International Conference on Research Infrastructures Copenhagen, 21–23 March 2012
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PARTICIPANTS International Conference on Research Infrastructures Copenhagen, 21–23 March 2012 WWW.ICRI2012.DK PARTICIPANTS AT ICRI 2012 SPEAKERS Name Organisation Country Ana ARANA ANTELO European Commission Belgium Pauline BEATTIE EDCTP Netherlands Sergio BERTOLUCCI CERN Switzerland Flemming BESENBACHER The Carlsberg Foundation and Interdiscipli- Denmark nary Nanoscience Center (iNANO), Aarhus University Juan Carlos BICARREGUI Science and Technolgy Facilities Council United Kingdom Henrik BINDSLEV Aarhus University Denmark Alan BLATECKY National Science Foundation USA James H. BUTLER NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory USA Mario CAMPOLARGO European Commission Belgium Colin James CARLILE European Spallation Source ESS AB Sweden Ian CHUBB Office of the Chief Scientist Australia Willem Abraham CRONJE University of the Witwatersrand South Africa Joanne Christine DALY CSIRO Australia Jacques DEMOTES MAINARD INSERM France Daan DU TOIT South African Department of Science and South Africa Technology Gabriele FIONI Ministry for Higher Education and Research France Isabel FORTIER MCGIll University Health Center and P3G Canada Consortium Rhys Steven FRANCIS Australian eResearch Infrastructure Council Australia Dagmar Ingeborg FRITZE Leibniz-Institut DSMZ-Deutsche Sammlung Germany von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH Chad GAFFIELD Social Sciences and Humanities Research Canada Council of Canada Martin GALLAGHER Australian Embassy Brussels Australia Nirmal Kumar GANGULY Department of Biotechnology, National Insti- India tute of Immunology Máire GEOGHEGAN-QUINN European Commission Belgium Horia HANGAN WindEEE Research Institute, Western Univer- Canada sity, Canada Connie HEDEGAARD European Commission Belgium Wolfgang HOFFELNER Paul Scherrer Institut Switzerland Kim Johan HOLMÉN Norwegian Polar Institute Norway Gudmund HØST e-IRG Norway Patricia KELLY Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Australia Research and Tertiary Education 3 SPEAKERS Neelie KROES European Commission Belgium Dora Ann LANGE CANHOS CRIA Brazil Guy LEVESQUE Canada Foundation for Innovation Canada Klaus LINDPAINTNER SDIX USA Karin LOCHTE Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Germany Research in the Helmholtz Association Wouter LOS University of Amsterdam / LifeWatch Netherlands Judy MACARTHUR CLARK UK Home Office - ILAR United Kingdom Stavros MALAS Ministry of Health Cyprus Monica MARINUCCI Oracle Switzerland Diego Manuel MARTINEZ-PLAZA CIEMAT Spain Alexia MASSACAND Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Switzerland Satoshi MATSUOKA Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan Jacqueline MCGLADE European Environment Agency Denmark Catherine MÉVEL CNRS - ECORD France Philemon MJWARA Department of Science and Technology South Africa Carlos MORAIS PIRES European Commission Belgium Jean MOULIN Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO) Belgium Juni PALMGREN Swedish Research Council Sweden Jean-Daniel PARIS CEA/LSCE France Hans Müller PEDERSEN The Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Denmark Innovation (DASTI) Uffe Toudal PEDERSEN The Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Denmark Education (FIVU) Hervé PERO European Commission Belgium Octavi QUINTANA TRIAS European Commission Belgium S V RAGHAVAN Office of Principal Scientific Advisor India Dan REED Microsoft Corporation USA Carlo RIZZUTO Sincrotrone Trieste SCpA Italy Humberto Delgado ROSA European Commission Belgium Hans Gösta ROSLING Gapminder Foundatin Sweden Giorgio ROSSI Università di Milano Italy Robert (Bob) J SCHOLES Council for Scientific and Industrial Research South Africa Robert-Jan SMITS European Commission Belgium Janet THORNTON European Bioinformatics Institute United Kingdom Maria UHLE National Science Foundation USA Florencio I. UTRERAS RedCLARA Chile 4 Beatrix VIERKORN-RUDOLPH Federal Ministry of Education and Research Germany SPEAKERS Brian VINTER University of Copenhagen, Niels Bohr Institute Denmark Juanle WANG Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural China Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences Peter WITTENBURG Max Planck Society Germany John WOMERSLEY STFC United Kingdom John WOOD Association of Commonwealth Universities United Kingdom Morten ØSTERGAARD The Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Denmark Education (FIVU) 5 EXHIBITORS Name Organisation Country Karla ACOSTA CHAN European Environment Agency Denmark Constantia ALEXANDROU The Cyprus Institute Cyprus Steen ANDREASEN IPU Denmark Sergio ANGUISSOLA University College Dublin Ireland Susan ANSON Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Germany Florian BERBERICH Forschungszentrum Juelich Germany Antonio BOMBELLI Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Italy Change - IAFENT division Ove CASPERSEN European Environment Agency Denmark Raquel CEDAZO Universidad Politecnica de Madrid Spain Abad CHABBI INRA France Michael CHATZOPOULOS University of Athens Greece Eileen CLUCAS Institut Laue Langevin France Massimo COCCO Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia Italy Lindsey CROSSWELL EMBL-EBI United Kingdom Paul CSAGOLY EEA Denmark Janine DELAHAUT European Commission Belgium Giacomo DE'LIGUORI CARINO EEA Denmark Peter DOORN Data Archiving and Networked Services Netherlands Marie Lise DUBERNET-TUCKEY Observatory of Paris and CNRS France Bernd EBELING European XFEL Germany Jan ELLENBERG EMBL Germany Roger ERIKSSON European Spallation Source ESS AB Sweden Florida ESTRELLA CERN Switzerland Anna M EVERITT DANTE United Kingdom Paolo FAVALI Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia Italy Josef FELDHAUS DESY Germany Brian FOSTER University of Hamburg/DESY Germany Alberto GARCÍA UPM Spain Francesca GAROFALO CINECA Italy Catherine GATER Netherlands Nora GHANDOUR Protisvalor France Colin GREENWOOD SKA Organisation United Kingdom Morten GRØNLI Norwegian University of Science and Techno- Norway logy Anne Marie HAYES EEA Denmark 6 EXHIBITORS Roland HEIDINGER Fusion for Energy Germany Niels Kristian HERSOUG DANTE United Kingdom Neil HOLDSWORTH International Council for the Exploration of the Denmark Sea (ICES) Martin HRABÉ DE ANGELIS Helmholtz Zentrum München Germany Richard Hughes JONES DANTE United Kingdom Nykola JONES Aarhus University Denmark Sylvie JOUSSAUME CNRS France Jacco KONIJN University of Amsterdam Netherlands Jean-pierre KOUTCHOUK CERN Switzerland Steven KRAUWER Utrecht University / CLARIN Netherlands Michael KRISCH European Synchrotron Radiation Facility France Damien LECARPENTIER CSC - IT Center for Science Finland Marek LEWITOWICZ GANIL France Peter Hauge MADSEN DTU Wind Energy Denmark Ingrid MANN EISCAT Scientific Association Sweden Patrick MCMULLAN EEA Denmark Dino MORAS IGBMC/STRASBOURG France Roland PIERUSCHKA Forschungszentrum Juelich Germany Barbara PIOTROWSKA European Commission Italy Michael RAESS Helmholtz Zentrum München Germany Michael RAST ESA-ESRIN Italy Antonio ROSATO Magnetic Resonance Center Italy Federico RUGGIERI INFN Roma TRE Italy Eugenija SCHUREN EEA Denmark Ulrich SCHURR Forschungszentrum Jülich Germany Matthew SCOTT DANTE United Kingdom Jane SHIEL European Commission Belgium Karolj SKALA Ruđer Bošković Institute Croatia Andrew SMITH EMBL-EBI United Kingdom Céline TANGUY CEA Saclay France Anders TJULIN EISCAT Scientific Association Sweden Elmer TOPP-JØRGENSEN INTERACT - International Network for Terre- Denmark strial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic Martin VAN BREUKELEN HFML / Radboud University Netherlands Andreas VOLZ-THOMAS Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH Germany 7 DELEGATES A–D Name Organisation Country DANIEL ADAMS Department of Science and Technology South Africa Andrea D AEBERHARD State Secretariat for Education and Research Switzerland SER Patrick J.C. AERTS Netherlands eScience Center Netherlands Roy ALEKSAN CEA France Vassil ALEXANDROV Barcelona Supercomputing Centre Spain Deborah ALFAREZ EATRIS Netherlands Jacqueline E M ALLAN Forfas Ireland Jesper N ANDERSEN MAX IV Laboratory Sweden Nils Overgaard ANDERSEN Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen Denmark Johannes ANDERSEN Nordic Optical Telescope Scientific Association Denmark Lasse ANDERSEN DTU Fotonik Denmark Tove ANDERSSON Swedish Research Council Sweden Kathrine ANGELL-HANSEN JPI Oceans Norway Nikolas ANGELOU DTU Wind Energy Denmark Le Guen ANNAIG Ministry of higher educaion and research France Patrizio ANTICI INFN Italy Robin Graeme ARAK Archway Computer Associates Limited United Kingdom Panos ARGYRAKIS GRNet/University of Thessaloiki Greece Ana ARICHA Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competi- Spain tiveness Angela BAKER INRA Transfert France Lajos BALINT NIIFI Hungary Rihards BALODIS-BOLUZS Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science Latvia of University of Latvia Annette BARKHAUS German Council of Science and Humanities Germany Ebru BASAK AKOZ TUBITAK Turkey Sanzio BASSINI CINECA Italy Paul BECKERS European Science Foundation France Edvard BEEM ZonMw Netherlands Claus BEIER Technical University of Denmark Denmark Rene BELSØ Danish Center for Scientific Computing (DCSC) Denmark Laura BERANZOLI Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia Italy Philipp BERGERON DLR Germany Jim BEVERIDGE MICROSOFT United Kingdom Nicole BIEBOW Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Germany 8 Science DELEGATES A–D Florence BIETRIX EATRIS Netherlands Thomas BJØRNHOLM University of Copenhagen Denmark Klaus BOCK The Danish National Research Foundation Denmark David BOHMERT SwissCore Switzerland Susana BORRAS Copenhagen Business School Denmark Anthon P BOTHA TechnoScene (Pty) Ltd South Africa Ariane BOURGEOIS CNRS-INSU France Cord BRAKEBUSCH University of Copenhagen Denmark Elena BRAVO Istituto Superiore di Sanità Italy Arne