United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,205,245 Flack Et Al

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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,205,245 Flack Et Al USOO5205245A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,205,245 Flack et al. (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 27, 1993 (54) TWO STROKE ENGINES 4,736,716 4/1988 Ohyama ............................ 123/65 A 75 Inventors: Robert Flack, Ballyclare; David 5,072,699 12/1991 Pien ................................... 123/65 P Thornhill, Belfast, both of Northern FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Ireland 932639 9/1955 Fed. Rep. of Germany . 73 Assignee: Jaguar Cars Limited, United 2467288 SM1981 France ............. ... 123A190.2 Kingdom 9102144 2/1991 PCT Int'l Appl. a so 123/190.2 21) Appl. No.: 707,642 Primary Examiner-David A. Okonsky 22 Filed: May 30, 1991 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Davis, Bujold & Streck 30 Foreign Application Priority Data 57 ABSTRACT Jun. 2, 1990 (GB) United Kingdom ................. 9012349 A two stroke internal combustion engine includes a cylinder with a piston slidably sealed in the cylinder, a 51) Int. Cli.............................................. FO2B33/04 plurality of transfer ports open into the cylinder and at 52 U.S. C. ............................. 123/65 P; 123/59 AL; least one exhaust port leads from the cylinder, the trans 123/190.1 fer ports are connected to a common inlet manifold and 58 Field of Search ................ 123/65 A, 65 P, 190.1, a common valve member is provided to regulate the 123/1902, 81 B, 81 C, 59 AL, 73 PP, 65 V flow of air from the inlet manifold to the transfer ports 56 References Cited and to vary the flow of air through one transfer port U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS relative to the flow of air through at least one other transfer port. 1,632,988 6/1927 Adams . 2,110,754 3/1938 Alston ............................... 123/65 A 2,145,415 1/1939 Bokemuller . 9 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Apr. 27, 1993 Sheet 1 of 3 5,205,245 U.S. Patent Apr. 27, 1993 Sheet 2 of 3 5,205.245 Y RNNNNNN a 3N ZZZas at S,Zara fezzee a/20 U.S. Patent Apr. 27, 1993 Sheet 3 of 3 5,205.245 5,205,245 1. 2 FIGS. 3 to 6 illustrate various porting configurations TWO STROKE ENGINES of the internal combustion engine illustrated in FIG. 1. BACKGROUND TO THE INVENTION DESCRIPTION OF A PREFERRED 5 EMBODIMENT The present invention relates to two stroke internal As illustrated in FIG. 1, an internal combustion en combustion engines. gine includes a cylinder 10 having a piston (not shown) In conventional two stroke internal combustion en slidably sealed therein. A pair of exhaust ports 11 are gines, the or each cylinder is provided with a series of disposed side by side and a series of transfer ports 12 to transfer ports, typically from three to six, through O 15 are spaced angularly of one another and of the ex which air or air/fuel mixture may be pumped to sweep haust ports 11 around the circumference of the cylinder the combustion products from the combustion chamber. 10. The exhaust ports 11 and transfer ports 12 to 15 open In engines produced hitherto, the transfer ports are into the cylinder 10 at a position spaced axially from the arranged such as to maximise the proportion of combus top 16 of the cylinder 10, at a level which will be uncov tion products swept from the combustion chamber thus 15 ered by the piston as it approaches the bottom of its producing maximum power. However; particularly at stroke. The transfer ports 12 to 15 are orientated rela part load, the flow of scavenging air may be short cir tive to the cylinder 10 to direct flow of air in different cuited, so that not all the combustion products will be directions, transfer ports 12 and 13 directing the flow of swept from the combustion chamber, with consequent air generally radially but upwardly into the cylinder 10, reduction in fuel efficiency and engine smoothness. while transfer ports 14 and 15 direct the flow of air Other adverse effects would include increased emission generally in the transverse plane of the cylinder 10, but of noxious substances or excessive cooling of exhaust away from the exhaust ports 11. In this manner, if air is gases. m injected through all the transfer ports 12 to 15 the The present invention provides valve means by whole volume of the cylinder 10 will be swept. which various combinations of the transfer ports may 25 The transfer ports 12 to 15 are connected to a con be closed or partially closed to modify the flow of scav mon cylindrical manifold 20 by ducts 21 to 24. A cylin enging air under particular operating conditions, drical sleeve 25 is rotatably mounted in bearings in the thereby reducing short circuiting of the air flow and cylindrical manifold 20, the outer diameter of sleeve 25 improving sweeping of the combustion products from sealingly engaging the inner diameter of cylindrical the combustion chamber. manifold 20. The sleeve 25 has a series of circumferen SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION tial ports 26 to 29, each corresponding axially to one of the ducts 21 to 24. The orientation and extent of the According to one aspect of the present invention a ports 26 to 29 vary, so that by rotating the cylindrical two stroke internal combustion engine comprises a cyl sleeve 25 various combinations of the ducts 21 to 24 inder with a piston slidably sealed in the cylinder, the 35 may be opened, closed or partially interrupted, so that cylinder including a plurality of transfer ports and at the flow of scavenging air into the cylinder 10 may be least one exhaust port, each transfer port being con modified. The central bore 31 of the sleeve 25 is con nected to a common inlet manifold, a common valve nected to a pressurised air supply, for example an engine means being provided to selectively regulate flow of air driven pump, by for example an axial port 30. from the inlet manifold to each transfer port and to vary Means (not shown), for example a stepping motor the rate of flow of air through one transfer port relative controlled by an electronic engine management system, to the flow of air through at least one other transfer is provided to rotate the sleeve 25 in accordance with port. engine speed, engine load and/or some other character The valve means of the present invention may be istic of the engine, to control flow through the various used to adjust the scavenging flow characteristics with 45 ducts 21 to 24 and hence the transfer ports 12 to 15, to changing load and speed requirements, to ensure that optimise scavenging of the cylinder 10 for various oper air utilisation is maintained and consequently emissions, ating conditions. Rather than using a stepping motor fuel consumption and the misfire are minimised. which may provide continuous variation of the valve According to a preferred embodiment of the present mechanism, the sleeve 25 may be arranged to function invention, the valve mechanism comprises a cylindrical in two or more discreet positions and may be moved sleeve which is located in a manifold, the cylindrical from one position to the other by, for example, a sole sleeve has ports machined at appropriate positions cor noid actuator. Alternatively, movement of the sleeve 25 responding to ducts which separately connect each of may be controlled by a cam operated mechanism or the transfer ports to the manifold. The cylindrical servomotor. Other means of controlling the valve in sleeve may be rotated and/or moved axially in the man 55 clude mechanical devices, power racks, compressed air, ifold, to align the ports with different ducts, thereby vacuum or thermal devices or any other engine man opening or closing the transfer ports as required. agement system. In an alternative embodiment, the sleeve 25 may be BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS arranged so that it is adapted to move axially of the An embodiment of the invention is now described, by manifold 20, the ports 26 to 29 being arranged to control way of example only, with reference to the accompany flow through the ducts 21 to 24 by axial or axial and ing drawings, in which: s rotational movement of the sleeve 25. FIG. 1 is an isometric view of a cylinder of an inter At full engine loads, the sleeve 25 may be arranged nal combustion engine formed in accordance with the such that ports 26 to 29 are each aligned with their present invention; 65 associated duct 21 to 24 so that all the transfer ports 12 FIG. 2 is a part sectional view of the valve mecha to 15 are open, as illustrated in FIG. 3. When the piston nism used in the internal combustion engine shown in opens the transfer ports 12 to 15, air will be injected FIG. 1; and through all the transfer ports 12 to 15, giving a conven 5,205,245 3 4. tional "loop' scavenge, which will sweep the majority 1. A two stroke internal combustion engine compris of combustion products from the cylinder 10, out ing a cylinder with a piston slidably sealed in the cylin through exhaust ports 11. der, the cylinder including a plurality of transfer ports At part loads, the sleeve 25 may be arranged to close and at least one exhaust port, each of said transfer ports ports 14 and 15 as illustrated in FIG. 4. This will pro being connected to a common inlet manifold, a common vide maximum separation between the operational valve means being provided to selectively regulate flow transfer ports 12 and 13 and exhaust ports 11 and will of air from the inlet manifold to each of said transfer reduce short circuiting of the scavenging flow, so that ports and to vary the rate of flow of air through one of scavenging of the cylinder 10 will be improved.
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