" " ,;' . ' .;, Os ••eds-oaT ~

, '0 'B,EGOR &; 1:)' ' . ~ \\. 0 ' ~~~ ' ~~ "" ~ BANKIRS -AND BRDKnS " \ , ' ~I:ND~O~" ONTARI cipal ,'rowns and Cities in Canada. ~ • '. 'I ----.. ~~ ..----

"11 . ' , .r- , ~-FO I ( ' -'" 'Hou§e Numbering, " '", .',' :":': ', ' 'Ohurch Pews (md 'r , Hfltel Room 'Ooors." Particular Attention paid " fo,Custom... "York .

Satisfaction Gua-r:tHt~E!d.' ; llw'ays~etain~heir~i~illiancy ---' /'- oJ J \ ____ =__..:...... ' NO. '23 SANDWICH ST. ' SPECIAL I East, RATES ' foJ? CHURCH::e:S. Address -'l'oronto. Onto Overshoes and Slippers at Charles Clark's POSit OFPICE floo/£ S"OIlE. til." WINDSOR,


======~~======------Books & Stationery JANGl' a"DI~ &O@, tto'@ I I



s. C.SMITH, DEALER IN ~~I?~rri'li)at'l[ 7':~ ~ 1t tie s,.. . DI?ESS MAI

A~D F.A.l."JJ'CY" G-OO:I>S. Am.erican House Block, No. 52, SalUlwieb St. West, ..

P. S.-Latest Styles, and entire., satisfaction ~n Millinery, Mantles, and Dressmaking. CHARLTON & CO'S


SANDWICH & , FOR 1875-6,



Compiled from Actual Canvass.






In submitting the Windsor, Amherstburg and Sandwich Directory to the public, the publishers are desirous of returning their thanks to those who, by their liberal advertising and sub­ scription patronage, have affordet'l them material assistance in, the enterprise. The correct compiling of a Directory, even one of this size, is an undertaking of considerable difficulty, and let one be ever so careful, errors, both of omission and commission, can in some instances be discovered by persons who are disposed to look for them. Entire accuracy, in books of this class, has never -yet l)een attained, and owing to various reasons which 'neeel' not· be specified here, it is more than probable, never will be. Such being the case, indulgence is claimed for any mistakes that may be found in this work, the more especially as it is confidently believed that they are as few in number as those that occur in other books of the same description. In fact, the greatest possible care has been taken to rendeT the work thoroughly relis ble, and, excepting the fe,,, errors that will creep in, in spite of the utmost vigilance, it can be depended upon as being, in the main, perfectly correct. CHARLTON & CO. Contents. ---.. ...-- Preface .....•...... " ...... " ...... 5 Windsor, description of...... 7 " Yankee's descrtption of...... 8 Vondunder Bleeker J ohannas, und vot he say apoudt...... I' Queen and Royal Family ...... , ...... 1.1 vVindsor Directory .. ' ...... 19 Amherstburg Directory...... 69 Sand.wich Directory...... 82


WINDSOR. Shorland, Walter...... 95 Apple, F...... 89 Simkins, Charles...... 94- Anyan House ...... 101 ~~terbW ..J.:...... 9.3 Albert, Wm ...... , .. .. 94 e OIDIUIon...... 100 Baby Bros ... , ...... 100 The Paris House...... :l Charlesworth, H. G...... 90 Truax & Labadie...... 99 Chittels, Thos...... 87 Twomey, Miss E...... 98 Clark, Chas ., .. Top of Pages Wh~tson, Miss ...... '. 90 Coulter, Wm...... 92 WhItlaw & Son •. :inside of cover Craven, B ...... 94 Whiting's Clothing; House, Craig, Peter A ...... " .. 87 \V," ...... top· of pages Davenport House...... 100 Inter, Jos...... 101 iDelilse & Son.. . .. , .. .. 9 2 Wright & Tisdale...... 98 Drake & Joice .. I. • •• •• .. 97 AJlIBERSTBlTRG Essex Record...... 87 Ferry Lunch House. . .. ., 89 Cascadden, W. E...... 102 Ford, Chas. B ... , ...... 9 I Green, Geo...... 104 Foster, R. P...... 97 Liffiton, G. J...... IO~ Gluns, R...... 9 1 McGuire John ...... 103 International Hotel...... I Reaume Joseph ...... 102 McGregor Bros. Front page cov'r Twomey, M ...... t02 Morton's Scotch Bakery. .. 96 Twomey&Co ...... 103 Nadolleck, Mrs...... 98 Wiison, Geo ...... 105 Neveux, E. L. & J...... 86 Wilcox House...•...... 104 Offet, H...... 88 Wilkinson, W. T ...... 102 Palace Restaurant .. " ;. .. 9 I Whyte, W. A ...... St. Louis Damas...... 98 Saucier, M. Watchmaker. .. 86 JlIISCELLANEO(TS Sepner, John ..•... front cover Rea & Stu pinsky ... , ...... Shipley, Geo ...... ,... 92 Vincent, J. F ...... 104 ~)ESCmpTIOX. 7


An incorporatecl town and port of entry of Ontario, County of Essex, on the Hiver, opposite Detroit, and at the western terminus of theG.W.K 110 miles from London; 22:3 miles from Toronto. It contains churches of five denominations. St. Alphonse Church, dedicated July 1st, 1873, is one of the finest structures of ,the kind in the County of Essex. The building is fast nearing completion, $30,000 having already .been expended in its construction. It is estimated that further expenditures to the amount of $15,000 will be necessary for f\lrnishing and completing the tower and interior. The seating cdpacity at present accommodates 1,000 IJeople. The congre­ gation, all told, numbers 2,000 sou,ls, over which two priests are located-Hev. :Father J. T. Wagner, presiding Pastor, and Hev. Father James ScanlcH}, Curate. In connection with the Church is a Convent and St. Mary's Academy, founded some eight years since, and erected ,at a cost of $25,000. At present there' a~>e eighteen sisters connected with the institution. There are seventy-five boarding and thirty day scholars in regular attendance at the Academy. The building, however, is capable of accommodating one hundred boarders, besides ample room for fifty dayscholars.~St. Alphonsus Hall, another of the Church buildings, is situated between the Church and Convent, and is used for Sunday Schools and meeting of the diffierent Catholic Societies-St. John the Baptiste, Catholic Union and others. The Church grounds consist of about four acres, beau­ tifully situated near the centre of the town, four blocks from the riYer, the whole being under a high state of improvement. _ , Three branch banks, a High School, agencies of two telegragh and several assurance and insurance companies, two printing offices, issuing weekly papers, breweries and distilleries, and one manufactory of tobacco and cigars (Wright & Tisdale, 72 Sandwich st., west); also manufacturies of brool11s,leather wooden ware, wine, vinegar, soap and candles, boots and shoes, carriages, &c.; also several first-class hotels, and several as fine mercantile establishments as can be found anywhere in the Dominion. 8 WINnSolt DITIEC'rotri",

The houses and stores have recently. been uniformly anel t.hOl'OllO'hly numbered, which greatly facilitates the delivery of goods ~nd parcels by the merchants, besides being of immense benefit to the public at large. 'Windsor bids fair to become the leading place in Ontario. Present population about 7,000, an increase of about 30 per cent. since the census of 1862.

A Ya11kee's Version of Windsor.

The Town of 'Vinclsol' is pleasantly, and in a commercial sense advantageously, situated on the Detroit River, about 18 miles above the old town of Malden, directly opposite the American village of Detroit, Mich., and 2-2- miles S. W. of Hog {slanel (Belle Isle.) As a commercialeentre Windsor is "simply immense." A large portion of the local trade is imported (i.e.) across the river in the shape of bustles, calves and other promi­ llent expansions, to whom nature has thus far, and probably every will remain a stranger. 'Windsor is the western terminus of the Great vVestern R.R., which eotmects ,vith Detroit, Poelunk, :Flat Hock, Wvandotte, a.nd other places of considerable importance on the American ~ide of the great river; , Distances-from Niagara :Falls, 220 miles; from Toronto, 221 miles; from London, 110 miles; from Hamilton, 186lIl,iles. It began to be settled during the last century. and, lying on the route betwaen New York and Michigan (via G.W.H.) it early became cleared and peopled by inhabitants, many of whom, by their sterling industry and perseverance, have reaped their reward in amassing in many instances a handsome competence forthel1lselves and families. The soil is principally composed of dirt, intel'mix(~cl with puddles of Water. The present populat!on of the town is larger than most people suppose, llumbermg about 7,000, and would now be very much larger had it been settled a few yeaTS earlier. . s.trangers admire jt for its pleasant, clean and healthv appearance, and yery many take up their abode here in th"e SUllllner seaSOll. A YA~KCg';-:: VERBIOX.

A large number also are attracted here (from Detroit) on ttCcount of the superior facilities possessed by 'Vindsor mer­ chants, whereby they can arrange their wardrobes in such a manner as to elude the vigilant CUSTOl.c! HOUSE MA~ oli the' other Elide. No town in the Dominion surpasses it for children (" sweet little cherubs "), who, of a summer's evening, comp~etely pack the sidewalks,' and amuse passers-by with uuearthly yells and showers O'f mud. Windsor-like other enterprising .Canadian towns-has a towll hall, a common council, hotels, barber shops, billiard tables, and an extensive brigade of bootblacks (who stand around the ferry docks and fight" fur dat job.") .

The above is a new invention recently patentec1 1:y Pearce & Maycock, al1(l intended for the route between Windsor aqd Leamington. It is highly recommended by the "Society. for the prevention of cruelty to animals,". as it enables ft :mau to get his horse out of the. mud without pohnding. . The county town ~r~Sanc1 wich is c~~nected with Whu;l$or by a street railway, on which a one-horse car is rijU each,\vay every half hour. . This is a big thing for vagabonds ?tndqthj3rf! convicted before the Police :Magistrate, as it saveS being jostled about in the" BlackMaria." I~ the opposite direction is the thriving and i)rospei'Qu.~ town of Walkerville, with a popUlation of some 20Qiilhabitatits, mostly males and females, besides several yards full of hogs, connected with the distillery, and fed upon the Iilash ahd Hoi). Windsor can. boast of some of theflIiest private residences 111 . tho cOl~nt~, more of. which areheing now erected, 10 ,nXDSOR DIRECTORY. which shows; the cultivated tastes of the inhabitants. Within the past few months many local improvements have been made, among which we can testify is one as much needed as the best, i. e., the numbering of the houses. Should yourself or friends be ftt a loss to locate the residence of a private friend, just turn to Charlton & CO.'s Directory. The next best improyement to the above is the lighting of the :streets after clark Several experiments have been made during the past season with varied success. As a general thing, "cloudy nights excepted," the original ftuc1 only plan works well for the first twelve or fourteen nights innnecliately following the "New Moou."


The enterprising proprietor of the" Amel'icau " has recently chaine(l a British Lion to a pedestal placetl on top of his hotel, \\'hich is intended to protect the inhabitants of the town against any sudden attack from a foreign foe. This animal rises once a year (upon the anniversary of Alllericn II imiepemiellce), amI "wags his tail" in liefiance. The 'Windsor ,"ater \Vorks are uf imlllense value to the inh.abitants at large, and especially to saloon and hotel keepers, as III nea~'ly every Olle of the latter ca.n be found a pipe C011- nected,nth the works, upon the eUll of \"hich is llieel~' arranged a small funnel that exactly fits It 'whiskey Lottle. This acc~unts for the immense profits Llnd early retirement froll\ busmess of those cunnected with the liquor tram!:. ,Yin(lsor has foUl' incorporateLI lmlll.;:s, to \\·it;~. ~1erchallts' Ht\llk...... A YA);KEE'S VERSIOX. 11

110180ns Bank, Oanaoian Bank of Commerce, and the Southern Bank of the Detroit River-the latter being a "stock concern," well secured, and extending from vValkertown to Sandwich in nearly a straight line, the deposits being chiefly coal yards, docks, saw logs, sand, gravel and Bourke's distillery. 'Windsor has been and is being rebuilt after the fires with which it has been visited, and we question whether any town of the same size in Ontario would, under similar circumstances, have r')covered more rplickly or successfully such great calamities. There has always lJeell a sort of petty contention existing lletween vVindsor and Detroit, Mich. They both appear to be ever vieing ,yith each other £'-:>1' precedence, which fact we may say is not as yet yeq definitely settled. .

'Windsor bas the allmntage: Situated in a region where ft cleep furrow can he clm\\'n throl1gh the richest of soils for ;':11 mile,; 01' lllore (if you plow stmight Lack fl'om the river and "shy around the stumps.") Nowhere on this cOlltinent is it easier to make highwfly;;-rftilroftlls' ftml eanals. In many instanees, two ditches, with ft track of iron lJetween, would make a milway. Xot much. of the land is hilly; most of it is flat enough for utility and lJe&uty. Blest are the eyes that see the lll'oad acres lying immelliately Lack of \\,illllsol', at a season of the year "'hen the grass is green and the sky is clear! It it) all enchanting world of azure anct lJillowy emerald, where, frum the summit of a green wave twenty feet high, you see-straight 111> as far as you choose to look. The absence of all dark objectt), such as woods, roacli" rocks, hills and fences, gives the visitUl' the feeling that never before in all his life was he so cbmpletel~r out of doors. It is a delicious sensation, when you enquire the way to a place 10 miles ofJ; to have a fellow tell you he " don't know, lmt if you'll take the trouble to enquire of Jo Clark, at the Intel'l1ational Hoiel, he can-tell you all about it;" and the reply is generally correct., for mighty few men in this county know better how to keep a hotel than ,To. A cOIl1mercialman from Chicago recently rell1arkell that his to\\'l! WaS far ahead of 'Windsor in ellterprise, by alluding to

The statistical matter of Windsor, limited as it is, has so often been pl'esented to the public in directories and through the columns of both local and neighboring press, that we con­ sider it would be like "stuffing victuaJs clown an already over-fed ehild" to repeat it under the cover of furnishing llew allil authentic itelllS. ,Ve, therefore, "sing the same olll song" and introduce "A Yankee's Version of W illdsol'," merely for readiug matter [l,llLl to hell) fill up the Look. OUl' teutollic friend "Fritz," ]WyilW rendered himQelf generally' useful, desires space to "speak ];is little piece." We will, tberefol'C, allow him to conclude the argument.-PuB­ LISHEltS. Yell furst I koomed 1)), Vindsor, I goulcln't spheak mine name, Del' beople's ca.lled me "Osh ker spiel," No\\' vasll't that a slwrne !

I gouldn't tolll yoo dlere I leeved, U nd dot to me vas awful fine, T'ntil a feller koom aronnd, r I111 Oil mine house makes lloombu X I:\E.

lTnd now when I goes downder street, end dakes sum nineteen glasses bee?', I always finds mine wfly stmigh home- 1 knows the lloombcl'-ain't dot queer I llnlTZ SPE.U;'S. 13

Oof I vas gone to London, Und got sum ding to sell, I would bet you foofc1y doUers Dot I stops mit STlWX(/S HOTEL.

DeJ; Common Gouncil bass a law Vot make del' houses noo111bel's git ; rnd ven election times coome round, I diuk dot most clem Gouncil quit.

Cause ven a goot elJ1prOvements cooms, Dem Gouncilors yas all doo blame; Ish petter ask you poot 'em ouet, Doo keep him in vood pe a shame.

I clinks dot book ·you make ish goat, Oaf all del' mens yoo got del' naine ; Und eny mans vat don~t subscribe Yood pe a hog, und dots a shmne .


A SCE;NE ox THE RORDER.-Yank-" I'll take 'em, and chance the duty, for $2,000. I say, .J ohnny Bull, you make out the bill 50 per cent. helovy. You know how we do it on t'other side." 14 WINDSOr: nrnECTOny.

PRIZE CONUXDRU~1. A copy of the "rindsor Directory will be gi :en to the persoll "who satisfactorily solves and proves the follo\vmg:-

QUERRY.-'Vhich of the two knO\ys (nose) the most. ?

The Queen and the Royal Family.

Her .:\fajest.y Alexrmcll'inn. Yictoria, of the Uniteel Kingdom of

Emperor of Germanl" and has had issue his Rop,! Highness Prince Frederick 'Villial1l Victor Albert, bor,n ~7th Jan., 185!); her Royal Highness Princess Victoria Elizabeth Augusta Char­ lotte, born 24th July, 1860; his Royal Highness Prince Albert William Hemy, bol'll 14th Aug., 1862; his Royal HiglUlEisS Prince Francis Frederick Sigisl1lunc1, born 15th Sept., 18G4, died 18th June, 1866; her Royal Highness Princess Frederika . Whilhell1lina Victoria, born 12th April, 1866; his Royal High­ Hess Joachim Frederick Ernest 'Valdemal', born 10th Feb., 1868; her noyal Highness Sophie Dorothea Ulrica Alice, born 14th June, 1870: his Royal Highness tTohn, &c., bol'll April, 1871, (lied on Good Friday, 1871; her Royal Highness Margaret Beatrice, born 22nd April, 1872. 2. His Royal Highness Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, Duke of Saxony, Cornwall and Rothsay, Earl of Dublin, K.G., K.T., K.P., G.C.S.I, K.T.S., G.C.B., P.O., general, colonel of the 10th Hussars, and colonel-in-chief of the Rifle Brigade, born 9th of Nov., 1841;' married 10th March, :1,86:3, to the Princess Alexandria Caroline Mary Charlotte Louisa Julia, born 1st December, 1844, eldest daughter of the King of Denmdrk, and has issue his' Royal Highness Prince Albert Victor Christian Edward, born 8th Jan., 1864; his Royal Highness Prince George Frederick Ernest Albert, born 3rd June, 1865; her Royal High­ hess I,ouise Victoria Alexandra Dagma, born 20th Feb., 1867 ; her royal Highness Victoria Alexandria Olga Mary, born 6th July, 1868; her Royal Highness Maud Charlotte Mary Victoria, born 26th ' Nov., 1869, and Alex. tT aIm C. Albert, born (ith April, 1871, died 7th April, 1871. ' 3. Her ROY8;l Highness Alice Maud Mary, born April 25, ] 843; married 1st July, 1862, to his Hoyal Highness Prince Frederick William Louis of Hesse Darmstadt, K.G., and has issue Princess Victoria Alberta Elizabeth Matilda Mary,born 5th April, 1863; Princess Elizabeth Alexandrina Louise Alice, born 1st Nov., 1864; Princess Irene Marie Louise Anna, born: 11 July, 1866 ; Prince Ernest Louis Charles Albert "William, born 25th: Nov., 1868; Fred. William, born 7th Oct., 1870, died 29th June, 187:3; and Victoria A. H. L. E., botn 6th ,J Ul).e, 1872. 4. His 1l0y;:tl'Highness Alfred Ernest Albert, Duke of' Edinburgh, Earl of Kent, and Eadof Ulster, K.G., K,T., P.C.,. born 6th Atfiig., 1844; "captain Royal Navy, 23rd Feb.,1866; 16 WINDs(m DIREctORY. married 23rd Jan.,1874" the Grand Duchess Marie Alexand­ rowna, daughter of the Emperor of nussia. 5. Her Royal Highness Helena Augusta Victor~a, born23th May, 1846; married 5th ,Tuly, 1866, to Major-General his Royal

Hiahnessb Prince Fredelick Christian Charles Augustus, of Sc11-. , leswig-Holstein, Sonderbourg, Augustenbourg, K.G., and has issue Prince Christian Victor Albert Ludwig Ernest Anton, born 14th April, 1867; Prince Albert ,Tohn J.C.F.A.G.; born 26th Feb., 1869; and I>rincess Victoria Louise, born 3rc1 May, 1870; and Franzisha, born 14th Aug., 1872. 6. Her noyal Highness Louise Caroline Alherta, born 18th March, 1848; married Mar<;h Ist,1871, to the Marquis of Lome, M.P. 7. His Iloyal Highness Arthur William Pcltrick Albert, K.G., Duke of Connaught, born 1st May, 1850. 8. His Royal Highness Leopold George Duncan Albert, horn 7th Apl'il, 1853. 9. Her noyal Highness Beatl ice Mary Victoria Feodore, born 14th April, 1857. ROYAL PRINCES AND PlUNCESSES. His noyal Highness George Frederick Alexander Charles Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, (Ex-King of Hanover), K.G., G.C.H., cousin to Her Majesty; born 27th May, 1819 ; married, 18th Feb.; 1843, Princess Mary of Saxe-Altenberg,and has issue, Ernest Augustus, born 21st Sept., 1845; Frederica, borll 9th Jan., 1848 ; and Mary, born3rd Dec., 1849. Her Royal Highness Augusta Wilhelmina Louisa, Duchess of Cambridge, daughter of the Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel, 1mrn 25th July, 1797; married 7th May, 1818, the Duke of Cambridge (who died 8th July, 1850), and has issue- 1. His Royal Highness George William Frederick Cbarlps, . Duke of Cambridge, Field-marshal, Commander-in-Chief, K. G., K.P., G.C.B., G.C.H .. , G .. ~r.M.U., n.C.L.H., p.e., HC.L., eonsil~ to Her Majesty, born March ~6th. 1819. 2. Her Itoyal Highness Angusta Caroline .Charlotte Eliz9- beth Mary Sophia Louisa, cousin to Her Mrijest.y, born 19th ,Tuly, 1822 ; married 28th June, 184:3, Frederick, reigning Duke of' Mecklenbm-g Strelit.z, G.C.B., and has issue Adolphus l<'recl­ erick, horn 22nc1 ,T uly, 1848. THE QL'EEX AXD ROYAL FAMILY. 17

3. Her Royal Highness Mary Adelaide Wilhelmina Eliza­ heth, cousin to Her Majesty, bom 27th Nov., 1833; married, 12th June, 1866, H.R.H. :Francis Paul Charles Louis Alexan­ ner, Prince of Teck, G.C.B., and has issue H.R.H. Victoria, born 20jth May, 1867; R.R.H. Adolphus, born 13th Aug., 1868, and R.R.II. Francis, born 9th Jan., 1870. HER MAJESTY'S NEAR ltELATIVES. Half-sist61'.~Daughter of the late Duchess of Kent by her flri?t husband, the reigning Prince of Leiningen, Anne Feodo­ rowna Augnsta Charlotte 'Wilhelmina, born 7 Dec., 1807, mar­ ried, 18th :Feb., 1828, Ernest Christian, Prince of Hohenlohe Langenberg, who died 12th April, 1860, [Lncl hy him had issue- 1. Charles Louis William Leopold, born 20th Oct., 1829. 2. Herman Ernest Francis' Bernard, Prince of Hohenlo'he Langenberg, born 31 st Aug., 18.32, Lieut.-General in the })rus- sian seryice. '. 3. Victor l"erdiuallll J"rancis Eugene Gustave Adolphus Con­ stantine 1<'rederick Count Gleichen, born 11th Nov., 1833, Captain iIi. the Royal Navy, Governor of Windsor Castle, mar­ ried, 26th Jan., 1861, 1"aura Williamina, youngest daughter of Admiral Sir George Seymour, and has issue. 4. Adelaide Victoire, born 20th July, H335, married, 11th Sept., 18.j6, Prince Frederick of Schleswig-Holstein, Sonder­ bourg-Augustenborg. 5. Feodore Victoire, born 7th July, 1839, married, 23rd Oct., 1858, Prince George of Saxe Meiningen, and has issue. Nephews.-l. His Serene Highness Ernest Leopold, reignirig Prince of Leiningen, Captain in,the Royal Navy, born 9th ,Nov., 1830, married, 11th September, 1853, Princess Maria Amelia of Baden, arid has issue a daughter, born 24th July, 1863, and a son, born 1865. 2. Edward Frederick, horn 5th Jan., 1833, Captain Royal 1lIlperi&l GU&l'd of Austria.



The Only Road Connecting at Detroit with all Trains on CRAND TRUNK, CREAT WESTERN AND CANADA SOUTHERN


••• No Change of Cars between Detroit and Chicago. Baggage ahe 1ked through to all points.

PULL~.AN"" C.ARS ON"" .ALL TR.AIN""S_ All Passenger Trains are equipped. with'. the Westing House Air Brake. THAT YOU GET YOUR TICKETS, VIA See} aD OeD al To be had at ALL TICKET OFFICES in Canada and the U.S. H. B. LEDYARD, Ass't Gen. Sup't, Detl'oit. H. C. WENTWORTH, Gen'l Passenger Agent, Chicago, Ill. W. B. STRONG, Gen. Superintendent, Chicago, Ill. MANUFACTURERS OF



Machine and Boiler Shops Supplied with AII Kinds of Castings.

Office &. }'Qulldry, Cor. Fourth &. CQllgress Sts.,



Able, David H, planing mill, h 91, Bruce avenue. Able, Jno, foreman (Able ~ Co.), 101 Bruce avenue. ABLE, R R (of Able Bros, lumber merchants), h 92, Bruce avenue. Adams, Dan'l, engineer G W R, 55 Aylmer avenue. Adams, J, carpenter, bds 37 Mercer street. Adams, Maria (wIdow), 63 McDougall. ALBERT, WILLIAM, clothes cleaner and repairer, 81 Sand- wich'street w, h same. (See adv't.) Aldrich,.,.-, engineer, 12 Pitt street, e. AIKMAN, PETER A, M D, 24 Pitt street, w. Allen; Chas, laborer, 56 Wyandotte st, e. Allison, Robt,' market clerk, h 142, Pitt st, w, agent agricul'tural implements. . Allen, Oliver H P, millwright, h.. Chatham, Onto Allan, Mrs Jno, widow, h, 13 Church st. AMERICAN HOTEL, Ed Barrett, Prop, cor Ferry and Sand­ wich sts. Ambridge, vVm, insurance agent, 11, 48 Goyeau st. AMERICAN EXPRESS CO, G W Girdlestone, agellt,!38 Sand- wich, W. . Anderson, Cha;', c00per, h, 81 Salllhvich st. w. ANDERSON, GEO, Ferry Lunch House. (See ALlvt.) Anderson, John, "printer's devil," bels 135 Goyeau. Anderson, Henry, laborer, h,.194 Windsor avenue. Andersoll, Wm, laborer, 32 Albert st. Anderson,Wm, book-keeper, bels DavenpOl't Honse . • ANDERSON, WM, street overseer, h, 221 Sandwich at e. An~rews, Alfred; M D, h, 50 Goyeau st. Antftya, Alfred, harness n1aker, h, Chatham s~, Antaya, David, carpenter, hi Cbatham ~t. 20 WINDSOR DIRECTORY.

Antaya, Adolph, clerk eH G Charles"'orth.) ANYAN HOUSE, Geo Anyan, prop, 55 Sandwich st, e. See advt. APPLE FREDERICK, builder, h, 141 Windsor avenue.. Archbeau, Mrs, widow, 73 ChathQ,ill st, w. ARKELL, JOHN TI, Attorney, 43 Sandwich st, bds Green's Hotel. . Armstrong, Mrs Lizzie, boarding house, 103 Pitt st, w. Armstrong, vVm, laborer, h, 18 McDougall st. 'Arnold, vVm, shoemaker, Goyeau st. Ashby, George, gentleman, 11, HD Pitr st, w. Aslmell, .John R (of Chatel' & Aslnvell), Gt Western Hotel. Askin, A H, civil engineor, h, 97 Chatham st, w. . Askew, Henry, hackman, G2 Pitt st, w. Askin, ,\Tm, express clerk (American Express Co), bds Ameri- can Hotel. Aslin, llichard, shoemaker, (.T 8epl~er), 11, 138 vVindsor avenue. Atherton, .Tames, gentleman, h, 114 Glengarry axenne. Atherton, ,Vm, brakeman Cel- 'V Il, b, 91 Mercer st. AtkillS, Geo, nail maker, 1)(1s. G2 ,Vimlsor avenue. Austin, G ,I', brakeman, h, 8 l'anent avenue. AYRES & WILTON, mercbant tailors, 58 Sandwich st, w. Ayres, Cieorge C (oJ Ayres & ,Yilton), 11, 173 Windsor avenue. BABY BROS, (Cbas & Ceo), livery stable, 7 Church st. See ach. Daby, Charles, livery stable, 11, cor Church & Sand",rich sts. BABY, JOHN C, vinegar manufacturer, rear Victoria Tobacco ,Yorks, 1)(1 Illternational. Baby, Frank, hack owner, 11, cor Church & Sandwich sts:' Baby, W L, Customs, bels Queen's Hotel. Bains, Jas, butcher (Stroud & Barringer.) WINDSOR DlRlWTORY. 21

INDSOR ClOTHINC STORE 1FUt:f:!~~~¥.i~~NT w. H. E. WHITINC,. READY-MADE CLOTHING nWICH STREET W,( At,the Windsor O!othing' Store, W33 SAN u. . ,J 33 Sandwwh-St. Bains, John, auctioneer, 110 Sandwich st, w, h Sf,Lme. BAINS, WM, Chief of Police, h, Glengarry avenue. Bailey, David, carpeilter, h, 61 Glengarry avenue. Bailey, Richard, shoemaker, shop and house, 129. l~aker, Anthony, laborer, h, Walkertown. Baker, tTacob, teamster, cor McDougall & Stewart sts. Baker, Joseph, general agent, h, 331 Sandwich st, e. ' Baker, \Vm, foreman cooper, bds DavenpOl:t House. Ballf, J no, tailor, Arthur st. Balsom, MI.', carpenter, 100 Windsor avenue. Bailkson, Wm, brakeman G W R, 141 Aylmer a\'enue.. Barcley, Mrs Mary, widmv; '122 Church st. Baptiste, Benj, .pIasterer, 180 Goyeau st. Bargeron, Patrick, shoemaker, h, cor Aylmer fLvenue anc1Brandt street. BARRETT, EDWAllD, prop American House, cor Ferry and Sandwich sts. Barrett, Thos, butcher, 1 9 McDougall st. Barringer, Jos W (Stroud & Barringer), h, 21 Sandwich st, e. BARRILLIER CHAS, real estate agent, notary Pllblic, &6, 55 Sandwich st (up stairs), h, 107 Pitt st, w. Barry, John, fireman, h, 55 Bassette avenue. BARTLETT, ALEX, town' clerk,' coroner, and agent Canada Life Insurance Co, sec & treas High Scheol Board; office, Town Hall; h,36 Lower Ferry st. Bartlett, Alex, jr, clerk, h, Glengarry avenue. Bartlett, Geo, book-keeper (D Cameron), h, 42 Victoria ave-nne. Bartlett, J all).es, contractor, h, 50 Victoria avenhe. Bartlett, Mrs W B, uakery and confectionery, 28 Glengarry ave. BARTLETT, W B, Custom House officer, h, 28 Glengarry ave. 22 WINDSOn mH1ICT0I1Y.

HAS. CLARK'S } ,If you wish to aveid Foplllal' Bad Coughs & Colds CBqP!llf~iC~S~~~ ,Y~IQ.~E .. E:~:::~:~Fa~:~es. J3iJJssaut, .Joseph, tailor, bds 103 Pitt st w. Bassette, J os, butcher, h, 20 Marrentette avenne. Battise, John, laborer, h, McDougall st. Banbee, H, farmer, 20 Bassette ave. Bauer, ,V f-{ cierk CD Cameron), bds Western HoteL . Baxter, H, green grocer, 119 Sandwich st, e, h, 79 Glengarry avenue. Baxter, Robt, driver, h,' 79 Glengarry ave. Baxter, S, millwright, bc1s Queen's Hotel. Beane, Geo, engil").eer, h, London st. Beattie, David, 86 Bruce ave. Beattie, Miss Emma, milliner, 15 Sandwich st, w. Beatty, E, grocer, 145 Sandwich st, 'v. Becroft, Dan'l, laborer, 21 McDougall st. Beddome, G B, accountant Mo]sons Bank, bds Queen's Hotel. Beirson, Mrs, widow, h, 20 McDougall st. BELL, JOHN :F, attorney, 37 Sandwich st, w, bds American Hotel. Bell, Henry, laborer, McDougall st. Bend, W m,88 Windsor ave. Bensette, Chas, clerk, h, Albert st. BENSON, W, collector of customs, h, cor ?\{ercer and Albert st. Bennett, Ed, contractor, h, London st. Bennett, J ohu, distiller, bel ~ 103 Pitt st, w. Bennett, Frank laborer, h. 73 Glengarry ave. BENETEAU, P, commission merchant, 70 Sanelwil'h st, w, Lds Chatham st. Bethune, D, Barrister, 57 Sandwich st, w (up stairs), h, 36 Bruce ave. Bice, Jas, engineer, 81 Aylmer ave~ WINDSOR DIR~tTORY. INDSOR CLOTHIN,C ST~REl '. Th(Wi~d~'~~J~th~~~s~dre. W. H. E. WH ITINe, f LARGE ASS~RTlUE~T or Children', Sult~. W33 SANDWfCH STREET, W From $2.50 up-33 Sandwich street, W

13ILI"ADEAU, Z, grocer, 9 Ohurch st. HILLYARD, WM, saloon and cigar store, 12 Upper Ferry st. Binsettp-, Ohas, bartender, h, Glengarry ave. BINSETTE, LOUIS, farmer, 20 Louis HinsetLe ave. Bird, Rebecca, widow, h, 108 McDougall st. Black, Alex (Black & Oheyne), h, London st. BLAOK & OHEYNE, ¢try goods and millinery, 17 Sandwich st, west. Black, Joseph, carpenter, bds 103 P~tt street, w. Black, John, gentleman, h, 119 Ohatl}am street, w. BLAOK, JOHN W, dry goods, boots and shoes, 91 Sandwich street, w; h, cor Park street and Bruce avenue. Blackburn, Thos, tinsmith, h, 119 Mercer street. Blanning, S, engineer, h, 193 Sandwich st, e. Blaitcher, Ohas, switchman G.W.R., h. 74 Aylmer ave. Blempied, Ohas, clerk, 223 Sandwich st, e. Bloom, -, carpenter, h, 327 Sandwich street, e. Bloom, Geo, carpenter, h, 235 Sandwich street, ·e. Bloom, Matt, carpenter, h, 235 Sandwich st, e. Blow, Wm, yardmaste~ G.W.R, 46 Bassette ave. BLUMENTHAL, OAPT FRANK, interpreter G.W.R., h, Goy- eau street. BOARD, J W, clerk International Hotel. 13oc1\£-r, Danl, carpenter, h, 94 Glengarry avenue. Bolton, Wm, painter, bds Davenport House. Bond, Ed W, student, 96 Windsor avenue. Bond, Wm, gardener, h, 96 'Vindsor avenue. Bonner, ¥rs, 194 Goyeau street. , Bormeau, Louis, clerk, h, 105 Glengarry avenue. Bour, Mrs Elizabeth, widow, Ohatham street, w. , . 14 24 WINDSOR DIREOTORY.

Botsford, W R-(the gentleman I wi"h to see personally, S. M Putney) Victoria ave. BOHr, Joseph, clerk, bds 14 Chatham street, w. Bourbonneis, L A, clerk, bds cor Pellissier and Pitt streets. Bourke, James, bartender, American HQllse. Bourke, T A, clerk (Rochleau), bds American Hotel. Bourbeau, Frank, laborer, h, 20 Arthur street. Bowden, Ed, clerk, 103 Aylmer avenue. BOWDEN, JOHN, assistant engineer Wf1ter works, 103 Aylmer avenue. BOWDEN, MRS J, grocer, 103 Aylmer ayenue. Bowen, H, laborer, h,8 Tillman street. Bowman, J aIm, baker (Morton's.) Boyd, Alex, laborer, Church street. Boylan; Geo A, sf1ilor, Ferry LUllch House. Brah, Benj, marble cutter, bds Great 'Vest ern Hotel. Bradshaw, J H, grocer, h, 77 Pitt street, e. Bradshaw, Wm, laborer, h, 126 :Mercer street. BRADT, PETER H, proprietor Internatiollf11 Hotel, 49 Sand­ wich street, w. BRAINARD, BEN.T C, marble cutter (W Shorlan1), a No.1 artist ("Hoodo.") Brakebill, Frank, clerk (Dougall Bros), bcls 28 :l<'e1'1'y street. Brassard, Dennis, clerk for T C Sutton, h, 31 Victoria. Breakbill, Frank, clerk, bcls 30 Ferry street. Breen, Geo, cabinet maker (Drake & Joice), h, 142 London st. Brewer, C W, station master G.W.R., h, 141 Sandwich street,c. Brown, Harry J, grainer, h, 172 Aylmer street. Brown, Thos J, clerk (Black & Cheyne), bds 17 f?andwich st, w. Brown, 'rhos, laborer, h, Goyeau"street. ' WINDSOR DIRECTORY. 25

INDSOR CLOTHINC STOR.E} .Whithig ke~.ps a. • , LARGE STOCK . OF· HATS, in all the latest W, H , E , WHITINC ,EnglisliandAmerican Styles, W "'lndsor ClothIng Store, 33 SANDWICH STREET , W 33 SandwICh street.

Browp, Thos, bookeeper for G W Girdlestone, bds Qu~en's Hotel, , Sand wich street, w. Brown, F X, upholster, 16 Pitt !Street, e. Brown, J as, laborer, 85 Church street. Brown, Jacob, gentleman, h, 24 Ohatham street, w. BROWN, MASON, cOliductor G.W.R., bds 103 Pitt street, w. Brown, N G, painter, h, I~ondcin street. Brown, S, shoemaker, head of London street. Brown, \Vm E, draughtsinan, 54 Pellisser street. Brown, \Vm, hostler, h, McDougall street. Brown, Wm, constable, 37 Albert street. Browne, Oampbell, clerk, h, 142 Pitt street, w. Browning, Allan, labofel:, 151 Aylmer avenue. Browning, Dave, laborer, 202 :McDougall street. Bryan, Ohristopher, laborer, 12 Assumption street. Buckley, Mrs R, grocery, 255 Goyeau street. Bushell, vVm, car reporter G.W.R., h, Sandwich street. Bulmer, Jane, 'widow, 78 Bruce avenue. BURNIE, THOS, bookeeper,'bd8 289 Sandwich street, w. BURNIE, THOS, book-keeper, h, 52 Orawford ave. Burford, Geo, barber, h, 53 Goyeau street. Burton, Jas, tailor, 9 Sandwich street, w. Bussey, Albert, wagon maker, bds 11 Pellissier street. Butterworth, Robt, engineer, 107 CHengany avenue. Butler, Mrs S J, hai'~ manufacturer, h, 150 Mercer street. Butterfield, Mrs, wid0w, h 56 Victoria avenue. , Calder, J olm, machinest G.W.R., 225 Sandwich street, e. CalQ.well, Samuel, shoemaker,Ohatham street. Oahill, Francis, carpenter, 124 Goyeau street. 9AMERON & CLEARY) barristers) 43 Sft,ndwich st, w, 26 WINDSOR DIRECTORY.

, ' Cameron, Alex (Cameron & Cleary), residence in Toronto. CAMERON, DONALD, dry goods merchant and mayor of town, 37 Sandwich st, W, h, 58 Victoria ave. Campbell, A T, junior, Merchant's Bank, bd~ Queen's Hotel. Campbell, Chas, bricklayer, h, 34 Arthur st. CampbsU, Chas, clerk, 117Sandwic;1 st, w. CAMPBELL, GEO, lumber merchant, 37 Sandwidl st, w, 11,185 Sand'wich st, e. See advt. CAMPFELL, J A H, lumber merchant, office, 37 Sandwich, w Campbell, Abraham, carpenter, l)(ls 233 Sandwich st, w. Campbell, Mrs, h, 102 Windsor aYe. ' Campbell, Mrs, widow, 146 Windsor aye. Canlpbell, Hezekiah, carpenter, Church st. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMEnCE, 87 Sandwich st, w. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE, .T. G. bnCHAnD, MANAGER A. 1.. D~~wAR, Acc(:mntant & Teller; J. 1\£. 'DUFF, ('lerk.

Interest at [) per cent. allowed on special deposits. Cannon U E, painter, bds American Hotel. Carmichael, Jas, carpenter, 102 Pitt street, L'. Carney, llichard, M.D., 108 Stewart st. Carter, J os, carpenter, 169 vYindsor avenue. CARY, BnOS, barbershop, 48 Sandwich. street, w. Cary, James, plasterer, h, 15~) Glengarry avenue. Cary, .John .J (of Cary Bros.), h, COl' PaTk and Church street. Cary, Thos 'F (of Cary Bros.), h, cor Park and Church st'reets, (jury, Tho.s{ b3,rber shop, 94 Church s.treet, WINDSOR DIRECTORY. 27

INDSOR CLOTHINC STORE} WHITING l~:~:d. for keep- BEST ASSORTMENT W. H.. E WHIT I,NC . or Gents Kid! in the Town: W 'WINDSOR CL~THING STOR~ 33 SANDWICH. STREET , W 33 SandwICh street." •

Carry, Mrs Mary, h. 104 McDougall street. Carl, Pat, lab01'er, h, 123 Glengarry avenue. CARON, FRANCOIS, Police Magistrate, h, 261 Sandwich st, w. Carson, Fredk, carriage paint!3r, (Pearce & Maycock.) Carr, Micha~l, laborer, 70 Church street. CASGRAJN, DR, h, 159 Chatham street, w. C,wlfeild, Rev St George, h, 64 Goyeau street. Chapman, John, teamster, h London street. Chapman, .Tohn, carpenter; bds Windsor avenue. Chapman, Richard, butcher, bds 35 Sandwich street, e. Chatel', George, mason, 55 Ooyeau street. ('HATER & ASHWELL, props Great "\Yestern Hotel, 1 Sand- wich street, w. Chatel', Mrs F, (of Chatel' & Ashwell. Chatel" Thos, Great Western Hotel. CHARLESWORTH, HORATIO G; boots and, shoes, Opera House Block, h 119 Goyeau street. See adv. CHAMBERS, J A, }\'[ D, office 57 Sandwich stl'eet, w (np stairs), bds International Hotel. Cheesman, Benj, bakery, 60 Glengarry aye. Cheswick, Geo. G.W.R., 137 Aylmer ave. Cheyne, Geo (of Black & Cheyne), h 95 Glengarry av;e. Cheyne, John, gentleman, h 17 Sandwich ,yo Cheyne, Mrs M (Black & Cheyne), h 17 Sandwich st w. 'Cheyne, George, salesman (Black & Cheyne) h 95 Glengarry ave. CH1TTLES. THOS, 5 Sandwich st e, groceries and crockery,. &c, h over store (see advt.) Christman, Abe, M.C.R.n., h Chatham st w. Christian, Richard, laborer, 83 Church· st, C;lark, .A, grocery, h 82 McDougall st. 28 WINDSOR DIRECTORY.

Cla,rk, Bradford, millwright, bds 233 Sandwich st w. CLARK, CHAS, boots and shoes, 89 Sandwich st w, h 96 Pitt st w (see advt.) CHARLES CLARK, Manufacturer of and dealer in fine boots and shoes. A splendid assortment of all classes of goods at lowest prices., The popular boot and shoe store. Sign of.the Big Red Boot. No. 89 Dou­ gall Block, next do\w to the Canadian Bank of Commerce, h 96 Vittst w. CLARK, ELISHA N, gentleman, International Hotel. Clark, ,Tno, bricklayer, bds 'Vindsor Exchange. CLARK, ,TNO, customs office, cor :Ferryand Chatham sts. Clark, .Jas, G."'\Y.R. \ Clark, Miss M H, private school, G7 Uoyean st. Clark, "'\Vm, hoorer, 149 Bruce ave. Clark, Pierce, millwright, bds 233 Sandwich st w. Clark, Samuel, shoemaker, h 106 McDougall st. "'­ CLARK, JOS, Prop International Hotel, COl" Sandwich and Onellette sts (see advt.) Clary, Jno, tailor, 47 Church'st. Clay, Henry (small grocery) 55 Church st. Clayton, James, stone-cutter, 68 Windsor ave. Cleary, F (Cameron &; Cleary), 44 Orawford a;m Clemen, Albert, merchant, 11 153 Goyeau. Cleminson. Robt J, engineer G W· R, 121 Aylmer ave. CLINTON, A R, capt of ferry boat Hope, h 22 Ohatham st w. CLINTON, W H, capt ferry Victoria, 18 Pitt st w. Clifford, Ohas, cabinet maker, 1 Robinson st. Coele, Geo) broom-maker, bd~ 62 Windsor ave, WINDSOR DIRECTORY. 29

·WINDSOR CLOTHINC STORE) The. Wi?dsor Olothing ~ Store 18 the only ex- . . W. H. E. WHITINC, . elusive Olothing and ( Hat Soore in the 00. 33 SANDWICH STREET, WJ 33 Sandwich-st, W. Colby, Wm, engineer, G W R, 14 Bassette . .Collier & Dupuis, carriage makers, cor Goyean and Park sts. Cole, N orval, laborer, h cor Goyeau and Chatham streets. Coleinan, J os, helper (Pearce & Maycock.) con Jos, shoemaker (J. Sepner.) Collier, M J, 6 Park street. Connelly, Mrs, widow, 70 Pitt street, e. Conway, Patrick, dry goods and tailor, 9 Sandwich st, e, h same. Coombs, J ohIt, gas-fitter, bds 62 Windsor avenue. Coombs, Marcus, laborer, 92 Chatham street. Oo~k, J.ames, enginEier G.W.R, h 127 Wyandotte street, c: COONEY, MRS, dressmaker, 84 Aylmer. avenue. Cordes, Ed, merchant, bcls 59 Goyeau street, w. Cotter House, 83 and 85 Sandwich street, w. Cotter Jas H, G."\V.R Filion Ferry, 23 Goyeau street. COT1,'ER, JAS, RR contractor, 23 Goyeau street. Cotter, Wm, gentleman, 27 Goyeau street. Cotter, Wm E, G.W.R, 23 Goyean street. OOULTER, WM, tobacconist, 19 Sanclwich street, w, h 45 Pel- lissier street. See ad\". Coulter, Robt, Clerk (Wm Coulter), bds 45 Pellissier st. Ooumbe, A J, clerk (Oeo Oampbell), rooms in Curry's block Courtney, N, Freight Depot G.W.R, 78 Pitt street, e. Consins, Alex, clerk (P 0), bds 170 Goyeau street. Coventry, Chas, shoemaker, bc1s Windsor avenue. Coventry, Dr, London street. Cowan, Miles, chief clerk Customs, h Sandwich, Onto COWAN, W F, Customs Broker, h Sandwich, Onto Cox, Geo M, 14 Chatham st (of O'Connor, Cox & Onellettee.) Cox, Wm, engineer G.W.R,\ h 108 Mercer street. 30 WINDSOR DIRECTOllY.

Crabb, Lenton, broom maker, 57 Aylmer avenue. Craig, Geo, shoemaker, h 170 'iiVindsor avenue. CRAIG, EETER A, blacksmith, McDougall street, h 269 Sand­ wich street, e. See adv. Oraig, Robert, laborer, h 1 Tillman street. ORAMPToN, JAS, groceries, li(luors, crockery and glassware, 9!J Sandwich street, e, h same. Crane, J L, clerk CD. Cameron), bds 'iVestern Hotel. ORAVEN, BUNK, 23 J\,[cDougall street, boot and shoe m~kel'. See card. Crew, H, carpenter, h vValkertown. Crohen, E, clerk, bds A.merican House. Cronan, Dan~ tailor, h 68 Glengarry avenue. Cronk & Palmer, pop manufacturers, Pitt street. Cross, 'iVin, laborer, 20 Bassette avenue. Cronse, Adolph, stoemaker (.J. Sepner.) Crowley, Thomas, shoemaker, 89 Arthur street. Crowley, Thomas, shoemaker (.T. Sepner), h cor Stewart and Mercer street. Crowley, Danl, foreman (H G Oharlesworth.) Crowley, Thomas, engineer G 'iV R, h 62 Aylmer ave. Cuerier, Anthony, clerk (Whiting's) h 30 Victoria ave. Compton, Alfred, tailor, h 118 Windsor ftYe. Cummings, Chas, pftinter, 234 Goyeau st. , Cummings. Ed, carpenter, 234 Ggyeau st. Cunningham, F H, book-keeper, bds American Hotel. Curry Bros, real estate agents and brokers,. 50 Sandwich st w. Curry,Jas It (Curry Bros), bds American Hotel. Curry,John (Curry Bros), bds American Hotel. Clirsey, Isaac, barber, bds 94 Church st. . WINDSOR DIRECTORY. 31

INDSOR, CLOTHINC STOR,E •• " WH!TII{C MAKES ASPEC,liLlY. 0+ 1 W H E WHITINC tUNDERCLOTff 1NG _. • ., , ( AND HOSIEJty. ' W33 SANGWICH STREET, W) 3'3 Sandwich-st, w. Curtis, Mrs Jane, widow, h 113 Chatham st w. Dains, J, laborer, bds Bruce ave. Dakers, Benj, clerk, bds 33 Sandwich st e. Daly, Richarp, laborer, h 136 McDougaH st, Dancer, Henry E, painter, 120 Chatham st. Daniel, Jos, watchmaker, bds 59 Goyeau ave. DAONST, JOS G, lumber merGhant, 37 Sandwich· st \Y. DAVENPORT HOUSE, Freel'k Stephen, prop, 51 Sandwich st e (see advt.) D A. VEY, T W (the th~atrical manager who refuses to admit . members of the press), lives 303 Goyeau st. Davie, John, tinsmith, h Walkertown. Davis, Amanda, widow, h 132 McDougall st. Davis, Benj G, pedlar, 163 Aylmer ave. DAVIS, JOHN, revenue inspector, h Sandwich st e. Davison, Amaziah, bricklayer, bds 20 Tillman st e. Deadman, Jas, painter, 17 Goyeau st. Deese, James, laborer, bds 117 Glengarry aye. DeGroat, Dan'l, shoemaker (J Sepner.) DELISLE & SON, builders and contractors, 214 and 215 Mercer st (see advt.) Deitchlaugh, W m, carpenter, h 336 Goyeau st. Delisle, Anthony (Delisle & Son), 214 Mercer st. Delisle, Chas (Delisle & Son), 215 Mercer st. Delisle, Peter, shoemaker, h Sandwich st. Dunham, Chas, messenger G W R, h Assumption st. Dennison, Mrs M, widow, h 25 Gle~lgarry ave. . D~r!Jcher, T, painter, 249 Go:y:eau st. Devinny, Martin C; blacksmith, bds Pitt st. Deuch, ThclInas, clerk" slip office," h 36 Aylmer ave. 32 • WINDSOR DIUECTQRY.

HAS. CLARK'S .} QUICK SALES CB~OJ..!!]!~w~!~~E SMALL PROFITS; Dawson, Wm, stock reporter G W H, h 49 Victoria ave. Derand, Eugene, cook,h Cooley's bridge. Devlin Hncrh clerk (H G Charlesworth.) , 1 0 ' Dewar, A L, accountant Canadian Bank of Commerce. Dixon, ,James, butcher, h 162 Windsor avenue. • Dickson, Joseph, painter, h Sandwich avenue, w. TIike, Clement,carpenter, h Vvalkertown. Dike, Egite,tobacco cutter Victoria Tobocco ,Yorks, h Me: Dougall street. Ditch, W H (W & D Ditch) 67 Church street. Dixon, Chas G, Excise Officer, Stllidwich tOWll: Dixon, Chas, laborer, h 175 Sandwich street, w. DJherty, Chas D, G.W.U., bds I~1ternational Hotel. . Donoh11e, Jerry, magon, 11 182 Mercer street\ Dougall, Alfred, manager (W. 13. Hirons), 33 Windsor street. DOUGALL BHOS, dry goods, etc, 86 and 88 Sandwich: st, w. Dongall, Chas, nursery man, 'Windsor street. DOUGALL, DUNCAN, barrister and attorney at law. DUNCAN DOUGALL, Barrister, attorney-at-law, solicitor in chancery, notary public, etc., etc. Solicitor for the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to loan on real estate. Office, No. 55 Sandwich street, west, room No. lover Longlois' grocery store. Dongall, Francis J (of Dougall Bros.), h 49 Bruce avenue. DOUGALL, JAS A, manager (WE Hi'rons), h Windsor street. Dougall, J as, nursery man, Windsor street. Bourke, J, tobacco cutter, 33 McDougall street: Downs, Thos,drayman, 133 Arthur street. Doxsie, Harry, harness maker, bds 132 Pitt stl'eet, w. '. WINDSOR DIRECTORY. 33

INDSOR ClOTHINC STORE} The Windsor Clothin...g. . Store does business W • W • H • I E • WHITINC ,Strictly on '. the One 33 SANDWICH STREET, W Price System. ... , DHAKE & JOYCE,. furniture, etc., 61 Sandwich st, w. See adv. Drake, J W (of Drake, & Joyce) h 111 Bruce avenue. Duff, J M, ledger keeper, Canadian Bank of Commerce.

Duff, Wm Gf salesmtl,U (Lacroix Bros.), 1?4 Pitt street, e. Dugray, Frank, joiner,h 65 Pitt street, e. Dngray, S, carpenter, h London street. Dunbar, Alex, carpenter, '167 Goyeau street. Duncan, Geo B, laborer, McDougall street. Dunford, James, laborer, h 186 Mercer street. Duke, Henry, apprentice (Pierce& Maycock.) Dupuis, S, h GO 'Windsor avenue. Dutton, Steve, lamorer, h .155 McDougall Et. Duvell, F, engineer, 34 Bassette' ave . . Dyer, Jas, cal' repairer G.W.R, 66 Pitt street,s. Earle, John, laborer, bds 62 'Windsor avenue. East, Robert, drayman, h 195 McDougall street. 'East, Sam, hlborer, h 102 McDollgall street. Eden, Alfcl, carpenter, bc1s 221 Sandwich street, e. Edgar, .Joseph S, cutter for Oll,as Clark, h 88 Glengarry ave. Egan, .John, cooper, h 67 Glengarry avenue. , Elliott, David,engineer, h 90 Parrent avenue. ErIiott, James, livery sta1le, 11 and 13 qoyeau street. Elliott, Thomas, collector, 108 Pitt street., w. Elliott, vValter, agent, bds cor Victoria and Park streets. Ellis, Alex, lawyer, 29 Windsor street. Ellis, H D, student, 158 Goyeau street. Emry, J as, bartender, Beeman House. England, J as, stone cutter, 4 Detroit.

Eno-Iando ' J os , stone cutter, h 316 Goveo.uJ street. .Ernest, l\Irs Annie, ",ido'w, 11 136 Olengal1'J avenue. 3~ WINDSOR DIRECTORY.

HAS. CLARK'S } You Cannot Miss Popular THAT C' BqPln~lc~~~~,tlnqYr~E" BIG RED BOOT;" CHAS. A. ERDMAN, Manufacturer of bread, cakes, crackers, biscuit and confectionery of all ·kinds. ]3akery and residence 111 and 113 Ohatham street, w. Erdman, Ohas A, confectioner, 114 and 115 Ohatham st w. Evans, George, laborer, h 331 Goyeau street. Evans, Israel, gentleman, h Park street. ERRAN, JOI:fN, sheriff, It between Windsor and Sandwich. Fallick, Wm, "bushwhacker," bds 62 'Windsor avenue. Faulkner, Joseph VV, carpenter, 71 Ohatham street, e. Fawcett, Mary, wid~:nv. boarding house, 63 Pitt street, e. Ferry, .J oseph, blacksmith, h 318 Goyeau street. Ferry, Thos, blacksmith, 11 3J 8 Goyeau street. Fergus, Robert, gentleman, Bruce [I.\'enue. Ferguson, Alex, freight agent G. W. R,207 Goyeau street. Ferguson, Wm, laborer, h 110 Aylmer avenue. :Field, Horace, R.R hand, h 30 Marrentette avenue. :Fielding, Mrs S A, boarding house, 39 Sanch'ich street, e. Findon & Giles, brewery, 68 Pitt street, w. Findon, Wm (of ;Findon & Giles), 68 Pitt street. FINNIE, HEOTOR, engineer C:.\V.R, 309 Saml\\'ich street, E', cor Langlois avenue. :Firley, Thos, gentleman, 102 Pitt street,\\'. Firley, 'IV ill, ,vheelsman :Ferry Victoria, 102 l'itt street, w. :Fisher, F, U W Ii, :3 Tillman st w. . :Flannigan, Juhn, millwright, bds 2:33 Sandwich s.t w. ~ Fleming, Arthur, clerk (J Parry &; Co.) :Fleming, D W, bds at Parent's. Fleming, Sam'l, J P, 137 Goyeau sL Flowers, Mrs, widow, dressmaker, 90 Ohurch st. Fluett, Leyi, carpenter, It 017 Sandwich st e. WINDSOR, DIRECTORY. 35.


- W. H. E. WHITINC, \.LARGEoF STOCK W- 33 SANDWI'CH STR' EET W' White, Regatta & Oxford , '" , ' J ' Shirts. 33 Sandwich;st. Flynn, P, laborer, 127 Arthur st. :Ford; Chas, barber,.5 Robinson st. Forbes, Mrs, widow, 60 Pitt st w. :Fortier, Chas G, dep col revenue dept, h' Sandwich st. FORD, CHAS 13, barber, 9 Sandwich at w, h Robinsonsb (se.e card). :Forrest, :Frecl'k, clerk, bds 41 Sand wicll st. :FOSTER, F L, provincial land smveyor, civil engineer and draughtsman, 43 Sandwich st w, h 158 Goyeau st. Foster, Geo E, tailor, h 93 Centre st. , Foster, J o~m, speculator, h 50 Windsor ave. . Foster, John, butcher, bds 35 Sandwich st e. , :Foster. J olm, clerk, h 93 Centre st~ Foster, James, jr, wheelsman ferry" Detroit," 93 Centre st. Foster, J smes, capt of ferry boat" Detroit," 93 Centre st. FOSTER, ROBT PORTER, butcher, 35 Sandwich e, hover store. :Foster, Thos, fireman G \V R, bds 36 Bassette ave. Foster, Wm, butcher, bds 35 Sandwich st e. Foster, Wm, G W R, bds 99 Aylmer ave. :Foster, Mrs 'V, widow, 99 Aylmer ave. }'Olunier, Chas, brakeman, bds cor Tuscarora and ~Ier.cer sts. Fo"x, -'----, h 134 Aylmer ave. FOX, THOS L, saW mill alld lumber yard, ferry dock, h 163 '\Vindsor ave. FRASER & JOHNSTON, bankers and b~'okers, 8 Upper Fen-y street. }\'azier, Colley, carriage trimmer, bds Amcrican House. Fraser,Donald, shoemaker (J Sepner.) ~'rase:r, Dan, clerk, h 98 Windsor ave, 36 WIXDSOR DIRECTORY. ·HAS. CLARK'S '. }OVERSHOES . . BOOT &SHoi STORE' In Greatvar:~LIPPERS C89 Sandwich·st. ''''J 'Vlndsor. Fraser, George (Fraser & Johnston) h 151 Goyeau st. Fraser, J, house builder, 129 Arthur st. :Frazer, James, jeweller, 60 Sandwich st w, h same. :Frazer, W H, check agent G W R, h 78 Louis Bassette ave. :Frankum, Geo, engineer, 134 Goyeau st. :Frankum, J, engineer, Detroit. :Francis, Wm, laborer, h 7 Tillman st. :Frank, Lewis, tobacconist,h 276 Sandwich st "'. Freeman, H, cooper, 4~ Chatham st e. Freeman, .J C, painter and grainer, h 119 Glengarry ave. Finley, Sam, fireman G VV l~, h 36 Bassette ave. :Fulmer, C (McGregor & Fulmer), h C'hatham street. Fulmer, F C, li\rery stables, 51 Chatham street. Fuller, Eliphlat, harness maker, h 110 Pitt street, -w. :Fuller, Titus, clerk, 98 Chatham street:.. ]?ullman, -, G.W.E., bds 63 Pitt street, e. Gall, Wm, carpenter, bds Davenport House. Oatland, J N, librarian Y ]\I[ H, Detroit, h 77 Londun street. (layeau, D, farmer, 15 Chatham street, w. George, Henry, laborer, 49 Church street. GERO W, E, coal oil dealer, Elliott street. Gerald, ,Vm .r, acct. Revenue Department, bds Queen's Hotel. Geves, Edwin, carpenter, 20 Tillman street, e. ri IBSON .J (Thornlmrn & Gi-bson), cor Marrintette &: Arthur st,s. UibsoD, Mrs; widow, h 154 McDongall st. GIBSON, W]\I[ M, chief engineer Windsor 'Vater Works, resid- . ence Water Works Building, Sandwich st. . Gibbons, Thomas, livery stable, h 126 Goyeau st. Gifford, Frank, clerk, bds Chatham street. Gifford, W R, gentleman, 77 Chatham st. WINDSOR DmECTORY. .3.7

IND~oRv CLOTH INC STORE 1The Store Windsor keeps 01.a o.:Larlle thing Assortment of lV,[en s, , W••• H E WH ITINC ,( Youth.s'&Bo¥s:'~ver-' W33 SANDWtCH STREET, WJ ~~fct:s~n 3~1 ~~~g~~~

Gignac, Alex, clerk (J W Peddie.) Gignac, Simon, clerk, 11 'Yindsor aye. Gilbert, E K, Mrs, widow, 301 Sandwich st, ('. Gilchrist, Mike, gentleman, 391 Goyeau st.. 'Giles, Edward (of Findon & Giles), Goyeau st. Gilkes, Geo, clerk, Custom House, h 23 Chatham st, w. Gillett, C J, book keeper, h 36 Goyeau st. Gillett, W'm, brakeman, h 162 Aylmer aye. Gill, Wm, Excise Officer, Walkerville. Girdlestone, Chas, gentleman, h 93 Chatham st, w. GIRDLESTONE, G W, Express agent, commission merchaht~ insurance agent, coal dealer, etc, 68 Sandwich st, \Y, h, 156 Bruce a,-e. Girdlestone, R J, Excise Officer, Walkerville. ' Girdlestone, -, check agent G W n, h 160 Aylmer ave, Gireaux, -, pedlar, Elliott st. GLUNS, RHEINHOLD, tanner and shoe store, 11 Sandwich street, e, h Sandwich. See ady. Goddard, S M, architect, Curry Block. Goninan, M, laborer, 64 Pitt st, e. Goodenough, Henry, ~ 85 Sandwich st, e. Gordey, John, teamster, h Windsor ave. Gordon, vYm, teamster, 150 Chatham st. Gorst, Thos, photographer, Curry Block GOSS, JOHN, canvasser (Charlton & Co.) bels Queen's Hotel. Goslin, Eliza, widow; 15 McDougall st. ' Goslin, George, teamster, bds 15 McDougall st. Goslin, James, drayman, bds 15 McDougall st. Gould, John, carpenter, h 295 Sandwich st e. Goward, Oliver, mason~ 201 Bruce aye. 38 IYINDSOR DIRECTORY.

'i'C""Popular"HAS. CLARK'S } EXTENSIO~·AND ., 8~OI!.~.~~~ w~r!~E ~~~~;:,~~~::

Goward, Sam'l errand boy (J Parry & Co.) Gowrie, Peter, brakeman G VV R, h :)± Aylmer ave. Grady, Michael, janitor Opera House. Grant, Effie, milliner (G W Peddie.) Grant, Geo, clerk, bds cor Goyeau ana Pitt sls. Grant, Gco, laborer, h McDougall st. Grant, Mrs, 56 vVindsor ave. Graham, Miss E, milliner, bds 17 Sandwich st w. Graveline, Henry, cooper, bds 62 Pitt st w. G-RASETT, CD, manager Merchant's Bank, h 2± Victoria ave; cor London st. Grasett, H J, junior, Molsons Bank, bds 2± Victoria ave. Gray, John, hostler Davenport House. GREAT WESTERN HOTEL, 1 Sandwich st w, cor Goyeau, Chatel' & Ashwell, props. Green, J olm, laborer, h Goyean st. GREEN, ROBT, Maple Leaf Hotel, 42 Aylmer aye. Green, Thomas, laborer, h 115 McDougall st. Green, Richard, carpenter, 88 Chatham st. Green vYm, railroad hand, h 82 Parrent aye. Gregg, carpenter G W R, 149 Aylmer aye. GREY, JOHN, REV, h 10 Victoria ave. Grimsby, C .J, tailor, h 190 Aylmer an. Grieve, Dan, laborer, h 114 vVindsor ave. Grieve, T M, laborer, bds Sandwich st. Griffiths, Benj, carpenter, 20\:1 t:andwich st e. Griffiths, .J as, errand boy, bds 209 Sandwich st. Grogan, vVm, laborer, 199 Mercer st. Groisbeck, Joseph, farmer, h 349 Sandwich st e. Gunton, Fred'k, laborer, h 155 Glengarry ave. WINDSOR DIRECTORY.

INDSOR CLOTHINC STORE }Whiti.nkeep'Ing.. g isthe noted. finest as-fo.r 8ortmen.t o'f Oollars, W. H • E . WHITINC ,Ties & Silk Handker- W. 33 SANDWICH STREET, W g~ie~~i:twt~;:_sT.°:.n. Hagan, Nelson, cook, h 76 Goyeau st. Haines, Ed, cook, h 123 McDougall st. Hall, John, drayman, h 140 McDougall st. HALL, JOSEPH, locomotive foreman, h 58 I.ouis Ba.\lsette aVIt. Hall, N orven, cook, h McDougall st. HALL, S S, assistant manager Queen's Hotel. Hall, Rebecca, widow, h 144 McDougall st. Hall, Stephen, tank keeper, 193 Mercer st. Hall, Wm, farmer, Sandwich st, e. Hallowell, .James, S, general agent, h 156 Goyeau st. Halford, Agnes, dressmaker, Ouellette Block. Hamilton, James, brakesman, 47 ·Windsorst. Hamilton, J as, baker, h 113 Pitt st, w. Hamilton, Robt, laborer, h 139 Chatham; w. Hamilton, Saml, boarding house, 77 Pitt st, e. Hamilton, Thos, yardsman G W R, h 24 Bassette ave. Hand, Robt, baggage master G W R, h 95 Windsor ave. Hanlon, James, laborer, h 190 Mercer st. Hanlon, John, RR hand, h 88 Parrent ave. Hannan, John, 2 Robinson st. Hannan, John, plumber (Wm Rolft:) HANNAN, JNO, drayman, 2 Robinson st. Hanson, C F, foreman, h Sandwich at. Hanrahan, E,jun, grocer, 29 Glengarry ave, h 27 Glengarry Rve. Hanrahan, EdVl~ard, grocer, 33 Glengarry ave, h 27 Glengarryav. Hanrahan, J, hackowner, h 27 Glengan'Y ave. Harburn, Geo, switchman G.W.R., bds 36 Bassette ave.· Harding, W m, laborer, 187 Mercer st. Harling, 'Vm J, engineer, Bruce ave. Harter, Saml, engineer, ~OO Bruce ave. i Harrington, Mike, laborer, bds Glengarry ayenue. Harris, Benj, laborer, h 24 McDougall ~t. HARRIS, H, green groce, 139 SandwIch st, w. HARRIS, JAMES, fireman G W R, h 85 Parrent ave. Harper,Wm, confectionery, h and shop 63 Sandwich st,w. Hart, Geo, h 90 Windsor ave. . 40 WINDSOR DiRECTORY.

Hart, N athall 'bbhacrcracreman 0 G W R, h 88 Windsor ave. Harvey, ,J olm, laborer, bds 117 Glengarry aYe. . Haslett, J as, cooper, bds Beeman House. Haydtm, Juo, brakesman G'V R, bds Beeman House. Hays; Oeo, engineer, h 7'2 Goyeau st. Heans, Henry, blacksmith, Pearce & :i\Iaycock. Heffern, Jno, laborer, 10 Parrent ave. HENDERSON, ALEX, clerk (J W Peddie), bds 1:32 Pitt st. Henderson, E, laborer, 91 McDougall st. Herst, vVm, deck hm'ld, steamer Hope, bds 121 Mercer. Hess, A, carpentei.', 'Arthur st. Higgins,Oeo, laborer, bds Ooyeau st. Hight, .Tesse, teamster, h Howard ave. Hill, Henry, laborer, h 56 Aylliler aYe. Hill, Samuel, farmer, h :McDougall st.. Hillier, Thos, janitor tqWll hall, 11 basement of school house. Hillman, Thomas, clerk, 0 'V H, h Glencoe, Onto Hinds, -,'laborer, 'Elliott st. Hines, Euclid, lahorer, h Essex: st. Hingle,:i\I .I, huilder, 79 Chatham st e. HIltONS, W H, wholesale and retail grol5er, Opera House Block, Sand ",ich st w, branch house 3± Larned st, Detroit, h 349 Sallliwich W. Hodges, Alex, Albert st. Hodgsoil, \Vm, mason. 83 l'anent Hye. Hogan, tTos, laborer, 106 Arthm st. Holmes, Randolph, sailor, 8:3 Church fit. Holton, :Fred'k .J, clerk, bds U8 Chatham st. Holton, .J W, exchange broker; Ouellette block, h 148 Chatham. HOHNE, C Hi barrister, Curry hlock, roonis 6 & 8, h 16'2 Bruce avenue. Hortin, VifIll. gentlemau, III noyeau Cit. Hartin, 'Vm D, druggist, 10 Goyeau st, h same. Houston, Mrs, 'widow, h DJ Aylmer ave. HOWSON" ~ISS JOSSIE, clerk (J W Peddie), bds Glengarry Howson, )ired k, firelilan 0 'V R, 101' Aylmer ave.' WINDSOR DIRECTORY. 41 ·. INDSOR ClOTH.INC STORE)FASH. laNABLE'sulT W. H. E. WHITINC \ ' IHEWINDSOR CLOTHINC STORE W , j IS T:H:E SPOT, 33 Sandwich-st., 33 SANDWICH STREET , W ~.. Hudson, vV, carpenter, 18 Bassette st. ' Huff, S D, oyster house, opp hay market. Hughes, S D, tinsmith, bcls 255 Goyeau st. Hulbert, Wm L, book-keeper. 84 Ohatham st. Hull, Horace G, shoemaker (.J Sepner). Hunt, Hezekiah, gardener, h McDougall st. Hunter, Mrs Mary, widow, 79 Ohurch st. Hurse, ,\iVm, laborer;bds 122 Mercer st. Hurley, lVIike, laborer, Aylmer ave. Hurlburt, John, clerk, h 20 Victoria aye. Hurst, Mrs Sarah J, dressmaker, 121 Sandwich st e. Hyde, Thos H, laborer, 17 Parrent ave. Hnrt, Francis, fireman,D W R, h 184 Aylmer ave.' Hutton, Albert, tinsmith, h 130 Pitt st w. HUTTON, MIlS E H, Qli.een's Hutel,,71 and 73 Sandwich st. l-Iutton, :Fmnk, cl81'k (Thorburn & Gibson), bds,Queen's Hotel. QUEEN'S HOTEL, MRS. E. H. HUTTON, PROP., 71 '& 73 Sandwich st., w. Fil'st rate accon1modation. Ohoice wines, liquors andcigal's at the bar. A good c01nfoTtablehou~e:

INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT, J olm D~vis, inspector, Opera House. ' INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, 49 Sandwich st, w. Ireland, J F, accountant Mei'chant's Bank, h Victoria ave. lrskine, G, carpenter, Elliott st: ' Irwin, Geo, engineer G W R, 51 Aylmer ave. ,J acobs, -, 34 Albert st. Jackson, Jas, hackman, 81 :McDougall st. ,T ackson, J H, grocery, h McDougall st. ,Tackson, Henry, lahorer, h 101 Mercer st. .Tackson, William, hackman, 81 McDougall st. .Jackson, Z, backman, 81 McDougall st. lANE, JNO, blacksmith, cor GQlHCh and l)itt st, .42 WINDSOR DIRECTORY.


, BOOT & SHOE STORE -BUT-' C811 8andwieh.8t. W., Windsor. ~ THE BIC RED 800T JOHN JANE, Blacksmith, cor Church and Pitt.sts. Smith work of all ~inds done with neatness and dispatch. Ship and steamboat work. , :Mill picks made and repaired. Charges moderate. Jacques, Frank, apprentice (W Shorland), bds Detroit. ,Taney, Abel, apprentice (W Rolff.) J anneack, Felix, laborer, h 326 Goyeau st. Jarvis, Edwin, fireman, D & 'M RR, h 112 Aylmer ave. Jaynes, Wm, tailor, 8 Robinson st. , .Jeffrey, Edward, yardsman G W R, 107 Aylmer ave . .Jeffrey, R K, lumber merchants, h6,8 Crawford ave. ,Jenks, John H, commission broker, Opera House, Goyean st . .JeneY"IChas, saloon, cor Pitt and Ouellette st. •J enneack, Thos, laborer, h 109 Chatham st, 'v. JENNISSE,VICTOR, dry goods, 65 Sandwich st, w, h 2H) Sandwich st, w. ' .T essie, Ellen, widow, h Assumption st. •Tohness, jr, D, clerk (W B Hirons) bds Queen's Hotel. ,Tohnson, -, shoemaker (Clark's) l;lds 28 Ferry st, Johnson, -, painter, Elliott st. ,Tohnsol1, Chas, drayman; 100 Church s::. Johnson, Exum, barber, 29 McDougall st. Johnson, David, blackslnith,11 99 Glengarry ave . .1ohnson, Harvey E, errand boy (Lacroix Bros.) Johnson, Henry. farmer, 98 Church st. •Tohnaon, John A, cook, 131111erce1' st. ,Johnson, John, waggon maker, h 42 Goyeau st. Johnson, IJevi, conductor, M C R R sleeping cal', h 125 G1ell- garry ave. . .Johnson,Robel't, sewing machine agent, h 78 Aylmer aye . .Johnson, R M, clerk, .21 Opera House. •Tohnson, Mrs R M, dressmaker, dressmakel' fQol1l) 21 Opera House. . . Johnson, Samuel, shoemakel', 11 30 :Ferry st, Johnson, W,% laborer, h 6~ WlcDo-ng&ll Rt, WINDSOR DIRECTORY. 43


i. ,.... _ . I.H. E. WH ITINe, , Silk ant i~1t Hats, W .• 33SANDWI,CH STREET, W At WhitlDg's, ?3Sandwi~h'st w.

Johnston, Chas, insurance agent, h Ouellette aYe,office 33 Fel~ry JoluLston, Chas, gTocer, h 85 Ouellette st. JOHNSTON,JR, DAVID, book keeper (Black & Cheyne), Lds 99 Glengarrya,ye. Johnston, Jas H, teacher High School, 145 'Windsor ave. Johnston, E, of Lambie & Co, h Ouellette st. .Johnston, James C, baggageman G \V R, h 114 Aylmer ave . •Johnston, Mary, milliner (J W Peddie). Johnston, R E (Fraser & .J ohnston), h Ouellette ave . •Tohnston, Stmvart \V, book-keeper (IV B Hirons), Windsor aye . •Johnston, \Vm, hotel keeper, 113 Sandwich st. ;Johnson, Wm, laborer, 67 McDougall st. •Johnson, .T as, laborer, 67 McDougall st. J ones, Felix, laborer, Crawford ave. ,Jones, Fred, time-keeper G VV R, h 34 Marrclltettc ave . .J ones, J, laborer, 69 Albert st. Jones, Jeriah, h Aylmer ave. ~r ones, Mrs M, widow, Arthur st. •Jones, Mrs R, widow, 15 Sandwich w . .Jones, Wm, laborer, h 128 McDougall st. ,Jones, \Vm, laborer, h 169 McDougallst. .TONES, WALTER G, gen ass't ag't G T R, h 114 Goyeau st. Joyce, Alfred W, of Drake & Joyce, 109 Bruce ave. Keightley, J F S, agent G W R, Walkertown, bc1s 49 Victoria aye Kelly, -, laborer, 10'8 Glengarry ave. Kelly, Mrs Sarah, widow, 79 Church st. I Kelsey, Chas, green grocer, 31 Sandwich st e. Kennedy, Arthur, brewer, h 283 Sandwich st e. Kennedy, D A, gentleman, h 46 Victoria ave. Kennedy, Henry, wholesale liquor merchant, 12 Goyeau st, h 011 Sandwich Road. Kenny, Alfred, machinist, h 108 Glengarry ave. Kerr, -, h 49 Glengarry ave. Kerr, Hugh, machinist, 9 Pitt st e. Kersey, Isaac, barber, with Cary Bros, bdscor Park & Clu1l'ch st Keys, Isaiah, 'student, h 78 McDong411 st. '44 WINDSOR DIRECTORY.

HAS. CLARK'S } I do. not ':aliPoUl"t(,~t(s . Popular taII;"neItberdo,lh'l:lf1ue · & S'HOE STORE ohallenges, but I;'do BO OT.·. ~urJ1.~utt,he_bef\ltwQtk C. 89 !!audwi.ch-st. W., Windsor. In WIndsor. Keys, Wm; drayman, h 78 McDougall st~ . Killam, Albert C, student at law, bds 85 SandwlChst e. Kilroy, John, gentleman, 16 Goyeau st. ' . Kilroy, J os, rnail clerk G W. R, h Glengarry ave. " Kilroy, T, grocer, 37 Glengarry ave, h 35 Glengarry ave. King, Miss, Johanna, ~1resstnaker, h Aylmer ave. King, Patrick, laborer, Aylmer ave. Kirk, M, boot and shoe Btore, 27 Chat.ham st, w. Kirkland, John, bookeeper (Wright, Tisdale & Co), h Sandwich, Knight, J as, gentleman, 78 Goyeau st. . . Knight, K L, engine driver G W R, 207 Sanch-ich st, e. Kuhn, Fred, bOBS, 54 Goyeau st. Labadie, Anthony C, carpenter, 61 })jtt st, e. LABADIE, ClIAS :1<', revenue collector, h Sandwich st, w. I.ABADIE, ClIAS L, clerk (W B Hirons), bds Sandwich road Labadie, Edwa'rd, cabinet maker, 61 Pitt st, e. };abadie,Frank T, errand boy (Clark's shoe store), 89 Sandwich Bt, w. LABADIE, JOS(Truax & Labadie), 53 Chatham st, w. Labadie, Victor, farmer, Sandwich road. LACI{OTX BROS, 21 Sandwich st, w, dry gOOdB, etc. Lacroix, PaillO (Lacroix Bros), h 127 Pittst, w. Lacroix, Rarno,nd A (Lacroix Bros), h 124 Pitt st, w. Laferty, Alex, clerk, London st. Laing, Alfred, book keeper, h cor Chatham and Church sts. Laing, John W, clerk (IV B Hirons), bds cor ChathalI~ and Church sts. Lally, Thos, laborer,11 Assumption st. I,ambert, R, M D, h 38 'Windsor avenue. LAMBIE & CO, groceries, 33 Ferry st. Lambie, Grace (Lambie & Co), 139 Chatham st. Lambie, J as, merchant, 129 Chatham st. Lamonde, Mrs, widow, 35 Bruce ,ave, Land, J as, b~a~ksmith (Pearce & Maycock.) La~le, \~m; slur carpenter, 113 Gleugarry ave. Ll\lDg, F red Ii, clerk ('1' C ~L1tton), h cor Church and Chi-ttllfl,llJ st. WI~bsOR DIRECTORY.

INDSOR CLOTHINC STORE}M EN'S, YOUTHS' W. . W. H. E. WHITINC, Hud80n~€ayOVflrcnats, 33 SANDWICH STREET, W AT THEWfNDSORCLOTHING STORK Langlois, Alex, farmer, h 328 Sandwich st, e. Langlois, A, engineer, 62 Pitt st, e. . Langlois, D, grocer, 55 Sandwich st w, h 28 Yictol'ia ave, Langlois, J os, police, h London st. . Langlois, Mrs Joel, widow, 10 Ohatham st w. Langlois, Leon, farmer, 297 Sandwich st e. LANGLOIS, PETER, farmer, 355 Sandwich ~t c. Langridge, Geo, laborer, h 51 Ohurch st. Langshaw, John, tinsmith, P.Ul'ser & Sons. Langthaw, laborer, 36 Albert st. Lanspeary, Mrs, h 116 Aylmer ave. Lapan, Geo, brakeman G W R, bds Beeman House. Lapoint, ,T os L, shoemaker, 21 Ohurch st. LARTER & THORNTON, traders, basement town hall. Larter, John M (Larter & Thornton) 42 Albert st. . Larter, Ithamer, water-man, 94 Ohurch st. . Latham, Hamilton L, police, h London st. . LATHAM, JOHN F, clerk (J W Peddie), bels Uhatham st. Latham, ,V m, carriage painter (Pearce & 1\tIaycock). Latchman, Geo, clerk, bds 52 Aylmer ave. Latchman, Wm H, laborer, 52 Aylmer ave. Lavery, Wm J, watchman G ,V R, 2 Parrent st. Lawes, Arthur, laborer, 150 Ohatham st. Lawley, Michael, laborer, Bruce ave. , Lawrence, John, laborer, bcls Sandwich st. Lawson, Edward, grocer, 77 McDougall st. Lawson, George, sailor, bds 103 Pitt st w. Lawson, J oIm, laborer, h 98 McDougall st. Layland,Wm, blacksmith, Ohurch st. Lee, James, laborer, h 108 Glengarry ave., Lee, Mrs Julia, widow, 93 Ohurch st. Leech, Andrew, teamster, h 152 McDougall st: Leonard, Chas (small groceries), 107 Stewart st. Leonard, Mrs, widow, 70 Ohurchst. ' Leonard,'R A, night,station master G W R. Leonard, Miss M, dressmaker, 2.9 Sandwich ste. 46.'.. WINDSOR DIl!ECTO:iY.

HAS.OLARK'S } FULL VALUE . Popnlar -FOJl- . C.. B~O!.d~.. ~9.~,,~m~E EVE!~",.~.El'H LeSeuer, Wm, laborer, 223 Sandwich st.e. Lewis, Ed, engineer, 112 London st. Lewis, J E, engineer, h 112 cor 'Windsor and London sts. Lill~s, John, laborer, Albert st. LIPSEY, JOHN, manager Queen's Hotel, 71 &73 Sandwich,,,. LITTLE, ROBT, 32 Glengarry ave. Little, And'w, blacksmith, h 94 Glengarry ave. Little, Andw J, blacksmith, h 94 Glengarry ave. I,iveseey, John 0, track inspector G W R, h 136 Sand",:ich s~, e. Lochmann, Ben, foreman Vic. Tobacco Works, h DetroIt, MIch. Long, Allen, laborer, 188 Windsor ave. LONG, E, con. M.O.R.E sleeping car, bds 125 Glengarry ave. I"ongan, John M, commercial tmJveller, 2 7 '~Yindsor ave. Longley, Ohas, carpenter G W R. I"ongley, Thos, carpenter 65 Goyeau st. Longlois, Albert, clerk, 73 Ouellette st., Loughlin, Thos, laborer, 16 Tillman st, e. Lowe, Ohas, cal'penter, 90 Ohatham st. Lowes, Thos, porter, Great Western Hotel. Lowry, Henry, labol?er, h 117 Glengarry ave. Lucas, Alonzo, carpenter, h 84 Aylmer ave. Lucas, Thos, sailor, Ferry Lunch House. . LUSTED, STEPHEN, editor and prop onhe "Essex Record," office Opera House Block, h 88 Bruce ave. See ao.Y. Luxton, Geo, carpenter, Ohathamst. Lynch, M, ·RR hand, 86 Pitt st, e. Macdonald, Oolin, clerk (Oameron's), 91 Church st. MAODONELL, S S, barrister,. clerk of peace, dep. reg., Master in . chancery, co. att'y, etc, 4-3 Sandwich st, h 133 Sandwich st. MACINTOSH, JOHN, lumber merchant, 37 Sandwich st, Windsor, 24 Summit st, Toledo, Ohio. Mackey, Johnny, hotel keeper, h 122 Windsor ave. .. McBeth, Geo, teller Merchant's Bank, bds Sandwich st.­ 'McORAE, JOHN, insurance and general agent;dealer ill pianos, organs, melodeons, clerk· Division Oourt; official assignee, etc., Ourry Block, r00m5, h Sandwich st, e~ - WINDSOR bIRECtORY. 4:7

g INDSO. R CLOTH INC. STORE .•t TheStore Vi.vind is.. sO.rthe C.lotllinonly ex-. . W. H. E. WHITINC, f elusive Clothing and . Hat Snore in the 00. W33 SANDWICH STREET, W33 Sandwich-st, W. ~IcCloski, Chas, founder, 36 Bruce ave. McCloski, ,J olm, founder, 36 Bruce ave. McCardle, ,John, car examiner G W R, 109 Stewart ",t. McOauley, Hugh, carpenter, 62 vVindsorave. McOawley, ,Jas, laborer, 81 Aylmer ave. :McOuaig, 0 M, ledger keeper Moisons Bank, bds 24 Victoria av!! McOarthy, John, shoemaker (H G Oharlesworth.) McOarty, Tim, sailor, bds 68 Glengarry ave. J'vIcOann, 0, widow, Arthurst. McOann, Edward, engineer G VV R, h Arthur st. McOormick, Jas,harness maker,h cor vVindsor ave & Ohatham st. McOormick, J as, porter G vV' R, h Assumption st. McOomb, Alex, carpent.er, h AylIner ave. McOlellan Wm, h 26 Marrentette ave. McDONELL & :FOSTER, patent 43 Sandwich st, w. McDonald, Angus, carpenter, bds 62 \Vindsor ave. McDonald, David, engineer, h 97 Glengarry ave. McDonald, Alex, engineer, 36 Pitt st. McDonald, D, employe American Hotel. . McDonalt;l, Oolin,. clerk (D Cameron), h COl' Ohurch & park st. McDonald, John, shoemaker, bds 63 Pitt st, e. McDonough, H P, grocery store and h 127 Sandwich st, e, McDougall, Hugh, clerk (J W Peddie), 99 Glengarry ave. McDougall, J ame3, grocer; 9 Ohurch st. . McEldowney; Alvin, broom maker, 123 Aylmer ave. - McEwan, James, laborer, h 120 Aylmer ave. McFalls, Alexander, pork packer, h 137 Glengarry aye. McGeary, Jas, laborer, 10;;) Arthur st. Me Gibney, Hugh, shoemaker, bds 63 Pitt st e. McGonneal, vVm, laborer; 96 Windsor ave. McGovern, Anthony, shoemaker (R Gluns), h Detroit, Mich. McGREGOR &. FULMER, livery stable. Pitt st. , McGregor, David, Pitt st (McGregor & Fulmer). McGregor, David, butcher, h 131 Pitt st w. McGREGOR& BROS, bankers and brokers, 35 Sandwic:t stw. (See advt. on cover.) , "\nXDBOR DIRECTORY.

McGREGOH, llOBT L (McGregor & Bra), hSanc1wich Road. ':\TcGregor, 'iY111 J, clerk (]\,IcGregor & Bl:O) , bcls SaIld,vich st w. McGREGOR, WM, M I' (McGregor & Bro), 345 Sandwich s~ \Y. McGuiyney, Hugh, shoemaker (R GlUllS). McGuire, .TitS, lahorer, h Assumption st. McGuire, Robt, carpenter, h 171'Glengarry ave. McIntosh, John J, clerk, bds London st. McKay, John,crll:riage maker, bds Davenport HOlLse. ::\Ic](ay, Jacoh, brakeman, 156 V{inclsor ave. McKay, -, (JUcKay & Millard), residence Ingersoll, Onto McKay & Millard, props Kingsville, Ruthven, Leamington &; Amherstburg stage Ii,nes, Gt 'iVestern Hotel. McKee,Thos, clerk,'bds Queen's Hotel. McKee, Wm (Fox & McKee), h 25 Crawford aye. McKeand, J as, hackman, bds Chatham st. McKemey, Mike, laborer', 54 Goyeau st. McKINSTHY, J W, conductor aWR, bds International HoteL MoLAUGHLIN HOTEL, Peter McLaughlin, prop, 89 Sandwich street e.' . MoLaughlan, Denis; laborer, 158 Chatham st. McLaughlin, D, bds Pitt st. McLaughlin, Peter, prop MoLaughlin Hotel. McLaughlin, -, c1rayman,h Glengarry ave. ':\IcLaughlin, I)atrick, clerk (Whiting's), bds McLaughlin House.. McLean, Danl, agt agricultural implements, bds G \VHotel. :McMahon, J nhn, drayman, 29 'Windsor aye. McMahon, Mrs B, 29 Wiildsor ave. :'IIcN ally, J as, gentleman, 211 Goyeau st. McNaught, Robt, salesman, 'iVm. Rolff; bds American House. .:'IIclloy.' Thos, grocer, 110 Glengarry ave: .. ... McWlnnney, A G, mail clerk, uw It, h Sanuwichst. 1Iaisonville, Jos, ba,rtenc1er, bc1s Davenport House. Maisonville, Miss Rose dres:smaker bds35 Tillman st e. Malv!n, Ge?, fireman f~rry MichigaI~,130 Goyeaust: ' l\~alvlI1, Pl1l1al1der(watchman G \V It, h130 Goy~aus~, Manley, -, night 'watch G W R, h 182 Goyeau, st~ wJ'Nn~i:lR DIRECTORY. 49

'INDS'OR C10THIN.C STORE}' WI-II.T.IN~ i~;l.~.~:d f.ork~.. ep- BEST ASSORTltlENT W.\ W• H • E • WH ITING ,.of Gents Kids in the Town. 'A-NDWteH STREET W 'WIXDSOR (;L~TUING STORE. 33 S. ,33 SandwlCh street. Mann, F H, clerk (T 0 Sutton), bds 19 Victoria ave. Manning, M J, restaurant and saloQn, 4 Upper :Ferry st. Manning, Mrs, boarding house, 11 49 Bassette H ve. Marreiltette, Alex P, gunsmith, h 7~) Ouellette st. Marrentette, J L, customs, h 84 Bruce -aye. Marhah, John, tinsmith (Purser & Sons) Marrentette, J as. bartender, 13 SandwicJl st. Marshall, Henn, barber, bds Hobinson st. . . Martin, Isaac, ~ierk (McGregor & Bra), lll1fl Al)lerican I{ullse. Martin, Jos, mason, Elliott st Martin, S E, gentleman, 48 Pellessier st. Martin, Sol, cooper, cor Bruce ave and Pitt st. 1farrentette, Albert, clerk, bds Sandwich st, e. . MARRENTETTE, ALEX B, gentleman, h ~33 Sandwich st; e. Marrentette, Alex B, farmer, 235 Sandwich st, e. Marrentette, Albert, clerk, 235 Sandwich s.t, e. Marrentette, .ir, Benj, 235 Sandwich st, e. Marrentette, Mr, farmer, h46 Marrentette ave. Marrentette, Miss M, music teacher, :;l35 Sandwich st, e. Marrentette, Victor, clerk, bds Sandwich st c. Marrentette, Mrs E, wido"w, 51 Parrent ave. MARTIN, MICHAEL, gentleman, 85 Goyeau st. Marx, Jos, gentleman, 85 Aylmer ave. Masson, AHd, clerk, bds 273 Sandwich st, e. Mason, Henry, apprentice, bds33 Sal1l1wich st., c. Mason, Robt, clerk, bds Stewart st. Mason, Thos, h 130 Gl61igarry ave. Mason, Wm, tinsmith (Purser's), 104 Pitt st, e. Mathews, Isaac S, sailor, bc1s Pitt st, w. Mathews, 1 8, sailor,40 Pitt st, e. :Mathews, J aIm, carpenter, bds 37 Mercer st. :Matthews, RoM, confectioner (Morton's.) Matthew,,\Vm .Jas, printer, bds 88 Bruce ave. ilhwby, Thomas, laborer, 36 Chatham st, ,I'. :Maxwell, J as, mate ferry Hope, bds Queen's Hotel.' 3fnycock) W.m (Pierce & Maycock), h 11 Pellessier, 50 'WI~DSOR DnlECTORY.

HAS. CLARK'S }.A. .full B:;'~~ ~~mpl

1IESTON, THOS, conductor C; WIt, :!J9 Sandwich st, e. .:'IIETCALF, W G, :M D, office oyer Sutton's drug store, Sand-

wich st, bds American Hotel. C M~nal'd, vYm (McKay & Millard), 11 Pitt st. Miller, George, laborer, h 158 Aylmer aye. NIiller, John, engineer, Ul~ Aylrner aye. ::\r~tchell, :Fl'ed, clerk ell S Priddy) bds 46 Windsor it YC. -:\r~tchell, Morton, laborer, h J 61 McDougall st. }lJtchell, Mrs Mary, widow, h 103 McDougall st. M~tchell, Mrs: widow, h 171 McDougall st. MItchell, Mrs M, wido-w, h 155 Glengarry aYe. Moffet, John, laborer, Aylmer ave. MOLSOXS BANK, CD Grasett, manager, -:L~ Sandwich st w. WI~DSOR DIRECTORY. 51

INDSOR CLOTH INC STORE} LARCE wSTocteosFa HATS W H E WHITINC in an the latest .' W • • • ,English and American Styles, 33 SANDWICH STREET, W 'f1n:s~:U~~!~I~!e~~m. MOLSONS BANK. C D GRSETT, MANAGER, SANDWICH-ST, ·WINDSOR. I G B 13eddome, Accountant; Geo McBeth, Teller; C M McCuaig, Ledger-keeper; H J Grasett, Junior; W m . "\tV right, . Messenger. Monc1in, J os, shoemaker, bd.s Davenport House. Monday, Miss N, clerk (J W Peddie). Montgomery, Geo, M D, h 285 Sandwich st e .. Mooney, John, grocer, store and house 117 Sandwich st e. Mooney, Mrs M, widow, h 85 Glengarry aye. Moore, E H D, h 38 Arthur st. Moore, Edward, sailor, bds Sandwich st e. Moore, Geo, laborer, h Assumption st. MOORE, .T H, justice of the peace, Sandwich st e. Moore, T M, builder, 67 Aylmer ave. Morache, C, boarding stable, Sandwich st e. Moran, David, gentleman, h 317 Sandwich st e. )Iorehouse, V{m, laborer, h 26 Parrent ave. Morgan, J, trimmer, Pearce & Maycock ).[orgall, S C, tailor, Sandwich st w, bds Cotter Honflc. Morgan, Wm, life ins agent, 11 2:34 Goyeau st. Morret, Geo, brewer, 192 Goyeau st. Morris, Ebenozer, carpenter, 11 346 Goyeau st-. Morris, Geo, clerk (II G Charlesworth), bds American House. Morrow,Riohard, cooper. 39 Windsor st. MORTON, ROBT, Scotch bakery, 1 Sa11l1wich st e, COl' qoyeau h over store. "Morton, Soloman, C0011e1',. Bruce avenue. Morton, 'Vm, surveyor of customs, 120 Bruce avenue. MOSIER, , conductor G W R, 5·5 Aylmer avenue. MOSSMAN, Wl\I H, book keeper (Geo Campbell), bds Queeu's Hotel. . Mossop, Richard, grainer, bds 62 'Windsor avenue. Moulds; Ed J, wagon maker, bds 11 Pellessier st. Mulcahey, J as, general agent coal oil dep't, hc1s American Hotel. 52 WIXDSOR DIRiWTORY.

Mulvaney, Henry, hostler, bds American' House. Mulholland, T, carpenter, 33 Bassette ave. Munier, Martin, porter, 113 Goyeau st. Mumford, Henry, fireman ferry Detroit, 49 Church st.. MURPHY, WF, grocer, h 133 Pitt st. Mm'p"!1v, Wm, shoemaker, h 169 National ave, Detroit. Murray, Miss A, clerk (J W Peddie), bdscor Pitt & Goyeausts. Myers, HE, conductor G W R, 79 Aylmer ave. N ADOLLECK, MRS K, ladies hair dresser, room 8, Opera House Block. See ad v. Nagle, John, RR hand, 85 Chatham st, e. Napier, Alex, butcher, Albert st. NAPIER, CHAS, grocer and butcher, 62 Glengarry ave. CHARLES NAPIER, Grocer and butcher. Cash paid for hutter, eggs and othei.' country produce. No. 62 Glenga.rry avenue,corner of Albert street, Windsor, Ont.

:K apton, John, laborer, h Church st.. Nash, Mrs Henry, h 28 Parrent ave. Xash, Saml, fireman, h 53 Bassette aye. ),T eal, Fredk, printer, h Sanuwich st. ~EAR, JNO L, r S Consul, Opera House, res Flat Hock, ~\ficll. Xelson, Alex 'V, clerk, bds Yictoria ,He. Xelso11, .Tas, hard'ware, etc, 70 Snlldwiclrst, W, 11 16 Victoria aye. X elso~, n A, telegraph operator Domiuion Tel Co, tobacco and cigar dealer, 66 Sandwich st, w, 11 16 Yictoria ave. ~evell, J O!ll1, telegraph operator G W H, bds Davenport House. Nevcnx, ]<,ruest, clerk, tHIs 3(j Uoyeau st. . X(~YPl1X, Elh,al'd L, liG Goyeau st'. XE\'EC\', E L & .T, hardware, -+1 Sauuwiclt st, w, Set!

INDSOR CLOTHINC S,TORE The WindsoJ' ,Clothing: Store t has a. , W. H. E. WHITINC LUtGE ASSORTlUEX1' , j or <:"illl""Il'~ SuUs, W33 SANDWICH STREET, W Fl'Oln~2.r)O\lp-33Sandwichstreet, W

Xewcomb, Mrs, ,,-ido,,", h 104 Aylmer aye. Kichols, G ,V, engineer, 1():3 Sanch-ieh st, "-. Nicholson, Gen, engineer, h 147 Glengarry a\'(\ Nightengale, Ernest, clerk (S Stovel'), bds Amel'ican Hote1. Noble, Miss Alma L, cashier (D Cameron), (iD Goyeal1 st. Koble, Mrs Alma, widow, 68 Goyeau st. Noble, Frank, student, 'Valkertown. Noble, Mrs, h 40 Bassette ave. Noble, ::\liss 1\1, milliner, bds 17 Sand wicl! w. Kolan, ,Tames, walking gentleman, h 18:3 Sandwich !'it. Nnmann, H, milk dealer, h London st. N urred, Henry, laborer, McDougall st.. N utsore, Mrs E, boarding house, i5G Goyeau st. NUTSORE, W::\1: GEO, carpenter and builder, h 14 Pitt st w. O'CONNOR, COX & OUELLETTE, barristers, Ouellette Block Rooms, 4 and 5. O'Connor, Hugh, laborer, h 21~ Mercer st.. O'Oonnor, Hon John, (O'Connor, Cox & OaelletLe, 11 JJ 7 Sand~ wich st w. O'Connell, Ed, apprel).tice, 129 Aylmer ave. O:Conne11, Phillip, shoemaker (Charlesworth), 129 Aly~ner a\,e. O'D<1herty, Danl, school teacher,77 Church st. O'FLYNN & LAIRD, Prov land surveyors, Ouellette block OFFET, HENRY, grocer, store and 11 61 Sandwich st e. See ad. Offet, Joseph, clerk, bds 61 Sandwich st e. Offet, Wm H, Pedlar, 51 Chatham st e. Oldman, Albert, book keeper, 53 Windsor st. ,Orchard, J G, manager C(!,nadian Bank of Commerce, 11 35 Crawford ave. Orser, R P, millwright, ods 233 Sandwich st w. Osment, Henry, carpenter, 189 Sandwich st w. Os.ment, Thos; carpenter, 161 Windsor ave. OUELLETTE, AOHILLE A, h 67 Ouellette aye. OUELLETTE, DANL, saddl(3r, Ouellette st, h 3tH Sandwich e. Oqellette, Jos A (O'Connor, Oox & OuelletteJ, h Bedford st, Sandwich. G4 WINDSOR DIRECTORY. HAS. CLARK'S }WE do not charge our BOOT &SHOE HOUSE ~dX:::'~;;f~:~~ga~~ C89 Sandwich-st. 'V., WindMor. see us. Ollellette, Vital, farmer, cor Ouellette and Chatham sts. Ouellette, Mrs Z, widow, 95 Ouellette st. Ovington's Hotel, Geo Ovington, prop, cor Pitt and Goyeau sts. Ovington, jr, Geo, apprentice, bds Ovington's Hotel Paddon, Hobt, plumber (Wm Rolff). Page, S, barber, 61 Albert st. Page, Simoll, LarDer, cor Pitt and -Windsor aye. Pagoat, Pat, carpenter, h 81 Glengarry ave. Palmer, J os, engineer, 35 Tillman st e. Parent, Nelson, book keeper, Montreal, bds Queen's Hotel PARENT, NOAH, grocer, 197 Sandwich st e, h same. Parker, -, laborer, h 86 Windsor aye. Parker, ,Jim Henry,2nd boss Ethp,opian boot shiners,hSt.George st. Parker, J\1elisse, widow, h 148 McDougall st. Park, Peter, night watchman G Vv R, h 130 Arthur st. P AllKER, ,V:YI THOS, cook Palace Restnarant. Parks, J as, laborer, h 122 Mercer st. Parrent, Jos, carpenter, h 187 Glengarry ave. Parry, .J (Parry & Co), h 80 Goyeau st. Parry & 00, John, grocer, 7 Sandwich st, w. Parry, John (Parry & Co), h 80 Goyeau st. Patterson, Alex M, clerk (D Cameron), bds American House. Patterson, .J as ,V, clerk, 4 llobinson st. Patterson, J as, drayman, h 140 Mercer st. Patterson, Jas W, clerk (J W Peddie), 11 4: Hobin~on st. PATTERSON, ,T C, inspector of schools, 43 Sandwich st, h 55 ,Vinclsor ave. IJattiller, J no, clrayman, 79 Church st. Paxton, N tmcy, widow, Bruce ave. Pearce, George (Pearce & Maycock): 45 Chatham st, e. Pearce, George (Pearce & Maycock, h Chatham st. PEARCE & MAYCOCK, carriage makers, cor Windsor ave and Pitt st. Peck,Wm, laborer, h 76 Avlmer ave. PEDDIE, J W (Silk Ho;'se), dry geods and clothing; Opera House Block, h 57 Glengarry ave. \VIXDSORDIRECTORY.

IN~SOR CLOTHING STORE) The Windsor Clothing W. H E WHITINC' Sto~e does business . • 'L StrlCtly on the One W33 SANDWICH STREET, W) Price System. J. W. PEDDIE, (Silk House), Importer of silks, laces, velvets, millinery, alJ(l llenJer in general dry goods and clothing, Nu. 27 Samhieh st., \lest, 11 57 Glengarry ave, '''indsor, Onto Peden, ,Vm .J, clerk (:\IcGregor &: Bro.) l'eltier, E, painter, h Orawford ave. Pender, 'YIll, carpenter, 103 Ohmch st. Pennman, .J as, butcher, 125 Aylmer ave. l'ennman, Jas, butcher, h Aylmer ave. Pep en, .Jos, clerk (Dougall Bros.) 65 Ohatham st, w. Pepen, .Jos N, clerk (Dougall Bros) h 65 Ohatham st, w. Peppin, 13, carpenter, 19 Ohatham st, W. Perkins, Thos, customs, h GoyefHl st. Percy, Thos, laborer, Elliot st. Perry, ,Vm, laborer, h55 Ohurch St. Peters, Peter, watchmaker, 3 Sandwich st w, h ::;9 Goyeau st. l)hilburn, Thos, waggon maker, h Mercer st. I)hillips, Andrew, carpenter, 38 Bruce ave. Phillips, A M, laborer, h 38 Bruce ave. Pierce, Ed, carpenter, h 322 Goyeau st. Pinkert, Danl, laborer, 198 McDougall st. l'lummer, Oho.s, brakeman, 266 Goyeau st.. Pollard, Jas, laborer, h 113 McDougall st. Ponperd, Chas, laborer, h 33 'Wyandotte st. I)OOLE, WM H, conductor G W E, h 50 Bassette ave. Porter, Mrs. J as, widow, 139 Arthur st. PORT. SAMUEL, hotel keeper, 233 Sandwich st, 'W. Potter, Louis, blacksmith (Pearce & Maycock) I)RATT, JOSEPH, new landlord of Ootter House. See ad\'. Pratt, Alfred, carpenter, 37 Mercer st. Predhomme, Hector, groceries, 29 Sandwich st, h Sandwich st, w. PREST, THOS, real estate operator, Davenport Block, h 51 ,Vindsor ave. Preston, Ohas A, barber (Oary Bros), bds cor Park & Ohurch sts. Preston, J as, tailor, 34 Pitt st, W. 56 WINDSOR DIRECTORY.

Priddy, Robt S, chemist. ~9 Sandwich st, h ~6 Windsor. ave; PRINCE, ALBERT, bamster, room) CurrIe Bk, h PetIte Cote. PROUTY, FRANK, conductor G WR, bds 103 Pitt st, w. Pnddicomb, -, 'Windsor st. Pugh, Mrs Mary, widow, 59 Church st. Pulford, -, h 45 .Pellessier st. . Pulford, Francis W, carriage builder, 21 Bruce ave. Purdy, Albert, tinsmith, bds cor Goyeau and Pitt sts . . _-- PURSER & SONS, Dealers in stoves, tin, copper and sheet iron ware. Plumbers, gas fitters, etc. X o. 63 Sandwich street, east; h 79 Arthur st. l)Ul'ser, Geo (Purser & Sons), bds 79 Arthur st. Pnrser, Jas (Purser & Sons), bds 97 Arthur st. Purser, n, (Purser & Sons), 97 Arthur st. l'GRSER, II (Purser & SOllS), h 79 Arthur st. I'urser, 'Vm (Purser & 8011S), bds 97 Arthur st. Purser, 'Vm (Purser & Sons), bels 79 Arthur st. ITTNEY, 8 -:\[, (of Charlton & Co, Directory Publishers, and Manufacturers of Putney's Patent'Vhite Metal House Xumbers), h 177 Glengarry aye. (~ueen's Hotel, 71 & 73 Sandwich st, w, :Mrs E H Hutton, prop Quintin, Mrs, widow, h 120 Glengarry ave. Hadiger, .J os, laborer, h 8 Parrent st. Rae, RoM, distiller, 289 Sandwich st, w. Hamsey, .J as, carpenter, 28 :Ferry st. I~aper, 'Ym, conductor G 'Y R, 127 Aylmer aye. Ratcliff, Mrs A, dressmaker, 121 Sandwich st, e. Radcliff, J as, carpenter, 43 M:arrentette ave. Rattray, Jno, bakery, 27 Chatham st, h 25 Ohathamst, "'Y. lleaume, H, mason, 217 Sanclwieh st, e. Reaume, Mrs,widow, h 132 Pitt st, w. Reaume, Neil, mason, 217 Sand\vich st, e. Reaume, Phillip, mason, 217 Sandwich st, e. Redden, N, carpenter, Arthur st. WINDSOR DIRECTORY. 57

'IND,SOR "CLOTHINC STORE} W~ITINC MAK~S A SPEOIALTv.c~ W. H. E. WHITINC UN DERCLOTHI NU W , AND HOSIERY. 33 .SANDWICH STREET, W 33 Sandwich-st, w. Reid, John, carpeIlter,h McDougall, $t. Reeves, Jas, flour and fe£:d,.h 78 Eruct! ave. Reeves, Steph T,harness maker,74 Sandwich st, w,h 143 Goyeau. Reid, David, fruit store, Ouellette st, h 139 Aylmer ave. Heid, David, fruit store, etc, Ouellette Block, h Aylmer ave. Reid, W E, machinist,h 78 Louis Bassette ave. Remon, Pierre, excise officer, Sandwich town. Hevell, Danl, conductor G VV H, 61 Aylmer a\'e. Heynolds, JaB, shoemaker, h Sandwich st, w. Reynolds, Jas, shoemaker (Clark), h Assumption st. Heynolds, Hobt A, gentlen}an, 70 Crawford HYC. Reynolds, W, lime burner, 53 Albert st. Rhodes, H M, gentleman, 80 Bruce ave. Rice, Alfd, bookeeper, bds 22 Pitt 13t, e. Rhodes, Jno B, 25 Windsor ave. UICE, T T, furniture, etc., 50 Sandwich st, W, 11 22 Pitt st, e. nice, John, engineer, bds 22 Pitt st, e. ]~iee, John H G, gentleman, 11 50 Parrent aye. Hice, Thos, cabinet maker, h cor Pitt st and 'ViIHlsor aYt'. Hice, Thos,jUll, upholsterer, lJCls 22 Pitt st, c. }lice, Thos, builder, 20 Pitt st, e. Rice, Thos, jl', upholsterer, 16 Pitt st, c. HICHARDS, CRAS, confectionery, etc., US Sandwich st, "'. Hichards, :Mark, sen, gentleman, h 119 Sandwichst, w. lUCHARDS,MARK, jr,flour & feed,143 Sandwich st,w, h same. RICHAHDSON, D J, Custom House officer, h 59 Chatham st. lUchardson, H, brick mason, h Albert st. Richardson .J Custom House officer, 59 Chatham st. Hiley, ,Tohl~ A, printer, bds McLaughlin House. Rilley, Johu, tinsmith (Rolff's), 163 Goyeau st. InTENOUR, E T & Co, PaJace Res'nt, 10 Up. Ferry st. See ad". Hitenour, E T, h57 Louis ]3ast,;ett.e ave. Robinson, Miss Annie, dressmaker & milliner, h Marrent8tte avo Hobinson, Eliza, widow, 79 Church st. Hobinson, Emery C, baggageman G W R, h Ohatham st. ROBINSON, .JOHN, Division C01lrt Bailiff. 58 WIKDSOR DIRECTORY.

Robinson, .J ohn, tinsmith (Purser & Sons.) HOBINSON, W E, ticket agent G W n, h Mercer st. Hobson, John, collar maker, 359 Sandwich st, e. Roche, -, RR hand, h 131 Glengarry ave. IWOHELEAU, JAOQUES, dry goods, clothing, etc, Jj Sand- wich st, w, h 12 Pitt st, w. Rochford, Michael, 13 Sandwich st w, billiard room, h same. IWOHLEA U, J, dry goods, 12 Pitt st, "'. Roger, F. Mrs, widow, h Assumption st. Roger, J as, teamster, h Assumption st. Hailey, .John, laborer, bds 117 Glengarry H\' Holand, .J Oh11, shoemaker, bds Union Hotel. Rolfl', Julius, salesman (Wm. Rolff's) h Goyenn st. Hom; H H, se'wing machine agent, Pitt st, e. Rolfl', ,Vm, hardware, plumlJing, tinware,. etc, 11 ~nllcl\\'ich st, \\'. h Goyeau st. Roman, Henry, carpenter, It 139 Glengany H\'e, Romney, ,V H, teller Merchant's Bank, bds Vidol'ia an'. Rorison, B D D, mail clerk G,VH, & tax cnlleder, 11 Howard [l\'e. Hose, J o11n, laborer, h 140 Glengarry a \'e. I~outh, John, D & :;u RR, 9:3 Gayeau st. Houtly, Abraham, carpenter. :221 Goyeau st. Itosevear, Wm, fireman G 'V 1(, 107 ~-\,Ylmel' aYe. Russell, John, brakeman G W n, bds f03 Pitt st w, RUTLEY, FRANK.A, police clerk, h in SamlwieJI. Ryan, John, clerk American Hotel, 11 Pitt st \\', n.yan, N eel, cooper, h 71 G lengnl'l'Y n \t', :-;t Aubin, .Jos, laoorer, Pitt st e, :-;T LOUIS, ORAS R, grocery and cl'ockel','" 271 :-;illlll,rich ::;t e, h 273 Sandwich st e, ~T LOt'IS, DAMAS, grocer, &L', :.!~) SHl1elwieh st e, 11 Winc1tul' ave. See ndv't. :-;T LOUIS, n, grocer, &c,:;!:) Sandwich st e, See a

INDSOR CLOTHINC STORE}M E N'S, YOUTHS' Z1 W W. H. E. WH ITINC, Hndson BayOVCfcoats, 33 SANDWICH STREET, W ATTHI! WINDSOR CLOTHING STORE. SAUCIER, MOSES, jeweler and watchmaker, 79 Sandwich st W, h 31 'Vindsor .ave. MOSES SAUCIER, Bealer' in watches, clocks a.nd jewelry of all descriptions; He­ pairing a specialty, and done on short notice. All work war­ ranted. No. 79 Sandwich st w, h 'Windsor ave. ------Scadding, Chas, clerk for T C Sutton, h 17 Victoria ave. Scad ding, Chas, druggil:lt, 57 Sandwich st w, h 17 Victoria ave. SCANLON, REV JAS, assistant priest, 113 Goyeau st. Savill, 'Vm, laborer, h 124 Aylmer ave. Scheneider, Herman, laborer:h 39 Pellessier st. Schulenbergb, Albert R (Turk & Co), bds American Hotel. Scott, Geo, carpenter, bels 28 Feny st. Scott, ~rohn, mail clerk G W H, bds 14 Chatham st. SCL'LLY, JAS 0 13, agent for }I eRR and Blue Line, Slip Dock, h 39 Bassette ave. Sedley, Fred 'V, grocer, 33 Sandwich st e, h over store. Selby, Wm, cal' shop G W R, (j4 Pitt st e. Selminski, S, cutter, (J as "OWebster) bds Americau Hotel. Sendom, Calvin, laborer, 118 Chatham st. Senecal, Alphonse, clerk (Rochleau), bds Detroit. Senecal, V, shoemahr (HGluns) h Belle HiveI'. I Senior, 'Vlll, shoemaker (.J Sepner), h 203 Goyeau st. Senior, -, tailor, bds 28 Ferry st (Urlton & Ayers). Sepner, John. boots anel shoes, 23 Sanchvich st e, 11 samo. \ . SEPNER, JOHN (aelv't on cover.) . Seymoure, Wm, painter, h Detroit, Mich. Shaul, Jacob D, police', bds American House. Shaw, :Fletcher, book keeper G WIt, 11 70 Glengarry aY['. Shears, J, G W R, 49 "Wiudsor st. SH.EELEY, WlH ("Another county heard from"), 11 73 Goycf1n st Shelez, Lonson C, gentleman, 75 Goyeau st. Khepperd, Alex, gardener;, 44 Windsor ave. ::;;heppe).'d,· J<:dwarel, carpenter] h ,;)7 Ba~sette an~. 60 WINDSOR DIRECTORY.

HAS· CLARK'S } My sucoess in bus;· BOOT &PsPHoi STORE ness lies in atte~ding C89 San

INDSOR CLOTHINC STORE }W:ai;~.'~.~.g ~te W;:~ ~~.: sortmen,t of Collars, W.. H E. WHITINC Ties & Silk Handker- W33 SANDWICH STREET, Vi ~iie~~~:twrg~_s'f.o:.n. Smith, .Tohn, laborer, h 47 Church st. SMITH, JOHN C (" Jack" the boy that runs the machine), engineer,G'V- R, 63 Aylmer ave. SMITH,PETER, conductor G W n, h 7:) Glengarry ave. SMT.TH. S C, millinery and tancy goods, !j~ Sandwich st w, ods American Hotel. Smith, Stephen J, painter, 11 Assumption st. Smith, Thomas, laborer, bds :Ferry Lunch I-Ion<;e. Smith, Wm H, carriage trimmer, h Detroit, Mich. Smith, W m, laborer, h 158 McDougall st. Smoot,Saml, hostler (Jas Elliott). Solan,P, R R hand, 81 Chatham st e. Solan, Pat, carpenter, h Arthur st. SOl'ley, Miss M L, private school, 67 Goyeau st. Spencer, John T G, grocery, 184 Goyeau st. Spalding, C, coal dealer, 283 Sandwich st w. Spendlove, Mrs, widow, 179 Glengarry ave. Stl1,nlsy, G }YI, wood dealer, ,'249 Sandwich st w. Stark, -, laborer, 'V-indsor st. Stead, 'V-m, carpenter, h 101 Glengarry aye. . Steed, Garvin, carpenter, 171 Sandwich st ,yo STEPHEN, J:<'REDK, cooper and prop Davenport House. Stevens, J os, barber, 90 Church st. Stewart, -, cooper, bds Davenport House. Steward, Jno, carpenter, 189 Sandwich st ,,'. Stewart, Ellis Rev, h 188 McDougall st. Stewart, Richard, laborer, h 26 McDougall st.. Stewart, W rn, baker (Ratray), London st. Stewart, Wm, tinsrnith (Wm RoIff). Stidston, R, ledger keeper Merchant's Bank, bds Chatham st. Stockwell, Bridget, widow, Chatham st. Stone,Chas W, captain Steamer Michigan, 79 Goyeau st. SrOVER, SAML, 47 Sandwich st w; bds American Hotel. Strong, J, gentleman, h 111 Pitt st w, Stroud & Barringer, partners in firm of John Parry' &Co. S ql.OUD & BARRINGER, butchers, 21 Sandwich st e.· , 62 wtNDsott DIllEC1'O:RY.

Stroud, John B (Stroud & Barringer), h 168 Goyeau st. Stuart, D, laborer, 7 Robinson st. Stubbs, Jas, printer, 149 London st. . STUBBS, JAS, foreman" Essex Record," 11 149 London ~t. Stewart, Fred, tinsmith, 54 Goyeau. 8ullivari, Danl, laborer, 4 parrent st. SULLIVAN, ,T D, ferry supt G W R, h 37 Goyeau st. Sumberland, Thof', laborer, bds 117 Glengarryave. Sutherland, .T [1S, foreman G '71{ H. bds 37 Mercer st. Sutton, l)ercy, clerk,h 135 Goyeau st. SUTTON, T C, druggist and grocer, 57 and 59 Sandwich st., w, h 19 Victoria ave. Sweet, Joseph, laborer, h 130 Aylmer ave. Sweety, Edward, fireman n ,v n, h 164 Aylmer ave. Swishman, J, laborer h 34 'Vyalldotte st, e. . Tackaberry, N, carpenter, h Victoria alve. Tait, Geo, collector, 141 Aylmer ave. . TAPPENDEN & CRAIG, shoemakers, COT Sandwich st and 'Vindsor aye. Tappenden, 'Vm (Tappenden & Craig). Tawse, Ilobt, carpenter, h Albert st. Taylor, Geo, tinsmith (Purser & Sons.) Taylor, Mrs Elizabeth, widow, 95 Church st. Taylor, Wm, deck hand, str Victoria, bds 121 :Mercer st. Taylor, Wm, laborer, h 122 Mercer st. THE ESSEX RECORD, Stephen Lusted, publisher and prop, Opera House, h 88 Bruce ave. See adv. THE DOMINION, published every Saturday by Murdoch & Co., room 15, Opera House Block. Staff, John M. Mur­ doch, James Murdoch and William Murdoch; residence, Sandwich. S M King, printer, h Sandwich, E A O'Neil, foreman, E A Gulivine, printer, Solomon Reeves; pressman; W A Murdoch and F A McKee, reportel,'s; H. Scully, prin­ ter's devil, 39 Louis Bassette ave, Jes!!ie Ha,milton, printer. Tllibeau, Pascale, ship carpenter, 17 McDougall st. WI~Dson DtnF:C'TOR1. C::l

INDSOR CLOTHINC STORE) WHITING l~;~~:d for keep· \ BEST ASSOR'l'lUEN'.I' W. H.. E WHIT I,NC j tl" Ge~i8 Kids in tbe TOWD. W 'VIn»SOR CL~THING STORE 33 SANDWICH STREET , W ;1:3 Sand wlCh street. Thomas, Amelia, widow, h 181 :McDougall st. Thomas, Eugene, "bootblack," h l\1cDouaall st. "hlomas,

HASe CLARK'S .. } A :I\lllB~.,"o~~~mpl~te Popular .00,... *. BOOT &8 HOE 8TO HE for Ladies, Mines and Children, 89 8oUtlwich·st. 'v., Wint1sor. KEPT ON HAND. C. . Tregent, C, clerk,bds 813 Pitt st w. Tregent, P, real estate agent, 86 Pitt st w. Tregerthen, W B, sailor, 3 Robinson st. Truax, Chesten A, auctioneer, hPitt st w. Truax) Chester (Truax & Labadie), h Chatham st. Truax, Levi, prop Beeman House, 42 Pitt st w. TRUAX & LABADIE, auctioneers; 27 Sandwich st w. 'l'rudelle, D~nis, clerk, bds 41 Sandwich st e. Turk, Edward, clerk, 53 London st. Turk, .John (,J Turk & Oo),lh 155 Chatham st "'. , !. ' JOHN TURK, JR. & CO, Wholesale and retail dealers in pine lumber of all kinds, square timber, scantling, shingles, lath, cedar posts, piCKets, siding, &c. Bills cut to order. Yard and office, 152 London st. (Street Hailway), 2 blocks west of D('lUgall Road. Turk, sen, Jno, gentleman, 'Vindsor st. TURK'S HOTEL,132 Sandwich st \,",Ed Vollans,prop. 81 a day Turner, Arthur, switchman GWR, 22 Bassette flse. Turner, C D, oyster honse, 75 Sandwich st, w. Turner, James, porter G'VR, h Marrentette a\'c. Turner, -, laborei, 31 'Villdsor st. TWOMEY, MISS E,dressmaker, room :!, Ouellette Hk. See card. Union Hotel, 117 Sandwich st, "', .J Thrasher, prop. Yan Oeyer, Xavier, fresco painter, h Assnmption st. Van, It; stone cutter, h Detroit. Vesey, Alex, shoemaker, h 58 'Windsor aye. Vesey, Thos, shoemaker, 58 vVindsor ave. Vigneu, l'atrick, carpenter, bds Chatham st. Vincent, Chas, manager "'inc1sor Dramatie So'y, bds Interna- tional Hotel. Yogle, Anthony, ca\linet maker, h 172 Glengarry ave. . ,'ogle, Fred, derk (H Ghm's.) Vozle, Mrs Mary, widow, h 40 Aylmer ave. Vo11ans, Geo, carpenter, h 173 Glengarry ave .. WINDSOR DIRECTORY. 65

INDSOR CLOTHINC STORE} The Windsor Olothin. g Store is the only ex- W. H. E. WHITINC elusive Clothing and W . , . Hat S'bore in the 00. . 33 SANDWICH STREET, W 33 Sandwich.st, W.

V oUans, John, clerk, h 173 Gle~lgarry ave. VoUans, Ed, prop Turk's Hotel, 132 Sandwich st, w. Vollans, Wm, carpenter, h 173 Glengarry ave. 'Whadham, Geo, farmer, bds 62 'Windsor ave. WAGNER, ALEX: H, post master, It 170 Goyeau st. Wagner, Clara, P 0 clerk, bds 107 Goyeau st. \Y AGNER, DOMINIC, gentleman, 1U Goyeau st. WAGNER, REV JAS T, l)astor of E:t. Alphonsus Church, 113 Goyeau st. WAGNER, MELCHIOH .I, ass't P M, Lds 170 Glengarryaw. \Vakeley, John, carpenter, 11 lOG \Vindsol' ave. \Valker, Andrew, laborer, 11 180 Mercer st. Walker, Ed, laborer, h 187 McDougall st. Walker, tTas, baker (Morton's.) \Valker, H D, carpenter, 1:31 \Vindsor ave. \\C allaee, Geo, Llacksmith, 47 \Vindsor ave. Walmsley, Hichd, engineer G W H, h 176 Aylmer ave. 'Ward, Christopher, C3.1penter, h 88 Aylmer ave. Warren, John, grocer, h and store 121 Sandwich st, e. Warren, .John, bricklayer (1st class), h 204 Mercer st. \Varren,Robt, laborer, 123 Mercer lit. Washington, G N, laborer, h 5 Tillman ,st. \¥ashington, Henry, deckhand ferry Essex, 49 Church st. \raters, Brook, grocer, Chatham st, hcor Victoria and Park sts WATSON, JOHN, conductor G W R, h 41 Goyeau. . \Vatscin, .J ohn, custom house, h 58 Goyeaust. 'Vaters, Thos, lumber merchant, h Chatham st. Watt, Isaac, porter vV 13 Hirons, 120 I.ondon st w. 'Watt, Jno, janitor custom house, 120 London st. Weber, Chas, porter, bds Pitt st. . WEBSTER, J AS, merchant tailor, Opera House Block, h cor Mercer arid Stewart sts. Webster, John, cutter, cor Mercer and Stewart sts. \Vebster, ,Tno, carpenter, bas 91 Bruce' ave. 'Vebster, Mrs Jane, grocery, 88 Goyeau st. )Ved$es, W RI cabinet maker, bds lQ3 :Pitt st w, 66 W1~DSOR DIRECTORY"

HAS. CLARK'S , }'If WE cannot fit yeu, , Popular 'yeu may as well staft CBq~sI(I~C~~ 9.~w~I9..~E . ~!~~~bry en yeurewn Weeden; L, bricklayer, bds Windsor Exchange. Weir, Wm, stoker G W R, h 138 Glengarry av~. Weir, Wm, blacksmith, h 52 Parrent ave. 'Welch, John, laborer, h 14 Pan'ent ave. Wells, Franklin, laborer,h 133 McDougall ~t .. Wells, Thomas, warehouseman D & M R R, h JJ Bassette ave. Wells,W H, laborer, 51 Pitt st e. Wellwortb, Mrs, widow, Windsor st. 'West, John, engineer, h 118 Aylmer ave. 'Vest, "'m, carpenter, h 62 'Windsor ave. Whatbrook, Mrs A, widow, h Assumption st. Wheeler, L, farmer, 41 Albert st. White, Geo Mrs, h 206 Wii.ldsor avE'. White, .T ohn, h 334 Goyeau st. White, Joseph Elder, school teacher, h 132 Mercer st. Whitehead, Lucy, widow, 33' Albert st. WHITELAW & SON, books and stationery, Post Office Book Store, Curry Block See ac1vt. Whitelaw, l!' M (Whitelaw & Son), 28 Pitt st. Whitelaw, Wm M (Whitelaw & Son), 28 Pitt tit. WHITING,WM H E,clothing,&c,33 Sandwich st "',11 56 Goyea,u , - W. H. E. WHITING, 33 Sandwich st w, opposite ferry dock. Dealer in ready-made' clothing, hats and caps and gents' furnishing goods. , The only exclusive store of the kind in the count~·, Residence 56 Goyeau st.

Whitmouth, Joseph, baggage man G W H., bds 103 Pitt st w. WHITTAKER, AIWHIBALD, forem[l,n of car shops, G ,y H, h cor of :Ferry and Sandwich sts., Whittaker, .John, merchant tailOl', (i4 SnllC1wich st ,,', h 121 Bruce ave. Whittup, Wm, bricklayer, 103 Ulllll'eh st, ,Vhitson, Mrs. C E, 15 Sandwich st, 'y, Whitson, Alex, 15 Sfl.nc1wi(jh st, W, WINDSOR DIRECTORY. 67 INDSOR CLOTHINC STORE 1FASHIONABLE SUIT W. H. E. WHITINO'f THE WINDSOR CLOTHING STORE , IS TEl:E SPOT, W33 SANDWICH STREET, W 33 Sandwich-st., w. WHITSON, MISS E, millinery and fancy goods, 15 Sandwich st, w, h same. See adv. Whitson, "Winnie, widow, 157 Bruce ave. Wlckson, Arthur, clerk (McGregor &, Bro), bds Sandwich st. Wickson, -, (with McGregor), 251 Sandwich st, w. Wilkins, Wm, yardsman GWR Glengarry ave. \Vilkinson, Mrs F, widow, l)oarding house, 28 Ferry-st. Willey, Ohas, tomb carrier, h U::l Goyeau st. Willey, ,J oIm, clerk (Ferry Lunch House.) Williams, ,Joseph, laborer, h IG5 :McDougall st 'Williams, Peter, engineer, 7:2 Church st. Williams, Thos, brakeman G \V R, h 134 Glengarry aye. Williams, \Vm, cook, bds 5-! Goyeau st. \Yilson, Abe, drayman, h 201 :lVIcDougall st. \Vilson & Ditch, grocers, Sandwich st. Wilson, Geo, tinsmith (Purser &: Sons). 'Wilson, Henry J, h 328 Goyeau st. \Vilson, Henry, h Goyeau st. 'Wilson, Henry, laborer, 200 Windsor ave, 'Wilson, .Jacob ::'I[ :F, clerk, 1ds COl' l'ellessiel' H nd Lonclon st~. Wilson, Mrs, widow, h 183 McDo:l1gall ,;t. Wilson, S, dry goods, It 7:3 Pitt ste. WILSON, SA~fL, dry goods and cluthing'. S. WILSON, Importer amI (.lealer in dl'.v goods, clothing. ltea(ly-made clothino' a speciality, The cheapest place in town; next (1001' w~st of t.he Town Hall (\yhere they lock 'eIll up), 4::\ ' Sandwich st e,.h 72 Pitt st e. Wilton, S:unl (Ayres & Wilton), h III Windsor nye, Winchester, David, janitor Merchant's Bank. Winchester, P '<>o'entleman, 28-3 Sandwich st w, Windred, JJ;lO, policeman, 51 'Windsor st . WINDSOH WATER WORKS, ,Yaterous pat of Dl'antl'ord,Ollt. Winter, Albert H, butcher, 141 SandwiQh st w. Winter, Jos, h\ltQher, S~ndwich st, WI hIlt:! lnterllntional Hotel. 68 WINDSOR. DIRECTORY..

HAS OLARK'S } WHITING has a I POllltlal" LA RG EST 0 CK CBq~!n.~ic~~~~ ,nQYr~E Wi{~;ts~e~ii~d~/l~~~rd 'WOODFORD, M D, ass't gen'l supt, GWR,office at freight. house, h London, Onto ,Voodison, Ed, bricklayer, h 269 Goyeau st. _ IV oods, Chas, foreman (McGregor & Fulmer), 11 18 Chatham st. 1\" oods, Chas, liYeryman, h 20 Chatham st. ,Voods, Chas, laborer, 157 Bruce ave. ,VOODS, MRS M, widow, eating hou:se, 'Windsor a\"e. Warm meals at all hours. ,Voodson, Wm, laborer, h 54 Aylmer aye. ,V ooley, :Mrs, widow, h 52 Aylmer ave. ,Vorkman, Barney, carpe~lter, 81 ChUl'ch st. Wortman, .Jacob, laborer, h Church st. WlnG-RT, C, book store, 61 Sandwith st, \Y, h IJ4 Pitt st, "". C,'WRIGHT, Books, l)lallk' books, stationery, prayer books, hymn bJoks, bibles, toy books; school books, black jewellery, work boxes, albums, fancy goods, toys, et.c., and every thing in the line, at prices below any other place in Wimlsor, 61 So.nd wich street, W, h 144 Pitt st, w. \Y right, carpenter, ElllOtt st. Wright, Geo, baggageman GWR, bds Pitt st, e. Wright, Jas, baker (Robt Morton), Sandwich st. W. WRIGHT, JNO (Wright&Tisdale),h cor })ellessier & London sts WRWHT & TISDALE, Yic. Tab. Works, 72 Sandwich st. 'Vl"ight, R W, one horse colored music teacher, 75 1\IcDouD'o.ll st. \Vright, vVm, messenger Molsons Bank, rooms in bank. 0 , Wrong, John W, gentleman, 73 Goyeau st. . Wylie, John, cashi61' (.J W Peddie), bds 57 Glengarry avo. WYNESS, ROBT, salesman (W B Hirons), bds Gt Western Hotel. Yates, .:ras M, excise ofticer, Walkerville. Yates, Thos, RR hand, h Albert st. York, J el'ry, mason, 55 Goyeau st. Young, Chas, foreman (Wm Rolff.) Y oung,j.r,Chas, apprentice (W Rolff.) Zoin, Wm tanner (Rolff & Co), 275. Sandwich st. Zeller, Oarl, clJtter, bds Gt Westel'n Hotel, AMHERSTBURG.

Arl ineorpomted town in Essox Co., Ont., on the Detroit Hiver, fiye miles above its junction with Lake .Erie, and at the western terminus of the Canada Southern Railway,18 mile8 from vVindsor. It \vas at ono time a garrison town, and was called Malden, the llame of a fortress in the tuwn. It . eontaiml a eourt house, several churches, . saw and grist mills, sash, door and blind faetory, an iron foundry, about sixty stores, several good hotels, and a telegraph office. iunherstburg is a port of entry. Steamers nUl daily bct\,een Amhersllmrg and Detroit, ::\Iich. Detroit is :11so reaehell yin C.S.H. erossing from Amherst­ burg to Grosse Isle, by raihnty ferry, and from thence to Trenton, via Trenton Bridge, a beautiful and costly structure erected by the Canada Southern Rail way. The fare from Detroit to Amherstburg by rail being sixty cents, :mel by boat fifty cents. I)opnlation ahout :!,GOO.


Adams, -, laborer, Simcoe st. Allen, C, sailor, h Seymore st. AMHERSTBURG ECHO, Balfour & Auld, proprietors. Anderson, E, collector of customs, Dalhousie st. Anderson, E T, clerk, Dalhousie st. Anderson, P H, agent :Montreal Telegraph Co,and Insurance Agent, Dalhousie ~t. Anderson, \Y, gentleman, bds Murray st. Archer, Mrs, groceries and provisions, cor Apsley and :Murray sts. Ashdown, C H, school teacher, h Dalhousie st. . Auffrit, F, mate of steamer, bds Temperance Hotel. Auld, J A (Balfour & Auld), h Ramsay st. Aulin, John, teamster, George st. Baford, J as, sailor, h Apsley st. Bailey, A, gentleman, Apsley st. Bailey, Geo, carpenter, Sandwich st. 70 A!vIHERSTBFRG DIRECTORY.

HAS CLARK'S }The Windsor Clothing . store keeps a Lar~e Popular Assortment of Men s, GBqP!n(~c~~~~~ll~I~~E ~~~:s~n~Jl~~~~~~g'Youths' & Bo¥s' Over- Balfovr, \V D (Balfour & Auld), h Ramsay st. Barnell, Alex, laborer, bds Seymore st. Barnev Tos, sailor, h Park st. 11:\ U Et'l, J, proprietor barber shop, Dalhousie st, h Gc:orge st. Bartrand, A & U, waggon and blacksmith shop, King st. Bartranu, .-\ (of it & D Bartrand), h King st. Bartrand, D (of A & D Bartrand), h George st. Bartrand, F, wheelwright, bds King st. Barlow, Tbos, engineer, Richmond st. Bastien, A, carpenter, Brock st. Bastien, J os, farmer, Brock st. Bell, Dr, office Dalhousie st, h Perry st. Bell, J no, farmer, Perry st. Benito, L, butcher, Ramsay st, h Park st. Bennett, P, stone mason, Richmond st. Bernard, 1\1, laborer, George st. Bertrand, D, blacksmith, George st. Bertrand, G, butcher, h Ramsay st. Bertrand, J os, laborer, Brock st. BERTRAND, S, butcher, cor lVlurray and Bathurst sts. Birel, J W (Brown & Bird), h Apsley st. Doismeer, Chas, carpenter, George st. Bonnett, J olm, brewer, h Simcoe st. Booth, John, laborer, h St. Arnaud st. Borron, Chas, laborer, Murray st. Borrowman, J IV, grain buyer, h Richmond st. BORROWMAN, ROBT, stoves, hardware, etc, Dalhousie st, h Richmond st. ROBERT BORROWMAN, Dealer in stoves, hardware, tinware, cutlery, electro-plated ware, paints, oils, bird cages, white wire, .etc. Eave troughing and roofing a specialty. 106 Dalhousie st, Amherstburg. . Borrowman, vV, laborer, Fort st. Borrowman, W (Park & Borrowman), h Richmond st. BOTSFORD, A, clerk, Third Division Court,Ramsay st. Botsford, A, (McGee & Botsford), h River Bank. Botsford, D, carpenter, Richmond st. .\\lIIERSTJj(lHG DlREctom' . 71

.WINDSOR CLOTHINC STORE} The "'indShl~~thillg Store W. H. E. WHITINC LAItGE ASSORT1UEN'l' , of ()ltllclreu'H Suits, 33 SANDWICH STREET, W From $2.50 up-33Sandw;ch street. w Botsword, D, machinist, cor Richmond and Sandwich st. Botsford, J D, journeyman, bds cor Gore and King sts. Boufford, G, cooper, Apsley st. Boulby, D, carpenter, bds Dalhousie st. Boyd, Ed, laborer, Fort st. BOYLE, THOS, jun, barrister, Dalhousie st. Boyle, T, sen, laborer, St Arnaud st. Bradley, Jos, apprentice, bds Richmond st. Brady, B, laborer, Richmond st. Brantford, G, laborer, Brock st. Brantford, M, laborer, Brock st. Brett, Jno, boot & shoe maker, Dalhousie st, h cor Simcoe & George. Brock, Thomas, blacksmith, Sandwich st. Broisbois, G, merchant tailor, Murray st. Brooman, Rev Mr, Church of England, Ramsay st. Brough, M, shoemaker, cor George and Murray. Broult, M, shoemaker, h George st. Brown, A M, clerk. BROWN & BIRD, woolen mills, river bank. BROWN, E, prop Western Hotel, Richmond st. Brown, F, laborer, St Arnaud st. Brown, H, laborer, Fort st. Brown, J E (Brown & Bird), h Apsley st. Brown, J, laborer, Fort st. Brown, Wm, books and stationery, Murray st. Bruce, Mrs S, widow, hotel keeper, cor Murray and Ramsay st. Bruch, H, laborer, Seymore st. Brush, L, mariner, Sandwich st. Bungey, Wm, gentleman, h Park st. Burns & Bro, boot and shoe store, Murray st. Burns, J no, baker, Brock st. Burns, J no (of Burns Bros) Seymore st. Burns, T (of Burns Bros), Seymore st. BURK, J D, general store, cor Seymore and G.xe stS', h Seymore st. Bush, Mrs, widow, h Apsley st. Butler C H, laborer, St Arnaud st. Cadar~tte, C, carpenter, bds Sandwich st. . Cadaret, Ed, carriage maker, Apsley st, h D.llhousle st. Cadaret, L~ grocer, Murray st. 72 , .UtH1WSl'BUlW l)iHEC'l'Oll Y.

Cadaret, P, carpenter, Sandwich st. Cadont, Ed, waggon maker, Rankin a\'e. CA DY, R, manager for Chas Greener, h Dalhousie st. Caldwell J ]\1, gentleman, cor Gore and Apsley sts. Cameron, Miss, dressmaker, Apsley st. Campbell, Jno, lumberman, Murray st. Campeau, J as, eating house, Murray st. Campeau, Jas, carpenter, Apsley st. Campeau, Mrs, Widow, h Apsley st. Canniff, J as, laborer, Fort st. Carney, Jno, sailor, Alma st. Carney, Jno, shoemake~ Fort st. Carroll, J no, laborer, St Arnaud st. Carr, W'm, laborer, St. Arnaud st. CASCADDAN, IV E, oculist, bds Temperance H()tel. Clarke, A, jun, carpenter, h Park st. ' Clarke, Mrs"widow, cor Seymore and Munay sts. , Crowley, Jas H, groceries, Murray sts. Cockburn, L, gentleman, h Park st. Collins. Miss S, milliner, bds Dalhousie st. Colwell, J no M, gentleman, h Ramsay st. Connal, J no, laborer, Richmond st. Cooper, J, teamster. , Cooper, J no, laborer, Brock st. Conroy, F, gentleman, Murray st. Conroy, F, laborer, Alma st. Cote, L, laborer, King st. Cote, L, shoemaker, h King st. Cousins, Jas, clerk, bds Seymore st. COUSINS, IVM, groceries and liquors, Murray st. Cousins, IV P, clerk, bds Seymore st. Covart, A, grocer, cor Apsley and Murray sts. Crawford, G, carpenter, etc, cor George and Gore sts. Crawford, Geo, painter, h cor George and Gore sts. ,Crawford, J as, laborer, Seymore st. Culley, R, shoemaker, 13 Dalhousie st. Cummins, Jno, groceries, etc., cor George and Richmond sts. Curtley, H, laborer, King st. " , Daneau, teamster, Park st. AMHERSTB1)RG DIRECTORY. 73

INDSOR CLOTHING STORE) WHITINC MAKES A SPEOIALTY OF . W. H E WHITINC ~ UNDERCLOTHING W33 SANDWICH STREET, Vi f 33 ~:::;~:::~, ·w.. Daneau, G, blacksmith, bds GeQrge st. . Davidson, W A, apprentice. Echo office, bds Park st. Davidsoll, W W, photographer, Dalhousie st, h Park st. Dawson, P, laborer, Richmond st. Delisle, A G, clerk, bds Richmond st. Dickson, Wrri, clerk, h Richmond st. Dominion .House, cor George and Richmond sts, A' Barnard, prop. Dolphin, J as, turner, Seymore st. Donnelly, Jno, laborer, h St Arnaud st. Dornan, B, laborer, h Richmond st. Dornan, Wm, laborer, h Richmond st. . DOSEY, JNQ, barber, h George st. Draveline, D, carpenter Apsley st. Droullard, H, clerk, cor Murray and Apsley sts. Droullard, Harry, clerk, bd.> Murray st. Droullard, L, cigar store, Murray street. Droullard, L, carpenter, h Brock st. uumon, A, eating house, Murray st. Dunbar, J itS, livery stable, Dalhousie st. Duncan, Mrs, widow, Ramsay st. Dunn, 'V, laborer, Fort st. Dopuis, B, laborer, h Apsley st. Edward, Wm, barber, h King st. Elliott, R, sho~maker, h Dalhousie. England, Mrs S, widow, Richmond st. Evans, D, printer, Echo office, bds Bruce House. Farmer, John, drover, Dalhousie st, Ferguson, R, mariner, Sandwich st. Ferguson, Mrs, widow, Gore 5t. - Flamant, N, shoemaker, Seymore st. Fleming, Jas, boot and shoe store, Murray st, h Murray st. Fleming, Thos, shoemaker, bds Murray st. Flint, Mrs, widow, Dalhousie st. Flood, Jno, machinist, bds Park st. Flynn, P, laborer, 8t Arnaud st. Flynn, 'V, laborer, Fort 5t. FOSTER BROS, G H.& J W, livery stables, Apsley ,to Frute, Geo (of Pollard, Frllte & Ran(ln]l.) FIIS'ct, .\, Inborer, Fort st. 74 AJIHERSTBrnG DIRECTORY.

Gascon, Luke, grocer, etc, Seymore st. Gilmour, T, laborer, bds Park st. Gilbert, George, moulder, bds Park st. Girardin, D, mariner, Bathurst st. GORDON, MRS L, widow, Dalhousie st. Gordon, J as, engineer, h Ramsay st. Gott, Geo, lancling waiter customs, h Murray st. Gott, Jas, gentleman, Murray st. Gott, Mrs Wm, confectionery, Murray st. Gott, Wm, apprentice, bds Apsley st. Grondin, Ed, carpenter, Rankin ave. Greiner, Chas, stoves and tinware, Dalhousie st. Gravelin, Mrs, widow, Apsley st. Graves, J, carpenter, h Dalhousie st Groudin, Ed, carpenter, h Rankin ave. Grondin, Ed, carpenter, h Bathurst st. Grondin, J os, grocer, cor Simcoe and George sts. Grenier, J B. jr, cabinet maker, h Murray st. Grenier, J B C, cabinet maker, Murray st. GREEN, GEO, carriage maker, cor Bathurst & Park sts, h Park st, Grenier, Henry, porter, h Park st. Grenier, H, laborer, Park st. Hackett, F B, mariner, Ramsay st. Hackett, Geo, sailor, h Apsley 5t. Hackett, Wm, apprentice," Echo" oftice, bds :9alhousie st. Hackett, Mrs, widow, Bathurst st. Hagan, Thos, laborer, St Arnaud st. Hainer, D, laborer, h, Aspley 5t. Hamilton, W, apprentice, bds Ramsay 5t. Hancock, Jas, sen, laborer, Fort st. Hanaran, E, laborer, St Arnaud st. Hardie, R, carpenter, Bathurst st. Harris, ] no, carpenter, Dalhousie 5t. Harris, F J, carpenter, Murray st. HAWKINS, MISS C (by request). Haynes, Wm, laborer, Fort 5t. Hobley, J no, laborer, Bathllr~t st, Horsman; :Vm, gro~er. etc,.cor ~alholl~i(' ~Dli Murray sts, HOlmer, 1 hos, marmer, I) ;;;:ncjw!ch st, SIGN GOLDEN of Ule UOR1'Alt.

71 and 731Dalhbusie Street, AMHERSTBURG, ONTARIO.



..A. Co:u:::a.p1e"t"e- S1:ocls. 01£ DYE STUffS/' AND C~YSTJ\LS From the-_. Best __ Manufacturers..-- 'l'lje :Mo~t Fa~ljiol1a81e al)G. Select t>etfuu)e~ & l{oilet ~ttiC1e~ .'M~S'ltlf!J i!lN~ Nfllm&Mm1t ~INi~B,.f~Nf!JJf8. ".

received direct from the manufacturersJ .~!terefore are gua.ranteed genuine. ;jJ~01tIlll8C;flftI6S~ 111~JitJJitJ~ 71 and 73 Dalhouiie St., Amherstbnrg.


tWhitiI?g is noted for INDSOR ClOTHINC. STORE keeplllg the finest as- sortme~ of Oollars, W. H. E. WHITINC 'j Ties & Silk Handker- W33 SANDWICH STREET, W ~~ie§~~dwtg~_sro;n.

Healy, Jno, glass and crockeryware, Murray st, h Ramsay st. Hedgeman, Jno, laborer, Brock st. Hunt, M T, clerk. Hunt, W, engineer, Richmond st. Hunt, T, blacksmith, bds Richmond st. Hutton, Jno, sailor, h Dalhousie st. Hyde, R, laborer, Richmond st. Ireland, David, confectionery and tobacco ~tore, Murray st. JIVing, E M, clerk, Richmond st. Jackson, S, laborer, George st. Jackson, Mrs, widow, Seymore st. Jarmin, Jas, mariner, h Park st. Jarvis, J S, clerk, Bathurst st. Johnson Bros, oyster and game house, Murray st. .r ohnson, Geo, clerk, bds Johnson House. Johnson House, T H Johnston,prop,cor Richmond & Dalhousie sts. Johnson, J, laborer, h Murray st. Johnson, Thos (of Johnson Bros), h Murray st. Johnson, Wm (of Johnson Bros) h Murray st. Johnson, W, carpenter, h King st. Jones, Rev E S, Methodist Church, h Seymore st. Jones, Ed, teamster, h Park st. Jubinville, T, livery stables, Simcoe st. KACHTHALER, T M, cigar manufacturer, Apsley ,t. KANE, MRS, drugs, dry goodes & stationery, Murray st,h Ramsay. Kane, vVm, printer, Echo office, h Ramsey st. Kay, Robt, watchmaker, books and stationery, Dalhousie st, h. Apsley st. See adv. . R.. KAY, Dealer in all kinds of watches, c1ocb, jewelry, books, stationery and fancy goods. Only PR .... CTlCAL watchmaker in to\\,I1. Post Office Store, 102 Dalhousie st, Amherstburg. Keenan, J, sailor, Richmond st. Keenan, vVm, harness maker, h Richmond. King, Alfd, carpenter, h Park ,t. King, F,carpenter, h Park st. King, Henry, hdwrer, bds :Park st, 76 AMHERSTBURG nIHECTORY.

Kirk, Wm shoemaker, Richmond st. Kennedy, J C, laborer, Fort st. Kevill, J as, gentleman, Dalhousie st. Knoll, Alex, laborer, Richmond st. -, KOLFAGE, J G, hardware, dry goods, etc, cor Dalhousie & Murray. Kolfage, J G, tanner, River Bank. Kolfage, T H, clerk, bds Dalhohsie st. Kolfage, H J, book-keeper, River Bank, Kolfage, S C, clerk, Dalhousie st. Kolfage, W S, laborer, River Bank. , Lafferty, G, dry goods and clothing, Murray st, h RlVer Bank. La Libertv P C wood and coal dock, h cor Park and Ramsay sts. Lambert, Dr, R~msay st. Lane, J, currier, h Dalhousie st. Langlois, P, clerk, h Apsley st. Langlois, T, laborer, Bathurst st. Lee, M, laborer, St Arnaud st. Leframbrois, Jas, mariner, Sandwich st. Legros, A, boots and shoes, Dalhousie st, h Murray st. Lemay, L, blacksmith, bds Apsley st. Lemay, V, blacksmith, h Apsley st. LIFFITON, G J, merchant tailor, Dalhousie st. (See adv.) Lobley, J no, bookkeeper, Temperance ,Hotel. Longloris, P, clerk, h Ramsay st. Lowe, John, gentleman, Murray st. Lukes, T, carpenter, h Rankin ave. Lundy, W C, M D, Richmond st. LUSHINGTON, ] .\S S, chemist amI druggist, Dalhousie st. :McCurdy, G, laborer. McCurdy, N, carpenter, George st. 'IIcDonald, A, cabinet maker, h Bathurst st. McDonell, .. \ lex, carpenter, h Bathurst st. lvlacDowell, S, laborer, Seymore st. l\'lacLeod, Mrs C, widow, Dalhousie st. 'lIe-Fate &: Co, hub and spoke factory, Dalhousie st. 'I[cFate, R (of McFate &: Co), h River Bank. IV1cFate, S (of !If cFate &: Co), bcls River Bank. M'FATE & CO., . Hub l:nd spok,: fador)" No. 7 DQ,lhollsi,: street, Amllerstbllrg, Ont, 77

IND<10R CLOTH INC STORE) Whiting' keep'" U {LARCE STOCK OF HATS, in all the latest W• H • E • WH ITINC 'English and American Styles, W ( \\'tlldso.' Clot).iI.g !I/,o ..... 33 SANDWICH STREET , W J ;.:;:~ SandWlCh street. McIntyre, J olm, clerk, bds Dalhousie st. :McGregor, Mrs, widow, Dalhousie st. McGregor, Alex, tailor, h Apsley st. IVlcGowan, Capt, Ramsay 5t. McGee, J as, sailor, Ramsay st. McGee, S \ of i'lIcGee & Botsford), h Dalhousie st. McGee & Botsford, groceries and prov, cor Dalhousie :wd Gore sts. MAGUIRE, JNO, general store, cor Murray and Apsley sts. Seeadv Madden, J as, laborer, St Arnaud 51. ' Maloney, J as, shoemaker, Brock st. Maloney, Jno, shoemaker, Brock st. Maloney, J 01111, jr, shoemaker, Brock st. Maloney, F, shoemaker, Brock st. Maloney, M, blacksmith, Bathurst st. Marcotte, P, carpenter, h Dalh6usie st. Maville, J no, bartender, bds Dominion Hotel. Meek, Jno, book-keeper, Sandwich st. Meloche, Miss E, millinery and fancy goods, Dalhousie st. Meloche, \Vm, gentleman, Brock st. Menzies, J as, dry goods, groceries, etc, Murray st, h Ramsay st. Mepham, jr, S, clerk, h Ford st. Mepham, S, laborer, F'ort st. MIDDLEDITCH, GEO, foundry and machine shop, Dalhousie st, h Park st. Middleditch, Henry, hotel keeper, cor Apsley and Simcoe st. Middleditch, H W, machinist, h Apsley st . . Middleditch, P, machinist, bds Park st. Moloney, M, blacksmith, Bathurst st. Moore, Miss, dressmaker, Apsley st. Moran, A, clerk h Ramsay st. Moran, Mrs M A, grocery, Ramsay st. Morain, E, shoemaker, bds Simcoe st. Morain, Jas, sen, stone cutter, Apsley st. Morain, J, jun, sailor, bds Apsley st. Morain, F, shoemaker, Apsley st. Morrison, Alex, carpenter, bds Apsley st. Morrin, F, laborer, Murray st.. Morrin, Z, carpenter, Apsley st. Morin, Jas, book-keeper, bds cor Murray and Apsley st, Morin, Z, salesman, bds cor Murray and Ap5ley sts. More, E, laborer, h Seymore st. Morain, P, shoemaker, h Apsley st. Moynaha111, J S, clerk, Bathurst st. Murray, S, teamster, h King st. Nadean; Chas, watchmaker, George st. N all, A, laborer, St. Arnaud st. National Hotel, cor Apsley and Richmond 8t5. R Rugg, prop. N t;vin, P, laborer, St Arnaud st. Norvell, Dallas, 'general store and wood merchant, near depot. N utson, W H, clerk, Sandwich st. O'Maddem, Miss, groceries and china ware, Murray st. O'N eill, J no, sailor, bds George st. OUELLETTE, THOS, cord wood and lumber merchant, Sand- wich st, near depot. • Park & Borrowman, plaining mill and lumber yard, Dalhousie st. PARK, E G, P M, Dalhousie st. PARK, J R, (of Park & Borrowman), h Dalhousie st. Park, T J, h Dalhousie st. Parlett, C, carpenter, h North st. Pattieson, J no, laborer, St Arnaud st. Patton, A J, mail clerk, C S R R, h Dalhousie st. Peacock, R, laborer, st Arnaud st. Phagan, Wm, laborer, St Arnaud st. Pienean, R, carpenter, Park st. Pitt, v\Tm, laborer, St Arnaud st. Pollard, Jas (of Pollard, Firth & Randall), h Murray st. Pollard, J C Mrs, millinery, Murray st. Pollard, Firth & Randall, stave factory, Dalhousie' ~t. Powell, Jos, tanner, h Murrayst. Preist, Chas, painter, bds Park st. Primeau, F F, blacksmith, cor Seymore and Simcoe sts, h Par k st. Primeau, F, blacksmith, Murray st. " Primeau, Mrs, dressmaker, George st. Primeau, J, blacksmith, h Murray st. Prince Albert Hotel, Conroy, Jno, prop, Murray st. Quarry, Wm B, M D, Murray st. Quinlan, Thos, laborer, 8t Arnaud st. Randall, Saml (Pollard, Firth & Randall), Dalhousie st. A ~n-mnSTBntG DIRgC'l'ORY. 7~1

'WINDSOR CLOTHINC STORE } LATE Sr-TSTYLES W. H. E. WHITINC %:LV , Silk and Felt Hats~ 33 SANDWICH STREET, W At Whiting's, 33 Sandwich·st., w. Reaume. D, carpenter, Sandwich st. REAUME, Jos, harnessmaker, Murray st, h Apsley st. Reid, Saml, moulder, h Simcoe st. Renard, Jos, blacksmith, h Murray st. Reneau, Saml, shoemaker, Gore st. Reno, J os, blacksmith, h Murray st. Reynolds, R, currier, Richmond st. Rhine, J no, brickmason, Murray st. Ridgedale, Jas, fireman, h Apsley st. Riley, J, laborer, St Arnaud st. ROBBINS, G C, mining engineer, h River Bank Robbins, Thos, carpenter, bds Apsley st. Roberts, Mrs, groceries, Murray st. Roe, John, machinist, bds Park st. Rogers, Levi, laborer, Richmond st. Rose, W, mariner, Sandwich st. Rose, W, sailor, Park st. Rourke, T, laborer, St Arnaud st. Roy, F, carpenter, h Park st. Rankin, Thos, brewery, Park st. Ryan, Jno, laborer, St Arnaud st. Salmom, Mrs, widow, Seymore street. Sample, B, laborer, Fort st. SCOTT, C N, station master C S RR and U S Consul. Sharp, H, laborer, h Murray st. Sharp, W, clerk, Dalhousie st. Skinn.~r, Mrs, widow, Ramsay st. Skinner, Miss E, school teacher, Bathurst st. Smith, A, laborer, Fort st. . Smith, B, laborer, Richmond st. Smith, D, baker, Ramsay st. Smith, D H, barber, Murray st. S.nith, Ed, laborer, St Arnaud st. Smith, Mrs E, groceries, cor Seymore and Murray sts. Smith, R A, barber, King st. Smith, Rev F (Pres Church), h Gore st. Smith, W, carpenter, Apsley st. Smith, Wm, laborer, St Arnaud st. Southard, J D (col), school teacher, h ~ing st. 80 A~1HERSTBURG DlRECTORY.

HAS. CLARK'S }WE 4Q not cllarge our BOOT &PSHOE STORE::-:U:~?:;f~:~~a~~ C89 Sandwich-st. 'V•• 'Vlndsor. li!ee ~S. Souther, Jno, shoemaker, h King st. Spinks, Wm, laborer, Fort st. Stephens, 'iV, teamster, Brock st. Stevens W N. wholesale and retail dealer in coal, bds Old Fort. Sullivan', VV, laborer, Richmond st. Sutherland, Jno, mariner, Sandwich st. Sweeney, Jas, butcher, bds Murray st. Tansey, Jno, shoemaker, Richmond st. Tansey, Jno, laborer, Sandwich st. Taylor, Geo, saloon keeper, l\furray st. Teehan, P, laborer, Fort st. Templeton, Jas, banker and broker, Dalhom;i.e st. Thomas, C 1\1: S, clerk. Tomlinson, Geo, journeyman, h Murray st. Tomlinson, J os, journeyman, h Murray st. Tomlinson, Mrs, widow, Richmond st. Tomlinson, T, blacksmith, Brock st. Treacy, M, laborer, Richmond st. Trembly, N, laborer, George st. Tracey, P, laborer, St Arnaud st. Turner, 'Vm, mariner, Sandwich st. Turpin, C, clerk, Sandwich st. Turville & Bro, groceries, cor Bathurst and Murray 5t. Turville, J (of Turville & Bm), River Bank Turville, T P (of Turville & Bro.) Turville, E, laborer, Fort st. TWOMEY, MICHAEL, general store, cor Richmond ~nd Dalhousie sts. See adv. . Twomey, M B, book-keeper, bds Dalhousie st. TWOMEY, GEO, merchant, Dalhousie st. Vallantine, E, shoemaker, h King st. Veney, A, sailor, h George st. Walsh, J, laborer, Fort st. Ward, Jno, teamster, Sandwich st. ,.- Ward, Mrs, widow (col), George st. \\Testway, Jno, engineer, Gore st. West, H, shoemaker, Sandwich st. West, H G, boot and shoe store, Richmond 1It. West, H S, shoemaker, Simcoe 9.t. AMHERSTBURG DffiECTORY. 81

INDSOR CLOTHINC STORE} MEN'S, YOU T HS' W. H. E. WH IrINC, HudsonUBayOvercoats, W33 SANDWICH STREET, W AT THEWINDSOR CLOTRI8G STORE. West, H, shoemaker, Simcoe st. . . i.Vliite, Jos, steamboat clerk, h cor Gore and Apsley. . .. White; Thos, B, stone and wood merchant andgen'l store, near del'JOt. Whipple, S S, carpenter, bds Park st. WHy'rE, WM A, chemist, Dalhousie st. See adv. . WILCOX, A, Temperance Hotel, cor Seymore and Simc.oe sts; WiJkin~on, R, laborer; Sf Arriaudst. WlLKINSON, WT; harness maker, cor Richmond and Dalhousie. WILSON, GEO, land,insurance and general agent, issuer of mar- riage licenses, 3 Dalhousie st. See adv. Williams, A, butcher; bds Murray st. Willianls, B, laborer, Apsley st. Wishard, If, laborer, St. Arnaud st. Woods, P, laborer, St Arnaud st. Wright, Mrs, widow, Brock st. Young, Alex;' blacksmith, h Apsley st. Young, H, sailor, h Seymore st. SANDWICH. A thriving post village of Ontario, capital of the Cuunty of Essex, on the Detroit River, opposite ~ the city of Detroit About two miles N. E. of the village is Windsol', the terminus of the Great Western Railway. Sandwich contains Episcopal and Itoman Catholic Churches, (and, until recently, a newspaper, The lJominion, which is at present published at vVindsor), telegraph office, brewery, a num­ ber of stores and several mills. The noted Sulphur Springs are situated a mile below the village. A street railway connects the village with 'Vindsor; steamers and vessels also land. During the summer season large numbers of people from Detroit, "Windsor and other places flock to the springs, when, for a season Sandwich is full of life and gaiety, two steamers plying daily between Detroit and the Springs-fare, 25 cents for the round trip. ~ P. S.-By all means yisit Sandwich Springs in the sammer season. SANDWICH DIRECTORY. Allinson, :Miss, operator "Montreal Tel Office, Bedforcl st. ASKIN, JAS WALLACE, Regist'r Co Essex, Bedford st, h ~~1l1d\\'ich Askin, Jno Alex, office Windsor, h Bedford st. Askin, Miss, clerk Registry Office, h Sandwich st. Baldwin, Thos, school teacher, h Bedford st. Baylis, Benj, confectionery, store Bedford st. Bissonett, David, carpenter, Bedford st. Roismier, Jos, livery stables and blacksmith shop, Bedford st. BOURKE, OLIVER, prop Crystal Springs Distillery, Si.ndwich st, h Detroit. Bower, Mrs A, wido\\', Bedford st. Brown, Geo, painter, bds Russel st. Brown, John, stone mason, h Russel st. Calonder, Jerry, baker, bds Bedford st. Clark Bros, boot and shoe store, Bedford sl. Clark, .las B (of: Clark Bros), h Jkdford st. Clark, Wm (of Clark Bros), h COl' IvIlll qnd Peter sts. (:ron].;, ~Warren, pop n1'\.Ilql~1ctqr~r, Wiqcl~gr, h Bedford st, SANDWICH DIRECTORY. 83

INDSOR CLOTHINC STORE) WHITING has a W. H. E. WHITINC, ~ LA R GEOF S TOO K White, Regatta & Oxford W33 SANDWICH STREET , Wf Shirts. :33 Sandwich-st. Dalieden, Julius, baker Bedford st. Dalieden, bakery, Bedford st. Dimeshell, D, harness maker, bds Bedford st. Dobson, Cyrus, farmer, Bedford st. Dulford, Peter, fisherman, h Bedford st. ELLIS, A C, harness maker, Bedford st. Emerson, Mrs assistant teacher, Bedford st. Falting, C, ma'shman, h Sandwich st. . Falting, E, distiller, h Sandwich st. Ferguson & Spiers, groceries and liquors, Bedford st. Ferguson, 1'hos H (of Ferguson & Spiers), bds Bedford st. Fluett, Joseph L. collec'r & gen'l agent, Bedford st, bds Sandwich st FLUETT, LOUIS, clerk of town, clerk of 1St Division Court, jus- tice of peace and notary public, Bedford st, h Sandwich st, w. Forrest, J as, sailor, Bedford st. ' Fortier, A, clerk, bds Bedford st. Gauthier, Alex, clerk, h Bedford st. Gautier, C W, prop Mineral Springs Hotel. Gauthier, J B, general store, Bedford st. (iemsth, J os, com traveller, bds Bedford sc. Gibson, Jno, gentleman, bds 'Western Hotel. Giraud, Jno, prop Stattz Hotel, Bedford st. Girardot, F, derk, bds Mill st. Girardot, l' (ofPequegnot & Co), h :Mill st. Gray, Ed, laborer, Bedford st. Hathaway, E, helper, h Sandwich st. Henry, L, gentleman, bds Dominion House. Henry, V,7m, prop Dominion House, Bedford st. Holden, Jas, groceries, Bedford st. Holden, N B, clerk, bds Bedford st. Holden, Wm, clerk, bds Bedford st. Hollinworth, A, blacksmith, bds Bedford st. Hollinworth, B, blacksmith, bds Bedford st. Hollinworth, Jas, sen, blacksmith and wagon shop, Bcdfo:-d st. Hollinworth, J as, blacksmith, bds Redford sr. HolJinworth, Thos, blacksmith, bds Bedford st. Hollinworth, Mrs, grocery, Bedford st. Jacobs, Will, rectifier, Sandwich st.

Jamieson, Thos1 b,ltcher, B~dford st. 84 SANDwtCH DiRECTORY.

lESSOP, GEO, butcher shop, Bedford st. Jessop, Geo, jun, butcher, bds Bedford st. Jolibois, Leander, wheelwright, Mill st. Kahl, Henry, bartender, Western Hotel. Kinnee, H, teamster, Bedford st. Labelle, E, cooper, Bedford st. Laframboise, J B, shoemaker, Bedford st. Lash, Wm, steward, Bedford st. Laurant, Geo, shoemaker, h Russell st. Lazerus, Jos, laborer, h Bedford st Leech, Geo O'Callaghan, Gov Co Gaol, Court House. T" Macdonell, S S, clerk of peace & co att'y, Court House, h ~ mdsor. lVlcCallum, D, blacksmith, h Russell st. McFayden, Wm, tinsmith, bds Dominion House. McKee, Jas, reeve, h Bedford st. McKee, Thos, Co clerk, office Court House, h Mill st. Me Vittie, A, supt Sandwich & Windsor st RR, Bedford st. Marcon, Frank E, dep clerk of Crown, clerk of Co Court & registrar Surrogate Court, office Court House, h 3 Russell st. Mason, G W, general store, Bedford st, h Peter st. Moderwell, M C, clerk, bds American Hotel, ""\Vindsor . .Miller, Jos, gentleman, Bedford st. NESBITT, ED, M D, L R C P & L R C S, Bedford st. . N elson, Axel, clerk, registry office, bds Western Hotel. Ouellette, T P, foreman & acc'nt (Boljl"ke's Distillery), Sandwich st. Uuellette, Victor, dep registrar, Co Essex, h Bedfordst Palktier, Chas, butcher, bds, Bedford st. Parent, Leander, plasterer, Bedford st. Peabody, Thos, groceries, Bedford st. Pequegnot & Co, general store, Bedford st. Pequegnot, C F (of Pequegnot & Co), mayor, h Bedford st. Priemean, A, butcher, bds Bedford st. Robinson, \Vm, groceries, Bedford st. Rolpson, Neil, ass't treasurer, h Bedford st. Royal Oak Saloon, Embrow Todd, prop, Bedford st. ROYAL OAK SALOON, Bedford ~t, Sandwich. Oysters, lobsters, crabs and sardines always on hand. The bar is supplied with the b~~t brand~ of wines, liquor~ and cigars. Embrow Todd, provo SANDWICH DIRECTORY.

INDSOR CLOTHINC STORE l The. w. i~dsor Clothing Store IS the only ex- W. H. E. WHITINC elusive Clothing and W " Hat S'bore in the 00. 33 SANDWICH STREET, WJ. 33 Sandwieh·.st, W.

St John's Church, Sandwich st, T G Elliott, rector. St Louis, C, P Master, grocery store, Bedford st. Semand, Chas, laborer, h Bedford st. Sibley, Chas, potter, Bedford st. Spiers, J no (of Ferguson & Spiers), bds Bedford st. STUART, JAS A, prop Western Hotel, Bedford st. Teakle, Henry, prop Cottage Inn, Bedford st. Thodey, Wm (S & W st RR), h Bedford st. Traubly, Frank, laborer, boards Bedford st. Trumbley, M, stone cutter, boards Bedford st. Van Damme, Chas L, brewery, Russell st. Veruntte, Antonia, turnkey, goal, court house. Wales, Henry, harness and saddles, Bedford st. Westway, J, blacksmith, h Bedford 5t. Wick, Wm, shoemaker, bds Bedford st. Wilkinson, Alex, Provincial Land Surveyor, Bedford st. WILKINSON, T H, real estate & insLlrance agent, Bedford st. . Wilkinson, Miss, clerk, registry office, h East Russell st. "\Villiams, D, fireman, h Sandwich 5t. WINTERS, F A, meat market, Bedford st, h Mill st. vVontois, W, beer runner, h Sandwich 5t. Wright, Thos H, Co Treas, office Court House, h Sandwich st. 8d MOSES SAUCIER, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, No.79 Sandwich St., 'West 1 door east of Cotter House.


Repairing of all Descriptions Neatly Done. All Work Warranted tD Give Satisfaction.

1\" C:E-1A.RQES RE.A.SON".A..BLE.<"'.

E. l. &J. NEVEUX,

"'hole.ale .t Ketail IrOlll Hardwaro MER(jDJ.NTS.


"W"EST, WINDSOR ONTARIO. ~WE.pSOR ADY ETI'l'ISE:\LE:-ITS. } ESSEX RECORD A 36 COLUMN WEEKLY, . I . Pllblis"hed every Friday, at the ofiice~ OPERA HOUSE BLOOK, WINDSOR, ONT. Sl'EPln~N I.USTED, Editor and Prop • .. . - , In conneotion with the above is one of the . Best Printing Offices in the West I ·Supplied with every requisite for doing THE FINEST' CLASS OF WORK AT THE LOWEST RATES. PETER A. CRAIG, 'rHOS. CltI'I''I'ELS, Generlll Dealer in BLACKSMITH GROOERIES And Horee-Shoer. PROVISIONS, ' OROOKERY, STEAMBOAT & MILL WORK GLASSWARE, I . LAMPS, &c" I PARTICULARLY AITENDED TO. LAMP FINDINC ASPECIALTY Iron Fencing a Specialty Goods Delivered to any Part' Nothlnllin my Line I (;an· . of the Town. not do. 5 SANDWICHST M'DOUCAll ST., COR. SANDWICH .ST WINDSOR.ONT. ~8 . WINDSOR ADVERTISEMENTS. (I", 8*-orrst-, FLOUR, AND, FEED, Oanned Fruits, Notions, and Toilet ArtiCle$

" of EveryiDescription. c·



_.. - SALT AND FRESH FISH, SMOKED & SALTED MEATS. -.... - Wooa.;lIay, Oats and Straw ALWAYS ON HAND. 'w All Goods Delivered' Free of Charge. , CASH PAID for ;Sutter, Eggs, and other Country Prod:uce. . ~.- No. 61, Sandwich St., Cor. Dougall, WINDSOR) ONTARIO., WINDSOR ADVERTISEMENTS. ~9

,.~ AI-I-t.8. Builder ~ Contractor ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR ALL. KINDS OF _0- K~terial of Every_0- Description Furnish(d. ··All Work Guaranteed to give Perfect and Entire Satisfaction. Residence and Shop, No. 747 Windsor AVB.

GEORGE ANDERSON, Proprietor. WARM & COLD ·MEAI-lS A TALL ErOURS_ Oysters in Every S~yle. Cold Luncheon, Pies, Cakes, &0. Nuts and Fruits of All Kinds. Choice .Bx;ai:;lds . of Imported and Domestic Cigars alw~ys in Stock. ., .P.S.-None but gentlemanly and attentive "'aiters ellJplnyed. N()~ 2 Ferry St., . Windsor, Onto 90 WIXDSOR ADVERTlSE)iEXTS.

Sign of the Golden :Boot.


~f;j~,-"~'Jc~i_t Iineet,":5lf-"")~ .. ' ~ ~~k_*s .' OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, 28 Sandwioh' Street, West, Windsor, Ont. f!t?~ custom W;ork a Specialty.


- ...... _.- Fashionable, Millinery, Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, Flowers, Laces, &c. The Very La.test Styles .Alwa.ys on Ha.nd~ Opposite the Great Western Railway Statron. ••• SEVV.ING MAOHINES,




~1I0'f.. iBJ,~" ~ 0 U r~~'~ , I 11 Sandwich Street, .E., I¥INIJSOR, ONTAI?IO.

, .... H/~heBt Gash Price Pa/d for Hides & SHins.

CREAT WESTERN PalaCBRBstaurant lIap~.r Slep' E. T. RITENOUR & GU. CHAS. B. FORD, PROPRIETOR. The Delicacies, of the Season Constantly Provided.. ' Hot Coffee, Tea and Chocolate HairDressing prepared in a few minutes. , ShflYlng, Shampooing, &c. Also Dealers in Shell aJUl Canned Oysters, Cured Fish, 'l!'or-eign aild In Best Style. pomestic Fruits, Ga!lle, &c. ::-10. 10, Upper FerrySt~, ne:dY 0pp. ODD FELLOWS' BUILDINC, n. W. Depot, and 1 door SOLith, of 9 Sandwich St., 'Vest, Fraser &. JOhllstOl~'S ~llk, Windsor, - oDta~io. FVINDSOR, - ONT.,' 92 . WINDSOR ADVERTISEMENTS.

Gonts' .Furnishin[ ana Ontfittill[EstabUsbmont, , '5 Sandwich Street We~t, Windsor, Onto w.~ O.;ulier Delisle & Son,


. Estimates Furnished 'Vholesale and Retail Dealer in FUR Cut. Chewing, Smoking & Plug All STYLES OF BUilDINGS On Short Notice. ~08ACCO &; Cigars, Snuff, Pipes, &c. Sign of Office & Residence 214 :.n.j the indian, 19 Sandwich St. West, Mercer Street, Windsor, Onto - Wi:n..dsor, _. Onta,rio. WINDSOR ADVER'I'ISEME~'I'S. 93

IFI i [ ! [


Room 78, Opera House Black,


, . I I ' . --===-~~~~"--- i

.tItt', I,tf"_te-. WITHOUT' PAIN

BY UHE OF ~ Nitrous· Oxide· Gas. ~ 94 Wr;:';DSOR .\ljYERTISEjIEXl'S. lfTILLI;4M, ALBER'T, tlotqO$ tloanin~ and ~opail'in g FlUTINC AND POUSHINC, FANCY DYINC. Custom Work Promptly- Attended To.


NO.,81 Sandwich St. W., next door to the Cotter House, WINDSOR, ONTARIO.


Wholesale & Retail Dealer in

. 23 McDougall St. Grain and Lime, , . Particular Attention Paid to . C0 fl 'N jJ M£ ft.L j Cust{}m Work.' Bran, Oats, &0.

neatly done. 57 ¥cDougall, Street, Charges Moderate. Wz'ndstJy)Ontarzo. Wl:\DSOR ADYERTISE1lE:\TS. 93 Windsor Marble Works. WALTER) SIfORLAND

DEALER IN I talian and An1erican MAR.BLE

B eadstones, &C., &C.

-- .' .

. W.INDSOH AVE. In Great Variety, and of the Finest Quality.

~ ~ -XO I ~ .JJl ~ ~ Ioe Cream, 1ellies, lUano Manges, ChaNotte 'Russe, Sod a; Water, &0. Parties Supplied. WINDSOR ADVERTISEMENTS, 97

Manufacturers and Dealers in ~ 'tJTf ~~ IV AREROOMS: FACTORY: "Itt, Street, STREET, W. 1nndsol': Ont, Burial Cases a Specialty. O.'(lel's by Telegl'apb Pl'olU})tly AttendCtI to.

1\e~ideqcc,C 109 1111"1 111 [31'uce @yo1\ue, COl'11el' Pitt'k Stl'cet, "W"IN"DSOR, ON"'J:'_

~.,,":.. ,R. P. FOST. ER, ~.',".. ~~ ~, GEN"ERAL . BU.TCHER Const,mtly on hand a good snpply of

I a·I~~~,' 'VV'h.olcsale .., :Et.c'ta.il. POULTRY &. GAME IN SEASON. IJrders Delivered in any part of the city, Highest Cash Price Paid for., Dressed Hogs, winter or summer. .' •••"..;) DOO~~ \f~ST OF TOW:i UiH. S4~PW!CH m~~T, 1I"~PS,QR. .' .' 98 WIXDSOR ADVEnTISE~EXTS.

FASHIONABLE Whulesale and J:etail

+ + t Ir&~~ and ~anUm GROCERIES

Room 2, OUELLETTE BLOCK, No. 29 Sandwich Street, E., Windsor, Onto _____ WINDSOR,ONT. ==~~~~~~======TRY VICTORIA

'l" 0 l> a '0 '0 0 ,

Latlies'HairDI'csscJ', WRIGHT & TISDALE, Boom -, Opela House Block Sml'\- wich street, Windsor. ' Ladies' Hair Work in all its various Manufacturers, branches clone in best and latest styles. Nwitches, brai,ls, friezes, curls, etc. 72 Sandwich St., W. WIXDSOR ADYERTISE~IEXT::;. 99



FO}'lt)yUSSION )Y1EF\CHANTS --__1._. _--

Of Goods Solicited.

Sale Rooms, No.· 27 Sandwich Street East,


Wiu!ds6r,. [!jJ .D't~ Conveyances of AllKinds AT ANY IIOITR. First-Glass HorsBs &Ri[s Davenport House, 51 SANDWICH ST. EAST, F'r&d tt~p~an~. p)rQip~')r, t~ ~ ~ t J -, Good Accommodation. door East of Town Hall. 4)~ mite l$mittiJ_"'f,:~t Published Every Saturday lW Moaooca .' _ C'O~~y~ Room 1Q Operq H01WJ BIQI* Sanifwioh St., Wincl?or, WINDSOR' ADVERTISEMENTS. 101


-~-~-' AII Orders Sent Home to Families. Poultry and Game in Season. Sandwich St., Windsor, Ont.

'55 Salzd'ZC/zch Street East. .


••• ctODEltIClI SALT AND FLO'C'lt, VV::a::OLES.A.LE & RET.A.IL • . 0.


~Iafl11fa.ctl1rer of and dealerill


II ' Ba(fj);, 1~' I Hats, Caps & Furs, Boots, Shoes, &0 .

.First-Class Accommodation. ----...- Stage Office for the LakeShore Lz"ne to Oxford, aJ.ld rVz'lldsor Lim: of Stages.

,. FREE'8US TO TRAINS ON CANADA SOUTWN. Good ,Stabling, and Hostler:in Attendance: " '. \ MAN UFACl'URER OF , .. ~ar:Fiagc~,~ 'ii:gom~i And SLEIGHS; nORSE SHOEING & BL!CKS)n'l'm~ It 42 Park Street, A.lDhe .. st~urg, Ontario.



."'-.\~T r.\t!Tl"RBR OF

-AND- ~1.L STY!.£SOr BUSINESS STftlVrfS, ~ ALSO WHOLESALE DEALER IN Fine Oards, Gold, Red and Green Bronze, Indelible Ink, etc • •f. F. VIN4JENT, . P. o. Box 684; Qoldwater, Mich.

SEND FOR SA.MPL"~ OJ' OHARLTON & OO.'S Wildt, For Church Pews, Hotel Room Doors, and. H

and Issuer of Marria.ge Licenses,

Valuator for Canada Permanent Loan and Savings Company. Lands, both improved and wild, in every township in the County of Essex, for sale; als(Jo Farms to rent. Lands bought and money loaned in any amounts, in long or short time.



Sign oj the Red, White and Blue, Corner of Apsl'lY and Murray streets, opposite Mrs. Arthur's grocery and pork market, third block east of Sergeant Conroy's Hotel, Amherstbnrg, Ont., Importer and Dtalerin Superfine :Blaok, :Blue 8G :B'rO'Wll :Broadoloths, BLACK DOESKINS, AND SCOTCH TWEEDS,

in Great Variety, always on hand.

at prices that defy com'petition. :<;•• ••

.r I ;,. . .r \ . ' ,_ e: '·' jOSE'PlIG.J)AO[·I ST, " " ,l.. . " ';-' l' , : '; N A T~i: " -1T 'J' ~ /r 4 C-' Vlj~ l 7' '0 5H .., '" J (J.r J. I/ ./' ~([~ '.L\- \> . • •

• ..."\...... J . '::) ..~ .' Opp . Ferry, .' , .McGEEGOR & BRO., Bankers and Brokers, Drafts on,New '., York and. aU principal Towns. and Cities in C~nada.