, 1932 THE SKIFF Page Thre* Recital to Be Given ^ Sophomores to Qive Annual Will Play for Miwicale By String Quartet banquet Thursday Svening The Pro-Arte String Quartet, Mrs. Helen Fouts Cahoon and Miss Kath- _ » i . ■ ■ ^ .'-. -7>uaaH erine McKee Bailey will be presented By LUCILE HATHEWAY in recital Sunday afternoon at K The Thanksgiving holidays and football season have passed o'clock in the University Auditorium. and we are all gradually calming down to a more routine program. The T. C. U. Women** Club and the The various organizations and clubs on the campus are planning I socials and business meetings before the Christmas season. The University Religious Fellowship are MAIDEN members of the sophomore class, who have been too busy at- sponsoring the program. tending; affair* given by other or-f- Members of the Pro-Arte String FORM Kaniiations, will begin their social ac Music Department Quartet are Marius Thor, violinist ■ tivitie* for the year next Thursday and director; E. Clyde Whitlock, evening at Rivercrest Country Club. To Give Recital viola; Samuel Ziegler, cellist, and The affairs ia to be the annual A7 public recital will be presented George Orum, violinist. Walter sophomore banquet. Miss Betty Giv- by the T. C. U. department of music ons, Miss Christine Ackers, Dan Caughey, cellist, will also play with Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock in the Harston and Lon Beavers have been the group. University Auditorium. working all week planning the deco- Miss Adeline Boyd will be the ac- rations and arrangements. A short Pupils of voice, piano and violin companist. program featuring members of the will take part in the program. The sophomore class is to furnish the en- following students of voice under the tertainment for the evening. direction of Mrs. Helen Fouta Cahoon o—- will be presented: Misses Marian The Pro-Arte String Quartet, which ia to be presented In recital Sunday Jarvisites Spend Porter, Delia Collins, Margaret Hamb- afternoon in the University Auditorium, ia ahown above. From left te right m lin, Evelyn Franklin, Margot Shaw are Marius Thor, violinist and director; George Orum. violinist; Samuel 311 Holidays at Home and Adeline Boyd, accompanist. Ziegler, cellist, and E. Clyde Whitlock, violist. Walter Caughey, cellist, will M ax s INC. Thanksgiving holidays proved to A quartet composed of Misses play with the group. be the usual incentive for visits home Hamblin, Shaw, Helen Clark and Ma- 600 Houston St. for the majority of the Jarvii Hall rian Miller will also give a selection. Club Will Have Miss Covault and Entirely strapless and backless, this double-net bras- girla. The few girls remaining on Miss Bernice Branum will accompany. siere was created especially for low-cut evening the campus either visited friends and Mr. Dallas Wed Piano students on the program are Mexican Party Misses' and gowns. Light but firm little bones hold it securely relatives or attended the T. C, U.- Misses Mary Carolyn Kelly, Loretta Alpha Zeta Pi, national honorary Miss Clara Frances Covault and R. in place and its ribbon pulls are adjustable to ex- S. M. U. football game in Dallas. Newton, Dale Davis and Evelyn Go- fraternity, will hold a Mexican Christ- Z. Dallas, both former T. C. U. stu- Juniors' actly the amount of "uplift "jyowpcrsonally require. The dormitory girls who signed out lightly. dents, were married on Thanksgiving The girdle is one of Maiden Form's clever new it mas party in Brite College clubroom day at the Magnolia Avenue Chris- for the holidays were Misses Flor- Violin solos will be given by Miss Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, Dec. "Hign-Waist" styles — designed to give the shm ence Johnson, Evelyn Golightly, Ruth Doris Nell Twitty and Albert Luper. tian Church. waistline so essential with present day fashions. It 19, according to Miss Virginia Bales, Cowan, Ada Reed McUill, Katherine In addition to these numbers the vio- Miss Cora Pearl Weaver was the Coats is made, of dainty figured batiste and clastic mesh. sponsor. • Ashford, Grace Maloney, Anna Ruth lin department will present a string bride's only attendant. L. 0. Dallas, Sec Miiden Form Brassieres, Girdle* and Garter Belts for Erery Denton. Nina Whittington, Margaret quartet composed of Luper, Miss Miss Martha Laura Rowland is in brother of the groom, was best man. Type of' Figure at your dealer or write lor Booklet. Depc. Hutcheson, Betty Davis, Mary Seidel. Twitty. Miss Hortenze Baker and charge of decorations. Miss Maurine Mrs. Dallas attended T. C. U. in MAIDEN FOS.M BRASSlfclE CO.,IK 243 1 Jia Aicooc. Ntw York Evelyn Cahill, Clyde Johnson, Win- Miss Mary Alice Jenkins. 1927-28. Dallas received his degree Suits IOC* K* tHI HUtf *^1 u. o i r* — Justin of refreshments and John nie Powell, Eloise Washbu'rn, Chris- from the University in 1930. After Hammond of the program. Miss Maiy tine Ackers, Gladys Siminson, Opal a short honeymoon the couple return- Longan, Janelle Bush, Evelyn and Jarvis Hall Girls Louise Mobley will take charge of ed to Corpus Christi, where they will Dresses Ik* S SI EMS Elta Rote Franklin, Kathleen Wise- Go to Houston the party. make their home. ley, Louise Class. ' C I *. O I I • ■ C A M I P- IILTI Thirty girls and one matron of Jar- at greatly reduced Natalie Gorin, Bobbie Sue Whitten, vis Hall went to Houston Nov. 19 for The wife of R. B. Briscoe, former Book Reviewed by prices. Drastic reduc- Get the Latest Maiden Form Foundation Garment at 11a May Nance, Iva Lee Eubank, Mary the Frog-Owl football game. Many Dr. Smith at Tea janitor at the Mary Couts Burnett tions regardless of cost Helen Sims, Loraine O'Gorman, Ma- of the students spent the week-end Library, died last Sunday morning. Dr. Rebecca Smith, chairman of the to clear our stock for rian Honea, Loretta Newton, Gemma there and in Galveston. Tom Clark, brother of Randolph the holiday season. Nunley, Louise Briscoe, Edythe Black, Those making the trip were Misses English department at T. C. U., re- Clark, attended the State Teachers' It will be a pleasure to Marjorie Davisson, Loui.«e Watson. Georgia Johnson, Eloise Washburn, viewed Da Bose Hayward's "Peter Association in Fort Worth last week. show them. MONNIG'S Phyllis BUrnam, Hannah Ann Marian Honea, Betty Davis, Iva Lee Ashley" yesterday afternoon at a tea Billy Allen visited in Hillsboro last House, Jourdine Armstrong, Mary Eubank, Mary Joe Merkt, Winnie given by Delta Delta Delta Alliance Thursday. Elisabeth Roark, Hulda Lou Shumate, Powell, Mary Tom Donoho, Anna at the home of Mrs. Simon W. Freese Judith Witherspoon, Virginia Brad- Ruth Denton, Elizabeth Hardy, Sarah on Avondale Avenue. ford, ' Eliiabeth Hardy, Eliiabeth Orth, Katherine Ashford, Margaret The proceeds from this tea will be Saylea, Mary Velma McCord, Faye Hutcheson, Mary Velma McCord, Lois used "for charity work which is in Woodall, Eliiabeth Cuthrell, Lucille Atkinson, Bernice Branum, Maurine order now, according to the president, Kennedy, Mary Joe Merkt, Moielle Parnell. Mrs. Homer Ladd, an aluma of Duckworth, Bernice Branum and Mary Seidel, Lollie Botts, Natalie T. C. U. Maurine Parnell. Collins, Lucille Kennedy, Opal Lon- -o gan, Jourdine Armstrong, Mary Ro- Miss Sarah Orth spent the Thanks- Outcast Club Holds wan, Marjorie Davisson, Christine giving holidays visiting Miss Clyde Ackers, Theo Smart, Kathleen Wise- Johnson in Whitewright. Progressive Dinner ley, Edythe Black and Gemma Nunley Miss Lucy Brown visfted Miss Misses Dale Davis, Leta and Doro- and Mrs. Beulah Boggesa. thy Luyster, and Kathryn and Celia Dorothy Scott, former T. C. U. stu- Swiley were hostesses for the three- dent, in Cleburne during the holidays. couree progressive dinner held by the Bryson Club Hears Outcast Club Friday evening, Nov. 18. Miss Young Speak Those attending were Misses Ma- Miss Mary Louise Wadley and Fred rian and Elaine Mcaders, Helen Shel- Hammond were hosts to members of burne, Doris Nell Twitty, Louise Coz- the Bryson Club last night at the zens, Gertrude Wiedeman, Ernestine home of the latter on Bellinger Scott, Mary Frances Umbanbauer, Street. Rubye Wiliams, Davis, Mary Broad- The main feature on the program dus, Katherine Davis, Kathryn and was a talk, "An Impression of Okla- Celia Swiley, Virginia Bryson, Cath- homa University," given by Miss erine Morro, Thelma Breithaupt, Lu- Maudallen Young, one of the recent- cille Rock, Floriene Turner, Dorothy ly initiated members into the club. and Leta Luyster, and Mrs. May Nel- Miss Young attended Oklahoma Uni- son and Mrs. Artemisia Bryson. versity last year. The December social of the Outcast The next meeting will be a social will be a Christmas party. Officers in the form of a progressive dinner of the club are: sponsor, Mrs. Bryson; party. The date has been set for president, Miss Leta Luyster; vice- Dec. IB. The social committee com- president, Miss Katherine Davis; and posed of Miss Helen Pannill, Miss secretary-treasurer, Miss Cozzens. Young and Hammond are making ar- -—o rangements for the party. THE PILGRIM'S FIRST WINTER W. A. A. Will Have "Nature in ihe Raw"—at por- Christmas Party trayed by Herbert Roese! cele- The W. A. A. will hold a Christmas brated painter... Inspired by the bitter hardships endured by party at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday eve- America'* /irst settlers in their ning, Dec. 13, at the home of Miss conflict with raw, wild nature Olive Wofford, 3201 Cockrell Street, T1620). "Nature in the Raw it according to Miss Juanita Freeman, SeldomMild"-and raw tobacco* president. have no place in cigarette*. There will be a Christmas tree and present! for each member-attending. •*J2P No raw tobaccos in Luckies —that's why they're so mild • ;*

"WTE buy the finest, the aging and mellowing, are very finest tobaccos then given the benefit of in all the world—but that that Lucky Strike purify- does not explain why folks ing process, described by everywhere regard Lucky the words—"It's toasted". Strike as the mildest ciga- That's why folks in every city, town and hamlet say rette. The fact is, we never overlook the truth that that Luckies are such mild cigarettes. "Nature in the Raw is Seldom Mild"—so these It's toasted* fine tobaccos, after proper That package of mild Luchi— Par* Ke«r THE surrr Friday, Dtwnbtr 2, i»M Champion Frogs Freshmen Crush Seniors Win Third Coach Meyer Issues jKnox Addresses Group ENS Class in Boxing Call to Basketeers __„ _ —~ „ Straight Crown Talks to Teachers Convention Turn Their Eyes Terrill Tigers on Intramural Sports. 'TQ ARQUE To Begin Monday Some 20 Freshmen Report for w For tit* first time during the sea- First Practice—May To Basketball 0 Walter S. Knox, head of the phys,. 1*14 JH-C/AAAAAAAAAA Lawrence Is Star for:* ". seniors were tied in intramural Fundamentals Will Be Enter League. By BEN.BOS* El.I. football last week. The juniors turn- cal education department, spoke at Wogs—Team Is the Texas State Teachers Physical Coach Schmidt to Have ed the trick in the last quarter when Taught by Knoxr^ At the conclusion of the football It's all over now, and the Undefeated. Education Association last Fridav season, practically the entire fresh- Large Squad Out Horned Frogs are champions. It Paul Donovan caught a pass over the and Jack Roe. morning on "Intramural Athletics/' has been the climax of a long By HARRY BATES roal line to tie the score 12-12. man squad has turned to the hard- Saturday morning when the offi- for Practice. In reply to numerous requests Wal- struggle on the part of the boys ith a crushing 27-to-0 victory Since the game resulted in a tie. wood floor. Monday was the first cers were elected Knox was elected and the coaches. Now and then ter S. Knox will organise a boxing over the Terrill Prep Tigers, the both teams agreed to a playoff The day of practice and Coach Meyer was vice-president of this organisation for Five Veteran* Back during the course of the four Polliwogs closed a successful season. ,—»„ - ,. class here in T. C. V. for the benefit the next two years. ?•_ i seniors were seeking a clean slate greeted by a squad of 20 or more years, some team member turned Jimmy Lawrence was again the ... ,. * sule' of those students who are interested This group met in conjunction with basketeers. Fira* Tilt With S.M.U. in Dallai up with an injury, the effects of outstanding member of the backfield , ' J<»"*<■ to tie up the in that sport. Knox has secured the the Texas State Teachers Convention which will follow him to his seasons standing with the leaders. Among those reporting are: Joe Jan. 7—Dietzel Missing with his all around brilliant playing. services of Jack Roe, local Y. M. C. A which was held here during tnt From Quintet. grave. Injuries received in a He personally carried the ball across I,.,However, ow"er- «the juniors came out on boxing instructor and student in the Freeman, Pampa; George Edwards. Thanksgiving holidays. football game rarely ever heal to the line three times and made the *b°rt end of the *°n when '»>* university Waxahachie: Marshall Gammon, Fort the original state. The injuries W OVer them I,si The classes will be held each Mon- By PALL DONOVAN fourth touchdown possible by inter- !?"" °" Tuesday Worth; Elmer Seybold. Fort Worth; Lightioot Is Made Manager are sometimes fatal. Those who With the Southwest »Conference ■eeptint a pass on Terrill', 46 yard \ZlZ"n"" the 5»"on with 100°. day, Wednesday and Friday after- play football are aware of the JC. F. Kellow, Lufkin; Paul Ornelas, football crown resting on the brows line. From her, Lawrence and Mar- [££"*■ 71* "~c,r te*m h" won noons between 1:30 and 2:30 o'clock. Sidney Lightioot of Chicago was danger but most give it« very John Knowles, Houston; Jimmy Law- of the T. C. U. Horned Frogs, Coach shall Gammon, reserve half] carried ■££?"* t0OtM] '" * F*5t thre* Each man will be required to take the recently appointed business manager little thought. ' rence, Harlingen; George Kline, Taft; Francis Schmidt has begun prepara- it to the three yard line, where Gam- full training of the course as the of the freshman class, according i0 That is part of the game. I Steele Campbell. tion for the 1932-33 basketball sea- mon carried it across, Montgomery j course is not being offered for those John Knowles, president. tmnii R. J. Duckworth, Olney; "Tiny". son. converting. Lawrence and R. J.'. . »'"?•««. the juniors made who wish to join just to fight. The n , ep into the main purpose is to teach the science Godwin, Hot Springs, Ark.; Bill Hud- Fine Veterans Return. Now that Texas Christian is Duckworth converted after the other * Jr ™ """-finals 1 wh€B At son. Perry Hood, Fort Worth; Bob! The first practice session for the ...the champion, whst does it mean touchdowns. »» G»rdner and Jack Slgmori of boxing and in order to do such. j Mainord. East Prairie. Mo.; Vic Mont- Frog cagemen was held Monday af- to the University? In a strict Kellow, Simpson. Stow Star. triumphed over Glen Clark and Paul fundamentals will have to be taught. Modern Cafe Actual fighting will come later. ' gomery, Oiona; Wilson Groseclose, I'nder New Management ternoon. AH candidates were not sense, it means very little. To In the line, Kellow. at guard; Simp- Snow respectively. Snow and Clark If the class works out as well ss i Abilene; Willis Cannon, Arlington; present, but it appears that Schmidt the boys on the team it will be a son, at center, and Stow, at end, were will play for third place next week. Permanent Priceg Sigmon was crowned champion expected, Knox has planned to have a ', Jacksboro; Alton will have a squad of nineteen men to satisfactory memory, though in the most consistent performers. Kel- All sandwiches on 1ft round robin schedule intramural box- Pope, Mineral Wells; Junus Putnam,' work with in an effort to build a all cases, not an entirely happy- low blocked a punt in the fourth when he defeated Gardner in the toast 'i IUC finale last week. The score was ing tournament within the near fu- Fort Worth; and Bobby Stow, Jr., championship team. Of this number, one. Success does not insure hap- quarter that led to the Wogs third All combination | A 6-2, «-4, 2-«, 6-4. ture. A suitable place will be select-: Fort Worth. five are lettermen, fire are squad- piness. Members of the student touchdown. sandwiches IUC •d to hold the "fights, so that the! Coach Meyer hasynot as yet had Steak, Potatoes | A men of last year and five others are body will, speak of that "Cham- With his first call, Coach Meyer was pionship Team of 1932." student body may attend. time to polish his team, but it is ex- and Gravy. „ _... 1UC recruits from the freshman team. greeted by a squad of close to forty J£2g ££?£ ChrisT." Followers of today will writhe For the past five years boxing has pected that he will have a smooth Sausage, Potatoes i A The lettermen returning this sea- men, among whom were many a -1 holid.v. .UZti . i-nnstmas and Gravy lUC and fret and wonder whether or attracted much attention at Texas; working unit by the start of the sea- son are Captain-elect Buster Bran- state, all-city and a.^istnct per- j 2?£ w^l. Icn" "T^ Hamburger Steak, a A not there will ever be another University and is the major intra- i son. He announced that he may play non, Doc .Sumner, Johnnie Vaught, formers. Meyer carried them along trie. .r. ,~,„„ ,^ , , Potatoes and Gravy 1UC team as good as this one. mural sport there. All of the other again this year in some'city league Elbert Walker and Hersel Kinxy. Fried Liver, Potatoes | A They need not worry. There and molded a fig>ing football ma- ^^.TZ^ll/X Z^ schools of the Southwest Conference as the team did last year. No sched- Squadmen are Robert Chappell, Char- and Gravy IUC will be several teams as good and chine out of them, sweeping as.de .11 the schedule will be ready when the have installed this as one of their ule of games has been posted as yet. lie Williams, Jewell Wallace, Wallace oppostion during the season. Bowl of Stewed Beef | A many better. students return to school. major intramural sports and Knox o and Vegetables IUC Myers and Richard Allison. Judy On Oct. 20 they met the Weather- hopes to do the same here. Miller Congratulates Frogs Breaded Veal, Potatoes | A Truelson, Wesley Green, Woqdson ford Junior College Coyotes, a sup- The first meeting of the class will and Gravy IUC I want to pay my respects to Armes, Jimmy Jacks and Dan Hars- posedly stronger team, and over- Club on Convention Program be held Monday afternoon in the aux- Bowl of Stewed Chicken | A the bility of Lon Evans. Guards Elton Miller, sports editor of the ton won their numerals on the first- whelmed them by a 33 to 0 score. iliary room of the little gym. All men and Noodles IUC don't get much better than he is. Baylor Lariat, writes: "I offer you year quintet last year. Others re- Again in the John Tarleton game Tha Men's qiee Club sang before interested are requested to come to Plate Lunch j r Had he not been handicapped by my sincere congratulations for win- porting; are Love Perkins, Jinx Pow- the Wogs were touted to lose, but the Texas State Teachers' Association the gym before Monday and sign on (Including drink) IdC injuries, he would be receiving ning the Southwest Conference cham- ell, Bryant Collins and Jimmy Walk- they came through ^with a 14 to 6 at a meeting Friday evening. Their the card on the bulletin board. all-American honors along with \ pionship this season. You deserved Saturday Special np. fin. In their last game against the selections were "All Through the There will be no chirge for this Captain Vaught. Dana X. Bible, j the high honors. Give also my con- T-Bone Steak, Pota- np Other conference schools have been strong Terrill Prep" team they were I N'*ht'" * Wel,h *ir' ,nd "The West-" extra activity and the sport will count Nebraska coach, remarked after i gratulations to my friends, Buster toes and Gravy aOC hard at practice for several weeks, hard pressed to eke out a one point * "** typ,ctl of the Southwest f°r a physical education CTedit. the game that "Evans was the Brannon and Doc Sumner." but because most of the T. C. 0. bas- lead at the half, the score being 7 beat linesman on the field." ketball candidates were on the cham- to 8. After an eventless third quar- pionship footbkll squad, it was im- ter, however, the frosh came back to Knute Rockne must have been possible to schedule a practice before swamp their rivals under three the close of the football campaign. present last Saturday when the Micks crushed Army 21-0. Can touchdowns and two points after. There is still a possibility that the Lawrence, Manton Outstanding. Purple gridmen will play a post-sea- anyone prove that he wasn't there, before and during the In a review of the season's most son contest with some other sectional game, patting his boys on the ! outstanding backfield man, Lawrence champion, but pending the arrange- back and telling them what to j at half and Taldon Manton at full, are ment of such a game, Coach Schmidt do and how to do it? In any i prominent. Lawrence, by his con- will send his cage prospects through event, the name of Rockne must | sistently good performances as a daily practice sessions. have been mentioned in the dress- scoring threat and as a defensive The first conference basketball ing room- before the game, be- man, proved himself to be one of the game for the Horned Frogs is sched- cause the Irish played that slash- best to ever play under Meyer. Man- uled with S. M. U. in Dallas on Jan. ing brand of ball that they played ton, after a year's lay off, came back 7. A number of practice games with when old Rock was their leader. with added weight and developed in- other schools and independent teams to a great plunger and line backer. will be played before the conference The Rice football players can At center position we find Jimmy calendar opens, not be blamed too much for their Simpson and Darrell Lester, both of Dietzel Missing st Center. conduct two weeks ago. It was whom turned in a wonderful season Adolph Diettel, the giant center the fault of certain Houston pa- and will prove valuable next year. who held down the tip-off position pers who openly insulted them. In the middle of the line we find on the Purple quintet the past two All the ballyhoo about Spear- Paul Hill, a big, strong and fast man. years, will be greatly missed this man's statement was grossly ex- He is a fast chsrger and a very season. The lanky center is inelig- aggerated. good defensive man. "Tiny" God- ible, for competition. He led' the The whole thing means that win and Wilson Groseclose, two big Frogs in scoring in practically every there will be a dog fight next and tough boys, will help the varsity game in which he played and set a year when the two teams meet. along next year. In Tracy Kellow and new record for conference scoring in Texas Christian finished the sea- Dave Hickey we have two of the 1932. Hersel Kinsy is being groom- son —ith six regulars on the smaller type, but just as oustanding ed to replace Dietiel. Harlos Green shelf. Four were injured in the as linesmen. is the only other regular who will not Rice game, one in the Baylor At ends we find Bobby Stow and return. His guard position will be game and one in the S. M. U. Melvin Diggs as outstanding. They filled by one of last year's squadmen, game. are both big, and are good on both of Myers, Allison, Wallace or Perkins. fense and defense. Twelve Gaaaea Scheduled. J. W. Townsend, farmer "Iron- As yet, there has not been any of- A number of practice tilts with Man" of the team, finally crack- ficial release of the men earning nu- other schools and with independent ed up. He received a fracture of merals, but it is expected that one teams will be played by the Frogs his arm in the second quarter of will be published soon. In the mean- during December. The full confer- the Mustang battle, but finished time, Coach Meyer has called h i s ence schedule is as follows: the game playing in great style. basketeers together. Jsn. 7—8. M. D. at Dallas. Hence the name "Iron-Man." 1—o Jsn. 16—A. A M. at Fort Worth. Tiner to Coach Team Jan. 20—Baylor at Waco. It has done me much good to Jan. 24—Rice at Fort Worth. see my friend Otha Tiner gain Otha Tiner will coach the Y. M. C. Feb. 3—Arkansas at Fort Worth. the fame that he has this year. A. Junior Triangle basketball team Feb. 4—Arkansas at Fort Worth. To me, "Old Sheriff" will always this season. During his senior year Feb. 11—Texas at Austin. be the outstanding member of at Waco High School he was captain Feb. 20—Texas at Fort Worth, the '32 T. C. U. team. of the cage team there. Feb. 24—A. * M. at College Sta- tion. Feb. 26—Rice at Houston. March 1—Baylor at Fort Worth. I A cfreot Hotel in a qreet • Cty Every modWn conven- March 4—S. M. U. at Fort Worth. : i«nce...Speciol floor for lodter " Lorqo porlor floor and LooW I Lour*)*. Main Dinind Doom ond Drive Coffee Shoo - DOOtiar orices ■ ■ Larqe and tmall Banquet* For Dancing Feet room, ond beautiful new White Crinkle Crepe or RIGHT IN TO Boll Room for meeitrtdi.^ 100 Other Shades

GARAGE STEAM HEATED •ATN C C. Q4- HOUR/ JOJCPM HUCWIJ*. SERVICE/:;' ?1^ >»». Lreesrr a Mrsss TOSACCO Co. ?«SS5??« That .why we keep telling you about 5« "Wli "mi the tobacco, used in Chesterfields, SSKUi. AOnOMMQOsDOMS I «» an s n •os SAMPLE room *m mi They re fine, mild, and pure tobaccos. •UtSTS MAjXJNABLf MJIKAUI We tell you about ageing and curing the tobacco,...about blending and But please bear this in mind. It is Tinted croM-blending them ... because they Fret what happens before the tobacco goes •re thing, that count. into this machine that matters most. Cheaterfield. ,re milder. They u.te Rolling and packaging are important, THEY'RE MILDER better. Prove „ for -yo^.^.j STYLE SHOP but not nearly a* important as the try a package. Fourth' at Houston •election, blending and treatment of the tobacco THEY TASTE BETTER oss* Sunday.Columbi. eoasM

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