The Utah Eagle Forum, 1972-2009

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The Utah Eagle Forum, 1972-2009 CORE Metadata, citation and similar papers at Provided by The University of Utah: J. Willard Marriott Digital Library GRASSROOTGRASSROOTSS POWERPOWER:: THTHEE UTAHUTAH EAGLEAGLEE FORUM,FORUM, 19721972-200-20099 bbyy MelaniMelaniee DianDianee NewportNewport A thesithesiss submittedsubmitted ttoo ththee facultfacultyy ofof TheThe UniversityUniversity ofof UtahUtah inin partiapartiall fulfillmentfulfillment ooff ththee requirementsrequirements forfor ththee degreedegree ooff MasteMasterr ofof ArtsArts DepartmentDepartment ofof HistorHistoryy ThThee UniversitUniversityy ofof UtahUtah MaMayy 20092009 . , " " CopyrightCopyright © MelanieMelanie DianeDiane NewporNewportt 20092009 AlAlll RightsRights ReservedReserved THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH GRADUATE SCHOOL SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Melanie DianeNewport This thesis has been read by each member of the following supervisory committee and by majority vote has been found to be satisfactory. W. Paul Reeve THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH GRADUATE SCHOOL FINAL READING APPROVAL To the Graduate Council of the University of Utah: I have read the thesis of Melanie Diane Newport in its final form and have found that (1) its format, citations, and bibliographic style are consistent and acceptable; (2) its illustrative materials including figures, tables, and charts are in place; and (3) the final manuscript is satisfactory to the supervisory committee and is ready for submission to The Graduate School. Date Approved for the MajorDepartment Chair/Dean Approved for the GraduateCouncil David S. Chapman Dean ofThe Graduate School ABSTRACABSTRACTT HoHoww anandd whwhyy hahass a groupgroup ofof conservativconservativee housewivehousewivess becombecomee ththee mostmost powerfupowerfull lobbyinlobbyingg grougroupp iinn ononee ooff ththee mosmostt populoupopulouss statestatess inin ththee MountaiMountainn WestWest?? SinceSince ititss foundingfounding iinn 1972,1972, ththee EaglEaglee ForuForumm hahass riserisenn ttoo prominencprominencee asas a dominantdominant forceforce iinn UtahUtah statestate politicspolitics.. ThiThiss formidableformidable conservativconservativee grassrootgrassrootss sociasociall movemenmovementt shapeshapedd legislationlegislation,, influenceinfluencedd electionselections,, andand advocateadvocatedd aann agendagendaa thathatt isis unwaverinunwaveringg iinn ititss supportsupport ofof families,families, ChristianitChristianityy anandd smallsmall governmentgovernment.. TheThe UtaUtahh EaglEaglee Forum'Forum'ss powepowerr iiss unparalleleunparalleledd bbyy otheotherr statestate chapterchapterss ofof ththee organization.organization. ThiThiss thesithesiss exploreexploress ththee efforteffortss ooff housewife-activisthousewife-activistss ttoo advanceadvance conservativeconservative agendaagendass aatt localocall anandd statestate levellevelss ofof governmengovernmentt inin Utah.Utah. IInn a complecomplexx miliemilieuu ofof MormonismMormonism,, WesterWesternn libertarianism,libertarianism, changinchangingg gendegenderr rolesroles andand shiftingshifting nationanationall politicspolitics,, ththee UtaUtahh EagleEagle ForuForumm hahass assumeassumedd ththee rolrolee ofof moramorall "watchdog""watchdog" overover statestate politicspolitics.. FroFromm ititss beginningbeginningss aass a singlesingle issuissuee organizationorganization opposeopposedd ttoo thethe ERAERA,, ttoo ititss effortsefforts ttoo forformm coalitionscoalitions empowerinempoweringg housewivehousewivess withwith a voicvoicee inin politicspolitics,, itsits cultivationcultivation ofof a phonphonee tretreee anan efficienefficientt statewidestatewide mobilizationmobilization tootooll andand a notoriounotoriouss reputatioreputationn foforr vigilanvigilantt legislativlegislativee lobbying,lobbying, ththee UtaUtahh EaglEaglee ForumForum iiss anan exampleexample ooff ththee possibilitiepossibilitiess foforr righrightt winwingg women'women'ss activisactivismm inin a conservativeconservative politicapoliticall environmentenvironment.. ThiThiss papepaperr dramaticallydramatically expandexpandss historianshistorians'' understandingunderstanding ofof ththee EagleEagle ForuForumm aatt ththee localocall levellevel aass itit exploreexploress ththee rolesroles anandd activitiesactivities ooff conservativeconservative womewomenn inin twentieth-centurtwentieth-centuryy AmericaAmericann sociasociall movements.movements. TABLTABLEE OOFF CONTENTSCONTENTS ABSTRACABSTRACTT .................................................................................................................................................. iviv INTRODUCTIOINTRODUCTIONN ..................................................................................................................................... 1 UTAUTAHH ANANDD GRASSROOTGRASSROOTSS CONSERVATISCONSERVATISMM IINN THTHEE 19701970ss ....... .............................................. 7 STOP-ERSTOP-ERAA ANANDD THTHEE RISRISEE OOFF THTHEE UTAUTAHH EAGLEAGLEE FORUFORUMM ......... .. ............................ ..... 1212 LATENCYLATENCY:: DOROTHEDOROTHEAA MASUMASURR ANANDD THTHEE UTAUTAHH EAGLEAGLEE FORUFORUMM DURINGDURING THTHEE REAGAREAGANN YEARyEARSS ........................................................................................ .. ............. 2323 GAYLGAYLEE RUZICKARUZICKA:: POWEPOWERR ANANDD INFLUENCINFLUENCEE IINN STATSTATEE POLITICPOLITICSS ............................... 2828 CONCLUSIOCONCLUSIONN ............................................................................................................................................. 4343 SELECTEDSELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHyBIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................................46 46 INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION OnOn JanuarJanuaryy 17,17, 20092009,, twtwoo hundrehundredd memenn andand womewomenn gatheregatheredd aatt SalSaltt LakeLake CommunityCommunity College'sCollege's FreeFree EnterpriseEnterprise CenteCenterr forfor ththee UtaUtahh EaglEaglee ForuForumm conference.conference. TableTabless outsidoutsidee ththee auditoriumauditorium toutetoutedd ththee agendaagendass ooff otherother righrightt winwingg activistactivist groupsgroups.. TheyThey soldsold bookbookss bbyy conservativeconservative authorauthorss anandd MormoMormonn religioureligiouss artart andand offereofferedd dealdealss oonn weddingwedding photographyphotography.. PeoplPeoplee clamoredclamored ttoo meemeett witwithh a disbarreddisbarred FloridaFlorida lawyelawyerr whwhoo crusadecrusadedd againsagainstt violenviolentt videvideoo gamesgames andand a freedom-preachingfreedom-preaching U.SU.S.. senatosenatorr fromfrom OklahomaOklahoma,, jusjustt a fefeww ooff ththee speakersspeakers inviteinvitedd ttoo ththee event.event. BreakingBreaking onlonlyy foforr mealsmeals,, committedcommitted listenerlistenerss diligentldiligentlyy tootookk notesnotes,, interruptedinterrupted speakersspeakers withwith quotequotess frofromm scripture,scripture, anandd occasionallyoccasionally gavgavee standinstandingg ovationsovations toto activistsactivists,, authorsauthors,, andand statestate andand federalfederal officialsofficials whwhoo presentepresentedd a pro-gunpro-gun,, pro­pro- familyfamily,, pro-lifpro-lifee agenda.agenda. ThThee prograprogramm forfor ththee dadayy wawass a who'who'ss whwhoo ooff Utah'Utah'ss mosmostt conservativeconservative politicianspoliticians,, invitedinvited ttoo presenpresentt policpolicyy initiativeinitiativess andand currycurry favorfavor witwithh EaglEaglee ForumForum activists.activists. ChriChriss ButtarsButtars,, a senioseniorr RepublicaRepublicann statstatee senatorsenator renownerenownedd foforr politicapoliticall incorrectnessincorrectness,, tootookk ththee stagestage ttoo speakspeak aboutabout issueissuess beforbeforee ththee comincomingg legislativlegislativee session.session. HHee saidsaid nothinnothingg ooff thethe recessionrecession,, bubutt spokespoke ooff ththee effortsefforts ofof localocall activistsactivists toto paspasss billbillss supportingsupporting gagayy rightsrights.. ThatThat morningmorning,, whilwhilee preparinpreparingg forfor ththee conference,conference, hhee encounteredencountered fourfour gaygay rightrightss activistsactivists iinn hihiss neighborhooneighborhoodd drummingdrumming uupp supportsupport andand handinhandingg outout loaveloavess ofof dessertdessert breadsbreads.. ButtarButtarss spokespoke iinn detaidetaill aboutabout ththee gagayy 2 rightrightss perilperil,, bubutt remaineremainedd focusefocusedd onon ththee breadbread.. InsinuatingInsinuating thathatt iitt hahadd beenbeen poisonedpoisoned,, ButtarButtarss helheldd uupp ththee loafloaf foforr everyoneeveryone ttoo seesee.. "I"I broughbroughtt itit becausebecause I'dI'd liklikee somebodysomebody ttoo testestt"" ThThee crowcrowdd eruptederupted iinn laughtelaughterr anandd applauseapplause.. WhenWhen UtaUtahh EaglEaglee ForuForumm presidenpresidentt GayleGayle RuzickaRuzicka joinejoinedd hihimm onon ththee stage,stage, shshee quippequippedd thathatt iiff thethe gaygay rightrightss activistsactivists hahadd knowknownn thathatt ButtarButtarss woulwouldd seseee heherr thathatt dayday,, thetheyy mightmight havhavee sentsent alonalongg mormoree ooff ththee allegedlallegedlyy contaminatedcontaminated breadbread.. ThThee jokjokee wawass welwelll received.11 AlthoughAlthough politicapoliticall andand legislativelegislative disagreementdisagreementss havhavee nonott yeyett inspireinspiredd a poisoningpoisoning,, ththee jokjokee iiss a producproductt ofof Utah'Utah'ss polarizepolarizedd politicapoliticall
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